Nara KaryaWar provides a 3 sentence summary of the document:
The document contains information about an employee named Nara KaryaWar including their hire date, years of service, and separation details. It also includes tables with payment amounts and tax rates. The payment total is Rp. 131,500,000 and is broken down into items like severance, appreciation pay, and compensation according to the regulations.
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Nara KaryaWar provides a 3 sentence summary of the document:
The document contains information about an employee named Nara KaryaWar including their hire date, years of service, and separation details. It also includes tables with payment amounts and tax rates. The payment total is Rp. 131,500,000 and is broken down into items like severance, appreciation pay, and compensation according to the regulations.
Nara KaryaWar provides a 3 sentence summary of the document:
The document contains information about an employee named Nara KaryaWar including their hire date, years of service, and separation details. It also includes tables with payment amounts and tax rates. The payment total is Rp. 131,500,000 and is broken down into items like severance, appreciation pay, and compensation according to the regulations.
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Nara KaryaWar provides a 3 sentence summary of the document:
The document contains information about an employee named Nara KaryaWar including their hire date, years of service, and separation details. It also includes tables with payment amounts and tax rates. The payment total is Rp. 131,500,000 and is broken down into items like severance, appreciation pay, and compensation according to the regulations.
Attribution Non-Commercial (BY-NC)
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Nara KaryaWar :
Targga| Lar|r : 1-Jan-1970 Sisa Cuti Tahunan : 10 hari
Targga| Vu|a| Kerja : 13-Mar-2000 ari Kerja per Minggu : 6 hari kerja Targga| Tera|r|r 8e|erja : 15-Mar-2008 iaya Kembali ke Tempat Asal - F Vasa Kerja : 8.01 Years &ang Pisah sesuai PP/PK - Rp &5ar Tera|r|r : #5 er|s Peryeoao PlK : Jenis 15 ! - iidal mamu lclcrja alilai ccclalaan crja E A B C D E Uang Pcsangon (PsI iac Ayat e) - - - - J8.00 Uang Pcnghargaan Masa Kcrja (PsI iac Ayat s) - - - - 6.00 Uang Pcnggantian Hak (PsI iac Ayat 4) : - Pno|uun . Pumunun - - - - 3.60 - B:uyu im|u!: i mpu u.u! - - - - - - S:.u Cu: |!um u:um|:! - - - - 0.40 Uang Pisah (PsI ice Ayat e) - - - - - Tola| Po|r - - - - 28.00 Tola| Po|r x &5ar Tera|r|r - Rp - Rp - Rp - Rp J40,000,000 Rp Pajak Pesangon - Rp - Rp - Rp - Rp 8,S00,000 Rp ilai DcrsiI Diicrima aryawan - Pp - Pp - Pp - Pp I3I,b00,000 Pp mustaqim@corp#com Jenis 1 PK - mengundurkan diri C 4380038 PEMUTUSAN HUBUNGAN ERJA Menurut && No13 tahun 2003 Deskripsi Bud434 Hak Cipta: PT INDO HUMAN RESOURCE %% &pah adaIah Gaji Pokok + Tunjangan Tetap) I K L A N mustaqim@corp#com Pesargor Tarif Pajak Nilai Pajak 0 1 1 - Rp 50,000,000 Rp 0% - Rp 1 2 2 50,000,000 Rp 100,000,000 Rp 5% 2,500,000 Rp 2 3 3 100,000,000 Rp 500,000,000 Rp 15% 62,500,000 Rp 3 4 4 500,000,000 Rp 1,000,000,000 Rp 25% 187,500,000 Rp 4 5 5 1,000,000,000 Rp 9,000,000,000 Rp 25% 187,500,000 Rp 5 6 6 6 7 7 7 8 8 8 35 9 Jenis 1 PHK - mengundurkan diri C Jenis 2 PHK - mangkir 5 hari kerja berturut-turut dan telah dipanggil C Jenis 3 PHK - kesalahan berat C Jenis 4 PHK - ditahan pihak berwajib & sudah tidak bekerja selama 6 D P V K Jenis 5 PHK - pelanggaran disiplin (SP1, SP2, SP3) A 0 3 Jenis 6 PHK - kondisi perusahaan (Tutup akibat Force Majeur) A 3 6 2 Jenis 7 PHK - kondisi perusahaan (Pailit, termasuk akibat rugi selam A 6 9 3 Jenis 8 PHK - perusahaan merger (karyawan menolak) A 9 12 4 Jenis 9 PHK - perusahaan merger (Perusahaan menolak) B 12 15 5 Jenis 10 PHK - kondisi perusahaan (Efisiensi) B 15 18 6 Jenis 11 PHK - atas permintaan sendiri (Pasal 169, tapi perhatikan ay B 18 21 7 Jenis 12 PHK - pensiun * B 21 24 8 Jenis 13 PHK - kematian B 24 35 1 Jenis 14 PHK - sakit berkepanjangan E Jenis 15 PHK - tidak mampu bekerja akibat Kecelakaan Kerja E ,8,07, ,8,07, apisan Penghasilan Kena Pajak