Castl Lesson Study
Castl Lesson Study
Castl Lesson Study
If you want to improve instruction, what could be more obvious than collaborating with fellow teachers to plan, observe, and reflect on lessons? Catherine Lewis, 2002
If you want to build pedagogical knowledge, what could be more obvious than collaborating with fellow teachers to design and study lessons? Cerbin & Kopp, 2006
CASTL Colloquium 2006
The College Lesson Study Project is the first effort to adapt lesson study practices to college teaching in a range of disciplines.
Participation 2006
16 campuses
UW-Green Bay UW-La Crosse UW-Madison UW-Milwaukee UW-Oshkosh UW-Platteville UW-River Falls UW-Stevens Point UW-Stout
Involvement by Discipline/Field
Accountancy Agriculture Apparel & Communication Technologies Biology Communication Studies Economics Education English Geology/Geography History Human Development Humanistic Studies Library Mathematics Management Music Nursing Pharmaceutical Sciences Philosophy Political Science Psychology Public & Environmental Affairs Reading Education Recreation Theatre Arts Urban & Regional Studies
Profile of Participants
Recent poll of 22 current teams (89 instructors) Gender: 49 females and 40 males Rank: 29 assistant, 25 associate, 21 full, 5 instructors,
4 retired/emeriti
PEDAGOGICAL KNOWLEDGE BASE practical and accessible teaching & learning materials focused on student learning
Storable Shareable Verifiable,
subject to replication and peer review
concrete, specific, contextualized
(content knowledge, pedagogical knowledge, and pedagogical content knowledge)
Practitioner Knowledge
Professional Knowledge
principled, informed, theoretical, scholarly
A Comprehensive Approach
Easy to get started
A Lesson
Easy for other teachers to adapt
Collaborative inquiry
Backward design Developing and capturing PCK Embodies full complexity of T & L Reflective practice Local and regional communities of teaching practice
Familiar genre
A Study
Focused on student learning Systematic and evidence based UNIT OF PRACTICE = UNIT OF ANALYSIS
Lesson study provides a practical, integrated, and progressive model for professional pedagogical knowledge building across the disciplines. Community building + knowledge building = Capacity building We plan to use KEEP Toolkit to help develop a database of lesson studies.
More Information
Lesson Study Project website, guide, resources, and gallery: KEEP Toolkit: Dr. Bill Cerbin, Director of the Lesson Study Project ( Dr. Bryan Kopp, Associate Director of the Lesson Study Project (
CASTL Colloquium 2006