This chart shows how an engine's power output is derated at higher temperatures and humidity levels, with power decreasing from 100% at lower temperatures down to 77% at 122°F and 50% relative humidity. Higher temperatures and humidity reduce the density of the air entering the engine, resulting in lower power output.
This chart shows how an engine's power output is derated at higher temperatures and humidity levels, with power decreasing from 100% at lower temperatures down to 77% at 122°F and 50% relative humidity. Higher temperatures and humidity reduce the density of the air entering the engine, resulting in lower power output.
This chart shows how an engine's power output is derated at higher temperatures and humidity levels, with power decreasing from 100% at lower temperatures down to 77% at 122°F and 50% relative humidity. Higher temperatures and humidity reduce the density of the air entering the engine, resulting in lower power output.
This chart shows how an engine's power output is derated at higher temperatures and humidity levels, with power decreasing from 100% at lower temperatures down to 77% at 122°F and 50% relative humidity. Higher temperatures and humidity reduce the density of the air entering the engine, resulting in lower power output.