M.sc. (IT) - Part I Practical List

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(Information Technology) Part I Paper I Section I Simulation and Modeling Practical List
1. Aim: To Implement a Single Server queuing problem using EXCEL / C Description: Given the interarrival and service time distributions, the problem is to generate simulation table for 20 customers and find the following. a) Average waiting time b) Average service Time. c) Probability of Idle server d) Average time customer spent in the system. Aim: To Implement a two server system using EXCEL / C. Description: Given the interarrival and service time distributions for two servers the problem is to generate simulation table for a period of one hour and find the following. a) Average service time for Able b) Average service Time for Baker. c) Average waiting Time. Example: Able Baker Aim: To Implement a Newspaper seller problem. Description: Given the probability distributions of number of newspapers on demand and the type of the newspaper, the problem is to generate simulation table for 20 days and find the optimal number of newspapers to purchase. Example: Simulate the table for 60, 70 and 80 newspapers daily. Aim: To stimulate a reliability problem. Description: Given the life time distribution and the delay time distribution of 3 bearings, simulate the table for 20000 hours with two strategies. Change the bearings when there is a breakdown which is the current strategy. Compare this strategy with the proposed one where all the bearings are changed when there is a even single breakdown. 5. Aim: To Simulate squadron of bombers attempting to destroy an ammunition depot using Monte Carlo method. Description: The problem is to simulate the operation by giving random coordinate values and to find whether it is a hit or a miss and make statement about the number of bombs on target.





Aim: Simulate the following discrete distribution Description: 1. Program to find the probability mass function (pmf)p(X),meanE(X) and varianceV(X), for the Bernoulli distribution. Accept the probability of success p, the probability of failure q, no of trials n from the user and display the value of pmf. 2. Program to find the probability mass function (pmf)p(X),meanE(X) and varianceV(X), for the Binomial distribution. Accept the probability of success p, the probability of failure q, no of trials n from the user and display the value of pmf. 3. Program to find the probability mass function (pmf)p(X),meanE(X) and varianceV(X), for the Geometric distribution. Accept the probability of success p, the probability of failure q, no of trials n from the user and display the value of pmf. 4. Program to find the probability mass function (pmf)p(X),meanE(X) and varianceV(X), for the Poisson distribution. Accept the mean and variance from the user and display the value of pmf also find the cumulative Poisson distribution table. Find the pmf, expectation and variance in case of discrete distribtutions Aim : Simulate the following continuous distribution Description: 1. Program to find probability distribution function (PDF) and cumulative distribution function (CDF) for Uniform distribution accept parameters a and b from the user for the random variable X which is distributed uniformly between a and b. 2. Program to find probability distribution function (pdf) and cumulative distribution function (cdf) for Exponential distribution accept the parameters of distribution. 3. Program to find probability distribution function (pdf) and cumulative distribution function (cdf) for Gamma distribution. 4. Program to find probability distribution function (pdf) and cumulative distribution function (cdf) for Weibull distribution. 5. Program to find probability distribution function (pdf) and cumulative distribution function (cdf) for Normal distribution. 6. Program to find probability distribution function (pdf) and cumulative distribution function (cdf) for Triangular distribution. 7. Program to find probability distribution function (pdf) and cumulative distribution function (cdf) for Erlang distribution. Find the pdf, cdf, expectation and variance in case of continuous distributions. If pdf is not known, find the cdf.



To generate random numbers and random variates a) Aim: To generate random numbers using linear congruential method Description: Generate the random numbers using the formula Xi+1 = (aXi + c) mod m b) Aim : To generate random numbers using multiplicative congruential method Description : Generate the random numbers using the formula Wi = aXi mod m

c) Aim : To generate random variates using Inverse Transform Technique Description : 1) Exponential Distribution: F(x) = 1-e

Where x>=0 and find F 2) Uniform Distribution F(x) = x-a


(u) = - ln (1-u)

/ b-a = R X = a+(b-a)R

d) Aim : To generate random variates using Acceptance- Rejection Technique Description : Using Poisson distribution , compute e- and generate sequence of random numbers. Follow the steps of acceptance rejection technique. 9. Testing of Random Numbers a) Aim : To test the uniformity of the random numbers using frequency test Description : Use the chi-square test with level of significance = 0.05 to test whether the random numbers generated (given as input) are uniform or not k

Xo^2 = (Oi -Ei)^2/Ei i=1

Where Oi is the observed frequency of the ith class interval and Ei is the expected frequency in that class interval. The expected frequency for each class interval is computed as Ei=npi, where pi is the theoretical, hypothesized probability associated with the ith class interval.

b) Aim : To test the uniformity of the random numbers using Runs Ups and Runs Down as well as Runs Above and Below Mean Runs Ups and Downs have the mean and variance as a = 2N 1 / 3 , 2a = 16N 29 / 90 Z0 = a- a / a Runs above and below mean has the mean and variance as b = 2n1n2/N + 1 / 2 , 2a = 2n1n2(2n1n2 N) / N2(N-1) Z0 = b - b / sqrt(2a) c) Aim : To test the uniformity of the random numbers using Autocorrelation Description : Test the hypothesis to accept or reject by finding the

Z0 = im / im
d) Aim : To test the uniformity of the random numbers using Pokers test Description : 1. Find the probability that the individual numbers can all be different 2. Find the probability that the individual numbers can all be the same. 3. Find the probability that there can be one pair of like digits 10. Aim : To perform goodness of fit test using Kolmogorov Smirnov Description: The distribution of the chi-square test statistics is known only approximately , and the power of the test is sometimes rather low. As a result of these considerations , goodness-of fit tests , other than the chi square , are desired . The Kolmogorov Smirnov test formalizes the idea behind examining a q-q plot. The Kolmogorov Smirnov test is particularly useful when sample sizes are small and when no parameters have been estimated from the data. When parameter estimates have been made , the critical values are biased ; in particular , they are too conservative. In this context conservative means that the critical values will be too large , resulting in smaller Type I (alpha) errors than those specified . The exact values of alpha can be determined in some instances. The Kolmogorov-Smirnov test does not take any special tables when an exponential distribution is assumed.

M.Sc.(Information Technology) Part I Paper I Section II Programming with Components (COM/DCOM) Practical List 1. Create a DLL in VC++ environment and Test it in VC++. a) DLL for factorial of a given number b) DLL for Reverse Number i) Build a COM object in Visual Basic and Test it in VB. ii) Build a COM object in Visual Basic and Test it in ASP. a) Reverse string and number b) Number Palindrome etc. i) Create ATL (ActiveX Template Library) COM using ATL COM Appwizard and integrate it in VB ii) Create ATL (ActiveX Template Library) COM using ATL COM Appwizard and integrate it in ASP. a) Calculator (Add(),Mul(),Sub() etc.) b) Armstrong Number Create a COM in VC++ and Use it in C++. a) Square Method b) Cube Method Create a DLL in Vb.Net test it in Visual Basic Create a bean component and Test it in JSP. Implement the native method interface using JAVA and C++ [Java Native Interface]. a) Find the Factorial of a given number. b) Check the given year is Leap or not. Write a CORBA application from Java to Java. a) Factorial b) Reverse create a com in Vb.Net & test it in Vb.net Create a component in ASP.net/ Vb.net & test it in ASP application




5. 6. 7.


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References: Essential COM, Don Box, Pearson Education. Inside COM using Microsoft, Microsoft Edition.

M.Sc.(Information Technology) Part I Paper II Section I Mobile Communications Practical List

1 2 Write a program to use diffetent GUI Controls on mobile. Write a ticker program to continuously scroll a data message on the mobile screen. Write a program to access data from a specific URL. The Stream Connection is used to connect the application to the specific url by Airtime (connect to the internet). Write a program to read the contents of a file. Write a program to record data and print it on the console. Introduction to mobile toolkit and Study of WML tags<access>, <card>, <head>, <meta>, <template>, <wml> , <!-->, <br>, <p>, <table>, <td>, <tr>, <b>, <big> , <em>, <i>, <small>, <strong>, <u>, <a> <anchor> , <img> 7. Study of WML event, task, input and variable elements: <do>, <onevent>, <postfield>, <go>, <noop>, <prev>, <refresh>, <fieldset>, <input>, <optgroup>, <option>, <select> <setvar>, <timer> 8. Integration of WML with ASP or JSP. Design a simple application with WML and ASP or JSP. (non-database) 9. Integration of WML with ASP / JSP and Database. Design a simple database application using WML and ASP or JSP to retrieve records from database and update the records. 10. Design a simple m-commerce Application using VS 2008/J2ME. (Example: Application involving Simple accounting principles like money transfer from one to other account)

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M.Sc.(Information Technology) Part I Paper II Section II Advanced Computer Networking Practical List

2. 3 4 5

Study of the following TCP/IP utilities in detail: Diagnostic commands: arp,hostname,ipconfig,lpq,nbtstat, netstat,ping,route, and tracert Connectivity commands: finger,ftp,lpr,rcp,rexec,rsh,telnet, and tftp Setting up VPN based remote access. Remote Machine event handling Creating and Configuring a Server Cluster under Windows / LINUX Study of different transmission media: UTP, Co-axial cables, RJ-45 connectors, BNC connectors, terminators, Switch, connecting networks using these. Optical fibres. Implementation of POP3 Client on Windows / Linux. Implementation of SMTP Client on Windows / Linux. Implementation of FTP Client on Windows / Linux. Design of Simple Instant Messenger. Simulating Routing techniques

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M.Sc.(Information Technology) Part I Paper III Section I

Image Processing

Practical List
No te: 1. All th e p r acti cal can be d on e in C, Java or M at l ab 2. Th e us e o f b ui lt-i n fun cti on s in i m ag e pr o ce ssi ng to ol bo x i n M atl ab e x ce pt t he foll o wi ng i s n ot al l ow ed. Im sh o w, I mre ad , I m dil ate , I m ero de 3. Th e u se o f all ot her b uil t -i n fun ct io ns fo r m atr ix op er at io ns an d m ath e m at i cal op er ati on s are al l ow ed. 4. Use 24 bi t b mp i m age s or i m age m atr ices as i np ut to all t he pr og r ams.

Write a program to apply transformations on geometric objects. Translation Rotation Scaling Write a program for drawing output primitives. Mid point circle algorithm Bresenham line algorithm Image enhancement Thresholding Contrast adjustment Brightness adjustment Gray level slicing Basic Transformations Log transformation Power law transformation Negation

2 A B C D 3 A B C

Different Filters (LPF,HPF, Lapalcian, LOG etc.) To generate mask for LOG use the following formula.

Write a program to apply a mask on the image. a. Accept the size of mask from the user. b. Check whether the mask is of odd size. c. The program should work for any high pass and low pass mask. d. Check the sum of all the elements of the mask. For low pass filter the sum should be one and zero for high pass filter. e. Compare the output for different size of masks. Write a program to plot a Histogram. Write a program to apply Histogram equalization Write a program to apply Gaussian filter on a gray level image. a. Write a code to generate a Gaussian mask and then apply the mask on the image. b. Accept the size of mask and the sigma value from the user to generate a mask. c. Use the following formula to generate Gaussian mask.

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Apply following morphological operations on the image: a. Opening b. Closing c. Morphological gradient d. Top-hat transformation Write a program for boundary detection. Write a program to Apply DFT on image matrix

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M.Sc.(Information Technology) Part I Paper III Section II Speech Recognition Practical List
1 a) Aim To generate basic function Description :-Write a program to generate basic functions such as Unit Impulse Signal Unit Step Signal Generate Ramp Signal Exponential Sequence Generate Sine Sequence Cos Sequence b) Aim:- To Read the .wav file , Plot the graph and play the file Aim :- To perform convolution and co-relation operations on the given sequences 1D-Linear convolution 2D- Linear convolution Circular Convolution 2D-Cross-correlation and Auto-Correlation Description:-Accept the input sequence x= [ ], impulse response h= [ ] .Plot the graphs for all the above operations and display the output sequence value. Aim:-Apply a low pass filter on the signal Description:-Accept the sampling frequency, order of the filter. Generate a sine signal and use it as input. Create FIR low pass filter with hamming window. Plot the magnitude response and the phase response of the filter .Plot the o/p response of the filter Aim: Apply a high pass filter on the signal Description:-- Accept the sampling frequency ,order of the filter. Generate a sine signal and use it as input. Create FIR high pass filter with hamming window. Plot the magnitude response and the phase response of the filter. .Plot the o/p response of the filter Aim:- The demonstration of the spectrogram, narrowband or wideband. Description: - Define the parameters such as time window, sampling frequency for narrowband and wide band .Use function specgram or spectrogram to plot the spectrogram. a) Aim: - To demonstrate representation of speech in the frequency domain. Description:-Read the raw data by opening the file in the read mode or by using the function readsph ().Window the signal with hamming and apply Fast Fourier Transform. Plot the spectrum.



a) Aim- To Perform Short-Time Speech Measurements, Short-Time energy calculation Description :Short-Time energy is a simple short-time speech measurement. It is defined as:

A sentence stored in SPHERE format is read. Use the function of voice box. Apply Hamming window. Perform framing & windowing. b) Aim: To Perform Short-Time Speech Measurements, Average Magnitude calculation Description: - Average magnitude function defined as

Apply hamming window. Calculate the average magnitude. Plot the graph. a) Aim: - To perform Short-Time Speech Measurements, Short-Time Autocorrelation, Varying Window Length Description:-Short-time autocorrelation is defined as

And is actually the autocorrelation of a windowed speech segment. .Use the rectangular window. b) Aim :-Short-Time Speech Measurements, Short-Time Autocorrelation, Voiced and Unvoiced Speech Description:-Write a program to demonstrate autocorrelation of the voiced speech and unvoiced speech. Plot the graph for the same. Aim:-- To demonstrate Linear Prediction by Autocorrelation method Description:- Write a program to demonstrate Linear predictive analysis of speech.. The autocorrelation method assumes that the signal is identically zero outside the analysis interval (0<=m<=N-1). Then it tries to minimize the prediction error wherever it is nonzero, that is in the interval 0<=m<=N-1+p, where p is the order of the model used. Perform windowing on the signal. Use LPC function of matlab.Plot the corresponding graphs.


Aim: To analyze the Hidden Markov Model Description:- Write a program to analyze the Hidden Markov Model For e.g. Consider a Markov model with two states and six possible emissions. The model uses: * A red die, having six sides, labeled 1 through 6. * A green die, having twelve sides, five of which are labeled 2 through 6, while the remaining seven sides are labeled 1. * A weighted red coin, for which the probability of heads is .9 and the probability of tails is .1. * A weighted green coin, for which the probability of heads is .95 and the probability of tails is .05.

M.Sc.(Information Technology) Part I Paper IV Section I Data Warehousing and Data Mining Practical List
1. Developing SQL Server Data warehouse from foodmart.mdb using DTS package. 2. Implement the ETL process and create the OLAP cubes. And also retrieve the data from the OLAP cubes using MDX Sample Application. [Hint: Assume any of the sample database] Concept: Integrate the data from different database sources like; excel, access and SQL . Apply the ETL process through DTS package. Design the cube and apply the MDX application queries. 3. Implement K-nearest neighbor technique to demonstrate prediction and analysis under XLMiner/SPSS. Concept: In k-nearest-neighbor prediction, the training data set is used to predict the value of a variable of interest for each member of a "target" data set. The structure of the data is that there is a variable of interest ("amount purchased," for example), and a number of additional predictor variables (age, income, location...). The algorithm is as follows: 1. For each row (case) in the target data set (the set to be predicted), locate the k closest members (the k nearest neighbors) of the training data set. A Euclidean Distance measure is used to calculate how close each member of the training set is to the target row that is being examined. 2. Find the weighted sum of the variable of interest for the k nearest neighbors (the weights are the inverse of the distances). 3. Repeat this procedure for the remaining rows (cases) in the target set.

4. Implement Decision Tree algorithm to demonstrate the concept of classification using XLMiner/SPSS. Concept: Classification tree labels records and assigns them to discrete classes. Classification tree can also provide the measure of confidence that the classification is correct. Classification tree is built through a process known as binary recursive partitioning. This is an iterative process of splitting the data into partitions, and then splitting it up further on each of the branches.

5. Implement K-Nearest Neighbour algorithm to demonstrate the concept of classification using XLMiner/SPSS. Concept: In k-nearest-neighbor classification, the training dataset is used to classify each member of a "target" dataset. The structure of the data is that there is a classification (categorical) variable of interest ("buyer," or "nonbuyer," for example), and a number of additional predictor variables (age, income, location...). The algorithm is as follows: i. For each row (case) in the target dataset (the set to be classified), locate the k closest members (the k nearest neighbors) of the training dataset. A Euclidean Distance measure is used to calculate how close each member of the training set is to the target row that is being examined. ii. Examine the k nearest neighbors - which classification (category) do most of them belong to? Assign this category to the row being examined. iii. Repeat this procedure for the remaining rows (cases) in the target set.

6. Implement the hierarchical clustering method to demonstrate the Data Reduction and Exploration using XLMiner. Concepts: Cluster Analysis, also called data segmentation, has a variety of goals. All relate to grouping or segmenting a collection of objects (also called observations, individuals, cases, or data rows) into subsets or "clusters", such that those within each cluster are more closely related to one another than objects assigned to different clusters. Central to all of the goals of cluster analysis is the notion of degree of similarity (or dissimilarity) between the individual objects being clustered. In hierarchical clustering the data are not partitioned into a particular cluster in a single step. Instead, a series of partitions takes place, which may run from a single cluster containing all objects to n clusters each containing a single object. Hierarchical Clustering is subdivided into agglomerative methods, which proceed by series of fusions of the n objects into groups, and divisive methods, which separate n objects successively into finer groupings. 7. Demonstrate data partitioning using standard portioning technique using XLMiner/SPSS. Concepts: Most data mining projects use large volumes of data. Before building a model, typically you partition the data using a partition utility. Partitioning yields mutually exclusive datasets: a training dataset, a validation dataset and a test dataset. The training dataset is used to train or build a model. To get a more realistic estimate of how the model would perform with unseen data, you need to set aside a part of the original data and not use it in the training process. This dataset is known as the validation dataset. After

fitting the model on the training dataset, you should test its performance on the validation dataset. The validation dataset is often used to fine-tune models. The portion of data which is used neither in training nor in validation corresponds to set is known as the test dataset. The accuracy of the model on the test data gives a realistic estimate of the performance of the model on completely unseen data.

8. Demonstrate and implement classification using Bayes Theorem under XLMiner/SPSS. Concept: Let X be the data record (case) whose class label is unknown. Let H be some hypothesis, such as "data record X belongs to a specified class C." For classification, we want to determine P (H|X) -- the probability that the hypothesis H holds, given the observed data record X. P (H|X) is the posterior probability of H conditioned on X. For example, the probability that a fruit is an apple, given the condition that it is red and round. In contrast, P(H) is the prior probability, or apriori probability, of H. In this example P(H) is the probability that any given data record is an apple, regardless of how the data record looks. The posterior probability, P (H|X), is based on more information (such as background knowledge) than the prior probability, P(H), which is independent of X. Similarly, P (X|H) is posterior probability of X conditioned on H. That is, it is the probability that X is red and round given that we know that it is true that X is an apple. P(X) is the prior probability of X, i.e., it is the probability that a data record from our set of fruits is red and round. Bayes theorem is useful in that it provides a way of calculating the posterior probability, P(H|X), from P(H), P(X), and P(X|H). Bayes theorem is P (H|X) = P(X|H) P(H) / P(X)

9. Design a program for implementing the concept of text mining Concept: Search the text in the given file from the disk, And check the appearance of the text and other symbols in the given file. 10. Design a program for implementing page ranking Concept: Search the text in all the files and rank the files as per the weight age of the page.

M.Sc.(Information Technology) Part I Paper IV Section II

Advanced Database Management System

Practical List

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Horizontal fragmentation of database. Vertical fragmentation of database Creating Replica of database. Create Temporal Database. Inserting and retrieving multimedia objects in database (Image / Audio / Video). Implement Active database using PL/SQL. OODBMS Application Implement and retrieve records from a Spatial Database Create an XML Application using database and any programming language (Java / VB.NET ASP.NET, C#-ASP.NET). Prolog programming.


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