Brocade San Switch Cheatsheet - CLI

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# Add a memeber to a zone > zoneadd "Crm1_zoneA", "server1_pci0_emulex" # Copy an existing zone > zoneCopy # Create a new zone

> zonecreate "ZoneName", "Alias" # Delete a zone > zoneDelete # Remove a zone from the configuration > zoneRemove # Rename a zone > zoneRename # Print the current zone configuration > zoneShow # Add a member to the configuration > cfgAdd # Copy a zone configuration > cfgCopy # Create a zone configuration > cfgCreate # Delete a zone configuration > cfgDelete # Remove a member from a zone configuration > cfgRemove # Rename a zone configuration > cfgRename # Print zone configuration > cfgShow # Add a member to a zone alias > aliAdd # Copy a zone alias > aliCopy # Create a zone alias > aliCreate "server1_pci0_emulex", "10:00:00:00:c9:32:75:92" # Delete a zone alias > aliDelete # Remove a member from a zone alias > aliRemove # Rename a zone alias > aliRename

# Print zone alias information > aliShow # Show the entries in the name server > nsshow # Dump the error log > errdump > errshow # Dump port errors > portErrShow # Print port error log > portLogDump # Print port activity > portLogShow # Disable and enable the switch > switchdisable > switchenable # Configure a trunk port > portCfgTrunkPort # Download new firmware > firmwareDownload # Configure the domain and CorePID > configure # Show port statistics > portStatsShow # Commands required to create a new zone 1. Create an alias $ alicreate "<alias name>", "PWWN" 2. Create a zone $ zonecreate "Zone_name", "Alias_name; storage_port_alias" 3. Optionally add additional aliases to the zone $ zoneadd "Current_zone_name", "Alias_to_add" 4. Optionally remove aliases from a zone $ zoneremove "Current_zone_name", "Alias_to_remove" 5. Add the zone to the definied configuration $ cfgadd "CFG_Name", "Zone_name" 6. Optionally remove a zone from the effective configuration $ cfgremove "cfg_name", "Zone_name_to_remove" 7. Save the definied configuration to persisten storage $ cfgsave 8. Enable the configuration $ cfgenable "CFG_Name"

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