Tut 10
Tut 10
Tut 10
File I/O tends to be complex - simply because there are a myriad of things that you might
want to do and the software has to be able to let you do (most of) them. LabVIEW can read and
write four type of files:
< Spreadheet: These files consist of ASCII (normal) text with tabs in suitable places for
importing into a spreadsheet. The VIs which control this form write one
array to the file at a time.
< Character: These are similar to spreadsheet files in that they consist of ASCII text, but
the format is freer.
< Binary: Consist of the data in computer format instead of ASCII. That means that
the computer can read them, but you can’t! They are more compact than
character files and do not suffer from round-off errors. They be trasnlated
into ASCII by other programs. Since the data do not have to be translated
from binary to ASCII, they are also faster to write. Binary files can be files
of 16-bit integers or single-precision reals.
< Datalog: These are similar to binary files except that the data can be more complex
types (eg clusters). They must be read in the same format as they are
writeen which constrains them (more or less) to be read by a similar
LabVIEW program to the one which wrote them.
This tutorial is going to be concerned with spreadsheet files only. If you understand these
- then you will be able to understand the LabVIEW elements of the others very quickly.
Writing Arrays
The unique thing about spreadsheet files is that they take
either 1-D or 2-D tables of data. This is a simple VI to write a 1-
D array of 50 random numbers to a file.
In other words a long line of numbers. This is probably not quite what you were thinking
of - I suspect that if you had thought about it at all, then you would have expected a column of
numbers, one to a line. However in LabVIEW terms Rows come before Columns and so we gat a
row of data.
Fortunately the LabVIEW people have thought of us and you can transpose the array,
either 1-D or 2-D so that columns become rows and vice versa. This is accomplished with the
transpose input set to “true” (These complex functions cry out for you to use the Ctrl-h help
capability to sort out the terminals) as shown in the diagram.
0.123 1.234
0.456 4.567
0.789 7.890
0.012 0.123
Writing to Files
Logically there are a large number of things to do with selecting the filename which need
to be sorted out.
Do we want to select the filename at run-time or use a fixed filename?
Do we want to select the filename arbitrarily or have a pre-selected one we can over-ride?
If the file exists do we want to
i) give up
ii) append the data to the file
iii) Ask if we should over-write it.
iv) always over-write the file with the new data
The examples above do absolutely nothing about any of these questions so they use the
LabVIEW default. If you construct this VI using
function>>File I/O>>Write to Spreadsheet File and run it, you will find that it comes up with a
graphical selector allowing you to navigate the disk and directory structure of the machine and
then double-click on a file or type in a new filename. Notice that if the file exists, you are queried
as to whether you want to over-write it or not.
Filenames in Window95 are quite special. Having got rid of the “8+3" naming convention of
DOS, you would thing that everything was free-form. Well, it is but... There is a very useful
property of Windows95 that it can associate a file with a program and then when you double-
click on the filename it will launch that program with the file in it. The specific example we
are going to use here is that we want text files to be launched into the text editor where we
can read the contents. The marvelous thing about this is that it is operated by the three-letter
extension of the filename. Thus “something.txt” will be recognised as a text file.
Windows95 will, when it recognises a file extension make the file have an appropriate
icon (in this case a little notepad) and will display the filename without the extension.
The point of this box therefore is that it is probably a good idea when creating
spreadsheet files to give them a “.txt” extension and then you can open them easily. But
remember that the extension will not show up in the graphical representation of the directory.
It will show up in a command-line (MS-DOS) directory listing.
To view your files you should double-click on the “My Computer” icon and then
follow down the disk and directory structure with double-click until you can see your file.
Double-click on the file will bring it up in the editor so that you can read it.
If we want the option of over-writing, we have only to omit the “append” flag or set it
false and we will always be queried about existing files when we double-click on them.
You can obviously get even more sophisticated with selecting a filename, but this walk-
through should cover a lot of situations.
The next issue to deal with is the problem of writing several arrays to one file. This can be
accomplished by using the fact that the write to spreadsheet file function has a path output as
well as a path input and therefore you can use the concept of “dataflow” to establish a filename
and then proceed to write to it. Here is a concept for writing a series of arrays to a file.
Notice that we have used a shift register to transfer the filename from one iteration of the
loop to the nextbut we have also initialised the shift register from outside the loop to give it the
correct initial filename.
The “%g” syntax in this case picks a suitable format for the numbers - in this case it picked
“0.123456" as the format instead of the “%.3f” which is the default if you don’t supply anything.
Reading Files
Reading files is probably a bit less important in LabVIEW because it is primarily designed
for getting data from other places than the filestore. However everything that can be written in
LabVIEW can be read. Here is a VI that will read a file of 50 numbers, one to a line, and plot
< Since LabVIEW considers rows before columns. Asking it to read 50 numbers, one to a
line, is like asking it to read a 2-D array one wide and 50 deep. To get to a 1-D array, we
need to transpose the matrix - 1x50 becomes 50x1.
< The 50 on the read VI corresponds to the number of rows read, irrespective of the number
of numbers along a row.
< The %g refers to the format to read numbers with. %g will read just about any format -
useful if you don’t know what’s coming!
< The double loop permits you to do two things: First confirm that the right filename is in
the file path control and second, repeat the selection if the file is invalid.
< The checking of the file validity is done by a call to
function>>File I/O>>Advanced File Functions>>File/Directory Info.
< The error cluster is unbundled and the error status (true/false) is used to terminate or
repeat the loop and drive the “not a filename” indicator which is a modified “button” on
the front panel
< Dataflow is used to ensure that the file operations are done in the right order.
< Spreadsheet file contain numbers separated by Tabs
< Spreadsheet files can map arrays in two different ways - the default is Rows before
< Getting the correct filename and getting the correct action for a potential over-write
situation requires some care and thought
< Writing multiple arrays to a file requires using dataflow to move the filename through the
various writes
< Formatting the numbers is simple - follow the C conventions.
< Reading is as simple as writing, but the file must exist.
Write a program to write the a file of 30 lines each line consisting of the integer line
number and the factorial (n!) Of the number thus:
1 1
2 2
3 6
4 24
5 120
Write a program te read a file of numbers at the rate of two a second and display the
numbers in strip chart form.