Adab Suluk Al-Murid

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Some of the key takeaways are that the treatise discusses topics like repentance, guarding the heart and senses, focusing on Allah, persevering in remembrance, and being patient during trials. It provides guidance for seekers on the path to Allah.

Imam Abdullah bin Alwi Alhaddad was a famous Imam, scholar of Islam, and descendant of the Prophet Muhammad. He was born in 1044 AD in Yemen and was known as the 'Pole of Guidance' for his knowledge and guidance in calling people to Allah.

Some of Imam Alhaddad's notable qualities discussed are that he was careful to follow the Prophet, obey his Lord, aspire to the promises of Allah, and flee from punishments. He was also described as forgiving, disliking fame, grieving over shortcomings, and finding solace in isolation.

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Front Cover showing the restored front door entrance to
Imam Alhadad House in Hawi Tarim Hadhramaut Yemen
Discipline in Ihc Path of the Seeker -,<;oil .!J).:. y\,I l.Jl...)
Treatises on Discipline
The Path of the Seeker
By the Imam, aI-Sheikh of Islam,
the Pivot of Dakwah, the Guiding Light
the Beloved Abdullah bin Alwi aI-Haddad
al-Hadhrami, al-Shafii, al-Hussaini
May Allah, the Exalted have mercy upon him
Muhammad Mmamali Adam
Abdulkader Ali Esa Alhadad
All rights reserved.
No part of this publication may
be reproduced, store in a retrieval
system, or transmitted, in any form
or by any means, without the prior
permission in writing of the Charity
Inquiries concerning reproduction
outside those terms and in other
countries should be sent to:
ISBN: 978 - 981 - 08 - 9167-1
Arrangement and comments
Abdulkader Ali Esa Alhadad
Charity of Habib Esa bin Abdulkader bin Ahmad Alhadad
Discipline in the Path of the Seeker
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14 He is Imam Habib Abdullah bin Alwi Bin Muhammad Alhadad, the
16 famous Imam, the shaykh of Islam, the foremost of the people unification,
the noble descendant of the Prophet, Allah's blessings and peace be upon
19 him, a descendant of the Imam AI-Hussein, may Allah be pleased with
21 him, the shaykh Abdullah ibn Alawi Alhaddad Al Alawi, may Allah
reward him for us with the best rewards He gives those of His people who
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gUl e us to 1m.
24 He was born in Sapir, a small suburb in Tarim, Hadhramaut, South
26 Yemen, on the night 5 Safar 1044 after Hijrah. Tarim was already a center
of the learned Asyraf of the descendant of Saiyidina Hussein bin Ali bin
28 Abu Talib. He grew up in an enlightened environment. He was raised and
30 educated there, originally taught by his father, and was never seen to show
32 the recklessness of other children. He lost his eyesight while still young.
He was granted the power of discernment as compensation. He gathered as
35 he grew the best of knowledge and spirituality, and became outstanding in
38 knowledge, guidance, calling people to Allah, and being a shaykh in the
most perfect sense of the word. He was given the title 'Pole of Guidance'
40 [Qutbullrshad] by the greatest of the people of knowledge in his time and
42 thereafter until today.
43 Some have said that there were three ranks in calling to Allah,
according to whether it was done by pen, tongue or foot (travelling). All
45 three were combined to perfection in Imam ai-Haddad, may Allah shower
47 His mercy upon him. His books are still in print in Egypt, India, Hijaz,
Istanbul, and Java. His fame spread throughout the Muslim world and his
48 writings which were clearly based on the QUI" an and the practices of the
50 Prophet [Sunna] were never criticised nor thought to be controversial.
53 His roots from Prophet Muhammad, messenger of Allah, blessings
and peace upon him, from Fatima Zahraa, daughter of Muhammad and
54 Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib, Gate to (The radiant) the City of knowledge, may
Introduction and Biography of Imam ai-Haddad
2. Preface
3. Chapter I - The Beginning
4 Chapter 2 - Repentance
5. Chapter 3 - Guarding the Heart
6. Chapter 4 - Guarding the Senses
7. Chapter 5 - Purity and Satiety
Chapter 6 - Focusing on Allah and Worshipping Him
9. Chapter 7 - Recti tude and Presence
10. Chapter 8 Jumaah and Jamaah
I I. Chapter 9 - Persevere in Remembrance & Reflections
12. Chapter 10 - Restrain from Laziness and Disobedience
13. Chapter 11 - Path to Allah, Status of Self and Patients
14. Chapter 12 Examples of Patience
15. Chapter 13 - Provisions are being Apportioned
16. Chapter 14 - Trials and Tribulations
17. Chapter 15 - No Need to Seek Approval from Mankind
18. Chapter 16 Revelation and Karamah
19. Chapter 17 - Good Thoughts towards Allah
Chapter 18 - Seeking Provisions and Striving for it
21. Chapter 19 - Keep in Good Company
22. Chapter 20 - Relationship with a Shaykh
23. Chapter 20 - Conclusion
24. Chapter 21 - Author's Epilogue
A Short Biography of Imam aI-Haddad
In the Name of Allah Most Merciful Most Gracious
Dilociplinc in the Path of the Seeker
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Risalatu Aadaabi Suluk il-Murid
The Book of Discipline in the Path of the Seeker [Murid]
Risala tul Mu'awanah wal Mudhahirah wal Mu'azirah Lir-
Raagibeen Minal Mu'mineen Fee Suluki Tariq-al-Akhirah
The Book of Assistance, Support and Encouragement for Such
Believers as Desire To Follow The Way of the Afterlife
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Al-Fusul ul- 'Ilmiyyah wal Usul ul-Hikmiyyah
"Knowledge and The Principles of Wisdom"
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Sabilal-Idhkaar wal-I'tibaar Sima Yamurru bil-Insan
Wa Yanqadhee Lahu Minal A'maar
"The Way To Remember And Learn From The Lives of
Man That Wane and Perish"
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Risalatul-Mudhaakarah Ma'al-Ikhwaanil-Muhibbeen Min
Ahlil Khayr Waddeen
"A Discussion Among Brothers and the Loved Ones From
Among the Righteous in Good Deeds and Faith".
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Ad-Da'wa tut-Taammah wat-Tadhkira uti 'Aammah
"An All Out Call to Islam and a General Admonition"
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An Nasaih id-Diniyya wal Wasaya al-Imaniyyah
Sincere Religious Advices and Recommendations of the Imam
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It seems as he was selected to carry out the mission of dakwah f(
Islam and spiritual guidance using wit and wisdom. People eventual
entirely attended to him and his name became popular. People ftOi
different walks of life benefitted from his books, preaches and guidano 6.
His mission received peoples' approval and love. His publications hal
been translated into English, Malay, French and other languages. He passe
away on the evening of Tuesday, 7 Dzulkaedah 1132 Hijrah and wi
buried in a simple grave at the graveyard of Zanbal in Tarim. May Alla 7.
show mercy on him and reward him abundantly.
He earnestly sought knowledge, accompanying scholars such as:
I. ai-Habib Vmar bin Abdul Rahman Alatas.
2. aI-Habib Oukail bin Abdurrahman A1saqaff
3. aI-Habib Abdurrahman bin Syaikh Aideed
4. aI-Habib Sahl Bin Ahmed Bahasan Alhadeely Baalwi
5. aI-Said Muhammad Bin Alwi Alsaqaff
Amongst his students are:
1. His son, our leader AI-Habib Hassan bin Abdullah Alhadad.
2. aJ-Habib Ahmad bin Zain A1habshie
3. a1-Habib Abdurrahman bin Abdullah Bi1faqeh
4. ai-Habib Muhammad bin Zain bin Semait
5. a1-Habib Vmar bin Zain bin Semait
6. ai-Habib Vmar bin Abdurrahman Albar
7. a1-Habib Ali bin Abdullah bin Abdurrahman Alsaqaff 5.
8. ai-Habib Muhammad bin Vmar bin Taha alSafi Alsaqaff and man
Allah be pleased with him and all his descendants. His publications are distinctively popular among the old and young
Th f I A H
. I I Z I bd then and till now.
en on rom mam 1- ussem> mam A 1 ama AIm > Imar Th I d th f II .
Muhammad A1baqir> >Imam Jaafar Alsaddiq > Imam Ali Aluraidi : ey mc u e e 0 owmg:
Muhammad AnNaqib> >Isa AnNaqib > Ahmad Almuhajir illa Allah:
>Vbaidillah > Alawi > >Muhammad > Alawi > Ali Khali 'Qassam :
>Muhammad of Mirtbat > >A1awi > AbdurRahman > Ahmad Alfaqih ; I.
>Abdullah > Muhammad > >Ahmad > Abu Bakr AtTawil > Ahma
Alhaddad > Alawi > Muhammad> >Abdullah > Ahmad> Muhammad:
Alawi > Abdullah Qutbul Irshad
Discipline in the Path of the Seeker
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Most of Imam al-Haddad's manuscripts were recompiled by Habit
Ali bin Isa bin Abdulkader Alhadad, who was born in Singapore anc
educated in Tarim. They were subsequently re-edited, reprinted, translateo
and distributed by various inspired parties.
Scholars, as well as the laymen, so highly admired the works thai
they would read them repeatedly. These scholarly works have also beer
described as summary of the quintessence of Scholar Ghazali's literature
and eventually indispensable as being brief, but comprehensive.
Kitab bttl-hakim
8. Book of Wisdom.
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In the name of Allah, the Infinitely Merciful, the Compassionate.

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There is neither might nor power except with the permission of
Allah, the Most High and Magnificent.
All praises and thanks belong to Allah, who when He so wishes,
casts into the hearts of the seekers the anguish of longing, thereby
driving them to travel the path towards happiness. That is, faith [Iman]
and devotion, and the annihilation of all formalities, customs and habits.
1 May Allah send his blessings and peace upon our master Muhammad,
the leader of the members of sovereign authority, and upon his family
and companions, who are also the masters and the leaders.
Allah, the Exalted, and He is the Truthful of Speaker, says
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If any do wish for the transitory things (of this life), We readily
grant them such things as We will, to such persons as We will: in the
end have We provided Hell for them: they will burn therein, disgraced
and rejected. Those who do wish for the (things of) Hereafter, and strive
therefore with all due striving, and have Faith, they are the ones whose
striving is acceptable (to Allah)." I
1 1

u.'All I:W\ . 'Ill
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An-Nafaais-il Alawiyyahfil Masaail-il-Sufiyyah
The Gems of the Alawiyya Concerning Sufism.
j.1WI jiU\ J(;J;
It'haaf is-Saail bi-Ajwibatil Masaail
The Gifts For the Seeker Being Some Answered Questions.
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Waseelatul 'Ibaad flaa Zaadil Ma'aad
A Means For People To Provide For The Hereafter. (A
Compilation of the Imam Azkaar and Awraad, including
Wird Latif. Wird Kabir, Ratib al-Shahir, Hizbul-Fat'h and
Hizbun-Nasr by Habib Muhamad bin Alawi Alhadad).
"'!JJ. )JJI
Ad-Durrul Mandhwn Li Dhawil 'Uqul Well Fuhum
Poetic Pearls For Discerning and Understanding Minds.
This is his Diwan, the best of his Qaseedas.
" J 0 "
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Thalbit tulfu'ad bizikir kalam majilis
Affirming of the Hearts - with Remembrance of the
Speeches at Majlis Vol. I and Vol. II
Discipline in the Path of the Seeker
j Surah 17 AI Israa Verse 18-19
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The 'transitory life' is life on this earth. For the seeker who
desires it, let alone actively pursues it, ends up in the Fire, rebuked and
humbled. Should not a man of reason beware and tum away from it,
while diligently safeguards himself from it.
The Hereafter here means the Heaven. It is not enough merely to
desire it only, instead one should exercise good faith and do righteous
deeds as necessary to achieve it as indicated by His, the Exalted, words:
"and strive therefore with all due striving, and have Faith."
"The ones whose striving is acceptable (to Allah)" are those
deeds which were accepted by Allah, they thereby deserve praise and
great rewards which have no limits and no ending, by the grace of Allah
and His mercy.
The loser, in all respect, is the seeker of the transitory life who
will surely receive the rightful threat (from Allah) as described in the
Qur'anic verse above. His desire for the earthly life is so powerful that
it makes him neglect, deny the Hereafter until be does not believe in it,
or he believes but do not strive for it, firstly, he is an infidel and will
stay in Hell forever, then secondly, will have strayed and is another
The Messenger of Allah, upon him be blessings and peace, said,
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Verily, every deed depends on its intentions, each man receives
according to what he intended. He who forsakes what he has and
migrates [hijrah] because of Allah and His Messenger, he has indeed
travelled for the sake of Allah and His Messenger. He who migrates for
worldly affairs he desires or to a woman he wishes to marry, he has
indeed travelled to that which he intended.
He upon whom be Allah's blessings and peace be on him, thus
informed us that the deed is only valid as the intention behind it. Indeed,
deeds are valid according to their intentions, when these are good the)
shall receive nothing but good, when these are evil they receive nothing
but evil. He whose intention is good, his deed is inevitably good, and he
whose intention is malicious, his deed is inevitably malicious, even if
outwardly it looks good, as for example, a man who behaves in a
righteous way only to appear righteous in the eyes of the people.
He, upon whom Allah's blessings and peace, also informed us
that he who acts for the sake of Allah and with the intention of
following in the footsteps of the Messenger of Allah, may Allah's
blessings and peace be on him, his reward is with Allah. Allah will be
pleased with him and make his last abode His garden, near to Him, and
in the company of the best of His people. Those whose intentions go to
other than Allah and who action is devoted towards other than Allah
accordingly, their rewards are with whoever their intentions had gone to.
Those they performed for, those who can neither benefit nor harm them
or anybody else. Who can neither give life, death nor resurrection. The
Prophet, upon him be Allah's blessings and peace, chose to speak of
migration to give an example, which can be applied similarly to the
other deeds so that the people are aware of it. Those similar rules may
generalise to all the laws of Islam.
Then I advise that, 0 dear student seeker who wish to present
himself before the Lord; you should know, indeed, that when you ask
me for advice in relation to the path that you are seeking, I feel at this
point there is nothing ready for presentation. However, I do feel that I
should forward a few points [fasal], short and simple, on the manners
and the way in which a student seeker threads the path to Allah, the
Exalted, with some brief uncomplicated statements.
By Allah, I asked that these may benefit me and you, those who
asked, those who wish for it upon themselves, what were conveyed to
me here. For me Allah is sufficient and He is the best disposer of affairs.
Imam Abdullah Alhadad
Tarim Hadhramaut
Discipline in the Path of the Seeker 10
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Chapter 1
The Beginning of the Path
A Powerful Urge of Divine Origin
A Seeker should Strengthen, Protect and Respond to it.
Know that the path begins when Allah throws into the heart of
the slave a powerful urge, which troubles and unnerves him, and drives
him towards Allah and the last abode. It turns him away from life on
earth and from being, like others, busily engaged in gathering and
building, tasting and enjoying the pleasures of the world, and deceived
by its ornaments.
This urge is one of the hidden acts of Allah. It is a breath of
guidance and the sign of the beginning of Allah's trust on his slave.
Often the slave is bestowed these signs as he listens to those people who
stir in him the fear of Allah, the desire and yearning for Him. At other
times when he looks at the people of Allah, the Exalted and through
them sees the signs, sometimes for no reason or without any means at
One is encouraged and should actively pursue such a state.
However, to hope and dream only without exposing oneself to such
environment or not standing at the door but just waiting is unwise and
Just as the Messenger, may Allah's blessings and peace be upon
him said:
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"Indeed, your Lord sends down gifts on days of your time, so do
expose yourself to them."
He, upon whom Allah, in His generosity, bestows such a noble
urge, must know how precious it is. He should know that it is one of the
greatest graces Allah, the Exalted, showers on him. It is such that he
will never know its real value, nor will he ever be able to thank Allah
enough for it. So let him thank Allah, the Exalted, to his utmost for
having specially, singled him out and selected him from amongst his
status and peers to receive it. How many a Muslim reaches the age of
eighty years and more yet neither was he bestowed with such yearning
nor his heart once was touched by this secret.
A seeker should diligently strengthen, protect, and respond to
this urge. It grows stronger when he remembers and invokes Allah
[zikr] , when he reflects [fikrj on all which Allah has manifested, and
when he keeps the company of the people of Allah, He protects it by
keeping away from the company of those veiled from AJlah, and by
ignoring the whisperings of the devil [shaytanj. He responds to it when
he hastens to return to Allah and sincerely seeks His Nearness; neither
he waits, postpones, nor delays. Whenever the time arrived, he will
accomplish the act and when the door is open for him to do good deeds
and he should enter, when called to perform, he should hurry. Let him
beware of letting one day pass after the other, for this is the work of the
devil. He must approach it and not weakened as he progresses, he must
not make excuses such as saying that there is no time or that he is not
good enough for the task.
Abur Rabi', Allah has mercy on him, said, "Go to Allah with
your limps and broken limbs, do not wait for full health for that would
only be idleness."
Ibn Ata'a said in his Hikam', "To say that the work has to be
postponed until the time is found is nothing but the frivolousness of the
Discipline in the P:nh of the Seeker 12
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Chapter 2
Repentance and its Conditions
Protecting Oneself from sins
A seeker on the path to Allah should begin by repenting
completely towards Allah, the Exalted from all the sins. If he has
treated unjustly any of the creations of Allah, or take what is rightfully
theirs, or has debts to them, he should correct this by giving everyone
their due. If the item does not exist any more, then he should replace it
or ask them to release him from those debts. Verily, whoever
encumbered by debts or the rights of another being cannot proceed
towards the real path to the Truth (Allah).
For true repentance to be sound, he must feel sincerely
remorseful for his sins, be truly and wholly determined not to repeat
such actions as long as he lives. A person who repents from a certain sin,
then he does not refrain from them, or is still harboring the intention to
repeat them, his repentance is false and invalid.
A seeker to the path of Allah should continuously be extremely
aware of his shortcomings, toward his duties and obligations to his Lord.
Whenever he feels regret, sad and heart-broken at these shortcomings
then let him know that Allah is with him.
For He, the Exalted says
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"I am with those whose hearts break for my sake"
Protect Oneself from Sins
A seeker should protect himself from the smallest of sins, let
alone the great ones, more than he would protect himself from takillg a
drink of deadly poison. Should he be more frightened to commit such a
sin than if he attempt to take a drink of poison because committing such
sins will affect the heart just as the poison is to the body, only more
powerful. The heart of a seeker is more precious to him than his body,
nay it is investment capital of the seeker, and he should thus accord its
rightful protection. On the other hand, the body is a target for diseases
and will soon be destroyed by death. Its death however, means only that
one has to leave this grief and anxiety-laden world.
However, if the heart is ruined, then the Hereafter is ruined too.
For indeed, no one will escape and be rescued from the wrath of Allah,
the All-Mighty, obtain His rewards and win His pleasure, except the
one who comes to Allah with a sound heart
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I AHadith QI/tls;
Surah 26 Ash-Shu'araa Verse 89
Discipline in the Path of the Seeker 14 004."J\ T4.1\.-1J Discipline in Ihe Path of the Seeker IS
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Chapter 3 who knows that his existence was from a smelly drop of semen, and
very soon, this person will become a decaying cadaver. If he possesses
virtues and good qualities, they are but a graceful gift from Allah and
. His creation, he can achieve nothing by his own power, and neither can
Guardmg the Heart he acquire anything through his own will nor strength.
With what Allah had gracefully bestowed on him, and that Allah
could take away everything from him due to his discourteous behaviour
Against Whisperings, Envy and III Thoughts and adversely attributing to himself what belongs to Allah, he should
refrain from being arrogant or giving himself prominence over the
slaves of Allah. Prominence and Greatness are attributes of Allah, the
A seeker should strive diligently to guard his heart against Compeller, the Supreme.
whisperings (of evil suggestions), diseases (of the healt such as envy) As for the presence of hypocrisy and simulation, it is a proof
and bad or eVIl thoughts. He should erect veil over the doors to hiS heart that the seeker's heart is devoid of attestation of the M' t f Allah
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to be constantly vigilant and prevent t ese thmgs rom entenng It'and His Vastness because his action is only to se k th I f
. . I .. d . '11' e e approva 0
Indeed, once these elements enter hiS heart they WI! rum It, an It WI creatures by feigning, and is not contented with just Allah, Lord of the
become difficult to expel them from It. Universe who knows what he does. The person, who performs good
The heart is the place upon which his Lord's gaze falls. Thus, ildeeds and likes other people to know it too so that people would revere
is essential that the seeker should purify his heart from worldly desires, and bring forth them to serve him, is an ignorant hypocrite who desires
spitefulness, ranCOUf or bitter feelings, swindle or deceit towards anylife on earth. Whilst a pious ascetic is one who finds it repugnant even
Muslim, or from having ill thoughts towards any of them. Instead one
people offer him reverence and wealth, thus seeking to avoid
must be of good advice to them, compassionate with them, and merciful them. Who can be more ignorant than one who seeks this life over or
towards them, have faith and believe in the good in them, desiring goodusmg the deeds for the Hereafter? If he is unable to renounce the earthly
for them as he desires for himself, and disliking for them what heJife, then he should seek this life from its Owner, that is, Allah. Indeed,
dislikes for himself from all evils. the hearts of creations are in His hand. He draws toward the one who
. . seeks and serves Him, as He wishes..
You should know, 0 dear seeker, that the heart commlts sms,
which are uglier, fouler, and more offensive than actions committed by As for envy, it is a manifest enmity and opposition to Allah, the
the limbs, physical organs and the senses. A heart (that has all theseGlorious, in testament to His Kingdom because, when, Exalted is He,
sins) remains unfit for the gnosis of Allah, and for His love to descendbestows favors and gifts on some of His slaves, there is no doubt that
into it, until it rids itself and free of all such sins. He evidently intended them to be given in a particular manner, for none
. .. forces His hand, for He is the Exalted. Then if a slave wants somethinl7
Among the worst sms of the heart are conceIt, hypocnsy, anddl'fferent f h t h' L d t h . d' d "'
. .. rom w a IS or wan s, e IS Iscourteous an deserves to
envy. Arrogance and conceit are a proof of excessIve foolishness; theY
with di t '
f d
'd' C .. b . f sas er.
are the limits 0 ignorance an StUpl Ity. oncelt IS not ecommg 0 one
At time, envy is direct to things of worldly life such as social
eminence or wealth. These are too petty and lowly to be envied. On the
contrary, one should show compassion to those who are afflicted by
them, and thank Allah who shielded you from them.
Discipline in the Path Oflhc Seeker 16 - 4 ~ \ :J~ ,,":-,1,)\ 4.ll....lJDiscipline in the Path of the Seeker 17 ..I.:!.)\ ~ ~ yl,)! 4Jl,..., J
Chapter 4
Pitfall of the Tongue
On Guarding the Senses
Against RebeUious Acts
And being deceived by Life on Earth
Envy can also be directly related to things of Hereafter such as
searching for knowledge and acting virtuously. It is ugly of a seeker to
be jealous or to resent a companion on the same path who has given
him help, on the contrary, he should rejoice for the help he gets from his
companion, and derive strength from the fact that they are alike. A
believer finds strength in his brother. Thus this is an encumbrance upon
a seeker to develop inwardly love and strives outwardly to bring all the
people on the path to Allah. Thus, together they keep busy in submitting
to and obeying Him, and he should not care whether they become better
than him or he better than they do. For indeed, this is endowed by Allah
and Transcendent and Exalted is He, selects whoever He wishes to give
His mercy.
There are many blameworthy qualities embedded in the heart. . A seeker should strive to restrain his senses and limbs from
We have not mentioned them all for the sake of brevity. However, we rebellion, sms, and only use them in obedience. He should use them
have explained and cautioned against all the major sources that produce only m those thmgs that would benefit him in the Afterlife.
them and the origin of them all is love of life on this earth. Just like, it
was reported that the Messenger of Allah, blessings peace be on him.
said; "The love of this life is the head of all sins."
If the heart is free from it, then it becomes whole, clear. He should take great care in guardina his tonaue for its s .
enlightened and fragrant, fit to receive the lights and the secrets (from small but its crimes are great. Let him it from backblZt

.\ d h C 0' I mo ,
Allah, the xalted) unvel ed. an ot er .orms of forbidden speech. Let him avoid lewdness, and of
delvmg mto what does not concern him, even if not forbidden, for this
makes the heart grow harder and is a waste of time. A seeker should
only move hIS tongue in reading Qur'an, remembrance, giving advice to
MuslIms, enJolrung good and forbidding that which is reprehensible,
and m those thmgs of lIfe on earth, which relate to his Afterlife. The
Prophet may blessings and peace be upon him, said,
:f :,f :;f :,f ;j jS-
"Everything that the son of Adam says is counted against him e;cept
remembrance of Allah, enjoining to do good and forbidding
Discipline in the Path of the Seeker 18 -4,)1 ylJT iJl,.. Discipline in the Path of the Seeker
19 ..,,,.il .ll):. yl'i lJl,..,)
Pitfall of the Ears and Eyes
Know that hearing and sight are two open doors, from which
whatever enters through them reaches the heart, How many a thing does
a man hear or see, which he should not have, and which entered the
heart and has proven difficult to remove? For the heart is rapidly
affected by what enters it, and when it becomes so, the effect is difficult
to erase,
Chapter 5
Purity and Satiety
Remain in a State of Ritual Purity
Preferring Hunger to Satiety
Let the seeker then be careful to protect his hearing and sight, ,
and strive to restrain all his senses and limbs from sins, and from what It IS proper that the seeker should maintain a state of ritual purity,
is in excess of the necessary, Let him beware of looking with approval So whenever he became ritually impured, he should perform ablution
at the life on earth and its ornaments, for outwardly, it is a manifestation then prays two prostrations, If he is married and go to his wife for coitus,
of deception and inwardly, a lesson in wisdom, then he should take a bath immediately and not remain in a state of
, , " Impunty, To help him maintain his ritual purity he should eat a little
The eye looks at the earth s deceptIve manIfestatIons, but the verily the one who eats much b k h' , I 'f ,,'
, " , ' rea S IS ntua punty 0 ten and fmds It
heart should look at the lesson hidden WithIn, How many a seekel an effort to maintain ritual p 't E' I' I ' I f' , ,
, , ' un y, atIng III e IS a so 0 help In keepInO'
looked at some of the ornaments or vanItIes of the lIfe on earth, and awake at niO'ht whl'ch I'S one of th ' f' "
, " " , e most Important unctIons of a seeker
then hIS heart leaned toward them, lIked to stnve to gather (the '
seemingly precious objects) and build (magnificent buildings), ani It is incumbent that he should not eat unless it is absolutely
became therefore lost on the wrong path? So, it is enjoined on thl necessary, and sleeps only when it overcomes him, He should speak
seeker to lower his sight from all that is created but to only look witt only when necessary, and not mingle to be close with people except that
the intention of seeing the example or take lesson within it. Remember It bnngs him (spIrItual) benefit. The one who eats much, his heart grows
as you look at it that it will wither and go just as from where it came hard, and his limbs become too heavy for acts of worship, Eating a lot
for its existence was beheld by many men who are now gone while i,causes one to sleep and talk a lot, and when a seeker sleeps and talks a
remains, Generations after generations have received it as allot, his quest becomes an empty shell devoid of substance, In a hadith,
inheritance, which will inevitably perish and disappear. the Messenger of Allah, may Allah's blessings and peace be on him
Thus when you look at something that exists with an eye tha' ,., " .,
sees in them the Creator's perfect power, its evidence and beholder an ..:;JI'Q)I TJ.I I? T::r.1
testifying to the Creator's Transcendent. For verily, all the existence 01 '" '. " "'" " , "'" ,'".,.
earth call out testifying to Allah according to each of their state am eli ." eli." cJ:j ;i.JG..,A '1 0\5' 0\9
those whose heart is enlightened by the light of Allah can hear them "Never does 'the so f Ad f'll "
, 'G ' n 0 am 1 a worse vessel than hiS
For Indeed, there IS no od except Allah, the Powerful and WIse. stomach' it is enouO'h "or h' t h f b' ,
, " ,,1' 1m 0 ave a ew Iles to keep hIS back
straIght; If he has to, then let him give one third of it to his food one
third to his drink, and one third to his breath," ,
Discipline in the Path of the 20
. , -
.u y\,) I 431..1 Discipline in the Puth of the Seeker
21 ...,.,..JI j:. ",I,T<JL..)
Chapter 6
Focusing on Allah
Worshipping Him
Directing one's whole attention towards Allah
Devoting oneself to His worship
It is inevitable that a seeker should keep himself away from
those people who commit rebellious and forbidden acts, and be most
conscientious in carrying out his obligations and those practices which
are encouraged, and he should be the most eager to do what draws him
near (to Allah), and the quickest to respond to acts of goodness. A
seeker is different from other people only in the manner he turns wholly
towards Allah, being obedient, and freeing his self from anything which
distracts him from worshipping Him.
Let him spend his breaths carefully, hold on to his time
avariciously, do not let it pass wastefully, be it a little or long time
except to spend it in what takes him closer to Allah and benefit him on
the day he meets Him.
It is incumbent upon him to have daily recitals or a routine of
every kind of worship, so that he will have a number of those to hold on
to tenaciously and not neglect any of them, whether in difficult or easy
He should read the Great Quran frequently, and to reflect on its
meanings, and recite it harmoniously. Also, while reciting, he should
reflect on the Greatness of the Speaker in the recitation of His words,
and not like those who recite negligently or those who recite the Quran
eloquently with beautiful melodious voices while whose hearts are
devoid of the Exaltation nor Reverence for Allah. They read it in the
form it was sent down, from its opening to its end, and know nothing of
its meanings nor of the reasons and occasions for sending each part of it
down. Had they known, they would have acted.
Indeed, knowledge is only useful when it is acted upon. A
knowledgeable person who does not act on his knowledge is no
different from the ignorant, except that the former will have a stronger
case made against him before Allah. Seen in this way, the ignorant one
would be in a better situation than the learned. This is why it was said,
"Ignorance is better than knowledge which does not benefit."
Stay Vigil in Divine Worship at Night
It is incumbent upon you, 0 seeker, to make haste to manage the
night vigil divine worship. Indeed, the night is the time when the slave
is in seclusion with his Lord. So as to make abundant pleas for help and
seek forgiveness, commune with your Lord with the tongue of the
humble lowliness and needy, with a heart where absolute helplessness
and abasement are realised. Beware of neglecting the night vigil
worship, dawn must never find you but awake remembering and
invoking Allah, the Extolled, the Exalted.
Discipline in Ihe Palh of the Seeker 22
004 ..
.h tl~ yl,)T4,ll".,r Discipline in the Pam of the Seeker
-,<;oil J.l):. yl;T4Jl..)
Chapter 7
Rectitude and Presence
Rectitude in the performance of prayers
Presence with Allah is the essence of all acts of worship
o dear seeker' You must strive for wholeness in performing the
five prayers. Make your standing, recitation, piety, humility, bowing,
and prostrations of the prayers complete and full, also all the other
obligations and supererogatory of the prayers. Before entering into
prayer, bring to your heart the vastness of the One you wish to stand
before, the Majestic, the Exalted. Be diligent and attentive in
communing with the King of kings, the Subdue of tyrants, if not the
distracted heart which is lost in the valleys of unawareness and
whisperings, floating in incidental thoughts and worldly ideas, thus will
cause you to deserve to be hateful to Allah and expelled from Allah's
Just as the one upon whom be the blessings of Allah and peace
be on him, said,
... .; 0 ..." ... '" ..."... ... 0 ......
<I.i(' JI ;. " i.l$..iill ni JI J.:Al1 'Ij
-- JJ : Y: " IJ"'" -
"'00;...... ...,0
;. 4J -;.? :; J! ;. :';1 :Jw .iii I JyQi
'" ... "'...::. ... 0 ... ... ... "",.....;:l
, .. -I' .. 'I " .... " -. '''I . t. -,II' Jt' .. "'\
.4;S. <Ill :<> , I:>
... ... ... ..
- -
"When a slave stands for prayer Allah turns His face toward him and
watch him, if the slave then looks behind him, then Allah, the Exalted,
says, "0 son of Adam, to whom has you turned towards that is better
than II" Should the slave turn away again, Allah would say the same,
when he looks away for the third time, Allah turns away from and
leaves him."
If this was the state of one who looks away physically, causing
Allah to turn away and leave him, what would it be like for the one,
when praying, yet whose heart is, directed to the fortunes and
ornaments of this world? Allah, the Pure and Exalted is He, does not
look at forms and appearances but at the hearts and its secrets.
Essence of Worship
Then you should know that the essence and meaning of all
worship is to be present with Allah whilst in the act. Acts of worship,
which are devoid of attention and presence, are like dust, easily
scattered and blown away.
An example of the one who is not attentive and present with
Allah in his worship is like the one who offers as gifts to a great king a
dead girl for a maid or an empty coffer, thus he should earn punishment
instead of reward for his gift.
Discipline in Ihe Pll.lh of the Seeker
.!3 y" T ,i.h."",) Discipline in Ihe Path of the Seeker
...,ril .!l):, ",Ii[ ;;,)L...)
Chapter 8
The Friday Prayer
Congregational Prayers
Pray in Congregation
A caution against missing the Friday Prayer
The time following the dawn prayer if kept alive has a powerful
and significant effect in attracting provisions for the body, whereas, the
time following the afternoon prayer, if kept alive, has a powerful effect
in attracting provisions for the heart. That was what the great gnostics
who knew have experienced with clear vision and closeness to Allah.
Thus there is a hadith, which said,
'" J.... '" J 0;;1 0... ;;;
['",:", ' . , " i :IN <IlI1 . .ill Wi
..J f....r , ..r . ..J. '$, :
, .-
.} Y J))\
... .... ,,-
"The one who sits in his place of prayer to invoke Allah after the dawn
prayer will receive the provisions earlier than the one who travels the
Tbi.s refers to those who travel in search for provisions (income
An Exhortation to perform the regular additional prayers or business).
o seeker, be very wary and mindful of leaving Friday prayers
and not praying the other compulsory [Fardu] prayers in congregation,
for indeed, such is the behavior of the people of falsehood and the
features of the elite of the ignorance. Take care to perform the regular
additional [warid] or supererogatory [sul1na] prayers before and after
the obligatory ones, persevere with the prayers of odd [witr] and mid
morning [dhuha] and enliven with remembrance [zikr] the interval
between the sunset [maghrib] and Night [isha'] prayers.
Be extremely careful to always keep alive the periods between
the dawn [fair] prayer and sunrise [israk], and the period between the
afternoon [asr] and sunset [maghrib] prayers, for these are preciom
noble periods where those slaves who turn to Allah receive the flow of
His assistance.
Discipline in the Palh of the Seeker 26 yl,)T;i.1I...., Discipline in the Path of the Seeker
. " -!1 ..,.,1,1 4ll-.)
Chapter 9
Remembrance and Reflection
On exhorting to persevere
in Remembrance [zikr] and Reflection [fikr]
What really determine (utmost important) for the one travelling
to the path of Allah the Exalted, after having obeyed commands and
avoided forbidden things, is to persevere in remembering Allah, so, 0
dear seeker, do keep at it at all times and places, with the heart and the
The invocations which contains the complete meanings of all
invocations collectively and their fruits, whether hidden or manifest, is,
. ,
"There is no God but Allah"
This is the remembrance instituted for those who begin the path
to Allah, enjoined to keep to and return with it for those ending the
He whose delight is in tasting some of the secrets of the path and
who wants some of its realities to become revealed to him, let him be
intent on invoking Allah, the Exalted; with a heart that is present;
courtesy that is abundant; attention that is sincere; and concentration
that is piercing.
Whenever these combinations exist within a person when he
invokes, then the highest possible authority of realm of Allah is
revealed, his spirit will experience the realities of the 'world of utmost
purity', and the eye of his secret witnesses the Highest and Holiest
Discipline the Self to Reflection [fikr]
o dear seeker you should embrace reflection [fikr] in abundance,
it is of three kinds;
First, the reflection on the wonders of the 'Power', and the
marvels of the heavenly and earthly kingdoms, its fruit is gnosis by
Secondly, the reflection on the gifts of Allah and His graces and
favors, its result is the love of Allah.
Thirdly, the reflection upon the life on this earth, the afterlife
and the states of creation in both, thus its benefit is turning away from
life on earth, becoming closer and attentive to Hereafter.
We have discussed in detail all three categories of reflection and
their results and benefits in a book called "Risalatul mu'awanah" or
"The Book of Assistance
Please refer to it for more details,
i' , ' i. .i " , .. , , I'll i' i\ r Ii:.j\ AJ' lJ'-'
ff I.J::"fr' .:r- '-'::!.r. )! r' J f-' J J )
Risal fill MI/'ml'(maflll'af Mlllllwl,irtlh lral Mu'a;;irah UrRaagibeell Milia! MII'millct!11 Pi SlIllIki Tariqal
The Book of Assistance. Suppon and Encoumgemcm for Such Believers as Desire To Follow The Way of
the Aflerlifc. {mnslaled into English simply as "The Book of Assistance" by Mostafa Al Badawi.
It is also translated in Malay as "Pctunjuk ThariquL kc JuJun Akhiral" by Sycd Ahmad binSemai[
Discipline in the Path of lhe Seeker 28 AJ\...I} Discipline in the Path ofthe Seeker 29 yl>' lJl...)
Chapter 10
Restrain from Laziness and Disobedience
How to rebuke the self
From Being Lazy in Obedience
And Swayed towards Disobedience
o dear seeker, if you find that your self to be lazy towards
obedience and heavy feet towards doing good deeds, then you should
lead your self back by the reins of hope. That is, remind your self of
what Allah has promised those who obey Him, with achievement of
great rewards of vast bounty, obtain a permanent bliss, grace and the
pleasure of Allah, such that they are permitted to live in eternity in the
vastness of the Garden (heaven) amongst those in honour, high rank,
and nobility near Him, the Exalted, and near all His slaves who
achieved such high status.
If you feel that you are leaning towards rebellion or heading for
sinful act, then use the whip of fear to rebuke it. That is to remind it of
that with which Allah has threatened those who disobey Him,
humiliation, disaster, debasement and vengeance, expulsion and
deprivation, shrinkage and loss.
Beware that you do not fall into the category of those who
strayed and belittled matters concerning the Eternal Garden and the Hell
Fire, whereby one should revere the issues concerned that Allah and His
Messenger have hold in esteem.
Thus you should act only for the sake of Allah for He is your
Lord and you are His slave, ask Him to let you enter His Garden and
seek protection from His Fire through His grace and mercy.
If the devil [shaytan], may Allah's curse be upon him, whispers
to you that Allah, the Exalted and Extolled, has no need of you or your
deeds, that neither your submission will benefit Him nor your rebellion
harms Him, then reply to him that "he is correct!" However, it is I who
is in need of the graces of Allah, and the good deeds, submission
benefits me and disobedience harms me, this is what my Lord has said
to me in his Noble Book and via the tongue of His Messenger, may
Allah's blessings and peace be upon him.
If he [shaytan], may Allah's curse be upon him, then says to you,
"Indeed if Allah has determined [takdir] that you are among the
fortunate, then you will inevitably end up in the Garden, whether you
are those who submit or rebel against him. If Allah has determined that
you are among the unfortunate, you will end up in the Fire even if you
are obedient'"
Do not be taken in by what he [shaytan] said, ignore him! That
is so, because the decree of future events is hidden, it is not obvious to
him, only Allah knows and none of His creation has anything to do with
Whilst submission and obedience are the surest argument of
proof of future good fortune, nothing stands between the obedient and
the Garden should he die in his state of obedience. Whereas
disobedience is the surest proof of future ill fortune, nothing stands
between a sinner and the Fire should he die in his state of sin.
Discipline in the Patb of the Seeker 30
004."j1 yl.:lT Discipline in the Palh of the Seeker
..,,,.i, ",,>T;JL",)
Chapter 11
Path to Allah
On the states of the self and on being patient
o dear seeker, know that the beginning of the path (to Allah) is
patience and its end is thankfulness. Its beginning is difficulty and its
ending is bliss. Its beginning is toil and weariness and its ending is
opening (of all doors), revelation (of all secrets), and arrival at the
utmost of the hope and the ultimate desire, which is gnosis of Allah
[ma'rifatullah], arrival at the presence of Him, being comforted by Him,
and standing in the nobility of His presence with His angels before Him.
The person who exercises gracious patience as the foundation of all his
behaviour and deeds receives all the goodness, achieves everything that
he hopes for, and triumphs over all that he seeks.
You should be aware (and be mindful) that at the beginning (of
one's live) the self (individual soul) [nafsu amara] 1 commands, exhorts
and is prone to evil and forbids good. When a man resists its commands
by patiently endures what comes from contradicting its whims of lower
desires, it changes to a 'blaming self [nafsu lawwamahf (eschew Evil)
(or an admonisher of evil or the self-reproaching spirit). Thus changes
the colour of its face (upgrade the status of the soul) to the status of
tranquil and serene mutma 'innah] 3 with another face, that of
'commanding (of good deeds)'.
I '"The (human) soul is certainly prone 10 evil". Sumh 12 Yusuf Verse 53
! "And I do cull to witness the self-reproaching spirit (eschew Evil)", Surah 75 Qiyamat Verse 2
J (To the righteous will be said) "0 (thou) soul. in (complete) rest and satisfaction!" Surah 89 Fajr Verse 27
Thus it can be this (lustful and bad) on one occasion, and that
(patience and good) on another. If he then gently guides it and leads it
by the reins of desire for what Allah has in store, it becomes tranquil
and at peace, it enjoins good and finds its pleasure and comfort in it. It
forbids evil, repels and flees from it.
The one whose self [nasj] is at peace
, tranquil and serene is
greatly amazed by the way people turn away from obedience and what
it carries of delight, comfort, and pleasure. Yet they rush into rebellion
and lusts for lower desires, even though these are filled with depression,
estrangement, loneliness and bitterness. He may think that the way they
taste those two states (of the self) is the same as his, he then draws on
his own experience for comparison and remembers how pleasurable he
had once found it to satisfy his lusts, and how bitter to perform acts of
obedience, he then understands, and realises that he had only reached
his present state after a long struggle, and by the vast grace of Allah, the
You must know and be aware that to have the patience to stay
away from committing sins and the lower desires, and keep to acts of
obedience, is what makes you achieve everything that is good, and the
calumniator to every noble status and lofty state (in the eyes of Allah).
How can it not be when Allah, the Glorious Supreme says,
,.. 0 , .. " '" J , ...
<'1::'1 ill I I -:( 11..\" I ' l:,.:.' , ' I , '. oU'
.r-:- J y-. JJ J..r. J J.r.-" y.o,J.., To'-
, , .
"0 ye who believe! persevere in patience and constancy; vie in such
perseverance; strengthen each other; and fear (be mindful of your duties
"nd be obedient to) Allah; that you may prosper,,2
The Exalted also says,
.. ,.. 0 '" J.... ....
\ 'N 1:(' I .' Ie
J.r.-" . .r--.- r. ..s- ..r-- .J, J
.... .. -... .,
"The fair promise of thy Lord was fulfilled for the Children of Israel,
because they had patience and constancy.,,3
IThe objcctive orthc seeker is achieved when the AI-Mighty said 10 him. "0 (you) soul. in (complete) rest
lind satisraction! You return to your Lord. well pleased (yourself). and well-pleasing unLO Him Enter you.
then. among My Devotees! You. enter you My Heaven!" 5umh 89 Fajr Verse 27.30
1 Sur.lh 3 Ala lmran Verse 200
J Surah 7 AI A'rar Verse 137
Discipline in me Path of the Seeker 32 ...,,,JI yl" jJJ..J
Discipline in the Path of the Seeker _': r
...,,,JI .!lj:. ..,,1,1 4lL...)
And He, the Exalted said,
,. , '" " 'JI "" f 0
'1i11St \ liS" I ,,, I.':.J u."" ,., WI ': L:,W.-'
,,: Y J !: . J
"And We appointed, from among them, Leaders, giving guidance under
Our Command, so long as they persevered with patience and continued
to have faith in Our Signs.,,1
There is a hadith that mentioned, "Amongst the least of favors
bestow upon you is certainty and determined patience. Thus those who
has a share of these characters then he is not overly concerned by what
he misses in nightly vigil worship and day fasting
I Surah 32 as Sajda Verse 24
2 The exercise of observing the Night Vigil and foisting during lhc day develops certainty and,patience.
Chapter 12
Example of Patience
Test of Poverty on the People of Patience
At times, the seeker is put to test and endeavour hardship of
poverty, neediness, and the narrowing of the channels of provision.
Then in such a situation he should thank Allah and in fact consider it as
a great blessing. As life on earth is an adversary that Allah presents it
towards his enemies, and He deflects it away from His protegees
(saints) [awliya]. So let him (the seeker) thank and be grateful to Allah,
the Benevolent, for making him resemble and following the foot
of His Prophets, saints [awliyaj, and pious devoted righteous servants 1_.
Is it not the leader amongst the Messengers and the best of
creations, Muhammad, may Allah's blessings and peace be upon him,
used to tie a stone to his stomach out of hunger. In some situation, two
months and more would pass while no fire would be lit in his house,
neither for cooking nor for any other purpose. He survived on dates and
water. Once he had a guest and wanted to serve him something, so he
sent (a helper) to his nine houses (to see if there are any food to be
serve). But none was found for him to serve his guest! On the day he
died, his armour was still pawned with a Jew for a measure of barley
which was on that day was all that there was to eat in his house.
I Thus be grateful that you are being tested with the same adversities as those foremost in Allah's sight. But
those who have Faith and work righteousness. They arc Companions of the Garden: Lherein shall they abide
(for ever). Surah 2 Baqara Verse 82
2Allah. the Ex.alted says in Sumh An-Nisaa Verse 69. "All who obey Allah and the Messenger arc in the
Compllny of those on whom is the Grace of Allah. of Ihc Prophcls (who leach). the sincere (lovers of Truth).
the witnesses (who tcstiry), and the rightcous (who do good): ah! what II bCllutirul
Discipline in the Path of [he Seeker
34 ...I.t."j\ T4.!
JI Discipline in [he Path of the Seeker
""...-il .!lj:, .,.," T;;JI...
So, dear seeker, let your earnest desire for worldly life be just a
piece of cloth to cover what should be covered [aurat] of you, and just a
bite of permissible [halal] food to allay your hunger only.
Beware of the deadly poison of longing for the luxuries and
pleasures of worldly life. That is to be alluding to the pleasures of its
lower desires and thus be envy of others who were conferred and
enjoying the good life. Then remember that later they will be asked
about the favours granted to them, and to account for what they took
and had enjoyed its lower pleasures.
If only you knew the hardship they will have to endure, the
bitterness they will have to swallow, the troubles and anxieties they will
have to carry in their hearts and breasts, all of which come from
pursuing the worldly life, and devotion to it, and guarding it
then you would see clearly that these far outweigh the pleasures enjoyed
if indeed it can be said that those are really pleasures.
It is enough for you to repel from loving the worldly life and to
lead a life of abstentions and asceticism [zuhud] knowing that (in a
hadith Qudsi) Allah, the Glorious said,
J; Q ... " " J ... J g...... ..
'A iJ iJ\ '} )IJ
... .. .. 0" '" ... :P J
1'.'1;;', In" ' -,"1' 'lJ IAA' \..<it
J,r'J . Yo 1:.} J,
J to"'.... 1;) Q ts .. J
ylll t JS' \!?)j ,iJ
::.,.t',iJ ',( ...
. __ , .J
"And were it not that (all) men might become of one (evil) way of life,
We would provide, for everyone that blasphemes against (Allah) MOSI
Gracious, silver roofs for their houses, and (silver) stair-ways on which
to go up, and (silver) doors to their houses, and thrones (of silver) on
which they could recline, and also adornments of gold. But all this were
nothing but conveniences of the present life: the Hereafter, in the sight
of thy Lord, is for the Righteous."
I This refers to the wcallh and ravors thal Allah bestowed upon them as trials.
The Messenger of Allah may Allah's blessings and peace be
upon him said,
\ J "' ..... oJ 0 JlO
t G:- lJ; I.::.J\S' )Ij yll\
. , ,
. I.A I.A

"The world is the prison of the believers and the garden of the
disbelievers [kafir], had it been worth the wing of a mosquito to Allah,
He would never have allowed a disbeliever a sip of its water."
And to know that since He. the Glorious created it, He has never
looked at it.
Discipline in the Path of the Seeker
Discipline in the Palh of the Seeker
37 .l;".il .!l). yl'TlJ\..)
Chapter 13
Provisions are being Apportioned
You should realise and know that provIsion is divided and
allocated by predetermined decree. Some slaves I are allotted a large
share and a bigger capacity for it, while some are allotted a small
provision and confined to neediness, all in accordance to the wisdom of
Allah, the Wise.
Should you 0 dear seeker be among those who are apportioned
a small share of it, you should exercise patience, be content, and be
pleased with what your Lord has allotted to you. If you are one of those
who have received a vast share, then be satisfied and just take what you
need as necessary, and spend the rest in ways of goodness and channel
it to good cause.
No Need to Divest Wealth in Devotion to Allah
Know that it is not necessary for a man who wishes to enter the
path to Allah to leave or spend all his wealth if he is rich, or resign from
his profession if he is working or leave his business if he is in
commerce. However, it is necessary for him to be God-fearing (and be
mindful of his duties to Allah) in what he does, and to have moderation
in pursuing his livelihood so as not to miss the obligatory [fard] or
supererogatory [nawafil] acts of worship.
I Allah crealed mankind as 'slave' just to worship Him. the Supreme and He, the Exalted. says in Surah 51
Az-ZariyuL Verse 56... , have only crealed Jions and men. that lhey may serve (worship) Me.
Neither should he fall into the forbidden [haram] nor the
unnecessary which is of no concern to him (being nosy) and does not
help in the way to the path of Allah.
Should the seeker know that his heart would not be firm nor his
religion safe, except by shedding his wealth and all other means, then it
becomes incumbent upon him to do such. If he has wives and children
who would need expenses and clothes, then it becomes his obligatory
duty to provide all these and strive for it. If after trying to do this, he is
not able to provide for them due to any of the reasons recognised by law
[shari'a] he would be blameless and safe from sin.
Avoid Long Term Ambition
o dear seeker, you should know that you will not be capable of
constantly being in acts of obedience, of avoiding lusts of lower desires,
and of turning away from the worldly life until you realise that your
days in this world are few and your death is near, then having the
ending of your life before your eyes, and be ready for death, and know
that it may descend on you at any time and moment.
You should beware of long term ambition, because they do sway
you towards the love of worldly life, and make it difficult for you to
persevere in obedience, reduce the intent on worship or devote yourself
to the path of the Afterlife. Thus from the realisation of the nearness of
death and the little time at hand comes all the goodness. You should
seek this realisation so may Allah, the Exalted, grant you and us success.
Discipline in me Path of the Seeker 38 -4,)' ~ ) : . . . ~ I ~ I 4JI...J
I Discipline in the Path of1he Seeker
39 ..;oil ~ ) : . . yl" lJL,.,)
Chapter 14
Trials and Tribulations
Be Patient When Harmed
Be Wary When Tempted
Sometimes, the created (people) show hostility to the seekers of
the path, they may hurt him, treat him harshly or talk about him
disparagingly. Should you become afflicted by any such thing, you
must remain patient, forsake retaliation, and maintain your heart pure of
grudges and evil intentions against them. Beware of asking or invoking
Allah, the All-Mighty, to send down His wrath on those who injure you,
and if a bad thing happened to them, never say, "It is because of what
they did to meI"
It would be even better, if you are able to exercise more than
just being patient enduring these wrongdoings, is to forgive them and
pray to Allah, the Most Forgiving, for them to be good, such would he
the behaviour and traits of the righteous [asSiddiqeen]. When mankind
shuns you, (in any of the above ways), consider this to be a blessing
from your Lord, for if people come to you or look up to you, they may
distract you and keep you busy from worship in His obedience.
Similarly, if you are being tested, when people look up to you
and seek your audience, respecting, praising and repeatedl y seeking
your audience, then be aware of the effect this may be a severe trial on
you. So be thankful and grateful to Allah who has hidden your faults
and deficiencies from them.
If you are worried about being pretentious, that is, pretending or
artificially trying to look better in their eyes by showing off in their
presence or the interaction will distract you from being obedience to
Allah, then you should disassociate from them. If necessary, shut your
house door on them so they do not come again. Thus isolate yourself or
else leave the place where you are known for one where you are
You should give preference to remaining unnoticed, flee fame
and publicity. Thus indeed, these are trials and tribulations and a form
of hardship.
One of our righteous predecessors [salaf] said, "By Allah! A
servant who is truthful with Allah always loves to go unnoticed in his
Whilst another said, "I have never known a man who wished to
be recognised but that his religion left him and he became exposed."
Discipline in the Path of the Seeker 40
J ( ~ I ~ ~ yl,)T41\...1) I Discipline in the Path of the Seeker
...,,,JI ~ ~ yl'T<ll.o)
Chapter 15
No Need to Look to Mankind for Approval
o dear seeker, you should strive to purify your heart from the
fear of mankind, and from putting your hopes in them or greed for what
they have. This would cause a person to remain silent when faced with
falsehood, and in front of those who compromise the religion, and thus
neglect exhorting to good and forbidding evil. This attitude would be
contemptible or humiliating enough in the eyes of the Lord, because the
seeker is strong by his Lord, he has no fear and no hope except in Him.
When one of your Muslim brothers offers you assistance or
favour by way of good intention, you should take it if you need it. Then
you should express gratefulness and thanks to Allah for He is the real
giver, and thank the servant whom Allah has chosen to deliver it to you.
If you do not need it, you should assess whether it would be better for
your heart to take it or refuse it. If your heart judges that you should
refuse it, then do so tactfully so as not to hurt the heart of the giver, for
to respect the feelings of a Muslim has great status with Allah.
You should be aware of refusing for the sake of acquiring a
reputation, or of accepting it to satire your lust. However, if you accept
it due to lust, it is better for you then to turn it down in order to acquire
a reputation of being ascetic and of turning away from the worldly life.
The truthful and sincere will not be confused by this. Because his Lord
would give him a light in his heart by which he knows what is required
of him.
Chapter 16
Revelation [Mukasysfah]
and Miracles [Karamah]
On rebuking those who pursuers of
Revelation [Mukasysfah] and Miracles [Karamah]
One of the most harmful things to the seeker is his asking for
revelations [kasfifl, his longing for it, like miracles [karamah] and for
extraordinary happenings, event out of the ordinary. These will never
appear before him as long as he lusts for their appearance, because
normally they come mostly to those who have a dislike for such things
and no wi sh for them.
At times, these things can occur to those who are deceived to
make them even more entangled, and test or tribulation to the weak in
belief amongst the believers. In this context, these things are to debase
rather than honour, they would be considered miracle [karamat] from
Allah only if they appear on those who are steadfast. [istiqamah].
o dear seeker, if indeed Allah should honour you, by presenting
such great honourable events, then praise and thank Him, Glorious and
Extolled is He.
You should not stop from worship [ibadah] nor dwell on them
and become overconfident, keep them hidden and do not mention them
to other people. If none appears to you, do not wish for them, nor grieve
Discipline in the Path of the Seeker 42
004."j1 !l~ "",:-,1.)\ A..h....) I Discipline in the Path of the Seeker
43 ...,.,JI ;)):. yl'I <)1.-)
for their absence (even though you work hard in your deeds and
The True Sense of Miracles
Now you should know that the miracles [karamah] which
contain every other miracles, whether it is in reality or appear only in its
form but in actual fact is not a miracle, all that has its roots in
steadfastness (in the path to Allah) [istiqamah]. It manifests itself when
complying with (Allah's) commands and avoiding what is forbidden
(by Him), both outwardly and inwardly. So it is encumbrance upon you
to strive and achieve in fullness those qualities (of steadfastness)
[istiqamah]. Then you will be served by those beings in the upper
(heavens) and lower (earth) worlds, but in such a way as not to veil you
from your Lord, nor distract you from what He wants for you.
Chapter 17
Think Well of Allah
Hold on Only to AUah
o dear seeker, you should always think well of your Lord.
Indeed affirm that He, the Most Merciful, will help you to fulfill your
needs, guard and protect you. He will not entrust your hope neither to
mankind nor to yourself. Indeed, the Glorious Supreme is He who has
informed us about His Self, that He is as good to His slave as His
slave's opinion of Him is. Thus you should remove from your heart the
fear of poverty and the expectation that one day you may need people.
You should be aware and beware of directing your whole
attention to matters of provisions but instead trust in your Lord's
promise and in His providing for you.
He, the Exalted, says,
,. ~ .. ~ .. ..
~ j ~ ~ \ JS- '1! <!"}j\ J ~ b ~ \.4)
"There is no moving creature on earth but its sustenance depends on
Remember that you are among those who walk the earth, so
occupy yourself with what He has commanded you in lieu of the
provision that He has already guaranteed for you.
I Surah II Hud Verse 6
Discipline in the Path of the Seeker
-4,.,j\ ~ ~ "":J'JTill.", j I Discipline in the Path of Ihe Seeker 45 .l<"J1 .:Jj:, ..,,1,T;J]..,)
Thus indeed, Your Lord never forgets you. He has informed you
that your provision is with Him, and commanded you to seek it from
Him by worshipping.
He, the Exalted says,
, , ,,:;; ...
4J 1/,,s:.:;.IJ ~ J ~ \ J ~ j ) 1 ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ j
"Then seek your sustenance from Allah, serve Him, and be grateful to
Have you not seen how He, the Most Gracious, provides for
those [kafirun] who reject Him and yet they worship other than Him?
Would He, the Most Merciful, not provide for the faithful who worship
no other than Him when He even provides for those who rebel and
disobey His commands? Would He not provide for the obedient who
remember and thank Him in abundance?
1 Surah 29 Ankabul Verse 17
Chapter 18
Rules in Seeking Provisions
Seeking Provisions and Striving For It
o dear seeker, you should know that there is no blame attached
to seeking provision by manifesting action within the limits of what is
permitted by law [shari'a]. What is wrong and blameworthy lies in the
lack of tranquility of the heart through its preoccupation, worrying, and
the pursuit of illusions!
It is proof of the ruin of his heart when a man is preoccupied by
what he may need in a future as yet non-existent, when he says, "When
this runs out, where shall I be able to find more? If provisions do not
come in this manner, how else can they come?"
Whether a man objectively works on specific reasons or simply
enters upon a means for provision, reflects the two statuses whereby
Allah puts before whomsoever of His slaves He wishes. The one put by
Allah into a state of which he is without means, let him strengthen his
certainty, expand his accepting heart, and be intent on worship. As for
the one whom Allah keeps in a state where he retains means, let him
fear (and mindful of his duties towards) Allah when using them, let him
rely on Allah to the exclusion of all else, and beware not to be distracted
by them in his obedience to his Lord.
At times, the thoughts of provision, and of compromising with mankind
and amongst other thoughts, can occur to a seeker. He is not to blame
and will not sin as long as he rejects them and strives to remove them
from his heart.
Discipline in the Path of the Seeker 46
..,,,.il .!l"i:. ..,.,1>T;)\..J Discipline in the Path of the Seeker
47 ..,,,.i1.!l"i:. ..,.,1>T4J l.>)
Chapter 19
Keep Good Company
Look for a Teacher
Good Manners and Companions
o dear seeker, you must take the greatest care in keeping the
company of the best of people and attend the gatherings of the pious
and the righteous [abrar]. Then search with utmost concern for a good
guide (or teacher) [shaykh], a pious righteous man, a man of guidance
and good advice, who has knowledge of laws [shari'a], has travelled
the path to Allah [tariqa] , a man who has tasted and know the truth
[haqiqah] , a man who has perfection of mind and vastness of breast,
wisdom in management, knowledge of the ranks and status of mankind,
and the ability to discriminate between what is in them due to their
instincts, innate qualities, status and states.
When you find a teacher so described, attach yourself to and
depend on him, give him command over all of your affairs, and take his
advice and suggestions in everything that concerns you. Follow his
example in everything he says or does, except in those things which are
specific to his status as a shaykh, like a shaykh has to mix with the
general public in their daily routine, speak to them gently and evenly,
draw to the people whether they are near and far from Allah.
In all these, you need to inter-blend and assess him in all of
these situations, so as to raise no objection to any of his conduct neither
obviously (aloud) nor privately (secretly).
Should a disturbing thought about him enter your heart, then you
should strive to cast it out of you. If you are not satisfied and not able to
do so, then, speak about it to the shaykh, so that he can explain the true
situation to you and you can get rid of the negative thought. Similarly,
you should also inform him of everything that occurs to you, especially
in all matters and concerns that are related to the path to Allah.
Discipline in Ihe Path of the Seeker 48
-4)1 <l;:' ",1,1 ilL.
Discipline in the Path of the Seeker
~ I -
<l;::" ",1'1 ;.)1,.,)
Chapter 20
Relationship with a Shaykh
Put Your Trust in Your Shaykh
You should be circumspect and cautious that you are not just
obeying the shaykh publicly and obviously when you know that he can
see your obedience to him. Whilst on the back of it, you disobey him in
secret whenever he is not aware of your action, you can thus perish.
Do not approach or meet up with any other shaykh, who is
apparently known to take people on to the path of Allah unless you have
your shaykh's permission. If he permits you, then guard your heart and
meet whoever you like. If he does not give you permission, then you
should know that he has chosen what is best for your condition, so do
not accuse him or think that he is being envious or jealous because of it.
Allah forbids such behaviour to be present amongst the elect from His
people and those trending similar paths and characters.
You should also refrain from asking the shaykh to show
miracles [karamat] or that he reveals to you what you secretly think, for
indeed, the knowledge of the hidden belongs exclusively to Allah. The
extreme limit of a saint [wali] is that Allah reveals to him some of the
hidden natures, some of the time.
Sometimes a seeker may wish to test the shaykh and appear
before him to ask the shaykh to reveal to him his own thoughts and
condition. However, the shaykh may refrain from telling him even
though it was revealed to him. This is to guard his secret and hide his
state, for what they are, from the public. For indeed, the saints [waUl
may Allah be pleased with them, are the most careful of mankind in
guarding secrets and the furthest from showing off with miracles
[karamat] and extraordinary events, even though they have permission
and may be given the authority over them.
Most miracles [karamat] appearing before the saints [awliya] do
not appear by choice or by their effort. Those who witness any of these
are invariably asked not to talk about such extraordinary happenings
that they have witnessed until such time that the saints leave the world.
The saints [awliya] may sometimes openly bring about such
extraordinary events when they are certain that there are greater benefits
in doing so than in keeping them hidden.
The Perfect [kamil] Teacher [Shaykh]
You must, indeed, know that a perfect shaykh is one who
benefits the seeker through his activities, dealings and sayings and that
he observes and protects the seeker whether present or absent. If the
seeker is physically far from his shaykh no matter where, then he must
seek from him guidelines as to what he should do and what he should
refrain from doing.
The most harmful thing that can happen to the seeker is to
change in his shaykh's feelings toward him, if this happens, then even if
the shaykhs of the east and the west unite to improve him they will
never succeed until his own shaykh becomes pleased with him again.
You should know that it is imperative for the seeker who is in
search of a shaykh should not blindly surrender himself completely to
anyone said to be a shaykh that can guide on the path to Allah until he
knows that the shaykh is worthy of this description, and until he can
accept the shaykh with his whole heart.
Similarly, it is imperative for a shaykh when a seeker comes to
him asking to be led to the path to Allah, he should not be permitted to
enter it until his sincerity has been tested, and the extent to which he
thirsts for someone to guide him to his Lord.
All these pre-conditions relate to the shaykh who one would
give a complete control of all decision that is shaykh tahkim. It is
Discipline in Ihe Path of the Seeker 50 ..I.!:.)\ ~ ~ ~ \ ~ T~ I " " J I Discipline in the Path of the Seeker
.1<ri' ~ .,L y" T;JJ..,)
imperative that the seeker remains with him like the body of a dead man
in the hands of the one washing it for burial, or like a baby in the
mother's care.
This does not apply to the shaykh who one is seeking blessings
from, that is, shaykh tabarruk. This is whenever the seeker intends to
get blessings and not put his affairs under the command of the shaykh.
Then the more shaykhs he meets and the more he visits them seeking
their blessings, the better.
If a seeker is not successful in finding a shaykh, then he should
persevere in resolutely striving, he should tum to Allah to take refuge
with absolute sincerity, and express his need to Him to foreordain for
him one who will guide him. Surely he will be answered by the One
who answers those in desperate need, and Allah will send him a slave of
His to take the seeker by his hand.
Some seekers consider themselves without a shaykh and
continue searching for a shaykh, while in actual fact Allah has ordain a
shaykh for him that he has never seen, who teaching him by directing
his 'unseen' attention and concern toward the seeker, yet the seeker
remains unaware.
In reality, the vital factor is the truthfulness and sincerity of the
seeker because the true haqiqa shaykhs exist aplenty. However,
Glorious is He, who has made the evidence that point to His saints
[awliya] through the evidence that points at Him, and has not made
anyone reach them except those He, the Exalted, wishes them to reach
Him, the All-Mighty.
o seeker, if you want something from your shaykh, or if you
have a question to ask, do not refrain out of awe of his status and fear of
disrespecting his pOsition for questioning him or asking something from
him, so you ask him once, if not satisfied then twice and three times. Do
not think that it is courteous to refrain from raising questions and asking
for things, unless, of course, the shaykh himself indicates that you
should remain silent and leave this question, in which case you must
obey him.
If the shaykh prevents you from doing something, or if he shows
preference to someone else over you, then beware of accusing him. You
must believe and convince that he would not done so other than what is
beneficial to you and best for you. If you have committed a sin which
you find is the cause of your shaykh's anger towards you, then you must
be quick to apologise to him after you have repented to Allah until the
shaykh becomes pleased with you again.
If you suspect a change in the shaykh's feelings toward you, just
like for instance you find that his pleasantness to you is missing like as
much as he usually does or similarly, then you must tell him what you
feel of your fear that his heart has changed toward you. It may be due to
something you did, in which case you can show repentance or it may be
that you only imagined the shaykh to have changed, that this was a
thought thrown into your heart by shaytan so that there is a
disagreement with your shaykh and distress you. In which case when
you find out that the shaykh is pleased with you then your heart will
have peace. This cannot happen if, rather than talking about it, you keep
quiet in the knowledge that you have done nothing wrong.
If you see a seeker who is full of respect and awe for his shaykh
who believes in him, obeys him, outwardly and inwardly, and gives him
the courtesy that is his due, then surely such a seeker will ineVitably
inherit his secret or sOmething from him or part of it.
Discipline in the Path of the Seeker 52 " ' ~ I ~ ) : . .,,1'i 41l.. J
Discipline in the Puth of the Seeker
" ' ~ I ~ ) : . .,,1'i 411..-)
Some Gnostics [Arif-Billah], may Allah be pleased with them and make
us benefit from them, have said,
Keeping his company proves better than talking about
He helps others abundantly, but his own demands are
Ii ttle.
He is far from frivolousness.
He is honest and trustworthy neither lies nor betrays.
Neither is he a miser nor a coward.
Neither does he insult nor curse.
He is not concerned with what is not his share, and is not
stingy with what he has.
His inner self is excellence and so are his intentions and
He keeps a distance from all evil spotlessly.
He is very intense in the deeds that draw him near to his
Lord Most High.
His desire for life on earth is disdainful.
He does not repeat his errors.
Whether he acts or refrains is not due to lustful motives.
Loyalty and generosity are his companions.
Modesty and high moral is his trademark.
Author's Epilogue
Attributes of the Sincere Seeker
How he should behave
"A seeker is not a seeker until he is able to find in the
Qur' an everything that he wants, he knows the difference
between his shortfall from the perfection, his needs
become independent of the slaves by the Lord, and
regard gold and dust as equal.
A seeker is one who observes limits or law of the Lord,
be mindful of His promises, is contented with what he
has, and has patience when deprived.
A seeker is one who is thankful and grateful upon the
favours of Allah, endures trials and afflictions patiently,
is content with the bitter decrees, praises his Lord in
times of ease and hardship, and remains true to Him
secretly and openIy.
A seeker is one who is not enslaved to others (except
Allah), neither attached to rank and status or desires any
material forms.
A seeker is neither vanquished by lower desires [nafsu]
or ambitions nor dominated by habits or culture. His
words are invocation and wisdom.
His silence is filled with reflection and heeding to
His actions and deeds precede his words and are proof of
his knowledge. His marks are reverence and gravity.
His clothes are humility and modesty.
He follows truth and prefers it.
He rejects falsehood and denies it.
He loves the best of people and is their ally.
He detests evil people and is their enemy.
Dealing with him proves him better than
about him.
what is said
Discipline in the Path of the Seeker 54
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Discipline in lhe Path of the Seeker
>II ... >II "

Say (0 MUhammad) "If ye do love Allah, follow me: Allah will love
you and forgive you your sins; for Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most
2iJ1 t li.f J;')I & :;j
And we who obeys the Messenger, obeys Allah3;
illI W ' L:: Wi ;:w , L:: -. .ill wi
.JA!. .- .JA!. .. .:.r._ .
'" ... '" -"
Verily those who plight their fealty to you do no less than plight their
fealty to Allah
J J J ... J ",-"""" '" I Jo oJ
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o\lI .:I .-. o\lI - '" o\lI W -.. w
J.j' .. _ 4.S' J-f':'-'
'" -"
What is seen on his face indicates what is hidden inwardly. He,
the seeker, strives and aspires to please his Lord. He is eager and careful
to follow his Messenger, may Allah's blessings and peace be upon him,
the beloved and chosen one, whom the seeker takes for example in all
his affairs and follows in manners, actions and words, in compliance
with the command of his Great Lord in His generous and noble Book
whereby He, the Exalted, says the following,
... J J ... J J
So take what the Messenger assigns to you, and deny yourselves that
which he withholds (or forbidden) from you '.
....., ... .... >II >II I, J '" ...... ......
4111 H';. wlS' :' ... 0;'1 J wlS'
"''''''' '" ...
.I';;? 4111 '11
You have indeed in the Messenger of Allah a beautiful pattern (of
conduct) for anyone whose hope is in Allah and the Final Day, and
who engages much in the praise and remembrance of AIlah2
......-i' ):. ",,>TiJL.)
! Part of Surah 59 al-Hasyr Verse 7
Sumh 33 nl-Ahzab Verse 21
j First pan of Surah 4 an-Nisaa Verse 80
First pan of Sur,lh 48 alFath Verse 10
5 Surah 3 Ala Imran Verse 31
Discipline in the Path of the Seeker
He fulfils in full everyone's rights due from him while
never seeks to total all his rights due from others.
When he is given, he is thankful.
When his rights are withheld, he is patient.
When he commits an injustice, he repents and asks for
When an injustice is committed against him, he pardons
and forgives.
He likes to remain unknown and hidden.
He dislikes prominence and fame.
He is grieved when his tongue speaks of what does not
concern him.
His heart is saddened by his shortcomings in obeying His
He does not compromise in religious matters nor does he
please any creation which will cause displeasure to Lord
of the Universe.
He finds solace in isolation and loneliness.
He finds aversion in mixing with people.
Whenever you meet him, you find him performing acts of
goodness or teaching the knowledge he acquired.
He is a man from whom people expect goodness, never
fear any form of evil from him.
He does not repay harm with harm nor does he shun those
who shun him.
He is like a palm tree, which throws tender dates at you
when you throw stones at it.
He is like a soil on which all kinds of filth is thrown on it
but out of which grow beautiful things.
The light of truthfulness emerges outwardly from him.
56 ......-i' ""ii ilL.J

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...... (t........ ... I'...... '-:- v v...... ... ..
Let those beware who withstand the Messenger's order, lest some trial
befall them, or a grievous Penalty be inflicted on them
So you see him extremely careful to follow his Prophet, may
Allah's blessings and peace be upon him, obey the command of his
Lord, aspire to the generous promise, and flee the threat of suffering (of
the afterlife) mentioned in those verses we quoted and those we left out
but which carry the same meaning, that is, good tidings of utmost
success to the followers of the Messenger, may Allah's blessings and
peace be upon him, and warnings of utmost shame and disgrace to those
who differ from him.
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o Lord, indeed, we ask You, by Your being Allah whom there
being no god but You, the Compassionate, the Bountiful, Designer of
heavens and earth, 0 the One of Majesty and Generosity, to confer on
us perfection follow the foot steps of Your servant, Your Messenger,
our Master Muhammad, may Allah's blessings and peace be on him, in
his character, deeds and actions, in his words outwardly and inwardly;
make us live and die according to this upon Your mercy, 0 the Most
Merciful of the Merciful!
... ",. "'..... 0... ... ... r;;l"

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... "'-" ... ...
o Lord, all praises and thanks belong to our Lord, abundant
fragrant praise full of blessings that befits the Majesty of Your State and
the Magnitude of Your Sovereignty. "Glory be to Youl Of which
knowledge we have none, save what You have taught us: in truth it is
You Who are perfect in knowledge and wisdom.,,1 "There is no god but
Thou: glory to Thee: I was indeed wrong!,,2
The author (Imam Alhadad) said, "This treatise is now
completed. It is guidance for the seeker, to whom is given firmness,
support and right direction, by his Lord, the Praiseworthy, the Glorious.
It was dictated, Praise to Allah, in seven or eight nights of Ramadan of
the year 1071 from the Hijrah of the Prophet, may the best of blessings
and peace be on him. All praises and thanks to the Lord of all Universe.
I Surah 2 AJ Baqara Verse 32
Second part of Verse 87 of Sur.lh 21 Al Anbiyan
I Second part of Surah 24 Verse 63
Discipline in the Path of the Seeker 58
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Discipline in fhe Path of the Seeker
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