6 Concepts of Music

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6 Music Concepts

This page provides information on the 6 concepts of music that are outlined in the syllabus.

Structure: Students will have to identify the different parts of the song,
making reference to any phrases, motifs and repeated patterns.

Dynamics and Expressive Techniques: Students will have

to identify any contrast and variation within the parts in terms of the dynamics and expressive techniques used by the artist.

Duration: Students will be required to indicate whether the tempo is fast or

slow, changing or constant, or regular or irregular.

Tone Colour: Students will be required to identify the instruments used,

and describe the sound and techniques employed to manipulate the tone colour.

Texture: Students will discuss the roles of each of the layers of sound, identify
the melody and harmony layers, and how each layer is related to one another, and the functions or roles of the instruments within the song.

Pitch: Students will be required to recognise the direction of pitch movement

within the melody, making reference to the development of the repeated melodic patterns.

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