Or Tho
Or Tho
Or Tho
Basket Cast For massive injuries of the bone in any part of the lower extremities
Body Cast
Brace Cast
Collar Cast
Cylinder Cast
Delvit cast Affection of the distal end of tibia-fibula which allows the foot to exercise
Frog Cast
Hanging cast
Minerva cast Affection of the upper dorsal cervical spine due to scoliosis and pott s dse.
Munster cast
Pantalon Cast
For Scoliosis
Quadrilateral Cast
No pic
Arm circular cast (long&short) Long- affection of radius-ulna Shortaffection of wrist and fingers
Sugar Tong Affection of the upper portion of the humerus with infection and open wound
Functional Cast
90 degrees traction
Boot Cast
Bryants traction
Congenital hip dislocation Skin adhesive
Bucks extension
Fx of Hip and Femur Skin adhesive
Supracondylar Affection of the humerus by suspending arm horizontally Skin Adhesive
For Scoliosis and kyphosis skeletal
For scoliosis skeletal
Fx of the Pelvis region
Head Halter
Cervical fx Skin non-adhesive
Pelvic girdle
Lumbar affection Skin non-adhesive
Russel Traction
Cervical fx and Lumbar affection Skin non-adhesive