Statistics: There Will Be 12 or 13 Questions On Each of The Following Sections - 1. Analytical Geometry
Statistics: There Will Be 12 or 13 Questions On Each of The Following Sections - 1. Analytical Geometry
Statistics: There Will Be 12 or 13 Questions On Each of The Following Sections - 1. Analytical Geometry
Part 1: Basic Mathematics and Statistics: There will be 10 questions on each of the following sections - 1. Set theory: Basic concepts, complements, union and intersection, laws. 2. Limits and Derivatives: Limits and continuity, derivatives of functions of one variable, maxima and minima 3. Matrices and Determinants: Rank and inverse of a matrix, properties of determinants, solution of system of equations. 4. Statistics: Elements of probability, mean, variance and correlation coefficient. Part 2: Advance Mathematics And Statistics: There will be 12 or 13 questions on each of the following sections - 1. Analytical Geometry: Equation for straight line, circle, parabola, hyperbola, quadratic equation. 2. Functions and Differentiation: Binomial, Exponential and logarithmic functions, Taylors series homogeneous functions and Eulers theorem, derivatives of functions of more than one variable, partial and total derivatives, derivatives of higher order, convex and concave functions, points of inflextion. 3. Integration and Differential equation: Evaluation of integrals, definite and indefinite integrals, integration by parts, solution of first order linear differential equation. 4. Mathematical Statistics: Random variables, probability density function, distribution of random variables. Binomial, Poisson and normal distribution, measures of location and dispersion, curve fitting