Skynav Skm53 Series Ultra High Sensitivity and Low Power The Smart Antenna Gps Module
Skynav Skm53 Series Ultra High Sensitivity and Low Power The Smart Antenna Gps Module
Skynav Skm53 Series Ultra High Sensitivity and Low Power The Smart Antenna Gps Module
General Description
The SkyNav SKM53 Series with embedded GPS antenna enables high performance navigation in the most stringent applications and solid fix even in harsh GPS visibility environments. It is based on the high performance features of the MediaTek 3327 single-chip architecture, Its 165dBm tracking sensitivity extends positioning coverage into place like urban canyons and dense foliage environment where the GPS was not possible before. The 6-pin UART and USB connector design is the easiest and convenient solution to be embedded in a portable device and receiver like PND, GPS mouse, car holder, personal locator, speed camera detector and vehicle locator.
Ultra high sensitivity: -165dBm 22 tracking/66 acquisition-channel receiver WAAS/EGNOS/MSAS/GAGAN support NMEA protocols (default speed: 9600bps) Internal back-up battery One serial port and USB port (option) Embedded patch antenna 18.2 x 18.2 x 4.0 mm Operating temperature range: -40 to 85 RoHS compliant (Lead-free) Tiny form factor 30mm x20mm x 11.4mm
LBS (Location Based Service) Vehicle navigation system PND (Portable Navigation Device) GPS mouse and Bluetooth GPS receiver Timing application
Pin Assignment
22 Tracking / 66 Acquisition-Channel -165dBm -148dBm 3.0m 3D RMS without SA 0.1m/s without SA 60ns RMS 36s 33s 1s <1s <30mA @3.0V 40mA @3.0V TBD
Acquisition Time
Power Consumption
Antenna Specifications Outline Dimension Center Frequency Bandwidth Impedance Axial Ratio Polarization Mechanical requirements Dimension Weight Power consumption VCC Current Environment Operating temperature Storage temperature Humidity
however fixed: X, N, 8, 1, i.e. X baud rate, no parity, eight data bits and one stop bit, no other data formats are supported, LSB is sent first. The modules default baud rate is set up 9600bps. The RXD0 & TXD0 recommended to pull up (10K). It can increase the stability of serial data. USB Ports: The module uses single-chip USB to UART bridge by Silicon CP2102, It is a USB 2.0 compliant full-speed device with integrated transceiver. Before using it, please install the appropriate driver. Remark VCC:5V5% Reference Ground
Pin Description
Pin No. Pin name UART Port 1 2 3 4 5 6 USB Port 7 8 9 10 5V DD+ GND P I\O I\O G USB Power Supply DataData+ USB Power Supply 5V/3.3V GND PPS RST TXD RXD P G O I I O Module Power Supply Module Power Ground Not Open Module Reset (Active Low Status) TTL:VOH0.75 *VDD TTL:VIH 0.7 *VDD VOL0.25VDD VIL 0.3 *VDD Pull up if not used Leave Open in not used I/O Description
Ordering Information
SKM53SUART Port Interface SKM53UUSB Port Interface
P6 P5 P4 P3 P2 P1
Software Protocol
NMEA 0183 Protocol The NMEA protocol is an ASCII-based protocol, Records start with a $ and with carriage return/line feed. GPS specific messages all start with $GPxxx where xxx is a three-letter identifier of the message data that follows. NMEA messages have a checksum, which Table 1: NMEA-0183 Output Messages NMEA Record GGA GLL GSA GSV RMC VTG ZDA DESCRIPTION Global positioning system fixed data Geographic positionlatitude/longitude GNSS DOP and active satellites GNSS satellites in view Recommended minimum specific GNSS data Course over ground and ground speed Time and Date allows detection of corrupted data transfers. The SkyNav SKM53 series supports the following NMEA-0183 messages: GGA, GLL, GSA, GSV, RMC VTG, ZDA.
GGA-Global Positioning System Fixed Data Table 2 contains the values of the following example: $GPGGA, 083559.00,3723.2475,N, 12158.3416,W, 1,07,1.0,9.0,M, ,M, ,0000*18 Table 2: GGA Data Format Name Example Units Description
Separation from Geoids can be bank Null fields when DGPS is not Used Null fields when DGPS is not Used End of message termination(ASCII 13, ASCII 10)
GLL-Geographic Position Latitude/Longitude Table 3 contains the values of the following example: $GPGLL , 3723.2475, N,12158.3416, W, 083559.00, A*2C. Table 3: GLL Data Format Name Message ID Latitude N/S Indicator Longitude E/W Indicator UTC Time Status Checksum <CR> <LF> Example $GPGLL 3723.2475 N 12158.3416 W 083559.00 A *2C End of message temination(ASCII 13, ASCII 10) Units Description GLL protocol header Ddmm.mmmm N=north or S=south Ddmm.mmmm E=east or W=west Hhmmss.sss A=data valid or V=data not valid
GSV-GNSS Satellites in View Table 5 contains the values of the following example: $GPGSV , 2, 1, 07, 07, 79, 048, 42, 02, 51,062, 43, 26, 36,256, 42, 27, 27, 138,42*71 $GPGSV , 2, 2, 07, 09, 23,313, 42, 04, 19, 159, 41, 15,12,041, 42*41. Table 5: GGA Data Format Name Message ID Number of Message Message Number Satellites in View Example $GPGSV 2 1 07 Units Description GSV protocol header Range 1 to 3 Range 1 to 3
Range 0 to 99,null when not tracking Channel 4(Range 1 to 32) Channel 4(Maximum 90) Channel 4(True, Range 0 to 359) Range 0 to 99, null when not tracking End of message termination(ASCII 13, ASCII 10)
Depending on the number of satellites tracked multiple messages of GSV data may be required. RMC-Recommended Minimum Specific GNSS Data Table 6 contains the values of the following example: $GPRMC, 083559.00, A, 3723.2475, N, 12158.3416, W, 0.13, 309.62, 120598, , *10 Table 6: RMC Data Format Name Message ID UTC Time Status Latitude N/S Indicator Longitude E/W Indicator Speed Over Ground Course Over Ground Date Magnetic variation E/W indicator Mode Checksum <CR> <LF> VTG-Course Over Ground and Ground Speed Table 7 contains the values of the following example: $GPVTG, 309.62, T, ,M, 0.13, N, 0.2, K*6E Table 7: VTG Data Format Name Message ID Example $GPVTG Units Description VTG protocol header *10 hexadecimal End of message termination(ASCII 13, ASCII 10) Example $GPRMC 083559.00 A 3723.2475 N 12158.3416 W 0.13 309.62 120598 Degrees Knots Degrees True Dummy Not used Not used
Only NMEA0183 version 3.00 output
Description RMC protocol header hhmmss.sss A=data valid or V=data not valid ddmm.mmmm N=north or S=south Ddmm.mmmm E=east or W=west
ZDA-Date and Time Table 8 contains the values of the following example: $GPZDA, 082710.00,04,07,2002,00,00*60 Name Message ID UTC Time Day Month Year local zone hours local zone minutes Checksum <CR> <LF> Example $GPZDA 082710.00 04 07 2002 00 00 *60 End of message termination Units Description ZDA protocol header hhmmss.sss UTC time: day 01 ... 31 UTC time: month 01 ... 12 UTC time: year 4 digit year Not supported (fixed to 00) Not supported (fixed to 00)