3 Charu Sinu
3 Charu Sinu
3 Charu Sinu
. of Management Studies SOM, Pondicherry University Pondicherry-605014 Email: charumathipu@gmail.com & N. Sinuuvassane Ph.D. Research Scholar (PT) Dept. of Management Studies Pondicherry University [Assistant Professor & HOD Rajiv Gandhi College of Engineering &Technology Pondicherry - 607 402] ABSTRACT India has the second largest population density in the world. At the same time housing demand is also increasing side by side but the supply of housing is limited due to the various reasons and factors. The economy and the standard of living are not up to the mark due to the political changes and other external environmental factors. Puducherry is a microcosm of India. As majority of the population is in the middle income group, getting an own house is a very tuff task nowadays. The quality of life for most people is likely to be determined by the quality of their residential areas. Thus, the factors which affect the construction cost of affordable housing are the fundamental inputs in monitoring the success of housing policies that are focused in improving the quality of life. In this context, the present study analyses the factors affecting the construction cost of affordable housing in Puducherry. By using structured questionnaire with a five point scaling technique, this study collected the opinions about 48 different factors affecting the construction cost of affordable houses, from a sample of registered builders in Puducherry. Such information can help the government to rationalize their policies and to make informed strategies of low cost housing development in Puducherry. Key Words: Puducherry, Housing costs, Construction industry JEL Classification: R32 Paper Type: Empirical