SPM Biology 2011
SPM Biology 2011
SPM Biology 2011
Berry Important Topics (BIT) SPM Biology 2011 is out again! Do take notes with our important
topics and this is a reIerence Ior students to revise Biology papers. BIT Paper 1 In Papers 4551/1,
there are fifty questions. Students need to choose one correct answer Ior each question Irom the
Iour options. (Total marks 50) All the questions are evenly distributed, so there are not chances
Ior you to skip any chapter. So work hard on these important chapters!
O hapter 2 ell Structure and ell Organisation
O hapter 3 Movement oI substances across the plasma membrane
O hapter 6 Nutrition
O hapter 10 Transport
O hapter 12 oordination and responses
O hapter 13 Reproduction and Growth
O hapter 14 Inheritance
Not so important topic with the average 2 questions every year.
O hapter 5 ell Division
O hapter 7 Respiration
O hapter 11 Support and Locomotion
O hapter 15 Variation
Totally not important
O hapter 1 Introduction to Biology (0 question in every year)
BIT Paper 2 (Section A: Structure) There are hot topics Ior SPM 2011 Papers 4551/2. In this
question paper consists oI two sections: Section A & B. In Section A, there are 5 questions
(Question number 1 to 5) and students needed to answer all questions. On the other hands,
students need to answer any two questions (Question number 6 to 9) Irom Section B. Students
are advised to spend 90 minutes to answer questions in Section A and 60 minutes Ior Section B.
(Total marks 100)
O hapter 4* hemical omposition oI the ell
O hapter 6 Nutrition
O hapter 7* Respiration
O hapter 5* ell division
O hapter 8 Dynamic Ecosystem
O hapter 14 Inheritance
Not so important topic
O hapter 2 ell Structure and ell Organisation
O hapter 11 Support and locomotion
O hapter 12 oordination and Response
BIT Paper 2 (Section B Essay)
O hapter 9* Endangered Ecosystem
O hapter 10* Transportation
O hapter 12* oordination and Response
O hapter 13 Reproduction and Growth
BIT Paper 3 This question paper consists oI two questions: Question 1 and Question 2. Students
are required to answer all questions. Students also advised to spend 45 minutes to answer
Question 1 and 45 minutes Ior Question 2. (Total marks 50)
O hapter 3 Movement oI substances across the plasma membrane
O hapter 8* Dynamic ecosystem
O hapter 10* Transportation
*This year berry hot topic! atest Update Paper 3 Berry Hot Topics (19/10/2011)!
O apter 3` - Movement of substances across te plasma membrane
O apter 4 - emical omposition of te ell
O apter 6` - Nutrition
O apter 7 - Respiration