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CINB User Manual

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User Manual

S. No Topic Page No
1 Products Description 2
2 Registra tion Proce dures (Kha ta)
3 Na viga tion (Kha ta)
4 Se t up Procedure (Vya paa r)
5 Fea tures Available Unde r (Vyapaa r)
6 Quick Look 37

Products available under Corporate Internet Banking are as under:

1.A dvantage(Khata):

For small sized organiza tions

• Only Enquiry rights on the a ccounts

• Fa cility lim ite d to vie w a ccount informa tion tha t too a t one branch only
• All the authorised use rs from the corpora tes ge t a comple te vie w of
informa tion on de posit and loan a ccounts.
• Fa cility ava ilable a t a ll the Inte rne t Bank ing branche s of Sta te Ba nk of India
• Most suite d for small firms, companies, institutions bank ing with one branch
of SBI


For Sma ll a nd Medium size d O rga nisa tions

• Two types of use rs: Administra tor and Bank ing use rs
• Small use r group with discre tiona ry a ccess and discre tiona ry rights
• Some Online transa ctional fea tures offe red
• Online Tra nsa ctions pe rm itted upto R s. 5 la cs pe r transa ction (Third pa rty
tra nsfe r/Demand dra fts)
• Fa cility restricted to dea lings with one branch only (Debit a t one branch
whe reas credits can be se nt to any inte rne t bank ing bra nch)
• Fa cility ava ilable a t CINB enabled bra nch

3.Freedom (Vistaar)

For La rge and Ve ry la rge O rganisa tions.

• Three types of use rs: Regula tor, Administra tors, Banking Use rs and Auditors
• Elabora te control me cha nism for use rs within the Corpora te
• Elabora te use r hie ra rchy with discre tiona ry a cce ss a nd discre tiona ry rights
• Access to a ccounts a cross bra nche s with a single sign on
• All the Online tra nsa ctiona l functiona lities offe red
• Tra nsa ctions a cross the Inte rne t Bank ing enabled branches
• Unlim ited amount of online transa ctions (Rs.100 crores for single transa ction
with no da y limit for third pa rty a nd funds transfer.Rs 1 crorefor DD with no
da y lim it)
• Fa cility a vailable a t Se le cted Corpora te Inte rne t Bank ing bra nches of Sta te
Bank of India

4.A dvantage+(Khata+):

For La rge and Ve ry la rge O rganisa tions who do not wish to have transa ction rights

• Access to a ccounts a cross bra nche s

• Two type of use rs: Administra tor a nd enquire r
• Single sign on a nd filte red a ccess
• Product ca n be upgrade d to ‘Vistaa r’ or ‘Vya paa r’ once boa rd resolution

Registration Procedure (Khata):

• Customer ha s to subm it comple ted applica tion form to his branch.

• Form can be downloade d from the site http://www.onlinesbi.com on the
‘corpora te ba nking’ link provided
• Whe re pre -printed k it* is issue d, custome r can log in with the use rname a nd
password in the pre-printed k it.
• Whe re Custome r is not give n a pre-printed k it, he will re ce ive use rname a nd
password for log in.
• Customer has to login on http://www.onlinesbi.com a nd click on ‘corpora te
ba nking’ with the use r id password given by the bra nch or re ce ived from
• System will force to change the use r id password (Please note: Use r ID
ca nnot be cha nged on la te r date ). He nce , please give your own Use r id.
Password can be changed a s freque ntly as you wish.
• * Pre-printed use r id a nd password a re a vailable at the bra nch.

Navigation (Khata):

Afte r successful login following pa ge will appea r:

The re a re three tabs on the top of the screen 1. My Account 2. Enquiries 3.


Name of Sub-links Description

My Account 1. Account summa ry This is a de fault pa ge. Once custome r logs in he ge ts
the a ccount summa ry. Accounts a re ca tegorized in
four groups

i. Tra nsa ction Accounts

ii. Deposit Accounts
iii. Loan Accounts
iv. Tra de Accounts

All the respe ctive a ccounts come unde r the groups

and ba lance s a re shown on the right side of the page
be low ‘Ba lance ’ column. Bala nce shown for the
tra nsa ction a ccount is a va ilable ba lance (Dra wing
Powe r-Outsta nding Ba lance = Ava ilable Ba lance). To
see the de ta ils please click on a ccount numbe r. (
please note : in case of non-core bra nch a ctua l ba lance
is be ing shown) Uncleared cheque is not being
taken into account while calculating available

Account de tails a re a vailable once you click on a ccount

numbe r.

Please note de tailed e nquiry of LC / Bank gua rantee

(Trade Account) is not a va ila ble unde r the product.
The fa cility is a vailable unde r tra de finance product.
2. Account sta tement Sta tement of a ccount ca n be downloa ded, da te wise,
month wise in ex ce l and pdf forma t. C lick on the link
‘Account sta tement’-se le ct a ccount numbe r-se le ct
da te range -se le ct option ( Vie w, vie w print, download
ex ce l, download pdf) a nd confirm

In case of core branch if numbe r of transa ctions is

3. Pending Sta tement more than 150, system does not show a ll the
tra nsa ctions. Upto 150 transa ctions a re displa yed and
a refe re nce numbe r is gene ra ted. Please note the
re fe rence numbe r and click on the link ‘Pe nding
Sta tement’. You will find the same re fe rence numbe r
he re and sta tus of the re fe rence . If sta tus is
‘proce ssed’ please click on refe re nce numbe r. You will
ge t full a ccount sta tement.
Enquiries 1.Ge t Current Bala nce The re a re 5 sub links unde r the Tab ‘Enquiries’ but
only one link is a pplicable for ‘Kha ta ’ use r tha t is ‘Ge t
Current Ba la nce.

C licking on the link you would ge t curre nt bala nce of

a ccount in case of non- core branch. Please note INB
system is showing current ba lance in case of Core

Please do not get confused with the links as

same interface is being used by retail as well
Khata customer.
Profile 1.Pe rsona l De tails Use r ca n see the pe rsonal de tails input by the bra nch
and it ca n be edited by the use r if so desire .

2. Link Account If you ha ve ava iled Kha ta fa cility a t a nothe r bra nch
and wa nt to use only one id/ pa ssword for vie wing the
a ccounts of both the bra nches the n plea se click the
link. System will ask you the use r id /password of the
othe r branch a nd afte r confirma tion you would be able
to vie w the a ccounts of both the branches with single

3. Se t Account If many a ccounts a re linked to your Use r Id you may

nick name use this fa cility. You can se t nick name for your
a ccounts like ‘Cash C redit C AG Mumba i’, ‘Current
Account De lhi’ e tc.
4. Change password You can cha nge your login password giving old
password-ne w password-confirm ne w pa ssword.

5. Forge t Profile If you ha ve forgotten your profile password. Please

password se le ct your hint question, put a a nswe r and set ne w
profile password.

* O the r sub-links a re not meant for ‘Kha ta ’ use r


Set up Procedure (Vyapaar):

Customer has to submit comple te d applica tion forms to his branch (C 1- Corpora te
Registra tion, C3- Administra tor Registra tion, C4-Te rms and Conditions of Se rvice ,
C5- Boa rd Resolution.,/ in case of pa rtne rship firm or proprie ta ry firm - pa rtne rship
le tte r/ proprie tor’s le tte r in C 5 forma t )

• Form ca n be downloa ded from the site https://www.onlinesbi.com on the

‘Corporte Bank ing’ link provided.
• The Administra tor will a fte r re ce ipt of use r_id and password log in to
www.online sbi.com /corpora te a nd crea tes othe r use rs of the corpora te. If
Adm inistra tor of the corpora te se le cts the option. “Would you like to ha ve
Pre -Printed Kits” as yes, CINB C7 form will pop-up to be subm itted to the
branch for re ceiving PPKs (use r id and pa ssword) by the use rs
• In case Corpora te Administra tor does not se le ct pre-printed kit option. Use rs
will individua lly re ceive Use r Ids and Passwords from online sbi.com .
• Adm inistra tor will give a ccess rights to the use r unde r the link ‘Ma nage
Accounts-Add a ccess rights’ ba sed on which, INB system will trea t the use r as
Enquire rs, Make rs and Authorise rs.
• Adm inistra tor will make rules (Account wise ) (‘Add Rules’ link unde r ‘Ma nage
Account ‘ link) to enable Authorise rs to de bit the Corpora te's a ccount a t the
branch. These rules will ha ve to be a s pe r the manda te . Resolution on
signing powe rs he ld on branch re cord.

• Branch (Bra nch officia ls who ha ve been assigned this role ) will individually
ve rify the rules for the Corpora te. Corporate will be able to put through
tra nsa ctions only a fte r rule ve rifica tion.
• Unde r ‘Vyapaa r’ a ll Authorize rs ha ve rights to make as we ll as a uthorize the
che que . He nce, no se pa ra te make r is needed. If the corpora te needs same
pe rson should not pla y both the roles please conta ct 022 27566066/67 or
mail us a t inb.cinb@sbi.co.in or fax 022-27563478/.
• The re is a limit of R s. 500000 (Rs. 5 la cs) pe r transa ction. Inte r-branch
tra nsa ctions a re allowed.

Features A vailable under ‘Vyapaar’

1. Fund Transfe r
2. Third Pa rty Pa yment
3. Gove rnment Pa yment like DGFT, OLTAS (Income Tax ), CBEC (Se rvice Tax ,
Ex cise ), ESIC , EPF e tc.
4. Supplie r Pa yment like Re liance , BPC l, IOC L, GAIL, SAIL e tc.
5. Utility Bills Pa yment (Going to be introduced shortly)
6. Sche dule Pa yment Fa cility

Na viga tion:

Adm inistra tor’s Inte rfa ce

Name of link Sub-links Description

Manage Roles User This link is for management of use rs. The re a re seve n sub
tabs unde r the link 1.A dd 2. View 3.Modify 4. Lock 5.
Unlock 6. Dispatch Status 7. Reset Password

1. A dd: By this link use r ca n be a dded in the system.

Please see bottom of the use r registra tion form.
The re is a question ‘Would you like to have pre-
printed kits for the user’ means Branch will
provide pre -printed use r id a nd pa ssword if
Adm inistra tor se le cts ‘yes’ othe rwise it will be
dispa tched by online sbi.
2. View: The de tails of a ll the use r crea te d by the
Adm inistra tor can be vie we d.
3. Modify: Address of the use r can be changed by
the Administra tor.
4. Lock: Use r ca n be locked temopora rily or
pe rma nently
5. Unlock: Tempora rily locked use r ca n be unlocked.
6. Dispatch Status: Dispa tch sta tus of use r id and
password can be vie we d.
7. Reset Password: The re a re three types of

passwords for the use rs I. Login Password II.
Profile Password. III. Transaction Password.
Initia l login password is provided by SBI but othe r
two pa sswords, use r se ts himse lf. The
Adm inistra tor ca n rese t passwords of a ll use rs
crea te d by him. If he re se ts Transa ction password
or Profile password of use r, the ex isting password
ge ts dele ted a nd once use r logs in, he ge ts the
option to se t ne w password. If Administra tor rese ts
login password of use r, onlinesbi will se nd ne w
password to the use r dire ctly.

Uploader This role is not applicable for ‘vya paa r’

Manage A ccess Rights The re a re four ta bs unde r a ccess rights 1. A dd 2. View

A ccounts 3. Modify 4. View by A ccounts.

1. A dd: The Administra tor create s use r in the system

the n he /she give s a ccess rights to the use r. The re
a re four options a va ila ble in the dropdown box I.
None II. Maker III. A uthorizer IV. Enquiry.
(Please note: The Authorize r cannot a uthorize the
tra nsa ctions until Administra tor crea te s rule a nd it
is ve rified from the branch. (Only authorized
signatory for the account can be an
A uthorizer) as per mandate of corporate on
branch records
2. View: Use r wise Acce ss rights can be vie wed
3. Modify: Access rights can be modified like e nquiry
rights ca n be cha nged to Make r or Authorize r,
Make r rights ca n be changed to e nquire r or
Authorize r but Authoriza tion rights can not be
changed until rule s a re removed for the
Authorize r(see next se ction).
4. View By A ccount No: Access rights can be
vie wed by a ccount numbe r.

Rules The re a re four tabs unde r Rules. 1.A dd 2. View By

User 3. View By A ccount 4. Modify

1. A dd: Rules can be a dded by this link.

Adm inistra tor has to sele ct a ccount numbe r-define
lim it (maximum amount upto which
authorizer can authorize)-se le ct type of
authoriza tion like single /joint-se le ct Authorize r
from the boxes-subm it. If Administra tor wa nts to
de fine first signa tory and se cond signa tory, he
should sele ct ‘A ny one of with any one of’
option (Please note: after authorization by the
first signatory, second signatory will get the
cheque for authorization) othe rwise he /she
should sele ct ‘A ny two of’ option.

2. View By User: Use rwise rule s ca n be vie we d.
3. View By A ccount: All rules pe rta in to the a ccount
ca n be vie we d.
4. Modify: Rule amount can be modified or it can be
de le ted. If modifie d rule ’s amount is less than the
lim it se t by the bra nch, system will automa tica lly
approve the rule . If modifie d rule amount is
grea te r than the limit se t by the branch, rule will
ha ve to be ve rified aga in by the branch.

Pending The Adm inistra tor can vie w the cheque which is pe nding
Transactions for a uthoriza tion.

Manage Suppliers Description: This is an e -colle ction module for Industry

Vendors Ma jors in which dea le rs of the Industry Ma jors map
themse lves with the supplie r (IM) and pla ce online orde rs.
For the goods pa y of pre viously orde red goods and do
the fina ncial transa ction. On re ce ipt of the MIS from
SBIonline , Industry Ma jors de live r the goods to the
dea le r. This looks like normal third pa rty tra nsfe r but the
module provides compre hensive MIS to the supplie r.

The re a re two tabs unde r the link 1. Map/Edit and 2.

View Status

1. Map / Edit: Administra tor of deale r (The dea le r

who a va ils ‘Vyapaa r’ or ‘Vistaa r) map himse lf
online with the Supplie r using this link . The dea le r
ha s to fill up his de tails like dea le r code , loca tion
e tc. This re gistra tion goes to Supplie r a nd Supplie r
ve rifies the de ta ils from his da ta base and
approves the mapping.

2. View Status: The Administrator can see whe the r

supplie r has a pproved his mapping or not. (Please
note: Dealer can make payment only when
supplier approves the mapping)

Third Parties Description: Third pa rty payment is a llowe d to pre-

de fined beneficia ry to a void the e rror a t the time of
pa yment. The Administra tor has rights to manage
be neficia ry.

The re a re three tabs unde r the link . 1. A dd 2. Delete 3.

A pprove.

1. A dd: The Administra tor can de fine beneficia ry

giving the bene ficia ry de ta ils like name, a ccount
numbe r a nd branch code.
2. Delete: The existing be neficia ries can be dele ted.

3. A pprove: The re a re two mode s of beneficia ries
registra tion I. One by one a fte r login to online sbi.
II. Bulk uploads. As the bulk upload fa cility is not
a va ila ble unde r the product. He nce , the re is no use
of the link for ‘Vyapaa r’ custome r.

(Please note: If Administrator creates Third Party ,

it will be visible to all users, created by
A dministrator)
A pprove Delete There is no use of this link for ‘Vyapaar’ customer.
Third party

DD Description: Like third pa rty pa yment Demand Draft

Beneficiaries issue request is a llowed for pre-defined beneficia ry to
a void the e rror at the time of pa yment. The Administra tor
ha s rights to manage bene ficia ry.

The re a re two tabs unde r the link 1. A dd 2. Delete

1. A dd: The Administra tor can add Demand Draft

be neficia ries in the system.
2. Delete: The ex isting DD bene ficia ries ca n be
de le ted.

Profile My Profile Changes can be made in the personal profile of the

A dministrator. Telephone number, email id and
display name can be changed
Set Nick Name Account numbe r wise nick name can be se t

Set Limits The Adm inistra tor can se t the limit for max imum single
debit allowe d in the a ccount. Suppose Authorise r rule for
Rs.2 lakhs but Administra tor wants tha t Authorize r should
not be allowe d to debit more tha n 50 thousa nd in the
a ccount, the n this link should be use d. In initia l stage
whe n custome rs ge t CINB fa cility the y a llow lim ited
authoriza tion .rights can be provided s deemed ne cessa ry
till the corpora te ga ins confidence and the rights as pe r
the rules can be se t using this link .
Manage Login password a nd profile password can be changed.

Direct Debit This link has no use for ‘Vyapaar’ customer.

Make r/Authorize r’s Inte rfa ce

Name of link Sub-links Description

My A ccounts A ccount Summary This is a de fault pa ge. O nce custome r logs in he gets the
a ccount summa ry. Accounts a re ca tegorized in four

v. Tra nsa ction Accounts

vi. Deposit Accounts
vii. Loan Accounts
viii. Tra de Accounts

All the respe ctive a ccounts come unde r the groups and
ba lance s a re shown on the right side of the page below
‘Bala nce’ column. Ba lance shown for the Tra nsa ction
Account is a vailable ba lance (Dra wing Powe r-Outsta nding
Ba lance = Ava ilable Ba lance ). To see the de ta ils Please
click on a ccount numbe r. ( please note: in case of non-
core branch a ctua l ba lance is be ing shown and not
a va ila ble ba lance) Uncleared cheque is not being
taken into account while calculating available

Account de ta ils a re a va ilable once you click on a ccount

numbe r.

Please note de tailed enquiry of LC / Ba nk gua rantee

(Trade Account) is not ava ilable unde r the product. The
fa cility is a vailable unde r trade finance product.
Current A /C and This link provides following de ta ils:
Ba lance De tails, Tra nsa ction De tails, Account Sta tement
and Curre nt Bala nce of current a ccount a nd ove rdraft
a ccount.
Time Deposit This link provide following deta ils:

Ba lance De tails, Tra nsa ction De tails, Account Sta tement

and Curre nt Ba lance of Time De posit like STDR,TDR , RD
e tc..
Cash Credit This link provide following deta ils:

Ba lance De tails, Tra nsa ction De tails, Account Sta tement

and Current Bala nce of Ca sh C redit a ccount.
Other Loans This link provide following deta ils:

Ba lance De tails, Tra nsa ction De tails, Account Sta tement

and C urrent Ba lance of othe r loans a ccount like Te rm
Loan, Mortgage Loa n e tc.
Saving A ccount This link provide following deta ils:

Ba lance De tails, Tra nsa ction De tails, Account Sta tement

and Current Bala nce of Sa ving Account.
Core A ccount In ca se of core bra nch if numbe r of transa ctions is more
Statement tha n 150, system does not show a ll the tra nsa ctions. Upto
150 transa ctions a re displa yed and a re fe rence numbe r
a re ge ne ra ted. Please note the refe re nce numbe r and
click on the link ‘Core Account Statement’. You will find
the same re fe rence numbe r he re and sta tus of the
re fe rence . If sta tus is ‘processed’ plea se click on
re fe rence numbe r. You will ge t full a ccount sta tement.
Manage View Inbox The re a re two types of transa ctions happe n on online sbi.
Transactions 1. Form Based 2. File Mode

1. Form Based: Use r (Make r) logs in

www.online sbi.com and se le cts payment option
and input the transa ction de tails.
2. File Mode: The re is a se pa ra te use r role for this
type of transa ctions ca lled ‘Uploader’. Uploade r
logs in www.onlinesbi.com , , browses the file from
loca l Pe rsonal compute r a nd upload to the INB
system .

A ll form based transactions come under ‘View

Inbox’ to A uthorizer for authorization
Bulk Inbox All file mode tra nsa ctions come unde r ‘Bulk Inbox ’ for
authoriza tion
Edit E-che que can be edited before a uthoriza tion.

Cancel E-che que can be ca nce lle d be fore authorization
Reschedule All scheduled cheque ca n be rescheduled
Reports Query By A ccount The history of last 2000 transa ction can be seen by this
Payments Fund Transfer Tra nsfe r be twee n one a ccount to a nothe r a ccounts of the
Transfers same corporate .
Demand Draft Demand Dra ft issue request ca n be ma de for pre-de fined
be neficia ries. (Cheque C rea tion Only)
Third Party Third pa rty pa yment can be made to pre-de fined
Transfer be neficia ry. (Cheque C rea tion Only)
Pay Supplier If Adm inistra tor ha s mappe d supplie r a nd supplie r has
approved the mapping then make r can make cheque for
supplie r pa yment.
Indirect Taxes C BEC pa yment cheque ca n be prepa red by giving 15
digits assessee code
Profile Personal Details Changes can be made in the personal profile of the
Maker/A uthorizer. Telephone number, email id and
display name can be changed
Define Trusted Third pa rty beneficia ry ca n be de fined by the link (Please
Third Party note: If maker/authorizer creates third party, it will
be visible to him only and other users can not
create the same third party. It is advisable that
administrator should create third party)
Define DD Demand Dra ft beneficia ry can be defined by the link.
Beneficiary (Please note: If maker/authorizer creates DD
beneficiary, it will be visible to him only and other
users can not define the same name as beneficiary.
It is advisable that administrator should define DD
Set A ccount Nick name for the a ccounts linked to use rs ca n be set.
Enable High Three types of passwords used by the use rs 1. Login
Security Password 2. Transaction Password 3. Profile
Password. Onlinesbi provides Login ID and Pa ssword.
Use r himse lf sets othe r passwords like Tra nsa ction
Password a nd Profile Password (Option available under
change password link). A se cond le ve l authe ntica tion is
required be fore putting through the tra nsa ction. Hence,
make r gives his transa ction password the n e-cheque is
ge ne ra ted or a uthorize r gives his tra nsa ction password
the n transa ction gets processed. Apa rt from the
tra nsa ction password if use r so desire, he /she can
ena bled high security and provides his mobile numbe r.
He /she will re ceive a dynamic sms ba ses password for
ea ch tra nsa ction.
Change Passwords All three passwords mentioned above can be changed.

Set up Procedure (Vistaar):

(Note: In Freedom (Vistaa r), a corpora te use r can vie w and tra nsa ct on a ccounts
a ccross bra nches. This requires tha t the Corpora te is re giste red a t one bra nch and
the corpora te id is used in othe r branches for mapping a ccounts to tha t corpora te

First Branch (Branch where the Corporate is registered, Regulator and
A dministrator are created):

• Corpora te Customer has to subm it comple ted a pplica tion form s to his branch
(C1- Corpora te re gistra tion, C 2- Regula tor registration, C3- Administra tor
registra tion, C4-Te rms and Conditions of Se rvice, C5- Boa rd Resolution)
• Form can be downloaded from the site https://www.onlinesbi.com/corpora te/
• Regula tor a fte r re ceipt of use r id and pa ssword log in a t Onlinesbi.com a nd
la y down policies like lim it pe r Third pa rty transaction, limit pe r Demand Draft
(DD) request. These will have to be less tha n or e qua l to Ba nk se t limit of Rs.
100 crores pe r third pa rty transa ction and Rs. 1 crore pe r DD request.
Regula tor can a lso crea te Supe renquire r use rs who can vie w a ccounts of the
Corpora te a ccross multiple bra nche s. Regula tor can a ctiva te the Audit fea ture ,
if needed. Regula tor can configure file for uploading files for bulk tra nsa ctions.
Regula tor ca n la y down othe r policies like who will define third pa rty, whethe r
approve r feature is required or not (Approve r is the pe rson be tween make r
and a uthorize r means make r makes the che que approver approves the
che que then authorize r a uthorize the cheque ). Note : The re is only one
Regula tor pe r Corpora te, who is like a Supe r Adm inistra tor of the Corpora te
• The Administra tor will a fte r re ce ipt of use r_id and password log in to
www.online sbi.com /corpora te a nd crea tes othe r use rs of the corpora te. If
Adm inistra tor of the corpora te se le cts the option. “Would you like to ha ve
Pre -Printed Kits” a s yes, CINB C7 form would pop-up a nd tha t would be
submitted to the branch for ha ving PPKITs (use r id and password) for use rs
• In case Corpora te Administra tor does not se le ct pre-printed kit option. Use rs
will individua lly re ceive Use rnames and Passwords from Onlinesbi.com .
• Adm inistra tor will give a ccess rights to the use r unde r the link ‘Ma nage
Accounts-Add a ccess rights’ ba sed on tha t INB system will trea t the use r as
Enquire rs, Make rs and Authorize rs.
• Adm inistra tor will make rules (Account wise ) (‘Add Rules’ link unde r ‘Ma nage
Account ‘ link ) to e nable authorise rs to debit the Corpora te's a ccounts a t the
branch. These rules will ha ve to be as pe r the Boa rd resolution on signing
powe rs held on branch re cord.
• Branch (Bra nch officia ls who ha ve been assigned this role ) will individually
ve rify the rules for the Corpora te. Corporate will be able to put through
tra nsa ctions only a fte r rule ve rifica tion. .

• Corpora tes can put through transa ctions e ithe r using the Online forms or by
uploa ding a file .

• For using the file upload fea ture, the file has to be configured by the
Regula tor a t a link a va ila ble to him . The adm inistra tor will ha ve to crea te an
'Uploade r' for uploa ding files

Second and subsequent branches (Branches where A dministrator is created

based on the Corporate id mentioned by the Corporate in their C3-
A dministrator registration form):

• Corpora te C ustome r has to submit complete d C 3-Adm inistra tor registra tion
form to his branch mentioning the Corpora te ID assigne d to the Corpora te (by

the Branch whe re the Corpora te is registe red). Note: A s Forms C1,C2,C4
and C5 would already have been submitted at the First Branch, these
should not be submitted at second and subsequent branches.

• The Administra tor will a fte r re ce ipt of use r_id and password log in to
www.online sbi.com /corpora te a nd crea tes othe r use rs of the corpora te. If
Adm inistra tor of the corpora te se le cts the option. “Would you like to ha ve
Pre -Printed Kits” a s yes, CINB C7 form would pop-up a nd tha t would be
submitted to the branch for ha ving PPKITs (use r id and password) for use rs
• In case Corpora te Administra tor does not se le ct pre-printed kit option. Use rs
will individua lly re ceive Use rnames and Passwords from Onlinesbi.com .
• Adm inistra tor will give a ccess rights to the use r unde r the link ‘Ma nage
Accounts-Add a ccess rights’ ba sed on tha t INB system will trea t the use r as
Enquire rs, Make rs and Authorize rs.
• Adm inistra tor will make rules (Account wise ) (‘Add Rules’ link unde r ‘Ma nage
Account ‘ link ) to e nable authorise rs to debit the Corpora te's a ccounts a t the
branch. These rules will ha ve to be as pe r the Boa rd resolution on signing
powe rs held on branch re cord.
• Branch (Bra nch officia ls who ha ve been assigned this role ) will individually
ve rify the rules for the Corpora te. Corporate will be able to put through
tra nsa ctions only a fte r rule ve rifica tion. .

• Corpora tes can put through transa ctions e ithe r using the Online forms or by
uploa ding a file .

• If Regula tor has configure d the file structure . The Adm inistra tor crea tes an
'Uploade r' for uploa ding files.

Features A vailable under ‘Vistaar’

1. Fund Transfe r
2. Third Pa rty Pa yment
3. Gove rnment Pa yment like DGFT, O LTAS (Income Tax ), CBEC (Se rvice
Tax , Ex cise), ESIC, EPF e tc.
4. Supplie r Pa yment like Re liance , BPC l, IOC L, GAIL, SAIL e tc.
5. Utility Bills Pa yment (Going to be introduced shortly).
6. Bulk Upload Fa cility.
7. E-Colle ction Fa cility (Both pool and push)
8. MIS (In desired forma t).
9. Sche dule pa yment fa cility

Na viga tion:

Regula tor’ Inte rfa ce :

Name of Sub-links Description
Profile DD Limit This lim it is a single tra nsa ction lim it
(Maximum debit can be raised in single
request) for Demand Draft Issue request. It
ca n not be more tha n once crore . Please note :
This lim it is applicable to a ll units of corpora te .
Inter-Branch Third Party This is a lso a single tra nsa ction lim it
Limit (Maximum debit can be raised by an e-
cheque) for third pa rties transa ctions. It can
be upto 100 crore . Please note : This limit is
applicable to a ll units of corpora te .
A udit User Feature Post transa ction a udit fa cility is a va ila ble .
Regula tor ca n se le ct ‘Ye s’ if he is willing to a vail
the fa cility.
Threshold for unaudited e- The Regula tor fixes the size of Inbox of
PayOrders Auditor. The maximum e -cheque ca n remain in
the Inbox of Auditor. Suppose Regula tor puts
100 in the fie ld means, upto 100 cheques will
rema in in his Inbox. If he does not che ck and
clea r his inbox, then 101st transa ction will not
go through. System will displa y the message
‘A udit Overrun’
Threshold A udit A mount Regula tor de cide s the thre shold amount, above
tha t cheque should be a udited. Suppose
Regula tor puts 1 lakh rupee s in this field,
means amount of be low 1 lakh will not go to
auditor’s Inbox. The e-cheque of Rs. 1 lakh and
above will go to auditor’s Inbox.
Maker A uthorizes e- If Regula tor se le cts ‘Yes’ the authorize r of the
Payorders corpora te can make as we ll as a uthorize the
tra nsa ction. If he se le cts ‘No’ then the pe rson
who makes the cheque cannot authorize the
same cheque . Plea se note : a ll a uthorize rs a re
by defa ult a make r means one a uthorize r ca n
make the che que a nd othe r authorize r ca n
authorize the same as pe r corpora te rules.
Maker or A uthorizer This rights is origina lly vested with Re gula tor of
Defines Third Parties the corpora te for ope ra tiona l ease, he can
de lega tes the rights to Make r/Authorize r/
Adm inistra tor. If he sele cts ‘Yes’ he re means,
a ll make rs/authorize rs will be able to de fine
third pa rties.
Corporate A dministrator This rights is origina lly vested with Re gula tor of
Defines Third Parties the corpora te for ope ra tiona l ease, he can
de lega tes the rights to Make r/Authorize r/
Adm inistra tor. If he sele cts ‘Yes’ he re means,
adm inistra tor of re spe ctive branche s will be
able to de fine third pa rtie s. This is advisa ble
tha t unit head should keep this right with him .
A ction for Invalid Credit This link is meant for bulk upload transa ctions.
Suppose the re is a single debit and 100 credits
in a file and one credit a ccount is inva lid then
how system should be have ? If Regula tor

se le cts ‘Post Valid Debit Amount’ then
system will a utomatica lly a djust the debit
amount and tra nsa ction file will be proce ssed.
If he/She se le cts ‘Do not post transaction’,
whole file will be re je cted.
Level of A pprover This is the role be tween Make r and Authorize r.
The tra nsa ction flow is like this: Make r makes
the cheque-Approve r approves the cheque-
Authorize r (1 & 2 as pe r corpora te rules)
authorizes the cheque . If Regula tor needs
additiona l ve rifica tion of transa ction the n
he /she should se le ct this option othe rwise
‘None’ option should be se le cted. The re a re
four options a vailable in drop down box .1. File
uploa d only – (Only for bulk uploaded
tra nsa ction) 2. Online tra nsa ction only (Only
for transa ction crea te d on onlinesbi, means
tra nsa ction input done a t online sbi site),3 .
Both 4. None .
A pprover A pproves Third In ce rta in corpora tes Administra tor sea ts
Parties centrally in tha t case the re should be a pe rson
a t loca l unit le ve l who can approve third pa rty
addition (Happe ns through file mode) and
ca nnot pa rticipa te in transa ction. In this case
third pa rty approval rights should be given to
approve r.
Manage Third Party As mentioned a bove this rights origina lly
vested with Re gula tor, if he does not dele ga te
this rights to Administrator or use rs only he
ca n cre ate third pa rty.
Manage DD Beneficiaries Same as above
Configure File For making file mode tra nsa ction, file structure
should be de fined in online sbi system so tha t
system sha ll read the da ta uploaded.
Configure DD File Same as above for Demand Dra ft re quest
Configure 3P File Same as above for bulk third pa rties crea tion
Change Password Password can be changed
A pprove Delete 3p Link for a pproving third pa rties de le tion file .
(Please note : Third pa rties crea ted by
uploa ding the file should be approve d by the
corpora te Administra tor or Regula tor. Norma l
third pa rty crea tion need not to be approved.
Users Manage Enquirer The enquire r crea ted by Regulator can vie w all
a ccounts linked to respe ctive administra tors of
the corpora te.
A dd Uploader If Regula tor crea tes uploade r then uploade r
ca n uploa d tra nsa ction files of all a ccounts
linked to the corpora te. If adm inistra tor create s
uploa de r then he/she ca n upload the
tra nsa ction files for those a ccounts linked to
the administra tor who has crea ted him a s
uploa de r.
Reports View Rules All rules crea ted by administra tors of the
corpora te can be vie wed

View A uthorizers All authorize rs of the corpora te ca n be vie wed
Direct Manage Profile ‘Direct Debit’ is an e-colle ction mode l for
Debit Industry Ma jors in which supplie r ca n dire ctly
debit the a ccounts of their dea le rs. Tripa rtite
agreement is needed for a va iling the fa cility.
Unde r Manage Profile- three questione d
asked. 1. W illingness to a va il the fa cility. 2.
Whe the r dea le r ve rifica tion require or not
(Dea le rs give the manda te to the bra nche s and
branche s add the dea le rs and map with
supplie rs. It depends on supplie rs whe the r the y
need to ve rify the dea le rs de ta il be fore making
the transa ctions or not.
3. Whe the r transa ction file uploade d for
debiting dea le r’s a ccount nee ds to be
authorized by supplie r use r or not.
Manage Direct Debit Regula tor de fines the loca tion, Pooling Bra nch
(W he re amount will be pooled) a nd sele cts
Adm inistra tor who will manage the product.
Configure DDebit File Dire ct Debit transa ction ca n be done only on
file mode. Hence, file structure has to be
de fined so that system should read the file.

Na viga tion:

Adm inistra tor’s Inte rfa ce

Name of link Sub-links Description

Manage Roles User This link is for mana gement of use rs. The re a re se ven
sub tabs unde r the link 1.A dd 2. View 3.Modify 4.
Lock 5. Unlock 6. Dispatch Status 7. Reset

8. A dd: By this link use r ca n be added in the

system . Please see bottom of the use r
registra tion form. The re is a question ‘Would
you like to have pre-printed kits for the
user’ means branch will provide pre -printed
use r id and password if a dministra tor se le cts
‘yes’ othe rwise it would be dispa tched by
9. View: The de tails of a ll the use r crea te d by
the administra tor can be vie wed.
10. Modify: Address of the use r can be cha nged
by the Adm inistra tor.
11. Lock: Use r can be locke d for tempora ry basis
or pe rmanent basis. tempora ry lock ing can be
used once use r goes on lea ve .
12. Unlock: Tempora rily locke d use r can be

13. Dispatch Status: Dispa tch sta tus of use r id
and pa ssword ca n be vie we d.
14. Reset Password: The re a re three types of
passwords for the use rs I. Login Password
II. Profile Password. III. Transaction
Password. Login pa ssword is provided by SBI
but othe r two pa sswords, use r se ts himse lf.
The Administra tor can re se t passwords of all
use rs crea te d by him. If he rese ts tra nsa ction
password or profile password of use r, the
ex isting password gets de le ted a nd once use r
logs in, he ge ts the option to se t ne w
password. If Administrator rese ts login
password of use r, onlinesbi will se nd ne w
password to the use r dire ctly.

Uploader For bulk uploa d transa ction this use r has to be

crea te d. Uploade r ca n upload transa ction files and
download re ve rse file s.
Manage A ccess Rights The re a re four tabs unde r a ccess rights 1. A dd 2.
A ccounts View 3. Modify 4. View by A ccounts.

5. A dd: The Adm inistra tor crea te s use r in the

system then he/she gives a ccess rights to the
use r. The re a re four options a va ilable in the
dropdown box I. None II. Maker III.
A uthorizer IV. Enquiry. (Please note: The
Authorize r cannot a uthorize the transa ctions
until Adm inistra tor crea tes rule and ge t it
ve rified from the branch. (Only authorized
signatory of the account can be an
6. View: Use r wise Acce ss rights can be vie wed
7. Modify: Access rights can be modified like
enquiry rights ca n be cha nged to Make r or
Authorize r, Make r rights ca n be changed to
enquire r or Authorize r but Authoriza tion rights
ca n not be changed until rules is removed for
the authorize r.
8. View By Account No: Access rights can be
vie wed by a ccount numbe r.

Rules The re a re four tabs unde r rules. 1.A dd 2. View

By User 3. View By A ccount 4. Modify

5. A dd: Rules ca n be a dded by the link.

Adm inistra tor ha s to se le ct a ccount numbe r-
de fine lim it (maximum amount upto which
authorizer can authorize)-se le ct type of
authoriza tion like single/joint-sele ct authorize r
from the boxes-subm it. If adm inistra tor wa nts

to de fine first signa tory a nd se cond signa tory,
he should se le ct ‘any one of with any one of’
option (Please note: after authorization by
the first signatory, second signatory will
get the cheque for authorization) othe rwise
he /she should se le ct ‘A ny two of’ option.
6. View By User: Use r wise rules can be vie wed.
7. View By A ccount: All rules pe rta in to the
a ccount can be vie wed.
8. Modify: R ule amount can be modified or it can
be de lete d. If m odified rule’s amount is less
tha n the limit se t by the branch, system will
automa tica lly a pprove the rule . If modified rule
amount is grea te r than the lim it se t by the
branch, rule will ha ve to be ve rifie d aga in by
the bra nch.

Pending The Adm inistra tor ca n vie w the cheque which is

Transactions pe nding for authoriza tion.

Manage Suppliers Description: This is a n e-colle ction module for

Vendors Industry Ma jors in which deale rs of the Industry
Ma jors map themse lves with supplie r (IM) and pla ce
online orde r for the goods and do the financia l
tra nsa ction. On re ce ipt of the MIS from SBI, Industry
Ma jors de live r the goods to the deale r. This looks like
norma l third pa rty tra nsfe r but the module provides
compre hensive MIS to the supplie r.

The re a re two tabs unde r the link 1. Map/Edit and 2.

View Status

3. Map / Edit: Adm inistra tor of dea le r (The

dea le r who a va ils ‘Vyapaa r’ or ‘Vistaa r) map
himse lf with the supplie r. The deale r ha s to fill
up his de tails like deale r code , location e tc.
This registra tion goes to supplie r and supplie r
ve rifies the de ta ils from his da ta base and
approves the mapping.

4. View Status: The administra tor can see

whe the r supplie r ha s approved his mapping or
not. (Please note: Dealer can make
payment only when supplier approves the

Third Parties Description: Third pa rty pa yment is a llowed to pre-

de fined beneficia ry to a void the e rror a t the time of
pa yment. The Administra tor has rights to manage

be neficia ry.

The re a re three tabs unde r the link . 1. A dd 2. Delete

3. A pprove.

4. A dd: The Adm inistra tor can define beneficia ry

giving the bene ficia ry de ta ils like name,
a ccount numbe r and branch code .

5. Delete: The ex isting be neficia ries ca n be

de le ted.

6. A pprove: The re a re two mode s of beneficia ries

registra tion I. One by one a fte r login to
onlinesbi. II. Bulk uploads. As the bulk upload
fa cility is not a va ilable unde r the product.
He nce , the re is no use of the link for ‘Vyapaa r’
custome r.

(Please note: If A dministrator creates third

party , it will be visible to all users, created by
A dministrator)
A pprove Delete 3p Link for approving third pa rties de le tion file . (Please
note : Third pa rties crea ted by uploading the file
should be approve d by the corpora te Adm inistra tor or
Regula tor. Norma l third pa rty crea tion needs not to be
DD Beneficiaries Description: Like third pa rty pa yment Demand Draft
issue request is allowe d for pre-defined bene ficia ry to
a void the e rror a t the time of pa yment. The
Adm inistra tor has rights to manage beneficia ry.

The re a re two tabs unde r the link 1. A dd 2. Delete

3. A dd: The Administra tor can add Demand Draft

be neficia ries in the system.
4. Delete: The ex isting DD bene ficia rie s can be
de le ted.

Profile My Profile Changes can be made in the personal profile of

the administrator. Telephone number, email id
and display name can be changed
Set Nick Name Account numbe r wise nick name can be se t

Set Limits The administra tor can se t limit for max imum single
debit a llowed in the a ccount. Suppose the re is a rule
for R s.2 lakhs in the a ccount but a dministra tor wants

tha t authorize r should not be a llowed to debit more
tha n 50 thousa nd, the n this link should be used. In
initial stage when custome rs get CINB fa cility the y
a llow lim ited a uthoriza tion rights to use rs and afte r
ge tting confidence full rights is give n.
Manage Passwords Login password a nd profile password can be changed.

Direct Debit If Regulator has selects ‘Yes’ for the question

‘A uthorization requires for transaction’ under –
Direct Debit-Manage profile. The A dministrator
creates rule ( Single or joint authorization)

Make r/Authorize r’s Inte rfa ce

Name of link Sub-links Description

My A ccounts A ccount Summary This is a defa ult page. Once custome r logs
in he ge ts the a ccount summa ry. Accounts
a re ca tegorize d in four groups

ix. Tra nsa ction Accounts

x. Deposit Accounts
x i. Loan Accounts

x ii. Tra de Accounts

All the respe ctive a ccounts come unde r the

groups and bala nces a re shown on the right
side of the page below ‘Ba la nce ’ column.
Ba lance shown for the transa ction a ccount
is a vailable ba lance (Dra wing Powe r-
Outsta nding Ba lance = Ava ila ble Bala nce).
To see the de ta ils please click ove r a ccount
numbe r. ( please note: in case of non-core
branch a ctua l ba lance is being shown)
Unclear cheque is not being taken into
account while calculating available

Account de ta ils a re a va ila ble once you click

ove r a ccount numbe r.

Please note de ta ils e nquiry of LC/ Bank

gua rantee (Trade Account) is not a vailable
unde r the product. The fa cility is a vailable
unde r trade finance product.
Current A /C and OD This link provide following deta ils:

Ba lance De ta ils, Transa ction De tails,

Account Sta tement and C urrent Ba lance of
current a ccount a nd ove rdra ft a ccount.
Time Deposit This link provide following deta ils:

Ba lance De ta ils, Transa ction De tails,

Account Sta tement and C urrent Ba lance of
Time Deposit like STDR ,TDR, RD e tc..
Cash Credit This link provide following deta ils:

Ba lance De ta ils, Transa ction De tails,

Account Sta tement and C urrent Ba lance of
Cash C redit a ccount.
Other Loans This link provide following deta ils:

Ba lance De ta ils, Transa ction De tails,

Account Sta tement and C urrent Ba lance of
othe r loa ns a ccount like Te rm Loan,
Mortgage Loa n e tc.
Saving A ccount This link provide following deta ils:

Ba lance De ta ils, Transa ction De tails,

Account Sta tement and C urrent Ba lance of
Sa ving Account.
Core A ccount In case of core branch if numbe r of
Statement tra nsa ctions is more than 150, system does
not show a ll the transa ctions. Upto 150
tra nsa ctions be ing displa yed and a
re fe rence numbe r a re ge ne ra ted. Please

note the refe re nce numbe r and click ove r
the link ‘Core A ccount Statement’. You
will find the same refe re nce numbe r he re
and sta tus of the re fe rence . If sta tus is
‘processed’ plea se click ove r refe rence
numbe r. You will ge t full a ccount
sta tement.
Manage View Inbox The re a re two types of transa ctions ha ppen
Transactions on onlinesbi. 1. Form Based 2. File Mode

3. Form Based: Use r (Make r) logs in

www.online sbi.com and se le cts
pa yment option and input the
tra nsa ction de tails.
4. File Mode: The re is a sepa ra te use r
role for this type of transa ctions
ca lled ‘Uploader’. Uploade r logs in
www.online sbi.com , , browses the
file from loca l PC and upload to the
INB system .

A ll form based transactions come

under ‘View Inbox’ to authorizer for
Bulk Inbox All file mode tra nsa ctions come unde r ‘Bulk
Inbox’ for a uthoriza tion
Edit E-che que can be edited be fore
authoriza tion.
Cancel E-che que can be cance lled be fore
authoriza tion
Reschedule All scheduled cheque ca n be rescheduled
Reports Query By A ccount The history of last 2000 transa ction can be
seen by this link .
Payments Fund Transfer Tra nsfe r be twee n one a ccount to anothe r
Transfers a ccounts of the same corpora te .
Demand Draft Demand Draft issue re quest can be made
for pre -de fined be neficia ries. (C heque
C rea tion Only)
Third Party Transfer Third pa rty pa yment can be made to pre-
de fined beneficia ry. (Che que C rea tion Only)
Pay Supplier If Administra tor has mapped supplie r a nd
supplie r ha s approved the ma pping then
make r ca n make che que for supplie r
pa yment.
Indirect Taxes C BEC pa yment che que can be pre pa red by
giving 15 digits assessee code
Profile Personal Details Changes can be made in the personal
profile of the Maker/A uthorizer.
Telephone number, email id and
display name can be changed
Define Trusted Third Third pa rty beneficia ry can be defined by
Party the link (Please note: If
maker/authorizer creates third party,

it will be visible to him only and other
users can not create the same third
party. It is advisable that administrator
should create third party)
Define DD Beneficiary Demand Draft bene ficia ry ca n be defined by
the link . (Please note: If
maker/authorizer creates DD
beneficiary, it will be visible to him
only and other users can not define the
same name as beneficiary. It is
advisable that administrator should
define DD beneficiary)
Set A ccount Nick name for the a ccounts linked to use rs
Nickname ca n be se t.
Enable High Security Three type s of passwords use d by the use rs
1. Login Password 2. Transaction
Password 3. Profile Password. Onlinesbi
provide s Login ID and Password. Use r
himse lf se ts othe r passwords like
Tra nsa ction Pa ssword and Profile Password
(Option available under change
password link). A se cond le ve l
authentica tion is require d be fore putting
through the transa ction. Hence , make r
gives his transa ction pa ssword then e-
che que is gene rate d or authorize r gives his
tra nsa ction password then transa ction ge ts
processed. Apa rt from the tra nsa ction
password if use r so desire, he /she can
ena bled high security and provides his
mobile numbe r. He/she will re ce ive a
dynam ic sms ba ses password for ea ch
tra nsa ction.
Change Passwords All three passwords mentioned above can
be cha nged.

Uploa de r’s Inte rfa ce

Name of link Sub-links Description

File Configuration View Configuration File configura tion done by Regula tor is
visible to uploade rs of a ll loca tions/units.
Uploa de r can vie w the configura tion and
ca n gene ra te test file by clinking the link
’Generate Test File’ a t the bottom of the
configura tion deta ils.
Upload Test File The test file gene ra te d above should be
uploa ded by this link.

A pprove Test Afte r 20 m inute s, uploade r should go to this

Transaction link to see the sta tus of uploade d test file
(Cand see whe the r a ll pa rticula rs a re
appea ring a re in prope r orde r. If it is
appea ring fine plea se a pprove it. Please
Note : this is one time a ctivity be fore
making live transa ction. Tra nsa ction file
ca nnot be uploaded be fore doing this
exe rcise .
Bulk Upload Upload Transaction Tra nsa ction file can be uploa ded by this link
a fte r doing a bove three exe rcises.

Upload Third Party Please vie w the file configura tion done by
Regula tor for third pa rty uploa d and upload
the maste r file in same forma t by this link .
Upload DD Same as above

Upload Delete 3P Structure is the same a s third pa rty uploa d.

This is meant for bulk de le tion.

Batch Inbox The status of a ll file uploade d can be

vie wed by this link. In first pa ge system
shows sta tus of file , if you click ove r
re fe rence numbe r then a n e -cheque will be
displa yed with sta tus (authoriza tion sta tus,
debit sta tus, credit sta tus)
Download By Date Re ve rse file ca n be downloa ded by giving
da te ra nge or by se le cting file numbe r. if
you wa nt to ha ve custom ized re ve rse file
k indly ma il us a t inb.cinb@sbi.co.in or call
us on 022 27566066/67
Profile Change Password Password can be changed

Direct Debit Upload Direct Debit Dire ct Debit transa ction file should be
uploa ded by this link.

Batch Inbox The sta tus of a ll (Dire ct De bit) file uploaded

ca n be vie we d by this link . In first page
system shows sta tus of file, if you click ove r
re fe rence numbe r then a n e -cheque will be
displa yed with sta tus (authoriza tion sta tus,
debit sta tus, credit sta tus)
Download By Date Re ve rse file of ‘Dire ct Debit’ can be
downloaded by giving da te ra nge or by
se le cting file numbe r. if you wa nt to ha ve
customize d re ve rse file k indly mail us a t
inb.cinb@sbi.co.in or call us on 022

Auditor’s Inte rfa ce

Name of link Sub-links Description

Manage A udits A udit e-PayOrder All e -che ques above the threshold amount se t
by the Regulator of the corpora te would be
visible. C licking ove r the e -che que numbe r,
tra nsa ction de tails can be seen.
Corporate A udit Profile The Auditor’s profile set by the Regula tor can
bee seen. The threshold amount and maximum
numbe r of e -pa yorde rs tha t can rema in in the
inbox of Auditor)
View A ccount Details The Administra tor can se t diffe re nt threshold
amount (Less than or equal to thre shold limit
se t by the Regula tor) a nd maximum numbe r of
un audited e -pa y orde rs tha t ca n remain in the
Inbox of Auditor, (size of Inbox of the Auditor)
a ccount wise. Please note: in any case,
limits set by the A dministrator would be
less that or equal to the limits set by
Cancelled e-PayOrders The Cance lled e-pa y orde r ca n be vie wed .

Profile Change Password Login password can be cha nged.

Supe r Enquire r’s Inte rfa ce

Name of link Sub-links Description

My A ccounts A ccount Summary This is a default page. Once custome r logs in

he ge ts the a ccount summa ry. Accounts a re
ca tegorized in four groups

x iii. Tra nsa ction Accounts

x iv. Deposit Accounts
x v. Loan Accounts
x vi. Tra de Accounts

All the respe ctive a ccounts come unde r the

groups and bala nces a re shown on the right
side of the page below ‘Ba la nce ’ column.
Ba lance shown for the transa ction a ccount is
a va ila ble ba lance (Dra wing Powe r-Outsta nding
Ba lance = Ava ila ble Ba lance ). To see the de ta ils

please click ove r a ccount numbe r. ( please
note : in ca se of non-core bra nch a ctua l ba lance
is be ing shown) Unclear cheque is not being
taken into account while calculating
available balance.

Account de ta ils a re a va ila ble once you click

ove r a ccount numbe r.

Please note de ta ils e nquiry of LC/ Bank

gua rantee (Trade Account) is not a vailable
unde r the product. The fa cility is a vailable
unde r trade finance product.
Current A /C and OD This link provide following deta ils:

Ba lance De tails, Tra nsa ction De ta ils, Account

Sta tement and Current Ba lance of current
a ccount and ove rdra ft a ccount.
Time Deposit This link provide following deta ils:

Ba lance De tails, Tra nsa ction De ta ils, Account

Sta tement a nd Curre nt Ba lance of Time
Deposit like STDR ,TDR , RD e tc..
Cash Credit This link provide following deta ils:

Ba lance De tails, Tra nsa ction De ta ils, Account

Sta tement a nd Curre nt Ba lance of Cash C redit
a ccount.
Other Loans This link provide following deta ils:

Ba lance De tails, Tra nsa ction De ta ils, Account

Sta tement and C urrent Ba lance of othe r loans
a ccount like Te rm Loan, Mortgage Loan e tc.
Saving A ccount This link provide following deta ils:

Ba lance De tails, Tra nsa ction De ta ils, Account

Sta tement a nd Current Bala nce of Sa ving
Core A ccount In ca se of core branch if numbe r of
Statement tra nsa ctions is more than 150, system does not
show a ll the transa ctions. Upto 150
tra nsa ctions be ing displa yed and a refe rence
numbe r a re gene ra ted. Please note the
re fe rence numbe r and click ove r the link ‘Core
A ccount Statement’. You will find the same
re fe rence numbe r he re a nd sta tus of the
re fe rence . If sta tus is ‘processed’ please click
ove r refe rence numbe r. You will ge t full
a ccount sta tement.
Change Password Change Login Login password can be changed.

Approve r’s Inte rfa ce

Name of link Sub-links Description

View Inbox View Inbox C lick on cheque , system will show a ll the
de ta ils of cheque with following options:

1. Move to Authorize r’s Inbox 2. Re je ct the

tra nsa ction.

Change password Login password can be changed.

Quick Look


File Configuration: Configure File -se le ct type of file (De lim ited/Fixed width)-
incase of delim ite r, se le ct de limite r cha ra cte r and field orde r, in ca se of fixed
width, define fie ld le ngth- confirm .

A dministrator

User Creation: Mana ge Role-Add Use r

A ccess Rights: Manage Accounts – Add a ccess rights

Rule Creation: Manage Accounts-Rule -Add-Se le ct Account no-Put lim it-type of

authoriza tion- submit.

Maker/A uthorizer:

Fund Transfer (Maker): Pa yment/Transfe r-fund transfe r-se le ct debit a ccount

no-put amount-se le ct credit a ccount no-confirm-tra nsa ction password-confirm

Fund Transfer (A uthorizer): Ma nage Transa ctions-vie w inbox-click ove r

che que no-tra nsa ction pa ssword-confirm .(A uthorization procedure is the
same in all cases)

Third Party Transfer: Simila r to fund tra nsfe r only beneficia ry a ccount should
be se le cted a s credit a ccount.

Supplier Payment: Pa y supplie r-se le ct debit a ccount-put amount-file up MIS

requirement of supplie r-transa ction pa ssword- confirm .

Indirect taxes (CBEC): Indire ct taxes-registra tion-asse ssee code (15 digits)-
se le ct m inor heads-confirm -pa yment-assessee code-put amount in respe ctive
hea ds-put na rra tion-transa ction password-confirm .

Direct Taxes: go to nsdl site https://tin.tin.nsdl.com/e tax/tdsnontds.jsp fill up

challan de tails-se le ct sta te ba nk-submit-give use r id and password-put tax
amount and surcha rge-confirm .

DGFT: Only authorize r with single signing powe r ca n go to DGFT site

http://dgft.de lhi.nic.in –fill up the form-se le ct SBI-give use r id password-
tra nsa ction password-confirm .

ESIC: Same as DGFT. The URL of ESIC is http://esic.nic.in/login.htm


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