Jewelry 2004 Survey Questionnaire Draft

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The document appears to be a draft of a jewelry purchasing survey that aims to understand consumer behaviors and attitudes related to fine and costume jewelry.

The survey aims to understand consumer purchasing behaviors, preferences for different types and materials of jewelry, factors considered when choosing where to shop, as well as attitudes towards fine and costume jewelry.

Fine jewelry is defined as jewelry made from precious or semi-precious stones and 14k gold or higher, sterling silver, or platinum. Costume or fashion jewelry is defined as jewelry made from base metals, plastic, wood or other non-precious materials with gold or sterling plate and/or man-made stones.

Sample: Representative sample of adults 18-70 years old; 500 completes. Standard demographics. Qualifying Question 1.

In the past 12 months, since September 2003 to August 2004, have you personally purchased any fine jewelry or costume jewelry, including fine watches or costume watches? Y/N (NO- disqualified) About Last Purchase 2. Thinking about your last jewelry purchase, was your purchase made: As a gift For yourself 3. Did you purchase more than one jewelry item during your last purchase? Y/N (If Yes, say For the following questions about your last item purchased, please report only on the most expensive item that you bought.) 4. What kind of jewelry did you purchase? 1. Womans Fine Jewelry or Fine Watch, defined as jewelry made from precious or semi-precious stones and/or 14K and above gold, sterling silver or platinum 2. Womans Costume or Fashion Jewelry or Costume Watch, defined as jewelry made from base metal, plastic, wood or other non-precious material, with sterling or gold plate and/or man-made stones, such as CZs. 3. Mens Fine Jewelry or Fine Watch 4. Mens Costume or Fashion Watch of Costume Watch [If Womens Fine Jewelry, ask] 4a. What type of Woman's Fine Jewelry did you purchase? (Please check all that apply - If "none," please indicate "none of the above") (Please check type of jewelry and material of composition. 1-Ring 2-Necklace 3-Bracelet 4-Earring 5-Pin/Brooch 6-Bridal Jewelry 7-Charms 8-Watch 9-Other Women's Fine Jewelry

Jewelry Survey Questionnaire, Draft


10-None of the above What is the material or composition of the last Womans fine jewelry item purchased? For example, if you bought a platinum diamond ring with sapphire stones, you would indicate "Platinum," "Diamond," and "Semi-Precious Stones." (Please check all that apply - If "none," please indicate "none of the above") Metals: 1-Fine gold jewelry (e.g. 14k and above, not gold plate) 2-Fine platinum jewelry 3-Fine sterling silver jewelry 4-Gold plate, gold filled or vermeil 5- Other, not known 6-None of the above Gemstones: (Please check all that apply - If "none," please indicate "none of the above") 1-Diamond jewelry 2-Pearl jewelry 3-Other precious gemstone jewelry (such as emeralds, sapphires, rubies, etc.) 4-Semi-precious gemstone jewelry (such as opals, topaz, amethyst, etc.) 5-Other/Not Known 6-No Gemstores/None of the above [If Womens Costume Jewelry, ask] 4b. What type of Woman's Costume or Fashion Jewelry did you purchase? (Please check all that apply - If "none," please indicate "none of the above") 1-Ring 2-Necklace 3-Bracelet 4-Earring 5-Pin/Brooch 6-Charm 7-Watch 8-Other Women's Costume Jewelry 9-None of the above [If Mens Fine Jewelry, ask] 4c. What type of Mens Fine Jewelry did you purchase? (Please check all that apply - If "none," please indicate "none of the above") ? (Please check type of jewelry and material of composition. 1-Ring 2-Necklace 3-Bracelet 4-Tie Tack/Bar 5-Cuff Links 6-Bridal Jewelry

Jewelry Survey Questionnaire, Draft


7-Watch 8-Other Men's Jewelry 9-None of the above What is the material or composition of the last Mens jewelry item purchased? For example, if you bought a platinum diamond ring with sapphire stones, you would indicate "Platinum," "Diamond," and "Semi-Precious Stones." (Please check all that apply - If "none," please indicate "none of the above") Metal: 1-Fine gold jewelry (e.g. 14k and above, not gold plate) 2-Fine platinum jewelry 3-Fine sterling silver jewelry 4-Gold plate, gold filled or vermeil 5-Other/Not Known 6-None of the above Gemstones: (Please check all that apply - If "none," please indicate "none of the above") 1-Diamond jewelry 2-Pearl jewelry 3-Other precious gemstone jewelry (such as emeralds, sapphires, rubies, etc.) 4-Semi-precious gemstone jewelry (such as opals, topaz, amethyst, etc.) 5-Other/Not Known 6-No Gemstones/None of the above [If Mens Costume Jewelry, ask] 4d. What type of Mens Costume Jewelry did you purchase? (Please check all that apply - If "none," please indicate "none of the above") 1-Ring 2-Necklace 3-Bracelet 4-Tie Tack/Bar 5-Cuff Links 6-Bridal Jewelry 7-Watch 8-Other Men's Jewelry 9-None of the above 5. How much did you spend on your last jewelry item purchased? (For multiple items purchased most recently, please report the most expensive single item purchased) 1-Under $50 2-$51-$100 3-$101-$249 4-$250-$499 5-$500-$999 6-$1,000-$2,499 7-$2,500-$4,999

Jewelry Survey Questionnaire, Draft


8-$5,000-$9,999 9-$10,000-$24,999 10-$25,000 or more 6. Was the last jewelry item purchased bought on sale or at a discount off the list price? Y/N 7. What were the primary reasons why you bought the last jewelry item? (Check up to three reasons) 1- Price/Value Relationship 2- Style and Design 3- Favorite Gemstone or Color of Gemstone 4- Excellent Quality 5- Favorite Metal or Color of Metal 6- Matches a Particular Outfit 7- For a Special Occasion 8- Perfect Gift 9- Discounted Price 10- Favorite Brand or Designer 11- Replace a Worn Out/Lost Item 12- Custom Design 13-Other Reasons not mentioned above 8. How satisfied were you with your most recent jewelry item purchased? 1-Very Satisfied 2-Somewhat Satisfied 3-Neither Satisfied or Dissatisfied 4-Somewhat Dissatisfied 5-Very Dissatisfied

9. In what kind of store did you purchase your last jewelry item? 1-Department Store, such as Sears, JC Penney, Neiman Marcus, Bloomingdales, etc. 2-Specialty Fashion Shop or Boutique, such as Gap, Banana Republic, Limited, Chicos, etc. 3-Independently or Locally-Owned Jewelry Store 4-Chain Jewelry Store, such as Zales, Kays, Bailey Banks & Biddle, Tiffanys, etc. 5-Duty-free store 6-Other Specialty Luxury Shop or Boutique 7-Warehouse Club, Outlet Store, and/or Discount Store 8-Through Internet, Mail Order or TV Shopping 9-Other Types of Stores Not Listed Above 10-None of the above

Jewelry Survey Questionnaire, Draft


10. Before making this last jewelry purchase, did you shop around to compare items and prices? Y/N 11. What were the primary reasons why you made your most recent purchase at this store? (Check up to three reasons) 1-Helpfulness of Staff/Attention to My Needs 2-Convenience of Store 3-Quality of Merchandise 4-Brands carried 5-Wide Selection of Merchandise 6-Good Prices for Merchandise 7-Knowledge of Sales Staff/Information Provided 8-Trust in the Store 9-Place where I like to shop for other things besides jewelry 10-Pleasant environment for shopping 11-Other Reasons Not Mentioned Above 12. How satisfying was your most recent jewelry shopping experience? 1-Very Satisfying 2-Somewhat Satisfying 3-Neutral 4-Somewhat Dissatisfying 5-Very Dissatisfying About Last Years Jewelry Purchases 13. Thinking about all your jewelry purchases in the past year, approximately how many of the following types of jewelry did you buy? 13a. Womans Fine Jewelry and/or Fine Watches 13b. Womens Costume or Fashion Jewelry and/or Costume Watches 13c. Mens Fine Jewelry and/or Fine Watches 13d. Mens Costume or Fashion Jewelry and/or Costume Watches 1-1 only 2- 2 3-3 4-4 5-5 6-6 7-7 8-8 9-9 10-10 11-11 to 15 12-16 to 20

Jewelry Survey Questionnaire, Draft


13-21 to 25 14-26 or more 15-None 14. Approximately how much in total did you spend buying these kinds of jewelry in the past year? 14a. Womans Fine Jewelry and/or Fine Watches 14b. Womens Costume or Fashion Jewelry and/or Costume Watches 14c. Mens Fine Jewelry and/or Fine Watches 14d. Mens Costume or Fashion Jewelry and/or Costume Watches 1-Under $100 2-$101-$249 3-$250-$499 4-$500-$999 5-$1,000-$2,499 6-$2,500-$4,999 7-$5,000-$9,999 8-$10,000-$24,999 9-$25,000-$50,000 10-More than $50,000 11-None 15. Thinking about all your jewelry purchases in the past year, approximately how many of your purchases were gifts to be given to someone else? 1-Almost all/all (90-100%) 2-Some/Many (Around 75%) 3-About half (50%) 4-Very few (Around 25%) 5-Almost none/none (10% to none) 16. In what kind of stores did you make your jewelry purchases in the past year? (Check all that apply) 1-Department Store, such as Sears, JC Penney, Neiman Marcus, Bloomingdales, etc. 2-Specialty Fashion Shop or Boutique, such as Gap, Banana Republic, Limited, Chicos, etc. 3-Independently or Locally-Owned Jewelry Store 4-Chain Jewelry Store, such as Zales, Kays, Bailey Banks & Biddle, Tiffanys, etc. 5-Duty-free store 6-Other Specialty Luxury Shop or Boutique 7-Warehouse Club, Outlet Store, and/or Discount Store 8-Through Internet, Mail Order or TV Shopping 9-Other Types of Stores Not Listed Above 10-None of the above

Jewelry Survey Questionnaire, Draft


17. In the past year, which of these stores did you shop for jewelry in? (Check all that apply) Jewelry Stores 1-Zales 2-Kays 3-Tiffanys 4-Whitehall 5-Gordons 6-Bailey Banks & Biddle 7-Mayors 8-Michael Anthony Jewelers 9-Fossil 10-Friedmans 11-Cartier 12-Harry Winston 13-Reeds Jewelers 14-Jareds 15-Swatch 16-Lundstrom 17-Fortunoffs 18-Fred Meyers 19-Littman Jewelers 20-Jewelry Exchange 21-Other Jewelry Store Department Stores 1-JC Penneys 2-Sears 3-Macys 4-May Department Stores 5-Dillards 7-Bloomingdales 8-Neiman Marcus 9-Nordstroms 10-Other Department Store Fashion & Clothing Stores 1-Gap 2-Banana Republic 3-The Limited 4-Chicos 5-Talbots 6-Other Fashion or Clothing Store Discount Stores 1-Wal-Mart 2-Target 3-Kmart 4-Sams Club

Jewelry Survey Questionnaire, Draft


5-Costco 6-Kohls 7-TJ Maxx 8-Marshals 9-Other Discount Store Television/Mail Order/Internet 1-QVC 2-HSN 3-Ross-Simons 4-NBC Shop 5-Blue 5-Other Television/Mail Order Soure 18. When chosing a store to shop for jewelry and/or watches, how important are these factors, using a scale where 1=Very Important to 5-Not Important 1-Very Important 2-Somewhat Important 3-Neither Important/Unimportant 4-Somewhat Unimportant 5-Not Important 18a. Helpfulness of Staff/Attention to My Needs 18b. Convenience of Store 18c. Quality of Merchandise 18d. Brands Carried 18e. Wide Selection of Merchandise 18f. Good Prices for Merchandise 18g. Knowledge of Sales Staff/Information Provided 18h. Trust in the Store 18i. Place where I like to shop for other things besides jewelry 18j. Pleasant environment for shopping Trends 19. In the coming year, I do you expect to spend more than, less than or the same buying jewelry? 1-More than 2-About the same 3-Less than Attitudinals 20. Please check how strongly you agree or disagree with the following statements, using a scale where 1=Strongly Agree; 2=Somewhat Agree; 3=Neither Agree or Disagree; 4=Somewhat Disagree; 5=Strongly Disagree

Jewelry Survey Questionnaire, Draft


20a. Jewelry is the best gift to buy when you want to make a statement about how you feel about another person. 20b.Costume jewelry is always less expensive than fine jewelry. 20c. I am more careful to comparison shop when purchasing a piece of fine jewelry than when purchasing costume jewelry. 20d. Fine jewelry is to be worn mostly for special occasions, while costume jewelry is appropriate almost anytime. 20e. You can tell the difference between fine jewelry and costume because fine jewelry has a luster and character that costume jewelry does not. 20f. When I buy fine jewelry, I feel that I am getting a piece of jewelry that has longlasting value and can be passed down to my children or grandchildren. 20g. I often buy jewelry on the spur of the moment if I see something that you like. 20h. I feel uncomfortable buying a piece of jewelry if you cannot see it, hold it, and try it on in person. 20i. When I buy a piece of jewelry, it must be made of only the finest materials and crafted to the highest standards, even if I have to pay more for it. 20j. Most jewelry at retail is overpriced, so I usually look for sales or discounts before I buy. 20k. When I buy jewelry for myself, I think of it as a special gift to myself as a reward. 20l. Fine jewelry is too expensive, so I mostly buy costume jewelry for myself. 20m. I prefer to buy and own costume jewelry because I don't have to worry about losing it or it being stolen. 20n. Whenever I dress up for work or other "dressy" occasions, I like to accessorize my clothes with carefully chosen pieces of jewelry.

Jewelry Survey Questionnaire, Draft


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