Mae 510: Final Exam Unlimited Time: Due A Week From Start Time Question #1

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m1 is allowed to move without friction on a horizontal plane (both horizontal translations and rotation around the vertical are allowed) as shown below. Inside the cart is a helical frictionless groove of radius R in which a particle of mass m2 is allowed to move. The equation of the helix is z = z0 a where is the angle pointing to the particle (see below) in radians and a / 2 is the pitch of the helix, i.e. the vertical drop achieved after one rotation. With gravity acting down, write all necessary equations of motion to predict the position of the cart and of the particle.

Question #2: The two identical linkages AB and BC shown below are hinged to one another at their common point B. The end A is restricted to move in a frictionless slot but is connected to its end by a spring of stiffness k which is undeformed when A is at the end of the slot. The motion of the system is constrained by the stop S that the linkages BC stays in contact with, yet relative motion of the linkage with respect to the stop can occur, i.e. the linkage BC can slide (without friction) along the stop while remaining in contact with it. With gravity as shown, write all equations to describe the motion of the system. The linkages have mass m, appropriate moments of inertia I (specify), and length L.

Question #3: An amusement park attraction consists of a pendulum arm pinned at point O. To induce the swinging of the arm, a fan is installed at mid-span of the pendulum which is subjected to a torque T. The axis of rotation of the fan is perpendicular to the arm but in the vertical plane. The rotation of the fan creates aerodynamics forces F parallel to the axis of the fan and acting on the tips of the fan blade. It is desired to assess the safety of this attraction when an earthquake occurs. Such an event is modeled by forcing the support of the pendulum to experience given translational accelerations in the three directions x, y, and z as shown below. Further, the fan blade is modeled by a prismatic bar pinned at its physical center which is coincident with its center of mass (i.e. the fan is balanced). Neglecting any deformation of the frame, write the equations of motion necessary to position the arm and the fan blade.

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