Editing, Extruding, and Revolving Sketches: Learning Objectives
Editing, Extruding, and Revolving Sketches: Learning Objectives
Editing, Extruding, and Revolving Sketches: Learning Objectives
Editing is a very important part of sketching in any design or manufacturing program. You need to edit the sketches during various stages of a design. NX provides you with a number of tools that can be used to edit the sketched entities. These tools are discussed next.
To trim the entities, invoke the Trim tool and move the cursor over the portion to be trimmed; it will be highlighted in purple. Click to trim the highlighted portion. You will again be prompted to click on the entity to be trimmed. After trimming all the entities, press ESC to exit this tool. To trim multiple entities, press and hold the left mouse button down and drag the cursor over all the entities to be trimmed; all the selected entities will be highlighted in purple. Now, release the left mouse button; all the highlighted entities will be trimmed. Figure 4-3 shows multiple entities being trimmed by dragging the cursor and Figure 4-4 shows multiple entities being extended by dragging the cursor. NX also allows you to select a sketched entity as the knife edge and then trim the other entities using this cutting edge. You can do this by pressing and holding the CTRL key down and selecting an edge. This edge will now become the knife edge and you can trim other entities that intersect it.
Similar to trimming, you can also extend multiple entities by pressing and holding the left mouse button down and dragging the cursor over them.
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This tool enables you to create mirrored copies of the selected sketched entities. Before invoking this tool, you need to draw a line that will be the mirror line. This line will be converted into a reference line after the mirror operation is completed. To mirror the sketched entities, invoke this tool; the Mirror Sketch dialog box will be displayed, as shown in Figure 4-7. The Mirror Centerline button is chosen by default in this dialog box. You will be prompted to select a mirror centerline.
Figure 4-7 The Mirror Sketch dialog box After you select the mirror line, choose the Mirror Geometry button and select the entities to be mirrored. Next, choose the Apply button; the entities will be mirrored and the mirror line will be converted into the centerline. Figure 4-8 shows the mirror line and the entities to be selected for mirroring and Figure 4-9 shows the sketch after mirroring the entities. The mirror line is automatically converted into a reference line after mirroring.
Tip. After mirroring, if you select and drag any entity from the original portion of the sketch, the same change will also be reflected dynamically in its mirrored portion. However, this relationship is removed if you delete the mirror centerline.
If you select the Confirm Upon Apply check box and then choose the Apply button, the Confirm Upon Apply dialog box will be displayed, as shown in Figure 4-10.
Figure 4-10 The Confirm Upon Apply dialog box If you are not satisfied with the mirror, choose the Back button to return to the Mirror Sketch dialog box. Otherwise, choose the OK button; the entities will be mirrored and the Mirror Sketch dialog box will be redisplayed. Choose Cancel from this dialog box to exit. Note The other options of the Confirm Upon Apply dialog box will be discussed in later chapters.
NX allows you to perform editing operations on the sketches using the Transform tool. To invoke this tool, choose Edit > Transform from the menu bar; the Transform Icon Options are displayed. Select the entities to be transformed and choose the OK button; the Transformations dialog box will be displayed, as shown in Figure 4-11. Some of the transformation tools in this dialog box are discussed next and the rest will be discussed in later chapters.
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Figure 4-11 The Transformations dialog box select the translation reference point. 2. Select the point from where you want the move the entities. You can select any point on the screen or any inferred point from the sketch. 3. Next, you will be prompted to select the translation destination point. Select the point up to which you want to move the selected sketch; the Transformations dialog box will be redisplayed but with different options. 4. Choose the Move option from the dialog box. If the Transform dialog box is displayed, choose Cancel from it. The selected sketch will move from the first specified point to the second specified point and the Transformations dialog box will be redisplayed. If you are not satisfied with the result of the transformation, you can choose the Undo Last - Avail button and then the Yes button from the Transformations dialog box to restore the original sketch. Note Choosing the Back button displays the previous options in the Transformations dialog box. The steps required to move the entities using the Delta option are discussed next. 1. Choose the Translate button and then the Delta button from the Transformations dialog box; the DXC, DYC, and DZC edit boxes will be displayed in the Transformations dialog box and you will be prompted to specify the translation delta. 2. Enter the delta X, delta Y, and delta Z values to move the sketch and then choose the OK button; the Transformations dialog box will expand and display different options.
3. Choose the Move option from the dialog box. If the Transform dialog box is displayed, choose Cancel from it. The selected sketch will move through the specified delta values.
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Creating single or multiple copies of the selected sketched entities is also possible using the Transformations dialog box. This process is similar to that of moving the sketched entities. The only difference is that instead of choosing the Move button in points 3 and 4 of the previous section, you need to choose the Copy button. To make multiple copies, continue choosing the Copy button. Alternatively, you can choose the Multiple Copies - Avail button and enter the values of the number of copies in the shortened Transformations dialog box.
Figure 4-12 Entities scaled uniformly 2. Choose the Rotate About a Point button from the Transformations dialog box; the Point Constructor dialog box will be displayed and you will be prompted to select the rotation center point. 3. Select the rotation center point in the drawing window. You can select any point on the screen or any inferred point from the sketch. On doing so, the shortened Transformations dialog box will be displayed. 4. Enter the rotation angle in the Angle edit box. To rotate the sketched entities arbitrarily using two points, choose the Two Point Method button; the Point Constructor dialog box will be displayed and you will be prompted to select point 1. This point should be the start angle of the rotation. The angle will be measured from the rotation center point. 5. Next, you will be prompted to select point 2. This point will define the angle of rotation. On selecting point 2, the Transformations dialog box will be redisplayed. 6. Choose the Move button to rotate the original entities and the Copy button if you want to create a rotated copy of the entities. Choosing the Multiple Copies - Avail button creates multiple copies. You can specify the number of copies in the shortened Transformations dialog box. Figure 4-13 shows the original sketch along with a rotated copy created using the Two Point Method button.
Figure 4-13 Original sketch and its rotated copy 2. From the shortened dialog box, choose the Two Points button; the Point Constructor dialog box will be displayed. Specify two points on the screen to define an imaginary line about which the sketch will be mirrored. 3. Choose the Move button from the Transformations dialog box if you want to remove the original sketch and retain the mirrored copy. You can also choose the Copy button to retain the original sketch, along with the mirrored copy. Mirroring Using an Existing Line The steps required to mirror the sketched entities using this method are discussed next. 1. Invoke the Transformations dialog box and choose the Mirror Through a Line button. 2. From the shortened dialog box, choose the Existing Line button; the Transformations dialog box will shorten. Select the line about which the sketch should be mirrored. 3. Choose the Move or the Copy button. Mirroring Using a Point and a Vector The steps required to mirror the sketched entities using this method are discussed next. 1. Invoke the Transformations dialog box and choose the Mirror Through a Line button. 2. From the shortened dialog box, choose the Point and Vector button; the Point Constructor dialog box is displayed. Select a point on the screen or an inferred point from the sketch; the Vector Constructor dialog box is displayed.
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3. To mirror about the X axis, choose the XC button. Similarly, to mirror about the Y axis, choose the YC button. 4. Choose the Move or the Copy button.
sketching environment and invoke the part modeling environment to convert that sketch into a feature. To exit the sketching environment, choose the Finish Sketch button from the Sketcher toolbar. On exiting the sketching environment and entering the part modeling environment, you will notice that the Sketch Curve and Sketch Constraints toolbars are replaced by the Form Features and Feature Operations toolbars. Also, the dimensions of the sketch are hidden.
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As mentioned in earlier chapters, most designs are a combination of various sketched, placed, and reference features. The first feature, generally, is a sketched feature. Until now, you have learned to draw sketches for these base features and add constraints and dimensions to them. After drawing and dimensioning a sketch, you need to convert it into the base feature. NX provides you with a number of tools such as Extrude, Revolved Body, and so on to convert these base sketches into base features. In this chapter, you will learn the use of only the Extrude and Revolved Body tools. The remaining tools will be discussed in later chapters. The base features are created in the Modeling environment.
When you invoke the Extrude tool, the Extrude dialog box will be displayed, along with the Selection Intent toolbar, as shown in Figures 4-16 and 4-17. You will be prompted to select a section geometry to be extruded. If you select the sketch at this stage, the preview of the extrude feature created using the default value will be displayed on the screen.
Stop at Intersection
This button is used only with the Curve and Intent drop-down list. It is used to stop the auto chaining at the intersection points of the wireframe.
Follow Fillet
This button is used to enable a section to automatically follow or leave a fillet or any circular curve.
This button is used to add special parameters for the above options.
Limits Area
The options in this area are used to specify the extrusion termination options. These options are discussed next. Start Drop-down List This drop-down list allows you to specify the extrusion termination in the first direction. At this stage, the Value and Symmetric value options can be used from this drop-down list. The Value option allows you to enter the value of the extrude feature in the first direction. Note that you need to enter a negative value for this. If you enter a positive value, it will be taken as the offset value between the sketch and the start of the extrusion
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feature. The Symmetric Value options allows you to extrude the sketch symmetrically in both directions of the current sketching plane. When you select this option, the edit boxes on the right of the Start and the End edit boxes will show identical values and the preview will also be modified dynamically. Figure 4-18 shows the preview of the a sketch being extruded symmetrically in both directions.
Figure 4-18 Preview of the symmetric extrusion End Drop-down List This drop-down list allows you to specify the extrusion termination in the second direction. At this stage, only the Value option can be used from this drop-down list. By default, the value in the second direction is 0. As a result, the sketch is extruded only in the first direction. To extrude the sketch in the second direction also, enter the value in the End edit box. Note that you need to enter a positive value for this. Figure 4-19 shows the preview of the extrusion in one direction only and Figure 4-20 shows the preview of the extrusion with different values in both directions. In this figure, the extrusion value in the upward direction is 10 and that in the downward direction is -5. Tip. You can also use the start and end drag handles in the preview of the extrude feature to modify the extrusion values in the first and second directions.
Draft Area
The options in this area are used to specify a draft angle to the extrusion feature. The options in this area will be available only when you select the Draft check box. Various draft options in this area are discussed next. Angle Edit box This edit box allows you to specify the draft angle. Type Drop-down List This drop-down list allows you to specify the type of draft to be applied to the feature. The options in this area are discussed next.
Figure 4-20 Preview of the extrusion in two directions with different values
From Start Limit By default, the From Start Limit option is selected. This option adds the draft from the start section to the end section of the extrude feature. As a result, the dimension of the feature at the start section is the same as that of the original sketch and it tapers toward the end section. Figure 4-21 shows the preview of the extruded feature drafted using this option. It is evident in this figure that the top section of the extruded feature is the same as that of the original sketch and the feature tapers as it goes toward the bottom section. From Section This option adds the taper that is aligned with the profile, as shown in Figure 4-22. From Section - Symmetric Angle
Figure 4-21 Preview of the extrusion tapered using the From Start Limit option
Figure 4-22 Preview of an extrusion tapered using the Simple from Profile option
This option is available only when you select the Symmetric Distance check box from the Limits area or specify the values in both the start and the end directions. This option adds a symmetric taper in both directions of the sketch, as shown in Figure 4-23.
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NX 4 for Designers (Eval Copy NX 4 07/06) In this draft type, if the distance value in one of the directions is more than the other, the section in that direction will also be smaller in size. From Section - Matched Ends This option is also available only when you select the Symmetric Distance check box from the Limits area or specify the values in both the start and the end directions. This option tapers the model such that the end sections in both the directions are of similar size, irrespective of the distance values in both directions, as shown in Figure 4-24.
Figure 4-23 Preview of the extrusion tapered using the Symmetric option
Figure 4-24 Preview of the extrusion tapered using the Matched Ends option
Enable Preview
Selecting this check box allows you to dynamically preview the changes in the model as you modify the values of the extrusion. After setting the values in the Extrude dialog box, choose OK to create the extruded feature and exit the dialog box. To return to the drawing area and modify the values, choose Cancel from the dialog box. You can also set and modify the values of extrusion using the drag handles that are displayed in the preview of the extrusion feature, see Figure 4-25. The start drag handle will be a filled circle and the end drag handle will be an arrow. To modify the start limit, end limit, or draft angle values, click on their respective drag handles and then enter the new values in the edit boxes that are displayed. To modify the type of limits or taper, right-click on their respective drag handles and select the type from the flyout that is displayed. Note The remaining options in the Extrude dialog box will be discussed in later chapters.
Figure 4-25 Various drag handles available on the preview of the extrusion feature to use a closed sketch for creating a thin feature, there should be no nested closed sketch in the main sketch. For example, refer to the closed sketch shown in Figure 4-26. A thin feature created using this sketch is shown in Figure 4-27.
Similarly, Figure 4-28 shows an open sketch and Figure 4-29 shows the resulting thin feature. To create thin features, select the Offset check box in the Extrude dialog box; on doing so, the other offset options will be enabled, as shown in Figure 4-30. The types of offsets that you can define are discussed next.
Two Sided
By default, this option is selected from the Type drop-down list and is used to create a thin feature by offsetting in two directions. Also, by default, the value in the start direction is zero, which results in a cavity, in case of closed sketches. Figure 4-31 shows the preview of a thin feature with an offset only in the end direction and Figure 4-32 shows the preview of the same
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Figure 4-28 Front view of a single closed sketch Figure 4-29 Isometric view of the resulting thin extruded feature
Figure 4-30 The offset options feature with an offset in both directions. As evident in this figure, a filled circle is displayed, which is the start drag handle. Note that if the offset value in the end direction is positive, you need to enter a negative offset value in the start direction. The values are specified in the Start and the End edit boxes. Note The display type of models in Figures 4-31 and 4-32 are changed to partially shaded. You will learn more about changing the display type later in this chapter.
Figure 4-31 A thin feature with an offset only in the end direction
Figure 4-32 A thin feature with an offset in the end and start directions
Single Sided
This option is enabled only when you are create a thin feature using a closed sketch. If you select this option, the start direction will be filled automatically because of which there will be no cavity inside the model. It will be similar to the solid extrusion from inside. However, you will be able to add some offset to the outer side of the sketch.
This option is used to symmetrically offset the material on both sides of the sketch to create the thin feature.
Figure 4-33 The Body Type area These options are used to specify whether you want the extrude feature to be a sheet body or a solid body. To get a solid body, the section must be a closed profile or an open profile with an offset. If you use an offset, you will not be able to get a sheet body.
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Figure 4-34 Sketch for creating the revolved feature and the revolution axis
Figure 4-35 Isometric view of the resulting feature revolved through an angle of 270-degrees
Revolution Vector
This button is used to specify the revolution vector. You can select curves, edges, or any of the standard vectors as the revolution vector. There will be an associativity between the revolved body and the revolution vector.
Start Angle
This edit box is used to specify the angle at the start section. If this value is zero, the revolution will start from the plane where the sketch is created.
End Angle
Figure 4-37 Sketch revolved with start angle as 30degrees and end angle as 180-degrees Note that NX uses the right-hand thumb rule to determine the direction of revolution. This rule states that if the thumb of your right hand points in the direction of the axis of revolution, then the direction of the curled fingers will define the direction of revolution, see Figure 4-38.
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This edit box is used to specify the end angle of the revolution. The default value of this angle is 360-degrees. As a result, a full revolved feature is created. Figure 4-37 shows a revolved feature with a start angle as 30-degrees and the end angle as 180-degrees. The original sketch used to create this feature is also displayed.
Figure 4-39 shows the sketch and an arrow pointing in the axis of revolution and Figure 4-40 shows the resulting feature revolved through an angle of 180-degrees. Similarly, Figure 4-41 shows the sketch and an arrow pointing in the axis of revolution and Figure 4-42 shows the resulting feature revolved through an angle of 180-degrees.
Figure 4-39 Sketch for creating the revolved feature and the direction of the revolution axis
Figure 4-40 Isometric view of the resulting feature revolved through an angle of 180-degrees
Figure 4-41 Sketch for creating the revolved feature and the direction of the revolution axis
Figure 4-42 Isometric view of the resulting feature revolved through an angle of 180-degrees
Note The other options in the Revolve dialog box will be discussed in the next section.
Figure 4-43 The Offset area revolved model with the sketch and revolution axis that are used to create it. In this model, the start angle is 30-degrees, the end angle is 180-degrees, and the first offset is 2. Figure 4-45 shows
Figure 4-44 A thin revolved feature with the original open sketch and the axis of revolution a thin revolved model with the original closed sketch and the revolution axis used to create this model. In this model, the start angle is 45-degrees, the end angle is 270-degrees, and the first offset is 2.
Toolbar: Utility > Blank Whenever you create a sketch-based feature in NX, the sketch used to create it is retained on the screen even after the feature is created. NX allows you to hide the sketches or any other entity on the screen using the Blank tool. To invoke this tool, press the CTRL+B keys on the keyboard; the Blank Icon Options are displayed. Select the sketch or any other entity from the screen and choose the OK button from the Blank Icon Options; the selected entities will be hidden. To restore the display of the hidden entities, press the SHIFT+CTRL+K keys on the keyboard. Only the entities hidden from the screen will be displayed. Select the entities to be redisplayed and then choose the OK button from the Icon Options.
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Figure 4-45 A thin revolved feature with the original closed sketch and the axis of revolution
Figure 4-47 Partial view of the View toolbar to display options to set the display modes
Tutorial 1
In this tutorial, you will create the model shown in Figure 4-48. Its dimensions are given in the drawing views shown in Figure 4-49. (Expected time: 30 min) Before creating the model, it is recommended that you outline the steps that are required to create it. The following steps are required to complete this tutorial: a. Start a new part file using the Master Model Template and then draw the profile of the outer loop using the Sketch tool, refer to Figures 4-50 and 4-51. b. Add the required dimensions and constraints to the profile, refer to Figure 4-52. c. Draw the inner circles and add the required dimensions to them, refer to Figure 4-53. d. Exit the sketching environment and invoke the Extrude tool. Define the depth of the extrusion to create the final model, refer to Figure 4-54. e. Rotate the view in 3D space, as shown in Figure 4-55. Save the file and close it.
Figure 4-49 Top and sectioned front view showing the dimensions of the model 1. Start NX and then start a new file using the Master Model Template from the Resource Bar. Create a new folder with the name c04 in the NX 4 folder. Save the new file as c04tut1 in the folder created. 2. Invoke the Sketch tool. Choose the XC-YC Plane button and then choose the OK button from the Sketch Icon Options; the sketching environment is invoked. 3. Using the Zoom In/Out tool, zoom out such that the sketching plane appears almost one-third of its original size.
4. Using the Circle by Center and Diameter option of the Circle tool and the Line tool, draw the sketch, as shown in Figure 4-50. Make sure the Tangent and Point on curve constraints are applied between the lines and the circles at all points where the lines intersect the circles. The tangent constraint is designated by a small circle and the point on the curve constraint is designated by a cross, as shown in Figure 4-50.
Figure 4-50 Initial sketch for the base feature Next, you need to trim the unwanted portion of the circles to retain the outer profile of the model. The sketch is trimmed using the Quick Trim tool. 5. Choose the Quick Trim button from the Sketch Curve toolbar; you are prompted to select or drag over the segments to be erased. 6. Press and hold the left mouse button inside the right circle and drag it horizontally to the right, close to the center of the left circle; the portion to be trimmed is highlighted in purple. 7. Release the left mouse button to trim the unwanted portions of the circles, refer to Figure 4-51.
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Note To make sure both Tangent and Point on curve constraints are applied, specify the endpoint of the line only when the symbol of the Tangent constraint is displayed on the left of the cursor and the symbol of the Point on curve constraint is displayed on the right of the cursor.
NX 4 for Designers (Eval Copy NX 4 07/06) Note If the entire circle is highlighted in red, the Point on curve constraint is not applied between the lines and the circle. Therefore, you need to manually add this constraint to the circle and the lines.
Next, you need to add constraints to the sketch. 8. Choose the Constraints button from the Sketch Constraints toolbar and make the radius of the left arc equal to that of the right arc. Similarly, make all the lines equal using the same relationship. Note that you also need to add the Point on Curve constraint between the center of the central arcs and the XC and YC axes. To select the axes for applying constraints, choose the Select General Objects button from the Selection toolbar. Note You can choose the Show All Constraints button from the Sketch Constraints toolbar to view all the constraints applied to the sketch. Next, you need to add the dimensions to the sketch. Note Choose Preference > Sketch from the menu bar; the Sketch Preferences dialog box is displayed. Enter 2 in the Decimal Places edit box and then select Expression from the Dimension Label drop-down list. Choose the OK button to exit the dialog box. 9. Using the Inferred tool, add the dimensions to the sketch, as shown in Figure 4-52. You may also have to make the vertical distance value between the centers of the left and the right arcs zero to get the exact sketch. Similarly, you may have to make the vertical distance between the center of the central arcs and one of the outer arcs zero.
Figure 4-52 Sketch after adding the relationships and dimensions Next, you need to draw the inner circles. You can use the center points of the arcs to draw them.
Editing, Extruding, and Revolving Sketches 10. Using the center points of the arcs, draw three circles, refer to Figure 4-49. 11. Add the Equal Radius constraint to the left and right circles. Now, add the required dimensions to the circles to complete the sketch. The final sketch of the model is shown in Figure 4-53.
1. Choose the Finish Sketch button from the Sketcher toolbar to exit the sketching environment; the current view is automatically changed to the isometric view. 2. Invoke the Extrude tool from the Form Feature toolbar; the Extrude dialog box will be displayed, along with the Selection Intent toolbar and you will be prompted to select a section geometry to extrude. 3. Select the sketch; the preview of the extruded feature is displayed and the End edit box is displayed on the feature. 4. Enter 20 as the value in the End edit box and press the ENTER key; the preview is modified accordingly. 5. Choose the OK button from the Extrude dialog box; the extrude feature is created and displayed in the drawing window, as shown in Figure 4-54. You will notice that the datum plane, sketch, and datum axes are still displayed in the sketch. For a better visualization of the model, turn off the display of these entities. 6. Press the CTRL+B keys on the keyboard; the Blank Icon Options will be displayed. Select all the unwanted entities and then choose OK from the Icon Options.
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Figure 4-55 Rotating the model in 3D space 3. Choose the Rotate button again to finish rotating the model. Next, you need to restore the isometric view of the model, which has been changed by the Rotate tool. The isometric views can be restored using the Isometric button in the View toolbar. 4. Choose the Isometric button in the View toolbar to restore the isometric view. If this is not the default button, then choose the down arrow on the right of the default button and choose the Isometric button from the flyout.
5. Right-click in the drawing window and choose Fit from the shortcut menu; the model fits in the drawing window.
In this tutorial, you will create the model shown in Figure 4-56. The dimensions of the model are shown in Figure 4-57. The depth of extrusion of the model is 45. (Expected time: 30 min)
The following steps are required to complete this tutorial: Start a new part file using the Master Model Template and draw the profile of the outer loop using the Sketch tool. Add the required constraints and dimensions, refer to Figure 458. b. Draw the inner loops and add the required dimensions to them, refer to Figure 4-59. c. Exit the sketching environment and invoke the Extrude tool. Define the depth of the extrusion to create the final model, refer to Figure 4-60. d. Rotate the view in 3D space. e. Save the file and close it. a.
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Tutorial 2
Double-click on the Z axis, which is displayed in green; the Z axis now points to the front of the sketching plane and the Y axis now points upward. 3. Choose the OK button from the Sketch Icon Options; the sketching environment is invoked. Using the Zoom In/Out tool, zoom out such that the sketching plane appears almost half its original size. 4. Draw the sketch of the outer loop and add the required constraints and dimensions to it, as shown in Figure 4-58.
Figure 4-58 Dimensioned sketch of the outer loop 5. Draw the inner loops and then add the required constraints and dimensions, as shown in Figure 4-59.
Figure 4-59 Final sketch of the base feature 4. Select the sketch; the preview of the extruded feature is displayed and the End edit box is displayed on the feature. 5. Enter 45 as the value in the End edit box and press the ENTER key; the preview is modified accordingly. 6. Choose the OK button from the Extrude dialog box; the extrude feature is created and displayed in the drawing window. 7. Using the CTRL+B keys, hide the display of the datum axes, datum plane, and the sketch. The extruded model is shown in Figure 4-60.
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Figure 4-60 Extruded feature for Tutorial 2 the default button, then choose the down arrow on the right of the default button and choose the Isometric button from the flyout. 5. Right-click in the drawing window and choose Fit from the shortcut menu; the model fits in the drawing window.
Tutorial 3
In this tutorial, you will create the model shown in Figure 4-61. This is a revolved body created using the sketch shown in Figure 4-62. (Expected time: 30 min)
Editing, Extruding, and Revolving Sketches The following steps are required to complete this tutorial:
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Start a new part file using the Master Model Template and draw the sketch of the revolved model using the Sketch tool. Add the required constraints and dimensions, refer to Figure 4-63. b. Exit the sketching environment and invoke the Revolved Body tool. Select the sketch to be revolved and then the axis of revolution. c. Define the other revolution parameters to create the final model, refer to Figure 4-64. d. Rotate the view in 3D space. e. Save and close the file.
1. Choose the Finish Sketch button from the Sketcher toolbar to exit the sketching environment; the current view is automatically changes to isometric view. 2. Right-click and choose Fit from the shortcut menu to make sure the sketch fits in the screen. 3. Invoke the Revolve tool from the Form Features toolbar; the Revolve dialog box is displayed, along with the Selection Intent toolbar. You are prompted to select a section geometry to revolve. 4. Select the sketch drawn and choose the Inferred Vector button from the Revolve dialog box. You are prompted to select an object to infer a vector. 5. Select the bottom horizontal line as the axis of revolution; the preview of the revolve body is displayed. 6. Accept the default options in the Revolve dialog box and choose the OK button; the revolved feature is created. 7. Using the CTRL+B keys, hide the sketch, axes, and the sketching plane. Fit the model in the screen. The revolved model is shown in Figure 4-64.
2. Press and hold the left mouse button down and drag the cursor in the drawing window to rotate the view of the model. Choose the Rotate tool again to finish rotating the model. 3. Choose the Isometric button in the View toolbar to restore the isometric view. If this is not the default button, then choose the down arrow on the right of the default button and choose the Isometric button from the flyout. 4. Right-click in the drawing window and choose Fit from the shortcut menu. The model fits in the drawing window.
Self-Evaluation Test
Answer the following questions and then compare your answers with those given at the end of the chapter: 1. In NX, you can write text in the sketcher task environment. (T/F) 2. In NX, while extruding a sketch, you can add a draft to it. (T/F) 3. The Extend tool allows you to extend or lengthen an open sketched entity up to infinity. (T/F) 4. You can set the display modes for the solid models using the buttons in the Standard toolbar. (T/F) 5. After invoking the Quick Trim tool, you can drag the cursor to trim __________ entities. 6. The __________ option is selected when you want to extrude the sketch symmetrically on both sides of the plane on which the sketch is created. 7. The __________ option adds the draft that is aligned with the profile. 8. NX uses the __________ rule to determine the direction of revolution. 9. You can create thin features using the __________ or __________ sketches. 10. You can restore the standard views by choosing the buttons in the __________ toolbar.
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Review Questions
Answer the following questions: 1. In NX, which of the following tools enables you to edit sketches? (a) Edit (c) Transform 2. Which tool is used to write text in NX? (a) Text (c) Text Write (b) Write (d) None (b) Modify (d) None
3. Which radio button is used to create a thin extruded feature by offsetting in two directions? (a) Offset (c) Two Sided (b) Symmetric (d) None
4. Which one of the following operations cannot be performed using the Transformations dialog box? (a) trimming (c) rotating (b) moving (d) mirroring
5. Which one of the following rules is used to determine the direction of revolution? (a) Right hand rule (c) Left hand rule (b) Right-hand thumb rule (d) Left-hand thumb rule
6. You can set the display modes for the solid models using the buttons in which one of the following toolbars? (a) Standard (c) Visible (b) Sketch (d) View
7. After choosing Finish Sketch to exit the sketching environment, you need to invoke the Modeling environment. (T/F) 8. When you mirror the entities using the Mirror tool, by default a mirrored copy of the selected entities is created and the original entities are deleted. (T/F) 9. The Transform tool allows you to rotate a sketch around a specified point. (T/F) 10. Using the Rotate tool, you can also rotate the model in 3D space. (T/F)
Exercises Exercise 1
Evaluation Chapter. Do not copy. Visit www.cadcim.com for details Chapter. copy. Visit www.cadcim.com
Create the model shown in Figure 4-65. The dimensions of the model are shown in Figure 4-66. The depth of extrusion is 30. After creating the model, use the Rotate tool to rotate its view. Before closing the file, restore the isometric view of the model. (Expected time: 30 min)
Exercise 2
Open the sketch drawn in Tutorial 2 of Chapter 2 and convert it into a full revolved body. After creating the model, use the Rotate tool to rotate its view. Save the file with a different name in the folder of this chapter. (Expected time: 15 min)
Answers to Self-Evaluation Test 1. T, 2. T, 3. F, 4. F, 5. Multiple, 6. Symmetric Distance, 7. Simple from Profile, 8. Right-hand thumb rule, 9. Open, close, 10. View