Guiedline Newly Strial Fibrilation - ACP - 2005

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Clinical Guidelines

Management of Newly Detected Atrial Fibrillation: A Clinical Practice

Guideline from the American Academy of Family Physicians and the
American College of Physicians
Vincenza Snow, MD; Kevin B. Weiss, MD, MPH; Michael LeFevre, MD, MSPH; Robert McNamara, MD, MHS; Eric Bass, MD, MPH;
Lee A. Green, MD, MPH; Keith Michl, MD; Douglas K. Owens, MD; Jeffrey Susman, MD; Deborah I. Allen, MD; and
Christel Mottur-Pilson, PhD, the Joint AAFP/ACP Panel on Atrial Fibrillation

The Joint Panel of the American Academy of Family Physicians prolol, diltiazem, and verapamil (drugs listed alphabetically by
and the American College of Physicians, in collaboration with the class). Digoxin is only effective for rate control at rest and there-
Johns Hopkins Evidence-based Practice Center, systematically re- fore should only be used as a second-line agent for rate control in
viewed the available evidence on the management of newly de- atrial fibrillation. Grade: 1B
tected atrial fibrillation and developed recommendations for adult Recommendation 4: For those patients who elect to undergo
patients with first-detected atrial fibrillation. The recommenda- acute cardioversion to achieve sinus rhythm in atrial fibrillation,
tions do not apply to patients with postoperative or post–myocar- both direct-current cardioversion (Grade: 1Cⴙ) and pharmacolog-
dial infarction atrial fibrillation, patients with class IV heart failure, ical conversion (Grade: 2A) are appropriate options.
patients already taking antiarrhythmic drugs, or patients with val- Recommendation 5: Both transesophageal echocardiography
vular disease. The target physician audience is internists and fam-
with short-term prior anticoagulation followed by early acute car-
ily physicians dedicated to primary care. The recommendations are
dioversion (in the absence of intracardiac thrombus) with postcar-
as follows:
dioversion anticoagulation versus delayed cardioversion with pre-
Recommendation 1: Rate control with chronic anticoagulation
and postanticoagulation are appropriate management strategies
is the recommended strategy for the majority of patients with
atrial fibrillation. Rhythm control has not been shown to be su- for those patients who elect to undergo cardioversion. Grade: 2A
perior to rate control (with chronic anticoagulation) in reducing Recommendation 6: Most patients converted to sinus rhythm
morbidity and mortality and may be inferior in some patient from atrial fibrillation should not be placed on rhythm mainte-
subgroups to rate control. Rhythm control is appropriate when nance therapy since the risks outweigh the benefits. In a selected
based on other special considerations, such as patient symptoms, group of patients whose quality of life is compromised by atrial
exercise tolerance, and patient preference. Grade: 2A fibrillation, the recommended pharmacologic agents for rhythm
Recommendation 2: Patients with atrial fibrillation should maintenance are amiodarone, disopyramide, propafenone, and so-
receive chronic anticoagulation with adjusted-dose warfarin, un- talol (drugs listed in alphabetical order). The choice of agent
less they are at low risk of stroke or have a specific contraindi- predominantly depends on specific risk of side effects based on
cation to the use of warfarin (thrombocytopenia, recent trauma or patient characteristics. Grade: 2A
surgery, alcoholism). Grade: 1A
Recommendation 3: For patients with atrial fibrillation, the Ann Intern Med. 2003;139:1009-1017.
following drugs are recommended for their demonstrated efficacy For author affiliations, see end of text.
in rate control during exercise and while at rest: atenolol, meto- See related article on pp 1018-1033.

A trial fibrillation is the most common type of arrhyth-

mia in adults. It is more common as patients age; the
prevalence is 1% among those younger than age 60 years
population is adult patients with first-detected atrial fibril-
lation, defined as the presence of symptoms or electrocar-
diographic evidence of atrial fibrillation. The American
and increases to more than 8% in those older than age 80 College of Cardiology/American Heart Association has rec-
years. When data are adjusted for age, men are affected ommended using first-detected atrial fibrillation regardless
more often than women. Cardiac conditions associated of whether it is symptomatic or self-limited, recognizing
with the development of atrial fibrillation are hypertension, that there can be uncertainty about the duration of the
rheumatic mitral valve disease, coronary artery disease, and episode and about previous undetected episodes (1). This
congestive heart failure. Noncardiac causes include hyper- guideline does not apply to patients with postoperative or
thyroidism, hypoxic pulmonary conditions, surgery, and post–myocardial infarction atrial fibrillation, patients with
alcohol intoxication. Patients with atrial fibrillation may class IV heart failure, patients already taking antiarrhyth-
have symptoms of hemodynamic compromise, such as ir- mic drugs, or patients with valvular disease. The target
regular palpitations and lightheadedness, or more vague physician audience is internists and family physicians ded-
symptoms, such as malaise, but may be asymptomatic. Pa- icated to primary care.
tients with atrial fibrillation are at increased risk for throm- This guideline is based on the accompanying back-
boembolic disease. ground paper by McNamara and colleagues (2) and on the
The purpose of this guideline is to make recommen- evidence report “Management of New-Onset Atrial Fibril-
dations on the pharmacologic management of newly de- lation” (3), which was produced by the Johns Hopkins
tected atrial fibrillation in primary care. The target patient Evidence-based Practice Center under contract to the
© 2003 American College of Physicians 1009
Clinical Guidelines Management of Newly Detected Atrial Fibrillation

Table 1. The Guyatt Approach to Grading Recommendations*

Grade of Clarity of Methodologic Strength of Supporting Evidence Implications

Recommendation Risk–Benefit
1A Clear Randomized trials without important limitations Strong recommendation; can apply to most patients in
most circumstances without reservation
1B Clear Randomized trials without important limitations Strong recommendation; likely to apply to most
(inconsistent results, nonfatal methodologic flaws) patients
1C⫹ Clear No randomized trials for this specific patient or Strong recommendation; can apply to most patients in
patient population, but results from randomized most circumstances
trial(s) including different patients can be
unequivocally extrapolated to the patient under
current consideration; or overwhelming evidence
from observational studies is available
1C Clear Observational studies Intermediate-strength recommendation; may change
when stronger evidence is available
2A Unclear Randomized trials without important limitations Intermediate-strength recommendation; best action
may differ depending on circumstances or patients’
or societal values
2B Unclear Randomized trials without important limitations Weak recommendation; alternative approaches likely to
(inconsistent results, nonfatal methodologic flaws) be better for some patients under some
2C Unclear Observational studies Very weak recommendation; other alternatives may be
equally reasonable

* Adapted from reference 4.

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), who were at least 65 years of age or who had at least 1 risk
Rockville, Maryland. The American Academy of Family factor for stroke or death, such as hypertension, diabetes,
Physicians (AAFP) and the American College of Physicians previous stroke, or poor ventricular function, were fol-
(ACP) created this guideline in collaboration. The Joint lowed for a mean of 3.5 years. Slightly more than one third
AAFP/ACP Panel reviewed the evidence and developed of the patients were enrolled after their first episode of
and graded the recommendations (Table 1). The guideline atrial fibrillation, and more than 90% had had their qual-
was then approved by both organizations. The guideline ifying episode within the previous 6 weeks. In more than
makes recommendations in the following areas: rate con- two thirds of patients, the qualifying episode lasted at least
trol versus rhythm control, stroke prevention and antico- 2 days. The average patient age was 70 years. Sixty-one
agulation, electrical cardioversion versus pharmacologic percent of patients were men, and 89% were white. Sev-
cardioversion, the role of transesophageal echocardiogra- enty-one percent of patients had hypertension, 38% had
phy in guiding therapy, and maintenance therapy. coronary heart disease, 18% had previously had failure of
antiarrhythmic therapy, and 12% had no apparent heart
SECTION 1: RATE CONTROL VERSUS RHYTHM disease (lone atrial fibrillation). Patients were randomly as-
CONTROL signed to rate or rhythm control, and their physicians
One of the fundamental questions in the management chose the specific therapies (pharmacologic first, then non-
of atrial fibrillation is whether to attempt cardioversion. pharmacologic if needed). Anticoagulation was continued
The answer to this question depends on whether rate con- indefinitely in the rate-control group and was encouraged
trol or rhythm control provides more effective protection in the rhythm-control group but could be stopped at the
from thromboembolic events, improved mortality, better physician’s discretion if sinus rhythm had been maintained
relief of symptoms, or improved quality of life. Another for at least 4, and preferably 12, consecutive weeks with
significant clinical question is whether certain populations, antiarrhythmic therapy. The prevalence of sinus rhythm in
such as women, patients with hypertension or congestive the rhythm-control group was 82%, 73%, and 63% at 1,
heart failure, or young people with structurally healthy 3, and 5 years, respectively. The prevalence of sinus
hearts, have better outcomes with one or the other strategy. rhythm in the rate-control group was 34.6% at 5 years.
Four studies have compared rate control with rhythm con- The primary end point in the AFFIRM trial, overall
trol. The study samples have generally involved older pa- mortality, was not statistically significantly different be-
tients (⬎65 years of age), and women and younger patients tween the groups. However, the rhythm-control strategy
with healthy hearts and paroxysmal atrial fibrillation have was associated with a higher risk for death than the rate-
not been well represented (5). control strategy among older patients, those without con-
The Atrial Fibrillation Follow-up Investigation of gestive heart failure, and those with coronary disease. Rates
Rhythm Management (AFFIRM) trial compared rhythm of stroke also did not differ between groups; 70% of all
control versus rate control, and use of anticoagulation was strokes occurred in patients who had stopped receiving an-
recommended in both arms (6). More than 4000 patients ticoagulation or who had subtherapeutic international nor-
1010 16 December 2003 Annals of Internal Medicine Volume 139 • Number 12
Management of Newly Detected Atrial Fibrillation Clinical Guidelines

malized ratios (⬍2.0). More hospitalizations were reported created speculation about whether fewer events would have
in the rhythm-control group (P ⬍ 0.001). occurred if anticoagulation had been continued indefinitely
Another recent study, the RAte Control versus Electri- in the conversion group. It also suggests that despite ag-
cal cardioversion for persistent atrial fibrillation (RACE) gressive rhythm management, a substantial number of pa-
study, randomly assigned patients to receive aggressive tients cannot maintain sinus rhythm.
rhythm control or rate control (7). This was a smaller In general, the trial samples were older and male and
study, involving 522 patients (mean age, 68 years). Sixty- had risk factors for stroke, such as hypertension, congestive
four percent of patients were men, 49% had hypertension, heart failure, and coronary disease. Certain subgroups of
and 27% had coronary artery disease. All patients had per- patients with atrial fibrillation, such as younger patients
sistent atrial fibrillation lasting less than 1 year and had had with healthy hearts or paroxysmal atrial fibrillation, were
at least 1 previous electrical cardioversion (a maximum of 2 not well represented in the trials. Therefore, it is not cer-
previous cardioversions was permitted for study inclusion). tain whether these subgroups of patients may benefit from
The primary end point was a composite of cardiovascular more aggressive rhythm control or rate control.
mortality, heart failure, thromboembolic complications, Recommendation 1: Rate control with chronic anticoag-
bleeding, pacemaker implantation, and severe side effects ulation is the recommended strategy for the majority of pa-
of antiarrhythmic drugs. Again, no difference was seen be- tients with atrial fibrillation. Rhythm control has not been
tween groups in the primary composite end point. As in shown to be superior to rate control (with chronic anticoagu-
the AFFIRM study, most of the strokes occurred in pa- lation) in reducing morbidity and mortality and may be infe-
tients whose anticoagulation had been halted or patients rior in some patient subgroups to rate control. Rhythm control
whose international normalized ratio was subtherapeutic is appropriate when based on other special considerations, such
(⬍2.0). In post hoc analysis, a benefit for rate control over as patient symptoms, exercise tolerance, and patient preference.
rhythm control was seen in patients with hypertension and Grade: 2A (Note: This recommendation received a grade of
in women. Since this was a post hoc analysis, these results 2A because of the need to apply the recommendations to
will need to be confirmed by further studies. Of note, different patient populations on the basis of differing pa-
despite an aggressive treatment protocol, at the end of fol- tient values and societal issues. The evidence regarding the
low-up only 39% of the patients in the rhythm-control risk– benefit ratio is clear and of good quality [Grade: 1A].)
group were in sinus rhythm. Consistent clinical trial data now show that aggressive
The Pharmacological Intervention in Atrial Fibrilla- rhythm control is not superior to rate control in reducing
tion (PIAF) trial randomly assigned 252 patients 18 to 75 morbidity or mortality and may be inferior in some patient
years of age with new-onset or permanent symptomatic subgroups. Moreover, patients randomly assigned to ag-
atrial fibrillation (mean duration of atrial fibrillation, ap- gressive rhythm control (with 1 month of anticoagulation
proximately 4 months) to rate control with diltiazem or postcardioversion) consistently have more hospitalizations
aggressive conversion (many times if necessary) and main- and adverse drug events and often do not maintain sinus
tenance therapy with amiodarone (8). The primary end rhythm. In the AFFIRM trial, there was a trend toward
point of the study was improvement in symptoms related increased mortality in the rhythm-control group for pa-
to atrial fibrillation. After 1 year of follow-up, relief of tients who were older than age 65 years, those who did not
symptoms was similar in both groups, as were quality-of- have congestive heart failure, and those who had coronary
life measures. Walking distance was improved in the heart disease. The RACE trial found a trend for increased
rhythm-control group, but hospital admissions were more mortality in the rhythm-control group in patients with hy-
frequent in this group. pertension and in women. The physician and patient must
Although final results are not yet available, preliminary consider these factors, in addition to the patient’s symp-
reports of the Strategies of Treatment of Atrial Fibrillation toms, quality of life, and tolerance for procedures, when
(STAF) trial have been presented (9). Patients were ran- making a management decision.
domly assigned to receive anticoagulation for 3 weeks be-
fore conversion and for 4 weeks after attempted conver- SECTION 2: ANTICOAGULATION
sion, with antiarrhythmic therapy to maintain sinus Sixteen studies that addressed the role of anticoagula-
rhythm, or to long-term anticoagulation and rate control. tion in atrial fibrillation were included in this analysis (10 –
(Patients included in this study had at least 1 previous 24). Three of these trials were secondary prevention trials,
conversion attempt.) After more than 1.5 years of follow- enrolling patients who had already had a stroke or transient
up, no difference was seen between the groups in rates of ischemic attack, and thus are analyzed separately (11, 16,
the primary end points of death, stroke, transient ischemic 24). Meta-analysis of the primary prevention studies re-
attacks, cardiopulmonary resuscitation, or thromboembo- ported on the pooled efficacy (prevention of stroke and
lism. Of interest, only 40% of patients in the rhythm- peripheral embolism) and safety (major and minor bleed-
control group were still in sinus rhythm at 1 year, and all ing events) of warfarin versus placebo, aspirin versus pla-
primary end points occurred in patients in atrial fibrilla- cebo, and warfarin versus aspirin. It found that warfarin is
tion, even in the rhythm-control group. This result has more efficacious than placebo for primary stroke preven- 16 December 2003 Annals of Internal Medicine Volume 139 • Number 12 1011
Clinical Guidelines Management of Newly Detected Atrial Fibrillation

Table 2. Risk for Stroke Stratified by CHADS2 Score* in younger patients (mean age, 65 years) compared with
older patients (5.5 per 1000 person-years vs. 15 per 1000
CHADS2 Adjusted Stroke Rate CHADS2
Score (95% CI) Risk Level person-years, respectively). The evidence suggests that for
0 1.9 (1.2–3.0) Low
persons with a low risk for stroke, aspirin may be useful.
1 2.8 (2.0–3.8) Low There is insufficient published evidence regarding the use
2 4.0 (3.1–5.1) Moderate of other antithrombotic agents. A single study of low-mo-
3 5.9 (4.6–7.3) Moderate
4 8.5 (6.3–11.1) High
lecular-weight heparin versus placebo was inconclusive for
5 12.5 (8.2–17.5) High stroke risk, and neither group had any major hemorrhagic
6 18.2 (10.5–27.4) High events.
Recommendation 2: Patients with atrial fibrillation
* The CHADS2 score is calculated by adding 1 point each for recent congestive
heart failure (i.e., active within the past 100 days or documented by echocardiog- should receive chronic anticoagulation with adjusted-dose
raphy), hypertension (systolic and/or diastolic), age at least 75 years, and diabetes warfarin, unless they are at low risk of stroke or have a specific
mellitus, and adding 2 points for a history of stroke or transient ischemic attack. A
score of 0 to 1 was designated as low risk; a score of 2 to 3 was designated as contraindication to the use of warfarin (thrombocytopenia,
moderate risk; and a score of 4, 5, or 6 was designated as high risk. The adjusted recent trauma or surgery, alcoholism). Grade: 1A
stroke ratio is the expected stroke rate per 100 patient-years from the exponential
survival model from the National Registry of Atrial Fibrillation. Clinical prediction rules have been developed on the
basis of existing literature and have been validated for esti-
mating risk for stroke in patients with atrial fibrillation
tion (odds ratio [OR], 0.30 [95% CI, 0.19 to 0.48]), al- (25). In one, a point system was developed and validated
though evidence suggested an increase in major bleeding by using the following risk factors: recent congestive heart
risk (OR, 1.90 [CI, 0.89 to 4.00]). (The criteria used for failure (that is, active within the past 100 days or docu-
the degree of efficacy come from a modification of the mented by echocardiography), hypertension (systolic or di-
original Evidence-based Practice Center report. Strong ev- astolic), age of at least 75 years, diabetes mellitus, and his-
idence of efficacy was indicated by an OR ⬎ 1.0 and a tory of stroke or transient ischemic attack. A scoring
99% CI that did not include 1.0 [P ⬍ 0.01]. Moderate system called CHADS2, an acronym for the above-men-
evidence of efficacy was indicated by an OR ⬎1.0 and a tioned risk factors, was developed. Each risk factor is as-
95% CI that did not include 1.0 but a 99% CI that did signed 1 point except for history of stroke or transient
include 1.0 [0.01 ⱕ P ⱕ 0.050]. Suggestive evidence of ischemic attack, which is assigned 2 points. The total num-
efficacy was indicated by a 95% CI that included 1.0 in the ber of points is 6 (Table 2). A score of 0 to 1 was desig-
lower tail [0.05 ⬍ P ⬍ 0.2]. Inconclusive evidence of effi- nated as low risk; a score of 2 to 3 was designated as
cacy was indicated by a 95% CI that was widely distributed moderate risk; and a score of 4, 5, or 6 was designated as
around 1.0. Finally, strong evidence of lack of efficacy was high risk.
indicated by an OR near 1.0 and a narrow 95% CI.) Aspirin may be useful for patients with atrial fibrilla-
The evidence for aspirin versus placebo for primary tion and a low risk for stroke, but the evidence is incon-
stroke prevention was suggestive for stroke prevention clusive. The evidence is unclear about the course to take
(OR, 0.68 [CI, 0.46 to 1.02]) but inconclusive for bleed- when a patient spontaneously converts to sinus rhythm,
ing risk (OR, 0.82 [CI, 0.37 to 1.78]). For warfarin versus but there is a suggestion that continued anticoagulation is
aspirin, moderate evidence favored warfarin (OR, 0.66 appropriate. There is currently insufficient evidence to sup-
[CI, 0.45 to 0.99]), with inconclusive evidence for more port the use of low-molecular-weight heparin or other an-
major bleeding (OR, 1.61 [CI, 0.75 to 3.44]). The evi- tiplatelet agents in the management of atrial fibrillation.
dence suggested that adjusted-dose warfarin was more effi-
cacious for stroke prevention than low-dose warfarin (OR,
0.52 [CI, 0.25 to 1.08]) or low-dose warfarin plus aspirin
(OR, 0.44 [CI, 0.14 to 1.39]) but increased major bleeding SECTION 3: EFFICACY OF DIFFERENT AGENTS FOR RATE
(OR, 1.4 [CI, 0.72 to 2.7]). CONTROL
Two trials of secondary prevention evaluated warfarin The AHRQ-funded evidence report found 48 trials
versus aspirin (11, 24). In 1 trial, the patients were strati- assessing 17 different agents for rate control in atrial fibril-
fied by their eligibility for warfarin therapy. It was found lation (2). In the background paper, the authors concen-
that among the warfarin-eligible patients, warfarin was trated on studies of digoxin, calcium-channel blockers, and
more efficacious for stroke prevention (OR, 0.38 [CI, 0.22 ␤-blockers (2). The studies comparing digoxin with pla-
to 0.66]; P ⫽ 0.001) but led to more episodes of major cebo were inconsistent, particularly during exercise (26 –
bleeding (OR, 4.1 [CI, 1.2 to 14]; P ⫽ 0.029) than did 32). The nondihydropiridine calcium-channel blockers dil-
placebo. For the warfarin-ineligible patients, no difference tiazem and verapamil were more effective than placebo or
in efficacy or bleeding risk was demonstrated when com- digoxin in reducing the ventricular rate both at rest and
paring aspirin with placebo. during exercise (33– 47). Studies evaluating ␤-blockers (39,
For specific groups of patients, the absolute reduction 47–55) found improvement in both resting and exercise
in stroke rate with warfarin compared with aspirin was low rate control for atenolol and metoprolol. Results with other
1012 16 December 2003 Annals of Internal Medicine Volume 139 • Number 12
Management of Newly Detected Atrial Fibrillation Clinical Guidelines

␤-blockers were less consistent, and results evaluating ex- exceeds 90%. The risk for thromboembolic events does not
ercise tolerance for all ␤-blockers were inconsistent. seem to differ between electrical and pharmacologic con-
Studies of combinations found that digoxin plus dilti- version. Patient preference needs to be taken into consid-
azem, digoxin plus atenolol, and digoxin plus betaxolol eration when making the choice between electrical and
were effective both at rest and with exercise. Labetalol, pharmacologic conversion.
even in combination with digoxin, was ineffective at rest
Antiarrhythmic Treatment before Electrical Cardioversion
but effective with exercise. versus Electrical Conversion Alone
Side effects were inconsistently reported in the trials,
Of 8 randomized trials studying this question, 7
and most trials excluded patients with congestive heart fail-
showed no increased efficacy with the use of quinidine,
ure. Most reports of side effects (dropout rates were poorly
propafenone, or sotalol. One study showed increased effi-
reported) came from the studies of calcium-channel block-
cacy with ibutilide, but ibutilide has a higher risk for in-
ers and digoxin.
ducing ventricular arrhythmia.
Recommendation 3: For patients with atrial fibrillation,
the following drugs are recommended for their demonstrated Pharmacologic Conversion
efficacy in rate control during exercise and while at rest: ateno- A meta-analysis of 54 randomized clinical trials was
lol, metoprolol, diltiazem, and verapamil (drugs listed alpha- done for the background paper. In the 36 trials that had a
betically by class). Digoxin is only effective for rate control at control group, the authors found strong efficacy for acute
rest and therefore should only be used as a second-line agent for conversion of atrial fibrillation with ibutilide, flecainide,
rate control in atrial fibrillation. Grade: 1B dofetilide, propafenone, and amiodarone and moderate ev-
Individual side effect profiles for all medications idence for the efficacy of quinidine (2). Evidence for the
should be reviewed with patients and can provide guidance efficacy of sotalol and disopyramide was insufficient. In a
in the choice of agents for individual patients. Combina- limited number of comparative studies, flecainide was su-
tions of digoxin plus diltiazem, atenolol, or betaxolol have perior to propafenone and procainamide, propafenone was
also been shown to be effective at rest and with exercise, superior to amiodarone, amiodarone was superior to quin-
but these may be better reserved for occasions when single- idine, and quinidine was superior to sotalol.
agent therapy has failed. An important side effect of antiarrhythmic therapy for
conversion of atrial fibrillation is the risk for inducing tor-
sades de points. This risk becomes even more important
SECTION 4: ACUTE CONVERSION when choosing whether to initiate therapy in an inpatient
Spontaneous Conversion to Sinus Rhythm and Reversion
or outpatient setting. However, only 30 of the 54 reviewed
to Atrial Fibrillation after Cardioversion
trials of pharmacologic conversion reported on the inci-
While spontaneous conversion rates are not regularly dence of ventricular arrhythmias during the studies, thus
reported in the trials, they can be determined from the limiting the usefulness of these data. Of those that did
conversion rates in the placebo groups. In the trials of report such incidence, no ventricular arrhythmias were
pharmacologic conversion, the rates of spontaneous con- found in patients taking amiodarone and procainamide,
version in the placebo groups ranged from 0% to as high as and rates were 2% or less in patients taking flecainide,
76%. Of the 21 trials that had placebo groups, 5 reported propafenone, and sotalol. Rates of up to 9% were reported
rates of spontaneous conversion of 0%, 10 reported rates for ibutilide, and rates of 12% were reported for quinidine
between 1% and 33%, and 6 reported rates greater than and dofetilide. Two studies found that most arrhythmias
33%. In addition, the rates of reversion to atrial fibrillation occurred in the first 24 to 72 hours. Adverse outcomes
can be extrapolated from the reported efficacy rates in the from arrhythmias related to acute cardioversion, although
pharmacologic conversion trials. In many of these trials, uncommon, are more frequent with pharmacologic cardio-
fewer than 50% of patients were still in sinus rhythm at version than with direct-current cardioversion.
3-month follow-up. These differences in rates of spontane- There is no reliable way to predict which patients are
ous conversion and reversion are most likely related to the more at risk for arrhythmia, and this issue becomes even
characteristics of the patient samples. Some studies in- more important when deciding on the setting (inpatient or
cluded patients with enlarged left atria, ischemic heart dis- outpatient) for acute cardioversion. While it is common
ease, hypertension, valvular disease, and differing durations practice to stratify patients’ risk according to the presence
of atrial fibrillation. Moreover, other patient characteris- of structural heart disease, there is insufficient evidence to
tics, such as age, also play an important role. However, we support this as a formal recommendation. Moreover, evi-
are unable to quantify from these trials which patient char- dence of the relative safety of inpatient versus outpatient
acteristics would most reliably predict spontaneous conver- cardioversion is not available, so no recommendations can
sion to sinus rhythm or reversion to atrial fibrillation. be made in this area.
Electrical Conversion Recommendation 4: For those patients who elect to un-
With the advent of external biphasic defibrillators, the dergo acute cardioversion to achieve sinus rhythm in atrial
immediate efficacy of direct-current external cardioversion fibrillation, both direct-current cardioversion (Grade: 1C⫹) 16 December 2003 Annals of Internal Medicine Volume 139 • Number 12 1013
Clinical Guidelines Management of Newly Detected Atrial Fibrillation

and pharmacological conversion (Grade: 2A) are appropriate ommend the routine measurement of left atrial size to pre-
options. dict success. However, transthoracic echocardiography can
While there are good data to support the use of both still be useful in evaluating left ventricular function or hy-
direct-current and pharmacologic conversion, there are no pertrophy.
data on the efficacy of one method over the other because Recommendation 5: Both transesophageal echocardiogra-
no head-to-head trials have compared them. It should be phy with short-term prior anticoagulation followed by early
noted, however, that long-term effectiveness in maintain- acute cardioversion (in the absence of intracardiac thrombus)
ing sinus rhythm is moderate to low for both methods. For with postcardioversion anticoagulation versus delayed cardio-
acute pharmacologic conversion of atrial fibrillation, strong version with pre- and postanticoagulation are appropriate
evidence supports the efficacy of ibutilide, flecainide, management strategies for those patients who elect to undergo
dofetilide, propafenone, and amiodarone and moderate ev- cardioversion. Grade: 2A
idence supports the efficacy of quinidine. Antiarrhythmic In trials comparing the conventional approach of 3
therapy before electrical cardioversion does not improve weeks of anticoagulation before cardioversion followed by
the efficacy of acute conversion, although it may be used 4 weeks of anticoagulation after cardioversion and trans-
when maintenance therapy will be used after cardioversion. esophageal echocardiography– guided early cardioversion
Adequate safety data are not available to make recommen- with up to 3 weeks of anticoagulation after cardioversion,
dations regarding the setting of cardioversion. no differences in the end points of stroke, transient ische-
mic attack, or peripheral embolism have been seen. How-
ever, rates of minor and major bleeding events were higher
with the conventional strategy. The choice between the 2
ACUTE CONVERSION OF ATRIAL FIBRILLATION strategies should be based on patient preference and clini-
Transesophageal Echocardiography
cal situation, including contraindications to transesopha-
Transesophageal echocardiography has been used be- geal echocardiography or availability of this technology.
fore cardioversion as a means of stratifying patients for risk
for thromboembolism. The Assessment of Cardioversion
Using Transesophageal Echocardiography (ACUTE) study SECTION 6: MAINTENANCE THERAPY
randomly assigned patients to a transesophageal echocar- The background paper describes the results of a meta-
diography– guided strategy with short-term precardiover- analysis of 35 randomized trials of 8 antiarrhythmic agents
sion and 4-week postcardioversion anticoagulation or to used for maintenance of sinus rhythm in patients with
“conventional therapy” (3 weeks of precardioversion anti- atrial fibrillation (2). Twenty of these trials had a control
coagulation and 4 weeks of postcardioversion anticoagula- arm. The results found strong evidence for the efficacy of
tion) (56). The primary end points of stroke, transient amiodarone, disopyramide, propafenone, and sotalol and
ischemic attack, or peripheral embolism did not differ be- moderate evidence for the efficacy of flecainide, quinidine,
tween the groups. Statistically significantly more bleeding and azimilide. Comparison trials found amiodarone to be
occurred in the conventional therapy group. Also, the more efficacious than propafenone and sotalol.
transesophageal echocardiography group had a shorter time Adverse side effects are important to consider in
to cardioversion and a higher initial success rate. However, choosing whether to use maintenance antiarrhythmic ther-
maintenance of sinus rhythm at 8 weeks was similar in apy and in choosing which medication to use. In particu-
both groups. lar, the risk for torsades de pointes and other ventricular
Measurement of Left Atrial Size arrhythmias should be considered. However, the true risks
Transthoracic echocardiography has been used to pre- of each antiarrhythmic agent are not well elucidated in the
dict the likelihood of successful conversion by measuring literature. In the review of clinical trials for these guide-
the left atrium. Only 6 trials of acute cardioversion re- lines, only 18 of the 35 studies of maintenance therapy
ported on left atrial size. Of these, 5 found an inverse reported the incidence of ventricular arrhythmias (2). No
relationship between left atrial size and success of conver- ventricular arrhythmias were reported with amiodarone or
sion. The data from the trials could not be combined, and disopyramide. Although there also were no ventricular ar-
therefore it is difficult to determine with any rigor whether rhythmias found in studies evaluating flecainide, most
there is a threshold of left atrial size above which cardio- studies excluded patients with previous myocardial infarc-
version should not be attempted. The data can qualita- tion because flecainide was contraindicated. Ventricular ar-
tively support only the current clinical impression that the rhythmias were found in 0% to 3% of patients treated with
larger the atrium, the less likely cardioversion will be suc- propafenone, 0% to 5% of those treated with sotalol, and
cessful. There is also too little evidence to answer the ques- 0% to 12% of those treated with quinidine. Other side
tion of whether left atrial size can help predict the likeli- effects prompted cessation or dose changes in 50% to 60%
hood of successful maintenance of sinus rhythm. of patients treated with quinidine or disopyramide and
Therefore, we conclude that, in patients who elect to un- 10% to 25% of patients treated with propafenone, flecain-
dergo cardioversion, there is insufficient evidence to rec- ide, amiodarone, or sotalol. Of note, in the largest trial,
1014 16 December 2003 Annals of Internal Medicine Volume 139 • Number 12
Management of Newly Detected Atrial Fibrillation Clinical Guidelines

which involved 201 patients treated with amiodarone, this Requests for Single Reprints: Vincenza Snow, MD, American College
medication was discontinued because of suspected pulmo- of Physicians, 190 N. Independence Mall West, Philadelphia, PA 19106;
nary toxicity in 4 patients, hypothyroidism in 2 patients,
hyperthyroidism in 1 patient, and other reasons in 2 pa-
tients (57). APPENDIX
Recommendation 6: Most patients converted to sinus Clinical Efficacy Assessment Subcommittee of the
rhythm from atrial fibrillation should not be placed on rhythm American College of Physicians
maintenance therapy since the risks outweigh the benefits. In a Kevin Weiss, MD, MPH (Chair); Mark Aronson, MD; Pa-
selected group of patients whose quality of life is compromised tricia Barry, MD, MPH; J. Thomas Cross Jr., MD, MPH; Nick
by atrial fibrillation, the recommended pharmacologic agents Fitterman, MD; E. Rodney Hornbake, MD; Douglas K. Owens,
for rhythm maintenance are amiodarone, disopyramide, MD; Katherine D. Sherif, MD.
propafenone, and sotalol (drugs listed in alphabetical order).
American Academy of Family Physicians Commission on
The choice of agent predominantly depends on specific risk of
Clinical Policies and Research
side effects based on patient characteristics. Grade: 2A
Martin C. Mahoney, MD, PhD (Chair); Larry S. Fields,
All agents have some potential for both minor and
MD; Richard D. Clover, MD; Deborah I. Allen, MD; Doug
serious side effects. This suggests the need for careful con-
Campos-Outcalt, MD; Martin L. Kabongo, MD, PhD; Evelyn
sideration of the relative risks and benefits of an aggressive
L. Lewis, MD, MA; Kevin C. Oeffinger, MD; Eric M. Wall,
approach to maintaining sinus rhythm versus the alternate
MD, MPH; Kevin A. Peterson, MD, MPH; Michael Rhea King,
strategy of rate control and stroke prevention before begin-
MD; Christine Albrecht; Herbert F. Young, MD, MA; and
ning therapy. Amiodarone has more noncardiac side effects
Bellinda K. Schoof.
than the other recommended agents but is considered safer
in patients with congestive systolic heart failure and left
Current author addresses are available at
ventricular hypertrophy. Sotalol and amiodarone are con-
sidered safest in patients with coronary artery disease (2).
For carefully selected patients whose quality of life is sub-
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Current Author Addresses: Drs. Snow and Mottur-Pilson: American Dr. Green: Family Medicine, 1018 Fuller 708, University of Michigan,
College of Physicians, 190 N. Independence Mall West, Philadelphia, Ann Arbor, MI 48109.
PA 19106. Dr. Michl: P.O. Box 1431, Manchester Center, VT 05255.
Dr. Weiss: 676 North St. Clair Street, Suite 200, Chicago, IL 60611. Dr. Owens: Center for Primary Care and Outcomes Research/Center for
Dr. LeFevre: M223 Health Science Center, University of Missouri–Co- Health Policy, Stanford University, 117 Encina Commons, Stanford,
lumbia, Columbia, MO 65211. CA 94305-6019.
Dr. McNamara: Cardiovascular Section, Yale University, 333 Cedar Dr. Susman: HPB 141, P.O. Box 670582, University of Cincinnati,
Street, 315A FMP, P.O. Box 208017, New Haven, CT 06520-8017. Cincinnati, OH 45267-0582.
Dr. Bass: 1830 East Monument Street, Room 8068, Baltimore, MD Dr. Allen: Family Medicine, LO 254, Indiana University School of Med-
21287. icine, Indianapolis, IN 46202.

E-1018 © American College of Physicians

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