Hershey's 1934 Cookbook - Hershey
Hershey's 1934 Cookbook - Hershey
Hershey's 1934 Cookbook - Hershey
1934 Cookbook
Revised and expanded with chocolate recipes
brought up to date for use in today's kitchen
.. 1934 Cookbook
Photographer' AI Gommi
Art Director' Gerard Nook
Editor' Josh Gaspero
Published by
fifth Printing
Thirty-seven years ago, il1 1934, Hers/ly pl/blished
its own chocolate cookbook, filled witll all
kinds of
wonderful elroco/ate desserts. It is from t/ris source that
IIUHy of Hre recipes have been taken and brought lip to
date for you 10 lise today. We've revised some of the
recipes, and lidded some others. Margllfille wasl/'t
widely used wltcn tire first HerslJeY book was published.
Many oiller things thai mllke baking easier for YOI/
thal yO/If mother, includillg electric blenders and
lIo-stick pans, were IIOt everl arOll/uf. Even thol/glr
the method of baking Iws become more cOl/veniellt,
the cnd product remains essentially the smile.
Hershey's test kitchens have taken painstaking care
to assure the same wonderful favor flrnl has
become a tmdel1ark of l-Iershey baked products
tllroJ/ghollt the years. We hope yOI/ rmjoy tIre
recipes, we lrope you crjoy tire book.
+ C"Jrilhl 1971 by 1I""ln,y food CmporJllon. PII righl. "" e!ed.
Dellg,wd nd produced In Ihe US.A by W";le, Puhhh",g COJnpO'Y. Inc.
Cuve" He"h"y, 1UJ Chocolate Cookbuuk-CoplJoght H""hcv FOOIh Curpu'lIo".
ho1Ov co 0Ogc -1: 1e fUmmrhiv, brOvn afOlh.".Cvl rFictwc:, |co0rCoc onO LnOe r OOd.
_ For besl results use the chocolale producl called for in Ihe recipe.
When necessary 10 substitule, 3 tablespoonfuls Hershey's Cocoa
plus J tablespoonful fot = 1 square Hershey's Baking Chocolate.
-D nol substilute Hershey's Baking Chips or Milk Chocolale for
Hershey's Baking Chocolate in recipes.
-Chocolate easily absorbs odors from other foods. Therefore, wrap
lightly and slore in a cool, dry place (not over 780 F.l.
-Bloom, the gray film Ihol appears on chocolate, occurs when
chocolole is exposed to varying temperolures. It does not afect
the laste or quo lily of the chocolate.
_Chocolale scorches easily, therefore, mel! Hershey's Baking Chaco
late or Baking Chips in the lop of a double boiler over simmering
water or in a small saucepon set in a pan of hot water.
-Melt Hershey's Milk Chocolate in the top of a double boiler over
hoi, not boiling, water. High temperatures cause mi l k chocolate 10
sti fen.
-Beal hal chocolale beverages with a rolory bealer until foamy to
prevent formation of a skin and to enhance flavor.
-Prevent skin from farming on Ihe top of cooked puddings and pie
fillings by pressing waxed paper onto surface before cooling.
-Accurately measure Hershey's Cocoa by lightly pocking cocoa inlo
measuring cup and leveling with a spatula.
-For even consistency, shake Henhey's Chocolate Flavored Syrup
before opening the can.
_It is desirable to store on open con of Hershey's Chocolate
Flavored Syrup in the refrigerator. Should it become thicker than
desired, place can in lukewarm waler and stir.
_Chocolate deflates slifly beaten egg white mixlures, so fold in
carefully-just until blended.
_ For chcolate cuds, draw blade of vegetable parer over smooth
side of a slightly worm block of Hershey's Baking Chocolate or
Speciol Dark Chocolate Bar.
-In recipes, Hershey"s Baking Chocolate, cut into pieces, should be
broken into pieces about the size of almonds.
-When melting chocolate for coating and dipping candy centers,
be sure all utensils are completely dry. Also, when adding a
shortening t the chocolate to make it more liquid, use only vege
table shortening, not butter or margarine.
Chicago Fudge Cake 2 1
Chocolate Crumb Cake 21
Chocolate Iceberg Cupcakes 27
Chocolate Town Syrup
Cupcakes 27
Cocoa Potato Cake 22
Coffee Chocolate Cake 23
Creole Chacol,le Cake 18
Demon Cake 18
Devils' Delight Cake 26
Hershey's Special Cake 19
Marble Cake 22
Old-Fashioned Chocolate
Cake 25
Old-Fashioned Cocoa
Mini Cake 19
Red Devil's Food Cake 23
Simple Cocoa Layer Cake 26
Three layer Gold Cake 25
Upside-Down Chocol\le Cake 20
s & Sauces
Aunt Jessie's Chocolate Icing 30
Bitter Chocolate Butter Icing 31
Busy Day Cocoa Icing 35
Chocolate Butter Filling 34
Chocolate Butter Icing 30
Chocolate Butter Icing 34
Chocolate Glaze 37
Chocolate Nut Icing 32
Chocolate Sour Cream Filling
,md Icing 36
Cocoa Cream Filling 36
Cocoa Peppermint Icing 32
Creole Icing 31
Fluffy Chocolate Icing 32
Flufy Vanilla Icing 35
Icillg for Chocolate Midgets 35
M.shmallow Peppermint
Icing 36
Mocha Cocoa Frosting 31
Mocha Icing 34
Three layer Chocol.le Icing 31
Vanilla Butter Icing 30
Almond Bar Chocolate Sauce 38
Chocolate Caramel Sauce 39
Chocolate Gelatin Sauce 37
Chocolate H.1d Sauce 38
Chocolate Marshmallow
Sauce 39
Clear Cocoa Sauce 39
Cocoa Chocolate Sauce 38
Cocoa Fudge Sauce 38
Chocolate Brownie Pie 42
Chocolate Butterscotch Pie 43
Chocolate Chifon Pic 42
Chocolate Cream Pie 44
Chocolate Pie Shell 47
Chocolate Raisin Pie 44
Cocoa Cream Pie 46
Marble-Top Chocolate Pie 47
Triple Chocolate Pie 46
Angel Chocolate Parfait 54
Baked Chocolate Rice
Pudding 56
Chocolate Bavarian Cream 57
Chocolate Bread Pudding 53
Chocolate Cornstarch
Pudding 53
Chocolate Custard Ice Cream 51
Chocolate Floating Islands 55
Chocolate Ice Cream 50
Cream Roll 57
Chocolate Marshmallow
Pudding 58
Chocol.lte Syrup Mousse 59
Chocolate TriAe 55
Cocoa Cream Tapioca 51
Cocoa Meringue C'ke 58
Mocha Chocolate M.ulow 59
Old-Fashioned Chocolate
Icc Cre.m SO
Ste.med Chocolale Pudding 56
Chocolale Chip Orange
Muffins 62
Chocolate Dessert Waffles 65
Chocolate Tea Bre.d 65
Or.wge-Cocoa Afternoon Te.
Biscuits 62
Raisin-Nut COCO. Bre.d 63
Spiced Cocoa Doughnuts 63
Blue Ribbon Fruit Cookies 74
CdTol's Chocolate Cocoanut
Squ.ues 68
Chocol.He Almond Nuggets 72
Chocolate Cocoanut
MacMoons 74
Chocol.lle D.te .1d Nut Bars 72
Chocolate Fruit Cookies 75
Chocolate Midgets 69
Chocol.lte Pinks 70
Chocolate Robins 69
ChocoJlte Syrup Brownies 70
Choco\lte Walnut Wheels 73
COCO. Bread Crumb Cookies 74
Cocoa Cmdy c,kes 75
Cocoa-Mol.sscs Drop Cakcs 69
Hershey's Chocolatetown
Chip Cookies 75
Mini Chip Sugar Cookies 68
Angel Fudge 82
Chocolate Cherry Cordi.lls 85
Chocolate Chip-Peanut Butter
Fudge 83
Chocolate Coco.1nut Balls 86
Chocolate Cocoanut Squares 80
Chocolate log Cabin Rolls 79
Chocolate Nut Clusters 80
Chocolat( Peanut Butter
Fudg( S
Chocolat( Pecan Pralines 79
Chocolate Popcorn 11115 84
Chocolate Potalo Candy 87
Chocoldte Se.lfoam 83
Chocolal( Turkish P.1ste 54
Country Club Two-Story
Fudge 78
Creamy Cocoa Tafy 87
Fudge Car<rnels 80
Chocolate Egg Nag 95
Chocolate Malted Milk 94
Chocolate Pineapple Freeze 90
Chocolate Syrup Iced
Chocolate 91
Cocomoko Flo.lt 90
Five O'Clock Whipped
Chocol.te 94
Frosted Chocol,te Shake 9
Hot COC. 92
Hot Cocoa for a Crowd 92
Mint Cocoa Cup 95
Mulled Cocoa Cup 92
Or.1I1ge Chocolate Float 90
Rich Iced Chocolate 91
Roy.l1 Hot Chocolate 94
Sp.mish Chocolate 95
Remember When
e Early 9
The 7930'5. A decade of mixed blessings. Herbert
Hoover WIS about fo v(lwle Ihe Whife HOllsl to be
rep/aced by Presidmt-elect Roosevelt. The popllia/ioll of
the L11Ii/ed Sla/es was approximately 123 millioll
people, md 53 millioll of tlleIl! still lived 011 farms.
Unemployment was creeping upwards to 25% of the
labor force {ui, for those who worke. tIJI' hourly
wage was 44a. Ecollomicnl/y we were ill (HII of the
worst periods 0/ our lives, poiitiw/ly we were il {
tllrt/Wi[, and socially we looked aboll for filly pall(lcm
that wOllld temporarily remove ollr fears.
Life in the United 51.ies in the early 1930's was in a
state of chaos, but the optimistic American rem.ined dedicated
to thc hope thai "things would gel better." In the interim,
it was necessary to "make do" while waiting for prosperity
to come from "just around the corner." For onethird of the
nation, necessities meanl food, shelter and a job; for the
rem"ining two-thirds it meanl a home, me,! on the table,
car, <1 radio .d regular Saturd.y night trip to the movies.
After the movies, it might have m(,mt a jaunt to a local
tavern. Although prohibition h,d been in effect for D years,
the absolute curt,ilment of an established social custom Yb
just too unwieldy to enforce. In the early 1930's, prohibition
was to have run its course, and the 18th Amendment was
about to be repealed, ushered a!ong with the tune of "Happy
Days Are Here Ag.in." For the Government, repea! of the
"18th Amendment was a necessity needed to generate revenue
for the Federa! co(ers.
For the average American, repeal
served indiCitor Ihil things were possibly getting better
in the home.
The home in the e.uly 1930's ranged anywhere from .
two room walk-up, with running w.ter and sporadic coal
heating, to a r.mbling 5-bedroom Victorian, that was passed
down through the family. For the most part, however, the
,lYerage home consisted of 6 rooms, .1 bath, a one-car det.1ched
garage, at .1 cost of Mound 52,50. Even though the gar.ge
Glme with the house, it m.Y or m.lY not h.lYe contained .11
.lutomobilc. IF it did, it w.s anything from . 1925 Chevrolet
that was five years old .md had cost 5825 new, to a 1930
Ford coupe th.lt cost $60. AmeTic.l in 1930 was tightening
her purse strings, ,md a new caT every other year was
considered luxury for only the very rich. The garages in
many homes, in fact, guraged no CM .t all and masquer"ded
dS . food cellM for home-jarred fruits .md vegetables.
Preparing ,md preerving peiches, cherries, pe.rS and string
bedns was done not only for the ple,sure it g.lve the
homemaker, but bec.Iuse "store-bought" fruits .nd vegetables
were becoming much too expensive. (f the gM.lge W.1S not
used as pantry for home-prep.lfcd foods, it W.s, in dire
extremes, used +1 exlr, bedroom ;md a pl.,ce to sleep for
"Uncle Louis who W.s (.id off his job in the .utomobile
{,l(IOr in Delroit." An ironic {,lie in < ironic er..
The living room of the American home at the beginning
of the dec;lde with its brge easy chairs, high-back sof;ls
with doilies on the ) rest and antim,Ic.lssars on the b,lck,
slightly worn rugs and colored prints on the wall were ,II!
accoutrements to the m,linstay of American family life, the
radio. R,ldios in the 30's r,mged from ,I small console (SI9.95)
to an "Oxford Hepplewhitc de luxe highboy with sliding
doors, American walnut finish with Ausir.lli.lIl laccwood
paneling" ($[50, not couilling tubes; Western prices slightly
higher). Through the brown box in the living room c,l Ine the
voices of "Amos 'n' Andy" in their nightly -S-minute sketch
(Monday-Friday 7:00 EST Nne Red Network), the melodic
chirps of the "Songbird of the South," Kilte Smith ("Hello
Everybody") .md the voice of the adventurous lowell Thomas.
The radio, indeed, comm.mded an incredible audience. It
/ I
] }
'h cupful butler . . . 2 squares Hershey's Baking Chocolate
. . . 1/. cupful granulated sugar . . . I teaspoonful vanilla . .
2 eggs . 1 1/ cupfuls nour (oll.purpose) . . 'l teaspoonful
baking soda . . 1 tcospoonful creom of taror . . . 112 cupful
buttermilk . . . 1 cupful chopped nuts.
Melt butter and b.lking chocolate together in Ihe top
pM! of a double boiler over simmering wdler. Add the
sugar dnd beat well. Slir in the vanilla. Add the eggs,
one at a time, and be,! \'ell after each addition. Com
bine the Aour, baking soda and ere.m of tarlar, and add
alternately with the buUermilk to the first mixture. Then
,ldd the nuts and blend well.
If baked on well-heated electric ".me iron, no greas
ing will be required. I( on an ordinary waffle iron, usc
just 6 tablespoonfuls of the butter in the b,1tler and gre,lsc
the he.ted waffle iron lightly with the remaining 2 1.ble
spoonfuls of butter.
When first taken from the wafle iron, the waffle will
be soft, but will become crisp as it cools. These w.l(es
,1re delicious served hot from the w.l(e iron with \fanill.l
Icc erc,m.
irl . Twt/l/y fOl,r 5-ill{/' IlljliS.
'I, cupful buller . . . 11 cupful granulated sugar . . 1 egg
. . . 2 cupfuls sifted coke four . . . 1 teaspoonful baking
soda . . . l/. teaspoonful salt . . . 'l cupful Hershey's Cocoo
, , , 1 teaspoonful cinnomon , . . I cupful buttermilk .
1 cupful raisins . . . J/. cupful chopped wolnuts.
Cream butter; add sug.r, a small amount it a time,
creaming well after each addition. Add egg ind beat well.
Mix and sift together the Rour, baking soda, s.lt, cocoa
and cinnimon; add to creamed mixture .lternately wilh
the buttermilk, beating until blended after each addition.
Stir in r.isins and nuts. Turn inlo a greased bre.ld pM1
(9 X 5 X 2*.inch). B.ke in a moderate oven (350 degrees)
I hour or until done. Cool on wire rJck. Spre.d with
softened cream cheese if desired.
ltfl 10 right:
Choco/ult Ttl Brtud;
ChOW/lilt DfSStr/ WaJlts
Cocoa Bund Crmb Cookies (,l ge 74)
Yl cupful buller . . . 1 'h cupfuls brown $ugor, packed . . .
2 eggs . . . 1 teaspoonful vanilla . . . 1 cupful flour (011-
purpose) . I 'I. teaspoonfuls baking powder . . . ,/. cupful
Hershey's Cocoa . . 'h teaspoonful salt . . . '/ cupful milk
. . . 'h cupful graham crocker crumbs, rolled fne . . . '1
cupful shredded cocoanut . . . 3/. cupful finely chopped
Cream butler; .dd sugar and credm them together.
Add eggs and vanilla. Sift together flour, baking powder,
cocoa and salt. Add to mixture alternately with milk.
Add rolled cr.lckcr crumbs and be.l thoroughly. Add
cocoanut and nuts. Spre,ld mixture thinly in buttered
shallow oblong p.ln (J X 9 X 2-inch). Bake in hot oven
(375 degrees) for 25 minutes. Cui into squares.
Yitld: J dou'l SqUtlri$.
/4 cupful granulated sugar . . . V2 cupful light brawn sugar,
pocked . . . Vl cupful buller . . . I egg . . . I teaspoonful
vanilla . . . 2 cupfuls flour (all-purpose) . . . I teaspoonful
baking soda . . . '11 teaspoonful baking powder . . 111
teaspoonful salt . . . V) cupful sour milk . . . 2 cupfuls
( 1 2ounce package) Hershey's Mini Chips.
Cre.1m the sug.trs and Ihe butter until light and fuf.
Add the egg and the vanilla and beat well. Stir together
the four, baking SOd.1, baking powder and salt; add to the
creamed mixture alternately with the sour milk. Stir in
the Mini Chips. Drop by heaping teaspoonfuls 2 inches
.part onto a grNsed baking sheet. Bake in a moder,te
oven (350 degrees) 8 to ) 0 minutes. Yield: About 2 dowl
I cupful butter . . . Vl cupful (5'h-ounce con) Hershey' Chowlole
Flavored Syrup . . . 2 eggs . . . J/ cupful granulated sugar . . .
1/ cupful flour (aU-purpose) . . . '/, teaspoonful baking powder.
1 cupful chopped nu/meats . . . 1 teaspoonful vanilla.
Melt the butter, and mix with the chocolate syrup; sct
.sidc till cool. Beat the eggs without scpar,ling; add the
sug.u .md then beat again. Sprinkle the flour, sifted with
the b'lking powder, over the nutmeats, and mix all the in
gredients together, .dding the vanilla. Spread in gre.scd
,d floured shallow pan (9 x 9 x H-inch), and bake
in " moderate oven (350 degrees) Jbout 25 minutes.
Cui into I -inch squares.
Yi.ld: J t/UUI1 Sill/lire's.
'l cupful butter . . . '1 cupful granulated sugar . . . Vl cupful
molasse . . . I egg . . . 7/1 cupful sifted flour (oil-purpose I
. . . I teaspoonful baking powder . . . 3 tablespoonfuls
Hershey's Cocoa . . . 111 cupful chopped nuts.
Cream butter and sugar; add molasses and the egg.
Sift together flour, baking powder and cocoa; add t the
(irst mixture. Stir in the nuts, and drop mixture from the
end of a spoon onto greased baking tins (cookie sheets).
B.ke in moder,le oven (375 degrees) for 8 to 10 minutes.
Yield: II'oul 2!1 dow! cookirs.
2 squares Hershey's Boking Chocolale . . . '1 cupful buller . . .
3 eggs . . 1 cupful granuloled sugar , , .
/ cupful flour
(ollpurpose) . . . '1 teaspoonful baking powder . . .
'1 leapoonful sail . . . dash cinnomon . . . 3/ cupful chopped
nulmeah . . . 'I, cupful chopped dales C raisins.
Melt baking chocolate and butter in top of double
boiler over simmering water. Beat eggs and sugar, ,nd ,ldd
chocol.l:e mixture. Sift flour, h'lking powder, salt, cin
n.lmon, , 1Ild add with nuts .1nd dales or raisins. Spread
in a well-greased pan (9 X 9 x I-inch). Bake 25
minutes in moderate oven (350 degrees). Cui into squMes.
Yidd: 16 robills.
egg . . . I cupful brown sugar, pocked . . . lh cupful
Hershey's Chocolate Flavored Syrup . . . 1 Vl cupfuls flour
(all-purpose) . . . I/ teaspoonful boking soda . . dash of
salt . . III cupful bulter, melled . . . 3/. cupful chopped
pecans or walnuts.
Be.t the egg. .md add the sugar ind chocolate syrup.
Sift the Aour, b,king soda and salt together, ',lnd idd to
the sug,u mixture. Then fold in the butter and the nui
meats. Spread in . well-greased shallow baking lin (9-inch
SqUdfc), .md bake in a moderate o\cn (350 degrccs) 3S
to 40 minutes. Cut while warm into sm.1ll squilres.
Yield: 16 browuies.
(Smal l Cupcakes)
3 tablespoonfuls buller . . . II cupful granulated sugar .
1 eg9 yolk III teaspoonful vanilla . . . % cupful four
(on,-purpose) . . I; teaspoonful baking soda . 3
tablespoonfuls Hershey's Cacao . '1 cupful milk . . . I
egg while . . 2 Hershey's Milk Chocolate Bars with Almonds
( 1. 05 ounces each!.
CreMll the butter .md sugar together; add the egg yolk
.md v.milla, and beat well. Sift together flour, b.lking
soda ,md cocoa; add with milk to other ingredients. Add
stiffly be.ten egg white. Bake in very small buttered tins
( I -inch muffin pans! in a moderate oven (350 degrees)
for 15 minutes. lee with Pink Butter Icing (page 30) ,1Ild
sc.ltter Hershey'S Almond Bars, cut into neat pieces or
gr.led, over the cakes while icing is still soft.
Yirld: Abolll 1 doull $rmll CIlJIliS.
To!, /11 lrol/olll:
Clwrllllll Pillh;
CllOwlfllr SyrlJ BJ"CJlvllies;
CllOrolilir Robins
* "
.. J ..
... m -
2 eggs . . . 111 cupful granulated sugar . . . Ih cupful sifted nour
(oil-purpose) . . . 1 teaspoonful baking powder . . .
6 tablespoonfuls Hershey's Chocolate Flavored Syrup . . .
1 teaspoonful vanilla . . . Ih cupful walnut nutmeots, chopped
. . . III cupful doles, chopped.
Be.11 the eggs thoroughly, and gr.lduaJly be.! in the
SUg.H. Sift the flour .md b,king powder. Add to the
egg and sug.r mixture ,lIld "Iso add the chocol.lte sYTlIp
Jnd vanilla. Then 'ldd the walnut nulreals and the dates.
which have been chopped into small pieces. Beat together
and spread in , greased shallow pan (9 x 9 X I-
inch). Bake in a moderate oven (350 degrees) 25 minutes.
When tool, cut the c.ke into 1 X 3-inch strips. Sprinkle
with 4X sugar (con(ectioners').
Yidd: Aboul 2 dornl bllrs.
(Christmas Cakes)
6 tablespoonfuls buller . . . 1 cupful granulated ugar . .
1 egg . . . 2 quore Hershey's Baking Chocolate . . .
2 cupfuls sifted flour (all-purpose) . . . 2 feospoonfuls baking
pQwde . . . dash of salt . . . V2 cupful chopped blanched
almonds . . . 1/. cupful milk . . . nulmeofs, cherries or raisins.
Cream the butter .md sugar. and .Hd the egg, unbeilten,
then the biking chocol.te, melted over Simmering water.
Sift the flour, b.,king powder .md salt together. Mix with
;lmonds, bl,lnched ,Ind finely chopped. Stir into egg .md
sugar mixture ilteratcly with the milk. Chill the dough
for sever.l hours, then pinch off bits the size of a Iuge
nl.ublc and press .1 h.lv(d nutmeat or cherry or r.lisin
onto each. B.ke in a moder.le oven (375 degrees) for
8 10 "0 minutes on <1 greased baking tin (cookie sheet).
Yijld: Abouf 4 douu wuht.
72 Chaco/aft Walnut Whetls
III cupful butter . . . 1 cupful granulated sugar . . . 1 egg . . .
2 squoles Henney's Soking Chocolate, melted . . .
1/4 teospoonful vanilla . . . % cupful sihed coke flour . . .
It leospoonful soli . . . I cupful minced walnuts . . . walnut
Crcml butter, ,1d ,ldd sugar gradu.,lly. /dd egg
melted b.tking chocol.lte .1nd vanill.. Add flour, sil! .lnd
nuts, ,md be,11 \ell. Drop from lip of spoon I inch ,lp.lr!
onto gre.scd b.king sheet. C.unish (Jeh with \Ilnul
halves. B.ke in moder.lle oven (350 degrees) 10 mlllutcs.
Yitlll: . Ilotll wlu'ds.
6 tablespoonfuls melted butler . . . l/4 cupful brown sugar,
pocked . . . 2 eggs . . . 2 squares Hershey's Baking
Cho(OJote, melted . . . 1 cupful flour (oil-purpose) .
I teaspoonful baking powder . . . Vl teaspoonful soh . . .
'/. teaspoonful cinnamon . . . '1 cupful seeded roisins . . .
'l cupful candied pineapple, chopped . . . 'I cupful chopped nuls.
erc.un butter .md sug,r; ,dd eggs. Add melted b.lking
chOCO).llc, ,md bCJ! thoroughly. Combine the four. b.king
powder, s,lh and cinn.lnlOO. I,dd to the mixture, .me
bC;l! well. Add the r;lisins, pinc.lpple <me nuts. Drop
(the size of silvcr doll,IT) from le.lspoolI onto ,\ grc.scd
b.lking sheet. B.Ike in <1 moder.lle OVCI1 (350 degrees)
for !O minutes.
y;..t,/; 1 ,/,JitI iurg. (d()h,':.
I square Hershey's Baking Chocolate . + .
/ cupful
sweetened condensed milk . I Y2 cupfuls shredded
cocoanut . . . '1 teaspoonful vanilla.
Melt the baking chocol.lte in .l double boiler over sim
mering w,ller. Add the condensed milk and blend. Add
the coco,mut ,I nc \',mill.l. Drop (size of h
cupful light brown sugar, pocked . . . l/4 cupful granulated
5ugar . . . 1 cupful maple syrup . . . 1 cupful light cream . . .
2 tablespoonfuls buller . . . few groins $011 . . . 1 '12 squares
Hershey's Baking Chocolate . . . I egg white . . . 1 cupful
broken pecans.
Combine SUgMS, map!e syrup, credm, butter, salt Jnd
the b.king ChOCOlltc, broken into 5m,11 pieces, in a heavy
saucepan (3-qu.ut). Bring gently to boiling point, stirring
canst,mlly. Cover ,md cook 5 minutes. Remove cover
and cook, slirring occasionally, until mixture forms soft
b,[l in cold 1'l(r (236D F.). Cool until bottom of p;1l
Feels iukcw.m ( l i D" F.). Bei! vigorously until fudge
begins to lose its gloss 'lild holds its sh'lpe. Tur out onto
a buttered surf,CC. KnC,ld fudge till il C,lIl be shaped,
keeping h'lnds wellbuttered. Sh.pe into two 9-inch rolls;
brush with slightly be.lten egg white. Roll immediately
in broken peC,lIls, pressing nuts into roJt to CO.11. Wrap
and chill until re.dy to slice.
Yi . ld: Abollt 3v ;lin'5.
cupful granulated sugar . . . 1 cupful light brown sugar ar
maple sugar, packed . . . III cupful light cream . . .
11 teaspoonful salt . . . 2 squares Hershey's Baking Chocolate
. . . I tablespoonful butter . . . 1 cupful coarsely chopped
pecans . 1 teaspoonful vanilla.
Combine sugars, cre.llll .md salt in a IHge s.1llepan.
Cook over mediulll he,t, stirring COllSI,lntly, 10 2280 F. on
candy thermometer. Remove from he,lt, ,md ddd Ihe
baking chocol.lIe, broken into sm,111 pieces, the butter
and pec.lns. Relur 10 heat; slirring COl1st.lnlly, cook 10
50ft-ball st,1ge ( 23'1 F.). Remove from he.ll; n.wor with
vanilJ.l, and cool s minutes. Bcat 10 to 15 seconds or until
slightly thickened. Quickly drop candy by ],lrge spoonfuls
onlo greased pl.lIes (or w.lxed p.lpcr). I f mixture becomes
100 thick to drop, stir in t'1blespoonful of hoi waler.
Yirld: About 1 d(/:"II /Iiarj.
cupful light (orn syrup . . . 2 tablespoonfuls water . . .
2 tablespoonfuls granulated sugar . . . 2V. cupfuls (7-ounce
can) flaked cocoonul . . . 1 teaspoonful yonilla . . . l/. cupful
Hershey's Baking Chips . + . III cupful toosted slivered
almonds or chopped pecans,
Cook the (orn syrup, water and SUg.lf together in
small saucepan OVN medium heat to thc 50ft-b.ll st.ge
(234" F.), Remove from heat; add coco.mut and vanilla,
stirring to blend well. Put into an 8-inch square p.m.
Melt baking pieces in top of double boiler over hot,
not boiling, w,ter. Pour over cocoanut; spre,d with
sp.tula .:d sprinkle with nuts. Coot. Cut into squares.
Yield: 3 doun sqll(lrts.
cupful (5l/.-ounce packoge) Hershey's Milk Chocolole Chips
. . 1 teaspoonful 5hortening . . . coshew5. peonut5, pecan
halve5, English walnut halves or miniature marshmallows.
Pick over the nutme.1ts. Melt the chocol'le pieces with
shortening in top of double boiler over hot. not boiling,
W.ter. Throw in h,lf " cupful of nuts (one kind at
2 cupfuls tight brown sugar, packed . . . 3/. cupful cold waler
. '1 cupful ( 5Ih-ounce con} Hershey's Chocolate Flavored
Syrup . . . 2 egg whites . . . 1 teaspoonful vanilla .
1 square Hershey's Baking Cho<olote, melted . . , 1 cupful
Mix together sugar, water and chocolate syrup in
heavy 5iUCepiln (3-quart). Cook ove medium heal,
sti rring const,mtly, till sugar dissolves .md mixture boils.
Then cook to hard-b.l! stage (250" F.) without stirring.
Remove pan from he.ll.
Immediately beat egg whiles till stiff. Pour hot syrup
in thin slre.m over beaten egg whites, be,ting con
stantly ,11 high speed on mixer. Continue be,Hing till
mixture forms peaks when dropped from spoon, .bout
10 minutes. Quickly stir in v,ill" and melted baking
chocolate by ll.lnd. Blend in nutme,lts. Drop by te.lspoon
fuls onto waxed p"per. Cool.
Yield: J 10 4 dolt'1 I,iu6.
2 cupfuls granulated sugar . . . % cupful milk . . .
2 tablespoonfuls light corn syrup . . . I tablespoonful butler
1 teaspoonful vanilla . . . '1 cupful peanut buller . . .
1 cupful (53-ounce pockoge) Hershey'S Milk Chocolate Chips.
Combine sugar, milk and corn syrup in a heavy S,uce
pan (3-qUMt); bring to a boiL stirring constantly until
mixture boils. Continue boiling without stirring to the
soft-ball st,lge (234 F.). Remove from heat. Add butler
without stirring, and cool to lukewarm (110' F.).
Add vanilla and peanut butter; be,t until mixture be
gins to thicken and lose its gloss. (Watch LarefLlly, this
fudge has short beating time.) Quick/y "dd chocolite
pieces, and turn into buttered 8 x 8 x 2-inch p;m.
While W,rm, mark into squares. Cool until fnn, then
cut as marked.
Yi(/d: About j doze!! S!llwr(s.
Left /0 right;
Angel Fudge;
Cho(o/lIIe 5eafoam;
Chaco/ale Chip-Pelltllli Buller Futig( 63
1 1/. cupfuls granulated sugar . . . lh cupful Hershey's Cocoa
. . )/ cupful light corn syrup . . . 2 leo spoonfuls cider vinegar
. . . V. teaspoonful sedl . . . 2 toblespoonfub butter . . .
1/. cupful evaporated milk . . . 2 quarts popped corn.
Mix (ogclher thc sugar, cocoa, corn syrup, vinegar and
salt thoroughly in . heavy S,lUCCp.1n. Add butter; cook
slowly, stirring \o5tQntly until the sug.lr dissolves. Bring
the mixture to a boil; .1dd ev,por.tcd milk slowly so
boiling does not stop. Cook mixture over low firc, stirring
occ"sionally. until it rc.1hcs 265" F. Mix into 2 qUdrls
freshly popped cor. Dip out large spoonfuls ,lIld mdk(
into b"lls. first wetting thc hands in cold 1V.1cr or rubbing
them lightly with butter. One must work quickly.
)i(/II: TWfll/Y 4-ildl blilk
Vl1ril1liOll: Add V cupful chopped nutme,lts to chocolate
mixture before mixing into popped corn.
(Gumdrop-like Confection)
3 toblespoonfuls granuloted gelatin (unflavored) . . . Ih cupful
cold water . . . 2 cupfuls granulated sugar . . . Vl cupful
Hershey's Cocoa . . . 111 cupful water . I teaspoanful vonilla.
Soak the gelatin in 1 cupful cold water 10 minutes.
Combine sug.r, cocoa and cupful water in M heavy
saucep.Il; cook, stirring constantly, until the sugar is
well dissolved. Blend in the gelatin and bring to a boil;
cook slowly over a [ow fire .bout 15 minutes (220 F.)
without stirring. Remove from fire; stir in the vanilla, and
cool undisturbed for about 30 minutes. Line the bottom
of . sh.lllow pan (8-inch square) with waxed paper. Pour
in cooled mixture. Let stand 24 hours. then invert onto
a well-suared surface. Carefully peel off paper; cut into
squares and roll in granulated sugar.
Yitld: A/
Ollt 4 soun SQIWrfS.