1,548 Mexican Corporations with sales over US $ 10000,000 are listed in alphabetical order. Six indexes help to find them by: - Name of corporation, key words in its name, ticker symbol, usual name and name of foreign and Mexican companies related to it (pages 437-601). - North American Industry Classification System code (pages 603-612). NAICS superseded SIC. - Products exported (pages 613-633). - Products imported (pages 635-665). - Geographic location: headquarters and foreign offices (pages 667-674). - Name of members of the board and chief executive officer (pages 675-722). We contacted every corporation listed (and many more that did not qualify). All listings are free of payment. The fuller ones come from the more open and international companies. Exports and imports are given only for those exporting or importing at least US $ 1000,000 a year. The shorter listings are not necessarily smaller companies. Many important Mexican corporations would rather opt out than reporting their sales, export and import figures. Parent and holding companies normally centralize international operations. We include subsidiary companies as separate entries only when they are in charge of their own foreign operations, exporting or importing at least US $ 1000,000 a year. Please note: - Addresses, phones, faxes and e-mails refer to the chief executive officer at the headquarters. - Some figures and information come from press clippings. - Relations with foreign companies may include total or partial ownership by the foreign company, joint ventures, strategic partnerships, licences, technology and management contracts, distribution arrangements, etc. - Foreign investments and Foreign offices are those hold in other countries by Mexican corporations.
We err more on the side of inclusions than exclusions. Perhaps up to 10% of the smaller corporations should be excluded. Perhaps less than 5% of the bigger ones are missing. This is a break down of the corporations included:
US $ 10 US $ 1 US $ 100 US $ 10
12 91 445 1,548
Ing. Macario Medina Gonzlez Director General ABARROTES EL CAN, S.A. DE C.V. Nave D, Bod. 406 Col. Santa Cruz 55060 Ecatepec, Mx. RFC ACA990503 480
Ing. Arturo Vargas Cruz Director General ABA SEGUROS, S.A. DE C.V. Montes Rocallosos 505 Sur Col. Residencial San Agustn 66260 San Pedro Garza Garca, N.L. RFC ABA920310 QW0
Tel. (81) 83 68 14 00 Ext. 1402, 83 68 14 01 & 02 Fax (81) 83 69 11 17 Mexico City: 53 22 80 00 info@abaseguros.com http://www.abaseguros.com Established 1958 NAICS 5241 Insurance Carriers
Sales range US $ 100-999 million a year Mexican affiliates: General Motors de Mxico, S. de R.L. de C.V.
Lic. Jess Federico Martnez Villegas Gerente General ABASTECEDORA DE SOLDADURA Y HERRAJES, S.A. DE C.V. (ASH) Mier y Noriega 304 Nte. Centro 67100 Guadalupe, N.L. RFC ASH870529 G6A
Tel. (81) 83 54 83 45 & 46, 83 54 83 57 & 59, 83 54 83 74, 83 54 83 48 Ext. 102 Fax (81) 83 54 83 85 ashmexsa@yahoo.com http://www.ashmex.com Established 1987 NAICS 332321 Metal Window & Door Mfg
Arq. Luis Mndez Jimnez Izquierdo Director General ABASTECEDORA LUMEN, S.A. DE C.V. Toluca 81 Col. Olivar de los Padres 01780 Mxico, D.F. RFC ALU830902 ST5
Tel. 54 90 65 00, 54 90 66 00 Ext. 6511 Fax 54 90 65 82 lumen@infosel.net.mx Established 1961 NAICS 42212 Stationery & Office Supplies Wholesalers
Mexican affiliates: Hiperlumen Puebla, S.A. de C.V.; Lumen Guadalajara, S.A. de C.V.; Lumen Monterrey, S.A. de C.V.; Lumen Morelia, S.A. de C.V.
Ing. Armando Basave Carbajal Presidente y Director General ABB MXICO, S.A. DE C.V. (ABB) Blvd. Centro Industrial 12 Col. Los Reyes Zona Industrial 54073 Tlalnepantla, Mx. RFC AME920102 SS4
Tel. 53 28 14 00 Ext. 7474, 53 28 74 74 Fax 53 28 74 73 http://www.abb.com Established 1947 NAICS 333412 Industrial & Commercial Fan & Blower Mfg NAICS 333415 AC/Warm Air Htg & Commercial Refrig Equip Mfg NAICS 335312 Motor & Generator Mfg NAICS 333994 Industrial Process Furnace & Oven Mfg
Sales range US $ 100-999 million a year Exports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Furnaces & Ovens (Parts for Industrial); Fans (Industrial). Imports range US $ 100-999 million a year: Steel Plates; Electrical Components; Switches; Circuit Breakers; Contacts; Relays; Electronic Parts. Relations with: Asea Brown Boveri, Inc. (Switzerland)
Sr. Roberto Reyes Cabrera Gerente General ABBOTT LABORATORIES DE MXICO, S.A. DE C.V. Coyoacn 1622 Col. del Valle 03100 Mxico, D.F. RFC ALM840308 11A
Tel. 57 26 46 00 Ext. 4001 Fax 57 26 46 01 http://www.abbott.com Established 1934 NAICS 325412 Pharmaceutical Preparation Mfg
Sales range US $ 100-999 million a year Exports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Medicines & Medical Care Supplies. Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Laboratory Equipment & Supplies; Medical Raw Materials. Relations with: Abbott Laboratories (USA)
Sr. Francisco Prez Moreno Director General ACABADOS AUTOMOTRICES, S.A. DE C.V. (AASA) Diego Daz de Berlanga 251 Fracc. Industrial Nogalar 66480 San Nicols de los Garza, N.L. RFC AAU870601 N58
Tel. (81) 83 53 70 00, 83 53 75 72, 83 53 76 25 Ext. 248, 83 30 01 31 Fax (81) 83 50 61 54 flex@infosel.net.mx http://www.flex.com.mx Established 1987 NAICS 32551 Paint & Coating Mfg NAICS 32552 Adhesive Mfg
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Butyrate Acetate; Oil Wax; Polarocid; Q. Cel 300; Pigments (Red and Yellow). Relations with: Auto Flex Inc. (USA) Mexican affiliates: Automotivos, S.A. de C.V.
Ing. Gustavo Segura Fonseca Director General ACABADOS FINOS INDUSTRIALES, S.A. DE C.V. (AFSA) Ferrocarril Norte 3 Col. Jardn Industrial Ixtapaluca 56530 Ixtapaluca, Mx. RFC AFI580109 PIA
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Mexican affiliates: Grupo Hemex, S.A. de C.V.
Tel. 59 72 35 20 Ext. 207, 208 Fax 59 72 14 35 afsa@iacnet.com.mx Established 1958 NAICS 332721 Precision Turned Product Mfg
Sr. Eloy Santiago Vallina Lagera Presidente ACCEL, S.A. DE C.V. Zarco 2401 Col. Zarco 31020 Chihuahua, Chih. RFC ACC790109 I44
Tel. (614) 4 18 62 62 Ext. 227, 4 11 16 06 Fax (614) 4 18 89 34 bcaro1@prodigy.net.mx http://www.accel.com.mx Established 1979 NAICS 551112 Offices of Other Holding Companies
Sales range US $ 100-999 million a year Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Raw Materials; Machinery; Production Supplies (Parts). Foreign investments: Precision Tool, Die & Machine Company, Inc. (USA); Tropical Sport Wear International, Inc. (USA) Foreign offices: Tampa, FL (USA); New York, NY (USA). Mexican affiliates: Accel Comercial, S.A. de C.V.; Accel Distribucin, S.A. de C.V.; Accel Servicios, S.A. de C.V.; Almacenadora Accel, S.A.; Comercial Area, S.A.; Elamex Internacional, S.A. de C.V.; Elamex, S.A. de C.V.; Exvamex, S.A. de C.V. Listed in the Mexican Stock Exchange; ticker symbol: ACCELSA Board of Directors: Sr. Eloy Santiago Vallina Lagera (Chairman), Sr. Alberto Nez Pea (Comisario), Sr. Carlos Gerardo Hernndez Rodarte (Secretary), Sr. Juan de Dios Fernndez P., Sr. Fernando Prez Pra, Sr. Fernando Ruiz Sahagn, Sr. Richard Spencer, Sr. Eloy Vallina Garza, Sr. Jess Enrique Vallina Lagera
C.P. Eugenio Kuri Monterrubio Director General ACCENTURE, S.C. Manuel vila Camacho 138, piso 7 Col. Lomas de Chapultepec 11000 Mxico, D.F. RFC ACC901031 1S6
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Listed in the New York Stock Exchange; ticker symbol: ACN
Tel. 52 84 73 00 Ext. 7456, 52 84 74 56 Fax 52 84 73 01 eugenio.kuri@accenture.com http://www.accenture.com Established 1990 NAICS 541611 Admin & Gen Management Consulting Services
C.P. Enrique Azuara y Montero Director General ACCO MEXICANA, S.A. DE C.V. Circuito de la Industria Norte 6 Parque Industrial Lerma 52000 Lerma, Mx. RFC AME640229 1W3
Tel. (722) 2 65 65 00 Ext. 6530 Fax (722) 2 65 65 00 Ext. 6502 Mexico City: 15 00 57 00 monica_villanueva@acco.com.mx http://www.accobrands.com Established 1964 NAICS 322233 Stationery, Tablet & Related Product Mfg
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Exports range US $ 1-10 million a year: School and Office Articles. Imports range US $ 10-99 million a year: School and Office Articles. Relations with: Acco World Corp. (USA) Mexican affiliates: Acco Brands; Acco Nogales, S.A. de C.V.
Lic. Quaug Chinh Nguyen Director General ACCOR SERVICIOS EMPRESARIALES, S.A. DE C.V. Lago Rodolfo 29 Col. Granada 11520 Mxico, D.F. RFC ASE930924 SS7
Relations with: Accor (France) Mexican affiliates: Grupo Accor
Tel. 52 62 88 00 Ext. 8811 Fax 52 55 45 39 vroussel@accor.com.mx http://www.accor.com.mx Established 1981 NAICS 56199 Store Coupon Issuers
Lic. Alejandro Jimnez Robert Director General ACEITES, GRASAS Y DERIVADOS, S.A. DE C.V. (AGYDSA) Vallarta 5106 Col. Juan Manuel Vallarta 45120 Zapopan, Jal. RFC AGD811217 HS7
Tel. (33) 38 80 38 80 Fax (33) 38 80 38 81 Mexico City: 53 90 04 22 Established 1941 NAICS 311225 Fats & Oils Refining & Blending
Imports range US $ 100-999 million a year: Oil Seeds. Mexican affiliates: Grupo Industrial Aceitera; Distribuidora Soba, S.A.; Industrial Patrona, S.A. de C.V.; Maquiladora de Oleaginosas, S.A. de C.V.
Ing. Mario Teuffer Director General ACER COMPUTEC MXICO, S.A. DE C.V. Berruguete 25 Col. Nonoalco Mixcoac 03700 Mxico, D.F. RFC ACM980616 RZ1
Tel. 59 99 94 00 Ext. 9405 Fax 59 99 94 60 jmorales@acer.com.mx http://www.acer.com.mx Established 1989 NAICS 334111 Electronic Computer Mfg
Sales range US $ 100-999 million a year Imports range US $ 10-99 million a year: Computer Equipment, Programs, Accessories & Supplies; Cabinets; Integrated Circuits. Relations with: Computec America International, Inc. (USA) Foreign investments: Acer Argentina, S.A. (Argentina); Acer Computer Colombia, S.A. (Colombia); Acer de Venezuela, S.A. (Venezuela); Acer Latin America, Inc. (USA); Acer Per, S.A. (Peru); Hacer Chile (Chile); Acla do Brasil Ltda. (Brazil) Mexican affiliates: Aurion Tecnologa, S.A. de C.V.
Ing. Juan Carlos Valladares Garca Director General ACEROS SAN LUIS, S.A. DE C.V. Eje 114 # 440 Zona Industrial 78090 San Luis Potos, S.L.P. RFC ASL660401 B99
Tel. (444) 8 24 53 53 Ext. 206 Fax (444) 8 24 64 51 jcvalladares@gruposan.com http://www.gruposan.com Established 1966 NAICS 331222 Steel Wire Drawing
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Imports range US $ 10-99 million a year: Steel Shaping Machinery (Parts). Mexican affiliates: Abastecedora Siderrgica, S.A.; Acero Transporte, S.A.; Aceros DM, S.A.; Grupo San Luis
Act. Roberto Flores Rangel Director General ACE SEGUROS, S.A. Bosque de Alisos 47-A, piso 1 Col. Bosques de las Lomas 05120 Mxico, D.F. RFC ACE901221 SM4
Premiums range US $ 100-999 million a year Relations with: Cigna International Holding (USA)
Tel. 52 58 58 00 Ext. 859, 52 58 58 59 Fax 52 58 58 94 elizabeth.godinez@ace-ina.com http://www.ace-ina.com http://www.ace-latinoamerica.com Established 1990 NAICS 5241 Insurance Carriers
L.A.E. Juan Jos Fernndez Muzuri Director General ACI WORLDWIDE MXICO, S.A. DE C.V. Insurgentes Sur 1605, piso 14 M-1 Col. San Jos Insurgentes 03900 Mxico, D.F. RFC AWM960531 5H8
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year
Tel. 85 03 80 00 Ext. 8046, 8044, 85 03 80 46, 85 03 80 44 Fax 85 03 80 47 fernandezj@aciworldwide.com http://www.aciworldwide.com Established 1997 NAICS 541511 Custom Computer Programming Services
Ing. Ramiro Gmez Basulto Director General ACME LAMUSA, S.A. DE C.V. Km. 38.5 Carr. Mxico-Cuautla 56600 Chalco, Mx. RFC ALA470909 5Y0
Tel. 56 85 49 79, 59 73 08 73 Fax 56 86 14 09 dirgral@rg.com.mx http://www.rg.com.mx Established 1947 NAICS 322231 Die-Cut Paper & Paperboard Office Supply Mfg
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Exports range US $ 1-10 million a year: School Articles; Office Equipment; Staplers; Hardware; Notions, Small Wares. Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year Mexican affiliates: Goba Internacional, S.A. de C.V.; Tijera Barrilito, S.A.
Act. Eduardo Ragasol lvarez Director General AC NIELSEN, S.A. DE C.V. Blvd. Manuel vila Camacho 191, piso 8 Col. Chapultepec Morales 11570 Mxico, D.F. RFC ACN961008 Q76
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Relations with: A.C. Nielsen (USA); VNU (Holland)
Tel. 53 87 10 00 Ext. 1031, 53 87 10 31 Fax 55 80 19 57 mexico@acnielsen.com http://www.acnielsen.com Established 1967 NAICS 54191 Marketing Research & Public Opinion Polling
Lic. Jacinto Gonzlez Gasque Director General de la Divisin Internacional ADAM TECHNOLOGIES, S.A. DE C.V. Patriotismo 767 Col. Mixcoac 03910 Mxico, D.F. RFC ATE971112 3T6
Tel. 56 26 00 00 Ext. 086, 56 26 00 86 Fax 56 26 00 30, 56 26 00 11 jacintog@adamtechno.com http://www.adamtechno.com Established 1959 NAICS 541511 Custom Computer Programming Services
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year Foreign investments: Grupo Tea del Ecuador y Ca. Ltda. (Ecuador)
Lic. Genaro Decrescenzo Julin Director General ADHESIVOS Y PRODUCTOS ESPECIALES, S.A. DE C.V. (AYPESA) Adolfo Lpez Mateos 4200-B Col. Industrial Nogalar 66480 San Nicols de los Garza, N.L. RFC APE850906 3X4
Tel. (81) 82 21 46 25 Fax (81) 82 21 46 24 Mexico City: 53 55 10 85, 53 55 59 03 elguerrero@grupodetcel.com.mx Established 1985 NAICS 32552 Adhesive Mfg
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Plastics; Resins. Mexican affiliates: Dimiplastik, S.A. de C.V.; Grupo Detcel, S.A. de C.V.; Industrias Tuk, S.A. de C.V.; Jumbocel, S.A. de C.V.; Plasticel, S.A. de C.V.
Ing. Guillermo Barreto Mendieta Director General ADMINISTRACIN DE RIESGOS ARGOS, S.A. DE C.V. Manuel Mara Contreras 59 Col. San Rafael 06470 Mxico, D.F. RFC ARA850530 MF3
Tel. 51 40 96 40, 51 40 96 46 Fax 51 40 96 41 gcapacitacion@argosseguridad.com http://www.argosseguridad.com Established 1985 NAICS 561612 Security Guards & Patrol Services
Lic. Jos Manuel Campo y Menndez Director General ADMINISTRACIN INTEGRAL DE ALIMENTOS, S.A. DE C.V. (AIASA) Calvario 100, piso 1 Col. Tlalpan 14000 Mxico, D.F. RFC AIA940915 Q99
Tel. 53 25 99 00 Ext. 9874, 9875 Fax 53 25 99 46 campojm@sanborns.com.mx http://www.sanborns.com.mx Established 1967 NAICS 722212 Cafeterias
Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Food; Leather Goods; Decorating Articles; Glassware; Toys; Chinaware (Earthenware); Gifts; Promotional Articles. Mexican affiliates: Comercializadora Sanborn, S.A. de C.V.; Sanborn Hermanos, S.A.
Lic. Arturo Barredo Gmez Director de Administracin Mxico ADMINISTRACIN, S.A. DE C.V. Guillermo Gonzlez Camarena 600 Col. Centro de Ciudad Santa Fe 01210 Mxico, D.F. RFC ADM560328 ED3
Tel. 50 81 51 00 Ext. 5525, 50 81 55 25 Fax 52 92 34 68 abarredo@kof.com.mx http://www.cocacola-femsa.com.mx Established 1941 NAICS 312111 Soft Drink Mfg
Sales range US $ 100-999 million a year Imports range US $ 10-99 million a year: Packing Bags; Computer Equipment, Programs, Accessories & Supplies; Bottling Equipment; Labels. Relations with: Panamerican Investment Co. (USA); (Coca-Cola) Mexican affiliates: Administracin y Asesora Integral, S.A. de C.V.; Coca Cola Femsa, S.A. de C.V.; Fomento Econmico Mexicano, S.A. de C.V.; Grupo Femsa, S.A. de C.V.; Inmuebles del Golfo, S.A. de C.V.; Panamco Bajo, S.A. de C.V.; Panamco Golfo, S.A. de C.V.; Propimex, S.A. de C.V.; Refrescos y Aguas Minerales, S.A. de C.V.
Ing. Fernando Ponce Garca Presidente ADMINISTRADORA PENINSULAR CORPORATIVA, S.A. DE C.V. (ADPECO) Calle 86 B # 595 B Aviacin x 79 Centro 97000 Mrida, Yuc. RFC APC801209 RJ9
Tel. (999) 9 48 39 20 Fax (999) 9 48 39 17 fponceg@bepensa.com Established 1946 NAICS 312111 Soft Drink Mfg
Imports range US $ 10-99 million a year: Extrusion Equipment and Dies; Plastic Industry - Raw Materials; Polyethylene. Mexican affiliates: Bepensa; Compaa Embotelladora Chetumal, S.A. de C.V.; Compaa Embotelladora del Sureste, S.A. de C.V.; Embotelladora de Campeche, S.A. de C.V.; Embotelladora del Caribe, S.A. de C.V.; Eventos Especiales, S.A.; Industria Refresquera Peninsular, S.A. de C.V.; Metaplus, S.A. de C.V.; Refresquera de Yucatn, S.A. de C.V.
Ing. Rafael Diez Gutirrez Coleman Director General ADMINISTRATIVA MARCONI COMMUNICATIONS, S.A. DE C.V. Amargura 60, piso 2 Col. Lomas de la Herradura 52987 Huixquilucan, Mx. RFC AMC970131 AL2
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year
Tel. 52 90 12 88, 52 93 99 00 Ext. 8302, 52 90 36 02 Fax 52 90 36 10 claudia.hernandez@marconi.com http://www.marconi.com Established 1980 NAICS 335312 Motor & Generator Mfg
Ing. Fernando Macedo Balboa Director General AEROBAL, S.A. DE C.V. San Rafael 12 Parque Industrial 52000 Lerma, Mx. RFC AER001219 IT1
Tel. (728) 2 82 84 70 Ext. 2001 Fax (728) 2 82 84 71 g-ortega@aerobal.com.mx Established 1961 NAICS 32562 Toilet Preparation Mfg
Lic. Ral Archiga Espinoza Presidente del Consejo de Administracin AERO CALIFORNIA, S.A. DE C.V. Aquiles Serdn e Hidalgo 316 Centro 23000 La Paz, B.C.S. RFC SAE670617 EH8
Sales range US $ 100-999 million a year
Tel. (612) 1 22 66 55 Ext. 205 Fax (612) 1 25 39 93 Established 1967 NAICS 481111 Scheduled Passenger Air Transportation
Dr. Alberto Sarabia Lago Director General AEROCOCINA, S.A. DE C.V. Isabel la Catlica 233 Col. Obrera 06800 Mxico, D.F. RFC ACO831013 5K8
Mexican affiliates: Grupo Sarabia
Tel. 55 88 83 28, 55 88 80 66 Ext. 1012 Fax 55 78 78 71 jsarabia@prodigy.net.mx Established 1970 NAICS 72231 Food Service Contractors
Arq. Ernesto Velasco Len Director General AEROPUERTOS Y SERVICIOS AUXILIARES (ASA) Avenida 602 # 161, Edif. 2, PA Col. San Juan de Aragn 15620 Mxico, D.F. RFC ASA650610 2U9
Tel. 51 33 10 00 Ext. 1003, 57 86 95 26 to 28 Fax 57 86 97 09 evelasco@asa.gob.mx http://www.asa.gob.mx Established 1965 NAICS 48811 Airport Operations
Sales range US $ 100-999 million a year Imports range US $ 10-99 million a year: Aerocars; Fire Fighting Equipment; X-Ray Equipment; Lamps; Safety Equipment; Speed Reducers; Control Boards; Maintenance Equipment; Uniforms. Government owned
Lic. Fernando Flores Prez Director General AEROVAS DE MXICO, S.A. DE C.V. (AEROMXICO) Reforma 445, piso 12 Col. Cuauhtmoc 06500 Mxico, D.F. RFC AME880912 189
Tel. 50 63 50 00 Ext. 4004 Fax 51 33 46 17 mariaelena.sanchez@aeromexico.com.mx http://www.aeromexico.com Established 1988 NAICS 481111 Scheduled Passenger Air Transportation
Sales range US $ 1-10 billion a year Exports range US $ 100-999 million a year: Flights. Imports range US $ 100-999 million a year: Flying Equipment & Materials. Foreign investments: Aeroper (Peru) Foreign offices: Lima (Peru); Quito (Ecuador); So Paulo (Brazil); Buenos Aires (Argentina); Santiago (Chile). Mexican affiliates: Aerolitoral, S.A. de C.V.; Aeromexpress, S.A. de C.V.; Cintra, S.A. de C.V.; Seat; Servicios Areos Litoral, S.A. de C.V.
Sr. Christopher Iloyd Director General AFIANZADORA INSURGENTES, S.A. DE C.V. Perifrico Sur 4829, piso 9 Col. Parque del Pedregal 14010 Mxico, D.F. RFC AIN970115 1S7
Sales range US $ 100-999 million a year Relations with: St. Paul Group (USA)
Tel. 54 47 38 00, 54 47 39 00 Ext. 3801 Fax 54 47 39 83 http://www.afianzadora.com.mx Established 1958 NAICS 524126 Direct Property & Casualty Insurance Carriers
Sr. scar Medina Mora Escalante Director General AFORE BANAMEX, S.A. DE C.V. Reforma 390, piso 12 Col. Jurez 06600 Mxico, D.F. RFC ABA970106 EN1
Assets range US $ 100-999 million Relations with: Aegon (USA) Mexican affiliates: Grupo Financiero Banamex, S.A.
Tel. 12 26 95 73, 12 26 95 75 Fax 12 26 96 02 mmartinezg@banamex.com http://www.banamex.com Established 1997 NAICS 52212 Savings Institutions
C.P. Francisco Gonzlez Almaraz Director General AFORE BANCOMER, S.A. DE C.V. Montes Urales 424, piso 1 Col. Lomas de Chapultepec 11000 Mxico, D.F. RFC AFR961223 GK5
Tel. 91 71 40 00 Ext. 45073, 91 71 40 96 Fax 91 71 41 39 l.sanchez12@bbva.bancomer.com http://www.aforebancomer.com.mx Established 1997 NAICS 52212 Savings Institutions
Assets range US $ 100-999 million Mexican affiliates: Grupo Financiero Bancomer, S.A. de C.V.; Pensiones Bancomer, S.A. de C.V.
Lic. Javier Beristin Iturbide Director General AFORE XXI, S.A. DE C.V. Insurgentes Sur 1228, piso 11 Col. del Valle 03100 Mxico, D.F. RFC AXX970225 GL0
Assets range US $ 10-99 million
Tel. 54 88 55 00, 54 88 55 05 Fax 55 59 22 06 jberista@prodigy.net.mx http://www.aforexxi.com.mx Established 1997 NAICS 52212 Savings Institutions
Ing. Jaime Basurto Villa Director General y de Manufactura AGA GAS, S.A. DE C.V. Ro Lerma 15 Fracc. Industrial San Nicols 54030 Tlalnepantla, Mx. RFC AGA931026 4K3
Tel. 57 29 81 00 Ext. 8001, 8002, 57 29 81 02 Fax 57 29 81 02 infoaga@aga.com.mx http://www.aga.com.mx Established 1921 NAICS 32512 Industrial Gas Mfg
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Storage Tanks; Gasses; Maintenance Supplies; Gas Equipment; Valves & Fittings. Relations with: Aga AB (Sweden); Linde Foreign investments: Aga Gas, Inc. (USA)
Lic. Julin Robledo Guadarrama Director General AGFA DE MXICO, S.A. DE C.V. Benjamn Franklin 98, piso 3 Col. Escandn 11800 Mxico, D.F. RFC AME981023 BY5
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year
Tel. 52 76 76 00 Ext. 7602 Fax 52 77 96 35 julian.robledo@agfa.com http://www.agfa.com.mx Established 1998 NAICS 42141 Photographic Equipment & Supplies Wholesalers
Ing. Guillermo Lpez Garca Director General AGILENT TECHNOLOGIES DE MXICO, S. DE R.L. DE C.V. Blvd. Adolfo Lpez Mateos 2009-202 Col. Los Alpes 01010 Mxico, D.F. RFC ATM990909 U84
Sales range US $ 100-999 million a year Relations with: Agilent Technologies Co. (USA)
Tel. 91 71 55 00 Ext. 5538 Fax 91 71 55 00 Ext. 5581 http://www.agilent.com.mx Established 1990 NAICS 33451 Nav/Measuring/Medical/Control Instruments Mfg
Sr. Russell Riecken Director General AGRIBRANDS PURINA MXICO, S.A. DE C.V. San Miguel Allende 1415 Ciudad Industrial 36541 Irapuato, Gto. RFC APM980429 4N6
Tel. (462) 6 06 81 00 Ext. 8127, 6 06 81 27 Fax (462) 6 06 81 05 Mexico City: 11 05 74 00 mariadelrocio_mosqueda@agribrands.com Established 1957 NAICS 311111 Dog & Cat Food Mfg NAICS 311119 Other Animal Food Mfg
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Imports range US $ 10-99 million a year: Feed Products (Specialized). Relations with: Agribrand International Inc. (USA); Cargill, Inc. (USA) Mexican affiliates: Cargill de Mxico, S.A. de C.V.
Sr. Jos de Jess Robles Prez Director General AGRCOLA BON, S. DE R.L. DE C.V. Jess Garca Pte. 150 Estacin Bamoa 81141 Guasave, Sin. RFC ABC930924 4I3
Tel. (687) 8 81 00 67 Fax (687) 8 81 05 44 sistem@agricolabon.com.mx http://www.agricolabon.com.mx Established 1993 NAICS 111219 Other Vegetable (exc Potato) & Melon Farming
Lic. Roberto Gotsis Rico Gerente General AGRCOLA GOTSIS, S.A. DE C.V. Km. 3.5 Carr. a la 20, Apdo. 279 80379 Culiacn, Sin. RFC AGO931124 CJ9
Tel. (667) 7 14 34 38, 7 17 10 20, 7 60 54 67 Ext. 126 Fax (667) 7 60 54 68, 7 60 54 67, (672) 7 28 58 85 agsa@pacificnet.com.mx Established 1921 NAICS 111219 Other Vegetable (exc Potato) & Melon Farming
Exports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Vegetables; Hot Peppers; Corn; Fruits; Potatoes; Soybean.
Arq. Eduardo de la Vega Echavarra Director General AGRCOLA LA PRIMAVERA, S.A. DE C.V. Juan Jos Ros Pte. 723 Col. Almada 80200 Culiacn, Sin. RFC APR941107 3Y8
Exports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Tomatoes.
Tel. (667) 7 15 38 40, 7 15 38 41, 7 15 38 42 Fax (667) 7 15 38 51 edlavega@kaliroy.com Established 1993 NAICS 111219 Other Vegetable (exc Potato) & Melon Farming
Sr. Sergio Fortino Paredes Verdugo Director General AGRCOLA PAREDES, S.A. DE C.V. Blvd. Dr. Jess Kumate Rodrguez Km. 0.4 Int. A Col. San Rafael 80150 Culiacn, Sin. RFC APA970703 5N4
Tel. (667) 7 60 35 40, 7 60 35 50, 7 60 35 60 Ext. 1 Fax (667) 7 60 35 70 agricolaparedes@cln.megared.net.mx http://www.spv.tomatoes.com Established 1982 NAICS 111219 Other Vegetable (exc Potato) & Melon Farming
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Exports range US $ 10-99 million a year: Vegetables; Hot Peppers; Tomatoes.
Ing. Roberto Tarriba Uras Co-Director General AGRCOLA TARRIBA, S. DE R.L. DE C.V. Blvd. Jess Kumate Rodrguez Km. 2, Edif. 2, Int. 1 Col. Rincn del Valle 80155 Culiacn, Sin. RFC ATA920429 TH9
Tel. (667) 7 60 28 08, 7 60 28 09 Ext. 345 Fax (667) 7 60 28 15 tarriba@farmersbest.com.mx Established 1970 NAICS 111219 Other Vegetable (exc Potato) & Melon Farming
Lic. Salvador Mayoral Director General AGROASEMEX, S.A. Constituyentes Pte. 124 Col. El Carrizal 76030 Quertaro, Qro. RFC AGR900605 VC6
Premiums range US $ 10-99 million a year Government owned
Tel. (442) 2 38 19 00 Ext. 4703, 2 16 28 85 Fax (442) 2 16 95 58 Mexico City: 52 82 10 55 smayoral@agroasemex.gob.mx http://www.agroasemex.gob.mx Established 1990 NAICS 5241 Insurance Carriers
C.P. Jos Ricardo Alcal Luna Presidente AGRO INDUSTRIAL EXPORTADORA, S.A. DE C.V. (AGRIEXPORT) Domicilio Conocido, Frente a la Estacin del Ferrocarril 45640 Tlajomulco de Ziga, Jal. RFC AIE780731 D51
Tel. (33) 37 98 02 35, 37 98 02 75, 37 98 02 95 Ext. 124 Fax (33) 37 98 00 95 agriexport@megared.net.mx Established 1973 NAICS 311411 Frozen Fruit, Juice & Vegetable Mfg
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Listed in the Mexican Stock Exchange; ticker symbol: AGRIEXP Board of Directors: C.P. Jos Ricardo Alcal Luna (Chairman), Ing. Ramn Beteta Decou (Vice-Chairman), C.P. Juan Claudio Salles Manuel (Comisario), Lic. Felipe Ignacio Vzquez Aldana Sauza (Secretary), Ing. Miguel ngel Olea Sisniega (Treasurer), C.P. Ricardo Alcal Ocampo, Lic. Miguel Alfaro Mndez, Sr. Jos Araujo Ramrez, Ing. Jos Carral Cuevas, Lic. Csar de Anda Molina, Lic. Luis de la Pea Stettner, C.P. Ignacio Rivero Darancn
C.P. Jess lvarez Pez Director de Administracin y Finanzas AGROINDUSTRIAS INTEGRADAS DEL NORTE, S.A. DE C.V. (AGROINSA) Km. 7.5 Carr. a Miguel Alemn 67110 Guadalupe, N.L. RFC AIN900423 SA2
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Exports range US $ 1-10 million a year Imports range US $ 10-99 million a year: Wheat. Mexican affiliates: Grupo Villacero
Tel. (81) 83 77 78 20 Ext. 105, 83 77 97 13 Fax (81) 83 79 94 99 ivrodrigu@villacero.com.mx http://www.villacero.com Established 1990 NAICS 311211 Flour Milling
Lic. Sergio Ral Esquer Peiro Director General AGROINDUSTRIAS TOMBELL, S.A. DE C.V. Maxipista a Mazatln Km. 104 Ejido Culiacn 82700 La Cruz Elota, Sin. RFC ATO991105 HH0
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year
Tel. (667) 7 60 50 05 Ext. 33 Fax (667) 7 60 51 55 chaparral1@terra.com.mx Established 1999 NAICS 111219 Other Vegetable (exc Potato) & Melon Farming
Lic. Antonio Valladolid Orozco Director General AGRO INDUSTRIAS VIGOR, S. DE R.L. DE C.V. Ferrocarril y Calle 9 s/n Col. Libertad 22300 Tijuana, B.C.N. RFC AIV910319 E43
Tel. (664) 6 83 28 66 Fax (664) 6 83 27 95 mvs@telnor.net Established 1991 NAICS 111219 Other Vegetable (exc Potato) & Melon Farming
Ing. Octavio Luna Mora Director General AGROMEX FERTILIZANTES, S.A. DE C.V. Vicente Guerrero 304 Centro 96400 Coatzacoalcos, Ver. RFC AFE981201 AU0
Tel. (921) 2 12 30 30, 2 12 89 16, 2 12 89 08 Fax (921) 2 12 89 08 cchagoya@grupoagromex.com.mx Established 1992 NAICS 325311 Nitrogenous Fertilizer Mfg
Sales range US $ 100-999 million a year Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Agrochemical Products; Control & Measuring Instrumentation; Agricultural Implements. Mexican affiliates: Grupo Acerero del Norte, S.A. de C.V.
Lic. Manuel Antonio Lugo Camacho Director General AGROPECUARIA INDUSTRIAL DE MXICO, S.A. DE C.V. ngel Flores 2056 Col. Las Fuentes 81223 Los Mochis, Sin. RFC AIM001016 BK5
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year
Tel. (668) 8 12 80 08, 8 12 45 73 Fax (668) 8 12 16 36 xborquez@grupo-lima.com.mx Established 2000 NAICS 111219 Other Vegetable (exc Potato) & Melon Farming
Ing. Hctor Eli Lpez Solrzano Director General AGROPECUARIA SANFANDILA, S.A. DE C.V. Andaluca 60 Col. Nueva Espaa 47440 Lagos de Moreno, Jal. RFC ASU840914 2U8
Mexican affiliates: Asesora Integral de Lagos, S.A. de C.V.
Tel. (474) 7 42 33 00, 7 42 37 50 Ext. 1101, 7 42 44 27 Fax (474) 7 42 03 63 sanfan@sanfandila.com.mx http://www.sanfandila.com.mx Established 1984 NAICS 112111 Beef Cattle Ranching & Farming NAICS 11221 Hog & Pig Farming NAICS 11231 Chicken Egg Production
Ing. Javier Usabiaga Gonzlez Director General AGUILARES S.P.R. DE R.L. Carr. Panamericana Km. 291 Col. La Fortaleza 38300 Cortazar, Gto. RFC ASR960618 3D4
Tel. (411) 1 55 13 59, 1 55 09 49, 1 55 09 50 Fax (411) 1 55 17 18 aguilares@celnet.com.mx http://www.mrlucky.com.mx Established 1996 NAICS 111219 Other Vegetable (exc Potato) & Melon Farming
Sales range US $ 100-999 million a year Mexican affiliates: Agrcola La Minita S.P.R. de R.L.; Comercializadora Gab, S.A. de C.V.; Covemex, S.A. de C.V.; Invernaderos Arroyo S.P.R. de R.L.
C.P. Miguel ngel Romo Zaragoza Director General AHOME SHRIMP PACKING, S.A. DE C.V. Blvd. Adolfo Lpez Mateos 2213 Nte., Int. 105 y 106 Fracc. Las Fuentes 81238 Los Mochis, Sin. RFC ASP940805 VC4
Tel. (668) 8 17 01 01 Ext. 111 Fax (668) 8 17 01 01 acp_miguelromo@hotmail.com http://www.ahomeshrimppacking.com.mx Established 1994 NAICS 112512 Shellfish Farming NAICS 311712 Fresh & Frozen Seafood Processing
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Exports range US $ 10-99 million a year: Shrimp. Mexican affiliates: Ahome Acucola, S.A. de C.V.; Grupo Industrial Igsa, S.A. de C.V.
Sr. Norberto Ferrara Perini Director General AIG MXICO SEGUROS INTERAMERICANA, S.A. DE C.V. Insurgentes Sur 1136 Col. del Valle 03219 Mxico, D.F. RFC AMS960528 D53
Premiums range US $ 100-999 million a year Relations with: American International Group (USA)
Tel. 54 88 47 00 Ext. 4756, 54 88 47 56 Fax 54 88 48 20 aigmex@mailreader.mx.ges.com http://www.aigmexico.com Established 1945 NAICS 5241 Insurance Carriers
Dr. Vctor Manuel Coronado Bravo Gerente General AKZO NOBEL CHEMICALS, S.A. DE C.V. Morelos 49 Col. Tecamachalco 56500 Los Reyes La Paz, Mx. RFC ANC940704 CD3
Tel. 58 58 07 00 Ext. 0711 Fax 58 58 07 04 anclrlp1@prodigy.net.mx http://www.akzonobel.com Established 1960 as Hexaquimia NAICS 325199 All Other Basic Organic Chemical Mfg
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Exports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Polymerization Initiators. Imports range US $ 10-99 million a year: Raw Materials for Organic Peroxides; Chemical Equipment and Spare Parts. Relations with: Akzo Nobel Chemicals Inc. (Holland)
Ing. Enrique Garca Martnez Vicepresidente y Director General ALBANY INTERNATIONAL DE MXICO, S.A. DE C.V. Km. 18.5 Carr. Tlalnepantla-Cuautitln Zona Industrial 54800 Cuautitln, Mx. RFC AIM961015 EJ5
Tel. 58 99 16 00 Ext. 1601, 1602, 58 99 16 01, 58 99 16 02 Fax 58 99 16 41 sara_otalora@albaint.com http://www.albint.com Established 1960 NAICS 313312 Textile/Fabric Finishing (exc Broadwoven) Mill
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Exports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Filters & Filtering Equipment. Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Yarns; Textile Industry Raw Materials; Textile Machinery; Solvents; Fabrics. Relations with: Albany International Corp., Inc. (USA)
Sr. Mark Haskaulski Director General ALBERTO CULVER DE MXICO, S.A. DE C.V. Alce Blanco 11 esq. Calle 9 Fracc. Industrial Alce Blanco 53370 Naucalpan, Mx. RFC ACM601104 CV8
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Relations with: Alberto Culver International (USA)
Tel. 91 40 11 00 Ext. 103, 53 73 21 18 Fax 53 73 43 89 albertoculver@albertoc.com.mx http://www.alberto.com Established 1960 NAICS 32562 Toilet Preparation Mfg
Ing. Federico Guilln Moino Director General ALCATEL MXICO, S.A. DE C.V. Ciencia 13 Parque Industrial Cuamatla 54730 Cuautitln Izcalli, Mx. RFC AME940613 EB8
Tel. 58 70 90 00 Ext. 9201, 58 70 92 00, 58 70 92 01 Fax 58 70 92 02 ivonne.carballo@alcatel.com http://www.alcatel.com.mx Established 1957 NAICS 33429 Other Communications Equipment Mfg
Sales range US $ 100-999 million a year Imports range US $ 100-999 million a year: Electronic Telephone Central; Exchangers. Relations with: Alcatel Network Systems, Inc. (USA); International Standard Electric Co. (USA) Mexican affiliates: Alcatel de Mxico, S.A. de C.V.
Sr. Jos Carrillo Urenda Director Operativo ALCOA FUJIKURA DE PUEBLA, S. DE R.L. DE C.V. Km. 7.5 Cam. a San Lorenzo Almecatla s/n Col. San Juan Cuautlancinco 72710 Puebla, Pue. RFC AFP010521 C16
Sales range US $ 1-10 billion a year Foreign investments: Grupo Alcoa Fujikura Limited (USA)
Tel. (222) 2 29 97 00, 2 29 97 03 Fax (222) 2 29 97 05 rosamaria.luna@alcoa.com Established 2001 NAICS 336322 Oth MV Electrical & Electronic Equip Mfg
Lic. Guillermo Bellot Castro Director General ALCOHOLES DESNATURALIZADOS Y DILUENTES, S.A. DE C.V. (ADYDSA) San Jos 11-18 Col. San Juan Ixhuatepec 54180 Tlalnepantla, Mx. RFC ADD850423 339
Tel. 57 26 90 50 Ext. 201 Fax 57 15 73 31 adydsacalidad@terra.com.mx Established 1969 NAICS 325191 Gum & Wood Chemical Mfg
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Chlorine; Chemical Alcohols; Plasticizers; Chemical Products. Mexican affiliates: Adydsa del Centro, S.A. de C.V.; Adydsa del Sureste, S.A. de C.V.; Adydsa Monterrey, S.A. de C.V.; Grupo Adydsa; Transportadora de Lquidos y Derivados, S.A.
Ing. Alfonso Garca Hernndez Director General ALEN DEL NORTE, S.A. DE C.V. Blvd. Daz Ordaz 1000 Col. Los Trevio 66350 Santa Catarina, N.L. RFC ANX940223 JQ0
Tel. (81) 81 22 10 00 Ext. 1102, 81 22 10 01 Fax (81) 81 22 10 98 Mexico City: 53 71 20 21 http://www.alen.com.mx Established 1949 NAICS 325611 Soap & Other Detergent Mfg NAICS 325612 Polish & Other Sanitation Good Mfg
Sales range US $ 100-999 million a year Exports range US $ 10-99 million a year: Home Sanitation Products. Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Lope; Gum Tupertine; Polypropylene; Paradichlorobenzene; Potassium Hydroxide; Polyethylene (High Density); Potassium Chloride; Caustic Soda; Sodium Hypochlorite; PVC Compound; Corrugated Boxes. Relations with: White Cap (USA); Pine o Pine (USA); Alen (USA) Foreign offices: San Antonio, TX (USA). Mexican affiliates: Alen de Occidente, S.A. de C.V.; Alen del Centro, S.A. de C.V.; Alen del Sureste, S.A. de C.V.; Compaa General de Servicios, S.A. de C.V.; Distribuidora Alen, S.A. de C.V.; Industrias Alen, S.A. de C.V.
Ing. Dionisio Garza Medina Presidente del Consejo y Director General Ejecutivo ALFA, S.A. DE C.V. Gmez Morn 1111 Col. Carrizalejo 66254 San Pedro Garza Garca, N.L. RFC AIN800808 SJ3
Tel. (81) 87 48 11 11 Ext. 1104, 87 48 11 04 Fax (81) 87 48 11 99 Mexico City: 30 67 51 18 http://www.alfa.com.mx Established 1974 NAICS 551112 Offices of Other Holding Companies
Sales range US $ 1-10 billion a year Exports range US $ 1-10 billion a year: Petrochemicals; Synthetic Fibers; Steel (Flat); Galvanized Steel; Piping; Auto Parts; Carpets. Imports range US $ 100-999 million a year: Petrochemical Raw Materials; Scrap; Aluminum Scrap; Food Raw Materials. Relations with: Amoco (USA); AT&T (USA); BASF (Germany); Beakert (Belgium); Central & South West Corp. (USA); E.I. Dupont de Nemours, Inc. (USA); Ford (USA); Montel (USA); Shaw, Inc. (USA); Worthington (USA) Foreign investments: Alfare Ltd.; Galvak International; Hylsa International Corp.; Hylsa Latin; Posven C.A.; Transamerica Exports and Imports Corp. Mexican affiliates: Akra, S.A.; Alestra; Alfa Corporativo, S.A. de C.V.; Alfa Legal, S.A. de C.V.; Alpek, S.A. de C.V.; Centro Cultural Alfa, S.A. de C.V.; Colombin Bel, S.A. de C.V.; Dinmica, S.A. de C.V.; Galvak, S.A. de C.V.; Galvamet, S.A. de C.V.; Gentium, S.A. de C.V.; Indelpro, S.A. de C.V.; Nemak, S.A.; Nova, S.A. de C.V.; Petrocel, S.A.; Polioles, S.A. de C.V.; Sigma Alimentos, S.A. de C.V.; Terza, S.A. de C.V.; Transportacin Area del Norte, S.A. de C.V.; Univex, S.A. de C.V.; Versax, S.A. de C.V. Listed in the Mexican Stock Exchange; ticker symbol: ALFA Board of Directors: Ing. Dionisio Garza Medina (Chairman), C.P. Enrique Osorno Heinze (Comisario), Sr. Leopoldo Marroqun Morales (Secretary), Sr. Jos Fernando Caldern Ayala, Sr. Valentn Diez Morodo, Sr. Mauricio Fernndez Garza, Sr. Bernardo Garza de la Fuente, Sr. Armando Garza Sada, Ing. Claudio Xavier Gonzlez Laporte, Ing. Ricardo Guajardo Touch, Sr. Antonio Madero Bracho, Ing. Rogelio M. Rebolledo Rojas, Sr. Adrin Sada Gonzlez, Sr. Fernando Senderos Mestre, Sr. Lorenzo H. Zambrano Trevio
C.P. Francisco Gonzlez Vzquez Presidente ALGODONERA COMERCIAL MEXICANA, S.A. DE C.V. (ALGODOMEX) Reforma 382, piso 6 Col. Jurez 06600 Mxico, D.F.
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year
Tel. 55 11 41 01 Fax 52 08 56 19 pacogg@algodomex.com.mx Established 1989 NAICS 42259 Other Farm Product Raw Material Wholesalers
Ing. Jaime Guerra Vela Gerente General ALGODONES Y ACEITES MEXICANOS, S.A. DE C.V. (AYAMSA) Churubusco 924 Nte. Col. Venustiano Carranza 64560 Monterrey, N.L. RFC AAM651201 SR8
Tel. (81) 83 54 15 59, 83 54 15 58, 83 54 15 00 Ext. 109, 108, 83 54 01 21 Fax (81) 83 54 16 57 j-guerra@ayamsa.com ayamsa@conagro.com Established 1965 NAICS 311223 Other Oilseed Processing
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Cotton Seed; Sunflower Sedd; Soybeen Sed. Mexican affiliates: Algodones y Alimentos, S.A.; Compaa Ganadera Conagro, S.A. de C.V.; Compaa Mantequera Monterrey, S.A. de C.V.; Conagro Transportaciones, S.A. de C.V.; Consorcio Agroindustrial Regiomontano, S.A. de C.V.; Empacadora Trevio, S.A. de C.V.; Forrajes y Engordas Tcnicas, S.A.; Procesadora y Comercializadora Conagro, S.A. de C.V.
C.P. Juan Fernando Caldern Aguilar Director General LICA AUTOMOTRIZ, S.A. DE C.V. Insurgentes 779 Pte. Col. El Rodeo 63060 Tepic, Nay. RFC AAU880906 KR2
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Mexican affiliates: Grupo Empresarial lica
Tel. (311) 2 12 77 66 Ext. 105, 118, 2 16 22 28 Fax (311) 2 16 24 40 calderon@alica-automotriz.com Established 1968 NAICS 44111 New Car Dealers
Ing. Mariano Salceda Servn de la Mora Director de Operaciones ALIMENTOS DEL FUERTE, S.A. DE C.V. (AFSA) Km. 10.5 Carr. Los Mochis-San Blas 81890 Los Mochis, Sin. RFC AFU731029 PZ9
Tel. (668) 8 16 02 00 Ext. 221, 8 16 02 21 Fax (668) 8 16 03 00 Mexico City: 57 28 59 00 msalceda@delfuerte.com.mx http://www.desc.com.mx Established 1973 NAICS 311211 Flour Milling NAICS 311421 Fruit & Vegetable Canning NAICS 311941 Mayonnaise, Dressing & Oth Prepared Sauce Mfg
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Exports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Tomato Paste (Industrial); Canned Fruits & Vegetables; Dehydrated Vegetables; Sauces (Mexican Style); Jalapeo Pepper. Imports range US $ 10-99 million a year: Packaging Materials. Mexican affiliates: Corfuerte, S.A. de C.V.; Grupo Desc; Industrias Alimenticias Nacionales, S.A.; Nair Industrias, S.A. de C.V.
Ing. Vicente J. Bihouet Santini Director General ALIMENTOS KOWI, S.A. DE C.V. Km. 1788 Carr. Mxico-Nogales Zona Industrial 85800 Navojoa, Son. RFC AKO971007 558
Exports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Meat (all Types). Mexican affiliates: Grupo Kowi
Tel. (642) 4 25 90 00 Ext. 201 Fax (642) 4 25 90 09 Mexico City: 57 63 86 84 vbihouet@kowi.com.mx http://www.kowi.com.mx Established 1984 NAICS 311611 Animal (except Poultry) Slaughtering
Ing. Jess Jaime Lozano Juregui Director General ALIMENTOS LOZ-CAR, S.A. DE C.V. Tepic 402 Col. Nuevo Repueblo 64700 Monterrey, N.L. RFC ALC910816 EE0
Tel. (81) 81 90 00 40 Fax (81) 81 90 00 40 Ext. 16 lozcar@lozcar.com.mx http://www.lozcar.com.mx Established 1977 NAICS 72231 Food Service Contractors
Sr. Sergio Ghibellini Harten Director General ALLIANZ MXICO, S.A. COMPAA DE SEGUROS Blvd. Manuel vila Camacho 164, piso 9 Col. Lomas de Barrilaco 11010 Mxico, D.F. RFC AMS950419 EG4
Tel. 52 01 30 00 Ext. 3004, 52 01 30 04 Fax 55 40 46 81 http://www.segurosallianz.com Established 1944 NAICS 5241 Insurance Carriers
Premiums range US $ 100-999 million a year Relations with: Allianz Dresdner AG (Germany); Allianz of America, Inc. Mexican affiliates: Allianz Rentas Vitalicias, S.A.
Lic. Manuel Javier Muoz Martnez Director General ALMACENADORA ACCEL, S.A. Virginia Fbregas 80 Col. San Rafael 06470 Mxico, D.F. RFC AAC970306 371
Tel. 57 05 27 88 Ext. 2001, 57 05 47 39 Fax 57 05 55 59 ccastaneda@accelsa.com.mx http://www.accel.com.mx Established 1928 NAICS 49311 General Warehousing & Storage
Income range US $ 10-99 million a year Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Forklifters & Parts. Relations with: Tropical Sport Wear International, Inc. Mexican affiliates: Accel, S.A. de C.V.; Accel Comercial, S.A. de C.V.; Accel Distribucin, S.A. de C.V.; Accel Servicios, S.A. de C.V.; Comercial Area, S.A.; Elamex Internacional, S.A. de C.V.; Elamex, S.A. de C.V.; Exvamex, S.A. de C.V.
Ing. Alejandra de la Vega Arizpe Directora General ALMACENES DISTRIBUIDORES DE LA FRONTERA, S.A. DE C.V. Plutarco Elas Calles 744 Nte. Col. Progresista 32310 Cd. Jurez, Chih. RFC ADF690801 3Q9
Tel. (656) 6 16 13 56, 6 13 19 60 Ext. 25 Fax (656) 6 16 99 02 delrio.superette@terra.com.mx http://www.delriosa.com Established 1969 NAICS 44511 Grocery (except Convenience) Stores
L.A.E. Alfredo Kalach Romano Director General ALMACENES GARCA DE MXICO, S.A. DE C.V. Repblica de Uruguay 102 Centro 06060 Mxico, D.F. RFC AGM830928 UC3
Mexican affiliates: Grupo Textil Alka, S.A. de C.V.
Tel. 51 30 32 30 Ext. 101 Fax 51 30 32 30 Ext. 102 bvaltierra@agarcia.com.mx Established 1983 NAICS 4481 Clothing Stores
Sr. Alfonso Gabriel Zaragoza Moreno Director General ALMACENES ZARAGOZA, S.A. DE C.V. (ALZASA) Rafael Buelna 187 Pte. Centro 80000 Culiacn, Sin. RFC AZA431201 HD8
Tel. (667) 7 59 06 00 Ext. 602 Fax (667) 7 16 10 41 Mexico City: 55 46 16 18 alzasa@mz.com.mx http://www.mz.com.mx Established 1943 NAICS 45291 Warehouse Clubs & Superstores
Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Household Appliances; Electronic Equipment; Furniture. Mexican affiliates: Comercial Sacramento, S.A. de C.V.
Arq. Conrado Mucio Hidalgo Gerente General ALMEXA ALUMINIO, S.A. DE C.V. Va Morelos 347 Col. Santa Mara Tulpetlac 55400 Ecatepec, Mx. RFC AAL850527 395
Tel. 57 76 45 99 Ext. 1000, 1004, 1005 Fax 57 76 39 48 Established 1954 NAICS 331315 Aluminum Sheet, Plate & Foil Mfg
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Exports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Aluminum Ingot. Imports range US $ 10-99 million a year: Aluminum Oxide; Boron-Titanium-Aluminum Rolls; Coal Briquettes; Magnesium; Manganese; Aluminum Rolled Sheets; Strontium. Mexican affiliates: Grupo Carso
Sr. John H. Nichols Director General ALMIDONES MEXICANOS, S.A. DE C.V. (ALMEX) Calle 26 # 2756 Zona Industrial 44940 Guadalajara, Jal. RFC AME600620 960
Tel. (33) 36 68 45 00 Ext. 4520, 36 68 45 20 Fax (33) 36 68 45 21 jnichols@almidones.com.mx http://www.almidones.com.mx Established 1960 NAICS 311221 Wet Corn Milling
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Exports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Oils - Edible; Starches; Dextrose; Glucose. Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Bottles; Electric, Electronic and Telephonic Connectors; Corn; Packing & Baling; Food Industry Raw Materials; Food Industry Equipment; Paper Bags (Sacks); Container Caps; Piping & Fittings. Relations with: A.E. Staley Manufacturing Co. (USA); ADM Archer Daniels Midland (USA); Tates Lyle North America
Ing. Jos de Jess Valdez Simancas Director General ALPEK, S.A. DE C.V. Gmez Morn 1111 Col. Carrizalejo 66254 San Pedro Garza Garca, N.L. RFC ALP940304 87A
Tel. (81) 87 48 11 28 Fax (81) 87 48 25 28 jjvaldez@alpek.com info@alpek.com http://www.alfa.com.mx Established 1994 NAICS 325222 Noncellulosic Organic Fiber Mfg
Sales range US $ 1-10 billion a year Exports range US $ 1-10 million a year: DMT; PTA; PET; Polyester Staple Fiber; Caprolactam; Nylon 6 Polymer; Textile Nylon 6; Textile Nylon 6,6; Lycra; Expandable Polystyrene; Glycols; Urethanes; Speciality Chemicals and Polypropylene. Relations with: Basell (USA); Basf (Germany); BP (UK); DuPont (USA); Teijin (Japan) Foreign investments: Copeq Trading, Co.; DAK Fibers, LLC; DAK Monomers, LLC; DAK Resins, LLC Foreign offices: Charlotte, NC (USA); Houston, TX (USA) Mexican affiliates: Akra-Teijin, S.A. de C.V.; Alfa, S.A. de C.V.; Dupek, S.A. de C.V.; Filamentos Elastomricos de Mxico, S.A. de C.V.; Indelpro, S.A. de C.V.; Nylon de Mxico, S.A. de C.V.; Nyltek, S.A. de C.V.; Petrocel, S.A.; Polioles, S.A. de C.V.; Polykron, S.A. de C.V.; Tereftalatos Mexicanos, S.A. de C.V.; Univex, S.A. de C.V.
Sr. Uli Renner Streif Director General ALPLA MXICO, S.A. DE C.V. Mz. 3, Lt. 6 Parque Industrial Exportec 50000 Toluca, Mx. RFC AME990310 DP4
Tel. (722) 2 75 45 00 Ext. 4502 Fax (722) 2 75 45 69 uli.renner@alpla.com http://www.alpla.com Established 1991 NAICS 32616 Plastics Bottle Mfg
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Exports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Containers. Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Metal Machining Industry Machinery; Packing & Baling; Maintenance Supplies.
Lic. Cosme Alberto Torrado Martnez Director General ALSEA, S.A. DE C.V. (DMINO'S PIZZA) Yucatn 23, piso 10 Col. Hipdromo Condesa 06170 Mxico, D.F. RFC ALS970521 1J9
Tel. 52 41 71 00 Ext. 7202, 52 41 71 02 Fax 52 41 71 09 asilva@alsea.com.mx http://www.alsea.com.mx Established 1987 NAICS 72211 Full-Service Restaurants
Sales range US $ 100-999 million a year Imports range US $ 10-99 million a year: Automobiles & Trucks; Packing & Baling; Auto Parts; Computer Equipment, Programs, Accessories & Supplies. Mexican affiliates: Burguer King, S.A. de C.V.; Domino's Pizza, S.A. de C.V.; Caf Sirena, S. de R.L. de C.V. (Starbucks) Listed in the Mexican Stock Exchange; ticker symbol: ALSEA Board of Directors: Lic. Cosme Alberto Torrado Martnez (Chairman), C.P. Maximino Manuel Saudo Bolaos (Comisario), Lic. Xavier Mangino Dueas (Secretary), Lic. Jos Manuel Canal Hernando, Dr. Salvador Cern Aguilar, Lic. Francisco Gama Cruz, Lic. Federico Tejado Brcena, Lic. Armando Torrado Martnez, Lic. Alberto Torrado Monge
Sr. Alain Toubiana Director General ALSTOM TRANSPORTE, S.A. DE C.V. Lago Victoria 74, piso 7 Col. Granada 11520 Mxico, D.F. RFC ATR980622 NV8
Tel. 11 01 07 00 Ext. 50811 Fax 26 24 01 44 guillermo.angeles@transport.alstom.com http://www.alstom.com Established 1985 NAICS 33651 Railroad Rolling Stock Mfg
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Mexican affiliates: Alstom Power Mxico, S.A. de C.V.; Alstom Servicios, S.A. de C.V.; Grupo Alstom
Dr. Clive Cain Director General ALTANA PHARMA, S.A. DE C.V. 1 de Mayo 130 Col. San Andrs Atoto 53500 Naucalpan, Mx. RFC APH640812 8TA
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Relations with: ByK Gulden (Germany)
Tel. 53 87 93 30 Ext. 2440 Fax 53 59 01 08 http://www.altana-pharma.com.mx Established 1964 NAICS 325412 Pharmaceutical Preparation Mfg
Ing. Vicente Bortoni Parkman Director General ALTEQ CONSTRUCCIONES, S.A. DE C.V. Tlalpan 3604, piso 1 Col. San Lorenzo Huipulco 14370 Mxico, D.F. RFC ACO940120 8M8
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Metallic Articles. Mexican affiliates: Pacfica, S. de R.L. de C.V.
Tel. 54 87 52 00 Ext. 5224 Fax 56 55 44 51 alteqco@pacifica.com.mx Established 1994 NAICS 23332 Commercial & Institutional Bldg Construction
Ing. Xavier Desiderio Autrey Maza Presidente ALTOS HORNOS DE MXICO, S.A. DE C.V. (AHMSA) Campos Elseos 29, piso 10 Col. Rincn del Bosque 11580 Mxico, D.F. RFC AHM420706 U10
Tel. 52 55 99 00, 52 55 99 03 Ext. 4911 Fax 52 54 56 07 presidencia@gan.com.mx http://www.ahmsa.com Established 1942 NAICS 331221 Rolled Steel Shape Mfg
Sales range US $ 1-10 billion a year Exports range US $ 10-99 million a year: Wire Rods; Tin; Steel Cold Rolled Sheets; Steel Plates; Iron; Steel (Laminated); Steel Pipes; Steel Beams. Imports range US $ 100-999 million a year: Fans; Quencher Cars; Ball Bearings; Locomotive and Turbine Bearings; Bentonite; Calcium-Silicon Wire; Projectable Refractories; Electric Spare Parts; Electronic Spare Parts. Foreign investments: Gan Venezuela (Venezuela); Ganahmsa, Inc. (USA); Schutz International (USA) Foreign offices: Caracas (Venezuela); San Antonio, TX (USA). Mexican affiliates: Cerro de Mercado; Comercializadora Ro Escondido, S.A. de C.V.; Ediciones Vulcano; Forjacero; Grupo Acerero del Norte, S.A. de C.V.; Hulera Mexicana; Hojalata Mexicana, S.A. de C.V. (Homesa); La Perla; Materias Primas, S.A. de C.V.; Micare; Minera Carbonfera Ro Escondido, S.A. de C.V.; Minera del Norte, S.A. de C.V.; Minerales Monclova, S.A. de C.V.; Nacional de Acero, S.A. de C.V.; Redinsa; Servicios Corporativos Ahmsa, S.A. de C.V.; Tecno Servicios de Monclova, S.A. de C.V. Listed in the Mexican Stock Exchange; ticker symbol: AHMSA Board of Directors: Ing. Xavier Desiderio Autrey Maza (Chairman), Lic. Juan Carlos Quintana Serur (Secretary)
Ing. Ortensio Toni Faeti Director General ALUCAPS MEXICANA, S.A. DE C.V. Eje Norte Sur 15 Col. Civac 62500 Cuernavaca, Mor. RFC AME780908 JQ2
Tel. (777) 3 29 26 30 Ext. 1014 Fax (777) 3 19 42 00 alucapsmexicana@alucaps.com.mx http://www.alucaps.com.mx Established 1978 NAICS 32616 Plastics Bottle Mfg
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Exports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Container Caps; Metallic Articles. Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Steel; Aluminum; Metal Machining Industry Machinery; Plastics; Maintenance Supplies.
Ing. Juan Jacobo Monroy Prez Gerente General ALUMINIO CONESA, S.A. DE C.V. Carr. Mxico-Veracruz 1062 Zona Industrial 72920 Puebla, Pue. RFC ACO841030 SU7
Tel. (222) 2 82 67 30, 2 82 67 40, 2 82 67 60 Ext. 716, 718 Fax (222) 2 82 66 67 parrasg@nacobre.com.mx Established 1965 NAICS 331315 Aluminum Sheet, Plate & Foil Mfg NAICS 331316 Aluminum Extruded Product Mfg
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Exports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Aluminum Extrusions. Mexican affiliates: Grupo Nacobre, S.A. de C.V.; Industrias Aluminio Constructora, S.A. de C.V.
Lic. Gerardo Snchez de la Barquera Jasso Director General ALUMINIO Y ZINC INDUSTRIAL, S.A. DE C.V. (AZINSA) Fernando Montes de Oca 21, piso 1 Fracc. Industrial 54030 Tlalnepantla, Mx. RFC AZI850702 GGO
Tel. 53 10 63 30 Ext. 304, 53 11 11 57 Fax 53 10 76 57 administrativo@azinsa.com.mx http://www.azinsa.com.mx Established 1931 NAICS 331419 Other Nonferrous Metal Prim Smelting/Refining
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Propionic Acid; Silican Carbide Melting Pots. Mexican affiliates: Grupo Industrial Trbol, S.A. de C.V.
Ing. Mario Alberto Noriega Dupinet Director General ALUPRINT, S.A. DE C.V. Eje 120 # 320, Mz. 35 Zona Industrial 1a. Secc. 78395 San Luis Potos, S.L.P. RFC ALU850923 8U3
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Exports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Packing & Baling. Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Machinery.
Tel. (444) 8 26 73 00 Ext. 7307, 8 26 73 07 Fax (444) 8 26 73 80 mnoriega@aluprint.com.mx sramos@aluprint.com.mx http://www.aluprint.com.mx Established 1980 NAICS 322212 Folding Paperboard Box Mfg
Lic. Rafael Hernndez Torres Director General AMERCOAT MEXICANA, S.A. DE C.V. (AMSA) Va Gustavo Baz 3999, piso 1 Parque Industrial San Nicols 54030 Tlalnepantla, Mx. RFC AME800626 1Q6
Tel. 57 29 56 00 Ext. 301, 55 65 14 45 Fax 53 90 02 99 csouza@amercoat.com.mx http://www.amercoat.com Established 1960 NAICS 32552 Adhesive Mfg
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Imports range US $ 10-99 million a year: Amoco 18; Ankamine K-54; Bisphenol; Cyclohexane; Dibutylamine; Diethylenetriamine; Epichlorohydrine; Ethyl Silicate; Ethylaminoethanol; Furfuric Alcohol; Lilamine LSP-33; Monoisopropane; Oil Coke; V.A.G.H.; Zinc Chromate. Relations with: Ameron Int. (USA); Clemco Industries Co. (USA) Mexican affiliates: Comex, S.A. de C.V.
Ing. Mario San Miguel Garza Presidente y Director General AMERICAN EXPRESS CO. MXICO, S.A. DE C.V. (AMEXCO) Patriotismo 635, piso 20 Col. Ciudad de los Deportes 03710 Mxico, D.F. RFC AEC810901 298
Tel. 53 26 25 00 Ext. 57400, 52 09 74 00, 52 09 74 41 Fax 52 09 74 06 http://www.americanexpress.com.mx Established 1852 NAICS 52239 Other Credit Intermediation Activities NAICS 56151 Travel Agencies
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Imports range US $ 10-99 million a year: Promotional Articles; Telecommunication Equipment and Parts. Relations with: American Express Travel & Related Services Co., Inc. (USA)
Ing. Gabriel Nabielsky Danziger Presidente y Director General AMERICAN TEXTIL, S.A. DE C.V. Va Morelos 68 Fracc. Rstica Xalostoc 55540 Ecatepec, Mx. RFC ATE810120 6P6
Tel. 56 99 22 00 Ext. 2212 Fax 56 99 22 90 atextil@attmail.com http://www.guilford.com Established 1981 NAICS 31324 Knit Fabric Mills
Exports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Fabrics. Imports range US $ 10-99 million a year: Yarns; Textile Machinery; Chemical Products; Fabrics. Relations with: Guilford Mills, Inc. (USA)
Ing. Gerardo G. Ruiz Meza Director General AMOCO FABRICS & FIBERS DE MXICO, S.A. DE C.V. Carlos Lazo 201 Col. Los Frailes 78760 Matehuala, S.L.P. RFC AF&950711 VB2
Tel. (488) 8 82 04 21, 8 82 17 28, 8 82 04 08 Fax (488) 8 82 16 76, 8 82 41 04 ruizg@amoco.com http://www.amoco.com Established 1964 NAICS 326111 Unsupported Plastics Bag Mfg
Exports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Polypropylene Bags (Sacks); Fabrics. Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Plastic Industry - Raw Materials; Textile Machinery. Relations with: Amoco Fabrics & Fibers Company Inc. (USA) Mexican affiliates: Amoco Chemicals, S.A. de C.V.
Ing. Mauricio G. Gregorio Gervilla Director General AMWAY DE MXICO, S.A. DE C.V. Washington 539 Ote. Centro 64004 Monterrey, N.L. RFC AME900126 RZ5
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Relations with: Amway Corp. (USA)
Tel. (81) 83 19 80 00 Ext. 8002, 83 19 80 02 Fax (81) 83 19 80 98 Mexico City: 52 50 43 48 gabriela.ramirez@amway.com http://www.amway.com Established 1990 NAICS 45439 Other Direct Selling Establishments
Ing. Alfonso Olvera Martnez Director General ANIXTER DE MXICO, S.A. DE C.V. Viveros de Atizapn 123-A Col. Viveros de la Loma 54080 Tlalnepantla, Mx. RFC AME900814 LM3
Tel. 53 66 99 22 Ext. 208, 53 66 22 08 Fax 53 66 22 05 & 01 alfonso.olvera@anixter.com http://www.anixter.com.mx Established 1990 NAICS 42161 Elec Equip/Wiring Supp/Const Material Wholesalers
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Imports range US $ 10-99 million a year: Telecommunication Equipment and Parts. Relations with: Anixter, Inc. (USA)
Sr. William Smith Wollsey Director General ANSUL MXICO, S.A. DE C.V. Carr. Tlalnepantla-Cuautitln 1100 54900 Tultitln, Mx. RFC AME940627 HHA
Tel. 58 99 08 99 Ext. 2865, 58 99 08 65 Fax 58 99 08 98 jloza@tycoint.com http://www.ansul.com Established 1967 NAICS 339999 All Other Miscellaneous Mfg
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Exports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Fire Fighting Equipment; Furniture, Door & Window Hardware; Hoses; Fire Fighting Equipment Parts & Supplies. Imports range US $ 10-99 million a year: Fire Fighting Equipment; Plastic Film. Relations with: Tyco International Ltd. (USA)
Lic. Christopher Baudouin Kennedy Presidente AON RISK SERVICES AGENTES DE SEGUROS Y DE FIANZAS, S.A. DE C.V. Blvd. Manuel vila Camacho 1, piso 3 Col. Lomas de Chapultepec 11000 Mxico, D.F. RFC ARS971203 4R6
Premiums range US $ 100-999 million a year Relations with: Aon Corp. (USA)
Tel. 53 87 60 00 Ext. 6101, 6107, 53 87 61 01, 53 87 61 07 Fax 53 87 61 12 christopher_baudouin@aon.ars.com http://www.aon.com Established 1983 NAICS 52421 Insurance Agencies & Brokerages
Dr. Joahn Claude Savoir Vilboeuf Director General APLICACIONES FARMACUTICAS, S.A. DE C.V. (AF) Heriberto Fras 1035 Col. del Valle 03100 Mxico, D.F. RFC AFA830429 GS6
Tel. 54 88 70 00 Fax 55 75 76 98 jcsavoir@techsphere.com.mx http://www.techsphere.spin.com.mx Established 1947 NAICS 325412 Pharmaceutical Preparation Mfg
Sales range US $ 100-999 million a year Imports range US $ 10-99 million a year: Raw Materials. Relations with: Laboratoires Lagrange (France); Laboratoires Sesif (France)
Ing. Walter Biel Arzola Presidente ARABELA, S.A. DE C.V. Calle 3 Nte. # 102 Parque Industrial Toluca 2000 50200 Toluca, Mx. RFC ARA900710 AX8
Sales range US $ 100-999 million a year
Tel. (722) 2 75 51 00 Ext. 5103, 5104, 2 75 51 03, 2 75 51 04 Fax (722) 2 79 94 01 ssenties@arabela.com.mx http://www.arabela.com.mx Established 1992 NAICS 42221 Drugs & Druggists' Sundries Wholesalers
Lic. Ricardo Medina Garca de Alba Director General ARAMARK MXICO, S.A. DE C.V. Arenal 24, Edif. PQT Sur, piso 1 Col. Ex-Hacienda de Guadalupe Chimalistac 01050 Mxico, D.F. RFC AME950116 SJ1
Relations with: Aramark (USA)
Tel. 85 03 61 00 Ext. 2102 Fax 85 03 61 00 Ext. 2001 aramark@aramark.com.mx http://www.aramark.com.mx Established 1992 NAICS 72231 Food Service Contractors
Ing. Ignacio Aranguren Castiello Presidente ARANCIA INDUSTRIAL, S.A. DE C.V. Lpez Cotilla 2032 Mezz Col. Arcos Vallarta 44130 Guadalajara, Jal. RFC AIN820922 GL8
Tel. (33) 38 18 48 00 Ext. 4815, 38 18 48 15 Fax (33) 38 18 48 90 Mexico City: 55 82 91 21 malvarez@arancia.com.mx Established 1922 NAICS 311221 Wet Corn Milling
Sales range US $ 100-999 million a year Relations with: Corn Products International Inc. (USA); Ici Americas, Inc.; National Starch & Chemical Co. (USA)
Ing. Mario Rodrguez Hernndez Director General ARBOMEX, S.A. DE C.V. Norte 7 # 102 Ciudad Industrial 38010 Celaya, Gto. RFC ARB820712 U77
Tel. (461) 6 11 51 17, 6 11 50 57, 6 11 54 17 Ext. 101 Fax (461) 6 11 52 97 arbomex@arbomex.com.mx http://www.arbomex.com.mx Established 1978 NAICS 33633 Motor Vehicle Steering & Suspension Parts Mfg
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Cutting Equipment; Metal Machining Industry Machinery; Fundents & Fusion Materials.
Ing. Salvador Portillo Arellano Director General AREVA T&D, S.A. DE C.V. Lago Victoria 74, piso 10 Col. Granada 11520 Mxico, D.F. RFC AT&980622 K27
Tel. 11 01 10 00 Ext. 30002 Fax 11 01 10 03 salvador.portillo@areva-td.com Established 1977 NAICS 335311 Power/Distribution/Specialty Transformer Mfg NAICS 335313 Switchgear & Switchboard Apparatus Mfg
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Exports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Capacitors; Transformers. Imports range US $ 10-99 million a year: Oils; Porcelain; Control & Measuring Instrumentation Parts; Relays. Relations with: Alstom T&D (Germany)
Ing. Moiss Wengrowsky Chejanoviesky Director General ARGOS ELCTRICA, S.A. DE C.V. Carr. Miguel Alemn 1500 Col. Valle de Huinala 66340 Apodaca, N.L. RFC AEL571218 HP7
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Exports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Electric Material. Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Electric Material. Mexican affiliates: Impulsora Industrial Monterrey, S.A.
Tel. (81) 81 25 70 00 Fax (81) 83 75 22 01 lbielas@arel.com.mx http://www.argoselectrica.com Established 1954 NAICS 334413 Semiconductor & Related Device Mfg
Lic. Epigmenio Ibarra Almada Director General ARGOS SERVICIOS INFORMATIVOS, S.A. DE C.V. Emilio Crdenas 205 Fracc. Industrial Tlalnepantla 54000 Tlalnepantla, Mx. RFC ASI920928 M64
Tel. 53 21 09 00 Ext. 904, 53 21 09 04 Fax 53 21 09 69 gris@argoscomunicacion.com Established 1992 NAICS 51211 Motion Picture & Video Production
Sr. Alberto Langoni Cirese Presidente y Director General ARMSTRONG LABORATORIOS DE MXICO, S.A. DE C.V. Perifrico Sur 6677, piso 1 Col. Ejidos de Tepepan 16018 Mxico, D.F. RFC ALM780206 GM2
Tel. 30 00 15 00 Ext. 1556 Fax 56 41 40 96 ncabrera@lab-armstrong.com.mx Established 1972 NAICS 325412 Pharmaceutical Preparation Mfg
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Carbamacepine; Tromantadine; Potassium Gluconate.
Ing. Luis Carlos Silveyra Hernndez Gerente General ARNECOM, S.A. DE C.V. Rmulo Garza 300 Col. Tacuba 66470 San Nicols de los Garza, N.L. RFC ARN940318 R57
Tel. (81) 80 30 31 00 Ext. 3131, 83 79 57 25 Fax (81) 83 79 57 75 lsilvei@arnecom.com http://www.xignux.com.mx Established 1987 NAICS 336322 Oth MV Electrical & Electronic Equip Mfg
Sales range US $ 100-999 million a year Exports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Wiring Harness Sets; Automotive Cable; Instrument Panels. Imports range US $ 10-99 million a year: Wiring Harness Sets. Relations with: Yazaki (Japan) Mexican affiliates: Celeco, S.A.; Conductores Monterrey, S.A.de C.V.; Grupo Xignux; Kir Alimentos, S.A. de C.V.; Lumisistemas, S.A.; Magnekon, S.A. de C.V.; Prolec G.E., S.A.; Serlec, S.A. de C.V.; Talleres Industriales, S.A. de C.V.; Tisamatic, S.A.
Lic. Plcido P. Daz Barriga del Valle Director General ARRENDADORA ATLAS, S.A. Paseo de los Tamarindos 60, piso 3 Col. Bosques de las Lomas 05120 Mxico, D.F. RFC AAT841026 JC6
Income range US $ 10-99 million a year
Sr. Michel Evans Director General ARTEVA SPECIALITIES, S. DE R.L. DE C.V. (INVISTA) Prol. Reforma 1015, Torre A, piso 2, Punta Santa Fe Col. Santa Fe 01219 Mxico, D.F. RFC ASP980910 UQ9
Tel. 91 77 57 00 Ext. 5769 Fax 52 92 60 09 http://www.kosa.com Established 1998 NAICS 325211 Plastics Material & Resins Mfg
Exports range US $ 10-99 million a year: Polyester; Resins. Imports range US $ 10-99 million a year: Textile Products; Cardboard; Packing & Baling; Pigments; Resins; Cardboard Tubes. Relations with: Arteva Specialities, Inc. (USA)
Ing. Arturo Hernndez Huerta Director General ARVIN DE MXICO, S.A. DE C.V. Km. 9.5 Carr. Constitucin Parque Industrial Jurica 76100 Quertaro, Qro. RFC AME931208 927
Tel. (442) 2 38 30 00 Ext. 3003, 2 38 30 03 & 02 Fax (442) 2 18 01 83 arturo.hernandez@arvinmeritor.com Established 1963 NAICS 336312 Gasoline Engine & Engine Parts Mfg
Sales range US $ 100-999 million a year Exports range US $ 10-99 million a year: Exhaust Systems and Catalytic Converters. Imports range US $ 10-99 million a year: Stainless Steel and Manifold Components. Relations with: Arvin Meritor, Inc. (USA)
Lic. Arturo Luis Prez Courtade Director General ASESORA DE GRUPO, S.A. DE C.V. Londres 212, piso 5 Col. Jurez 06600 Mxico, D.F. RFC AGR830117 FD2
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Mexican affiliates: Grupo Situr, S.A. de C.V.
Tel. 57 26 12 12 Ext. 1251, 57 26 12 51 Fax 57 26 12 54 aperez@sidek.com.mx http://www.sidek.com.mx Established 1992 NAICS 72111 Hotels (exc Casino Hotels) & Motels
Ing. Ral Ancona Riestra Director General ASESORA PRSER, S.A. DE C.V. Calle 35 # 356 x 28 y 30 Col. Emiliano Zapata Nte. 97129 Mrida, Yuc. RFC APR901205 G82
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Mexican affiliates: Constructora Prser, S.A. de C.V.
Tel. (999) 9 44 12 30, 9 44 32 40, 9 44 58 44 Fax (999) 9 44 12 30 Mexico City: 56 35 61 88 proserme@prodigy.net.mx Established 1990 NAICS 23411 Highway & Street Construction
Sr. Jos Luis Garca Ascencio Apoderado General ASFALTOS GUADALAJARA, S.A. DE C.V. Chapalita 1097 Col. Chapalita 45030 Zapopan, Jal. RFC AGU840319 SC3
Tel. (33) 31 22 46 90 Ext. 149 Fax (33) 31 21 70 33 joseluisg@garciaascencio.com http://www.garciaascencio.com Established 1984 NAICS 23411 Highway & Street Construction
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Asphalt Equipment; Auto Parts; Maintenance Supplies.
Dra. Dianella Almirn lvarez Directora General ASOCIACIN GINECO OBSTTRICA, S.A. DE C.V. (HOSPITAL DE MXICO) Agrarismo 208, Torre A, piso 1 Col. Escandn 11800 Mxico, D.F. RFC AGO740516 IY4
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Mexican affiliates: Corporativo Grupo ngeles
Tel. 55 16 99 00 to 19 Ext. 1120, 52 73 10 44 Fax 52 72 64 17 Established 1974 NAICS 62211 General Medical & Surgical Hospitals
Lic. Ricardo lvarez Tostado Presidente y Director General ASTRAZNECA, S.A. DE C.V. Lomas Verdes 67 Col. Lomas Verdes 53120 Naucalpan, Mx. RFC AST961231 B69
Tel. 53 74 96 00 Ext. 9631 Fax 53 44 50 86 tatiana.guajardo@astrazeneca.com Established 1993 NAICS 32532 Pesticide & Other Agricultural Chemical Mfg
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Exports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Medicines & Medical Care Supplies. Imports range US $ 10-99 million a year: Agricultural Chemicals.
Sr. John Brookshire Director General ATLAS COPCO MEXICANA, S.A. DE C.V. Blvd. Abraham Lincoln 13 Col. Los Reyes Zona Industrial 54073 Tlalnepantla, Mx. RFC ACM830629 6D2
Tel. 53 21 06 00 & 01 Ext. 603, 53 21 06 03 Fax 53 90 15 20 luz.hernandez@atlascopco.com http://www.atlascopco.com.mx Established 1952 NAICS 333991 Power-Driven Hand Tool Mfg
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Imports range US $ 10-99 million a year: Power Driven Hand Tools; Compressors (portables, oil-free, centrifuges, lubricated); Construction Equipment; Mining Equipment & Spore Parts. Relations with: Atlas Copco AB (Sweden); Fagersta Secoroc (Sweden); Chicago Pneumatic (USA); Monsanto (USA)
Ing. Eduardo Augusto Ribeiro Galvao Director General ATLAX, S.A. DE C.V. Km. 123 Carr. Mxico-Veracruz, Va Texcoco Apartado Postal 50 90300 Apizaco, Tlax. RFC ATL920924 701
Exports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Steel. Imports range US $ 10-99 million a year: Electrodes; Steel. Relations with: Sidenor, S.A. de C.V. (Spain) Mexican affiliates: Grupo ABX, S.A. de C.V.
Tel. (241) 4 13 16 00, 4 13 16 07 Fax (241) 4 13 06 76 eribeiro@sidenorabx.com Established 1992 NAICS 331513 Steel Foundries (except Investment)
Ing. Fernando Rodrguez Camacho Director General AUTOBUSES DE LA PIEDAD, S.A. DE C.V. La Luz 2011 Col. Las Fuentes 37270 Len, Gto. RFC API660927 3E0
Tel. (477) 7 10 00 01 Ext. 1203, 1213, 7 11 30 12 Fax (477) 7 10 00 01 Ext. 1230 Mexico City: 55 67 78 87, 55 87 52 00 presidencia@flecha-amarilla.com http://www.flecha-amarilla.com Established 1932 NAICS 48521 Interurban & Rural Bus Transportation
Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Auto Parts. Mexican affiliates: Auto Transportes La Altea, S.A. de C.V.; Grupo Flecha Amarilla; mnibus del Jorullo, S.A. de C.V.
Sr. Salvador Snchez Alcntara Presidente del Consejo de Administracin y Director General AUTOBUSES ESTRELLA BLANCA, S.A. DE C.V. (AEB) Ceyln 899 Col. Industrial Vallejo 02300 Mxico, D.F. RFC AEB611030 SN7
Tel. 57 29 08 00 Ext. 0844, 0845, 57 29 08 45, 57 29 08 44 Fax 57 29 08 39 cccruz2000@yahoo.com.mx Established 1940 NAICS 48521 Interurban & Rural Bus Transportation
Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Motors - Combustion; Auto Parts. Mexican affiliates: Autobuses Transpacfico; Blancos Coordinados; Caballero Azteca; Camiones de los Altos; El guila; lite; Estrella Blanca; Flecha Roja; Futura; Grupo Estrella Blanca; Lnea Azul; Turistar; Gacela Cuauhtmoc; Transportes Frontera
C.P. Juan Antonio Hernndez Venegas Director General AUTOFINANCIAMIENTO MXICO, S.A. DE C.V. Insurgentes Sur 1235 Col. Extremadura Insurgentes 03740 Mxico, D.F. RFC AME940622 UA2
Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Automobiles & Trucks. Mexican affiliates: Grupo Autofin Mxico
Tel. 54 82 03 00 Ext. 1302 Fax 54 82 03 00 afmdirgral@grupoautofin.com http://www.autofin.com Established 1978 NAICS 522292 Real Estate Credit
Sr. Ramiro Ortiz Salinas Director General AUTO LNEAS REGIOMONTANAS, S.A. DE C.V. Prol. Daz Ordaz 205 Fracc. Daz Ordaz 66480 San Nicols de los Garza, N.L. RFC ALR700623 6YA
Tel. (81) 83 19 86 00 Ext. 104, 105 Fax (81) 83 53 87 27 alrmty@alr.com.mx http://www.alr.com.mx Established 1970 NAICS 484122 General Freight Trucking, Long-Distance, LTL
Lic. Manuel Campos Carrillo Gerente General AUTOMAYA, S.A. DE C.V. Calle 86-B, Av. Aviacin 546, Depto. 102 x 77 Centro 97000 Mrida, Yuc. RFC AUT810524 NEA
Tel. (999) 9 30 04 40 Ext. 154, 155 Fax (999) 9 30 04 50 automaya@dchrysler.com.mx mcampos@grupocer.com.mx Established 1948 NAICS 44111 New Car Dealers
Mexican affiliates: Automotriz Caribe, S.A. de C.V.; Chetumal Automotores, S.A. de C.V.; Consultores Profesionales en Administracin, S.A. de C.V.; Grupo Cer, S.A. de C.V.; Millenium Motors, S.A. de C.V.; Profesionales en Consultora Administrativa, S.A. de C.V.
Lic. Agustn Velasco Korndorffer Presidente AUTOMOTRIZ GEISHA, S.A. DE C.V. Cuitlhuac 3395 Col. Barrio de San Bernab 02830 Mxico, D.F. RFC AGE941122 995
Tel. 53 56 00 44 Ext. 2001, 53 55 42 43 Fax 55 56 48 48 augeisha@prodigy.net.mx http://www.geisha.com.mx Established 1989 NAICS 44111 New Car Dealers
Sr. Mario Padilla Nicoln Presidente AUTOMOTRIZ INTERNACIONAL, S.A. DE C.V. (AISA) Universidad 1320 Col. del Carmen 04100 Mxico, D.F. RFC AIN811218 NM9
Tel. 57 26 99 00 Ext. 9910, 57 26 99 10 Fax 57 26 99 17 aisaucsa@mexis.com http://www.aisa.com.mx Established 1957 NAICS 44111 New Car Dealers
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Automobile Accessories.
Lic. Jorge Selem Tame Ayub Director General AUTOMOTRIZ META, S.A. DE C.V. (META) Lago Alberto 319 Col. Granada 11520 Mxico, D.F. RFC AME800218 LU3
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year
Tel. 52 63 90 00 Ext. 123 Fax 55 45 35 83 sistemas@nissanmeta.com.mx http://www.nissanmeta.com.mx Established 1972 NAICS 44111 New Car Dealers
Lic. Alejandro Marn Rangel de Alba Gerente General AUTOMOTRIZ SANJE, S.A. DE C.V. Perifrico Sur 3000 Col. La Otra Banda 01090 Mxico, D.F. RFC ASA850513 KC2
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Auto Parts. Mexican affiliates: Inversiones Ral, S.A. de C.V.
Tel. 56 83 78 33 Ext. 101 Fax 56 83 73 22 sanje@adatel.net.mx Established 1985 NAICS 44111 New Car Dealers
C.P. Felipe Gurza Senz Director General AUTOMOTRIZ UNIVERSIDAD COPILCO, S.A. DE C.V. Universidad 2060 Fracc. Copilco Universidad 04360 Mxico, D.F. RFC AUC970115 RN4
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year
Tel. 56 59 79 99 Ext. 114, 55 54 62 87 Fax 56 59 25 04 3305rcvwm@vwconcesionarios.com.mx http://www.vwcopilco.com.mx Established 1969 NAICS 44111 New Car Dealers
C.P. Jorge Gonzlez Cobo Director General AUTOMVILES AMRICA, S.A. DE C.V. Tlalpan 2870 Col. Espartaco 04870 Mxico, D.F. RFC AAM620331 D87
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Auto Parts.
Tel. 56 77 01 77 Ext. 117, 56 84 14 86 Fax 56 84 39 27 america@autosamerica.com.mx http://www.autosamerica.com.mx Established 1962 NAICS 44111 New Car Dealers
Lic. Luis Ortiz Ros Director General AUTOMOVILSTICA VERACRUZANA, S.A. DE C.V. (AVSA) Lafragua 2100 Fracc. Reforma 91919 Veracruz, Ver. RFC AVE700224 641
Tel. (229) 9 23 19 00 Ext. 1906, 9 23 19 06 Fax (229) 9 23 19 01 ford-ver@infosel.net.mx Established 1970 NAICS 44111 New Car Dealers
Sr. Carlos Robles Martn del Campo Presidente AUTONOVA, S.A. DE C.V. 16 de Septiembre 1066 Col. Moderna 44190 Guadalajara, Jal. RFC AUT850115 V47
Tel. (33) 36 19 36 72 Ext. 114 Fax (33) 36 19 32 18 420aag@autonova.com.mx http://www.autonova.com.mx Established 1950 NAICS 44111 New Car Dealers
Ing. Ewald Frhner Director General AUTOSEAT, S.A. DE C.V. Patxi 201 Parque Industrial Bralemex 72008 Puebla, Pue. RFC AUT890731 NU4
Tel. (222) 2 25 94 00 Ext. 4402, 4401, 2 25 94 02 Fax (222) 2 10 54 96 Mexico City: 52 84 71 00, 52 84 72 00 myrna.e.rangel@jci.com http://www.webjcam.com.mx Established 1980 NAICS 33636 Motor Vehicle Seating & Interior Trim Mfg
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Exports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Seats; Auto - Parts for Seats. Imports range US $ 10-99 million a year: Auto - Parts for Seats; Leather & Linings; Urethane Raw Materials; Wire; Slide Rails; Polyester Foam Strips; Auto Interiors; Plastic Pieces; Fabrics; Screws & Bolts; Nuts; Vinyl Articles. Relations with: Johnson Controls, Inc. (USA); Johnson Controls Gmbh Automotive Systems Groups (Germany) Mexican affiliates: Industrias Savasa, S.A. de C.V.; Servicios Industriales Especializados, S.A. de C.V.
Sr. George Christensen Director General AUTO TODO MEXICANA, S.A. DE C.V. (ATM) Autopista Mxico-Puebla 7532 Col. Ex-Rancho Moratilla 72110 Puebla, Pue. RFC ATM940922 626
Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Auto Parts. Relations with: Genuine Parts Company (USA)
Tel. (222) 2 23 50 00 Ext. 5053, 2 23 50 21, 2 23 50 53 Fax (222) 2 24 23 23 Mexico City: 55 65 16 61 george_christensen@autotodo.com http://www.autotodo.com Established 1994 NAICS 42112 Motor Vehicle Supplies & New Parts Wholesalers
Ing. Jorge Enrique Almanza Mosqueda Director General AUTOTRANSPORTES DE CARGA TRESGUERRAS, S.A. DE C.V. (ACTSA) Adolfo Lpez Mateos 1246 Ote. Centro 38080 Celaya, Gto. RFC ACT680806 65A
Tel. (461) 6 18 70 00 Ext. 1009 Fax (461) 6 18 70 30 Mexico City: 50 39 07 00 mcardenas@mail.tresguerras.com.mx http://www.tresguerras.com.mx Established 1935 NAICS 484122 General Freight Trucking, Long-Distance, LTL
Mexican affiliates: Taller Tresguerras, S.A. de C.V.; Transportes Especializados Almu, S.A. de C.V.
Sr. Eugenio Navarrete Velasco Gerente General AUTOTRANSPORTES DE PASAJEROS MXICO-TOLUCA-SAN LUIS MEXTEPEC-QUERTARO, FLECHA ROJA, S.A. DE C.V. Sur 122 # 232 Col. Real del Monte 01130 Mxico, D.F. RFC ATP561002 J67
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year
Tel. 52 78 01 00 Ext. 101, 52 76 54 87 Fax 52 78 01 00 Ext. 131 envelasco@flecharoja.com.mx Established 1956 NAICS 48521 Interurban & Rural Bus Transportation
Lic. scar Rodrguez Martnez Director General AVANTEL, S.A. Carr. Libre Mxico-Toluca 5714 Col. Lomas de Memetla 05330 Mxico, D.F. RFC AVA941014 3C5
Sales range US $ 100-999 million a year Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Telephonic Equipment. Relations with : MCI (USA) Mexican affiliates: Banamex City Group
Tel. 50 92 40 00 Ext. 4005, 50 92 40 05, 01 800 021 66 84 Fax 50 92 46 25 relaciones.institucionales@avantel.com.mx oscarmrodriguez@avantel.com.mx http://www.avantel.com.mx Established 1994 NAICS 51331 Wired Telecommunications Carriers
Sr. Rafael A. Kalach Romano Director General AVANTE TEXTIL, S.A. DE C.V. Industria Automotriz 202 Parque Industrial El Coecillo 50200 Toluca, Mx. RFC ATE890503 PH6
Tel. (722) 2 79 09 00 Ext. 2114 Fax (722) 2 11 25 85 avantet@avantetextil.com.mx http://www.avantetextil.com.mx Established 1989 NAICS 315221 Men's/Boys' Cut & Sew Underwear/Nightwear Mfg NAICS 315231 Women's/Girls' Cut & Sew Lingerie Mfg
Mexican affiliates: Acabados Textiles de Toluca, S.A.; Centro de Informtica y Administracin, S.A. de C.V.; Confecciones Alce, S.A. de C.V.; Distribuidora de Textiles Avante, S.A.; Grupo Avante Textil
Ing. Laurent Pruvost Cant Director General AVAYA COMMUNICATION DE MXICO, S.A. DE C.V. Calle 10 #145, piso 3 Col. San Pedro de los Pinos 01180 Mxico, D.F. RFC ACM960423 625
Tel. 52 78 78 00 Ext. 7603, 52 78 76 03 Fax 52 78 76 02 laurentpruvost@avaya.com http://www.avaya.com.mx Established 1975 NAICS 42169 Other Electronic Parts & Equipment Wholesalers
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Communication Equipment; Computer Equipment, Programs, Accessories & Supplies; Video Equipment. Relations with: Avaya, Inc. (USA)
Dr. Sergio Rosengarten Director General AVENTIS PHARMA, S.A. DE C.V. Universidad 1738 Col. Coyoacn 04000 Mxico, D.F. RFC APH951123 3R9
Tel. 54 84 44 00 Ext. 4102 Fax 55 54 06 33 http://www.aventis.com.mx Established 1991 NAICS 325412 Pharmaceutical Preparation Mfg
Sales range US $ 100-999 million a year Exports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Medicaments; Trihydrated Ampicilline and Bromelyne; Enteric Tetracyline Hydrocloride; Aluminum Hydroxide; Magnesium Hydroxide; Acetylsalicylic Acid; Raw Materials. Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Bromelain Concentrate. Relations with: Rhne-Poulenc Rorer Inc. (USA); Roussel Uclaf NHK; Hoechst
Ing. Antonio Guzmn Criollo Gerente General AVICULTORES Y PRODUCTORES EL CALVARIO, S.A. DE C.V. (APECSA) Km. 8.5 Carr. Tehuacn Teotitln San Pablo Tepetzingo 75859 Tehuacn, Pue. RFC APC880127 9W7
Tel. (238) 3 83 02 00, 3 83 04 40, 3 83 03 98 Ext. 14 Fax (238) 3 83 03 98 Mexico City: 55 18 60 01 aguzman@apecsacv.com http://www.aceiteimperial.com Established 1988 NAICS 311225 Fats & Oils Refining & Blending
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Imports range US $ 10-99 million a year: Yellow Soybean. Mexican affiliates: Grupo Romero; Productores Agropecuarios de Tehuacn, S.A. de C.V.; Rancho El Calvario, S.A.; Socorro Romero Snchez
Sr. Jorge Renn Dorantes Gamboa Presidente y Director General AVIPRODUCTOS SANJOR, S.A. DE C.V. Carr. Mrida-Umn Km. 18 97390 Umn, Yuc. RFC ASA940210 7X4
Tel. (988) 9 81 80 00 Ext. 1223 Fax (988) 9 81 80 28 sanjor@sureste.com.mx http://www.sanjor.com.mx Established 1960 NAICS 311615 Poultry Processing
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Grain; Incubators; Avicultural Products; Animal Feed Raw Materials; Maintenance Supplies. Mexican affiliates: Empacadora Dorantes, S.A. de C.V.; Grupo Avipecuario Sanjor, S.A. de C.V.; Laboratorio de Investigacin y Aseguramiento de Calidad, S.A. de C.V.; Nutrimentos Dorantes, S.A. de C.V.
Ing. Len Zlotnik Valdez Presidente y Gerente General AVON COSMETICS, S.A. DE C.V. Universidad 1778, piso 4 Col. Oxtopulco 04318 Mxico, D.F. RFC ACO560518 KW7
Tel. 54 20 20 99, 54 20 22 01 Fax 54 20 21 65 beatriz.barroso@avon.com http://www.avon.com Established 1956 NAICS 32562 Toilet Preparation Mfg NAICS 315111 Sheer Hosiery Mills
Sales range US $ 100-999 million a year Exports range US $ 10-99 million a year: Cosmetics; Fragrances; Toiletries and Related Items (raw materials, components, finished ingredients); Fashion Jewelry; Lingerie; Apparel; Gifts and Decorations (ceramics, crystal, wood, etc.); Toys; Household Products; Table Tops. Imports range US $ 10-99 million a year: Container Components; Cosmetic Raw Materials. Relations with: Avon Products, Inc. (USA)
Lic. Toms Milmo Santos Director General AXTEL, S.A. DE C.V. Blvd. Daz Ordaz 333 Col. San Pedro 400 66215 San Pedro Garza Garca, N.L. RFC AXT940727 FP8
Tel. (81) 81 14 00 00 Ext. 1290, 81 14 11 07 Fax (81) 81 14 17 71 Mexico City: 52 20 40 00 anajera@axtel.com.mx roguevara@axtel.com.mx http://www.axtel.com.mx Established 1993 NAICS 513322 Cellular & Other Wireless Telecommunications
Sales range US $ 100-999 million a year Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Antennae. Relations with: Bell Canada International (Canada); WorldTel Ltd. (UK)
C.P. Felipe Gonzlez Wing Gerente General AZSUREMEX, S.A. DE C.V. Km. 2 Carr. a La Palma, Apartado Postal 87 Col. Ingenio 86901 Tenosique, Tab. RFC AZS941130 P6O
Tel. (934) 3 42 04 01, 3 42 18 29 Ext. 104 Fax (934) 3 42 04 01, 3 42 18 29 Ext. 102 azsuremex@prodigy.net.mx Established 1973 NAICS 311311 Sugarcane Mills NAICS 311312 Cane Sugar Refining
Lic. Manuel Rubiralta Daz Presidente Ejecutivo BACARD Y COMPAA, S.A. DE C.V. Autopista Mxico-Quertaro 4431 54900 Tultitln, Mx. RFC BAC821104 Q39
Tel. 58 99 09 00 Ext. 0902, 58 99 09 02 Fax 58 99 09 22 http://www.bacardi.com Established 1931 NAICS 31214 Distilleries
Sales range US $ 100-999 million a year Exports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Brandy; Rum; Tequila; Wines; Molasse. Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Machinery and Spare Parts for Producing Wines. Mexican affiliates: Grupo Industrial Bacard de Mxico
Lic. Javier Gavito Mohar Director General BANCO DEL AHORRO NACIONAL Y SERVICIOS FINANCIEROS, S.N.C. (BANSEFI) Ro Magdalena 115, piso 1 Col. Tizapn San ngel 01090 Mxico, D.F. RFC BAN500901 167
Assets range US $ 100-999 million
Tel. 54 81 33 00 Ext. 4205, 54 81 34 44, 54 81 34 45 Fax 54 81 34 49 jgavito@bansefi.gob.mx http://www.bansefi.gob.mx Established 1950 NAICS 52211 Commercial Banking
Ing. Carlos de la Cerda Serrano Director General BANCO DEL BAJO, S.A. Manuel J. Clouthier 508 Col. Jardines del Campestre 37128 Len, Gto. RFC BBA940707 IE1
Assets range US $ 1-10 billion Relations with: Banco Sabadel (Spain)
Tel. (477) 7 73 53 00, 7 10 46 00 Ext. 4601, 7 10 46 01 Fax (477) 7 73 47 18 rortiz@bb.com.mx http://www.bb.com.mx Established 1994 NAICS 52211 Commercial Banking
Dr. Guillermo Ortiz Martnez Gobernador BANCO DE MXICO (BANXICO) 5 de Mayo 2, piso 5 Centro 06059 Mxico, D.F. RFC BME821130 SXA
Foreign reserves over US $ 10 billion Government owned
Tel. 52 37 20 30 to 33 Fax 52 37 20 70 ptahira@banxico.org,mx lriverar@banxico.org.mx http://www.banxico.org.mx Established 1925 NAICS 52111 Monetary Authorities - Central Bank
Lic. Javier Foncerrada Izquierdo Director General BANCO INBURSA INSTITUCIN DE BANCA MLTIPLE, S.A. GRUPO FINANCIERO Paseo de las Palmas 736, piso 1 Col. Lomas de Chapultepec 11000 Mxico, D.F. RFC BII931004 P61
Assets range US $ 100-999 million
Tel. 56 25 49 00 Ext. 1499, 56 25 49 93 Fax 52 59 25 42 jfoncer@inbursa.com.mx http://www.inbursa.com.mx Established 1994 NAICS 52211 Commercial Banking
Ing. Hctor Reyes Retana Director General BANCO NACIONAL DE COMERCIO EXTERIOR, S.N.C. (BANCOMEXT) Camino a Santa Teresa 1679, piso 12, Ala Sur Col. Jardines del Pedregal 01900 Mxico, D.F. RFC BNC850731 1M4
Tel. 54 81 60 00 Ext. 6012, 54 81 60 12 Fax 56 52 94 08 lthierry@bancomext.gob.mx http://www.bancomext.com Established 1937 NAICS 522293 International Trade Financing
Assets range US $ 100-999 million Government owned Foreign offices: Atlanta, GA (USA); Bogota (Colombia); Bonn (Germany); Buenos Aires (Argentina); Caracas (Venezuela); Chicago, IL (USA); Dallas, TX (USA); Guatemala (Guatemala); Hong Kong (China); Kuala Lumpur (Malasia); La Havana (Cuba); London (UK); Los Angeles, CA (USA); Madrid (Spain); Miami, FL (USA); Milan (Italy); Montreal (Canada); New York, NY (USA); Paris (France); San Jose (Costa Rica); San Antonio, TX (USA); Santiago (Chile); So Paulo (Brazil); Seoul (Korea); Taipei (Taiwan); The Hague (Holland); Tokyo (Japan); Toronto (Canada); Vancouver (Canada).
Gral. Bgda. DEM Fernando Milln Villegas Director General BANCO NACIONAL DEL EJRCITO, FUERZA AREA Y ARMADA, S.N.C. (BANJRCITO) Industria Militar 1055, piso 1 Col. Lomas de Sotelo 11200 Mxico, D.F. RFC BNE820901 682
Assets range US $ 100-999 million Government owned
Tel. 55 57 91 88, 56 26 05 00 Ext. 334 Fax 55 57 62 49 http://www.banjercito.com.mx Established 1947 NAICS 52211 Commercial Banking
Lic. Roberto Hernndez Ramrez Presidente del Consejo de Administracin BANCO NACIONAL DE MXICO, S.A. (BANAMEX) Isabel la Catlica 44, piso 1 Centro 06089 Mxico, D.F. RFC BNM840515 VB1
Tel. 12 26 56 11, 12 26 45 30, 12 26 45 91 Fax 12 26 48 10 cgallard@banamex.com Established 1884 NAICS 52211 Commercial Banking NAICS 52221 Credit Card Issuing
Assets over US $ 10 billion Relations with: Bank One Corp. Ohio (USA); Swiss Bank Corp. (USA) Foreign investments: Banco de Sudamrica (Argentina); California Commerce Bank (USA); Mexican Bank (UK) Foreign offices: Chicago, IL (USA); Frankfurt, KY (USA); Houston, TX (USA); London (UK); Los Angeles, CA (USA); Madrid (Spain); New York, NY (USA); Paris (France); So Paulo (Brazil); Singapore (Singapore); Tokyo (Japan); Toronto (Canada). Mexican affiliates: Grupo Financiero Banamex
Lic. Luis Alberto Pazos de la Torre Director General BANCO NACIONAL DE OBRAS Y SERVICIOS PBLICOS, S.N.C. (BANOBRAS) Javier Barros Sierra 515, piso 7 Col. Lomas de Santa Fe 01219 Mxico, D.F. RFC BNO670315 CDO
Assets range US $ 1-10 billion Government owned Mexican affiliates: Arrendadora Banobras, S.A. de C.V.
Tel. 52 70 12 00 Ext. 1552, 52 70 15 52 Fax 52 70 15 64 fcharles@banobras.gob.mx http://www.banobras.gob.mx Established 1933 NAICS 52211 Commercial Banking
Lic. Manuel G. Rivero Santos Director General BANCO REGIONAL DE MONTERREY, S.A. (BANREGIO) Vasconcelos Oriente 142 Col. del Valle 66220 San Pedro Garza Garca, N.L. RFC BRM940216 NRA
Assets range US $ 100-999 million
Tel. (81) 83 99 50 00, 83 99 50 01, 83 99 50 02 Ext. 5005, 83 99 50 05 Fax (81) 83 99 50 79, 83 99 50 72, 83 99 50 73 banregio@mail.banregio.com http://www.ebanregio.com.mx Established 1994 NAICS 52211 Commercial Banking
Sr. Herbert Prez Peraza Director General BANK OF AMERICA MXICO, S.A. Reforma 265, PH 2 Col. Cuauhtmoc 06500 Mxico, D.F. RFC BAM950403 MF3
Tel. 52 30 63 00 Ext. 627, 52 30 63 75 Fax 52 30 63 99 ana.p.flores@bankofamerica.com http://www.bankofamerica.com Established 1995 NAICS 522293 International Trade Financing
Assets range US $ 100-999 million Relations with: Bank of America National Trust & Savings Association (USA) Mexican affiliates: Grupo Financiero Santander Serfn, S.A. de C.V.
Ing. Javier Gonzlez Franco Director General BARCEL, S.A. DE C.V. Calle 4 # 320-A Col. Arenal 02980 Mxico, D.F. RFC BAR011108 CC6
Tel. 53 28 04 00 Ext. 282, 53 28 04 82 Fax 53 28 04 13 nvazqven@grupobimbo.com http://www.grupobimbo.com.mx Established 1983 NAICS 31132 Choc & Confectionery Mfg from Cacao Beans NAICS 31134 Nonchocolate Confectionery Mfg
Exports range US $ 10-99 million a year Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Packing & Filling Machines; Citric Acid; Sugar; Peanuts; Chocolate (Confectionery); Glucose; Corn; Food Industry Raw Materials; Sodium Nitrate; Potatoes. Mexican affiliates: Grupo Bimbo, S.A. de C.V.
Sr. Sergio Daz Torres Presidente BARDAHL DE MXICO, S.A. DE C.V. Centeno 193 Col. Valle del Sur 09819 Mxico, D.F. RFC BME511128 MZ2
Tel. 56 24 99 02, 56 68 29 99 Ext. 4997 Fax 56 81 53 22 http://www.bardahl.com.mx Established 1951 NAICS 324191 Petroleum Lubricating Oil & Grease Mfg
Imports range US $ 10-99 million a year: Petrochemical Industry Equipment & Supplies; Lubricants - Chemical Products for.
Sr. Jos Revuelta Maza Director General BSCULAS REVUELTA MAZA, S.A. DE C.V. (BREMSA) M. vila Camacho s/n y Calle 16 Col. Santa Mara 27020 Torren, Coah. RFC BRM830715 CX0
Tel. (871) 7 47 47 47 Ext. 4703, 4704, 4281, 7 13 81 05 Fax (871) 7 47 47 48 basculas_brm@revuelta.com.mx http://www.revuelta.com.mx Established 1958 NAICS 333997 Scale & Balance (except Laboratory) Mfg
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Exports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Scales. Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Electronic Charger Cells; Electronic Printer. Relations with: A & D Engineer, Co. (USA) Mexican affiliates: Bsculas Revuelta, S.A. de C.V.; Grupo Revuelta Maza
Sr. Peter Fischer Director General BASF COUTING DE MXICO, S.A. DE C.V. Avenida 1 # 9, piso 1 Parque Industrial Cartagena 54918 Tultitln, Mx. RFC BCM931118 LN3
Tel. 58 99 38 31 Ext. 3801, 58 99 38 00 Fax 58 99 38 05 pfischer@basf.com http://www.basf.com Established 1990 NAICS 32551 Paint & Coating Mfg
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Exports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Paint. Imports range US $ 10-99 million a year: Solvents; Pigments; Resins. Relations with: Basf Co. (USA)
Sr. Jos Ivandics Presidente y Director General BASF MEXICANA, S.A. DE C.V. Insurgentes Sur 975, piso 6 Col. Ciudad de los Deportes 03710 Mxico, D.F. RFC BME810910 4S6
Tel. 53 25 26 00 Ext. 4607, 53 25 26 10, 53 25 26 01 Fax 56 11 40 75 balvarez@basf.com basf-mexicana@basf.com http://www.basf.com/mexico Established 1981 NAICS 32532 Pesticide & Other Agricultural Chemical Mfg NAICS 42169 Other Electronic Parts & Equipment Wholesalers NAICS 325131 Inorganic Dye & Pigment Mfg NAICS 325199 All Other Basic Organic Chemical Mfg
Sales range US $ 100-999 million a year Exports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Agricultural Chemicals; Tannery Auxiliaries; Paper Manufacture Auxiliaries; Textile Auxiliaries; Plastic Dispersions; Pigments (Inorganic); Textile Pigments and Hues; Polyurethane; Dyes (Disperse, Modified Basic, Reactive, Acid Dyes). Imports range US $ 100-999 million a year: Polystyrene (143 E); 9 3 DCB; Afranil; Anisol Base; Glacial Acrylic Acid; H Acid; Isocyanate 80; Lupranat M20; Lupranat P 102; Metacrilamide; Pirrolidon SN60 Resin; Sodium Cyanide; Sodium Picramate; Orthene (Technical); Colour Intermediates. Relations with: Basf AG (USA); ICI Colours (UK) Mexican affiliates: Basf Pinturas, S.A. de C.V.; Grupo Basf en Mxico; Polioles, S.A. de C.V.
Ing. Alfonso Arizmendi Gonzlez Director General BAUHAUS I, S.A. DE C.V. 13 de Septiembre 4, piso 2 Col. Tacubaya 11870 Mxico, D.F. RFC BIX840620 JV8
Tel. 85 03 53 00 Ext. 5324, 85 03 53 24 Fax 85 03 53 00 aarizmendi@bauhaus.com.mx http://www.bauhaus.com.mx Established 1984 NAICS 56172 Janitorial Services
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Mexican affiliates: Bauhaus, S.A. de C.V.; Clean Service de Mxico, S.A. de C.V.; File Service de Mxico, S.A. de C.V.; Mercadotecnia Corporativa, S.A. de C.V.; Personal Dirigido, S.A. de C.V.
Lic. Magdalena Nemer Nam Directora General BAXTER, S.A. DE C.V. Insurgentes Sur 1196, piso 16 Col. del Valle 03100 Mxico, D.F. RFC BAX871207 MN3
Tel. 54 88 50 00 Ext. 5017, 54 88 50 17 Fax 53 35 10 05 http://www.baxter.com.mx Established 1986 NAICS 325412 Pharmaceutical Preparation Mfg
Exports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Surgical Supplies; Medicines & Medical Care Supplies. Imports range US $ 10-99 million a year: Extrusion Equipment and Dies; Maintenance Supplies; Sodium Chloride; Dextrose; Aluminum Sheet; Plastic Pieces; Pliers; Needles; Calcium Chloride; Medical Raw Materials. Relations with: Baxter World Trade Co. (USA)
Sr. Georg Braunleder Presidente y Director General BAYER DE MXICO, S.A. DE C.V. Blvd. Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra 259 Col. Ampl. Granada 11520 Mxico, D.F. RFC BME820511 SU5
Tel. 57 28 30 00 Ext. 2004, 2005, 57 28 31 00 Fax 57 28 31 10 http://www.bayer.com Established 1921 NAICS 325412 Pharmaceutical Preparation Mfg
Sales range US $ 100-999 million a year Exports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Pharmaceutical Preparations. Imports range US $ 100-999 million a year: Pharmaceutical Raw Materials. Relations with: Bayer AG Bayerische Landesbank Girozentrale (Germany) Mexican affiliates: Grupo Bayer
Sr. Hans Joachim Winnefeld Director BAYER DE MXICO, S.A. DE C.V. DIV. CROPSCIENCE Blvd. Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra 259 Col. Ampl. Granada 11520 Mxico, D.F. RFC BME820511 SU5
Tel. 57 28 31 20 Fax 57 28 31 65 patricia.manjarrez@bayercropscience.com http://www.bayercropscience.com Established 1987 NAICS 32532 Pesticide & Other Agricultural Chemical Mfg
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Thiodan; Pervicur; Decis; Rescate; Alitte. Mexican affiliates: Bayer de Mxico, S.A. de C.V.; Grupo Bayer
Lic. Rodolfo Cavalcanti Becerra Presidente y Director Creativo Ejecutivo BBDO MXICO, S.A. DE C.V. Guillermo Gonzlez Camarena 800, piso 3 Col. Zedec Santa Fe 01210 Mxico, D.F. RFC BME921223 728
Billings range US $ 10-99 million a year Relations with: BBDO Worldwide, Inc. (USA); Omnicom (USA)
Tel. 52 67 15 00 Ext. 1503, 52 67 15 03 Fax 52 67 15 05 erika.olascoaga@bbdomexico.com http://www.bbdomexico.com Established 1976 NAICS 54181 Advertising Agencies
C.P. Rafael Ruizesparza Arenas Director General BDF MXICO, S.A. DE C.V. Poniente 116 # 509 Col. Industrial Vallejo 02300 Mxico, D.F. RFC BDF900209 VCO
Tel. 57 29 02 00, 57 29 03 00 Ext. 0261, 57 29 02 61 Fax 55 87 72 78 http://www.bdf.com.mx http://www.beiersdorf.com Established 1959 NAICS 32562 Toilet Preparation Mfg NAICS 339113 Surgical Appliance & Supplies Mfg
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Exports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Toiletries. Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Chemical Raw Materials; Cosmetics. Relations with: Beiersdorf AG (Germany)
Sr. Ernesto A. Ruffo Yberri Presidente del Consejo BEBIDAS PURIFICADAS, S.A. DE C.V. (BEPUSA) Ro Nazas 163, piso 2 Col. Cuauhtmoc 06500 Mxico, D.F. RFC BPU790101 8D4
Tel. 55 33 10 70 Ext. 8961, 55 14 14 32 Fax 55 14 58 04 bepusamx@mail.internet.com.mx http://www.bepusa.com.mx Established 1946 NAICS 312111 Soft Drink Mfg
Lic. Antonio Navarro Navarro Director Nacional de Ventas BECTON DICKINSON DE MXICO, S.A. DE C.V. (BD) Monte Pelvoux 111, piso 9 Col. Lomas de Chapultepec 11000 Mxico, D.F. RFC BDM571004 IZ6
Tel. 59 99 82 00 Ext. 8206 Fax 59 99 83 31 cecilia_cano@bd.com http://www.bd.com/mx Established 1957 NAICS 339113 Surgical Appliance & Supplies Mfg
Sales range US $ 100-999 million a year Exports range US $ 10-99 million a year: Disposable Plastic Hypodermic Syringes; Disposable Hypodermic Needles; Glass Prefillable Syringes. Imports range US $ 10-99 million a year: Medicine Grade Paper; Glass Pipe; Resin Film; Stainless Strip Steel; Injection Molds; Printing Screens. Relations with: Becton Dickinson & Co. (USA) Mexican affiliates: Equipos para Venoclisis, S.A. de C.V.
Dr. Felipe Baeza Snchez Presidente BENEDETTI'S PIZZA, S.A. DE C.V. Felipe Sevilla del Ro 132, piso 2 Col. Lomas Vista Hermosa 28016 Colima, Col. RFC BPI920527 3MI
Tel. (312) 3 14 96 80, 3 14 96 90 Ext. 24 Fax (312) 3 14 94 64 Mexico City: 56 72 35 30 fbaeza@benedettis.com http://www.benedettis.com Established 1983 NAICS 722211 Limited-Service Restaurants
Mexican affiliates: Comisariato Benedetti's, S.A. de C.V.; Giovanni's Colima, S.A. de C.V.; Grupo Benedetti's, S.A. de C.V.; Grupo Giovanni's, S.A. de C.V.
Ing. Guillermo Prez Salicrup Director General BENEFICIADORA E INDUSTRIALIZADORA, S.A. DE C.V. (BEISA) Km. 17.5 Ant. Carr. Mxico-Pachuca Col. Cerro Gordo 55500 Ecatepec, Mx. RFC BIN560910 EZ2
Tel. 50 63 09 00 Ext. 0911, 59 63 09 11 Fax 50 63 09 01 Established 1952 NAICS 325412 Pharmaceutical Preparation Mfg NAICS 325414 Biological Product (exc Diagnostic) Mfg
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Exports range US $ 10-99 million a year: 16 Alpha-Methyl-Dione-21-Acetate; Butyl Orto Valerate-Pregna-Diona-Pregnane. Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Bromine; Dimethylacetamide; Diosgenin; Dioxane; Hydrogen Bromide and Chloride; Lithium Bromide; Monomethylamine; Trimethyl Phosphite. Relations with: Schering Plough Corp. (USA)
Sr. Joel Cabral Director General BENTELER DE MXICO, S.A. DE C.V. Prol. Defensores de la Repblica 999 Zona Industrial Norte 72260 Puebla, Pue. RFC BME910913 BA2
Relations with: Benteler-Werke, AG (Germany)
Tel. (222) 2 23 20 00, 2 23 20 99 Ext. 2002 Fax (222) 2 23 21 03, 2 23 20 09 nadia.gonzalez@benteler.com.mx http://www.benteler.de Established 1991 NAICS 33637 Motor Vehicle Metal Stamping
Lic. Sergio Bermdez Espinosa Director General BERMDEZ INTERNATIONAL, S.A. DE C.V. Blvd. Toms Fernndez 7930, Edif. B, piso 4, Suite 408 Col. Campestre 32470 Cd. Jurez, Chih. RFC BIN811127 1C0
Tel. (656) 6 29 23 81, 6 29 23 19, 6 29 14 65 to 67 Ext. 102, 104 Fax (656) 6 29 23 82 sergio@bermudezinternational.com.mx Established 1954 NAICS 23311 Land Subdivision & Land Development
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Foreign investments: Ro Bravo Investment (USA) Mexican affiliates: Asesores Grubers, S.A. de C.V.; Desarrollo Salo, S.A. de C.V.; Desarrollos Industriales Gruber, S.A.; Parque Industrial Ro Bravo, S.A. de C.V.
Ing. Alfonso Vzquez de la Fuente Presidente y Director General BEROL, S. DE R.L. DE C.V. Va Gustavo Baz 309 Col. La Loma 54060 Tlalnepantla, Mx. RFC BER850322 IZA
Tel. 57 29 34 00 Ext. 80, 81, 57 29 34 80, 57 29 34 81 Fax 57 29 34 32, 57 29 34 33 berol@data.net.mx http://www.berol.com.mx Established 1966 NAICS 339941 Pen & Mechanical Pencil Mfg NAICS 339942 Lead Pencil & Art Good Mfg
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Exports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Writing Articles. Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Raw Materials; Writing Articles (Parts). Relations with: Berol Corp. (USA); Sanford Corp (USA) Mexican affiliates: Wearever de Mxico, S.A. de C.V.
Sr. Ren Hajj Haddad Director General BICICLETAS DE MXICO, S.A. DE C.V. (BIMEX) Pino 427 Col. Santa Mara Insurgentes 06430 Mxico, D.F. RFC BME830501 A78
Tel. 55 47 53 80 to 90 Ext. 1135, 55 47 53 92 Fax 55 47 79 34 biventas@prodigy.net.mx http://www.bimex.com.mx Established 1951 NAICS 336991 Motorcycle, Bicycle & Parts Mfg
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Imports range US $ 10-99 million a year: Bicycles; Bicycle Spare Parts. Mexican affiliates: Grupo Carso; Industrias Nacobre, S.A. de C.V.
Lic. Alessandro Alessi Berardi Director General BICICLO, S.A. DE C.V. Eje 126 # 265 Zona Industrial del Potos 78395 San Luis Potos, S.L.P. RFC BIC860618 JD3
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Exports range US $ 1-10 million a year Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Bicycles.
Tel. (444) 8 24 01 39 Ext. 1105, 1102 Fax (444) 8 24 02 79 jorge.maldonado@turbo.com.mx http://www.turbo.com.mx Established 1986 NAICS 336991 Motorcycle, Bicycle & Parts Mfg
Lic. Gilberto Prezalonso Gonzlez Director General BIONATUR INVERNADEROS BIOLGICOS DE MXICO, S.A. DE C.V. Km. 109 Carr. Panamericana Mxico-Quertaro Col. Pastej 50700 Jocotitln, Mx. RFC BIB020123 CHA
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Exports range US $ 10-99 million a year Mexican affiliates: Grupo Iusa, S.A. de C.V.
Tel. 52 16 20 30 Ext. 2046 Fax (712) 1 23 15 20 veronica.leon@bionatur.com http://www.bionatur.com Established 2002 NAICS 111419 Other Food Crops Grown Under Cover
Dr. Alejandro Terrones Lpez Director General BIOSUR, S.A. DE C.V. Durango 263, piso 2, Desp. B Col. Roma 06700 Mxico, D.F. RFC BIO001115 U15
Tel. 55 25 52 72 Ext. 101 Fax 55 25 52 69 apol@attglobal.net Established 1952 NAICS 311225 Fats & Oils Refining & Blending
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Exports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Oleochemicals; Vegetable Oil. Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Crude Vegetable Oils; Oil Seeds.
Ing. Guillermo Garca Rbago Director General BIRDS EYE DE MXICO, S.A. DE C.V. (BEMSA) Km. 17.5 Carr. Celaya-Juventino Rosas Juventino Rosas, Gto., 38240 Apdo. Postal 397 38000 Celaya, Gto. RFC BEM670714 G61
Tel. (412) 1 57 44 00 Ext. 402, 1 57 44 02 Fax (412) 1 57 44 12 birdseye@attglobal.net http://www.birdseye.com Established 1967 NAICS 311411 Frozen Fruit, Juice & Vegetable Mfg
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Exports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Frozen Vegetables (Broccoli & Cauliflower). Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Packing & Baling. Relations with: Agrilink Foods, Inc. (USA)
Lic. Pablo Garca Casas Director General BLACK & DECKER, S.A. DE C.V. Bosque de Radiatas 42, 3a. Secc., piso 2 Col. Bosques de las Lomas 05120 Mxico, D.F. RFC BDE810626 1W7
Tel. 53 26 71 00 Ext.7157 Fax 53 26 71 91 pablo.garcia@bdk.com http://www.blackanddecker.com.mx Established 1948 NAICS 332212 Hand & Edge Tool Mfg NAICS 335228 Other Major Household Appliance Mfg
Sales range US $ 100-999 million a year Imports range US $ 10-99 million a year: Wood Veneers; Garden Supplies; Tools; Electric Equipment; Cutting Equipment. Relations with: Black & Decker, Inc. (USA) Mexican affiliates: Black & Decker Reynosa; Price Pfister de Mxico, S.A.; Technolock de Mexicali, S.A.
Lic. Diego Coso Barto Director General BLOCKBUSTER DE MXICO, S.A. DE C.V. Blvd. Manuel vila Camacho 1, piso 5 Col. Lomas de Chapultepec 11000 Mxico, D.F. RFC BME910111 JT5
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Relations with: Blockbuster Entertainment Group (USA)
Tel. 52 79 52 00 Ext. 5271, 52 79 52 71 Fax 53 95 62 19 gvargas@blockbuster.com http://www.blockbuster.com.mx Established 1991 NAICS 53223 Video Tape & Disk Rental
Lic. Roberto Lpez Lpez Director General BMG ENTERTAINMENT MXICO, S.A. DE C.V. Andes 105 Col. Lomas de Chapultepec 11000 Mxico, D.F. RFC BEM961021 S83
Tel. 52 49 32 00 Ext. 3201 Fax 52 49 32 96 covadonga.menendez@bmg.com http://www.click2music.com.mx Established 1835 NAICS 51222 Integrated Record Production/Distribution
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Imports range US $ 10-99 million a year: Cases; Maintenance Services; Packing & Filling Machines; Fooling Machines. Relations with: BMG International
Sr. Johannes Seibert Director General BMW DE MXICO, S.A. DE C.V. Paseo de los Tamarindos 100, piso 5, Ofic. 501 Col. Bosques de las Lomas 05120 Mxico, D.F. RFC BME940711 FR5
Tel. 91 40 87 00 Ext. 702 Fax 91 40 87 87 gabriela.diaz@bmw.com.mx http://www.bmw.com Established 1994 NAICS 336111 Automobile Mfg
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Imports range US $ 10-99 million a year: Motors - Combustion; Electric Equipment; Auto & Trucks Accesories; Seats. Relations with: Bayerische Motoren Werke (Germany)
Lic. Luciano Portilla Pouliot Gerente General BOCAR, S.A. DE C.V. Cruz Verde 169-1A Col. Los Reyes Coyoacn 04330 Mxico, D.F. RFC BOC810903 877
Tel. 54 22 23 00, 54 22 23 55 Fax 54 22 24 34 lportilla@bocar.com.mx Established 1967 NAICS 336311 Carburetor, Piston, Piston Ring & Valve Mfg
Exports range US $ 10-99 million a year: Auto Parts. Imports range US $ 10-99 million a year: Springs; Auto Joints; Piping & Fittings; Zamac; Screws & Bolts; Aluminum; Steel; Metal Machining Industry Machinery. Mexican affiliates: Auma Lerma, S.A. de C.V.; Plastic Servicios, S.A. de C.V.; Grupo Bocar
Dr. Carlos Sagasta Rumi Presidente y Director General BOEHRINGER INGELHEIM PROMECO, S.A. DE C.V. (BIP) Maz 49 Col. Barrio Xaltocan 16090 Mxico, D.F. RFC BIP990603 799
Tel. 56 29 83 00 Ext. 8301, 56 29 83 01 Fax 56 75 17 27 http://www.boehringer.com Established 1986 NAICS 325412 Pharmaceutical Preparation Mfg
Sales range US $ 100-999 million a year Exports range US $ 10-99 million a year: Abiadin; Bipasmin; Bremagan; Brinadol; Buscapine; Buscopax; Acetophenetidin Dihydroxiprogesterone; Stradiol Enantate; Fluviatol; Gotinal; Lisalgil; Lonol Ointment; Mucosolvan; Topasel. Relations with: Boehringer Ingelhein (Germany) Mexican affiliates: Boehringer Ingelheim Vetmedica, S.A. de C.V.
Dr. scar Eusebio Gonzlez Giambernardino Director General BOEHRINGER INGELHEIM VETMEDICA, S.A. DE C.V. Calle 30 # 2614 Zona Industrial 44940 Guadalajara, Jal. RFC BIV971223 UC4
Tel. (33) 36 68 80 00 Ext. 8003, 36 68 80 03 Fax (33) 36 68 80 10 Mexico City: 56 29 83 00 mvazquez@gua.boehringer-ingelheim.com http://www.bi-vetmedica.com.mx Established 1969 NAICS 325412 Pharmaceutical Preparation Mfg
Sales range US $ 100-999 million a year Exports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Veterinary Products. Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Veterinary Products. Relations with: Boehringer Ingelheim Vetmedica, Inc. (Germany) Mexican affiliates: Boehringer Ingelheim Promeco, S.A. de C.V.
Ing. Alejandro Centurin Daz Vicepresidente Ejecutivo de Operaciones BOMBARDIER TRANSPORTATION MXICO, S.A. DE C.V. Blvd. Manuel vila Camacho 36, Torre Esmeralda 2, piso 15 Col. Lomas de Chapultepec 11000 Mxico, D.F. RFC BTM930714 LVS
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Exports range US $ 1-10 million a year Imports range US $ 10-99 million a year: Rail Road Parts. Relations with: Bombardier, Inc. (Canada)
Tel. 50 93 77 00 Ext. 2101 Fax 50 93 77 74 http://www.transportation.bombardier.com Established 1992 NAICS 33651 Railroad Rolling Stock Mfg
Ing. Jos Njar Arreola Director General BORGWARNER MORSE TEC MXICO, S.A. DE C.V. (MTM) Calle 2 #10543 Parque Industrial El Salto 45680 El Salto, Jal. RFC BMT840820 LJ1
Tel. (33) 36 88 07 50 Ext. 301 Fax (33) 36 88 07 69 soporte@morseborgwarner.com.mx http://www.morseborgwarner.com.mx Established 1984 NAICS 336211 Motor Vehicle Body Mfg
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Exports range US $ 10-99 million a year: Automotive Timing Chains; Camshaft Sprockets. Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Steel Strip (Special); Wire. Relations with: Automotive Transmission & Engine Components Corp. (USA); Borgwarner Automotive Inc. (USA); Borgwarner Morse Tec, Inc.
Ing. Ricardo Prez Miranda Gerente de Operaciones BOSTIK MEXICANA, S.A. DE C.V. Esfuerzo Nacional 2 Fracc. Alce Blanco 53370 Naucalpan, Mx. RFC BME631003 N72
Tel. 55 76 76 44, 55 76 40 55 Ext. 103 Fax 53 58 22 15 bostik@mail.internet.com.mx http://www.cosmos.com.mx/chem/bostik Established 1963 NAICS 32552 Adhesive Mfg
Exports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Adhesives; Seal Coatings. Imports range US $ 10-99 million a year: Rubber - Natural & Synthetic; Hydrocarbonated Resin; Resins; Adhesives. Relations with: Bostik USA (USA)
Ing. Rafael Ochoa Lpez Director General BRAUN DE MXICO Y COMPAA, DE C.V. Calle 4 # 4 Fracc. Industrial Alce Blanco 53370 Naucalpan, Mx. RFC BME830701 4Z0
Tel. 53 87 19 00 Ext. 1909, 53 87 19 09 Fax 53 87 19 85 claudia_silva@gillette.com http://www.braun.de Established 1975 NAICS 32562 Toilet Preparation Mfg NAICS 335228 Other Major Household Appliance Mfg
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Exports range US $ 10-99 million a year: Coffee Machines; Coffee Mills; Juicers; Handblenders. Imports range US $ 10-99 million a year: Shavers; Household Appliances; Electric Motors; Plastics. Relations with: Gillette (USA) Mexican affiliates: Gillette Mxico, S.A. de C.V.
Sr. Eduardo Minardi Presidente y Director General BRIDGESTONE FIRESTONE DE MXICO, S.A. DE C.V. (BFMX) Darwin 74 Col. Anzures 11590 Mxico, D.F. RFC BFM910826 TW6
Tel. 56 26 66 00 Ext. 1400 Fax 52 54 47 78 http://www.firestone.com.mx Established 1942 NAICS 326211 Tire Mfg (exc Retreading)
Sales range US $ 100-999 million a year Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Molds; Telecommunication Equipment and Parts; Tire - Raw Materials; Containers. Relations with: Bridgestone/Firestone Americas Holding (USA)
Lic. Bernardo Illera Gerente General Div. Farmacutica BRISTOL-MYERS SQUIBB DE MXICO, S. DE R.L. DE C.V. (BMS) Revolucin 1267 Col. Tlacopac 01040 Mxico, D.F. RFC BMS911231 136
Tel. 53 37 28 00 Ext. 2802, 53 37 28 02 Fax 53 37 28 64 lorenia.cantu@bms.com http://www.bms.com Established 1943 NAICS 325412 Pharmaceutical Preparation Mfg
Sales range US $ 100-999 million a year Exports range US $ 10-99 million a year: Medicines & Medical Care Supplies. Imports range US $ 10-99 million a year: Maintenance Equipment; Milk Whey; Medical Raw Materials; Laboratory Equipment & Supplies. Relations with: Bristol-Myers Squibb Co. International Group (USA)
Sr. Richard Sucre Director General BRITISH AMERICAN TOBACCO MXICO, S.A. DE C.V. Francisco I. Madero 2750 Pte. Centro 64000 Monterrey, N.L. RFC BAT910607 S43
Tel. (81) 81 22 40 00 Ext. 4040, 4228, 81 22 40 40, 81 22 42 28 Fax (81) 81 22 40 87 richard_sucre@bat.com http://www.batmexico.com Established 1936 NAICS 312221 Cigarette Mfg
Sales range US $ 100-999 million a year Exports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Cigarettes; Tobacco. Imports range US $ 10-99 million a year: Raw Materials; Equipment; Tobacco. Relations with: Bat Industries, Plc.; British American Tobacco (UK/USA); Satemo, Ltd. Foreign investments: Seminis Co. Mexican affiliates: Ditsa Distribuciones, S.A. de C.V.; Inversionista Mexicana, S.A. de C.V.; Procesadora de Tabacos de Mxico, S.A. de C.V.
Sr. Alfonso Prez Castillo Director General BROCHES DE PRESIN IDEAL, S.A. DE C.V. Pelcano 170 Col. Granjas Modernas 07460 Mxico, D.F. RFC BPI881207 E64
Tel. 55 77 20 11, 57 77 99 74 Ext. 239 Fax 57 81 61 38 crojas@iusamex.com Established 1988 NAICS 332999 All Other Misc Fabricated Metal Product Mfg
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Exports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Buttons. Imports range US $ 10-99 million a year: Textile Industry Raw Materials; Textile Machinery. Relations with: Scovill Fasteners, Inc. (USA) Mexican affiliates: Confecciones Pastej, S.A. de C.V.; Grupo Industrial Cierres Ideal, S.A. de C.V.; Industrial Cerrajera Yale, S.A. de C.V.; Partes y Accesorios para Neumticos, S.A. de C.V.; Servicios Corporativos Iusa, S.A. de C.V.
Lic. Corrado Franchi Ferettini Director General BTICINO DE MXICO, S.A. DE C.V. Km. 22.7 Carr. 57 Quertaro-S.L.P. 76220 Santa Rosa Juregui, Qro. RFC QUI860403 1Z5
Tel. (442) 2 38 04 00 to 10 Ext. 1112, 2 38 04 12 Fax (442) 2 38 04 83 oralia.fernandez@bticino.com bticino@infosel.net.mx Established 1952 NAICS 335931 Current-Carrying Wiring Device Mfg
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Exports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Wiring Devices. Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Aluminum; Latten; Urea; Electrical Components. Relations with: Bticino Spa (Italy); The Watt Stopper, Inc. (USA)
Ing. Jorge Romero Director General BUCKMAN LABORATORIES, S.A. DE C.V. (BULAB) Paseo Cuauhnhuac Km. 13.5 Col. Progreso 62550 Jiutepec, Mor. RFC BLA630829 D27
Tel. (777) 3 29 37 40 Fax (777) 3 29 37 41 http://www.buckman.com Established 1963 NAICS 325613 Surface Active Agent Mfg
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Exports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Bufen 20; Bufen 30; Busan 30A; Busan 39L; Busan 52; Busan 881; Busperese 39; Busperese 49; Metam; PNMDC. Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Cyanamide; Methylenbisthiocianate; Barium Metaborate; Bromo-Chlormethane; Phosphorous Acid; Sodium Thiocyanate. Relations with: Buckman Laboratories Inc. (USA); Bulab Holdings, Inc. (USA)
Lic. Jorge Gmez Aguirre Director General BUENAVENTURA GRUPO PECUARIO, S.A. DE C.V. Central Oriente 2, Altos 3 Centro 30470 Villaflores, Chis. RFC BGP870821 R59
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year
Tel. (965) 6 52 30 00, 6 52 30 03 Fax (965) 6 52 07 22 fsantiago@gpobuenaventura.com.mx Established 1939 NAICS 11234 Poultry Hatcheries
Sr. Tony Rivas Director de Operaciones BURGER KING MEXICANA, S.A. DE C.V. Monte Elbruz 132, piso 10 Col. Chapultepec Morales 11570 Mxico, D.F. RFC BKM910828 RH3
Tel. 52 83 59 00 Ext. 5923, 52 83 59 23 Fax 52 83 59 02 csaucedo@whopper.com http://www.burgerking.com Established 1991 NAICS 722211 Limited-Service Restaurants
Ing. Ramn lvarez Bilbao Director General CABLESA, S.A. DE C.V. Campos Elseos 345, piso 11 Col. Chapultepec Polanco 11560 Mxico, D.F. RFC CAB840604 6E9
Tel. 52 81 12 23, 52 81 36 83 Fax 52 80 62 41, 52 81 14 73 cablesamexico@prodigy.net.mx Established 1979 NAICS 331222 Steel Wire Drawing
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Exports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Steel Products. Imports range US $ 10-99 million a year: Wire Rod; Fats; Plastics. Mexican affiliates: Alto Carbono, S.A. de C.V.; Alumoclas, S.A. de C.V.; Dicable, S.A. de C.V.
Lic. dgar Augusto Vallejo Flores Presidente CADBURY ADAMS MXICO, S. DE R.L. DE C.V. Divisin del Norte 3443 Col. San Pablo Tepetlapa 04620 Mxico, D.F. RFC CAM951208 8W4
Tel. 53 26 83 00 to 09 Ext. 8479, 8480, 53 26 84 79, 53 26 84 80 Fax 53 26 85 95 gloria.zugarazo@am.csplc.com Established 1928 NAICS 31134 Nonchocolate Confectionery Mfg
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Exports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Caramel Sugar Coated; Tooth Brush; Shave Blades; Dispenser. Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Aluminum Stripes; Artificial Flavors; Chlorophyll; Menthol Crystals; Tapioca Dextrine; Steel. Mexican affiliates: Cadbury Adams Distribuidora, S.A. de C.V.
C.P. Pedro Herrn Presidente y Director General CADBURY AGUAS MINERALES, S.A. DE C.V. (CSBM) Blvd. Manuel vila Camacho 24, piso 5 Col. Lomas de Chapultepec 11000 Mxico, D.F. RFC CAM920901 7P5
Tel. 52 49 90 00 Ext. 9013, 52 49 90 13 Fax 52 49 90 64 monica.bolly@csplc.com http://www.cadburyschweppes.com Established 1933 NAICS 311421 Fruit & Vegetable Canning NAICS 312111 Soft Drink Mfg
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Relations with: Cadbury Schweppes (UK) Mexican affiliates: Cadbury Bebidas, S.A. de C.V.; Embotelladora Orange Crush, S.A.; Manantiales Peafiel, S.A. de C.V.
Ing. Eduardo Padilla Silva Director General CADENA COMERCIAL OXXO, S.A. DE C.V. Edison 1235 Nte. Col. Talleres 64480 Monterrey, N.L. RFC CCO860523 1N4
Sales range US $ 100-999 million a year Mexican affiliates: Femsa Comercio, S.A. de C.V.
Tel. (81) 83 89 21 21 Ext. 2106, 83 89 21 06 Fax (81) 83 89 21 04 Mexico City: 53 42 75 00 clgarcia@oxxo.femsa.com.mx http://www.femsa.com Established 1978 NAICS 44512 Convenience Stores
Lic. Miguel ngel Dvila Guzmn Director General CADENA MEXICANA DE EXHIBICIN, S.A. DE C.V. (CINEMEX) Blvd. Manuel vila Camacho 40, piso 16 Col. Lomas de Chapultepec 11000 Mxico, D.F. RFC CME940114 NMS
Tel. 52 01 58 00 Ext. 137, 52 01 58 03 Fax 52 01 58 13 buzon@cinemex.net http://www.cinemex.net Established 1994 NAICS 512131 Motion Picture Theaters (except Drive-Ins)
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Promotional Articles; Printed & Continuous Forms; Corn Pop; Oils; Salt; Confectionery. Relations with: Onex Co. (Canada) Mexican affiliates: Cinemex Altavista, S.A. de C.V.; Cinemex Aragn, S.A. de C.V.; Cinemex Coacalco, S.A. de C.V.; Cinemex Coapa, S.A. de C.V.; Cinemex Cuicuilco, S.A. de C.V.; Cinemex Ecatepec, S.A. de C.V.; Cinemex Galeras, S.A. de C.V.; Cinemex Legaria, S.A. de C.V.; Cinemex Loreto, S.A. de C.V.; Cinemex Los Reyes, S.A. de C.V.; Cinemex Manacar, S.A. de C.V.; Cinemex Masaryk, S.A. de C.V.; Cinemex Metepec, S.A. de C.V.; Cinemex Misterios, S.A. de C.V.; Cinemex Mundo E, S.A. de C.V.; Cinemex Palacio Chino, S.A. de C.V.; Cinemex Perinorte, S.A. de C.V.; Cinemex Plaza Insurgentes, S.A. de C.V.; Cinemex Real, S.A. de C.V.; Cinemex San Antonio, S.A. de C.V.; Cinemex San Mateo, S.A. de C.V.; Cinemex Santa Fe, S.A. de C.V.; Cinemex Ticomn, S.A. de C.V.; Cinemex Universidad, S.A. de C.V.; Grupo Cinemex
Lic. Jos Manuel lvarez Zardin Director General CAF INTERNACIONAL DE CRDOBA, S.A. DE C.V. (CAFINCO) Km. 341 Carr. Crdoba-Veracruz 94690 Crdoba, Ver. RFC CIC791214 JX0
Tel. (271) 7 14 83 12, 7 14 84 84 Ext. 200 Fax (271) 7 14 48 54 Mexico City: 56 15 21 61, 56 15 01 60 jm_alvarez@ipacpa.com.mx http://www.cafinco.com.mx Established 1979 NAICS 31192 Coffee & Tea Mfg
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Exports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Coffee (Peeled Raw Beans, Soluble, Roasted, Decaf Green, Roasted, Instant). Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Maintenance Equipment. Mexican affiliates: Grupo Alza, S.A. de C.V.
Lic. Ernesto Gonzlez Montemayor Director General CAFS SOLUBLES MONTERREY, S.A. Guerrero 3250 Nte. Col. del Norte 64500 Monterrey, N.L. RFC CSM590522 8G1
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year
Tel. (81) 83 51 20 44 Fax (81) 83 51 23 02 Established 1959 NAICS 31192 Coffee & Tea Mfg
Lic. Juan Carlos Alverde Losada Director de Operaciones CAFETERAS TOKS, S.A. DE C.V. Jaime Balmes 11, Edif. B, piso 5 Col. Los Morales Polanco 11510 Mxico, D.F. RFC CTO840921 MU2
Tel. 21 22 57 00 Ext. 224, 221, 21 22 57 03 Fax 53 95 70 73, 55 80 48 27 magua@toks.com.mx http://www.toks.com.mx Established 1971 NAICS 722212 Cafeterias
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Imports range US $ 10-99 million a year: Restaurant Equipment; Raw Materials; Gifts; Promotional Items. Mexican affiliates: Grupo Gigante, S.A. de C.V.
Ing. Carlos Eulalio Lpez Astorga Director General CAF TOSTADO DE EXPORTACIN, S.A. DE C.V. (CATOEX) Prol. Avenida 3 s/n Col. San Cayetano Zona Industrial 94640 Crdoba, Ver. RFC CTE841230 UA7
Tel. (271) 7 14 46 44, 7 14 47 50 Fax (271) 7 14 75 88 Mexico City: 53 41 80 30 katoexm2@prodigy.net.mx http://www.catoex.com.mx Established 1972 NAICS 31192 Coffee & Tea Mfg
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Exports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Coffee. Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Labels; Olive Oil; Maintenance Equipment. Foreign offices: Guatemala (Guatemala); Miami, FL (USA)
L.A.E. Sergio Armella Snchez Director General CALEFACCIN Y VENTILACIN, S.A. DE C.V. (CYVSA) Prol. Calle 18 # 246 Col. San Pedro de los Pinos 01180 Mxico, D.F. RFC CVE810430 EAO
Tel. 55 15 51 80 to 84 Ext. 249 Fax 55 15 47 92 cyvsa@cyvsa.com http://www.cyvsa.com Established 1951 NAICS 42173 Warm Air Heating & AC Equip & Supplies Wholesalers
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Cooling Units for Air Conditioning.
Sr. Jess Garca Plasencia Director General CALZADO COLOSO, S.A. DE C.V. Malecn del Ro 103 Col. La Martinica 37500 Len, Gto. RFC CCO831205 N50
Tel. (477) 7 63 00 43, 7 63 07 22, 7 63 06 23 Fax (477) 7 63 06 00 coloso@ccoloso.com.mx http://www.ccoloso.com.mx Established 1942 NAICS 316219 Other Footwear Mfg
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Mexican affiliates: Calzado y Maquilas, S.A. de C.V.; Calzanio, S.A.; Coloso Comercial, S.A. de C.V.; Curte Suelas, S.A. de C.V.; Curtiembres, S.A.; Gerencias Unidas S.C.; Inmobiliaria Delta, S.A.; Sistemas de Consulta e Investigacin, S.A.
Sr. David Cashat Succar Director General CALZADO COQUETA, S.A. DE C.V. Justo Sierra 721 Centro 37000 Len, Gto. RFC CCO830119 RD5
Tel. (477) 7 10 84 00 Ext. 103 Fax (477) 7 15 14 65 coqueta@coqueta.com.mx secdir@coqueta.com.mx http://www.coqueta.com.mx Established 1965 NAICS 316219 Other Footwear Mfg
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Mexican affiliates: Acabados Kodiak, S.A. de C.V.; Cuali y Curtidos, S.A. de C.V.; Grupo Coqueta, S.A. de C.V.
Sr. Germn Gallo Benavides Director General CALZADO SANDAK, S.A. DE C.V. Tlhuac 105 Col. Santa Isabel Industrial 09820 Mxico, D.F. RFC CSA730403 TH7
Tel. 58 04 07 00 Fax 58 04 07 02 calzado@sandak.com.mx http://www.bata.com Established 1973 NAICS 316211 Rubber & Plastics Footwear Mfg
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Rubber - Natural & Synthetic; Resins; Textile Industry Raw Materials; Leather & Linings; Footwear Manufacturing Machinery & Parts. Relations with: Bata Shoe Co. Inc. (USA)
Ing. Ricardo Moyano Menchaca Director General CALZADO STEFMARY, S.A. DE C.V. Manuel Gmez Morin 204 Col. Huentitan 44300 Guadalajara, Jal. RFC CST950502 8N1
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year
Tel. (33) 36 74 71 64 Fax (33) 36 74 42 62 stefmary@prodigy.net.mx Established 1995 NAICS 316214 Women's Footwear (exc Athletic) Mfg
Sr. Agustn Gonzlez Leero Director General CALZA SPER, S.A. DE C.V. Blvd. Aeropuerto 425 Col. Fraccin del Predio Santa Julia de Jerez 37290 Len, Gto. RFC CSU810224 755
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year
Tel. (477) 7 10 55 00 Ext. 127 Fax (477) 7 10 55 01 raquelgonzalez@charly.com.mx Established 1981 NAICS 316211 Rubber & Plastics Footwear Mfg
Lic. Luis Cendn Cordero Director General CAMAS LAMAS, S.A. DE C.V. Oriente 233 # 226 Col. Agrcola Oriental 08500 Mxico, D.F. RFC CLA851001 AZ7
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Mexican affiliates: Grupo Lamas, S.A. de C.V.
Tel. 55 58 25 11 Ext. 144 Fax 57 63 31 12 luis@camaslamas.com.mx http://www.camaslamas.com.mx Established 1958 NAICS 337124 Metal Household Furniture Manufacturing
Ing. Roberto Zaleta Rocha Director General CAMINOS Y PAVIMENTOS DEL SUR, S.A. DE C.V. (CPS) Km. 7+000 Autopista Cuernavaca-Acapulco Col. Adolfo Lpez Mateos 62076 Cuernavaca, Mor. RFC CPS880924 681
Tel. (777) 3 26 07 07 Ext. 105 Fax (777) 3 26 07 25 cpssacv@prodigy.net.mx Established 1988 NAICS 23411 Highway & Street Construction
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Crushing Equipment; Asphalt Equipment; Maintenance Supplies.
Lic. Manuel Zubira y Maqueo Director General CAMINOS Y PUENTES FEDERALES DE INGRESOS Y SERVICIOS CONEXOS (CAPUFE) Calz. de los Reyes 24 Col. Tetela del Monte 62130 Cuernavaca, Mor. RFC CPF630703 6N8
Revenue range US $ 100-999 million a year Government owned
Tel. (777) 3 29 21 01, 3 29 21 02, 3 29 21 03, 3 29 21 04 Fax (777) 3 29 21 99 Mexico City: 52 00 20 00 rchavez@capufe.gob.mx http://www.capufe.gob.mx Established 1963 NAICS 48849 Other Road Transportation Support Activities
Ing. Jos Manuel Caal Cueva Vicepresidente y Director General CAMIONES Y MOTORES INTERNATIONAL DE MXICO, S. DE R.L. DE C.V. (CMI) Ejrcito Nacional 904, piso 8 Col. Palmas Polanco 11560 Mxico, D.F. RFC CMI950920 TR8
Relations with: International Truck and Engine Corp.
Tel. 52 62 66 00, 52 62 66 66 Ext. 6605, 52 62 66 05, 52 62 66 96 Fax 55 57 95 84 delia.estrada@nav-international.com http://www.international.delivers.com Established 1995 NAICS 33612 Heavy Duty Truck Mfg
Ing. Manuel Cavazos Garca Gerente General CAMISA, S.A. DE C.V. Priv. Los Trevio 500 Col. Los Trevio 66350 Santa Catarina, N.L. RFC CAM841113 752
Tel. (81) 83 36 28 97 Ext. 255, 126 Fax (81) 83 36 27 77 mcavazos@condumex.com.mx http://www.condumex.com.mx Established 1963 NAICS 33637 Motor Vehicle Metal Stamping NAICS 336322 Oth MV Electrical & Electronic Equip Mfg
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Exports range US $ 10-99 million a year: Diesel Sleeves; Engine Sleeves. Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year Relations with: Sealed Power Corp. (USA) Mexican affiliates: Grupo Condumex, S.A. de C.V.
Sr. Jos Francisco Jimnez Ruiz Director General C & A MODAS Y COMPAA, S. DE R.L. Camino al Iteso 8350 Col. El Mante 45080 Tlaquepaque, Jal. RFC CMO970312 4CA
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year
Tel. (33) 31 34 00 30 Ext. 0006 Fax (33) 31 34 00 79 ppinedo@cyamoda.com http://www.cyamoda.com Established 1997 NAICS 4481 Clothing Stores NAICS 722211 Limited-Service Restaurants
Lic. Andrs Escalante Juanes Director General CAMPBELL'S DE MXICO, S.A. DE C.V. Insurgentes Sur 670, piso 2 Col. del Valle 03100 Mxico, D.F. RFC CME590904 RE3
Tel. 54 48 57 00 Ext. 5713, 54 48 57 13 Fax 54 48 57 64 montserrat_guadarrama@campbellsoup.com http://www.campbellsoup.com Established 1959 NAICS 311421 Fruit & Vegetable Canning NAICS 311411 Frozen Fruit, Juice & Vegetable Mfg
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Exports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Canned Soups; Vegetable Juice. Imports range US $ 10-99 million a year: Machinery and Spare Parts. Relations with: Campbell Soup Co. (USA); McIlhenny & Co. (USA)
Ing. Daniel Sarmiento Director General CANAM ROMSA DE MXICO, S.A. DE C.V. Km. 22.450 Carr. Monterrey-Laredo 65550 Cinega de Flores, N.L. RFC CRM960311 ED9
Tel. (81) 82 21 06 00 Ext. 01, 02 Fax (81) 82 21 06 10 daniel_sarmiento@canammanac.com http://www.canammanac.com Established 1996 NAICS 23561 Roofing, Siding & Sheet Metal Contractors
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Steel; Metal Machining Industry Machinery. Mexican affiliates: Grupo Canam Manac
Lic. Roberto Garca Navarro Director General CANEL'S, S.A. DE C.V. Gral. Ignacio Martnez 500 Barrio de Santiago 78049 San Luis Potos, S.L.P. RFC CAN830210 LE8
Tel. (444) 8 12 21 72, 8 14 88 00 Ext. 102 Fax (444) 8 12 33 63 rmagana@canels.com http://www.canels.com Established 1925 NAICS 31134 Nonchocolate Confectionery Mfg
Sales range US $ 100-999 million a year Exports range US $ 10-99 million a year: Confectionery; Chewing Gum; Confectionery; Royal Jelly. Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year Mexican affiliates: Grupo Canel's
Ing. David Garca Coso Director General CANOFIL, S.A. DE C.V. Cda. Galeana 12 Col. La Loma 54060 Tlalnepantla, Mx. RFC CAN900925 MC1
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Mexican affiliates: Procesos Auxiliares, S.A. de C.V.
Tel. 53 66 71 00 Ext. 2001 Fax 53 97 42 30 david.garcia@canofil.com.mx http://www.canofil.com.mx Established 1963 NAICS 315111 Sheer Hosiery Mills
Sr. Akihiko Matsumaru Presidente CANON MEXICANA, S. DE R.L. DE C.V. Blvd. Manuel vila Camacho 138, PB Col. Lomas de Chapultepec 11000 Mxico, D.F. RFC CMC950418 8D2
Tel. 52 49 49 00 Ext. 4969, 52 49 49 69 Fax 52 49 49 01 jcovarrubias@cusa.canon.com http://www.canon.com.mx Established 1974 NAICS 42141 Photographic Equipment & Supplies Wholesalers
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Copying Machines; Fax Equipment; Computer Printer Parts; Computer Equipment, Programs, Accessories & Supplies; Photographic Cameras.
Lic. Jorge Costa Director de Planta CARBONO LORENA DE MXICO, S.A. DE C.V. San Sebastin 110 Col. Los Lermas 67190 Guadalupe, N.L. RFC CLM710305 QF2
Tel. (81) 81 27 28 00 Ext. 123, 81 27 28 23 Fax (81) 83 60 98 75 jorge.costa@carbonelorraine.com http://www.carbonelorraine.com Established 1971 NAICS 335991 Carbon & Graphite Product Mfg
Relations with: Groupe Carbone Lorraine (France) Mexican affiliates: Ferraz-Shawmud de Mxico, S.A.; Ugimag de Mxico, S.A.
Sr. Uwe Ahrend Dammann Presidente y Gerente General CARCOUSTICS DE MXICO, S.A. DE C.V. Km. 48 Carr. Federal Mxico-Pachuca Col. Los Reyes Acozac 55755 Tecmac, Mx. RFC CME020611 S6A
Tel. (779) 7 96 93 00 Ext. 1003, 7 96 93 01 Fax (779) 7 96 05 50 kgarcia@carcoustics.com.mx http://www.carcoustics.com Established 1966 NAICS 326199 All Other Plastics Product Mfg
Sales range US $ 100-999 million a year Exports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Aluminium Heatshields. Imports range US $ 100-999 million a year: Fabrics; Plastic Pieces; Automobile Accessories; Interlining (Cloth); Aluminum; Polypropylene; Polyester; Talc; Resins; Fenol Resin. Relations with: Carcoustics Gmbh (Germany)
Sr. Carlos Garca Villanueva Director General CAROLTEX EMBROIDERY, S.A. DE C.V. Blvd. Enrique Olivares Santana 700 Col. Progreso 20660 Pabelln de Arteaga, Ags. RFC CEM011105 JX1
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Exports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Girls Outwear.
Tel. (465) 9 58 00 22, 9 58 02 44 Fax (465) 9 58 00 22 garciavcarlos@caroltex.com.mx Established 2001 NAICS 315291 Infants' Cut & Sew Apparel Mfg
Ing. Abel Octavio Martnez Martnez Director General CARPLASTIC, S.A. DE C.V. (VISTEON) Parque Industrial Monterrey 608 Parque Industrial Monterrey 66600 Apodaca, N.L. RFC CAR870622 6L8
Relations with: Visteon (USA)
Tel. (81) 83 69 22 00 Ext. 598, 83 69 25 98 Fax (81) 83 69 23 88 Mexico City: 52 02 51 88 svela@visteon.com http://www.visteon.com Established 1982 NAICS 326199 All Other Plastics Product Mfg
Sr. Jean Noel Bironneau Director General CARREFOUR DE MXICO, S.A. DE C.V. Presidente Masaryk 219, piso 1 Col. Chapultepec Morales 11570 Mxico, D.F. RFC CME960710 2Y6
Tel. 52 83 29 00 Ext. 2939, 52 83 29 39 Fax 52 83 29 50 http://www.carrefour.com Established 1996 NAICS 45291 Warehouse Clubs & Superstores
Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Garden Supplies; House Wares; Toys; Shellfishes; Dry Fruits; Salmon; Cheeses; Confectionery; Wine & Licquors; Pasta Products; Chocolate (Confectionery); Cookies, Pastries; Clothing; Linen; Footwear; Sport Articles; Photographic Cameras; Washing Machines; Stoves, Stove Parts; Refrigerators; Ovens - Kitchen; Tape Recorders; Video Equipment; Audio Equipment; Television Sets.
Ing. Manuel I. Cuevas Ramos Presidente y Director General CARRIER MXICO, S.A. DE C.V. Galeana 469 Ote. Col. El Lechugal 66350 Santa Catarina, N.L. RFC CME910801 DG2
Tel. (81) 83 18 53 11, 83 18 53 00, 83 18 57 00 Fax (81) 83 18 53 90 bibiana.ruiz@carrier.utc.com http://www.carrier.com.mx Established 1945 NAICS 333415 AC/Warm Air Htg & Commercial Refrig Equip Mfg
Sales range US $ 100-999 million a year Exports range US $ 100-999 million a year: Air Conditioning Equipment. Imports range US $ 10-99 million a year: Air Conditioning Small Package Units 3-10 Tons. Relations with: Carrier Corp. (USA); United Technologies Co.
Ing. Adolfo Carriles Koll Presidente CARTONAJES ESTRELLA, S.A. DE C.V. (CESA) Poniente 122 # 430 Col. Industrial Vallejo 02300 Mxico, D.F. RFC CES810714 GJ0
Tel. 53 68 00 33 Ext. 104 Fax 55 67 04 34, 53 68 37 67 gcosmos@cartonajes.com.mx http://www.cartonajes.com.mx Established 1947 NAICS 322211 Corrugated & Solid Fiber Box Mfg
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Paper Scrap. Relations with: Mead Packaging International (USA) Mexican affiliates: Bacaja, S.A. de C.V.; Corrugados Estrella, S.A. de C.V.; Graphopak, S.A. de C.V.; Grupo Cosmos; Fbrica de Papel Santa Clara, S.A. de C.V.
Lic. Mario Vzquez Raa Presidente y Director General CARTONES PONDEROSA, S.A. DE C.V. Km. 4 Libramiento Tequisquiapan Zona Industrial 76802 San Juan del Ro, Qro. RFC CPO900125 491
Tel. (427) 2 71 96 00 Ext. 9678, 9616, 2 71 96 78, 2 71 96 16 Fax (427) 2 71 96 85 smejia@carpo.com.mx http://www.cartonesponderosa.com.mx Established 1979 NAICS 32213 Paperboard Mills
Sales range US $ 100-999 million a year Exports range US $ 10-99 million a year: Recycled Coated Folding Boxboard (White Back and Brown Back); Recycled Uncoated Folding Boxboard. Imports range US $ 10-99 million a year: ONP; Clay; Office Waste; Mix Paper; Cellulose. Foreign investments: Ponderfibers Corp. (USA) Mexican affiliates: Ecofibras Ponderosa, S.A. de C.V.
Ing. Carlos Ortiz Gil Director General CASA CHAPA, S.A. DE C.V. Fidel Velzquez 1513 Col. Central 64190 Monterrey, N.L. RFC CCA970619 D44
Tel. (81) 83 71 71 71 Ext. 104, 83 71 74 49 Fax (81) 83 70 34 61 ortiz_gil@casachapa.com.mx http://www.casachapa.com.mx Established 1936 NAICS 42249 Other Grocery & Related Products Wholesalers
Sales range US $ 100-999 million a year Mexican affiliates: 7-Eleven Mxico, S.A. de C.V.; Chapa Distribucin, S.A. de.C.V.; Chapa Logstica, S.A. de C.V.; Grupo Chapa, S.A. de C.V.; Servi-Bonos, S.A. de C.V.; Servi-Despensa, S.A. de C.V.; Valso, S.A. de C.V.
C.P. Juan Francisco Beckmann Vidal M. B. A. Presidente CASA CUERVO, S.A. DE C.V. Guillermo Gonzlez Camarena 800, PH Col. Zedec Santa Fe 01210 Mxico, D.F. RFC CCU870622 986
Tel. 52 58 70 00 Ext. 7260 Fax 52 58 70 19, 52 58 70 23 asepulveda@cuervo.com.mx http://www.cuervo.com.mx Established 1795 NAICS 31214 Distilleries
Sales range US $ 100-999 million a year Exports range US $ 10-99 million a year: Tequila. Imports range US $ 10-99 million a year: Packing & Baling; Cranes (Hoist); Forklifters & Parts; Screws & Bolts; Automobiles & Trucks; Plastic Boxes; Container Caps; Office Equipment; Labels. Relations with: United Distillers & Vintners North America
Lic. Carlos Villagmez Castro Director General CASA DE BOLSA ARKA, S.A. DE C.V. Emilio Castelar 75, piso 1 Col. Chapultepec Polanco 11560 Mxico, D.F. RFC CBA870131 5H8
Tel. 56 25 15 00 Ext. 1107, 56 25 15 20 Fax 52 80 32 80 servicios@arka.cbarka.com.mx http://www.cbarka.com.mx Established 1987 NAICS 52312 Securities Brokerage
Assets range US $ 10-99 million Mexican affiliates: Arcambios Casa de Cambio, S.A. de C.V.; Arka Grupo Financiero, S.A. de C.V.; Arkafac, S.A. de C.V.; Operadora Arka, S.A. de C.V. Listed in the Mexican Stock Exchange; ticker symbol: CBARKA Board of Directors: Sr. Alejandro M. Morales Mega (Chairman), Sr. Sergio Hernndez Gonzlez (Comisario), Sr. Guillermo Delgado Salazar (Secretary), Sr. Manuel Camacho Tllez, Sr. Enrique Collado Heredia, Sr. Javier Corts Lpez, Sr. Alberto Elizondo Trevio, Sr. Sergio Gutirrez Salinas, Sr. Gilberto Martnez Serrano, Sr. Alejandro M. Morales Kuhne, Sr. Alejandro Morales Mega, Sr. Ral Olmos Cordero, Lic. Carlos Villagmez Castro
Lic. Jorge Ortiz Muoz Director General CASA DE CAMBIO MAJAPARA, S.A. DE C.V. Lago Margarita 16 Col. Granada 11520 Mxico, D.F. RFC CCM890609 L33
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year
Tel. 53 90 51 16 Fax 53 90 51 17 alejandralopez@majapara.com http://www.majapara.com.mx Established 1989 NAICS 52313 Commodity Contracts Dealing
Sr. Juan Manuel Ley Lpez Presidente CASA LEY, S.A. DE C.V. Carr. Internacional al Norte y Calle Deportiva Km. 1434 Col. Infonavit Humaya 80020 Culiacn, Sin. RFC CLE810525 EA1
Tel. (667) 7 59 10 00 Ext. 1105, 7 50 50 56, 7 50 50 57 Fax (667) 7 50 50 27 Mexico City: 52 02 01 89, 52 02 02 56 jmley@casaley.com.mx Established 1954 NAICS 45291 Warehouse Clubs & Superstores
Sales range US $ 100-999 million a year Imports range US $ 100-999 million a year: Groceries; Cleaning Products. Relations with: Safeway Stores, Inc. (USA)
Sr. Juan Manuel Correa Etchegaray Director General CASA MARZAM, S.A. DE C.V. Municipio Libre 198 Col. Portales 03300 Mxico, D.F. RFC CMA990108 3WA
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Mexican affiliates: JP Morgan Partners, S.A. de C.V.
Tel. 56 25 27 12, 56 05 19 67, 56 25 27 00 Fax 56 04 27 82 asalmeron@marzam.com.mx http://www.marzam.com.mx Established 1934 NAICS 42221 Drugs & Druggists' Sundries Wholesalers
Lic. Carlos Servn Beltrn del Ro Director General CASA ROCAS, S. DE R.L. DE C.V. Cuauhtmoc Sur 438, Apartado Postal 233 64000 Monterrey, N.L. RFC CRO810528 FB6
Tel. (81) 81 30 50 00, 83 45 17 17 Ext. 5020, 5046, 5002, 81 30 50 02 Fax (81) 81 30 50 59 Mexico City: 55 76 20 80 cservin@fisher.com.mx http://www.fisher.com.mx Established 1934 NAICS 42145 Medical/Dental/Hospital Equip & Supp Wholesalers
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Laboratory Products. Relations with: Barnstead/Thermolyne Corp. (USA); Cientific Worldwide (USA); Fisher Scientific Co. (USA); Hach Co. (USA); Labconco Corp. (USA); Ohaus Corp. (USA)
Sr. Juan Gmez Prez Director General CATERPILLAR MXICO, S.A. DE C.V. Km. 4.5 Carr. a Villa de Garca 66350 Santa Catarina, N.L. RFC CME940630 QM2
Tel. (81) 83 19 33 00 Ext. 3310, 83 19 33 10 Fax (81) 83 19 33 99 Mexico City: 19 40 02 00 http://www.cat.com Established 1962 NAICS 333924 Ind Truck, Tractor, Trailer, Stacker Mach Mfg
Sales range US $ 100-999 million a year Exports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Fixed or Movable Extraction Devices; Iron or Steel Sheets (Non-Galvanized); Vehicle Parts and Accesories; Engine Parts and Pieces. Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Steel - Special; Welding Equipment and Components; Maintenance Services; Melting Equipment. Relations with: Caterpillar, Inc. (USA)
Lic. Rafael Rodrguez Coronel Director General CELULOSA Y CORRUGADOS DE SONORA, S.A. DE C.V. (CECSO) Pesqueira y Abasolo "Plaza Navojoa" Col. Jurez 85870 Navojoa, Son. RFC CCS810209 RH5
Tel. (642) 4 23 50 43, 4 23 50 44 Fax (642) 4 23 51 68, 4 23 52 46 rcoronel@cecso.com.mx cecso@cecso.com.mx http://www.cecso.com.mx Established 1981 NAICS 32213 Paperboard Mills
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Imports range US $ 10-99 million a year: Machinery; Containerboard; Corrugated Carton (OCC).
Ing. Lorenzo H. Zambrano Trevio Presidente del Consejo y Director General CEMENTOS MEXICANOS, S.A. DE C.V. (CEMEX) Ricardo Margin 325 Col. Valle del Campestre 66000 Monterrey, N.L. RFC CME880715 7Z6
Sales range US $ 1-10 billion a year Imports range US $ 10-99 million a year: Equipment.
Tel. (81) 88 88 88 88 Ext. 4001, 4009, 88 88 40 01, 88 88 40 09 Fax (81) 88 88 40 30 Mexico City: 57 26 90 40 thelma.elizondo@cemex.com http://www.cemex.com Established 1931 NAICS 32731 Cement Mfg
Relations with: Bcw, Inc.; C.A. Vencemos Lara; C.A. Vencemos Mara; C.A. Vencemos Pertigalete; C.L. Pharris Sand & Gravel, Inc.; Caribean Cement Co. Ltd.; Cementos del Mar, Inc.; Cemex USA Inc. (USA); Consolidada Carabobo; Gulf Coast Portland Cement Co.; Houston Concrete Co.; Houston Concrete Products, Inc.; Houston Shell & Concrete Co. (USA); Inmobiliaria Coloca C.A.; Lehigh White JV; Mezcladora Mixto Listo Consolidada C.A.; Mobley Environmental Services Inc. (USA); Pacific Coast Cement Corp. (USA); Sociedad de Cementos Antillanos; South Western Sunbelt Cement (USA); Sunbelt Cement, Inc. (USA); Sunbelt Enterprises, Inc. (USA); Sunbelt Trading, Inc. (USA); Sunbulk Shipping, Inc.; Trinidad Cement Ltd.; Venmar C.A. Foreign investments: APO Cement Corp. (Philippines); Assiut Cement Company; Cemento Bayano (Panama); Cemex Colombia (Colombia); Cemex Espaa (Spain); Cemex Venezuela (Venezuela); Cerro Blanco (Argentina); International Company for Silos; La Auxiliar de la Construccin (Spain); Latin Networks Holdings, B.V.; Pacific Coast Cement (USA); Pt Cemex, Inc.; Rizal Cement Company; Saraburi Cement Co.; Semen Gresik (Indonesia); Southdown, Inc. (USA) Mexican affiliates: Arkio de Mxico, S.A. de C.V.; Cemento Bayano, S.A.; Cemento Portland Nacional, S.A. de C.V.; Cementos Bio Bio, S.A.; Cementos del Pacfico, S.A.; Cementos Diamante, S.A.; Cementos Nacionales, S.A.; Cemex Central, S.A. de C.V.; Cemex Concretos, S.A. de C.V.; Cemex Mxico, S.A. de C.V.; Cemex Transporte, S.A. de C.V.; Neoris de Mxico, S.A. de C.V.; Productora de Bolsas de Papel, S.A. de C.V. Listed in the Mexican Stock Exchange and the New York Stock Exchange and London Exchange (American Depositary Share); ticker symbol: CEMEX Board of Directors: Ing. Lorenzo H. Zambrano Trevio (Chairman), Sr. Luis Santos de la Garza (Comisario), Sr. Ramiro Villarreal Morales (Secretary), Sr. Tomas Brittingham Longoria, Sr. Rodolfo Garca Muriel, Sr. Armando J. Garca Segovia, Sr. Dionisio Garza Medina, Sr. Lorenzo Milmo Zambrano, Ing. Bernardo Quintana Isaac, C.P. Jos Manuel Rincn Gallardo, Sr. Alfonso Romo Garza, Sr. Rogelio Zambrano Lozano, Lic. Mauricio Zambrano Villarreal, Sr. Roberto Zambrano Villarreal
Lic. Jos Julin Franco Oyanguren Director General CENTRAL DE BOLSAS, S.A. DE C.V. Carr. a Base Area Militar 555 Col. San Juan de Ocotn 45019 Zapopan, Jal. RFC CBO850814 EK6
Tel. (33) 31 34 01 89 Ext. 1200 Fax (33) 31 34 01 21 amdominguez@jaguarcorporacion.com http://www.jaguarcorporacion.com Established 1977 NAICS 326111 Unsupported Plastics Bag Mfg NAICS 326199 All Other Plastics Product Mfg
Sales range US $ 100-999 million a year Mexican affiliates: Grupo Corporativo Jaguar, S.A. de C.V.; Servicios Industriales Jaguar, S.A. de C.V.
Sr. Jos Simbres Moreno Presidente del Consejo CENTRAL DETALLISTA, S.A. DE C.V. Ignacio Comonfort 9351 Zona Ro 22320 Tijuana, B.C. RFC CDE840104 6V6
Tel. (664) 6 33 79 00 Ext. 2901 Fax (664) 6 84 20 94 soco@calimax.com.mx http://www.calimax.com.mx Established 1984 NAICS 44511 Grocery (except Convenience) Stores
Sales range US $ 100-999 million a year Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Meat (all Types); Milk & Dairy Products; Groceries.
Ing. Manuel Enrquez Poy Director General CENTRAL MOTZORONGO, S.A. DE C.V. (CMSA) Eje Lzaro Crdenas 425-101 Col. Narvarte 03020 Mxico, D.F. RFC CMO791029 IV7
Tel. 55 19 86 22, 55 19 88 56 Ext. 203, 210, 55 19 77 35 Fax 55 19 63 33 cmsamex@prodigy.net.mx Established 1940 NAICS 311311 Sugarcane Mills
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Mexican affiliates: Grupo Machado; Ingenio El Refugio, S.A. de C.V.
Sr. Jason Finch Director General CENTRAL PARKING SYSTEM MXICO, S.A. DE C.V. (CPS) Montes Urales 470, piso 2 Col. Lomas de Chapultepec 11000 Mxico, D.F. RFC CPS941207 K16
Imports range US $ 100-999 million a year: Clocks; Radios. Relations with: Central Parking Co. (USA)
Tel. 52 49 44 00 Ext. 102, 103 Fax 52 49 44 10, 52 49 44 20 cpsmsa@internet.com.mx http://www.cpsm.com.mx Established 1994 NAICS 81293 Parking Lots & Garages
C.P. Silvia Zarrabal Padilla Administradora General CENTRAL PROGRESO, S.A. DE C.V. Domicilio Conocido, Ejido Mata del Gallo s/n 94970 Paso del Macho, Ver. RFC CPR810827 R86
Government owned
Tel. (273) 7 38 03 12, 7 38 00 09, 7 38 01 46 Ext. 109 Fax (273) 7 38 03 12, 7 38 00 09, 7 38 01 46 Mexico City: 55 34 17 92 cepsa@hotmail.com Established 1940 NAICS 311311 Sugarcane Mills
C.P. Emilio Popo Romero Gerente General CENTRO AUTOMOTRIZ, S.A. DE C.V. Patriotismo 587 Col. Nochebuena 03720 Mxico, D.F. RFC CAU630302 146
Mexican affiliates: Fomento Industrial Camyna, S.A.
Tel. 50 63 88 77 Ext. 401 Fax 50 63 88 77 Ext. 402 centro-automotriz@dchrysler.com.mx http://www.centroautomotriz.com.mx Established 1963 NAICS 44111 New Car Dealers
Sr. Agustn Ruffo Azcona Administrador CENTRO COMERCIAL CALIFORNIANO, S.A. DE C.V. (CCC) Isabel la Catlica 1915 Centro 23000 La Paz, B.C.S. RFC CCC810422 F1A
Tel. (612) 1 22 58 77 Ext. 251, 253, 1 25 78 77 Fax (612) 1 22 27 40, 1 22 27 86 aurora@microsis.com.mx Established 1968 NAICS 45291 Warehouse Clubs & Superstores
Sales range US $ 100-999 million a year Imports range US $ 10-99 million a year: Soft Drinks; Perfumes; Vegetables; Wine & Licquors; Groceries; Clothing; Hardware; Frozen Foods; Beers; Sausages; Fruits.
Sr. Miguel Galas Aroca Presidente CENTRO GRFICO INDUSTRIAL, S.A. DE C.V. Miguel ngel de Quevedo 1144 Col. Parque San Andrs 04040 Mxico, D.F. RFC CGI950327 6Y8
Tel. 55 49 31 60 Ext. 112 Fax 55 49 31 60 Ext. 150 cengrain@impresosgalas.com Established 2001 NAICS 32311 Printing
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Stationery; Paper (Wrapping); Playing Cards.
Ing. Carlos Pelayo Camacho Director General CERRADURAS Y CANDADOS PHILLIPS, S.A. DE C.V. 16 de Septiembre 105 Fracc. Industrial Alce Blanco 53370 Naucalpan, Mx. RFC CCP910506 LK2
Tel. 21 22 05 00 Ext. 0567, 21 22 05 67 Fax 55 76 54 02 rocio_lopez@phillips.com.mx http://www.philips.com.mx Established 1959 NAICS 33251 Hardware Mfg
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Exports range US $ 1-10 million a year Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Padlocks; Doors; Furniture, Door & Window Hardware; Locks.
Ing. Ramn Torres de la Garza Director General CERREY, S.A. DE C.V. Repblica Mexicana 300 Col. Cuauhtmoc 66450 San Nicols de los Garza, N.L. RFC CRR840820 SL3
Tel. (81) 83 69 40 00 Ext. 1001, 83 69 40 50 Fax (81) 83 69 40 60 rtorres@cerrey.com.mx http://www.cerrey.com.mx Established 1961 NAICS 33241 Power Boiler & Heat Exchanger Mfg NAICS 333414 Heating Equipment (exc Warm Air Furnaces) Mfg
Sales range US $ 100-999 million a year Exports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Boilers (Field Erected and Package); Power Generation Boiler Air; Heaters; Boiler Component; Heat Recovery Steam Generators. Imports range US $ 10-99 million a year: Tubing; Piping; Steel Plate; Steel Sheet. Relations with: Combustion Engineering Inc. (USA); Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (Japan) Mexican affiliates: Bapcock, S.A. de C.V.; Sociedad Industrial Hermes, S.A. de C.V.
Ing. Cosme Tapia Ziga Gerente General CERRO DE MERCADO, S.A. DE C.V. (CEMESA) Mina Cerro de Mercado 34000 Durango, Dgo. RFC CME340727 JN5
Tel. (618) 8 13 23 71 Ext. 112, 128, 8 13 30 69, 8 11 37 28 Fax (618) 8 13 23 11 montelongo@gan.com.mx Established 1934 NAICS 21221 Iron Ore Mining
Imports range US $ 10-99 million a year: Milling Steel Ball; Filters & Filtering Equipment; Pumping Equipment; Mining Machinery & Equipment; Mills - Machinery. Mexican affiliates: Altos Hornos de Mxico, S.A. de C.V.; Grupo Acerero del Norte, S.A. de C.V.
Lic. Alfredo Martnez Urdal Director General CERVECERA CUAUHTMOC MOCTEZUMA, S.A. DE C.V. (CCMSA) Alfonso Reyes Norte 2202 Col. Bellavista 64442 Monterrey, N.L. RFC CCM960301 6L0
Sales range US $ 1-10 billion a year Exports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Beer. Imports range US $ 100-999 million a year: Barley Hops; Malt.
Tel. (81) 83 28 50 00 Ext. 5001, 5002, 83 28 50 02, 83 28 50 01 Fax (81) 83 28 50 13 Mexico City: 53 33 24 00 amtzurdal@ccm.femsa.com.mx Established 1890 NAICS 31212 Breweries
Relations with: Consolidated Freghtways Corp.; Interbrew (Belgium); Labatt Breweries (USA); John Labatt Ltd. Foreign offices: London (UK); So Paulo (Brazil); Buenos Aires (Argentina); Darien, CT (USA); Hong Kong (China). Mexican affiliates: Grupo Industrial Emprex, S.A. de C.V.; Femsa-Cerveza, S.A. de C.V.
Sr. Andrs Rodrguez Blsquez Gerente General CHEVROLET TLALPAN, S.A. DE C.V. Prol. Divisin del Norte 3680 Col. Espartaco 04870 Mxico, D.F. RFC CTL780807 TF8
Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Auto Parts.
Tel. 56 77 77 66, 56 77 77 47, 56 77 64 02 Ext. 2000, 56 84 15 72 Fax 56 84 10 44 gciagral@chevrolettlalpan.com.mx http://www.chevrolettlalpan.com.mx Established 1978 NAICS 44111 New Car Dealers
Sr. Carlos Manuel Herrera Ale Director General CHILCHOTA ALIMENTOS, S.A. DE C.V. Lerdo de Tejada y Perifrico s/n Parque Industrial Lagunero 35078 Gmez Palacio, Dgo. RFC CAL860822 RL8
Tel. (871) 7 19 16 72, 7 19 16 73 Fax (871) 7 19 16 73 chasaexp@prodigy.net.mx http://www.chilchota.com Established 1976 NAICS 311511 Fluid Milk Mfg NAICS 311513 Cheese Mfg NAICS 312111 Soft Drink Mfg
Sales range US $ 100-999 million a year Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Casein. Mexican affiliates: Establo Chilchota, S.A.; Transportes Chilchota, S.A.
Ing. Ricardo Aldape Valds Director General CHRISTUS MUGUERZA MONTERREY, S.A. DE C.V. Hidalgo Poniente 2525 Col. Obispado 64060 Monterrey, N.L. RFC CMM010607 T13
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year
Tel. (81) 83 99 34 00, 83 99 34 19, 83 99 34 92 Fax (81) 83 99 34 84, 83 99 34 00 elsar@muguerza.com.mx http://www.christusmuguerza.com.mx Established 1934 NAICS 62211 General Medical & Surgical Hospitals
Sr. Juan Quijano Llano Director General C.H. ROBINSON DE MXICO, S.A. DE C.V. lvaro Obregn 286, piso 5-B Col. Roma 06700 Mxico, D.F. RFC CHR900514 261
Tel. 52 11 27 85 Fax 52 11 28 47 juan.quijano@chrobinson.com http://www.chrobinson.com Established 1905 NAICS 48851 Freight Transportation Arrangement
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Relations with: C.H. Robinson Worldwide Foreign offices: Augsburg (Germany); Barcelona (Spain); Bilbao (Spain); Birmingham (UK); Bordeaux (France); Buenos Aires (Argentina); Caen (France); Calgary (Canada); London (UK); Lyon (France); Madrid (Spain); Metz (France); Milan (Italy); Montreal (Canada); Ontario (Canada); Paris (France); Pau (France); Santiago (Chile); So Paulo (Brazil); Toronto (Canada); Valencia (Venezuela); Warsaw (Poland)
Ing. Sergio Pulido Murgua Director General CIBA ESPECIALIDADES QUMICAS MXICO, S.A. DE C.V. Insurgentes 3579 Col. Tlalpan La Joya 14000 Mxico, D.F. RFC CEQ970301 NP2
Tel. 55 28 95 00, 55 28 94 00, 55 28 93 00 Fax 55 28 95 51 http://www.cibasc.com Established 1997 NAICS 325132 Synthetic Organic Dye & Pigment Mfg NAICS 325199 All Other Basic Organic Chemical Mfg
Sales range US $ 100-999 million a year Exports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Additives; Colors; Chemicals (Consumer Care). Imports range US $ 10-99 million a year: Raw Materials; Chemical Intermediates. Relations with: Ciba Specialty Chemicals (AG)
Ing. Luis Hernndez Garca Director General CIGARROS LA TABACALERA MEXICANA, S.A. DE C.V. (CIGATAM) Manuel Salazar 132 Col. Providencia 02440 Mxico, D.F. RFC CTM760420 P26
Sales range US $ 100-999 million a year Imports range US $ 10-99 million a year: Tobacco; Paper (Tipping); Licorice Extract Amdiner; Labels; Stickers; Paper (Poro Wrap); Triacetine; Machinery to produce cigarettes (Parts). Relations with: Phillip Morris, Inc. (USA) Mexican affiliates: Altria Group; Grupo Carso, S.A. de C.V.; Phillip Morris Mxico, S.A. de C.V.
Sr. Roberto Jenkins de Landa Director General Corporativo CINEMARK DE MXICO, S.A. DE C.V. Caldern de la Barca 89, piso 3 Col. Polanco 11560 Mxico, D.F. RFC CME920910 DR7
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Relations with: Cinemark International (USA)
Tel. 52 80 18 78 Ext. 252 Fax 52 81 12 40 pmeza@cinemark.com http://www.cinemark.com.mx Established 1991 NAICS 512131 Motion Picture Theaters (except Drive-Ins)
Ing. Enrique Ramrez Villaln Presidente y Director Gneral CINEMAS DE LA REPBLICA, S.A. DE C.V. (CINPOLIS) ORGANIZACIN RAMREZ Enrique Ramrez Miguel 701 Fracc. Las Amricas 58270 Morelia, Mich. RFC CRE850201 GZA
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year
Tel. (443) 3 22 05 05, 3 22 05 04 Fax (443) 3 22 05 11 Mexico City: 85 03 55 00 mhernandez@cinepolis.com.mx http://www.cinepolis.com.mx Established 1984 NAICS 512131 Motion Picture Theaters (except Drive-Ins)
Lic. Marcelo Rodrguez Segovia Director General CINSA, S.A. DE C.V. Blvd. Isidro Lpez Zertuche 1495 Nte., piso 2 Zona Industrial 25000 Saltillo, Coah. RFC CIN860808 CQA
Tel. (844) 4 11 60 10 Fax (844) 4 11 60 70 Mexico City: 53 33 01 80, 53 33 01 82 marcelors@gis.com.mx http://www.cinsa.com.mx Established 1928 NAICS 335228 Other Major Household Appliance Mfg
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Exports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Cookware; Tableware. Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Chemical Products to Manufacture Enamelware; Steel; Cartons. Foreign offices: Denver, CO (USA); San Antonio, TX (USA). Mexican affiliates: Grupo Industrial Saltillo, S.A. de C.V.
Ing. Francisco de los Santos Soto Director General CINTACERO, S.A. DE C.V. Prol. Ruiz Cortines 2500 Ote. Parque Industrial PROMOFISA 67110 Guadalupe, N.L. RFC CIN950428 9Y5
Tel. (81) 83 64 49 11, 83 64 49 22 to 24 Ext. 104, 83 64 89 98 Fax (81) 83 64 49 67 fdelossa@villacero.com.mx http://www.villacero.com.mx Established 1995 NAICS 331221 Rolled Steel Shape Mfg
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Plastics; Seals; Lubricants; Steel; Zinc; Hardware; Packing Raw Materials; Paper; Cutting Equipment. Mexican affiliates: Grupo Villacero; Sicartsa, S.A. de C.V.; Zincacero, S.A. de C.V.
Dr. Rogelio Gasca Neri Presidente del Consejo CINTRA, S.A. DE C.V. Xola 535, piso 16 Col. del Valle 03100 Mxico, D.F. RFC SCC960510 386
Sales range US $ 1-10 billion a year
Tel. 54 48 80 00, 54 48 80 05, 54 48 80 06 Fax 54 48 80 03 estela.vargas@cintra.com.mx http://www.cintra.com.mx Established 1995 NAICS 481111 Scheduled Passenger Air Transportation
Relations with: Industria de Turbopropulsores (Spain) Mexican affiliates: Aerocozumel, S.A. de C.V.; Aerolitoral, S.A. de C.V.; Aeromexpress, S.A. de C.V.; Aerosys, S.A. de C.V.; Aerovas Caribe, S.A. de C.V.; Aerovas de Mxico, S.A. de C.V.; Centro de Capacitacin Alas de Amrica, S.A. de C.V.; Cintra Cap, S.A. de C.V.; Compaa Mexicana de Aviacin, S.A. de C.V.; Corporacin Mexicana de Aviacin, S.A. de C.V.; Sabre Sociedad Tecnolgica, S.A. de C.V.; Servicios Areos Litoral, S.A. de C.V.; Servicios Corporativos Cintra, S.A. de C.V.; Servicios de Apoyo en Tierra, S.A. de C.V.; Turboreactores, S.A. de C.V. Listed in the Mexican Stock Exchange; ticker symbol: CINTRA Board of Directors: Dr. Rogelio Gasca Neri (Chairman), C.P. Hugo Lara Silva (Comisario), Lic. Jos Vicente Corta Fernndez (Secretary), Sr. Guillermo Aguilar lvarez Colunga, Sr. Mario Alberto Beauregard lvarez, Sra. Mara Fernanda Casanueva de Diego, Sr. Andrs Conesa Labastida, Sr. Luis de la Calle Pardo, Sr. Carlos Gmez y Gmez, Ing. Alberto Muls Alonso, Sr. Manuel Snchez Rodrguez
Lic. Juan Carlos Fernndez Mara Director General CITIZEN DE MXICO, S.A. DE C.V. (CDM) Gabriel Mancera 327 Col. del Valle 03100 Mxico, D.F. RFC CME861117 QN9
Tel. 54 88 17 00 Ext. 1709, 54 88 17 09 Fax 55 23 07 13 gruiz@citizen.com.mx http://www.citizen.com.mx Established 1968 NAICS 334518 Watch, Clock & Part Mfg
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Exports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Wrist Watches. Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Watches; Watchcases; Watches Parts. Relations with: Citizen Watch Co. Ltd. (USA)
Ing. Juan Carlos Zambrano Bentez Director General CITROFRUT, S.A. DE C.V. Constitucin 405 Pte., piso 2 Zona Centro 64000 Monterrey, N.L. RFC CIT950829 2U2
Tel. (81) 83 89 42 00 Ext. 4210 Fax (81) 83 89 42 18, 83 89 42 19 cfmherrera@citrofrut.com.mx http://www.citrofrut.com.mx Established 1970 NAICS 311421 Fruit & Vegetable Canning
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Exports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Juices & Concentrates (Grape Fruit, Orange, Persian Lime, Tangerine); Citrus Oils & Essences. Mexican affiliates: Imdecit, S.A.; Jugos Concentrados, S.A. de C.V.; Procigo, S.A. de C.V.
Sr. Patrick Jany Presidente y Director General CLARIANT MXICO, S.A. DE C.V. Blvd. Toluca 46 Col. El Conde 53500 Naucalpan, Mx. RFC CME950712 3M7
Tel. 53 29 18 00 Ext. 1837, 53 29 18 37 Fax 55 76 32 59 joseluis.marin@clariant.com http://www.clariant.com Established 1995 NAICS 325131 Inorganic Dye & Pigment Mfg NAICS 325182 Carbon Black Mfg NAICS 325211 Plastics Material & Resins Mfg NAICS 325412 Pharmaceutical Preparation Mfg NAICS 325613 Surface Active Agent Mfg
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Imports range US $ 10-99 million a year: Iron Sulfate; Nitro Tolvidine; Pigments; Polynivyl Pyrrol, Toluidines; Sorbic Acid; Lauryl Alcohol; Butyl Isocyanate, Nonene, Paraminophenol. Relations with: Clariant gmbh (Switzerland)
Sr. Toms Valladares Gerente General CLAYTON DE MXICO, S.A. DE C.V. Manuel Luis Stampa 54 Col. Nueva Industrial Vallejo 07700 Mxico, D.F. RFC CME590316 RV1
Tel. 55 86 51 00 Ext. 18 Fax 55 86 23 00 claytonmexico@clayton.com.mx http://www.claytonmexico.com.mx Established 1959 NAICS 33241 Power Boiler & Heat Exchanger Mfg NAICS 333414 Heating Equipment (exc Warm Air Furnaces) Mfg
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Exports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Boilers and Components (Steam and Hot Water). Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Fuel Pumps; Chemical Treatment Pumps; Booster Pumps; Electronic Controls; Burner Nozzles; Electrodes; Solenoid Valves; Stainless Steel Sheets. Relations with: Clayton Industries Co. (USA)
Ing. Ricardo Vidal Valles Director General CLEVITE DE MXICO, S.A. DE C.V. (CLEMEX) Monte Cucaso 915, piso 4 Col. Lomas de Chapultepec 11000 Mxico, D.F. RFC CME590216 524
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year
Tel. 55 40 15 61, 55 40 14 55 Fax 52 02 27 34 sria.dir.general@clemex.com.mx http://www.clemex.com.mx Established 1959 NAICS 33635 MV Transmission & Power Train Parts Mfg
Ing. Juan Manuel Vargas Gonzlez Gerente de Planta CLORO DE TEHUANTEPEC, S.A. DE C.V. Avenida 1 s/n Complejo Industrial Pajaritos 96400 Coatzacoalcos, Ver. RFC CTE740917 IL2
Tel. (921) 2 18 03 15, 2 18 00 79 Ext. 103, 101 Fax (921) 2 18 03 15, 2 18 00 79 Ext. 191 Mexico City: 53 66 40 00 juan_vargas@mexichem.com.mx clorotec@mexichem.com.mx http://www.mexichem.com.mx Established 1974 NAICS 325181 Alkalies & Chlorine Mfg
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Machinery and Spare Parts. Relations with: Atochem North America (USA) Mexican affiliates: Industrias Clorotec, S.A. de C.V.; Mxichem, S.A. de C.V.; Nacional de Resinas, S.A. de C.V.; Pennwalt, S.A. de C.V.; Poliespuma de Mxico, S.A. de C.V.; Polmeros de Mxico, S.A. de C.V.; Servicios Corporativos Pennwalt, S.A. de C.V.; Unin Minera del Sur, S.A. de C.V.
Sr. Tom Kennedy Director General CNH DE MXICO, S.A. DE C.V. 5 de Febrero 2117 Zona Industrial Benito Jurez 76120 Quertaro, Qro. RFC CME930831 D89
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Mexican affiliates: Grupo Quimmco, S.A. de C.V.
Tel. (442) 2 11 91 00 Ext. 9101, 2 11 91 01 Fax (442) 2 11 91 03 ylubaggi@newholland.com.mx http://www.newholland.com.mx Established 1987 NAICS 333111 Farm Machinery & Equipment Mfg
Ing. Rogelio Prez Garca Director General COBRE DE MXICO, S.A. DE C.V. (CDM) Poniente 44 # 3310 Col. San Salvador Xochimanca 02870 Mxico, D.F. RFC CME811005 PR6
Tel. 53 96 61 77 Ext. 164, 122, 53 96 66 22 Fax 53 96 64 05 jgoyos@condumex.com.mx Established 1943 NAICS 331421 Copper Rolling, Drawing & Extruding
Sales range US $ 100-999 million a year Exports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Copper Cathode Grade "A". Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Copper Blister and Junk; Copper Scrap. Mexican affiliates: Grupo Carso
Lic. Carlos Salazar Lomeln Presidente Ejecutivo COCA COLA FEMSA, S.A. DE C.V. REFRESCOS Y AGUAS MINERALES, S.A. DE C.V. Guillermo Gonzlez Camarena 600 Col. Centro de Ciudad Santa Fe 01210 Mxico, D.F. RFC RAM851126 3B5
Sales range US $ 1-10 billion a year Exports range US $ 10-99 million a year Imports range US $ 10-99 million a year
Tel. 50 81 51 00 Ext. 5101, 50 81 51 01 Fax 52 92 34 75 csalazar@kof.com.mx http://www.cocacola-femsa.com.mx Established 1993 NAICS 312111 Soft Drink Mfg
Relations with: Coca Cola Co. (USA) Foreign investments: Coca Cola Femsa de Buenos Aires, S.A. (Argentina) Mexican affiliates: Administracin y Asesora Integral, S.A. de C.V.; Administracin, S.A. de C.V.; Fomento Econmico Mexicano, S.A. de C.V.; Grupo Femsa, S.A. de C.V.; Inmuebles del Golfo, S.A. de C.V.; Propimex, S.A. de C.V. Listed in the Mexican Stock Exchange (ticker symbol: KOFL) and the New York Stock Exchange (American Depositary Receipts); ticker symbol: KOF Board of Directors: Ing. Jos Antonio Fernndez Carbal (Chairman), Sr. Ernesto Gonzlez Dvila (Comisario), Sr. Fausto Sandoval Amaya (Comisario), Lic. Carlos Eduardo Aldrete Ancira (Secretary), Lic. Carlos Salazar Lomeln (Administrator), Lic. Jos Manuel Canal Hernando, Sr. Jos Luis Cutrale, Sr. Gary Fayard, Sr. Alfonso Garza Garza, Sra. Eva Garza Gonda de Fernndez, Sr. Eugenio Garza Lagera, Sr. Armando Garza Sada, Sr. Ricardo Guajardo Touch, Sr. Steven J. Heyer, Sr. Charles H. McTier, Sr. Alfredo Martnez Urdal, Sr. Eduardo Padilla Silva, Sr. Federico Reyes Garca, Lic. Alexis Eugenio Rovzar de la Torre, Sr. Enrique Senior, Sr. Daniel Servitje Montull, Sr. Francisco Zambrano Rodrguez
Lic. Eliaho Saadia Mussali Director General COLCHAS MXICO, S.A. DE C.V. GRUPO CONCORD Canela 660, piso 3, Desp. 301 Col. Granjas Mxico 08400 Mxico, D.F. RFC CME591027 7LO
Tel. 58 72 20 00 Ext. 306, 308 Fax 58 72 65 55 http://www.colchasconcord.com Established 1950 NAICS 314129 Other Household Textile Product Mills
Lic. Guillermo Fernndez Nez Presidente y Director General COLGATE PALMOLIVE, S.A. DE C.V. Presa de la Angostura 225 Col. Irrigacin 11500 Mxico, D.F. RFC CPA750304 3P1
Tel. 56 26 74 00 Ext. 3100, 56 29 99 22 Fax 55 57 90 19 maricarmen_velazquez@colpal.com http://www.colgate.com Established 1926 NAICS 325611 Soap & Other Detergent Mfg
Sales range US $ 100-999 million a year Exports range US $ 100-999 million a year: Cleaning Products; Toiletries. Imports range US $ 100-999 million a year: Cosmetic Manufacturing Machinery; Oils & Soap Raw Materials; Cleaning Product Raw Materials. Relations with: Colgate Palmolive Co. (USA); Mennen (USA) Mexican affiliates: Grupo Colgate-Palmolive; Mennen de Mxico, S.A. de C.V.
Lic. Rosendo Aja Sainz Director General COLOMBIN BEL, S.A. DE C.V. Km. 340 # 721 Carr. Monterrey-Saltillo 66350 Santa Catarina, N.L. RFC CBE840518 B69
Tel. (81) 87 48 88 00 Ext. 8802, 87 48 88 02 Fax (81) 87 48 88 49 Mexico City: 91 40 02 22 gmontemayor@colombinbel.com http://www.colombinbel.com Established 1967 NAICS 325212 Synthetic Rubber Mfg
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Copolymer Film; Polypropilenglycol. Relations with: Acme Mill, Co. (USA) Mexican affiliates: Grupo Alfa
Ing. Sergio Garca Palacio Presidente COMBUSTIBLES ECOLGICOS MEXICANOS, S.A. DE C.V. (ECOMEX) Blvd. Manuel vila Camacho 88, Desp. 501 Col. Lomas de Chapultepec 11000 Mxico, D.F. RFC CEM970905 VB3
Sales range US $ 100-999 million a year Imports range US $ 10-99 million a year: Gas Equipment. Mexican affiliates: Servicios Ecomex, S.A. de C.V.
Tel. 52 02 17 66, 52 02 18 04, 52 02 19 38 Ext. 115, 116 Fax 52 02 90 89 sergio-garcia@ecomex-gnc.com Established 1997 NAICS 22121 Natural Gas Distribution
Lic. Alberto Jos Gmez Delgado Director General COMERCIAL ARIETE, S.A. DE C.V. (AVIS DE MXICO) Calle 60 # 319C x Av. Coln y Cupules Centro 97000 Mrida, Yuc. RFC CAR900821 5Z9
Relations with: Avis Rent a Car System, Inc. (USA)
Tel. (999) 9 30 20 01, 9 30 20 05 Fax (999) 9 20 11 02 Mexico City: 57 62 36 88 evelia.maldonado@avis.com.mx http://www.avis.com.mx Established 1962 NAICS 532111 Passenger Car Rental
Lic. Jos Luis Quintana Corral Director General COMERCIAL CARDIGAN, S.A. DE C.V. Blvd. Manuel vila Camacho 570 Col. El Conde 53500 Naucalpan, Mx. RFC CCA 961219 8AA
Tel. 52 20 29 00 Ext. 09, 52 20 29 32 Fax 52 20 29 20 dircom@grupocarolina.com.mx Established 1982 NAICS 315232 Women's/Girls' Cut & Sew Blouse Mfg NAICS 315233 Women's/Girls' Cut & Sew Dress Mfg
Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Textile Machinery; Fabrics; Yarns. Mexican affiliates: Grupo Carolina, S.A. de C.V.
C.P. Hctor Flores Hernndez Director General COMERCIAL IMPORTADORA, S.A. DE C.V. GRUPO QUAKER STATE Guillermo Gonzlez Camarena 400 Centro Ciudad Santa Fe 01210 Mxico, D.F. RFC CIM441020 BN3
Tel. 52 57 72 22 Fax 52 57 72 00 http://www.quakerstate.com.mx Established 1929 NAICS 324191 Petroleum Lubricating Oil & Grease Mfg
Sr. Simn Name Yapur Director General COMERCIALIZADORA COAHUILA, S.A. DE C.V. Manuel Gutirrez Njera 196, PB Col. Trnsito 06820 Mxico, D.F. RFC CCO910424 6IA
Tel. 57 40 32 99, 57 40 34 80, 57 40 40 37 Fax 57 40 40 40, 57 40 32 99 interdic@prodigy.net.mx modat000@hotmail.com Established 1981 NAICS 42231 Piece Goods, Notions & Other Dry Goods Wholesalers
Exports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Fabrics. Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Fabrics; Fabrics - Plastic Coated.
Sr. Marcelo Garza Lagera Director General COMERCIALIZADORA DE PRODUCTOS CERMICOS, S.A. DE C.V. (CPC) Km. 7.5 Antigua Carr. a Roma 66478 San Nicols de los Garza, N.L. RFC CPC950526 IN4
Tel. (81) 83 29 09 00 Ext. 1815, 83 29 09 01 Fax (81) 83 29 09 03 Mexico City: 53 00 60 40, 53 00 68 24 sgarza@orionsa.com.mx http://www.orionsa.com.mx Established 1995 NAICS 327122 Ceramic Wall & Floor Tile Mfg
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Exports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Toilets (Vitreous China); Sanitary Lavatories (Vitreous China and Enameled Cast Iron); Bathtubs (Enameled Cast Iron); Kitchen Sinks (Enameled Cast Iron); Faucets (Solid Brass); Glazed Floor Tile (8" x 8", 12" x 12"); Glazed Wall Tile (4" x 8", 6" x 8", 8" x 12"). Imports range US $ 10-99 million a year: Ceramic Clays. Mexican affiliates: Fbricas Orin, S.A. de C.V.
Lic. Antonio Leonardo Castan Director General COMERCIALIZADORA FARMACUTICA DE CHIAPAS, S.A. DE C.V. (FARMACIAS DEL AHORRO) Belisario Domnguez 1182-A Centro 29000 Tuxtla Gutirrez, Chis. RFC CFC918005 P69
Sales range US $ 100-999 million a year
Tel. (961) 6 02 50 00 Ext. 2205 Fax (961) 6 02 50 00 Ext. 2217, 2213 Mexico City: 53 22 43 20 directx@fahorro.com.mx Established 1991 NAICS 44611 Pharmacies & Drug Stores
Ing. Miguel ngel Usabiaga Gonzlez Director General y Comercial COMERCIALIZADORA GAB, S.A. DE C.V. Carr. Panamericana Km. 291-1 Col. La Fortaleza 38300 Cortzar, Gto. RFC CGA960614 2C5
Tel. (462) 6 26 26 63, 6 26 29 39 Fax (462) 6 27 52 72 musabiaga@mrlucky.com.mx http://www.mrlucky.com.mx Established 1996 NAICS 111219 Other Vegetable (exc Potato) & Melon Farming
Sales range US $ 100-999 million a year Mexican affiliates: Agrcola del Bajo; Agrcola La Minita, S.P.R. de R.L.; Aguilares, S.P.R. de R.L.; Covemex, S.A. de C.V.; Empacadora General, S.P.R. de R.L.; Grupo Gab; Invernaderos Arroyo, S.P.R. de R.L.
Ing. Fernando Salazar Maldonado Gerente General COMERCIALIZADORA PREMIER, S.A. DE C.V. Km. 9 Carr. a El Dorado Apdo. 127 80150 Culiacn, Sin. RFC CPR930820 G65
Tel. (667) 7 60 50 01, 7 60 50 03 Ext. 108 Fax (667) 7 60 52 18 ccons@absa.com.mx http://www.bionova.com Established 1993 NAICS 111219 Other Vegetable (exc Potato) & Melon Farming
Sr. James R. Kneeland Snchez Presidente COMERCIAL KNEELAND, S.A. DE C.V. (CK) Ingenieros Militares 105 Col. Lomas de Sotelo 11200 Mxico, D.F. RFC CKN801222 1L3
Tel. 55 57 18 88, 53 97 29 50 Ext. 105 Fax 53 97 29 50 Ext. 121, 122 atencion_a_clientes@kneeland-erkco.com.mx http://www.kneeland-erkco.com.mx Established 1926 NAICS 44131 Automotive Parts, Accessories & Tire Stores
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Mexican affiliates: Coronega, S.A. de C.V.; Grupo Kneeland; Servicios Corporativos Unidos, S.A. de C.V.
Ing. Federico Toca Larragin Director General COMERCIAL MAPASA, S.A. DE C.V. Calle del Caito 39 Col. Tacuba 11410 Mxico, D.F. RFC CMA871020 KH4
Tel. 53 99 60 88, 53 99 60 89, 53 99 62 85, 53 99 63 38 Ext. 255 Fax 55 27 55 63 egonzalez@mapasa.com.mx Established 1987 NAICS 322233 Stationery, Tablet & Related Product Mfg
Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Adhesives; Bristol Boards; Paper-Bond; Equipment for the Production of Paper, Cardboard and Products. Relations with: Texas Star Envelope, Inc. (USA) Mexican affiliates: Papel Servicios, S.A. de C.V.
Sr. Alfredo Achar Tussie Director General COMERCIAL MEXICANA DE PINTURAS, S.A. DE C.V. (COMEX) Blvd. Manuel vila Camacho 138 PH-2 Col. Lomas de Chapultepec 11000 Mxico, D.F. RFC CMP801130 9T6
Tel. 52 84 16 00 Ext. 1630, 52 84 16 30 Fax 52 84 16 28 aachar@comex.com.mx http://www.comex.com.mx Established 1952 NAICS 32551 Paint & Coating Mfg
Sales range US $ 100-999 million a year Imports range US $ 10-99 million a year: Castor Oil; Tung Oil; Pigments; Solvents; Tetraalkylamoniobentonite (Bentones); Polyvinil Alcohol; Aluminum Paste (non leafing); Titanium Dioxide; Caolin; Pentaerythritol Tech Crystals; Hidroxyetil Cellulose; (Paraffin Chlorinated Rubber); Alcohols; Potassium Tripolyphosphate; Vinyl Acetate Monomer; Maleic Anhydride; Glyco Ethers; Methyl Ethyl Ketoxima; Dioxide Silices. Mexican affiliates: Distribuidora Kroma, S.A. de C.V. Grupo Comex
Lic. Blanca Romero Aguilera Directora General y Administrativa COMERCIAL NORTEA, S.A. DE C.V. Zaragoza 6605-2 Parque Industrial Zaragoza 32690 Cd. Jurez, Chih. RFC CNO930119 CTA
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Mexican affiliates: Grupo Agroindustrial Zaragoza
Tel. (656) 6 29 09 06 Ext. 1253 Fax (656) 6 20 11 33 direccionadministrativa@rapiditosbipbip.com http://www.rapiditosbipbip.com Established 1993 NAICS 44512 Convenience Stores
C.P. Enrique Rubio Guerrero Director General COMERCIAL V.H., S.A. DE C.V. Blvd. Luis Encinas y Reforma s/n Col. San Benito 83190 Hermosillo, Son. RFC CVH710507 C83
Tel. (662) 2 59 16 16 Ext. 105, 136, 2 15 28 15 Fax (662) 2 14 39 05 Mexico City: 57 05 16 63 erubio@comercialvh.com.mx Established 1971 NAICS 45291 Warehouse Clubs & Superstores
Sales range US $ 100-999 million a year Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Food; Cloth; General Merchandise; Grocery Equipment; Store Equipment.
Ing. Alfredo Elas Ayub Director General COMISIN FEDERAL DE ELECTRICIDAD (CFE) Museo Tecnolgico CFE Circ Principal s/n 2a. Secc. Bosque de Chapultepec 11870 Mxico, D.F. RFC CFE370814 QI0
Tel. 52 29 44 00 Ext. 90000, 55 16 48 40, 52 73 62 41 Fax 55 33 53 21 elena.gonzalez01@cfe.gob.mx http://www.cfe.gob.mx Established 1937 NAICS 221 Utilities
Sales over US $ 10 billion a year Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Computer Equipment, Programs, Accessories & Supplies; no-break Systems. Government owned
Ing. Ral Ernesto Crdenas Escobar Gerente General COMPAA AZUCARERA DEL INGENIO BELLAVISTA, S.A. DE C.V. (CAIBSA) Av. del Trabajo 18 Centro 45720 Bellavista, Jal. RFC AIB790426 LJ7
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Hydraulic Material. Government owned
Tel. (387) 7 99 00 09, 7 99 00 46 Fax (387) 7 99 00 58 Mexico City: 55 34 21 38 caibsa@prodigy.net.mx http://www.caibsa.com Established 1910 NAICS 311311 Sugarcane Mills
Sr. Hctor Manuel Senz Couret Presidente del Consejo de Administracin COMPAA AZUCARERA DEL RO GUAYALEJO, S.A. DE C.V. (CARGSA) Paseo de los Tamarindos 60, piso 4 Col. Bosques de las Lomas 05120 Mxico, D.F. RFC ARG840523 EW9
Tel. 91 77 77 77 Ext. 71, 91 77 77 71 Fax 52 57 06 70 asaenzc@gsaenz.com.mx http://www.gsaenz.com.mx Established 1948 NAICS 311311 Sugarcane Mills
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Turbines and Centrifugues Parts; Machinery. Mexican affiliates: Grupo Azucarero Senz, S.A. de C.V.
Ing. Gerardo Hernndez Crdenas Gerente General COMPAA AZUCARERA LA FE, S.A. DE C.V. Domicilio Conocido San Francisco Pujiltic 30310 Venustiano Carranza, Chis. RFC AFE951229 563
Tel. (992) 6 75 22 21, 6 75 22 22, 6 75 22 23 Fax (992) 6 75 22 22 Mexico City: 52 11 12 12 ghernandez@zucarmex.com http://www.zucarmex.com Established 1958 NAICS 311311 Sugarcane Mills
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Mexican affiliates: Impulsora Azucarera del Noroeste, S.A. de C.V. (Zucarmex)
Sr. Jos Barroso Chvez Director General COMPAA CERILLERA LA CENTRAL, S.A. DE C.V. Sierra Nevada 755 Col. Lomas de Chapultepec 11000 Mxico, D.F. RFC CCE820309 TJA
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Exports range US $ 1-10 million a year Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Phosphorus.
Tel. 52 02 91 55 Fax 55 20 16 95 josebarroso@lacentral.com.mx Established 1885 NAICS 325998 All Oth Misc Chemical Product & Prep Mfg
Ing. Hctor Sal Ovalle Favela Director General COMPAA CONTRATISTA NACIONAL, S.A. DE C.V. Perifrico Sur 4249 Col. Jardines en la Montaa 14210 Mxico, D.F. RFC CNA840731 77A
Tel. 54 49 05 30 Ext. 567 Fax 54 46 09 00 dirgral@coconal.com http://www.coconal.com Established 1950 NAICS 23412 Bridge & Tunnel Construction
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Construction Equipment. Mexican affiliates: Grupo Coconal
Lic. Marcos Provencio Caldern Gerente de CEDIS COMPAA EMBOTELLADORA DEL PACFICO, S.A. DE C.V. Km. 1192 Carr. Internacional Mxico-Nogales 82060 Mazatln, Sin. RFC EPA370623 5Y4
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year
Tel. (669) 9 89 10 00 Ext. 118 Fax (669) 9 89 10 20 Established 1937 NAICS 312111 Soft Drink Mfg
Lic. Guillermo Gmez y Gmez Director General COMPAA HARINERA DE MXICO, S.A. DE C.V. Ciprs 277 Col. Santa Mara la Ribera 06400 Mxico, D.F. RFC HME 840430 1M8
Tel. 55 41 65 08 to 12 Ext. 107, 55 47 47 34 Fax 55 41 26 24 Established 1933 NAICS 311211 Flour Milling
Ing. Armando Tornel Murillo Presidente Ejecutivo COMPAA HULERA TORNEL, S.A. DE C.V. Santa Luca 311 Col. Santa Cruz Acayucan 02770 Mxico, D.F. RFC HTO830620 G40
Tel. 53 54 02 00 Ext. 2501, 53 52 95 94, 55 61 19 81 Fax 53 52 79 69 armandot@tornel.com.mx http://www.tornel.com.mx Established 1951 NAICS 326211 Tire Mfg (exc Retreading)
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Exports range US $ 10-99 million a year: Tires (Car and Bicycle). Imports range US $ 10-99 million a year: Natural Rubber; Chlorobutyl Rubber.
Ing. Manuel Esparza Esparza Administrador COMPAA INDUSTRIAL AZUCARERA SAN PEDRO, S.A. DE C.V. (CIASPSA) Camino Vecinal Lerdo-Salta Barranca 95282 Lerdo de Tejada, Ver. RFC IAS491005 7L3
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Government owned
Tel. (284) 9 44 04 88, 9 44 02 44 Ext. 3600, 9 44 00 71 Fax (284) 9 44 01 44 rrincon@ingeniosanpedro.com.mx Established 1949 NAICS 311311 Sugarcane Mills
Ing. Rodolfo Garca Muriel Presidente COMPAA INDUSTRIAL DE PARRAS, S.A. DE C.V. (CIPSA) Paseo de las Palmas 731, piso 7 Col. Lomas de Chapultepec 11000 Mxico, D.F. RFC IPA831001 3P3
Tel. 55 20 24 54, 55 20 32 01, 55 20 31 80 Fax 55 20 86 31 rgarciam@parras.com.mx http://www.parras.com Established 1899 NAICS 31321 Broadwoven Fabric Mills
Sales range US $ 100-999 million a year Exports range US $ 10-99 million a year: Denim; Jeans; Denims. Imports range US $ 10-99 million a year: Cotton; Textile Machinery and Spare Parts. Relations with: Cone Mills Corp. (USA) Mexican affiliates: Fbrica la Estrella, S.A. de C.V.; Hilaturas Parras, S.A. de C.V.; Parras Cone de Mxico, S.A. de C.V.; Parras de la Laguna, S.A. de C.V.; Servicios Corporativos Cipsa, S.A. de C.V.; Telas Parras, S.A. de C.V. Listed in the Mexican Stock Exchange; ticker symbol: PARRAS Board of Directors: Ing. Rodolfo Garca Muriel (Chairman), C.P. Juan Mauricio Gras Gas (Comisario), C.P. Rafael Gmez Eng (Comisario), Sr. Ral de la Garza Caballero (Secretary), Ing. Carlos Guillermo Garca Muriel, Sr. Armando J. Garca Segovia, Lic. Luis Felipe Gonzlez Muoz, Sr. David Madero Garca, Lic. Humberto Medina Ainslie, Sr. Juan Carlos Pilgram Cortina, Sr. Fernando Quiroz Robles, Lic. Jos Antonio Rivero Larrea, Sr. Carlos Russsek Fuhrmann, Sr. Gary Smith, Lic. Javier Valds Garca, Sr. Lorenzo H. Zambrano Trevio
Ing. Antonio Coso Pando Gerente General COMPAA INDUSTRIAL DE TEPEJI DEL RO, S.A. DE C.V. 5 de Febrero 18, piso 1 Centro 06060 Mxico, D.F. RFC ITR470225 914
Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Cotton.
Tel. 57 28 99 08 Ext. 117 Fax 55 12 32 23 ventas@lajosefina.com.mx http://www.lajosefina.com.mx Established 1887 NAICS 313241 Weft Knit Fabric Mills
Ing. Alfonso Hernndez Pelayo Presidente y Director General COMPAA MANUFACTURERA DE ARTEFACTOS ELCTRICOS, S.A. DE C.V. Isabel la Catlica 626 Col. Independencia 36666 Irapuato, Gto. RFC MAE831005 IB5
Tel. (462) 6 26 21 91, 6 26 21 94, 6 26 62 62 Ext. 103 Fax (462) 6 26 25 92, 6 26 01 08 Mexico City: 53 90 04 92 cmaesa@ig.com.mx http://www.ig.com.mx Established 1940 NAICS 335311 Power/Distribution/Specialty Transformer Mfg
Exports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Transformers. Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Electric Material; Valves & Fittings; Steel Sheet; Breakers (Paving); Fuses.
C.P. Felipe Pablo Martnez Trevio Presidente COMPAA MANUFACTURERA DE CALZADO EMYCO, S.A. DE C.V. Blvd. Adolfo Lpez Mateos 3427 Ote. Fracc. Industrial Julin de Obregn 37290 Len, Gto. RFC MCE821119 MV9
Tel. (477) 7 10 77 00 Ext. 1105, 7 11 50 00 Fax (477) 7 11 50 03 Mexico City: 52 81 75 62 jkorn@emyco.com http://www.emyco.com Established 1926 NAICS 316213 Men's Footwear (exc Athletic) Mfg NAICS 316214 Women's Footwear (exc Athletic) Mfg
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Exports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Footwear. Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Hides & Leathers; Machinery. Mexican affiliates: Grupo Emyco, S.A. de C.V.; Horma, S.A. de C.V.; Tenera Europea, S.A.
Lic. Luis Emilio Loustalot Laposse Director General COMPAA MERCANTIL EL REFUGIO, S.A. DE C.V. (MERCERA DEL REFUGIO) Cafetal 399 Col. Granjas Mxico 08400 Mxico, D.F. RFC MRE721207 U74
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year
Tel. 56 48 01 11, 56 48 07 10 Fax 56 48 01 47 mrefugio@prodigy.net.mx http://www.merceriadelrefugio.com.mx Established 1972 NAICS 42231 Piece Goods, Notions & Other Dry Goods Wholesalers
Lic. Emilio Romano Mussali Director General COMPAA MEXICANA DE AVIACIN, S.A. DE C.V. (CMA) Xola 535-30 Col. del Valle 03100 Mxico, D.F. RFC MAV810430 NCA
Tel. 54 48 30 00 Ext. 2903, 2906, 55 36 29 47 Fax 56 87 87 86 dirgenmx@mexicana.com.mx http://www.mexicana.com Established 1921 NAICS 481111 Scheduled Passenger Air Transportation
Sales range US $ 1-10 billion a year Exports range US $ 100-999 million a year: Flights. Imports range US $ 10-99 million a year: Planes and Spare Parts. Foreign offices: Chicago, IL (USA); Denver, CO (USA); Los Angeles, CA (USA); San Francisco, CA (USA); Miami, FL (USA); New York, NY (USA); San Antonio, TX (USA); San Jose, CA (USA). Mexican affiliates: Aerocozumel, S.A. de C.V.; Aerovas Caribe, S.A. de C.V.; Cintra, S.A. de C.V.; Corporacin Mexicana de Aviacin, S.A. de C.V.
Ing. Constantino Huerta Barragn Director General COMPAA MEXICANA DE TRASLADOS DE VALORES, S.A. DE C.V. (COMETRA) COMETRA SERVICIOS INTEGRADOS, S.A. DE C.V. Callejn de Cuitlhuac 160 Col. Lorenzo Boturini 15820 Mxico, D.F. RFC MTV760226 G73 RFC CSI970919 U11
Tel. 57 64 98 00, 57 64 99 99 Ext. 9814, 9815, 57 64 98 15, 57 64 98 14 Fax 57 64 18 75 cometra@cometra.com.mx http://www.cometra.com.mx http://www.gruposepsa.com.mx Established 1976 NAICS 561613 Armored Car Services
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Relations with: Stanley Smith Security, Inc. (USA) Mexican affiliates: Alarmas de Mxico, S.A.; Central Alarm System de Mxico, S.A.; Grupo Seguridad Integral; Seguritec Transporte de Valores, S.A. de C.V.; Sepsa, S.A. de C.V.
Lic. Jos Antonio Rivero Larrea Presidente del Consejo COMPAA MINERA AUTLN, S.A. DE C.V. Arq. Pedro Ramrez Vzquez 200, Edif. 10, piso 5 Col. Valle Oriente 66269 San Pedro Garza Garca, N.L. RFC MAU531005 M39
Tel. (81) 81 52 15 00 to 03 Ext. 1600, 81 52 15 05 Fax (81) 81 52 15 85 Mexico City: 55 45 20 62 brendafh@autlan.com.mx http://www.autlan.com.mx Established 1953 NAICS 212299 All Other Metal Ore Mining
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Exports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Ferromanganese Battery Grade; Silicomanganese Battery Grade. Imports range US $ 10-99 million a year: Equipment; Manganese. Foreign investments: GFM Trading, Inc. (USA) Mexican affiliates: Compaa Recuperadora de Escorias, S.A. de C.V.; Industrial Minera Teziutln, S.A. de C.V.; Inmobiliaria Aire Libre I, S.A. de C.V.; Inmobiliaria Aire Libre II, S.A. de C.V.; Inmobiliaria Molango, S.A. de C.V.; Inmuebles y Construcciones Autln, S.A. de C.V.; Grupo de Construcciones y Edificaciones; Lynx Servicios Areos, S.A. de C.V.; Minas de Santa Marta, S.A. de C.V.; Servicios de Administracin de Proyectos, S.A. de C.V.; Servicios Autln, S.A. de C.V. Listed in the Mexican Stock Exchange; ticker symbol: AUTLAN Board of Directors: Lic. Jos Antonio Rivero Larrea (Chairman), Sr. Fernando Rivero Larrea (Vice-Chairman), Sr. Jos H. Madero Marcos (Vice-Chairman), C.P. Gildardo Lili Camacho (Comisario), Lic. Juan Pablo del Ro Bentez (Secretary), Lic. Ernesto Canales Santos, Ing. Antonio Elosa Gonzlez, Lic. lvaro L. Hernndez Martnez, Sr. Erik Jurgensen Bell-Irving, Ing. Ernesto Martnes Rebolledo, Ing. Hctor Medina Aguilar, Sr. Jorge Morales Trevio, Sr. Pedro Reynoso Ennis
Ing. Carlos Castro Villalobos Gerente General COMPAA MINERA DEL CUBO, S.A. DE C.V. Domicilio Conocido Minera del Cubo s/n 36250 Guanajuato, Gto. RFC MCU540702 RE4
Tel. (473) 7 31 06 26, 7 31 05 91 Ext. 101 Fax (473) 7 31 06 26, 7 31 05 91 Ext. 105 minadelcubo@hotmail.com Established 1921 NAICS 212221 Gold Ore Mining NAICS 212222 Silver Ore Mining
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Imports range US $ 10-99 million a year: Mining Machinery & Equipment.
Ing. Hctor Valle Martn Director General COMPAA MINERA LAS CUEVAS, S.A. DE C.V. Eje 106 s/n, Zona Industrial Apartado Postal 438 78395 San Luis Potos, S.L.P. RFC MCU801119 3I6
Tel. (444) 8 24 55 99, 8 24 55 98 Ext. 124, 133, 8 24 58 17 Fax (444) 8 24 58 16, 8 24 58 44 Mexico City: 57 47 47 00 hvalle@mlascuevas.com.mx http://www.mlascuevas.com.mx Established 1955 NAICS 212393 Other Chemical & Fertilizer Mineral Mining
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Exports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Spato Flour (concentrate); Spato Flour (metallurgical). Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Quebracho (reagent); Machinery Tools. Relations with: Noranda Sales Corp., Ltd. (Canada) Mexican affiliates: Grupo Industrial Camesa, S.A. de C.V.
Ing. Alberto Garca Hurtado Director General COMPAA NACIONAL DE ABRASIVOS, S.A. DE C.V. (CINASA) 1 de Mayo Ote. 1301 Zona Industrial Toluca 50200 Toluca, Mx. RFC NAB830719 1D3
Tel. (722) 5 48 03 30 Ext. 1200 Fax (722) 2 16 08 12 Mexico City: 55 38 70 00 cinasa@avantel.net http://www.cinasa.com.mx Established 1962 NAICS 32791 Abrasive Product Mfg
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Exports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Bonded Abrasives; Wheel Line of Silicon Carbide; Aluminum Oxide; Zirconium Oxide and Premium Grains; Vitrified Resinoid and Rubber Bonds. Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Aluminum Oxide; Alumina; Silicon Carbide; Chemical Products.
Ing. Jos Antonio Monroy Carrillo Director General COMPAA NACIONAL DE HARINAS, S.A. DE C.V. (CNH) Blvd. Isidro Fabela Norte 1000 Col. Tlacopa 50010 Toluca, Mx. RFC NHA790502 HB8
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Relations with: Miller Milling Co. (USA) Mexican affiliates: Grupo La Moderna, S.A. de C.V.
Tel. (722) 2 72 03 66, 2 72 07 89 Ext. 101, 104, 2 72 07 77 Fax (722) 2 72 03 66, 2 72 07 89 Ext. 111 divmolin@prodigy.net.mx http://www.lamoderna.com.mx Established 1959 NAICS 311211 Flour Milling
Ing. Alejandro lvarez Guerrero Presidente del Consejo de Administracin COMPAA OCCIDENTAL MEXICANA, S.A. DE C.V. (COMSA) Sevilla 4, piso 9 Col. Jurez 06600 Mxico, D.F. RFC OME780913 CF3
Tel. 52 09 58 13 Fax 52 07 71 46 lgranados@comsadf.com.mx Established 1978 NAICS 212312 Crushed & Broken Limestone Mining & Quarrying
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Exports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Gypsum Plaster. Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Auto Parts; Rubber - Natural & Synthetic; Tires & Tubes. Relations with: Georgia Pacific Corp. (USA)
Lic. Paul Karam Kassab Vicepresidente COMPAA OPERADORA DE ESTACIONES DE SERVICIO, S.A. DE C.V. (CODESA) Thiers 248 Col. Anzures 11590 Mxico, D.F. RFC OES771010 BR7
Tel. 52 62 38 00 Ext. 3810, 3811 Fax 52 62 38 99 & 98 kpaul@hidrosina.com.mx http://www.hidrosina.com.mx Established 1977 NAICS 44719 Other Gasoline Stations
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Mexican affiliates: Consorcio Gasolinero, S.A. de C.V.; Grupo Hidrosina
Ing. Francisco Javier Ochoa Ramrez Director General COMPAA PAPELERA DE ATENQUIQUE, S.A. DE C.V. Domicilio Conocido Zona Industrial 49820 Atenquique, Jal. RFC PAT 941020 JI4
Tel. (371) 4 15 00 04, 4 15 00 89, 4 15 00 54 Fax (371) 4 15 01 78 fochoa@corpdgo.com.mx Established 1941 NAICS 322121 Paper (except Newsprint) Mills
Sales range US $ 100-999 million a year Imports range US $ 10-99 million a year: Cellulose; Waste Paper. Mexican affiliates: Administracin Corporativa de Durango, S.A. de C.V.; Cajas y Corrugados de Chihuahua, S.A. de C.V.; Cajas y Empaques de Occidente, S.A. de C.V.; Cajas y Empaques Izcalli, S.A. de C.V.; Cartones y Empaques del Sur, S.A. de C.V.; Central de Envases y Empaques, S.A. de C.V.; Corporacin de Papeles Mexicanos, S.A. de C.V.; Corporacin Industrial Centauro, S.A. de C.V.; Empaques de Cartn Titn, S.A. de C.V.; Empaques y Cartn Corrugado, S.A.; Envases Varios, S.A. de C.V.; Envases y Empaques de Mxico, S.A. de C.V.; Envases y Empaques de Sonora, S.A. de C.V.; Fbricas de Papel Tuxtepec, S.A. de C.V.; Forestal Bosques de Durango, S.A. de C.V.; Forestal Ponderosa, S.A. de C.V.; Grupo Forestal Durango, S.A. de C.V.; Industrias Centauro, S.A. de C.V.; Ingeniera y Construcciones Forestales, S.A. de C.V.; Leas Duranguenses, S. de R.L. de C.V.; Maderas Moldeadas, S.A. de C.V.; Muebles Modulares Ponderosa, S.A. de C.V.; Paneles Ponderosa, S.A. de C.V.; Papelera Heda, S.A. de C.V.; Papeles Titn, S.A. de C.V.; Planta Ecolgica Industrial, S.A. de C.V.; Plywood Ponderosa de Mxico, S.A. de C.V.; Porteadores de Durango, S.A. de C.V.; Productora e Importadora de Papel, S.A. de C.V.; Productora Nacional de Papel Destintado, S.A. de C.V.; Productos Industriales Ponderosa, S.A. de C.V.; Sacos de Tula, S.A. de C.V.; Sacos Mexicanos, S.A. de C.V.; Sacos y Envases de Mxico, S.A. de C.V.; Transportes Forestales de Durango, S.A. de C.V.; Triplay Ponderosa de Durango, S.A. de C.V.; Tubomex, S.A. de C.V.
Lic. Jos Luis Barroso Montull Director General COMPAA PAPELERA EL FNIX, S.A. DE C.V. Sierra Nevada 755 Col. Lomas de Chapultepec 11000 Mxico, D.F. RFC PFE350426 P67
Tel. 52 02 91 55, 55 40 30 30 Ext. 141, 142, 53 55 32 11 Fax 55 20 16 95 Established 1935 NAICS 322233 Stationery, Tablet & Related Product Mfg
Lic. Alejandro Galindo Acosta Director Corporativo COMPAA PROCTER & GAMBLE MXICO, S. DE R.L. DE C.V. (P&G) Loma Florida 32 Col. Lomas de Vista Hermosa 05100 Mxico, D.F. RFC PGM480305 JNO
Tel. 57 24 20 00 Ext. 2284, 57 24 22 84 Fax 57 24 22 54 galindo.a.1@pg.com http://www.pg.com.mx Established 1948 NAICS 325611 Soap & Other Detergent Mfg
Sales range US $ 1-10 billion a year Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Cosmetic Raw Materials; Packing & Baling; Shampoo Raw Materials. Relations with: The Procter & Gamble Co. (USA)
Ing. Jos Manuel Villaseor Cabral Director General COMPAA SHERWIN WILLIAMS, S.A. DE C.V. Poniente 140 # 595 Col. Industrial Vallejo 02300 Mxico, D.F. RFC SWI521014 1J5
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Relations with: The Sherwin Williams Co. (USA)
Tel. 53 33 15 00 Ext. 1554, 53 33 15 54 Fax 53 33 15 80, 53 33 15 29 servicio@sherwin.com.mx http://www.sherwin.com.mx Established 1952 NAICS 32551 Paint & Coating Mfg
Ing. Luis Garca Limn Director General COMPAA SIDERRGICA DE CALIFORNIA, S.A. DE C.V. Lzaro Crdenas 601 Ote. Col. Nogalera 44440 Guadalajara, Jal. RFC SCA910408 1Q2
Tel. (33) 10 57 57 57 Ext. 5781, 5782, 10 57 57 82 Fax (33) 10 57 57 16 Mexico City: 53 10 25 59 Established 1983 NAICS 331221 Rolled Steel Shape Mfg
Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Hoses; Forklifters & Parts; Scrap; Lubricants; Gasses; Bearings; Valves & Fittings; Oils; Manganese; Auto Parts; Alloys; Bricks; Nozzles; Piping & Fittings; Copper Pipe (Tube); Rollers. Mexican affiliates: Grupo Simec, S.A. de C.V.
Ing. Alejandro Rodrguez Senz Gerente General COMPAA TOPO CHICO, S.A. DE C.V. Monterrey 6500 Col. Topo Chico 64260 Monterrey, N.L. RFC TCI200427 743
Tel. (81) 81 58 57 00 Ext. 4110, 81 58 57 07 Fax (81) 81 58 57 01 ivonne.chapa@e-arca.com.mx http://www.topochico.com.mx Established 1895 NAICS 312111 Soft Drink Mfg NAICS 312112 Bottled Water Mfg
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Exports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Mineral Water; Soft Drinks. Relations with: Interex (USA) Mexican affiliates: Bebidas Mundiales, S.A.; Embotelladora de Reynosa, S.A.; Embotelladora Internacional, S.A.; Embotelladora Tamaulipeca, S.A.; Grupo Procor, S.A.
Lic. Alfonso Gmez Palacio Director General COMPAA VIDRIERA, S.A. DE C.V. Magallanes Oriente 517, piso 4 Col. Trevio 64570 Monterrey, N.L. RFC VID001006 H79
Tel. (81) 88 63 10 00, 88 63 12 07 Ext. 1187 Fax (81) 88 63 10 00, 88 63 12 07 Ext. 1186 http://www.vitro.com Established 1909 NAICS 327213 Glass Container Mfg
Exports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Containers. Imports range US $ 10-99 million a year: Containers; Sodium Sulfate & Sulfite; Glass Scrap; Mechanical Transmissions; Control & Measuring Instrumentation; Sodium Carbonate; Cardboard; Hoses; Chain; Melting Equipment; Bearings; Pallets; Packing & Baling; Silica Sand; Glass Bottles Manufacturing Machines & Equipment; Iron Straps; Polyethylene; Polyethylene Film; Glass Raw Materials; Glass Processing Machinery; Chemical Products; Refractory Equipment & Material. Mexican affiliates: Vitro, S.A. de C.V.
Lic. Jorge Alberto Corona Villaseor Director General COMPLEJO AGROPECUARIO INDUSTRIAL DE TIZAYUCA, S.A. DE C.V. (CAITSA) Poniente 6 s/n Ciudad Industrial 43800 Tizayuca, Hgo. RFC CAI930101 5F3
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year
Tel. (779) 7 96 92 03 Ext. 200 Fax (779) 7 96 92 03 Ext. 215 caitsaadmon@prodigy.net.mx http://www.gendivagro.com Established 1993 NAICS 311119 Other Animal Food Mfg
C.P. Santiago Cant Garza Director General COMUNICACIONES MTEL, S.A. DE C.V. Insurgentes Sur 1685, piso 4 Col. Guadalupe Inn 01020 Mxico, D.F. RFC CMT900810 MPO
Tel. 54 80 79 00 Ext. 7082, 54 80 77 95, 54 80 77 96 Fax 54 80 79 09 scantu@skytel.com.mx http://www.skytel.com.mx Established 1990 NAICS 513321 Paging
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Radio Communications Equipment. Mexican affiliates: Televisa, S.A. de C.V.
Ing. Enrique Martnez Aldrete Presidente y Director General CONAGRA FOODS MXICO, S.A. DE C.V. Colonia del Valle 615, piso 3 Col. del Valle 03100 Mxico, D.F. RFC CFM600506 V82
Tel. 55 36 30 40 to 49 Ext. 2121 Fax 56 87 59 75 Established 1960 NAICS 311421 Fruit & Vegetable Canning
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Exports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Canned Fruits. Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Labels; Labeling Machines. Relations with: Conagra Grocery Foods Co. (USA)
Ing. Federico Ruiz Rubio Director General CONCENTRADOS VICTORIA, S.A. DE C.V. Constituyentes Oriente 40 Centro 76040 Quertaro, Qro. RFC CVI820416 9V8
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Mexican affiliates: Grupo Fomento Queretano
Tel. (442) 2 11 40 44, 2 11 80 00 Fax (442) 2 38 66 01 vvarela@gfq.com.mx Established 1982 NAICS 31193 Flavoring Syrup & Concentrate Mfg
Sr. Rafael Maldonado Aguilar Director General CONDELMEX, S.A. DE C.V. Km. 12.5 Antigua Carr. Mxico-Pachuca 148 Col. Cuauhtmoc Xalostoc 55310 Ecatepec, Mx. RFC CON841130 6M7
Tel. 56 99 12 00 Ext. 1204, 1206, 56 99 12 04 Fax 55 69 55 78 kevin@mail.internet.com.mx Established 1970 NAICS 331319 Other Aluminum Rolling & Drawing NAICS 331422 Copper Wire (except Mechanical) Drawing
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Metal Machining Industry Machinery; Extrusion Equipment and Dies; Resins; Mechanical Equipment; Spools.
Lic. Elas Jassan Alfie Director General CONFECCIONES EUROPEAS, S.A. DE C.V. Chicle 134 Col. Granjas Mxico 08400 Mxico, D.F. RFC CEU860723 BQ4
Tel. 56 50 23 44 Ext. 216, 56 50 47 66, 56 49 14 25 Fax 56 57 59 71 http://www.bagliani.com Established 1963 NAICS 315225 Men's/Boys' Cut & Sew Work Clothing Mfg
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Exports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Men Suits. Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Packing Bags; Linings; Woolen Cloth; Clothing Outfits; Buttons; Epaulets. Mexican affiliates: Csar Internacional, S.A. de C.V.; Grupo Vestimenta, S.A. de C.V.; Operadora Ventura, S.A. de C.V.
Act. Manuel Cortina Campero Presidente CON, S.A. DE C.V. Av. Central 14 Col. Buenos Aires 06780 Mxico, D.F. RFC CON801201 3Z3
Tel. 51 34 34 00 Ext. 2236, 56 28 03 02, 55 19 34 48 Fax 55 19 53 48 mcortina@internet.com.mx http://www.forconsa.com.mx Established 1952 NAICS 44111 New Car Dealers
Sr. Vicente Lpez Rodea Presidente CONSERVAS LA COSTEA, S.A. DE C.V. Va Morelos 268 Tulpetlac 55400 Ecatepec, Mx. RFC CCO820507 BV4
Tel. 58 36 36 36 Ext. 5002 Fax 58 36 36 08 carmen.serrano@lacostena.com.mx http://www.costena.com.mx Established 1948 NAICS 311421 Fruit & Vegetable Canning NAICS 332431 Metal Can Mfg
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Exports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Guava Paste; Chili (Serrano, Jalapeo, canned, whole, nachos & sliced); Mole; Bee Honey; Sauces (Tomato, Mexican & Green); Canned Fruits. Imports range US $ 10-99 million a year: Electrostatic Powder; Tin Plate; Peach in Syrup (whole and halves). Mexican affiliates: Sabormex, S.A. de C.V.
Sr. Fernando Lorenzo Casal Presidente CONSERVAS LA TORRE, S.A. DE C.V. H. Congreso de la Unin 6535 Col. Santa Coleta 07490 Mxico, D.F. RFC CTO840701 QT0
Tel. 57 50 19 99, 58 73 11 60 Fax 55 77 35 40 Established 1964 NAICS 311421 Fruit & Vegetable Canning NAICS 311711 Seafood Canning
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Exports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Beans; Hot Peppers; Fruits. Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Peaches. Mexican affiliates: Distribuidora la Torre, S.A.; Empacadora Mar, S.A. de C.V.
Ing. Germn Ahumada Russek Presidente CONSORCIO ARA, S.A. DE C.V. Bosque de Ciruelos 140, piso 2 Col. Bosques de las Lomas 11700 Mxico, D.F. RFC CII770127 MA2
Sales range US $ 100-999 million a year
Tel. 52 65 35 00, 52 46 31 00 Ext. 2201 Fax 52 51 27 04 lcolombia@ara.com.mx http://www.consorcioara.com.mx Established 1977 NAICS 23411 Highway & Street Construction
Mexican affiliates: Asesora Tcnica y Administrativa Gavi, S.A. de C.V.; Comercializacin y Ventas, S.A.; Consorcio de Ingeniera Integral, S.A. de C.V.; Constructora y Urbanizadora Ara, S.A. de C.V.; Inmobiliaria Acre, S.A. de C.V.; Proyectos Urbanos Ecolgicos, S.A. de C.V. Listed in the Mexican Stock Exchange and PORTAL (American Depositary Receipts); ticker symbol: ARA Board of Directors: Ing. Germn Ahumada Russek (Chairman), Ing. Luis Felipe Ahumada Russek (Vice-Chairman), C.P. Carlos Hernndez Magallanes (Comisario), Sr. Jaime Corts Rocha (Secretary), Sr. Germn Ahumada Aldncin, Lic. Pedro Alonso Angulo, Ing. Emilio Camou Loera, Lic. Luis Ramn Carazo Preciado, C.P. Roberto Danel Daz, Sr. Flix Gavito Marcos, Ing. Andrs Massieu Berlanga, Act. Marco Ramrez Miguel, C.P. Godofredo Rojas Reyes
Lic. Sergio de la Fuente Mendoza Presidente y Director General CONSORCIO ARISTOS, S.A. DE C.V. Y SUBSIDIARIAS Revolucin 528 Col. San Pedro de los Pinos 03800 Mxico, D.F. RFC CAR811126 4NA
Tel. 55 74 80 77 Ext. 325 Fax 55 15 60 97 Established 1955 NAICS 72111 Hotels (exc Casino Hotels) & Motels
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Mexican affiliates: Hotel Aristos San Miguel, S.A. de C.V.; Hotel Aristos Zacatecas, S.A. de C.V.; Inversiones del Corredor, S.A. de C.V.; Mandy, S.A. de C.V.; Parador San Miguel, S.A. de C.V.; Parador Zacatecas, S.A. de C.V.
Lic. Carlos Olimn Meraz Director General CONSORCIO AUTOMOTRIZ MEXICANO, S.A. DE C.V. (CAMSA) Sor Juana Ins de la Cruz 114, piso 2 Fracc. San Lorenzo 54000 Tlalnepantla, Mx. RFC CAM980289 J52
Tel. 53 84 06 46, 52 80 56 03, 52 80 56 52 Fax 52 80 57 61 jsj@olimex.com.mx http://www.olimex.com.mx Established 1978 NAICS 44111 New Car Dealers
Mexican affiliates: Arrendadora Her, S.A. de C.V.; Astrocar, S.A. de C.V.; Distribuidores Olimex, S.A. de C.V.; Divol, S.A.; Dizar, S.A. de C.V.; Finherco, S.A. de C.V.; Morris Hermanos, S.A. de C.V.; Olimex Alemana, S.A. de C.V.; Olimex Bienes Races, S.A. de C.V.; Olimex Chapultepec, S.A. de C.V.; Olimex Churubusco, S.A. de C.V.; Richard, S.A. de C.V.; Servicios de Asesora Tcnica, S.A. de C.V.; Vernica, S.A. de C.V.
Ing. Jorge Ignacio Pereda Urrea Presidente CONSORCIO HOGAR, S.A. DE C.V. Patria 1300-6 Col. Villa Universitaria 45110 Zapopan, Jal. RFC CHO960716 5J5
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year
Tel. (33) 36 48 20 00 Ext. 2011, 36 48 20 11 Fax (33) 36 48 20 98 mbaez@hogar.com.mx http://www.hogar.com.mx Established 1996 NAICS 23322 Multifamily Housing Construction
Foreign investments: Consorcio Hogar of America Corp. TX (USA) Mexican affiliates: Consorcio Hogar de Occidente, S.A. de C.V.; Consorcio Hogar de Sinaloa, S.A. de C.V.; Consorcio Hogar del Centro, S.A. de C.V.; Consorcio Hogar del Noroeste, S.A. de C.V.; Consorcio Hogar Valle de Mxico, S.A. de C.V.; Constructora Consorcio Hogar, S.A. de C.V.; Promotora Inmobiliaria de Nuevo Len, S.A. de C.V. Listed in the Mexican Stock Exchange; ticker symbol: HOGAR Board of Directors: Ing. Jorge Ignacio Pereda Urrea (Chairman), Lic. Antonio Vrtiz Pani (Vice-Chairman), C.P. Jess Mara Flores Ramos (Comisario), Lic. Omar Aguilar Medrano (Secretary), Sr. Daniel Dubrowski Cycon, Sr. Sergio Garca de Alba Zepeda, Sr. Hiplito Gerard Rivero, Sr. Simn Gonzlez Guerra, Sr.Ren Toussaint Villaseor, Lic. Eugene Christopher Towle Wachenheim
Lic. Juan Mata Gonzlez Administrador nico CONSORCIO MATEX, S.A. DE C.V. Plcido Mata 1 Centro 94730 Ro Blanco, Ver. RFC CMA950519 CM4
Tel. (272) 7 27 05 00 Fax (272) 7 27 01 55 plamatex@rodpas.com.mx Established 1995 NAICS 551112 Offices of Other Holding Companies
Sales range US $ 100-999 million a year Mexican affiliates: Desarrollos Magar, S.A. de C.V.; Gabitex, S.A. de C.V.; Hidroelctricas Virita, S.A. de C.V.; Hotel El guila, S.A. de C.V.; Mylsa Puebla, S.A. de C.V.; Mylsa Tehuacn, S.A. de C.V.; Mylsa, S.A. de C.V.; Plamatela, S.A. de C.V.; Textiles Plcido Mata, S.A. de C.V.
Sr. Daniel Thomas Director General CONSORCIO MEXI-GAS, S.A. DE C.V. Blvd. Manuel vila Camacho 36, piso 16 Col. Lomas de Chapultepec 11000 Mxico, D.F. RFC CMG980810 NFT
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Relations with: Gaz de France (France)
Tel. 52 84 40 00 Fax 52 84 40 04 etorres@maxigas.com.mx http://www.maxigasnatural.com.mx Established 1998 NAICS 22121 Natural Gas Distribution
Ing. Mario Ruiz Sandoval Director General CONSORCIO MINERO BENITO JUREZ PEA COLORADA, S.A. DE C.V. (CMBJPC) Av. del Trabajo 1000 Col. Tapeixtles 28876 Manzanillo, Col. RFC CMB720125 7K2
Tel. (314) 3 31 06 00 Ext. 2204, 3 31 06 10, 3 31 06 60 Fax (314) 3 31 06 58 mruiz@cmbjpc.com.mx http://www.cmbjpc.com.mx Established 1967 NAICS 21221 Iron Ore Mining
Sales range US $ 100-999 million a year Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Processing Equipment; Mining Machinery & Equipment. Relations with: Ispat (India) Mexican affiliates: Hylsamex, S.A. de C.V.; Ispat Mexicana de Lzaro Crdenas, S.A. de C.V.
Lic. Antonio Kann Chama Director General CONSORCIO VINYLASA, S.A. DE C.V. Canela 238 Col. Granjas Mxico 08400 Mxico, D.F. RFC CVI811026 5ZA
Tel. 58 03 13 00, 58 03 13 24 Fax 56 57 99 89 akanan@vinylasa.com glopez@vinylasa.com http://www.vinylasa.com Established 1950 NAICS 325211 Plastics Material & Resins Mfg
Exports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Briquettes. Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Resins; Ceramic Tile - Raw Materials; Plasticizers; Ceramic Tile - Manufacturing Equipment. Mexican affiliates: Grupo de Comercio e Industria, S.A. de C.V.; Grupo K, S.A. de C.V.; Losetas Asflticas, S.A. de C.V.; Servicios Administrativos Vinylasa, S.A. de C.V.
Arq. Francisco Javier Merino Roldn Director General CONSTRUCTORA DHAP, S.A. DE C.V. (DHAPSA) Carr. Mxico-Texcoco 564 Col. San Isidro Atlautenco 55070 Ecatepec, Mx. RFC CDH790717 961
Tel. 58 39 85 04, 58 39 85 09 Ext. 721 Fax 58 37 19 00 dhapsa@prodigy.net.mx http://www.dhapsa.com Established 1979 NAICS 336211 Motor Vehicle Body Mfg
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Mexican affiliates: Grupo Industrial Cea, S.A. de C.V.; Servicio de Estaciones Automotrices, S.A. de C.V.
Ing. Arturo Federico Richardson Lamas Presidente y Director General CONSTRUCTORA DOCSA, S.A. DE C.V. Justo C. Daz 197 Col. La Fama 66100 Santa Catarina, N.L. RFC CDO931210 PT2
Tel. (81) 83 36 82 68 Ext. 120 Fax (81) 83 36 36 19 contact@cdocsa.com http://www.cdocsa.com Established 1993 NAICS 23331 Mfg & Industrial Building Construction NAICS 23332 Commercial & Institutional Bldg Construction
Ing. Jos Lorenzo Cravioto Ortiz Gerente General CONSTRUCTORA ESTRELLA, S.A. DE C.V. (CESA) Ro Mixcoac 30 Col. Acacias 03240 Mxico, D.F. RFC CES840214 GE5
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year
Tel. 55 34 12 22 to 26 Fax 55 24 62 25 cesaw@prodigy.net.mx Established 1948 NAICS 23412 Bridge & Tunnel Construction
Ing. Francisco Javier Serna Cervantes Presidente CONSTRUCTORA FRNSER, S.A. DE C.V. GRUPO FRNSER-INARC Toms Moro 5 Fracc. Paseo de las Lomas 01330 Mxico, D.F. RFC CFR560425 5C9
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Mexican affiliates: Inarc, S.A. de C.V.
Tel. 52 92 04 80, 52 92 04 81, 52 92 05 00 Fax 52 92 04 73 franina@grupo-franser-inarc.com.mx http://www.grupo-franser-inarc.com.mx Established 1956 NAICS 23331 Mfg & Industrial Building Construction
Ing. Jos Mara Garza Ponce Presidente CONSTRUCTORA GARZA PONCE, S.A. DE C.V. (CGP) Zaragoza Sur 1000, Condominio Acero, Mezz 1 Col. Zona Centro 64000 Monterrey, N.L. RFC CGP831114 6XA
Tel. (81) 81 50 35 01 to 04 Ext. 3751 Fax (81) 83 45 66 54 asdir1@ggp.com.mx http://www.grupogp.com.mx Established 1963 NAICS 234 Heavy Construction NAICS 23322 Multifamily Housing Construction NAICS 23331 Mfg & Industrial Building Construction
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Doors; Lamps. Mexican affiliates: Fomento Empresarial Inmobiliario, S.A. de C.V.; Fraccionadora e Inmobiliaria Marte, S.A. de C.V.; Intermetropolitana de Viviendas, S.A. de C.V.; Precolados y Maquinaria para Construccin, S.A.; Urbanizadora Garza Ponce, S.A.
Ing. Nicols Mariscal Torroella Presidente CONSTRUCTORA MARHNOS, S.A. DE C.V. Lafayette 40 Col. Nueva Anzures 11590 Mxico, D.F. RFC CMA820322 LCA
Tel. 50 96 78 43, 50 96 78 00 Fax 50 96 78 46 cjaime@marhnos.com.mx http://www.marhnos.com.mx Established 1954 NAICS 23332 Commercial & Institutional Bldg Construction
Sales range US $ 100-999 million a year Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Structural Materials (Building); Computer Equipment, Programs, Accessories & Supplies; Construction Materials; Hotel Equipment.
Ing. Jorge Ral Ancona Riestra Presidente y Director General CONSTRUCTORA PRSER, S.A. DE C.V. Calle 35 # 356 x 28 y 30 Col. Emiliano Zapata Norte 97129 Mrida, Yuc. RFC CPR960627 RK0
Tel. (999) 9 44 45 44, 9 44 32 40, 9 44 45 15, 9 44 12 30 Fax (999) 9 44 12 30 proserme@prodigy.net.mx Established 1990 NAICS 23411 Highway & Street Construction
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Construction Equipment; Maintenance Supplies. Mexican affiliates: Asesora Proser, S.A. de C.V.; Calizas Industriales, S.A. de C.V.
Ing. Alfredo Recke Duhart Director General CONSTRUCTORA Y PERFORADORA LATINA, S.A. DE C.V. (COPERLASA) Km. 27.5 Carr. Pascualitos-Pescaderos Campo Geotrmico de Cerro Prieto 21700 Mexicali, B.C.N. RFC CPL801111 PS2
Tel. (686) 5 23 05 35, 5 23 05 34 Fax (686) 5 23 05 33 Mexico City: 52 07 33 10, 52 07 20 60 arecke@grupoadro.com Established 1952 NAICS 23581 Water Well Drilling Contractors
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Imports range US $ 10-99 million a year: Casing; Valves; Drilling Muds; Bits; Pump Supplies; Drilling Chemicals. Mexican affiliates: Grupo Adro, S.A. de C.V.; Petroservicios y Desviaciones, S.A. de C.V.
Ing. Juan Pablo Medina Mora Director General CONSULTORES EN INFORMTICA Y COMPUTACIN, S.A. DE C.V. Pennsylvania 4, piso 3 Col. Npoles 03810 Mxico, D.F. RFC CIC850526 QY6
Tel. 53 40 04 00 Ext. 5041, 5043, 53 40 04 41 Fax 53 40 04 98 tere_martinez@compusoluciones.com JPMM@compusoluciones.com http://www.compusoluciones.com.mx Established 1985 NAICS 42143 Computer & Peripheral Equip & Software Wholesalers
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Computer Equipment, Programs, Accessories & Supplies. Relations with: Hewlett Packard (USA)
Ing. Wolfang Gnter Director General CONTINENTAL AUTOMOTIVE MEXICANA, S.A. DE C.V. Ignacio Allende Lt. 20, Mz. 11 Parque Industrial Cuautla 62743 Cuautla, Mor. RFC TME930415 HW2
Tel. (735) 3 54 83 00 Ext. 02 Fax (735) 3 54 83 05 sergio.limon@temic.com http://www.temic.com Established 1993 NAICS 336322 Oth MV Electrical & Electronic Equip Mfg
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Exports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Automobile Accessories; Brake Parts. Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Resistors; Integrated Circuits. Mexican affiliates: Continental AG; Temic Servicios, S.A. de C.V.
Sr. Matthias Schonberg Director General CONTINENTAL TIRE DE MXICO, S.A. DE C.V. (CTM) Lago Xochimilco 364, piso 2 Col. Anhuac 11320 Mxico, D.F. RFC CTM990421 TL9
Tel. 25 81 28 00 Ext. 2954, 25 81 29 54 Fax 52 54 70 78 marthaelba.torres@conti.com.mx http://www.continentaltire.com.mx Established 1932 NAICS 326211 Tire Mfg (exc Retreading)
Sales range US $ 100-999 million a year Exports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Tires (Agricultural, Car, Truck and Van). Imports range US $ 100-999 million a year: Rubber (Natural, Butyl, Chemical & Synthetical); Steel Woven; Fiberglass. Relations with: Continental General Tire, Inc. (USA) Mexican affiliates: Grupo Contitech; General Tire de Mxico, S.A. de C.V.
Sr. Guillermo Gonzlez Nova Presidente del Consejo de Administracin CONTROLADORA COMERCIAL MEXICANA, S.A. DE C.V. Magnocentro s/n, Lt. 1 Mz. 2 Col. San Fernando la Herradura 52760 Huixquilucan, Mx. RFC CME870331 AZ2
Tel. 52 70 92 01 & 02, 52 70 90 00 Fax 52 70 92 98 ggonzale@mail.comerci.com.mx http://www.comercialmexicana.com.mx Established 1931 NAICS 45291 Warehouse Clubs & Superstores
Sales range US $ 1-10 billion a year Imports range US $ 100-999 million a year: Groceries; Clothing; General Merchandise. Mexican affiliates: Centro Comercial rbita, S.A.; Centros Comerciales, S.A.; Costco de Mxico, S.A. de C.V.; Distribuidora Comersa, S.A. de C.V.; Districomex, S.A. de C.V.; Hipertiendas Europeas, S.A. de C.V.; Restaurantes California, S.A. de C.V.; Sumesa Hiperizcalli, S.A. de C.V.; Tiendas Comercial Mexicana, S.A. de C.V.; Tiendas Supermercados, S.A. de C.V. Listed in the Mexican Stock Exchange and the New York Stock Exchange (American Depositary Receipts); ticker symbol: COMERCI Board of Directors: Sr. Guillermo Gonzlez Nova (Chairman), Sr. Jaime Gonzlez Nova (Vice-Chairman), Sr. Carlos Gonzlez Zabalegui (Vice-Chairman), Sr. Rogerio Casas Alatriste Hernndez (Comisario), Sr. Jos Luis Rico Maciel (Secretary), Lic. Javier Cant Charles, Ing. Santiago Garca Garca, Sra. Elena M. Gonzlez de Guichard, Sr. Pablo J. Gonzlez Guerra, Sr. Carlos Gonzlez Nova, Ing. Francisco Martnez de la Vega Quiroz, Lic. ngel Portilla Gonzlez, C.P. Fermn Portilla San Martn
Lic. Fernando Lanzagorta Alverde Gerente General CONTROLADORA DE FARMACIAS, S.A. DE C.V. (COFAR) Vasco de Quiroga 3100, piso 1 Centro de Ciudad Santa Fe 01210 Mxico, D.F. RFC CFA930628 ET2
Sales range US $ 100-999 million a year Mexican affiliates: Nadro, S.A. de C.V.
Tel. 52 92 41 91, 52 92 41 75 Ext. 9501, 9595 Fax 52 92 41 91, 52 92 41 75 Ext. 9597 flanzagorta@cofar.com.mx Established 1993 NAICS 44611 Pharmacies & Drug Stores
Lic. Natan Opalin Oberfeld Director General CONTROLADORA MILANO, S.A. DE C.V. Puebla 329, piso 1 Col. Roma Norte 06700 Mxico, D.F. RFC CMI961128 32A
Tel. 55 53 82 33 Ext. 0514 Fax 52 41 05 24 direccion@milano.com.mx Established 1959 NAICS 42232 Men's & Boys' Clothing & Furnishings Wholesalers
Sales range US $ 100-999 million a year Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Perfumes; Clothing. Mexican affiliates: Detiqueta, S.A. de C.V.; Por Distincin, S.A. de C.V.; Publiober, S.A. de C.V.; Ravennamil, S.A. de C.V.
Sr. Jos Valls Delmar Presidente CONVERTEX, S.A. DE C.V. Reforma 915 Col. Lomas de Chapultepec 11000 Mxico, D.F. RFC CON980203 QD2
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Exports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Yarns. Mexican affiliates: Fabrimalla de Mxico, S.A. de C.V.
Tel. 52 02 77 51 Fax 52 02 88 12 crodriguez@convertex.com.mx http://www.convertex.com.mx Established 1966 NAICS 313112 Yarn Texturing, Throwing & Twisting Mills
Sr. Jorge Salcedo Padilla Presidente CONVERTIDORA INDUSTRIAL, S.A. DE C.V. Ro de la Loza 2073 Col. Atlas 44800 Guadalajara, Jal. RFC CIN831006 6Z6
Tel. (33) 36 68 69 00 Ext. 6123 Fax (33) 36 30 44 99 iriss@conver.com.mx http://www.conver.com.mx Established 1983 NAICS 326199 All Other Plastics Product Mfg
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Exports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Globes Raw Materials for Metallized; Packing & Baling. Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Steel Lamination, Equipment; Graphic Arts Equipment; Globes Raw Materials for Metallized. Foreign investments: Prairie Supply, Inc. (USA) Mexican affiliates: Asesora Ejecutiva de Negocios, S.A. de C.V.; Converexport, S.A. de C.V.; Internacional de Envases y Globos, S.A. de C.V.; La Cocina de Mam, S.A. de C.V. Listed in the Mexican Stock Exchange; ticker symbol: CONVER Board of Directors: Sr. Jorge Salcedo Padilla (Chairman), C.P. Emilio Gutirrez Borbolla (Comisario), Lic. Ricardo Estrada Garibay (Secretary), Sr. Carlos Bachrach, Sr. Alejandro de la Garza Hesles, Sr. Arturo Flores Melndez, Sr. Julio Csar Gmez Fernndez, Sr. Omar Raymundo Gmez Flores, Sr. Juan Jaime Petersen Farah, Sr. Eduardo Ramos de la Cajiga, Lic. Rodolfo Rodrguez Garca, Sr. Rodolfo Rodrguez Peinado
Lic. Guillermo lvarez Cuevas Director General COOPERATIVA LA CRUZ AZUL, S.C.L. Torres Adalid 517, piso 7 Col. del Valle 03100 Mxico, D.F. RFC CCA950819 TGA
Tel. 56 87 20 30 Ext. 2801 to 2804 Fax 56 82 67 73 htapia@cruzazul.com.mx http://www.cruzazul.com.mx Established 1931 NAICS 32731 Cement Mfg
Exports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Cement and Concrete. Imports range US $ 10-99 million a year: Cement Manufacturing Equipment. Mexican affiliates: Asesora y Servicios Profesionales Grupo Azul, S.C.; Comercializadora Azul, S.A. de C.V.; Concretos Cruz Azul, S.A. de C.V.
Ing. Marion L. Eddins Presidente COOPER CROUSE-HINDS, S.A. DE C.V. Javier Rojo Gmez 1170 Col. Guadalupe del Moral 09300 Mxico, D.F. RFC CCH600926 9A6
Tel. 58 04 40 00 Ext. 4077, 58 04 40 77 Fax 58 04 40 78 http://www.crouse-hinds.com Established 1955 NAICS 335129 Other Lighting Equipment Mfg
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Exports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Explosion Proof Products; Lamp Fixtures and Ilumination Products. Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Manufactured Products; Semi-Manufactured Products; Raw Materials; Machinery and Spare Parts. Relations with: Cooper Industries Inc. (USA); Crouse Hinds Electrical Construction Materials (USA) Foreign offices: Syracuse, NY (USA)
Ing. Luis Humberto Huerta Jimnez Gerente de Planta COOPER-STANDARD AUTOMOTIVE SEALING DE MXICO, S.A. DE C.V. Mxico 101 Parque Industrial San Francisco 20303 San Francisco de los Romo, Ags. RFC CAS950105 Q36
Tel. (449) 9 10 00 00 Ext. 4451, 4434 Fax (449) 9 10 00 00 Ext. 4412, 4435 hhuerta@cooperstandard.com http://www.coopertire.com Established 1995 NAICS 326291 Rubber Product Mfg for Mechanical Use
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Rubber - Natural & Synthetic; Steel; Iron Straps. Foreign investments: Cooper Standard Automotive (USA). Foreign offices: Detroit, MI (USA).
Sra. Purita Leonor Prieto Rivera Presidenta del Consejo COORDINACIN INDUSTRIAL MEXICANA, S.A. DE C.V. (CIMSA) Cuautla 100 Col. Miraval 62270 Cuernavaca, Mor. RFC CIM961126 B45
Tel. (777) 3 29 89 00 Ext. 3039, 3046 Fax (777) 3 14 45 17 mflores@cimsacv.com.mx Established 1996 NAICS 312111 Soft Drink Mfg
Mexican affiliates: Embotelladora de Cuernavaca, S.A. de C.V.; Embotelladora de Toluca, S.A. de C.V.
Ing. Roberto Valds Quintanilla Director General COPACHISA, S.A. DE C.V. Valle Escondido 5700, piso 3 Fracc. Desarrollo El Saucito 31125 Chihuahua, Chih. RFC COP800201 3X6
Tel. (614) 4 39 39 00 Ext. 3918, 4 39 39 18 Fax (614) 4 39 39 19 buzon@copachisa.com http://www.copachisa.com Established 1958 NAICS 23331 Mfg & Industrial Building Construction NAICS 23493 Industrial Nonbuilding Structure Construction
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Construction Materials. Relations with: Suitt International Co. & Suerdrup Facilities (USA) Mexican affiliates: Concreto, S.A.; Demek, S.A. de C.V.; Grupo Ruba; Ingeniera de Estructuras Metlicas y de Concreto, S.A. de C.V.; Inmobiliaria Ruba, S.A. de C.V.; Ruba Servicios, S.C.
Lic. Enrique Coppel Luken Presidente y Director General COPPEL, S.A. DE C.V. Repblica 2859 Pte., piso 1 Col. Recursos Hidrulicos 80100 Culiacn, Sin. RFC COP920428 Q20
Tel. (667) 7 59 42 90, 7 59 42 91, 7 59 42 34, 7 59 42 80, 7 59 42 70 Fax (667) 7 59 42 50 enrique@coppel.com http://www.coppel.com Established 1949 NAICS 45211 Department Stores
Sales range US $ 100-999 million a year Imports range US $ 10-99 million a year: Electronics; Furniture; Clothes; Bicycles; Tires; Watches; Refrigerators. Listed in the Mexican Stock Exchange; ticker symbol: ALMACO Board of Directors: Lic. Enrique Coppel Luken (Chairman), Sr. Agustn Coppel Luken (Secretary), Sr. Guillermo lvarez Lpez (Treasurer), Sr. Carlos Coppel Lemmenmeyer, Ing. Alberto Coppel Luken, Lic. Jos Coppel Luken, Sr. Rubn Coppel Luken, Sr. Enrique Coppel Tamayo, Lic. Carlos Dumois Nez, Lic. Ricardo Mortn Bringas Lic. Jos Antonio Morera Naveda, Dr. Sergio Reyes Carrasco
Sr. Enrique Emilio Marcos Giacomn Director General CORPORACIN CONTROL, S.A. DE C.V. (WOOLWORTH) Padre Mier 167 Pte. Centro 64000 Monterrey, N.L. RFC CCO830308 RE0
Tel. (81) 83 29 55 00 Ext. 5401, 5402, 5403 Fax (81) 83 29 55 00 Ext. 5407 elena.diaz@ccontrol.com.mx http://www.grupodelsol.com.mx Established 1954 NAICS 45211 Department Stores
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Imports range US $ 10-99 million a year: General Merchandise. Relations with: Woolworth Corp. (USA)
Lic. Javier Moreno Valle Presidente CORPORACIN DE NOTICIAS E INFORMACIN, S.A. DE C.V. (CNI CANAL 40) Montecito 38, Edif. WTC, piso 41 Col. Npoles 03810 Mxico, D.F. RFC CNI920507 BVA
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year
Tel. 54 88 24 40 Ext. 3007, 3008, 55 20 40 21, 54 88 24 57 & 58 Fax 54 88 24 59 preside@cni40.com.mx http://www.cnienlinea.com.mx Established 1992 NAICS 51312 Television Broadcasting
Sr. Pedro Costales Casabona Director CORPORACIN DE SERVICIOS XXI, S.A. DE C.V. Poniente 146 # 730 Col. Industrial Vallejo 02300 Mxico, D.F. RFC CSX020308 900
Tel. 50 78 20 00 Fax 50 78 20 95, 50 78 20 00 recepcion@mx.inditex.com http://www.inditex.com Established 1992 NAICS 44812 Women's Clothing Stores
Ing. Miguel Rincn Arredondo Presidente CORPORACIN DURANGO, S.A. DE C.V. Potasio 150 Col. Ciudad Industrial 34220 Durango, Dgo. RFC CDU980629 JF5
Tel. (618) 8 29 10 00 Ext. 1003, 8 29 10 03 Fax (618) 8 14 14 23 Mexico City: 53 10 57 15, 58 31, 60 82 http://www.gidusa.com.mx Established 1998 NAICS 32213 Paperboard Mills NAICS 322121 Paper (except Newsprint) Mills NAICS 322211 Corrugated & Solid Fiber Box Mfg
Sales range US $ 100-999 million a year Exports range US $ 10-99 million a year: Paper (Kraft); Cellulose; Paper (Newsprint). Imports range US $ 100-999 million a year: Paper. Foreign investments: Durango Paper (USA); McKinley Co. (USA); McKinley Container LP (USA); McKinley Fiber (USA); McKinley Paper Co. (USA); Recycled Material Management (USA) Mexican affiliates: Administracin Corporativa de Durango, S.A. de C.V.; Bolsas y Papeles de Jalisco, S.A. de C.V.; Bolsas y Papeles de Mxico, S.A. de C.V.; Cajas de Cartn Monterrey, S.A. de C.V.; Cajas y Corrugados de Chihuahua, S.A. de C.V.; Cajas y Empaques de Occidente, S.A. de C.V.; Cajas y Empaques Izcalli, S.A. de C.V.; Cajas y Envases del Pacfico, S.A. de C.V.; Cartones y Empaques del Sur, S.A. de C.V.; Cartonpack, S.A. de C.V.; Celulosa y Papel de Mxico, S.A. de C.V.; Compaa Industrial de Atenquique, S.A. de C.V.; Ectsa International, S.A. de C.V.; Empaques de Atenquique, S.A. de C.V.; Empaques de Cartn Titn, S.A. de C.V.; Empaques y Cartn Corrugado, S.A.; Envases Varios, S.A. de C.V.; Envases y Empaques de Mxico, S.A. de C.V.; Envases y Empaques de Sonora, S.A. de C.V.; Fbricas de Papel Tuxtepec, S.A. de C.V.; Forestal Ponderosa, S.A. de C.V.; Industrias Centauro, S.A. de C.V.; Ingeniera y Construcciones Forestales, S.A. de C.V.; Leas Duranguenses, S. de R.L. de C.V.; Maderas Moldeadas, S.A. de C.V.; Paneles Ponderosa, S.A. de C.V.; Papelera Heda, S.A. de C.V.; Papeles Titn, S.A. de C.V.; Plywood Ponderosa de Mxico, S.A. de C.V.; Ponderosa Industrial de Mxico, S.A. de C.V.; Productora e Importadora de Papel, S.A. de C.V.; Productora Nacional de Papel Destintado, S.A. de C.V.; Sacos Mexicanos, S.A. de C.V.; Sacos y Envases de Mxico, S.A. de C.V.; Soquimex, S.A. de C.V.; Transportes Forestales de Durango, S.A. de C.V.; Triplay Ponderosa de Durango, S.A. de C.V. Listed in the Mexican Stock Exchange and the New York Stock Exchange (American Depositary Receipts); ticker symbol: CODUSA Board of Directors: Ing. Miguel Rincn Arredondo (Chairman), Dr. Jos Antonio Rincn Arredondo (Vice-Chairman), Sr. Ral Guerra Rodrguez (Comisario), Lic. Gabriel Villegas Salazar (Secretary), Sr. ngel del Palacio Elizondo, Sr. Alfonso Fernndez de Castro, Sr. Roberto Isaac Hernndez, Ing. Ignacio Rincn Arredondo, Sr. Jess Rincn Arredondo, Ing. Wilfrido Rincn Arredondo
Arq. Luis Orvaanos Lascurin Presidente CORPORACIN GEO, S.A. DE C.V. (GRUPO GEO) Margaritas 433, piso 2 Col. Ex-Hacienda Guadalupe Chimalistac 01050 Mxico, D.F. RFC CGE891231 NH6
Tel. 54 80 50 00 Ext. 5020, 5021, 54 80 50 20, 54 80 50 21 Fax 55 54 60 64 lorvananos@casasgeo.com http://www.casasgeo.com Established 1973 NAICS 23311 Land Subdivision & Land Development
Sales range US $ 100-999 million a year Imports range US $ 10-99 million a year: Construction Equipment. Relations with: Geosal (Chile) Foreign investments: Geo Beazer; Inversiones Geochile Ltd. (Chile) Mexican affiliates: Geo Baja California, S.A. de C.V.; Geo Distrito Federal, S.A. de C.V.; Geo Edificaciones, S.A. de C.V.; Geo Guanajuato, S.A. de C.V.; Geo Guerrero, S.A. de C.V.; Geo Hidalgo, S.A. de C.V.; Geo Hogares Ideales, S.A. de C.V.; Geo Importex, S.A. de C.V.; Geo Jalisco, S.A. de C.V.; Geo Monterrey, S.A. de C.V.; Geo Morelos, S.A. de C.V.; Geo Oaxaca, S.A. de C.V.; Geo Puebla, S.A. de C.V.; Geo Quertaro, S.A. de C.V.; Geo Reynosa, S.A. de C.V.; Geo Tampico, S.A. de C.V.; Geo Tijuana, S.A. de C.V.; Geo Veracruz, S.A. de C.V.; Promotora de Hogares Ideales, S.A. de C.V. Listed in the Mexican Stock Exchange and PORTAL (American Depositary Receipts); ticker symbol: GEO Board of Directors: Arq. Luis Orvaanos Lascurin (Chairman), Sr. Joaqun Gmez lvarez (Comisario), Lic. Toms Lozano Molina (Secretary), Sr. Alfredo Abdeljalek Carrasco (Treasurer), Sr. Jos Manuel Agudo Roldn, Sr. Francisco Arellano Bentez, Lic. Jos Carral Escalante, Sr. Roberto Cruz y Serrano, Sr. Emilio Cuenca Friederichsen, Sr. Carlos Garca Vlez Cortazar, Sr. Eduardo Miguel ngel Gmez Mont Urueta, Sr. Miguel Gmez Mont Urueta, Sr. John O'Donnell, Sr. John D. O'Donell
Sr. Apolinar Vzquez Raa Presidente CORPORACIN HERMANOS VZQUEZ, S.A. DE C.V. Universidad 2014, piso 4 Col. Copilco Universidad 04360 Mxico, D.F. RFC CHV040317 U28
Tel. 53 22 04 00 Ext. 2030, 56 58 40 93 Fax 56 58 41 38 http://www.hermanosvazquez.com.mx Established 1944 NAICS 44211 Furniture Stores
Imports range US $ 10-99 million a year: Chairs & Armchairs; Living Room Furniture; Furniture; Decorating Articles; Linen; Domestic Appliances; Clocks; Gifts; Glass; Bedroom Furniture; Dining Room Furniture; Baby Supplies; Sport Articles; Household Appliances; Home Appliances; Kitchen Equipment. Mexican affiliates: Compaa Hermanos Vzquez, S.A.de C.V.
Lic. Alejandro Sobern Kuri Presidente CORPORACIN INTERAMERICANA DE ENTRETENIMIENTO, S.A. DE C.V. (CIE) Paseo de las Palmas 1005, PH Col. Lomas de Chapultepec 11000 Mxico, D.F. RFC CIE950825 6Z2
Sales range US $ 100-999 million a year Imports range US $ 10-99 million a year
Tel. 52 01 90 00 Ext. 9476, 52 01 94 76, 52 01 94 63 Fax 52 01 94 65 asoberon@cie.com.mx http://www.cie.com.mx Established 1995 NAICS 71119 Other Performing Arts Companies
Foreign investments: Cie R&P Buenos Aires (Argentina); Grupo Mundo (Argentina); Grupo Mundo (Chile); Ocesa Presents (USA); Sitel Colombia (Colombia) Mexican affiliates: Administradora Mexicana de Hipdromos, S.A. de C.V.; Administradora y Operadora de Parques de Diversiones, S.A. de C.V.; Cie Internacional, S.A. de C.V.; Grupo Empresarial Chapultepec, S.A. de C.V.; Grupo Mgico Internacional, S.A. de C.V.; Make Pro, S.A. de C.V.; Ocesa, S.A. de C.V.; Ocesa Entretenimiento, S.A. de C.V.; Ocesa Presenta, S.A. de C.V.; Opera Show; Publitop, S.A. de C.V.; Rac Producciones, S.A. de C.V.; Remex, S.A. de C.V.; Servicios Alimentos y Bebidas Especializados, S.A. de C.V.; Servicios Corporativos CIE, S.A. de C.V.; Sitel Mxico, S.A. de C.V.; Stactika, S.A. de C.V.; Teleservicios de Valor Agregado, S.A. de C.V.; Venta de Boletos por Computadora, S.A. de C.V. Listed in the Mexican Stock Exchange; ticker symbol: CIE Board of Directors: Lic. Alejandro Sobern Kuri (Chairman), Lic. Alejandro Rodrguez Maurice (Secretary), Ing. Jos Manuel Alavez Gonzlez, Lic. Roberto Albarrn Campillo, Dr. Carlos Elizondo Mayer-Serra, Lic. Rodrigo Gonzlez Calvillo, Dr. Gabriel Jaramillo Sanint
Sr. Carlos Herranz Bonache Presidente CORPORACIN INTERPUBLIC MEXICANA, S.A. DE C.V. (Mc CANN-ERICKSON MXICO) Palo Santo 22, piso 3 Col. Lomas Altas 11950 Mxico, D.F. RFC CIM781222 GA1
Tel. 52 58 59 00, 52 58 59 01 Ext. 5979, 52 58 59 79 Fax 52 58 59 17 gabriela.diaz@mccann.com.mx grupomccann@mccann.com.mx http://www.mccann.com.mx Established 1947 NAICS 54181 Advertising Agencies
Billings range US $ 10-99 million a year Relations with: IPG The Interpublic Group of Companies (USA); McCann-Erickson Worldwide Corp. (USA) Mexican affiliates: Promidsa, S.A. de C.V.; Universal McCann, S.A. de C.V.
Lic. Gil Sverdlin Florman Director General CORPORACIN KASA AUTOMOTRIZ, S.A. DE C.V. Blvd. Manuel vila Camacho 2304 Col. San Lucas Tepetlacalco 54050 Tlalnepantla, Mx. RFC CKA860902 2K4
Tel. 53 66 78 00 Ext. 7801, 53 66 78 01 Fax 53 66 78 00 Ext. 2232 kasaautomotriz@dchrysler.com.mx http://www.kasachrysler.com.mx Established 1986 NAICS 44111 New Car Dealers
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Mexican affiliates: Angelpolis Vehculos, S.A. de C.V.; Autokasa Viaducto, S.A. de C.V.; Kasa Automotriz, S.A. de C.V.; Lomas Verdes Vehculos, S.A. de C.V.; Satlite Vehculos, S.A. de C.V.
Ing. Guy Lassauzet Solar Director General CORPORACIN MEXICANA DE RESTAURANTES, S.A. DE C.V. (WINGS) Lago Hielmar 44 Col. Anhuac 11320 Mxico, D.F. RFC WIN811210 PVO
Tel. 52 63 69 00 Ext. 6801, 52 63 69 10 Fax 52 54 17 62 http://www.cmr.ws http://www.wings.com.mx Established 1967 NAICS 722211 Limited-Service Restaurants
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Milk & Dairy Products; Computer Equipment, Programs, Accessories & Supplies; Meat (all Types); Canned Food; Wine & Licquors. Relations with: Brinker International (USA) Mexican affiliates: Centro Restaurantero Mexicano, S.A. de C.V.; Contrumex, S.A. de C.V. Listed in the Mexican Stock Exchange; ticker symbol: CMR Board of Directors: Lic. Joaqun Vargas Guajardo (Chairman), C.P. Walter Giovanni Fraschetto Valds (Comisario), Sr. Alberto Facha Garca (Secretary), Ing. Gastn Azcrraga Andrade, Lic. Eduardo Berrondo valos, Lic. Alejandro Mart Garca, Lic. Herminio Padruno Santos, Sr. Jos Joaqun Vargas Gmez
Ing. Antonio Taracena Sosa Director General CORPORACIN MOCTEZUMA, S.A. DE C.V. Monte Elbruz 134, PH Col. Lomas de Chapultepec 11000 Mxico, D.F. RFC CMO910527 541
Sales range US $ 100-999 million a year
Tel. 52 79 59 01, 52 79 59 00 Fax 52 80 00 95 acastro@cmoctezuma.com.mx http://www.cmoctezuma.com.mx Established 1982 NAICS 32731 Cement Mfg NAICS 32732 Ready-Mix Concrete Mfg
Mexican affiliates: Arrendadora de Equipos, S.A. de C.V.; Canteras y Procesados, S.A. de C.V.; Cementos Moctezuma, S.A. de C.V.; Cementos Portland Moctezuma, S.A. de C.V.; Inmobiliaria Lacosa, S.A. de C.V.; Latinoamericana de Comercio, S.A. de C.V.; Latinoamericana de Concretos, S.A. de C.V.; Latinoamericana de Agregados y Concretos, S.A. de C.V. Listed in the Mexican Stock Exchange; ticker symbol: CMOCTEZ Board of Directors: Sr. Juan Molins Amat (Chairman), C.P. Javier Soni Ocampo (Comisario), Sr. Roberto Cannizzo Consiglio (Secretary), Sr. Enrico Buzzi, Sr. Franco Buzzi, Sr. Jos Antonio Marqunez Moraza, Sr. Santiago Molins Amat, Sr. Alfonso Salem Slim
Sr. Joe Jumayao Director General CORPORACIN NACIONAL DE RADIODETERMINACIN, S.A. DE C.V. (CNR) Ro Tber 100, piso 6 Col. Cuauhtmoc 06500 Mxico, D.F. RFC CNR881115 8D4
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Relations with: Qualcomm Inc. (USA)
Tel. 52 07 09 60 Ext. 1001, 55 25 32 52 Fax 52 07 09 60 Ext. 3009 mrodriguez@omnitracs.com.mx http://www.omnitracs.com.mx Established 1988 NAICS 42169 Other Electronic Parts & Equipment Wholesalers
Ing. Enrique Pellico Daroca Director General CORPORACIN PIPSA, S.A. DE C.V. Francisco I. Madero 233 Zona Industrial 66350 Santa Catarina, N.L. RFC CPI930826 BM9
Tel. (81) 83 36 20 80, 83 36 36 90, 83 36 21 20 Ext. 121, 83 36 27 23 Fax (81) 83 36 31 79 corpopipsa@infosel.net.mx Established 1959 NAICS 325188 All Other Basic Inorganic Chemical Mfg
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Exports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Litharge (Processed, Pelletized & Granular); Battery Oxide. Relations with: Standard Industries, Inc. (USA); Power Sonic Corp. (USA); O & C (USA); OI-Neg America (USA); General Electric Co. (USA); Nippon Electric Glass Co., Ltd. (Japan); Asahi Glass Co., Ltd. (Japan)
Lic. Octavio Quintero Ruiz Director Corporativo CORPORACIN RAMA, S. DE R.L. DE C.V. Ao de Jurez 223, piso 1 Col. Granjas Agrcola de San Antonio 09070 Mxico, D.F. RFC CRA850215 NV5
Tel. 58 04 18 00 Ext. 1863, 58 04 18 63 Fax 58 04 18 26 http://www.corprama.com.mx Established 1985 NAICS 44131 Automotive Parts, Accessories & Tire Stores
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Mexican affiliates: Centro de Distribucin, S.A. de C.V.; Corporacin Qumica Automotriz, S.A. de C.V.; Mayoreo de Refacciones Autom. California, S.A. de C.V.; Rectificaciones Originales Disel, S.A. de C.V.; Refaccionaria California Cuautla, S.A. de C.V.; Refaccionaria California, S.A. de C.V.; Refaccionaria Culhuacn, S.A. de C.V.; Refaccionaria Eje 3 Norte, S.A. de C.V.; Refaccionaria Pino Surez, S.A. de C.V.; Refaccionaria y Rectificaciones California, S.A. de C.V.; Roa Mexicana, S.A. de C.V.
C.P. Juan Ramn Ramrez Luna Director General CORPORATIVO CAME, S.A. DE C.V. Lope de Vega 117, piso 5-502 Col. Chapultepec Morales 11570 Mxico, D.F. RFC ICA780522 DM1
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Mexican affiliates: Inmobiliaria Came, S.A. de C.V.
Tel. 52 54 25 41 Ext. 103, 114 Fax 52 55 52 78 info8@camecorp.com.mx Established 1978 NAICS 23322 Multifamily Housing Construction
Lic. Juan Bosco Maldonado Quiroga Presidente CORPORATIVO COPAMEX, S.A. DE C.V. Montes Apalaches 101 Col. Residencial San Agustn 66260 San Pedro Garza Garca, N.L. RFC CCO830402 ND4
Tel. (81) 81 52 60 00 Ext. 6004, 81 52 60 04 Fax (81) 81 52 60 09 Mexico City: 52 62 69 00 masantos@copamex.com http://www.copamex.com Established 1928 NAICS 32213 Paperboard Mills NAICS 321113 Sawmills
Sales range US $ 100-999 million a year Exports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Paper (Semi Kraft Type MK Glassines); Paper (Bond). Imports range US $ 100-999 million a year: Cellulose; Scrap. Relations with: Cuplak, Inc. (USA); General Electric Co. (USA) Mexican affiliates: Comercial Recicladora, S.A.; Compaa Papelera Maldonado, S.A.; Copamex Bienes Races, S.A.; Copamex Comercial, S.A. de C.V.; Copamex Industrias, S.A. de C.V.; Inpamex, S.A. de C.V.; Inpamex Huehuetoca, S.A. de C.V.; Mexicana de Bolsas de Papel, S.A.; Papelera de Chihuahua, S.A. de C.V.; Papeles Higinicos de Mxico, S.A.; Papeles Higinicos del Centro, S.A. de C.V.; Pondercel, S.A. de C.V.; Sancela, S.A. de C.V.
Ing. Arturo Rosendo Caballero Padilla Director General CORPORATIVO ESPECIALIDADES, S.A. DE C.V. (CORESA) Vasconcelos 650 Ote. Col. Valle del Campestre 66265 San Pedro Garza Garca, N.L. RFC CES831115 8D1
Tel. (81) 83 35 76 11, 83 35 76 71 Ext. 19, 17 Fax (81) 83 35 76 11 Ext. 37 Established 1983 NAICS 325131 Inorganic Dye & Pigment Mfg
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Mexican affiliates: Especialidades Mercantiles, S.A. de C.V.; Especialidades Qumicas Monterrey, S.A. de C.V.; Fordath, S.A. de C.V.; Spirax Sarco Mexicana, S.A. de C.V.
Lic. Javier Arroyo Chvez Presidente y Director General CORPORATIVO FRAGUA, S.A. DE C.V. Enrique Daz de Len 261, Sector Hidalgo Col. Villaseor 44200 Guadalajara, Jal. RFC CFR830926 HU8
Sales range US $ 100-999 million a year
Tel. (33) 36 69 33 33 Ext. 200, 36 69 33 34 Fax (33) 36 69 33 35 jarroyo@fragua.com.mx http://www.fragua.com.mx Established 1942 NAICS 44611 Pharmacies & Drug Stores
Mexican affiliates: Farmacia Guadalajara, S.A. de C.V.; Fotosistemas Especializados, S.A. de C.V.; Organizacin de Vigilancia Comercial, S.A.de C.V.; Transporte y Envos de Guadalajara, S.A. de C.V. Listed in the Mexican Stock Exchange; ticker symbol: FRAGUA Board of Directors: Lic. Javier Arroyo Chvez (Chairman), Ps. Guillermina Arroyo Chvez (Vice-Chairman), Lic. Alberto Tapia Venegas (Comisario), Sr. Jaime Garay Nuo (Secretary), Lic. Francisco Arroyo Jimnez, Sr. Rodrigo Arroyo Jimnez, Lic. Patricia Arroyo Navarro, Lic. Pedro Garibay Garca de Quevedo, Lic. Ren Toussaint Villaseor
Lic. Armando Govea Gil Director General CORPORATIVO PLUS PARA LA PRESTACIN DE SERVICIOS, S.A. DE C.V. Vallarta 6503 Loc. G-2, Plaza Concentro Col. Ciudad Granja 45010 Zapopan, Jal. RFC CPP990329 D11
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year
Tel. (33) 31 10 18 00, 31 10 15 44, 31 10 12 88 Ext. 218 Fax (33) 31 10 14 16 segplus@infosel.net.mx Established 1992 NAICS 561612 Security Guards & Patrol Services
Ing. Jorge Alfredo Valds Simancas Presidente CORPORATIVO VALSI, S.A. DE C.V. Hroes Ferrocarrileros 285 Col. Ferrocarril 44440 Guadalajara, Jal. RFC CVA800627 KD0
Tel. (33) 36 68 25 00 Ext. 701 Fax (33) 36 68 25 00 Ext. 707 mestrada@valsi.com.mx valsi@infosel.net.mx http://www.valsi.com.mx Established 1986 NAICS 333911 Pump & Pumping Equipment Mfg
Exports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Generators; Pump Components (Oil and Water); Washing Machines; Compressors. Imports range US $ 10-99 million a year: Motors - Combustion; Compressor Components; Generators; Pump Components (Oil and Water). Mexican affiliates: Fbrica y Equipo de Bombeo, S.A. de C.V.; Valsi Agrcola Industrial, S.A. de C.V.
Sr. Olivier Richard Samson Director General COSBEL, S.A. DE C.V. Oklahoma 14 Col. Npoles 03810 Mxico, D.F. RFC COS621024 897
Tel. 59 99 56 00 Ext. 5602, 59 99 56 02 Fax 56 82 47 49 gabriela.carreon@mx.loreal.com http://www.lorealparis.com http://www.loreal.com Established 1962 NAICS 32562 Toilet Preparation Mfg
Sales range US $ 100-999 million a year Imports range US $ 10-99 million a year: Raw Materials for Cosmetics Manufacturing; Machinery and Materials. Relations with: L'Oreal (USA) Mexican affiliates: Frabel, S.A. de C.V.
Ing. Alejandro Rodrguez Segovia Director General COSMOCEL, S.A. Va a Matamoros 1501, Apdo. Postal 1, Suc. A Fracc. Industrial Nogalar 66480 San Nicols de los Garza, N.L. RFC COS780701 AU8
Tel. (81) 86 25 31 00 Ext. 202, 86 25 31 13 Fax (81) 86 25 31 18 to 19 info@cosmocel.com.mx http://www.cosmocel.com.mx Established 1960 NAICS 325312 Phosphatic Fertilizer Mfg
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Exports range US $ 10-99 million a year: Phosphates (Food Grade); Leudant Agents; Fertilizers; Plant Growth Promoters. Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Alumina; Chemicals. Relations with: Redox, Inc.
Lic. Jaime Gonzlez Solana Director General COSTCO DE MXICO, S.A. DE C.V. Blvd. Magnocentro 4 Col. San Fernando la Herradura 52760 Huixquilucan, Mx. RFC CME910715 UB9
Tel. 52 46 55 00 Ext. 5611, 52 46 56 11 Fax 52 46 56 12 prosas@costco.com.mx http://www.costco.com http://www.comerci.com.mx Established 1991 NAICS 45211 Department Stores
Sales range US $ 100-999 million a year Mexican affiliates: Distribuidora Comersa, S.A. de C.V.; Districomex, S.A. de C.V.; Hipertiendas Europeas, S.A. de C.V.; Hipertiendas Mxico, S.A. de C.V.; Restaurantes California, S.A. de C.V.; Sumesa Hiperizcalli, S.A. de C.V.; Tiendas Comercial Mexicana, S.A. de C.V.; Tiendas Supermercados, S.A. de C.V.
Lic. Vctor Rodrguez Camarena Director Comercial COSTURA INGLESA, S.A. DE C.V. Insurgentes Sur 421, Edif. A, piso 7, Desp. 702 Conjunto Aristos Col. Hipdromo 06100 Mxico, D.F. RFC CIN970130 6B3
Tel. 55 84 10 25, 55 84 09 68, 55 84 08 92, 55 84 93 33, 55 84 09 43 Ext. 14, 13 Fax 55 64 57 98 arrow@bamex.info http://www.bamex.com.mx Established 1997 NAICS 315228 Men's/Boys' Cut & Sew Oth Outerwear Mfg
Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Notions, Small Wares; Iron Works; Fabrics; Sewing Machines. Relations with: Cluett Peabody & Co., Inc. (USA)
Lic. Pedro Palma Lira Presidente y Director General CREACIONES Y REPRESENTACIONES PALMA, S.A. DE C.V. (CYRPSA) Viaducto Piedad 389 Col. La Cruz 08310 Mxico, D.F. RFC CRP770401 4D8
Tel. 50 89 49 00 Ext. 110 Fax 50 89 49 00 pedropalma@cyrpsa.com Established 1977 NAICS 443111 Household Appliance Stores
Lic. Gerardo Sierra Basurto Director General CRDITO INMOBILIARIO, S.A. DE C.V. Alejandro Dumas 103, PH Col. Chapultepec Polanco 11560 Mxico, D.F. RFC CIN940601 L31
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year
Tel. 52 80 96 96, 52 80 91 96 Ext. 1615 Fax 52 81 50 45 gerardo.sierra@credito-inmobiliario.com.mx http://www.credito-inmobiliario.com.mx Established 1994 NAICS 522292 Real Estate Credit
Ing. Eduardo Portillo Gmez Director de Equipo Original CRISTALES INASTILLABLES DE MXICO, S.A. DE C.V. (CRINAMEX) Av. Central 101 Fracc. Ind. Esfuerzo Nacional Xalostoc 55320 Ecatepec, Mx. RFC CIM520117 TG0
Tel. 52 27 61 00 & 61 Ext. 6101, 52 27 61 01 Fax 52 27 61 92 lmorenol@vitro.com http://www.grupovitro.com Established 1952 NAICS 327211 Flat Glass Mfg
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Exports range US $ 10-99 million a year: Automotive Windshields and Tempered Parts. Imports range US $ 10-99 million a year: Glass - Thermoresistant Raw Materials; Auto Parts. Mexican affiliates: Vitro, S.A.
Ing. Aarn Storms Ramn Director General de Recursos Humanos Latinoamrica CROMPTON CORPORATION, S.A. DE C.V. Insurgentes Sur 1685, piso 11 Col. Guadalupe Inn 01020 Mxico, D.F. RFC CCO001027 A66
Tel. 54 80 08 00 Ext. 0859, 0801, 54 80 08 01, 54 80 08 59 Fax 56 61 91 80 Ext. 0847 aaron_storms@cromptoncorp.com http://www.cromptoncorp.com.mx Established 1969 NAICS 325211 Plastics Material & Resins Mfg
Exports range US $ 10-99 million a year: Rubber Industry Raw Materials. Imports range US $ 10-99 million a year: Petrochemical Products; Stabilizers. Relations with: Uniroyal Chemical Co.
Lic. William Filotas Bajor Director General CROWN ENVASES MXICO, S.A. DE C.V. (CEM) Oriente 107 # 114 Col. Bondojito 07850 Mxico, D.F. RFC CEM910517 9U3
Tel. 57 47 41 00 Ext. 4101, 57 47 41 01 Fax 57 47 41 85 wfilotas@crowncork.com laueso@crowncork.com Established 1944 NAICS 332431 Metal Can Mfg
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Exports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Containers. Imports range US $ 10-99 million a year: Tin Plate; Tools; Chemical Products; Varnishes; Inks; Maintenance Supplies; Aluminum Sheet. Relations with: Crown Cork & Seal Co. Inc. (USA)
Ing. Agustn Franco Macas Presidente CRYOINFRA, S.A. DE C.V. Flix Guzmn 16 Col. El Parque 53390 Naucalpan, Mx. RFC CRY800801 222
Tel. 53 29 33 00 Ext. 3339, 53 29 33 39 Fax 53 29 33 42 crysbp@prodigy.net.mx http://www.cosmos.com.mx/chem/cryoinfra Established 1919 NAICS 32512 Industrial Gas Mfg
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Cryogenic Equipment. Relations with: Air Products & Chemicals, Inc. (USA) Mexican affiliates: Co2 de Mxico, S.A.; Corporativo Infra, S.A. de C.V.; Derivados Qumicos Infra, S.A. de C.V.; Electrodos Infra, S.A. de C.V.; Envases de Acero, S.A. de C.V.; Grupo Infra, S.A. de C.V.; Infra del Pacfico, S.A.; Infra del Sur, S.A. de C.V.; Infra, S.A. de C.V.; Metaloides, S.A. de C.V.; Soldadores Industriales Infra, S.A. de C.V.
Ing. Jorge Eduardo Plascencia Bribiesca Director General CUEROS INDUSTRIALIZADOS DEL BAJO, S.A. DE C.V. (CUINBA) Blvd. Campestre 1515, PB Col. Lomas de Campestre 37150 Len, Gto. RFC CIB740115 7QA
Tel. (477) 7 88 54 00 Ext. 125 Fax (477) 7 88 54 20 molvera@cuinba.com Established 1974 NAICS 31611 Leather & Hide Tanning & Finishing
Exports range US $ 10-99 million a year: Leather & Linings. Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Chemical Products; Tannery Machinery.
Sr. Steve P. Knaebel Presidente Ejecutivo CUMMINS, S. DE R.L. DE C.V. Arqumedes 209 Col. Chapultepec Polanco 11560 Mxico, D.F. RFC CUM871118 F93
Tel. 52 54 38 22 Ext. 4864, 52 54 34 64 Fax 52 54 36 45 knaebel@cummins.com http://www.cummins.com Established 1980 NAICS 333618 Other Engine Equipment Mfg
Sales range US $ 100-999 million a year Exports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Diesel Engines and Components, New and Rebuilt. Imports range US $ 10-99 million a year: Diesel Engine Parts. Relations with: Cummins Engine Company Ltd. (USA) Foreign offices: Indiana, IN (USA)
Ing. Arnulfo Chvez Trevio Director General CUPRUM, S.A. DE C.V. Diego Daz de Berlanga 95-A Col. Nogalar 66480 San Nicols de los Garza, N.L. RFC CUP870529 UG7
Tel. (81) 83 05 88 10 Ext. 8821, 83 05 88 21 Fax (81) 83 05 88 22 arnulfo.chavez@cuprum.com.mx alejandra.manzur@cuprum.com.mx http://www.grupoimsa.com Established 1948 NAICS 331521 Aluminum Die-Casting Foundries
Sales range US $ 100-999 million a year Exports range US $ 10-99 million a year: Aluminum Profiles; Ladders; Irrigation Tubes; Windows and Automotive Products; Engineering Plastic Products. Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Aluminum Billet (6, 7 and 8" 6063 Primary); Aluminum P1020 or Sows (99.7% Pure Prime); Aluminum Profiles; Extrusion Dies; Steel (H13); Fiberglass Rails; Labels; Rivets (galvanized); Locknuts (galvanized); Silica Metal 98% minimum purity; Magnesium 98% minimum purity. Relations with: Emerson (USA) Foreign investments: Louisville Ladder Group (USA) Foreign offices: Louisville, KY (USA); Smyrna, TN (USA) Mexican affiliates: Escaleras, S. de R.L. de C.V.; Grupo Imsa, S.A. de C.V.; Ventanas Cuprum, S.A. de C.V.
Lic. Vctor Manuel Lachica Bravo Presidente y Director General CUSHMAN & WAKEFIELD MXICO / GCI, S. DE R.L. DE C.V. (C&W) Montes Urales 505, piso 1 Col. Lomas de Chapultepec 11000 Mxico, D.F. RFC CWM931103 LW7
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Relations with: Cushman & Wakefield, Inc.
Tel. 52 01 41 00 Ext. 242, 52 01 41 42 Fax 52 01 41 91 victor_lachica@cushwake.com http://www.cushwake.com Established 1992 NAICS 53121 Offices of Real Estate Agents & Brokers
Ing. Toms Gonzlez Sada Presidente y Director General CYDSA CORPORATIVO, S.A. DE C.V. Ricardo Margin Zozaya 565, Edif. B Parque Corporativo Santa Engracia 66267 San Pedro Garza Garca, N.L. RFC CCO961205 8J6
Tel. (81) 81 52 45 00 Ext. 4601, 81 52 46 00 Fax (81) 83 35 50 33 apamanes@cydsa.com http://www.cydsa.com Established 1945 NAICS 314999 All Other Miscellaneous Textile Product Mills NAICS 325188 All Other Basic Inorganic Chemical Mfg NAICS 325211 Plastics Material & Resins Mfg NAICS 325222 Noncellulosic Organic Fiber Mfg
Sales range US $ 100-999 million a year Imports range US $ 10-99 million a year: Vinyl Chloride Monomer (VCM); Toluenediamine (TDA); Dissolving Wood Pulps; Carbon Tetrachloride; Cotton; Chloroform; Polyethylene; Polypropylene; Machinery and Spare Parts. Relations with: Allied Signal Corp. & Crown Crafts (USA) Foreign investments: Cordonsed (Argentina); Intermex Inc. (USA); Masterpak Inc. (USA); MTL Panam (Panama) Foreign offices: Dallas, TX (USA); Laredo, TX (USA); Los Angeles, CA (USA); Bell, CA (USA); Espartanburg, SC (USA); London (UK); San Jose (Costa Rica); Cagua (Venezuela); Bogota (Colombia); Panama (Panama). Mexican affiliates: Aero Servicios Vanguardia, S.A. de C.V.; Atlatec, S.A. de C.V.; Celulosa y Derivados de Monterrey, S.A. de C.V.; Celulosa y Derivados, S.A. de C.V.; Centro de Tecnologa Textil; Confecciones el Fnix, S.A. de C.V.; Derivados Acrlicos, S.A. de C.V.; Gemasa, S.A. de C.V.; Grupo Empresarial de Mejoramiento Ambiental, S.A. de C.V.; Hilatex, S.A. de C.V.; Hilaturas San Marcos, S.A. de C.V.; Industria Qumica del Istmo, S.A. de C.V.; Industrias Cydsa Bayer, S.A. de C.V.; Masterpak Litoenvases, S.A. de C.V.; Masterpak Propirey, S.A. de C.V.; Masterpak Tultitln y Reiprint, S.A. de C.V.; Masterpak, S.A. de C.V.; Operadora de Servicios de Agua, S.A. de C.V.; Plsticos Rex, S.A. de C.V.; Policyd, S.A. de C.V.; Qumica Ecotec, S.A. de C.V.; Quimobsicos, S.A. de C.V.; Ryltex, S.A. de C.V.; Sales del Istmo, S.A. de C.V.; San Jos Textil, S.A. de C.V.; San Marcos Textil, S.A. de C.V.; Serfn; Ultracril, S.A. Listed in the Mexican Stock Exchange; tickey symbol: CYDSASA Board of Directors: Ing. Toms Gonzlez Sada (Chairman), Sr. Rodolfo Gracia del Bosque (Secretary)
Lic. Rodrigo Zambrano Sada Director General CYLINDROS, S.A. DE C.V. Calz. Va Matamoros 900 Col. Garza Cant 66480 San Nicols de los Garza, N.L. RFC CYL490910 AXO
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Relations with: Thompson Tanks; Ingersoll-Rand
Tel. (81) 83 51 27 22 Fax (81) 83 51 73 76, 83 51 09 84 rzs@cylsa.com.mx http://www.cylsa.com.mx Established 1949 NAICS 33241 Power Boiler & Heat Exchanger Mfg
Lic. In Sang Chang Director General DAEWOO ELECTRONICS CORPORATION DE MXICO, S.A. DE C.V. Alce Blanco 36 Fracc. Industrial Alce Blanco 53370 Naucalpan, Mx. RFC DEC930618 TAO
Tel. 53 29 24 00 Ext. 2408, 53 29 24 08 Fax 53 29 24 20, 53 29 24 59 daewoo@daewoo.com.mx carolina@daewoo.com.mx http://www.dwe.daewoo.co.kr Established 1993 NAICS 42143 Computer & Peripheral Equip & Software Wholesalers NAICS 42162 Electric Appliance/TV/Radio Set Wholesalers NAICS 42169 Other Electronic Parts & Equipment Wholesalers
Sales range US $ 1-10 billion a year Exports range US $ 1-10 million a year Imports range US $ 10-99 million a year: BCR; Micro-Wave Ovens; General Audio; Car Audio; Vacuum Cleaner; Air Conditioner. Relations with: Daewood Electronics, Inc. (Korea) Mexican affiliates: Daewoo Home Appliance de Mxico, S.A. de C.V.; Delmex, S.A. de C.V.
Sr. Joseph Chamasrour Presidente y Director General DAIMLERCHRYSLER DE MXICO, S.A. DE C.V. Prol. Reforma 1240, piso 16 Col. Santa Fe 05109 Mxico, D.F. RFC DME720930 CN5
Tel. 50 81 70 00 Ext. 7313, 50 81 73 13 Fax 50 81 74 79 http://www.daimlerchrysler.com.mx Established 1938 NAICS 336211 Motor Vehicle Body Mfg
Sales range US $ 1-10 billion a year Exports range US $ 100-999 million a year: Automobiles; Trucks; Engines (4, 6 and 8 Cylinder); Engine Supports; Automatic Transmissions. Imports range US $ 100-999 million a year: Automobile Assembly Material; Machine Tools and Equipment Non-Productive Material. Relations with: Daimlerchrysler Corp. (USA)
Ing. Jos Vieira Lima Presidente DAIMLERCHRYSLER VEHCULOS COMERCIALES MXICO, S.A. DE C.V. (MERCEDES BENZ) Km. 23.7 Carr. La Marquesa-Tenango 52600 Santiago Tianguistenco, Mx. RFC DVC910102 P75
Sales range US $ 100-999 million a year Exports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Auto Parts. Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Auto Parts. Relations with: Daimlerchrysler, A.G. (Germany)
Tel. (722) 2 79 24 00 Ext. 1390, 1391, 2 79 24 01 Fax (722) 2 79 24 05 Mexico City: 50 81 70 00 josevieira-lima@freightliner.com http://www.mercedes.com Established 1991 NAICS 336211 Motor Vehicle Body Mfg
Ing. Javier Eugenio Martnez Serna Director General DAL-TILE MXICO, S.A. DE C.V. Km. 335 Blvd. Daz Ordaz 66230 San Pedro Garza Garca, N.L. RFC DTM950801 LA9
Tel. (81) 81 24 81 24 Ext. 8083, 81 24 80 83 Fax (81) 81 24 83 38 rosy.galicia@daltile.com.mx http://www.daltile.com.mx Established 1955 NAICS 327122 Ceramic Wall & Floor Tile Mfg
Sales range US $ 100-999 million a year Exports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Tiles. Imports range US $ 10-99 million a year: Raw Materials; Laboratory Equipment. Relations with: Dal-Tile International, Inc. (USA)
Ing. Carlos Porras Macas Director General DANA HEAVY AXLE MXICO, S.A. DE C.V. (DHAM) Alberto Einstein 401 Col. Zona Industrial 50071 Toluca, Mx. RFC DHA980427 PR0
Tel. (722) 2 79 39 00 Ext. 3902, 2 79 39 02 Fax (722) 2 79 39 84, 2 79 39 03 carlos.porras@dana.com http://www.dana.com Established 1964 NAICS 336399 All Other Motor Vehicle Parts Mfg
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Exports range US $ 10-99 million a year: Steer Axles; Gear Sets; I-Beams; Axle Shafts; Input Shafts; Output Shafts; Small Gears: for Drive and Steer Axles; Knuckles and Pinions Forged; Axle Hausings; Foundry. Imports range US $ 10-99 million a year: Steel; Components. Relations with: Dana Corporation (USA) Mexican affiliates: Dana Ejes, S.A. de C.V.
Sr. Ernst-Gnther Lowe Director General DANFOSS, S.A. DE C.V. Carr. Miguel Alemn 162 Col. El Milagro 66600 Apodaca, N.L. RFC DAN030901 KI0
Tel. (81) 81 56 56 00 Ext. 5602, 81 56 56 02 Fax (81) 81 56 56 21 hernan_m@danfoss.com http://www.danfoss.com Established 1988 NAICS 333415 AC/Warm Air Htg & Commercial Refrig Equip Mfg
Exports range US $ 10-99 million a year: Condensers; Thermostats; Valves & Fittings; Compressors; Filters & Filtering Equipment. Imports range US $ 10-99 million a year
C.P. Guillermo Mendoza Tarr Director General DANISCO MXICO, S.A. DE C.V. Av. de la Paz 2137, Sector Jurez Col. Americana 44160 Guadalajara, Jal. RFC DME841130 T45
Tel. (33) 36 15 44 85 Ext. 302, 36 15 46 65 Fax (33) 36 15 47 47 Mexico City: 52 72 07 74 dimexgdl@iserve.net.mx http://www.danisco.com Established 1984 NAICS 311942 Spice & Extract Mfg
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Imports range US $ 10-99 million a year: Sugar; Laboratory Equipment & Supplies; Packing & Baling. Relations with: Danisco AS (Denmark); Danisco, Inc. (USA)
Sr. Jerome Boesch Director General DANONE DE MXICO, S.A. DE C.V. Guillermo Gonzlez Camarena 333 Centro de Ciudad Santa Fe 01210 Mxico, D.F. RFC DME761202 CP9
Tel. 52 58 72 00 Ext. 7428, 52 61 74 28 Fax 52 92 25 93 http://www.danone.com Established 1973 NAICS 311513 Cheese Mfg NAICS 311514 Dry/Condensed/Evaporated Dairy Product Mfg
Sales range US $ 100-999 million a year Imports range US $ 10-99 million a year: Machinery; Raw Materials. Relations with: Danone (France) Mexican affiliates: Grupo Danone
Ing. Luciano Garca Rangel Presidente DART, S.A. DE C.V. Paseo de los Laureles 458, piso 1 Col. Bosques de las Lomas 05120 Mxico, D.F. RFC DAR690801 6M9
Tel. 52 57 76 00 Ext. 7602, 52 57 76 02 Fax 52 57 76 99 lucianogarcia@tupperware.com http://www.tupperware.com http://www.dartsadecv.com.mx Established 1966 NAICS 326199 All Other Plastics Product Mfg
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Exports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Tupperware products (intercompany operations). Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Raw Materials; Houseware Products (intercompany operations). Relations with: Dart Industries, Inc. (USA); Tupperware Home Parties, Inc. (USA)
Ing. Alfonso Moreno Hernndez Director General DAYCO PRODUCTS, S.A. DE C.V. Antonio M. Rivera 1 Fracc. Industrial Tlalnepantla 54000 Tlalnepantla, Mx. RFC DPR941117 5AO
Tel. 53 90 80 43, 53 90 46 46 Ext. 108, 109, 53 90 66 54 Fax 53 90 65 30 alfonso_moreno@markivauto.com http://www.dayco.com.mx Established 1995 NAICS 336312 Gasoline Engine & Engine Parts Mfg
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Cords; Rubbers; Polymers; Fabrics. Relations with: Dayco Products Inc. (USA); Mark IV Industries, Inc. (USA) Mexican affiliates: Dayco Occidente, S.A. de C.V.
Ing. Sergio Manuel Gutirrez Muguerza Director General DEACERO, S.A. DE C.V. Lzaro Crdenas 2333 Ote. Col. Valle Oriente 66260 San Pedro Garza Garca, N.L. RFC DEA710308 6X2
Tel. (81) 83 68 11 11, 83 68 11 00 Ext. 1108, 83 68 11 08 Fax (81) 83 68 12 68 Mexico City: 52 33 51 00 smgtz@deacero.com http://www.deacero.com Established 1952 NAICS 331222 Steel Wire Drawing
Sales range US $ 100-999 million a year Exports range US $ 1-10 million a year Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Maintenance Supplies. Mexican affiliates: Aceros Nacionales, S.A. de C.V.; Alambres Profesionales, S.A. de C.V.
Lic. Francisco Jos Macedo de Jess Director General y Administrador nico DECORACIN Y MANTENIMIENTO SAN RAFAEL, S.A. DE C.V. Francisco del Paso y Troncoso 510 Col. Magdalena Mixhuca 15850 Mxico, D.F. RFC DMS760816 NM4
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year
Tel. 55 52 53 83, 57 64 66 66, 55 52 94 99, 57 64 66 52 Fax 57 64 66 54 fmacedo@sanrafael.com.mx http://www.sanrafael.com.mx Established 1976 NAICS 56172 Janitorial Services
Lic. Jorge Rodrguez Fernndez Director General DEGASA, S.A. DE C.V. Prol. Canal de Miramontes 3775 Col. Ex-Hacienda de San Juan 14300 Mxico, D.F. RFC DEG980701 5H8
Tel. 54 83 31 00 Ext. 3143, 3144, 54 83 31 43, 54 83 31 44 Fax 54 83 31 03, 54 83 31 05 dirgeneral@degasa.com http://www.degasa.com Established 1959 NAICS 339113 Surgical Appliance & Supplies Mfg
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Exports range US $ 1-10 million a year: USP Surgical Grade Cotton Gauze; Conforming and Elastic Bandages; Absorbent Cotton; Surgical and Exam Latex Gloves; Non Woven Products; Antiseptic Liquids (PVP-I). Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Unbleached Powerloom Cotton Gauze Fabrics; Natural Latex; Equipment; Machinery. Mexican affiliates: Desechables Quirrgicos e Industriales, S.A. de C.V.; Guantes Quirrgicos, S.A. de C.V.; Nacional Algodonera, S.A. de C.V.
Sr. Peter Stoessel Director General DEGUSSA MXICO, S.A. DE C.V. Calz. Mxico-Xochimilco 5149 Bis Col. Arenal 14610 Mxico, D.F. RFC DME981117 RQ5
Tel. 54 83 10 00 Ext. 2002 Fax 56 73 10 16 peter.stoessel@degussa.com ramon.magana@degussa.com http://www.degussa.com Established 1968 NAICS 325412 Pharmaceutical Preparation Mfg
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Imports range US $ 10-99 million a year: Aerosil-200; Aerosil-380; Barium Chloride; ElcemaP-100; Micronized Cellulose; Lamp Black (FW-200); Hydrogen Peroxide; Leucine Aminoacid; Methionine Aminoacid. Relations with: Degussa Corp. (USA)
Lic. Diego Ley Lpez Director General DEL CAMPO Y ASOCIADOS, S.A. DE C.V. Carr. A Navolato Km. 12.5 Col. Unidad Campo Batn 80375 Culiacn, Sin. RFC CAS960701 9ZA
Tel. (667) 7 10 03 86, 7 10 03 06 Ext. 20 Fax (667) 7 10 00 18 ocorrales@delcampo.com.mx http://www.delcampo.com.mx Established 1996 NAICS 111219 Other Vegetable (exc Potato) & Melon Farming
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Exports range US $ 10-99 million a year: Hot Peppers; Vegetables. Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year
Ing. Peter Wiegandt Bahnsen Presidente y Director General DELL DE MXICO, S.A. DE C.V. Reforma 2620, piso 11 Col. Lomas Altas 11950 Mxico, D.F. RFC DME920409 9R6
Tel. 50 81 88 00 Ext. 8820, 8868, 50 81 88 20 Fax 50 81 89 25 http://www.dell.com Established 1992 NAICS 42143 Computer & Peripheral Equip & Software Wholesalers
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Relations with: Dell Computer Corp. (USA) Mexican affiliates: Ingram, S.A. de C.V.; Unisys de Mxico, S.A. de C.V.
Ing. Javier Gutirrez Luken Director General DEL MEZQUITAL ALIMENTOS, S.A. DE C.V. Km. 3.5 Carr. Sahuaripa 83299 Hermosillo, Son. RFC MAL950404 QV4
Tel. (662) 2 50 16 20 Ext. 22, 2 50 16 40 Fax (662) 2 50 27 51 fjgutierrez@prodigy.net.mx http://www.mezquitaldeloro.com Established 1932 NAICS 42244 Poultry & Poultry Product Wholesalers NAICS 311612 Meat Processed From Carcasses
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Relations with: Indian River (Germany); Jerome Foods Inc. (USA); Sun Land Beef Co. (USA)
Ing. Carlos Gmez L. Director General DELPHI DIESEL SYSTEMS SERVICE MXICO, S.A. DE C.V. Perifrico Sur 6369, PB Col. Tepepan 14610 Mxico, D.F. RFC DDS850801 L44
Tel. 56 76 98 55 Ext. 210 Fax 56 53 11 45, 01 (800) 00 720 yolanda.moreno@delphi.com http://www.delphi.com Established 1946 NAICS 44131 Automotive Parts, Accessories & Tire Stores
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Exports range US $ 10-99 million a year: Filters & Filtering Equipment; Motors (Combustion) Parts. Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Turbochargers; Pumps; Nozzles; Test Benches; Governors; Diesel Injections Systems Parts. Relations with: Ambac International Inc. (USA); Bacharach Inc. (USA); Delphi Automotive Systems; Dipaco (USA); Garret (USA); Holset Enginnering, Co. Ltd. (USA); Micro Processor Systems (USA); Mitchell (USA); Stanadyne Automotive Corp. (USA);
Sr. Jos Ramrez Rueda Director General DEPARTAMENTAL JOS RAMREZ, S.A. DE C.V. Jurez 64 Centro 91000 Xalapa, Ver. RFC DJR831206 3A4
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year
Tel. (228) 8 18 45 07, 8 18 43 73, 8 18 47 05 Fax (228) 8 18 12 29 ofijr@prodigy.net.mx Established 1983 NAICS 45211 Department Stores
M.B.A. Joaqun Francisco Bueno Fidel Director General DEPSITOS DORMIMUNDO, S.A. DE C.V. Cafetal 116 Col. Granjas Mxico 08400 Mxico, D.F. RFC DDO741228 E12
Sales range US $ 100-999 million a year
Tel. 56 54 16 66, 56 54 16 44, 56 54 16 86 Ext. 2304 Fax 56 54 16 66 dormimfr@mail.internet.com.mx http://www.dormimundo.com.mx Established 1955 NAICS 33791 Mattress Mfg
Ing. Guillermo Bartoni Garza Director General DERIVADOS ACRLICOS, S.A. DE C.V. (DASA) Adolfo Lpez Mateos 1502 Pte. Col. Espaa 20210 Aguascalientes, Ags. RFC DAC840117 665
Tel. (449) 9 10 33 04, 9 10 33 00 Fax (449) 9 10 33 05 Mexico City: 91 03 30 00 gbartoni@cydsa1.com Established 1980 NAICS 313111 Yarn Spinning Mills
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Exports range US $ 10-99 million a year: Acrylic Yarn 100%, NB Dyed and Blends; Acrylic/Cotton NB Dyed. Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Dyestuffs; Paper Cones and Spare Parts. Mexican affiliates: Estambres San Marcos, S.A. de C.V.; Grupo Cydsa, S.A. de C.V.; Hilaturas San Marcos, S.A. de C.V.
Lic. Alonso Andrade Gmez Director General DERIVADOS DE FRUTAS, S.A. DE C.V. Tlalpan 3222 Col. Santa rsula Coapa 04910 Mxico, D.F. RFC DFR860312 ST6
Tel. 56 77 00 22 Ext. 1061 Fax 56 77 00 22 Ext. 1041 direccion_general@mezgo.com http://www.mezgo.com.mx Established 1957 NAICS 312111 Soft Drink Mfg
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Mexican affiliates: Derivados de Frutas de Occidente, S.A. de C.V.; Distribuidora Mezgo, S.A.
Ing. Jos Roberto Quiroz Montero Director General DERIVADOS METAL-ORGNICOS, S.A. DE C.V. (DEMOSA) Los ngeles 3408 Ote. Fracc. Coyoacn 64510 Monterrey, N.L. RFC DMO821112 M27
Tel. (81) 83 31 41 00, 83 51 73 33 Ext. 49 Fax (81) 83 51 73 34 sarizpe@gtrebol.com http://www.demosa.com.mx http://www.gtrebol.com Established 1959 NAICS 325131 Inorganic Dye & Pigment Mfg
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Exports range US $ 1-10 million a year: PVC Stabilizers; Lead Stearate; Calcium Stearate; Zinc Stearate; Barium Sterate; Lead Fumarate; Rollers; Ceramic Zirconium Silicate; Lead Sulfate; Ceramic Frits. Imports range US $ 10-99 million a year: Cobalt Oxide; Lead Oxide; Stearic Acid; Zircon Dioxide; Zircon Sand. Relations with: Atochem, S.A. (France); Colores Cermicos de Tortosa, S.A. (Spain); Elf Atochem North America, Inc. (USA) Mexican affiliates: Grupo Industrial Trbol, S.A. de C.V.
Ing. Gerardo de Nicols Gutirrez Director General DESARROLLADORA HOMEX, S.A. DE C.V. Andador Javier Mina 2914 Centro 80200 Culiacn, Sin. RFC DHO980330 EV6
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year
Tel. (667) 7 58 58 00 Ext. 5821 Fax (667) 7 58 58 11 Mexico City: 52 03 81 71, 52 03 81 79 pmariscal@homex.com.mx Established 1987 NAICS 23322 Multifamily Housing Construction
Lic. Bernardo Riojas Achutegui Presidente DESARROLLADORA METROPOLITANA, S.A. DE C.V. (DEMET) Vasco de Quiroga 2999, PB Col. Santa Fe 01210 Mxico, D.F. RFC DME930114 1W1
Sales range US $ 100-999 million a year
Tel. 52 67 47 00 Ext. 4710, 52 67 47 10 Fax 52 67 47 95 Established 1993 NAICS 23311 Land Subdivision & Land Development
Ing. Armando Licn Figueroa Director General DESARROLLOS BRASA, S.A. DE C.V. Campos Elseos 950, piso 4 Fracc. Campos Elseos 32472 Cd. Jurez, Chih. RFC ADI940328 2J5
Tel. (656) 6 29 05 05 Ext. 1334 Fax (656) 6 29 05 06 http://www.brasa.com.mx Established 1994 NAICS 551112 Offices of Other Holding Companies
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Mexican affiliates: Administradora y Desarrolladora de Inmuebles, S.A. de C.V.; Desarrollos Habitacionales Brasa, S.A. de C.V.; Ferchisa, S.A. de C.V.; Fincas de Chihuahua, S.A. de C.V.; Rayo Plateado, S.A. de C.V.
L.A.E. Fernando Senderos Mestre Presidente DESC CORPORATIVO, S.A. DE C.V. Paseo de los Tamarindos 400-B, piso 32 Col. Bosques de las Lomas 05120 Mxico, D.F. RFC DCO780904 SP9
Sales range US $ 1-10 billion a year Exports range US $ 100-999 million a year Imports range US $ 100-999 million a year: Steel; Feed Grains.
Tel. 52 61 80 00, 57 26 90 11 Ext. 3211, 3200 Fax 52 61 80 53 jvargas@mail.desc.com.mx desc@mail.desc.com.mx http://www.desc.com.mx Established 1973 NAICS 551112 Offices of Other Holding Companies
Foreign investments: Authentic Acquisition Corporation (USA); Chemtech (USA); Mousmex (USA) Mexican affiliates: Aeropycsa, S.A. de C.V.; Agrobos, S.A. de C.V.; Agroken, S.A. de C.V.; Alimentos del Fuerte, S.A. de C.V.; Aquanova, S.A. de C.V.; Authentic Acquisition; Autometales, S.A. de C.V.; Autoplas, S.A.; Autoprecisa, S.A. de C.V.; Big Soft, S.A. de C.V.; Bioquimex Reka, S.A. de C.V.; Bosques de Chiluca; Bosques de las Lomas, S.A. de C.V.; Bujas Mexicanas, S.A. de C.V.; Caadas de Santa Fe, S.A. de C.V.; Cardanes, S.A. de C.V.; Casa Keyerson, S.A. de C.V.; Club Ecuestre Chiluca; Concentrados de Color, S.A. de C.V.; Construbosques, S.A. de C.V.; Corfuerte, S.A. de C.V.; Corporation, Inc.; Corporacin Industrial Reka, S.A. de C.V.; Corporativo Arcos Desc, S.A. de C.V.; Decorlam, S.A.; Desarrollo de Centros Comerciales, S.A. de C.V.; Desarrollos Dine, S.A. de C.V.; Desc Automotriz Comercializadora, S.A. de C.V.; Direccin Irsa, S.A.; Direcdine, S.A. de C.V.; Divisin Dine, S.A. de C.V.; Dynasol Elastmeros, S.A. de C.V.; Ejes Tractivos, S.A. de C.V.; Engranes Cnicos, S.A. de C.V.; Fenoquimia, S.A. de C.V.; Fester de Mxico, S.A. de C.V.; Forjas Spicer, S.A. de C.V.; Forjas y Mquinas, S.A. de C.V.; Girsa Inmobiliaria, S.A. de C.V.; Grupo Agrcola Mexicano, S.A. de C.V.; Grupo Financiero Invermxico, S.A. de C.V.; Hayes Wheels Acero, S.A. de C.V.; Hayes Wheels Chihuahua, S.A.; Holding Aquanova, S.A. de C.V.; Industria Elctrica Automotriz, S.A. de C.V.; Industrias Insa, S.A. de C.V.; Industrias Negromex, S.A. de C.V.; Industrias Resistol, S.A.; Inmobiliaria Akko, S.A. de C.V.; Inmobiliaria Bosques de Apaxco, S.A. de C.V.; Kelsey Hayes Mxico, S.A. de C.V.; Laboratorios Bioquimex, S.A. de C.V.; Moresa, S.A. de C.V.; Morestana, S.A. de C.V.; Nhumo, S.A. de C.V.; Pacific Internacional Airlane, S.A. de C.V.; Paratec, S.A. de C.V.; Pistones Moresa, S.A. de C.V.; Plastiglas de Mxico, S.A. de C.V.; Productora de Qumicos Industriales, S.A. de C.V.; Productos de Estireno, S.A. de C.V.; Productos Estampados de Mxico, S.A. de C.V.; Promocin y Control, S.A. de C.V.; Promociones Bosques; Proyectos y Servicios Administrativos, S.A. de C.V.; Quimir, S.A. de C.V.; Resirene, S.A. de C.V.; Revoplast Servicios a Condominios, S.A. de C.V.; Rexel, S.A. de C.V.; Servicios Administrativos Fester, S.A.; Servicios Administrativos Resistol, S.A.; Servicios Corporativos Arcos, S.A. de C.V.; Servicios Girsa, S.A.; Servidine; Spicer, S.A. de C.V.; Tecno Industria RF, S.A.; TF Vctor, S.A. de C.V.; Transmisiones TSP, S.A. de C.V.; Tremec, S.A. de C.V.; Unik, S.A. de C.V.; Univasa, S.A. de C.V.; Velcon, S.A. de C.V. Listed in the Mexican Stock Exchange and the New York Stock Exchange (American Depositary Receipts); ticker symbol: DESC Board of Directors: L.A.E. Fernando Senderos Mestre (Chairman), Lic. Jos Manuel Canal Hernando (Comisario), Sr. Ernesto Vega Velasco (Secretary), Sr. Rubn Aguilar Monteverde, Lic. Alberto Bailleres Gonzlez, Sr. Eneko de Belausteguigoitia Arocena, Sr. Valentn Diez Morodo, Sr. Federico Fernndez Senderos, Sr. Carlos Gmez y Gmez, Sr. Carlos Gonzlez Zabalegui, Sr. Prudencio Lpez Martnez, Sr. Emilio Mendoza Saeb, Dr. Luis Tllez Kuenzler
Lic. Jos Ibarra Crespo Director General DESTILADORA IBARRA, S.A. DE C.V. Plaza de San Lzaro 21 Centro 15100 Mxico, D.F. RFC DIB980420 IL1
Tel. 55 22 23 28, 55 22 25 10, 55 22 31 84, 55 22 05 28 Ext. 101, 102 Fax 55 22 32 03 contabilidad@destiladoraibarra.com ibarraexport@destiladoraibarra.com http://www.destiladoraibarra.com Established 1981 NAICS 31214 Distilleries
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Exports range US $ 1-10 million a year Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Wine & Licquors; Building Contractors.
Ing. Claus E. Pedersen Kristensen Gerente General Administrativo DE TODO EN ALAMBRE DE AGUASCALIENTES, S.A. DE C.V. Municipio de Asientos 146 Parque Industrial del Valle 20355 Aguascalientes, Ags. RFC TAA890811 IC1
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Exports range US $ 1-10 million a year Mexican affiliates: D.T.A. Comercializaciones, S.A. de C.V.
Tel. (449) 9 73 08 92, 9 73 08 93 Fax (449) 9 73 07 24 dtaags@leggett.com http://www.leggett.com Established 1989 NAICS 332618 Other Fabricated Wire Product Mfg
Srita. Leticia Navarro Ochoa Directora General DHL INTERNATIONAL DE MXICO, S.A. DE C.V. Fuerza Area Mexicana 540 Col. Federal 15700 Mxico, D.F. RFC DHL880115 QTO
Tel. 53 45 20 00, 53 45 70 00 Ext. 2902 Fax 53 45 22 87 dhlmexico@mex-co.mx.dhl.com http://www.dhl.com Established 1979 NAICS 49211 Couriers
Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Computer Equipment, Programs, Accessories & Supplies. Relations with: DHL World Wide Express Network (Belgium)
Ing. Ramn Zamanillo Prez Director General DICONSA, S.A. DE C.V. Insurgentes Sur 3483 antes 4560, PA Col. Miguel Hidalgo 14020 Mxico, D.F. RFC DIC860428 EN3
Sales range US $ 100-999 million a year Government owned
Tel. 56 66 50 53, 56 66 53 03 Fax 56 66 91 93 fvaldes@diconsa.gob.mx http://www.diconsa.gob.mx Established 1964 NAICS 42241 General Line Grocery Wholesalers NAICS 42251 Grain & Field Bean Wholesalers
Ing. Hctor Aguirre Camacho Director General DIEBOLD MXICO, S.A. DE C.V. Durango 199 Col. Roma 06700 Mxico, D.F. RFC DME970301 UV7
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Imports range US $ 10-99 million a year: Automatic Cashiers. Relations with: Diebold, Inc. (USA)
Tel. 56 27 02 01 Ext. 1956 Fax 57 23 19 19 saroa@diebold.com http://www.diebold.com Established 1993 NAICS 42142 Office Equipment Wholesalers
Lic. Alberto Romano Jafif Contralor General DILTEX, S.A. DE C.V. 1 de Mayo 125 Col. San Andrs Atoto 53510 Naucalpan, Mx. RFC DIL851028 UL2
Tel. 55 76 96 33 Ext. 3303 Fax 55 76 55 30 aromano@ilusion.com.mx http://www.ilusion.com.mx Established 1985 NAICS 315231 Women's/Girls' Cut & Sew Lingerie Mfg
Mexican affiliates: Administraciones Hexa, S.A. de C.V.; Comercializadora Hexa, S.A. de C.V.; Franquicias Hexa, S.A. de C.V.; Grupo de Operadora Romano, S.A. de C.V.; Ilusin, S.A. de C.V.; Maquiladora Hexa, S.A. de C.V.; Tiendas Hexa, S.A. de C.V.; Tizayuca Textil Vuva, S.A. de C.V.
Ing. Andrs Baos Samblancat Director de Planeacin Divisin Inmobiliaria DINE, S.A. DE C.V. Paseo de los Tamarindos 400 B, piso 29 Col. Bosques de las Lomas 05120 Mxico, D.F. RFC DIN780412 4M2
Sales range US $ 100-999 million a year Mexican affiliates: Desc, S.A. de C.V.
Tel. 52 61 82 82 Fax 52 61 82 98 rafael.hernandez@desc.com.mx http://www.desc.com.mx Established 1978 NAICS 23322 Multifamily Housing Construction
Ing. scar Felipe Viniegra Gonzlez Director General DIPOL, S.A. DE C.V. Felipe ngeles 645 Col. Blanco y Cullar 44730 Guadalajara, Jal. RFC DIP840920 ME7
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Polyol.
Tel. (33) 36 43 02 00, 36 43 06 13 Ext. 203 Fax (33) 36 55 03 43 dipol@dipol.com.mx http://www.dipol.com.mx Established 1980 NAICS 32615 Foam Product (exc Polystyrene) Mfg
Lic. Miguel Menndez Cmara Director General DISEOS CASUALES DEL SURESTE, S.A. DE C.V. Calle 42 # 513 x 63 y 65 Centro 97000 Mrida, Yuc. RFC DCS010806 DI7
Tel. (999) 9 24 22 33, 9 28 62 84 Fax (999) 9 24 70 61 dicasu@prodigy.net.mx Established 1990 NAICS 315224 Men's/Boys' Cut & Sew Trouser/Slack/Jean Mfg NAICS 315239 Women's/Girls' Cut & Sew Other Outerwear Mfg
Sr. Marco Bueninck Director General DISTRIBUIDORA DE IMPRESOS, S.A. DE C.V. (DIMSA) Mariano Escobedo 218 Col. Anhuac 11320 Mxico, D.F. RFC DIM450405 HL8
Tel. 55 45 66 45 to 47 Ext. 20, 22 Fax 55 45 47 36 dimsa@dimsa.com.mx http://www.dimsa.com.mx Established 1945 NAICS 42292 Book, Periodical & Newspaper Wholesalers
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Imports range US $ 10-99 million a year: Magazines; Books; Newspapers. Relations with: Periodicals Management Group (USA)
Lic. Mario Plasencia Saldaa Presidente y Director General DISTRIBUIDORA GOMMA, S.A. DE C.V. Av. Principal 726 Col. San Jos El Alto 37660 Len, Gto. RFC DGO891206 7ZA
Tel. (477) 7 61 02 00 Ext. 103 Fax (477) 7 61 02 01 ventas@gomma.com http://www.gomma.com Established 1975 NAICS 326299 All Other Rubber Product Mfg
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Exports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Soles. Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Rubber - Natural & Synthetic; Pigments. Relations with: Gomma, USA (USA)
Ing. Jorge lvarez Lozada Presidente DISTRIBUIDORA INDUSTRIAL ENTERPRISE, S.A. DE C.V. Sur 114 # 17A Col. Cove 01120 Mxico, D.F. RFC DIE020424 RQ9
Tel. 30 03 05 40 Fax 30 03 05 45 jalvarez@dienterprise.com.mx http://www.enterprise.com.mx Established 1994 NAICS 42183 Industrial Machinery & Equipment Wholesalers
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Control & Measuring Instrumentation; Thermostats; Transformers; Valves & Fittings.
Lic. Alejandro Paills Bouchez Director General DISTRIBUIDORA INTERMEX, S.A. DE C.V. (DISA) Lucio Blanco 435 Col. San Juan Tlihuaca 02400 Mxico, D.F. RFC DIN870508 7D7
Tel. 52 30 95 00 Ext. 9617, 52 30 96 17 Fax 52 30 95 16 dherreram@televisa.com.mx http://www.televisa.com.mx Established 1969 NAICS 42292 Book, Periodical & Newspaper Wholesalers
Sales range US $ 100-999 million a year Mexican affiliates: Editorial Televisa, S.A. de C.V.; Grupo Televisa, S.A. de C.V.; Hormex, S.A. de C.V.; Promotora Chapultepec, S.A. de C.V.; Publilat, S.A. de C.V.
Sr. Csar Coello Galaviz Director General DISTRIBUIDORA INTERNACIONAL DE PRODUCTOS AGRCOLAS, S.A. DE C.V. (DIPASA) Km. 68.4 Carr. Panamericana Col. La Fortaleza 38300 Cortzar, Gto. RFC DIP771231 BIA
Tel. (411) 1 55 08 66, 1 55 01 90, 1 55 08 77, 1 55 01 40 Ext. 231, 232 Fax (411) 1 55 22 52, 1 55 13 63 cesar_coello@dipasa.com http://www.dipasa.com Established 1977 NAICS 42249 Other Grocery & Related Products Wholesalers
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Exports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Sesame Seed (Natural, Hulled, Aqua Hulled); Raisins (Seedles). Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Machinery Spare Parts. Relations with: McDonald's Corp. (USA) Foreign investments: Dipasa Europe B.V. (Holland); Dipasa Inc. (USA)
Lic. Andrs Casas de la Torre Director General DISTRIBUIDORA YBARRA, S.A. DE C.V. (DYSA) Lago Ladoga 279 Col. Anhuac 11320 Mxico, D.F. RFC DYB990429 K20
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Mexican affiliates: Conservas del Pacfico, S.A. de C.V.
Tel. 52 55 59 99 Ext. 101 Fax 52 55 35 10 ventas@ybarra.com.mx http://www.ybarra.com.mx Established 1944 NAICS 311711 Seafood Canning
Lic. Horacio Altamirano Gonzlez Director General DISTRIMAX, S.A. DE C.V. Gob Ignacio Esteban 70 Col. San Miguel Chapultepec 11850 Mxico, D.F. RFC DIS980826 ICO
Tel. 52 77 89 99 Ext. 101 Fax 55 16 94 72 mccano@distrimax.com.mx http://www.distrimax.com.mx Established 1979 NAICS 51211 Motion Picture & Video Production
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year Relations with: Gussi Incorporated (USA) Mexican affiliates: Gussi, S.A. de C.V.; Inmusa, S.A. de C.V.; Videomximo, S.A. de C.V.
Ing. Alfredo Abunza Garca Director General DORIANS TIJUANA, S.A. DE C.V. Artculo 123 # 1620-A Zona Centro 22000 Tijuana, B.C.N. RFC DTI811005 P93
Mexican affiliates: Grupo Dorians, S.A. de C.V.
Tel. (664) 6 88 50 00 Ext. 2200 Fax (664) 6 38 43 65, 6 38 43 64 Mexico City: 52 03 96 22 matriz@dorians.com.mx http://www.dorians.com Established 1977 NAICS 45211 Department Stores
Ing. David Jcome Representante Legal DOW CORNING DE MXICO, S.A. DE C.V. Campos Elseos 345, piso 5 Col. Chapultepec Polanco 11560 Mxico, D.F. RFC DCM610724 666
Tel. 53 27 13 00 Ext. 1302, 53 27 13 02 Fax 53 27 13 27 http://www.dowcorning.com Established 1946 NAICS 32552 Adhesive Mfg NAICS 325998 All Oth Misc Chemical Product & Prep Mfg
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Silicone. Relations with: Dow Corning Corp. (USA) Foreign offices: Brazil (Brazil); Canada (Canada); Colombia (Colombia); Puerto Rico (Puerto Rico); Thailand (Thailand); Venezuela (Venezuela)
Dr. Federico Montaner Franceschi Director General DOW QUMICA MEXICANA, S.A. DE C.V. Paseo de las Palmas 405, Torre ptima, Mezz Col. Lomas de Chapultepec 11000 Mxico, D.F. RFC DQM590909 RK0
Tel. 52 01 47 00 Ext. 4729, 52 01 47 29 Fax 52 01 47 27, 52 01 47 34 http://www.dow.com Established 1959 NAICS 32532 Pesticide & Other Agricultural Chemical Mfg NAICS 325211 Plastics Material & Resins Mfg
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Chemical Products. Relations with: The Dow Chemical Co. (USA); Merrell Dow Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (USA)
Sr. Ricardo Menndez Haces Director General DULCES ANHUAC, S.A. DE C.V. Popocatpetl 55 Col. Malintzin 72210 Puebla, Pue. RFC DAN740404 QUA
Tel. (222) 2 22 00 90 Ext. 2310 Fax (222) 2 22 14 22 dulces@dulcesanahuac.com http://www.dulcesanahuac.com Established 1974 NAICS 31134 Nonchocolate Confectionery Mfg
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Exports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Confectionery. Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Maintenance Supplies; Confitures Raw Material; Packing & Baling. Mexican affiliates: Grupo Anhuac; Laguardia de Puebla, S.A.
Sr. Eduardo W. Wanick Presidente DU PONT MXICO, S.A. DE C.V. (DUPSA) Homero 206 Col. Chapultepec Morales 11570 Mxico, D.F. RFC PON510510 MT6
Tel. 57 22 10 00 Ext. 1444 Fax 57 22 13 76 edith.flores-1@dupont.com http://www.dupont.com.mx Established 1802 NAICS 32532 Pesticide & Other Agricultural Chemical Mfg NAICS 32551 Paint & Coating Mfg NAICS 325211 Plastics Material & Resins Mfg
Sales range US $ 100-999 million a year Exports range US $ 100-999 million a year: Titanium Dioxide Based Pigments; Textile Fiber (nylon, polyester); Agricultural Products; Engineering Plastics Industrial; Refrigerants (Commercial and Domestic). Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Coke; Concentrated Ilmenite; Chemicals; Sodium Cyanide; DCPI (raw material for Diuron). Relations with: E.I. Du Pont de Nemours & Co. (USA) Foreign offices: Ajax (Canada); Buenos Aires (Argentina); Caracas (Venezuela); Bogota (Colombia); So Paulo (Brazil); Guatemala (Guatemala); London (UK); Madrid (Spain); Mississauga (Canada); Paris (France); Ginebra (Switzerland); Moscow (Russia); Shangai (China); Sydney (Australia); Taipei (Taiwan); Tokyo (Japan); Wilmington, DE (USA)
Ing. Emilio Ayub Touch Director General DURAPLAY DE PARRAL, S.A. DE C.V. (DUPSA) Santa Brbara s/n Barrio Espaa 33870 Parral, Chih. RFC DPA650809 254
Tel. (627) 5 23 98 00 Fax (627) 5 23 98 00 duraplay@duraplay.com.mx emilioayub@duraplay.com.mx http://www.duraplay.com Established 1963 NAICS 321212 Softwood Veneer & Plywood Mfg NAICS 321219 Reconstituted Wood Product Mfg
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Foil Overlays; Melamine Overlays; Machinery; Particleboard (Parts); Plywood (Parts). Mexican affiliates: Administraciones y Arrendamientos, S.A.; Cintec Dupsa, S.A. de C.V.; Forestal del Oro de Durango, S.A. de C.V.; Formoquimia, S.A. de C.V.; Grupo Duraplay, S.A. de C.V.; Industrial Gonzlez Ugarte, S. de R.L.
Sr. Jorge Wilson Castro Director General DURO DE MXICO, S.A. DE C.V. Reforma 195, piso 10 Col. Cuauhtmoc 06500 Mxico, D.F. RFC DME840729 VD9
Tel. 58 88 14 53 Ext. 104 Fax 58 88 14 66 iluminacion@duromex.com.mx http://www.duromex.com.mx Established 1969 NAICS 33511 Electric Lamp Bulb & Part Mfg
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Exports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Lamp; Bulbs and Tubes. Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Lamps-Parts; Ballasts (Electrical); Electronic Components; Electrodes. Relations with: Ushio America, Inc.
Ing. Stephane Brondino Director General DRR DE MXICO, S.A. DE C.V. Urbina 6 Parque Industrial 53370 Naucalpan, Mx. RFC DME710301 DT4
Tel. 53 29 39 00 Ext. 22, 53 29 39 22 Fax 53 29 39 23 stephane.brondino@durmex.com.mx http://www.durr.com Established 1967 NAICS 333994 Industrial Process Furnace & Oven Mfg
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Imports range US $ 10-99 million a year: Filters & Filtering Equipment; Laminated Products); Valves & Fittings; Stainless Steel, Products; Gas Equipment; Pumping Equipment. Relations with: Drr Anlagenbau Gmbh (Germany)
Ing. Manuel Garca Reyes Director General EATON ELECTRICAL MEXICANA, S.A. (EEMEX) Javier Rojo Gmez 1300 Barrio San Miguel 09360 Mxico, D.F. RFC EEM561229 IS5
Tel. 58 04 80 00 Ext. 8231, 58 04 82 31 Fax 58 04 82 32 MarthaMEnriquez@eaton.com http://www.eatonelectrical.com/mx Established 1956 NAICS 335314 Relay & Industrial Control Mfg
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Relations with: Eaton Corporation; Eaton International Corporation
Ing. Erich Zinser Cieslik Director General ECE, S.A. DE C.V. Campos Elseos 278-4 Col. Chapultepec Polanco 11560 Mxico, D.F. RFC ECE941219 RF2
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year
Tel. 53 27 71 20 Ext. 1220, 53 27 71 10 Fax 53 27 71 11 ezinser@grupoece.com http://www.ece.com.mx Established 1989 NAICS 72241 Drinking Places (Alcoholic Beverages)
Relations with: Hard Rock Limited (USA); Planet Hollywood Inc. (USA); Rainforest Cafe Inc. (USA) Foreign investments: Hard Rock Buenos Aires (Argentina); Planet Madrid (Spain) Mexican affiliates: Comercializadora Elseos, S.A. de C.V.; Hard Rock Acapulco, S.A. de C.V.; Hard Rock Cabos, S.A. de C.V.; Hard Rock Cancn, S.A. de C.V.; Hard Rock Cozumel, S.A. de C.V.; Hard Rock de Mxico, S.A. de C.V.; Hard Rock Guadalajara, S.A. de C.V.; Hard Rock Tijuana, S.A. de C.V.; Hard Rock Vallarta, S.A. de C.V.; Inmobiliaria Elseos, S.A. de C.V.; Inmobiliaria Oasc, S.A. de C.V.; Moda Temtica, S.A. de C.V.; Operadora Boy Mar, S.A. de C.V.; Operadora Oasc Mxico, S.A. de C.V.; Operadora Hard Rock Acapulco, S.A. de C.V.; Operadora Hard Rock de Mxico, S.A. de C.V.; Operadora Hard Rock Mazatln, S.A. de C.V.; Operadora Hard Rock Tijuana, S.A. de C.V.; Operadora Hard Rock Vallarta, S.A. de C.V.; Operadora PH Acapulco, S.A. de C.V.; Operadora PH Cabos, S.A. de C.V.; Operadora PH Cancn, S.A. de C.V.; Operadora PH Cozumel, S.A. de C.V.; Operadora PH Vallarta, S.A. de C.V.; Operadora Rainforest Cancn, S.A. de C.V.; Rainforest Mxico, S.A. de C.V.; Servicios Corporativos Elseos, S.A. de C.V.; Servicios Hard Rock Acapulco, S.A. de C.V.; Servicios Hard Rock Tijuana, S.A. de C.V.; Servicios Hard Rock Vallarta, S.A. de C.V.; Servicios Staff Elseos, S.A. de C.V. Listed in the Mexican Stock Exchange; ticker symbol: ECE Board of Directors: Sr. Robert I. Earl (Chairman), Sr. Thomas Avallone (Vice-Chairman), Sr. Raymundo Martnez Villegas (Comisario), Lic. Emilio Gonzlez de Castillo del Valle (Secretary), Sr. Gary Davis, Sr. Esteban Gonzlez Guajardo, Sr. Mark Helm, Sr. Robert Earl, Sr. Javier Prado Gmez
Ing. Arturo Valencia Sil Director General ECOLAB, S. DE R.L. DE C.V. Industriales 28 Fracc. Industrial Cuamatla 54730 Cuautitln Izcalli, Mx. RFC ECO870323 8B9
Tel. 58 64 18 00 Ext. 1849, 58 64 18 48, 58 64 18 49 Fax 58 70 36 66 ecolab@infosel.net.mx http://www.ecolab.com Established 1925 NAICS 325612 Polish & Other Sanitation Good Mfg
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Petrochemical Industry Equipment & Supplies. Relations with: Ecolab, Inc. (USA)
Sr. Farid Aouragh Maury Director General EDICIONES LAROUSSE, S.A. DE C.V. Dinamarca 81, piso 1 Col. Jurez 06600 Mxico, D.F. RFC ELA841231 MW0
Tel. 52 08 20 05 Ext. 723 Fax 52 08 62 25, 52 08 07 75 adominguez@larousse.com.mx http://www.larousse.com.mx Established 1965 NAICS 51113 Book Publishers
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Exports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Books. Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Books; Dictionaries; Paper. Relations with: Anaya (Spain); Chamber's (UK); Grupo Editorial Aique (Argentina); Harrap's (UK); Hemma (Belgium); Larousse (Brazil); Larousse (Chile); Larousse (Colombia); Larousse (France); Larousse (Venezuela); Mathan (France)
Lic. Alejandro Junco de la Vega Gonzlez Director General EDITORA EL SOL, S.A. DE C.V. (GRUPO REFORMA) Washington 629 Ote. Centro 64000 Monterrey, N.L. RFC ESO851126 P67
Tel. (81) 81 50 80 00 Ext. 2503 Fax (81) 83 45 02 04 Mexico City: 56 28 77 50 rsoriano@elnorte.com http://www.elnorte.com Established 1922 NAICS 51111 Newspaper Publishers
Lic. Mauricio Ortega Camberos Director General EDITORA LA PRENSA, S.A. DE C.V. Basilio Badillo 40 Col. Tabacalera 06030 Mxico, D.F. RFC EPR930506 DT1
Tel. 52 28 99 77 Ext. 8904, 52 28 89 04 Fax 52 28 89 84 redaccionlaprensa@hotmail.com http://www.oem.com.mx Established 1972 NAICS 51111 Newspaper Publishers
Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Graphic Arts Supplies; Mantillas; Printing Machinery; Paper. Mexican affiliates: Compaa Editorial Esto, S.A. de C.V.; Compaa Editorial Sol de Mxico, S.A. de C.V.; Organizacin Editorial Mexicana, S.A. de C.V.; Televisora de Durango, S.A.
Sr. Jos Luis Ramrez Cota Presidente EDITORIAL DIANA, S.A. DE C.V. Arenal 24, Edif. Norte Col. Ex-Hacienda de Guadalupe Chimalistac 01050 Mxico, D.F. RFC EDI831215 1A9
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year
Tel. 50 89 12 20 Ext. 1003 Fax 50 89 12 30 jlr@diana.com.mx Established 1946 NAICS 51113 Book Publishers
Foreign investments: Editorial Edidiana Espaa, Ltda. (Spain); Editorial Diana Argentina, Ltda. (Argentina); Editorial Diana Chilena, Ltda. (Chile); Editorial Diana Colombiana, Ltda. (Colombia); Venediana, Ltda. (Venezuela) Mexican affiliates: Edi-Visin Ca. Editorial, S.A. de C.V.; Libreras de Cristal, S.A. de C.V. Listed in the Mexican Stock Exchange; ticker symbol: DIANA Board of Directors: Sr. Jos Luis Ramrez Cota (Chairman), C.P.C. Alfonso Compean Gallardo (Comisario), Lic. Adrin Fernndez Margin (Secretary), Lic. Jos Aramoni Caldern, Lic. Manuel Arce Rincn, Lic. Andrs Aymes Blanchet, C.P. Jos Antonio Fernndez Arenas, Lic. Ral Lpez Martnez, Lic. Jos Madariaga Lomel, Lic. Jos Ramn Toms Flores, C.P. Salvador Meljem Martnez, Lic. Luis Pazos de la Torre
Ing. Carlos Noriega Arias Director General EDITORIAL LIMUSA, S.A. DE C.V. GRUPO NORIEGA EDITORES, S.A. DE C.V. Balderas 95 Centro 06040 Mxico, D.F. RFC ELI831222 EW8
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Exports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Books.
Tel. 85 03 80 50 Ext. 200, 55 10 44 36, 55 18 51 37 Fax 55 12 29 03 cnoriega@noriega.com.mx http://www.noriega.com.mx http://www.limusa.com.mx Established 1962 NAICS 51113 Book Publishers
Lic. Ren Sols Brun Presidente EDITORIAL PLANETA MEXICANA, S.A. DE C.V. Insurgentes Sur 1898, Torre Siglum, piso 11 Col. Florida 01030 Mxico, D.F. RFC EPM880422 LV3
Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Books; CD ROM. Relations with: Editorial Planeta (Spain) Mexican affiliates: Grupo Planeta, S.A. de C.V.
Tel. 53 22 36 10 Ext. 2023, 2001, 53 22 36 11 Fax 53 22 36 41 rsolis@planeta.com.mx http://www.planeta.com.mx Established 1988 NAICS 51113 Book Publishers
Lic. Eduardo Michelsen Delgado Vicepresidente EDITORIAL TELEVISA, S.A. DE C.V. Vasco de Quiroga 2000, Edif. E, piso 4 Col. Santa Fe 01210 Mxico, D.F. RFC ETE950324 R23
Sales range US $ 100-999 million a year Mexican affiliates: Grupo Televisa, S.A. de C.V.
Tel. 52 61 26 00 Ext. 12715, 52 61 27 15 Fax 52 61 27 10 emichelsen@editorial.televisa.com.mx http://www.televisa.com.mx Established 1952 NAICS 51112 Periodical Publishers
Sr. Xavier Antoni Martin Presidente y Director General EDOARDOS MARTIN, S.A. DE C.V. (EMSA) Blvd. Manuel vila Camacho 76, piso 9 Col. Lomas de Chapultepec 11000 Mxico, D.F. RFC EMA971015 AY5
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year
Tel. 52 84 89 00 Ext. 8902, 52 84 89 02 Fax 52 84 89 99 acisneros@edoardos.com http://www.edoardos.com.mx Established 1979 NAICS 315223 Men's/Boys' Cut & Sew Shirt (exc Work) Mfg NAICS 315239 Women's/Girls' Cut & Sew Other Outerwear Mfg
Relations with: JB Martin Co. (USA) Foreign investments: Edoardos (Colombia); Edoardos (Costa Rica); Edoardos (El Salvador); Edoardos (Guatemala); Edoardos (USA) Mexican affiliates: Ardecor, S.A.; Confecciones Martin, S.A. de C.V.; J.B. Comercial, S.A. de C.V.; J.B. Martin, S.A. de C.V.; Manufacturera de Artculos de Decoracin, S.A. de C.V.; Manufacturera Pantitln, S.A. de C.V. Listed in the Mexican Stock Exchange; ticker symbol: EDOARDO Board of Directors: Sr. Xavier Antoni Martin (Chairman), C.P. Jorge Peralta lvarez (Comisario), C.P. Jorge Alejandro Trejo Ochoa (Comisario), Sr. Alberto Seplveda de la Fuente (Secretary), Lic. Guillermo Chvez Eckstein, Sr. Loic de Kertangdy, Lic. Carlos de Laborde Iturbe, Lic. Fernando Carlos Diez Cano, Lic. Timothy Heyman Marcuse, Sr. Gerardo Iturbe Guevora, C.P. Juan Ramos Mercado, Sra. Patricia Snchez Bentez, Sr. Gilbert Sonnery Garreau, Lic. Francisco Javier Valadez Zamora, Sr. Fernando Yllanes Martnez
Ing. Sergio Arturo Guerrero Reynoso Director General EGON MEYER, S.A. DE C.V. (EMSA) Henry Ford 38 Fracc. Industrial San Javier 54030 Tlalnepantla, Mx. RFC EME581031 3Y9
Tel. 53 10 57 66, 53 10 06 20 Ext. 254, 253 Fax 53 10 57 66, 53 10 06 20 Ext. 295 guerrero@egonmeyer.com.mx http://www.egonmeyer.com.mx Established 1958 NAICS 325199 All Other Basic Organic Chemical Mfg
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Imports range US $ 10-99 million a year: Resin Industry - Raw Materials; Chemical Products. Mexican affiliates: Cosmogrfica, S.A. de C.V.; Grupo Regio Empresas, S.A. de C.V.; Pinturas Atlas Marlux, S.A. de C.V.; Quimivan Comercial, S.A. de C.V.
Ing. Sergio Eduardo Laria Garza Gerente General EJES TRACTIVOS, S.A. DE C.V. (ETRAC) Av. de las Industrias 10 Col. San Juan Ixhuatepec 54180 Tlalnepantla, Mx. RFC ETR751114 2L8
Tel. 57 26 80 85, 57 26 80 83 Fax 57 18 40 48 slaria@spicer.com.mx http://www.spicer.com.mx Established 1975 NAICS 33635 MV Transmission & Power Train Parts Mfg
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Exports range US $ 10-99 million a year: Traction Shafts. Imports range US $ 10-99 million a year: Traction Shaft Components. Relations with: Dana Corp. (USA) Mexican affiliates: Desc, S.A. de C.V.
C.P. Jos Ramn Elizondo Anaya Presidente y Director General EKCO, S.A. 16 de Septiembre 31 Col. Santo Domingo 02160 Mxico, D.F. RFC EKC661115 T61
Tel. 53 28 27 11 Ext. 142 Fax 53 82 49 77 ekco@prodigy.net.mx http://www.ekco.com.mx Established 1934 NAICS 335221 Household Cooking Appliance Mfg
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Exports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Ice Cube Tray; Juice Extractors; Scales (Personal); Cutlery (Deluxe); Foil; Aluminum Bakeware; Cookware for Restaurants; Aluminum Specialties; Casseroles; Saucepans; Saucepot; Skillets (Covered and Opened); Cookware Set; Aluminumware (Double Thick); Gadgets; Kitchen Tools; Tinned Stainers; Coffee Pots; Electric Pressure Cooker; Electric Skillet; Electric Saucepot; Pressure Cooker 4, 6 and 8 Lts. Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Kitchen Tools; Gadgets; Bakeware. Relations with: Ekcohousewares (USA); Vasconia Housewares, L.L.C. (USA) Mexican affiliates: Fomento Productivo, S.A. de C.V.; Industrias Ekco, S.A. de C.V.; La Vasconia Espaa, S.A. Listed in the Mexican Stock Exchange; ticker symbol: EKCO Board of Directors: C.P. Jos Ramn Elizondo Anaya (Chairman), C.P. scar Mrquez Cristerna (Comisario), Sr. Fauzi Hamdan Amad (Secretary), Sr. Alejandro Andrade Anaya, Sr. Jaime Elizondo Zuckermann, Ing. Alfonso Gonzlez Migoya, Lic. Miguel ngel Huerta Pando, Sr. Alejandro Joaqun Mart Garca, Lic. Manuel Morales Camporredondo, Lic. Alejandro Paills Bouchez, Lic. Enrique Portilla Ibargengoitia, Sr. Jorge Vargas Diez Barroso
Lic. David Lpez Garca Director General EL CAMINO RESOURCES MXICO, S.A. DE C.V. Alfonso Npoles Gndara 50, PB Col. Santa Fe Pea Blanca 01210 Mxico, D.F. RFC CRM940112 1Z4
Tel. 91 77 00 00 Ext. 1001, 1004, 91 77 00 15, 91 77 00 07 Fax 91 77 00 30 dlopez@mx.elcamino.com http://www.elcamino.com Established 1993 NAICS 52222 Sales Financing
Relations with: El Camino Resources, Ltd. (USA); El Camino Resources International, Inc. (USA) Mexican affiliates: Grupo El Camino, S.A. de C.V.
Ing. Vctor Gmez Hermosillo Gerente General ELECTROMANUFACTURAS, S.A. DE C.V. (EMSA) Ferrocarril s/n Santa Cruz de las Flores 45640 Tlajomulco de Ziga, Jal. RFC ELE630307 BX9
Tel. (33) 37 70 36 70 Ext. 221, 232 Fax (33) 37 96 06 23 Mexico City: 57 52 97 65 emsa@emsa.com.mx http://www.emsa.com.mx Established 1963 NAICS 335311 Power/Distribution/Specialty Transformer Mfg
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Electrical Steel; Insulating Paper and Insulating Pressboard. Relations with: Cooper Industries
Ing. Joaqun Loose Doedter Presidente y Director General ELECTRNICA CLARION, S.A. DE C.V. (ELECLA) Camino a Santa Teresa 1257 Col. Jardines del Pedregal 01900 Mxico, D.F. RFC ECL831108 M87
Tel. 54 81 24 00 Fax 51 35 27 60 jloose@clarion.com http://www.clarion-mexico.com Established 1983 NAICS 33431 Audio & Video Equipment Mfg
Exports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Automobile Accessories; Electronic Equipment. Imports range US $ 10-99 million a year: Electronic Components; Plastic Pieces; Screws & Bolts; Control & Measuring Instrumentation Parts; Electric Material. Relations with: Clarion Co. Ltd. (Japan)
Lic. Mauricio Baranda Martnez Presidente y Director General ELECTRONICS DATA SYSTEM, S.A. DE C.V. (EDS) Vasco de Quiroga 2999 Col. Pea Blanca Santa Fe 01210 Mxico, D.F. RFC EDS851112 6TO
Tel. 52 61 13 00 Ext. 1138, 52 61 11 01, 52 61 11 38 Fax 52 61 11 44 lourdes.anta@eds.com http://www.eds.com Established 1985 NAICS 51421 Data Processing Services
Sales range US $ 100-999 million a year Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Communications Hardware Services; Software Services. Relations with: EDS Corp. (USA); General Motors Corp. (USA) Mexican affiliates: At Kearney, S.A. de C.V.; Unigraphics, S.A. de C.V.
Ing. Miguel Prez Brambila Director Comercial ELECTRO QUMICA MEXICANA, S.A. DE C.V. (EQM) Industria 9 Col. Industrial Cerro Gordo 55420 Ecatepec, Mx. RFC EQM810930 K35
Tel. 57 76 39 33 Ext. 307 Fax 57 75 40 05 info@fmc-eqm.com.mx http://www.fmc-eqm.com Established 1940 NAICS 325188 All Other Basic Inorganic Chemical Mfg
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Chemicals Intermediates. Relations with: F.M.C. Corp. (USA) Mexican affiliates: FMC Agroqumica de Mxico, S. de R.L. de C.V.; FMC de Mxico, S.A. de C.V.; FMC Ingredientes Alimenticios, S.A. de C.V.
Lic. Javier Sarro Cortina Director General ELEKTRA DEL MILENIO, S.A. DE C.V. Insurgentes Sur 3579 Col. Tlalpan La Joya 14000 Mxico, D.F. RFC EMI790601 FN5
Tel. 85 82 70 00 Ext. 77802, 77829, 85 82 78 02 Fax 85 82 79 29 jsolache@elektra.com.mx http://www.elektra.com.mx http://www.gruposalinas.com Established 1989 NAICS 44211 Furniture Stores NAICS 52232 Financial Clearinghouse & Reserve Activities NAICS 443111 Household Appliance Stores NAICS 443112 Radio, Television & Other Electronics Stores
Sales range US $ 1-10 billion a year Relations with: Western Union (USA) Foreign investments: Elektra (Dominican Republic); Elektra (El Salvador); Elektra (Guatemala); Elektra (Honduras) Mexican affiliates: Artculos Domsticos al Mayoreo, S.A. de C.V.; Azteca Amrica, S.A. de C.V.; Banco Azteca, S.A. de C.V.; Biper Comm, S.A. de C.V.; Bodega de Remate, S.A. de C.V.; Elektrafn, S.A. de C.V.; Fundacin Azteca, S.A. de C.V.; Mi Garanta Extendida, S.A. de C.V.; Movilaccess, S.A. de C.V.; Operadora Unefn, S.A. de C.V.; Salinas y Rocha, S.A. de C.V.; Teleactivos, S.A. de C.V.; Telecosmo, S.A. de C.V.; The One, S.A. de C.V.; Todito, S.A. de C.V.; TV Azteca, S.A. de C.V. Listed in the Mexican Stock Exchange; ticker symbol: ELEKTRA Board of Directors: C.P. Ricardo Benjamn Salinas Pliego (Chairman), Lic. Pedro Padilla Longoria (Vice-Chairman), C.P. Javier Soni Ocampo (Comisario), Sr. Rafael Guillermo Martnez de Ita (Secretary), Sr. Gonzalo Brockmann, Sr. Jorge R. Bellot Castro, Sr. Luis J. Echarte Fernndez, Sr. Manuel Rodrguez de Castro, Lic. Guillermo Salinas Pliego, Lic. Hugo Salinas Price, Ing. Roberto Servitje Achutegui
Lic. Daniel H. Traversi Presidente y Director General ELEVADORES OTIS, S.A. DE C.V. Calle 10 # 145, piso 2 Col. San Pedro de los Pinos 01180 Mxico, D.F. RFC EOT631205 877
Tel. 26 36 30 00 Ext. 3026, 26 36 30 26 Fax 26 36 30 00 Ext. 3211 otisventas@compuserve.com.mx http://www.otis.com Established 1945 NAICS 333921 Elevator & Moving Stairway Mfg
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Elevator Parts. Relations with: Otis Elevator Co. (USA); United Technologies Corp. (USA)
Ing. Antonio Vives Marco Director General ELEVADORES SCHINDLER, S.A. DE C.V. Reforma 350, piso 8 Col. Jurez 06600 Mxico, D.F. RFC ESC891108 1Q8
Tel. 50 80 14 00 Ext. 3100 Fax 52 08 28 84, 52 07 33 36 pilar_gonzalez@mx.schindler.com http://www.mx.schindler.com Established 1954 NAICS 333921 Elevator & Moving Stairway Mfg
Imports range US $ 10-99 million a year: Elevators Supplies; Electric Equipment. Relations with: Schindler Elevator, Corp. (USA)
Sr. Enrique Conterno Director General ELI LILLY DE MXICO, S.A. DE C.V. Tlalpan 2024 Col. Campestre Churubusco 04200 Mxico, D.F. RFC ELM430921 1L3
Tel. 54 84 38 00 Ext. 3802, 54 84 38 02 Fax 54 84 38 03 rey-merino_patricia@lilly.com http://www.lilly.com.mx Established 1943 NAICS 325412 Pharmaceutical Preparation Mfg
Sales range US $ 100-999 million a year Exports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Medicines & Medical Care Supplies. Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Insuline Crystals. Relations with: Eli Lilly & Company (USA)
Ing. Ramn Quintana Pascual Director General EL NUEVO MUNDO MXICO, S.A. Venustiano Carranza 72-74, piso 1 Centro 06000 Mxico, D.F. RFC NMM101011 JPO
Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Fabrics.
Tel. 51 30 03 53 Ext. 182 Fax 55 12 63 00 mextienda@mail.elnuevomundo.com Established 1910 NAICS 45211 Department Stores
C.P. Emilio Esteban Marcos Giacomn Director General EL SURTIDOR DEL HOGAR DE MONTERREY, S.A. DE C.V. Madero Oriente 103 Zona Centro 64000 Monterrey, N.L. RFC SHM010810 MR0
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Electric Equipment.
Tel. (81) 83 19 41 00, 83 75 70 00 Ext. 1004, 83 19 41 04 Fax (81) 83 19 41 90 surticredi@surticredi.com.mx Established 1948 NAICS 44211 Furniture Stores NAICS 443111 Household Appliance Stores
Lic. Benito Kimura Muramoto Director General EL SURTIDOR DE OBSERVATORIO, S.A. DE C.V. Observatorio 260 Col. Daniel Garza 11830 Mxico, D.F. RFC SOB811020 LA3
Tel. 52 37 03 00, 52 77 48 22 Ext. 5055 Fax 52 37 03 10 bkimura@surtidor.com.mx info@surtidor.com.mx http://www.surtidor.com.mx Established 1981 NAICS 42172 Plumbing & Heating Equipment & Supplies Wholesalers
Mexican affiliates: Casa Ortiz, S.A. de C.V.; Isidro Oveja, S.A. de C.V.; Llano de la Torre, S.A. de C.V.; Muebles para Bao, S.A. de C.V.
Lic. Juan Francisco Ealy Ortiz Presidente y Director General EL UNIVERSAL, COMPAA PERIODSTICA NACIONAL, S.A. DE C.V. Bucareli 8 Centro 06040 Mxico, D.F. RFC UPN830920 KC4
Tel. 57 09 13 13 Ext. 1300 to 1302, 55 10 12 69 Fax 55 10 14 29 dirgral@eluniversal.com.mx http://www.el-universal.com.mx Established 1916 NAICS 51111 Newspaper Publishers
Sales range US $ 100-999 million a year Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Printing Machinery; Inks; Graphic Arts Equipment; Paper.
Lic. Abelardo Garcarce Ramrez Presidente EMBOTELLADORA AGA DEL CENTRO, S.A. DE C.V. Arco Alejandro 455 Col. Arcos de Zapopan 45130 Zapopan, Jal. RFC EAC941216 GT7
Tel. (33) 36 78 99 87 & 88 Fax (33) 36 78 99 39 abgamo@agacentro.com.mx Established 1931 NAICS 32512 Industrial Gas Mfg NAICS 311312 Cane Sugar Refining NAICS 312111 Soft Drink Mfg
Sales range US $ 100-999 million a year Mexican affiliates: Aga de Colima, S.A.; Aga de Morelia, S.A.; Aga de Quertaro, S.A.; Aga Norte de Veracruz, S.A.; Comercializadora de Productos Domsticos, S.A.; Compaa Azucarera de los Mochis, S.A.; Compaa de Servicios Prof. Aga de Guadalajara, S.A. de C.V.; Distribuidora de Productos al Hogar, S.A.; Embotelladora Aga de Mxico, S.A. de C.V.; Embotelladora Aga de Michoacn, S.A.; Embotelladora Aga de Nayarit, S.A.; Embotelladora Aga de Occidente, S.A. de C.V.; Embotelladora de Agua Purificada los Volcanes, S.A. de C.V.; Industrial Frutera del Oeste, S.A.; Ingenio de Puga, S.A.; Purificadora de Agua Pureza, S.A.; Purificadora del Sol, S.A.; Vallarta Internacional, S.A. de C.V. (Hotel Buganvilias Sheraton)
Lic. Fernando Snchez Zumaya Director de Operacin Grupo Mxico EMBOTELLADORA AGA DE MXICO, S.A. DE C.V. Coyoacn 1617 Col. del Valle 03100 Mxico, D.F. RFC EAM941214 9L9
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Mexican affiliates: Consorcio Aga, S.A. de C.V.
Tel. 55 24 44 41 to 43 Ext. 160 to 162 Fax 55 24 44 50 Established 1946 NAICS 312111 Soft Drink Mfg NAICS 312112 Bottled Water Mfg
L.A.E. Jos Elas Faz Garca Gerente General EMBOTELLADORA DEL NAYAR, S.A. DE C.V. Insurgentes 1100 Ote. Col. Los Llanitos 63170 Tepic, Nay. RFC ENA831219 N64
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Mexican affiliates: Grupo Empresarial lica
Tel. (311) 2 13 14 25, 2 13 15 20 Ext. 1304, 2 14 54 85 Fax (311) 2 13 37 52, 2 14 75 28 fac@tepic.megared.net.mx Established 1953 NAICS 312111 Soft Drink Mfg
Lic. scar Aguirre Valdez Gerente General EMBOTELLADORA DE TECOMN, S.A. DE C.V. Km. 37.5 Carr. Colima-Manzanillo 28930 Tecomn, Col. RFC ETS910221 KX6
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Mexican affiliates: Grupo Continental, S.A. de C.V.
Tel. (313) 3 24 26 22 Ext. 110 Fax (313) 3 24 66 75 tecoman@contal.com Established 1991 NAICS 312111 Soft Drink Mfg
Ing. Francisco Garza Egloff Director General EMBOTELLADORAS ARCA, S.A. DE C.V. San Jernimo Poniente 813 Col. San Jernimo 64640 Monterrey, N.L. RFC EAR981110 B67
Tel. (81) 81 51 14 00 Ext. 1312 Fax (81) 81 51 14 49 fgarza@e-arca.com.mx marissa.valdez@e-arca.com.mx http://www.e-arca.com.mx Established 1981 NAICS 312111 Soft Drink Mfg
Sales range US $ 1-10 billion a year Exports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Soft Drinks. Imports range US $ 100-999 million a year: Machinery. Mexican affiliates: Arca Corporativo, S.A. de C.V. Listed in the Mexican Stock Exchange; ticker symbol: ARCSA Board of Directors: Ing. Miguel Antonio Fernndez Iturriza (Chairman), Sr. Emilio Antonio Arizpe y de la Maza (Vice-Chairman), Sr. Carlos Arreola Enrquez (Comisario), Lic. Arturo Gutirrez Hernndez (Secretary), Sr. Guillermo Alvelis Fernndez, Ing. Luis Arizpe Jimnez, Sr. Jos Joaqun Arizpe y de la Maza, Lic. Manuel L. Barragn Morales, Arq. Eduardo J. Barragn Villarreal, Ing. Fernando Barragn Villarreal, Lic. Alfonso J. Barragn Trevio, Ing. Ulrich Fiehn Buchenhofer, Lic. Rafael Garza-Castilln Vallina, C.P. Roberto Garza Velzquez, Ing. Luis Lauro Gonzlez Barragn, Ing. Ernesto Lpez de Nigris, Lic. Juan B. Maldonado Quiroga, Dr. Fernando Olvera Escalona, Prof. Jos Otadu y Aranzadi, C.P. Jorge Humberto Santos Reyna, Sra. Marcela Villarreal Fernndez
Ing. Carlos J. Guerra Cisneros Director General EMERSON CLIMATE TECHNOLOGIES MXICO, S.A. DE C.V. Gob. Curiel 3573 Col. El Manantial 44970 Guadalajara, Jal. RFC FCT841227 HS2
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year
Tel. (33) 36 68 56 00 Ext. 5618 Fax (33) 36 70 85 76 liliane.lopez@emersonclimate.com http://www.emersonclimatemexico.com Established 1984 NAICS 333415 AC/Warm Air Htg & Commercial Refrig Equip Mfg
Sr. Marco Bissi Presidente EMI MUSIC MXICO, S.A. DE C.V. Ro Tigris 33 Col. Cuauhtmoc 06500 Mxico, D.F. RFC EMM941001 6H0
Tel. 53 28 56 56 Ext. 5601, 53 28 56 01 Fax 53 28 56 02 http://www.emi.com Established 1965 NAICS 51222 Integrated Record Production/Distribution
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Exports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Musical Records. Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Photographic Equipment & Supplies; Musical Records; Promotional Articles; Video Equipment; Cassettes. Relations with: Emi Internacional
Lic. Policarpo Elizondo Gonzlez Director del Comit Ejecutivo EMPACADORA TREVIO, S.A. DE C.V. (ETSA) Gral. Miguel Barragn 663 Pte. Col. Industrial 64440 Monterrey, N.L. RFC ETR461212 6N2
Tel. (81) 83 74 60 00, 83 74 61 12, 83 74 61 66, 83 72 45 00 Ext. 314, 83 74 69 71 Fax (81) 83 72 28 18 a-mendiola@conagro.com http://www.conagro.com Established 1946 NAICS 311611 Animal (except Poultry) Slaughtering
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year Mexican affiliates: Algodones y Aceites Mexicanos, S.A. de C.V.; Compaa Mantequera Monterrey, S.A. de C.V.; Consorcio Agroindustrial Regiomontano, S.A. de C.V.; Forrajes y Engordas Tcnicas, S. de R.L.; Procesadora y Comercializadora Conagro, S.A. de C.V.
Ing. Ignacio Rincn Arredondo Director General EMPAQUES DE CARTN TITN, S.A. DE C.V. (ECTSA) Miguel Barragn 307 Pte. Col. 15 de Mayo 64450 Monterrey, N.L. RFC ECT360429 UNA
Tel. (81) 83 75 31 11 Ext. 135 Fax (81) 83 74 92 13 Mexico City: 53 10 55 90 irincon@corpdgo.com.mx http://www.estitan.com.mx Established 1936 NAICS 322221 Coated & Lamnd Pkg Paper & Plastics Film Mfg
Sales range US $ 100-999 million a year Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Borax; Paper Scrap; Paper (Semi Kraft). Mexican affiliates: Corporacin Durango, S.A. de C.V.
Ing. Alberto Abascal Camarillo Director General EMPRESAS CA-LE DE TLAXCALA, S.A. DE C.V. Manzana 2 Secc. C Ciudad Industrial Xicotncatl 90430 Tetla, Tlax. RFC ECL900227 BY7
Tel. (241) 4 18 45 00 Ext. 4502 Fax (241) 4 18 45 00 Ext. 4545 Mexico City: 54 89 09 94, 56 75 35 58 alberto.abascal@delphi.com Established 1990 NAICS 335911 Storage Battery Mfg
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Lead; Polypropylene Boxes. Relations with: Delphi Corporation (USA) Mexican affiliates: Delphi Corporation Operaciones Mexicanas; Delphi Disel Systems Service Mxico, S.A. de C.V.
Ing. Bernardo Quintana Isaac Presidente EMPRESAS ICA, S.A. DE C.V. Minera 145, Edif. Central, piso 2 Col. Escandn 11800 Mxico, D.F. RFC EIS790601 IP1
Tel. 52 72 99 91 Ext. 2000, 2001 Fax 52 27 50 60 marinl@ica.com.mx elba.rodriguez@ica.com.mx http://www.ica.com.mx Established 1947 NAICS 551112 Offices of Other Holding Companies
Sales range US $ 100-999 million a year Exports range US $ 100-999 million a year: Engineering and Construction Services; Limestone (Crushed); Capital Goods. Imports range US $ 10-99 million a year: Construction Materials; Construction Equipment; Technical Assistance. Relations with: Baninsa; Bechtel Civil (USA); Capev; Cexco Corp.; Cicasa Trade & Services; Compagnie General Des Eaux; Companhia Brasileira de Proyectos y Obras (Brazil); Conroc Corp. (USA); Constructora Ica Argentina, S.A. (Argentina); Constructora Ica Chile, S.A. (Chile); Constructora Ica Per, S.A. (Peru); El Paso Natural Gas Co. (USA); Empresas Ica Argentina, S.A. (Argentina); Fluor Daniel Inc. (USA); Gec Alsthom International (USA); General Electric Co. (USA); Huatulco Holding, Ltd.; Ica Construction Services Corp.; Ica Costa Rica, S.A. (Costa Rica); Ica de Puerto Rico Inc. (Puerto Rico); Ica Desarrolladora, S.A. de C.V.; Ica El Salvador, S.A. (El Salvador); Ica Icm Internacional, Inc.; Ica Industrial de Venezuela, S.A. (Venezuela); Ica Panam Concesionaria (Panama); Ica Venezuela C.A. (Venezuela); Ica-Miramar Corp.; Ica-Miramar Metro San Juan Corp.; Icapev C.A.; Icatech Corp.; Ingenieros Civiles Asociados Panam, S.A. (Panama); International Container Terminal Services Inc.; Koll Co.; Maxipistas de Venezuela C.A. (Venezuela); Opal Corp.; Peninsula Investment Corp.; Perini Corp. (USA); Reichmann International; Soletanche; TBH Holding, Ltd.; TC Holding, Ltd.; Trading Arragement Corp. (USA); Translime Investment Corp.; Tropical Village, Inc.; Vulcan Ica Distribution Co. (USA); Vulcan Materials Co. (USA); Vulica Shipping Co., Ltd. (Gran Cayman); Waterview Investment, Inc. (USA) Foreign investments: Abra Corp. (Grand Cayman); Comercial de Plata Construcciones, S.A. de C.V. (Argentina); Conroc Co. (USA); Ica Construction Co. (USA); Ica Industrial (Venezuela); Ica Total (Guatemala); Icatech Co. (USA); Ingenieros Asociados Civiles de Mxico, S.A. (Colombia); Kronsa (Spain); Rodio Cimentaciones Especiales (Spain); Servicios a la Construccin, S.A. de C.V. (Panama); Trading Arrangement Co. (USA); Turcan Holding, Ltd.; Vulcan Ica Distribution Co. (USA); Vulica Shipping Co. (Grand Cayman) Foreign offices: Bogota (Colombia); San Salvador (El Salvador); Santo Domingo (Dominican Republic); Madrid (Spain); Miami, FL (USA); Houston, TX (USA); Chicago, IL (USA); Tegucigalpa (Honduras); Guatemala (Guatemala); Panama (Panama); Caracas (Venezuela); Buenos Aires (Argentina); Quito (Ecuador); Santiago (Chile); San Juan (Puerto Rico); Kuala Lumpur (Malasia). Mexican affiliates: Almacenadora Sur, S.A. de C.V.; Concesionarias de Aguas de Aguascalientes, S.A. de C.V.; Consorcio Internacional del Medio Ambiente, S.A. de C.V.; Constructoras Ica, S.A. de C.V.; Controladora de Operaciones de Infraestructura; C.P.C.; Desarrolladora de Estacionamientos Privados, S.A. de C.V.; Ica Fluor Daniel, S. de R.L. de C.V.; Ingenieros Civiles Asociados, S.A. de C.V.; Maxipistas; Operacin y Mantenimiento de Sistemas de Agua, S.A. de C.V.; Rodio Cimentaciones Especiales, S.A.; Servicios de Tecnologa Ambiental, S.A. de C.V.; Simex Integracin de Sistemas, S.A. de C.V.; Sistemas de Ingeniera Sanitaria, S.A. de C.V.; Tneles Concesionados de Acapulco, S.A. de C.V.; Vive Ica Listed in the Mexican Stock Exchange and the New York Stock Exchange (American Depositary Receipts); ticker symbol: ICA Board of Directors: Ing. Bernardo Quintana Isaac (Chairman), Sr. Joaqun Gmez lvarez (Comisario), Sr. Luis Carlos Romanda Garca (Secretary), Sr. Carlos Abedrop Dvila, Ing. Jorge Bernardo Aguirre Quintana, Sr. Jorge Borja Navarrete, Sr. Emilio Carrillo Gamboa, Sr. Alberto Escofet Artigas, Sra. ngeles Espinoza Yglesias, Ing. Elmer Fernando Franco Macas, Sr. Jos Luis Guerrero lvarez, C.P. Esteban Malpica Fomperosa, Sr. Sergio F. Montao Len, Ing. Alberto Muls Alonso, C.P. Juan Claudio Salles Manuel, Sr. Lorenzo H. Zambrano Trevio, Ing. Luis Fernando Zrate Rocha
Sr. Alfredo Longoria Theriot Director General EMPRESAS LONGORIA, S.A. DE C.V. (ELSA) Bosque de Duraznos 65, piso 6 Col. Bosques de las Lomas 11700 Mxico, D.F. RFC ELO850709 QG8
Tel. 55 96 63 78, 59 85 04 00 Fax 55 96 77 62 alth@elsa.com.mx http://www.elsa.com.mx Established 1931 NAICS 42251 Grain & Field Bean Wholesalers NAICS 42259 Other Farm Product Raw Material Wholesalers
Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Cotton; Seeds; Fertilizers; Insecticides. Relations with: Walworth Co. (USA)
Ing. Nijaz Koric Prozorac Director General ENERGOMEX, S.A. DE C.V. Santa Mnica 33 Col. Xocoyahualco Puente de Vigas 54080 Tlalnepantla, Mx. RFC ENE690723 F42
Tel. 53 97 60 11, 53 97 38 55, 53 97 38 09 Ext. 117, 122, 53 97 68 22 Fax 53 97 57 85 emex@prodigy.net.mx Established 1969 NAICS 335313 Switchgear & Switchboard Apparatus Mfg
Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Sulfur; Porcelain; Carbonic Gas; Porcelain Insulators; Pottery & Ceramic Construction Materials; Electric Equipment; Packing & Baling.
Ing. Abel Narro Barragn Director General ENERTECH FABRICACIONES, S.A. DE C.V. Presidente Carranza 150 Int. A Zona Industrial 25680 Cd. Frontera, Coah. RFC EFA530123 8Y6
Tel. (866) 6 49 42 00 Ext. 215, 6 49 42 15 Fax (866) 6 49 42 42 anarro@agimsa.com.mx http://www.agimsa.com Established 1941 NAICS 333516 Rolling Mill Machinery & Equipment Mfg
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Exports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Cast Rollers for iron and steel rolling mills; Forged Rollers; Centrifugated Rollers; Frames. Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Pig Iron; Nickel; Ferronickel; Iron Alloys; Pneumatic Tools for Tractors; Electric Parts; Electronic Parts; Furnaces (Parts); Equipment (Parts). Relations with: Gimco International (USA) Mexican affiliates: A.P. Automotriz, S.A. de C.V.; Administracin Grupo Industrial Monclova, S.A.; Automotriz Monclova, S.A. de C.V.; Construcciones Mecnicas Monclova, S.A. de C.V.; Gases Industriales Monclova, S.A.; Gimco, S.A. de C.V.; Grupo Industrial Monclova, S.A. de C.V.; Hotel Chulavista de Monclova, S.A. de C.V.; Rebasa Mitras, S.A. de C.V.; Refractarios Bsicos, S.A. de C.V.; Servicios Autorizados Ford, S.A. de C.V.
Lic. Felipe Eulalio Mzquiz Ballesteros Director General ENERTEC MXICO, S. DE R.L. DE C.V. Eugenio Garza Sada 3431 Sur Fracc. Arroyo Seco 64740 Monterrey, N.L. RFC EMC981112 QX0
Tel. (81) 83 29 95 00 Ext. 9668, 83 58 82 98, 83 58 74 59 Fax (81) 83 58 91 79 felipe.muzquiz@enertec.com.mx http://www.enertec.com.mx Established 1928 NAICS 335911 Storage Battery Mfg
Sales range US $ 100-999 million a year Exports range US $ 100-999 million a year: Batteries (Car & Stand-by). Imports range US $ 100-999 million a year: Anthracite; Barium Sulfate; Polypropylene (Black, Raw); Calcium Aluminum; Corks; Fire Arrester; Fiberglass; Lamp Black; Lignosulphite; Metallic Arsenic; PVC; Polyethylene; Paper (Separating); Silane A-187; Battery Scrap; Battery Parts; Production Tools. Relations with: Furukawa (Japan); G.N.B. (USA); Johnson Controls, Inc. (USA); Tudor (Spain); Varta (Germany) Foreign investments: Acumuladores Fulgor (Venezuela); Acumuladores Industriales FG (Venezuela); Advantage Battery Co. (USA); Dispandina de Colombia, S.A. (Colombia); Durocaucho, S.A. (Colombia); Enermex Do Brasil, Ltd. (Brazil); Inacel, S.A. (Argentina) Foreign offices: Dallas, TX (USA); Valencia (Venezuela); So Paulo (Brazil); Buenos Aires (Argentina); Caracas (Venezuela); Bogota (Colombia). Mexican affiliates: Grupo Imsa, S.A. de C.V.
Ing. Luis Javier Galindo Domnguez Director General ENLACES RADIOFNICOS, S.A. DE C.V. Presa Salinillas 370, piso 1 Col. Loma Hermosa 11200 Mxico, D.F. RFC ERA700706 FRO
Tel. 53 95 73 77 Ext. 1131, 1130 Fax 54 20 50 66 macosta@digitel.com.mx http://www.digitel.com.mx Established 1970 NAICS 513321 Paging
Ing. Vctor Vzquez Poblano Subdirector General ENVASES DE ACERO MXICO, S.A. DE C.V. (EAMSA) Va Jos Lpez Portillo 12 Bis Col. Lechera 54940 Tultitln, Mx. RFC EAM861210 V29
Tel. 53 10 97 01 Ext. 107 Fax 53 10 88 49 eamsadireccion@infosel.net.mx Established 1975 NAICS 332439 Other Metal Container Mfg
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Exports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Processing Equipment; Transport Equipment; Warehousing Equipment. Mexican affiliates: Grupo Martnez Garza, S.A. de C.V.; Tambores y Cubetas, S.A. de C.V.
Ing. Hctor Guerrero Herrera Director General ENVASES ELOPAK, S.A. DE C.V. Lzaro Crdenas y Valle del Guadiana s/n Parque Industrial Lagunero 35078 Gmez Palacio, Dgo. RFC EEL980310 K29
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Exports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Containers. Imports range US $ 10-99 million a year: Milk Carton Stock.
Tel. (871) 7 29 31 11 Ext. 3141, 7 29 31 41 Fax (871) 7 50 17 73 acervantes@envases-elopak.com.mx http://www.elopak.com Established 1969 NAICS 322214 Fiber Can, Tube, Drum & Similar Products Mfg
Relations with: Elopak, A.S. (USA); Elopak, Inc. (Norway) Mexican affiliates: Grupo Lala Administracin y Control, S.A. de C.V.; Lala Administracin y Control Mercadotecnia, S.A. de C.V.; Lala Alimentos, S.A. de C.V.; Lala Alimentos Divisin Qumicos, S.A. de C.V.; Lala Derivados Lcteos, S.A. de C.V.; Lala Llantas y Servicios, S.A. de C.V.; Lala Torren, S.A. de C.V.; Servicios Especiales de Transporte y Logstica, S.A. de C.V.; Tecnopack de la Laguna, S.A. de C.V.; Transportadora de Alimentos, S.A. de C.V.; Ultra Lala, S.A. de C.V.; Unin de Crdito Industrial y Agropecuario de la Laguna, S.A. de C.V.
Ing. Alfredo Jimnez Daz de Len Director Ejecutivo ENVASES Y LAMINADOS, S.A. DE C.V. (ELSA) Avenida 1 # 12 Parque Industrial Cartagena 54918 Tultitln, Mx. RFC ELA830207 CYA
Tel. 58 88 15 29, 58 88 08 75, 58 88 08 99 Ext. 3056 Fax 58 88 14 94 alfredo.jimenez@elsamex.com.mx http://www.elsa.com.mx Established 1960 NAICS 326199 All Other Plastics Product Mfg NAICS 332439 Other Metal Container Mfg
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Cardboard; Maintenance Supplies; Polyethylene; Sheet Tape. Relations with: Shutz Werke Bmbh
Ing. Pedro Corrales Gonzlez Director General EQUIPAMIENTOS URBANOS DE MXICO, S.A. DE C.V. (EUMEX) Blvd. Manuel vila Camacho 76, piso 10 Col. Lomas de Chapultepec 11000 Mxico, D.F. RFC EUM950516 716
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Acrylic Sheet; Cleaning Products; Screws & Bolts; Lamps; Glass. Relations with: Equipamientos Urbanos de Chile, S.A. (Chile); Equipamientos Urbanos de Colombia, S.A. (Colombia); Equipamientos Urbanos de Costa Rica, S.A. (Costa Rica); Equipamientos Urbanos de El Salvador, S.A. (El Salvador); Equipamientos Urbanos de Guatemala, S.A. (Guatemala); Equipamientos Urbanos de Panam, S.A. (Panama); Equipamientos Urbanos Dominicanos, S.A. (Dominican Republic); Urban Equipment of America, Inc. (USA); Urban Equipments of New York, Inc. (USA)
Sr. Gerhard Weise Presidente ERICSSON TELECOM, S.A. DE C.V. Prol. Reforma 1015, Torre A Col. Punta Santa Fe 01210 Mxico, D.F. RFC ETE951012 6P1
Sales range US $ 100-999 million a year Imports range US $ 10-99 million a year: PABX; Key Systems. Relations with: Ericsson (Sweden)
Tel. 11 03 00 00 Fax 11 03 07 17 http://www.ericsson.com.mx Established 1904 NAICS 42161 Elec Equip/Wiring Supp/Const Material Wholesalers
Ing. William Robert Remer Director General ESB DE MXICO, S.A. DE C.V. Adolfo Lpez Mateos 4210 Col. Casablanca 66475 San Nicols de los Garza, N.L. RFC EME850711 QY8
Tel. (81) 83 29 64 00 Ext. 6416, 6405, 83 29 64 16, 83 29 64 05 Fax (81) 83 29 64 87 william.remer@enersysinc.com http://www.enersysinc.com Established 1927 NAICS 335911 Storage Battery Mfg
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Exports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Stationary (Batteries, Motive Power); Electric Chargers; Light Guards; Solar Cells. Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Electric Equipment; Loaders; no-break Systems; Batteries; Battery Components. Relations with: Grupo Enersys, Inc. (USA)
C.P. Jorge Trevio Sada Director General ESCOBERA LA REYNERA, S.A. DE C.V. Carr. Cadereyta-Allende Km. 1 67450 Cadereyta Jimnez, N.L. RFC ERE870528 LW4
Sales range US $ 100-999 million a year Exports range US $ 10-99 million a year
Tel. (828) 2 69 10 00, 2 84 06 29, 2 84 04 20 Ext. 1001 Fax (828) 2 69 10 00 Ext. 1008 msias@reynera.com.mx escobera@reynera.com.mx http://www.reynera.com.mx Established 1918 NAICS 339994 Broom, Brush & Mop Mfg
Lic. Yvonne Altamirano Segura Directora General ESTACIONAMIENTOS DE LA CIUDAD, S.A. DE C.V. Hamburgo 70, Int. 105 Col. Jurez 06600 Mxico, D.F. RFC ECI860109 JC6
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Mexican affiliates: Grupo Sarqus
Tel. 55 33 14 55 to 59 Fax 52 08 78 35 Established 1943 NAICS 81293 Parking Lots & Garages
Lic. Jos Antonio Armendriz Echegaray Director General ESTAFETA MEXICANA, S.A. DE C.V. Hamburgo 213, piso 14 Col. Jurez 06600 Mxico, D.F. RFC EME880309 SK5
Sales range US $ 100-999 million a year Relations with: Estafeta (USA)
Tel. 52 42 91 00 Ext. 9135, 52 42 91 35 Fax 55 33 39 59 mserna@estafeta.com http://www.estafeta.com.mx Established 1979 NAICS 49211 Couriers
Ing. Humberto Daz del Castillo Director General ESTRUCTURAS DIVA, S.A. DE C.V. Tabachn 1202, piso 1 Col. del Fresno 44900 Guadalajara, Jal. RFC EDI820329 EY7
Tel. (33) 38 84 18 84 Ext. 121, 123 Fax (33) 38 84 18 80 humbertodc@diva.com.mx divagdl@diva.com.mx http://www.diva.com.mx Established 1956 NAICS 23493 Industrial Nonbuilding Structure Construction
Lic. Enrique Arrieta Estrada Gerente de Operaciones ETIC ART, S.A. DE C.V. Viaducto Ro de la Piedad 561 Col. Granjas Mxico 08400 Mxico, D.F. RFC EAR790308 TG7
Tel. 56 57 47 99, 56 57 44 88 Ext. 23, 56 48 76 55 Fax 56 48 76 55 earrieta@iusamex.com http://www.eticart.com.mx Established 1979 NAICS 313221 Narrow Fabric Mills
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Exports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Embroidery Labels. Imports range US $ 10-99 million a year: Machinery and Spare Parts. Foreign offices: Santiago (Chile); San Salvador (El Salvador); Charlotte, NC (USA); El Paso, TX (USA). Mexican affiliates: Grupo Iusa, S.A. de C.V.
Sr. Mario de Jess de Agero Director General EVENFLO MXICO, S.A. DE C.V. Ferrocarril Hidalgo 1404 Col. Aragn la Villa 07000 Mxico, D.F. RFC EME850701 581
Tel. 51 18 06 50 Ext. 0663 Fax 55 77 79 69 evenfmex@prodigy.net.mx http://www.evenflo.com.mx Established 1956 NAICS 32616 Plastics Bottle Mfg NAICS 326299 All Other Rubber Product Mfg NAICS 337125 Household Furniture (exc Wood & Metal) Mfg
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Exports range US $ 10-99 million a year: Baby Supplies. Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Baby Furniture; Nursing Bottles. Relations with: Evenflo Co., Inc. (USA)
Lic. Alejandro Gonzlez Vera Director General EVEREADY DE MXICO, S.A. DE C.V. (EVEMX) Jaime Balmes 11, Torre A, piso 3 Col. Los Morales Polanco 11510 Mxico, D.F. RFC EME861014 J90
Tel. 91 38 20 00 Ext. 2003, 91 38 20 03 Fax 91 38 20 01 Established 1986 NAICS 335912 Primary Battery Mfg
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Imports range US $ 10-99 million a year: Batteries; Lamps; Flash Lights. Relations with: Eveready Battery Co. (USA)
Lic. Jos Manuel Nava Snchez Director General EXCLSIOR CA. EDITORIAL, S.C. DE R.L. Bucareli 1, piso 3 Col. Jurez 06600 Mxico, D.F. RFC EED400815 D16
Sales range US $ 100-999 million a year
Tel. 57 05 44 44 Ext. 3003 to 3008, 55 91 00 76, 55 92 00 92 Fax 57 05 23 87 excelsioredaccion@hotmail.com http://www.excelsior.com.mx Established 1917 NAICS 51111 Newspaper Publishers
Ing. Jos Fernando Nava Mart Director General EXEL LOGISTICS, S.A. DE C.V. Prol. Reforma 1236, piso 3 Col. Santa Fe 01210 Mxico, D.F. RFC ELO920601 4Q9
Tel. 30 03 26 00 Ext. 2612, 30 03 26 12 Fax 52 92 68 60 jose.orozco@mx.exel.com http://www.exel.com Established 1992 NAICS 48851 Freight Transportation Arrangement
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Mexican affiliates: Exel Automocin, S.A. de C.V.; Exel Global Logistics de Mxico, S.A. de C.V.
Ing. Juan Ignacio Bremer Gonzlez Director General EXPORTADORA DE SAL, S.A. DE C.V. (ESSA) Baja California s/n Centro 23940 Guerrero Negro, B.C.S. RFC ESA810617 LA9
Tel. (615) 1 57 05 05 Ext. 200, 322, 1 57 00 46 Fax (615) 1 57 04 77 jibremer@essagn.com.mx http://www.bajasalt.com http://www.essa.com.mx Established 1954 NAICS 212393 Other Chemical & Fertilizer Mineral Mining
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Exports range US $ 10-99 million a year: Salt. Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Diesel Engines; Electric Equipment; Heavy Machinery; High Tension Laboratory Equipment; Movable Cranes; Pumping Engines; Sand Blast Equipment; Spare Parts Tires; Technical Services. Government owned Relations with: Mitsubishi Corporation (Japan) Mexican affiliates: Transportadora de Sal, S.A. de C.V.; Fideicomiso de Fomento Minero
Ing. Juan Carlos Marroqun Director General EXXONMBIL MXICO, S.A. DE C.V. Aristteles 77, piso 1 Col. Chapultepec Polanco 11560 Mxico, D.F. RFC EME970101 A45
Tel. 52 79 48 00, 53 54 05 00 Ext. 4838, 52 79 48 38 Fax 53 54 05 00 http://www.exxonmobil.com Established 1946 NAICS 324191 Petroleum Lubricating Oil & Grease Mfg
Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Lubricants - Chemical Products for; Aditives; Lubricants; Petrochemical Products. Relations with: Exxonmobil Corp. (USA)
Ing. Javier Ruelas Lpez Director de Operaciones FABRICACIN DE CUBIERTOS S.A. DE C.V. (FACUSA) Jos Mara Vigil 400 Col. del Norte 64500 Monterrey, N.L. RFC FCU970422 EM7
Tel. (81) 10 01 33 00, 10 01 34 00 Ext. 4530, 10 01 33 30 Fax (81) 10 01 33 05 Mexico City: 52 27 64 20 jruelas@vitro.com http://www.vitro.com Established 1997 NAICS 332999 All Other Misc Fabricated Metal Product Mfg
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Cobalt Oxide; Lithium Carbonate; Plates; Potassium Silico-Fluoride; Refractory Clay; Ruthyl Sand; Sodium Silico-Fluoride; Sodium Tetraborate. Mexican affiliates: Grupo Vitro, S.A. de C.V.
Ing. Luis Rendn Herrera Director General FABRICACIN DE MQUINAS, S.A. DE C.V. (FAMA) Guerrero Norte 3200 Col. del Prado 64410 Monterrey, N.L. RFC FMA430211 6Y5
Tel. (81) 88 63 28 00 Ext. 5900 Fax (81) 88 63 28 86 mcervantes@vto.com vitro@vto.com http://www.vto.com Established 1943 NAICS 333518 Other Metalworking Machinery Mfg
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Exports range US $ 10-99 million a year: Glass Forming Machinery (New and Rebuilted); Mold Equipment; Electronic Equipment; Iron Castings; Forged Parts; Decorating Machines and Complementary Equipment for the Glass Industry. Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Steel (Special); Pneumatic Equipment; Electronic Components; Machinery. Mexican affiliates: Grupo Vitro, S.A. de C.V.
Ing. Jos Morales Gonzlez Gerente General FBRICA DE ACEITES LA CENTRAL, S.A. DE C.V. (FACSA) Ro lamo 2310 Sector Reforma 44890 Guadalajara, Jal. RFC FAC850529 360
Tel. (33) 36 35 00 46 Ext. 104 Fax (33) 36 35 76 62 Established 1944 NAICS 311225 Fats & Oils Refining & Blending
Sr. Jorge Ripstein Director General FBRICA DE BROCHAS PERFECT, S.A. DE C.V. Calle 4 # 32 Fracc. Industrial Alce Blanco 53370 Naucalpan, Mx. RFC FBP710202 8E3
Tel. 55 76 24 44, 55 76 26 24, 53 58 46 66 Ext. 210 Fax 55 76 28 32, 53 58 89 29 http://www.brochasperfect.com.mx Established 1948 NAICS 339994 Broom, Brush & Mop Mfg
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Imports range US $ 10-99 million a year: Cutting Machines; Nails; Bristles; Resins; Wire; Brushes. Mexican affiliates: Distribuidora Perfect, S.A. de C.V.; Industrial de Pinturas Velogan, S.A. de C.V.
Sr. Vctor E. Canavati Fraige Director General FBRICA DE CAMISAS MANCHESTER, S.A. DE C.V. Dr. I. Morones Prieto 2110 Pte., piso 3 Col. Loma Larga 64710 Monterrey, N.L. RFC FCM801113 1C2
Tel. (81) 83 43 20 40 to 46 Ext. 1314 Fax (81) 83 44 90 30 Mexico City: 54 88 29 56 victorcanavati@manchester.com.mx http://www.manchester.com.mx Established 1939 NAICS 315223 Men's/Boys' Cut & Sew Shirt (exc Work) Mfg
Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Buttons; Fabrics; Polyester. Mexican affiliates: Corporativo Eca, S.A.; Fbrica de Camisas Gino, S.A. de C.V.; GNC de Mxico, S.A. de C.V.
Ing. Juan Rafael Silva Garca Director General FBRICA DE ENVASES DE VIDRIO, S.A. DE C.V. Carr. a San Felipe Km. 9 Col. Colorado 1 21740 Mexicali, B.C.N. RFC FEV870327 CZ3
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Mexican affiliates: Fevisa Industrial, S.A. de C.V.
Tel. (686) 5 63 63 13 Ext. 118 Fax (686) 5 63 61 82 juanrsilva@fevisa.com http://www.fevisa.com Established 1987 NAICS 327213 Glass Container Mfg
Sr. Manuel Iriso Erreguerena Presidente FBRICA DE HARINAS ELIZONDO, S.A. DE C.V. Ferrocarril de Cuernavaca 887 Col. Irrigacin 11500 Mxico, D.F. RFC FHE870311 UX5
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Wheat.
Tel. 21 22 60 70, 21 22 60 80 Ext. 6096 Fax 21 22 60 81 miriso@harinaselizondo.com info@harinaselizondo.com http://www.harinaselizondo.com Established 1947 NAICS 311211 Flour Milling
Sra. Mara Esthela Gonzlez de Rueda Presidenta FBRICA DE JABN LA CORONA, S.A. DE C.V. Carlos B. Zetina 80 Fracc. Industrial Xalostoc 55340 Ecatepec, Mx. RFC FJC780315 E91
Tel. 57 47 45 45 Ext. 1003 Fax 57 14 11 06 csanchez@fjcorona.com.mx http://www.lacorona.com.mx Established 1920 NAICS 32562 Toilet Preparation Mfg NAICS 311225 Fats & Oils Refining & Blending NAICS 325132 Synthetic Organic Dye & Pigment Mfg NAICS 325611 Soap & Other Detergent Mfg
Sales range US $ 100-999 million a year Exports range US $ 10-99 million a year: Detergents; Soaps; Glyceryn. Imports range US $ 100-999 million a year: Tallow Beef; Sunflower Seed; Sunflower Crude Oil; Dedecilbenzene; Sodium Teipolyphosphate.
Lic. Wolf D. Kritzler Hahne Presidente FBRICA DE LOZA EL NFORA, S.A. DE C.V. Constituyentes 345, PB Col. Daniel Garza 11830 Mxico, D.F. RFC FLA831003 UGO
Tel. 52 71 52 55 Fax 52 71 27 22 ceo@anfora.com.mx http://www.anfora.com Established 1920 NAICS 327112 Vitreous China & Other Pottery Product Mfg
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Ceramic Materiasl (Pigments, Replacement Parts, Raw Materiasl).
Ing. Hctor Landgrave Garca Director General FBRICA DE MUEBLES GUANAJUATO, S.A. DE C.V. Km. 3 Carr. San Jos Iturbide-Pozos 37980 San Jos Iturbide, Gto. RFC FMG920320 37A
Exports range US $ 10-99 million a year: Furniture. Mexican affiliates: Landgrave, S.A. de C.V.
Tel. (419) 1 98 10 15 to 17 Ext. 224 Fax (419) 1 98 04 75 Mexico City: 55 98 80 52 hector@landgrave.com.mx http://www.landgrave.com.mx Established 1992 NAICS 337124 Metal Household Furniture Manufacturing
Ing. Mario Armando Garca Franco Director General FBRICA DE PAPEL SAN FRANCISCO, S.A. DE C.V. (FAPSA) Km. 5.5. Blvd. Lpez Mateos Centro Industrial Margar 21360 Mexicali, B.C.N. RFC FPS800522 DA3
Tel. (686) 5 61 83 41, 5 61 83 42, 5 61 83 43, 5 61 83 44 Ext. 11104 Fax (686) 5 61 79 02 elsac@fapsa.com.mx guadalup@fapsa.com.mx http://www.fapsa.com.mx Established 1980 NAICS 322291 Sanitary Paper Product Mfg
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Exports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Toilet Paper. Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Chemicals; Machinery and Equipment; Paper Scrap.
Lic. Javier Prez Olagaray Jimnez Director General FBRICA NACIONAL DE LIJA, S.A. DE C.V. (FANDELI) Pdte. Jurez 225, Apdo. Postal 53 Col. San Jernimo Tepetlacalco 54090 Tlalnepantla, Mx. RFC FNL540201 FA5
Tel. 53 66 14 00 Ext. 1462, 53 66 14 62 Fax 53 66 14 44 http://www.fandeli.com.mx Established 1927 NAICS 32791 Abrasive Product Mfg
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Exports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Abrasives Textile Support Coat; Abrasives Paper Support Coat. Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Latex; Machinery and Equipment; Paper; Sanders (grit). Mexican affiliates: Grupo Fandeli
Ing. Mario Quijada Mendvil Director General FBRICAS DE CALZADO ANDREA, S.A. DE C.V. Jos Alonso de Torres 106 Fracc. San Jernimo 37148 Len, Gto. RFC FCA980701 L75
Tel. (477) 7 88 44 00 Ext. 1001, 7 88 44 06 Fax (477) 7 88 44 30 Mexico City: 57 29 26 00 elanderos@andrea.com.mx http://www.andrea.com.mx Established 1974 NAICS 316213 Men's Footwear (exc Athletic) Mfg NAICS 316214 Women's Footwear (exc Athletic) Mfg
Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Footwear; Furniture, Door & Window Hardware; Soles; Footwear Manufacturing Materials & Components.
Lic. Gastn Solana Llano Director General FBRICAS DE PAPEL POTOS, S.A. DE C.V. (FAPPSA) Eje 120 # 315 Zona Industrial 78090 San Luis Potos, S.L.P. RFC FPP790718 3V2
Tel. (444) 8 24 59 10 Ext. 512, 8 24 62 25 Fax (444) 8 24 62 24 Mexico City: 52 59 03 05 asistente_direccion@papelpotosi.com http://www.papelpotosi.com Established 1979 NAICS 322291 Sanitary Paper Product Mfg
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Waste Paper; Machinery; Jumbo Rolls. Relations with: Statler Industries, Inc. (USA)
Ing. Guillermo Acevedo Morga Director General FBRICAS DE PAPEL TUXTEPEC, S.A. DE C.V. (FAPATUX) Ejido Benito Jurez s/n Apartado Postal 50 68445 Tuxtepec, Oax. RFC FPT630919 45A
Tel. (287) 8 75 90 00 Ext. 9011, 8 75 90 11 Fax (287) 8 75 90 08 Mexico City: 57 29 70 00 gacevedom@corpdgo.com.mx http://www.corpdgo.com.mx Established 1954 NAICS 322121 Paper (except Newsprint) Mills NAICS 322122 Newsprint Mills
Sales range US $ 100-999 million a year Exports range US $ 10-99 million a year: Paper (Newsprint); Paper for Books. Imports range US $ 100-999 million a year: Raw Materials; Machinery for the production of pulp and paper. Mexican affiliates: Corporacin Durango, S.A. de C.V.
Ing. Jacinto Rentera Rodrguez Gerente de Planta FBRICAS MONTERREY, S.A. DE C.V. (FAMOSA) Bronce 2125 Col. Carlos Pacheco 22800 Ensenada, B.C.N. RFC FMO840702 R81
Tel. (646) 1 75 15 00 Ext. 1504, 1 78 59 63 Fax (646) 1 75 15 11 Mexico City: 55 45 94 40 jimonvel@empaque.femsa.com.mx http://www.femsa.com.mx Established 1936 NAICS 332431 Metal Can Mfg NAICS 332115 Crown & Closure Mfg
Sales range US $ 100-999 million a year Exports range US $ 10-99 million a year: Crown Caps; Caps; Crown Parts and Spares of Common Metals. Imports range US $ 10-99 million a year: Aluminum; Steel Sheets. Mexican affiliates: Femsa-Empaques, S.A. de C.V.
Sr. Bill Medland Director General FANAL, S.A. DE C.V. Nogalar 301 Sur Col. Industrial Nogalar 66480 San Nicols de los Garza, N.L. RFC FAN540305 I15
Tel. (81) 83 50 42 50 to 54 Ext. 156 Fax (81) 83 50 61 98 Mexico City: 56 57 00 88, 56 57 02 90 jledezma@fanal.com.mx http://www.fanal.com.mx Established 1953 NAICS 33251 Hardware Mfg
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Exports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Hinges (Commercial and Architectural). Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Packing & Filling Machines; Steel Sheet; Tools; Cutting Machines; Chemical Products. Relations with: National Manufacturing Co. (USA) Foreign investments: Mont-Hard Corp. (USA); Mont-Hard Inc. (Canada) Foreign offices: Montreal (Canada); San Antonio, TX (USA).
Ing. Carlos Guzmn Urbn Director General FARIEL, S.A. DE C.V. Blvd. Adolfo Lpez Mateos 150 Ciudad Lpez Mateos 52910 Atizapn de Zaragoza, Mx. RFC FAR820202 K29
Tel. 58 22 08 00 Ext. 102, 134, 58 24 01 73 Fax 58 16 49 57 carlosguzman@fariel.com.mx Established 1965 NAICS 313249 Other Knit Fabric & Lace Mills
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Exports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Clothing Lace; Decoration Lace. Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Machinery; Threads. Mexican affiliates: Eratex, S.A.
Dr. Jess Arenas Wiedfeldt Director Mdico FARMACUTICOS MAYPO, S.A. DE C.V. Ayuntamiento 201 Col. Miguel Hidalgo 14000 Mxico, D.F. RFC FMA930118 1B1
Tel. 50 00 10 50 Ext. 1800, 50 00 11 80 Fax 50 00 10 50 jarenas@maypo.com.mx http://www.maypo.com.mx Established 1993 NAICS 42221 Drugs & Druggists' Sundries Wholesalers
Sales range US $ 100-999 million a year Mexican affiliates: Farmacuticos Vida, S.A. de C.V.; Stendhal, S.A. de C.V.
C.P. Vctor Gonzlez Torres Presidente FARMACIAS DE SIMILARES, S.A. DE C.V. Alemania 10 Col. Independencia 03630 Mxico, D.F. RFC FSI970908 ML5
Tel. 54 22 45 00 Ext. 661 Fax 55 39 91 71 farmsim@prodigy.net.mx http://www.farmaciasdesimilares.com.mx Established 1997 NAICS 44611 Pharmacies & Drug Stores
Sales range US $ 100-999 million a year Mexican affiliates: Fundacin Best; Grupo por un Pas Mejor, S.A. de C.V.; Laboratorios Best, S.A.; Plsticos Farmacuticos, S.A. de C.V.
C.P. Rubn Esquvar Macas Director General FARMACIAS ESQUVAR, S.A. DE C.V. Carr. Juan Crispn Km. 1.3, Bod. 9 Col. Plan de Ayala 29110 Tuxtla Gutirrez, Chis. RFC FES960502 PJ9
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year
Tel. (961) 6 18 71 30 Ext. 117 Fax (961) 6 18 71 30 Ext. 118 ijuarez@esquivar.com.mx http://www.esquivar.com.mx Established 1996 NAICS 44611 Pharmacies & Drug Stores
C.P. Alfonso Vallejo Esquivel Director General FARMACIAS SAN FRANCISCO DE ASS, S.A. DE C.V. Sstenes Rocha 740 Barrio de San Cayetano 36530 Irapuato, Gto. RFC FSF910327 HH4
Tel. (462) 6 27 35 60, 6 27 30 20 Fax (462) 6 27 25 74 sistemas-fsfa@terra.com.mx Established 1988 NAICS 44611 Pharmacies & Drug Stores
Lic. Elas Salomn Nader Director General FRMACOS NACIONALES, S.A. DE C.V. Dr. Pasteur 93 Col. Doctores 06720 Mxico, D.F. RFC FNA951220 DA9
Tel. 51 34 21 00 Ext. 105 Fax 51 34 21 73 esn@prodigy.net.mx Established 1995 NAICS 42221 Drugs & Druggists' Sundries Wholesalers
Lic. Javier Armida Graham Director General F. ARMIDA Y CA. SUCS., S.A. DE C.V. Nios Hroes de Chapultepec 110, piso 3 Col. Nios Hroes de Chapultepec 03440 Mxico, D.F. RFC FAS860429 R66
Tel. 56 98 01 00 Ext. 0140, 0142, 56 98 01 42, 56 98 01 40 Fax 56 98 01 99 farmida@farmida.com.mx http://www.farmida.com.mx Established 1908 NAICS 42142 Office Equipment Wholesalers NAICS 333313 Office Machinery Mfg NAICS 334518 Watch, Clock & Part Mfg
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Imports range US $ 10-99 million a year: Ink Jet Posting Machines; Indent Marking; Attendance and Payroll Recorders.
Sr. Roby Brown Vicepresidente de Operaciones FEDERAL EXPRESS HOLDING MXICO Y CA., S.N.C. C.V. (FEDEX) Vasco de Quiroga 2999, piso 1 Col. Santa Fe Pea Blanca 01207 Mxico, D.F. RFC FEH940630 UG2
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Relations with: Federal Express Corp.
Tel. 52 28 81 00 Ext. 8148, 52 28 81 48 Fax 52 28 81 71 gejasso@fedex.com http://www.fedex.com Established 1986 NAICS 49211 Couriers
Ing. Alejandro Lozada Caibe Director General FENOQUIMIA, S.A. DE C.V. (FQ) Bosque de Ciruelos 180, piso 6 Col. Bosques de las Lomas 11700 Mxico, D.F. RFC FEN850706 R45
Tel. 57 23 28 00 Ext. 1601, 1602 Fax 57 23 28 28 alozada@plastiglas.com.mx http://www.fenoquimia.com.mx Established 1975 NAICS 325188 All Other Basic Inorganic Chemical Mfg
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Cumene; Methanol. Relations with: B.P. Chemicals (USA) Mexican affiliates: Grupo Desc, S.A. de C.V.; Plastiglas de Mxico, S.A. de C.V.
Sr. Ramn Isla Zamanillo Director General FENO RESINAS, S.A. DE C.V. Prol. San Antonio 36 Col. San Pedro de los Pinos 01180 Mxico, D.F. RFC FRE870318 JN2
Tel. 52 76 63 70 Ext. 1303 Fax 55 15 18 47 islaycia@prodigy.net.mx fenoresinas@yahoo.com.mx http://www.fenoresinas.com.mx Established 1987 NAICS 325211 Plastics Material & Resins Mfg
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Exports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Phenolic Resins; Exa Methylene Tetramine. Relations with: Huttens Albertus (Germany)
Sr. Bruno Falzoni Duca Presidente FERMIC, S.A. DE C.V. Reforma 873 Col. San Nicols Tolentino 09850 Mxico, D.F. RFC FER660512 JT7
Tel. 50 37 00 00 Ext. 121, 50 37 00 01 Fax 56 56 15 42 bfalzoni@fermic.com.mx http://www.fermic.com.mx Established 1968 NAICS 325414 Biological Product (exc Diagnostic) Mfg
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Exports range US $ 10-99 million a year: Erythromycin; Lovastatin; Simuastatin; Clarithromycin; Roxzthromycin; Clavulanic Acid. Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Oxalic Acid; Propionic Anhydride; Propyl Alcohol; Terbutylamine; Tetrahydrofurane; Chloroform; Disilazane Hexamethyl; Ammonium Tiocianate Hidroxilamine Hcl; Methyl Ioxide; 2 Metoxypropene.
Sr. Leopoldo Amutio de Diego Director General FERRETERA CALZADA, S.A. DE C.V. Lzaro Crdenas 799, piso 1 Zona Industrial 44940 Guadalajara, Jal. RFC FCA810527 HPO
Tel. (33) 31 45 00 45, 31 45 14 37 Ext. 111 Fax (33) 31 45 00 65 eamutio@ferreteriacalzada.com http://www.fcalzada.com Established 1953 NAICS 44413 Hardware Stores
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Tools; Hardware; House Wares; Garden Supplies.
Lic. Alfredo Casar Prez Director General FERROCARRIL MEXICANO, S.A. DE C.V. (FERROMEX) Bosque de Ciruelos 99 Col. Bosques de las Lomas 11700 Mxico, D.F. RFC FME971022 Q44
Tel. 52 46 37 00 Ext. 3812, 52 46 38 12 Fax 52 46 37 00 Ext. 3742 rgalindo@ferromex.com.mx http://www.ferromex.com.mx Established 1997 NAICS 482111 Line-Haul Railroads
Sales range US $ 100-999 million a year Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Piping & Fittings; Electric Material; Paint; Ties - Wooden and Concrete (Railroad); Railroad Equipment & Supplies; Iron).
Ing. Gonzalo Alejo Ochoa Abarca Director General FERROCARRIL Y TERMINAL DEL VALLE DE MXICO, S.A. DE C.V. (FERROVALLE) Mario Coln s/n Col. Valle Ceyln 54150 Tlalnepantla, Mx. RFC TFV961129 616
Tel. 53 33 88 81 to 83 Fax 53 33 88 86 Alejo_Ochoa@ferrovalle.com.mx http://www.ferrovalle.com.mx Established 1998 NAICS 482111 Line-Haul Railroads
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Electric Material; Railroad Equipment & Supplies; Ties - Wooden and Concrete (Railroad); Railroad Equipment & Supplies; Safety Equipment.
Ing. John Kelly Joseph Presidente de Operaciones y Gerente General FERRO MEXICANA, S.A. DE C.V. Oriente 171 # 450 Col. Aragn Inguarn 07490 Mxico, D.F. RFC FME730313 2T1
Tel. 57 60 80 77, 57 60 61 00 Ext. 280 Fax 57 60 51 54 morettme@ferro.com Established 1951 NAICS 325182 Carbon Black Mfg
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Exports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Ceramic Industry Raw Materials. Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Pharmaceutic Industry Raw Materials. Relations with: Ferro Corp. (USA)
Ing. Daniel Torres Len Director General FERROSUR, S.A. DE C.V. Jaime Balmes 11, Torre C, piso 4, Plaza Polanco Col. Los Morales Polanco 11510 Mxico, D.F. RFC FER980731 NW5
Tel. 53 87 65 00 Ext. 6516, 53 87 65 16 Fax 53 87 65 95 dtorres@ferrosur.com.mx http://www.ferrosur.com.mx Established 1998 NAICS 482111 Line-Haul Railroads
Sales range US $ 100-999 million a year Imports range US $ 10-99 million a year: Railroad Equipment & Supplies. Mexican affiliates: Grupo Carso
Ing. Jos de Jess Meza Muiz Gerente General FERTIREY, S.A. DE C.V. Prol. Cuauhtmoc 1318 Sur Centro 27000 Torren, Coah. RFC FER910107 QU3
Tel. (871) 7 29 40 00, 7 29 40 10, 7 29 40 11 Fax (871) 7 29 40 90 jesus_meza@penoles.com.mx http://www.penoles.com.mx Established 1991 NAICS 325311 Nitrogenous Fertilizer Mfg
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Mexican affiliates: Industrias Peoles, S.A. de C.V.; Salinas del Rey, S.A. de C.V.
Lic. Alfredo Ortega Arellano Director General FIANZAS GUARDIANA INBURSA, S.A. Paseo de las Palmas 736, piso 1 Col. Lomas de Chapultepec 11000 Mxico, D.F. RFC FGI940320 IO3
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Mexican affiliates: Grupo Financiero Inbursa, S.A. de C.V.
Tel. 56 25 49 00 Ext. 3375, 56 25 49 78 Fax 56 25 49 77 aortegaa@inbursa.com.mx http://www.inbursa.com.mx Established 1942 NAICS 524126 Direct Property & Casualty Insurance Carriers
Lic. Adolfo Christlieb Morales Director General FIANZAS MONTERREY, S.A. Rubn Daro 38 Col. Rincn del Bosque 11580 Mxico, D.F. RFC FMO930803 PB1
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Relations with: New York Life International, Inc. (USA)
Tel. 57 26 37 00 Ext. 3746, 57 26 37 46 Fax 52 55 39 37 rruiz@fianzasmonterrey.com.mx http://www.fianzasmonterrey.com.mx Established 1943 NAICS 524126 Direct Property & Casualty Insurance Carriers
Lic. Mauricio Lpez Velasco Aguirre Director General FINAMEX CASA DE BOLSA, S.A. DE C.V. Reforma 255, piso 4 Col. Cuauhtmoc 06500 Mxico, D.F. RFC FCB770713 DD9
Assets over US $ 10 billion
Tel. 52 09 20 00 Ext. 2013, 52 09 20 13, 52 09 20 43 Fax 52 09 20 57 mlopez@finamex.com.mx http://www.finamex.com.mx Established 1977 NAICS 52312 Securities Brokerage
Ing. Carlos Labarthe Costas Director General FINANCIERA COMPARTAMOS, S.A. DE C.V. Insurgentes Sur 553 Col. Escandn 11800 Mxico, D.F. RFC FCO001030 6D2
Assets range US $ 10-99 million
Tel. 52 76 72 50 Ext. 7251 Fax 52 76 72 99 direcciongeneral@compartamos.com http://www.compartamos.com Established 2000 NAICS 522291 Consumer Lending
Ing. Jos Luis Rin Santisteban Presidente FINANCIERA INDEPENDENCIA, S.A. DE C.V. Reforma 600, Ofic. 301, PH Col. Santa Fe Pea Blanca 01210 Mxico, D.F. RFC FIN940912 RHA
Assets range US $ 10-99 million
Tel. 52 29 02 00 Ext. 0210, 52 29 02 10 Fax 52 29 02 19 jlr@independencia.com.mx http://www.independencia.com.mx Established 1993 NAICS 522292 Real Estate Credit
Lic. Sergio Argelles Gonzlez Presidente y Director General FINSA HOLDING, S.A. DE C.V. Ricardo Margin 555 C, Parque Corporativo Santa Engracia Col. Valle del Campestre 66267 San Pedro Garza Garca, N.L. RFC FHO990813 T45
Tel. (81) 81 52 42 00 Ext. 4249 Fax (81) 81 52 42 01 Mexico City: 52 07 47 13 sarguelles@finsa.net http://www.finsa.net Established 1977 NAICS 23331 Mfg & Industrial Building Construction
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Structural Materials (Building). Relations with: AIG (USA) Foreign investments: FINSA Argetina (Argentina); FINSA Development Corporation (USA) Foreign offices: Brownsville, TX (USA); Laredo, TX (USA); Harlingen, TX (USA); Los Indios, TX (USA); Buenos Aires (Argentina); Cordoba (Argentina) Mexican affiliates: Allied Engineering; Damil Inmobiliaria; FINSA del Centro; FINSA del Norte; FINSA Metropolitana; Fraccionadora Industrial del Norte; Limad Inmobiliaria;
Ing. Vicente Marroqun Cepeda Director General FLEJES MISA, S.A. DE C.V. Km. 22.7 Carr. Laredo 65550 Cinega de Flores, N.L. RFC FMI990125 489
Tel. (81) 83 29 84 00 Ext. 8435, 8434, 83 29 84 35, 83 29 84 34 Fax (81) 83 29 84 78 Mexico City: 53 80 62 20 vicentem@grupoimsa.com http://www.flejesmisa.com.mx Established 1999 NAICS 332999 All Other Misc Fabricated Metal Product Mfg
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Exports range US $ 10-99 million a year: Rollers (Packing Strap). Relations with: Signode Corporation (USA) Mexican affiliates: Grupo Imsa, S.A. de C.V.; Imsa Signode, S.A. de C.V.
Ing. scar Mora Inda Director General FLOWSERVE, S.A. DE C.V. Va Morelos 437 Col. Santa Clara 55540 Ecatepec, Mx. RFC FLO980910 PKA
Tel. 56 99 10 00 Ext. 1014, 56 99 10 14 Fax 56 99 10 48 jsalas@flowserve.com http://www.flowserve.com.mx Established 1952 NAICS 333111 Farm Machinery & Equipment Mfg NAICS 333911 Pump & Pumping Equipment Mfg
Sales range US $ 100-999 million a year Exports range US $ 100-999 million a year: Pumps; Plow Rakes Disks; Mechanic Seals. Imports range US $ 10-99 million a year: Foundries; Steel Plates; Centrifugal Pumps Parts; Mechanical Seals; Manufacturing of Disks for Plows and Harrows; Pumping Equipment. Relations with: Flowserve Corp. (USA)
Ing. Jos Antonio Fernndez Carbajal Presidente del Consejo y Director General FOMENTO ECONMICO MEXICANO, S.A. DE C.V. (FEMSA) Alfonso Reyes 2202 Norte Col. Bellavista 64442 Monterrey, N.L. RFC FSE920910 CC6
Tel. (81) 83 28 60 00 Ext. 17, 18, 83 28 60 28, 83 28 60 17, 83 28 60 18 Fax (81) 83 28 60 29 Mexico City: 57 26 90 31 dg@femsa.com.mx http://www.femsa.com Established 1990 NAICS 31212 Breweries NAICS 551112 Offices of Other Holding Companies
Sales range US $ 1-10 billion a year Exports range US $ 10-99 million a year: Beer; Cans; Lids; Crown Caps; Coolers (Commercial). Imports range US $ 10-99 million a year: Aluminum Steel; Hop; Machinery. Relations with: Amoco Oild (USA); John Labatt Limited (Canada) Foreign investments: Coca-Cola de Buenos Aires (Argentina); Moctezuma & Cuauhtmoc Import (USA); Multinational Investment Co. (USA); Repare (Argentina); Quebec Mexican Beers (Canada) Mexican affiliates: Administracin y Asesora Integral, S.A. de C.V.; Administracin, S.A. de C.V.; Bienes Races Cermoc, S.A.; Bock, S.A. de C.V.; Cadena Comercial Oxxo, S.A. de C.V.; Campos Deportivos, S.A. de C.V.; Carta Blanca de Occidente, S.A. de C.V.; Casa Piza, S.A. de C.V.; Cervecera Cruz Blanca, S.A. de C.V.; Cervecera Cuauhtmoc Moctezuma de Chiapas, S.A. de C.V.; Cervecera Cuauhtmoc Moctezuma de Quintana Roo, S.A. de C.V.; Cervecera Cuauhtmoc Moctezuma, S.A. de C.V.; Cervezas Cuauhtmoc Moctezuma del Norte, S.A. de C.V.; Cervezas Cuauhtmoc Moctezuma Saltillo, S.A. de C.V.; Cervezas del Centro, S.A. de C.V.; Cervezas Mundiales, S.A. de C.V.; Cervezas Tecate de Baja California, S.A. de C.V.; Coca-Cola Femsa, S.A. de C.V.; Codicome del Caribe, S.A.; Codicome del Centro, S.A.; Codicome del Sureste, S.A.; Comerdis de Occidente, S.A. de C.V.; Comerdis del Norte, S.A.; Compaa Cervecera de Chihuahua, S.A.; Compaa de Distribucin y Comercio del Golfo, S.A.; Cuauhtmoc Moctezuma del Golfo, S.A.; Desarrollo Comercial Femsa, S.A. de C.V.; Desarrollo Logstico; Distribucin de Cervezas de Sinaloa, S.A.; Distribuidora Carta Blanca de la Frontera, S.A. de C.V.; Distribuidora Cuauhtmoc Moctezuma de la Costa, S.A.; Distribuidora Cuauhtmoc Moctezuma de Morelia, S.A.; Distribuidora Cuauhtmoc Moctezuma de San Luis, S.A.; Distribuidora Cuauhtmoc Moctezuma de Tamaulipas, S.A.; Distribuidora de Cervezas de Sonora, S.A.; Emprex, S.A. de C.V.; Fbricas Monterrey, S.A. de C.V.; Femsa-Cerveza, S.A. de C.V.; Femsa-Comercio, S.A. de C.V.; Femsa Empaques Sudamrica, S.A. de C.V.; Femsa Empaques, S.A. de C.V.; Femsa Logstica, S.A. de C.V.; Grafo Regia, S.A. de C.V.; Hielo de Sonora, S.A.; Impulsora de Mercados de Mxico, S.A. de C.V.; Impulsora de Mercados en Latinoamrica, S.A. de C.V.; Inmuebles del Golfo, S.A. de C.V.; Oxxo Expres, S.A. de C.V.; Plsticos Tcnicos Mexicanos, S.A. de C.V.; Propimex, S.A. de C.V.; Proyectos y Servicios Comerciales, S.A.; Quimiproductos, S.A. de C.V.; Refrescos y Aguas Minerales, S.A. de C.V.; Servicios de Administracin de Mercados, S.A.; Servicios Industriales y Comerciales, S.A.; Servicios y Concesiones, S.A.; Slices de Veracruz, S.A. de C.V.; Sistema Ambiental Industrial, S.A.; Vendo de Mxico, S.A. de C.V. Listed in the Mexican Stock Exchange and PORTAL / SEAQ (American Depositary Receipts); ticker symbol: FEMSA Board of Directors: Ing. Jos Antonio Fernndez Carbajal (Chairman), C.P. Ernesto Gonzlez Dvila (Comisario), Sr. Alfredo Livas Cant (Secretary), Sr. Jos Manuel Canal Hernando, Lic. Eduardo ngel Elizondo Lozano, Lic. Alberto Bailleres Gonzlez, Sr. Jos Fernando Caldern Ayala, Sr. Roberto E. Denham, Sra. Consuelo Garza de Garza, Sra. Brbara Garza Gonda, Dr. Eugenio Garza Lagera, Sr. Ricardo Guajardo Touch, Sr. Max Michel Suberville, Sr. Helmut Paul, Lic. Alexis Eugenio Rovzar de la Torre, Sr. Carlos Salguero, Sr. Roberto Servitje Sendra, Dr. Luis Tllez Kuenzler, Ing. Lorenzo H. Zambrano Trevio
Sra. Consuelo Sizar Guerrero Directora General FONDO DE CULTURA ECONMICA (FCE) Carr. Picacho Ajusco 227 Col. Bosques del Pedregal 14200 Mxico, D.F. RFC FEC940726 U22
Tel. 52 27 46 72 Ext. 6003, 4601 to 4605, 52 27 46 01 to 05 Fax 52 27 46 94 csaizar@fce.com.mx http://www.fce.com.mx Established 1934 NAICS 51113 Book Publishers NAICS 51222 Integrated Record Production/Distribution
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Musical Records; Books; Magazines & Newspapers. Government owned Foreign investments: Fondo de Cultura Econmica Brasil, Ltda. (Brazil); Fondo de Cultura Econmica Chile, S.A. (Chile); Fondo de Cultura Econmica de Argentina, S.A. (Argentina); Fondo de Cultura Econmica de Espaa, S.L. (Spain); Fondo de Cultura Econmica de Guatemala, S.A. (Guatemala); Fondo de Cultura Econmica USA, Inc. (USA); Fondo de Cultura Econmica Venezuela, S.A. (Venezuela); Fondo de Cultura Econmica, Ltda. (Colombia); Fondo Editorial de Cultura, S.A. (Peru) Foreign offices: Bogota (Colombia); Buenos Aires (Argentina); Caracas (Venezuela); Lima (Peru); Madrid (Spain); San Diego, CA (USA); Santiago (Chile); So Paulo (Brazil).
Lic. John McCarthy Sandland Director General FONDO NACIONAL DE FOMENTO AL TURISMO (FONATUR) Tecoyotitla 100, piso 4 Col. Florida 01030 Mxico, D.F. RFC FNF740416 I93
Government owned
Tel. 56 61 20 60, 56 61 23 05 Fax 56 61 28 40 acaso@fonatur.gob.mx http://www.fonatur.gob.mx Established 1974 NAICS 52211 Commercial Banking
Ing. Marcos de Oliveira Presidente y Director General FORD MOTOR COMPANY, S.A. DE C.V. (VOLVO AUTO MXICO / JAGUAR MXICO) Guillermo Gonzlez Camarena 1500 Col. Centro Ciudad Santa Fe 01210 Mxico, D.F. RFC FMO830423 6C5
Sales range US $ 1-10 billion a year Relations with: Ford Motor Co. (USA)
Tel. 11 03 36 73 Ext. 3975 Fax 11 03 38 64 pvallejo@ford.com http://www.ford.com.mx Established 1925 NAICS 336111 Automobile Mfg NAICS 336211 Motor Vehicle Body Mfg
C.P. Jorge Fernndez de Castro Toulet Director General FORESTAL ALFA, S.A. DE C.V. Estroncio 120, Apdo. 526 Ciudad Industrial 34208 Durango, Dgo. RFC FAL931112 BBA
Tel. (618) 8 18 05 03, 8 18 05 63 Ext. 106 Fax (618) 8 18 86 90 jorgefc@forestalalfa.com.mx http://www.forestalalfa.com.mx Established 1971 NAICS 337122 Nonupholstered Wood Household Furniture Mfg
Sales range US $ 100-999 million a year Exports range US $ 1-10 million a year Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Wood Veneers; Chemical Products; Mechanical Equipment; Lathes; Cutting Equipment; Printing Machinery; Maintenance Supplies; Dryers - Equipment.
Ing. Rolf Edelmann Brueckle Gerente General FORGAMEX, S.A. DE C.V. Calle 6 # 2510, Sector Jurez Zona Industrial 44940 Guadalajara, Jal. RFC FOR820304 4R2
Tel. (33) 38 12 24 14, 38 10 46 00 Ext. 103, 104 Fax (33) 38 12 00 18 edelmann@precimex.com.mx http://www.precimex.com.mx Established 1971 NAICS 332919 Other Metal Valve & Pipe Fitting Mfg
Exports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Valves & Fittings; Gas Equipment. Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Hoses. Mexican affiliates: Grupo Iusa
Lic. Alejandro del Ro de la Fuente Director General FORJAS METLICAS, S.A. DE C.V. (FORMET) Nogalar Sur 300 Col. Industrial Nogalar 66480 San Nicols de los Garza, N.L. RFC FME831015 IK0
Tel. (81) 80 07 43 00 Ext. 4301, 4302, 80 07 43 01, 80 07 43 02 Fax (81) 80 07 43 09 Mexico City: 55 69 00 55 formet@grupoimsa.com emontema@grupoimsa.com http://www.grupoimsa.com/formet Established 1983 NAICS 332111 Iron & Steel Forging
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Exports range US $ 1-10 million a year Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Steel. Mexican affiliates: Cuprum, S.A. de C.V.; Enertec, S.A. de C.V.; Grupo Imsa, S.A. de C.V.; Multipanel, S.A. de C.V.
Ing. Juan Carlos Infante la Morgia Director General FOSTER WHEELER MEXICANA, S.A. DE C.V. Km. 48.5 Carr. Federal Mxico-Pachuca 55740 Tecmac, Mx. RFC FWM710618 V44
Tel. (779) 7 96 12 90, 7 96 14 45, 7 96 09 43 Ext. 201 Fax (779) 7 96 09 92 marymarga@hotmail.com Established 1970 NAICS 333994 Industrial Process Furnace & Oven Mfg NAICS 333414 Heating Equipment (exc Warm Air Furnaces) Mfg
Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Control & Measuring Instrumentation; Piping & Fittings; Steel; Stainless Steel, Products. Mexican affiliates: Grupo Axis, S.A. de C.V.
Sr. Carlos Montao Rodrguez Director General FRANCISCO BAUTISTA, S.A. DE C.V. Filiberto Gmez 38 Fracc. Industrial San Nicols 54030 Tlalnepantla, Mx. RFC FBA830912 EE7
Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Steel; Steel Sheet. Mexican affiliates: Grupo Collado, S.A. de C.V.
Tel. 53 90 79 00 Ext. 2502, 2503 Fax 53 90 77 05, 53 90 70 25 alicia.lopez@fbautista.com.mx Established 1946 NAICS 42151 Metal Service Centers & Offices
Lic. Fernando Navarro Rizo Gerente Administrativo FRENADOS MEXICANOS, S.A. DE C.V. (FREMEX) Cto. Aguascalientes Norte 141 Parque Industrial del Valle 20140 Aguascalientes, Ags. RFC FME930305 PK5
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Mexican affiliates: Robert Bosch, S.A. de C.V.
Tel. (449) 9 73 09 09 Ext. 111 Fax (449) 9 73 09 10 & 11 fernando.navarro@mx.bosch.com Established 1993 NAICS 333613 Mechanical Power Transmission Equipment Mfg
Sr. Carlos Patrn Sansor Director General FRIGORFICO AGROPECUARIA SONORENSE, S. DE R.L. DE C.V. La Plata s/n casi esq. Carr. Colorada Parque Industrial 83299 Hermosillo, Son. RFC FAS800325 G62
Tel. (662) 2 51 07 74, 2 51 10 03 Fax (662) 2 51 02 12 cpatron@norson.net http://www.norson.com.mx Established 1980 NAICS 311611 Animal (except Poultry) Slaughtering
Sales range US $ 100-999 million a year Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Packing & Baling; Refrigerating Equipment - Supplies & Parts; Farm Products (Agricultural, Animal); Caps; Markers; Packing & Filling Machines. Mexican affiliates: Industrias Agropecuarias Alpro, S.A. de C.V.; Norson Alimentos, S.A. de C.V.; Operadora de Servicios en Administracin, A.C.; Organizacin y Servicios en Sistemas Administrativos de Sonora, A.C.; Promotora Comercial Alpro, S. de R.L. de C.V.
Ing. Ignacio Vivanco Salazar Gerente de Planta FRIGORFICOS DEL BAJO, S.A. DE C.V. (FRIBASA) Frente Estacin del FFCC Predio la Trinidad 36901 Pnjamo, Gto. RFC FBA791110 FA0
Tel. (469) 6 92 00 55, 6 92 25 72, 6 92 00 57 Ext. 121, 6 92 25 12 Fax (469) 6 92 24 52 Mexico City: 85 03 20 11 ivivanco@sigma-alimentos.com Established 1961 NAICS 311611 Animal (except Poultry) Slaughtering
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Mexican affiliates: Grupo Alfa; Sigma Alimentos, S.A. de C.V.; Sigma Alimentos Corporativo, S.A. de C.V.
Ing. Hctor Javier Martnez Ruiz Director General FRISA FORJADOS, S.A. DE C.V. Valentn G. Rivero 127 Col. Los Trevios 66350 Santa Catarina, N.L. RFC FFO960717 8N3
Tel. (81) 81 53 03 27, 81 53 03 26 Fax (81) 83 36 21 53 erodriguez@frisa.com http://www.frisa.com Established 1971 NAICS 332111 Iron & Steel Forging
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Exports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Seamless Rolled Ring Steel Forgings for the oil, construction, petro chemical, food and mining industries. Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Valves & Fittings; Forklifters & Parts; Hydraulic Equipment; Control & Measuring Instrumentation. Relations with: Ringmasters, Inc. (USA) Mexican affiliates: Frisa Industrias, S.A. de C.V.; Frisa Wyman, S.A. de C.V.
Sr. Chriss Street Presidente y Director General FRUEHAUF DE MXICO, S.A. DE C.V. Va Jos Lpez Portillo 131 Col. La Magdalena 55700 Coacalco, Mx. RFC FME870213 IRA
Tel. 58 98 78 00 Ext. 7825, 58 98 78 25 Fax 58 98 78 29 ehuerta@fruehauf.com.mx http://www.fruehauf.com.mx Established 1965 NAICS 336212 Truck Trailer Mfg
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Imports range US $ 10-99 million a year: Axles; Lamps; Maintenance Supplies; Screws & Bolts; Steel Sheet; Air Tanks; Harness; Brake System; Wood; Structural Steel. Relations with: American Trailers Industries, Inc. (USA)
Ing. Jess ngel Ispizua Gil Gerente General FUNDICIONES ALTZAIRU, S.A. DE C.V. (FASA) Galeana 3 Col. San Juan Ixhuatepec 54180 Tlalnepantla, Mx. RFC FAL820302 LVA
Tel. 57 14 22 22, 57 14 75 58 Ext. 204 Fax 57 14 79 64 fasadecv@mail.internet.com.mx http://www.altzairu.com.mx Established 1957 NAICS 331513 Steel Foundries (except Investment)
Ing. Francisco Jos Chozas Rizo Director General FYPASA CONSTRUCCIONES, S.A. DE C.V. Nicols San Juan 1541 Col. del Valle 03100 Mxico, D.F. RFC FCO830831 L31
Tel. 56 88 62 82, 56 88 71 15, 56 04 80 38 Ext. 1012 Fax 56 88 94 69 fypasa@mail.internet.com.mx Established 1983 NAICS 23491 Water, Sewer & Pipeline Construction
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Speed Reducers; Water Treatment Equipment; Silica Sand; Bearings. Relations with: North America Enviromental Fund, Ltd. (USA)
Ing. Mario Sandoval Rodrguez Director General GABRIEL DE MXICO, S.A. DE C.V. Calle de los Reyes 10 y 12 Fracc. Industrial Puente de Vigas 54070 Tlalnepantla, Mx. RFC GME850529 4Y6
Tel. 53 21 02 00 Ext. 201 Fax 53 90 62 28 http://www.condumex.com.mx Established 1963 NAICS 33633 Motor Vehicle Steering & Suspension Parts Mfg
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Exports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Shock Absorbers. Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Tubing; Steel Rod; Springs; Shock Absorbers Components. Mexican affiliates: Grupo Condumex, S.A. de C.V.
Ing. Luis Gutirrez Guajardo Presidente Ejecutivo y Director General G. ACCIN, S.A. DE C.V. Reforma 1236, piso 9 Col. Santa Fe 05348 Mxico, D.F. RFC GAC970305 JP1
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year
Tel. 50 81 08 00 Ext. 0802, 50 81 08 02 Fax 50 81 08 84 rmeraz@accion.com.mx http://www.accion.com.mx Established 1989 NAICS 52593 Real Estate Investment Trusts
Mexican affiliates: Centro de Acopio Tepozotln, S.A. de C.V.; Corporativo Opcin Santa Fe II, S.A. de C.V.; Inmobiliaria Accin del Centro, S.A. de C.V.; Inmobiliaria Firpo Fiesta Coapa, S.A. de C.V.; Inmobiliaria Opcin Los Nogales, S.A. de C.V.; Inmobiliaria Plaza Opcin Altavista, S.A. de C.V.; Inmobiliaria Totolopaltongo, S.A. de C.V.; Montes Urales III, S.A. de C.V.; Opcin Jamantab, S.A. de C.V.; Opcin Santa Fe III, S.A. de C.V.; Operadora de Centros Comerciales Opcin, S.A. de C.V.; Proyecto Comercial Accin, S.A. de C.V.; Recinto Grupo Inmobiliario, S.A. de C.V.; Servicios Corporativos Administrativos en Construccin, S.A. de C.V.; Servicios Corporativos GC, S.A. de C.V. Listed in the Mexican Stock Exchange; ticker symbol: GACCIN Board of Directors: L.A.E. Pablo Escandn Cusi (Chairman), Sr. Carlos Garca Cardoso (Comisario), Sr. Alberto Saavedra Olavarrieta (Secretary), Sr. Federico Brcena Mastreta, Lic. David J. Gilbert, Ing. Luis Gutirrez Guajardo, Sr. Hctor Ibarzbal Guerrero, Sr. Mario Laborn Gmez, Lic. Vctor Lachica Bravo, Sr. Antonio Madero Bracho, Lic. Jeremiha W. O'Connor, Lic. John A. Rivard, Ing. Alfonso Romo Garza, Lic. Alberto Saavedra, Lic. Javier Sordo Madaleno
C.P. Javier Labrador Director General GALAZ YAMAZAKI RUIZ URQUIZA, S.C. Reforma 505, piso 28 Col. Cuauhtmoc 06500 Mxico, D.F. RFC GYR880101 TL1
Relations with: Deloitte & Touche (USA)
Tel. 50 80 60 00 Ext. 7011 Fax 50 80 60 01 Established 1955 NAICS 541211 Offices of Certified Public Accountants
Lic. Carlos de Kruyff Cruz Director General GALDERMA MXICO, S.A. DE C.V. Jos Mara Ibarrarn 20 Col. San Jos Insurgentes 03900 Mxico, D.F. RFC GME950215 1EA
Tel. 55 93 47 26 Ext. 231 Fax 55 93 34 20 elsa.cruz@galderma.com http://www.galderma.com.mx Established 1995 NAICS 325412 Pharmaceutical Preparation Mfg
Relations with: Galderma Inc. (France); Galderma Brasil (Brazil); Galderma Argentina (Argentina)
Ing. Luis Garza Trevio Fernndez Director General GALVAK, S.A. DE C.V. Av. de la Juventud 340 Nte. Col. Cuauhtmoc 66450 San Nicols de los Garza, N.L. RFC GAL800101 PN0
Tel. (81) 87 48 01 00 Ext. 0101, 0105, 87 48 01 05, 87 48 01 01 Fax (81) 83 30 77 00 lgarzat@hylsamex.com.mx http://www.galvacer.com Established 1979 NAICS 332812 Metal Coating, Engraving, & Allied Services
Sales range US $ 100-999 million a year Exports range US $ 10-99 million a year: Steel Hot Deeped Galvanized Coils Rolls and Galvanized and Painted Coils Rolls. Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Steel Sheet Carbon Coils; Steel Cold Rolled Full Hard. Relations with: Galvamet, Inc. Foreign offices: Anaheim, CA (USA); Dallas, TX (USA). Mexican affiliates: Acerex, S.A. de C.V.; Galvamet, S.A. de C.V.; Hyl, S.A. de C.V. Divisin Tecnologa, S.A. de C.V.; Hylsamex, S.A. de C.V.
Lic. Vctor Gavito Marco Director General GANADEROS PRODUCTORES DE LECHE PURA, S.A. DE C.V. GRUPO ALPURA Km. 37.4 Autopista Mx.-Quertaro Fracc. Industrial Cuamatla 54730 Cuautitln Izcalli, Mx. RFC GPL860521 FW8
Tel. 58 99 20 00 Ext. 2001, 58 99 20 01 Fax 58 71 34 56, 58 99 20 61 bcharles@alpura.com http://www.alpura.com Established 1972 NAICS 311511 Fluid Milk Mfg NAICS 311512 Creamery Butter Mfg NAICS 311513 Cheese Mfg
Sales range US $ 100-999 million a year Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Food Industry Equipment; Food Industry Raw Materials; Packing & Baling. Relations with: Melkunic (Holland); Tahal Consulting Engineers, Ltd. (Israel) Mexican affiliates: Distribuidora Alpura, S.A. de C.V.; Industrializadora de Leche de Delicias, S.A.; Plasal, S.A.; Servicios Corporativos Alpura, S.A. de C.V.; Transportadora Alpura, S.A. de C.V.; Unin de Crdito Alpura, S.A. de C.V.
Ing. Csar lvarez Kuri Director General GARPA ARRENDA, S.A. DE C.V. Moctezuma 3515 Col. Ciudad del Sol 45050 Zapopan, Jal. RFC GAR970124 QFA
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year
Tel. (33) 31 22 60 86 Ext. 101 Fax (33) 31 22 60 86 Ext. 201, 31 22 71 93 cesar.alvarez@thrifty.com.mx http://www.thrifty.com.mx Established 1997 NAICS 532111 Passenger Car Rental
Ing. Javier Hernndez Sinde Presidente y Director General GAS NATURAL MXICO, S.A. DE C.V. Jaime Balmes 8, piso 7, Int. 704 Col. Los Morales Polanco 11510 Mxico, D.F. RFC GNM971201 7P7
Sales range US $ 100-999 million a year Mexican affiliates: Comercializadora Metrogas, S.A. de C.V.
Tel. 52 79 24 00 Ext. 2483, 2484, 52 79 24 83, 52 79 24 84 Fax 52 79 24 37 imartinez@gnm.com.mx http://www.gasnaturalmexico.com.mx Established 1997 NAICS 22121 Natural Gas Distribution
Ing. Jos Antonio Diego Gonzlez Director General del Grupo GASTRONOMA AVANZADA PASTELERAS, S.A. DE C.V. (EL GLOBO) Tabasco 189 Col. Roma 06700 Mxico, D.F. RFC GAP000927 LQ2
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Mexican affiliates: Grupo Sanborns, S.A. de C.V.
Tel. 55 11 42 09 Ext. 138, 140 Fax 55 14 49 72 sanchezm@elglobo.com.mx http://www.elglobo.com.mx Established 1884 NAICS 311812 Commercial Bakeries
C.P. Ernesto Chacn Roa Director de Administracin y Finanzas GASTROSUR, S.A. DE C.V. Insurgentes Sur 643 esq. Altadena Col. Npoles 03810 Mxico, D.F. RFC GAS910208 GP3
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year
Tel. 55 36 18 81, 55 36 18 65 Fax 55 36 18 81 echacon@grupoaldi.com.mx Established 1991 NAICS 722211 Limited-Service Restaurants
Lic. Mara Nelly Coln Rocha Gerente General GAS URIBE, S.A. DE C.V. Recursos del Gas s/n Col. La Loma 54060 Tlalnepantla, Mx. RFC GUR620306 BZ7
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Mexican affiliates: Grupo Uribe, S.A. de C.V.
Tel. 53 98 63 99 Ext. 212, 53 61 51 36 Fax 53 61 84 76 gasuribe@prodigy.net.mx Established 1962 NAICS 454312 Liquefied Petroleum Gas (Bottled Gas) Dealers
C.P. Carlos Machorro Camarena Director General GATES DE MXICO, S.A. DE C.V. (GME) Cda. de Galeana 5 Fracc. Industrial La Loma 54060 Tlalnepantla, Mx. RFC GME580414 KFA
Tel. 53 33 27 00 Ext. 2712, 53 33 27 12 Fax 53 61 18 13 http://www.gates.com.mx Established 1958 NAICS 32622 Rubber & Plastics Hoses & Belting Mfg
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Exports range US $ 10-99 million a year: Timing Conveyor; Truflex Conveyor; Hoses (C.H. and Covered). Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Belts; Hoses. Relations with: Gates Rubber Co. (USA) Mexican affiliates: Conexiones Hidrulicas, S.A. de C.V.; Enfriamientos de Automviles, S.A. de C.V.; GGD Bandas y Servicios, S.A.
Ing. Edmundo Vallejo Venegas Presidente y Director General GE CAPITAL GRUPO FINANCIERO, S.A. DE C.V. Prol. Reforma 490, piso 3 Col. Santa Fe 01210 Mxico, D.F. RFC GCB970528 9P7
Assets range US $ 100-999 million Foreign investments: GE Corporate Financial Services (USA) Mexican affiliates: GE Capital Bank; GE Capital Factoring
Tel. 52 57 62 00 Ext. 6263, 52 57 62 63 Fax 52 57 62 81 teresa.vega@ge.com http://www.gecapital.com.mx Established 1994 NAICS 522298 All Oth Nondepository Credit Intermediation
Sr. Detlef Fohl Director General GEDAS MXICO, S.A. DE C.V. Cda. Fresnos Nave 1A y B Parque Industrial FINSA 72710 Puebla, Pue. RFC GME980209 B73
Tel. (222) 2 23 40 00 Ext. 4005, 2 23 40 05 Fax (222) 2 23 40 17 Mexico City: 53 87 00 00 gabriela.pascasio@gedas.com.mx http://www.gedas.com.mx Established 1995 NAICS 541611 Admin & Gen Management Consulting Services
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year Relations with: Continus (USA); MSS (Ireland); Ordat (Germany); PSDI (USA); Unikix (USA) Foreign investments: Gedas (Germany)
Ing. Jim de Len Director General GE EQUIPO DE CONTROL Y DISTRIBUCIN, S. DE R.L. DE C.V. Calz. del Valle 205 Col. del Valle 66220 San Pedro Garza Garca, N.L. RFC GEC931220 6XA
Tel. (81) 81 52 72 72 Ext. 7249, 81 52 72 49 Fax (81) 81 52 72 70 Mexico City: 52 57 63 69 virginia.leon@indsys.ge.com http://www.geindustrial.com.mx Established 1985 NAICS 335314 Relay & Industrial Control Mfg
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Contactors; Fuses; Meters; Relays; Electrical Sub Assemblies; Switches. Relations with: General Electric Co. (USA)
Ing. Adolfo Escoto Aguirre Gerente de Planta GE INDUSTRIAL MOTORS MXICO, S.A. DE C.V. Libramiento Poniente Km. 4.5 66000 Villa de Garca, N.L. RFC GIM950407 KB7
Tel. (81) 81 53 36 00 Ext. 3640, 81 53 36 40 Fax (81) 81 53 35 90 adolfo.escoto@ge.com http://www.ge.com.mx Established 1985 NAICS 335312 Motor & Generator Mfg
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Exports range US $ 10-99 million a year: Electric Motors (Induction). Imports range US $ 10-99 million a year: Silicon Steel; Copper Bars; Bearings; Rings. Relations with: General Electric Co. (USA)
Sr. Edmundo Vallejo Venegas CEO GE INTERNATIONAL MXICO, S.A. DE C.V. Prol. Reforma 490, piso 5 Col. Santa Fe 01217 Mxico, D.F. RFC GIM960102 N22
Sales range US $ 1-10 billion a year Imports range US $ 10-99 million a year Relations with: General Electric Co. (USA)
Tel. 52 57 62 80 Ext. 6263 Fax 52 57 62 81 http://www.ge.com.mx Established 1896 NAICS 42162 Electric Appliance/TV/Radio Set Wholesalers NAICS 335222 Household Refrigerator & Freezer Mfg
Ing. Guillermo Mutis Director General GE LIGHTING MXICO, S.A. DE C.V. Churubusco 3900 Norte Col. Industrial Benito Jurez 64517 Monterrey, N.L. RFC GLM940309 PX4
Tel. (81) 83 18 56 00 Ext. 5647, 83 18 56 47 Fax (81) 83 18 56 92 Mexico City: 53 00 80 00 rocio.moreno@lighting.ge.com http://www.geiluminacion.com Established 1896 NAICS 33511 Electric Lamp Bulb & Part Mfg
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Exports range US $ 1-10 million a year Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Glass; Dryers - Equipment. Relations with: General Electric Co. (USA) Mexican affiliates: Lmparas General Electric, S.A. de C.V.
Ing. Jos Sanromn Tovar Director Gerencial GENERAL CABLE DE LATINOAMRICA, S.A. DE C.V. Blvd. Emilio Snchez Piedras 208 Ciudad Industrial Xicotncatl 90434 Tetla, Tlax. RFC GCL000811 D6A
Tel. (241) 4 12 70 15, 4 12 70 26, 4 12 70 30, 4 12 70 33 Ext. 24, 37, 4 12 71 47 Fax (241) 4 12 70 11 Mexico City: 52 81 76 76 amenchaca@generalcable.com http://www.generalcable.com Established 1979 NAICS 335931 Current-Carrying Wiring Device Mfg
Sales range US $ 100-999 million a year Exports range US $ 100-999 million a year: Telephonic Equipment. Imports range US $ 10-99 million a year: PVC; Pigments. Relations with: General Cable Corp. (USA)
C.P. David Bello Fuentes Director General GENERAL DE SEGUROS, S.A. (GSE) Patriotismo 266 Col. San Pedro de los Pinos 03800 Mxico, D.F. RFC GSE720216 JJ6
Tel. 52 78 80 00 Ext. 8099, 8001, 52 78 80 99, 52 78 80 01 Fax 52 78 80 96 ghernandez@gseguros.com.mx http://www.generaldeseguros.com.mx http://www.gseguros.com.mx Established 1945 NAICS 5241 Insurance Carriers
Premiums range US $ 10-99 million a year Mexican affiliates: General de Salud, Compaa de Seguros, S.A. Listed in the Mexican Stock Exchange; ticker symbol: GENSEG Board of Directors: Lic. Miguel S. Escobedo Fulda (Chairman), C.P. Jos Manuel Rincn Gallardo (Comisario), Lic. Beatriz Escobedo Conover (Secretary), Sr. Ignacio Castilla Palacios, Sr. Manuel S. Escobedo Conover, Sr. Karl Frei Buechi, Sr. Benito Grinberg Kreimerman, Sr. Carlos Antonio Luttmann Fox, Sra. Ana Lourdes Novelo vila, C.P. Dionisio Othn Ontiveros, Sr. Jos Guadalupe Padilla Lozano
Lic. Alejandro Rivero Andreu Salas Director General GENERAL HIPOTECARIA, S.A. DE C.V. Prol. Reforma 600-A, PB, Int. 31-D Col. Pea Blanca 01210 Mxico, D.F. RFC GHI940907 1JO
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Mexican affiliates: GE Consummer Finance
Tel. 52 57 69 50 Ext. 1109 Fax 52 57 09 27 alejandro.rivero-andreu@ge.com http://www.generalhipotecaria.com.mx Established 1994 NAICS 522292 Real Estate Credit
Sr. Arturo Elas Presidente y Director Gerente GENERAL MOTORS DE MXICO, S. DE R.L. DE C.V. Ejrcito Nacional 843 Col. Granada 11520 Mxico, D.F. RFC GMM361228 4D0
Sales range US $ 1-10 billion a year Imports range US $ 100-999 million a year: Auto Parts. Relations with: General Motors Corp. (USA) Mexican affiliates: GMAC Mexicana, S.A. de C.V.
Tel. 59 01 30 00 Ext. 3340, 59 01 33 40 Fax 59 01 30 44, 59 01 33 35 http://www.gm.com.mx Established 1936 NAICS 336111 Automobile Mfg NAICS 336211 Motor Vehicle Body Mfg
Sr. Jaime Murow Troice Director General GENERAL PAINT CO. DE MXICO, S.A. DE C.V. Cto. de la Industria Norte s/n, Mz. 17, Lt. 2 y3 Parque Industrial 52000 Lerma, Mx. RFC GPM820825 JX4
Tel. (728) 2 82 39 84 Ext. 232 Fax (728) 2 82 55 10 Mexico City: 53 53 03 13, 53 53 05 54 jaime-murow@general-paint.com.mx Established 1941 NAICS 32551 Paint & Coating Mfg
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Packing & Filling Machines; Medicines & Medical Care Supplies; Resins. Relations with: Glidden-Cotings Resins Div.; ICI (UK) Mexican affiliates: Devox, S.A. de C.V.; General Paints, S.A. de C.V.; Gevox, S.A. de C.V.
Ing. Rodolfo Flores Domnguez Director General GENTOR, S.A. DE C.V. Padre Mier 578 Ote. Centro 64000 Monterrey, N.L. RFC GEN760712 EMO
Tel. (81) 83 40 12 71, 83 69 39 39, 83 44 84 82 Ext. 131 Fax (81) 83 44 64 95 rflores@seisa.com.mx mdelarosa@seisa.com.mx http://seisa.com.mx Established 1966 NAICS 551112 Offices of Other Holding Companies
Mexican affiliates: Constructora Veredalta, S.A. de C.V.; Seisa Servicios y Tecnologa, S.A. de C.V.
Lic. Mario Saldvar Villarreal Director General GETRONICS (MXICO), S.A. DE C.V. M. vila Camacho 36, piso 12 Col. Lomas de Chapultepec 11000 Mxico, D.F. RFC GME980427 NP3
Tel. 50 89 33 00 Ext. 3408, 50 89 34 08 Fax 55 57 69 39 mario.saldivar@getronics.com http://www.getronics.com/mex Established 1963 NAICS 23531 Electrical Contractors
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Imports range US $ 10-99 million a year: Computer Equipment, Programs, Accessories & Supplies. Mexican affiliates: Servicios Getronics Mxico, S. de R.L. de C.V.
Ing. Emilio Lacedelli Constantini Director General GIGANTE VERDE Y CA., S.N.C. DE C.V. Paseo Solidaridad 11051 Col. Esfuerzo Obrero 36680 Irapuato, Gto. RFC GVC831027 JBA
Tel. (462) 6 23 87 87 Ext. 8752 Fax (462) 6 23 87 94 elena.bonnet@genmills.com http://www.greengiant.com Established 1983 NAICS 311411 Frozen Fruit, Juice & Vegetable Mfg
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Exports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Vegetables. Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Cardboard; Sodium Bicarbonate; Packing Bags; Packing & Baling; Gums - Arabic, Guar; Adhesives; Wooden Poles; Salt; Electronic Components; Sugar; Paper. Relations with: Grand Metropolitan (USA); Pillsbury Foods (USA); Green Giant, Co. (USA)
Sr. Alfredo Munda Director General GILLETTE DE MXICO, S.A. DE C.V. Electrn 28 Fracc. Industrial Naucalpan 53370 Naucalpan, Mx. RFC GME930720 CZ0
Tel. 57 26 42 00 Ext. 4230, 57 26 42 30 Fax 53 00 40 13 http://www.gillette.com Established 1946 NAICS 32562 Toilet Preparation Mfg NAICS 327999 All Oth Misc Nonmetallic Mineral Product Mfg NAICS 333512 Machine Tool (Metal Cutting Types) Mfg
Sales range US $ 100-999 million a year Exports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Toiletries. Imports range US $ 100-999 million a year: Resins; Elastomers; Aluminum; Dyes; Steel; Cutting Machines; Flavors; Toiletries; Dental Brushes; Home Appliances. Relations with: The Gillette Co. (USA) Mexican affiliates: Gillette Manufacturas, S.A. de C.V.
Ing. Juan Manuel Jasso Narvez Director General GIVAUDAN DE MXICO, S.A. DE C.V. Eje Norte Sur 11 Col. Civac 62500 Jiutepec, Mor. RFC GME920101 B39
Tel. (777) 3 29 90 00 Ext. 9025, 3 29 90 25 Fax (777) 3 29 90 27 Mexico City: 50 81 18 00 marina.coronel@givaudan.com http://www.givaudan.com Established 1949 NAICS 31193 Flavoring Syrup & Concentrate Mfg
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Exports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Flavors. Imports range US $ 10-99 million a year: Food Industry Raw Materials; Flavors.
Sr. Oswaldo Gola Director General y Vicepresidente GLAXOSMITHKLINE MXICO, S.A. DE C.V. (GSK) Mxico-Xochimilco 4900 Col. San Lorenzo Huipulco 14370 Mxico, D.F. RFC GME970702 SP5
Tel. 54 83 52 00 Ext. 8302, 8303 Fax 54 83 83 07 rosa.f.perez@gsk.com http://www.gsk.com Established 1957 NAICS 325412 Pharmaceutical Preparation Mfg
Sales range US $ 100-999 million a year Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Chemical Industry Equipment; Gums - Arabic, Guar; Lacquers; Dyes; Solvents; Medical Raw Materials; Packing & Baling; Cleaning Product Raw Materials; Toiletries Raw Materials. Mexican affiliates: Mascenco, S.A. de C.V.; Smithkline & French, S.A.
Sr. Salvador Rafoul Portilla Gerente GLOBALTEK INTERNATIONAL MXICO, S.A. DE C.V. (ELECTROLUX) Molire 430 Col. Granada 11520 Mxico, D.F. RFC GIM940531 LJA
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year
Tel. 55 31 98 77, 52 03 66 18, 55 31 97 77 Fax 52 03 38 83 servilux@avantel.net Established 1994 NAICS 443111 Household Appliance Stores
Lic. Pedro Gonzlez de la Vega Presidente GLOBAL TELECOM MXICO, S.A. DE C.V. (GTM) Concepcin Bistegui 312 Col. del Valle 03100 Mxico, D.F. RFC GTM940425 IS5
Tel. 56 26 52 05 Ext. 5266 Fax 56 26 52 06 rocio.correa@hotmail.com Established 1994 NAICS 51331 Wired Telecommunications Carriers
Sales range US $ 1-10 billion a year Foreign investments: SBC International Puerto Rico, Inc. (Puerto Rico); Prodigy, Inc. (USA) Mexican affiliates: Empresas Cablevisin, S.A. de C.V.; Telfonos de Mxico, S.A. de C.V.
Lic. Rodrigo Gonzlez Caldern Director General GONHER DE MXICO, S.A. DE C.V. Manuel Ordez 600 66350 Santa Catarina, N.L. RFC GME831116 6Z4
Tel. (81) 81 53 31 00 Ext. 102, 81 53 31 02 Fax (81) 81 53 31 62 Mexico City: 53 92 03 33, 53 92 04 22 rodglezca@grupogonher.com nvillarreal@grupogonher.com http://www.grupogonher.com Established 1953 NAICS 336399 All Other Motor Vehicle Parts Mfg
Sales range US $ 100-999 million a year Exports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Oil and Fuel Filters; Air Filters; Automotive and Heavy Duty; Grease; Antifrese. Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Paper (Filter); Rubber Gaskets; Iron; Shock Absorbers; Brakes. Foreign offices: Houston, TX (USA); San Jose (Costa Rica) Mexican affiliates: Artigraf, S.A. de C.V.; Enerya, S.A. de C.V.; Gonher; Gonhermex, S.A. de C.V.; Lubricantes de Amrica, S.A. de C.V.; Qumica Goncal, S.A. de C.V.
Sr. Giano Agostini Presidente y Director General GOODYEAR SERVICIOS COMERCIALES, S. DE R.L. DE C.V. Prol. Reforma 1015, Edif. Punta Santa Fe, Torre B, piso 2 Col. Santa Fe 01109 Mxico, D.F. RFC GSC010102 U56
Tel. 91 40 56 00 Ext. 5620, 5672, 91 40 56 20 Fax 91 40 96 32 & 33 http://www.goodyear.com Established 1943 NAICS 326211 Tire Mfg (exc Retreading)
Sales range US $ 100-999 million a year Imports range US $ 100-999 million a year: Tire Tube Parts; Computer Equipment, Programs, Accessories & Supplies; Tires & Tubes; Advertising; Safety Equipment. Relations with: The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. (USA)
Ing. Jorge Fernndez Guajardo Director General GRAFO REGIA, S.A. DE C.V. Gral. Anaya 601 Pte. Col. Bellavista 64410 Monterrey, N.L. RFC GRE011210 H81
Tel. (81) 83 28 68 00 Ext. 6880, 83 28 68 80 Fax (81) 83 28 68 19 lnmedvar@empaque.femsa.com.mx http://www.graforegia.com.mx Established 1957 NAICS 32311 Printing NAICS 323122 Prepress Services
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Plastic Film; Polyethylene; Aluminum; Resins. Mexican affiliates: Femsa-Empaques, S.A. de C.V.
Ing. Daniel Cabeza de Vaca Vzquez Director General GRANT PRIDECO, S.A. DE C.V. Km. 433.5 Carr. Mx.-Veracruz 91690 Veracruz, Ver. RFC GPR 930908 2R4
Tel. (229) 9 89 04 00 Ext. 156, 9 89 04 36 Fax (229) 9 81 03 04 luz.rodriguez@grantprideco.com http://www.grantprideco.com Established 1993 NAICS 333991 Power-Driven Hand Tool Mfg
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Exports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Steel Bar; Metal Machining Materials. Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Metal Machining Industry Machinery; Steel. Relations with: Grant Prideco, Inc. (USA)
Ing. Ral Torres Gutirrez Gerente de Planta GRES, S.A. DE C.V. Km. 27 Carr. Puebla-Santa Ana 90830 La Magdalena Tlaltelulco, Tlax. RFC GRE820922 FW5
Tel. (246) 4 65 20 00 Ext. 221, 223, 4 64 47 05 Fax (246) 4 65 20 00 Ext. 288 rtorres@porcelanite.com.mx http://www.yellow.com.mx/grupoporcelanite Established 1982 NAICS 327122 Ceramic Wall & Floor Tile Mfg
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Mechanical Transmissions; Ceramic Tile - Manufacturing Equipment; Enamels Industrial; Furnace Components. Mexican affiliates: Grupo Porcelanite, S.A. de C.V.
Sr. Ricardo Ferraris Presidente y Director General GREY MXICO, S.A. DE C.V. Jaime Balmes 8-104 Col. Los Morales Polanco 11510 Mxico, D.F. RFC GME860831 UL9
Billings range US $ 10-99 million a year Relations with: Grey Global Group (USA)
Tel. 53 87 37 00 Ext. 3702, 53 87 37 01, 53 87 37 02 Fax 53 87 37 09 amontoya@grey.com.mx http://www.grey.com.mx Established 1984 NAICS 54181 Advertising Agencies
C.P. Hctor Grisi Urroz Director General GRISI HERMANOS, S.A. DE C.V. Amores 1746 Col. del Valle 03100 Mxico, D.F. RFC GHN571231 C19
Tel. 56 29 99 02 Ext. 9103, 9910, 56 28 99 10 Fax 55 34 43 14 g.zamudio@grisi.com http://www.grisi.com Established 1863 NAICS 325611 Soap & Other Detergent Mfg
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Exports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Shampoo; Toiletries; Pharmaceutical Products; Soap. Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Medical Raw Materials. Mexican affiliates: Comercializadora Hecal; Digrimex, S.A. de C.V.
Sr. Roberto Gonzlez Barrera Presidente GRUMA, S.A. DE C.V. Reforma 300, piso 9 Col. Jurez 06600 Mxico, D.F. RFC GRU810902 IE3
Tel. 52 27 47 00 to 09 Ext. 4799, 4717, 52 27 47 99 Fax 52 27 47 20 maria_arias@gruma.com http://www.gruma.com Established 1971 NAICS 311211 Flour Milling
Sales range US $ 1-10 billion a year Foreign investments: Derivados de Maz Alimenticio (Costa Rica); Gruma Corp. (USA); Molinos Nacionales, C.A. (Venezuela) Mexican affiliates: Compaa Nacional Almacenadora, S.A. de C.V.; Constructora Industrial y Agropecuaria, S.A. de C.V.; Derivados de Maz Alimenticio, S.A. de C.V.; Desarrollo Industrial y Tecnolgico, S.A. de C.V.; Gruma Centro Amrica, S.A.; Grupo Industrial Maseca, S.A. de C.V.; Harinera de Maz de Mexicali, S.A. de C.V.; Harinera de Maz, S.A. de C.V.; Harinera de Tamaulipas, S.A. de C.V.; Harinera de Veracruz, S.A. de C.V.; Harinera de Yucatn, S.A. de C.V.; Industria Tortillera Azteca, S.A. de C.V.; Industriales de la Masa y la Tortilla del D.F., A.C.; Inmobiliaria Residencial San Pedro, S.A. de C.V.; Molinera Mxico, S.A. de C.V.; Molinos Azteca de Culiacn, S.A. de C.V.; Molinos Azteca de Chalco, S.A. de C.V.; Molinos Azteca de Chiapas, S.A. de C.V.; Molinos Azteca de Chihuahua, S.A. de C.V.; Molinos Azteca de la Paz, S.A. de C.V.; Molinos Azteca de Veracruz, S.A. de C.V.; Molinos Azteca de Xalpa, S.A. de C.V.; Molinos Azteca del Bajo, S.A. de C.V.; Molinos Azteca, S.A. de C.V.; Productora y Distribuidora Azteca, S.A. de C.V.; Servicios Administrativos y Financieros Gimsa; Tecnomaz, S.A. de C.V. Listed in the Mexican Stock Exchange; ticker symbol: GRUMA Board of Directors: Sr. Roberto Gonzlez Barrera (Chairman), C.P. Hugo Lara Silva (Comisario), Lic. Salvador Vargas Guajardo (Secretary), Sr. Allen Andreas, Sr. Juan A. Gonzlez Moreno, Lic. Roberto Gonzlez Moreno, Sr. Carlos Hank Rhon, Sr. Roberto Hernndez Ramrez, Sr. Juan Manuel Ley Lpez, Sr. Eduardo Livas Cant, C.P. Romn Martnez Mndez, Sr. Paul B. Mulhollem, Ing. Bernardo Quintana Isaac, Sr. Alfonso Romo Garza, Sr. Adrin Sada Gonzlez, Ing. Javier Vlez Bautista
C.P. Agustn Irurita Prez Presidente del Consejo GRUPADO, S.A. DE C.V. (ADO) Ignacio Zaragoza 200, Edif. B, piso 2 Col. 7 de Julio 15390 Mxico, D.F. RFC GRU020320 6Q1
Tel. 51 33 25 00 Ext. 3102 Fax 55 42 87 39 http://www.ticketbus.com.mx Established 2002 NAICS 48521 Interurban & Rural Bus Transportation
Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Auto Parts. Mexican affiliates: Ado y Empresas Coordinadas, S.A. de C.V.; Coordinados de Mxico Oriente, S.A. de C.V.; Coordinados Peninsulares, S.A. de C.V.; Empresas Comerciales; Multipak; Omnibus Cristbal Coln, S.A. de C.V.; Transporte Especializado
Bil. Julio Berdegu Aznar Presidente del Consejo GRUPE, S.A. DE C.V. (EL CID MEGA RESORT) Camarn Sbalo s/n Fracc. El Cid 82110 Mazatln, Sin. RFC GRU801121 NW4
Tel. (669) 9 13 33 33 Ext. 3239, 9 13 56 12, 9 13 55 77, 9 14 39 10 Fax (669) 9 14 33 10 Mexico City: 52 07 90 80, 55 43 11 22 julioberdegue@elcid.com.mx sales@elcid.com http://www.elcid.com Established 1972 NAICS 72111 Hotels (exc Casino Hotels) & Motels
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Imports range US $ 10-99 million a year: Fans; Wines; Furniture; Glassware. Relations with: Fairfield Communities, Inc. (USA) Mexican affiliates: Bersac, S.A. de C.V.; Caribe Paradise, S.A. de C.V.; Constructora y Materiales Playa Sbalo, S.A. de C.V.; Corporativo de Servicios El Cid, S.A. de C.V.; Desarrolladora e Inmobiliaria Natica El Cid, S.A. de C.V.; El Cid Golf & Country Club, S.A. de C.V.; Marina del Sbalo, S.A. de C.V.; Operadora Club de Yates El Cid, S.A. de C.V.; Operadora Turstica y Hotelera Playa Sbalo, S.A. de C.V.; Terrenos, S.A. de C.V. Listed in the Mexican Stock Exchange; ticker symbol: CIDMEGA Board of Directors: Bil. Julio Berdegu Aznar (Chairman), C.P. Guillermo Rivera Gonzlez (Comisario), Lic. Carlos Berdegu Sacristn (Secretary), Bil. Fernando Berdegu Sacristn (Treasurer), Dr. Mariano Berdegu Sacristn, Ing. Julio Antonio Berdegu Sacristn
Ing. Xavier Desiderio Autrey Maza Presidente GRUPO ACERERO DEL NORTE, S.A. DE C.V. (GAN) Campos Elseos 29, piso 10 Col. Rincn del Bosque 11580 Mxico, D.F. RFC GAN960701 4C8
Tel. 52 55 99 00, 52 55 99 03 Ext. 4911 Fax 52 54 56 07 presidencia@gan.com.mx http://www.gan.com.mx Established 1991 NAICS 331221 Rolled Steel Shape Mfg
Sales range US $ 1-10 billion a year Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year Mexican affiliates: Aceros Nacionales, S.A. de C.V.; Agro Nitrogenados, S.A. de C.V.; Agroqumicos, S.A.; Alcomex, S.A.; Altos Hornos de Mxico, S.A. de C.V.; Avos de Acero, S.A.; Barita de Sonora, S.A.; Carbones y Minerales Coahuila, S.A.; Cerro de Mercado, S.A. de C.V.; Compaa Real del Monte y Pachuca, S.A. de C.V.; Forjacero, S.A.; Grupo Agromex, S.A. de C.V.; Grupo Real del Monte, S.A. de C.V.; Homesa; Magistral del Oro, S.A.; Minera Carbonfera Ro Escondido, S.A.; Minera del Norte, S.A. de C.V.; Minera El Baztn, S.A.; Minerales Monclova, S.A.; Resguardo Corporativo, S.A. de C.V.; Ryrson de Mxico; Sociedad Filahasa, S.A. de C.V.
Sr. Francisco Ibarra Lpez Presidente GRUPO ACIR NACIONAL, S.A. DE C.V. Montes Pirineos 770 Col. Lomas de Chapultepec 11000 Mxico, D.F.
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year
Tel. 52 01 17 00 to 19 Ext. 2080, 52 01 17 76 Fax 52 01 17 55 emota@grupoacir.com.mx http://www.grupoacir.com.mx Established 1965 NAICS 513112 Radio Stations
Ing. Jorge Perelman Javnozon Director General GRUPO ACYTEX, S.A. DE C.V. Ferrocarril 178 Col. Moctezuma 2a. Seccin 15530 Mxico, D.F. RFC GAC870630 E17
Tel. 57 84 24 00 Ext. 130, 51 33 08 80 Ext. 237, 51 33 08 99 Fax 57 85 46 38 info@acytex.com.mx http://www.acytex.com Established 1965 NAICS 313249 Other Knit Fabric & Lace Mills
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Exports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Tulle; Laces (Raschel and Jacquard); Curtains; Fabrics. Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Raschel Textile Machinery. Mexican affiliates: Corsi Administracin, S.C.; Yacatex Internacional, S.A. de C.V.
Ing. Juan Ignacio Steta Gndara Director General GRUPO AEROMAR, S.A. DE C.V. Hangar 1, Zona D, Terminal de Aviacin General, AICM Col. Federal 15620 Mxico, D.F. RFC GAE891211 EPA
Tel. 51 33 11 07 Ext. 203 Fax 55 58 35 96 rmzuniga@aeromar.com.mx Established 1987 NAICS 481111 Scheduled Passenger Air Transportation
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Mexican affiliates: Interservicios de Transporte, S.A. de C.V.; Servimex de Transportes, S.A. de C.V.; Servitam de Mxico, S.A. de C.V.; Tranportes Aeromar, S.A. de C.V.
Ing. Carlos del Ro Carcao Director General GRUPO AEROPORTUARIO DEL PACFICO, S.A. DE C.V. (GAP) Mariano Otero 1249, Torre Pacfico, piso 6 Col. Rinconada del Bosque 44530 Guadalajara, Jal. RFC SIA980601 SK2
Tel. (33) 38 80 11 00 Ext. 212, 38 80 11 07 Fax (33) 36 71 45 83 kromero@aeropuertosgap.com.mx http://www.aeropuertosgap.com.mx Established 1999 NAICS 48811 Airport Operations NAICS 488119 Other Airport Operations
Mexican affiliates: Aeropuerto de Aguascalientes, S.A. de C.V.; Aeropuerto de Guadalajara, S.A. de C.V.; Aeropuerto de Guanajuato, S.A. de C.V.; Aeropuerto de Hermosillo, S.A. de C.V.; Aeropuerto de La Paz, S.A. de C.V.; Aeropuerto de Los Mochis, S.A. de C.V.; Aeropuerto de Manzanillo, S.A. de C.V.; Aeropuerto de Mexicali, S.A. de C.V.; Aeropuerto de Morelia, S.A. de C.V.; Aeropuerto de Puerto Vallarta, S.A. de C.V.; Aeropuerto de San Jos del Cabo, S.A. de C.V.; Aeropuerto de Tijuana, S.A. de C.V.; Servicios a la Infraestructura Aeroportuaria del Pacfico, S.A. de C.V.
Lic. Kjeld Binger Presidente y Director General GRUPO AEROPORTUARIO DEL SURESTE, S.A. DE C.V. Blvd. Manuel vila Camacho 40, piso 6 Col. Lomas de Chapultepec 11000 Mxico, D.F. RFC GAS980401 3N8
Sales range US $ 100-999 million a year Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: X-Ray Equipment.
Tel. 52 84 04 00 Ext. 0411, 0453, 52 84 04 11, 52 84 04 53 Fax 52 84 04 00, 52 02 09 65 acalderon@asur.com.mx http://www.asur.com.mx Established 1998 NAICS 48811 Airport Operations
Relations with: Copenhague Airport (Denmark); Ferrovial Aeropuertos (Spain); Vinci Airports (France) Mexican affiliates: Aeropuerto de Cancn, S.A. de C.V.; Aeropuerto de Cozumel, S.A. de C.V.; Aeropuerto de Huatulco, S.A. de C.V.; Aeropuerto de Mrida, S.A. de C.V.; Aeropuerto de Minatitln, S.A. de C.V.; Aeropuerto de Oaxaca, S.A. de C.V.; Aeropuerto de Tapachula, S.A. de C.V.; Aeropuerto de Veracruz, S.A. de C.V.; Aeropuerto de Villahermosa, S.A. de C.V.; Servicios Aeroportuarios del Sureste, S.A. de C.V. Listed in the Mexican Stock Exchange (ticker symbol: ASUR); and the New York Stock Exchange; ticker symbol: ASR Board of Directors: Lic. Kjeld Binger (Chairman), C.P. Rafael Maya Urosa (Comisario), Lic. Alberto de la Parra Zavala (Secretary), Dr. Aarn Dychter Poltolarek, Lic. Francisco Garza Zambrano, Ing. Ricardo Guajardo Touch, Lic. Fernando Gutirrez Ochoa, Lic. Martha Miller de Lombera, Sr. Federico Patio Mrquez, Sr. George Vojta
Lic. Roberto Servitje Achtegui Presidente GRUPO ALTEX, S.A. DE C.V. Paseo de las Palmas 820 Col. Lomas de Chapultepec 11000 Mxico, D.F. RFC GAL880926 TF5
Tel. 52 84 03 60 Ext. 369, 52 84 03 69 Fax 52 84 03 89 lmiranda@grupoaltex.com.mx http://www.grupoaltex.com.mx Established 1988 NAICS 311211 Flour Milling NAICS 311411 Frozen Fruit, Juice & Vegetable Mfg
Sales range US $ 100-999 million a year Mexican affiliates: Agrobiotec, S.P.R. de R.L. de C.V.; Citrex, S.A. de C.V.; Congelados Don Jos, S.A. de C.V.; Frexport, S.A. de C.V.
Lic. Csar Sols Navarro Director General GRUPO APSA, S.A. DE C.V. Chocoln 10 Col. Paraje San Juan 09830 Mxico, D.F. RFC APA840223 SE3
Tel. 56 12 00 85 Ext. 217 Fax 56 12 37 61 gapsa@grupoapsa.com.mx http://www.grupoapsa.com.mx Established 1985 NAICS 42141 Photographic Equipment & Supplies Wholesalers NAICS 42149 Oth Professional Equipment & Supplies Wholesalers
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Mexican affiliates: Analtica Abastecimientos, S.A. de C.V.; Aparatos, S.A. de C.V.; Comercializadora Apsa, S.A. de C.V.
Lic. Juan Antonio Cortina Gallardo Presidente y Director General GRUPO AZUCARERO MXICO, S.A. DE C.V. (GAMSA) Monte Cucaso 915, piso 4 Col. Lomas de Chapultepec 11000 Mxico, D.F. RFC GAM960124 DJ2
Tel. 52 01 19 00 Ext. 1002, 52 01 19 27 Fax 52 01 19 35 grojas@gamsa.com.mx http://www.gamsa.com.mx Established 1994 NAICS 311311 Sugarcane Mills NAICS 311312 Cane Sugar Refining
Sales range US $ 100-999 million a year Mexican affiliates: Corporacin Azucarera de Tala, S.A. de C.V.; Corporacin Azucarera Lzaro Crdenas, S.A. de C.V.; Corporativo Gamsa, S.A. de C.V.; Empresas y Servicios Organizados, S.A. de C.V.; Grupo Embotelladoras Unidas, S.A. de C.V.; Ingenio Eldorado, S.A.; Ingenio Jos Ma. Martnez, S.A.; Ingenio Lzaro Crdenas, S.A. de C.V.; Ingenio Presidente Benito Jurez, S.A. de C.V.; Ingenio San Francisco El Naranjal, S.A. de C.V.; Proveedora de Alimentos Mxico, S.A. de C.V. Listed in the Mexican Stock Exchange; ticker symbol: GAM Board of Directors: Lic. Juan Antonio Cortina Gallardo (Chairman), C.P. Daniel del Barrio Burgos (Comisario), Lic. Lourdes Suayfeta Senz (Secretary), Sr. Juan Cortina Gallardo
Sr. Hctor M. Senz Couret Presidente GRUPO AZUCARERO SENZ, S.A. DE C.V. Paseo de los Tamarindos 60, piso 4 Col. Bosques de las Lomas 05120 Mxico, D.F. RFC GAZ760831 8VA
Tel. 91 77 77 77 Ext. 71, 91 77 77 71 Fax 52 57 06 70 hsaenzc@gsaenz.com.mx http://www.gruposaenz.com Established 1944 NAICS 311311 Sugarcane Mills
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Turbines and Centrifugues Parts; Machinery. Mexican affiliates: Arek, S.A. de C.V.; Compaa Azucarera de Ro Guayalejo, S.A. de C.V.; Grupo Azucarero, S.A. de C.V.; Grupo Industrial Azucarero de Occidente, S.A. de C.V.; Ingenio el Mante, S.A. de C.V.; Ingenio Tamazula, S.A. de C.V.; Sahia; Sasha Inmobiliaria, S.A. de C.V.
L.A.E. scar Eugenio Baeza Fars Presidente y Director General GRUPO BAFAR, S.A. DE C.V. Km. 7.5 Carr. a Cuauhtmoc Col. Las nimas 31450 Chihuahua, Chih. RFC GBA960328 JF7
Tel. (614) 4 39 01 00 Ext. 7102 Fax (614) 4 34 00 25 Mexico City: 21 66 74 01 ebaeza@bafar.com http://www.bafar.com Established 1984 NAICS 311611 Animal (except Poultry) Slaughtering
Sales range US $ 100-999 million a year Exports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Mead Products; Lives Stock. Imports range US $ 10-99 million a year: Mead Raw Materials. Relations with: Agrosuper Comercial (Chile) Foreign offices: El Paso, TX (USA) Mexican affiliates: Corporativo Lectus, S.A. de C.V.; Lectus Comercial, S.A. de C.V.; Lectus Industrial, S.A. de C.V.; Onus, S.A. de C.V.; Productos Bif, S.A. de C.V.; Promotora Ganadera Tres Hermanos, S.A. de C.V. Listed in the Mexican Stock Exchange; ticker symbol: BAFAR Board of Directors: L.A.E. scar Eugenio Baeza Fars (Chairman), C.P. Guillermo Enrique Baeza Fars (Vice-Chairman), Lic. Ral de la Paz (Secretary), C.P. Francisco Prez Santos (Comisario), Lic. Jorge Baeza Fars, Sr. Eugenio Baeza Montes, Lic. Walter Eldo Burr Bareo, Lic. Walter E. Burr Valenzuela, Lic. Antonio Camberos Revilla, Lic. Carlos Antonio Carbajal Lechuga, Lic. scar Francisco Czares Elas, Lic. Juan Jos Domene Vivanco, Sr. Javier Leonardo Webb Moreno, Sr. scar Seplveda Mrquez
Lic. Guillermo Henkel Prez-Castro Director General GRUPO BAVARIA, S.A. DE C.V. Presidente Masaryk 60 Col. Chapultepec Polanco 11560 Mxico, D.F. RFC GBA841011 3K4
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year
Tel. 50 89 36 50, 52 55 15 52 Ext. 3618, 3619 Fax 55 45 92 66 ghenkel@bavariabmw.com http://www.grupo_bavaria.com.mx Established 1984 NAICS 44111 New Car Dealers
Ing. Csar Cant Benavides Presidente GRUPO BIOQUMICO MEXICANO, S.A. DE C.V. (GBM) Blvd. Jess Valds Snchez 2369 Fracc. Europa 25290 Saltillo, Coah. RFC GBM910211 SN8
Tel. (844) 4 38 05 00 Ext. 515, 4 38 05 15 Fax (844) 4 39 03 64 Mexico City: 55 76 93 78 ccantu@gbm.com http://www.gbm.com Established 1991 NAICS 325312 Phosphatic Fertilizer Mfg
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Exports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Plant Growth Promoters; Bioactivators (humic and fulvic substances); Foliar Fertilizers; Fertilizers Adjuvants; Fungicides. Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Acids; Calcium Lignosulfite. Foreign investments: GBM Colombia Ltda. (Colombia) Foreign offices : Bogota (Colombia); McAllen, TX (USA); San Jose (Costa Rica). Mexican affiliates: Omega Agroindustrial, S.A. de C.V.
Lic. Jorge Rojas Mota Velasco Presidente GRUPO BURSTIL MEXICANO, S.A. DE C.V. CASA DE BOLSA Insurgentes Sur 1605, piso 3 Col. San Jos Insurgentes 03900 Mxico, D.F. RFC GBM880120 EJ8
Tel. 54 80 57 02, 54 80 58 00, 54 80 58 41 Fax 54 80 57 60 http://www.gbm.com.mx Established 1988 NAICS 52312 Securities Brokerage
Assets range US $ 10-99 million Listed in the Mexican Stock Exchange; ticker symbol: GFGBM Board of Directors: Lic. Jorge Rojas Mota Velasco (Chairman), C.P. Juan Claudio Salles Manuel (Comisario), Lic. Mauricio Romero Orozco (Secretary), Lic. Alonso Garay Gutirrez, Lic. Diego Ramos Gonzlez de Castilla, Lic. Fernando Ramos Gonzlez de Castilla, Lic. Miguel Ortiz Aguilar
C.P. Francisco Simn Galindo Director General GRUPO CALIDATA THOMAS GREG, S.A. DE C.V. Filiberto Gmez 15 Fracc. Industrial Tlalnepantla 54030 Tlalnepantla, Mx. RFC LFO540716 E98
Tel. 53 21 15 00 Ext. 1501, 53 21 15 01 Fax 53 90 86 95 emendoza@lithoformas.com.mx http://www.lithoformas.com Established 1954 NAICS 323116 Manifold Business Form Printing
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Printing Machinery; Paper; Continuous Forms Raw Materials. Mexican affiliates: Dataforma, S.A. de C.V.; Litho Formas, S.A. de C.V.
Ing. Antonio Castro Molina Presidente GRUPO CARPENTER TECHNOLOGY, S.A. DE C.V. ACEROS FORTUNA, S.A. DE C.V. Lic. Juan Fernndez Albarrn 31 Fracc. Industrial San Pablo Xalpa 54090 Tlalnepantla, Mx. RFC GCT951114 3R6 RFC AFO831108 6M2
Tel. 53 28 09 00 Ext. 0945, 0946, 53 28 09 46 Fax 53 92 58 81 grupo@carpenterfortuna.com.mx http://www.carpenterfortuna.com.mx Established 1963 NAICS 42151 Metal Service Centers & Offices
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Steel (Special). Relations with: Carpenter Technology Corp. (USA) Mexican affiliates: Cermicas Carpenter, S.A. de C.V.; Grupo Fortuna; Movilidad Moderna, S.A. de C.V.
Lic. Carlos Slim Domit Presidente GRUPO CARSO, S.A. DE C.V. Paseo de las Palmas 736, piso 1 Col. Lomas de Chapultepec 11000 Mxico, D.F. RFC GCA900524 1G1
Sales range US $ 1-10 billion a year
Tel. 56 25 49 00 Ext. 1405 Fax 55 20 15 10 silviae@sanborns.com.mx http://www.gcarso.com.mx http://www.sanborns.com.mx Established 1980 NAICS 551112 Offices of Other Holding Companies
Relations with: Mix-Up (USA) Foreign investments: Cablena (Spain); Cablena Do Brasil (Brazil); Carso Global Telecom; Cdnow (USA); Condutel Austral (Chile); Nacel de Centroamrica (Guatemala); Orient Star Holding; East Star Holdings; Carso Mexican affiliates: Amrica Mvil, S.A. de C.V.; Artes Grficas Unidas, S.A. de C.V.; Asociacin Carso, S.A. de C.V.; Cigatam, S.A. de C.V.; Nacobre de Mxico, S.A. de C.V.; Comercial Carso, S.A. de C.V.; Consorcio Bosques, S.A. de C.V.; Empresas Frisco, S.A. de C.V.; Fianzas Guardiana Inbursa, S.A. de C.V.; Frisco, S.A. de C.V.; Galas de Mxico, S.A. de C.V.; General Tire de Mxico, S.A. de C.V.; Grupo Calinda, S.A. de C.V.; Grupo Condumex, S.A. de C.V.; Grupo Financiero Inbursa; Grupo Industrial Carso, S.A. de C.V.; Grupo Porcelanite; Grupo Sanborns, S.A. de C.V.; Grupo Tcnico de Servicios, S.A. de C.V.; Industrias IEM; Industrias Nacobre, S.A. de C.V.; Inmobiliaria Adsa, S.A. de C.V.; Inmobiliaria Carso, S.A. de C.V.; Inmobiliaria Lacosa, S.A. de C.V.; Inmobiliaria Turstica de Cancn, S.A. de C.V.; Inmuebles Cantabria, S.A. de C.V.; Inmuebles General, S.A. de C.V.; Inversora Burstil; La Feria del DiscoM Lava, S.A. de C.V.; Ital-Gres, S.A. de C.V.; Latinoamericana de Agregados y Concretos, S.A. de C.V.; Macopel; Mefusa, S.A. de C.V.; Microm; Mina Real ngeles; Minera Maria, S.A. de C.V.; Mix-Up; Nacional de Cobre, S.A. de C.V.; Multimedia Corporativo, S.A. de C.V.; Operadora Inbursa de Sociedades de Inversin; Organizacin Recuperadora de Cartera, S.A. de C.V.; Pavillion, S.A. de C.V.; Phillip Morris de Mxico; Porcel, S.A. de C.V.; Porcela, S.A. de C.V.; Porcelanite, S.A. de C.V.; Procisa, S.A. de C.V.; Proveedora Inbursa, S.A. de C.V.; Proyectos Construcciones e Inst Procisa, S.A. de C.V.; Qumica Flor, S.A. de C.V.; Radio Mvil Dipsa, S.A. de C.V.; Rasa Aluminio, S.A. de C.V.; Sanborn Hermanos, S.A.; Sealed Power Mexicana; Sears Roebuck de Mxico, S.A. de C.V.; Seguros Inbursa; Selmec Equipos Industriales, S.A. de C.V.; Servicios Administrativos Lava, S.A. de C.V.; Servicios Condumex, S.A. de C.V.; Servicios Corporativos Cigatam, S.A. de C.V.; Swecomex, S.A. de C.V.; Telfonos de Mxico, S.A. de C.V.; Vehyco Listed in the Mexican Stock Exchange and Pink Sheets / SEA (American Depositary Receipts); ticker symbol: GCARSO Board of Directors: Lic. Carlos Slim Domit (Chairman), Lic. Patrick Slim Domit (Vice-Chairman), C.P. Carlos Fras Lpez (Comisario), Sr. Sergio F. Medina Noriega (Secretary), C.P. Quintn Humberto Botas Hernndez (Treasurer), Ing. Jaime Chico Pardo, Sr. Antonio Coso Ario, Lic. Arturo Elas Ayub, Ing. Claudio Xavier Gonzlez Laporte, Sr. Rafael Moiss Kalach Mizrahi, Sr. Jos Kuri Harfush, C.P. Juan Antonio Prez Simn, Ing. Bernardo Quintana Isaac, Sr. Agustn Santamarina Vzquez Gmez, Ing. Carlos Slim Hel
Sr. Manuel Saba Ades Director General GRUPO CASA SABA, S.A. DE C.V. Reforma 215, piso 4 Col. Lomas de Chapultepec 11000 Mxico, D.F. RFC CSA980102 UV4
Tel. 52 84 66 00 Ext. 6630, 52 84 66 30 Fax 52 84 66 33 msaba@casasaba.com http://www.casasaba.com Established 1982 NAICS 42221 Drugs & Druggists' Sundries Wholesalers
Sales range US $ 1-10 billion a year Mexican affiliates: Casa Saba, S.A. de C.V.; Drogueros, S.A. de C.V. Listed in the Mexican Stock Exchange; ticker symbol: SAP Board of Directors: Sr. Isaac Saba Raffoul (Chairman), C.P. Manuel Sainz Meixueiro (Comisario), Lic. Francisco Fuentes Ostos (Secretary), Sr. Ral Fernndez Diaque, Sr. Ivn Moguel Kuri, Sr. Agustn Rodrguez Legorreta, Sr. Alberto Saba Ades, Sr. Manuel Saba Ades, Sr. Moiss Saba Ades, Sr. Gabriel Saba Djamus, C.P. Alejandro Sadourni Gmez
Ing. Francisco Puente Santamarina Director General GRUPO CELANESE, S.A. (CELMEX) Tecoyotitla 412, piso 1, Edif. A Col. Ex-Hacienda Guadalupe Chimalistac 01050 Mxico, D.F. RFC CME941028 PQ8
Tel. 54 80 91 00 Ext. 9104, 54 80 91 04 Fax 54 80 91 06 http://www.celanese.com.mx Established 1944 NAICS 325188 All Other Basic Inorganic Chemical Mfg NAICS 325211 Plastics Material & Resins Mfg NAICS 325222 Noncellulosic Organic Fiber Mfg
Sales range US $ 100-999 million a year Imports range US $ 10-99 million a year: Raw Materials; Alpha Cellulose; Polypropylene; Isopropanol; Acrilonitrile; Maleic Anhydride; Trimethynol Propane; Pentaerythritol; Melamine. Relations with: Hoescht-Celanese Corp. (USA); Celanese, A.G. Mexican affiliates: Centro de Distribucin San Cristbal, S.A. de C.V.; Derivados Macroqumicos, S.A. de C.V.; Ducoa Mxico, S.A. de C.V.
Ing. Manuel Antonio Miln Reyes Director General GRUPO CEMENTOS DE CHIHUAHUA, S.A. DE C.V. (GCC) Calle 6 y Vicente Surez, PB Col. Nombre de Dios 31110 Chihuahua, Chih. RFC GCC910614 DP4
Tel. (614) 4 42 31 00 Ext. 3214, 4 42 32 14 Fax (614) 4 42 32 16 mmilan@gcc.com http://www.gcc.com Established 1991 NAICS 32731 Cement Mfg
Sales range US $ 100-999 million a year Exports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Portland Cement; Mortars. Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Refractory Brick; Refractory Concrete. Relations with: GCC Dacotah, Inc. (USA); GCC of America Inc. (USA); GCC Ro Grande Portland Cement Co. (USA) Foreign investments: Mexcement Inc. (USA) Mexican affiliates: Concretos Premezclados de Chihuahua, S.A. de C.V.; Construcentro de Chihuahua, S.A. de C.V.; Fincem, S.A. de C.V.; GCC Cemento, S.A. de C.V.; GCC Ingeniera y Proyectos; Materiales Industriales de Chihuahua, S.A. de C.V.; Promotora de Desarrollos Inmobiliarios de Chihuahua, S.A. de C.V.; Promotora de Hospitales; Promotora de Infraestructura de Mxico; Servicios de Previsin Integral, S.A. de C.V.; Transportadora Raramuri, S.A. de C.V.; Vin Concreto, S.A. Listed in the Mexican Stock Exchange; ticker symbol: GCC Board of Directors: C.P. Federico Terrazas Torres (Chairman), Sr. Luis Gonzlez Pars (Comisario), Sr. Fernando Ruiz Sahagn (Comisario), Lic. Rodrigo A. Tena Cruz (Secretary), Sr. Armando J. Garca Segovia, Sr. Francisco Garza Zambrano, Sr. Miguel Mrquez Prieto, Sr. Miguel Mrquez Villalobos, Sr. Hctor Medina Aguiar, Sr. Vctor Romo Muoz, Sr. Salvador Terrazas Baeza, Sr. Enrique G. Terrazas Torres, Sr. Emilio Touch Fars, Sr. Lorenzo H. Zambrano Trevio
Sr. Sergio Quezada Leos Director General GRUPO CENTRAL DE DISCOS DE REYNOSA Guadalupe 151 Centro 20000 Aguascalientes, Ags. RFC CDR900226 UD4
Tel. (449) 9 18 03 14, 9 15 84 48 Ext. 136 Fax (449) 9 16 94 43 Mexico City: 55 29 07 44 sccaa@infosel.net.mx http://www.centraldediscos.com.mx Established 1986 NAICS 42199 Other Miscellaneous Durable Goods Wholesalers
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Exports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Musical Records. Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Clocks; Lenses & Frames; Plastics; Cases; Musical Records; Perfumes. Mexican affiliates: Central de Discos de Reynosa, S.A. de C.V.
Sr. Luis Agustn Cetto C. Presidente GRUPO CETTO, S.A. DE C.V. Can Johnson 2108 Col Hidalgo 22130 Tijuana, B.C.N. RFC PUV570904 PU6
Tel. (664) 6 85 30 31 Ext. 104, 112 Fax (664) 6 85 35 52 luiscetto@cettowine.com normapulido@cettowine.com http://www.gpocetto.com.mx Established 1957 NAICS 31213 Wineries
Sales range US $ 100-999 million a year Mexican affiliates: Grupo Agropecuario El Diamante, S.A. de C.V.; Inmobiliaria del Noroeste, S.A. de C.V.; Productos de Uva, S.A. de C.V.; Tequilera La Quintanea, S.A. de C.V.; Transportes L.A.C., S.A. de C.V.; Vincola de Tecate, S.A. de C.V.; Vincola L.A. Cetto, S.A. de C.V.; Viedos de Mexicali, S.A. de C.V.; Viedos de San Vicente, S.A. de C.V.; Viedos L.A. Cetto, S.A. de C.V.
Ing. Eric Hagsater Presidente GRUPO CHINOIN, S.A. DE C.V. Lago Tangaica 18, piso 1 Col. Granada 11520 Mxico, D.F. RFC GCI800407 L3A
Tel. 52 62 31 00 Ext. 92, 93, 52 62 31 92 Fax 55 31 43 49 hagsater@chinoin.com.mx Established 1932 NAICS 325412 Pharmaceutical Preparation Mfg
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Exports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Pharmaceutical Products; Veterinary Products. Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Raw Materials. Mexican affiliates: Chinoin Consultores Especializados, S.A. de C.V.; Explotadora de Inmuebles, S.A. de C.V.; Instituto Chinoin, A.C.; Productos Farmacuticos, S.A. de C.V.
C.P. Jos Antonio Rodrguez Cacho Director General GRUPO COLLADO, S.A. DE C.V. Gaviln 200 Col. Guadalupe del Moral 09300 Mxico, D.F. RFC GCO820106 RI5
Sales range US $ 100-999 million a year Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Steel; Steel Sheet.
Tel. 58 04 22 00, 58 04 23 00 Ext. 2346 Fax 58 04 23 55 jar@gcollado.com http://www.collado.com.mx Established 1950 NAICS 42151 Metal Service Centers & Offices
Mexican affiliates: Aceros Guanajuato, S.A. de C.V.; Fletes de Transco, S.A. de C.V.; Francisco Bautista, S.A. de C.V.; Grupo Servicon, S.A. de C.V.; Inmobiliaria G Collado, S.A. de C.V.; Materiales Madisa, S.A. de C.V. Listed in the Mexican Stock Exchange; ticker symbol: COLLADO Board of Directors: Lic. Guillermo Vogel Hinojosa (Chairman), Sr. Javier Prez Rocha (Vice-Chairman), Sr. Fernando Castaeda Fuentes (Comisario), Dr. Salvador Mier y Tern (Secretary), Sr. Jos Castiglioni Bari, Sr. Daniel Prez Gil de Hoyos, Lic. Jess Mario Ramrez Cedeo, Sr. Sergio Raymond Kedilhac, Sr. Jos Antonio Rodrguez Cacho, Lic. Jos Luis Sales Cacho, Sr. Enrique Septin Surez, Sr. Enrique Velzquez Collado
Sr. Antonio Chedraui Obeso Presidente del Consejo de Administracin GRUPO COMERCIAL CHEDRAUI, S.A. DE C.V. Priv. Antonio Chedraui Caram s/n Col. Encinal 91180 Xalapa, Ver. RFC GCC870423 SM2
Tel. (228) 8 42 11 00 Ext. 1263, 1264, 1301, 8 14 16 67 Fax (228) 8 14 49 57 Mexico City: 11 03 80 00 antonio@chedraui.com.mx hhtp://www.chedraui.com.mx Established 1987 NAICS 45291 Warehouse Clubs & Superstores
Sales range US $ 1-10 billion a year Imports range US $ 10-99 million a year: Clothes; Toys; Knapsack; Notebooks; Groceries; Apples; Porcelain; Jewelry (Fantasy); Wines; Refrigeration Equipment. Relations with: Bodega Latina (USA); H. Cotler Co.; La Tikue Inc.; Leslye Fay; Mead Products; Robert Main; Theecoleman Mexican affiliates: Autotransportadora Chedraui, S.A. de C.V.; Inmobiliaria Mega del Golfo; Operadora Chedraui, S.A. de C.V.; Promotora Comercial Arboledas; Tiendas Chedraui, S.A. de C.V.; Tiendas Chedraui Divisin Panificadoras, S.A. de C.V.
Lic. Juan Manuel Jimnez Gmez Presidente y Director General GRUPO COMERCIAL GOMO, S.A. DE C.V. Blvd. Adolfo Lpez Mateos 2370 Col. Altavista 01060 Mxico, D.F. RFC GCG970226 EX7
Tel. 55 50 66 50 Ext. 325, 326 Fax 56 16 28 53 jjimenez@gomo.com.mx Established 1997 NAICS 45114 Musical Instrument & Supplies Stores
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Home Appliances; Electronic Appliances. Mexican affiliates: Chopin, S.A. de C.V.; Grupo Internacional Gomo, S.A. de C.V.; Promotores de Electrnica y Planeacin Empresaria, S.A. de C.V.; Servicios Integrales de Msica, S.A. de C.V.; Telecomunicaciones Gomo, S.A. de C.V.; WG de Mxico, S.A. de C.V. Listed in the Mexican Stock Exchange; ticker symbol: GOMO Board of Directors: Lic. Juan Manuel Jimnez Gmez (Chairman), Sr. Fernando Javier Morales Gutirrez (Comisario), Sr. Ricardo Higinio Cabrera Murillo, Lic. Jos Luis Carral Cuevas, Lic. Jess Cendejas Contreras, Lic. Javier Cervantes Snchez Navarro, Lic. Guillermo Durand Cercas, Lic. Gerardo Iza Miln, Lic. Eduardo Zea Mir
C.P. Humberto Gutirrez-Olvera Zubizarreta Director General GRUPO CONDUMEX, S.A. DE C.V. Blvd. Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra 255 Col. Ampl. Granada 11520 Mxico, D.F. RFC GCO810603 LLA
Tel. 53 28 58 00 Ext. 5805, 5806, 53 28 58 05, 53 28 58 06 Fax 53 28 58 98 lrangeles@condumex.com.mx http://www.condumex.com.mx Established 1952 NAICS 331422 Copper Wire (except Mechanical) Drawing NAICS 335999 All Oth Misc Electrical Equip & Component Mfg
Sales range US $ 1-10 billion a year Exports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Electromanufactures; Metals; Telecommunications; Auto Parts; Plastics. Imports range US $ 10-99 million a year: Aluminum; Copper; PVC Resin. Foreign investments: Alambres y Cables de Panam, S.A. (Panama); Condumex, Inc. (USA); Condupac International (USA) Mexican affiliates: Arcomex, S.A. de C.V.; Arneses Elctricos Automotrices, S.A. de C.V.; Autoensambles y Logstica, S.A. de C.V.; Cablena; Camisa, S.A. de C.V.; Centro de Investigacin y Desarrollo Condumex, S.A. de C.V.; Cobre de Mxico, S.A. de C.V.; Conalum, S.A. de C.V.; Conductores Latincasa, S.A. de C.V.; Condupartes, S.A. de C.V.; Condutel Austral; Conticon, S.A.; Cordaflex, S.A. de C.V.; Enfriadores y Calentadores, S.A. de C.V.; Equipos Termodinmicos, S.A. de C.V.; Equiter, S.A. de C.V.; Gabriel de Mxico, S.A. de C.V.; Grupo Primex, S.A. de C.V.; Industrias Apaseo, S.A. de C.V.; Industrias IEM, S.A. de C.V.; Instalaciones Tcnicas Electromecnicas, S.A. de C.V.; JPM Pantera, S.A. de C.V.; Manufacturera de Partes de Automviles, S.A. de C.V.; Microm, S.A. de C.V.; Nacel de Centroamrica, S.A.; Nacional de Conductores Elctricos, S.A. de C.V.; Precitubo, S.A. de C.V.; Procisa, S.A. de C.V.; Promotora de Industrias Mecnicas, S.A. de C.V.; Promotora de Partes Elctricas Automotrices, S.A. de C.V.; Proyectos, Construcciones e Instalaciones Procisa, S.A. de C.V.; Radinam, S.A. de C.V.; Sealed Power Mexicana, S.A. de C.V.; Servicios Condumex, S.A. de C.V.; Sociedad Electromecnica, S.A. de C.V.; Swecomex, S.A. de C.V.; SYC Selmec, S.A. de C.V.; Telnicx, S.A. de C.V.; Vehculos y Componentes, S.A. de C.V.; Xabre Servicios, S.A. de C.V.; Xabre, S.A. de C.V.
Ing. Sergio Canales Freeman Presidente GRUPO CONSTRUCTO, S.A. DE C.V. Oriente 1 s/n entre Norte 13 y 15 Barrio de San Jos 94450 Ixtaczoquitln, Ver. RFC GCO770202 A59
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year
Tel. (272) 7 21 08 08, 7 21 14 62 Ext. 110 Fax (272) 7 21 14 65 liliana.garcia@grupoconstructo.com.mx http://www.grupoconstructo.com.mx Established 1977 NAICS 551114 Corp, Subsidiary & Regional Managing Offices
Sra. Cynthia H. Grossman Presidenta del Consejo de Administracin GRUPO CONTINENTAL, S.A. (CONTAL) Hidalgo 2303 Col. Smith 89140 Tampico, Tamps. RFC GCO790112 8N8
Sales range US $ 100-999 million a year Imports range US $ 10-99 million a year: Bottling Equipment.
Tel. (833) 2 41 25 00 Ext. 2581, 2 13 37 21 Fax (833) 2 41 25 77, 2 17 02 95 Mexico City: 55 96 58 60 info@contal.com http://www.contal.com Established 1964 NAICS 32512 Industrial Gas Mfg NAICS 311311 Sugarcane Mills NAICS 311511 Fluid Milk Mfg
Relations with: Coca Cola Co. (USA) Mexican affiliates: Concentrados Industriales, S.A. de C.V.; Embotelladora Aguascalientes, S.A. de C.V.; Embotelladora Ameca, S.A. de C.V.; Embotelladora de Coahuila, S.A. de C.V.; Embotelladora de Tecomn, S.A. de C.V.; Embotelladora Fresnillo, S.A. de C.V.; Embotelladora Gmez Palacio, S.A. de C.V.; Embotelladora Guadiana, S.A. de C.V.; Embotelladora la Bufa, S.A. de C.V.; Embotelladora la Favorita, S.A. de C.V.; Embotelladora Lagunera, S.A. de C.V.; Embotelladora las Trojes, S.A. de C.V.; Embotelladora los Altos, S.A. de C.V.; Embotelladora Rioverde, S.A. de C.V.; Embotelladora San Luis, S.A. de C.V.; Embotelladora Tangamanga, S.A. de C.V.; Embotelladora Zapopan, S.A. de C.V.; Fomento de Aguascalientes, S.A. de C.V.; Fomento Durango, S.A. de C.V.; Fomento Industrial Azteca, S.A. de C.V.; Fomento Mayran, S.A. de C.V.; Fomento Potosino, S.A. de C.V.; Fomento Ro Nazas, S.A. de C.V.; Fomento San Luis, S.A. de C.V.; Fomento Zacatecano, S.A. de C.V.; Grossman y Asociados, S.A. de C.V.; Inmobiliaria Favorita, S.A. de C.V.; Servicios Ejecutivos Continental, S.A. de C.V.; Sociedad Industrial, S.A. de C.V. Mexican associates: Andamios Atlas, S.A. de C.V.; Industria Envasadora de Quertaro, S.A. de C.V.; Ingenio Adolfo Lpez Mateos, S.A. de C.V.; Ingenio Tres Valles, S.A. de C.V.; Promotora Industrial Azucarera, S.A. de C.V.; Servicios Azucareros Integrales, S.A. de C.V. Listed in the Mexican Stock Exchange; ticker symbol: CONTAL Board of Directors: Sra. Cynthia H. Grossman (Chairman), Sr. Bruce E. Grossman (Vice-Chairman), Sr. Carlos Garza y Rodrguez (Comisario), Sr. Marcos Aguilar Romo (Secretary), Sr. Guillermo Verduzco y Snchez Aldana (Treasurer), Sr. Carlos Canseco Gonzles, Sr. Teodoro Circuit, Sr. Lawrence R. Cowart, Sr. Jos Domene Zambrano, Sr. Sergio Garza Trevio, Sr. Antonio Lpez Rodrguez, Sr. Martn Machinandiarena Lpez, Sr. Sergio Romero Roaro, Sr. Sergio Ruiz Garza, Sr. Ernesto L. Tinajero Benavides
Lic. Benjamn Villaseor Costa Presidente GRUPO CORVI, S.A. DE C.V. Pico de Tolima 29, piso 3 Col. Jardines en la Montaa 14210 Mxico, D.F. RFC GCO791221 DJ9
Tel. 56 28 51 00 Ext. 4309, 56 45 55 96 Fax 56 28 51 51 villasenor-b@gcorvi.com.mx http://www.grupocorvi.com.mx Established 1979 NAICS 31133 Confectionery Mfg from Purchased Chocolate NAICS 42245 Confectionery Wholesalers
Sales range US $ 1-10 billion a year Exports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Confectionery. Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Groceries; Chocolate Industry Raw Materials. Relations with: Newbridge Latin America (USA) Foreign investments: Normandy Aviation Corp. Mexican affiliates: Abarrotes Sahuayo, S.A.; Fbrica de Chocolates La Corona, S.A. de C.V.; Chocolates La Corona de Toluca, S.A. de C.V.; Impulsora Sahuayo, S.A. de C.V.; Organizacin Sahuayo, S.A. de C.V. Listed in the Mexican Stock Exchange; ticker symbol: GCORVI Board of Directors: Lic. Benjamn Villaseor Costa (Chairman), Lic. Luis Alfonso Villaseor Zepeda (Vice-Chairman), Sr. Emilio Castillo Snchez Mejorada (Comisario), Sr. Francisco Carrillo Gamboa (Secretary), Dr. Jos Akle Fierro, Lic. Ral Alvarado Hrroz, Lic. Salvador lvadez Valds, C.P. Aurelio Gmez Villaseor, Lic. Mauricio Antonio Gonzlez Gmez, Ing. Hctor Larios Santilln, Lic. ngel Valle Yrusteta, Sr. Jos Luis Villaseor Espinosa, Sr. Alejandro Villaseor iguez
Sr. Pablo Gonzlez Carbonell Presidente GRUPO COSTAMEX, S.A. DE C.V. Insurgentes Sur 1999 Col. Guadalupe Inn 01020 Mxico, D.F. RFC GCO920214 F7A
Tel. 56 27 88 80, 56 27 88 00 Ext. 5212, 56 27 88 99 Fax 56 27 88 27 gfernand@royal-holiday.com http://www.royal-holiday.com Established 1990 NAICS 72111 Hotels (exc Casino Hotels) & Motels
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Computer Equipment, Programs, Accessories & Supplies. Foreign investments: Holiday Club International (USA); Holiday Clubs, Ltd. (USA); Royal Holiday Travel; Vacation Services Mexican affiliates: Bufete Inmobiliario; Constructora Edificadora Comercial Coatzacoalcos; Desarrollo Turstico Pirmides Cancn; Desarrollo y Administracin Nueva Imagen, S.A. de C.V.; Grupo Bahamar; Hotel Cancn Caribe Villas y Resort; Inmobiliaria Cancn Caribe, S.A. de C.V.; Inmobiliaria Samis; Pacfico Vallarta, S.A.; Paraso Internacional Ixtapa, S.A. de C.V.; Pirmides Cancn, S.A. de C.V.; Promotora de Inmuebles del Caribe, S.A. de C.V.; Vallarta Pacfico, S.A. de C.V.
Lic. Jaime Gonzlez Lobo Presidente GRUPO CRISOL, S.A. DE C.V. Acoxpa 436, piso 5 Col. Ex-Hacienda Coapa 14300 Mxico, D.F. RFC GCR791115 ES6
Tel. 59 99 21 00 Ext. 2101, 59 99 21 01 Fax 59 99 21 20 jaimeglez@crisol.com.mx http://www.crisol.com.mx Established 1968 NAICS 31321 Broadwoven Fabric Mills
Sales range US $ 100-999 million a year Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Synthetic Fibers Machinery; Textile Fibers; Oils. Relations with: Enichem (Italy); Radici Group (Italy) Mexican affiliates: Acrilia, S.A. de C.V.; Bienes Industriales de Mxico, S.A. de C.V.; Calcetines Crisol, S.A. de C.V.; Crisol Textil, S.A. de C.V.; Direccin Comercial Administrativa, S.A. de C.V.; Fibras Sintticas, S.A. de C.V.
C.P. Guillermo Eduardo Salinas Pliego Presidente GRUPO DATAFLUX, S.A. DE C.V. Batalln de San Patricio 109 Col. Valle Oriente 66260 Monterrey, N.L. RFC GDA940412 AC2
Tel. (81) 82 21 20 00 Ext. 2020, 82 21 20 20 Fax (81) 82 21 20 02 adrian_gonzalez@dataflux.com.mx http://www.dataflux.com.mx Established 1994 NAICS 334111 Electronic Computer Mfg NAICS 334119 Other Computer Peripheral Equipment Mfg NAICS 551114 Corp, Subsidiary & Regional Managing Offices NAICS 61142 Computer Training
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Foreign investments: Makro Cmputo, S.A. (Colombia) Foreign offices: Cali (Colombia); Barranquilla (Colombia); Bogota (Colombia); Medellin (Colombia) Mexican affiliates: Colegio Nacional de Capacitacin Intensiva, S.A. de C.V.; Dataflux, S.A. de C.V.; Dax Mayoreo, S.A. de C.V.; Flujo de Datos, S.A. de C.V.; Genetec, S.A. de C.V.; Interax de Mxico, S.A. de C.V.; Todito.Com, S.A. de C.V. Listed in the Mexican Stock Exchange; ticker symbol: DATAFLX Board of Directors: C.P. Guillermo Eduardo Salinas Pliego (Chairman), Sr. Alberto Hinojosa Canales (Vice-Chairman), Sr. Alejandro Moreno Anaya (Comisario), Sr. Hctor Carpizo Trevio (Secretary), C.P. Gilberto Enrique Caballero Gutirrez, Lic. Ernesto Canales Santos, Sr. Eduardo Elizondo Barragn, Ing. Carlos Jorge Guzmn Dibella, Ing. Patricio Lpez del Puerto, C.P. Jos Ignacio Morales Elcoro, Sr. Ricardo Benjamn Salinas Pliego, Sr. Juan Domingo Tovar Castro
Ing. Carlos Guillermo Garca Muriel Presidente y Director General GRUPO DERMET, S.A. DE C.V. San Juan Ixhuatepec 1045 Col. Zacatenco 07360 Mxico, D.F. RFC GDE950301 9R6
Tel. 30 03 57 09, 30 03 55 00 Fax 30 03 57 01 ajramirez@dermet.com.mx http://www.dermet.com.mx Established 1988 NAICS 42221 Drugs & Druggists' Sundries Wholesalers NAICS 325188 All Other Basic Inorganic Chemical Mfg
Sales range US $ 100-999 million a year Exports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Cupric Chromate; Copper Sulphate. Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Copper Oxide. Relations with: Dermet (USA) Mexican affiliates: Alfred L. Wolff Mxico, S.A. de C.V.; Demser, S.A. de C.V.; Dermet, S.A. de C.V.; Industrias Ctricas de Guadalajara, S.A. de C.V.; Maqpro, S.A. de C.V.; Materias Primas, S.A. de C.V.; Qumicos Argostal, S.A. de C.V.; Suplia, S.A. de C.V. Listed in the Mexican Stock Exchange; ticker symbol: DERMET Board of Directors: Ing. Carlos Guillermo Garca Muriel (Chairman), C.P. Juan Manuel Crdenas Lpez (Comisario), Sr. Jaime lvarez Bermejillo, C.P. Giorgo S. Boero, Lic. Luis A. Cant Gottwad, Sr. Jos Carral Cuevas, Lic. Luis de Garay Gutirrez, Ing. Carlos Garca Muriel, Sr. Rodolfo Garca Muriel, Ing. Miguel A. Olea Sisniega, Lic. Ral Pardo Ortiz, Sr. Othn Ruiz Njera
Ing. Aarn Porraz Capetillo Presidente GRUPO DE TECNOLOGA CIBERNTICA, S.A. DE C.V. Mrtires de la Conquista 105, piso 3 Col. Tacubaya 11870 Mxico, D.F. RFC GTC980421 R4A
Tel. 52 77 08 88 Ext. 401, 402 Fax 55 15 43 77 aaron@tecno.com.mx http://www.web.tecno.com.mx Established 1998 NAICS 42143 Computer & Peripheral Equip & Software Wholesalers
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Mexican affiliates: Pocomar, S.C.; Storage Management, S.A. de C.V.
Lic. Jos Carlos Prez y Prez Director General Corporativo GRUPO DIAGNSTICO PROA, S.A. DE C.V. Alfonso Herrera 75 Col. San Rafael 06470 Mxico, D.F. RFC SAP931206 UY8
Tel. 55 46 48 45 al 49 Ext. 54165, 55 92 09 53 Fax 51 40 76 41 grodriguez@proa.com.mx http://www.chopo.com.mx Established 1948 NAICS 621511 Medical Laboratories
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Mexican affiliates: Anachem, S.A.; Capermor, S.A. de C.V.; Corporativo Proa, S.A. de C.V.; Estrategia Corporativa Proa, S.A. de C.V.; Laboratorio Mdico del Chopo; Prevencin Personal Especial, S.A. de C.V.; Servicios Administrativos Proa, S.A. de C.V.; Servicios de Diagnstico Profesional Proa, S.A. de C.V.
Ing. Diego Cspedes Creixell Presidente y Director General GRUPO DIXON, S.A. DE C.V. Km. 33.5 Autopista Mxico-Quertaro Col. Lechera 54940 Tultitln, Mx. RFC DTM971215 E5A
Tel. 58 64 79 00 Ext. 7902, 58 64 79 02 Fax 58 64 79 01 rpelaez@dixonmexico.com Established 1953 NAICS 339941 Pen & Mechanical Pencil Mfg NAICS 339942 Lead Pencil & Art Good Mfg
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Exports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Graphite and Colour Leads; Crayons; Markers and Color Pencils. Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Wood; Clay; Ferrules; Graphite. Relations with: Dixon Ticonderoga Co. (USA) Mexican affiliates: Comercializadora Dixon, S.A.; Dixon Operadora, S.A. de C.V.; Dixon Ticonderoga de Mxico, S.A. de C.V.; Servidix, S.A. Listed in the Mexican Stock Exchange; ticker symbol: DIXON Board of Directors: Ing. Diego Cspedes Creixell (Chairman), Sr. Manuel Snchez y Madrid (Comisario), Lic. Luis Alfonso Cervantes Muiz (Secretary)
Sr. Horacio de Giuli Direccin General GRUPO ECHLIN AUTOMOTRIZ, S.A. DE C.V. (GEA) Javier Rojo Gmez 1201 Barrio San Miguel 09360 Mxico, D.F. RFC GEA900730 PG5
Tel. 58 04 13 00 Ext. 1398, 58 04 13 98 Fax 58 04 13 90 http://www.dana.com.mx Established 1990 NAICS 336399 All Other Motor Vehicle Parts Mfg
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Relations with: Dana Corp.; Echlin, Inc. (USA) Mexican affiliates: Balatas American Brake Block, S.A. de C.V.; Echlin Comercial, S.A. de C.V.; Echlin Mexicana, S.A. de C.V.; Frenos Lusac, S.A. de C.V.; Itapsa, S.A. de C.V.; Lusac Confhia de Mxico, S.A. de C.V.
Sr. Manelick de la Parra Vargas Presidente GRUPO EDITORIAL VID, S.A. DE C.V. Pino 1 Col. Florida 01030 Mxico, D.F. RFC GEV861208 FI9
Tel. 53 22 13 00 Ext. 391, 53 22 13 91 Fax 53 22 13 96 marthaq@mundovid.com http://www.mundovid.com Established 1956 NAICS 51112 Periodical Publishers
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Relations with: Archie Comics Magazine (USA); Bongo Comics Group. (USA); D.C. Comics Inc. (USA); Warner Bros. Inc. (USA)
Sr. Manuel del Valle Ruiz Presidente y Director General GRUPO EL ASTURIANO, S.A. DE C.V. (GEASA) Plaza de la Repblica 9 Col. Tabacalera 06030 Mxico, D.F. RFC GAS810126 V5A
Tel. 57 03 08 38 Ext. 231, 232, 57 03 07 73 Fax 57 03 08 38 Ext. 283 asturian@data.net.mx Established 1919 NAICS 31321 Broadwoven Fabric Mills NAICS 315223 Men's/Boys' Cut & Sew Shirt (exc Work) Mfg
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Cotton Yarn; Machinery and Spare Parts. Mexican affiliates: Compaa Industrial Veracruzana, S.A.; Compaa Manufacturera de Covadonga, S.A. de C.V.; El Asturiano, S.A.; Fbrica Santa Mara de Guadalupe, S.A. de C.V.; Sivis de Mxico, S.A. de C.V.; Textiles El Asturiano, S.A. de C.V. Listed in the Mexican Stock Exchange; tickey symbol: GEASA Board of Directors: Sr. Manuel del Valle Ruiz (Chairman), C.P. Enrique Arroyo Morales (Comisario), Sr. Enrique Garca Ruiz (Secretary)
Lic. Juan Ignacio Gallardo Thurlow Presidente del Consejo de Administracin GRUPO EMBOTELLADORAS UNIDAS, S.A. DE C.V. (GEUSA) Monte Cucaso 915, piso 4 Col. Lomas de Chapultepec 11000 Mxico, D.F. RFC GEU870630 5T6
Sales range US $ 100-999 million a year Imports range US $ 10-99 million a year: Bottling Equipment.
Tel. 52 01 19 00 Ext. 1011, 52 01 19 04 Fax 52 01 19 34 erojas@geusa.com.mx http://www.geusa.com.mx Established 1986 NAICS 312111 Soft Drink Mfg
Relations with: Pepsico (USA) Mexican affiliates: Bebidas Purificadas de Michoacn, S.A. de C.V.; Bebidas Purificadas de Occidente, S.A. de C.V.; Bebidas Purificadas del Centro, S.A. de C.V.; Bebidas Purificadas del Cupatitzio, S.A. de C.V.; Controladora de Negocios Azucareros, S.A. de C.V.; Distribuidora Dicasa, S.A. de C.V.; Distribuidora Disa de Michoacn, S.A. de C.V.; Distribuidora Disa de Uruapan, S.A. de C.V.; Distribuidora Disa del Centro, S.A. de C.V.; Distribuidora Disa Pacfico, S.A. de C.V.; Distribuidora Interestatal, S.A. de C.V.; Embotelladora de Occidente, S.A. de C.V.; Geupec Administracin, S.A. de C.V.; Grupo Azucarero Mxico, S.A. de C.V.; Inmobiliaria Geusa, S.A. de C.V.; Servicios Calificados, S.A. de C.V. Listed in the Mexican Stock Exchange; ticker symbol: GEUPEC Board of Directors: Lic. Juan Ignacio Gallardo Thurlow (Chairman), Lic. Eduardo Snchez Navarro Redo (Vice-Chairman), Lic. Emilio Gutirrez Borbolla (Comisario), Sra. Lourdes Suayfeta Senz (Secretary), Lic. Juan Cortina Gallardo (Treasurer), Lic. Carlos Gallardo Gonzlez (Administrator), Sr. Fuller H. Jefferson, Sr. Francisco Hill Avendao
Ing. Luis Regordosa Valenciana Presidente Ejecutivo GRUPO EMBOTELLADOR BRET, S.A. DE C.V. (GEBSA) Carr. Federal a Veracruz 1074-A Zona Industrial Puebla 2000 72920 Puebla, Pue. RFC GEB890614 QJ8
Sales range US $ 100-999 million a year Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Maintenance Supplies.
Tel. (222) 2 29 11 00 Ext. 2104, 2 29 11 91 Fax (222) 2 29 11 17, 2 29 11 94 lregord@bret.com.mx http://www.bret.com.mx Established 1989 NAICS 312111 Soft Drink Mfg
Ing. Andrew Taylor Hartley Presidente GRUPO EMPAC, S.A. DE C.V. Cedros 960 Col. Ciudad Granja 45010 Zapopan, Jal. RFC GEM000705 P5Z
Tel. (33) 37 77 17 30, 37 77 17 37 Ext. 120 Fax (33) 37 77 17 39 Mexico City: 56 72 70 77 ataylor@att.net.mx http://www.empac.com.mx Established 2000 NAICS 551114 Corp, Subsidiary & Regional Managing Offices
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Exports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Packing & Filling Machines. Imports range US $ 10-99 million a year: Quality Control Equipment; Packing & Filling Machines; Packing Machinery & Equipment; Food Industry Equipment; Seals; Chemical Industry Equipment. Relations with: Tecnipac, Inc.
Lic. Olegario Vzquez Aldir Vicepresidente GRUPO EMPRESARIAL NGELES, S.A. DE C.V. Mariano Escobedo 700, piso 6A Col. Anzures 11590 Mxico, D.F. RFC GEA970211 6X6
Tel. 52 62 62 12 Fax 55 31 39 86 http://www.grupoempresarialangeles.com.mx Established 1997 NAICS 62211 General Medical & Surgical Hospitals NAICS 72111 Hotels (exc Casino Hotels) & Motels
Sales range US $ 1-10 billion a year Mexican affiliates: Corporacin Hermanos Vzquez, S.A. de C.V.; Grupo ngeles Servicios de Salud, S.A. de C.V.; Grupo Imagen, S.A. de C.V.; Hospital ngeles del Pedregal, S.A. de C.V.; Hospital del Carmen, S.A. de C.V.; Hospital Metropolitano, S.A. de C.V.; Hospitales Nacionales, S.A. de C.V.; Hoteles Camino Real, S.A. de C.V.
Lic. Ernesto Gmez Ibarra de la Mora Presidente GRUPO ERAMEX Duque de Rivas 275 Col. Arcos Sur, Sector Jurez 44100 Guadalajara, Jal. RFC CJA830117 BJ4
Tel. (33) 36 16 43 38, 36 16 43 68 Ext. 119, 36 16 12 49 Fax (33) 36 16 12 54 Mexico City: 53 96 96 67 ergomezi@infosel.net.mx http://www.chocoibarra.com.mx Established 1994 NAICS 31133 Confectionery Mfg from Purchased Chocolate
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Exports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Chocolate (Table). Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Machinery; Cocoa Powder. Mexican affiliates: Chocolate Ibarra, S.A. de C.V.; Chocolatera de Jalisco, S.A. de C.V.; Comercializadora de Occidente, S.A. de C.V.; Distribuidora de Chocolate Ibarra, S.A. de C.V.; Eramex Agricultura, S.A.; Eramex Arrendadora, S.A.; Eramex Inmobiliaria; Eramex Internacional; Jack Berber Andego; Maquiladora Tom, S.A., pticas, S.A.; Servicios Profesionales Integrales, S.A.
Sr. Humberto Garza Gonzlez Director General GRUPO FAMSA, S.A. DE C.V. FABRICANTES MUEBLEROS, S.A. DE C.V. (FAMSA) Pino Surez 1202 Norte, piso 1 Centro 64000 Monterrey, N.L. RFC GFA971015 J88 RFC FMU701116 GV0
Tel. (81) 83 89 90 00 Ext. 2790, 2791, 83 75 37 61 Fax (81) 83 74 21 08 Mexico City: 55 78 20 30 humberto.garza@famsa.com http://www.famsa.com Established 1957 NAICS 42162 Electric Appliance/TV/Radio Set Wholesalers
Sales range US $ 100-999 million a year Imports range US $ 10-99 million a year: Household Appliances, Electronics. Furniture. Relations with: Monterrey Venture Holding, L.L.C. (USA); Tepazeca, S.L. (Spain) Foreign investments: Famsa, Inc. (USA) Foreign offices: Los Angeles, CA (USA) Mexican affiliates: Corsa, S.A. de C.V.; Expormuebles, S.A. de C.V.; Facsa, S.A. de C.V.; Famsa Centro, S.A. de C.V.; Famsa Coahuila, S.A. de C.V.; Famsa Metropolitano, S.A. de C.V.; Famsa Monterrey, S.A. de C.V.; Famsa Pacfico, S.A. de C.V.; Impulsora Promobien, S.A. de C.V.; Mayoramsa, S.A. de C.V.; Promotora Sultana, S.A. de C.V.
Lic. Juan Jorge Favier Salcedo Presidente y Director General GRUPO FAVIER, S.A. DE C.V. Vallarta 1512 Col. Americana 44140 Guadalajara, Jal. RFC SIF930224 NB8
Tel. (33) 36 16 85 95 Ext. 117 Fax (33) 36 16 86 05 Mexico City: 10 84 52 62 informes@grupofavier.com http://www.grupofavier.com Established 1993 NAICS 23332 Commercial & Institutional Bldg Construction
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Mexican affiliates: Alimentos Favier; Bomba Energy; Coleccin Cava Santa, S.A. de C.V.; Comercializadora Constructiva del Golfo, S.A. de C.V.; Consorcio Da; Constructora de Proyectos y Obras, S.A. de C.V.; Country Empresarial, S.C.; Desarrolladora de Alimentos Internacionales; Desarrollo Inmobiliario Favier; Espacio Imgenes de Guadalajara, S.A. de C.V.; Espacio Urbano y Habitacional de Occidente, S.A. de C.V.; Habita; Imgenes de Guadalajara, S.A.; Industria de Sandalias, S.A.; Inmobiliaria Fagn; Inversiones Monte del Barco; Obras y Proyectos Favier, S.A. de C.V.; Servicios Inmobiliarios Favier, S.A. de C.V.
C.P. Alfredo Harp Hel Presidente del Consejo Administrativo GRUPO FINANCIERO BANAMEX, S.A. DE C.V. Isabel la Catlica 44, piso 1 Centro 06089 Mxico, D.F.
Tel. 12 26 46 23, 12 26 51 78 Fax 12 26 40 39 lfernanr@banamex.com http://www.banamex.com.mx Established 1991 NAICS 551111 Offices of Bank Holding Companies
Assets over US $ 10 billion Relations with: Citigroup (USA); MCI Communications (USA); Pri Banco (Nicaragua) Mexican affiliates: Acciones y Valores de Mxico, S.A. de C.V.; Banco Nacional de Mxico, S.A.; Casa de Bolsa Accival; Prh Afore Banamex, S.A. de C.V.; Seguros Banamex-Aegon, S.A. de C.V.
Sr. Roberto Gonzlez Barrera Presidente del Consejo de Administracin GRUPO FINANCIERO BANORTE Reforma 359, piso 9 Col. Cuauhtmoc 06500 Mxico, D.F. RFC BMN930209 927
Assets range US $ 1-10 billion Imports range US $ 10-99 million a year
Tel. 56 25 48 00, 52 27 47 00 to 09 Ext. 4799, 4717, 52 27 47 99 Fax 52 27 47 20 maria_arias@gruma.com http://www.banorte.com Established 1992 NAICS 551111 Offices of Bank Holding Companies
Relations with: Chase Manhattan Bank Foreign offices: Grand Cayman (Grand Cayman); New York, NY (USA) Mexican affiliates: Almacenadora Banorte, S.A. de C.V.; Arrendadora Banorte, S.A. de C.V.; Banco Mercantil del Norte, S.A.; Banorte-Generali, S.A. de C.V.; Casa de Bolsa Banorte, S.A. de C.V.; Factor Banorte, S.A. de C.V.; Fianzas Banorte, S.A. de C.V.; Pensiones Banorte Generali, S.A. de C.V.; Seguros Banorte-Generali, S.A. Listed in the Mexican Stock Exchange; ticker symbol: GFNORTE Board of Directors: Sr. Roberto Gonzlez Barrera (Chairman), Sr. Rodolfo Francisco Barrera Villarreal (Vice-Chairman), C.P. Carlos Arreola Enrquez (Comisario), Sr. Francisco Alcal de Len, Sr. Alejandro lvarez Figueroa, Sr. Eugenio Clariond Reyes-Retana, Sr. Netzahualcyotl de la Vega Garca, Sr. Juan Diez-Canedo Ruiz, Sr. Richard Frank, Sra. Magdalena Garca Chavarra, Ing. Jos Guadalupe Garza Montemayor, Sra. Bertha Gonzlez Moreno, Sr. David J. Villarreal Montemayor, Sr. Jacobo Zaidenweber Cvilich
Ing. Ricardo Guajardo Touch Presidente GRUPO FINANCIERO BBVA BANCOMER, S.A. Universidad 1200, piso 2 Col. Xoco 03339 Mxico, D.F. RFC BBA830831 IJ2
Assets range US $ 1-10 billion
Tel. 56 21 33 01, 02, 03 Fax 56 21 39 88 francis.campero@bbva.bancomer.com http://www.bancomer.com.mx Established 2000 NAICS 551111 Offices of Bank Holding Companies
Relations with: AT&T (USA); Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria (Spain); Bank of Montreal (Canada); National Bank (USA) Mexican affiliates: Afore Bancomer; BBVA Bancomer, S.A.; Crdito Familiar, S.A. de C.V.; GFB Servicios, S.A. de C.V.; Pensiones Bancomer, S.A. de C.V.; Seguros Bancomer, S.A. Listed in the Mexican Stock Exchange and PORTAL / SEAQ (American Depositary Receipts); ticker symbol: GFBB Board of Directors: Ing. Ricardo Guajardo Touch (Chairman), Sr. Juan Carlos Braniff Hierro (Vice-Chairman), Lic. Jos Manuel Canal Hernando (Comisario), C.P. Ernesto Gonzlez Dvila (Comisario), Lic. Luis Robles Miaja (Secretary), Sr. Alberto Bailleres Gonzlez, Sr. Jos Fernando Caldern Ayala, Sr. Jos Fernando de Almansa y Moreno Barreda, Sr. Jos Antonio Fernndez Carbajal, Sr. Eugenio Garza Lagera, Sr. Alfonso Garza Valds, Sr. Jos Ignacio Goirigolzarri Tellaeche, Lic. Francisco Gonzlez Rodrguez, Lic. Jaime Guardiola Romojaro, Lic. Jos Ramn Guerediaga Mendiola, Sr. Max Michel Suberville, Lic. Vitalino Manuel Nafria Aznar, Sr. Antonio Ortega Parra, Lic. Gonzalo Terreros Ceballos
Sr. Alexander Flockhart Presidente del Consejo GRUPO FINANCIERO HSBC, S.A. DE C.V. Reforma 156, piso 3 Col. Jurez 06600 Mxico, D.F. RFC GFB950125 QX0
Tel. 57 21 22 22 Ext. 2903, 57 21 29 87 Fax 57 21 29 84 lizbeth.olguin@hsbc.com.mx http://www.hsbc.com.mx Established 1995 NAICS 551111 Offices of Bank Holding Companies
Assets range US $ 1-10 billion Relations with: Banco Central Hispanoamericano (Spain); Banco Comercial Portugus (Portugal); ING Insurance International, B.V. (UK) Foreign offices : George Town (Grand Cayman); Tucson, AZ (USA); New York, NY (USA). Mexican affiliates: HSBC Afore, S.A. de C.V.; HSBC Casa de Bolsa, S.A. de C.V.; HSBC Fianzas, S.A.; HSBC Mxico, S.A. de C.V. Institucin de Banca Mltiple; HSBC Pensiones, S.A.; HSBC Seguros, S.A.; Servicios e Inmuebles Prime, S.A. de C.V.
Lic. Marco Antonio Slim Domit Presidente y Director General GRUPO FINANCIERO INBURSA, S.A. (GFI) Paseo de las Palmas 736, piso 1 Col. Lomas de Chapultepec 11000 Mxico, D.F. RFC GFI920901 IL7
Assets range US $ 100-999 million
Tel. 56 25 49 00 Ext. 1407, 2780, 56 25 49 90 Fax 55 20 80 02 anamaria@inbursa.com http://www.inbursa.com.mx Established 1993 NAICS 52312 Securities Brokerage
Mexican affiliates: Afore Inbursa, S.A. de C.V.; Arrendadora Inbursa, S.A. de C.V.; Banco Inbursa, S.A. de C.V.; Compaa de Servicios Inbursa, S.A. de C.V.; Factoraje Inbursa, S.A. de C.V.; Fianzas Guardiana Inbursa, S.A.; Inversora Bursatil, S.A. de C.V. Casa de Bolsa; Operadora Inbursa de Sociedades de Inversin, S.A. de C.V.; Seguros Inbursa, S.A.; Seguros, S.A.; Servicios Administrativos Inbursa, S.A. de C.V. Listed in the Mexican Stock Exchange and Pink Sheets / SEA (American Depositary Receipts); ticker symbol: GFINBUR Board of Directors: Lic. Marco Antonio Slim Domit (Chairman), Lic. Eduardo Valds Acra (Vice-Chairman), Sr. Vctor Alberto Tiburcio Celorio (Comisario), Lic. Ral Humberto Zepeda Ruiz (Secretary), Sr. Agustn Franco Macas, Ing. Claudio Xavier Gonzlez Laporte, Lic. David Ibarra Muoz, Lic. Jos Kuri Harfush, C.P. Juan Antonio Prez Simn, Ing. Carlos Slim Hel
Ing. Carlos Hank Rhon Presidente GRUPO FINANCIERO INTERACCIONES, S.A. DE C.V. (GFINTER) Reforma 383, piso 16 Col. Cuauhtmoc 06500 Mxico, D.F. RFC GFI921028 LA7
Tel. 53 26 86 00 Ext. 3202, 3607, 53 26 87 90 Fax 53 26 87 93 presidencia@gfinter.com http://www.gfinter.com Established 1987 NAICS 551111 Offices of Bank Holding Companies
Assets range US $ 10-99 million Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Computer Equipment, Programs, Accessories & Supplies; Fax Equipment; Paper Bond; Stationery. Relations with: Interfinancial Services, Ltd. (USA) Mexican affiliates: Aseguradora Interacciones, S.A. de C.V.; Banco Interacciones, S.A.; Interacciones Casa de Bolsa, S.A. de C.V. Listed in the Mexican Stock Exchange; ticker symbol: GFINTER Board of Directors: Ing. Carlos Hank Rhon (Chairman), Sr. Juan Claudio Salles Manuel (Comisario), Sr. Manuel Velasco Velzquez (Secretary), Sr. Carlos de la Isla Corry, Sr. Gustavo Espinosa Carbajal, Sra. Graciela Hank Gonzlez, Ing. Arturo Keller Torres, Sr. Arturo Martnez de la Mora, Ing. Arturo Prum Riesenfeld, Sr. Ramn Torres de la Garza
C.P. Marcelo Margin Berlanga Director General GRUPO FINANCIERO MARGEN, S.A. DE C.V. (GFM) Roble 555, piso 3 Col. Valle del Campestre 66260 San Pedro Garza Garca, N.L. RFC GFM900529 K79
Tel. (81) 11 58 74 00 Fax (81) 11 58 86 66 gpofinmargen@infosel.net.mx Established 1988 NAICS 551111 Offices of Bank Holding Companies
Assets range US $ 100-999 million Mexican affiliates: Arrendadora Financiera Margen, S.A. de C.V.; Factor Margen, S.A. de C.V.
Lic. Carlos Gmez y Gmez Presidente GRUPO FINANCIERO SANTANDER SERFN, S.A. DE C.V. Prol. Reforma 500, piso 4, Md. 413 Col. Lomas de Santa Fe 01219 Mxico, D.F. RFC GFS970519 KQ2
Tel. 52 57 80 00 Ext. 16145, 16146, 16147, 52 92 16 33, 52 92 28 52 Fax 52 69 21 21 sgomez@santander.com.mx http://www.santander.com.mx Established 1997 NAICS 551111 Offices of Bank Holding Companies
Assets range US $ 1-10 billion Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Automobiles & Trucks; Bill Verifiying & Counting Machines; Computer Equipment, Programs, Accessories & Supplies; Office Equipment; Stationery. Relations with: Central Hispano Banco Santander (Spain) Foreign offices: Madrid (Spain) Mexican affiliates: Afore Santander Mexicano, S.A. de C.V.; Almacenadora Serfn, S.A. de C.V. Organizacin Auxiliar de Crdito (en liquidacin); Banco Santander Serfn, S.A.; Casa de Bolsa Santander Serfn, S.A. de C.V.; Factoring Santander Organizacin Auxiliar de Crdito, S.A. de C.V.; Gestin Santander Mxico, S.A. de C.V.; Santander Mexicano, S.A. de C.V. Afore; Seguros Santander Mexicano, S.A. Compaa de Seguros y Reaseguros Grupo Financiero Santander Serfn; Seguros Serfn, S.A.; Sociedad Operadora de Sociedades de Inversin Listed in the Mexican Stock Exchange; ticker symbol: SANMEX Board of Directors: Lic. Carlos Gmez y Gmez (Chairman), Sr. Emilio Botin-Sanz de Satuola (Vice-Chairman), C.P. Carlos Alberto Garca Cardoso (Comisario), Lic. Alfredo Acevedo Rivas (Secretary), Sr. Gregory L. Curl, Ing. Carlos Fernndez Gonzlez, Sr. Antonio Fernndez Rodrguez, Sr. Francisco Luzn Lpez, Sr. Marcos Martnez Gavica, Sr. Marcial Portela lvarez, Sr. Eusebio Rivera, Sr. Fernando Ruiz Sahagn, Sr. Fernando Solana Morales
Sr. Anatol von Hahn Director General GRUPO FINANCIERO SCOTIABANK INVERLAT, S.A. Blvd. Manuel vila Camacho 1, piso 19 Col. Lomas de Chapultepec 11000 Mxico, D.F. RFC SIN941202 5I4
Assets range US $ 100-999 million
Tel. 52 29 29 29 Ext. 2117, 52 29 21 17 Fax 52 29 24 47 lecheverria@scotiabankinverlat.com http://www.scotiabankinverlat.com Established 1994 NAICS 52211 Commercial Banking NAICS 551111 Offices of Bank Holding Companies
Relations with: Bank of Nova Scotia (Canada) Foreign investments: Inverlat International (USA) Foreign offices: New York, NY (USA). Mexican affiliates: Factoring Inverlat, S.A. de C.V.; Scotiabank Inverlat Casa de Bolsa, S.A. de C.V.; Scotiabank Inverlat Casa de Cambio, S.A. de C.V.; Scotiabank Inverlat, S.A. Listed in the Mexican Stock Exchange; ticker symbol: GFSCTIA Board of Directors: Sr. Peter C. Cardinal (Chairman), Sr. Carlos Muriel Vzquez (Vice-Chairman), Sr. Mauricio Villanueva Cruz (Comisario), Sr. Guillermo Garca-Naranjo lvarez (Comisario), Sr. Jorge Di Sciullo Ursini (Secretary), Sr. Juan Carlos Rosales Hernndez (Treasurer), Sr. Felipe de Iturbe y Bernal, Sr. Roberto del Cueto Legaspi, Sr. Juan Manuel Gmez Chvez, Sr. Toms Heather Rodrguez, Sr. Agustn Irurita Prez, Sr. Timothy Paul Hayward, Lic. Patricio Trevio Westendarp, Sr. Anatol Von Hahn
Ing. Fernando Rodrguez Camacho Director General Corporativo GRUPO FLECHA AMARILLA La Luz 2011 Col. Las Fuentes 37270 Len, Gto. RFC API660927 3E0
Tel. (477) 7 10 00 01 Ext. 1203, 7 11 30 12 Fax (477) 7 11 30 12 presidencia@flecha-amarilla.com http://www.flecha-amarilla.com Established 1932 NAICS 48521 Interurban & Rural Bus Transportation
Mexican affiliates: Auto Transportes La Altea, S.A. de C.V.; Autobuses Atoyac, S.A. de C.V.; Autobuses Azules y Tringulos, S.A. de C.V.; Autobuses Centrales de Mxico Flecha Amarilla, S.A. de C.V.; Autobuses Cinega de Chapala, S.A. de C.V.; Autobuses de la Costa, S.A. de C.V.; Autobuses Flecha de Oro, S.A. de C.V.; Autobuses mnibus del Jorullo, S.A. de C.V.; Autobuses Primera Aeroplus, S.A. de C.V.; Autobuses Primera Plus, S.A. de C.V.; Autobuses Regionales de Quertaro, S.A. de C.V.; Autobuses Unidos de Jalisco Costalegre, S.A. de C.V.; Autotransportes Colima-Tecomn-Cerro de Ortega, S.A. de C.V.; Autotransportes Cortzar, S.A. de C.V.; Autotransportes del Sur de Jalisco, S.A. de C.V.; Autotransportes La Piedad Cabada, S.A. de C.V.; Autotransportes Purundiro-Irapuato, S.A. de C.V.; Autotransportes Tapalpa, S.A. de C.V.; Autotransportes Unidos Arandas-Guadalajara, S.A. de C.V.; Cardenal, S.A. de C.V.; Conveniados Flecha Amarilla, S.A. de C.V.; Destinos Parhikuni, S.A. de C.V.; Enlaces Terrestres Nacionales, S.A. de C.V.; Lneas Azteca de Oro, S.A. de C.V.; Nuevo Horizonte, S.A. de C.V.; mnibus de Mxico, S.A. de C.V.; mnibus del Bajo, S.A. de C.V.; mnibus del Jorullo, S.A. de C.V.; mnibus Flecha Blanca, S.A. de C.V.; mnibus Libertadores del Bajo, S.A. de C.V.; mnibus San Luis-Len, S.A. de C.V.; Servicios Coordinados, S.A. de C.V.; Transportes Amealcenses, S.A. de C.V.; Transportes Cuermaro, S.A. de C.V.; Transportes Turismo Primera Plus, S.A. de C.V.; Transportes Tursticos Azteca de Oro, S.A. de C.V.; Transportes Tursticos del Bajo, S.A. de C.V.; Unin de Permisionarios de Autobuses Azules y Tringulo, S.A. de C.V.
Lic. Roberto Plasencia Saldaa Director General GRUPO FLEXI DE LEN, S.A. DE C.V. Blvd. Francisco Villa 201 Col. Oriental 37510 Len, Gto. RFC GFL830310 1N5
Tel. (477) 7 10 25 00 Ext. 2509, 7 10 25 09 Fax (477) 7 71 21 03 Mexico City: 55 11 78 18 grupoflexi@flexi.com.mx http://www.flexi.com.mx Established 1980 NAICS 316213 Men's Footwear (exc Athletic) Mfg NAICS 316214 Women's Footwear (exc Athletic) Mfg
Mexican affiliates: Calzado Duende, S.A. de C.V.; Distribuidora Flexi, S.A. de C.V.; Intercalza de Len, S.A. de C.V.
Ing. Jos Luis Prado Becerra Director General GRUPO GAMESA, S. DE R.L. DE C.V. Lzaro Crdenas 2404 Pte., piso 1 Col. Residencial San Agustn 66270 San Pedro Garza Garca, N.L. RFC GGA831121 JE9
Tel. (81) 83 99 51 51 Ext. 7620, 83 99 76 20 Fax (81) 83 99 53 97 Mexico City: 53 85 33 77 joseluis.prado@intl.fritolay.com http://www.gamesa.com Established 1953 NAICS 311223 Other Oilseed Processing NAICS 311613 Rendering & Meat Byproduct Processing NAICS 311821 Cookie & Cracker Mfg NAICS 311822 Flour Mixes & Dough Mfg from Purchased Flour NAICS 311823 Dry Pasta Mfg
Sales range US $ 100-999 million a year Exports range US $ 10-99 million a year: Cookies, Pastries; Pasta Products. Imports range US $ 10-99 million a year: Packing & Filling Machines; Cocoa Bean; Cheeses; Food Industry Equipment; Soybean; Wheat. Relations with: Fritolay Int. (USA); Pepsico Foods & Beverages International (USA) Mexican affiliates: Grupo Pepsico
Sr. ngel Losada Moreno Presidente del Consejo GRUPO GIGANTE, S.A. DE C.V. Ejrcito Nacional 769-A Col. Nueva Granada 11520 Mxico, D.F. RFC GIG 840801 NC7
Tel. 52 69 80 00 Ext. 8222, 8209, 52 69 82 22, 52 69 82 09 Fax 52 69 83 80 rperagal@gigante.com.mx http://www.gigante.com.mx Established 1962 NAICS 45291 Warehouse Clubs & Superstores
Sales range US $ 1-10 billion a year Imports range US $ 10-99 million a year: Groceries; General Merchandise; Clothing. Relations with: Carrefour (France); Fleming Co. (USA); Office Depot Inc. (USA); Radio Shack (USA) Mexican affiliates: Bodega Gigante, S.A. de C.V.; Cafeteras Tok's, S.A. de C.V.; Controladora del Norte, S.A. de C.V.; Controtiendas, S.A. de C.V.; Office Depot de Mxico, S.A. de C.V.; Price Smart Mxico, S.A. de C.V.; Radio Shack de Mxico, S.A.; Servicios Gigante, S.A. de C.V.; Servicios Toks, S.A. de C.V.; Super G Listed in the Mexican Stock Exchange; ticker symbol: GIGANTE Board of Directors: Sr. ngel Losada Moreno (Chairman), Lic. Roberto Salvo Horvilleur (Vice-Chairman), C.P.C. Ernesto Valenzuela Espinoza (Comisario), Sr. Javier Martnez del Campo Lanz (Secretary), Sr. Jaime Alverde Losada, Sr. Braulio Arsuaga Losada, Sr. Gonzalo Barrutieta Losada, Lic. Javier Fernndez Carbajal, Ing. Armando Garza Sada, Lic. Gilberto Prezalonso Cifuentes, Sr. Luis Rebollar Corona, Sr. Luis Santana Castillo
Sr. Eckart Meissner Director General GRUPO HEMEX, S.A. DE C.V. Priv. Cumbres de Acutzingo 202 Apdo. Postal M-7168, Fracc. Los Pirules 54040 Tlalnepantla, Mx. RFC GHE850308 551
Tel. 53 21 13 00 Ext. 2211, 53 21 13 59 Fax 53 79 45 63 karla.vizcarra@hella.com.mx http://www.hella.com Established 1964 NAICS 336321 Vehicular Lighting Equipment Mfg NAICS 336399 All Other Motor Vehicle Parts Mfg
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Exports range US $ 10-99 million a year: Auto Tail Light; Auto Hooter Mirrors; Auto Interior Lights; Auto Handles; Auto Micas; Auto Unit Carrier; Auto Gasoline Caps; Auto Security Triangles. Imports range US $ 10-99 million a year: Acrylic Sheet; Electric Components; Machined Pieces; Nylon; Paint; Polypropylene; Springs; Solvents; Screws & Bolts. Relations with: Hella KG Hueck & Co. (Germany) Mexican affiliates: Alta Direccin Hemex, S.A.; Electro ptica, S.A. de C.V.; Equipo Automotriz Hemex, S.A. de C.V.; Grupo Administracin Tcnica, S.A.; Hellamex, S.A. de C.V.; Hemex, S.A.; Petosa, S.A.; Servicio Personal Tcnico y Administrativo, S.A. de C.V.
Lic. Enrique Hernndez-Pons Torres Vicepresidente y Director General GRUPO HERDEZ, S.A. DE C.V. Monte Pelvoux 215, piso 5 Col. Lomas de Chapultepec 11000 Mxico, D.F. RFC GHE910910 H19
Tel. 52 01 56 55 Ext. 1692, 52 01 57 49 Fax 52 01 57 99 lsmonter@herdez.com.mx esaldana@herdez.com.mx http://www.herdez.com.mx Established 1923 NAICS 311421 Fruit & Vegetable Canning NAICS 32562 Toilet Preparation Mfg
Sales range US $ 100-999 million a year Exports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Mole Paste; Sauce; Cactus (Tender). Imports range US $ 10-99 million a year: Machinery; Raw Materials; Spices. Relations with: Hormel, Co. (USA); McCormick & Co., Inc. (USA) Foreign investments: Herdez Co. (USA) Foreign offices: San Diego, CA (USA) Mexican affiliates: Alimentos Deshidratados del Bajo, S.A. de C.V.; Alimentos HP, S.A. de C.V.; Almacenadora Herpons, S.A. de C.V.; Arpons, S.A. de C.V.; Barilla de Mxico, S.A. de C.V.; Comercial de Finanzas Netesa, S.A. de C.V.; Herdez, S.A. de C.V.; Hormel Alimentos, S.A. de C.V.; Inmobiliaria Enna, S.A. de C.V.; McCormick de Mxico, S.A. de C.V.; Yvaros Industrial, S.A. de C.V. Listed in the Mexican Stock Exchange and OTC (American Depositary Receipts); ticker symbol: HERDEZ Board of Directors: Sr. Hctor Hernndez-Pons Torres (Chairman), Lic. Enrique Hernndez-Pons Torres (Vice-Chairman), C.P. Jos Manuel Rincn Gallardo (Comisario), C.P. Francisco Javier Soni Ocampo (Comisario), C.P. Martn Ernesto Ramos Ortiz (Secretary), C.P. M. Ernesto Ramos Ortiz (Treasurer), Lic. Enrique Luis Castillo Snchez Mejorada, C.P. Jos Roberto Danel Daz, Sra. Flora Hernndez-Pons de Merino, C.P. Esteban Malpica Fomperosa, Lic. Juan G. Mijares Dvalos, Lic. Eduardo Ortiz Tirado S., Lic. Luis Rebollar Corona
Ing. Guillermo Gutirrez Saldvar Presidente del Consejo de Administracin GRUPO IDESA, S.A. DE C.V. Golfo San Jorge 58, piso 2 Col. Anhuac 11320 Mxico, D.F. RFC GID810325 PE8
Tel. 50 82 20 00 Ext. 2001, 2002, 50 82 20 01 & 02, 55 27 94 17 Fax 50 82 20 20 evilchis@idesa.com.mx http://www.idesa.com.mx Established 1963 NAICS 32512 Industrial Gas Mfg NAICS 325188 All Other Basic Inorganic Chemical Mfg
Sales range US $ 100-999 million a year Exports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Ethylene Glycols; Propylene Glycols; Ethanolamines; Polystyrene Resins; Phtalic Anhydride; Maleic Anhydride; Dioctyl Phtalic. Imports range US $ 100-999 million a year: Propylene Oxide; Ethylene Oxide; Equipment. Relations with: Helm Inc. (USA); Kalama International (USA); Oxide & Chemical (USA) Mexican affiliates: Comercializadora Reter, S.A. de C.V.; Derivados Maleicos, S.A. de C.V.; Desarrollo Corporativo Idesa, S.A. de C.V.; Industrias Derivadas del Etileno, S.A. de C.V.; Inmobiliaria Idesa, S.A. de C.V.; Inmuebles Emsa, S.A. de C.V.; Poliestireno y Derivados, S.A. de C.V.; Sntesis Orgnicas, S.A. de C.V.
Lic. Anglica Fuentes Tllez Directora General GRUPO IMPERIAL CORPORATIVO, S.A. DE C.V. Km. 9 Carr. Panamericana Col. Tecnolgico 32500 Cd. Jurez, Chih. RFC GIC950302 KCA
Sales range US $ 100-999 million a year
Tel. (656) 6 88 17 05, 6 88 17 00 Fax (658) 6 17 95 45 rnungaray@grupoimperial.com.mx http://www.grupoimperial.com.mx Established 1992 NAICS 22121 Natural Gas Distribution
Lic. Eugenio Clariond Reyes Presidente del Consejo y Director General GRUPO IMSA (IMSATEC) Batalln de San Patricio 111, Torre Comercial Amrica, piso 26 Fracc. Valle Oriente 66269 San Pedro Garza Garca, N.L. RFC GIM840710 IX0
Tel. (81) 81 53 83 00 Ext. 8303, 81 53 83 03 Fax (81) 81 53 83 85 Mexico City: 52 55 23 45 info@mail.grupoimsa.com http://www.grupoimsa.com Established 1936 NAICS 332214 Kitchen Utensil, Pot & Pan Mfg NAICS 332322 Sheet Metal Work Mfg
Sales range US $ 1-10 billion a year Exports range US $ 100-999 million a year: Steel Hot & Cold Rolled Coils; Steel Coils (Galvanized & Painted); Automotive Batteries; Fiberglass; Aluminum Ladders. Imports over US $ 250 million a year: Machinery; Equipment and Spare Parts; Aluminum Ingot; Steel Slabs; Polypropylene Pellets; Zinc Powder. Relations with: Bayer (Germany); Emerson Electric (USA); Imsa ITW (USA); Johnson Controls (USA); Valmont Industries Foreign investments: AEP-SPAN (USA); Davison Ladder (USA); GES America, LLC (USA); Enertec Argentina (Argentina); Enertec Brasil (Brazil); Enertec Venezuela (Venezuela); Glasteel (USA); Graham FRP (Canada); Grupo IMSA Chile (Chile); IMSA Building Products (USA); Ingasa (Guatemala); Louisville Ladder Group, LLC (USA); Metl Span (USA); Power Foam Insulation (USA); Resolite (USA); Stabilit Europa (Spain); Steelscape, Inc. (USA); United Panel, Inc. (USA); Varco Pruden Buildings, Inc. (USA); Varco Pruden Chile (Chile); Foreign offices: Anchorage (Alaska); Barcelona (Spain); Beln de Escobar (Argentina); Dallas, TX (USA); Evansville, WI (USA); Fontana, CA (USA); Guatemala (Guatemala); Kalama, WA (USA); Kernsville, NC (USA); Lewisville, TX (USA); Memphis, TN (USA); Moscow, TN (USA); Mt. Bethel, PA (USA); Pine Bluff, AR (USA); Prince George, VA (USA); Rainsville, AL (USA); Rancho Cucamonga, CA (USA); Richmond, CA (USA); Sacramento, CA (USA); Salem, OR (USA); Salt Lake City, UT (USA); San Jose (Costa Rica); Santiago (Chile); Sorocaba (Brazil); Spokane, WA (USA); St. Joseph, MO (USA); Tacoma, WA (USA); Texas, TX (USA); Toronto (Canada); Turlock, CA (USA); Van Vert, OH (USA); Valencia (Venezuela); Mexican affiliates: APM, S.A. de C.V.; Bayer Imsa; Club Recreativo; Corporativo Grupo Imsa, S.A. de C.V.; Corporativo Mxico, S.A. de C.V.; Cuprum, S.A. de C.V.; Enertec Mxico; Escaleras, S. de R.L. de C.V.; Flejes Misa, S.A. de C.V.; Formet; Imsa Acero, S.A. de C.V.; Imsa Apodaca, S.A. de C.V.; Imsa Mex, S.A. de C.V.; Imsa Paslode, S.A. de C.V.; Imsa Signode, S.A. de C.V.; Imsalum-Casa Matriz; Multypanel, S.A. de C.V.; Stabilit, S.A. de C.V.; Sthal, S.A. de C.V.; Valmont Formet, S. de R.L. de C.V.; Varco Pruden; Listed in the Mexican Stock Exchange (ticker symbol: IMSA) and the New York Stock Exchange (American Depositary Receipts); ticker symbol: IMY Board of Directors: Lic. Eugenio Clariond Reyes (Chairman), C.P. Jorge Alberto Villarreal Gonzlez (Comisario), Ing. Marcelo Canales Clariond (Secretary), Lic. Santiago Clariond Reyes (Treasurer), Lic. Jos Enrique Gonzlez Gonzlez
Sr. Isaac Assa Farca Presidente GRUPO INDUSTRIAL ASSA, S.A. DE C.V. Va Gustavo Baz 5-A Col. Mxico Nuevo 52966 Atizapn de Zaragoza, Mx. RFC GIA930903 C85
Tel. 57 29 90 00 to 08 Ext. 1009 Fax 58 22 81 81 http://www.lartel.com http://www.assatex.com Established 1993 NAICS 315299 All Other Cut & Sew Apparel Mfg
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Mexican affiliates: Assatex, S.A. de C.V.; Berley, S.A. de C.V.; Inmobiliaria Bacoar, S.A. de C.V.; Servicios Corporativos Assa, S.A. de C.V.
C.P. Ricardo Gutirrez Muoz Director General GRUPO INDUSTRIAL CAMESA, S.A. DE C.V. (GICSA) Ro San Javier 10 Fracc. Viveros del Ro 54060 Tlalnepantla, Mx. RFC GIC831117 KUA
Tel. 53 66 40 00 Ext. 4002, 53 66 40 02 Fax 53 97 88 36 http://www.camesa.com.mx Established 1978 NAICS 212393 Other Chemical & Fertilizer Mineral Mining NAICS 325188 All Other Basic Inorganic Chemical Mfg NAICS 331222 Steel Wire Drawing
Sales range US $ 100-999 million a year Exports range US $ 10-99 million a year: Wire and Cable; Fluorite; Hydrofluoric Acid; Ammonium Biflouride. Imports range US $ 10-99 million a year: Wire Rod; Plastics; Oleum. Foreign investments: Camesa Per, S.A. (Peru); Camesa, Inc. (USA) Mexican affiliates: Aceros Camesa, S.A. de C.V.; Ato Perxidos de Mxico, S.A. de C.V.; Cloro de Tehuantepec; Compaa Minera las Cuevas, S.A. de C.V.; Corcam, S.A. de C.V.; Corporativo Pennwalt, S.A. de C.V.; Grupo Polmeros de Mxico, S.A. de C.V.; Incam, S.A. de C.V.; Industrias Clorotec, S.A. de C.V.; Mexichem, S.A. de C.V.; Nacional de Resinas, S.A. de C.V.; Pennwalt, S.A. de C.V.; Poliespuma de Mxico, S.A. de C.V.; Restauradora de Minas, S.A.; Unin Minera del Sur, S.A. de C.V. Listed in the Mexican Stcok Exchange; ticker symbol: CAMESA Board of Directors: Sr. Antonio del Valle Ruiz (Chairman), Sr. Adolfo del Valle Ruiz, Sr. Ignacio del Valle Ruiz, Sr. Alain Jean de Metz Simart, Sr. Divo Miln Haddad, Sr. Jaime Ruiz Sacristn, Sr. Fernando Ruiz Sahagn
Ing. Simn Cohen Hamui Director General GRUPO INDUSTRIAL CREYSI, S.A. DE C.V. Mz. 3 Lt. 1 Parque Industrial Exportec 1 50200 Toluca, Mx. RFC GIC900115 IN7
Exports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Clothing.
Tel. (722) 2 73 03 04 Fax (722) 2 73 08 15 Mexico City: 52 57 69 13 lgonzalez@babycreysi.com http://www.babycreysi.com Established 1973 NAICS 315291 Infants' Cut & Sew Apparel Mfg
Ing. Santiago Paredes Tirado Presidente GRUPO INDUSTRIAL IGSA, S.A. DE C.V. Prol. Reforma 2977, piso 3 Col. Cuajimalpa 05000 Mxico, D.F. RFC GII 850830 TH7
Tel. 56 26 53 50 Ext. 5352, 56 26 53 52 Fax 52 92 13 98 sparedes@igsa.com.mx elvis@igsa.com.mx http://www.igsa.com.mx Established 1972 NAICS 42181 Const & Mining (exc Petroleum) Equip Wholesalers NAICS 112512 Shellfish Farming
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Exports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Shrimp. Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Acuaculture, Equipment & Consumibles; Animal Feed; Control & Measuring Instrumentation; Electrical Emergency Plant; Electric Equipment; Filters & Filtering Equipment; Generators. Mexican affiliates: Ahome Acucola, S.A. de C.V.; Ahome Shrimp Packing, S.A. de C.V.; Desarrollo Camaronero, S.A.; Inmobiliaria Coadin, S.A.; Inmobiliaria Igsa, S.A.; Inmobiliaria Ocoyoacac, S.A. de C.V.; Maquinaria Igsa, S.A. de C.V.; Moimi, S.A. de C.V.; Saye, S.A. de C.V.; Sterimed, S.A. de C.V.
Ing. Eduardo Tricio Haro Presidente GRUPO INDUSTRIAL LALA, S.A. DE C.V. Lzaro Crdenas 185 Parque Industrial Lagunero 35070 Gmez Palacio, Dgo. RFC GIL841108 BC0
Tel. (871) 7 29 31 00 Ext. 3134, 7 29 31 34 Fax (871) 7 50 02 09 Mexico City: 55 67 25 84, 55 67 16 62 mtcarril@grupolala.com http://www.grupolala.com.mx Established 1950 NAICS 311511 Fluid Milk Mfg NAICS 311421 Fruit & Vegetable Canning NAICS 322215 Nonfolding Sanitary Food Container Mfg
Sales range US $ 1-10 billion a year Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Cardboard Rolls; Balanced Feeds. Mexican affiliates: Distribuidora de Envases Elopak, S.A. de C.V.; Envases Elopak, S.A. de C.V.; Fundacin Grupo Lala, A.C.; Lala Acapulco, S.A. de C.V.; Lala Administracin y Control, S.A. de C.V.; Lala Arrendadora Mxico, S.A. de C.V.; Lala Arrendadora Monterrey, S.A. de C.V.; Lala Derivados Lcteos, S.A. de C.V.; Lala Durango, S.A.; Lala Elopak, S.A. de C.V.; Lala Guadalajara, S.A. de C.V.; Lala Mazatln, S.A. de C.V.; Lala Mrida, S.A. de C.V.; Lala Mxico, S.A. de C.V.; Lala Monterrey, S.A. de C.V.; Lala Torren, S.A. de C.V.; Leche Bell, S.A. de C.V.; Nuplen, S.A. de C.V.; Nuplen Comercializadora, S.A. de C.V.; Tecnopack, S.A. de C.V.; Trax Llantas, S.A. de C.V.; Ultra Lala, S.A. de C.V.
Sr. Roberto Gonzlez Barrera Presidente GRUPO INDUSTRIAL MASECA, S.A. DE C.V. (GIMSA) Reforma 300, piso 9 Col. Jurez 06600 Mxico, D.F. RFC GIM810710 D40
Tel. 52 27 47 00, 52 27 47 23 Ext. 1799, 1780, 52 27 17 80 Fax 52 27 47 20 maria_arias@gruma.com http://www.gruma.com Established 1981 NAICS 311211 Flour Milling
Sales range US $ 1-10 billion a year Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Corn; Machinery and Spare Parts. Foreign investments: Maseca de Costa Rica (Costa Rica); Maseca de Honduras (Honduras) Mexican affiliates: Derivados de Maz Alimenticio; Harinera de Maz, S.A. de C.V.; Harinera de Tamaulipas, S.A. de C.V.; Harinera de Veracruz, S.A. de C.V.; Harinera de Yucatn, S.A. de C.V.; Industrias de Ro Bravo, S.A. de C.V.; Masa Bajo; Masa Chalco; Masa Chihuahua; Masa Culiacn; Masa Jalisco; Masa La Paz Listed in the Mexican Stock Exchange and the New York Stock Exchange (American Depositary Receipts); ticker symbol: MASECA Board of Directors: Sr. Roberto Gonzlez Barrera (Chairman), C.P. Hugo Lara Silva (Comisario), Sr. Salvador Vargas Guajardo (Secretary), Sr. Alejandro lvarez Guerrero, Sr. Rodolfo Francisco Barrera Villarreal, Lic. Jos de la Pea Angelini, Ing. Ernesto Enrquez Uso, Sr. Roberto Gonzlez Moreno, Ing. Juan B. Guichard Michel, Lic. Carlos Hank Gonzlez, Sr. Eduardo Livas Cant, Sr. Hctor Rangel Domene, Ing. Javier Vlez Bautista
Lic. David Gmez Arnau Director General GRUPO INDUSTRIAL NKS, S.A. DE C.V. Isla del Cayacal s/n Ciudad Industrial 60950 Lzaro Crdenas, Mich. RFC GIN791213 G27
Tel. (753) 5 33 19 00 Ext. 1921, 1919, 1920, 5 33 19 21, 5 33 19 19 Fax (753) 5 33 19 58 Mexico City: 52 73 73 23, 52 73 74 43 dg@nks.com.mx http://www.nks.com.mx Established 1979 NAICS 332111 Iron & Steel Forging
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Exports range US $ 10-99 million a year: Steel Rolls, Shafts and Bars; Heavy Casting Parts for several industries. Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Raw Materials. Mexican affiliates: Arzac Industrial, S.A. de C.V.; Arzac, S.A. de C.V.; Clemex, S.A.; Grupo Arzac; Industria Electrnica Barik, S.A. de C.V.
Ing. Gregorio Ramrez Juregui Presidente GRUPO INDUSTRIAL RAMREZ, S.A. DE C.V. (GIR) Universidad Norte 1004 Col. Cuauhtmoc 66450 San Nicols de los Garza, N.L. RFC GIR810910 DSA
Tel. (81) 83 76 97 97 Fax (81) 83 76 67 51 Mexican City: 53 95 48 22 http://www.gir.com.mx Established 1982 NAICS 336211 Motor Vehicle Body Mfg
Sales range US $ 100-999 million a year Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Machinery; Steel Sheets; Steel Plates. Mexican affiliates: Dirigir, S.A.; Distribuidora Automotriz Ramrez, S.A.; Ensambles y Componentes Automotrices, S.A.; Industria Automotriz, S.A.; Industrias Metlicas Monterrey, S.A. de C.V.; Trailers de Monterrey, S.A.
Ing. Juan Carlos Lpez Villarreal Copresidente del Consejo GRUPO INDUSTRIAL SALTILLO, S.A. DE C.V. (GIS) Chiapas 375 Col. Repblica 25280 Saltillo, Coah. RFC GIS841031 927
Tel. (844) 4 11 10 00 Ext. 1027, 4 11 10 27, 4 11 10 24 Fax (844) 4 11 10 29 Mexico City: 53 33 01 02, 53 33 01 03 mmramirez@gis.com.mx http://www.gis.com.mx Established 1975 NAICS 327111 Vitreous Plumbing Fixtures/Access/Fitting Mfg NAICS 327122 Ceramic Wall & Floor Tile Mfg NAICS 332999 All Other Misc Fabricated Metal Product Mfg NAICS 335228 Other Major Household Appliance Mfg
Sales range US $ 100-999 million a year Exports range US $ 10-99 million a year: Iron Castings; Ceramic Tiles; Ceramic Sanitary Ware; Kitchen Sinks; Brushes (Paint). Imports range US $ 10-99 million a year: Steel Scrap; Coal; Machinery and Spare Parts; Clay; Kaolin. Foreign investments: Castech (Germany); Cinsa International Co. Inc.; Industria Cifunsa de Venezuela (Venezuela); Gis Holding (USA); St. Thomas Creations Inc. (USA); Vitromex USA Inc. (USA); Yamaka China Co. (China); YCC Marketing Co. Inc. Mexican affiliates: Asesora y Servicios Gis, S.A. de C.V.; Calentadores Cinsa, S.A. de C.V.; Castech, S.A. de C.V.; Ceramrica, S.A. de C.V.; Cermica San Luis, S.A. de C.V.; Cermica Santa Anita, S.A. de C.V.; Cifunsa, S.A. de C.V.; Cifunsa Disel, S.A. de C.V.; Cinsa, S.A. de C.V.; Comesco, S.A. de C.V.; Ditemsa, S.A. de C.V.; Esmaltaciones de Norteamrica, S.A. de C.V.; Esvimex, S.A. de C.V.; Grupo Calorex, S. de R.L. de C.V.; Porcelanizados Enasa, S.A. de C.V.; San Thomas Creations, S.A. de C.V.; Servicios de Produccin Saltillo, S.A. de C.V.; Techmatec, S.A. de C.V.; Vitromex, S.A. de C.V. Listed in the Mexican Stock Exchange; ticker symbol: GISSA Board of Directors: Ing. Ernesto Lpez de Nigris (Chairman), Ing. Juan Carlos Lpez Villarreal (Vice-Chairman), Sr. Adn Elizondo Elizondo (Comisario), Sr. Felipe Mellado Flores (Secretary), Sr. Luis Berrondo valos, Lic. Eugenio Clariond Reyes, Sr. Julin Dvila Lpez, Sr. Guillermo Elizondo Lpez, Sr. Jos Antonio Fernndez Carvajal, Ing. Claudio Xavier Gonzlez Laporte, Sr. Eduardo Lpez Alans, Sr. Armando Lpez Recio, Ing. Antonio Madero Bracho, Ing. Andrs Marcelo Sada Zambrano
Sr. Mayer Zaga Galante Director General GRUPO INDUSTRIAL ZAGA, S.A. DE C.V. Km. 69 Carr. Mx.-Quertaro, piso 1 Col. San Mateo 2a. Seccin 42850 Tepeji del Ro, Hgo. RFC GIZ890609 NT8
Tel. 53 33 03 70 Ext. 4790, 53 33 03 76 Fax 53 33 03 71 zaga@zaga.com http://www.zaga.com Established 1987 NAICS 313312 Textile/Fabric Finishing (exc Broadwoven) Mill
Exports range US $ 100-999 million a year: Elastic Ribbon; Yarns; Lingerie; T-Shirts; Clothing; Fabrics. Mexican affiliates: Confecciones Zamael, S.A. de C.V.; Gizatex, S.A. de C.V.; Maquilas y Diseos Tepeji, S.A. de C.V.; Vicky Form, S.A. de C.V.; Zagis, S.A. de C.V.; Zatex Hi, S.A. de C.V.
Ing. Francisco Javier Aristi Villalobos Director General GRUPO INFINITY, S.A. DE C.V. Mxico 516 Col. San Jernimo Aculco 10400 Mxico, D.F. RFC GIN970717 961
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year
Tel. 55 68 77 70 Ext. 210, 206 Fax 56 52 91 22 francisco@infinity.com.mx infinity@mexis.com http://www.infinity.com.mx Established 1984 NAICS 23331 Mfg & Industrial Building Construction
Lic. Gustavo Guzmn Seplveda Director General GRUPO IUSACELL, S.A. DE C.V. Montes Urales 460, piso 4 Col. Lomas de Chapultepec 11000 Mxico, D.F. RFC GIU921006 C67
Tel. 51 09 44 00 Ext. 5920, 51 09 59 20 Fax 51 09 59 10 lula@iusacell.com.mx http://www.iusacell.com.mx Established 1992 NAICS 513322 Cellular & Other Wireless Telecommunications
Sales range US $ 100-999 million a year Imports range US $ 10-99 million a year: Cellular Phones and Accessories; Telecommunications Equipment; Machinery. Relations with: Bell Atlantic (USA); Verizon (USA) Foreign investments: Compaa Colombiana de Telefona Celular, S.A. (Colombia); Grupo Iusacell Nicaragua (Nicaragua); Iusatel Chile, S.A. (Chile); Mexican Celular Investments (USA); Telecel Colombia (Colombia) Mexican affiliates: Comunicaciones Celulares de Occidente, S.A. de C.V.; Grupo Portatel, S.A. de C.V.; Infotelecom, S.A. de C.V.; Iusacell, S.A. de C.V.; Iusacell PCS, S.A. de C.V.; Iusanet, S.A. de C.V.; Iusatel, S.A. de C.V.; Iusatelecomunicaciones, S.A. de C.V.; Punto a Punto Iusacell, S.A. de C.V.; Servicios Corporativos Iusacell, S.A. de C.V.; Sistecel, S.A. de C.V.; Sistemas Telefnicos Porttiles Celulares, S.A. de C.V.; SOS Telecomunicaciones, S.A. de C.V.; Telecomunicaciones del Golfo, S.A. de C.V. Listed in the Mexican Stock Exchange and the New York Stock Exchange (American Depositary Receipts); ticker symbol: CEL Board of Directors: Sr. Ricardo Benjamn Salinas Pliego (Chairman), C.P. Arturo Vargas Arellano (Comisario), Sr. Juan Manuel Ferrn Sols (Comisario), Sr. Fernando Jos Cabrera Garca (Secretary), Sr. Martn Enrquez, Sr. Carlos Espinal, Sr. Al Giammarino, Sr. Anthony Gilbert, Sr. Ignacio Gmez Morn, Sr. Alan Harper, Sr. Toms Isaksson, Sr. Javier Martnez del Campo, Sr. Ignacio Mas, Sr. Lowell Mcadam, Sr. Jos Luis Vergara Diez
Ing. Carlos Peralta Quintero Presidente GRUPO IUSA, S.A. DE C.V. Reforma 2608, PH Col. Lomas Altas 11950 Mxico, D.F. RFC SCI850313 K64
Tel. 52 16 40 00, 52 61 88 10 Ext. 4009, 52 16 40 09 Fax 52 16 40 47 ivignaud@iusamex.com http://www.iusamex.com Established 1939 NAICS 335129 Other Lighting Equipment Mfg NAICS 335314 Relay & Industrial Control Mfg
Sales range US $ 100-999 million a year Exports range US $ 10-99 million a year: Brass Wire; Copper Piping; Electric Appliances; Electric Wires and Cables; Electricity Meter; Glass Insulator; Porcelain Insulator; Sakev Bases. Imports range US $ 10-99 million a year: Copper Scrap; Machinery and Pieces; Machinery Parts and Components; Raw Materials. Relations with: Aerotron, Inc. (USA); Hilltop Holdings Limited; Mattex Limited; Ultramar Investment Incorporated Mexican affiliates: Administradora Inmobiliaria Dip, S.A. de C.V.; Apoyo y Asesora para el Desarrollo Industrial, S.A. de C.V.; Bionatur Invernaderos Biolgicos de Mxico, S.A. de C.V.; Broches de Presin Ideal, S.A. de C.V.; Cardiotel de Mxico, S.A. de C.V.; Centro Comercial y Cultural Pastej, S.A. de C.V.; Cierres Ideal de Mxico, S.A. de C.V.; Club de Beisbol Tigres, S.A.; Cobre de Pastej, S.A. de C.V.; Comercializadora Inmobiliaria Dip, S.A. de C.V.; Commander Mexicana, S.A. de C.V.; Conductores Iusa, S.A. de C.V.; Confecciones Pastej, S.A. de C.V.; Consolidadora Iusa, S.A. de C.V.; Convivencia y Educacin Infantil Pastej, S.A. de C.V.; Desarrolladora Inmobiliaria de Puebla, S.A.de C.V.; Desarrolladora Inmobiliaria Interlomas, S.A. de C.V.; Desarrolladora Inmobiliaria La Vista, S.A. de C.V.; Desarrolladora Inmobiliaria Lomas, S.A. de C.V.; Desarrollo de Sistemas de Seguridad Privada, S.A. de C.V.; Desarrollo Inmobiliario Hwm, S.A. de C.V.; Desarrollo Inmobiliario Ixtapa, S.A. de C.V.; Desarrollo Inmobiliario Nicols Romero, S.A. de C.V.; Desarrollo Inmobiliario Picasso, S.A. de C.V.; Desarrollo Inmobiliario Precisin, S.A. de C.V.; Editorial Campo Bravo, S.A. de C.V.; Etic-Art, S.A. de C.V.; Filamentos Mexicanos, S.A. de C.V.; Fiusa Pastej, S.A. de C.V.; Fraccionadora y Constructora Mexicana, S.A. de C.V.; Fundacin Alejo Peralta y Daz Ceballos, IAP; Ganadera Pastej, S. de R.L.; Gas Padilla, S.A. de C.V.; Grupo Caratt, S.A. de C.V.; Grupo Industrial Cierres Ideal, S.A. de C.V.; Grupo Industrial Iusa, S.A. de C.V.; Harper Wyman de Mxico, S.A. de C.V.; Industrial Cerrajera Yale, S.A. de C.V.; Industrias Pal, S.A. de C.V.; Industrias Unidas, S.A. de C.V.; Industrias Unidas de Aragn, S.A. de C.V.; Industrias Unidas de Pastej, S.A. de C.V.; Interelec, S.A. de C.V.; Internet Directo, S.A. de C.V.; Iusa Electrocircuitos Automotrices, S.A. de C.V.; Iusa Footware International, S.A. de C.V.; Iusa GE, S. de R.L. de C.V.; Iusa Grupo Comunicaciones, S.A. de C.V.; Iusasil, S.A. de C.V.; Manufacturas Electrnicas Pastej, S.A. de C.V.; Medidores Electromecnicos, S.A. de C.V.; Medidores Iusa, S. de R.L. de C.V.; Partes y Accesorios para Neumticos, S.A. de C.V.; Promotora Iusa, S.A. de C.V.; Rospatch Mexicana, S.A. de C.V.; Schrader Mexicana, S.A. de C.V.; Schrader Scomex Automotriz, S.A. de C.V.; Servicios Administrativos Cm, S.A. de C.V.; Servicios Administrativos Interelec, S.A. de C.V.; Servicios Administrativos Iusa, S.A. de C.V.; Servicios Corporativos Gicisa, S.A. de C.V.; Servicios Corporativos Iusa, S.A. de C.V.; Servicios de Distribucin y Mantenimiento, S.A. de C.V.; Sprage, S.A. de C.V.; Taln de Mxico, S.A. de C.V.; Tubos Pastej, S.A. de C.V.; Unidad Educativa Ernesto Peralta, A.C.
Sr. Eugenio Lpez Rodea Presidente GRUPO JUMEX, S.A. DE C.V. Km. 12.5 Ant. Carr. a Pachuca 55340 Xalostoc, Mx. RFC GJU801230 1K1
Tel. 56 99 19 99 Ext. 10102 Fax 55 69 26 21 http://www.jumex.com.mx Established 1976 NAICS 332431 Metal Can Mfg
Exports range US $ 10-99 million a year: Beverages; Fruit Juices & Nectars. Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Food Industry Equipment; Varnishes; Plastic Boxes; Packing & Baling; Fruit Concentrates; Tin Plate; Sheet Tape; Polyethylene. Relations with: Vilore Foods, Inc. (USA) Mexican affiliates: Alijumex, S.A. de C.V.; Corporativa de Servicios Vilore, S.A. de C.V.; Vilore Servicios, S.A. de C.V.; Botemex, S.A. de C.V.; Jugomex, S.A. de C.V.
Lic. Jorge Luis Prez Lerma Director General GRUPO KALIDAD San Andrs Tetepilco 102, PB Col. San Andrs Tetepilco 09440 Mxico, D.F. RFC WQU840430 E46
Tel. 56 72 52 60, 56 72 52 64 Fax 55 39 04 42 gkalidad@grupokalidad.com.mx http://www.grupokalidad.com.mx Established 1974 NAICS 325412 Pharmaceutical Preparation Mfg NAICS 42269 Other Chemical & Allied Products Wholesalers
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Acids; Clays; Barium Carbide; Dyes; Cones; Enamels - Industrial; Pasta Products; Pigments; Paint; Potassium; Chemical Products; Talc; Veterinary Raw Materials; Gypsum Plaster.
C.P. Beatriz Snchez Velzquez Contadora GRUPO KVAERNER, S.A. DE C.V. Lago Meru 32, piso 6 Col. Granada 11520 Mxico, D.F. RFC GKV970811 LW4
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Relations with: Kvaerner Process (USA)
Tel. 52 03 04 36, 55 45 57 53, 52 03 59 26 Fax 55 45 58 00 grpkvaerner@prodigy.net.mx Established 1960 NAICS 23493 Industrial Nonbuilding Structure Construction
Sr. Vctor Cohen Levy Director General GRUPO LAFI, S.A. DE C.V. 1 de Mayo 125-A Col. San Andrs Atoto 53500 Naucalpan, Mx. RFC GLA841203 HGA
Tel. 53 60 15 18, 53 60 16 43 Ext. 224, 53 58 18 51 Fax 53 59 19 46 Established 1956 NAICS 31321 Broadwoven Fabric Mills NAICS 325222 Noncellulosic Organic Fiber Mfg
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Exports range US $ 10-99 million a year: Cashmere 100% Wool; Cashmere 65% Polyester, 35% Wool. Imports range US $ 10-99 million a year: Aniline; Polyester Resin; Wool. Mexican affiliates: Baroal, S.A. de C.V.; Bufete Ejecutivo Textil, S.A. de C.V.; Bufete Lanero, S.A. de C.V.; Consorcio Lanero, S.A. de C.V.; Corina, S.A.; Grupo Textil Fila, S.A. de C.V.; Inmobiliaria Alenvi, S.A. de C.V.; Lanas Filtex, S.A. de C.V.; Taller de Enrejado y Desmontado, S.A. de C.V.
Ing. Luis Miguel Monroy Carrillo Director General GRUPO LA MODERNA, S.A. DE C.V. Leandro Valle 404-336 Col. Reforma y Ferrocarriles Nacionales 50070 Toluca, Mx. RFC GMO790905 GK1
Tel. (722) 2 79 79 01, 2 79 79 78 Ext. 2331 Fax (722) 2 79 79 80 lconde@lamoderna.com.mx http://www.lamoderna.com.mx Established 1979 NAICS 311211 Flour Milling NAICS 311821 Cookie & Cracker Mfg NAICS 311823 Dry Pasta Mfg
Sales range US $ 100-999 million a year Exports range US $ 10-99 million a year: Cookies; Flours; Pastas. Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Machinery and Spare Parts. Foreign investments: Interamerican Foods, Co. (USA) Mexican affiliates: Compaa Nacional de Harinas, S.A. de C.V.; Corporativo La Moderna, S.A. de C.V.; Fbrica de Galletas la Moderna, S.A. de C.V.; Harinera los Pirineos, S.A. de.C V.; Impulsora de Bienes Inmuebles de Toluca, S.A. de C.V.; Molinos del Fnix, S.A. de C.V.; Molinos del Sudeste, S.A. de C.V.; Papeles Corrugados, S.A. de C.V.; Pastas Cora, S.A. de C.V.; Pastas Cora de La Laguna, S.A. de C.V.; Pelculas Plsticas, S.A. de C.V.; Productos Alimenticios La Moderna, S.A. de C.V.; Tablex Miller, S. de R.L. de C.V. Listed in the Mexican Stock Exchange; ticker symbol: GMODERN Board of Directors: Sr. Eduardo Monroy Crdenas (Chairman), C.P. Eduardo Argil Aguilar (Comisario), M.C. Luis Miguel Monroy Carrillo (Secretary), Ing. Carlos Alejandro Monroy Carrillo (Treasurer), Sra. Martha Carrillo Mier, C.P. Rodolfo Espinosa Barrientos, Sr. Miguel I. Estrada Smano, Sr. Jorge Garcs Cruz, Sr. Andrs Garca Carrascosa, Arq. Eduardo Monroy Carrillo, Ing. Francisco Monroy Carrillo, Ing. Jos Antonio Monroy Carrillo, Sr. Rodolfo Rojas Rbago
Ing. Federico Toussaint Elosa Presidente y Director General GRUPO LAMOSA, S.A. DE C.V. Ricardo Covarrubias Ote. 2701 Col. Ladrillera 64830 Monterrey, N.L. RFC GLA800430 C55
Tel. (81) 82 20 40 00 Ext. 4236, 82 20 42 36 Fax (81) 82 20 42 35 Mexico City: 56 11 00 48 veronica.loera@lamosa.com http://www.lamosa.com Established 1929 NAICS 327111 Vitreous Plumbing Fixtures/Access/Fitting Mfg NAICS 327122 Ceramic Wall & Floor Tile Mfg
Sales range US $ 100-999 million a year Exports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Tile; Sanitary Ware. Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: China Clay; Raw Materials. Mexican affiliates: Adhesivos de Jalisco, S.A. de C.V.; Adhesivos Guadalajara; Adhesivos Monterrey; Adhesivos Morteros y Texturizados, S.A. de C.V.; Crest, S.A. de C.V.; General de Minerales, S.A. de C.V.; Grupo Inmobiliario Viber, S.A. de C.V.; Industrias Niasa, S.A. de C.V.; Lamosa Revestimientos, S.A. de C.V.; Niasa de La Laguna, S.A. de C.V.; Proyeso, S.A.; Sanitarios Azteca, S.A. de C.V.; Servicios Administrativos Lamosa, S.A. de C.V. Listed in the Mexican Stock Exchange; ticker symbol: LAMOSA Board of Directors: Ing. Federico Toussaint Elosa (Chairman), Sr. Carlos Zambrano Plant (Comisario), Sr. Luis Francisco Gonzlez Pars (Secretary), Sr. Guillermo Barragn Elosa, Sr. Eduardo Elizondo Barragn, Sr. Antonio Elosa Gonzlez, Ing. Federico Elosa Muguerza, Sr. Bernardo Elosa Robles, Sr. Eugenio Garza Herrera, Sr. Armando Garza Sada, Sr. Max Michel Suberville, Sr. Jos Alfonso Rubio Elosa, Sr. Juan Miguel Rubio Elosa, Sr. Javier Saavedra Valds, Sr. Jos Manuel Valverde Valds
Lic. Fernando Topete Dvila Presidente del Consejo GRUPO LORENA, S.A. DE C.V. Prol. Galeana 116-D Santa Ana Tepetitln 45230 Zapopan, Jal. RFC GLO870402 839
Tel. (33) 32 83 20 00 Ext. 2006, 32 83 20 06 Fax (33) 32 83 20 01 cparedes@grupolorena.com http://www.grupolorena.com Established 1942 NAICS 31134 Nonchocolate Confectionery Mfg
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Exports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Confectionery. Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year Mexican affiliates: Chocolatera Mexicana, S.A.; Especialistas Administrativos, S.C.
Sr. Gustavo Mario de la Garza Ortega Presidente del Consejo GRUPO MARCATEL, S.A. DE C.V. San Francisco 333 Col. Lomas de San Francisco 64710 Monterrey, N.L. RFC MTI960711 8G5
Tel. (81) 83 40 55 40 Fax (81) 83 40 16 57 Mexico City: 52 41 17 77, Fax 52 56 20 00 gmdelag@marcatel.net aaceves@radiobip.com.mx http://www.marcatel.com Established 1996 NAICS 51333 Telecommunications Resellers
Sales range US $ 100-999 million a year Foreign investments: IXC International, LLC (USA); Marcatel International, LLC (USA); Progress International, LLC (USA) Foreign offices: Houston, TX (USA) Mexican affiliates: Conexxin, S.A. de C.V.; Inmobiliaria Mexicana del Noreste, S.A. de C.V.; Marca Center, S.A. de C.V.; Marcatel, S.A. de C.V.; Marcatel International, S.A. de C.V.
Sr. Antonio Surez Gutirrez Presidente GRUPO MARTIMO INDUSTRIAL, S.A. DE C.V. (GRUPO MAR) Hamburgo 241 Col. Jurez 06600 Mxico, D.F. RFC MIP820720 Q9A
Tel. 52 08 72 58 Ext. 228 Fax 52 08 77 05 http://www.grupomar.com Established 1999 NAICS 311711 Seafood Canning NAICS 311712 Fresh & Frozen Seafood Processing
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Exports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Tunny; Octopus; Squid. Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Shellfishes; Fish. Mexican affiliates: Maratn, S.A. de C.V.; Marflota, S.A.; Marfrigo, S.A.; Marindustrias, S.A. de C.V.; Maristmo, S.A. de C.V.; Martima Industrial Pesquera, S.A. de C.V.; Martima Portuaria, S.A.; Martima y Servicios, S.A.; Martuna, S.A.
Lic. Alejandro Joaqun Mart Garca Presidente y Director General GRUPO MART, S.A. Francisco I. Madero 12 Col. Santa rsula Xitla 14420 Mxico, D.F. RFC GMA810818 4L9
Sales range US $ 100-999 million a year Imports range US $ 10-99 million a year: Sporting Goods.
Tel. 56 28 28 06, 56 28 28 88 Fax 56 16 61 70 enavarro@marti.com.mx http://www.marti.com.mx Established 1936 NAICS 45111 Sporting Goods Stores
Mexican affiliates: Centro Comercial Pabelln Bosques, S.A. de C.V.; Centro Deportivo Pea Pobre, S.A. de C.V.; Deportes Mart, S.A. de C.V.; Importadora y Exportadora Indemar, S.A. de C.V.; Inmobiliaria Larca Coapa, S.A. de C.V.; Inmobiliaria Mart de Santa rsula Tlalpan, S.A. de C.V.; Inmobliliaria Firpo Izcalli, S.A. de C.V.; Inmobliliaria Firpo Fiesta Coapa, S.A. de C.V.; Inmobiliaria Plaza Lindavista, S.A. de C.V. Listed in the Mexican Stock Exchange; ticker symbol: GMARTI Board of Directors: Lic. Alejandro Joaqun Mart Garca (Chairman), C.P. Sergio Hernndez Gonzlez (Comisario), Lic. Fauzi Hamdan Amad (Secretary), Sr. Carlos Andunaegui, Ing. Guillermo Ballesteros Chvez, Sr. Francisco Barroso Daz-Torre, Dr. Juan Diez-Canedo Ruiz, Lic. Michel Domit Gemayel, C.P. Jos Ramn Elizondo Anaya, Lic. Pablo Escandn Cusi, Lic. Alfredo Harp Calderoni, Sr. Jos Madariaga Lomeln, C.P. Juan Antonio Prez Simn, Sr. Juan Pia, Sr. Alberto Snchez, Ing. Manuel Torroella Velzquez
Ing. Joaqun Durn Martnez Director General GRUPO MATERIAS PRIMAS, S. DE R.L. DE C.V. (GMP) Jos Bentez 2728 Col. Obispado 64060 Monterrey, N.L. RFC MPM550210 1LA
Tel. (81) 81 51 28 00 Ext. 2808, 81 51 28 08 Fax (81) 81 51 28 98 Mexico City: 56 64 26 60 gmp@gmp.com.mx http://www.gmp.com.mx Established 1955 NAICS 212325 Clay & Ceramic & Refractory Minerals Mining
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Imports range US $ 10-99 million a year: Maintenance Equipment; Mining Machinery & Equipment. Mexican affiliates: Cilices Oriental, S. de R.L. de C.V.; Cilices San Juan, S. de R.L. de C.V.; Materias Primas de Lampazos, S. de R.L. de C.V.; Materias Primas de San Jos, S. de R.L. de C.V.
Ing. Enrique Mazn Rubio Director General Corporativo GRUPO MAZN, S.A. Serdn 98 Centro 83000 Hermosillo, Son. RFC GMA830720 72A
Tel. (662) 2 12 14 49 Ext. 2008, 2 12 74 05 Fax (662) 2 14 59 07 emazon@mazon.com.mx info@mazon.com.mx http://www.mazon.com.mx Established 1954 NAICS 112519 Other Animal Aquaculture NAICS 311611 Animal (except Poultry) Slaughtering NAICS 42182 Farm & Garden Machinery & Equipment Wholesalers
Mexican affiliates: Distribuidora de Tractores y Equipos, S.A. de C.V.; Dynatech, S.A. de C.V.; Mazn y Diversin, S.A. de C.V.; Porcinas de Tecnologa Avanzada, S.A. de C.V.; Productos y Servicios del Noroeste, S.A. de C.V.; Servillantas, S.A. de C.V.; Tecnologa Acucola del Golfo de Corts, S.C.L.; Urbanizadora Los Lagos, S.A. de C.V.
Ing. Manuel Gmez-Daza Rangel Presidente y Director General GRUPO MEXICANO DE DESARROLLO, S.A. (GMD) Carr. Mxico-Toluca 4000 Col. Cuajimalpa 05000 Mxico, D.F. RFC CGM931105 9L2
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year
Tel. 85 03 70 00, 85 03 71 00 Ext. 7011, 7010, 85 03 70 11, 85 03 70 10 Fax 85 03 70 08 manuel.gomezdaza@gmd.com.mx jaime.lara@gmd.com.mx http://www.gmd.com.mx Established 1975 NAICS 551112 Offices of Other Holding Companies
Mexican affiliates: Arrendadora Grupo Mexicano, S.A. de C.V.; Concretos Comprimidos San Cristbal, S.A. de C.V.; Construvivienda, S.A. de C.V.; Cooper T/Smith de Mxico; Desarrollo de Infraestructura, S.A. de C.V.; Desarrollo Hidrulico de Cancn, S.A. de C.V.; Desarrollo Industrial Latinoamericano, S.A. de C.V.; Desarrollo Integral de Ingeniera, S.A. de C.V.; Desarrollo Tcnico, S.A. de C.V.; Desarrollo Urbano Integral, S.A. de C.V.; Grupo Mexicano Industrial, S.A. de C.V.; Industria Metlica Integrada, S.A. de C.V.; Promotora Majahua, S.A. de C.V.; Servicios Urbanos de Puebla, S.A. de C.V. Listed in the Mexican Stock Exchange and the New York Stock Exchange (American Depositary Receipts); ticker symbol: GMD Board of Directors: Ing. Manuel Gmez-Daza Rangel (Chairman), C.P. Guillermo Arana Rivera (Comisario), C.P. Sergio Rentera Guzmn (Secretary), Ing. Jorge Eduardo Ballesteros Zavala, L.A.E. Jaime Carral Pinsn, Ing. Luis Carral Pinsn, Sr. Rogelio Gasca Neri, Arq. Miguel Icaza Conrey, Lic. Diego Martn del Campo y Souza, C.P. Arturo Martnez de la Mora, C.P. Jorge Morfn Nez, C.P. Jos Luis Olvera Caballero, C.P. Enrique Portilla Ibargengoitia, Ing. Paul Andrew Rangel Merkley, L.A.E. Jorge Zapata Alvarado
Lic. Germn Larrea Mota-Velasco Presidente GRUPO MXICO, S.A. DE C.V. Baja California 200, piso 6 Col. Roma Sur 06760 Mxico, D.F. RFC GME990903 AR4
Tel. 50 80 00 50, 55 64 70 66, Ext. 7229, 7228 Fax 55 74 81 26 marefugio.salas@mm.gmexico.com http://www.grupomexico.com Established 1978 NAICS 212221 Gold Ore Mining NAICS 212222 Silver Ore Mining NAICS 212231 Lead Ore & Zinc Ore Mining NAICS 212234 Copper Ore & Nickel Ore Mining NAICS 331411 Primary Smelting & Refining of Copper NAICS 331419 Other Nonferrous Metal Prim Smelting/Refining NAICS 551114 Corp, Subsidiary & Regional Managing Offices
Sales range US $ 1-10 billion a year Exports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Gold; Silver; Lead; Zinc; Zinc Concentrate; Copper Concentrate; Copper Anodes; Molybdenum; Copper Cathodes. Imports range US $ 100-999 million a year: Mining Equipment. Foreign investments: Asarco, Inc. (USA); Minera Mxico International, Inc. (USA); Western Copper Supplies, Inc. (USA) Mexican affiliates: Aposentos del Real, S.A.; Carbonfera de Mxico, S.A.; Carbonfera de Nueva Rosita, S.A. de C.V.; Club Campestre de Cananea, S.A. de C.V.; Ferrocarril Mexicano, S.A. de C.V.; Grupo Ferroviario Mexicano, S.A. de C.V.; Grupo Industrial Minera Mxico, S.A. de C.V.; Hospital del Ronquillo, S.A.; Industrial Minera Mxico, S.A. de C.V.; Instituto Minerva; Mexicana de Cananea, S.A. de C.V.; Mexicana de Cobre, S.A. de C.V.; Mexicana de Lixiviacin; Mexicana del Arco, S.A. de C.V.; Mxico Compaa Inmobiliaria, S.A.; Mxico Desarrollo Industrial Minero, S.A. de C.V.; Minera Mxico Internacional; Minerales Metlicos del Norte, S.A.; Minerales y Minas Mexicanas, S.A.; Servicios de Apoyo Administrativo, S.A. de C.V.; Transportes Mineros Mxico, S.A.; Zinc de Mxico, S.A. de C.V. Listed in the Mexican Stock Exchange; ticker symbol: GMEXICO Board of Directors: Lic. Germn Larrea Mota-Velasco (Chairman), Sr. Genaro Larrea Mota-Velasco (Vice-Chairman), Sr. Rolando Vega iguez (Comisario), Sr. Agustn Santamarina Vzquez Gmez (Secretary), Lic. Emilio Carrillo Gamboa, Lic. Alfredo Casar Prez, Lic. Juan Ignacio Gallardo Thurlow, C.P. Hctor Garca de Quevedo Topete, Ing. Xavier Garca de Quevedo Topete, Sr. Carlos Girn Peltier, Ing. Claudio Xavier Gonzlez Laporte, Ing. scar Gonzlez Rocha, Ing. Antonio Madero Bracho, Sr. Prudencio Lpez Martnez, Sr. Jos Mendoza Fernndez, Sr. Rmulo O'Farrill Jr., Lic. Juan Snchez-Navarro y Pen, Sr. Daniel Tellechea Salido, Dr. Luis Tllez Kuenzler
Dr. Jos Cacho Ribeiro Director General GRUPO MINSA, S.A. DE C.V. Prol. Toltecas 4 Col. Los Reyes Ixtacala 54090 Tlalnepantla, Mx. RFC GMI931015 UV8
Sales range US $ 100-999 million a year Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Corn.
Tel. 57 22 19 00 Ext. 1996, 57 22 19 96 Fax 57 22 19 27 carmen.vazquez@grupominsa.com.mx http://www.minsa.com Established 1993 NAICS 311211 Flour Milling
Relations with: Hicks, Muse, Tate & Furst, Inc. (USA) Foreign investments: Minsa Centroamrica, S.A.; Minsa Corp. (USA); Minsa Southwest Corp. (USA) Foreign offices: Red Oak, IW (USA); Muleshoe, TX (USA); Guatemala (Guatemala) Mexican affiliates: Almacenadora Mercader, S.A.; Maz Industrializado del Noreste, S.A. de C.V.; Maz Industrializado del Norte, S.A. de C.V.; Maz Industrializado del Occidente, S.A. de C.V.; Maz Industrializado del Sureste, S.A. de C.V.; Minsa, S.A. de C.V.; Minsa del Centro; Minsa del Golfo; Minsa del Noreste; Minsa del Norte; Minsa del Occidente; Minsa del Sureste; Operadora Minsa, S.A. de C.V.; Servicios Administrativos Minsa, S.A. de C.V.; Servicios Corporativos Minsa, S.A. de C.V. Listed in the Mexican Stock Exchange; ticker symbol: MINSA Board of Directors: Lic. Juan Jaime Petersen Farah (Chairman), C.P. Luis Javier Fernndez Barragn (Comisario), Dr. Jos Cacho Ribeiro (Secretary), Sr. Guillermo Flores Gmez, Sr. Jorge Garca Osorno, Sr. Alfonso Miguel Gmez Flores, Sr. Armando Gmez Flores, Sr. Luis Huante Rodrguez, Ing. Ernesto Moya Pedrola, Sr. Charles W. Tate
Sr. Antonino Fernndez Rodrguez Presidente GRUPO MODELO, S.A. DE C.V. Campos Elseos 400, piso 19 Col. Chapultepec Polanco 11560 Mxico, D.F. RFC GMO911121 340
Tel. 52 81 01 14 Ext. 3008, 52 81 00 05 Fax 52 80 53 22 gzaldivar@gmodelo.com.mx invrelations@gmodelo.com.mx http://www.gmodelo.com.mx Established 1925 NAICS 31212 Breweries
Sales range US $ 1-10 billion a year Exports range US $ 100-999 million a year: Beer. Imports range US $ 10-99 million a year: Malt; Barley; Hop; Brewery Equipment and Spare Parts. Relations with: Anheuser-Busch Inc. (USA) Foreign offices: San Antonio, TX (USA); Guadalajara (Spain); Brussels (Belgium); San Jose (Costa Rica); Singapore (Singapore); Buenos Aires (Argentina); Montreal (Canada); Seoul (Korea). Mexican affiliates: Cebadas y Maltas, S.A. de C.V.; Cervecera del Pacfico, S.A. de C.V.; Cervecera Modelo de Guadalajara, S.A. de C.V.; Cervecera Modelo de Torren, S.A. de C.V.; Cervecera Modelo del Noroeste, S.A. de C.V.; Cervecera Modelo, S.A. de C.V.; Cerveza Corona de Guadalajara, S.A. de C.V.; Comextra, S.A. de C.V.; Compaa Cervecera de Zacatecas, S.A. de C.V.; Compaa Cervecera del Trpico, S.A. de C.V.; Diblo, S.A. de C.V.; Distribuidora Modelo de Toluca, S.A. de C.V.; Empaques de Cartn United, S.A.; Empaques Modernos de Guadalajara, S.A.; Empaques Modernos San Pablo, S.A.; Envases de Zacatecas, S.A. de C.V.; Envatap, S.A. de C.V.; Extractos y Maltas, S.A. de C.V.; Impulsora Mercantil de la Costa, S.A. de C.V.; Inamex de Cerveza y Malta, S.A. de C.V.; La Modelo en Monterrey, S.A. de C.V.; Mercantil de Irapuato, S.A. de C.V.; Nueva Fbrica Nacional de Vidrio, S.A.; Promotora de Servicios de Zacatecas; Seeger Industrial, S.A.; Tapas y Tapones de Zacatecas, S.A. de C.V. Listed in the Mexican Stock Exchange; ticker symbol: GMODELO Board of Directors: Sr. Antonino Fernndez Rodrguez (Chairman), Lic. Miguel Ortiz Aguilar (Comisario), C.P. Alberto Tiburcio Celorio (Comisario), Sr. Jorge Siegrist Prado (Secretary), Sra. Mara Asuncin Aramburuzavala Larregui, Sra. Augusta A. Busch III, Lic. Emilio Carrillo Gamboa, Sr. Valentn Diez Morodo, Ing. Carlos Fernndez Gonzlez, Sr. Alfonso Gallardo Kuri, Sr. Luis Javier Gonzlez Cimadevilla, Sr. Pablo Gonzlez Diez, Sr. Thomas Heather R., Sr. Roberto Hernndez Ramrez, Sr. James R. Jones, Sr. Stephen K. Lambright, Sr. Rogelio Ramrez de la O, Sra. Anne Richards, Sr. Juan Snchez Navarro y Pen, Sr. Thomas W. Santel, Sr. Pedro Soares, Sr. Alejandro Strauch
Act. Clemente Cabello Pinchetti Director General GRUPO NACIONAL PROVINCIAL, S.A. (GNP) Cerro de las Torres 395, Edif. Central, piso 1, Cuadrante C Col. Campestre Churubusco 04200 Mxico, D.F. RFC GNP921124 4P0
Premiums range US $ 1-10 billion a year
Tel. 52 27 39 99 Ext. 3001, 3043, 52 27 30 43, 55 44 94 22 Fax 55 49 79 30 ccabello@gnp.com.mx http://www.gnp.com.mx Established 1901 NAICS 5241 Insurance Carriers
Relations with: Liberty Mutual Insurance Group (USA) Mexican affiliates: Aseguradora Porvenir GNP; Crdito Afianzador, S.A. Compaa Mexicana de Garantas; El Palacio de Hierro, S.A. de C.V.; GNP Pensiones; Grupo Bal, S.A. de C.V.; Grupo Peoles, S.A.; Instituto Tecnolgico Autnomo de Mxico; Profuturo GNP, S.A. de C.V. Afore Listed in the Mexican Stock Exchange; ticker symbol: GNP Board of Directors: Lic. Alberto Bailleres Gonzlez (Chairman), C.P. Guillermo Babatz (Comisario), Lic. Abdn Hernndez Esparza (Secretary), Sr. Alejandro Bailleres Gual, Sr. Ral Bailleres Gual, Ing. Juan Bordes, Act. Clemente Cabello, Lic. Norberto Domnguez, Sr. Arturo Fernndez, Lic. Agustn Gutirrez Aja, Lic. Rafael Mac Gregor, Lic. Dolores Martn, Sr. Max Michel S., C.P. Carlos Orozco, Lic. E. Guillermo Salas, Sr. Claudio Salomn, Sr. Jos Luis Simn
Ing. Jorge Ibarra Ripoll Director General GRUPO NUTRISA, S.A. DE C.V. Perifrico Sur 5482 Col. Pedregal de Carrasco 04700 Mxico, D.F. RFC NUT840801 733
Tel. 56 65 77 90, 54 24 66 00, 56 65 58 02 Ext. 6612, 54 24 66 12 Fax 54 24 66 45 asistdireccion@nutrisa.com http://www.nutrisa.com.mx Established 1979 NAICS 446191 Food (Health) Supplement Stores
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Food Complements; Beverages; Cosmetics; Shampoo. Mexican affiliates: Inmobiliaria Nutrisa, S.A. de C.V.; Operadora Nutrisa, S.A. de C.V.; Nutrisa, S.A. de C.V.; Promociones Inmobiliarias Naturistas, S.C. Listed in the Mexican Stock Exchange; ticker symbol: NUTRISA Board of Directors: Arq. Jorge Ibarra Baz (Chairman), Sr. Luis Argelles Rosenzweig (Comisario), Sr. Roberto Ros Espinoza (Secretary), Sr. Octavio Diez de Sollano Daz, Sr. Ral Gmez Charles, Ing. Jorge Ibarra Ripoll, Sr. Alberto Kuri Garza, Sr. Juan Vilar de la Isla
Sr. Manuel Orraca Manero Presidente y Director General GRUPO ORRACA RESTAURANTEROS, S.A. DE C.V. Vasco de Quiroga 1800, piso 2 Col. Santa Fe 01210 Mxico, D.F. RFC ORO930813 1F2
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year
Tel. 52 59 76 23, 52 59 64 03 Ext. 111 Fax 52 59 76 23, 52 59 64 03 bfuentes@orraca.com.mx http://www.orraca.com.mx Established 1993 NAICS 72211 Full-Service Restaurants
C.P. Jos Mara Blanco Alonso Director General GRUPO PALACIO DE HIERRO, S.A. DE C.V. (GPH) Durango 230, piso 2 Col. Roma 06700 Mxico, D.F. RFC PHI830429 MG6
Tel. 52 29 54 00 Ext. 1500, 52 29 54 90 Fax 55 25 22 35 esaucedo@palaciohierro.com.mx http://www.palaciohierro.com.mx Established 1888 NAICS 45211 Department Stores
Sales range US $ 100-999 million a year Imports range US $ 10-99 million a year: Women, Men and Children's Apparel; Gifts. Mexican affiliates: Administracin de Riesgos Bal, S.A. de C.V.; Aerobics, S.A. de C.V.; Albago, S.A. de C.V.; Alvain, S.A. de C.V.; El Palacio de Hierro, S.A. de C.V.; Estacionamientos Comerciales, S.A. de C.V.; Estacionamientos PH, S.A. de C.V.; Grupo Bal, S.A. de C.V.; Grupo Nacional Provincial, S.A.; Grupo Peoles, S.A.; Impulsora Diserta, S.A. de C.V.; Inmobiliaria PH Guadalajara, S.A. de C.V.; Inmobiliaria PH Polanco, S.A. de C.V.; Inmobiliaria PH Puebla, S.A. de C.V.; Inmobiliaria PH Salamanca, S.A. de C.V.; Inmobiliaria PH Santa Fe, S.A. de C.V.; Inmobiliaria PH Satlite, S.A. de C.V.; Inmobiliaria Totolapa, S.A. de C.V.; Instituto Tecnolgico Autnomo de Mxico; PH Importaciones, S.A. de C.V.; Marcas Propias PH, S.A. de C.V.; Prestadora de Servicios, S.A. de C.V.; Promotora PH Puebla, S.A. de C.V.; Sper Almacenadora, S.A. de C.V. Listed in the Mexican Stock Exchange; ticker symbol: GPH Board of Directors: Lic. Alberto Bailleres Gonzlez (Chairman), Sr. Guillermo Babatz Garca (Comisario), Sr. Abdn Hernndez Esparza (Secretary), Sr. Luis G. Aguilar Bell, Sr. Alejandro Bailleres Gual, Sr. Ral Bailleres Gual, Sr. Jos Mara Blanco, Ing. Juan Bordes Aznar, Sr. Norberto Domnguez, Sr. Arturo Fernndez Prez, Lic. Rafael Alfonso Mac Gregor Anciola, Sr. Francisco Navarro, Ing. Ral Obregn del Corral, Sr. Carlos Orozco Ibarra, Sr. Juan Manuel Prez Porra, Sr. Claudio Salomn, Sr. Jos Luis Simn
Sr. Juan Jos Sierra Esnal Director General y Apoderado GRUPO PARISINA, S.A. DE C.V. Venustiano Carranza 77 Centro 06000 Mxico, D.F. RFC GPA930101 QI7
Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Fabrics.
Tel. 55 12 23 53 Ext. 412 Fax 55 10 04 06, 55 21 21 45 jjsierrae@laparisina.com.mx http://www.laparisina.com.mx Established 1933 NAICS 453998 All Other Misc Store Retailers (exc Tobacco)
Lic. Martn Rincn Arredondo Director General GRUPO PIPSAMEX, S.A. DE C.V. Poniente 140 # 840 Col. Industrial Vallejo 02300 Mxico, D.F. RFC GPI350910 RYO
Tel. 55 87 52 55 Ext. 7070, 57 29 70 70 Fax 57 29 73 27 gmedina@corpdgo.com.mx http://www.corpdgo.com.mx Established 1935 NAICS 322121 Paper (except Newsprint) Mills
Sales range US $ 100-999 million a year Exports range US $ 10-99 million a year: Paper (Newsprint). Imports range US $ 100-999 million a year: Secondary Fibers; Chemical Pulp; Deinked Pulp; Paper (Newsprint). Mexican affiliates: Fbricas de Papel Tuxtepec, S.A.; Grupo Industrial y Comercial Pipsa; Mexicana de Papel Peridico, S.A.
Ing. Antonio Gmez Garca Director General GRUPO PORCELANITE, S.A. DE C.V. Bosque de Ciruelos 130, piso 8 Col. Bosques de las Lomas 11700 Mxico, D.F. RFC POR830520 NU2
Tel. 52 46 99 12 Ext. 202 Fax 55 96 73 89 ccontreras@porcelanite.com.mx dvalencia@porcelanite.com.mx http://www.porcelanite.com.mx Established 1959 NAICS 327122 Ceramic Wall & Floor Tile Mfg
Sales range US $ 100-999 million a year Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Raw Materials for Ceramic Tiles. Mexican affiliates: Azulev, S.A. de C.V.; Barros y Pizarras, S.A. de C.V.; Gres, S.A. de C.V.; Ital Gres, S.A. de C.V.; Pavillion, S.A. de C.V.; Porcel, S.A. de C.V.; Porcela, S.A. de C.V.
Lic. Gastn Azcrraga Andrade Presidente GRUPO POSADAS, S.A. DE C.V. Reforma Lomas 155, PH Col. Lomas de Chapultepec 11000 Mxico, D.F. RFC GPO920120 440
Tel. 53 26 67 00 Ext. 6710, 53 26 67 10, 53 26 67 12 Fax 53 26 67 03 ggomez@posadas.com.mx http://www.posadas.com.mx http://www.fiestamexico.com Established 1969 NAICS 72111 Hotels (exc Casino Hotels) & Motels
Sales range US $ 100-999 million a year Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Groceries; Food; Beverages; Linen; Glassware; Hardware; Printed & Continuous Forms; Hotel Equipment; Cleaning Products; Chinaware (Earthenware); Table Linen; Stationery; Promotional Articles; Chemical Products; Uniforms; Audio Equipment; Kitchen Cabinets; Computer Equipment, Programs, Accessories & Supplies; Office Equipment; Paintings and Reproductions; Lamps; Furniture; Fabrics. Relations with: Fiesta Americana & Fiesta Inn Brands; Hilton Grand Vacations Company; Resort Condominiums International Foreign investments: Caesar Park Argentina (Argentina), Casa del Sol Insurance Ltd.; Gainrapid, Ltd.; Inversiones Las Posadas 4500 C.A.; Posadas Amrica del Sur, S.A. de C.V.; Posadas USA Holding Inc. (USA) Mexican affiliates: Desarrollo Arcano, S.A. de C.V.; Fondo Inmobiliario Posadas, S.A. de C.V.; Hotel Condesa del Mar, S.A. de C.V.; Hoteles Caesar Park; Hoteles Fiesta Americana; Hoteles Fiesta Inn, Inmobiliaria Hotelera Posadas, S.A. de C.V.; Inmobiliaria San Nicols, S.A. de C.V.; Operadora Financiera de Inversiones, S.A. de C.V.; Porto Ixtapa, S.A. de C.V.; Posadas de Mxico, S.A. de C.V.; Promotora Caribe Cancn, S.A. de C.V.; Sistema Director de Proyectos, S.A. de C.V. Listed in the Mexican Stock Exchange; ticker symbol: POSADAS Board of Directors: Lic. Gastn Azcrraga Andrade (Chairman), C.P. Fernando Loera Aguilar (Comisario), Lic. Francisco Javier Lpez Segura (Secretary), Sr. Enrique Azcrraga Andrade, Sr. Pablo Azcrraga Andrade, Sr. Carlos Bustamante Anchondo, Lic. Fernando Chico Pardo, Lic. Santiago Creel Miranda, Sr. Carlos Llano Cifuentes, Ing. Antonio Madero Bracho, C.P. Esteban Malpica Fomperosa, Sr. Salvador Oate Ascencio, Lic. Joaqun Vargas Guajardo
Ing. Alejandro Nosti Busquets Director General GRUPO PRIMEX, S.A. DE C.V. Km. 4.5 Autop. Altamira Nuevo Puerto Industrial 89600 Altamira, Tamps. RFC GPR860828 NX9
Tel. (833) 2 29 01 21, 2 29 01 00, 2 29 01 52 Fax (833) 2 60 00 66 Mexico City: 58 99 90 50 anosti@gpoprimex.com http://www.gpoprimex.com Established 1965 NAICS 325211 Plastics Material & Resins Mfg
Sales range US $ 100-999 million a year Imports range US $ 10-99 million a year: 2 EH; VCM. Mexican affiliates: Conductores Monterrey, S.A.; Condumex, S.A.; Conelec, S.A.; Industrias Unidas, S.A.
Ing. Francisco Fuentes Terrazas Presidente y Director General GRUPO PROMESA, S.A. DE C.V. Madero 1590, PA Col. Nueva 21100 Mexicali, B.C.N. RFC GPR850419 JNA
Tel. (686) 5 55 71 05 Ext. 101 Fax (686) 5 55 71 16 cristina@gpromesa.com.mx Established 1966 NAICS 311513 Cheese Mfg NAICS 311514 Dry/Condensed/Evaporated Dairy Product Mfg
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Exports range US $ 1-10 million a year Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Raw Materials; Milk (Bottled); Milk By-Products; Ice Cream; Frozen Foods; Chocolate Powder; Peanuts; Packaging Materials. Relations with: Bon Suisse (USA); Certified Grocers of California (USA); Delta International, Inc. (USA); Potlatch Corp. (USA) Mexican affiliates: Alimentos de Baja California, S.A. de C.V.; Distribuidora Promesa, S.A. de C.V.; Ganadera Imperial, S.A. de C.V.; Plasti-Envases de Baja California, S.A. de C.V.; Promesa Servicios Corporativos, S.A.
Ing. Humberto Lobo Morales Presidente GRUPO PROTEXA, S.A. DE C.V. CORPORACIN PROTEXA, S.A. DE C.V. Km. 339 Carr. Monterrey-Saltillo 66350 Santa Catarina, N.L. RFC GPR800409 E9A RFC CPR791217 I68
Tel. (81) 83 99 26 26, 83 99 27 27, 83 99 28 28 Ext. 2600, 83 99 26 00, 83 99 26 01 Fax (81) 83 36 25 12 Mexico City: 52 80 53 60 mbenavides@protexa.com.mx http://www.protexa.com.mx Established 1945 NAICS 551112 Offices of Other Holding Companies
Sales range US $ 100-999 million a year Exports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Fiberglass Filament; Water Proof Coatings; Paint. Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Oil Well Supplies. Foreign offices: San Antonio, TX (USA); Bogota (Colombia); Lima (Peru); Cochabamba (Bolivia); Buenos Aires (Argentina); Paris (France). Mexican affiliates: Aeroservicios Especializados, S.A. de C.V.; Asesa, S.A. de C.V.; Arrendadora Sipco; Combustibles Ecolgicos, S.A. de C.V.; Condux, S.A. de C.V.; Construcciones Martimas Mexicanas, S.A. de C.V.; Construcciones Protexa, S.A. de C.V.; Construcciones y Equipos Latinoamericanos, S.A. de C.V.; Erpro, S.A.; Essex de Hermosillo, S.A. de C.V.; Exportadora y Transformadora Industrial, S.A. de C.V.; Extrumex, S.A. de C.V.; Fomento Turstico Nacional, S.A. de C.V.; Impulsora de Autopistas, S.A. de C.V.; Impulsora K, S.A. de C.V.; Inmobiliaria Atipsa, S.A. de C.V.; Inmobiliaria Real San Agustn, S.A. de C.V.; Mantenimiento y Servicios de Autopistas; Mekano, S.A. de C.V.; Mundo Inmobiliario, S.A.; Operadora Internacional de Hoteles, S.A. de C.V.; Perforaciones Martimas Mexicanas; Permaducto, S.A. de C.V.; Protexa, S.A. de C.V.; Servicios Ecolgicos Especializados, S.A.; Servicios y Asesora para Proyectos, S.A. de C.V.; Tecnologa Avanzada de Ingeniera Petrolera, S.A. de C.V.; Texa, S.A. de C.V.; Viaductos de Peaje, S.A. de C.V.
Ing. Alberto Levet Contreras Director General GRUPO QUMMA, S.A. DE C.V. Eje 1 Poniente Mxico-Coyoacn 321 Col. Xoco 03330 Mxico, D.F. RFC FED821007 778
Tel. 56 05 65 57 Ext. 7101 Fax 56 05 26 08 a_levet@fernandezeditores.com.mx m_barbozar@fernandezeditores.com.mx http://www.fesa.com Established 1959 NAICS 51113 Book Publishers
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Mexican affiliates: Fernndez Editores, S.A. de C.V.; Imprentor, S.A. de C.V. Listed in the Mexican Stock Exchange; ticker symbol: QUMMA Board of Directors: Lic. Luis Miguel Fernndez Prez (Chairman), Sr. Luis Gerardo Fernndez Prez (Vice-Chairman), Sr. Nemesio Ostolaza Septin (Comisario), C.P. Luis del Valle Gurra (Comisario), C.P. Juan C. Salles Manuel (Comisario), C.P. ngel Bernardo Reyes Arias (Comisario), Lic. Jaime Eduardo Ortiz Pallares (Secretary), Sr. Jos Manuel Arroyo Castelazo, Sr. Ettore V. Biagioni, Sr. Carlos de Prada Flores, Sr. Luis Fernndez Gonzlez, Lic. Luis Benjamn Fernndez Prez, Sr. Luis Ramn Fernndez Prez, Sr. Luis Vicente Fernndez Prez, Sr. Juan Diego Gutirrez Cortina, Sr. Francisco Hernndez Gaxiola, Lic. Juan Lucena Maguire, Sr. Jos Antonio Rodrguez Cacho, Lic. Alejandro Rojas Domene, Sr. Jos Ramn Sainz Prez
Lic. Francisco Aguirre Gmez Presidente GRUPO RADIO CENTRO, S.A. DE C.V. (GRC) Constituyentes 1154, piso 7 Col. Lomas Altas 11950 Mxico, D.F. RFC GRC920714 CG2
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Maintenance Supplies.
Tel. 57 28 48 00 to 10 Ext. 4889, 4891 Fax 57 28 49 00 faguirre@grc.com.mx http://www.gruporadiocentro.com.mx Established 1946 NAICS 513112 Radio Stations
Mexican affiliates: Desarrollos Empresariales, S.A. de C.V.; Enlaces Troncales, S.A. de C.V.; Estacin Alfa, S.A. de C.V.; Inmobiliaria Radio Centro, S.A. de C.V.; Msica Msica Msica, S.A. de C.V.; Promo Red, S.A. de C.V.; Promotora de xitos, S.A. de C.V.; Promotora Tcnica de Servicios Profesionales, S.A. de C.V.; Publicidad y Promociones Internacionales, S.A. de C.V.; Radio Centro Publicidad, S.A. de C.V.; Radio Red, S.A. de C.V.; Radio Red-FM, S.A. de C.V.; Radiodifusin Red, S.A. de C.V.; Universal de Muebles e Inmuebles, S.A. de C.V.; XEDKR-AM, S.A. de C.V.; XEEST, S.A. de C.V.; XEJP, S.A. de C.V.; XEJP-FM, S.A. de C.V.; XEQR, S.A. de C.V.; XEQR-FM, S.A. de C.V.; XERC, S.A. de C.V.; XERC-FM, S.A. de C.V.; XESTN-AM, S.A. de C.V.; XHFO-FM, S.A. de C.V. Listed in the Mexican Stock Exchange and the New York Stock Exchange (American Depositary Receipts); ticker symbol: RCENTRO Board of Directors: Lic. Francisco Aguirre Gmez (Chairman), Lic. Mara Esther Aguirre Gmez (Vice-Chairman), Lic. Adriana Aguirre Gmez (Vice-Chairman), Sr. Alejandro Martnez Correro (Comisario), Lic. Alejandro Seplveda de la Fuente (Secretary), Sra. Ana Mara Aguirre Gmez, Lic. Carlos Aguirre Gmez, Sr. Jos Manuel Aguirre Gmez, Lic. Rafael Aguirre Gmez, C.P. Pedro Beltrn Nasr, Lic. Luis de la Fuente Baca, Lic. Jos Raymundo Leal Mrquez, Sr. Sergio Nio Mayaudn, Sr. Thomas Harold Raymond Moffet
Ing. Vctor Manuel Migulez Prieto Director General GRUPO ROCHE SYNTEX DE MXICO, S.A. DE C.V. Cda. de Bezares 9, piso 7 Col. Lomas de Bezares 11910 Mxico, D.F. RFC GRS960610 2P8
Tel. 52 58 50 00 Ext. 5190, 52 58 51 90 Fax 52 58 54 74 rita.castillo@roche.com http://www.roche.com Established 1996 NAICS 325412 Pharmaceutical Preparation Mfg
Sales range US $ 100-999 million a year Exports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Synthetic Hormones; Vitamins Premix; Naproxen Sodium; Naproxen HDA; Sulfoxan. Imports range US $ 100-999 million a year: Raw Materials for the Chemical Industry. Relations with: F Hoffmann-La Roche, Ltd. (Switzerland); Roche Holding (Switzerland) Mexican affiliates: Productos Roche, S.A. de C.V.; Syntex, S.A. de C.V.; Syntex Qumica, S.A. de C.V.
Ing. Eduardo Snchez Molina Director General GRUPO ROTOPLAS, S.A. DE C.V. Reforma 382, piso 2 Col. Jurez 06600 Mxico, D.F. RFC ROT780202 6ZA
Tel. 50 80 50 00 Ext. 210, 211, 50 80 50 03 Fax 55 11 50 40 esanchez@rotoplas.com.mx http://www.rotoplas.com.mx Established 1978 NAICS 326199 All Other Plastics Product Mfg
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Exports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Plastic Pieces. Imports range US $ 10-99 million a year: Polyethylene; Polypropylene. Mexican affiliates: Recursos Humanos Rotoplas, S.A. de C.V.; Rotoplas, S.A. de C.V.; Servicios Rotoplas, S.A. de C.V.
Sr. Guy Rolli Delegado General GRUPO SAINT-GOBAIN MXICO Horacio 1855-502 Col. Los Morales 11510 Mxico, D.F. RFC SGS950201 742
Tel. 52 79 16 01 Ext. 1615 Fax 52 79 16 99 guy.rolli@saint-gobain.com http://www.saint.gobain.com Established 1993 NAICS 327211 Flat Glass Mfg
Exports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Fiberglass Filament. Relations with: Saint-Gobain Sekurit International (France) Mexican affiliates: Saint-Gobain Abrasives de Mxico, S. de R.L. de C.V.; Sain Gobain Glass Mxico, S.A. de C.V.; Saint-Gobain Sekurit de Mxico, S.A. de C.V.; Saint-Gobain Technical Fabrics, S.A. de C.V.; Saint-Gobain Vetrotex Amrica, S.A. de C.V.
Sr. Isaac Assa Mizrahi Director General GRUPO SAINT MORIS, S.A. DE C.V. Prado Norte 305 Col. Lomas de Chapultepec 11000 Mxico, D.F. RFC GSM950331 918
Tel. 55 20 88 81 Fax 55 20 37 30 isaac@carnival-lenceria.com.mx http://www.carnivallingerie.com Established 1965 NAICS 315212 Women's/Girls'/Infants' Cut/Sew Apparel Contr
Exports range US $ 1-10 million a year Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Wire; Clasps; Embroideries (Laces); Hooks & Hangers; Eyelets; Fabrics.
Ing. No Pealoza Hernndez Director General GRUPO SANTA JULIA, S.A. DE C.V. Km. 98.750 Autop. Mxico-Puebla Santa Ana Xalmimilulco 74160 Huejotzingo, Pue. RFC GSJ831130 AB6
Tel. (248) 4 85 00 22, 4 85 00 88 Ext. 104 Fax (248) 4 85 01 49 santa-julia@compu-redes.net.mx http://www.santa-julia.com.mx Established 1983 NAICS 327122 Ceramic Wall & Floor Tile Mfg
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Exports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Construction Finishing Materials; Briquettes; Bricks. Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Furnace Components. Mexican affiliates: Adhesivos y Sanitarios Santa Julia, S.A. de C.V.; Agua Purificada Santa Julia, S.A. de C.V.; Autotransportes Especializados, S.A. de C.V.; Cermica Santa Julia, S.A. de C.V.; Santa Julia de Puebla, S.A. de C.V.
C.P. Sergio Gonzlez Cortina Director General GRUPO SECRITAS MXICO, S.A. DE C.V. Hidalgo Pte. 1911, piso 3 Col. Obispado 64060 Monterrey, N.L. RFC GSM930817 U48
Tel. (81) 81 22 62 00 Ext. 6201, 6202, 81 22 62 02 & 01 Fax (81) 81 22 62 03 Mexico City: 55 43 32 82 sergio.gonzalez@securitas.com.mx http://www.securitas.com.mx Established 1993 NAICS 561612 Security Guards & Patrol Services
Ing. Luis Garca Limn Director General GRUPO SIMEC, S.A. DE C.V. Lzaro Crdenas 601, piso 1 Zona Industrial, Col. La Nogalera 44440 Guadalajara, Jal. RFC GSI900822 R72
Tel. (33) 10 57 57 57 Ext. 5781, 10 57 57 53 Fax (33) 10 57 57 16 Mexico City: 53 10 25 59 lgarcia@gruposimec.com.mx Established 1969 NAICS 331316 Aluminum Extruded Product Mfg NAICS 332312 Fabricated Structural Metal Mfg
Sales range US $ 100-999 million a year Exports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Steel Products, such as structural & commercial profiles; Aluminum Products, such as structural & commercial profiles; Steel Bars; Grinding Balls; Storage Racks; Aluminum Profiles. Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Scrap 99.7% Aluminum; Machinery; Technical Assistance. Foreign offices: Houston, TX (USA). Mexican affiliates: Compaa Siderrgica de California, S.A. de C.V.; Consorcio Internacional; Disalum; Diseos y Construcciones Industriales y Comerciales, S.A.; Estral, S.A. de C.V.; Industrias del Acero y del Alambre, S.A. de C.V.; Simec Moly-Cop, S.A. de C.V. Listed in the Mexican Stock Exchange and AMEX (American Depositary Receipts); ticker symbol: SIMEC Board of Directors: Ing. Rufino Vigil Gonzlez (Chairman), C.P. Humberto Valdez Mier (Comisario), Lic. Jos Luis Rico Maciel (Secretary), Lic. Gerardo Arturo Avendao Guzmn, C.P. Arturo Prez Trejo, Sr. Eduardo Vigil Gonzlez, Lic. Ral Vigil Gonzlez
Lic. Arturo Torres Zepeda Director General GRUPO SINAM, S.A. DE C.V. Y SUBSIDIARIAS Blvd. Jos Teniente Azueta s/n Recinto Portuario 22800 Ensenada, B.C.N. RFC INC900307 3N2
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Mexican affiliates: Grupo Sidek, S.A. de C.V.
Tel. (646) 1 78 19 01 to 03 Ext. 124 Fax (646) 1 78 19 01 to 03 Ext. 117 Mexico City: 57 26 12 51 inc@telnor.net angie_juarez@hotmail.com http://www.indnaval.com Established 1993 NAICS 336611 Ship Building & Repairing
Srita. Mari Carmen Basurto Garca Rojas Directora General GRUPO SITEL DE MXICO, S.A. DE C.V. Ro Churubusco y Av. Ail s/n, PB Col. Granjas Mxico 08400 Mxico, D.F. RFC GSM980302 DJ3
Tel. 51 33 33 00 Ext. 4710, 51 33 33 06 Fax 51 33 33 09 http://www.sitel.com.mx Established 1995 NAICS 561422 Telemarketing Bureaus
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Relations with: AT&T (USA); Banco Santander (Colombia) Mexican affiliates: Corporacin Interamericana de Entretenimiento, S.A. de C.V.; Sitel Corporation
Sr. Jess Elizondo Trevio Director General GRUPO SOLAR, S.A. DE C.V. Masaryk 490, piso 1 Col. Polanco Chapultepec 11560 Mxico, D.F. RFC GSO850624 SF7
Tel. 52 81 25 73, 52 81 30 86, 52 81 31 70 Ext. 125 Fax 52 81 19 88 gruposolar@prodigy.net.mx http//:www.gruposolar.com Established 1958 NAICS 332321 Metal Window & Door Mfg
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year Exports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Steel. Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Iron Alloys. Mexican affiliates: Acero Solar, S.A. de C.V.; Alambres Astro, S.A. de C.V.; Inmuebles Industriales Solar, S.A. de C.V.