899 Photobrochure
899 Photobrochure
899 Photobrochure
If ever an amplifier was all things to all men, the EAR 899 must be it. It takes as a starting point the
recent EAR 890 power amplifier and builds on it with even greater flexibility of use.
The EAR 890 is itself a derivative of the famous EAR 834 integrated amp, offering a much
increased output of 70W from the same chassis thanks to new output valves and detail circuit
changes. The EAR 899 uses the same power amplifier topology as the EAR 890 but adds a six-input
passive preamplifier in its own ‘loft apartment’. It is still possible to use the EAR 899 as a power
amplifier, however, complete with true balanced inputs and the option of bridged or parallel mono
operation to deliver 140W of Class A, making this one of the most easily upgraded amplifiers
Circuitry uses two pairs of KT90 valves per channel, giving bullet proof reliability, and construction
is to the highest standards with a new departure for this range in the 19-inch rack-mounting front
panel in thick and rigid anodised aluminium.
With this new amplifier, Tim de Paravicini has brought the sonic virtues of the EAR 834 to a more
power-hungry audience, who can now enjoy classic EAR clarity, control and frequency extension
with the added bonus of a long upgrade path ahead.
EAR/Yoshino, Coombe Grove Farm, Ermine Way, Arrington, Cambs. SG8 0AL
Tel No. +44 (0)1223 208877, Fax No. +44 (0)1223 208761 www.ear-yoshino.com E-mail: earyoshino@aol.com