Edet709 Comparison Matrix
Edet709 Comparison Matrix
Edet709 Comparison Matrix
Ivan Pavlov
1. M ajor Theorists
A. Learning results from the encoding of information into memory in an organized manner for later retrieval.
A. 1. Schema techniques 2. Gagns instructional design B. 1. Piaget: Developmental constructivism 2. Vygotsky: Social constructivism C. 1. Reward and punishment 2. Behavioral instructional design 3. Taxonomies of learning A. 1. Learning-by-doing 2. Active and authentic learning B. 1. Computer assisted instruction (CAI) 2. Teaching machines C. 1. Intelligent tutoring systems
C. Constructivists considers memory as the accumulation of experiences, which is fluid, changing with new experiences and situations. A. Acquisition of behaviors are acquired through reinforcing consequences, and repetition enables the learner to quickly respond. B. Memory has a major role. Information is selected for further processing and encoded and stored in a meaningful way in it. B. Learning is transferred through prior learning; that is, knowledge and procedures in long term memory can be generalized or applied to a similar task. C. Learning is transferred when the learner is able to generalize knowledge in new situations A. The biggest appeal to apply this theory into practice is classroom management. B. The biggest appeal to apply this theory into practice is that it allows students to apply information learned in the classroom to real world situations. C. The biggest appeal to apply this theory into practice is that it is focuses on students mental structures and learning. It also views the students as active participants.
A. Learning is transferred through the involvement and completion of authentic tasks within a situation with some significance to the learner.
B. As cognitivism focuses on schemas and prior learning, it may be difficult for teachers to assess all students prior learning.
A. As students construct their own meaning, divergent meaning may cause some problems. It may be difficult to develop authentic activities that can be facilitated within a classroom setting. C. In a large classroom of 20+ students it is difficult to monitor behavior, thus applying immediate reinforcement contingent on behavior may be difficult. Mental cues might not be available to the learner when needed.