Synthesis, Growth Mechanism and Magnetic Properties of Sio - Coated Co Nanocapsules
Synthesis, Growth Mechanism and Magnetic Properties of Sio - Coated Co Nanocapsules
Synthesis, Growth Mechanism and Magnetic Properties of Sio - Coated Co Nanocapsules
Received 30 October 2006; received in revised form 12 February 2007; accepted 12 February 2007
Available online 5 April 2007
The growth mechanism and magnetic properties of SiO2-coated Co nanocapsules synthesized by the arc-discharge method were inves-
tigated. Most of the as-prepared products were nanocapsules with a core/shell structure consisting of a Co core and a SiO2 shell, while
some of them displayed a rod-like configuration. The formation of the SiO2 nanorods was governed by an extended vapor–liquid–solid
(VLS) mechanism and Co nanoparticles acted as a catalyst for the growth of the nanorods. The Co/SiO2 nanocapsules were annealed at
300, 400 and 500 C, respectively, for 30 min in air, in order to observe their oxidation behavior. The crystalline grains of the Co/SiO2
nanocapsules clearly grew during annealing. After annealing at 500 C, the ferrimagnetic Co3O4 phase appeared. The grain size effect,
oxidation behavior and magnetic properties are discussed in detail for the nanocapsules.
2007 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1359-6454/$30.00 2007 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
3728 X.F. Zhang et al. / Acta Materialia 55 (2007) 3727–3733
2. Experimental
plane of face-centered cubic (fcc)-Co phase. In addition
The modified arc-discharge method was described else- to the fcc-Co peaks, there are (1 0 0), (0 0 2) and (1 0 1) peaks
where [15]. The Co and SiO2 powders (several tens of of hexagonal close packed (hcp)-Co phase. It is well known
micrometers in size) were homogeneously mixed in a 5:1 that bulk Co crystallizes in a hcp structure at room temper-
weight ratio of Co to SiO2. The mixture was pressed into ature, while it forms an fcc-Co phase at higher tempera-
bulk and then used as the anode, while the tungsten rod tures. The existence of the fcc-Co phase in the present
served as the cathode. The chamber was evacuated and a nanocapsules is mainly ascribed to the small size: i.e. the
mixture of H2 and Ar was introduced to give the desired surface energy of fcc-Co nanoparticles is lower than that
pressure. Evaporating the compacted bulk of Co and of hcp-Co nanoparticles [16]. The non-equilibrium solidifi-
SiO2 powders resulted in as-prepared products, which were cation process affected by the fast-cooling condition is also
labeled as sample (a). The as-prepared products were an important factor. This is similar to the reasons for the
annealed at 300, 400 and 500 C, respectively, for 30 min existence of fcc-Co in Co nanoparticles in our previous
in air, which were then labeled as samples (b), (c) and (d). report [8]. The Co3O4 phase appears in sample (d)
The phase structures and the oxidation behavior of the (annealed at 500 C). There is no evidence for the existence
nanoparticles were investigated by means of X-ray diffrac- of other oxides such as CoO and Co2O3. It is known that
tion (XRD) using Cu Ka (k = 0.154056 nm) radiation with below 925 C in air, the Co3O4 phase is more stable than
a voltage of 40 kV and a current of 30 mA. The morphol- the CoO or the Co2O3 phase [17]. These results imply that
ogy and microstructures were observed by high-resolution the SiO2 shells have the ability to protect Co nanoparticles
transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM) plus electron against oxidation below 500 C.
energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) with emission volt- The grain sizes of pure Co cores in the nanocapsules are
ages of 200 kV. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy calculated by using the Scherer formula Dhkl = Kk/(B cos h)
(FTIR) was recorded in order to confirm the existence of from the half-height width of the (1 1 1) peak. As shown in
the outer shells of SiO2 in the nanocapsules. The magnetic Fig. 2, the grain sizes promptly increase after annealing
properties were measured by a superconducting quantum above 300 C, implying the coarsening of the crystal Co
interference device (SQUID, Quantum Design) magnetom- core. It is evident that the SiO2 shells have the ability to
eter at temperatures from 5 to 300 K. hinder the coarsening of the Co nanoparticles at 300 C.
However, it is difficult to impede the diffusion of Co atoms
3. Results and discussion at temperatures higher than 300 C. It should be noted here
that no peak corresponding to SiO2 phase was detected by
3.1. Composition and phase structure XRD for samples (a)–(d). However, the existence of SiO2
in the nanocapsules has been proved by the infrared spectra
Fig. 1a–d shows XRD patterns of SiO2-coated Co nano- of sample (a), which ranges from 4000 to 700 cm 1. As
capsules from the as-prepared sample and the the samples shown in Fig. 3, the strong IR absorption peaks at 1088
annealed at different temperatures. It can be seen from and 791 cm 1 agree well with the characteristics of SiO2
Fig. 1 that all the XRD patterns present a broad diffraction [18]. The peak at 1088 cm 1 can be assigned to the asym-
peak at 2h = 44.2, which corresponds to the (1 1 1) lattice metric stretching vibration of the bond ”Si–O–Si” in the
X.F. Zhang et al. / Acta Materialia 55 (2007) 3727–3733 3729
Fig. 4. (a) TEM and (b) HRTEM images of the Co/SiO2 nanocapsules.
3730 X.F. Zhang et al. / Acta Materialia 55 (2007) 3727–3733
Fig. 5. (a, b) TEM, (c) HRTEM images and (d) EDS analysis of rod-like Co/SiO2 nanocapsules.
exist at the end of the one-dimensional (1-D) nanostruc- catalysts, such as metallic compounds and oxides [24,26].
tured materials obtained from the VLS process. Usually, Lieber et al. reported an approach to synthesize semicon-
the sizes of the catalyst nanoparticles are comparable to ductor nanowires by a laser ablation method in which bin-
the diameters of connected nanowires or nanorods. ary bulk alloys, e.g. Si–Fe, Si–Ni and Ge–Fe, were used as
As for the present SiO2 nanorods, the morphologies are the vaporized targets [24]. It was proved that all of the Si
different from any observed ones governed by conventional (or Ge) nanowires can be catalyzed by FeSi2, NiSi2 and
VLS growth mechanism. The main features in our SiO2 FeGe2 alloy nanoparticles, instead of the metallic Fe or
nanorods are somewhat similar to previously reported Ni nanoparticles. According to this rule, the intermetallic
results [23,24], in which gallium and iron were, respectively, compound Co–Si can act as a catalyst to form Si nanowires
used as a catalyst for the large-scale growth of highly aligned or nanorods in the absence of oxygen. However, this func-
silica and silicon nanowires. The reasons for our amorphous tion of catalysis will change when oxygen participates.
SiO2 nanorods may include: (i) Co nanoparticles could be Pan et al. discussed the important role of oxygen origi-
used as catalysts to simultaneously catalyze the growth of nating from system leakage in the formation of SiO2
numerous SiO2 nanorods; and (ii) the SiO2 nanorods pre- nanowires, which was responsible for preventing the com-
pared by the present method are more disordered due to a bination of Ga and Si [23]. The synthesis of SiO2 nanorods
lack of substrate, in comparison with other methods such and SiO2-coated Co nanocapsules in this work was done
as laser ablation, thermal evaporation and chemical vapor with the participation of stoichiometric oxygen supplied
deposition [19–24]. Due to the non-equilibrium thermody- from the micro-sized raw SiO2 powders. The growth pro-
namic process during arc-discharge synthesis, rapid evapo- cess of the present SiO2 nanorods can be divided into
ration and cooling restrain the consecutive growth of two stages: the nucleation of liquid droplets and the forma-
rod-like SiO2, and a great number of nanocapsules persist tion of the nanorods from the droplets by the VLS mecha-
in the present products. Therefore, we conclude that the nism. In the first stage, by evaporating the metallic catalyst
growth mechanism of our SiO2 nanorods is an expanded and SiO2, the mixed vapor with supersaturated Co, Si and
VLS mechanism [25]. O atoms are dispersed in the reaction chamber. Since the
The 1-D nano-materials synthesized by the VLS growth bond dissociation energy of the Si–O bond (798 kJ mol 1)
mechanism have been recently extended by using various is about twice that of the Co–O bond (368 kJ mol 1) at
X.F. Zhang et al. / Acta Materialia 55 (2007) 3727–3733 3731
Fig. 7. Hysteresis loops at 5 and 295 K for SiO2-coated Co nanocapsules The authors acknowledge the support from the National
after field cooling. The insert is a magnification of the graph near the Natural Science Foundation of China (50371012,
origin. 50332020) and Natural Science Foundation of Liaoning,
China (20032125). Special thanks are due to Mr. Nigel
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