CHAPTER-1 Nature and Scope of Human Geography

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Q.1 Ans. Q.2 Ans.




Define the concept of Human Geography. Mention the nature of Human geography. Human geography studies: The relationship between the physical/natural and the human worlds, The spatial distributions of human phenomena and How they come about, the social and economic differences between different parts of the world. What is the core concern of geography as a discipline? The core concern of geography is to understand the earth as home of human beings and to study all those elements which have sustained them. Mention the any three dualism in geography which started wide-ranging debates in the discipline of geography. The three dualism in geography which started wide-ranging debates in the discipline of geography are: a. Whether geography as a discipline should be a law making/theorising (nomothetic) or descriptive (idiographic). b. Whether approach of the study should be regional or systematic? c. Whether geographical phenomena be interpreted theoretically or through historic-institutional approach? State any six examples of metaphors used to describe the physical and human phenomena. They are: face of the earth, eye of the storm, mouth of the river, snout (nose) of the glacier, neck of the isthmus profile of the soil. regions, villages, towns have been described as organisms. Networks of road, railways and water ways are described as arteries of circulation.


[The elements of physical environment are landforms, soils, climate, water, natural vegetation and diverse flora and fauna. The elements of socio-cultural environment are Houses, villages, cities, road-rail networks, industries, farms, ports and items of our daily use which are created by human beings using the resources provided by the physical environment.]

Q.3 Ans.

Q.4 Ans. i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii.

Naturalization of Humans or Environmental determinism Q.5 Describe important features of the concept of Natualisation of Humans. OR State the important characteristics of environmental determinism approach of study of human geography. Ans. Environmental deterministic approach states that: a. Environment controls human actions and activities. Humans were directly dependent on the natural environment. Page 1 of 2 3/15/2009

b. Humans were not free and they adapted according to the nature. c. Humans were naturalized they were afraid of natural forces. d. It states that human history, culture, life style, and stages of development are influenced by the physical environment like climate, soil, relief, etc. e. It considers human as passive agents, whose attitude, decision making is influenced by physical environment. f. Example: the life of nomads or tribal people living in mountains or forests. Humanisation of Nature or Possibilism Q.6 Describe important features of the concept of Humanisation of Nature. OR State the important characteristics of possibilism approach of human geography. Ans. Possibilistic approach states that: a. Humans were free to choose/decide. Nature did not control him. b. The nature provided/offered opportunities/possibilities for humans to exploit it for their benefits. c. It considered humans as active agents rather than a passive one. d. Its the technology, attitude, habits, values of humans which influenced its action not the nature. e. The nature got humanized. Neodeterminism or Stop and Go determinism. Q.7 State the important characteristics of concept of neodeterminism approach of human geography. OR Which approach in the study of human geography was followed by Griffith Taylor? State two characteristics of this approach. Ans. Griffith Taylor introduced the concept of neodeterminism of stop and go determinism. It states that: a. Neither is there a situation of absolute necessity (environmental determinism) nor is there a condition of absolute freedom (possibilism). b. It states that nature has provided possibilities and scope for development but also put limits on it. c. It means that human beings can conquer nature by obeying it. They can continue in their pursuit of development when nature permits. d. The neo-determinism conceptually attempts to bring a balance nullifying the either or dichotomy.

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