10 Mental Laws Mental Technology

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(Also know by its original title)


Barbara Berger

I wrote this book for every one who is trying to dream a better dream. May it help you on your way.

CONTENTS PART ONE: PRINCIPLE THE 10 MENTAL LAWS AND MENTAL TECHNOLOGY Law 1: The Law of Cause and Effect Law 2: The Law of Free Will Law 3: The Law of Focus Law 4: The Law of Sponsoring Thoughts Law 5: The Law of Individualization Law 6: The Law of Creation Law 7: The Law of Emotion Law 8: The Law of Substitution Law 9: The Law of Mental Equivalents Law 10: The Law of Manifestation PART TWO: PRACTICE HOW TO USE THE POWER OF MIND Step 1: Identifying Your Sponsoring Thoughts and Mental Patterns Step 2: Aligning Your Sponsoring Thoughts With the Nature of Reality Step 3: Mental Treatment Summary


WHAT IS MENTAL TECHNOLOGY? The great revolution of today is the dawn of what I call Mental Technology. Mental technology is going to change our world. Right now, mental technology is changing our world and here, at the start of the New Millennium, mental technology is going to be our most important tool. This book is a brief introduction to Mental Technology. What it is and how you can use it to change your own lifeand how we together can use mental technology to change the collective life of humanity on Planet Earth. Mental Technology In brief, Mental Technology is the science of the mind. Mental technology describes the principles or laws that govern the way the mind works. Your mind, my mind and every other human being's mind. Just as there are physical laws that describe the way phenomena operate on the physical plane, so there are mental laws or principles that describe how mental phenomena operate. Law is unchanging principle What is a law? A law is a principle or we could say a description of an impersonal phenomenon. Webster's Encyclopedic Unabridged Dictionary of the English Language defines a law of science as "a statement of a relation or sequence of phenomena invariable under the same conditions..." In other words, a law is an impersonal sequence of events that is not dependent on the person or people involved in that sequence of events. Here are some examples of physical laws: The law of gravity: The law of gravity is an impersonal law and is

always operating. According to this law, if a person jumps off a 10-story building, he or she will immediately fall to the ground. There are no exceptions to this law or principle. It doesn't matter if you are the President of the United States, a cashier at the local grocery store, a famous pop star or you. It doesn't matter if you are having a good or a bad day. It doesn't matter if it's day or night or what the weather is. The law doesn't stop working just because it's Christmas or your birthday. The law is impersonal and operates regardless of the situation, time of year, or the people involved. This means the law doesn't stop working and say, "Oh I think I'll make an exception here because little Mary has been such a good girl this week. I don't think she deserves to hit the ground and break her neck." Since laws are impersonal, the issue of deserving doesn't enter into the equation. Another important thing about a law is that it is in operation whether you know about it or not. In other words, if you jump off a 10-story building, you are going to fall and hit the ground whether you know about the law of gravity or not. So again, you can't say after you jumped that you didn't realize you would fall and hit the ground if you jumped. The law doesn't take your personal level of awareness or preferences into consideration. It just operates, a blind force of nature. The law of sowing and reaping: The law of cultivation, of planting seeds and harvesting a crop, is another good example of a physical law. Every farmer knows that if he plants potatoes, he's not going to get a crop of strawberries. He knows that the type of seed he plants determines the type of harvest he can expect. He knows if he plants cabbages, he won't get roses. And he doesn't expect otherwise. He doesn't take this fact personally because he knows it's an impersonal law. The other important thing a farmer knows is that in order to harvest a

crop, he must plant something first. In other words, he can't harvest something from nothing. He must plant seeds first. Which leads us to another law. The law of cause and effect: Just as a farmer knows he must plant a seed in order to harvest something, he also knows that nothing comes from nothing. In other words, a farmer doesn't expect to get something out of nothing. There has to be something to produce something. There must be a seed before a plant can grow. This means that in order to have something, something must cause it to happen. We call this the law of cause and effect. The law of cause and effect says you cannot have an effect without a cause. If you want to harvest radishes, you must plant radish seeds first. You cannot harvest radishes from thin air. There must be a cause to have an effect. Another important aspect of this law is that the effect always has the characteristics of the cause. In other words, the effect is the result of the cause. So a farmer knows that if he harvests radishes, he must have planted radishes. A farmer doesn't go around saying, "...the reason I am harvesting radishes is because I planted strawberries." In other words, we can determine the nature of the cause by examining the effect, because we know that they must have the same characteristics. Another good example of a basic law or principle that most people are familiar with is: The law of color: Everyone who has been to Art School knows that there is a law that governs colors. When, for example, you mix blue and yellow, you always get green. Again it doesn't matter who you are or whether you're having a good or a bad day, when you mix blue and yellow, the result is green. You are not going to get red, no matter who you are or what you do. Again, this is because the law governing the color

spectrum is an impersonal physical phenomenon. It is something that is always true and was always true. It's not something that just suddenly went into operation because you started going to Art School. Which brings us to another important point. Laws have always existed Physical laws, such as those described above, have always existed. They didn't just suddenly happen or begin operating because someone discovered them. The people who lived in ancient Babylonia 4500 years ago (2800-1750 BC) could have had cell phones and computers at that time because the physical laws upon which our modern technology is based were in existence then too. The only difference between today and the time of Babylonians is that apparently the people who lived then did not know about these laws. Because if they did, they would have had computers and cell phones, too. But just because they were unaware of the laws governing physical phenomena, this doesn't mean that these laws didn't exist at that time. Let's take another example: the phenomenon we call electricity. According to Webster's Encyclopedic Unabridged Dictionary of the English Language, electricity is "... the fundamental physical agency caused by the presence and motion of electrons, protons and other charged particles manifesting itself as attraction, repulsion, luminous and heating effects, and the like..." This physical phenomenon has always existed. But since the Babylonians didn't have electric light, we can also presume they were unaware of the phenomenon even though it was there. And since they were unaware of it, they could not harness it and direct it to their advantage. We had to have great geniuses like Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790) and Thomas Edison (1847-1931) who could first


describe the phenomenon and then explain how to utilize it before mankind could begin to direct this force of nature for everyone's benefit. The same is true of mental laws. Mental laws Just as there are physical laws that describe and govern the behavior of physical phenomena, so there are mental laws that describe and govern the behavior of mental phenomena. Simply because most human beings are not yet aware of these mental laws and how they operate, it does not mean that they do not exist. Mental laws do exist. And since they exist, they must be existing and operating right here and right now, whether we are aware of them or not. And not only that, since they are laws, they must have always existed. Throughout history, there have been people who have known about these mental laws. In fact, the study of metaphysics as well as much philosophy and religion is an attempt to explore and describe these mental laws. One thing, however, is quite certain: The study of mental laws is not yet taught in our schools anywhere in the world. But it soon will be. And when this happens, the study of mental laws will dramatically change life on Planet Earth. Using mental laws The other thing about the discovery of mental laws is that once we recognize their existence, we can start using them. The laws governing electricity had to be discovered before this power could be directed for the benefit of mankind. The same goes for mental laws. These laws must be recognized and understood before we can harness this power for the


benefit of all mankind. Once we do understand these laws, we will have access to what I call Mental Technology. Software for your hardware The application of mental laws is what I call Mental Technology. You can compare understanding and applying mental laws to having the right software for your hardware. As you know, it doesn't do you much good to just buy a fancy computer and put it on your desk. To make this high-tech piece of equipment work for you, you must have the right software. In other words, hardware without software is pretty useless. If we apply this analogy to you, we could say your hardware is your mind. Now everyone has a mind, but before you or anyone else can use your mind effectively and harness its power for your own and other people's benefit, you must have the right software. Understanding mental laws is this software. With this knowledge in hand, you will be able to run your mind. In other words, you will be in charge and you will be able to direct the power of your mind in any way you want. At present, not many people have the necessary software, i.e., the understanding of mental laws, which is required to make their hardware (their minds) work for them. So let's take a look at these mental laws so we can learn how to make them work for us.



- LAW NO 1: THE LAW OF CAUSE AND EFFECT Thought is the cause, events are the effect. Commentary Our thoughts are creating our reality and not vice versa. This is the most fundamental of all mental laws. This is the law that the Wise have forever proclaimed. Why is this so? Just as no scientist can explain why physical laws such as the law of gravity exist, so no one can explain why mental laws exist. All lawsboth mental and physicalhave been discovered by means of observation. In other words, by observing how phenomena behave. This holds true for both mental and physical laws. We learn of their existence by watching the ways in which the world around us manifests itself. Thus the Wise have discovered by observation that: Thought is the cause, events are the effect. Most people think the external world is an objective reality, which exists outside of and separate from them. As a result of this belief, many people think they are victims of external events and circumstances that are beyond their control. But this is not the case. So-called external events are an effect of a causeand that cause is thought. Remember when we examined physical laws, we found that it is impossible to have an effect without a cause. In other words, no event or phenomenon can occur without a cause. Thus for anything to exist in the physical world, it must come from somewhere. If you are unsure about this, you must ask yourself again and againwhere do things come from? Where does anything come from? What is the cause of anything


and of everythingyou see and experience? Everything and anything must come from somewhere. Everythingbe it a bridge, an argument, a song, a war, a housemust be the result of something. And this something is "thought". Thought is the first cause. Thought is the cause of all the events we experience in the world in which we live in. Please think this through carefully until you determine the truth of this law for yourself. All the greatest thinkers and teachers who have walked this Earth have taught the law of cause and effect. The sum total of all great metaphysical teaching says the very same thing: Thought is cause. Outer events and experiences are effect. This is the most important, most fundamental of all mental laws. We can also look at this from two points of viewfrom the point of view of the Absolute and from our own personal point of view. Lets start with the Absolute. The Absolute Contemplating the Absolute means contemplating the ONE Creative Force that is the First Cause of Everything that exists. When we do this, we discover that all we know about Reality is that It is Consciousness or awareness. So we can also call the Absolute, this Consciousness or awareness, the Universal Mind. When we discover that Reality is Consciousness or awareness, it follows logically that we ask ourselves what does Consciousness do? When we ask this question, we discover that one of the things that Consciousness or Mind can do is think. Thinking is a natural activity of Mind.


From this we can then deduce that since the ONE Creative Force or First Cause is Consciousness and that Consciousness thinks, we see that all of Creation must be thoughts in the ONE Universal Mind. Thus we arrive at the conclusion that our world and all the worlds and all the universes and everything we see must be thoughts in the ONE Universal Mind that is creating, animating and sustaining All of Creation. (In other words, the ONE Universal Mind creates by thinking.) This ONE is the Absolute Reality in which we live and move and have our being. This is the Grand Truth of which the Wise so often speak. And of course, our little thoughts, the thoughts in our individual minds or you could say the ways in which we are using the ONE Mind, cannot change or influence the Absolute Reality in which we live and move and have our being. The Personal But in terms of our personal experience of this Absolute Reality well thats a different story. Here again thought is the causative factor, but in terms of our individual lives, our thoughts are only determining our experience of this Greater Reality. Our thoughts cannot change the Absolute Reality. But, as we discover through observation, our thoughts outline, delineate or limit the ONE Absolute Reality and make It into our experience of Reality. So what we think is what we experience. In other words, in our personal lives we also find that thought is the cause. Here is an example of what I mean: Our experience of our bodies is caused or determined by our own personal thinking processes and personal thoughts. This is why our individual thoughts seem to influence or create our health and general welfare. Thus, negative, limiting thoughts as to our True Nature and the Life Force within us tend to limit


the expression of this Life Force in our experience while positive and constructive thoughts as to our True Nature and the Life Force within us tend to allow for the free expression of Life in our lives. But regardless of what we think, the Life Force does not change. The Life Force is still the Life Force. In other words, our thinking cannot influence the Absolute Nature of Reality, but our thinking can and does influence our experience of this Life Force and the Absolute Nature of Reality. Thus our thoughts are the cause of all our experiences. Thus our thoughts determine our personal realities. So we see that thought is the cause, external or outer events are the effect. This is the most important, most fundamental of all mental laws. If you understand this one law and realize its significance, this understanding will totally transform your life. Once you learn and understand this law, once you have tested this law and proven to yourself that it is true beyond a shadow of a doubt, you will have the Mental Technology you need to drastically and dramatically alter your life for the better. This law is the fundamental law of mind. All the laws that follow are further interpretations or aspects of this one fundamental and basic mental law and how they apply to your life.


- LAW NO 2: THE LAW OF FREE WILL You are the only thinker in your mind. Commentary Once you know and understand that thought is the "causative" factor, that thought is the reason or cause behind everything you experience, you will understand why it is so important to learn to think correctly. You are the only thinker in your mind, which means that no one else can think for you. This is the most wonderful discovery that anyone can ever make. It is the key to freedomthe high road. Your ability to choose what you are going to think about is what makes you a free individual. If you could not think for yourself, you would not be free. No one else can get into your mind and think for you. Think about this. People can use force on the outer plane to coerce other people to do or say many things. But no one can get into another person's mind and think for them. Once you understand this, you will never again be able to say you are thinking as you do because the government says you must, or because your husband says you must, or because your mother says you must. No matter what anyone else says you must say or do, you can still think whatever you choose to think. And this factthat no one else can think for youis the key to understanding the law of free will. Since you are the only thinker in your mind, only you can decide what you are going to focus your attention on. This choice of focus is your greatest privilege because it is your choice and your choice alone. No one else can make this choice for you. No matter what is happening around you, no matter what anyone says, you and you alone choose the focus of your attention.


You will understand the full significance of this law, the law of free will, when you combine it with the next law, the law of focus.


- LAW NO 3: THE LAW OF FOCUS Whatever you focus your attention on grows. Commentary Here again you have the Mental Technology to radically alter your circumstances, your past, your future and every aspect of your life. This law is another spectacular key to freedom because it says: Whatever you focus your attention on grows. This is a far-reaching discovery. Since attention is actually energy, it means that you energize whatever you focus your attention on. Your attention "brings to life" or creates out of the vast field of infinite energy or pure potentiality whatever experience you are focusing on. Another way of stating this law is: My problems don't bother me if I don't think about them. Or: I'm so busy feeling good that I don't have time to feel bad. On first glance, these two statements might sound ridiculous, but if you think about them, both contain vital truths about the way the mind works. You are your consciousness and nothing else. (Ask yourself: Do you exist if you are not conscious? Can you exist without consciousness?) If you understand that you are your consciousness, then it follows logically that you must be and experience whatever you are thinking about. This also means that if you never focus your attention on something, on a socalled problem for example, then the problem really doesn't exist for youno matter what anybody else says. This is a great key to success in every area of life because it means that no matter what your situation is, you can change it by changing the focus of your attention. Thus wise men and women understand how


crucial it is to take control of their minds and focus their attention on objects or experiences of their own choosinginstead of being tossed around or influenced by outer circumstances and other people's opinions. Examples: The choice is yours In every situation, you can choose what to focus on. Let's take some examples: - You have a pain in your shoulder. You can choose to focus on your shoulder or you can choose to focus on the rest of your body, the 99.9% of your body which feels perfectly healthy and which is functioning perfectly. Since what you focus on grows, by focusing on your health and strength, you energize your body and allow your immune system to heal whatever is not in alignment with the focus of your attention. - Your colleague is complaining about what he calls the "tough" assignment you both are working on. You can choose to agree with your colleague and focus your attention on how difficult the job is and moan and groan your way through every problem you meet, or you can choose to focus your attention on the opportunities and challenges the project presentsfor yourself, for your colleague, and for your company. Since whatever you focus on grows, your decision to focus your attention on the potential for growth instead of on the project's limitations will automatically re-orient the whole situation. - A close friend tells you that life on planet Earth is headed for disaster. Pollution, population growth and greed are getting out of control. She sees nothing ahead but gloom and doom. You can choose to agree with her and focus your attention on all the bad news you see on TV and read about in the newspapers, or you can choose to focus your attention on all the incredible breakthroughs mankind is making, on all the wonderful


opportunities the new technology is bringing us, and on all the things you are doing and can do as an individual to make planet Earth a better place to live. Again, since your focus will energize the things you focus on, your choice of focus is very important. Not just for yourself, but for the future of life on planet Earth. - You are going to a job interview for your dream job. Since you really want this job, you naturally feel that a lot is riding on this one interview. Now what do you choose to focus your attention on before the interview? Do you focus on how nervous you are, how important this interview is to you, how shy you feel about talking about your strengths, how difficult you find it to sell yourself, etc? Or do you decide to focus your attention on how qualified you are for the job and on how enthusiastic you feel about the job and the company? The focus of your attention before the interview not only energizes whatever you think about, it also determines to a large extent your behavior during the interview. In other words, whether you are relaxed and calm during the interview or nervous and tense. It will also determine how easy you find it to communicate during the interview. All of which will obviously affect the outcome of the interview, i.e., whether or not you get the job.


- LAW NO 4: THE LAW OF SPONSORING THOUGHTS Your sponsoring thoughts determine your reality. Commentary Your belief patterns determine your experience. The life you are living today is the result of your basic thoughts or opinions about this experience we call "Life". These basic thoughts or beliefs are your sponsoring thoughts, the thought patterns that define your relationship to everything that is happening in this experience we call "Life". By sponsoring thoughts I do not mean passing fancies, whims, or your changing ideas and opinions about this and that. No, I mean your most basic view or understanding of "Life". These are the ideas that underlie everything you think, say and do. You could also say these are your most basic ideas about the Nature of Reality. Each person, every individual human being, has his or her own unique spin or version of the Nature of Reality. This is why everyone, every single person, is also living in his or her own special world. At first this might sound strange to you; but once you have digested and understood the ideas in this book, you will understand why this is so. People have very different views of the Nature of Reality or of this experience we call "Life"and as a result they have very different life experiences. But whatever their life experiences are, they are the outward manifestation of their sponsoring thoughts. Remember the first mental law: Thought is the cause, events are the effect. Examples


To illustrate what I mean by sponsoring thought patterns or basic ideas about the Nature of Reality, here are some examples: - The Bug: This is the totally materialistic view of the Nature of Reality. People with this view of "Life" see the world as a solely material or physical phenomenon. "Life" or reality is what they can perceive with their physical senses and nothing more. There is no underlying cause behind this version of reality, it just appeared out of nowhere. Thus there is no order or reason for anything to happen. To people with this view, human life is the same as the life of an insect. There is no rhyme or reason for anything to happen and they often feel that life is totally haphazard. To them, all of life and all experience is just a matter of luck. Some people get squashed for no good reason while others are lucky and live long, happy "bug" lives. Who the lucky ones are is completely beyond the control of the bug. - The Sufferer: This is the dualistic view of "Life" or the Nature of Reality. People with this view of "Life" focus their attention on the dualistic nature of experience. Everywhere they look they see good and evil, darkness and light, love and hate, sickness and health, poverty and wealth, etc. In this view, there is much suffering in life as human beings swing back and forth between the pairs of opposites from which there is no escape. Often people with this view of the Nature of Reality believe that God has orchestrated this scenario. Some even believe that the difficulties they experience are punishment for sins they have committed. The Fetish Worshipper: This is another spin on the materialistic/dualistic views of "Life" described above. People with this type of sponsoring thought pattern believe their fate or destiny depends on outside forces, i.e., forces beyond their own control. These forces include concepts or ideas such as heredity, their horoscope (the position


of the stars and planets), their sex, their age, their nationality, or their education. Often people with this view then decide to look to other outside forces in an attempt to create balance and harmony in their lives. Thus fetish worshippers give away their power to a wide variety of forces such as other people and/or external objects or phenomena (which is why I call them fetish worshippers). These outside forces or people could be a doctor, a teacher, the leader of a sect, the position of the planets, crystals and stones, essential oils, pills, the choice of colors, the arrangement of houses and furniture (feng shui), a healer, a psychiatrist, a special diet, medical treatment, alternative treatments, etc. In other words, a fetish worshipper is a person who gives the responsibility for his or her destiny to any outside force, person, regimen, thing or arrangement. - The Mountain Climber: People with this view of "Life" or sponsoring thought pattern are basically success-oriented. Whether their orientation tends to be more materialistic or spiritual, they basically believe in their own personal power, worth and ability to succeed. This sponsoring thought pattern tends to support the view that Life is Good and that human beings have the ability to create a good life for themselves and their families. This type of sponsoring thought is usually at least some part of the belief pattern of most successful people in the world of business, sports, the arts and government. - The Believer: People with this view of "Life" usually believe there is some kind of order or meaning to Life. Often they believe in God or some kind higher power, which tends to include the assumption that human beings are part of an orderly evolution towards something higher and better. Many believers may believe in reincarnation as the Buddhists and Hindus do, which obviously changes one's whole perspective on this present life. In general, the belief in a higher power is a sponsoring


thought pattern that influences every aspect of a person's life and circumstances, including the way the person meets the great transition called death. According to your faith Obviously I have greatly exaggerated these scenarios to make my point. When you think the above through, you will discover that the beliefs or sponsoring thought patterns of most of the people you know are a combination of several scenarios. The point I am trying to make is that these basic belief patterns or sponsoring thoughts are what determine and define the life experience of the individual. You could say that life is a self-fulfilling prophecy. Or as our greatest teacher said when he walked this Earth: According to your faith be it done unto you. (... "as thou hast believed, so be it done unto thee." Matthew 8:13) Once you understand this and understand that the world you are living in is a result of and reflection of your own special sponsoring thoughts about "Life" or the Nature of Reality, you will have discovered another important key to improving your life, realizing your dreams, and bringing infinitely more Good into your life. Collective belief patterns The law of sponsoring thoughts also applies to the consciousness of groups and to the collective consciousness of humanity as a whole. By groups I mean family units, tribes, racial and religious groups, regions, states and nations. Groups share certain belief patterns or sponsoring thought patterns. In fact, that's what makes them a group. Their common beliefs are what bring them together and why they stick together. Since they share the same sponsoring thought patterns, they exhibit similar


behavior patterns and share similar "Life" experiences. Wars arise when whole groups share similar negative sponsoring thought patterns such as "My group (tribe, country) is superior to your group (tribe, country)."


- LAW NO 5: THE LAW OF INDIVIDUALIZATION You have nothing to deal with but your own thoughts. Commentary Each individual is a focal point in the infinite consciousness or energy field in which we all live. Each individual is a center of consciousness who is using the Infinite Mind in his or her own unique way. As we learned from the Law of Sponsoring Thoughts, each individual has his or her own unique, basic thought patterns concerning the nature of "Life" or the Nature of Reality. When you combine this understanding with what you learned in the first lawthat thought is the cause of everything we experienceyou will understand why each individual must also be living in his or her own unique world, in his or her own reality, based on his or her view of what reality is. In other words: Since thought is creative, whatever you think the world looks like, that's what the world looks like to you. I realize that this is quite a radical concept for most people, but it is true nevertheless. The world you live in is the result of your sponsoring thoughts about Life or the Nature of Reality. (This is a radical departure from what most of us learned in school. Most of us were taught that there is an objective material world which exists outside of us and which is common to all. Science however has already disproved this.) Quantum physics has demonstrated that we all live in and are a part of one massive field of energy. Each individual is simply a focal point of consciousness within this field. Quantum physics also teaches us that all phenomena, be it living beings or so-called inanimate objects, are made


up of the same energy. In other words, everythingyou, me, our houses, our computers, our cars, the food we eateverything, can be broken down into the same basic units or components called atoms. These atoms can be broken down even further into sub-atomic particles, which can be broken down into waves of energy. At this level of perception, all of creation is one vast field of energy. One vast unified whole. What we experience as Life is what "pops" out of this field because of the focus of our attention. The field itself, this vast field of energy, contains all of experience since it is all there is. Thus it is the nature of our attention, which determines the nature of our experience. This is why you have nothing to deal with but your own thoughts. Everything you experience is a result of your own sponsoring thoughts and the focus of your attention. Everything you experience in this world is the result of your focus and understanding of the vast field of energy in which we all live and move and have our being. Understanding this law is another extremely important aspect of Mental Technology because with understanding comes freedom. One of the messages here is: If you don't like the world you are living in, you can change that world by changing your thoughts.


LAW NO 6: THE LAW OF CREATION Since you are thinking most of the time, you are creating most of the time. Commentary When we know that thought is the cause, that thought is creating our reality, we begin to realize how important it is to examine our thinking processes. One of the first things we discover is that we are probably thinking most of the time. And not only are we thinking most of the time, most of us are not in control of what we are thinking. Our thinking is like a runaway trainit's haphazard and random, mostly controlled by the input we are getting from our surroundings. For example, what other people are saying or doing, what's on TV, what's on the radio, what we're reading in the newspapers, etc. It is very rare to meet someone who is consciously choosing what they are thinking about. Since most people are not in control of their minds, we can deduce that most people are not in control of their lives either. This means they are probably experiencing a reality they did not consciously choose and living a life, which may be far from the life they desire. But who's to blame? Since it's their own haphazard thinking that is creating their lives, they are to blame! This lack of mental control explains why so many people feel victimized, i.e., feel they have no control over their lives. Because it is true, they have no control over their lives. Now that you are starting to understand mental laws, it's easy to understand why. You must control your thinking in order to control what you are manifesting in your life. Because all thought is


creative. Law is impersonal But remember mental laws are impersonal, just like physical laws. This means that even if you are a totally nice person, a really good, decent person, if your thoughts are negative or limiting, the results (which is your life) will also be negative or limiting. Mental technology teaches us that the law is always in operation. So whether you are aware of it or not, your thinking is always creating something. Because it must... because thought is creative. Remember you are dealing with a natural force like electricity. In the case of electricity, this means no matter how nice a person you are, if you stick your finger into an open socket, you'll get a shock. This is because electrical current is an impersonal force of nature; it doesn't care who you are or how nice you are. If you touch a live wire, you get an electric shock because that's the law. Mental laws are the same as physical laws; they too are impersonal and always in operation. This is why no matter how good a person you are, if your thinking is haphazard, this haphazard thinking will create haphazard circumstances. This impersonal phenomenon explains why so many good, decent people believe they are victims of unpredictable outer circumstances. Unfortunately, they are unaware of the way the mind works. If they understood how their minds work, they would know that it's not outer circumstances that are victimizing them, it's their own thinking! So once again we can see the importance of understanding mental technology and mental laws. When you discover how difficult it is to stop thinking, when you realize that you are thinking most of the time, you will see why your most important taskand mankind's most important task is to take control of the thinking process.


Experiment: Stop thinking If you don't believe me when I say you probably can't stop thinking even if you want to, try this experiment. Stop thinking for five minutes. This is what to do: Dedicate five minutes to this experiment. Now sit quietly in a chair and make up your mind that you are going to stop thinking for the next five minutes. Start by just relaxing and focusing on your breathing. Just watch yourself as you breathe in and out. Now see if you can do this for five minutes without thinking about anything. Most people don't get beyond one or two breaths before they discover that they are thinking about what their boss said at work today, what the hero did in the action movie they saw last night, what they forgot to buy at the supermarket this morning, where they're going on vacation this summer, what their sweetheart said to them in bed last night and so on. If nothing else, this simple exercise will quickly convince you of the power of your mind and of the thinking process. It should also convince you of the validity of the statement: You are thinking most of the time. Unless you have been practicing meditation (letting the mind settle) for a very long time, you will probably discover that you cannot stop this inner dialog no matter how hard you try. In short, this experiment will show you how much (or how little) control you have over your own mind.


- LAW NO 7: THE LAW OF EMOTION You can't have an emotion without having a thought first. Commentary This important law says: Thought precedes emotion. At this dramatic time in human history, violent emotions dominate human behavior, causing disharmony in people's personal livesand war and strife around the globe. Unfortunately, most people are driven by their emotions. They experience an emotion and act accordingly. They are as yet unaware that they can use their minds to choose and control their emotions. Instead they are victims of their own emotions because they do not understand the mechanism or the mental technology behind emotions. Mental technology teaches us the true relationship between thought and emotionand this is thought precedes emotions. This means you cannot have an emotion without first having a thought. Please consider this carefully. When you understand this law, you will see that you cannot be angry without having an angry thought first. And that you cannot be sad without having a sad thought first. Nor can you feel loving and kind without having loving and kind thoughts first. For most people, this realization is a true revelation. Since most people are driven by their emotions, recognizing and understanding this law and how this mechanism worksboth in themselves and in other peoplerequires a great expansion of consciousness and self-awareness. Experiment: Witnessing


Let's try experimenting with the mind-emotion-body connection. To experience the connection, I suggest you sit quietly by yourself for a few moments and try the following. It will only take a minute or two. Begin by closing your eyes and breathing deeply. - The Lemon: Start by envisioning that you are eating a lemon. What happens when you do this? Just the thought of putting a sour lemon into your mouth immediately triggers a physical reaction in your body. Your mouth contracts and you start to salivate. All this happens despite the fact that there is no lemon. Just the thought of a lemon is enough to trigger this concrete physical reaction in your body. - The Scoundrel: Now take this exercise one step further and think of someone who you feel has wronged you terribly. Rehearse for a moment all the wrongs you feel this person has committed against you. What emotions do you feel? What physical symptoms do these thoughts trigger? Increased heart beat? A feeling of heat? Anger? Hatred? Rage? A feeling of tension? A feeling that your whole body is contracting? Observe yourselfyour emotions and your bodyas you entertain these thoughts. - The Angel: Now think of someone who you know loves you dearly. Someone who has always understood you and supported you. Someone who truly sees all your good sides. What do you feel now? What emotions do these thoughts trigger? And what physical symptoms do these emotions trigger? Do you suddenly feel much calmer? Do you experience a feeling of expansion in your chestand release in your whole body? Do you feel comfortable, happy and relaxed? Now you can see that just by entertaining three very different thoughts, you were able to trigger and experience three very different emotional and physical states. Continue to observe your own and other people's


behavior until you understand the true relationship between mindemotion-body. Order of phenomena The chain of command or order in which phenomena occur is always thought firstthen the emotional reactionand then the physical reaction. This explains why highly sensitive individuals and clairvoyants are able to predict future physical ailmentsbecause they can "see" emotional imbalance before the physical imbalance or disease manifests. In short, emotional imbalance always precedes physical symptoms. And now that we know that thought is the causative factor behind emotions, we have an important clue in healing disease. (Modern psychology, of course, is based on this premise.) By thought I don't necessarily mean specific thoughts. I don't mean to say that a person gets sick because he or she is thinking I am going to get sick. Obviously no one does that. Rather I mean that the individual's sponsoring thoughts or basic thought patterns are disharmonious, which results first in emotional distress and perhaps later in physical symptoms. Essential for peace The law of emotion is another crucial piece of mental technology for mankind. It is one of the most essential keys for creating peace in our relationshipsand peace on Earth. So ponder this law and remember the first law of cause and effect. Then ponder the second law of free will. A deep understanding of these laws will make you understand that you can use your mind to control your emotions. This is the next step in the evolution of humanity. This is what all the masters mean when they talk about self-mastery. Taking control of


the emotions. This is the key to creating peace on Earth. So despite what many people say, we don't need more emotion, we need more clear thinking.


- LAW NO 8: THE LAW OF SUBSTITUTION You can only change your thinking by replacing old thought patterns with new ones. Commentary As we ascertained above, you are almost always thinking. We also ascertained that you cannot stop thinking just by willing to do so. Something more is required, such as meditation or other effective techniques for quieting the mind. Now that we know that you are thinking most of the time, we can deduce that you must also be thinking about something most of the time. In other words, it's the nature of the mind to be thinking about something. It's also the nature of the mind to think in fixed, habitual thought patterns. If you begin observing your thought patterns you will discover that certain types of events usually trigger certain thought patterns in you. And once your mind starts moving in a specific direction, it just seems to continue in that direction until something else pops up and gets your attention. This is why it is so difficult to tell yourself to stop thinking negatively. First of all we know that you just can't tell yourself to stop thinking. Your mind doesn't work like that. And secondly we know that the mind most often moves in familiar patterns and that negative thinking is just a poor mental habit, usually learned during childhood. The solution So what's the solution? Here's where the principle of substitution can help. If you tell yourself to


stop thinking about something, what you're really doing is focusing your attention on the matter, which means you're thinking about it even more. So it won't help to say to yourself I must stop thinking negatively about something. But if you use your free will and switch your thoughts to something else, to something completely different, you can replace the negative thought with another thought, for example with a positive thought. Here's an example: If I tell you to stop thinking about the Eiffel Tower in Paris, what is the first thing you do? You think of the Eiffel Tower, which is exactly what you don't want to do. But if I say think about strawberry ice cream, well then you're not thinking about the Eiffel Tower any more, are you? Now you're thinking about strawberry ice cream. In other words, you were suddenly able to direct the movement of your mind by replacing one thought with another thought. Thus this law tells you that the scientific way to deal with any negative condition is to build the opposite condition into your consciousness by substituting one thought pattern with another. This is a very important tool when it comes to taking control of your mind. If you understand this mechanism, you have the key to mastering your mind and changing your thought patterns, no matter how negative they may be at the present moment.


- LAW NO 9: THE LAW OF MENTAL EQUIVALENTS Like attracts like. Commentary A great deal of modern mental training is based on the law of mental equivalents. This law explains that we must have the subconscious mental equivalent of whatever "Good" we wish to experience on the outer, external plane. In other words, you cannot experience prosperity until you have a prosperity consciousness. Prosperity consciousness comes before the money in the bank. By the same token, you cannot experience health until you have a health consciousness. You cannot experience love until you have a love consciousness and so forth. This law tells us that all our outer experiences are equivalent to our inner states of mind or consciousness. Often we are unaware of the deepest thought patterns in our subconscious minds. These thought patterns are either our sponsoring thoughts (see the Law of Sponsoring Thoughts) or thoughts that are closely related to or arise from our sponsoring thoughts. Another way of stating this law is: Like attracts like. If you will begin to observe people around you, you will discover that angry people generally have many experiences to be angry about. That the truly kind and loving meet evidence of this loving kindness wherever they go. And that the man or woman with a prosperity consciousness is prosperous, that people with a health consciousness are healthy, and so on. Mental techniques


Mental techniques such as affirmations and visualization exercises are based on this law. Both techniques aim to reprogram the subconscious mind and help people develop new mental patterns and new mental equivalents by feeding the subconscious mind with new sponsoring thoughts. By means of constant repetition, the subconscious mind eventually accepts the new thought patterns. When this happens, events and experiences in the outer world must change and align with the new thought patterns. In other words, the equivalent to the new mental patterns will manifest. (For an in depth explanation of affirmations and visualization techniques, see my book The Road to Power / Fast Food for the Soul.) The prayer of gratitude is probably the strongest type of mental affirmation. By giving thanks, you demonstrate that you have the mental equivalent of the so-called "thing" which is as yet unseen (unmanifest). This attitude of gratitude also demonstrates a clear understanding of the next law.


- LAW NO 10: THE LAW OF MANIFESTATION Thoughts are things. Commentary This law takes our understanding of phenomena a giant step forward and teaches us that there is no difference between cause and effect. Cause and effect are in fact one and the same. At first this might be difficult to understand, but if you remove the time factor, you will understand why this is true. Without time, which is the process in all things, you will see that cause and effect are identical. And a little more thought will reveal to you that they must be identical! Nothing else is possible. Which is why we now see that thoughts are things. This is the law of manifestation. This law also tells us that since thoughts are things, the reverse must also be true; in other words, things must also be thoughts. This means you can discover the nature of the cause by considering the effect, since they are one and the same. This principle is demonstrated by the physical laws we discussed at the beginning of this book. Radish seeds always produce radishes. They never produce strawberries. The whole radish plant is inherent in the seed. The only difference between the seed and the fully grown plant is the time factor. From this law we can deduce the full significance of mental technology and right thinking. Because it tells us that if our thoughts are harmonious and good, the result or manifestation will likewise also be harmonious and good. Which leads us to the practical application of mental technology. The mechanics of creation


How does it happen? What are the mechanics of creation? How does the unmanifest become the manifest? Einstein's theory of relativity (E=MC2) demonstrates that energy and mass are identical and interchangeable. The very wise tell us that thought is the mechanism of creationthe bridge between energy and mass, between the unmanifest and the manifest. Now what in fact is thought? Thought is intention and attention. Thought organizes energy and information. In other words, thought organizes the field of infinite energy, whichwithout thoughtis just unlimited potential. You could say that thought does not put anything into the field; rather it takes something out of the fieldby limiting and defining the field. Without thought, this field is simply pure potentiality. It is thoughtor intention and attentionthat organizes and makes manifest creation pop out of the unmanifest (the field of infinite energy). Thus the sequence: First thought. The contemplation of the Infinite Mind. Second the Word. Sound, speech, vibration. The thought expressed. Every thought has a sound or vibration. The sound and vibration of thought is the technology of manifestation. Manifestation. Differentiation is due to the vibrational frequency. Every being, thing, creation, dimension has its own unique vibrational frequency. As the Infinite Mind contemplates and uses sound to create in the universal, so man thinks and uses speech and vibrational frequencies to rule his own world. Whether conscious or unconscious, this process is always going on.






HOW TO USE THE POWER OF MIND Knowledge of Mental Technologyknowing and understanding the mental laws and principles described in the first part of this bookis only the first step in becoming a free individual and master of your fate. The next step is learning to apply and use this mental technology in your daily life. Until you are able to use these laws in a positive and constructive manner, you are still in bondage to them. In other words, you are still a victim of their activity or operation in your life. But as I said before, you must recognize and understand a law in order to begin using it. Then with understanding, you can begin to direct the movement of your own thoughts so that you are working in harmony with these laws to achieve the results you desire. When this happens, the very laws or principles which previously seemed to keep you in bondage and limit your happinesswithout your understanding whyare suddenly your key to freedom. Because now you know the way your mind works. This next section of this book is designed to give you practical techniques for putting mental technology to work in your life. To simplify matters, I have divided this section into 4 parts: Step 1: Identifying your sponsoring thoughts and mental patterns Step 2: Aligning your sponsoring thoughts with the Nature of Reality Step 3: Mental treatment Summary


Step 1: Identifying your sponsoring thoughts and mental patterns You are probably reading this book because you know deep in your heart that life could and should be better. Your own lifeand the life of everyone on Planet Earth. And this, regardless of how good your life already is. You know it can be better still. This is something we all know each and every one of us. Now you also know that the laws that I call Mental Technology can help youand everyone elsecreate this Good life for ourselves and for the world, our home. To begin your crash program to change your life, it is usually a good idea to take a step back and identify your present sponsoring thought patterns. Ask yourself To do this, try asking yourself the following questions: - Up until now, what has your view of the Nature of Reality been? In other words, what are your sponsoring thoughts about life? - Can you see the link between this view of the Nature of Reality and the life you have been living up until now? - What is your vision of your own personal future? Do you see a bright future, with health, success, love, and abundance for yourself? Or do you see difficulties, lack of financial supply, and poor health for yourself in the future? And on what do you base these predictions? - What is your vision of the future for Planet Earth? Do you see a bright,


prosperous future for all of humanity, with health and brotherly love for all? Or do you envision war, pollution, disease and destruction? And on what do you base these predictions? These are of course just general questions to stimulate you to consider your sponsoring thought patterns. As you begin to work with discovering and changing your thought patterns, you will discover that most of your mental behavior is habit-based. There are many effective techniques available today which you can use to witness and identify your mental patterns. Once you have discovered your own patterns, there are many good methods such as affirmations and creative visualization exercises, which you can use to develop new mental habits and reprogram your subconscious mind. I have described these techniques in detail in my book The Road to Power / Fast Food for the Soul. The 7-day mental diet The 7-day mental diet is an excellent technique for uncovering and witnessing your mental patterns. It's a very simple exercise, but it is far more difficultand revealingthan most people expect. Here's what to do: For seven days, you may not indulge in any type of negative thinking! In other words, you are going on a "mental" diet, which means you are going to cut out all types of negative thinking. Now what does negative thinking mean? Negative thinking means any thoughts that are negative, critical, pessimistic, unkind or sad. When you are on the diet, you must definitely cut out any thoughts that fall under this category for seven days. Your first reaction will probably be that this is impossible and you'd have to live in a vacuum to do it. But this is not the case. The whole point of the


mental diet is that even though you cannot control the input you receive from the world around you, you can control what you choose to think about. In other words, even though you cannot control what other people say to youor the thoughts that just pop into your head during the course of a day, you can control what you decide to dwell on. Remember Law No. 2: You are the only thinker in your mind. So you and you aloneare the one who decides what you are going to think about. Are you making use of this prerogative? If you are, the mental diet will be easy for you because you are already in charge. When you're on the mental diet, whenever a negative thought enters you mind, you turn it out immediately. As long as you turn out negative thoughts immediately and switch your thinking to something positive and constructive, you are still on the mental diet. You only fall off the diet, so to speak, if you begin to dwell on one of the negative thoughts that enter your head. As to what negative thinking is, a negative thought is any thought which is critical (of yourself or others), any thought which is fearful, sad, depressing, destructive, harmful, unkind, angry. You will not be in doubt when a negative thought occurs to you. But again, the key to the diet is to turn out the negative thought the moment you become aware of it and replace it with a kind, positive and constructive thought. (See Law No. 8: The Law of Substitution for an explanation of this mechanism). Now you can understand why this exercise is so revealing and such an excellent way to uncover your habitual thinking patterns. Meditation Meditation is also an excellent tool when it comes to witnessing the functioning of your mindand for exploring the nature of consciousness. As I explained earlier in this book in the sectionExperiment: Stop


Thinkingthe mind is far more powerful than most of us realize. There are many excellent meditation techniques, designed for different purposes. When it comes to witnessing the way your minds works, the basic technique of just sitting quietly in a comfortable position and observing your breathing is a good place to start. When you sit quietly and focus on your breathing, you will begin to witness your mind. You will begin to see that there is a difference between youthe observerand your thoughts. Your thoughts come and go. Your thoughts change all the time. But youthe witness, the observerare there all the time. You are there whether your thoughts are happy or sad. You are there whether your thoughts are about the weather, your love life, your bank account or your broken washing machine. Youconsciousness itselfare there all the time. This is a very important discovery because when you realize that you are the conscious observerand not the thoughts themselvesyou will understand why you have the power to change your thoughts. For more about meditation and examples of easy and effective techniques, please see my guidebook to user-friendly meditation Gateway to Grace or my book The Spiritual Pathway.


STEP 2: Aligning your sponsoring thoughts with the Nature of Reality As long as mental technology is used for selfish ends or to manipulate other people and situations, the results will be disappointment and failure. This is because the universe is foolproof. Although the Nature of Reality is Good, as we shall see in a moment, everything in the universe operates according to impersonal Law. This is just another way of saying that as far as we are concerned, life is governed by the law of cause and effect. This means that when the focus of the individual is limited, the results will also be limited. The mental laws discussed in Part One of this book explain why this is so. True success and freedom arise when an understanding of these mental laws is combined with the alignment of one's consciousness with the Nature of Reality, which is synonymous with the Highest Good. When this happens, all of creation works in and through you to achieve the desired Good. Why is this so and what do I mean by the Nature of Reality? The Nature of Reality All the most advanced thinkers and spiritual leaders throughout the history of our planet have agreed that there is one Force, Power, Deity or Supreme Being behind all of creation. This Supreme Being is often called God, the Creator, our Heavenly Father, the Almighty, Allah, Brahman and various other names; but whatever people choose to call this Force or Power, it is the Cause back of all creation.


To simplify matters, let us call the animating Force behind all of creation the "ONE". Now since this ONE created all there is, we can deduce that this ONE must also be all there is. In other words, this ONE must be all of existenceor Life itself. And since nothing else exists but this ONE, this ONE must therefore also be all of itall of creation. From this we can conclude that since this ONE is the only Life there is, it must be everywhere, and in everything. So this ONE, which many people call God, Our Father, is the animating Force behind all of creation. In other words, this ONE is the First Cause, i.e., the Cause and Originator of all creation. Further back than this we cannot go. The ONE Now since this ONE is the First Cause and Originator and all there is, it means there is no opposing force. There is nothing in existence but this ONE. This is an extremely important point to understandand all further realization is based on understanding this concept. So I repeat: Since there is only ONE First Cause and Originator, only ONE Life and ONE animating force or God, it means there is no opposing force. If there were an opposing force, it would mean that there are two forces. This idea of ONE is also confirmed by quantum physics and the theory of the unified field. According to the latest scientific research, all of manifest creation is one vast field of energy. Physicists say that the atoms that make up you, me and everything else in our world are all identical and interchangeable. And that these identical and interchangeable atoms are made up of the same identical and interchangeable sub-atomic particles which all can be broken down into waves of energy. These waves of energy are what form the one interconnected unified field that


gives rise to all of creation. So let us explore some of the characteristics of this ONE unified field of energy that we call the ONE Life or God. All-powerful: If the ONE is all there is, then this ONE Life must be allpowerful. In other words, when there is only ONE, there is no opposing force. So there is nothing to resist the ONE. All-present: Since the ONE Life is all there is, it must everywhere or allpresent. In other words, it must be fully present throughout all of creation. Ergo, it must also be the same ONE Life that is animating all of creation, including you, me and everyone and everything else. All-knowing: Since the ONE is all there is, it must also be Infinite Mind or intelligence since it conceived of, created, and contains all of creation. There can be no intelligence which it does not contain since it is all of it. Thus, nothing you, I or anyone else can conceive of can be inconceivable for the ONE since we are all living, moving, thinking and breathing within this ONE Life. Peace and harmony: Another characteristic of ONE must be harmony. This is because when you have only ONE, there is no opposing or conflicting force. This means there is no discord. So ONE is another word for peace and harmony. Love: Peace and harmonyor lack of conflictis also another way of describing Love, the harmonizing factor. (We all know that fear is the opposite of Love. It is interesting to note that the Sanskrit word for fear is two.) Infinite: Science tells us that the unified field or the ONE is infinite. Infinite means without beginning or end, so the ONE Life must go on unto infinity. Abundance: Since the field is all there is, all of creation is contained


within it. All of creation is another word for the infinite abundance that manifests everything out of itself, the unified field. Indestructible: Another characteristic of ONE is that it is indestructible. Not only does it go on forever, since there is no opposing force, nothing can harm or destroy this field. Eternal: Since the unified field or ONE Life is indestructible, it must also be eternal. Immortal: Eternal is another way of saying immortal. In other words, the ONE is eternal life, which means it never dies. Principle: Since ONE is eternal and immortal, we can see that the ONE must be principle or law. Because as we ascertained at the beginning of this book, a law or principle is something that is always true, something that never changes. And since this ONE is eternal and immortal, it never changes. Thus ONE is unchanging law or principle. Perfect Good: From all this we can deduce that since this ONE Life is all that exists, that not only is it principle, but it must be the unchanging Principle of Perfect Good. Why Good? Well what is your definition of Good? What is Good? Your definition, your highest definition of Good, is the same as everyone else's highest definition of Good. Good is unlimited Life, unlimited Love, unlimited Peace and Harmony, unlimited Abundance. And, as we have just seen, all of these definitions of Good are the characteristics of the ONEof the one unified field. Therefore we know that the ONE is the unchanging Principle of Perfect Good. Your argument is your cure Now these are just some ideassome arguments you can usewhen you consider the Nature of Reality. This type of thinking is vitally important when it comes to using mental technology to transform your life as I said


at the beginning of this section. Now why is that so? Firstly, because as the law tells us, all thought is creative and your sponsoring thoughts are creating your reality. Secondly, because when your sponsoring thoughts are in alignment with the Nature of Reality, there is nothing in you to deny the greater Good. In other words, you are no longer thinking limiting thoughts, which then manifest as limitation (disease, disharmony, lack) in your life. And thirdly, when you align your thoughts with the Nature of Reality, you are aligning yourself with the all-powerful ONE, which we now know is unlimited intelligence, unlimited Life, unlimited Love, unlimited peace, unlimited harmony, unlimited abundance, in shortunlimited Good. When you align yourself with the all-powerful ONE, you are really allowing the full power of the ONE that is animating all of creation to operate fully and freely in and through you. This operation automatically harmonizes every situation and thus solves any problem, difficulty or challenge you think you are facing. This alignment of your focus with the Nature of Reality operates as the law of elimination in your Life because it eliminates anything that is unlike itself. (This is another way of expressing the Law of Mental Equivalents).


Step 3: Mental treatment Now that we have explored the Nature of Reality, how do we apply this information to our lives? How do we use it in practice, on a daily basis? Mental treatment is a specific form of mental technology that you can use to align yourself with the Nature of Reality. This is because mental treatment is a specific, directed movement of mindof your mindin which you argue with yourself until all your thoughts are in alignment with the Nature of Reality. In other words, you think or talk to yourself until you have eliminated everything in your consciousness, which is not in alignment with the Nature of Reality. And everything, which is not in alignment with the Nature of Reality must be a form of limitation thinking since the Nature of Reality is the unchanging Principle of Perfect Good. As we now know from our study of mental laws, limitation thinking must be the cause of all manifestation that is less than perfect Good. We know this is true because we now know that thought is the cause of all manifestation. Thus whatever you experience in your life that is less than perfectfor example sickness, disharmony, or lack of prosperitymust be the result of a cause. And that cause can be no other than thoughts that are incorrect, i.e., thoughts that are not in alignment with the Nature of Reality. From the universal to the specific The other important thing mental treatment does is to move your thought from a contemplation of the characteristics of the universal ONE Life to


your specific, individual life. When giving a mental treatment, you explain to yourself, step by step that whatever is true of the wholeof the ONE universal Lifemust also be true of you, since you live and breathe and move and have your being within this ONE Life. In other words, during a mental treatment, you are going to convince yourself that everything that is true of the ONE must be true of you. When you have succeeded in establishing this factthat everything that is true of the ONE Life is also true of you and your life, your treatment is complete and your problem will be solved. How to begin A mental treatment can be used to treat any type of specific problem such as a health problem, a financial problem, or a relationship problem. A mental treatment can also be used for the general improvement of one's welfare or life conditionsor to promote spiritual growth and a rise in consciousness. Here's what to do: First decide what you want to treat for. For example, for better health. Once you have decided what you want to treat for, forget all about what you are treating for. Then begin by sitting in a comfortable position and relaxing. Just breathe deeply and relax. Let all the tension in your body go. Some people like to meditate for a few minutes before beginning their treatment, to relax and collect themselves. The basic breath meditation is excellent for this purposeor you can use any other basic meditation technique that appeals to you. Once you feel relaxed and centered, you can begin your treatment by saying, "This treatment is for me. Everything that I think and say is true about me. The real me."


Then begin thinking about the Nature of Reality as described above or as follows: You can begin, for example, by thinking that there is only ONE, ONE Life, one Existence, one Presence. And that this ONE Life or Presence is all there is, therefore this ONE Life is omnipresent, omnipotent, and omniscient. If you'd rather call this ONE Life, God, then of course do so. Continue to dwell on the concept of the ONE. Say to yourself, the ONE or God is all there is. God is the One Power and One Presence. This means that the ONE is in all and through all. When you have established in your mind that the ONE or God is the One and only Power and Presence and that this ONE Life or God is in all and through all, you can begin to dwell on some of the different aspects of the ONE. These aspects include Life, Truth, Love, Intelligence, Soul, Spirit and Principle. Here are some key trigger words you can use to align your thinking with the Nature of Reality. Aspects of the ONE Life: Life is existence. Life is all there is. There is only ONE Life and that Life is everywhere, in everything. This ONE Life or God is the animating Force behind the entire manifest creation. This ONE Life is the First Causethe cause of all creation. And since this Life is all there is, it means there is no opposing Force. In other words, there is nothing else in existence besides this ONE Life. This means that the ONE Life must be all-powerful and all-present. Then connect this ONE Life to your own individual life. For example you can say that this Life is the very same Life that created you and that is animating you right now. The very same Life that is animating every aspect of your being. Focus your attention on images which bring to mind


a feeling of the true power and strength of this ONE omnipresent, omnipotent Life. Remind yourself that this is the same ONE Life, with all its incredible and infinite strength and vitality, which is animating you. This ONE Life is the very essence of your being. This is what your are. This is your true nature. Whatever is true of this ONE Life, must also be true of you since this ONE Life created you and is animating you. Truth: Truth is what is. Truth is that which never changes. So the ONE Life or existence must be the Truth because the ONE Life is all there is. In fact, Life or existence is the only thing we know for sure. We know that Life is because we exist. In other words, you know that Life is because you exist. You could say that you are proof of your own existence. So this must be Truth. Ergo you are Truth. Love: The ONE animating Force of the Universe and of the entire manifest creation has created Life and given us everything. All of Life. And this ONE Life or God is sustaining and supporting all of creation including all of us. This means you and me. This must be Love. We could say that Love is the givingness of the ONE Life of itself to itself. Other words we can use to describe the givingness of Life are support, defense, protection and careall of which equal Love. And since all human beings are a part of this closed loop called Life, this Love must be the very essence of our natureand your nature too. Intelligence: The dazzling, incomprehensible dance of creation is beyond our wildest fantasy or dream. The vastness of space with its myriad galaxies, the intricacies of our own bodies, the breathtaking web of all Life that extends from dimension to dimensionall of this we sense and apprehend as the Greater Life of which we all are a part. All of this, all of this vast creation is existing within the mind of the ONE, which is also coordinating and organizing this incredible dance of creation with


effortless ease. This demonstrates and is proof of the all-knowing intelligence of the ONE Life. Next consider that this is the very same intelligence that has created and is now animating you. And since you also know that cause and effect are equal and identical, you can deduce that this intelligence is also your intelligence. Soul: The soul of man is a spark of God, of the ONE Life. God or the ONE Life has individualized itself in each one of us. And as every drop of water in the ocean carries with it the essence of the ocean, so the ONE Life is individualized but undivided in each of us. This means that all of God or the ONE Life is in every bit of its creation. This means that all of this ONE animating Life force is in each one of us. Each one of us has full access to all of God. It also means that everything that is true about God or the ONE Life is true about you. (A very good thing to meditate upon.) Spirit: Spirit is another word for the ONE Life force that animates all of creation. And since we know that creation has no beginning or end, the Spirit that animates all of creation also has no beginning or end. This means that Spirit is eternal and immortal. This Spirit is the same Spirit that is animating you. So you must partake of the nature of Spirit, in other words, you too must be eternal and immortal. In this connection ask yourself: Can you remember a time when you did not exist? Can you remember a time before you were born? Principle: Since principle or law is something which does not change, the ONE Life or God which is eternal and immortal, must be unchanging principle or law. And since ONE Life is all that exists, we can deduce that this ONE Life or God is the unchanging Principle of Perfect Good because there is no opposing force. When there is no opposing force, there is no conflict or disharmony. There is only Love, Peace and


Harmony. Thus we deduce that the ONE Life is another word for Love, Peace and Harmony, which are all synonymous with the word Good. Thus we can say that the ONE or God is the unchanging Principle of Perfect Good. Conclude the first part of your mental treatment by linking this realization to yourself. Say, for example, that since you know that this Principle of Perfect Good is the Force that is animating you, you know that you reflect all the characteristics of this Force and must therefore also be Perfect Good. These are just some suggestions for ways in which you can think about the ONE Life or the Nature of Reality. After you familiarize yourself with this type of mental treatment, you will discover more and more ways to think about the Nature of Reality. Building mental equivalents A mental treatment like the one we are in the process of describing is really an argument that is designed to expand your ability to understand and realize Good. In fact, all mental treatment is the continual mental expansion of your ability to think bigger and better thoughts. And since the Nature of Reality is unlimited Good, this means there is no limit to the Good you can conceive ofand then manifest and experience. But as we learned in our study of mental laws, you must conceive of (think about) and realize this Good first, before it can manifest in your life. This is the Law of Mental Equivalents. In other words, you must have the mental equivalent of Good before you can experience it. So you could say that all mental treatment is the process of building these mental equivalents into your consciousness.


But let us continue with our treatment... Speak the Word When you have aligned yourself with these thoughts and feel you are experiencing this Presence or Power, which we call the ONE Life or Godand you feel and realize how this ONE is animating you, you can Speak the Word for the problem you decided to treat for at the beginning of your treatment. If you are treating for better health, you can say as you did at the beginning of your treatment: "This treatment is for me." Then say: "The words that I speak are the Truth about me. There is only ONE Life or Presence, which is animating all of creationand this ONE Life is the same ONE Life that is animating me. Therefore, everything that is true of this ONE Life must also be true of me. In other words, all the strength, all the power, all the vitality of this ONE Life is also in me. And since this ONE Life is all that exists, there is nothing to oppose this force. Therefore there can be no disharmony or disease in me." Continue this train of thought until you get the realization that everything you described in general about the ONE Life is also true of you. That you have all the characteristics of this ONE Life. When you feel satisfied that this is the case, you will realize that since perfect health is the nature of the ONE Life, perfect health is your true nature too. Then end your treatment for better health by giving thanks for Perfect Health because you know the ONE Life is now working in and through you to manifest Perfect Health. Then just relax for a moment or two, and then go about your day. During the course of your day, do not let any thoughts enter you mind that contradict your treatment. Repeat your treatment once or twice a day until


you manifest in the "outer" what you have already experienced in the "inner". Treating for others You can treat for other people in just the same way as you treat for yourself. You can treat for someone who is presentor for someone who is far away. Distance makes no difference. When you are treating for someone else, begin by saying: This treatment is for John. If the treatment is for Perfect Health you then say: This treatment is for John's Perfect Health. The words that I speak are the Truth about John. Then continue as described above. Treating in groups You can also treat with a group of peoplefor yourself or for other peoplefor specific problems or to promote qualities such as Love, Peace, Health, Prosperity. When treating in a group, it is a good idea to have a leader who can lead the group's thoughts. The leader speaks aloud about the Nature of Reality as described above. The group can either listen in silence or repeat after the leader. When the leader feels confident that enough has been said about the Nature of Reality and that everyone's thoughts are now in alignment with the ONE Life, he or she then leads the group to Speak the Word for whatever the group is treating for. (For a detailed example of a group treatment, see The Power of Mental Treatment in my book The Road to Power 2/ More Fast Food for the Soul.) Examples of other treatments No matter what the specific problem is that you decide to treat for, you


may follow the general procedure described in the sample treatment above. This general procedure can be used because a treatment is a movement of mind from the universal to the specific. So no matter what you are treating for, you should start by contemplating the Nature of Reality in general. When you have contemplated the various general aspects of the ONE, you can begin exploring the specific aspect that is most needed to solve your problem or heal the matter you are treating for. In other words, if you are treating for guidance or the solution to a problem, you should treat to realize the aspect of the ONE Life we call Intelligence. If you are treating a relationship problem or a family problem, you should treat for the Love aspect of the Nature of Reality. If you are treating for fear, again dwell on the Love aspect because Love is the opposite of fear. For an improvement of your living conditions and increased prosperity, you may treat for an increase of the Life aspect, which is vast abundance and support beyond all comprehension. For pain, treat for peace. For fatigue, treat for the perfect strength of the Life force. For stagnation, treat for the perfect circulation and movement of the Life force. For any type of imperfection, be it physical or mental, treat for the realization of the perfection of the ONE Life and for an influx of the harmonizing factor we call Love. For shock or loss, also treat for a realization of Love. For restriction of any kind, treat for the perfect Freedom of the Infinite Life Principle. For any type of worry or obsessing thought, treat for Peace of Mind. For lack of supply, treat for a realization of the abundance of Life. For misunderstanding, treat for peace and harmony. For anger, treat for Love. And so on. In short: Dwell on and treat for that aspect of the ONE, which is the opposite of your problem. If you are in doubt as to what specific aspect to treat for, it is always effective to treat for a realization of the Presence of the ONE Life force


where the problem seems to be. This is effective because the Presence, which is the ONE, is identical with Perfect Peace, Perfect Harmony, Perfect Love, Perfect Life, Perfect Intelligence and so forth. Thus your realization of this Presence allows whatever aspect is needed to manifest. Mental treatment requires no effort In conclusion, it is important to remember the following: Treatment requires no effort on our part. Why is this so? Since we know that mental law is an impersonal force, it follows logically that mental treatment requires no effort or will power on our part. The law operates automatically. The only thing we must do during mental treatment is to focus or direct our attention and our thoughts. Once we have directed the focus of our attention and our thoughts, we know that mental law will reflect our thought back to us with mathematical precision. In other words, since we now know that thought is creativethat thought is the causative factor in the universewe know that our thoughts will manifest. This happens automatically. Thus we know that our mental treatment will demonstrate to the exact extent that we have directed and focused our thinkingand that this demonstration requires no effort on our part! A word of caution Does mental treatment always work? Yes. But if you feel you are not demonstrating, it is important to understand that as long as your deepest convictions (your sponsoring thoughts or beliefs) deny your mental treatment, your treatment will not demonstrate or manifest according to your wishes. This is because you are always demonstrating your deepest convictions, true beliefs and sponsoring thoughts. Thus if your sponsoring


thoughts are limiting, your demonstration will correspond and be limited. Mental treatment realigns your sponsoring thoughts For most people, understanding and using mental treatment effectively will be an unfolding process. The more you study mental laws and practice the mental technology described in this book, the better you will be become at demonstrating the results you desire. This takes time because you are in the process of realigning your sponsoring thoughts with the Nature of Reality. For most people, this doesn't happen overnight. But when it does happen, there will be nothing in your conscious or subconscious mind that denies the greater Good you seek to demonstrate. The more you study and work with mental technology, the faster you will progress and demonstrate. And as you continue to demonstrate more and more Good in your life, you will reach a point where you will understand and be satisfied that mental treatment must work because it is based on mechanical law.



SUMMARY Mental laws 1. Thought is the cause, events are the effect. 2. You are the only thinker in your mind. 3. Whatever you focus your attention on grows. 4. Your sponsoring thoughts determine your reality. 5. You have nothing to deal with but your own thoughts. 6. Since you are thinking most of the time, you are creating most of the time. 7. You can't have an emotion without having a thought first. 8. You can only change your thinking by replacing old thought patterns with new ones. 9. Like attracts like. 10. Thoughts are things. Attributes of mental laws Mental laws are like physical laws. They are invisible principles that describe how mental phenomena operates. - Mental laws operate automatically - Mental laws are mechanical - Mental laws are impersonal - Mental laws are indifferent to the outcome - Mental laws have no favorites - Mental laws act with mathematical precision - Mental laws operate equally for all - Mental laws always follow the pattern of thought


- Mental laws can be directed by choosing the pattern of thought - Mental laws can be used to manifest freedom or limitation (the law knows no difference) - Mental laws operate whether you are aware of them or not - Mental laws describe and govern the relationship between thoughts and things - Mental laws describe and govern the relationship between the invisible and visible - Mental laws describe and govern the relationship between the unmanifest and the manifest Points to remember Principle is invisible All scientists, no matter what field of science they are working in, rely on and work with the principles of their science. These principles are always invisible. Science is the study of the mechanics of the universe Science is impersonal. Science is the study of natural laws that are impersonal and can be used by anyone. In science, we judge causation by observing the effects since the cause is invisible. Mental treatment is scientific Mental treatment is scientific because it based on impersonal and mechanical law. It is scientific because it can be used to direct a chain of events based on principle and law. Anyone can use the law therefore anyone can do a mental treatment. The one who understands the


principle is then able to use mental treatment for definite and specific purposes. The power of mind Mental laws are equally applicable to both individuals and groups. The sponsoring thoughts of the collective consciousness of humanity as a whole manifest according to law, just as the thoughts of the individual manifest according to law. With this new understanding, we are now able to understand why humanity's collective vision of our common future will manifest. Because it is unavoidable and impersonal law: The thoughts of humankind are creating the future of humanity right now. What future do we envision? For ourselves personally and for the Planet as a whole? What are our sponsoring thoughts about the Nature of Reality? Manifesting the Perfect World is everyone's desire and deepest dream. Every one of us wants the same Goodunlimited Life, unlimited Health, unlimited Freedom, unlimited Love, unlimited Abundance, unlimited Peace... Since we are the only thinkers in our minds, we are the choice-makers. And right now, we are thinking out our common destiny together. Understanding the principle and practical application of Mental Technology is the priceless gem we've all been looking for. It is the key the freedom. The key to achieving unlimited Good. Now, finally, we have the software we need to make our hardware work for the Highest Good of All. Now, finally, we have the Mental Technology we need to redirect the course of human history and manifest our dreams. Let's do it.

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