ME189 Chapter 1
ME189 Chapter 1
ME189 Chapter 1
Textbook: MEMS and Microsystems: design , manufacture, and nanoscale engineering, 2nd Edition, by Tai-Ran Hsu, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey, 2008
(ISBN 978-0-470-08301-7)
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Overview of MEMS and Microsystems Working Principles of Microsystems Engineering Science for Microsystems Design and Fabrications Engineering Mechanics for Microsystems Design Thermofluid Engineering and Microsystems Design Scaling Laws in Miniaturization Materials for MEMS and Microsystems
Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Microsystems Fabrication Processes Overview of Micromanufacturing Microsystems Design Assembly, Packaging, and Testing of Microsystems Introduction to Nanoscale Engineering
Hsu 2008
MEMS = MicroElectroMechanical System
Any engineering system that performs electrical and mechanical functions with components in micrometers is a MEMS. (1 m = 1/10 of human hair) Available MEMS products include: Micro sensors (acoustic wave, biomedical, chemical, inertia, optical, pressure, radiation, thermal, etc.) Micro actuators (valves, pumps and microfluidics; electrical and optical relays and switches; grippers, tweezers and tongs; linear and rotary motors, etc.) Read/write heads in computer storage systems. Inkjet printer heads. Micro device components (e.g., palm-top reconnaissance aircrafts, mini robots and toys, micro surgical and mobile telecom equipment, etc.)
Micro Cars
(Courtesy of Denso Research Laboratories, Denso Corporation, Aichi, Japan)
Rice grains
MINIATURIAZATION The Principal Driving Force for the 21st Century Industrial Technology
There has been increasing strong market demand for: Intelligent, Robust, Multi-functional,
market demand
industrial products.
Market Demand for Intelligent, Robusting, Smaller, Multi-Functional Products - the evolution of cellular phones
Mobil phones 10 Years Ago: Current State-of-the Art:
Size reduction
Palm-top Wireless PC
The only solution is to pack many miniature function components into the device
Nanotechnology (NT)
(0.1 nm 0. 1 m)**
Inspired by Richard Feynman in 1959, with active R&D began in around 1995 There is a long way to building nano devices!
$1 trillion by Year 2015 (US National Science Foundation) An enormous opportunity for manufacturing industry!! There has been colossal amount of research funding to NT by governments of industrialized countries around the world b/c of this enormous potential.
MEMS Products
MEMS as a Microsensor:
Power Supply
Input Signal
Transduction Unit
Output Signal
Power Supply
Output Action
Transduction Unit
Components of Microsystems
Power Supply
Components are in micrometers with complex geometry using silicon, si-compounds and polymers:
25 m
Waste Reservoir,B
Silicon Substrate
Work on the principle of driving capillary fluid flow by applying electric voltages at the terminals at the reservoirs.
Micro Sensors:
Acoustic wave sensors Biomedical and biosensors Chemical sensors Optical sensors Pressure sensors Stress sensors Thermal sensors
Microsystems = sensors + actuators + signal transduction: Microfluidics, e.g. Capillary Electrophoresis (CE) Microaccelerometers (inertia sensors)
Transduction unit
Measurements or Actions
Evolution of Microfabrication
There is no machine tool with todays technology can produce any device or MEMS component of the size in the micrometer scale (or in mm sizes). The complex geometry of these minute MEMS components can only be produced by various physical-chemical processes the microfabrication techniques originally developed for producing integrated circuit (IC) components.
Significant technological development towards miniaturization was initiated with the invention of transistors by three Nobel Laureates, W. Schockley, J. Bardeen and W.H. Brattain of Bell Laboratories in 1947. This crucial invention led to the development of the concept of integrated circuits (IC) in 1955, and the production of the first IC three years later by Jack Kilby of Texas Instruments. ICs have made possible for miniaturization of many devices and engineering systems in the last 50 years. The invention of transistors is thus regarded as the beginning of the 3rd Industrial Revolution in human civilization.
Electrical Engineering Power supply Electric systems for electrohydrodynamics and signal transduction Electric circuit design Integration of MEMS and CMOS
Materials Engineering Materials for substrates & package Materials for signal mapping and transduction Materials for fabrication processes
BioMEMS IT MEMS for Telecommunication: (OptoMEMS and RF MEMS)
Principal Sensors
(7) (4) (3) (6)(1)
Unit: $million
Concluding Remarks
1. Miniaturization of machines and devices is an inevitable trend in technological development in the new century. 2. There is a clear trend that microsystems technology will be further scaled down to the nano level. (1 nm = 10-3 m = 10 shoulder-to-shoulder H2 atoms). 3. Despite the fact that many microelectronics technologies can be used to fabricate silicon-based MEMS components, microsystems engineering requires the application of principles involving multidisciplines in science and engineering. 4. Team effort involving multi-discipline of science and engineering is the key to success for any MEMS industry.
End of Chapter 1