Bible 2
Bible 2
Bible 2
The Bible
There are many verses in the Bible that speak of Jesus and No one is good but God alone." If you analyze this
God as being "one". But does this necessarily mean that verse in truth you will see that Jesus, quite simply,
Jesus is God? If you read the six selections above then you is not God. If he was, why then would he say "No
will see that we cannot take the word "one" so literally. If we one is good but God alone"? Jesus did not want to
do, then we are God, as Jesus said, "...they also may be be called "good" because he was not God. That
one in us" and "...they may be one, even as we are one." title, as Jesus admits, belongs to none but God.
What the Bible means when it says that Jesus is "one" with
God is that he is extremely close to god, "as if" they are CONCLUSION
one. John 17:18-23 tells how we normal human beings can If all of this has confused you it's probably because
attain this "oneness" (or "closeness") with God by being you've been trying to justify your belief in the
"sanctified through the truth." Aside from this, neither the Trinity. To believe in the Trinity goes against all of
word "trinity" appears anywhere in the Bible nor any the teahings of Jesus, as well as the Bible. This is
explanation of such a thing. because the Trinity is a man-made doctrine that
was drawn up several hundred years after Jesus.
"LORD" DOES NOT NECESSARILY MEAN "GOD" In this time period different interpretations of the
Matthew 18:23-34, Luke 19:11-21, and John 20:26-29 Bible were causing serious debates among
Many of Jesus' disciples referred to Jesus as "Lord". Even Christians. The various interpretations were,
Jesus himself said that he is their Lord. But does this mean undoubtedly, due to human perversion of the
that he is their God? If you read the three short stories original scriptures, poor preservation, and/or
above then you will realize that back in the Biblical time shoddy translations. One of the main things being
period most servants referred to their masters as "lord". questioned was the nature of God and Jesus. Was
This was a common practice because it showed honor and Jesus actually God, the son of God, or just a
respect for a person of such high stature. Even today in messenger? The Council of Nicea was formed in
many countries around the world such as England, "lord" is an attempt to settle this dispute, and the Nicean
used in referring to kings, princes, and others who deserve Creed (the trinitarian doctrine) was subsequently
such a lofty title. The disciples and followers of Jesus hammered out.
viewed him as their earthy master and themselves as his
servants. He was a man from God who brought them God's Please do not be offended by what this pamphlet
message of truth, justice, and peace. Who could be more has put on the table. We cannot justify our beliefs
deserving of the title "lord" than Jesus Christ? Besides, as being true by saying that our parents have
"lord" is defined by Webster in many curious ways. A few of taught us. Please research for yourself the Council
them are as follows: "1. A man of high rank in a feudal of Nicea and the preservation of the Bible, or lack
society. 2. A king. 3. A general masculine title of nobility or thereof. And do not just accept a belief system
rank. 4. A man of renowned power. 5. A man who has because it was passed down to you by your
mastery in a given activity or field." Commenting on the parents. Afterall, what if it is not correct? And
word's history, Webster says that "lord" literally means remember, Muslims also believe that Jesus was a
'guardian of the bread'". He continues, "Since such a great prophet and also believe in the same unseen
position would be the dominant one in the household, lord God that he refers to as "Father". Islam is simply a
came to denote a man of authority and rank in society at complete way of life and set of rules similar to
large." In The Holy Qur'an also uses "lord" in the same Biblical teachings that were revealed to humankind Bible versus contradicts
context (see 12:23 and 12:41-42). This was simply the
language of the time. The word "lord" does not render the
after Jesus through prophet Muhammad. Why? In
order to correct the teachings that were changed
person which it is being applied to as God. If this were the by humans before it. To learn more about Islam Jesus denies divinity!
case, then many human beings in the Bible would have to please read the pamphlets entitled "Islam - The
be considered God. Religion of God" and "30 Facts About Islam". May God has Sons by the Tons!