The Language For France Is French

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The language for France is french.

Paris is a capital of France Is a very important city.

The colors of the flag

White , blue and red are the colors at flag of France.

Where are France in Europe ?

France is in west of Europe. France boundaries Spain, Germany , Italy , Luxemburg and Ocean Atlantic.

Seas, rivers and mountains.

The most important river is Sena cross a long Paris. The most important mountains are Alps French. There are sea of Buy, sea of English Channel and Mediterrean sea.

What the weather like in France ?

In winter usually, it is cold and sunny or cold and cloudy. In summer usually it is hot and sunny or hot and cloudy. In spring usually it is sunny, cloudy and hot. In autumn usually it is cloudy, sunny and cold.

The very important city are Paris and Toluse. The classical food is Quiche. The especial event is 14 of July.

Napoleon was a leader of the first empire of France.

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