Writing Task 1 Words

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Expressing the Movement of a Line



Adjectives Dramatic Sharp Huge Enormous Steep Substantial Considerable Significant Marked Moderate Slight Small Minimal

Adverbs dramatically sharply hugely enormously steeply substantially considerably significantly markedly moderately slightly minimally

Rise (to) a rise Increase (to) an increase Go up to Grow (to) growth Climb (to) a climb Boom a boom Peak (at) (reach) a peak (at) Fall (to) a fall (of) Decline (to) a decline (of) Decrease (to) a decrease (of) Dip (to) a dip (of) Drop (to) a drop (of) Go down (to) Reduce (to) a reduction (of) a slump

Expressing a degree of change well over just over approximately almost less than well under

Level out a leveling out Remain stable (at) Remain steady (at) Stay (at) Stay constant (at) Maintain the same level

a quarter half a third x%

Describing the Speed of a Change

Adjectives Rapid Quick Swift Sudden Steady Gradual Slow

Adverbs rapidly quickly swiftly suddenly steadily gradually slowly

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