Symptoms of Low Potassium

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Symptoms of Low Potassium Potassium Deficiency Symptoms and Signs Indeed, knowing the symptoms of low potassium can

help you make informed decisions about your health. However, before we delve into potassium deficiency symptoms, let's briefly discuss what it does to help us maintain vibrant heath. Potassium is a mineral that harbors electrical propertieswhen it is dissolved in the fluid part of the blood and, as such, it is classified as an electrolyte. It is a nutrient that is critical to life as it is required for the proper functioning of cells, including the cells of the heart muscle. It works closely with its cousin sodium - another electrolyte in maintaining the body's proper balance of fluids and acid-base. More specifically, potassium controls the amount of fluid inside cells while its cousin sodium maintains the balance of fluid outside cells. Potassium aids in proper muscle contraction and helps to keep theheart thumping regularly. It is also essential for conducting nerve impulses, aids in energy metabolism, and it even helps to maintainnormal blood pressure. In fact, evidence suggests that diets high in potassium may help to protect against hypertension, strokes, and cardiovascular disease. Lastly, potassium regulates the transfer of nutrients through cell membranes, but this function has been shown to decrease with age. Symptoms of Low Potassium The following are potassium deficiency symptoms and signs: Muscle Cramps Muscle Fatigue and Weakness Irregular Heartbeat Fatigue Mental Confusion Irritability Abnormally Dry Skin Insatiable Thirst Chills Depression Nausea and Vomiting

Nervousness Insomnia Diarrhea Low Blood Pressure Periodic Headaches Salt Retention Constipation High Cholesterol Levels Glucose Intolerance Impaired Growth Edema Extreme cases, cardiac arrest Symptoms of Low Potassium Who's at Risk?

The following people should pay very close attention to their potassium levels and be aware of potassium deficiency symptoms. Some of the causes of potassium deficiency include: Certain diuretics Long-term therapy with corticosteroids and adrenal hormones High sodium diets and low in fruits and vegetables Prolonged fasting Bizarre diets Seniors Excessive intake of licorice over prolonged periods Excessive intake of carbenoxolone Profuse sweating over a period of several days can reduce stores of potassium Excessive use of laxatives Symptoms of Low Potassium: Health Conditions at Risk? The following health conditions can cause a potassium deficiency. As such, one should also be aware of potassium deficiency symptoms. Anorexia Nervosa Alcoholism Malnutrition Cystic Fibrosis Kidney Disease Heart Disease Diabetes

Cushings Syndrome Surgical Operations Involving the Bowel Extensive Burns and Injuries Chronic Diarrhea Persistent Vomiting Influenza Chronic Respiratory Failure Anemia Ulcerative Colitis Inflammatory Bowel Disease Excessive Excretion of Aldosterone

Hyperkalemia symptoms and signs The symptoms of hyperkalemia are related to impaired neuromuscular transmission (nonspecific Sx) since potassium plays an important role in neuromuscular transmission. Often, however, the problem is detected during screening blood tests for a medical disorder. Nonspecific and general symptoms include Malaise Palpitations Muscle weakness Mild hyperventilation (this may indicate a compensatory response to metabolic acidosis which is one of the possible causes of hyperkalemia. The early symptoms of hyperkalemia are paresthesias weakness, which can progress to paralysis affecting respiratory muscles. Signs and symptoms of hyperkalemia may also develop from complications of hyperkalemia, manifesting with symptoms like Cardiac arrhythmia Sudden death (from cardiac arrest)

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