Problem Statement
Problem Statement
Problem Statement
rob|em statement
Culverts are hydraulic structures that are inserted into rivers to provide access to roads or bridges
on it. However, we do not know the eIIect oI such a structure and what impact it has in a river
because oI multiple variations along rivers. For example variations like the return period oI
heavy rainIalls and Ilooding, variations oI roughness coeIIicient along the river or river
characteristics etc. The main problem that could be caused is Iloods. The change in width oI the
river near the culverts could increase level oI water during torrential rains and cause Ilooding.
People living near the river and culverts would be the most aIIected, iI it provides access to a
road, then the road users would be greatly endangered because oI the road conditions during
Ilooding. Also erosion could also occur and cause other problems due to the culverts. What we
want is that the culvert we construct in the rivers must be eIIicient and saIe so as to prevent
Ilooding while still serving its purpose. That`s why to mitigate the problems that could occur
and provide better design Ior culverts; we must assess the impacts oI culverts on river hydraulics.