Shivareddy Web Developer
Shivareddy Web Developer
Shivareddy Web Developer
To secure a challenging position where I can effectively contribute my skills as Software Professional, possessing Technical Skills.
Current States:
I am working at Gowdanar Technologies Pvt Ltd Bangalore as Web developer From Past five months 2011.
Educational Qualification:
B.TECH 10+2. S.S.C.
Jntu Hyderabad Andrapradesh Andrapradesh
Year of passing
2011 2007 2005
70 % 69.3 % 70 %
Computer Skills: Languages Known: Web Technologies: Databases: O.S.: PROJECT DESCRIPTION : C, C++, JAVA,J2EE,PHP. HTML,JAVASCRIPT,XML,AJAX MYSQL,ORACLE Windows 98/XP,Unix.
Title: Consistent Objet sharing for Edge services . Role:Team leader.Duration:3months Client Environment Roles&Responsibility Team size : Neoapp technologies . : PHP, Smarty, HTML, PostgreSQL,Java. : Analysis, Designing, Coding, and Testing. :4
called Quiver, a system that coordinates service proxies placed at the edge of the Internet to serve distributed clients accessing a service involving mutable objects. Quiver enables these proxies to perform consistent accesses to shared objects by migrating the objects to proxies performing operations on those objects. Applications: SEMINAR : 1. Topic : Consistent Objet sharing for Edge services (B.TECH) Quiver to build an e-commerce application. Distributed network traffic modeling service.
Extracurricular activities : 1. Event organizer in college annual day functions and other technical events
Personal Information : Name: Date of Birth: Gender: Permanent Address: Nationality: Languages Known: Hobbies: Email: Shivareddy.A
male 106/1,Sarvaboumanagar,Bangalore,Karnataka,560076. Indian English, Hindi,Telugu. Making Friends,Interacting with People ,Playing kabadi.
Declaration: I hereby declare that the information furnished above is true to the best of my knowledge.