Legend of The Five Rings - Prayers and Treasures

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Bless the Land 66

Earth Becomes Sk-y. . 66
Earth Kami's Blessing 66
Embrace of Kenro-JiJin 66
Essence of Earth........ ...66
Gift From Koishi-no-Kami.. ..67
Grandfather's Word.... ..67
Jizo's Curse.. .. ...... 67
Jurojin's Balm 67
Master Smith Ascends 67
Maw of the Earth .. 68
Murmur of Earth 68
Lesson of the Crab 69
Mask of the Mountains 69
Mystical Terrain .. 69
Preservation 69
Rock Storm.. . 69
Ring of Earth .. .. 70
Sharing the Strength of Many 70
Slash of the Lion 70
Strength of Osano-Wo 70
Strike at the Roots ...... 70
The Kami's Strength. . 70
The Wolf's Mercy 71
lime's Deadly Hand .7J
Fire Spells...... .72
\!\lay of Earth ...... 72
vVhispers of the Land 72
Wholeness o( the \Norld 72
Blessing of Lord Sun 74
Burning Kiss of Steel 74
Burning the Ashes .74
Castle of Fire 74
Curse of the Burning Hand 75
Disrupt the Aura 75
Essence of Fire.. .. 75
Evil 'Ward 76
Eyes of the Phoenix..... 77
Fiery Wrath .. 77
Final Ruin...... . 77
Fire Kami's Blessing...... .. 78
Flaring Speed.............. ... 78
Flickering Flare.......... ... 78
Never Alone 78
Oath of the Two Heavens 78
OsanoWo's Blessing..... 79
Purity of Shinsei . 79
Rage of the Fire Dragon. ...... 79
Ring of Fire.. .. .. 79
Ruined Earth.. . 80
Scatter the Soul's Flame . 80
Tamori's Curse. . 8 I
The Element's Fury 81
New Spell: Flock of Blood 43
The Imperial Families .. 43
New Path:
Jade Magistrate (Shugenja) 45
New Spell: Miya's 5asumata._ 46
New Spell: The Final Gift _ 46
The Minor Clans.. ..47
New Spell:
Fl1ght of the DragonOy 49
New Spell: \ Vater's Sweet Clarity 49
Renin...... . 50
New Path: The Forgotten Sons 52
New Path: The Fortune's Grace .. 53
New Path: The Order of lsashi. ... 53
New Spell: The Path Not Taken. 53
New Spell: Rise From the Ashes. 53
Air Spells . 55
Air Kami's Blessing _. S6
Arrow's Flight..... ... S6
Blessed Winds 56
Blessings of Isora 57
Borne By the Wind.. .57
Call the Spirit 57
Castle of Air.. . 58
Dance of the Kami .. 58
Facing Your Devils 58
Flight of Doves. . 58
Gathering Swirl .. 59
Gift of the Wind 59
Howl of Isora .. 59
Know the Shadows..... .59
Look Into the Soul..... .. .. 59
One Virtue and Seventy Faults .. 60
Piercing the Soul...... . 60
Renecting Mirror... ...... 61
Request to Hato-no-Kami 61
Ring of Air 61
Speed of Breath.. . 61
Step Between the Stars 61
Summoning the Gale 62
The Kami \,Vatch Over Me..... .. 62
The 'Nolf's Proposal.............. . 62
To Seek the Truth ... 62
Tricks of the Kami..... . 62
\'Valking the Way 63
vVind-Borne Speed 63
Wind's Distraction. .. 63
Winds of Aggression 63
Earth Spells.. . . 64
Arms of the Earth 65
Be the Mountain ...... 65
.. 20
..........................4 INTRODUCTIO
The Crab Clan
New Path:
Crystal Master (Shugenja) 10
New Spell: Crystal's Awakening.. 10
lew Spell: Bonds of Ningen-do .. 11
New Item: Kuni CrystaL 1J
The Crane Clan 12
rew Path: Fetishist (Shugenja) .. 14
New Spell: A\'Vaken the Spirit 15
New Spell: Aegis of the Air 15
The Dragon Clan.. 16
New Path;
Tamori Alchemist (Shugenja) .. 18
New SpelL
Breath of Heaven's Fire 18
New Spell: Earthen Blade I f)
The Lion Clan
New Path: Bishamon's Chosen
(Silugenja).. .. . 23
New Spell: The Brealh of Battle .. 23
New Spell: The Rolling Earth 23
The Mantis Clan 24
New Path:
Storm Acolytes (Shugenja) ..... 26
New Spell:
Sanctuary of Ningen-do 27
New Spell: Dominion of Suitengu27
The Phoenix Clan 27
New Path:
Isawa Ishiken (Shugenja) 30
New Spell: Soul Sword 31
New Spell: \'Vhispering Flames .. 31
The Scorpion Clan 32
New Path: Kuroiban (Shugenja) . 34
New Spell: CryptiC Cipher 34
New Spell: Clouded Mind 35
The Unicorn Clan 35
New Basic School:
Horiuchi Shugenja (Shugenja) 38
New Path:
Ki-rinTravelers (Shugenja)..... 39
New Spell:
Ashim'sRainbow Shield .. 39
New Spell: The Seed of Qanon 40
The Spider Clan 40
New School: Chuda Shugenja
School (Shugenja) 42
New Spell: Blood of the Ages 43
\-Varning Flame. 81
Wrath of Osano-Wo. ... 81
Void Spells.. . 82
Balance the Elements 82
Banished to the Darkness 82
Boundless Sight.. 83
Contemplate Void 84
Deplh of Void.. . 84
Drawing Out Void. . . 84
End of Illusions 85
Essence of All 85
Look Into Void 85
Master the Dragon. .. 85
Ring of Void 86
Spiritual Presence . 87
Touch of All . 87
Touch of Void.. . 87
Unbound 87
Voice of Void .. .. 88
Void Kami's Blessing.... .. 88
Whispered Blade . 88
Winds of Change 88
Breath of Mist.. 89
Water Spells 89
Clarily of Purpose.. . .. .. 91
Cross the Veil of Slee 91
Curse of the Jackal..... . 92
Ebb and Flow of Baltic.. .92
Ebbing Strength.. .92
The Emperor's Road 92
Endless Deluge 93
Energy Reversal..... .. 93
Energy Transference 93
Fortune's Turn 93
Gather the Clouds 94
Hands of the TIdes 94
Heart of the \Vater Dragon 95
Inari's Blessing. . 95
Kingdom Beneath the Sea.. . . 95
KUll1o's Black Embrace.. . .95
Master of the Rolling River ......... 96
Ride Through the Night.... . .. 96
Ring of Water 96
Speed of the \ Valerfall 97
Spirit of the \Valer ... 97
Stand Against the \Naves 97
Strike of the Flowing vVaters 97
Suitengu's Embrace 98
Suitengu's Surge 98
Surging Soul 98
The Flow of TIme.... 98
The Inner Ocean... .99
TIdes of Battle... .. 99
Torrential Rain 100
\IVal! of Bamboo.. . .. 100
\'Vater Kami's Blessing 101
Yuki's Touch... 101
Maho Spells.. . 101
Ancient \ Visdom 102
Bind the Revered 102
Blood Armor 103
Blood Command. .. 103
Blood \J\'arding 104
Bloodstained Forest. . t 04
Bloodstrike 104
Burning Blood 104
Chains of Jigoku 104
Choke [he Soul.. 105
Curse of Blood 105
Curse of the Water Spirits 105
Greater Curse of VVeakness 105
Dancing Vvith Demons 106
Dark Charisma 106
Death's Caress 106
Dim Mak 106
Eternal Darkness 107
Feeding on Flesh 107
~ o r m of Vermin 108
Gift of [he Kansen . .. 108
Heaven Has No Justice 108
Limb Disruption... .. 108
No Pure Breaths. . JO?
No Sustenance.. 109
Purge the \'Veak.. 109
Red Knife 109
Shinobi Corruption 109
Sinful Dreams 110
Smite the Blood 110
Stealing the Soul 110
Suck the Marrow........ J II
Tomb of Earth J I I
Touch of Death I I I
Truth is a Scourge.. .. II I
\,Vard of the Ninth Kami I 12
\ Vings of Blood... I 12
\Vritten in Blood............ .. t 12
New Advanced School:
Master Artificer 114
Treasures of the Crab Clan.. 116
Treasures of the Crane Clan 120
Treasures of the Dragon Clan 127
Treasures of the Lion Clan 133
Treasures of the Mantis Clan 139
Treasures of the Phoenix 145
Treasures of the Scorpion Clan 151
Treasures of the Unicorn Clan t 58
Treasures of the Imperial Families 165
Treasures of the Spider Clan
(Shadowlands) ..... ... 170
Treasures of the Naga.. . 180
Treasures of the Nezumi. 181
Treasures of the Five Elements 183
Unaligned Treasures .. 184
- ---
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eppun Taiken rose to sit on his knees, ignoring
the discomfort in his legs from the long time he
had spent in prostration and prayer. He drCIV
upon his training, putting the pain aside and focusing in-
stead on the honor being bestOlved upon him. The ritual
chamber lVas completely silent, save {or the occasional faint
sound o( the candle's flame burning alVay at the \\lick.
"Taiken," his sensei's voice said from somewhere behind
him. "You have labored long and hard, going Ivell beyond
your kinsmen Ivho studied alongside you. You have mas-
tered arts they lVill not even begin to understand for years
to come, and you have shOlvn talent for even more in the
future. Of all those studenls Ivho entered the temple these
many years ago, you alone have proven lVorthy."
Taiken bOlved his head at the undiluted praise, unsure o{
holV to respond. ''Thank you, sensei, " was all he said.
"NolV there is but a Single question, and your anslVer lvill
determine hoi\' lVe Ivilf proceed from this moment." He could
{eel her standing near him. "Seppun Taiken, do you Ivish to
join the ranks of the Hidden Guard?"
He considered the question for a moment The answer
Ivas simple, ofcourse, but there were mrelySimple questions,
and he imagined this I\'as a test o( some sort. Ultimately,
he decided, he could only answer honestly. "/ desire only
to protect the Emperor, his honor, and his court," he said.
'There are nogreater defenders o{those things than the Hid-
den Guard."
/-lis sensei, Sepplln Yoshiko, Ivalked into his field of vi-
sion, coming to stand betlVeen him Qnd the altar. "Well said.
He did 50. 'Thank you, sensei," he said, his tone mved.
"Do not thank me," she repiied. ''You have only yoursel{
to thank {or this appointment. As I said, you have eamed
it." She smiled siighlly. 'There Ivill iikely be days IVhen you
regret this choice."
Taiken drew back in shock. "Never!"
"Do not be so certain. The path o{ the Hidden Guard is
diffiCUlt and dangerous. The perils lVe must {ace are lVithout
number, and there are {elV Ive can call upon {or allies."
Taiken {rollmed. "[ knOll' o{ the piols o{ the lVeak-lVilied
among the Clans," he said. "We studied many such accounls
in the dojo. Is our greatest enemy not the Shadmvlands? Are
they not the enemy o{the Great etans as Ivell?"
'The ShadOlvlands is but one o( many enemies," Yoshiko
corrected. 'They are by {or the most dangerous, but atso
one Ive {ace only in{requently. Poiitical dissidenls, sel{-ag-
grandizing plots, these are (or more (requently our concern,
and ones we take no less seriously (or their non-lethal na-
ture. Treachel}' can erode the soul of an empire for, {or more
quickly than violence (rom external sources." She made a
dismissive gesture. "As {or the ShadOlvlands being the en-
emy of the Great Clans, of course. They are by for their OlVn
lVorst enemies, however."
Taiken's frolVn deepened. "There must be some among the
Clans we can number as our allies."
"There are those Ivho {ancy themselves guardians of the
Empire," Yoshiko admitted. "Chief among them the Kuni
Witch Hunters, Asako Inquisitors, and certain members o(
the Scorpion who seek out darkness in order to eradicate it
They have good intentions, perhaps, but their perceptions
are colored by the impurity of their service."
The young shugenja nodded. ''The do not serve the Em-
peror directly."
"No, they do not," his sensei confirmed. "Their service to
the Emperor is diluted by their loyalty to their Daimyo and
their Champions. Some even believe the kami themselves
are to be exalted above the word of man."
"Blasphemous," Taiken muttered. "The kami are the spir-
its ofthe mortal realm, instilled Ivith purpose by the Celestial
Heavens, Ivho gave dominion over the realm and all in it to
the Emperor at the dmvn of the Empire."
Yoshiko smiled. "You have learned your lessons \\Iell.
Now take them to heart. They are not merely lessons, but
truths, vilaI tnuths upon Ivhich evel}'thing depends. Our per-
formance of our duties hinges upon our understanding the
proper priorities, priorities all men must understand."
Taiken bolVed his head. "llvi/l remember, sensei."
"1 knOlv," she anslvered. "Now, let us move to the temple.
You will be receiving your first assignment. It is a difficult
time for us, with no Emperor. There are many among the
Imperial Families who might have a legitimate claim, and
all must be protected until the tnue line con be established."
Shugenja are relatively fev.
in number; for to speak
with the Elemental spirits well enough to stand any
chance of persuading them to do one's bidding is a rare
gift indeed, one found only through a fortunate birth.
In Rokugan, a spellcaster is made by fate, not human
will. The world they knmv is one of superhuman power,
a world of miracles - but also one of great hazard to
both body and soul.
Prayers and Treasures explores the shugenja's craft
and the place of these extraordinary people in Rokugan,
as well as the effect communication with the kami (and
the kansen, for that matter) has had on the material cui-
ture of the Empire. Chapter t discusses the role shugen-
ja play in the Empire's most important factions - the
Great Clans, the new and sinister Spider Clan, the Mi-
nor Clans, and the Imperial Families. Ronin shugenja
are not neglected, despite their small numbers.
Chapter 2 introduces over 150 new spells, includ-
ing maho spells, for use with Legend of the Five Rings
Roleplaying Game Third Edition. In addition, under the
listings for each Element is a comprehensive, ready-ref-
erence list of all of the spells of that Element currently
available for use with Third Edition rules, including the
spells described in the core rule book and in The Art of
the Duel.
Chapter 3 introduces a new Advanced School, the
Master Artificer, not specific to any Clan or other f a c ~
tion, as well as some optional rules for refining the
process of creating nemuranai. The heart of the chap-
ter is a catalogue of magical items themselves, some
of them legendary (like the Ancestral Swords of the
Clans), some of them relatively minor and everyday.
Some of these items originated in earlier editions of the
Legend of the Five Rings Roleplaying game, but many
have only previously appeared in the Legend of the Five
Rings collectible card game, and arc presented here for
the roleplaying game for the tirst time.
This is a book about the place of magic in Rokugan,
but it is not just about shugenja and their craft. It is also
a treatment of the Empire's soul and its history, vie'Ned
through the lens of an extraordinary class of the Em-
peror's subjects and the contributions they have made,
and continue to make, through twelve centuries of the
Emerald Empire.

The empire through
the Ryes at the K.awi.
Rokugan is a spiritual place, suffused as it is \".Iith
the countless Elemental spirits that comprise all
things. The kami within objects can awaken over
time, creating powerful artifacts called nemuranai,
but the spirits within common everyday objects
can also exert some degree of power even when
not fully awakened. This has little effect on the
day-to-day affairs of most mortals, but it can still
have a powerful impact on the ambiance of a par-
ticular location. After a thousand years of expo-
sure to the unique philosophies and mindsets of
the Great Clans, the kami that occupy the lands
of those Clans have come to reflect the values and
moods of the mortals around them. The following
entries for the Great Clans contain some degree
of simplification and generalization for rhetorical
emphasis, but they are still an accurate represen-
tation of how the kami's influence can color the
perceptions of shugenja who visit the lands of
other Clans.
simply do not have the time or inclination to learn
more about it. Instead, they are simply happy to have
shugenja standing alongside them on the Wall to help
defeat those ani whose flesh is too thick to be pierced
by steel.
Lke Crab Clan
If there is one thing that can be said about all Crab,
it is that they are a practical people. Everything they
encounter, whether as a Clan or as individuals, they
perceive in terms of its value as a \veapon against the
Shadowlands. Magic is no different, and indeed it is
often viewed with an almost irreverent attitude by the
rank-and-file of the Clan, those who do not possess the
ability to speak to the kami. It is relatively rare for any
Crab outside the Kuni family to comprehend the subtle
intricacies of magic, aside from those rare individuals
able to speak to the Elements themselves. Most Crab
n Rokugan, magic is not merely the means by which
a shugenja gathers and utilizes pmver. It is also a
sacred trust for a mortal blessed by the Heavens to
commune with their servants. who live within all things.
Shugenja can be pmverful warriors, brilliant courtiers,
and any number of other things, but first and foremost
they are priests, and this emphasis must never be
ten lest they lose the favor of the Elements and all their
power disappear in an instant. .. leaving only a lifetime of
regret. Even so, it should come as no surprise that those
priests affiliated with the various Great Clans have differ-
ent, sometimes radically different outlooks on virtually
every aspect of magic and its implementation.
'/...... ... .. ... ''' ... ''/''''.... " ......
, 'J. .... _"
As lords of the Crab, the Hida Family must spend
more time contemplating magic than the other non-
shugenja Families. As a result, they tend to understand
its subtleties and its utility to their Clan somewhat more
deeply than most of their fellow Crab (aside from the
Kuni). As part of their burden of leadership, they must
choose how best to use their shugenja, treating them
as assets which serve the Clan. On the one hand, they
could allmv the Kuni free rein to pursue their Dvm ends;
this could lead to important discoveries, new ways to
defeat their enemies, but it could also lead to some
shugenja falling to the Taint. On the other hand, subor-
dinating the Kuni entirely to the Crab's military needs
-deploying all of them along the Wall at constant close
quarters with the enemy - risks losing them altogether.
As with most strategic decisions they must make, the
Hida strive to find a balance bet\veen these extremes,
ensuring the Kuni can pursue their potentially valuable
research while simultaneously being on call to fight the
enemy directly.
The Kalu Family have tremendous respect for magic,
even if they have no use for it themselves. In the eyes
of a trained engineer, all that can be accomplished with
magic can also be accomplished with practical educa-
tion, ingenuity, and hard work. While many call this
philosophy into question, it cannot be denied that Kaiu
siege engines and Kalu fortifications can stop many
Shadowlands creatures othenvise vulnerable only to
Kuni shugenja. There are many among the Kaiu who
privately believe magic is a lazy means of accomplishing
something that could othelvlise only be gained through
arduous work and hard-won expertise. (Obviously, this
philosophy is rarely discussed in public.) For their part,
the Kuni support the Kaiu as much as possible, since
their talents can often free the shugenja to pursue their
O\ovn research away from the Wall.
The Hiruma Family have never produced shugenja
in any significant number, with perhaps only a dozen
memorable exceptions over the course of more than a
thousand years. Much like the Kaiu, the Hiruma be-
lieve in the skill and training of an individual rather
than reliance on the Elements to accomplish whatever
task is at hand. This may be due to the Hiruma often
facing Shadowlands opponents which can sense magic
in whatever form it takes, but which the Hiruma can
avoid with ease due to their superlative skills at scout-
ing and stealth. This is not to say that the Hiruma do
not respect magic or the Kuni, however; far from it. It is
the Kuni who made it possible for the recovered Hiru-
rna provinces to be cleansed of the Taint, a process that
took many years and extracted a considerable price
from the Kuni. For this reason if no other, the Hiruma
consider themselves eternally in the Kuni Family's debt,
and supply many of the yojimbo who keep the Kuni
lords well protected.
The Kun; Family are, of course, the Crab Clan's only
real source of magic, and as such they take it upon
themselves to understand a subject their Crab cousins
either cannot or will not study. While this tends to iso-
late them within their own Clan, it also gives them a
distinctive perspective on the art of magic even among
other shugenja. While the Kuni are far more observant
of traditional shugenja rituals than the remainder of
their Clan, they are still quite unorthodox compared to
other Clans' shugenja. Some might even describe them
as irreverent, as many among their number consider
magic more a science guided by rational and mechani-
cal principles than a matter of religion and communing
with the mysterious divine.
Alone among the Crab Clan's non-shugenja Families,
the Toritaka understand and have proper respect for
magic and all it entails in Rokugan. From their origin
as the ruling Family of the Falcon Clan up through their
absorption into the Crab, the Toritaka have held domin-
ion over lands that, for whatever reason, have a pow-
erful connection to the spirit realms. For generations,
the Toritaka have confronted the power of the spirit
world, and they are better equipped to understand that
which they cannot control than any bushi Family save
the Shiba and perhaps the Mirumoto. In fact, there is
a small bloodline within the already tiny Toritaka Fam-
ily that produces shugenja consistently, albeit no more
than one or two per generation.
The Yasuki are continually frustrated by magic on a
number of levels. On the one hand, they find any use of
it on the part of their rivals infuriating, as it can thwart
their carefully laid schemes with seemingly little effort.
On the other hand, the Yasuki have repeatedly request-
ed resources from the Kuni, both to combat this sort of
interference and to engage in their own manipulations,
but without avail. The Kuni simply have too many other
responsibilities, and assisting the Yasuki in their eco-
nomic endeavors is not important enough to warrant
committing their precious resources. As a result, mem-
bers of the Yasuki Family are generally hostile toward
magic, although they respect it and even fear it at times.
They have seen what it can accomplish far too often to
dismiss its power out of hand.
'"'" -I
a sense of resignation, of determination, that even first
time visitors cannot overlook. The Crab may live a short
distance from their doom, but they will not go into the
darkness without a struggle - one they \-vage with such
fury they may truly hold the darkness at bay indefinitely.
'the Role of Shugenja in the Clan
Crystal Masters - The Crystal Masters are a small sect
of shugenja, no more than a dozen in any gen-
eration, and are in high demand because of their
ability to damage Shadowlands creatures who are
immune to most conventional means of attack,
sometimes even to jade. The first Crab to develop
VI/hat eventually became the Crystal Master tech-
nique was a young Kuni Utagu, who spent several
months studying with the Crooked Tail tribe of
the nezumi. The Crooked Tail was a xenophobic
group, haunted by bitter experience with the pmv-
er of the Lying Darkness. The tribe was familiar
with the power of crystal, indeed it lived near a
large crystal outcropping, and as it gradually grew
Kuni Command Staff
Kuni Duelist
Crystal Master
School/Path Type Reference
Kuni Shugenja School Basic L5R core rulebook,
School p. 120
Path Prayers and Treasures,
Masters of War, p. 60
Art ofthe Duel, p. 31
'the eyes of the Kami
The Crab Lands are a dire and foreboding place. Even
during the height of the day, a fog often seems to hang
over the Crab provinces, as if promising some storm to
come. The Crab castles and fortifications, sometimes
even their Simplest villages, seem to be hewn from the
rocks themselves, more like a part of the landscape
than any construct of mortal hands. Despite the omi-
nous foreboding that hangs over the area, there is also
'" z
to trust young Utagu, he was able to learn a few of
their secrets. Utagu never revealed how he did it,
but he was able to adapt a fc\-v of the nezumi prac-
tices to the traditional Rokugani form of magic (for
more about nezumi magic, see Creatures of Roku-
gan: Third Edition, Chapter 3). Very few shugenja
can master the exotic and obscure practices which
Utagu pioneered - hence the sect's low number
- but the Crystal Masters are always welcome on
the Great Wall.
Kuni Duelist - There are never more than a handful
of these taryu-jiai specialists at anyone time, but
this is not due to a lack of those with the capac-
ity for such an art. Rather, it is simply because
the Kuni as a 'whole do not see any point in hav-
ing more than a few. The duelists serve to dem-
onstrate the potency of the Kuni Family's magic,
and to prove their point when disputes arise that
cannot be settled by more peaceful means. Thus,
only a few students who display considerable ap-
titude for this manner of magic are trained and de-
ployed, quickly developing a reputation as deadly
opponents. The courtiers of the Yasuki Family are
grateful to have such individuals on call, and the
Kuni acknowledge they do aid in accomplishing
the Clan's goals, but they still quietly believe that
young, talented shugenja could be put to better
use serving the Clan in other capacities.
Kuni Shugenja School - The Kuni consider them-
selves among the rank and file of the Crab, expect-
ing no special treatment because of their station
as priests and, in fact, receiving none. They are
expected to do their part in the great Crab war ma-
chine just like every other Crab samurai, and they
do so without reservation. In addition to their role
as part of the military, however, the Kuni are also
priests and enforcers. They perform the duties of
normal shugenja, although anything that does not
explicitly require a shugenja is parceled out to the
monastic orders located within Crab Lands. More
importantly, however, they enforce the Clan's pu-
rity, watching always for signs of infection by the
New Path: Crystal
Master (Shugenja)
PATH Of ENTRY: Kuni Shugenja 2
PATH Of EGRESS: Kuni Shugenja 3
Technique: essence of PUl'ity:
The so-called Crystal Masters have learned to focus the
power of the kami through the pure essence of crys-
tal, enhancing the kami's ability to strike at the corrupt
and Tainted. vVhen in possession of any piece of pure
crystal at least as large as an adult human's finger, you
may focus your spells through it. Doing so allows any
spell to affect its target as if its effect was both jade and
crystal, causing full damage both to creatures of the
Shadowlands and to agents of the Shadow Dragon or
the Lying Darkness.
New Spell:
Crystal's ,Awakening
Note: This spell is known only to the Kuni Family.
DURATION: Permanent
AREA Of EFFECT: I piece of crystal
RANGE: Touch
Through use of a secret ritual known only to the Kuni
Family, you may awaken the spirits within a crystal
while enhancing its physical strength and natural puri-
fying effects. This exhausting, two-hour ritual requires
two successful Raw Willpower Rolls to complete, one
at the one-hour mark and one at the spell's completion,
both against a TN of 20. The focal point of the ritual is a
single piece of crystal. The Strength Rating of the newly
created Kuni crystal is the same as it had before, but it
is now both awakened and as strong as steel, making it
a potent component for creating weapons. It also has
other properties, as outlined under "Kuni Crystals."
Inheritance: Kuni Crystal
Your character has a small piece of Kuni Crystal
of Strength Rating 1. Kuni Crystals are potent pos-
sessions in the hands of anyone, much less the
Crab. The ability to detect the Taint is a power-
ful mechanical advantage normally relegated to a
handful of Techniques. An item that can do such
a thing can create headaches for a campaign if not
used properly, so the GM should employ discretion
in allowing this Advantage. Higher rating crystals
should probably not be allowed as Advantages,
but if that is required for the campaign for what-
ever reason, their cost should be considerable.
New Spell:
Bottds of Nittgett-do
Note: This spell is considered Mastery Level 3 except
for shugenja of the Kuni and Yogo Schools, for whom it
is Mastery Level 2.
DURATION: Permanent
AREA OF EFFECT: Target creature
RANGE: 25'
By bargaining with the Earth kami who suffuse the soil
of the mortal realm, you can bind creatures that bear
the touch of other spirit realms into one place. Bonds
of Ningen-do is one of the means by which the Kuni
Family restrain powerful Shadowlands creatures such
as ogres or even ani for study. The methods involved
are similar in many respects to the bener-known ward-
ing spells such as Symbol of Earth, but are specifically
targeted toward Shadowlands creatures.
To complete the spell, you must have a ritually pre-
pared location, as well as manacles or other means
of binding the creature in question. FurtheTI11ore, you
must know the creature's true name. This can be simple
to acquire for smaller, weaker creatures such as goblins,
minor oni, or even Lost samurai, but considerably more
New Item:
Kutti Crystal
Kuni Crystals are mystical items created through
use of the spell Crystal's Awakening. Both the
spell and the means to create the crystals them-
selves were created by Kuni Utagu. who served as
Jade Champion and Kuni Family Daimyo during
the reign of Toturi I. Before his murder, Utagu was
among the most ardent enemies of the Shadow-
lands ever seen, so it should surprise no one that
he created these potent weapons to use against
Kuni Crystals, like other awakened crystals (see
"Crystal Weapons" in Chapter Three, page 185)
have a Strength rating from I to 5. Also like oth-
er awakened crystals, Kuni Crystals glow with a
white light in the presence of Shadowlands crea-
t u n ~ s or those who have completely surrendered
to the Taint (I.e. the Lost). The aura projected by
the light is excruciatingly painful to these Tainted
foes, and \vhile it inflicts no actual damage, they
cannot approach the crystal except through an act
of exceptional force of will. Each crystal has an
exclusion radius, the length of which is a num-
ber of feet equal to the crystal's Strength Rating x
5. A Tainted creature or person cannot enter this
exclusion zone unless it makes a successful Raw
Willpower Roll with a TN of 25 + 5 x the crystal's
rating; otherwise, doing so causes it unbearable
physical and psychic pain.
Kuni Crystals can be llsed to craft weapons, and
such weapons are exceptionally damaging to
Shadowlands creatures, inflicting +2k2 damage
against them. They also enhance the ability to
resist corruption by the Shadowlands Taint. Any-
one who wears a piece of Kuni Crystal at least as
large as a finger may roll extra unkept dice equal
to the crystal's Strength Rating when resisting the
Taint. (If they are wearing multiple pieces, only
the strongest one counts.)
Kuni Crystals are extremely durable, as strong as
steel, and thus njgh invulnerable to damage.

difficult for ogres, oni. or bog hags. The creature's true
name must be inscribed upon the manacles. This spell
is cast when the creature is bound with the manacles
and placed inside the ritually prepared area. The result
of your roll to cast the spell serves as the TN of the
Raw \,Villpower Roll at which the creature must succeed
before it can even attempt to leave the area, even if the
manacles are later removed.
The Crane Clan
Almost alone among the Great Clans, the Crane do
not use magic in an offensive manner against their en-
emies. Crane armies are accompanied by shugenja, but
they playa support role rather than a directly combat-
oriented one. This is not to say the Clan as a whole does
not appreciate the power of magic: far from it. But they
choose to honor that rarest of arts by focusing it in other
areas. In the manner of their founder, the Lady Doji,
architect of Rokugan's culture and society, the Crane
choose to allow magic to flourish in all areas save war,
hoping to set an example to the rest of the Empire that
not all great talents must be turned exclusively to de-
struction and mayhem.
Almost all the Crane Clan's shugenja come from the
Asahina family. There have been historical accounts
of Doji or Kakita with the ability to speak to the kami,
but they are as rare as bushi among the Asahina, and
there has never been any known instance of a Daidoji
shugenja. The Asahina view of magic is unlike that of
any other shugenja Family outside of the Phoenix Clan.
They vieY',1 magic as a calling to which one must con-
sciously and deliberately devote oneself, rather than
just an innate ability; as a result, the vast majority of
the Family take extensive vows of pacifism, chastity,
and charity, regarding these devotions as part and p a r ~
cel of the abilities they have been granted by the grace
of the Fortunes and their ancestors. Until recently, it
was quite rare for any Asahina-trained shugenja to raise
a hand against a living being, much less use magic in
a lethal manner. Because the Crane are so accepting of
non-militant paths, as indicated by their sponsorship of
artisans of all sorts, the Asahina are freely permitted to
act according to their pacifist philosophy.
Magic is a continual source of frustration for the
Daidoji. More than any other Crane Family, the ever-
practical Daidoji understand the enormous benefits the
Clan could reap if the Asahina's magic could be brought
to bear on the field of battle. They have seen first-hand
the effects of magic employed by the Phoenix, the Lion,
and the Crab, and have long desired such a resource in
battle for themselves. However, the Doji have decreed
the Asahina are to be permitted to follow their ovm
path, and the Daidoji have never been the sort to ques-
tion their lords' decisions. The past few decades has
seen a splinter movement within the Asahina toward
more aggressive philosophies, particularly against the
Shadowlands, and this has done much to restore the
Daidoji Family's faith in them. Beyond that, while the
Daidoji respect the power enemy magic commands on
the battlefield, they ultimately see it as simply another
obstacle to overcome.
The Doji, like the ruling Family of every Clan, have ul-
timate authority over the duties shugenja take up within
the Crane Clan. It is the Doji who decided the descen-
dants of Isawa Asahina should be permitted to pursue
their own path, despite the Daidoji continually pointing
out the benefits of deploying magic on the battlefield.
Were it not for the devotion of the Family to the ideals of
Lady Doji, it is possible the Asahina Family would never
have sprung into being at all, and certainly it would bear
little resemblance to its current incarnation. The Doji,
however, believe as their founder did that all must pur-
sue their own path, and that violence is not a fit pursuit
for a truly civilized being. Thus, the Asahina are permit-
ted their pacifism, and the Doji have found other ways of
turning their abilities to the benefit of the Clan.
Unlike the other non-shugenja Crane Families, the
Kakita have no particular philosophy regarding magic.
Perhaps more than any other Family in any Clan, the
Kakita believe in finding one's own path and devoting
oneself utterly to it. Known particularly for their arti-
sans and their duelists, the Kakita are perfectly content
to pennit the Asahina to pursue their own agenda. It
has no direct effect on them, and so they do not trouble
themselves over it. As for magic itself, the Kakita con-
sider it another art that requires a lifetime of devotion
and contemplation to fully understand, just like the arts
of ikebana, poetry, painting, or any of a dozen others
taught at their Artisan Academy.
School/Path Type Reference
Asahina Basic School L5R core rulebook
Shugenja School pp.122-3'
Asahina Duelist Path Art ofthe Duel, p. 45
Asahina Fetishist Path Prayers and Treasures,
Asahina Sohei Path The Four Winds. p. 15
The eyes of the Ka"'i
Through the eyes of the kami, the Crane Lands are
pristine and elegant almost to perfection. The artistic
construction of their settlements achieves an almost in-
human intricacy that would stun even the most skilled
artisan. Gardens and courtyards are idyllic paradises
where one feels instantly at ease. Even the most utili-
tarian fortress has the feel of a beautiful museum or a
Champion's estate, and nature itself seems to be filled
with scenic vistas the likes of which are rarely seen else-
where, even in the most remote, untouched locations.
Asahina Dudist - While the Asahina are an excep-
tionally pacifistic and monastic Family, the Crane
Clan as a whole is av/are of its reputation as the
Empire's finest and most prestigious duelists, and
they are unwilling to allow that reputation to be
threatened, even in the arcane practice of taryu-
jiai. Thus, while the Asahina are unWilling to go to
war or spill the blood of another. they are never-
theless well-versed in the ways of magical dueling,
and are more than capable of defending the Clan's
honor in a duel. \hile this can make their more
idealistic members somewhat uncomfortable, the
Asahina Family as a whole recognizes that the
Doji, Kakita, and Daidoji have always respected
their philosophy of pacifism, and have never de-
manded they fulfill their oaths of fealty by waging
war. In recognition of this, the Asahina are will-
ing to bend their own principles somewhat, and
defend their Clan's honor whenever it is asked of
them_ Thus, the Asahina Duelists are both well
trained and eager to prove the Crane are, in fact.
the finest duelists of Rokugan in ali respects.
Asahina Shllgenja School - The pacifistic Asahina
are perhaps the most traditional Family of priests
within the Empire, lacking as they do the ambi-
tious desire for knowledge that the mhenvise tra-
ditionalist Isawa embrace so readily. They adhere
to the old ways, the traditions of their FamBy es-
'" l-
tablishcd centuries ago when Isawa Asahina put
aside the path of violence and joined the Crane
as a newborn pacifist. Because of their beliefs,
the Asahina are relegated primarily to a support-
ing role within the Clan. They perform all of the
rituals shugenja normally perform for the samu-
rai and peasant classes of the Empire. They also
make themselves accessible to their lords in the
Doji and Kakita for any assistance they might re-
quire in investigation or divination. Indeed, the
Asahina will gladly and readily perform nearly any
duty requested of them, according to their station,
save for combat. \Vith a few notable exceptions,
such as the Sohei (see below), they will not go to
war for any reason.
Asahina Sohei - Though not an especially large samu-
rai Family, the Asahina are nonetheless numerous
enough so that not all of them think exactly alike.
They have a few dissidents, and choose to educate
them rather than cast them out. Those among the
Asahina who seem too eager to abandon the Fam-
ily's pacifist ways are often pressed into service in
one of the Family's monasteries, in the hope that
that serenity will find them and quash their com-
bative spirits. Oftentimes, this works very well. On
occasion, however, it only exacerbates the situa-
tion, and the result is the small order of combative
individuals generally referred to by other Asahina
as sohei, or warrior monks.
Fetishists - The Asahina Fetishists are a group that
combines magic and art into a unique ritual no
other Clan has been able to reproduce. The Fetish-
ists are able to contain the kami within small ves-
sels temporarily, allowing others to release them
and gain a momentary flash of skill and prowess
as a parting gift from the kami. While this ability
can and does prove quite useful to many Crane
samurai, the Clan has as yet never mandated that
fetishes be produced in numbers or earmarked for
any particular function. The Crane seem to regard
the accomplishments of the Fetishists in the same
manner they look upon the achievements of the
Kakita Artisan Academy, as an accomplishment to
be pursued for its own sake rather than designat-
ed for specific purposes. In this way, the Fetish-
ists advance the cultural dominance of the Crane
Clan in Rokugan's society.
New Path:
Fetishist (Shugenja)
PATH OF ENTRY: Asahina Shugenja 2
PATH OF EGRESS: Asahina Shugenja 3
Technique: Touch the Spirit
vou have the ability to temporarily place the energies of
the kami within a small object. such as a piece of origa-
mi or a porcelain figurine, thus allOWing others to draw
upon those energies. \".'hen using this ritual, which
takes 1 hour to complete, you select one Skill - except
for any Weapon Skill, Iaijutsu or Jiujitsu - upon which
to focus. Anyone holding the fetish that you imbue with
that Skill may activate it at any time and immediately
gain a number of additional rolled dice equal to your
School Rank on one roll using the specified Skill. This
roll must be made immediately after the fetish is acti-
vated or the effect is lost. Each fetish may only be used
once. The creation of a fetish consumes 1 spell slot of
your choice for that day.
Inheriiguq.:. FetislL ~ g r i e s )
Asahina Fetishes can be powerful tools when em-
ployed at exactly the right moment. In fact, part of
their purpose is to influence the psychology of the
user (who typically has no experience in wielding
the power of the kami). The Asahina hope to en-
gender a sense of destiny and fulfillment in those
who bear their delicate treasures. Representing
these tokens with a permanent Advantage is dif-
ficult, however. For a singie fetish, you may pay
an amount of points equal to the creator's School
Rank minus 2, so a fetish from a Rank 3 creator
costs l point, from a Rank 4 creator costs 2 points,
and so 011. For a significantly more expenSive Ad-
vantage, you may have regular access to these fe-
tishes. If this is the case, assume that you may ac-
quire a maximum of one fetish per week, although
you may never have more than one in your pos-
session at any time. This costs a number of points
equal to twice the School Rank of the shugenja
crafting the fetishes for you.
New Spell:
Awaken the Spirit
Note: This spell is known only to the Asahina Family
DURATION: See text
AREA OF EFFECT: 1 object
RANGE: Touch
The Asahina family's experience with communing with
the spirits of mundane objects and crafting fetishes has
taught them to temporarily awaken the spirit of lesser
objects, although the effect is very short-lived and the
spirits soon return to sleep. You may cast this spell on
any simple object that can be held by an adult human.
It awakens the spirit inside the object, which then gives
its aid to whomever holds it. The next roll made using
that object confers a bonus of +lkO. For weapons, this
is obviously a Weapon Skill. For a biwa, it would be
Perform: Music. A kabuki mask might grant a bonus to
Acting, a fan a bonus to Deceit or Etiquette, and so on.
vVhatever the object you select, the bonus lasts for ex-
actly one roll - the first roll made with that object after
the completion of the spell.
The energies of the spell lie dormant until that time,
and once the effect is expended the spirits immediately
return to their slumber. The dormant energies of the
spell can last for up to a year before they are lost, but
once activated, they never endure for more than a sin-
gle roll. This spell has no affect on nemuranai, as those
objects already contain fully awakened spirits.
New Spell:
Aegis of the Air
Note: This spell is considered Mastery Level 3 except
for shugenja of the Asahina and lsawa Schools, for
whom it is Mastery Level 2.
DURATION: 10 minutes
AREA OF EFFECT: 1 person or creature
RANGE: 30'
Although they often refuse to lift their hands against
others in war, the Asahina shugenja nevertheless work
hand-in-hand "'"ith their Clan's other Families. The Daid-
oji yojimbo arc morc than willing to sacrifice themselves
to protect the Asahina, and at the command of their Doji
lords, the Asahina reluctantly allow them to do so. You
may select one willing ally within 30' of you as the target
of this spell. For the duration of this spell, all non-mag-
ical ranged attacks directed at you are redirected to the
targeted individual instead. These attacks automatically
hit unless the target has a Technique that forces some
manner of test or Opposed Roll for such things.
Inheritance: Awakened Items

Although of considerable value if employed at the
proper time, items that have been subjected to the
spell Awaken the Spirit are nevertheless one-use
objects that can disappear quite quickly under
stressful circumstances. You may begin the game
with any object that has been enchanted with this
spell for 1 point. In exchange for an Asahina ally
who will use the spell regularly for you, assume
you must purchase the Allies Advantage 011, or 2
points total) as well as an Inheritance Advantage
that costs 3 points. This will provide you with one
casting of the spell per week ,vith no cost or expec-
tation of returns. Keep in mind, however, that this
ally will not accompany you everywhere you go,
so these benefits only apply while you remain in
reasonable proximity to him, or at least return to
his physical proximity on a regular basis.

"" -I

The Dragon Clan
Aside from the Phoenix Clan, the Dragon arc the most
likely Clan to be mentioned in any discussion of mysti-
cal prmvess in the Empire. The Dragon's shugenja are
atypical and have always been so, pursuing strange and
innovative forms of magic unknown to anyone outside
their mountain homeland. For all the mystery associ-
ated with the Dragon - or perhaps even because of it
- the Clan's magic is justly feared by its enemies. Dur-
ing the Clan's war with the Phoenix Clan some years
ago. the Dragon were able to hold their own against the
vaunted Phoenix shugenja. matching power with power.
The Clan is also credited (by those few who know about
the incident) with the death of a Dark Oracle and the
defeat of his immediate successor. Clearly, the Dragon
have magical prowess that cannot easily be dismissed,
even by their most strident detractors.
Although it is unlikely they would ever admit it, the
Kitsuki Family as a whole finds magic somewhat frus-
trating and annoying. Their Family was founded by a
failed shugenja student, and this may have some in-
fluence on their general distaste for the supernatural.
But far more than this, the Kitsuki find magic troubling
because it can dramatically alter simple. basic facts
and defy the elements of logic, things they hold in ex-
ceptionally high regard. Given a purely physical, mun-
dane set of circumstances to evaluate, a trained Kitsuki
can deduce the truth of any situation almost without
fail. Adding the intervention of the kami, however. can
make it all but impossible to determine what happened
in any situation, and the Kitsuki find this maddening.
Still, they respect the power and ability of their Tamori
kinsmen. and have been known to call upon them for
aid in situations where they believe other shugenja
have been involved. Out of necessity. the Kitsuki have
learned to fight fire with the fire of their Tamori cous-
The Mirumoto have greater knowledge of magic than
any bushi Family in the Empire save the Shiba
Family of the Phoenix Clan.
They train alongside the Tamori as part of their basic
schooling, and by the time of their graduation from the
dojo, they are intimately familiar with the most com-
mon rituals and traditions of their shugenja kinsmen.
The average Mirumoto understands the ability to speak
to the kami is a gift that must be honed like any other
skill if its practitioner is to maximize its power. They re-
spect and often revere their shugenja, and treat them in
all ways as comrades, never begrudging them their rela-
tively elevated status. The Mirumoto understand very
well that when a situation is at its worst, when things
seem the most dire, the Tamori will be there, standing
shoulder to shoulder with their greatest warriors, fight-
ing to the sake of the Dragon Clan.
The Tamori are, if not the most militant, certainly
the most militarily active shugenja Family in the Em
pire. They participate in the Dragon armies to a degree
unprecedented elsewhere (save perhaps the Unicorn
army known as the Baraunghar), fighting alongside
their Mirumoto cousins at every opportunity. This is,
needless to say, a relatively strange view of the
priate role for shugenja in a Great Clan. Individual Ta
rnori tend to view their relationship v'lith the Elemental
kami as a personal challenge. Whether or not they are
capable of communing with them and compelling the
divine spirits to obey their wishes is a matter of their
personal will and strength, both spiritual and physical.
To the Tamori, magic exists to serve the \vill of those
with the strength to command the Elements, and while
they pay homage to the kami, they never question
whether the spirit or the shugenja is the superior in the
As might be expected, the Togashi order does not
have a uniform opinion of magic and its role in the
verse. Of course, even if the Togashi did have a uniform
philosophy, it would surely be impossible to determine
what it was, given their penchant for enigmatic riddles
and avoidance of clarity. The Togashi appear to have
some understanding of the fundamental nature of the
universe, and they realize magic has its place, just
as does everything else. Toward that end, they treat
shugenja and any manifestations of their magic as they
would any other individual, without any particular def
erence. This upsets some shugenja, while others find it
oddly comforting.
School/Path Type Reference
Tamori Shugenja Basic L5R core rufebook,
School School p. 126
Student of the Tao Advanced The Four Winds,
School p. 8
Tamori Alchemist Path Prayers and Treasures,
Tamori Yamabushi Path The Four Winds,
The yes of the Kami
The mountains of the Dragon are mysterious even
under the simplest of circumstances, and they seem
positively haunted when one can perceive the mood of
the kami who inhabit them. Through the eyes of the
kami, the mountains seem even more inscrutable and
enigmatic. The landscape seems to shift and change
every time one looks at it, leaving little in the way of
guaranteed landmarks to maintain one's bearings. The
mountains have a way of forcing visitors to depend
lyon their own intuition - their own inner compass, as
it were - for guidance and direction. Of course, the
Dragon would probably approve of this phenomenon
on philosophical grounds, were they responsible for or
even av/are of it in the first place.
Tamori Alchemist - For centuries, the Agasha Family
pursued a variety of bizarre magical techniques
and practices, all with the blessings of the other
Dragon Families. The Family quickly developed a
reputation for eccentric but effective concoctions,
but unfortunately much of this was abandoned
when the Agasha defected to the Phoenix Clan,
as the Isawa disapproved of such research. While
the Agasha continue to utilize some of their more
significant successes as their Family legacy, the
Tamori have picked up where they left off, and
found many more potent combat applications for
their work in the process. The Tamori Alchemists
are a strange group, but they are welcomed into
the ranks of the Mirumoto annies just as readily
as any Yamabushi. For the most part, those \"-'ho
follow this calling pursue their work either in their
temple laboratories, or in military barracks or even
in the field as part of the Clan's armies.

Tamori Shugenja School - The Tamori are an active
participant in all of the Dragon Clan's activities,
including the Mirumoto's military efforts. This is
of course highly unusual for a shugenja Family,
though it can be compared to the luchi family's
assistance to the Unicorn armies and the proac-
tive stance taken by the Kuni Family of the Crab
Clan. Because the Dragon are such a strange
Clan, with many samurai "vho pursue theiT own
individualized notions of spiritualism, the Tamori
have fewer responsibilities than most with regard
to performing traditional rituals. Instead, they
devote the majority of their time to conducting
research into their unique forms of magic and to
training with the Clan's military establishment.
Tamori Yamabushi - The Yamabushi are the most
militaristic in an entire Family of warlike shugen-
ja. While most Tamori fulfill the ttaditional roles
of shugenja within the Mirumoto armies, offering
support and assistance to other units, the Yama-
bushi are far more direct, and often can be found
on the front lines of an engagement. They are ex-
tremely effective at breaking an enemy's line, and
as a result are highly valued by Mirumoto com-
manders. They are fairly rare and few in number,
however, and so most generals are cautious in de-
ploying them, wary of letting them be bled down
too easily.
New Path: Tamori
Alchemist (Shugenja)
PATH OF ENTRY: Tamori Shugenja 2
PATH OF EGRESS: Tamori Shugenja 3
Technique: The Kami's essence
The Tamori have perfected a way of preparing alchemi-
cal solutions that temporarily contain the essence of the
kami, and you have been chosen to learn these secrets.
You may create a small vial of liquid that contains any
spell of Mastery Level 3 or lower. You may only create
such vials for spells you are able to cast and have the
means of casting. Until the vial is used, the act of pre-
paring it counts as one of YOUt appropriate spell slots
having been used. Upon drinking the vial (if it is a spell
that normally.affects the caster) Ot throwing it (if it is
a spell that targets another), the spell takes effect as if
you had cast it at that moment.
Tomori Mis"Q"-5uri. ~ V o r i e s )
You possess one or more of the misugusuri (al-
chemical "potions") concocted by the strange but
powerful Tamori Alchemists. This allows you to
\<\'ield the power of a shugenja, if only for a brief
moment. The points cost of the potion depends
upon the Masrery Level of the spell it contains,
and is equal to 3 x the spell's Mastery Level. These
potions are consumed in using them, so each has
only one use. Acquiring potions on a more regular
basis would require a much more expensive Ad-
vantage, as well as the Allies Advantage and most
likely an Obligation Disadvantage.
New Spell: Breath
of t-Ieaven's Fire
Note: This spell is known only to the Tamori Family.
DURATION: Instantaneous
AREA OF EFFECT: Cone, 20' long and 10' wide at
the end
RANGE: See above
The Tamod have ah"lays used their talent to give the
Dragon an edge in battle, and toward that end they
worked closely with the militant and mystical Hitomi
order, before the Hitomi were absorbed back into the
Togashi. Working with the tattooed monks provided the
Tamori considerable insight into the semi-divine nature
of their abilities. While the tattoos such men bear can-
not be recreated by mortal means, it is possible to chan-
nel the Elements in a similar manner to create similar
effects, particularly those that are the most distinctive
and direct. Upon completion of this prayer, the caster
bellows forth a cone of flame from his mouth, similar to
that produced by those ise zumi who bear the dragon
tattoo. The range of this attack is limited, but it hits all
targets within its area of effect. This fire-based attack
inflicts 5k5 Wounds.
New Spell:
Earthen Blade
Note: This spell is Mastery Level 3 for all Schools other
than the Tamori Shugenja School.
DURATION: 5 minutes
AREA OF EFFECT: 1 person or creature
Dwelling among the mountains as they do, the Drag-
on are all too aware of the power contained within
the stone around them. An avalanche can destroy the
greatest warrior in a second, or crush a fortress that has
stood against time and enemies for a thousand years.
The Tamori have learned to tap into that strength and
make it their own, drawing the power of the mountains
into their hands in the form of a stone katana that can
devastate those who stand against its wielder. Similar
to the other Elemental weapon spells, Earthen Blade
creates a stone katana with a DR of 3k3. It lasts for the
spell's duration, unless the summoner dismisses it ear-
lier or is knocked unconscious. However, in one respect
it is more powerful than other Elemental weapons: the
stone katana ignores the benefits of metal armor and
reduces the Carapace rating of targets by 2. This spell
may instead be cast as a Mastery Level 5 spell, and
if this is done, it creates a permanent stone katana
(in game terms, the Duration of the spell is changed
to "permanent"). However, if this spell is cast in either
manner by a shugenja who already has summoned a
permanent stone katana into existence; doing so imme-
diately causes the previous blade to disappear forever.

Sacl'ed Weapon:
arthe"- BIQde C7 points)
You possess a permanent Earthen Blade. This is a
costly gift to bear, for the shugenja can never cast
the spell again as long as your blade is in exis-
tence. This means you owe him a greal debt. one
that will likely have to be repaid sooner or later.
Although the blade inflicts only slightly better
damage than a normal katana (3k3), the ability to
ignore the benefits of an opponent's metal armor
and negate two ranks of the Carapace of Shad-
owlands creatures renders it a powerful weapon
indeed, and one likely to attract a Significant
amount of attention.
The Lion Clan
The Lion are not generally considered in any conversa-
tion about the nuances of magic in Rokugan. VVar is
their specialty, not the obscure points of religion. De-
spite this, those who study the more obscure and secre-
tive forms of magic in the Empire are often fascinated
by the abilities of the Kitsu Family. The Kitsu, after all,
possess the remnants of abilities once wielded by their
non-human ancestors. These abilities can be found in
a handful of the most powerful natives of the mortal
realm, but they are far less rare among certain blood-
lines of the Kitsu Family. Perhaps ironically, the Lion do
not utilize these gifts in battle to any significant degree,
for they consider them a sacrament and an honor, and
keep those who possess them well away from the risks
of war. This apparent disconnect in the Lion's normal
philosophy of war above all is one of the few indica-
tions of their deep reverence for magic and especially
for those who can speak to their ancestors at will.
The Akodo respect the power of magic and the things
it allov./s their Family and Clan as a whole to accom-
plish. They appreciate the gifts and abilities of the Kit-
su, but they also understand the kami are capricious
entities compelled to act by the imperfect weapon of
man's will. In keeping with this philosophy, the Akodo
do not place any burden solely on the shoulders of a
shugenja, no matter how skilled or pm-verful. Any man,
or for that matter any Clan, that relies too heavily upon
magic rather than the honest work of samurai is guilty
of failing to prepare, failing in duty. This is something
the Akodo will not endure.
In keeping with their role within the Lion Clan, the
lkoma have a somewhat broader but also more irrever-
ent vie\\' of magic than the other Lion Families. Their
histories recount many stories of shugenja achieving tre-
mendous feats of magiC, from the deeds of Kuni Osaku
in the Crab lands to the more recent defeat of the Blood
Sorcerer, luchiban, by lsawa Sezaru. Far more than the
Akodo or the Matsu, the Ikoma understand exactly
what shugenja can accomplish v,"ith sufficient mastery
of their talent. However, as the Clan's representatives to
many other courts, the Ikoma are also well aware that
not all shugenja are above reproach, and many dabble
in pleasures and weaknesses like any other mortal. The
Ikoma have witnessed such things firsthand among the
delegations of other Clans. Thus, they understand it is
not the nature of a shugenja's pov.ier that determines
who and what he is, but the strength of his character,
and they have all the more respect for the Kitsu as a
The Kitsu are rigid traditionalists to the last, embrac-
ing rituals and ceremonies that other Families have
abandoned for centuries. In the eyes of the Kitsu, those
early shugenja who first discovered hm-v man could com-
mune with the Elements were paragons among men,
individuals whose brilliance can never be eclipsed, and
so they continue to employ the same methods their an-
cient predecessors first used over a thousand years ago.
To the Kitsu, magic is an obligation, one that they are
born into and must fulfill at all costs. By adhering to the
ideals of their ancestors, the Kitsu believe they can a c ~
complish anything the Lion need of them, whether it be
the roles of priests, warriors, courtiers, or magistrates.
Thus, many outside the Clan are surprised at the ver-
satility of Kitsu shugenja, seemingly at odds with their
rigid traditionalism.
While the Matsu cue more complex than their popu-
lar image as hot-headed \varriors, with regard to magic
they are more or less as others imagine them. They
do not have a full understanding of magic and how it
works. The basic idea of it is easy enough to grasp, but
the depth and strength of the bond between shugenja
and kami, the relationship maintained between the
two, escapes them. Fortunately for the Family, the aver-
age Matsu has no real need to understand or even deal
with magic in any significant way. The Matsu respect
their cousins among the Kitsu for their role as priests
of the ancestors, and for their ability to achieve things
through magic that would otherwise take much longer
and far more efforts. They are more than happy to allow
the shugenja Family assist them, both in the army and
in the administration of their holdings.
School/Path Type Reference
Kitsu Shugenja Basic School L5R core rulebook,
School p. 130
Bishamon's Chosen Path Prayers and Treasures,
p. 23
Kitsu Spirit Legion Path Masters afWar, p. 116
The eyes of the Kami
Those who are able to perceive the subtle influence of
the kami on the mortal world see the Lion Lands much
differently than those who cannol. Everything in Lion
territory is sharp, precise, and ordered. Even in the sim-
plest expressions of nature, whether the arrangement of
rocks in a babbling stream or the rows of grass on the
open plains, there is conformity and uniformity. In the
Lion lands, all is order and law, and there is precious
little in the way of extravagance or waste.
Bishamon's Chosen ~ Bishamon Seido is the largest
dojo in the Lion Lands, and among the thou-
sands who study there are a large number of Kitsu
shugenja. Although they are trained in the ways
of the kami just like their brethren in the various
shrines and temples elsewhere in the Lion prov-
inces, these Kitsu are also taught the proper mili-
tary application of their abilities. Those who face
the Lion on the battlefield typically only remember
the terrible ferocity of the Matsu and the cold, cal-
culating inevitability of the Akodo. Those few who
have the opportunity to see the Kitsu sect known
as Bishamon's Chosen serve on the field of battle,
hmvever, also remember their sheer overwhelm-
ing power. . They are truly favored by the Fortune
of Strength, and wreak a terrible toll upon their
Clan's enemies.

Kitsu Shugenja School ~ All those trained by the Kitsu
to speak to the kami are I i k e \ ~ v i s e trained in the an-
cient art of speaking to ancestor spirits. This is an
ability mastered by the most illustrious and pow-
erful of the Kitsu Family, those individuals known
as the Sodan-senza. These rare persons are able
to trace their bloodlines back to the original five
kitsu who took human form and created the Kitsu
Family at the request of Akodo One-Eye. Because
of this connection to the ancestors, the Lion accord
their shugenja deep respect, and consider them to
be consummate advisors for field commanders,
daimyo, and even the Clan Champion. What bet-
ter source of advice can there be, after all, than the
approval (or disapproval) of one's ancestors? Far
beyond their military value, Kitsu shugenja are
prized because the Lion are intensely traditional,
and adhere to ancient rituals and blessings that
even conservatives among other Families have
long forgotten.
Kitsu Spirit Legion - 'umbering even {ewer than the
Sodan-senzo, this strange new order of shugenja
totals less than a dozen. Born with an affinity
for the spirit realms that defies classification, the
men and women of the so-called Spirit Legion are
able to part the veil between the mortal realm and
those realms beyond, summoning forth specters
of samurai long-dead to fight on their behalf. This
amazing ability is somewhat debated among the
Kitsu, who \-veigh its merits against the potential for
blasphemy. Lion commanders, however, prize the
Spirit Legion highly when looking for a shugenja
advisor. Not only can Spirit Legionnaires contrib-
ute advice and magical support in the normal man-
ner for shugenja accompanying an army, but they
can also lend additional direct support should the
general's command group come under attack.
New Path: Bishamon's
Chosen (Shugenja)
PATH OF ENTRY: Kitsu Shugenja 2
PATH OF EG RESS: Kitsu Shugenja 3
Technique: Blessings of Strength
The Fortune of Strength favors his adherents among
the Lion, and aids them in smiting their enemies. When
casting any spell that specifies one or more target per-
sons or creatures, you may make one Raise to add an
additional target to the effect of the spell. You may also
expend an additional spell slot of rhat spell's Element
(or one of your Void slots) to increase the Area of Effect
by half (for instance, a spell with an area of effect of 50'
would be increased to 75'). You may add your Rank in
the Battle Skill to the total of all Spellcasting Rolls you
make during a skir]mish.
New Spell: 1:"he
Breath of Battle
Xote: This spell is known only to the Kitsu Family
~ L E M E N T : fire
DURATION: Instantaneous
AREA OF EFFECT: All persons in range
RANGE: 100' radius
:ne Kitsu are able ro stoke the fires within the heart of
.. ery Lion, stirring the courage of their Matsu, lkoma,
a"d Akodo kinsmen in battle and setting them against
l,eir enemies with a terrible fury, ignoring whatever
-50S they may have suffered. This is considered a
;:eat gift by the bushi Families of the Lion, and they
always grateful to the Kitsu for granting them the
\'er to redouble their efforts on the battlefield. When
-"5 spell is cast, all humans \"lithin range of the caster
heal twice the caster's Earth Ring in Wounds, and the
next time they suffer Wounds as a result of a roll on
the Mass Combat table, the first 2 dice rolled in that in-
stance are considered to have rolled a I. (Determine be-
forehand which dice are to be treated as I's; they may
not be selected after the fact in order to eliminate ecr
tain results.) This effect only lasts for the current battle.
It is rarely used in a small-scale engagement (such as a
skirmish) because the spell affects all humans in range,
which could very well mean granting its benefits to the
Lion's enemies.
New Spell:
1:"he Rolling earth
Note: This spell is considered Mastery LevelS for all
Schools other than the Kitsu Shugenja School
DURATION: Instantaneous
AREA OF EFFECT: 2,500 square feet of surface area
RANGE: See text
Those Kitsu who train with the Lion armies can be fear-
some indeed, and not even nature itself can help but re-
spond to their battle fervor. Even the terrain upon which
they wage war is subject to their wishes, and it can be
used to devastating effect upon those foolish enough to
take the field against the Lion. The Kitsu can summon
the earth to rise from its dormancy and wash across the
battlefield like a tsunami. This creates a massive roIl-
ing V'lave that can upend anyone standing in its path,
often causing serious injury as those struck by it are
tossed like dolls. All in the wave's path must succeed
at a Raw Agility Roll against a TN of 25, Those who fail
are tossed high into the air by the earthen shockwave.
They remain in the air until their next turn, at which
point they fall to the ground. (Needless to say, they can-
not take any actions while plummeting to the ground.)
They suffer 3k3 Wounds on impact. This wreaks havoc
on enemy formations, and grants the Lion general a + 15
bonus to his next Battle Roll.
'" z
The Mantis Clan
Although the Mantis Clan is not generally recognized
for its religiolls nature or mystical pTO\vess, the Clan
commands significant magical abilities. Because the
Mantis do not control much territory on the mainland,
some of their more noteworthy magical activities are
simply not noticed by outsiders - out of sight, out of
mind. However, the simple fact that the Clan has three
Families with established shugenja traditions - more
than any other Clan save the Phoenix - speaks vol-
umes about the true depth and breadth of their experi-
ence with magic.
Absorbed into the Mantis Clan only very recently, in
the aftermath of a major disaster that plagued the Kit-
sune Mori, the Kitsune Family have yet to settle into
their niche within the Mantis. The Mantis Champion
granted them the right to continue their own traditions,
and the Kitsune have thus far continued to operate as
they have for the centuries when they were the Fox Clan.
The Kitsune view the ability to speak with the kami as
both a divine blessing and the salvation of their people.
It was only through their ability to speak to the spirits
of the Kitsune MaTi that they were saved from starva-
tion centuries ago, and they have never forgotten it. The
Kitsune view magic as both a great responsibility and as
a means to exist in perfect hannony with the universe.
A Kitsune shugenja is one with nature, and animals and
the spirits of nature that normally shy away from the
presence of man do not fear him.
The Moshi Family's notion of magic and how it should
be used has changed drastically \\Iithin the past few
generations. Once, they devoted themselves exclusively
to the worship of Lady Sun, but the death of that divine
entity left them without purpose or a sense of identity.
Although some Moshi attempted to take up the worship
of Lord Sun, Amaterasu's replacement in the Heavens,
his philosophy and practices were simply incompatible
with those previously followed by the Moshi. When the
Moshi joined the Mantis, they found purpose again, and
have clung to that sense of purpose to keep them from
despair and emptiness. For the Mantis, the Moshi per-
form all of the traditional duties requiring the attention
of shugenja. These are duties other Families have their
principle shugenja perform, but the Yoritomo eschew
them in exchange for other, more militant pursuits.
Alone among the Families of the Mantis Clan, the
Tsuruchi have no shugenja tradition to speak of. There
have been fewer than half a dozen shugenja with the
Tsuruchi name in recorded history, and most of them
were renin adopted into the Family. Even so, the Tsu-
ruchi understand the power of shugenja and they have
a healthy respect for them in all their forms. Even be-
fore the Tsuruchi joined the Mantis, when they were
still the Wasp Clan, they had a close alliance with the
Fox Clan, and the Kitsune shugenja worked hand in
hand with squads of Tsuruchi bounty hunters during
the Clan War and the War Against the Darkness. Never
the most religious of Families, the Tsuruchi tend to view
shugenja and magic in general with a very practical eye,
thinking of them in terms of how they can benefit the
Family's agenda, rather than how they fit into the Ce-
lestial Order.
The Yoritomo Family have lived for centuries in one
of the most challenging regions known to exist out
side rhe Shadowlands. The Islands of Silk and Spice
are tropically hot almost year round, with only a mild
reprieve during the Empire's winter months, and they
are subject to the ravages of the sea throughout the en-
tire year. The Mantis' ability to survive such conditions
for so long speaks volumes about their tenacity and
adaptability. The adoption of the Moshi Family into the
Mantis is a relatively recent development, and the Kit-
sune even more so. Before that, the Yoritomo had very
few shugenja in their ranks, with only a handful born
in any generation. Nevertheless, these few individuals
possessed impressive command over the sea and the
elements, so the Yoritomo have a deep and abiding re-
spect for any who can bend the kami to their will. The
average Yoritomo samurai views shugenja as powerful
vassals of the Fortunes themselves, and treats them
with deference and respect. An unfortunate result of
this tradition, hmvever, is that the Yoritomo also con-
sider shugenja to be exceptional weapons of Volar, and
they generally expect shugenja who serve them to fully
contribute during any conflict, pacifistic ideals or no.
School/Path Type Reference
Kitsune Shugenja Basic School L5R core rulebook.
School pp.1478
Moshi Shugenja Basic School L5R core rulebook,
School p.133
Yoritomo Shugenja Basic School The Four Winds,
School pp. 1645
Orochi Riders Advanced School The Four Winds,
Storm Acolytes Path Prayers and
Treasures, p. 26
The yes of the Kami
It would be difficult to describe the Mantis Lands in
any single, consistent manner, as they have holdings in
four areas, most of which are distant from one another.
The Yoritomo lands, however, are unlike any found on
the mainland. and their exotic appeal is only enhanced
to those who can perceive the influence of the kami all
around them. To that perception the Mantis islands are
truly a wild. savage place. where the jungle looms on
the vety edge of any settlement. waiting for the chance
to spill over and reclaim all the Mantis have created.
Likewise, the sea surges with power and wrath,
constantly crashing against the islands
with a fUTy that suggests a wish to sink them all be-
neath the waves and claim absolute dominion over the
region. The Mantis take this ferocity of the Elements in
stride, however, and it is obvious from their feral grins
and brilliant eyes that they thrill in the struggle for sur-
vival that is their day-to-day existence.
Kitsune Shugenja School - A recent addition to the
Mantis Clan's ranks, the Kitsune are among the
oldest and most peculiar shugenja Families in the
Empire. Far from being traditional priests, Kitsune
shugenja often serve as woodsmen and explor-
ers. Since their adoption into the Clan. the Kit-
sune have proved invaluable allies to the Tsuruchi
Family. just as they were decades ago during the
heioht of the Three Man Alliance between the Fox.
Sparrow. and Wasp Clans. The abilities of the av-
erage Kitsune make them uniquely gifted at track-
ing, a talent that works well in tandem with the
Tsuruchi bounty hunters. When not working in
this capacity. Kitsune found outside their Family
lands (formerly known as the Fox Clan territories)
typically serve as administrators for the Clan's
more rural and inaccessible holdings, as this is the
environment they prefer by temperament.
Mashi Shugenja Schaai - By far the most numerous of
the Mantis Clan's shugenja, the Moshi are an odd
and somewhat varied lot. Generations ago, they
were the Centipede Clan, and they revered Lady
Sun. Nter Amaterasu's death and the ascension
of the Crab hero Hida Yakamo to replace her as
Lord Sun, the Moshi were left \vithout purpose.
Some among them attempted to worship Lord
Sun as they had his predecessor, but found his
temperament and philosophies a stark contrast
to their former pacifistic ways. Since joining the
Mantis, the Moshi have changed a great deal. and
they now serve primarily as the Clan's designated
keepers of tradition, allowing their cousins among
the Yoritomo and Kitsune to pursue their unique
paths without fearing the Clan will lack those who
can perform ancient and necessary rites.
Grochi Riders - The Grochi Riders are exceptionally
rare, numbering no more than a dozen at anyone
time. The group was created in the recent past,
and even though they have served the Clan for
only a few years, already their numbers are be-
ginning to wane. The Storm Riders of Tempest Is-
land, the sect of shugenja who oversee and train
the Orochi Riders, have been slow to respond to
requests to summon and bind more young orochi.
They seem to fear that long-term use of this prac-
tice will backfire dramatically upon the Clan. Thus
far, the Orochi Riders remain in use, but only to a
limited extent. When deployed, however, they are
capable of crushing almost any enemy.
Stann Acolytes - Much as the Elemental Council
of Masters in the Phoenix Clan have both aco
Iytes and initiates who learn beneath them, the
legendary Storm Riders of the Mantis Clan have
the Storm Acolytes, the most gifted among their
students. \vho are privileged to learn their own
Technique in hopes of one day ascending into
the ranks of their masters. The Storm Acolytes
are young shugenja who have begun learning the
absolute mastery over the sea and weather their
sensei possess. They are put to use ensuring that
the Mantis Clan fleets move safely and swiftly
through the most dangerous regions of the sea.
They have other duties as \",'ell, such as ensuring
the elements are favorable in the regions where
the Mantis grow their few land-based crops, and
lessening the effects of storms and other natural
disasters on Mantis holdings.
Yoritomo ShugenjQ School- The bloodline in the Yori-
tomo Family that has an affinity for the kami is
small, and there are never more than a hundred of
them at any time. However, no one can deny that
those Yoritomo who walk the path of the shugenja
have considerable power at their command. Yori-
tomo shugenja possess an inexplicable bond \\Iith
the sea, one that allows them ease of command
over the Elements like few who dwell upon the
mainland. As such, Yoritomo shugenja are put to
extensive use in protecting both the Clan's island
holdings as well as its many sea-going vessels. Ad
ditionally, the Yoritomo shugenja are among those
on the front lines in any conflict the Mantis might
have, whether on the sea or the coastline. All who
have faced them in battle can readily attest they
are terrible opponents indeed.
New Path: stor-m
Acolytes (Shugenja)
PATH OF ENTRY: Yoritomo Shugenja 1
PATH OF EGRESS: Yoritomo Shugenja 2
Technique: Thunder's Call
Those Yoritomo shugenja who have trained alongside
their Moshi cousins have learned to greatly appreciate
that Family's versatility. You may spend a Void Point
to change your Affinity from Water to Air for one hour.
You may always cast Command the Clouds as if it was
a Water spell, and you are considered one Insight Rank
higher for the purpose of determining whether or not
you may cast this spell.
New Spell: Sanctuary
of Ningen-do
Note: This spell is a secret of the Mantis Clan. It is known
only to the Moshi and Yoritomo Families, although Kit-
sune shugenja may be allowed to learn it if the campaign
is set after their absorption into the Mantis Clan.
DURATION: Concentration
AREA OF EFFECT: Self plus Raises
The Yoritomo are painfully familiar with the brutal ef-
fects of weather and the wrathful Fortunes under whose
dominion such events faiL They commissioned the
Moshi to develop a means by \vhich their sea-going
s3mufCli could be spared the worst ravages of weather.
The Moshi, newly accepted into the Clan at the time,
gladly accepted this challenge and worked for several
years to develop this spell. This prayer to the Air kami
draws upon the power of the mortal realm to mitigate
the effects of the divine wrath found in storms and other
bad weather. Casting this spell protects you from the el-
ements in their natural manifestations, including wind,
rain, sleet, snow, storms, or any other naturallyoccur-
ring phenomenon of this type. You and everything you
are wearing remain dry even in heavy rain, you cannot
be knocked off your feet by high wind, and so forth.
Further, you may, with effort, be able to extend the pro-
tection to those around you, theoretically protecting
entire ships or even fleets with this simple prayer. This
spell does not protect against artificially produced ef-
fects, such as spells that simulate weather effects (even
relatively weak ones, such as Tempest of Air).
Special Raises: You may declare a Raise to increase
the area of effect of this spell to a radius of 5', centered on
the caster, plus an additional 5' for each additional Raise
declared. This allows you to extend the protection of the
spell to all persons and creatures within the area of effect.
Atarget loses the protection granted by the spell if it leaves
the area of effect at any time. However, targets may regain
(or gain, if they were outside the area of effect when the
spell was cast) protection by reentering the area of effect.
New Spell:
Dominion of Suitengu
Note: This spell is considered Mastery Level 4 for all
non-Mantis shugenja, except the IS3\va Water Tensai.
HEM ENT: Water
DURATION: Concentration
AREA OF EFFECT: 2 bodies of water
RANGE: 100 miles
The Mantis understand that all water is of the sea, and
thus ultimately all water is part of the domain of the
Fortune of the Sea, Suitengu. By offering the proper
supplications, the Mantis can peer into any part of Suit-
engu's domain - which is to say any pool of water at
least I foot across and I inch deep - and see through
it to any other part. The shugenja can see events taking
place within line of sight of that body of water as though
he is standing atop it. Sound is not transferred through
this vision, only that which can be seen with mortal
eyes, much to the Yoritomo's disappointment. The hvo
bodies of water used in the spell must be within tOO
miles of one another for this effect to take place, but the
shugenja does not have to be familiar with both loca-
tions to use this spell; the spell simply locates the body
of water closest to the targeted location within range.
The Phoenix Clan
There is no Clan more intrinsically tied to magic in all
its forms than the Phoenix. No discussion of Rokugani
magic or the practices of shugenja can avoid mention-
ing the Phoenix, and even the most carelessly arro-
gant priest would not presume to dismiss the magical
prm-vess of the followers of Isawa. For their part, the
Isawa and their attendant Families are fully aware of
their position as the Empire's preeminent shugenja, and
they have no doubt they have earned this reputation
through their own merits. While this belief has been the
source of considerable hubris in the past, the current
generation of Phoenix are struggling to put that arro-
gance behind them. They now try to see theit position
as one that obligates them to aid in the betterment of
the Empire as a whole, and seek to assist their fellow
samurai \"lhenever possible.
The Agasha family have never really lost the stigma
of having abandoned their oaths of fealty to the Dragon
in exchange for service to the Phoenix. They arc often
the subject of scorn among the Families of other Clans.
The Phoenix have never made them feel unwelcome,
of course, and this has only strengthened the loyalty
the Agasha feel for their new lords. The Agasha have
whole-heartedly embraced the lsawa's theories of the
shugenja's duty to search for morc knowledge in order
to better understand the role of man in the Mandate of
Heaven. Even before they lcft the Dragon, the Agasha
researched and developed new forms of magic unseen
in the Empire at that time.
Since their admission to the Phoenix, the Agasha
have labored to prove their expertise to their ne\\,
Clan. In particular, they have focused their efforts on
the strange, multi-Elemental magic they researched for
years prior to their defection. Their efforts have proven
largely successful. increasing their stature among the
Phoenix. While this has benefited the Family consider-
ably, some among the elder generation are concerned
that it has engendered a dangerously mercenary atti-
tude among their younger members, making them too
eager to please whoever gives them patronage.
The Asako are something of an anomaly among the
Phoenix. There are many shugenja among their ranks,
but not so many as in the lsawa. The Family has like-
\-vise pursued new research into magic, although not
with the success or flair of their new Agasha kinsmen.
The Asako are something of a catch-all for the Clan,
a Family with no singular purpose but one that fills a
variety of niches left by the other Families. As might
be expected, the Asako have a highly mutable view of
magic and how it should be utilized. Their versatility in
no \\lay compromises their reverence for magic and the
kami, however; the Asako have a strong monastic tradi-
tion that instills in them a great deal of respect for the
natural way of things. The Isawa are, without question,
the largest, most powerful, and most influential shugen-
ja Family in all of Rokugan. They originated Rokugani
magic, they still set the standard for what is expected
01 shugenja, and they are the ones who time and time
again raise those expectations. The Isawa firmly believe
shugenja are an elite among all mankind, a chosen few
bearing the spark of divinity, biessed by Heaven with
the ability to speak to its emissaries throughout the
mortai realm and beyond. They take this responsibii-
ity very seriously, and they believe it is their duty to
constantly push the boundaries of human knowledge,
for in doing so they discover a keener understanding of
the wiii of Heaven.
The Isawa have often been accused of arrogance, of
iusting after knowiedge better left unknown, but they
beiieve this is no more than jeaiousy and envy. If others
were as closely connected with the Mandate of Heaven,
they would share the Isawa's understanding of the role
of shugenja in the Ceiestial Order. As it is, the Isawa
can only fulfill theIr duties and hope others will eventu-
ally come to understand what all men must do.
Alone among the Phoenix Families, the Shiba are
warriors with little to no capacity for magic. It is rare for
anyone born into the Family to have the abiiity to speak
to the Elements, although those rare individuals who do
tend to be powerful indeed. Still, the Shiba understand
magic better than almost any bushi Famiiy in the Em-
pire, perhaps even more so than the Mirumoto of the
Dragon Clan. The Shiba respect and admire those with
the ability to speak to the kami, and take it as their sa-
cred, unquestioned duty to protect them from all harm.
They take great pains to remain neutral in their feelings
toward the shugenja they serve, in order to ensure they
think only of their duty rather than their personal opin-
ion of their charge. As much as they respect magic, they
see it as their duty to respond before magic can even
become an issue, taking the first blow from an enemy
or. preferably, defeating the enemy before the interven-
tion of magic is required.
School/Path Type
sawa Shugenja Basic School
sawa Tensai Basic School
Dragon Channeler Advanced School
sawa Duelist Advanced School
ASako Inquisitor Path
sawa Ishiken Path
-ne Chosen Path
L5R core rulebooK,
The Four Winds,
p. 171
The Four Winds,
p. 10
Art ofthe Duel,
p. 94
The Four Winds,
Prayers and
Treasures, p. 30
The Four Winds,
The eyes of the Kami
The Phoenix Lands are awash with the power of the El-
ements. Fires burn brighter, stones seem as strong and
indomitable as the highest mountains, the lakes and
streams seem to course with the power of the ocean,
and even the wind holds the promise of pmver such
as most have never known. For those unaccustomed to
such things, the mere experience of visiting the Phoenix
Lands can be overwhelming.
Asako Inquisitors - Although many Phoenix choose
not to discuss or even consider it, the history of
their Clan is fraught with incidences of corrup-
tion. Academically, the reason is simple enough:
when one commands the sheer power available to
the average Phoenix shugenja, it is inevitable that
some wili stray from the honorable path. When
this tragedy occurs, it is the Asako Inquisitors
who ensure the Clan is not threatened. In con-
trast to the typical serene Asako, the Inquisitors
are precise and curt, polite but unwavering in their
pursuit of potential threats to the Phoenix. Like
their peers among the Kuni ''''itch Hunters, the
Jade Legion, and the Scorpion Clan's secretive
Kuroiban (with whom the Inquisitors cooperate),
the Inquisitors are a relentless police force deter-
mined to ensure the purity and safety of the Em-
pire. They are a great aliy of ali who remain pure,
and a terrible foe of ali who embrace the darkness,
whatever its form.
Chosen Phoenix - The Chosen Phoenix were a group
of Phoenix devoted to the practices and philoso-
phies of the Bloodspeakers. Recently, however,
the Chosen Phoenix were eradicated from \vithin
the Clan's ranks by a concerted effort by the Asa-
ko Inquisitors and the leadership of the Elementai
Council of Masters. Nonetheless, their existence
remains part of the historical record, for those
GMs who wish to set their campaign in an earlier
time period.
Dragon Channeler - The Dragon Channeiers are a
smali group of shugenja based out of the Temple
of the Eight Dragons in the City of Remembrance.
The group's strength is not a result of any particu-
lar quality of its members, but rather the location
of their tempie; the Tempie of the Eight Dragons is
- (')
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constructed on the site where the Elemental Drag-
ons chose their first mortal Oracles, and so the
Dragons favor the temple. A handful of those who
have studied there have been blessed by the Drag-
ons, and now wield unique and considerable abil-
ities that the Phoenix are still attempting to fully
document and understand. For the time being, no
requirements are placed upon them beyond those
normally levied on shugenja \vithin the Clan.
ISQlVQ Duelist - The Isawa Duelists are relied on by
theiT Family and Clan to ensure the superiority
of Phoenix magic is not questioned. The Phoenix
have a history of terrible hubris, and while they
are now working as a Clan to overcome this weak-
ness, that does not mean they do not still believe
they are the most skilled and powerful shugenja
in the Empire. This is not arrogance, but simple
fact, recognized by many other than the Phoenix.
Whenever Phoenix ability is called into question,
whenever there is an exhibition or tournament of
magical prmvess, the lsavva Duelists arc called
upon to defend their Family and Clan.
]sQl.va Ishiken - The Isawa Ishiken are among the rar-
est and least understood shugenja in the Empire.
After all, most individuals go through their entire
lives without any real comprehension of their
tenuous connection to the Void. A precious few,
however, are born \vith a relatively strong connec-
tion. Many of these individuals are unable to deal
with the energies that flow all around them, and
those not fortunate enough to be born among the
ranks of the Phoenix generally perish at a young
age. These rare Void shugcnja who are fortunate
enough to be born among the Phoenix or dis-
covered by them are identified and trained, and
these special shugenja are known as the Ishiken.
The Ishiken represent a great asset for the Clan,
since not only do they possess pmvers Virtually
unknown by any other Clan, but they are also a
constant reminder to all who encounter them of
the innate magical superiority of the Phoenix.
[salva Shugenja School - The Isawa maintain what
is by far the largest, most successful, and most
respected shugenja School in the Empire. The
vast majority of all Phoenix shugenja begin their
training in the School, and even those \vho do not
choose to make use of the many specialized train-
ing options available are respected for their pmver
and finesse. When describing the roles the Isawa
shugenja fill in the Phoenix Clan, it would be far
easier to describe those few roles they do not fill,
as they do so much.
]sQlva Tensai School - Tensai are selected from the
ranks of students entering the Isawa Shugenja
School, and are chosen based on a particularly
strong affiniry for one element that can be de-
tected by older shugenja of that same element. As
Tensai, they are trained to command tremendous
power with their one favored element, to the ex-
clusion of the other elements. Despite their limi-
tations, Tensai are respected by all \".'ho know of
them for the sheer capacity for destruction they
New Path: Isawa
Ishiken (Shugenja)
REQ1IlREMENTS: Ishiken-do Advantage, Affinity for
PATH OF ENTRY: Isawa Shugenja 2
PATH OF EGRESS: Isawa Shugenja 3
Technique: The Void's Caress
The truly gifted among the Ishiken can achieve miracu-
lous results through their affinity for the Void. You may
expend spell slots from other Elements in order to cast
additional Void spells. You may also expend any unused
spell slot when casting a Void spell in order to receive
I Free Raise on your Spellcasting Roll. Free Raises may
be gained in a similar manner by voluntarily suffering
enough Wounds to fill I Wound Rank.
Multi-Element Spells
Spells that employ more than one Element are rel-
atively rare in the Empire, although they enjoyed
a brief period of popularity roughly a decade ago,
when many young shugenja struggled to under-
stand this new concept. The idea of multi-Element
magic was pioneered by the Agasha Family, and
much of their research took place prior to their
departure from the Dragon Clan. The P h o e n L ~
allowed them to continue their research uninter-
rupted, and shortly after their oaths of fealty to the
19awa, the Agasha experienced a breakthrough
that made their theories into reality: They discov-
ered it was, in fact, possible to call upon morc than
olle Element at a time \,,-'hen casting a spelL Why
draw upon the strength of only one Element when
it is possible to draw upon the strength of multiple
Elements simultaneously?
Multi-Element spells count as spells of every El-
ement listed in their description, and consume 1
spell slot from each Element involved. When us-
ing the caster's Ring for any purpose related to the
casting or effect of the spell, the average of all Rings
involved (rounded down) is taken. For example, a
Phoenix with Fire 4 and Air 2 using a Fire/Air spell
would use 3 as the value for his relevant Ring. N-
finities and Deficiencies apply to all Elements in-
volved, and if the caster cannot meet the require-
ments of any Element, he cannot cast the spell.
When an Affinity and a Deficiency both apply to a
single spell, they cancel one another out.
New Spell:
Soul Sword
Note: This spell is known only to the shugenja of the
Phoenix Clan.
ELEMENT: AirlEarthlFirelWater
DURATION: Permanent
RANGE: Touch
Each Element has at least one spell that allows shugen-
ja to summon a weapon of pure Elemental power to
protect themselves_ There are other, mare specialized
spells known to individual Clans that work in a simi-
lar manner, such as the Earthen Blade spell utilized by
the Tamori. The Phoenix, however, have perfected this
art, and they are able to draw upon all of the Elements
simultaneously in order to create that most perfect
of weapons, the sword. This spell summons a blade,
either a wakizashi or a katana (chosen at the time of
the spell's casting), ideally suited and forever bound to
the shugenja who summoned it. This sword appears
perfectly normal and performs like a normal blade in
the hands of anyone else. In the caster's hands, how-
ever, it grants +2 Ranks of Kenjutsu, and the shugenja's
Strength is considered 2 Ranks higher for the purposes
of determining the DR. As long as the caster remains
alive, the sword cannot be broken by any means short
of divine intervention. The shugenja can summon the
blade to hand from any distance as a Use Special Abil-
ity action. As this blade is an extension of the caster's
soul, he may never have morc than one in existence at
any time.
New Spell:
Whispering Flames
Note: This spell is known only to the shugenja of the
Phoenix Clan.
DURATION: Concentration
RANGE: 20'
By tapping into the burning intensity of name and the
quiet suggestiveness of air, certain Phoenix shugenja
have been able to entrance others around them with
the unbridled brilliance of their Elemental constructs.
This spell allows you to summon an image of anything
you can imagine - a brilliant phoenix in night, a geisha
performing an entrancing dance, or even a bushi per-
forming his kata. The image has the potential to trans-
fix all who have a direct line of sight to it. They must
succeed at a Raw Willpower Roll against a TN equal

to your School Rank x 5, or else they are completely
unable to take any actions other than to stare at the
image. Those transfixed may make an additional roll
to break free every t\\10 rounds, and any individual af-
fected by this spell will immediately regain control of
himself if attacked.
The Scorpion Clan
The Scorpion are not known for their although
they are certainly the targets of fanciful speculation
that they possess some unknown form of power al-
Imving them to move unseen through crowds, read the
thoughts of others, and generally do whatever they like
without being detected. These rumors are baseless,
of course - the Scorpion achieve such things through
largely means. However, it is true their
shugenja possess an exceptional talent for deception
and misdirection. These talents are put to great use by
the Clan, not only for accomplishing discreet goals, but
also as diversions from the Scorpion's more mundane
agents working in the field.
The Bayushi are ruthlessly practical, and can be de-
scribed as the only true realists in all of Rokugan. They
know the traditions and customs of magic are indeed
very real, but at the same time their outlook causes
them to view magic as a tool and little else. It is the
duty of shugenja to observe their own taboos and ob-
ligations, after all, but not the duty of those \-vhom the
shugenja serve. Over the centuries, the Bayushi have
learned there are certain duties at which the Soshi
Family excel, particularly given their unique magical
practices. These are duties the Soshi have performed
flawlessly for centuries with very little change, and the
Bayushi depend on them to ensure the Scorpions' goals
are achieved.
The Shosuro's view of magic mirrors that of the Bay-
ushi, but is even more grounded in hardened realism,
if that is possible. The Bayushi may conceive the deed,
but it is the Shosuro who actually bloody their hands
with it, and this makes them an unsentimental and ir-
reverent lot. There are instances of shugenja appearing
among the Shosuro, but it is quite uncommon, and ul-
timately unnecessary. The Family has honed the arts of
stealth, ambush, and assassination to the point where
their talents are almost supernatural in and of them
selves. Committing acts that others blame on maoic

only benefits them in the long run. The Shosuro, as a

result, view magic almost as a scapegoat, although they
do appreciate its value when circumstances are such
that skill, no matter how prodigious, cannot succeed on
its own.
The principle shugenja Family of the Scorpion Clan
has always been the Soshi. More numerous and com-
manding more resources than their Yogo kinsmen, the
Soshi are descended from Shosuro, the enigmatic figure
\vho was the first Scorpion Thunder. For centuries the
Soshi practiced a type of magic that was, unknown to
them, intrinsically linked to the primordial entity called
the Lying Darkness. After the threat from the Darkness
was finally revealed and the entity was defeated, the
Family was left with significantly reduced power and a
new sense of wariness with regard to the use of magic.
Although the Soshi quickly refocused their attention on
the more conventional magic that had always been their
secondary pursuit, they have never truly recovered from
the shock and shame of their association with such a
great threat to the Empire. While the other Clans know
nothing of their past, and the other Scorpion Families
do not judge them for it, it is a burden they continue to
carry. As a result, they look upon magic in all forms first
from the standpoint of what risks it carries, and whether
the benefits are worth the potential loss both to their
Family and to the Clan as a whole.
The Yogo vie\\/ magic as the source of both their
strength and their greatest weakness. The first Yogo was
cursed, cast down in battle by the terrible power of Fu
Leng himself, and condemned to betray those he loved
the most. His line bears the same curse, and though
time and understanding have somewhat weakened its
effects, it still has a grave impact on the daily life of the
average Yogo. Were it not for the strength of their magic
and their indomitable will, the Yogo would have been
cast out and destroyed centuries ago. Their loyalty to
the Bayushi, who accept them despite their curse and
the danger they represent, is strong indeed, and as a
result they are all too willing to employ their magic in
whatever ways the Bayushi demand, without question
or hesitation.
School/Path Type Reference
Soshi Shugenja Basic School L5R core rulebook,
School p. 140
Yoga Shugenja Basic School The Four Winds,
School p. 176
Yoga Duelist Advanced School Art ofthe Duel, p. 107
Kuroiban Path Prayers and Treasures,
p. 34
Sash; Duelist Path Art ofthe Duel, p. 108
The eyes of the Kami
Through the eyes of the kami, the Scorpion Lands seem
cast in perpetual shadow. Even during the middle of
the day, it always seems overcast, and long shadows
lie in all directions. Shadows themselves seem deeper
and darker, as if hiding something that lurks just out-
side one's field of vision. Everything conceals a secret,
whether a faded set of kanji that appear on a random
structure one passes, or movement in the trees that dis-
appears when approached. There is a pervasive aura of
menace in the Scorpion Lands. It is not menace toward
one's physical safety, of course, but rather the nagging
sense that everything kept private is constantly at risk
of being laid bare before the world.
Sash; Duelist - The Soshi Duelists not only to defend
the honor of the Scorpion Clan, they also allow
the Clan's honor to be impugned when the situa-
tion calls for it. Soshi Duelists are expccled to be
able to win or lose a taryu-jiai duel without dif-
ficulty, and \vhen they must lose, they must lose
convincingly. Even a hint of duplicity can com-
pletely negate any benefit from a strategic loss,
and so the Soshi Duelists are consummate actors
as well as skilled shugenja, all for the purpose of
advancing the secretive agenda of their Clan.
Soshi Shugenja School - The Soshi are the ultimate
answer to any problem that the Scorpion Clan
faces. The Bayushi are the face and the blade of
the Clan, the Shosuro the threat hidden in the
shadows, and the Yogo the grim police who en-
sure there are no traitors among their ranks. The
Soshi may have no particular fixed purpose, but
they are known for their adaptability and flexibil-
ity. When a Bayushi has a task that cannot easily
be completed by anyone else, he seeks out a Soshi
to deal with the matter quietly and efficiently, and
thinks of the problem no further.
Kuroiban - The Scorpion Clan is the Clan of Secrets,
and no one in the Empire better understands how
the burden of keeping secrets can drive men to
ambition or even madness. Consequently, within
the Clan is a sect of shugenja \\Tho are chosen for
their absolute determination not to let the Clan's
burdens spawn shame or treachery within their
ranks. The Kuroiban do not restrict themselves
to policing the Scorpion, however; they are also
among the Empire's most vigorous adversaries of
those who embrace Taint and corruption. They
are far more secretive than the Asako Inquisitors
and the Kuni Witch Hunters, who work toward
similar ends - indeed, very few in the Empire even
know of their existence. Nevertheless, they often
work hand-in-hand \"lith such groups. even \vhen
their associates do not realize it. More than once,
a threat to the Empire has been destroyed by the
Kuni or Asako after being led unknowingly to their
presence by a hidden Kuroiban. The Scorpion in-
quisitors do not seek glory or fame, only success.
Yoga Duelist - Because of their Family's unique his-
tory and situation, the Yoga are not called upon
when the Scorpion require someone to lose a
taryu-jiai duel convincingly. The Yogo Duelists are
called upon instead when the Clan requires abso-
lute and unquestioned victory. Their purpose is to
defeat, discredit, and humiliate their opponents at
all cost, and make the victory look effortless in the
process. Promising Yoga are always eager to join
the ranks of the duelists, hungry as they are for
any validation or accomplishment.
Yoga Shugenja School - No duty is too grim or un-
pleasant for the Yogo. The Family understands
it is their doom to live under a curse, and they
are used to bearing indignities. That the Scorpion
have made a place for them and accepted them
regardless of their past has instilled in their ranks
a deep sense of gratitude and obligation (but not,
they hope, love), ensuring they will perform any
unsavory task required of them. The irony of the
Yogo is that their roles within the Clan rend to be
one of two extremes: they either ensure the Scor-
pion are not threatened by treachery or failure
(many Yogo serve in the Kuroiban), or they are
called on to perform the darkest of duties, those
tasks that must be performed so that the Clan can
continue to prosper, but which damn those who
undertake them. The Yogo are already damned,
most believe, so what does it matter if they must
carry such a burden for their lords?
New Path:
KuV'oiban (Shugenja)
PATH OF ENTRY: Yogo Shugenja 2 or Soshi Shugen-
ja 2
PATH OF EGRESS: Re-enter the same School at
Rank 3
Technique: The Black Watch
The Kuroiban seek the darkness in others to destroy it,
just as they have destroyed the darkness within them-
selves. If you make an attack that damages a target,
whether melee, ranged, or magical in nature, you may
immediately spend a Void Point to learn \vhether or not
the target of your attack possesses the Shadowlands
Taint. By expending 2 Void Points, you may gain this
information about any target affected by a spell you
New Spell:
CV'vptic CipheV'
Note: This spell is known only to shugenja of the Scor-
pion Clan and the Imperial Families
HEM ENT: Air/EarthiFirelWater
DURATION: Permanent
AREA OF EFFECT: I piece of paper, parchment, or
RANGE: Touch
Adapted from an Air spell discretely acquired from the
Imperial Families (without their knowledge, of course),
this spell allows you to magically encode a message so
that no one but its intended recipient can read its actual
contents. The spell affects a piece of paper or cloth, and
as part of its casting, you write the name or names of the
individuals for whom the secret message is intended,
then write the message itself. The spirit within the ma-
terial, awakened by your prayer, disguises the message
and absorbs the identity of the intended recipient(s).
When the spell is completed, you write something
else on the paper, usually something completely mun-
dane and uninteresting, such as personal correspon
dence about unimportant matters, or supply lists, or a
poem. Only those named on the paper during the ritual
can read the true message. The paper does not register
as having been the target of any magic, even by using
Commune or Sense upon it. Use of Counterspell. how-
ever, will dispel the magic and reveal the true message.
This spell is often used by members of the Kuroiban
to mark their clothes with their organization's chop, al-
lowing other Kuroiban to recognize them instantly. This
spell can be cast as a spell of any Element except for
New Spell:
Clouded Mind
Note: This spell is considered Mastery Level 5 for
shugenja of all Schools except the Soshi and the Yogo.
DURATION: 1 hour
AREA OF EFFECT: 1 person
RANGE: Line of Sight
A more powerful version of Forgotten Murmurs, this
spell was developed by the Soshi Family in order to
deal with troublesome opponents who posed a risk to
time-sensitive operations, but who could not be killed
without drmving unwanted attention. This spell sum-
mons powerful Air kami who distract, disorient, and
(onfound the target, causing him to constantly lose
memories unless he focuses all of his will toward the
simple act of remembering. The target of the spell must
make a Raw Willpower Roll against a TN equal to the
result of your Spellcasting Roll. If the target fails, he
iorgets everything that has happened to him since the
spell was cast. This Willpower Roll must be made every
5 minutes for the duration of the spell.
The Unicorn Clan
Recently, the Unicorn Clan has become far better known
for the potency of the magic its shugenja employ. In
previous centuries, the Iuchi Family was looked upon
as an oddity, its shugenja generally dismissed as fools
or even blasphemers for their poorly-kept secret of dal-
liance with gaijin forms of magic. Since the ascension
of the Moto Family, however, the development of the
Baraunghar Army has shown the rest of the Empire how
powerful Iuchi magic can be, not to mention the terrible
strength commanded by the so-called Priests of Death.
In the modern Empire, magic is commonplace among
the Unicorn, and they are feared for it.
The Horiuchi are the smallest and least influential of
the Unicorn Families, and the second shugenja Family
that serves the Great Khan. They are few in number, per-
haps no more than a few dozen in any given generation
since their formation less than a centUly ago, but their
overwhelming eagerness to serve the Clan and their lord
more than makes up for their youth and small size. The
Horiuchi have yet to find their niche among the Unicorn.
So far, the closest that they have come to carving out
a distinctive set of duties is their ongoing research into
the gaijin techniques of meishodo, and (perhaps more
importantly) their tireless work to meet the needs of the
Clan's lower classes. This latter labor frees their lords
amono the Iuchi to better serve their Khan \:vhile still
maintaining the unflagging loyalty of the masses.
The Horiuchi practice both traditional magic and
gaijin meishodo, and indeed are some of the strongest
practitioners of the latter technique. Despite this, they
regard magic as a divine blessing, perhaps even more
so than other shugenja Families, because it is purely
by the providence of her magical prowess that their
founder, Horiuchi Shoan, was granted leave to create a
Family of her own. The Horiuchi have never forgotten
this, and work every day to be worthy of the abilities
they have been blessed with. They actively seck out
others who have the talent but without lords to serve
- primarily mnin and orphans - and bring them into
their ranks.
""' z
The Ide Family view magic in much the same 'way
they view war: It is a thing in which they have little
direct involvement. Historically the Ide have always
. served as the Unicorn Clan's diplomatic emissaries and
representatives at court, and they have no shugenja tra-
ditions to speak of. As masters of the social arts, how-
ever, the Ide concede that the art of communing with
the Elements must by definition require much that is
worthy of admiration, and they freely offer their respect
to the shugenja who serve alongside them. Prior to the
ascension of the Moto Family, when the Shinjo still
led the Clan, the Ide and Iuchl worked closely to ac-
complish the Clan's non-military goals. Since the Moto
became the stewards of the Clan, however. the luchi
have been increasingly drawn into the Clan's military
pursuits, and the relationship between the two Families
has grovvn morc distant as a result.
The luchi, first among shugenja in the Unicorn Clan,
are \videly recognized ~ even by the Horiuchi and the
Mota priests - as the pre-eminent masters of many
forms of magic, including the traditional Elemental
magic practiced by other Rokugani Families. The luchi
view magic as an art form, although they also under-
stand it is steeped in religion. They do understand that
the religious aspect of Rokugani magic is valid and true,
and they are sincere in their reverence for the Fortunes
and the Tao. But they also understand that the allega-
tions of blasphemy levied against any and all forms
of gaijin magic are untrue, and they quietly continue
some research into the gaijin magic forms that they en-
countered during their Clan's exploration of the world
beyond Rokugan's borders. Perhaps it is because of
the Iuchi's unique view of magic that they are so easily
able to put their religious ideals aside and embrace the
Khan's mandate of military service. Even the Unicorn's
most strident opponents would
grudgingly admit the Iuchi have
excelled in war beyond all
The Mota are descend-
ed from nomadic tribes
of the Burning Sands,
and as such they are
a warrior people with
very little in the \<\Iay
of unique magical tra-
ditions. Although not
particularly religious (at
least in the way Rokugani
understand the term),
the Moto understand
the nature of magic and
seek to use it to its full-
est potential whenever
possible. The vision of
their Khan, Moto Chaga-
tai, demands the Clan's
shugenja be used to their
fullest potential, participat-
ing in the Unicorn military
to a degree unprecedented
by any shugenja Family in
history. Despite their practical
approach to the use of magic, the
.. ". " '" .. -... ~ , ' ", -"'" . . ' ,
BarQunghar Shugenja - The Baraunghar path is fol-
lowed by those shugenja who show a particular
talent for Air magic or \/,,,ho demonstrate significant
martial ability_ At the height of the Baraunghar Ar-
my's power, nearly hvo-thirds of the entire Iuchi
Family were members. When the Khan's assault
upon the Imperiai City failed, the Baraunghar suf-
fered significant losses, and the army is still re-
organizing. It will be some time before Baraung-
har-trained shugenja are not a rarity. Those \vho
remain are hardened veterans, however. As such,
they are capable of considerable feats of magical
prov,,1ess, and possess a significant degree of com-
bat acumen.
Horiuchi Shugenja School - The Horiuchi are quite
likely the smallest Family serving any of the Great
Clans, but they are fierce in their intention to
contribute to the Unicorn Clan's well-being. In
addition to continuing to legacy of their founder,
Horiuchi Shoan, by caring for orphans and other
destitute children, the Horiuchi have made it their
mission to fulfill the shugenja duties required by
the peasantry of the Unicorn Lands_ They also
continue to pursue the meishodo research pio-
neered by their Iuchi cousins, and are considered
the strongest practitioners of it in the Clan today.
Although the Horiuchi have very few members,
they have done an admirable job of reducing the
work-load of the luchi, freeing that Family to serve
the Unicorn military. This seems to have earned
the Horiuchi the Khan's respect, and he allows
them to do as they ",,,ish vvithout interfering in their
day-to-day duties_
'the eyes of the Kami
To those who can perceive the kami, the Unicorn
Lands are wild, unfettered, and entirely free. In one's
peripheral vision the land itself seems to tim-v and move
with the "vind. The the stones, the mountains, and even
the Clan's castles seem to be bundles of energy, ready
to spring into motion at a moment's notice. Everything
about the provinces reflects the mood of those who
dwell within them, people who seem to be in constant
motion, their hair perpetually wind-tousled, their faces
a mask of joy at the freedom they enjoy every day_
The Four Winds, p_ 19
School/Path Type Reference
"1oriuchi Shugenja Basic School Prayers and Treasures,
SChool p. 38
Jchi Shugenja Basic Schoo! L5R core rulebook,
SChool pp. 142-3
K:Rin Traveler Path Prayers and Treasures,
p_ 39
Art of the Duel, p_ 122 \-faster of the
Swift Waves
'Aoto Priest of Death
Mota have nonetheless cultivated the sect known as
the Priests of Death, who revere ancient gods from the
Mota's history.
The former lords of the Unicorn Clan, the Shinjo, still
struggle to overcome the stigma of the disgrace they en-
dured decades ago. Because their Family was so heavily
infiltrated by the nefarious Kolat ~ apparently with no
one noticing - the Shinjo have a somewhat disgruntled
view of magic. In the view of some Shinjo samurai, the
Iuchl's magic should have been able to determine what
was happening and take steps to prevent it. More re-
alistic minds within the Family recognize that, in fact,
the Shinjo and their strong magistrate tradition should
have been first to recognize the problem within their
ranks, and the luchi, beholden by their oaths of fealty,
could not have acted against their lords without dis-
gracing themselves. The Shinjo have only themselves to
blame. Due to these conflicting arguments, most among
the Shinjo continue to view the Iuchi, and magic in gen-
eral, v'lith the same degree of respect as before, but v"ith
a hint of regret mixed in.
The Utaku come as close as a Family can to having
no firm opinion on magic at all. They are consummate
warriors and soldiers, and their entire existence centers
on the flawless execution of their duty as the greatest
cavalry force in the Empire. The Utaku understand the
concept of magic, of course, and even respect its ap-
plication on the battlefield in the Khan's new military
structure, but in their eyes, magic will never be the true
strength of warfare. To the Utaku, magic is something
best relegated to the courts, or kept among the closeted
shugenja who practice it. To them, \var is the art of the
soldier, and should remain the exclusive province of
those born and raised as warriors.


[uchi Shugenja Schoal- For centuries, the Iuchi were
responsible for meeting ali of the magical needs
of the Unicorn Clan (and of the !G-Rin Clan be-
fore it). The Family developed forms of magic ca-
pable of supporting the Clan's nomadic lifestyle,
and they studied and experimented with various
forms of gaijin magic. But they also continued to
bless births, deaths, and marriages, pray to wrath-
ful spirits after storms or earthquakes, and carry
out ali other day-to-day priestly duties in essen-
tialiy conventional Rokugani fashion. The last
century, hov"cver. saw not only the creation of an
additional shugenja Family in the Clan, but also
the birth of various sects devoted to highly spe-
cialized forms of magic. In response to this, the
Iuchi rose to their Khan's challenge to re-organize
the Clan's military forces, resulting in the creation
of the Baraunghar Army and the sects that sup-
ported it. The severe damage to that army has
weakened the Family considerably, and now they
must struggle to fulfili their mandate to support
the Clan's military efforts.
Ki-rin Travelers - The Ki-rin Travelers are a group of
shugenja that practice one of the Clan's most an-
cient forms of magic, although they have of late
performed it for a new purpose. Rare even before
the Baraunghar were decimated, the Travelers
count only the most powerful and senior shugenja
- those tasked with leading the army by their Khan
- among their number. The magic they command
allowed Mota Chagatai to move his entire army
across the Lion provinces and assault the Imperial
City. With the deaths of so many Baraunghar, there
are less than a dozen Ki-rin Travelers remaining,
and they are actively searching for suitable stu-
dents to whom they can pass on their secrets.
Master of the Sivift Waves - Like the Ki-Rin Travelers,
the title Master of the Swift 'vVaves "vas granted
only to particularly skilled shugenja within the
hierarchy of the Baraunghar army. The Masters
of the Swift Waves were charged with
ing the movement of the entire army via their
unique skills, and they too were instrumental in
Mota Chagatai's plan to move his army across the
Lion lands to Toshi Ranbo. Unfortunately, like
the rest of the Baraunghar Army, many Masters
of the Swift did not survive the repulse of
the Khan's assault, and now there are less than a
dozen still alive and serving the Clan.
Mota Priest of Death - Roughly a decade ago, Moto
Chagatai made a deal with a pantheon of gaijin
gods, the former gods of the Ujik-Hai from which
the Mota \",ere descended, to ensure they would
stop haunting and tormenting the Moto family. In
exchange, Chagatai promised the Mota would al-
ways revere these gods, the Shi-Tien Yen-Wang,
also known as the Lords of Death. The worship of
these entities was not popular at first, but it has
rapidly become more and more accepted among
the Unicorn, and even among a few beyond their
borders. The Lords of Death are gods of death,
judgment, and vengeance, and the Priests of
Death who revere them stress the importance of
these aspects of existence. They accompany the
Khan's armies into battle to pronounce the judg-
ment of the Shi-Tien Yen-\tVang on their enemies,
and they assist in the administration of justice
within the Unicorn Lands.
New Basic School:
t-Ioriuchi Shugenja
The Horiuchi are a small Family, even as shugenja
Family go. They are distinctive mainly for their study
of meishodo, a gaijin-derived form of magic first devel-
oped by the luchi, that relies on the use of small totcmic
objects rather than scrolls and incantations. It is an ob-
scure and secretive practice, one the Unicorn prefer not
to share too widely with the Empire at large because
of its foreign origins. The Horiuchi Shugenja School is,
therefore, the perfect place for the further development
of meishodo; the School is so small that few outside of
the Unicorn Clan take much notice of it.
BENEFIT: +1 Stamina
HONOR; 2.5
SKillS: Calligraphy, Defense, Horsemanship, Hunt-
ing, Meditation (Void Recovery), anyone High Skill
and anyone High or Bugei Skill.
OUTFIT: 'vVakizashi, tanto, gaijin riding horse, tradi-
tional robcs and sandals, scroll satchel, traveling pack;
10 koku
AFFINITY/DEFICIENCY: Horiuchi shugenja have
an Affinity for Earth, and a Deficiency for Fire.
Harmony of Two Worlds
Horiuchi magic focuses on surviving in the \vilderness and
on the unique technique of meishodo, agaijin art that uses
magical trinkets to call on the kami, an intermediate fonn
between traditional Rokugani prayers and the gaijin way
of bypassing the kami to call directly on the Elements.
When you create a Horiuchi shugenja, you may opt
to make that character proficient in meishodo. If you
choose to do so, you may pick any number of your
starting spells to be meishodo charms, which replace
the scrolls that would otherwise be used to cast those
spells. As with scrolls, you must have physical posses-
sion of the charm associated with that spell in order
to cast it. Meishodo spells may not be Counterspelled
with non-meishodo. Hmvever, Meishodo spells may
also never become innate abilities.
Each time you gain an Insight Rank and return to
your School for training, you may choose to have any
new spells gained from this advancement become
meishodo spells in the same manner. Even if you ad-
vance in Schools other than the Horiuchi Shugenja
School, you may still do this, for the practice is integral
to the Horiuchi's art and is never forgotten. In addition,
GMs should feel free to give opportunities to gain new
meishodo, although this is unlikely to happen anywhere
outside the temples of the Horiuchi or the luchi.
Spells with a Mastery Level above 3 may never be
made into meishodo, with the exception of spells in
your Affinity. Spells in your Affinity of Mastery Level 4
or 100'Irer may be made into meishodo.
You gain a Free Raise when casting meishodo spells.
SPELLS: Sense, Commune, Summon, Counterspell,
plus 3 Earth, 2 Water, and I Air.
New Path: Ki-rin
L"ravelers (Shugenja)
PATH OF ENTRY: luchi Shugenja 4, Horiuchi
Shugenja 4, Master of the Swift Waves
PATH OF EGRESS: luchi Shugenja 4 or 5 (based on
Path of Entry), Horiuchi Shugenja 5
Technique: The Blink of an eye
The Ki-rin Travelers have truly mastered the secrets of
the Baraunghar, so much so that they need not actually
cross the space between two points. You may expend 1
Air spell slot to move either yourself or I target person
a distance of up to your Insight Rank x 100 in feet. This
may affect your horse or your target's horse as well, if
you choose. This movement happens instantaneously,
as part of the Use Special Abilities action needed to use
this Technique. You may either double the distance of
this movement or add an additional target for each ad-
ditional Air spell slot you expend for that purpose.
New Spell: }\shim's
Rainbow Shield
Note: This spell is known only to the shugenja of the
luchi and Horiuchi Shugenja Schools.
DURATION: Concentration
This strange but visually spectacular spell is alleged to
have been adapted from a similar effect used by a sect
of peaceful gaijin sorcerers with whom the Iuchi studied
several centuries ago, during the Unicorn Clan's trav-
els in the outside ,"vorld. It creates a shimmering aura
around the caster, one that appears very much like a
rainbow, which is considered a good omen in Rokugan.
The aura has the same seven colors as the rainbow: red,
orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. Each col-
or is able to absorb and negate one type of damage from
an attack. Each time an attack of is absorbed, one of
the colors disappears from the aura. The colors are not
set to any particular kind of attack, and they disappear
as new attacks occur, in the order that they occur. Typi-
cally each attack will deliver only one type of damage
(such as blunt damage from a tetsubo), and will thus
expend only one color, but an attack that combined dif-
ferent types of damage (such as a tetsubo wielded by
some under the spell Fires of Purity) would use up mul-
tiple colors. Also, the shield cannot absorb more total
Wounds than the shugenja's School Rank x 20. If an at-
tack takes the shield over that number of Wounds, the
shield disappears instantly and no damage from that
attack is mitigated. Othenvise, the shield disappears
when it either runs out of colors or the shugenja stops
New Spell:
The Seed of Qanon
Note: This spell Is a Unicorn secret spell.
RANGE: Touch
The sage known as Qanon was a wise man from a dis-
tant gaijin land. While the Unicorn possess many writ-
ings penned by Qanon, they have very little information
regarding him personally. Many scholars among the
Iuchi believe he was a Shinsei-like figure whom their
ancestors encountered during their travels. Regardless
of Q?non's origins, his legacy lives on in a number of
interesting spells that bear his name.
This particular spell creates a very powerful, if short-
lived, bond between you and one willing target person.
While the bond is in effect, both you and the individual
with whom you are bonded may use any Skill possessed
by either of you. For instance, if you were to cast this
spell on an allied bushi, you would be able to use the
bushi's Weapon Skills as if you possessed them your-
self. The spell also allows you and your bonded ally to
share the use of Advantages. However, sharing Tech-
niques, Kata, Kiho, and spells is not permitted.
The Spider Clan
The rest of Rokugan has precious little hard infor-
mation about the Spider Clan at this point. Some un-
derstand they are in fact the Lost in a new guise, but
others insist they are simply people working for the bet-
terment of Rokugan like the other Clans. The confusion
surrounding them is unlikely to abate any time soon,
but those who have witnessed them in combat can at-
test that their magic is both powerful and particularly
brutal. The Spider depend upon magic very little when
operating in the Empire at large, for to do so risks ex-
posing their true nature. In their private, hidden places,
however, the Spider make full use of their magical abili-
ties. If anyone from outside the Clan - even someone
wholly unsuspecting and naive - were to witness the
potent and obscene rites the Spider employ, there is
little doubt their rusc would be permanently shattered.
While all mortal men have the capacity to use blood
sorcery, only the Chuda, among all the vassals of Daig-
otsu, have any real ability to use Elemental magic in the
same manner as the Great Clans. The reason for this has
never been fully understood, for most Chuda are Lost
well before the age of gempukku and by rights the kami
should consider them anathema. For whatever reason,
however, the kami still respond to the Chuda's requests,
perhaps remembering the ancient days of purity when
the Chuda were still loyal servants of the Empire. De-
spite this odd gift, the Chuda consider magic a tool,
nothing more. They do not recognize the importance of
the Celestial Order, although most will grudgingly admit
it does in fact exist. Elemental magic is something to be
used as convenient, because it is available.
Maho, on the other hand, is the ultimate expression
of personal pm-ver. Those ,"vith the will, the strength, and
the knowledge to utilize it can command the power of
)igoku itself, and the only challenge is to remain in con-
trol of one's mind and spirit. This is what the Chuda
truly see in magic: A gateway to personal power and the
fulfillment of one's every ambition.
The Daigotsu family, sinister lords of the Shadow-
lands, are the sworn vassals of the Dark Lord of the
Shadowlands, the man known only as Daigotsu, broth-
er of the last Hantei and worshipper of the dark god
Fu Leng. It was Daigotsu who oversaw the construction
of the City of the Lost, and now of the Spider Clan's
strongholds in the secret corners of the Empire. Those
who bear his name bear it with great pride and rever
ence, and it could be argued that in some respects they
are purer in their devotion, in their unquestioned duty
to both lord and god, than many samurai in the Empire.
Precisely because of this devotion and zeal, the Daig-
otsu look upon maho, the gift of Fu Leng and jigoku,
as the most revered of sacraments. While Elemental
magic means nothing to them - although some among
their number can still practice it to a limited extent -
maho is a sacred art to be undertaken only by those
truly worthy of bearing Fu Leng's magnificence. There
is no small amount of animosity between many high
ranking Daigotsu samurai and their Chuda vassals, as
the Daigotsu believe the Chuda lack the proper rever-
ence for the art.
The Goju, masters of shadow, were loosely affiliat-
ed with the Scorpion Clan long, long ago. They were
tasked with all manner of terrible things, however, tasks
such as even the Shosuro balked at. They were lost to
the shadows long ago, absorbed by the Lying Darkness,
which they served until its demise at the Battle of Obliv-
ion's Gate. Since that time, they have served its suc-
cessor, the Shadow Dragon, and through it, the forces
of Fu Leng's champion Daigotsu. The Goju practice a
unique form of dark magic that draws on the Shadow
Dragon's power, and it is radically different in many
ways from traditional Elemental magic. Ironically, they
are perhaps the most reverent among the Spider's Fami-
lies except the Daigotsu, as they look upon the Shadow
Dragon as a Fortune-like entity made manifest in the
mortal realm, and serve it with both enthusiasm and
Schooi/Path Type Reference
Chuda Shugenja Basic School Prayers and Treasures,
School p. 42
Maho-tsukai Basic School LSR core rulebook,
p. 268

The eyes of the Kami
The kami deplore the Spider Clan and all their pursuits.
Any area in which the Spider hold dominion will soon
be deserted by all but the most stalwart kami, replaced
by their corrupted counterparts, the kansen. The result
of this is predictable. Any lands occupied by the Spider
take on i:l twisted, \i\'retched look that resembles nothing
so much as the northernmost regions of the ShadDw-
lands. There is a palpable aura of menace and fear, so
much so that most who travel into these regions quickly
leave, typically long before they discover the cause of
these feelings. This is, of course, as the Spider wish it.
Chuda Shugenja School - The Chuda are the foul
blood that courses through the diseased veins of
the Spider Clan. Their versatility, their penchant
for deception, and their aptitude for concealing
their true nature from others has allowed the Spi
der Clan to assume its current form. The Chuda
survived for centuries in secret, allowing the Em-
pire to believe them dead while they eked out a
meager existence, passing down the Family's dark
secrets one precarious generation at a time. Now
that the Chuda have truly risen to power in service
to Daigotsu, they long for the chance to prove their
superiority to the meager Elemental magic used
by the shugenja of Rokugan. Whether unleashing
a relentless torrent of powerful, corrupted magic
against the Clan's enemies in the dark of night, or
subtly augmenting the monks of Roshungi in their
work on behalf of the peasantry, the Chuda do not
hesitate to ruin anyone who stands in their way.
Maho-lsukai - The maho-tsukai are those who have sold
their souls to jigoku in exchange for raw power. Their
fates are assured, and if they stand among the Spi-
der their sins have already been exposed to those in
the Empire who they might once have called friends
or kinsmen. The blood sorcerers serve a number of
purposes within their new Clan, but their greatest
assets are that they are numerous, expendable, and
desperate to prove their worth to the Spider.
Various Schools - The strength of the Spider is their
ability to absorb the strengths of other Clans while
simultaneously doing away with their weaknesses.
There is no formal shugenja school within the Em-
pire that has not, at some point, lost at least one
student to the dark caresses of the Shadowlands
- except, perhaps, the Seppun Family's Hidden
Guard shugenja. The numbers of Spider shugenja
trained at other schools varies widely, although
generally the largest number are from the Kuni,
who skirt so close to the darkness that some num-
ber inevitably fall, and the Isawa, who are simply
more numerous than other shugenja Families. Al-
though there are too few of any of these shugenja
to fulfill any specific and enduring role within the
Spider, there are always enough to deal with any
challenge the Clan faces, regardless of its nature.
New School: Chuda
Shugenja School
BENEFIT: +1 Willpower
HONOR: 0.5
SKillS: Calligraphy, Lore: Maho, Lore: Shadowlands,
Spellcraft (Maho), Stealth, any two Skills
OUTFIT: Wakizashi, anyone weapon, one finger of
obsidian, kimono and sandals, scroll satchel, traveling
pack, 3 koku
AFFINIn'/DEFICIENCY: The Chuda have existed in
secret, plumbing the hidden power of maho, for count-
less generations since the destruction of the Snake Clan.
Although they have not abandoned Elemental magic al-
together, their gift for maho far surpasses anything else at
their command. You possess an Nfinity for maho spells
and a Deficiency for pure Air and Water spells.
co....uption of the elements
The Chuda are gifted at masking their corrupted magic
by channeling it through the Elements in the same man-
ner as shugenja. When casting a maho spell, you may
make t Raise on your Spellcasting Roll to cause the spell
to take the form of an Elemental spell. Although your
spell's true nature \\lilI still be disccmable to anyone ca-
pable of detecting the Shadowlands Taint, it will be iden-
tifiable only as Elemental magic to others, including any
shugenja attempting to discern the nature of the magic.
SPELLS: Sense, Commune, Summon, any 3 melho
spells, any 2 pure Earth spells, and t pure Fire spell
New Spell:
Blood of the Ages
Note: This spell is known only to the Chuda. It was
previously a Bloodspeaker spell, but that cult is now all
but extinct.
ELEMENT: Maho (Earth)
DURATION: 1 year and I day
The power of blood sorcery is great indeed for those
willing to make the appropriate sacrifices to achieve
it. Casting this spell requires performing an elaborate,
hour-long rituaL At the conclusion of this ritual, the
shugenja must sacrifice a human life to complete the
spell. Once the magic is completed by this sacrifice, the
shugenja stops aging for the duration of the spell. If the
shugenja is not already Lost (i.e., if his Taint is not yet
higher than his highest Ring), he gains one full Rank of
Shadowlands Taint upon completion of this ritual.
New Spell:
Flock of Blood
Note: This spell is considered Mastery Level 5 for any
non-Chuda maho-tsukai.
ELEMENT: Maho (Water)
DURATION: I hour per caster's School Rank
There have been many occasions when the Chuda re-
quired a discreet means of exit or concealment in order
to avoid the righteous fury of those \vho \vould stamp
out their heresy. If not for spells like Flock of Blood,
their line would have ended long ago.
You may use this spell to instantly transform yourself
into a swarm of smaller creatures. This is normally limit-
ed to vermin and other creatures generally looked upon
with disdain, such as insects, lizards, or rats. The total
number of creatures in this swarm is equal to half your
total number of Wounds. Each creature is identical,
and has I Wound. At the end of the spell's duration -
or earlier, if you \"./ish it - your body reforms, centered
on the current location of anyone of the creatures, and
all of the creatures disappear. If any of the creatures are
captured or destroyed during the spell's duration, when
you reform you lose a number of \Vounds equal to the
number of creatures lost. If all of the creatures are de-
stroyed, you die and may never reform.
The Imperial Families
The relationship between the Imperial Families and the
practice of magic encompasses a rather singular irony.
As the Emperor's direct servants, they are considered the
custodians of the Celestial Order in the mortal realm; the
public symbolism of their role casts them as the embodi-
ment of diVinely sanctioned Imperial authority. While
relying on the reverence of others as the source of their
authority, they themselves must show absolute rever-
ence for the Celestial Order and, by extension. for the
important role priests and magic play in it. But at the
same time, the private attitude of the Imperials toward
the practice of magic is almost entirely utilitarian. In fact.
they are more ruthlessly practical when it comes to mag.
ic than any of the Great Clans, even the Scorpion.
The Seppun Family are the Emperor's shugenja. prac-
ticing magic as part of their larger duty to guard the Em-
peror's person. Seppun shugenja are part of the lmperial
Guard first and foremost, and they lack the scholarly
temperament of the Isawa or the insistent idealism of the
Asahina. The Seppun as a Family are famous for their
iron will and their intense focus; if a Seppun shugenja
were ever to muse aloud about purely theoretical ques-
tions of communing with the kami, he would at best be
ridiculed for going soft, and at worst, raise suspicions
that the was no longer fit for duty. A Seppun shugenja's
primary role to is to tend to the traps and wards around
the Imperial Palace, and to neutralize any supernatural
threat to the Imperial person. Any distraction from th=
tasks could cost Rokugan its Emperor.


While the Seppun pride themselves on their roie
as the Emperor's physical guardians, the Otomo see
themselves as his political guardians. Therefore, their
attitude toward magic tends to correspond to the prac-
ticality of their Seppun cousins. In the reaim of court,
shugenja must of course receive the respect due to
them for the gifts the Heavens have bestowed on them.
But aside from that, magic itself - particularly magic
of concealment and deception - is simply a tool an
Oromo courtier may use as part of the Family's overall
mission to set the Great Clans against each other and
keep the Empire in balance.
As the Emperor's heralds, the Miya are diplomats
and heralds first and foremost, and they are ambas-
sadors to the Emperor's subjects rather than to courts.
As such, their mission is quite open and frecH/heeling
compared to that of a typical Rokugani courtier. Every
village they visit in the Emperor's name can present
a different set of challenges than the one they visited
last, or indeed from anything they have experienced
before. Effectively spreading the news of Imperial will
and beneficence may require one set of rhetorical tac-
tics here, and a very different one there. Where
their Oromo cousins must master the predictable rou-
tines of court protocol and the habits of Great Clan
representatives, the Miya Heralds must learn how to
improvise and adapt to the particulars of any given
situation. Because of this, the Miya also take an en-
tirely utilitarian vie,,.r of magic. They respect shugenja
for the importance of their place in the Celestial Order.
But \vhen a Miya meets shugenja on the road, he sizes
them up above all in terms of their possible relevance
to the mission at hand. If a resident priest is popular
with the locals for doing good works among the less
fortunate, it may be useful to win him over and use his
powers and position as a means of influencing those
locals. If the locals complain of crime or suspicions of
biood sorcery, bringing in the nearest Jade Magistrate
and working alongside him may win them over. If the
local population is superstitious or easily impressed by
wonders, then even a ronin priest may be recruited to
dazzle them in the Emperor's name, and so on. In situ-
ations where a Miya Herald must think quickly and
use whatever tools he has at hand to accompliSh his
mission, magic and the shugenja who can wield it are
as useful as any other asset.
TABLE 1.10:
School/Path Type Reference
Seppun Shugenja Basic School L5R core rufebook,
School p.145
Jade Magistrate Path Prayers and Treasures,
p. 4S
Seppun Duelist Path Art of the Duel, p. 150
The eyes of the Kami
Imperial shugenja most often call upon the kami to
heighten their understanding of their surroundings.
As a result, the Imperial City and any important lands
holding belonging to high Court officials appears much
sharper in details and contrasts than it would to those
who lack the ability to commune with the Elemental
spirits. Not only are colors more vivid in tone and con-
trast, but light and shadow also appear in starker con-
trast. Even the edges of objects, creatures, and people
appear in sharper relief. Everything is clearly defined
and no detail is missed or mistaken. The other senses
are also heightened, so that sounds and even smells are
also easily separated from one another, allowing each
to be precisely noted.
Jade Magistrates - The jade Magistrates are the mag-
ical equivalent of the Emerald Magistrates; they
are an elite corps of shugenja recruited for Imperi-
al service and dedicated to enforcing Imperial law
and protecting the Empire from biasphemy and
other forms of religiolls subversion. They answer
directly to the jade Champion, who recruits prom-
ising shugcnja to fill their ranks. The Jade Magis-
trates are a relatively recent innovation, however,
far more recent than the office of Jade Champion,
or, for that matter, the Emerald Magistrates. As
one might expect, they are much fewer in number
than the Emerald Magistrates, but their duties are
no less important, for not all internal threats may
be dealt with by the sword alone.
Seppun Duelists - Just as their bushi brethren have
cultivated the art of the duel to prepare for those
occasions when the honor of the Emperor and the
Imperial Families must be defended, some Sep-
pun shugenja practice taryu-jiai dueling. They re-
main full-fledged members of the Hidden Guard
and have all of the duties that come with the job,
but they are also allmved some time to master the
rites and practices of magical dueling. Almost all
Seppun Duelists are assigned to the entourages of
the Emperor and high-ranking Imperial officials.
Essentially, they serve as priestly yojimbo, often
,"/orking in concert with their bushi counterparts.
Seppun ShugenjQ School - The Seppun train their
shugenja for only one purpose: to safeguard the
Imperial Palace, the Emperor, and the personages
of the Imperial Court. Seppun shugenja study to
prepare themselves for service in the so-called
Hidden Guard, the unit of the Imperial Guard
that specializes in protecting the Emperor from
magical dangers. They specialize in the magic
of detection, and they have earned a reputation
for watchfulness that matches that of the Seppun
bushi with whom they serve. Although Hidden
Guard shugenja can be found in the more impor-
tant Imperial entourages, their primary duty is to
set and maintain the wards and magical traps that
protect the Imperial Palace. This aspect of their
duties has also earned the Hidden Guard a repu-
tation for secretiveness, as they refuse to share the
techniques and other secrets of their School, lest
doing so compromise Imperial security.
New Path: Jade
Magistrate (Shugenja)
PATH OF ENTRY: Any shugenja School Rank 3
PATH OF EG RSS: Same School Rank 4
REQlJIREMENTS: Glory 3.0 or higher, or Honor 3.0
or higher; must be appointed jade Magistrate by the
Jade Champion.
Technique: Path of Jade
Those ,"/ho serve the Jade Champion share his mission
of keeping the Empire pure from all forms of corruption.
The position of Jade Magistrate comes with a variety
of benefits, along with weighty responsibilities. Because
of the close cooperation between the Jade Magistrates
and the Kuni Witch-Hunters and Asako Inquisitors,
you may learn any spells that are othenvise restricted
to members of the Kuni Shugenja School and the Phoe-
nix Clan; in those instances where Kuni and Phoenix
shugenja may learn spells at a lower Mastery Level
than other shugenja, you may also learn those spells at
the same lower Mastery Level.
You gain a bonus equal to your Insight Rank to
all your Skill and Trait Rolls involving Perception or
Awareness.. vVhen casting a spell that targets some-
one or something you know to possess any amount
of Shadowlands Taint, you receive a number of Free
Raises equal to your total Ranks in shugenja Basic and
Advanced Schools.
New Spell:
Miya's Sasumata
Note: This spell may only be cast by shugenja who
have Ranks in the Seppun Shugenja School sufficient
to cast Mastery Level 2 spells.
DURATION: I minute
This spell creates a shimmering sasumata (man-catch-
er) composed of pure spiritual energy. It is often used
by shugenja \'\Iorking v.lith Emerald Magistrates to sub-
due criminals without causing them serious harm.
When you cast Miya's Sasumata, the weapon appears
immediately in your hands. If you do not have Ranks
in the Polearms Skill, you may wield it as if you have
2 Ranks in that Skill. It has a DR equal to your Water
Ring in rolled and kept dice. This damage is disabling,
but not lethal (although it still must be healed through
normal means); if Miya's Sasumata does enough dam-
age to reduce its target to the Down vVound Level or
v/orse, the target is instead knocked unconscious for
a number of hours equal to your Seppun Shugenja
School Rank.
If the weapon does not inflict Wounds sufficient to
reduce the target to Down or worse, it may still have a
slight soporific effect. Anyone struck by Miya's Sasuma-
ta must make a Raw Earth Roll against a TN equal to
10 + your Water Ring. If he fails, he suffers a -2 penalty
to all Skill Rolls and damage rolls for the remainder of
the skirmish. This penalry can happen only once per
target, no matter how many times they are struck by
Miya's Sasumata.
SPECIAL RAISES: You may Raise to increase the DR
of the weapon, by + IkO for each Raise called.
New Spell:
The Final C\ifl
Note: This spell may only be cast by shugenja who
have Ranks in the Seppun Shugenja School sufficient
to cast Mastery Level 3 spells.
DURATION: Instantaneous
AREA OF EFFECT: 2 persons
RANGE: Touch
This spell dates back almost to the dawn of the Em-
pire, but it remains a closely held secret of the Seppun
Shugenja School. The Hidden Guard have used it many
times through the ages to rescue personages of the Im-
perial Court - even the Emperor himself.
Casting The Final Gift allows you to transfer all in-
flicted \>\founds from one of the spell's target to the other,
except for those Wounds caused by disease or poison.
Both targets must be completely willing to undergo the
casting ritual, which takes one hour to complete. Dur-
ing this time, you must maintain physical contact with
both targets; if contact is broken at any time before the
ritual is complete, the spell automatically fails (and still
counts against your spell slots for the day).
Historically, the recipients of damage transferred
by this spell have been criminals who are offered the
chance to save the life of one of their betters as an alter-
native form of punishment.
The Minor- Clans
The only generalization one can make about attitudes
toward magic among the Minor Clans is that they vary
widely, depending on the Clan. The Great Clans are
complex feudal entities, large enough so that they can
(and indeed, must) encompass all of the major endeav-
ors expected of Rokugani samurai: war, religion, and
statecraft. Furthermore, they must hold all of these
activities in proper balance if they are to survive the
treacherous currents of Great Clan politics.
Minor Clans, on the other hand, are monochromatic
in nature. They are far too small to spread themselves
across more than one major realm of activity. Since
they generally consist of only one Family, their range of
traditions is limited and they tend to focus their entire
identity around the singular achievement that gained
them Clan status. If that achievement has nothing to do
with magiC, Minor Clan will not hold magic as terribly
important. In other words, that Minor Clans are special-
ists by nature, and they hew closely to their particular
The warrior Minor Clans - the Badger, the Hare, the
~ l o n k e y , the Ox and the Sparrow - regard magic as do
most Rokugani bushi: Intellectually, they understand it
has a place in the Celestial Order, and they recognize
if vaguely) that shugenja have a special talent deserv-
ing of their respect. When they need the power of the
kami shaped and gUided for their benefit, they are glad
to have shugenja on their side. But they give no thought
to the finer points of priestcraft. Such things have noth-
ing to do with the Way of the Bushi, and so need not
concern them.
The Tortoise Clan, which has carved out a role for
itself as a sort of courtier Clan, is at least as ruthlessly
practical in its attitude toward magic as the Imperial
Families. As a Clan that tends to work at the margins
of the samurai class (to put it mildly), the Tortoise do
not have as much time for revering the supernatural as
their more conventional peers. Instead, Kasuga samu-
rai make themselves useful by performing tasks other
samurai consider intolerable, such as working along-
side commoners. liVing in a world of brutal practicality
conditions them to sec magic as just another tool for
accomplishing whatever unpleasant task is set before
Two Minor Clans (not including the Fox Clan, which
recently became the Kitsune Family of the Mantis Clan)
are descended from shugenja Families and clearly de-
fine themselves through the practice of magic. The Drag-
onfly Clan, of which the Tonbo Family forms the core,
have traditionally been close allies of both the Dragon
and Phoenix Clans, which does much to explain their
gift for speaking with the kami. Until the Four Winds
era they did not have any particular style to their em-
brace of magic. But the providential career of Tonbo
Euiko changed all that.
Even as a youth, Euiko showed an unusual gift for
divination. \hile she was serving as a junior sensei
at Still Water Temple, the kami granted her a vision in
which the Lion Clan finally obtained bloody vengeance
against the Dragonfly for the insult that created the Mi-
nor Clan in the first place. Even though the Dragonfly
Daimyo was only half-persuaded by her prophecy, he
nonetheless concluded it was better to be safe than sor-
ry; the Clan made extensive plans for concealing their
resources and dispersing to secret sanctLI3ries in case
of an overwhelming attack. When the Lion armies fi-
nally did sweep through the Dragonfly Lands, intent on
the utter destruction of the Minor Clan, the Dragonfly
were prepared, and as a result they were able to rebuild
qUickly after the Lion departed. Tonbo Euiko became
an honored personage among the Dragonfly, and the
art of divination is now a strong emphasis among Drag-
anny shugenja.
Now that the Fox Clan has been absorbed into
a Great Clan, the Bat are the only other Minor Clan
formed around a shugenja Family. The Bat Clan are still
quite young, and are still in the process of creating a
distinct identity for themselves through the formation
of their shugenja School. However, the bioodline of
the founder, Yoritomo Komori, mingled with powerful
bat spirits, and Komori himself is particularly skilled
in communicating with beings from other spirit realms.
Also, because of their close historical tics with the Man-
tis Clan, Komori shugenja tend to be heavily influenced
by the Moshi and Yoritomo Schools. Indeed, most of
the shugellja who helped Komori found his fledgling
Clan trained in those two Schools.
"" z
School/Path Type Reference .
Komori Shugenja School Basic School The Four Wmds,
(Bat Clan) p.187 .
Tonbo Shugenja School Basic School The Four Winds,
(Dragonfly Clan) p. 188 .
Minor Clan Defender Advanced The Four Winds,
School p. 13
Taryu-)iai Duelist Path Art of the Duel,
p. 153
The eyes of the Kami
The appearance of Minor Clan Lands through the eyes
of the Kami varies between different Minor Clans, of
course. But the lands of the Bat and Dragonfly Clans,
interestingly enough, share something in common: in
both, the influence of the Elemental spirits does not so
much distort their appearance as reveal almost spectral
images that those who lack the shugenja's gift cannot
In the Bat Lands, the kami will occasionally exert
their power by weakening the barriers between the mor-
tal realm and other spirit realms, allowing glimpses of
those other realms. They do not make it easier to physi-
cally travel between realms. But one might occasionally
see a passing, t i s s u e ~ l i k e image of a being from another
realm in a place currently unoccupied - an ancestor
from Yomi sitting on an empty tatami mat in the house,
or a trickster spirit from Sakkaku hiding in a storage jar
or half-behind a corner.
Similar ephemeral visions are a phenomenon of the
Dragonfly Lands, but there the kami warp the concep-
tual divisions created by time, rather than the borders
between spirit realms. Past, present, and future are
merely intellectual constructs humans invented to or-
der experience; they mean little to the kami, if anything
at all. Magical divination breaks down those concepts
and re-orders them in a way that humans can under-
stand. In doing so, it breaks dmvn the mental barriers
that humans erect betlveen their view of time and the
kami's much more flexible understanding of it. So, in
the Dragonfly Lands, one may catch immaterial glimps-
es of people and things that belong to the mortal realm,
but to different places in rime, whether past or future.
They appear in places they once occupied in the past,
or will occupy in the future, but they do not really exist
in the present except in the mind of the viewer.
Komori Shugenja School - The Komori Shugenja
School forms the centerpiece of the Bat Clan, but
it is still a relatively young institution, dating back
only to the Four Winds era. Because it has passed
through less than one generation, it still bears the
stamp of the Mantis shugenja Schools. in which
most of its founding members originally trained,
and especially the Moshi Shugenja School, which
produced founder and Bat Daimyo Yoritomo Ko-
mori. However, Komori's skill in communicating
with spirit creatures has allowed him to create
a distinct emphasis for his School on commun-
ing \vith other spirit realms, including the realm
of blessed ancestors. The school has also begun
to experiment a little with magic designed to en-
hance transportation over long distances..
Minor Clan Defender - In mechanical terms, Minor
Clan Defender is an Advanced School for which
any Minor Clan shugenja is potentially eligible.
In practical fact, however, it is simply a label for
an exceptionally skilled Minor Clan shugenja who
has taken it upon his own shoulders to strengthen
the reputation of his Clan through exceptional ac-
complishments. This requires striving for excel-
lence in the practice of magic despite lacking the
educational support of a Great Clan, as well as a
burning desire to do great deeds in the name of
one's lord.
Taryu-jiai Duelist - Like the Minor Clan Defender
Advanced School, this Path is really a catch-all
that potentially applies to all Minor Clan shugen-
ja. It covers any Minor Clan shugenja who has de-
cided to focus his development (at least for a time)
on mastering the art of magical dueling.
Tonbo Shugenja School - The Tonbo Shugenja
Schooi forms the core of the Dragonfly Clan. His-
torically, it has focused on vVater magic. But more
recently, it has devoted more of its resources to the
study and mastery of divination. To the extent this
will shape the future of the School, it will be the
legacy of Tonbo Euiko, who was able to foretell
the Lion Clan invasion that would have destroyed
the Dragonfly utterly if not for her warning.
New Spell: Flight
of the Dragonfly
Note: This spell is considered Mastery Level 6 except
for shugenja of the Tonbo School, for whom it is Mas-
tery LevelS.
DURATION: 5 Rounds
AREA OF EFFECT: 1 person or creature
The Dragonfly have always had a precarious existence.
This spell grams its target the cunning and agility of the
dragonfly - qualities that have been essential to the
Clan's survival.
Flight of the Dragonfly blurs its target's physical ap-
pearance, so that he appears to be in two places at
once. You may cast it on a single within person or crea-
ture within 300' of you to which you have a clear line of
sight. The target receives a +10 bonus to his TN to Be
Hit. If an attack roll made against him would have been
successful except for the bonus granted by the spell,
that attack has struck the duplicate image.
SPECIAL RAtSES: You may Raise to increase the ef-
fect of this spell, adding an additional +5 bonus to the
target's TN to Be Hit for each Raise called.
New Spell: Water's
Sweet Clarity
Note: This spell is considered Mastery Level 6 except
for shugenja of the Tonbo School, for whom it is Mas-
tery LevelS.
DURATtON: 3 Rounds plus Raises
This spell was a specialty of the Tonbo School even
before the heroics of Tonbo Euiko shifted its emphasis
to divination. In fact, one could ma"ke the case it in-
fluenced and predicted the extraordinary prophetic gift
that helped Euiko save the Dragonfly Clan from extinc-
Water's Sweet Clarity grants the caster a limited pow-
er of augury_ To cast it, you must have immediate access
to a body of still water, although something as small as
a filled basin or c\ver will do. You may also attempt to
cast it on a body of running water, but you will suffer a
+10 TN penalty to your Spellcasting Roll.
The surface of the water functions as a screen on
which your visions will play out (hence the usefulness
of still, as opposed to running, water). You may pose one
question, and the power of the spell will grant a true an-
swer. You receive the answer in a series of three separate
images, which fann on the surface of the water and then
fade, at a rate of onc per round. These images may be
still or moving (GM's discretion), but they must be lim-
ited in scope. The relationship behveen them may not be
obvious to YOLI. Ultimately, it is up to you to puzzle out
how the images are connected to each other.
SPECiAL RAISES: You may Raise to increase the du-
ration (and therefore, the scope) of the spell, by J round
for each Raise called. This correspondingly increases
the number of images you will see.
The accomplished Crane Clan diplomat Kakita Nanami
is quoted as saying that ronin shugenja are nothing if
not a paradox ~ they are holy men, and yet at the same
time unclean and untrustv.rorthy. And indeed, those few
ronin who possess the gift of speaking with the kami
tend to have exceptionally difficult lives.
There are, of course, the inherent trials of a ronin's
life, which lacks the material support and psychological
comfort of a secure place within the feudal system. A
ronin must endure the contempt of other samurai and
struggle for whatever dignity he can achieve. Even one
born with the rare gifts of a shugenja will find it difficult
to gain the respect he might seem to deserve.
Making things even more difficult, ronin shugenja
lack the institutional support that their Great Clan (and
even Imperial and Minor Clan) peers enjoy. it is dif-
ficult, if not impossible, for a ronin to find the training
that is so crucial to honing an inborn talent for speak-
ing with the Elemental spirits. There are precious few
temples that will take in students without Clan affilia-
tion, and those that do so usually offer an inferior edu-
cational experience, lacking as they do the resources,
reputation, and knowledgeable sensei of a Clan dojo.
And of course each of the Great Clans have secrel spells
and techniques, to which a ronin shugenja will never
gain access unless he is fortunate enough to be allO\ved
to s\vear fealty.
In short, ronin shugenja live a hardscrabble life com-
pared to their Clan peers. Those who were cast out of a
Clan will have at least the beginnings of a proper educa-
tion upon which they can rely. But whether or not they
have that minimal advantage, they must v..rork much
harder than Clan shugenja to improve themselves, as
they simply do not have access to the conventional
mechanisms for refining their innate talent. They must
find knowledge, training, and mentoring \vherever they
can, in spite of their circumstances rather than because
of them. What they learn, they often learn on their ovm,
by chance or through a determined and untiring search
for scrolls and texts that might teach them something.
Shugenja who are ronin-born are generally hard-pressed
to gain any sort of access to formal education.
However, because of these very difficulties, ronin
shugenja often value their gift and the knowledge re-
quired to expand upon even more than Clan shugenja,
precisely because they lack the institutional support
that Clan shugenja can take for granted. In many cases,
ronin are more disciplined and ferociously dedicated in
their training, precisely because they have to work so
hard at their craft, doing everything themselves. Some
ronin shugenja even go so far as to consider themselves
the only "pure" and "true" shugenja in Rokugan, be-
cause they have learned to bond \..\Iith the kami all on
their own. Because they have had little or no help from
Clan sensei, they approach the Elemental spirits with-
out biases learned from any Clan School.
Because of their social status, ronin shugenja tend to
have a more comfortable relationship with commoners
than with Clan shugenja. Ronin must bear the contempt
of higher-ranking samurai, and so the lower classes of-
ten share sympathy with them that they do not have for
priests from their own Clan overlords. Commoners also
tend to live in closer physical proximity to ronin than to
Clan samurai. And of course shugenja are always revered
by commoners because of their magical powers, which
can heal or othenvise help members of the 100ver classes.
School/Path Type Reference
Kanosei Furudera Basic School L5R core rulebook,
Order p. 152
Militant Shugenja Basic School L5R core rulebook,
Traditional Priest Basic School L5R core fuJebook,
The Forgotten Sons Path Prayers and Treasures,
p. 52
The Fortune's Grace Path Prayers and Treasures,
The Order of Isashi Path Prayers and Treasures,
p. 53
The eyes of the Kami
\ Vith the exception of scattered senlements like the
town of Nanashi Mma (which is actually under the pro-
tection of the Dragon Clan), the notion of 'ronin lands'
is a self-contradiction. Therefore, one cannot speak of
hall' such lands appear through the eyes of the kami.
However, powerful ronin shugenja may make them
selves felt in many lands where their style of magic is as
alien as their presence is foreign. Their unfamiliar innu-
nee on the local kami may diminish or even \varp the
normal 'Nays in \vhich the kami shape the appearance
of the surrounding environment.
Kanosei Furl/dera Order - Founded by a ronin-born
shugenja named Kanosei, the Kanosei Furudera
Order is willing to take in and educate anyone not
belonging to a Clan who shows the innate gift for
speaking with the kamL Kanosei was notoriously
disdainful of the Empire's caste system and he and
his followers refused to stand on ceremony when
moving among peasants and other common
ers. In fact, they enthusiastically accepted into
their ranks commoners who were born with the
shugenja's gift, and to this day the order goes out
of its way to find such individuals. The order has a
single temple located in the Unicorn Lands, near
the Shinomen Forest, and they maintain a close
and friendly relationship with the Brotherhood of
Shinsei. Some Kanosei Furudera shugenja focus
on mastering the rituals of taryu-jiai, and they are
known as Kanosei Duelists.
Ronin Priests - The majority of ronin shugenja don't
belong to proper Schools in the cultural sense of
the "'lOrd - that is, a tradition of magical practices
handed down through the generations through
a formal system of education. Indeed, most of
them don't belong to religious orders of any sort.
The ronin shugenja Schools are simply a way of
conceptualizing the process of a ronin shugenja's
development in a way that one familiar \.\Iith the
formal training systems of the Great Clan shugen-
ja can understand. Most ronin shugenja are self-
taught, or apprenticed to a single sensei on an in-
formal basis, or simply rely on their intuition and
innate abilities to carry them through.
The Forgotten Sons - As with ronin bushi, some
ronin shugenja are cast-offs from the Great and
Minor Clans, released from their oaths of fealty
and expelled from their Families for some disgrace
or failure. Some of these shugenja come together
in loose groups to support each other as they pur-
sue the development of their talents without the
benefit of Clan educational institutions.
The Fortune's Grace - The Fortune's Grace is an
allfemale order \vhose specialty is communicat
ing with beings from other spirit realms. They see
their primary mission as aiding the lmver classes
when they are afflicted by angry ghosts, trouble-
some animal and trickster spirits, and any other
disruptive beings not native to the mortal realm of
Ningen-Do. Fortune'S Grace shugenja tend to en-
ter the order at an early age, and they are reqUired
to take an oath of celibacy, the violation of which
is grounds for expulsion.
The Order or Isashi - Like the much larger Kanosei
Furudera Order, the Order of Isashi was founded
by a single ronin whose life's work proved so re-
markable that he inspired others to follow his ex-
ample, even long after his death. lsashi is a rela-
tively anonymous figure '\Iho appeared during the
second war against the Bloodspeaker luchiban,
tending to the wounded and dying after each bat-
tle against the sorcerer's army. Isashi ultimately
perished in that 'war, but his example inspired a
dozen followers ,vho dedicated themselves to the
same work. To this day, Order of Isashi shugenja
travel the Empire, tending to those wounded in
battle for no other reason than their own sense of
mercy and compassion. They can be found most
often near the Kaiu \IVall, where "var against the
Shadm'vlands is constant and unending.
- -" ,.' , , ", . ~ , ~ . ",
'" z



New Path:
The Forgotten Sons
PATH OF ENTRY: None. This is an entry-level Path.
PATH OF EGRESS: Ronin Shugenja (either Tradition-
al Priest or Militant Shugenjal I
BENEFIT: +1 Intelligence
HONOR: 1.5
SKillS: Calligraphy, any 1 lore Skill, Meditation,
Spellcraft, Theology (Fortunes), any two Skills
OUTFIT: Wakizashi, ashigaru armor, calligraphy set,
kimono and sandals, scroll satchel, traveling pack, .5
Technique: The Path of Memory
The Forgotten Sons are failed students cast out from
other shugenja Schools for one reason or another.
Many were once minor vassals of Great Clan Families.
What they all share is a determination to vwrk together
to learn more about magic. You gain a number of Free
Raises per day equal to your Insight Rank. You may use
these Raises, singly or together, on any aspect of casting
of any spell, but not for any purpose that is not directly
related to spellcasting.
SPEllS: Sense, Commune, Summon, Counterspell, 3
of any I Element, 2 of a second Element. You may not
select Void as one of your Elements for the purposes of
selecting spells.
New Path:
The Fortune's qrace
PATH OF ENTRY: Any Ronin Shugenja School at
Rank I
PATH OF EGRESS: Re-enter the same School at
Rank 2
REQ!,JIREMENTS: Air 3, women only, membership
requires vow of celibacy
Technique: To Touch the Kami
The sisters of the Fortune's Grace order learn to hear
even the faintest whispers of their allies among the kami.
You may cast Commune a number of times per day
equal to your highest Ring without counting against the
maximum number of spells you are normally allovved
:0 cast per day. Subsequent castings count against your
maximum as normal.
New Path:
The Order of Isashi
PATH OF ENTRY: Any Ronin Shugenja School at
""nk 2
PATH OF EGRESS: Re-enter the same School at
'lank 3
REQ!,JlREMENTS: Medicine 4, Higher Purpose
Healing the Sick and/or Injured)
Technique: Isashi's C\ifl
-ce brotherhood known as the Order of Isashi spreads
- ~ a l i n g and mercy just as their founder did after the
: ..:ond war with Iuchiban. vVhenever you cast a spell
""'Iat reduces \i\'ounds or ameliorates or cures poison or
;ease, you gain 2 Free Raises for casting that spell.
New Spell:
The Path Not Taken
Note: Casters who do not have any Ranks in a Ranin
shugenja School suffer a + IO TN penalty to their Spell-
casting Roll when casting this spell.
RANGE: Touch
This spell was a specialty of the legendary ronin Naka
Kuro, the Grandmaster of the Elements, who became a
key ally ofToturi I during his ronin days. Casting itweak-
ens your bond v.lith one Element in order to strengthen
your connection to another Element. However, it must
be cast while your connection to the Elements is at its
peak, and so you cannot cast it if you have spent any
spell slots (i.e., if you have cast at least one speli since
you last rested and replenished your spcli slots).
Before you cast The Path Not Taken, yOLi must select
the Element in which you want to strengthen your ca-
pability and the Element in which you wili suffer loss
of power to compensate for it. The spell increases the
number of spelis that you may cast in the strengthened
Element by half of your aliowance in the weakened Ele-
ment (rounded up). The number of spelis that you may
cast in the weakened Element is then reduced to o.
The speli lasts for exactly I day from the time of cast-
ing, and its effects cannot be dispelled before that time,
even by magical means. Thus, you cannot recover spells
in the weakened Element until the speli is over.
New Spell:
Rise From the Ashes
Note: Casters who do not have any Ranks in a Ronin
shugenja School suffer a + IO TN penalty to their Speli-
casting Roli when casting this spell.

DURATION: Permanent
RANGE: Touch
This spell is powerful enough to turn back the kharmic
wheel itself, but its power also exacts a heavy toll on
those who would cast it. It negates all damage and cor-
ruptive effects 011 the targeted individual that accrued
during the six hours prior to the beginning of the cast-
ing ritual; Wounds, poisons, diseases, curses, and even
Shadowlands Taint Points arc erased as long as they
were accumulated within that period. However, it has
no effect on the dead, and may not be used to return
dead persons to life.
Casting Rise From the Ashes is an exhausting p r o ~
cess, and requires a ritual that takes one uninterrupted
hour to complete. During this time, both the caster (or
casters) and the target of the spell must remain com-
pletely slill. If this casting period is interrupted, the
spell automatically fails, though it still counts against
the caster's spell slot allowance.
If the casting ritual is completed, the process drains
both parties, even if the Spellcasting Roll ultimately
fails. Both target and caster suffer a -2k2 penalty to all
Skill Rolls (to a minimum of Ik I) until they have six un-
interrupted hours of rest. The casting ritual also drains
all remaining Void Points from both caster(s) and target.
Void Points lost in this manner may only be recovered
at a rate of one per day.
Casters may join forces to cast Rise From the Ashes
on a single target. Simply resolve the Spellcasting Roll
as if it was a Cooperative Skill Roll. For each caster who
participates in a single ritual in this manner, add one
hour to the period of time for which the target will have
negative effects reversed. Two casters can negate dam-
age and corruptive effects accumulated over the last 7
hours, three casters expand that period to 8 hours, and
so on. Hm-vever, all casters suffer the same draining ef-
fects from casting the spell as if they had each cast it
Arrow's Flight
Blessed Winds
By the Light of Lady Moon'
Cloak of Night'
Flight of Doves
Gathering Swirl
Howl of Isora
Know the Shadows
Nature's TOllch*
Quiescence of Air*
Request to Hato-no-Kami
Speed of the Kami
Tempest Air*
To Seek the Truth
Tricks of the Kami
Way of Deception'
\ Vind-Borne Slumbers
Wind-Borne Speed
\tVind's Distraction
Yuri of Air*
Air Spells
n this chapter, you will find over 150 ne\\' spells
for use with Legend o( the Five Rings Roleplaying
Game Third Edition. They are organized by Element
'Maho spells are listed by themselves) and sorted by al-
phabetical order. Under each Element you will also find
a list of all of the spells currently developed for Legend
o(the Five Rings Roleplaying Game Third Edition, sorted
by Mastery Level and alphabetical order, along with the
book in which you can find them.
This chapter does not address Universal spells, as all
of those can be found in the Legend o( the Five Rings
Roleplaying Game Third Edition core rulebook. Nor
joes it address multi-element spells; all of the multi-
element spells developed for use with the Third Edition
rules are described in Chapter I of this book.
Comprehensive List
oj Ail' S ~ ' - ' s
For handy reference. we include below a compre-
hensive list of Air spells that can be found either
in this book or in the Legend o( the Five Rings
Roleplaying Game Third Edition core rulebook,
pp. 229-33. The spells from the core rulcbook are
marked with an '*.'
Awaken the Spirit (Asahina School only)
BenLen's Touch*
Call Upon the Wind'
Dance of the Kami
Echoes of a Breeze'"
Hidden Visage'
Mists of IIlusion*
Sanctuary of Ningen-do (Mantis Schools only)
Secrets in the VVind*
The Wolf's Proposal
vVinds of Aggression
Aegis of the Air (Level 2 for Asahina and lsawa
Air Kami's Blessing
Blessings of Isora
Castle of Air
Essence of Air*
Forgotten Murmurs*
Gift of the WindMask of Wind'
Reflecting MirrorSummon Fog*
Summoning the Gale
The Eye Shall Not See'
Wisdom of the Kami*
Call the Spirit
Facing Your Devils
Know the Mind*
False Realm'
Ail' Kami's Blessing
You may only cast this spell if your School grants you
an Nfinity lor Air spells. It grants a bonus equal to
your Air Ring to the total of all Awareness Trait Rolls
and Awareness-based Skill Rolls, as well as to your TN
To Be Hit. You may only benefit from one casting of a
Kami's Blessing spell (of any Element) at a time. Most
shugenja who know this spell cast it when they wake up
for the day, as part of their morning rituals.
Al'l'ow's Flight
DURATION: Permanent
RANGE: Touch
Lady Moon's Legion'
Piercing the Soul
Step Between the Stars
Symbol of Air'
The Kami Watch Over Me
Wall of Air'
Borne By the Wind
Clouded Mind (Level 4 for Soshi and Yogo
Command the Clouds'
One Virtue and Seventy Faults
Poison of the Windspider'
Slayer's Knives
Walking the Way
Blessings of jizo
Flight of the Dragonfly (Level 5 for Tonbo School)
Ring of Air
Rise, Air*
The Wrath of Kaze-no-Kami'
Often used by the shugenja of the Mantis in the cur-
rent era, this spell enchants a single arrow with unerr-
ing accuracy. The arrow targeted with this spell, once
fired, always strikes its intended target, assuming it was
possible for the arrow to hit the target in the first place
(the arrow's target must be in range and not protected
by things like stone walls). If a magical effect (such as
Blessed \"Iinds or Wall of Water) would deter the arrow,
you must make a Contested Air Roll against the other
caster. If you are successful, the other caster's attempt
to deter the arrow fails.
Blessed Winds
DURATION: 1 minute per caster Insight Rank
Blessed Winds convinces the Air karni around you to
foul the flight of high speed objects around you. Mosl
often, this spell is used to deflect arrows, but it is equally
ffective on other projectiles, even ones too large to be
affected by strong winds. This spell provides you with
a .l-IO bonus to your TN To Be Hit against mundane

Blessings of Isora
DURATION: I minute per caster Insight Rank
E."ther a more powerful version of Blessed Winds or a
-0re generalized version of Howl of Isora, this spell
-tensifies the power of the Air kami. This spell grants
-20 bonus to your TN To Be Hit against all projec-
es, magical or not, and a bonus to your TN To Be Hit
'.;:ainst all melee attacks equal to your Air Ring. It also
;:'Cants you a + IkI bonus to all Jiujitsu Skill Rolls, even
'Ou attempt to use that Skill untrained.
Borne By the Wind
DURATION: I minute per caster Insight Rank
.REA OF EFFECT: 50' radius
NGE: Self
Casting this spell allows you to lift yourself and all will-
ing persons and creatures in the spell's area of effect
and fly in any direction you \vish at a speed of 20 miles
per hour. Affected individuals in the spell's area of effect
may move freely about within the area with no greater
difficulty than walking through sand, but leaving the
area of effect causes them to cease flying and tumble to
the earth, though with some assistance from the kami
to break their fall. Falling damage equals Ikl for every
20' fallen (instead of the normal Ikl per 10'). Targets
of the spell will take full falling damage if Borne By The
Wind is dispelled or othenvise ended prematurely. The
Air kami will only lift up those willing to fly, so a wise
shugenja should warn his comrades before casting this
Call the Spirit
AREA OF EFFECT: I spirit creature
RANGE: 25'
This spell allows you to call forth a spirit from any place
in the various realms. You need not know the spirit's
name, so long as you have some form of identity to go
on. "The gaki that attacked this tea house last night," is
sufficient, for example. Alternatively, you may summon
a non-specific spirit of a particular type, in which case
you will summon the closest spirit of that type. What
this spell can summon is ultimately up to the GM's dis-
cretion, but it is worth noting that truly powerful spirits
are beyond this spell's reach, and some may decide that
being summoned so rudely might be 'worth retribution
This spell requires extensive preparations and 10
minutes to cast. The spirit appears in a visible form at a
specified location within the spell's range, and it will re-
fuse to harm you for at least a number of rounds equal
to your Insight Rank x5.
Castle of Ail'
DURATION: 5 plus I round per caster Air Ring
AREA OF EFFECT: 10' radius plus Raises
RANGE: 50'
This spell conjures a localized, powerful tornado. The
mighty winds in this cyclone make it difficult to take
any action within the spell's area of effect. Anyone other
than you must make a Raw Strength Roll against a TN
of 5x your Air Ring. If he fails, he is blown back outside
the area of effect and thrmvn to the ground. If he suc-
ceeds, he may remain inside the area of effect, but he
suffers IkI Wounds from flying debris. Casting a spell
through the vortex requires 2 Raises. Also, the high-
speed winds grant you Carapace against missile attacks
(only), with a rating equal to your Air Ring.
SPECIAL RAISES: Vou may Raise to increase the area
of effect, by 5' of radius for each Raise called, up to a
maximum of 30' in radius.
Dance of the Kami
RANGE: 50'
This spell causes boisterous Air kami to hover around
a particular being of your choice. Their constant atten-
tion affects the target's mood, compelling him to sing
and dance. The target must make a Raw \Villpower Roll
against a TN equal to 5x your Air Ring. If he fails, he will
sing or dance (targel's choice) for the next 1-10 minutes.
At the GM's discretion, the target may have to repeat
this process at any time after this initial bout of song or
dance. Failing this roll too many times is a good way to
get a character the Disadvantage Bad Reputation: Buf-
While in one of these fits, the target suffers a -21<2
penalty to Stealth Skill Rolls, and he may not attempt to
use the Meditation and Tea Ceremony Skills. However,
he gains a bonus to all Performance Skill Rolls related
to singing and dancing equal to your Air Ring in unkept
Facing youI' Devils
AREA OF EFFECT: 1 person
RANGE: 50'
A wickedly powerful spell, Facing Your Devils was first
recorded by Heichi Chokei, shortly after the Last Boar
retired to the Brotherhood of Shinsei. When asked who
it\vas for, Chokei smiled and said, "For whoever is brave
enough to use it." This spell deliberately misaligns the
Elements within the target, switching his highest Trait
and his lowest (caster chooses affected Traits in the
case of a tie).
This spell most often sees use by the Dragon Clan,
who attempt to teach both shugenja and bushi that
balance in all things is important. Sensei will have this
spell secretly cast on students prior to their attempting
a task. The lesson begins after the student fails (or suc-
ceeds) at the task. Other Cians have been known to lise
the spell to their benefit in more underhanded ways,
such as casting it directly before an iaijutsu duel.
Flight of Doves
DURATION: 5 hours
AREA OF EFFECT: 2 birds per caster Insight Rank
RANGE: 25'
Casting this spell summons a flock of birds that Roku-
gani consider aesthetically pleasing or symbols of good
luck, and convinces them to fly in interesting patterns
for a period of time (5 hours or until you choose their
service to end). This spell has no real effect other than
to produce visual amusements, but some Families, and
the Crane in particular, don't consider the opening cel-
e' ration of a new castle or other important structure
:"mplete without this spell. Casting this spell at such
..... occasion can grant you 1 Honor Point, at the GM's
aathering Swirl
AREA OF EFFECT: 10' radius
minor spell most often used by magistrates and
-ugenja with administrative offices, Gathering Swirl
~ e c t s the natural impulse of Air kami to blow things
-_ ut to a more constructive purpose. At your com-
-and, the Air kami blow through the area of effect,
_ <hering up all of the named ilems and depositing
- m in a neal fthough rarely sorted) stack or pile in
_.,if hand, in a designated container, or at your feet.
- ically, this spell is used to fetch papers, scrolls, and
-er such small items, but the Agasha often use it to
the different powders used in their alchemical for-
-;l-ae, especially if they've been tipped over or acci-
tally mixed.
ifl of the Wind
LRATION: 10 minutes plus 1 minute per caster Air
EA OF EFFECT: I person, creature, or object
GE: Touch
-", spell renders any human-sized or smaller thing
sible. More pO\verful in its own way than Cloak of
_. t. it works in daylight equally as well as at night.
e invisibility it grants is flawless so long as the target
: not move - the Air kami Volill shore up the invis-
, with minor illusions if necessary. For example,
:--hing an area with water to find the invisible object
not work, because the Air kami will make the water
ar 10 pass through the invisible object. If the invis-
" object or person moves, then the Air kami must
with him to keep the illusion intact, and this man-
..5 as a blurring of the air, permitting those who wish
"Xlt, touch, or attack the invisible thing to do so if
_ make a successful Raw Perception Roll against a
_ ual to 5x the caster's Air.
Howl of Isora
AREA OF EFFECT: 50' radius
RANGE: 100'
This spell generates a powerful, localized gust of air strong
enough to blow people off their feet. Any person or crea-
ture in the area of effect must make an Agility/Athletics Roll
against a TN of 20. All who fail are knocked to the ground.
SPECIAL RAISES: You may call I Raise to increase the
power of the spell, raising the TN of the roll to resist be-
ing knocked down to 25.
Know the Shadows
DURATION: I minute
A spell created by the Soshi to assist them in carrying
out their duties for the Scorpion, Knmv the Shadows
draws the Air kami that exist \vithin shadows about you,
covering you in the shadows' darkness as well. \.vhile
this spell must be cast within an area with some natural
darkness (the middle of the luchi Plains at noon won't
do), it does do an effective job of concealing you from
attacks against your person, as the flickering shadows
and tricks of the light distort your form and movements.
Any attack or spell directed at you that relies on line of
sight suffers a +5 TN penalty.
SPECIAL RAI SES: You may Raise to increase the effect
of the spell, increasing the TN penalty by an additional
+2 for each Raise called.
Look Into the Sou,
AREA OF EFFECT: I person or creature
RANGE: 25'
Casting this spell condenses the Air kami around you
into a lens that shows you the world as they see it. By
looking through this lens at a person or creature, you
can see the Elements that compose that particular be-
ing. If cast successfully, this spell reveals to you the
highest and lowest Rings of the target, as well as the
Ranks of those Rings' constituent Traits.
SPECIAL RAISES: You may Raise to increase the
scope of this spell. For each Raise called, you may learn
another Ring and pair of Traits.
SPECIAL RESTRICTION: This spell can never reveal
the target's Void Ring. However. if you make the 3 Rais-
es necessary to see all Rings, it will tell you how many
Void Points the target has left.
One Virtue and Seventy Faults
DURATION: Instantaneous
This is a curious spell, not least because the oldest
known copy of it emanates the same soft golden glow
that enveloped the ancestral spirits who returned to
mortal form after the Battle at Oblivion's Gate. This has
led Phoenix scholars to hypothesize it is a spell lost to
time, which returned with the Heroes of Rokugan prior
to the Spirit Wars. It is certainly potent, much like the
revered ancestors whom it accompanied.
When you cast One Virtue and Seventy Faults, Air
kami swirl invisibly outwards from your hand, examin-
ing every sentient being in a 5' wide path up to a range
of 100'. Each soul is examined, and when the kami re-
turn, they whisper a thousand secrets from the targets'
minds. Taken together, all the secrets are unintelligible,
but the sudden insight into the universe's fabric through
the minds around you grants you considerable power.
For every target with a Disadvantage in the area of ef
feet, up to a number equal to your Air Ring. you gain
a Void Point. You may exceed your normal allotment
of Void Points through this process. These Void Points
may only be spent on casting spells, and are lost at the
next dusk if you do not use them.
Piercing the Soul
DURATION: Permanent
AREA OF EFFECT: I projectile
RANG E: Touch
.\ spell invented by a vassal family of the Tsuruchi,
Piercing the Soul is a recent invention by the stan-
jards of Rokugan. An arrow, sling bullet, nageyari, or
ther projectile enchanted by this spell becomes a far
",ore deadly weapon. Rather than dealing damage as
: normally would. the projectile (which disintegrates
J impact) instead damages one of the target's Rings.
:, reduces the struck target's Ring (caster's choice) by
l Rank, a penalty that remains until he receives some
nn of magical healing.
Reflecting Mirror
DURATION: 4 rounds per caster Insight Rank
1 'hen you cast Reflecting Mirror, a shimmering sphere
only visible evidence of the Air kami this spell
mmons) surrounds you. Any spell that targets you for
-e duration of the spell is instead reflected back 011
- caster, even if he is 110t a legal target for the spell.
. Mirror has no effect on spells that target an
=-ea that you are in at the time; the spell must specifi-
target one or more persons and/or creatures, one
\'hom must be YOll.
equest to Hato-no-Kami
DURATION: I day per caster Earth Ring
REA OF EFFECf: 1 bird
GE: 25'
---5 spell, a variation on Heart of Nature, summons
to your hand. While the species of the bird var-
. by the region, any birds summoned are favorably
. ined towards the caster. If you make a successful
..'eness/Animal Handling Roll against a TN of 10,
_ can convince the bird to perform modest services
- ou. Most often, this spell is used in an attempt to
- on carrier pigeons, although it is ultimately up to
-_ discretion what kind of bird actually comes to
-d. For more information on wildlife in Rokugan, see
"ald Empire, Chapter I.
n9 of .Ail'
RATION: Full Concentration plus 1 minute
AREA OF EFFECf: 30' radius
Ring of Air gives you almost complete control over
spells cast within the area of effecl. For the duration of
the spell, you may cancel any spells targeting anything
or anyone within 30' of you as a Simple Action. You
may also cast any spell you have as an innate ability.
The dome-shaped area of effect moves along with you,
but only allies who Vo,lere within it at the time of casting
are affected. All individual allies must be designated as
such at the time the spell is cast. Those who leave the
arca of effect at any time lose the benefits of the spell,
even if they later return to the area of effect. If a person or
creature enters an area simultaneously affected by Ring
of Fire, Ring of Air, Ring of Earth, Ring of Water, and Ring
of Void, it is immediately teleported to a random location
elsewhere in Rokugan (GM's discretion).
Speed of Breath
DURATION: 1 round per Rank of the caster's Air
AREA OF EFFECT: 1 person or creature
RANGE: 10'
This simple spell requests the Air kami to push a person
or creature, allowing it to move with unusual speed and
quickness. The target of this spell gains a bonus to his
TN To Be Hit equal to the caster's Air Ring, and he may
move as though his \ Vater Ring was increased by the
caster's Air Ring.
Step Between the Stars
DURATION: 1 hour per Rank of the caster's Air
AREA OF EFFECT: 15' x 10'
This spell creates a 15' x 10' area of space overlapping
another area in VVhen you cast this spell,
you may choose to leave it open so that its occupants
may come and go from it freely, or you may close it so
that no one may enter or leave. You may change this as
pect of the spell's nature at any time during its duration.
In any case, anyone in the spell's area of effect when
the spell is cast is considered to be in the enchanted
space when the spell takes effecl.
To the occupants of the enchanted space, it appears
as if nothing has changed about their status or location
at all. Their surroundings appear exactly the same, and
they can see where they are clearly, as the space's 'skin'
allows light through it. However, those outside of the
space cannot attack or even perceive the occupants,
though they can be heard if they speak. If you are in the
space when the spell ends, you are violently expelled
from It, suffering lkl Wounds in the process.
Summoning the aale
DURATION: 3 minutes
RANGE: See text
While similar to Tempest of Air, Summoning the Gale is
both more powerful and more specifically targeted. This
spell was created by an lsawa shugenja who saw his
brother shot down by Lion archers at the battle in the Val-
ley of Two Generals. When you cast it, you must pick the
maximum range at which it will be effective - either 20' or
50'. If you choose the former, all missile attack rolls made
against targets within this distance from you suffer a -4k4
penalty (to a minimum of 1kI) as the Air kami deflect
their shots. If you chose the latter, all missile attack rolls
made against targets within this distance from you suffer
a -21<2 penalty (to a minimum of lkl). You may choose
to withhold this benefit from any target within the area of
effect, effectively limiting its benefit to YOUt allies.
The Kami Watch Ovel' Me
DURATION: Permanent until invoked
RANGE: Touch
This spell was the invention of an Eighth Century 19awa
shugenja, 19awa Toyama, who was infamous for his un-
conventional viev,,Is on what constituted 'usefulness' for
a spell. This spell requires a casting ritual that takes
10 uninterrupted minutes to complete, and must be fol-
lowed immediately by casting another Air spell. This
second spell does not resolve immediately, but is in
stead stored as a memory of the Air kami this spell sum-
moned. The Air kami stays close to the target, and the
target may then discharge the remembered spell at any
time, causing it to act as if he was the actual caster.
Until the remembered spell is discharged, this second
spell counts as 2 expended spell slots against the origi-
nal caster's allmvance for the day. After it is discharged,
it only counts as I expended spell slot.
The Wolf's Pl'oposal
This spell, created by 19awa Sezaru, is not well known
outside the Phoenix and Scorpion Clans, but a few other
Clans do teach it. The spell is a subtle illusion perpetrated
by the Air kami, causing those around you to change their
perceptions of you. This effectively grants you one tempo-
tary Honor Rank for the spell's duration. Wise shugenja
using this speil to influence others had best work out all
details in advance, because it is possible that not all deal-
ings will be done by the end of this spell's duration. Need-
less to say, some samurai may resent being tricked into
thinking you more Honorable than you are.
SPECIAL RAISES: You may Raise to increase the effect
of this spell. You may call 3 additional Raises to gain 2
temporary Honor Ranks instead of I.
To Seek the Tl'uth
DURATION: Instantaneous
To Seek The Truth typically shows up in the scroll-satch-
els of magistrates and researchers, particularly those
of the Dragon and Phoenix Clans. When you cast the
spell, the Air kami sweep through your mind, reordering
any jumbled thoughts. The spell negates any penalties
that currently apply to your Intelligence or Perception
Trait Rolls, or Skill Rolls linked to those Traits. This
includes penalties imposed by drugs, poison, and ex-
haustion. You also gain a +1kO bonus to your next Lore
or Investigation Skill Roll.
Tl'icks ofthe Kami
DURATION: Instantaneous
AREA OF EFFECT: 1 person
RANGE: 100'
This deceptive spell is considered invaluable to shugen-
ja who serve as magistrates in areas with frequent prob-
lems with maho-tsukai. Tricks of the Kami notifies the
local Air kami that a particular spelleaster is fair game
for any tricks or pranks they wish to pull. It also has a
tendency to get the attention of denizens of Sakkaku,
and spirit creatures from the Realm of Tricksters may
show up at the GM's discretion.
The next time the target of the spell attempts to cast
a spell of his own, he must call 1 Raise for no effect ex-
cept to suppress the trickster kami. lf he does not call I
Raise for this purpose, the spell will automatically fail.
SPECIAL RAISES: You may Raise to increase the power
of the spell. For every 2 Raises you call, the target must
make I additional Raise in order to cast his own spell
Walking the Way
DURATION: One journey
AREA OF EFFECT: Self plus Raises
RANGE: Any two points in Rokugan
A favorite spell of traveling shugenja, Walking the Way
permits you to link your current location with anoth
er location within Rokugan (that is already known to
you) with a shimmering portal carved from Ningen-do
by the Air kami. By stepping through the portal, you
may travel the distance between the two points on a
shimmering road of white mist that swirls and eddies
beneath your feet, but is solid enough to support your
weight. The road of mist takes the shortest path be-
hveen the two locations, ignoring intervening terrain
and other obstacles, thus shortening the journey. This
spell also absolves you of the need for food, water, and
sleep while you are on the petth, shortening the journey
even more.
SPECIAL RAISES: You may Raise to increase the
number of persons or creatures who may benefit from
this spell. For every 2 Raises called, you may add I
companion (either human or creature). However, the
additional companions must be willing to travel with
you; they must be wilhin 50' of you at the time that you
cast the spell; and you cannot use as an end-point of
the journey a location that is familiar to them but not
to you.
Wind-Borne Speed
DURATION: 5 minutes
AREA OF EFFECT: I person or creature
RANGE: Touch
Similar to Wave-Borne Speed, Wind-Borne Speed is a
spell developed by the Iuchi School for increasing the
effectiveness of scouting parties. Speed
permits its target to move as if his \I\fater Ring is dou-
bled, so long as he does nothing but run. Actions that
can be performed while running (such as snatching an
item off the ground as the target runs by, or making an
attack with a Raise to maintain balance) are permitted.
Wind's Distraction
DURATION: 5 rounds
AREA OF EFFECT: 1 person
RANGE: 50'
This spell summons some of the more capricious Air
kami to bedevil the target. While the majority of their
tricks are inaudible and invisible to everyone else, the
target can see them quite clearly and will be driven to
distraction, suffering a +5 TN penalty to all Skill Rolls
for the duration of the spell. The target may also at-
tempt to end the spell's effects on his own, once per
round on his turn as a Complex Action, by making a
successful Meditation Skill Roll against a TN equal to
5x your Air Ring. This roll also suffers the penalty in-
flicted by the spell.
SPECIAL RAISES: You may Raise to increase the el-
feet of the spell, adding an additional +2 TN to the pen-
alty inOicted by the spell for each Raise called.
Winds of Aggression
DURATION: Instantaneous
AREA OF EFFECT: 5' radius
RANGE: 100'
While the Unicorn have received the most use from this
spell during their long trek through the Burning Sands,
all Clan shugenja schools have found a place for this
spell in their reportoire. Casting Winds of Aggression
causes the Air kami to whip up a violent vortex that lifts
loose dirt, sand, or comparable small debris and fling it
in a direction of your choice. All persons and creatures
within the area of effect must make a ReflexesfDefense
Roll TN equal to 5x your Air Ring. Anyone who fails is
blinded for a number of rounds equal to your Air Ring
(see Legend of the Five Rings Roleplaying Game Third
Edition core rule book, p. 160 for rules on Blinding).
Those who fail this roll also suffer Wounds from the
abrasion and irritation. The DR for the spell is equal
to your Air Ring in rolled dice and half your Air Ring
(rounded down) in kept dice.
earth Spells
Comprehensive List
__of.earth Syells
For handy reference, V,le include below a
hensive list of Earth spells that can be found ei-
ther in this book or in the Legend of the five Rings
Roleplaying Game Third Edition core rule book,
pp. 234-8. The spells from the core rule book are
marked with an '*.' Spells found in The Art of the
Duel are marked with an 't.'
MASfERY l[Vlll
Be the Mountain
Earth's Stagnation'"
Earth's Touch*
Elemental Ward*
Fires From the Forge'"
Force of Will*
Gift From Koishi-no-Kami
Jade Strike*
jizo's Curse
jurojin's Balm
Mask of the Mountains
Master Smith Ascends
Murmur of Earth
Rock Storm
Speed Growth*
Tetsubo of Earth*
Time's Deadly Hand
Way of Earth
Armor of Earth*
Arms of the Earth
Courage of the Seven Thunders*
Earth Becomes
Embrace of Kenro ji-jin
Grasp of Earth*
Hands of Clay*
Slash of the Lion
Soul of the Kitsunet (Kitsune School only)
The Mountain's Feet*
Walk Without Passing*
\<\Tholeness of the World
Benevolent Protection of Shinsei*
Bless the Land
Bonds of Ningen-do (level 2 for Kuni School and
Yoga School)
Crystal's Awakening (Kuni School only)
Curse of Stone*
Earth Kami's Blessing
Earth's Protection*
Earthen Blade (Level 2 for Tamori School)
Immortal Steel*
Lesson of the Crab
Slash of the Lion*
Strength of the Crow*
The Final Gift (Seppun School only)
The Wolf's Mercy
Armor of the Emperor*
Death of Stone*
Essence of Earth
Mystical Terrain
Sharing the Strength of Many
Strrength of Osano-Wo
Symbol of Earth*
The Kami's Strength
Tomb of Jade*
Wall of Earth*
Whispers of the Land
Divide Into Ash *
Grandfather's Word
Prison of Earth*
Spikes of Earth*
Strike at the Roots
The Rolling Earth (Level 4 for Kitsu School)
Fraying of Ningen-do'
Kami's Strength*
Maw of the Earth
Ring of Earth
Rise, Earth*
Arms of the arth
DURATION: 8 rounds
AREA OF EFFECT: 10' x 10'
RANGE: 50'
An ancient spell first used by the Hidden Guard, this
spell calls on the Earth kami to bring forth roots and
brambles to entangle creatures within the area of effect.
All persons and creatures within the area are wrapped
in vines and other plant life appropriate to the region,
which attempt to drag them down to the ground. Falling
prone causes the vines to cease moving and hold the
targets they have grasped tightly. A bound target must
make a successful Raw Strength Roll against a TN of
10 to move at all, and even then he is limited to mav-
ing one foot per round. Unintelligent creatures in the
area of effect usually panic and begin thrashing, deal-
ing Wounds to themselves (and anyone riding them)
each round with a DR equal to the caster's Earth Ring
in rolled dice and 1 kept die.
SPEClAl RAISES: You may Raise to increase the power
of the spell. For each Raise called, you may increase the
TN of the Raw Strength Roll required for targets of the
spell to move by +2.
Be the Mountain
DURATION: I minute per caster Insight Rank
Be The Mountain is a spell taught to shugenja who will
stand beside bushi on the battlefield. The spell allows
the Earth kami beneath your feet to lend you their en-
durance, so long as you stay just as unmoving as they
are. When you cast this spell you gain Carapace 2, but
it lowers your base TN To Be Hit to 5, reflecting your
complete inability to move.
__.. , ~ , ~ " ~ _ r ~
- __0 _ ~ ~
Bless the Land
DURATION: 3 months
AREA OF EFFECT: I village's farms
RANGE: See text
A spell most often used by ronin shugenja, or Great
Clan shugenja with unexciting posts, Bless the Land is
a complicated ritual that takes 16 hours to cast. When
it is finished, though, the Eanh kami find their positions
within the Celestial Order easier to fulfill, and the land
prospers. All altempts to ruin, destroy, befoul, or sabo-
tage the land in the area of effect must first overcome
your will to protect it. If it is an individual performing an
act, that person must make a successful Raw vVilipower
Roll against the result of your original Spellcasting Roll.
If it is a group effon (such as an army sowing the fields
with salt), then the leader (or a leader) of the effort must
make the roll. If the roll fails, the sabotage effons will
be stymied by the Eanh kami, who actively resist them.
For instance, salted fields will neatly deposit the salt
into a single furrow of eanh at the border of Ihe fields,
triggered cave-ins at mines will somehow fail to close
off any passages, and so on.
Earth Becomes Sky
DURATION: Instantaneous
AREA Of EFFECT: 1 boulder
RANGE: 50'
Casting this spell convinces the Earth kami to hoist up
one of their brethren (in the form of a boulder) and fling
it at a target no more than 50' from you. There is no at-
tack roll, as the kami's aim is unerring and its smashing
power is all but unstoppable. If the target has a Cara-
pace rating, the spell ignores it up to the value of your
Eanh Ring (e.g. if the target has Carapace 4 and your
Eanh Ring is 3, the target has Carapace 1 for the effect
of resolving this spell). The projectile has a DR equal to
your Earth Ring in rolled and kept dice.
Earth Kami's Blessing
You may only cast this spell if your Basic School grants
you an Affinity for Eanh spells. Casting this spell grants
you a bonus equal to your Eanh Ring to the total of all
Willpower Trait Rolls and Willpower-based Skill Rolls,
and also grants you 1 extra Wound Point to each of
your Wound Ranks for the spell's duration. vou may
only benefit from one casting of a Kami's Blessing spell
(of any Element) at a time. Most shugenja who know
this spell cast it when they wake up for the day, as part
of their morning rituals.
Embrace of Kenro-Ji-Jin
DURATION: I minute per Rank of caster's Earth
By offering a prayer to the Fortune of Soil, you can sink
into the earth you are standing on, and swim beneath
the surface as though it is water. You cannot be detect-
ed by mundane means while melded with the Earth,
and you can see \""hat" happens around and above you
as though peering through a pond's waters. You are im-
mune to all forms of harm while you are in Kenro-ji-jin's
arms, but any spell that harms or displaces earth will
eject yOLl from the groLlnd and end the spell's effects.
You may also choose to end the spell prematurely. This
spell is used most frequently by shugenja units on the
battlefield, allOWing them to move in, strike, and then
flee in safety.
SPECIAL RAISES: You may Raise to increase the dura-
tion of the spell, by I minute for every 2 Raises called.
Essence of Earth
DURATION: I round Area of Effect: I person or
RANGE: 50'
This spell fills the target with the power of the Earth
kami beneath him, fortifying his own Earth \vith the
power of others. For I round, the larget's Earth Ring
is increased by 1 (v.lhich grants 2 additional V\'ound
Points per Wound Rank). He may also set the resLllt of
all the dice he rolls for Earth Ring, Stamina Trait, and
Willpower Trait Rolls to 10 for the duration of the spell
(they do not explode).
SPECIAL RAISES: You may Raise to increase the dura-
tion of the spell, by I round for every 3 Raises called.
You may also Raise to increase the effect of the spell,
by I Rank to the target's Earth Ring for every 3 raises
called. You may not use the same 3 Raises to accom-
plish both purposes.
aifl From Koishi-no-Kami
DURATtON: 1 minute per caster Insight Rank
AREA Of EffECT: Self
RANGE: Touch
Casting this spell requires a material component: you
must hold in your hand a pebble smaller than your eye.
Once the spell is cast, the kami of this stone is favorably
inclined towards yOll and will grant yOLi a +1 bonus to
all of your Skill and Trait rolls and to your TN To Be Hit
for the spell's duration. Multiple castings of this spell
do not stack - pebble spirits are very jealous of the little
attention they do get. If the pebble ever leaves your per-
son before the spell's natural duration ends, the spell
ends early and you lose its benefits. However, if you
cast this spell on a pebble and then drop it into the
mortar used to bind the stones of a building together,
the bonus is permanent so long as you are inside the
building in question.
arandfather's Word
DURATlON: Instantaneous
AREA OF EFFECT: All enemies within range
RANGE: 50'
This spell allows you to call upon a po\lo,lerful ances-
tor who will verbally chastise all your enemies within
the range of his influence. vVhen you cast this spell,
you must specify each individual \vho you will target
with it. If you cast the spell successfully, all targets must
make an Opposed Willpower Roll against you. Those
\vho fail are stunned and may not act during their next
turn. If a target who fails the Opposed Willpower Roll
against you has a lower Insight Rank than you, they
are stunned for an additional number of rounds equal
to the difference behveen your Insight Rank and theirs.
In addition, targets with a Shadowlands Taint Rank of
I or more suffer Ikl Wounds per Taint Rank. So potent
is this verbal attack that any enemy creatures \\,ho hear
it are affected, even those who cannot understand your
ancestor's words or who have no concept of Honor.
Targets of this spell gain a bonus to the total of their
Opposed Willpower Roll equal to their Honor Rank, as
their own ancestors bolster their resistance to this verbal
attack. On the other hand, targets with an Honor Rank
of less than 1 suffer a -5 penalty to their roll, as their own
ancestors are too 'weak and unmotivated to defend them.
In order to cast Grandfather's Word, you must have
a relic directly connected to a famous ancestor in your
immediate possession. This relic must be honorably a t ~
tained ~ Le., not stolen.
Jizo's Curse
DURATION: t hour
AREA OF EFFECT: I person or creature
RANGE: 50'
This was once a maho spell, but an innocent man's
fervent prayer to Jurojin convetted this spell into pure
Earth magic. This prayer calls down a curse on the tar-
get, blinding the Fortune of Mercy to his plight. When
you cast this spell, you may name a different spell. For
the duration of Hzo's Curse, whenever anyone (includ-
ing you) casts the named spell on the target, the caster
receives a Free Raise.
Jurojin's Balm
DURATION: Instantaneous
AREA Of EffECT: 1 person or creature
RANGE: Touch
Jurojin's Balm commands the Earth present in every liv-
ing being to temporarily fortify that being by borrowing
from the other Elements. If the target of this spell has
been poisoned, this spell allows him to roll again to re-
sist any or all of the poison's effects, this time with a
+2kO bonus. Anyone treating the target 'with the Medi-
cine Skill will gain a +2kO bonus to the Skill Roll to treat
(but not identify) the poison.
Mastel' Smith Ascends
DURATION: 1 hour
AREA Of EFFECT: I weapon
RANGE: Touch
Acurious spell, the shugenja \"'ho first scribed it claimed
he "vas divinely inspired by witnessing Tsi Xing Guo's
apotheosis into the Fortune of Steel. Whether this is
true or not, the spell exists, and often appears in the
satchels of Kitsu, Iuchi, and Kuni shugenja. "Vhen cast,
a weapon made primarily or wholly of steel suddenly
improves in quality, functioning as though it is one level
of Item Quality better than it is (Average becomes Fine,
Fine becomes Excellent, and so on) for the duration of
the spell.
SPECIAL RAISES: You may Raise to increase the spell's
area of ef(ect, by one additional weapon for each Raise
Maw of the earth
DURATION: I minute per caster InSight Rank
AREA OF EFFECT: S' diameter geyser affecting 10'
radius area from center of geyser
RANGE: 100'
True masters of the elements are aware that beneath
their feet, Fire and Earth live and produce power of
unimaginable magnitude. This spell allows you to call
forth a drop of power from the Earth and Fire Dragons.
Casting it requires an uninterrupted minute of prayer,
at the conclusion of which a 5' diameter hole in the
earth tears open, and lava jets forth in a 20' high geyser,
which continues to spray superheated rock in a 20' di-
ameter \vith the same center as the rent.
Anyone standing in the geyser's area of effect suffers
Wounds equal to your Fire Ring in rolled and kept dice.
This damage ignores all Carapace ratings and all magi-
cal damage reduction not specific to Fire. Those stand-
ing directly over the geyser when it erupts take twice
that damage.
Murmur of earth
DURATION: Instantaneous
AREA OF EFFECT: 30' radius
After a brief prayer to the Earth kami, asking them to run
from your heel, you stomp the ground and send e v e r y ~
thing near you flying. The effect of this speii is a minor,
localized shockwave that causes the ground around you
to buck violently. Creatures aware of the spell's casting
may attempt a Reflexes/Defense Roii against a TN equal
to 5x your Earth Ring to avoid the speii's effects, but
those who fail or "vho are unaware of your casting arc
knocked to the ground and suffer a number of Wounds
equal to your Earth Ring. Any loose or unattended items
within range almost certainly fall down, tip over, or in
the case offragile items like potte!)', break.
Lesson of the Crab
DURATION; 1 round per Rank of caster's Earth
AREA OF EFFECT 1 person or creature per Rank of
caster's Earth Ring
RANGE; 25'
A common scroll in the satchels of militant Clans,
Lesson of the Crab caiis on the Earth kami to absorb
Wounds meant for the caster and his allies. Casting
this speii creates a pool of Wound Points equal to 5x
yOUT Earth Ring. Any damage dealt to the targets of this
speii is first absorbed by this pool of Wounds. After the
Wound pool is exhausted or the spell ends, any further
Wounds are dealt to the targets as normal. This spell is
not subtle; those una\<\'are of what is going on will still
see the blows of attackers skittering across rips in Nin-
gen-do as they strike the hides of Earth kami instead of
the nesh of their targets.
Mask of the Mountains
DURATION; 1 hour
Adevelopment of the Yoga Family, this spell was a c u r i ~
ous creation, produced by a Yoga sensei's attempt to
find a way to pass unnoticed even by the kami. Casting
Mask of the Mountains enhances your stealth. \"Ihile
it does nothing to conceal you from natural senses,
it makes you invisible to the casual inspection of the
kami. Thus, for example, using Sense 'will not reveal
you as a source of the Element being detected.
Mystical Terrain
DURATION; 2 hours
AREA OF EFFECT; 3 mile radius
This spell is used by the Dragon Clan to build castles
more effectively and by the Lion Clan to improve their
chances for victory on the battlefield. Mystical Terrain
magically reshapes the ground around you - a tempo-
rary but potent effect. While this spell cannot be used
to make any sort of attack, it can make the terrain level
and easy to walk on, negating any penalties for travel or
any advantage gained from using the Battle or Defense
Skills on Mass Battle Rolls.
DURATION; 1 month
AREA OF EFFECT; I organic material item
This spell halts the decay that normally gnaws at an
organic thing's essential nature. For the spell's dura-
tion, the item in question (usually a meal's \-vorth of
food) does not decompose. No scavengers will feast on
it, registering it as a lump of iron rather than potential
food. The Unicorn Clan uses this spell most often, but
all Clans use it to some degree.
Rock Storm
DURATION; Instantaneous
RANGE; 5'x caster's Earth Ring
Like Earth Becomes Sky but less accurate, this spell
causes the Earth kami to hurl any nearby stones with
potentially lethal force. If there are any rocks, stones,
pebbles, or even sand in your immediate vicinity, they
fly towards your target. This requires you to make an at-
tack roll, rolling dice equal to your Earth Ring + Insight
Rank and keeping dice equal to your Insight Rank. The
DR of the attack equals your Earth Ring in rolled and
kept dice. This is a recent spell, created only a few de-
cades ago by the Master of Earth and Phoenix Thunder,
Isawa Tadaka.
Ring of earth
DURATION: Full Concentration
AREA OF EFFECT: 30' radius
Ring of Earth gives you and others something close to
physical invulnerability. All persons and creatures with
in the area of effect who you wish to benefit from the
spell gain Carapace 3 (or a +3 bonus to their Carapace
if they already have at least Carapace 1), to a maximum
of Carapace 10. They also gain a +15 bonus to their TN
To Be Hit. Additionally, all creatures with Shadowlands
Taint in the area of effect suffer lkl Wounds every
round they remain there. This damage is not affected
by Carapace or other effects that can reduce damage.
The dome shaped area of effect moves along with
you, but only allies that were within it at the time of
casting are affected. All individual allies must be desig
nated as such at the time the spell is cast. Those who
leave the area of effect at any time lose the benefits of
the spell, even if they later return to the area of effect.
If persons or creatures enter an area simultaneously af-
fected by Ring of Fire, Ring of Air, Ring of Earth, Ring of
Water, and Ring of Void, they are immediately teleporr
cd to a random location elsewhere in Rokugan (GM's
Sharing the Strength of Many
DURATION: 10 rounds
The caster of this spell is infused with the fragments of
Earrh that he is not currently using, forrifying his essen
tial being with greater ability. If you cast this success-
fully, you gain a +Ok I bonus to all Ring, Trait and Skill
Rolls for the duration of the spell. If this spell is cast
as a Ritual (see Legend of the Five Rings Roieplaying
Game Third Edition core rule book, p. 225), this bonus
increases by +Okl for each additional caster.
Slash of the Lion
DURATION: 4 rounds per caster InSight Rank
AREA OF EFFECT: I person or creature
RANGE: 25'
This spell, a development of the Kitsu wishing to aid
their Beastmaster brethren amongst the Matsu, increas-
es the abilities of creatures in unarmed combat. Though
it is typically not used on humans, it is just as effective
on people as on beasts. The target of the spell gains an
additional attack each round and a +2kO bonus to DR
so long as he is fighting without weapons.
Strength of Osano-WO
AREA OF EFFECT: I person or creature
RANGE: Touch
Though none know if the Thunderer himself \vas re-
sponsible for this spell's existence, those shiryo who
remember seeing him on the battlefield would not be
surprised if this was so. A person or creature who is
targeted by this spell loses all Wound and fatigue pen
alties, which are transferred onto the caster. At the expi-
ration of the spell, these penalties return to target.
Strike at the Roots
DURATION: 10 rounds
AREA OF EFFECT: 1 person or creature
RANGE: 50'
Whereas Sharing the Strength of Many adds to a target's
Earth, Strike at the Roots takes his Earth away, disrupt
ing his ki v.lith conflicting surges in his other Elements.
For the duration of this spell, the target makes all of
his Earth Ring Rolls and Stamina and Willpower Trait
Rolls, as well as all Skill Rolls based on those Traits, as
if he had only I Rank in his Earrh Ring and both related
Traits. This penalty does not affect his Wound Points or
his Insight Rank.
"the Kami's Strength
DURATION: I hour per caster Insight Rank
AREA OF EFFECT: t person or creature
RANGE: Touch
Developed after the battle between the Lion and Phoe
nix at the Valley of the Two Generals, The Kami's
Strength Significantly forrifies and protects its target.
When you cast it, you choose any hvo of the folio\\'-
ing Traits: Strength, Reflexes, Agility and Stamina. The
target gains bonuses to the chosen Traits equal to your
Insight Rank for the duratIon of the spell. Additionally,
the target receives a Carapace rating equal to your In-
sight Rank (or a bonus to its existing Carapace rating,
to a maximum of 10), which may only be ignored by
weapons made of obsidian.
SPECIAL RAISES: You may Raise to increase the area
of effect; calling 3 Raises allows you to add a second
target with the same bonuses. You may also Raise to
increase the number of Traits affected, calling 3 Raises
to add I Trait. You may not use the same 3 Raises to
accomplish both putposes.
The Wolf's Mercy
DURATION: 10 rounds
AREA OF EFFECT: I person or creature
RANGE: 200'
Similarto Earth's Stagnation, The Wolf's Mercy is an ex-
trapolation of that spell that flowed from lsawa Sezaru's
desire to make certain no Bloodspeaker escaped him.
This spell reduces the target's Stamina and Strength by
2, or by 3 if they possess any Shadowlands Taint. Every
shugenja who joined the Bloodhunt of the Year 1166
was issued a copy of this spell from the Imperial librar-
Time's Deadly Hand
DURATION: Permanent
AREA OF EFFECT: 1 object of Fine or lower Quality
RANGE: Touch
This spell. the converse of Fires From The Forge, ruins
items instead of reforging them. Any item of 10 cubic
feet or less in volume and of Fine or Imver Quality may
be targeted by this spell, which corrodes, rots, or ages
the item (whichever natural process is most likely to de-
stroy it) until it is useless for its intended purpose. If the
item in question was recently repaired with Fires From
The Forge, this spell undoes the repairs, and TIme's
Deadly Hand's effects can likewise be undone by Fires
From The Forge.
Way of earth
DURATION: 10 rounds
AREA OF EFFECT: I person or creature
RANGE: Touch
The Kuni developed this spell as a safety measure for
Crab bushi caught off-guard, without time to don their
armor. This spell wraps the target in an Earth kami,
dramatically increasing the toughness of his skin and
clothing. It confers a bonus to the target's TN To Be Hit
equal to 5x your Earth Ring, to a maximum of 20. This
bonus does not stack with armor.
Whispers of the Land
DURATION: I hour per Rank of caster's Earth Ring
AREA OF EFFECT: I person or creature
RANGE: See text
This spell, developed first by the Agasha but now used
by shugenja magistrates all over the Empire, reveals the
route one target person or creature has taken. When
cast over the tracks of the target. or on a personal item
belonging to the target, Whispers Of The Land reveals
all earth he has traveled over with a soft white light. Not
only does this help tremendously in tracking the target,
but there is also a delay of a few minutes before the trail
appears, which means the target will not know that he
is affected by the spell if he is traveling.
Wholeness of the World
DURATION: 4 minutes per caster InSight Rank
AREA OF EFFECT: I person or creature
RANGE: Touch
This spell, like many Earth spells, seeks to prevent
harmful effects rather than repair them. The target of
this spell is rendered immune to having his Rings or
Traits reduced by any means. To breach this protection,
a spellcastcr who targets this person or creature must
call a number of Raises equal to your Earth Ring for the
specific purpose of nullifying your spell. If he does so, it
does not end Wholeness of the World; but it cancels the
protective value for the purpose of casting his spell.
Fir-e Spells
Comprehensive List
of Fire Sl!lIs
For handy reference, 'we include below a compre-
hensive list of Fire spells that can be found either
in this book or in the Legend of the Five Rings
Roleplaying Game Third Edition core rulebook,
pp. 238-43. The spells from the core rule book are
marked with an ' . '
Biting Steel"
Burning Kiss of Steel
Burning the Ashes
Evil Ward
Fires of Purity*
Flickering Flare
Flaring Speed
Katana of Fire*
Never Alone
Purity of Shinsei
The Fires That Cleanse*
The Fury of Osano-Wo"
Aura of F1ame*
Disrupt the Aura
Hurried Steps*
Inferno's Tooth*
Oath of the Two Heavens
Osano-HJo's Blessing
Speed of Flame"
Tail of the Fire Dragon"
The Fires From Within*
Touch of the Fire Kami *
The Breath of Baltle
Breath of the Fire Dragon'
Burn the Mind'
Fiery Wrath
Fire Kami's Blessing
Heart of the Inferno'
Hungry Blade'
Tamori's Curse
The Fist of Osano-Wo"
Waiting Flame'
Warning Flame
Breath of Heaven's Fire (Tamori School only)
Blessing of Lord Sun
Death of Flame'
Essence of Fire
Eyes of the Phoenix
Fire Walking"
Light of Yakamo"
Rage of the Fire Dragon
Scatter the Soul's Flame
Symbol of Fire'
Wall of Fire'
Wrath of Osano-Wo
Burn the Soul*
Castle of Fire
Everburning Rage'"
Follow the Flame"
Strike of Osano-Wo'
Curse of the Burning Hand
Final Ruin
Hochiu's Call of Heaven'"
Ring of Fire
Rise, Flame*
Tempest of Fire*
The Element's Fury
Blessing of Lord Sun
DURATION: 1 round per Rank of casrer's Fire Ring
AREA OF EFFECT: 1 person or creature
RANGE: Touch
Formerly known as the Light of Amatcrasu, this spell
allows the target to shrug off the effect of blows or other
injuries. It literally bathes the target in the light of the
sun, and this glow keeps him frolll feeling the ill effects
of inflicted wounds. He may ignore all Wound Penalties
for the duration of the spell.
SPECIAL RAISES: You Illay Raise 10 increase the dura-
tion of the spell, by I round for each Raise called.
Burning Kiss of Steel
DURATION: 10 minutes per caster Insight Rank
AREA OF EFFECT: 1 melee weapon
RANGE: Touch
The local Fire kami cause a tentacle of fiery energy to
leap from the targeted weapon to your hand, binding it
to your control. For the duration of the spell, you gain
a Free Raise when using this weapon to make a me-
lee attack against a mounted opponent or an opponent
of larger than human size. All other properties of the
weapon, including its DR, remain the same.
SPECIAL RAI SES: YOll may Raise to increase the dura-
tion of the spell, by 2 minutes for each Raise called.
BUl'ning the Ashes
DURATION: Instantaneous or 2 rounds per caster
Insight Rank
AREA OF EFFECT: One fire or self
RANGE: 50'
This spell counters and disrupts fire in a unique fash-
ion. It causes the Fire kami to depart, leaving the fire
with no energy to support itself. You may either cast this
spell on an existing fire or use it to protect yourself from
a fire-based attack.
When you cast it on a fire, Burning the Ashes imme-
diatelyextinguishes 10 square feet of continuous flame
for each of your Insight Ranks. If you cast this spell
as a protective barrier around yourself, yOll gain a +10
modifier in your favor to the next roll related to a fire-
based event that could cause harm to you, whether it
is an attack roll (a + 10 bonus to your TN to Be Hit), a
Spellcasting Roll (a +10 penalty to the spell's TN), or
a Skill or Raw Trait Roll (a + 10 bonus to your roll). If
a fire-based attack allows you to make a Skill or Raw
Trait Roll for partial damage, you take no damage on a
successful roll. After the spell has protected you against
one attack, it ends, regardless of whether or not it has
reached the natural limit of its duration.
SPECIAL RAISES: If you cast Burning the Ashes as a
protective barrier around yourself, you may Raise to
either increase the natural duration of the spell by 2
rounds per Raise called, or to protect you against ad-
ditional attacks, by 1 additional attack per 2 Raises
called. The latter option does not increase the natural
duration of the spell.
Castle of Fire
DURATION: 5 rounds plus I round per Rank of cast-
er's Fire Ring
AREA OF EFFECT: Circular wall 10' high, 10' thick,
caster's Fire Ring x 5' radius
Casting this spell creates a citadel of fire around you.
The wall manifests as a circle of flame that dances and
tvvists, but neither you nor anyone else on your side of
the wall feels any heat from it. Those on the other side.
however, will sense heat as they would from an intense
bonfire, and they will suffer 4k4 Wounds if they try to
pass through the barrier of name.
Flammable objects that pass through the wall will
ignite, and neither you nor anyone on your side are
immune from flames that spread by such means. For
instance, a spear Ihat is thrown through Castle of Fire
will catch fire and possibly ignite anything combustible
on your side of the barrier, such as dry grass or straw.
Castle of Fire cannot be dOllsed by any means.
SPECIAL RAISES: You may Raise to increase the dura-
tion of the spell, by a number of rounds equal to your
Fire Ring for each Raise called. You may also increase
the radius of the area of effect by 5' per Raise called. You
may not accomplish both tasks with the same Raise.
CUl'se of the BUNting Hand
DURATION: Permanent
AREA OF EFFECT: I person or creature
RANGE: 50'
This spell encourages a Fire kami to attach itself to the
target's soul, following him wherever he goes. The target
is surrounded by an aura of bright yellow flame that
sheds light in a 30' radius. This flame grants a + 10 mod-
ifier in the target's favorto all rolls related to a fire-based
event that could cause harm to him, whether it is an
attack roll (a + 10 bonus to TN to Be Hit), a Spellcasting
Roll (a + 10 penalty to the spell's TN), or a Skill or Raw
Trait Roll (a + I0 bonus to the roll). If a fire-based attack
allows him to make a Skill or Raw Trait Roll for partial
damage, he takes no damage on a successful rolL In
addition, all items the target is carrying at the time the
spell is cast become completely inflammable.
The target inflicts 1kl \'Vounds in fire damage on any-
thing or anyone that he touches. Though this can be
useful in combat, since the target can inflict fire d a m ~
age simply by touching his target (calculate the attack
roll TN without the target's bonuses for armor and other
protective gear), the target cannot cancei this ability at
will. He v.,i11 continue to burn everything he touches
until the spell is dispelled, or until he dies. Any items
that he carried at the time of casting and with which he
subsequently loses contact are no longer protected by
fire resistance, and will burn if the target picks them up
once morc.
Casting this spell on the same target while the first
casting is still in effect will negate the first casting of
the spelL
SPECIAL RAtSES: You may Raise to add more targets to
the spell, at a rate of t for every 2 Raises called.
Disl'upt the }\ul'a
DURATION: 4 hours per caster Insight Rank
AREA OF EFFECT: 1 person or creature
RANGE: 50'
This spell disrupts the balance of the Elements in the
target's body by aggravating the Fire present in it. 'vVhile
the spell is in effect, the target cannot be healed by
any means, magical or mundane. All natural healing
processes, Medicine Skill Rolls, or magical spells that
would restore VVound Points to the target automati-
cally faiL The target may realize something is physi-
cally wrong with him at the time the spell is cast, but he
\von't know exactly what is wrong until someone tries
to heal him, or until he attempts to use natural healing
on himself.
SPECIAL RAISES: You may Raise to increase the dura-
tion of the spell, by 2 hours for each Raise called. You
may Raise to add more targets to the spell, at a rate of I
for every 2 Raises called. You may not accomplish both
tasks with the same Raise.
essence of Fil'e
DURATION: 1 strike or attack roll in a duel
AREA OF EFFECT: 2 persons
RANGE: 50'
This spell was originally created by the Crane Clan to
protect their duelists. It targets both participants in a
single duel, and negates both duelists' School Tech-
niques for purposes of resolVing the next strike or attack
roll, no matter who is the attacker. It also negates the
effects of any other spells that have been cast on either
duelist, as well as the effects of any nemuranai either
possess. Non-magical weapon bonuses are not affect-
ed, however. In addition, any poisons on the weapons
used by the combatants or ingested by the combatants
have no effect for the duration of the dueL
While the use of such magic to help resolve a duel
may strike some as dishonorable, the Asahina shugenja
who developed it do not see it that way at aiL Instead,
they point out the spell is meant above all else to negate
the effect of improper advantages and biases brought
into the duel from outside sources, such as poison and
other forms of treachery. What Essence of Fire leaves
behind are the raw qualities of the two individuals in-
volved: agility, weapon skill, and mastery of Void. As
such, it is a demonstration of faith in the inherent quali-
ties of their Clan's swordsmen, as well as a reciproca-
tion of loyalty toward their yojimbo by protecting them
from treachery.
In formal public duels, Crane shugenja will openly
announce their intention to use Essence of Fire, and
will not cast it unless both duelists explicitly agree to
it. They know one who refuses is practically admitting
his own shameful weakness - or his intent to commit
treachery. In a formal setting - especially at court -
such an admission may be more perilous than the duel
evil Ward
AREA OF EFFECT: 10' radius from the object
RANGE: Touch
Casting this spell requires inscribing elaborate kanji in
chalk or ink, and takes one minute of concentrated ef-
fort. Once it is activated and the power of the kami is
fully engaged, however, the kami within the inscription
protects the area against the influence of the Shadow-
Persons or creatures with at least 1 Shadowlands
Taint Point must make a successful Contested vViII-
power Roll against you in order to enter the ward's area
of effect. In addition, those with at least I Shadowlands
Taint Point that successfully enter the area suffer ex
treme pain, as the power of the ward burns their very
essence. They suffer Wounds equal to the total of your
Fire Ring + Insight Rank each round they remain \vithin
the area of effect. However, if they make a successful
Raw Stamina Roll against a TN of 15 + your Fire Ring,
they suffer only half damage.
Spells and missiles are unaffected by Evil Ward. The
object upon which the ward is inscribed must remain
immobile and the inscription must remain clearly vis-
ible at all times, or else the spell is dispelled. Darkness
(including magical darkness) will not end the spell so
long as there would normally be a line of sight between
the warded object and the affected persons during day-
If overlapping Evil Wards are present, their effects do
not stack.
SPECIAL RAISES: Vou may Raise to increase the dura-
tion of the spell, by 12 hours for each Raise called. vou
may also increase the radius of the area of effect by 5'
per Raise. You may not accomplish both tasks with the
same Raise.
eyes of the Phoenix
DURATION: 1 round per caster Fire Ring
AREA OF EFFECT: I person or creature
RANGE: 150'
This spell blinds a target crearure or person. The fire
kami shield his eyes with magical fire, so he is unable
to see anything except a bright white glow. The target
is blinded for the duration of the spell, as per the rules
pertaining to being blinded in Legend of the Five Rings
Roleplaying Game Third Edition core rule book, p. 160.
Any effects that may stem from the target attempting
and failing at a task while blinded are left to the GM's
The target of the spell may decrease the duration of
the spell by spending Void Points, subtracting I round
per Void Point spent (to a minimum of 1 round).
SPECIAL RAISES: You may Raise to increase the dura-
tion of the spell, by I round per Raise declared.
Fiery Wrath
DURATION: Instantaneous
AREA OF EFFECT: 1 free-standing structure, or 50'
x 50' area
RANGE: 100'
This spell allows you to destroy a building or other
structure by appealing to the excitable Fire kami within
the target's materials. All nammable materials within
the area of effect catch fire immediately and burn until
nothing but ash is left. The fire cannot be extinguished
except by magical means; mundane water, sand, and
other retardants will have no effect on the progress of
the fire.
In spite of its destructive nature, Fiery Wrath's area of
effect is strictly limited. as the spell does not make the
Fire kami wanton or indiscriminate. Only one structure
may be targeted by the spell, and the fire will not spread
to adjoining structures. Living beings and materials
that are not flammable are not affected; in fact. while
clothes worn by people caught within the area of effect
will burn, their flesh will not so much as singe.
Fiery Wrath was originally created to clear brush
for farming, and to demolish \vooden structures with a
minimum of work and no hazard. It is also used to start
bonfires for rituals and celebrations, and generals have
employed it to create diversions to occupy the enemy's
SPECIAL RAISES: You may Raise to increase the area
of effect, by an extra 20' of length and 20' of width for
each Raise called.
Final Ruin
DURATION: 2 rounds per caster Insight Rank
AREA OF EFFECT: 20' radius from affeCled creature
RANGE: 150'
Casting this spell involves shouting a terrible curse, in
which you lay a promise of utter destruction on a single
enemy, backed by the full power of all the Fire kami you
can bend to the purpose. Divine fire engulfs the target,
inflicting Wounds on it equal in rolled and kept dice to
your InSight Rank. [f the target makes a successful Op-
posed Roll of his Stamina against your Fire, the damage
is reduced by half.
In addition, any damage the target takes forces its
way out of his body and erupts in a 20' radius of searing
flame, inflicting the same number of Wounds on any
person or creature in range. Anyone affected in this way
may make an Opposed Roll of their Reflexes against
your Fire, reducing the damage by half if successful.
This fire erupts anew every round until the spell ends or
the initial target dies. If this spell ever inflicts 0 damage
on the initial target in a given round, the effect immedi-
ately ends and the Fire kami disperse.
SPECIAL RAISES: You may Raise to increase the area
of effect, by 5' of radius for every 2 Raises called. You
may also Raise to increase the duration of the spell,
by I round for every 2 Raises called. Finally, you may
Raise to increase the amount of damage done by the
spell, gaining a bonus to the total damage equal to your
Fire Ring for each Raise called. You may not accom-
plish more than one task with the same Raise.
Hre Kami's Blessing
You may only cast this spell if your Basic School grants
you an Affinity for Fire spells. Casting this spell grants
you a bonus equal to your Fire Ring to the total of all
your Intelligence Trait Rolls and Intelligence-based
Skill Rolls for the spell's duration. You may only benefit
from one casting of a Kami's Blessing (of any Element)
spell at a time. Most shugenja who know this spell cast
it when they wake up for the day, as part of their morn-
ing rituals.
Flaring Speed
DURATION: 2 rounds
AREA OF EFFECT: I person or creature
RANGE: Touch
You can coax the energies of Fire within a living thing
to unusual heights, giving the target of the spell a brief
burst of speed, but leaving it drained afterward. The tar-
get's movement allowance is calculated as if its Water
Ring is 2 higher than normal for the next round. How-
ever, on the round after that its movement allowance is
calculated as if its Water Ring is I lower than normal.
SPECIAL RAISES: You may Raise to increase the dura-
tion of the spell, by i round for each Raise called. You
may Raise to add more targets to the spell, at a rate of 1
for every 2 Raises called. You may not accomplish both
tasks with the same Raise.
Flickering Flare
DURATION: Instantaneous
AREA OF EFFECT: I person, creature or unattended
RANGE: 50'
This simple spell causes a nearby Fire kami to become
excited and produce a quick, small burst of fire. The
burst itself is only about the size of an average human
fist, and it brightens the surrounding area for just a mo
ment, much as would a mundane lamp. This burst can
also be directed toward an object or creature, inflicting
I \'Vound. However, the flame is too small and short
lived to ignite anything but the most flammable materi-
als (such as oil or alcohol).
SPECIAL RAISES: You may Raise to add more targets to
the spell, at a rate of I for each Raise called.
Never ;Alone
Du RATION: See text
AREA OF EFFECT: 1 person or creature
RANGE: Touch
This spell allows you to strengthen the spirit of one of
your allies by opening his eyes to the courage of his
ancestors. He receives a bonus to all attack rolls, Skill
Rolls, and Raw Trait Rolls equal to his Fire Ring. This
bonus lasts until the target suffers Wounds from any
source, until the target fails a Skill Roll or loses an Op-
posed Roll of any kind, or for I hour if neither of these
things happens.
SPECIAL RAISES: You may Raise to increase the num-
ber of targets affected by this spell, by 1 for every 2
Raises called.
Oath of the Two Heavens
DURATION: 2 rounds per caster Insight Rank
AREA OF EFFECT: All allies within 30' of the caster
RANGE: 30'
In the earliest days of Ihe Empire, Togashi took only
two mortals into his confidence. One was Agasha, a great
and energetic shugenja, and the other was Mirumoto, a
focused and resolute s\vordsman. It is said when they
fought side by side, none could stand against them.
With this spell, you summon the power of that ancient
partnership between shugenja and bushi that built the
foundation of the Dragon Clan.
When you cast this spell, you must designate each
individual ally who you wish to target with it. If you cast
the spell successfully, you and all of your designated
allies gain a bonus equal to your Fire Ring to the total
of attack rolls made using a katana or a wakizashi. This
bonus lasts for the duration of the spell.
SPECIAL RAISES: You may Raise to increase the dura-
tion of the spell, by 2 rounds for each Raise called.
of the spell, even if they later return to the area of effect.
A person or creature who enters an area simultaneously
affected by Ring of Fire, Ring of Air, Ring of Earth, Ring
of Water, and Ring of Void is immediately teleported to
a random location elsewhere in Rokugan (GM's discre-
Ruined earth
DURATION: Instantaneous
AREA OF EFFECT: 5' x 5' area plus Raises
RANGE: 50'
This spell causes the Fire kami in the area to force the
Water kami out of nearby plants and the ground in
which they are growing. Mundane plants smaller than
a grown tree will wither and likely die immediately, and
the ground in the area of effect becomes cracked and
parched. This spell deals IkJ Wounds per caster In-
sight Rank to plant creatures (to a maximum of SkS). It
also causes mundane clay items to crack and become
brittle, reducing their Item Quality by two levels, to a
minimum of Poor Quality.
SPECIAL RAISES: You may Raise to increase the area
of effect, by an extra I' of length and I' of width for each
Raise called.
Scatter the Soul's Flame
DURATION: Permanent
AREA OF EFFECT: I person or creature
RANGE: 50'
This spell sends a hostile Fire kami racing through the
target's body, effectively crippling him. The target's Agil-
ity is reduced to I and his movement rate is reduced
to one-half of normal. This condition is effectively a
curse, and persists until the target is restored by magi-
cal means.
SPECIAL RAISES: You may Raise to increase the num-
ber of targets affected by this spell, by I for every 3
Raises called.
Tamori's Curse
DURATION: I round per caster Insight Rank
AREA OF EFFECT: 1 person
RANGE: 50'
Agasha Tamori, who chose to stay with the Dragon
Clan when his Family left for the Phoenix Clan during
the War Against the Darkness, developed this spell to
guard against Agasha initiates and other shugenja who
wished to misuse their gift for manipulating the Fire
kamL It calls upon the Fire kami in the target's vicinity
to ignore his prayers. The target of this spell cannot use
Fire spells for the duration of the spell. The target may
attempt to cast Fire spells, but he will have no chance
of success, and he will have to mark off the appropriate
spell slot as normal.
SPECIAL RAISES: You may Raise to increase the dura
tion of the spell, by I round for each Raise called. You
may Raise to add more targets to the spell, at a rate of 1
for every 2 Raises called. You may not accomplish both
tasks with the same Raise.
The element's Fury
DURATION: 1 hour
When you cast this spell, you create a direct channel
between yourself and the Fire kami in the area. For the
duration of the spell, you may cast a number of spells
per round up to your current number of Void Points.
You must spend a Void Point each time you cast a spell
beyond your normal ability to do so (that is, your ability
to do so without the aid of The Element's Fury) in one
round. Also, the additional spells you cast must be Fire
spells with a Mastery Level of 3 or lower. Casting these
additional spells uses up spell slots as normal.
Warning Flame
DURATtON: 3 minutes per caster Insight Rank
This spell causes a hyperactive Fire kami to take root in
your mind, giving you a preternatural awareness of your
surroundings. You can sense details of your immediate
environment as minute as a single breath from across
a room. As a result, you suffer no penalties from being
Surprised or Flanked (see Legend of the Five Rings Roie
playing Game Third Edition core rule book, p. 169).
Wrath of Osano-WO
DURATION: Instantaneous
AREA OF EFFECT: I person, creature, or object
RANGE: 50' plus 10' per caster Insight Rank
The original Son of Storms was never one to be trifled
with, and his fury could make the mountains them-
selves cringe with fear. This spell, like the others that
bear his name, reflects that temperament and the ter-
rible destruction that he could cause.
Casting Wrath of Osano-Wo creates an arrow of flame
that leaps from your fingertips at a target of your choice.
Upon striking its chosen target it explodes, inflicting
Wounds with a DR of rolled and kept dice equal to your
Fire Ring. In addition, the target ignites and, beginning
with the next round, it suffers 1kl Wounds each round
until the flames are extinguished. Normal mundane
means of dousing flames will work, as will magical means.
Inanimate targets made of flammable materials, such as
wooden buildings, will also catch fire immediately.
The arrow created by this spell may be dodged, as it
has no intelligence of its own and you cannot control it
once it leaves your hand. The target may make a De-
fense Skill Roll against a TN of 25. If he succeeds, he
has dodged the arrow, which will strike the next solid
object in its trajectory, providing it is within the spell's
range. If he fails (or if he does not attempt the roll), the
arrow strikes him. There is no need to make an attack
roll to resolve whether or not the arrow actually strikes
the target.
SPECIAL RAISES: You may Raise to increase the num
ber of projectiles summoned, by I for every 2 Raises
called. These extra arrows can be directed at the same
target, or at different targets.
Void Spells
Comprehensive List
of Void Sp_el_ls__
For handy reference, we include below a compre-
hensive list of Void spells that can be found ei-
thet in this book or in the Legend or the Five Rings
Roleplaying Game Third Edition core rulebook,
pp. 243-5. The spells from the core rule book are
marked with an ' .'
Boundless Sight
Drawing out Void
Drawing the Void*
Look Jnto Void
Sense Void-
Touch of All
Touch of Void
Altering the Course-
Contemplate Void
Essence of Void
Voice of Void
Kharmic Intent
Moment of Clarity"
Spiritual Presence
Void Kami's Blessing
'vVhispered Blade
\lIJinds of Change
Balance the Elements
Depth of Void
Void Release-
Void Strike"
Essence of All
Void Suppression-
Banished to the Darkness
Divine the Future
End of Illusions
Master the Dragon
Ring of Void
Rise From the Ashes
Balance the elements
DURATION: Instantaneous
AREA OF EFFECT: J person, creature, or object
RANG E: Touch
This spell diffuses the kami surrounding a person, crea-
ture, or object, returning it to its normal state. It instant-
ly dispels all ongoing effects caused by spells with a
Mastery Level of 3 or lower. In addition, the target heals
Wound Points equal to the caster's Void Ring, as the
Void restores his natural connection to the Elements.
SPECIAL RAISES: You may Raise to increase the
number of targets, at a rate of 1 extra target for every
2 Raises called. You may also increase the number of
Wound Points healed by the spell, by 1 for each Raise
called. You may not accomplish both tasks with the
same Raise.
Banished to the Darkness
DURATION: Instantaneous
AREA OF EFFECT: Persons or creatures within range,
no 2 of which may be more than 20' apart
RANGE: 100'
This spell unbalances the Elements within your ene-
mies, either destroying their physical forms or banish-
ing them back to their native realms. In casting this
spell, you utter a great cry against your enemies, re-
leasing a billowing dark cloud from your fingerlips. This
cloud immediately consumes all creatures you direct it
against, if they are within the area of effect.
When casting this spell, you must choose one target
person orcreature \vithin range with an Earth Ring equal
to or lesser than yours, or any number of targets \vithin
the area of effect that have an Earth Ring less than half
of yours. If you cast the spell successfully, each target
must make an Opposed Stamina Roll against you. If it
is native to Ningen-do and it fails the Opposed Roll, it
is killed. If it is native to a different spirit realm and it
fails the Opposed Roll, it is banished to its native realm,
as per the rules regarding its creature type set out in
Creatures o( Rokugan: Third Edition.
SPECIAL RAISES: You may Raise to increase the range
of this spell, by 20' for each Raise called.
Boundless Sight
DURATION: Full Concentration, up to 2 rounds per
caster Insight Rank
This spell connects you to all of the kami in the sur-
rounding area, allowing you to see everything v"ithin a
300' radius, from every direction and from every per-
spective. You may examine any object or set of objects
'within this area closely or at a distance, although not in
a manner that would require moving them.
This spell does not enhance your natural eyesight;
you may not (for instance) look between the pages of
a closed book, nor can you see the contents of a dark-
ened room as if it is illuminated.
Perceiving your surroundings "vhile in such a state re-
quires your full concentration. If something causes you
to break the spell against your will, you are stunned
and can take no actions for 2 rounds.
Due to your enhanced perspective when using this
spell, opponents gain no benefit from Flanking you in
combat (see Legend o( the Five Rings Roleplaying Game
Third Edition core rule book, p. 169).
Contemplate Void
DURATION: 10 rounds
RANGE: Touch
By focusing your own awareness of your relationship to
Void, this spell allows you to enhance your ability - or
the abilily of an individual of your choice - to draw
upon the Void for strength. Contemplate the Void raises
by one the limit on Void Points the target may allocate
to attack rolls, damage rolls, Skill Rolls, and Raw Trait
Rolls. This ability expires when the spell ends. You may
cast this spell on yourself.
SPECIAL RAISES: You may Raise to allow additionai
Void Points to be spent on the designated roll. Each
Raise allows another Void Point to be spent, up to the
remaining numbet of Void Points that the target has left
at the time.
Depth of Void
DURATION: See text
RANGE: 50'
In Rokugan, there are various ways of divining the fu-
ture, some simpler than others. They usually involve
forcing the patterns formed by the Celestial Order to re-
veal themselves to you, or communing with a divine be-
ing \vho will reveal that knowledge to you. Depth of the
Void, hovvever, not only allows you a limited glimpse of
the future, it allows you - to a modest degree - to grasp
the threads of time and shift them, thus changing the
outcome of minor events.
In mechanical terms, Depth of Void allows you to
change the outcome of one Skill Roll of your choice, by
an ally or an enemy, during the game session in which
you cast the spell. The Skill Roll to be re-rolled must ap-
ply to an action taking place no farther away from you
than the spell's range, and you must decide immedi-
ately after it happens that you \vish to have it re-rolled;
to allow a change of outcome too far after the event
would unravel the skein of time beyond even the power
of the kami to effect.
Casting the spell requires substantial prepatation
without a guarantee of success. Before you attempt the
Spellcasting Roll, you must meditate without interrup-
tion for two hours. You must also have at least 3 Ranks
in your Earth Ring, or you do not have enough stamina
to cast the spell, and you must spend I Void Point sim-
ply to attempt the Spellcasting Roll.
Possible uses for Depth of Void include assisting an
allied courtier who has inexplicably botched the tea cer-
emony, or helping your yojimbo when he is fighting for
your life. However, tinkering \"lith the past is a serious
business, even if the spell only allows you to do so in
relatively small ways. The Phoenix Clan, for instance,
believes this spell should not be cast unless doing so
will serve the greater purpose of the Celestial Pattern.
Horrific stories of divine retribution for trivial or mali-
cious use of Depth of the Void circulate among Phoenix
shugenja as cautionary tales.
As GM, you should feel free to use your power of fiat
to limit the use of this spell if you believe a player is
abusing it. Divinely-inmcted injury, deformity, or maim-
ing as punishment for excessive (or ill-intentioned) ma-
nipulation of the strands of time would give credence to
the morality tales the Phoenix tell among themselves.
SPECIAL RAISES: You may Raise to increase the num-
ber of rolls you may have re-rolled during a game ses-
sion, by 1 roll for every 2 Raises called, to a maximum
of 3 re-rolls stored up for one session.
However, a re-roll that does not generate a satisfactory
result cannot be re-rolled. Sometimes destiny simply can-
not be defied, no matter how great your power or effort.
Drawing Out Void
DURATION: Instantaneous
AREA OF EFFECT: I person, creature, or object
RANG E: Touch
You may gather otherwise obscure information about
something or someone by focusing on the balance of
the Elements within it.
First, if the target is magical or currently affected by a
spell effect, you may learn one fact about the nature of
the enchantment (such as the nature of the bonus, or a
single special power it grants). Only the effect \\lith the
lowest Mastery Level is learned, no matter how many
times the spell is cast.
Second, you \vill immediately know if the target is
sentient, if he has a Void Ring, and whether he can use
Void Points.
End of Illusions
DURATION: I round per caster Insight Rank
This spell has several different effects.
First, you gain the ability to see clearly in both mun-
dane and magically created darkness, as if normal day-
light conditions prevailed. (Hmvever, you cannot see
better in any given place than you \,vould under normal
daylight conditions - for instance, in a shuttered room,
you will not be able to see as well as you could in the
open under a clear sky.) More importantly, you can see
the true locations and true natures of objects and be-
ings hidden or concealed by magical means. You can
also see creatures that are invisible, negating all ben-
efits of their invisibility.
Second, you connect yourself to the Void in such a
fashion that the material world is no longer of any real
consequence to you. Physical attacks from mundane or
magical weapons no longer affect you, though spells affect
you normally. Due to this strong connection to the other-
worldly, the Spellcasting Rolls for all spells cast against
yOLl receive a Free Raise, and you suffer a +5 TN penally
to your Spellcasting Roll "vhen casting Void spells.
SPECIAL RAISES: You may Raise to increase the dura-
tion of the spell, by I round for each Raise called.
Essence of All
DURATION: 2 rounds per caster Insight Rank
When a shugenja becomes one with the Essence of All,
he touches the very fabric of the Void that holds reality
together. Your form, as it appears in the mortal realm,
becomes insubstantial, and you acquire the qualities of
a gaki (except for Immortality) for the duration of this
spell (for a summary of Gaki Qualities, see Creatures
of Rokugan: Third Edition, p. 104). You also gain 5 ex-
tra Void Points you may use during the duration of the
spell, and all Spellcasting Rolls made against you suffer
a TN penalty equal to 5 + your Insight Rank. While in
this state, you may cast spells as if affected by the spell
Voice of the Void.
If the spell comes to an end while you are inside a
material object (such as a solid wall), you are shunted
off to the nearest open space and suffer 2 \Alound Points
for every 5' you travel in this manner.
SPECIAL RAISES: You may Raise to increase the dura-
tion of the spell, by I round for each Raise called.
Look Into Void
DURATION: 2 rounds
AREA OF EFFECT: 90-degree arc extending from
caster to extent of range
RANGE: 30'
When you cast this spell, your perceptions are shilted
toward the patterns of Void in the surrounding area.
While this spell is in effect, you can note surges and
absences of Void in the area of effect.
Spirit creatures, and shugenja with an Insight Rank
of 4 or higher, will register as strong sources of Void
through this spell. Persons and creatures ,"vith at least
1 Shadov"lands Taint Point will show up as turbulent
spots in the balance of the Elements. Persons and crea-
tures corrupted by the Lying Darkness/Shadow Drag-
on will be noticeable as "blank" spots (Le., spots with
an unnatural absence of Void). If an effect prevents a
target's Taint from being discovered, this spell will not
draw attention to it, and it wil! shov1I up as a normal
source of Void.
The spell can help in detecting Illusions, as they have
no direct connection to Void, and will also show up as
"blank" spots. However, you must make a successful
Rav1I Perception Roll against a TN of 15 to discern their
true nature.
SPECIAL RAISES: You may Raise to increase the range
of the spell, by 10' for each Raise called.
Mastel' the Dl'agon
DURATION: See text
Ultimate mortal mastery of Void comes when one has
knelt in the presence of the Void Dragon. Casting this
spell requires six hours of undisturbed deep medita-
tion, chanting, and ritual, at the conclusion of which
you may connect with the infinite being of the Void
Dragon. The Dragon appears to you in a vision in its
typical form, as a pair of serpentine eyes hovering in
darkness, but it does not communicate verbally. At this
point, you make the Spellcasting Roll for this spell, with
a bonus to the total of the roll equal to your Meditation
Skill Ranks, and an additional +2 if you have the Void
Recovery Emphasis. If you are successful, all of your
Wounds are healed and your Void Points are restored
to their natural maximum. However, the Void Dragon
will not answer any questions you may ask while com-
muning with it in this way.
Though it is famous for taking a greater interest in
the affairs of mortals than many of the other Celestial
Dragons, the Void Dragon is not so indulgent that it will
allow you more than one audience per week. If you at-
tempt to cast this spell more often than that, the wrath
of the Dragon will rebound against you; your Intelli-
gence and Awareness will drop to I and you cannot use
Skills linked to those Traits, nor can you cast spells. You
will remain in this state until you are restored to normal
condition by magical means.
Ring of Void
DURATION: Full Concentration plus 1 minute
AREA OF EFFECT: 30' radius
You trace the kanji for Void in mystical energy, extend-
ing that force into a visible, shimmering dome that
extends to the edges of the area of effect. This dome
radiates eerie black light in the area of effect and 60'
beyond it, and it causes your allies \vithin the area of
effect to be enlightened by the mystical nature of Void.
Once per round, all allies affected by the power of
Ring of Void may re-roll I attack roll, Skill Roll, or Raw
Trait Roll and keep the better result. This effect stacks
with other magical and mundane abilities that allow re-
rolls, but it is not cumulative ,"vith multiple castings of
this spell.
The dome-shaped area of effect moves along with
you, but only allies that were within it at the time of
casting are affected. All individual allies must be desig-
nated as such at the time the spell is cast. Those who
leave the area of effect at any time lose the benefits of
the spell, even if they return to the area of effect. Also,
you may not move more than 10' per round while this
spell is in effect. A person or creature who enters an
area simultaneously affected by Ring of Fire, Ring of
Air, Ring of Earth, Ring of Water, and Ring of Void is
immediately teleponed to a random location elsewhere
in Rokugan (GM's discretion).
Spiritual Presence
DURATION: 5 rounds Area of Effect: 1 person
RANG E: Touch
This spell grants you the ability to extend your inner
essence into another person, allowing that person to
draw upon the power of your chi. It grants the target of
the spell a pool of points that may be used as bonuses
to all Skill Rolls and Raw Trait or Ring Rolls linked to
a Ring you must designate at the time of casting. The
number of points grnated is equal to your number of
Ranks in that Ring. For instance, if your Fire Ring is 4,
the spell grants your ally a total of 4 bonus points that
may apply to Skill Rolls involving Agility or Intelligence
as the relevant Trait, Raw Agility or Intelligence Rolls,
or Raw Fire Ring Rolls. These bonuses may be allocated
as the target wishes - a series of 4 bonuses at + I each,
a single +4 bonus, two bonuses at +2 each, and so on.
These bonus points must be used within the duration of
the spell, or else they are lost.
However, Spiritual Presence cannot be used to in-
crease the Larger's Void-related rolls. Also, it can only
be used on one target at a time; anything more than
that would tax even a powerful shugenja beyond his
breaking point. The target of the spell must consent to
having it cast on him; any doubt in his mind will cause
the connection between you and him to fail. The target
mllst always remain in your sight; if he ever leaves your
direct line of sight, the connection will be broken.
Furthermore, maintaining this connection puts a no-
ticeable strain on the caster. It does not require active
concentration, but it is a distraction. You suffer a -I kO
penalty to all Skill Rolls made for the duration of the
spell. You also suffer a -2kO penalty to all Spellcasting
Rolls made for the duration of the spell, and if you fail
a Spellcasting Roll made while Spiritual Presence is in
effect, your connection with your target is broken. Also,
you may not spend Void Points for the duration of the
SPECLAL RAISES: You may Raise to increase the dura-
tion of the spell, by t round for each Raise called.
Touch of All
DURATION: Instantaneous
AREA OF EFFECT: t person, creature, or object
RANGE: 20'
This spell allows you to readjust the balance of the Ele-
ments within one person, creature, or object, dispelling
any effect that might have thrown that balance off of its
natural state. Any spell with a Mastery Level of I that
presently affects the target is dispelled.
Touch of Void
DURATtON: t round
AREA OF EFFECT: I person or cteature
RANGE: 10'
This spell allows you to create a minor disturbance in or
around another Hving creature's inherent Void, causing
him to hesitate. Successfully casting this spell on a per-
son with an Insight Rank of 2 or lower, or a non-human
with a Void Ring of 2 or lower (or no Void Ring at all),
deprives the target of all actions on his next turn. This
spell has no effect on persons with an Insight Rank of 3
or higher, or a creature with a Void Ring of 3 or higher.
SPECIAL RAISES: You may Raise to increase the dura-
tion of the spell, by 1 round for every 2 Raises called.
DURATtON: Permanent
AREA OF EFFECT: 1 person or creature
RANGE: 150'
Because Void is the one Element that binds the other
four Elements together, one who is proficient in ma-
nipulating it can cause a great imbalance bet\o\'cen the
Elements within another living thing. This spell, if suc-
cessfully cast, attacks one of the Elements in a target,
suppressing it to the bare minimum needed to sustain
life. When you cast this spell, you choose which of the
Elements in your target you wish Lo affect. The effects
are as follows:
Air: The target's Reflexes and Awareness are both re-
duced to 1. The target may make an Opposed Wa-
ter Roll against the caster to negate this effect.
Earth: The target's Stamina and Willpower are both
reduced to I. The target may make an Opposed
Earth Roll against the caster 1'0 negate this effect.
Fire: The target's Agility and Intelligence arc both re-
duced to 1. The target may make an Opposed Fire
Roll against the caster to negate this effect.
Void: If the spell is successfully cast, the target imme-
diately loses all remaining Void Points and cannot
attempt to recover Void Points until 24 hours after
the casting of the spell.
Water: The target's Strength and Perception are both
reduced to I. The target may make an Opposed
Water Roll against the caster to negate this effect.
The effects of Unbound last until dispelled by a magi-
cal effect.
Voice of Void
DURATION: 2 hours per caster Insight Rank
This spell allows you to extend a substantial portion of
your own essence into the very pattern of Void, allow-
ing you greater freedom in casting spells. For the dura-
tion of the spell, the prayers you would ordinarily need
to speak in order to cast spells become unnecessary,
as Void itself becomes the medium through which your
spirit communicates with the kami.
Because you may pray to the kami without speaking.
you receive a +10 bonus to the total of all Stealth Skill
Rolls that involve casting spells. Also, all Spellcraft Skill
Rolls that attempt to discern a spell that you are cast-
ing or have just cast suffer a TN penalty equal to your
Awareness + Agility.
SPECIAL RAISES: vou may Raise to increase the dura-
tion of the spell, by 2 hours for each Raise called.
Void Kami's Blessing
vou may only cast this spell if your Basic School grants
you an Nfinity for Void spells. Casting this spell grants
you a bonus equal to your Void Ring to the total of all
Meditation Skill Rolls for the spell's duration. Vou also
gain an extra Void Point for the spell's duration (which
may exceed your normal allowance of Void Points), but
disappears if not used by the end of the spell. Vou may
only benefit from one casting of a Kami's Blessing spell
(of any Element) at a time. Most shugenja who know
this spell cast it when they wake up for the day, as part
of their morning rituals.
Whispered Blade
DURATION: 3 rounds per caster Insight Rank
AREA OF EFFECT: I 3'-long blade of force
RANGE: 50'
This spell creates a shimmering plane of force shaped
like a katana blade. This weapon is almost invisible, de-
tectable only by a faint distortion in the light around it.
This blade may appear up to 3' away from you, and can
move at a speed of up to 30' per round. It can never at
any time be farther away from you than the maximum
range of the spell. vou direct the blade's movement, and
you may attack \-\lith it as if it was a weapon in your pos-
session, using any melee weapon Skill of your choice.
You receive a bonus to the total of your attack roll equal
to your current number of Void Points + 2.
A successful attack roll drains a number of Void
Points from the target equal to your Void Ring. If the
target has no Void Points left, the attack temporarily
drains 1 Rank of Willpower (it can be recovered with 1
full day of rest). In this latter case, however, the target
may make an Opposed Willpower Roll against you (be-
fore the Willpower damage is actually inflicted), and if
he is successful, the Willpower damage is negated.
SPECIAL RAISES: Vou may Raise to increase the duration
of the spell, by 1round per Raise called. vou may also Raise
to increase the range of the spell, by 10' per Raise called.
You may not accomplish both tasks ,\lith the same Raise.
Winds of Change
DURATION: 10 rounds
AREA OF EFFECT: 1 person (see text)
RANGE: Touch
This spell allows the caster, or another person who has
the Theology Emphasis of Shintao, to use a single Skill
in which he has no Ranks as if he had Ranks in that
Skill. The Skill is chosen by the caster, and for the du-
ration of the spell, the target may use this Skill as if he
had 2 Ranks in it.
The target will give the appearance of being as com-
fortable in using the chosen Skill as if he has been
trained in it since his childhood. However, he does
not understand any of the basic intellectual concepts
underlying the Skill, and cannot articulate what he
"knows" or how he knows it. For instance, a target who
gains a temporary competence in Kenjutsu through this
spell cannot answer questions about swordsmanship
training or techniques that he would not have been able
to answer before the spell was cast on him. In other
words, the spell grants a sudden intuitive knowledge,
but does not impart formal knowledge gained through
training and practice.
Skills that the target already possesses are not im-
proved by this spell.
SPECIAL RAISES: You may Raise to extend the dura-
tion of this spell, by 2 rounds per Raise called. You may
also increase the number of targets of this spell by J
per every 2 Raises called. However, you must select the
same Skill for all targets, and none of your targets may
have any Skill Ranks in that Skill.
You may not accomplish both tasks with the same
Water Spells
Breath of Mist
DURATION: 2 hours per caster casting on the exact
same area
AREA OF EFFECT: Area 10' x la' x 2' deep
RANGE: 650'
This speillransforms solid earth into a viscous bog that
traps man and beast alike. Even rock and stone, which
ordinarily offer sure footing, arc reduced to a quagmire.
The spell affects a 10' x JO' square area to a depth of
2' (enough to entrap most persons or creatures, but not
enough to suck them in and drown them, as would true
Comprehensive List
__... of Water Spells
For handy reference, we include below a compre-
hensive list of Water spells that can be found ei-
ther in this book or in the Legend of the Five Rings
Roleplaying Game Third Edition core rule book,
pp. 245-9. The spells from the core rule book are
marked with an ".' Spells found in The Art of the
Duel are marked with an 't.'
Bo of Water'
Castle of Water'
Clarity of Purpose
Ebbing Strength
Fortune's Turn
Heart of Nature*
Path to Inner Peace*
Purify Water'
Reflections of Pan Ku*
Reversal of Fortunes*
Speed of the Waterfall
Spirit of the Water
Suitengu's Surge
Sympathetic Energies*
Cross the Veil of Sleep
Heart of Mortality'
Inari's Blessing
Miya's Sasumata (Seppun School only)
Reflective Pool'
Rejuvenating Vapors*
Ride Through the Night
Stand Against the Waves
Surging Soul
The Inner Ocean
The TIes that Bind'
Wave-Borne Speed'
Wisdom and Clarity'
Ashim's Rainbow Shield (Unicorn shugenja
Schools only)
Bane of the Scorpion'
Clay Horse (Ronin specialty)
Near to lce*
Regrow the Wound*
Silent Waters
Torrential Rain
Visions of the Future (Tonbo School only)t
Wall of Bamboo
Water Kami's Blessing
Way of Still Waters'
Walking Upon the Waves'
Yuki's Touch
Curse of the Jackal
Dominion of Suitengu (Level 3 for Mantis shugen-
ja Schools and Isawa Water Tensai)
Ebb and Flow of Battle
Energy Transference
Hand of lurojin'
Heart of the Water Dragon
Master of the Rolling River
Sacred Ground*
Strike of the Flowing Waters
Symbol of Water'
Although it dramatically changes the terrain in the
area of effect, the bog created by Breath of Mist can be
difficult to perceive. Anyone who is not already search-
ing the terrain carefully (such as \vhile tracking) must
make a successful Hunting Skill Roll or a Raw Percep-
tion Roll against a TN of 20 to notice the area of effect.
Anyone \-vho enters an area affected by Breath of Mist
has his movement slmved to less than a crawl due to the
utter lack of a solid surface to push against. It takes 8
rounds for a normal-sized human or horse to cross 10' of
this sludge moving at full speed. A successful Strength!
Athletics Skill Roll against a TN of 15 reduces the num
ber of rounds needed by 1, with Raises further decreas-
ing the number by I each. All Skill Rolls based on mov-
ing the lower half of the body - except for Athletics Skill
Rolls meant to speed crossing the area of effect - suffer
The Emperor's Road
The Flow of Time
The Path Not Taken (Ronin specialty)
Wall of Water'
Within the Waves
Endless Deluge
Energy Reversal
Hands of the Tides
Part \t\
Power of the Ocean
Suitengu's Embrace
The Seed of Qanon
Waves Are Ever Changing*
Breath of Mist
Gather the Clouds
Kingdom Beneath the Sea
Kuma's Black Embrace
Peace of the Kami*
Ring of \-Vater
Rise, \Nater
TIdes of Baltle
Wards of the Kami*
a -2k2 penalty (to a minimum roll of lkl). Horses and
other animals trapped in the muck will panic and thrash
about, possibly injuring themselves and anyone in the
immediate vicinity. unless calmed (requires a successful
Horsemanship Skill Roll against a TN of 20).
This spell was originally developed by the Kuni, who
consider it a variation of Osaku's Lifeblood. They have
used the spell effectively in battle to slow Shadowlands
hordes approaching a fortified point. They even derive
grim amusement from the sight of bakemono screech-
ing in surprise as the ground gives way beneath them,
flailing helplessly while Hiruma archers pick them off.
SPECIAL RAISES: You may Raise to increase the area
of effect, by an extra 25 square feet of surface area for
each Raise called. You may not use Raises to increase
the depth of the area of effect.
Clarity of Purpose
DURATION: 2 rounds
AREA OF EFFECT: All allies within 30' of the caster
RANGE: 30'
Though this spell is now used by all major shugenja
Schools, it is a traditional favorite of the Phoenix Clan,
as it is said to have been first learned by Isawa himself.
All targets of this spell receive a +4 bonus to the total
of their Initiative Rolls for the duration of the spell. You
must choose the targets when you cast the spell, and
they must be within the area of effect al that time. Tar-
gets may not be added after the fact, nor may anyone
\vho was outside the area of effect when the spell was
cast ever be affected by it. Targets that leave the area
of effect are no longer affected by the spell, nor do they
regain the benefits of the spell if they re-enter the area
of effect.
SPECIAL RAISES: You may Raise to increase the dura-
tion of the spell, by I round for each Raise called.
Cross the Veil of Sleep
DURATION: Instantaneous
RANGE: Infinile
This spell allows you to communicate with another
person through the target's dreams. To cast this spell
successfully, you must be personally acquainted with
the target, and you must be in a relatively quiet area
at the time of casting. The middle of a battle or even
a crowded teahouse \vill not do. However, there is no
restriction on the distance ben:veen you and the target;
the range of the spell is theoretically infinite, and you
may cast Cross the Veil of Sleep successfully even if
you are at one end of the Empire and the target is at the
other. Also, the target need not be asleep at the time the
spell is cast; the Water kami that carry the message will
know to wait until they can enter his dreams.
You will appear to the target in the dream, making
yourself knovm in the surreal way in which familiar
peopie so often appear in dreams, and speak directly
to him. Immediately upon waking, the target will re
member the dream and your message clearly. However,
the message must be simple, something that can be ex-
pressed in a single sentence.
SPECIAL RAISES: You may add additional sentences to
the message by Raising when you cast, at a rale of I ad-
ditional sentence per Raise called. However, this spell
is not meant to convey an entire story, and some GM's
discretion may be involved in limiting the compleXity of
the message.
Curse of the Jackal
RANGE: 50'
This brutal spell is one of the artifacts the Unicorn Clan
brought back with them from their exile, It affects the
mind of the target, reducing him to an animal state. It
does not change his outward appearance, only his in-
ner nature.
The target loses the ability to think or reason; he
walks on all fours, sniffs the ground, and obeys only
basic fight-or-night instincts in response to threats. He
cannot conceive or express elaborate thoughts and can
only communicate through grunts, growls, or other bes-
tial noises.
The target may resist the spell's effects by making
a successful Raw Willpower Roll at a TN of 30, If the
resisting attempt fails, however, the spell reduces the
target's Awareness, \Villpower and Intelligence to I for
the duration of the spell. The target will not be able to
spend any Void Points, nor use any Skills except for
Hunting, Stealth, and Athletics - that is, those Skills
which a brute animal might be capable of using,
Needless to say, many Rokugani shugenja consider
this spell an abomination and the use of it beneath
them. This is not universally true, however, and al-
though Curse of the Jackal is used primarily by Uni-
corn, it is not theirs exclusively.
SPECIAL RAISES: You may Raise to extend the duration
of the Spell by lO rounds per Raise called; if you use 6
Raises, the effects become permanent until they are re-
moved by magical means - or ended by your whim.
ebb and Flow of Battle
DURATION: 2 minutes per caster Insight Rank
AREA OF EFFECT: All allies within 50' of the caster
RANGE: 50'
Mobility is essential in skirmishes and great battles
alike. This spell was once known exclusively to the Lion
Clan, but the Lion could not keep its knowledge a secret
after other Clans saw its effectiveness on the battlefield,
Ebb and Flow of Battle doubles the movement rate of
all allies of the caster within its area of effect. The allies
must be chosen and must be within the area of effect at
the time of casting. Targets may not be added after the
fact, nor may anyone who was outside the area of effect
when the spell was cast ever be affected by it. Targets
that leave the area of effect are no longer affected by the
spell, nor do they regain the benefits of Ihe spell if they
re-enter the area of effect.
ebbing Strength
DURATION: 4 rounds per caster Insight Rank
AREA OF EFFECT: 2 persons or creatures
RANGE: 50'
Just as water ebbs and flows, so does one's physical
strength. You must target two persons or creatures \\lith
this spell, neither of whom may be yourself, This spell
weakens the first target and strengthens the second in
direct proportion, The first target has its Strength re-
duced by I for the duration of the spell, while the sec-
ond target has its Strength increased by 1 for the dura-
tion of the spell.
SPECIAL RAISES: You may Raise to increase the effect
of this spell, by I Rank of Strength for every 2 Raises
called. However, you may not decrease the first tar-
get's Strength below 1 or increase the second target's
Strength above the natural maximum of 10.
The emperor's Road
DURATION: 5 hours per caster Insight Rank
AREA OF EFFECT: Any number of persons or crea-
tures touched
RANGE: Touch
This spell calls upon the speed of Ihe rushing river to
help the caster and any number of companions to travel
much faster than normal on a selected road, This spell
functions only on roads that are legally recognized by
the Emperor.
The process of having a road legally recognized is
simple - the Emperor must officially proclaim the road
to be an Imperial Road. During the War of the Spirits,
Hantei XVI noted this property of the spell and recog-
nized a great many roads in order to allov,l his troops to
outmaneuver Toturi's. After the War of the Spirits, To-
turi \vas left with a huge network of roads the kami rec*
ognized as having Imperial approval. The Steel Chry-
santhemum's cunning still affects this spell's function,
and many roads that appear on no Imperial map will
nevertheless work with this spell. There are simply too
many to untangle the confusion easily. and it is doubt-
ful the kami actually care much either way.
While traveling on a road recognized by the kami as
an Imperial Road, all targets may move at up to 6x their
normal movement rate.
Endless Deluge
AREA OF EFFECT: 3 mile radius
RANGE: I mile
Though its name is something of an exaggeration, this
spell is nonetheless dramatic and powerful enough to
stop battles or shut down entire cities. Over the course
of 10 minutes after this spell is successfully cast, dark
clouds roll in from all directions, filling the area of effect
with a deep and menacing gloom. The sky itself seems
to split open and monsoon rains come flooding down.
This weather supercedes all naturally occurring weath-
er, and may trigger flash floods at the GM's discretion.
All persons and creatures suffer a penalty to the total
of all of their attack rolls, damage rolls, Skill Rolls, and
Raw Trait Rolls equal to the caster's V\'ater Ring while
they remain in the area of effect.
SPECIAL RAISES: You may Raise to try to increase the
dLiration of the spell. For each Raise called, add + IkO to
the roll determining the duration.
Enel'gy Revel'sal
DURATION: 2 rounds
AREA OF EFFECT: 2 people
RANGE: 50'
The Elements roil constantly through every living thing,
and their movement affects the decisions people make
and how they deal with others. Someone who is en-
lightened enough to perceive this movement can t e m ~
porarily realign the relationship between hvo people.
When you cast this spell successfully, Energy Reversal
switches the Rank in a particular Trait between two tar-
gets of your choice. You may choose yourself as one of
the targets.
Even if you cast this spell successfully, either target
may resist this effect by making a successful Raw W i l l ~
power Roll against a TN equal to your Water Ring x5.
SPECIAL RAISES: Vou may Raise to increase the dura-
tion of the spell, by I round for each Raise called.
Enel'gy Tl'ansfel'ence
DURATION: 20 minutes per caster Insight Rank
AREA OF EFFECT: I person or creature
RANG E: Touch
By drawing on the nature of chi and its ability to trans-
form passive energy into its opposite, you force your tar-
get to experience a radical transformation of the spirit.
This spell exchanges values between the target's mental
and physical abilities. When casting the spell, you must
select one pair of Traits from among the follOWing list:
Strength and Intelligence, Awareness and Willpmver,
Stamina and Awareness, Agility and Perception. Once
the spell takes effect, the values of the hvo Traits are
switched with one another. The choice of Traits may not
be altered during the duration of the spell, nor may the
caster end the spell before its natural duration expires.
FOl'tune's TUl'n
DURATION: Instantaneous
AREA OF EFFECT: I projectile
RANGE: 200'
FlOWing water bends around a rock in a river, adjust-
ing its natural flow to the presence of the obstacle. This
spell diverts a projectile in a similar manner. You may
cast this spell on a single projectile in your line of sight,
and you may cast it instantly as a reaction to the pro-
jectile being thrown or fired, even though it is not your
turn. The projectile automatically misses its target, as
the spell diverts it off-target. However, attempting to
cast this spell preoccupies you, so you may not act on
your next turn in the Initiative order.
The projectile maintains its speed and continues on
its original trajectory aher bypassing the original target.
Ar rhe GM's discretion, it may strike targets other than
the one originally intended.
SPECIAL RAISES: You may Raise to affect additional
projectiles, at a rate of i projectile for every 2 Raises
qather the Clouds
DURATION: 2 rounds per caster Insight Rank
The Iuchi and Horiuchi Families' research into talisman
magic has had a number of curious side effects. This
spell, an almost accidental discovery by the Unicorn
Clan, allows you to nearly sever your connection to the
kami. You inhabit a curious state in \,vhich you stand
with one foot still planted in the Celestial Order, but the
other foot outside it. This cloistering effect works both
ways, making it difficult for you to summon the kami
while under the effects of this spell even as you become
much more resistant to others' magic.
For the duration of this spell, the Spellcasting Roll TN
for all spells cast against you (that is, whose effects you
would prefer not to have to endure) is doubled. How-
ever, Gather the Clouds also causes your own magics to
become terribly erratic. For each spell you cast for the
duration of Gather the Clouds, the TN of your Spell
casting Roll is also doubled. minus your Water Ring.
SPECIAL RAJSES: You may Raise to increase the dura-
tion of the spell, by I round for each Raise called.
Hands of the Tides
DURATION: Instantaneous
AREA OF EFFECT: Persons or creatures within range,
no two of which may be more than 30' apart
RANGE: 200'
This spell allows you to alter the position of a number
of persons or creatures within the area of effect equal
to your Water Ring, unless they weigh 300 pounds or
more (including gear). No time passes for those who
are affected by this spell - they are Instantly teleported
to a new position \vithin the range of the spell, facing a
direction of your choice. You may not suspend targets
in the air unless they were in mid-air when you cast the
spell (birds in flight, for instance). Persons or creatures
that attack during the same round in which they were
affected by this spell suffer a +5 TN penalty to their next
attack roll.
SPECIAL RAISES: You may Raise to increase the area of
effect, by an extra 50' of radius for each Raise called.
Heart of the Water Dragon
DURATION: I round per caster Insight Rank
This spell calls upon the power of the Water Dragon to
embrace you with healing energy. Any time you suffer
Wounds during the spell's duration, you automatically
heal Ik I Wound Points. This effect takes place the first
time you are wounded in a round, and may take place
no more than once per round.
SPECIAL RAISES: You may Raise to increase the dura-
tion of the spell, by 1 rollnd for each Raise called.
Inari's Blessing
DURATION: Penmanent
RANGE: Touch
Inari is the Lesser Fortune of Rice, and as such he is re-
sponsible for blessing crops and ensuring plentiful har-
vests. By appealing to Inari and his attendant spirits,
you can create from out of nothing enough food to feed
one person for a number of weeks equal to your "Vater
Ring. Unless you use Raises, the food you create is sim-
ple fare - uncooked rice, barley, ra\\' vegetables, fish,
fowl, tofu, or some other staple of the Rokugani diet.
The food must still be prepared before consumption.
SPECIAL RAISES: At the GM's discretion, you may use
Raises to create food more elaborate than basic staples.
The exact number of Raises you may call and to what
exact purpose are left the to the GM. and may depend
on your circumstances. It may be said for certain, how-
ever, that creating a mixture of foodstuffs. or anything
more rare than raw staple foods, will require at least 1
Kingdom Beneath the Sea
DURATION: 1 round
AREA OF EFFECT: Self plus I target person or crea-
tllre per caster Insight Rank
RANGE: 10'
The Kami Shiba took for his wife a maiden who came
from a mysterious kingdom beneath the sea, the same
realm said to have forged the Phoenix Clan's ancestral
sword. Ofushiki. By means of this spell. you can call on
this ancient alliance between those who d\\'elJ on land
and those who live beneath the waves to travel through
hidden pathways in the water.
The spell allows the caster and any willing targets to
walk into the sea and emerge at any other point along
the Rokugani coast one round later. Those affected by
this spell may not act in the round immediately follow-
ing their emergence from the water. They are not left wet
by their strange aquatic journey.
SPEClAL RAISES: You may Raise to affect additional
targets, at the rate of I person or creature for every 2
Raises called.
Kumo's Black tmbrace
DURATION: 3 hours per caster Insight Rank
AREA OF EFFECT: The Great Sea Spider
RANGE: 650'
One of the most lethal \tVater spells was created, ironi-
cally, by the peaceful shugenja of the Asahina Family
amid the bloody Crane civil war that broke out during
the War Against the Darkness. Casting this spell calls
upon the malicious spirit in the heart of the great whirl-
pool that lurks in Rokugan's seas: The Great Sea Spider,
the King of the Kuma. It emerges from any source of wa-
ter within the spell's range that is large enough to hold
it, and attacks enemies at the command of the caster
(for more detailed information on the Great Sea Spider,
see Creatures of Rokugan: Third Edition. p. 110).
The Great Sea Spider is a sinister and hateful crea-
ture, and it takes commands given to it absolutely liter-
ally. For example, it will not hesitate to trample your
allies if they are in between it and enemies you have
ordered it to attack. The Great Sea Spider will obey
even obviously self-destructive commands, for if it is
defeated, it will simply return to its whirlpool home
deep in the sea.
The Great Sea Spider disappears at the end of the
spell's duration. It wilt not attack you or your allies un-
less you attack it first. If you or your allies do attack it,
your control over it is broken, and it will remain in the
area for as long as it likes - past the spell's duration if it
so chooses - killing and destroying as it pleases.
There is, of course, only one Great Sea Spider. If this
spell is cast to summon the Great Sea Spider while it is
already serving another shugenja elsewhere, the spell
fails. If you attempt to summon the Great Sea Spider
more than once in a week, the beast becomes enraged
and attacks you immediately upon its appearance.
However, if the spell is cast by a Crane shugenja, it
can also be used to stem the Great Sea Spider's wrath.
If the King of the Kumo is currently within range of the
spell, a Crane shugenja may cast Kumo's Black Embrace
to force the spider to return to the sea immediately. No
Spellcasting Roll is needed to determine the success or
failure of the spell. Success is automatic.
If the Great Sea Spider is currently being controlled
by another Crane shugenja casting the spell, you must
make an Opposed Willpower Roll against that shugenja
for control of the beast, using the difference bet\veen
your Insight Rank and his Insight Rank as a modifier to
the total of your roll. If any of your ancestors or loved
ones have been slain by the Great Sea Spider, you gain
a Free Raise to the roll. If you lose the Opposed Roll,
the Great Sea Spider ignores you, and the spell fails.
Mastel' of the 'Rolling 'RiveI'
DURATION: 1 round
AREA OF EFFECT: I person or creature
RANGE: IO'x caster Water Ring
This spell smashes its targets with the force of a magi-
cal tsunami, which springs from the air around them
and falls with a crushing weight. If you cast the spell
successfully, each target must make a successful Raw
Strength Roll against aT' equal to your Water Ring
x5 or be knocked off his feet. The force of the blow also
inflicts Wounds equal to your Water Ring. (No Wounds
are suffered if the target's Strength Roll succeeds.) Re-
gardless, each target is soaked from head to toe, and
must make a successful Meditation Skill Roll against a
TN of 15 to take any actions on his next turn.
If you are within 300' of a river or other substantial
body of water, the presence of water makes the spell
even more powerful. In that case, the TN for the targets'
Strength Roll to keep their feet is 25, and the Wounds
inflicted if they fail equals your Water Ring x2.
SPECIAL RAISES: You may increase the number of tar-
gets by making Raises, at a rate of 1 extra target for
each Raise called. You may also increase the range of
the spell by 10' for each Raise called. You may not ac-
complish both tasks with the same Raise.
'Ride 'thl'ough the ]\light
DURATION: I day per caster Insight Rank
AREA OF EFFECT: Up to 3 persons or creatures per
caster Insight Rank
RANGE: Touch
This spell enables its targets to completely ignore the ef-
fects of exhaustion. They may run, fight, work, walk, or
do anything else without being fatigued, although they
still have to eat and breathe normally. When this spell
ends, the targets must rest normally, as if they had been
active for a single normal day. You may not cast this
spell again on the same target until a number of days
after the previous spell ends equal to the duration of the
previous spell. Sleep is not necessary while under the
effects of this spell, but a spelleaster must still rest for 8
hours to establish the peace of mind required to recover
spell slots or Void points for the day.
This spell was originally fashioned by the Unicorn
Clan, and it assists them to this day in making long
rides in days instead of weeks, allowing their mounts to
ride around the clock without the need for rest.
SPECIAL RAISES: You may Raise to increase the dura-
tion of the spell, by I day for each Raise declared. You
may also Raise to increase the number of targets you
can affect, by 2 for each Raise declared. You may not
accomplish both tasks with the same Raise.
'Ring of Watel'
DURATION: Full Concentration plus I minute
AREA OF EFFECT: 30' radius
You trace the kanji for vVater in mystical energy, extend-
ing that force into a visible, shimmering dome that ex-
tends to the edges of the area of effect. This dome radi-
ates pale blue light in the area of effect and 60' beyond
it, and it causes your allies \virhin the area of effect to be
enlightened by the unpredictable nature of Water.
Once per round, as a Complex Action, you may tele-
port yourself and all others within the area of effect up
to 1.000' away in any direction. You may not teleport
into an area occupied by a solid object. Upon arrival,
your allies appear wherever you desire as long as they
are still \vithin the area of effect.
The dome-shaped area of effect moves along with
you, but only allies that were within it at the time of
casting are affected. All individual allies must be desig-
nated as such at the time the spell is cast. Those who
leave the area of effect at any time lose the benefits of
the spell, even if they later return to the area of effecl.
Also, you may not move more than J0' per round while
this spell is in effect (apart from the movement caused
by the teleportation effect of the spell). A person or
creature who enters an area simultaneously affected by
Ring of Fire, Ring of Air, Ring of Earth, Ring of Water,
and Ring of Void is immediately teleported to a random
location elsewhere in Rokugan (GM's discretion).
Speed of the Waterfall
DURATION: 1 hour per caster Insight Rank
AREA OF EFFECT: I creature
RANGE: Touch
This spell was developed by the Unicorn Clan - the
Iuchi Family in particular - to assist riders on long
journeys. For Ihe duration of this spell, the target crea-
ture may move as if its Water Ring is 3 x its normal
value while moving across level terrain or downhill.
SPECiAL RAISES: You may Raise to increase the dura-
tion of the spell, by I hour for each Raise called. You
may also Raise to increase the number of targets you
can affect, by I for each Raise called. You may not ac-
complish both tasks with Ihe same Raise.
Spirit ofthe Water
DURATION: Inslanlaneous
AREA OF EFFECT: I person or creature
RANGE: 50'
You may call upon Ihe Waler kami to lend speed to oth-
ers who perform deeds in your place. The target gains
an additional attack, Use Special Abilities Action, or
Miscellaneous Complex Action. This extra attack or Ac-
tion must be used on his next turn, or it is lost.
SPECIAL RAISES: You may Raise to increase the
number of targets you can affect, by I for each Raise
Stand Against the Waves
AREA OF EFFECT: I person or creature
RANGE: 50'
Countless tales from the history of Rokugan tell of a
single brave samurai standing against numerous foes
and either triumphing in spite of the odds, or dying he-
roically in performing great deeds (which, in the eyes of
his fellow samurai, is also a triumph). Some of them are
actually true... especially if a shugenja capable of cast-
ing this spell was present at the time.
This spell grants one additional attack during the tar-
get's next turn for each of the caster's Insight Ranks.
However, the target suffers a +5 TN penalty to all attack
rolls while affected by this spell.
SPECIAL RAISES: You may Raise to increase the num-
ber of targets you can affect, by I for each Raise called.
You may also Raise to increase the duration of the spell,
by I round for every 2 Raises called. [n addition, you
may grant an additional attack per round to I target of
your choice for every 2 Raises called. You may not ac-
complish more than one task with the same Raise.
Strike of the Flowing Waters
AREA OF EFFECT: 1 person or creature
RANG E: Touch
This spell grants the power and suppleness of a SWiftly
flowing river to aid the target in hand-to-hand combat.
When the target of this spell makes an attack roll using
a melee weapon, he can ignore any magical or mun-
dane bonuses given to his enemy's TN to Be Hit by ar-
mor, shields, or other protective gear.
SPECIAL RAISES: You may Raise to increase the num-
ber of targets that you can affect, by I for each Raise
called. You may also Raise to increase the duration of
the speli, by I round for each Raise calied. You may not
accomplish both tasks with the same Raise.
Suitengu's embrace
DURATION: Instantaneous
AREA OF EFFECT: t person or creature
RANGE: 5' x caster's \Vater Ring
This potentialiy deadly speli summons the loeai Water
kami to fili the target's lungs with seawater, so that he
may drown even though he is on dry land.
If Suitengu's Embrace is sueeessfuliy cast, the tar-
get may take no actions - it is ali he can do simply to
struggle against the effects of the spell. Each round,
beginning with his first turn after the spell is cast, he
must make a Raw Stamina Roll against a TN of 15. On
the first round he fails, he becomes incapacitated, as if
he has suffered enough Wounds to reduce him to the
;'Out" Wound Rank. Two rounds after that, he dies from
Holding one's breath has no impact on the effects of
the spell, as the target's lungs are already filling with
water. Neither does mundane resuscitation (Le., manu-
aliy expeliing the water from the lungs), as the kami
will simply keep refiliing the victim's lungs. Only magi-
cal effects that wili negate the speli wili stop its lethal
Knowledge of Suitengu's Embrace originated in the
Islands of Silk and Spice, among Mantis Clan shugenja.
However, they have used it enough that knowledge has
spread to other shugenja Families; when enough en-
emies of the Mantis were found on dry land with their
lungs filled with seawater, it was clear the spell was no
longer a secret of the Clan.
SPECIAL RAISES: You may Raise to increase the num-
ber of targets you can affect, by I target for every 2
Raises declared.
Suitengu's Surge
AREA OF EFFECT: I person or creature
This spell causes the local Water kami to withhold their
favor from a particular person or creature, leaving him
lethargic. The target's Reflexes Rank is reduced by I.
The target also moves as though his Water Ring was
reduced by I Rank.
SPECIAL RAISES: You may Raise to increase the num-
ber of targets you can affect, by I for each Raise called.
You may also Raise to increase the duration of the spell,
by 1 round for each Raise called. You may not accom-
plish both tasks with the same Raise.
Surging Soul
DURATION: 3 minutes per caster Insight Rank (until
AREA OF EFFECT: I person or creature
RANGE: Touch
While the focused violence of an iaijutsu duel is most
commonly associated with the flaring energies of Fire,
the spirits of Water may also erupt into bursts of power
and activity. You may prepare the target's chi to crash
down on his foes with the force of an ocean wave,
sweeping them aside. This spell gives its target a bonus
equal to his \ Villpower to the total of his iaijutsu Focus
Rolls for the duration of the spell.
The Flow of Time
While under the effect of this spell, you may choose to
retroactively cancel one action you take during the next
round. Your memory of the canceled action remains
intact. However, you cannot choose to take the same
action again to try for a different result. For instance,
if you cast this spell and then attack a particular op-
ponent, you cannot choose to attack the same oppo-
nent again hoping for a different outcome. However, you
could - for example - cast the spell before opening
a door; if the door is trapped and your opening it sets
off the trap, you may instead choose to retroactively do
something else rather than open the door. For instance,
you could try to find an alternate route into the room,
or ask someone else to open the door, or try to find and
defuse the trap before opening the door again.
Because of the dramatic \vay this spell affects the
Celestial Order, Water kami treat this particular prayer
very seriously. If you make this appeal to them too of-
ten, they will stop listening to you until a decent inter-
val has passed. Therefore, you cannot cast this spell
more than once per day.
SPECIAL RAISES: You may Raise to increase the du-
ration of the spell, by I round for each Raise called.
However, this does not allO\"-' you to take back more
than 1 action; it simply allows you more time to choose
an action to cancel.
'the Innel' Ocean
DURATION: 5 rounds per caster Strength Rank
This spell amplifies your innate harmony with the Water
kami so much that for a brief time you actually become
liVing water. Your body retains its shape and cohesion,
but becomes pure water, transparent and difficult to
see. You gain a Free Raise to ali Stealth Skill Rolls, and
an additional Free Raise to all Stealth Skill Rolls while
undenvater. In addition, you can now breathe water as
easily as air. However, you cannot cast spells while in
water form unless the spell is an innate ability.
Because you are now water, material objects pass
through you. All damage rolls made against you suffer
a penalty in rolled and kept dice equal to your Water
Ring (to a minimum of Ikll. You cannot run, but you
can seep through any object or barrier that is not w a t e r ~
proof as a Move action, at a rate equal to your normal
movement rate.
SPECIAL RAlSES: You may Raise to increase the dura-
tion of the spell, by 5 rounds for each Raise called.
TIdes of Battle
DURATION: 2 minutes per caster Insight Rank
AREA OF EFFECT: 2 persons or creatures per caster
Insight Rank
RANGE: 100'
Water is not only the Element of clarity and strength;
it is also the Element of battle. This spell excites the
local Water kami to assist your army and carry it to
victory. You may target any number of persons or crea-
tures of your choice v.lith this spell, up to twice your
InSight Rank, as long as they are within range at the
time 01 casting. The spell grants bonuses to the targets
depending on their role in the Celestial Order. These
bonuses stack with any and all other bonuses the tar-
gets currently receive. You may choose yourself as one
of the targets.
The bonuses are as follows:
Bushi: A bonus to the total of all attack rolls equal to
his Agility; a bonus to the total of all damaoe rolls
equal to his Strength; a bonus to his TN to Be Hit
equal to his Reflexes; and a bonus to the total of
all RalV Trait Rolls equal to his Intelligence.
Shugenja: A bonus to his TN to Be Hit equal to his
Reflexes; a bonus to the total of his Spell casting
Rolls equal to his Intelligence.
Courtiers: A bonus to the total of all attack rolls equal
to his Agility. Also, for the duration of the spell,
he may use any weapon in which he has no Skill
Ranks as if he has the appropriate Skill at a Rank
of 1v-lith an Emphasis in that specific \-veapon.
Monks: A bonus to the total of all attack rolls equal
to his Agility; a bonus to the total of all damage
rolls equal to his Strength; a bonus to his TN to Be
Hit equal to his Reflexes; and a bonus to the to-
tal of all RalV Trait Rolls equal to his Intelligence.
He also receives 2 extra Void Points that must be
used or lost during the duration of the spell.
Others: A bonus to the total of all attack rolls equal
to their Agility; a bonus to the total of all damage
rolls equal to their Strength; a bonus to their TN to
Be Hit equal to their Reflexes.
Also, the spell temporarily heals all targets of a num-
ber of \"'ounds equal to twice your Intelligence; these
VVound Points are marked off again when the spell ends,
with all attendant consequences. If a target in uninjured
when TIdes of Battle is cast, the spell temporarily adds
Wound Points equal to twice your Intelligence to his
first Wound Rank. These temporary Wound Points like-
wise disappear when the spell ends, and all Wounds
suffered while the spell was in effect must be marked off
accordingly, with all attendant consequences.
SPECIAL RAISES: You may Raise to increase the num-
ber of targets you can affect, by 2 targets for each Raise
called. You may also Raise to increase the duration of
the spell, by 2 minutes for each Raise called. You may
not accomplish both tasks \",'ith the same Raise.
Torrential Rain
DURATION: 6 hours
AREA OF EFFECT: 2 mile radius
This spell calls upon the fury of Osano-Wo, the Fottune
of Fire and Thunder, to unleash a fierce storm on the
area immediately surrounding the caster. As the spell
is cast, dark clouds gather in the sky, and Volithin two
rounds the clouds unleash a relentless downpour of
rain, accompanied by howling winds. The storm cre-
ated by this spell is much more intense than a natural
rainstorm, and although it does not cause direct dam-
age to anyone or anything caught in it, it does inflict
considerable misery.
Between the omnipresent rain and the clouds blotting
out the sun, visibility and movement rates are reduced
by 75% lVithin the area of effect. All ranged attacks have
their range increments halved; they also suffer a +10
TN penalty to attack rolls, due to the physical effects
of the pouring rain and high winds. All melee attacks
suffer a +5 TN penalty to the attack roll. All Perception-
based Skill Rolls suffer a +10 TN penalty.
Most small open flames in the area (such as candles,
paper lanterns, etc.) are typically snuffed out within
one round. Larger flames take some'what longer - for
example, a campfire may take two or marc rounds to
fully extinguish. A large burning building would take at
least 10 rounds to extinguish.
Casting this spell may draw the attention of Osano-
Woo Each time this speli is cast successfully, there is a
I % chance it will draw the attention of the Fortune, who
will demand the caster perform a service for him, to be
completed within a year, in exchange for his favor.
This spell may only be cast outdoors.
SPECIAL RAISES: You may Raise to increase the area
of effect, by 112 mile of radius for each Raise called. You
may also Raise to increase the duration of the spell, by
1 hour for each Raise called. You may not accomplish
both tasks with the same Raise.
Wall of Bamboo
DURATION: 30 minutes
AREA OF EFFECT: Wall 5'x caster Water Ring long,
5' wide, i 0' high
RANGE: 50'
This spell attunes the local Water kami to the plant life
in the area and uses their influence to create physical
barriers. When you cast Wall of Bamboo, a dense thick-
et of bamboo 10' high and 5' wide shoots up, growing
Maho Spells
Comprehensive List
__of Maho S..1!_el_ls__
For handy reference, we include below a compre-
hensive list of Maho spells that can be found ei-
ther in this book or in the Legend of the Five Rings
Roleplaying Game Third Edition core rulebook,
pp. 268-71. The spells from the core rule book are
marked with an '*.'
Element Spell Name
This spell is commonly used to create an ice bridge
across an otherwise un-crossable body of ,vater. The ice
surface can be as sturdy as a stone bridge when used
for this purpose. lee from this spell may be melted by
magical means; othenvise, it remains intact for the du-
ration of the spell (no matter what the weather). When
the spell expires, the ice begins to melt as it normally
would in the prevailing weather conditions.
SPECIAL RAISES: You may Raise to increase the area
of effect, by 50 square feet for each Raise called. You
may also Raise to increase the duration of the spell, by
30 minutes for each Raise called. You may not accom-
plish both tasks with the same Raise.
SPECIAL RAISES: You may Raise to increase the area
of effect, by 10' of length for each Raise called, or 5'
of \vidth for each Raise called. You may also Raise to
increase the duration of the spell, by 5 minutes for each
Raise called. You may not accomplish both tasks with
the same Raise.
to full size in seconds as the \I\'ater Kami flood the trees
with life. The spell may be cast in any environment,
even one in which bamboo would not ordinarily grow.
Breaking through this barrier requires three separate
successful melee attack rolls against a TN of 25. This
will create a hole large enough for a normal-sized hu-
man to pass through.
Aftet the spell expires, the summoned bamboo be-
comes brittle and dead, and can be broken at will.
Water Kami's Blessing
You may only cast this spell if your Basic School grants
you an Affinity for Water spells. Casting this spell grants
you a bonus equal to your Water Ring to the total of all
Perception Trait Rolls and Perception-based Skill Rolls
for the spell's duration. You may only benefit from one
casting of a Kami's Blessing spell (of any Element) at a
time. Most shugenja who know this spell cast it when
they wake up for the day, as part of their morning ritu-
yuki's Touch
DURATION: 3 hours per caster Insight Rank
AREA OF EFFECT: I body of water, up to 50 sq. ft. of
surface area per caster Insight Rank
RANGE: 300'
This spell causes a body of water to freeze in a way of
your choosing. The entire body of water is affected, but
its surface area cannot exceed the spell's area of effect.
When you cast Yuki's Touch, you can affect any part
of the water you can see (usually the surface), and you
can choose to form a shape of ice from the water. This
spell may cause the ice to rise from the water's original
height, but no more than 5' at any point.
Ancient Wisdom
Blood Rite*
Choke the Soul
Curse ofthe Water Spirits
Curse of Weakness*
Drain Soul*
Eternal Darkness
Limb Disruption
No Sustenance
Purge the Weak
Sinful Dreams
Summon Undead Champion*
Written in Blood
Avatar's Stranglehold"j"
Bind the Revered
Blood Command
Burning Blood Earth
Caress of Fu Leng* Earth
Choking Death* Water
Control Undead* Earth
Darkness Rising* Earth
Dark Wings* Air
Dim Mak Fire
Fear* Air
UJ Feeding on Flesh Fire
Red Knife Earth
Smite the Blood Air
The Unblinking Eye* Earth
Wings of Blood Air
f-< Blood Armor Earth
c::: Bloodstained Forest Water
Chains of Jigoku Earth
Corruption of the Elements* Varies
<: Curse of Blood Air
Dancing With Demons Air
U Essence of Undeath* Earth
Form of Vermin Water
Heaven Has No Justice Air
Obsidian Armor* Earth
Stealing Breath* Air
Suck the Marrow Earth
Tomb of Earth Earth
Ward of the Ninth Kami Fire
Blood of the Ages (Chuda only) Earth
Blood Warding Earth
Bloodstrike Earth
Curse* Fire
Dark Charisma Air
Death's Curse Air
Gift of the Kansen Air
Gift of the Maker* Void
Greater Curse of Weakness Earth
No Pure Breaths Air
Shinobi Corruption Earth
Stealing the Soul Fire
Summon Greater Kansen* Air
Summon O n i ' ~ Water
The Touch of Jigoku" Void
Flock of Blood (Level 4 for Chuda) Water
Harvest of Death* Earth
Touch of Death Air
Ancient Wisdom
DURATION: Permanent
RANGE: Touch
Casting this spell allows you to calls a spirit from its
current realm and force it to reside in the skull it once
inhabited. Most often, this spell is used on humans, but
other creatures are legal targets as ,.veil. The spirit is
imprisoned within the skull, and cannot take any action
other than ro speak telepathically with you.
The spirit retains the Intelligence, Willpower, and
A,vareness it had in life, but its Perception is automati-
cally set to 4. It has access to all the Lore Skill Ranks
and Emphases it had in life, as well as to all the Skill
Ranks and Emphases it had in Courtier, Underworld,
Spellcraft, and Etiquette. It can speak the caster's lan-
guage, even if it could not in life. The skull used for this
spell must be stripped clean of flesh, and the spell ends
if the skull is ever destroyed.
Bind the Revered
Du RATION: I hour per caster Insight Rank
AREA OF EFFECT: I Item of Fine or Higher Quality
RANGE: Touch
This spell, an outgrowth of Ancient Wisdom, dra"vs
forth an ancestor spirit and binds it to a Fine or higher
Quality item. The item must be appropriate to the an-
cestor in question (a general would inhabit a tessen, for
While bound wIthin the item, the ancestor is capable
of speaking to the item's current owner telepathically as
with Ancient Wisdom. It retains the Intelligence, Will-
power, and Awareness it had in life, but its Perception is
automatically set to 4. It has access to all the Lore Skill
Ranks and Emphases it had in life, as well as to all the
Skill Ranks and Emphases it had in Courtier, Under-
world, Spellcraft, and Etiquette.
The shiryo or yokai is un3,vare it was summoned with
maho, and knmvs only that it was invoked to proVide
guidance to the item's owner. It mayor may not be will-
ing to proVide definitive guidance, but it \.vill watch out
for the safety of the item and its owner, and it will shout
a warning if it detects a danger the owner seems to have
missed. If the item ever drops below Fine Quality before
the spell's duration has elapsed, the spirit departs.
Blood ,;At'mot'
ElEMENT: Earth
DURATION: 4 rounds per caster Insight Rank
AREA OF EFFECT: Self and I target person or crea-
ture in line of sight
RANGE: 300'
Blood calls to blood, and this spell reinforces that bond
by linking the damage the maho-tsukai and his oppo-
nents take. When you cast this spell, you link your-
self to another person or creature of your choice, "vho
shares (disproportionately) \iI,.'hcnever yOll suffer injury.
Each time you suffer Wounds, you only lose 25% of
the total damage; each target takes 75% of the total. All
fractions are rounded up.
SPECIAL RAISES: You may Raise to increase the num-
ber of targets who receive damage from this spell, by I
for each Raise called. Each additional target suffers the
same amount of damage, Le. 75% of the damage that
would have been inflicted on you.
Blood Command
AREA OF EfFECT: 1 target person or creature
RANGE: 50'
Blood Command is the spell from which luchiban ex-
trapolated to create the Rain of Blood. A complex spell,
it does not grant control over its targets as the name
implies, but it can coerce them easily. When you cast
the spell, you engage in an Opposed Earth Roll with
the spell's target. This may be done once per round as a
Simple Action. If the target ",,,ins, he feels nothing morc
than a slight shift in his gut. If you win, the target is
wracked with crippling pain, and suffers penalties to
the total of all Skill, Trait, and Ring Rolls equal to the
difference between your roll and his.
Blood Warding
ElEMENT: Earth
DURATION: 4 hours per caster Insight Rank
AREA OF EFFECT: 800 sq. ft. area per caster Insight
This spell allows you to ward an area against intrusion
by calling on maho's ability to rob a creature of its health.
Any person or creature without the ShadO\vlands Taint
anempting to cntcr the warded area must make a Raw
Earth Roll against a TN equal to 5x your Earth Ring. If
he fails, he suffers Wounds each round equal to your
Earth Ring in rolled and kept dice. These wounds stop
if he leaves the warded area. If he succeeds in the Earth
roll, he lakes no damage, but he must make another roll
at the beginning of each subsequent round for as long
as he remains in the warded area.
The spell may affect an area of any shape that you
desire, as long as you arc standing inside the area to be
warded at the time you cast the spell.
Bloodstained Forest
ElEMENT: Water
DURATION: 2 hours
RANGE: I mile radius
In order to cast this spell successfully, you must spill the
necessary blood on the earth you wish to alter. This cre-
ation of Jama Suru reshapes the land around the caster
temporarily. The local Water kami t\vist, recoil, and
buck as they are subjected to the powerful maho. This
negates all penalties on the Battle and Defense Skill
Rolls of a person of your choice in the area of effect.
It also adds a bonus to the total of that person's Battle
and Defense Skill Rolls equal to your Water Ring.
SPECIAL RAISES: You may Raise to increase the effect
of this spell. For each Raise called, you may increase
the bonus that the target adds to the total of his Battle
and Defense Rolls by your Water Ring. Calling I Raise
would increase his bonus to twice your \,Vater Ring;
calling 2 Raises would increase it to triple your vVater
Ring, and so on.
ElEMENT: Earth
DURATION: Permanent
AREA OF EFFECT: Up to 4 persons or creatures
RANGE: 100'
This spell, among the most dramatic in the maho-tsu-
kai's repertoire, causes up to four shafts of sickly, pus-
yellow light to whip forth from your fingers. Each crea-
ture struck by the light must make an Opposed Earth
Roll against the total of your successful Spellcasting
Roll. Those who succeed are momentarily nauseated,
but suffer no ill effects. Those who fail lose Ranks from
their Stamina and Willpower, respectively, eqllal to the
amount you choose to lose from your own Stamina and
\lVillpower. You may not reduce either of these Traits
below 1 in yourself or any of the targets. You must
choose the degree of the spell's effect before you make
the Spellcasting Roll, not after yOll have determined its
success or failure.
SPECIAL RAISES: You may Raise to mitigate the effect of
this spell on yourself. For each Raise you call, you may
negate the loss of I Rank in either Stamina or Willpower.
Burning Blood
DURATION: Permanent
AREA OF EFFECT: I person or creature
RANGE: 50'
This spell is most commonly seen in the satchels of ma-
ho-tsukai who expect to frequently defend themselves.
vVhen you cast this spell, you must choose one of two
effects. The spell either superheats the target's blood,
inflicting a DR equal to your Earth Ring in rolled and
kept dice, or it reduces one of the target's Rings by I
Rank. The Ring loss can be healed with a day's rest for
each Rank lost.
Chains of Jigoku
ElEMENT: Earth
DURATION: Casual Concentration
AREA OF EFFECT: I person or creature
RANGE: 20'
A twisted version of the Kuni family's binding spells,
Chains of Jigoku is an effective way to bind a creature
to one spot. Rust-pitted, blood-darkened chains shoot
forth from the earth (or whichever direction is closest
to jigoku), and wrap themselves around the target, ad-
hering to his flesh by freezing to his skin or melting it,
Volhichever is more effective. Resolve this as an attack
roll, with the chains rolling tOkiO.
If this attack succeeds, the target is effectively bound
and cannot move more than one foot per round from
where he first stood. If the chains bind a creature \vhich
is not in its native spirit realm, they deal Ikl Wounds
to the crcature each round - however, the creature can
escape the chains if it has, and uses, the ability to vol-
untarily return to its O\vn realm. This damage cannot
be reduced using powers, spells, Void points, or Tech-
niques. This spell lasts as long as you concentrate on it,
but any Wounds you used to cast it cannot be healed
until the spell ends.
Choke the Soul
RANGE: Touch
The Bloodspeakers frequently employed subtle maho
to maintain their secrecy as they moved through Roku
gan. Choke the Soul is one such example. At the time
of casting, you must choose a single, specific condition.
"Drawing a sword" is not specific enough, but "draw-
ing your sword within 30' of me" is acceptable. It is up
to the GM to determine whether or not the condition
is reasonable. The first person or creature who fulfills
this condition becomes the target of the spell. The target
suffers a +5 TN penalty to all Skill Rolls for I hour, or
until the spell expires, whichever comes first.
CUl'se of Blood
AREA OF EFFECT: I person or creature
RANGE: Touch
This spells marks a target with your blood. If you suc
ceed in touching the target, your blood will adhere and
sink into his skin. This process is painless, and can be
done while the target is asleep or not paying attention.
The target becomes fascinating to kansen, who will
work all manner of mischief for no other reward than
the target's frustration. The target gains a Rank in the
Disadvantage Unlucky, but the te-rolls from the Disad-
vantage can only be forced on matters that local kans-
en can perceive. For example, making a Lore Skill Roll
based on memorized knowledge would not be affected,
because the kansen can't see the character's thoughts.
SPECIAL RAISES: You may Raise to increase the effect
of this spell, adding an additional Rank of Unlucky (to
a maximum of three Ranks) for each Raise called.
CUl'se of the Watel' Spil'its
AREA OF EFFECT: 1 person
RANG E: 10' or sympathetic link; see text
A favorite spell of maho-tsukai trying to confuse mag
istrates, Curse of the vVater Spirits abuses the supersti-
tions of peasants and the suspicions of samurai. The
target of this spell gains Phobia (4 points), with the ob-
ject of fear being any amount of water larger than a cup.
The target gets extremely agitated around such amounts
of water, constantly checking his footing to make sure
there's no chance he'll fall in, and standing away from
anyone who might push him in. There is virtually no
way to convince him to take a bath.
You may cast this spell without range limitations if
you can obtain some of the target's Water (S\Neat, sa-
liva, and urine are all acceptable).
Cil'eatel' CUl'se of Weakness
DURATION: Full Concentration
RANGE: I mile
Greater Curse of Weakness cripples those already suf-
fering. If you cast this spell on a target already suffering
from the effects of the spell Curse (see Legend of the Five
Rings Roleplaying Game Third Editian core rule book, p.
271), the target suffers a + 10 TN penalty to all Stamina
and Willpower Rolls, as well as all Skill Rolls based on
those Traits. He also loses I Wound from each Wound
Rank while in the spell's range. If the target is not al-
ready Cursed, he still loses the Wounds, but suffers
only a +5 TN penalty.
Dancing With Demons
DURATION: Permanent
RANGE: t mile
This spell was the signature ability of the Beauty of
Death cell of the Bloodspeaker Cult, a small cell com-
posed primarily of Crane samurai driven to get any
advantage over their rivals, even if it meant resorting
to blood magic. It is believed the spell may have origi-
nated with the legendary criminal Doji Nashiko, who
embraced maho to make herself the greatest beauty of
her age.
In order to cast Dancing with Demons successfully,
you must not only make a Spellcasting Roll but must
also make a successful AwarenessIPerformance (Dance)
Skill Roll at the same TN. This ritual lasts one hour, as
you dance amidst the summoned kansen, who slowly
gnaw away and reshape the portions of your form and
soul you wish to change. Once the ritual is complete,
you may grant yourself any Advantage that affects you
alone, even an inherent onc. Alternatively, yOll may re-
move any Disadvantage that affects you alone, even a
physical one like Missing Eye.
This spell is not without risk. If you fail the Aware-
nessfPerfonnance (Dance) Skill Roll, you anger the
summoned kansen, who inflict I k I \Vounds for every
Rank of the Advantage or Disadvantage you wanted to
gain or remove. (If there are no distinct Ranks to the
AdvantagelDisadvantage, you take Ikl Wounds.)
Dark Charisma
DURATION: I hour per caster Taint Rank
Casting this spell blesses you with supernatural elo-
quence and perception. You gain a bonus in rolled and
kept dice equal to your Shadowlands Taint Rank on
all Awareness Rolls and Awareness-based Skill Rolls.
However, individuals ,vhose Honor Rank is higher than
your Taint Rank may make an Honor Roll at a TN equal
to 5x your Taint Rank to resist this spell's effects. If this
roll succeeds, you not only lose the bonus, but you also
suffer a -Ikl penalty to the roll. Due to the possibility
this spell might accidentally backfire, it is generally only
used by highly experienced maho-tsukai.
Death's Caress
AREA OF EFFECT: I person or creature
RANGE: 10'
Much like Greater Curse of Weakness, Death's Caress
hinders the already hindered. If you cast this spell on
a target who is already laboring under the effects of the
spell Curse (see Legend of the Five Rings Roleplaying
Game Third Edition core rule book, p. 271), he must
make an Opposed Air Roll against you. If he fails, he
loses consciousness, as though he had passed out from
not breathing. If he is not already Cursed, he must still
make the Opposed Air Roll against you, but he does
so with a +2k2 bonus. This spell is a favorite of maho-
tsukai who wish to place victims in compromising posi-
tions, such at the site of a murder holding the murder
Dim Mak
AREA OF EFFECT: I person or creature
RANGE: Touch
The Dim Mak is one of the best-known maho spells,
forever immortalized in a play by Ikoma Tscinosuke
about a corrupted sect of the Brotherhood of Shinsei.
The spell does not inflict a great deal of damage - what
makes it legend is how it works with but the slightest
brush of fingertips. Just touching the target inflicts 2k2
Wounds. If the target resists being touched, you must
.,.. .", .. . , , . . ~ , . . '" , ,. , ,
make a successful attack roll against his TN to Be Hit,
but he does not gain any bonuses for armor or other
protective gear.
SPECIAL RAISES: You may Raise to increase the effect
of the spell, adding +lkt Wounds to the total damage
for every two Raises called.
eternal Darkness
DURATION: Permanent
AREA OF EFFECT: 1 undead
RANGE: Touch
A spell crafted during Iuchiban's first return to the Em-
pire, Eternal Darkness is maho meant to fortify the un-
dead. If cast on a newly-created zombie, it grants the
zombie Carapace 2, or adds 1 to the zombie's Carapace
rating if it already possessed one. Similarly, zombies
that have this spell cast on them when they are first
created are durable even after their destruction, and
parts of them may be salvaged to create new zombies or
other human-based undead. Making another undead
out of the destroyed zombie under the effects of this
spell grants the necromancer 2 Free Raises for spells
like Summon Undead Champion.
This spell may affect the undead siege weaponry of
the Lost, but it must be cast successfully twice, with 3
Raises called on each casting.
Feeding on Flesh
DURATION: See text
AREA OF EFFECT: I person or creature
RANGE: 300'
By devouring a chunk of human flesh, you can invoke
kansen to inflict damage on others. To demonstrate in-
tent, you must bite into a human corpse as you cast the
spell, hard enough to break skin and tear away meat.
Once you have done so, the kansen rush to your target
and do their best to imitate your action, only more sav-
agely. Each round that you bite and devour meat (con-
sidered to be a Use Special Ability Action), the kans-
en do the same to the target, inflicting I k I Wounds.
Wounds left by this spell look like jagged bites. The
spell expires once you fail to take a bite of meat during
your turn, as the kansen rapidly lose interest.
SPECIAL RAISES: You may Raise to increase the DR of
the spell, by +Ikl for each Raise called.
Form of Vermin
DURATION: 8 rounds
This speil ailows you to break down your body into hun-
dreds of insects or similarly sized vermin. vVhile in this
form, you have a Carapace of 4 (due to the difficulty of
trying to smash a large number of bugs at once), but
you cannot use Skiils or cast speils. You may disperse
and reform at wiil, but every round beyond the 8th that
you remain in this form, you must make a Ra\v Earth
Roil against a TN equal to the TN of your Spelicasting
Roil. If you faii, the kansen wiil compei you to resume
your true form.
You can control each member of the swarm \vithout
dividing you attention, and you can potentially use this
to perform strange and incredibie feats (filling a house
\'\lith spiderwebs if spiders are chosen, for example, or
devouring all of the rats in a castle if snakes are cho-
sen). If you turn into venomous vermin, they are ca-
pable of delivering their poison in the same manner as
a normal member of the species.
C\ift of the Kansen
DURATION: See text
AREA OF EFFECT: I gift-box
RANGE: See text
This devious spell requires a material component: a
box, llsuaiiy a netsuke gift-box of the sort commoniy
used in samurai gift-giving traditions. Casting Gift of
the Kansen on this box allmvs you (or any other caster)
to store a speli in the box. The speii Is discharged the
moment the box is opened. Treat this box as a minor
nemuranai once it has been enchanted with Gift of the
This speii is very subtie and difficuit to detect as
maho. Though the box can be sensed as magicai, the
taint of the maho is slight enough to render up answers
of "\i\Tater' when the Element is sought.
Heaven Has No Justice
DURATION: 1 hour per caster Taint Rank
AREA OF EFFECT: 1 person
A wickedly effective speii for maho-tsukai in Roku-
gan, Heaven Has No Justice grants you a bonus to the
Rank of one of your mental Traits (A\vareness, Willpmv-
er, Intelligence, or Perception) equal to your opponent's
Honor Rank for the purpose of resoiving Opposed
Rolls against that person. This temporary bonus does
not increase your Ring, however. This spell is popular
amongst Spider Cian shugenja and Bioodspeakers pre-
tending to belong to the Crane and Scorpion Clans.
Limb Disruption
DURATION: 1 hour
AREA OF EFFECT: 1 person or creature with limbs
RANGE: 25'
This speii targets a part of an individuai person or crea-
ture, causing crippling pain in one limb. The target suf-
fers a +15 TN penalty to aii Skiii Roiis using that iimb.
The limb is decided randomiy by roiling a single die:
Humans: 1-2 Head, 3-4 Left Arm, 5-6 Right Arm, 7-8
Left Leg, 9-10 Right Leg.
Naga: 1-2 Head, 3-4 Left Arm, 5-6 Right Arm, 7-10
Nezumi: I Head, 2 Taii, 3-4 Left Arm, 5-6 Right Arm,
7-8 Left Leg, 9-10 Right Leg.
If the head is affected, the target suffers the penaity to
aii Inteiiigence, Perception and Awareness-based Skill
Roiis. If the iegs are affected, the target must aiso make
a Stamina/Athietlcs Roii against a TN of IS, once per
round if fighting in a skirmish, once per hour otherwise.
If the roii is faiied he immediateiy faiis to the ground.
SPECIAL RAISES: You may Raise to try to target a spe-
cific part of the body. Caiiing 2 Raises aiiows you to
eliminate any two limbs as possibilities, forcing the tar-
get to roll again. Calling 3 Raises aIJov,"s you to choose
the limb to be affected. In both cases, you must choose
before the target makes his location roll.
No Pu"e B"eaths
AREA OF EFFECT: 1 person or creature
RANGE: 300'
This spell instantly corrupts the air inside the target's
lungs, replacing the pure Air kami with vicious Air kans-
en which explosively drive the Air kami out of the body.
This inflicts vVounds on the target with a DR equal to
your Air Ring in rolled and kept dice. If this spell deals
enough damage to kill its target, the target is literally
blow apart, often swelling like a balloon before ruptur-
ing and showering everyone and everything in the area
with gore. If the victim survives, he lives in intense pain
due to the ravaging of his lungs and trachea, and suffers
a + I0 TN penalty to all physical actions (including Raw
Trait Rolls, Skill Rolls associated with physical Trait,
and Spellcasting Rolls) until magically healed.
No Pure Breaths has no effect on creatures that don't
breathe air.
RAISES: You may Raise to add more targets to the spell,
at the rate of I additional target for every 2 Raises.
No Sustenance
DURATION: Permanent
RANGE: 10'
This spell, a twisted version of Preservation, rots food
and drink instead of preserving it. This spell putrefies I
pound of food or 2 quarts of liquid.
SPECIAL RAISES: You may Raise to increase the ef-
fect of the spell, by I pound of food for every 2 Raises
called, or 1 quart of liquid for each Raise called.
Pu"ge the Weak
DURATION: I skirmish
In use since the days of Iuchiban's first rise. this spell's
poetic name, Purge the Weak, symbolizes an effect
that bolsters prowess in combat. Developed by more
maho-tsukai, it rarely saw use in the
modern era until the creation of the Lost. Casting this
spell grants you the Quick Advantage, and others may
not switch their Initiative with you using Combat Re-
Red Knife
AREA OF EFFECT: 1 weapon
RANGE: Touch
This spell is the source of the infamous legends of wick-
ed knives wielded by the Bloodspeakers. Once success-
fully cast on a bladed weapon (aiguchi and tanto are
the most commonly chosen, but any bladed weapon
can receive these benefits), Red Knife grants several
bonuses. First, the weapon receives a DR bonus equal
to the target's Honor Rank in rolled and kept dice, with
a minimum of +lkl. Second, the Voleapon prevents its
ovmer from being possessed by anyone other than
ILichiban and Yajinden. If anyone other than those two
Bloodspeakers tries, he automatically suffers Wounds
as though the O\vner had successfully struck him with
the weapon. Finally, the weapon's owner gains a +3kO
bonus to any Skill Rolls made for the purpose of con-
vincing a being to sacrifice itself (such as for a maho
ritual or to protect the owner).
Shinobi Co""uption
DURATION: Permanent
Kuni Yori is responsible for this spell. It is a fail-safe he
created in the event his mortal form was destroyed. In
casting it, you call upon the power of the Shadow Drag-
on to inflict the most grievous wound you can manage
on yourself. You die immediately, but instead of going
to the spirit realms for Emma-Us judgment, yOLi persist
in Ningen-Do as a potent ghost.
As a ghost, you gain all Gaki Qualities (see Crealures
o[ Rokugan: Third Edition, p. 104). You retain all Skills
and Shadowlands Powers you had in life, but lose all
, . , ,
normal spells you knew. You also gain the following:
Flight, Carapace 4, and claws and fangs (using the
jitsu Skill) with a DR of 2k2. You retain knowledge of a
number of maho spells you previously knew, totaling as
many as the number of Wound Levels you inflicted on
yourself in casting the spell.
Sinful Dl'eams
DURATION: 1 hour
AREA OF EFFECT: 1 person
RANGE: 1 mile
A spell crafted by the more subtle agents of Fu Leng,
Sinful Dreams creates a strong physical or psychologi-
cal desire in the target by filling his sleeping mind with
pleasant dreams. Casting it grants you, or someone
of your choice, a Free Raise on your next Deceit (Se-
duction) Skill Roll against the target. Multiple castings
can stack with one another, up to a maximum of your
Awareness Rank. If the total number of castings within
1 hour exceeds the target's Av,lareness, the target will
begin sleepwalking and try to act out his desires before
waking, with only a vague distant awareness of his cur-
rent state.
Smite the Blood
DURATION: 1 hour
AREA OF EFFECT: I projectile
RANGE: 100'
A favorite of Chuda shugenja aiding the Lost in combat,
Smite the Blood supplements a ranged attack, be it spell,
arrow, or thrown weapon. It grants a bonus in unkept
dice to the projectile's DR equal to I + your Air Ring.
thermore, anyone struck by the projectile will have the
Lov\1 Pain Threshold Disadvantage for one hour. Magical
healing will remove this Disadvantage immediately.
Stealing the Soul
RANGE: See text
Among the oldest and best known of maho spells,
ing the Soul has seen use as far back as the first Day of
Thunder, and is one of the few maho spells that may be
cast as a ritual. vVhile it can be cast by a single maho-
tsukai, multiple casters make it far more effective. The
casters must gather in a ritually prepared area, which
can be used for no other purpose behveen preparation
and casting. The lead caster performs an elaborate rit-
ual taking up to an hour. At the culmination of the rite,
the lead caster and all participants spill the requisite
amount of blood on an item that belongs to the target.
If successfully cast - resolve the Spellcasting Roll
as a Cooperative Skill Roll if more than one caster is
involved - the target feels an immediate lurch as the
maho lays hold of his soul. Intense agony pours over
him as the magic rips his fundamental essence from his
body. Each participant who successfully contributed to
the ritual may take I Rank of each of the target's Traits
and add it to their own corresponding Traits for the
spell's duration. This cannot raise their Traits above the
natural maximum of 10 for them, nor may it lower the
target's Traits below t. The lead caster decides which
and how many Ranks are taken from the target, as well
as how they are distributed. If either the lead caster or
the target dies prior to the spell's end, the other dies as
Suck the Marrow
RANGE: 100'
This spell, a staple of the Bloodspeaker cult, allows you
to use the Earth present in the undead to heal your
own injuries. When you cast the spell, you target an
undead and choose how many of its Rings (and thus
also Traits) you wish to reduce by 1. For each Ring you
choose, you may heal Ik I wounds. An undead with all
of its Rings reduced to zero ceases to exist, crumbling
into unidentifiable dust. Targeting undead with an In-
telligence greater than I requires you to call a Raise in
casting this spell.
Tomb of earth
DURATION: Variable
AREA OF EFFECT: I person or creature
RANGE: 100'
The inverted version of Tomb of Jade, Tomb of Earth
replaces a target's Earth with Taint, effectively turning
him to stone. Casting it forces the target to make an
Opposed Roll of his Air against your Earth every round.
Each round he fails the roll, he suffers 2k2 damage as
he slowly turns to stone. If he succeeds in one of the
rolls, the spell's effects end.
If the target is killed by this spell, he remains as a very
lifelike statue for 1-10 days, at which point the statue
crumbles into dust. If the target survives this spell, all
damage innicted by it heals normally.
Touch of Death
DURATtON: Permanent
RANG E: Touch
A terrifying spell, Touch of Death robs a person of
something he can never get back: time. The target must
make a Raw Earth Roll against a TN equal to the spell's
Spellcasting Roll. If he fails, he immediately and cata-
strophically ages, his body and nesh withering and his
hair permanently turning white. This devastating effect
causes 7k7 Wounds in damage. If he succeeds, he still
suffers a lesser aging effect, losing 3k3 Wounds. Al-
though the Wounds can be healed normally, the aging
effect cannot be reversed, and a person who is unfortu-
nate enough to be hit by this spell multiple times will be
left in a state of physical decrepitude - the GM should
assign Disadvantages and Trait penalties as appropri-
Truth is a Scourge
RANGE: 50'
The target of this spell is unable to think without vocal-
izing his thoughts. It doesn't matter what he is think-
ing about, he will immediately say it out loud. Unless
gagged, he will continue to speak -which can make life
exceedingly difficult for a samurai in Rokugan, where
appearances are so important. How this actually plays
out in game terms is a matter of discussion between
GM and player, as are all matters in which a character
is compelled to act against his will.
Ward of the Ninth Kalt\i
AREA OF EFFECT: 30' radius
This spell creates an area of ground protected by cor-
rupted fire that extends 30' all around you at the moment
that you cast it. If anyone passes through the area \lo,lith a
drawn weapon, an item meant to be used as a weapon,
or even with merely hostile thoughts against you, the
area erupts in cold blue fire, dealing damage to all within
it with a DR equal to your Taint Rank in rolled and kept
dice. As this spell draws more on Fire than on the Taint, it
is difficult to detect as maho using ordinary methods.
Wings of Blood
Though simple, this spell is actually one of the more
spectacular maho spells, as it causes great, ruddy red
wings of flowing blood to stretch out behind you, resem-
bling bat wings growing from your back. These wings
permit you to fly at a speed equal to a running pace, but
with your Water Ring calculated as 2 Ranks higher.
SPECIAL RAISES: You may Raise to increase the effect
of this spell. If you call 2 Raises you may fly as though
you are running with a Water Ring 4 Ranks higher.
Written in Blood
DURATION: Permanent
RANGE: Touch
This spell has served nearly all maho-tsukai well in its
time. permiuing them to post secret messages in broad
daylight without anyone being any the wiser. The spell
requires you to write a message on an object with your
own blood. The magic causes the blood to seep into the
item's core and become invisible to those not afflicted
by the Shadowlands Taint. Someone with a Taint Rank
of 1.0 or higher can see the words clearly. while those
with less or no Taint will see only the object itself.
he practice of magic in Rokugan is never en-
tirely neutral. Left to themselves, the kami
care little about the ebb and flow of the af-
fairs of men, but humans born with the gift of commu-
nicating Volith them can manipulate the kami into doing
their wilt with surprising ease. Given that most shugen-
ja are trained by and swear fealty to one or another of
the Empire's various factions, it is inevitable that the
use of magic should to some degree be held hostage to
factional interests. Add into the mix the weird magics of
the naga and the nezumi, and the blasphemy of maho-
tsukai, not to mention gaijin practices introduced by the
Unicorn Clan, and it is clear that magic in the Empire
is just as bound up in sectarian differences as war and
Much of this is discussed in Chapter I, which pro-
vides an overview of magic among the Great Clans. the
Minor Clans and the Imperial Families. Here, yOLi will
find a catalogue of some of the nemuranai that have
blessed - or cursed - the Empire over the last millen-
nium. They are organized under the factions with Volhich
each item is primarily identified, or to which it currently
belongs. Some of these items are great artifacts, the stuff
of legends, while others are simply useful tools. All of
them can make playing a character a lot more interest-
ing, add a compelling sidelight to a larger story, or even
become the centerpiece of an entire campaign.
As a general rule, treat the items described in this
chapter as being of Legendary Quality if they are truly
one-of-a-kind (such as the Ancestral Armors and Weap-
ons of the Great Clans, or the Egg ofP'an Ku), and of
Excellent Quality if more than one of the item exists
(such as Fire Maple Mempo and Henshin's Amulet).
Exceptions to this rule are noted in the item descrip-
tion. All magical powers and benefits stack on top of the
benefits granted by item quality.
Optional "Rules:
NemuEongi Creation
The nemuranai rules in the Legend oflhe Five Rings
Roleplaying Game core rulebook (pp. 222-224)
provide an important conceptual framework for
understanding the role of magic items in the world
of Legend of the Five Rings, as well as useful
guidelines for creating your own items. However, if
players and GMs want a more structured process
for crafting nemuranai, they may use the following
rules at their discretion. In general, the more pow-
erful an item, the longer it will take to craft it, and
the more difficult it will be to craft it successfully.
Duration: Crafting a nemuranai requires an
amount of time in which the crafter must devote
substantial and steady effort to the process of
shaping the material and, more importantly, medi-
tating over the item to accelerate the process of
awakening its innate spiritual power.
For Minor nemuranai, this requires 1 week for
each Spell Mastery Level eqUivalent of the item's
power (i.e., a nemuranai that replicates the effect
of a Level I spell would require I week to craft), or
1 week for any 1 of the effects listed under Minor
nemuranai. For Jvlajor nemuranai, this requires
1 week per Spell Mastery Level equivalent of the
item's pm\ler, or 2 weeks for any I of the effects
listed under Major nemuranai.
Item Qualiry also affects the length of time it will
take to craft an item. Fine Quality is the baseline
for calculating duration, and nemuranai cannot be
crafted at any Quality level less than Fine. Craft-
ing an item of Excellent Quality doubles the total
amount of time required to craft it; an item of Leg-
endary Quality quadruples it.
Difficulty: Once the amount of time required to
craft the item has passed, the crafter may make the
Skill Roll necessary to determine whether or not
the item turned out as desired. If more than one
person is involved - if the shugenja who com-
municates with the kami in the materials and the
craftsman \o\lho shapes the item into its final form
are different people - resolve it as a Cooperative
Skill Test. Use the guidelines regarding the effect
of Item Quality on the Skill Roll TN and number of
Raises required (see Legend o[ the Five Rings Role-
playing Game Third Edition, p. 179), as well as the
TN penalties imposed by the difficulty of crafting
nemuranai (see Legend o[ the Five Rings Roleplay-
ing Game Third Edition, p. 223) to determine the
TN of the Skill Roll.
At the GM's discretion, failing the crafting/en-
chantment Skill Roll may have a range of conse-
quences, depending on the degree of failure:
A result that is 90% or greater, but less
than 100%, of the TN indicates that the
kami within the item have failed to re-
spond, in 'which case the item in question
is simply a mundane item of the desired
type. 2 levels of Item Quality below the
target level. For example, if the crafter
or crafters sought to make an Excellent
Quality enchanted katana, it turns out as
a mundane Average Quality katana.
Aresult that is 65-89% of the TN indicates
that not only has the enchantment failed,
but the basic craftsmanship is also con-
siderably less than what was desired. The
item turns out as a mundane item 3 levels
of Item Quality below the target level, to a
minimum of Poor Quality.
A result that is less than 65% of the TN
indicates a disastrous failure of either en
chantment or craftsmanship, or both. The
kami rebel against the attempt to manipu-
late their actions, andlor a serious blun-
der in the physical process of shaping the
item occurs. The item shatters, and the
raw materials used to make it are ren-
dered unrecoverable and useless.
If the Skill Roll result is 50% of the TN or
less, the GM may consider the possibility
that a catastrophic failure has occurred,
and the intense effort required to craft a
nemuranai and the supernatural ener
gies that the process puts in play have
somehow rebounded against those who
attempted to craft the item. This might in-
volve destruction of part or all of the appa-
ratus used in the crafting process, or some
kind of ill effect against the crafter(s) -
such as inflicting Wounds, temporary re-
duction of one or more Traits, or the effect
of a Mastery Levell or 2 spell, simulating
the actions of angry kami.
In all cases of failure, the experience
points expended in order to craft the item
may not be recovered.
New Advanced
Master Artificer
Nemuranai are created in one of two \\lays: Either the
kami within an item awaken (by chance, or through the
greatness of one who possesses the item), or an item
is crafted in such a way that the spirits dwelling in the
materials are stimulated into activity. The former meth-
od lies beyond direct human agency, for not even the
greatest of samurai can will the kami to stir in this way.
The latter method is the domain of only the most elite
and skilled craftsmen and artisans in the Empire.
The Master Artificer Advanced School is a mechani-
cal representation of the very few individuals who have
mastered their art to such an extent that they have
learned how to prod and cajole the kami to action
in their creations. It does not represent an academic in-
stitution in the sense that most Basic Schools represent
formal training at dojo. Master Artificers are too rare
and too widely scattered across the Empire to support
such a complex administrative structure of their own.
Master Artificers work mostly in isolation from their
peers, except for chance meetings and pilgrimages made
for the sake of gaining or exchanging trade secrets.
Even among the exceptionally gifted Tsi Smiths, only
a distinct minority can be considered Master Artificers.
The knov.1\edge and experience required to become a
Master Artificer can only come from studying with one.
There are no dojo or temple to which one may apply
in order to gain this privilege, as with most other Schools
. Famed artisan academies such as the Kakita Artisan
Academy are something of an exception to this, but even
in such places, true Master Artificers are still quite rare.
Instead, a would-be student must seek out an individual
Master Artificer and petition him to accept an apprentice.
Ringslfraits: Agility 4, Intelligence 4, Void 4
Skills: Artisan: Any or Craft: Any 5, Lore: Any 5,
Meditation 3, Spellcraft or Theology 3
Special: You must gain the permission of a Master
Artificer of equal or greater Insight Rank to apprentice
under him.
You may craft Minor nemuranai. You also gain a num-
ber of Free Raises to your Artisan or Craft Skill Rolls for
crafting mundane items equal to your Fire Ring.
YOLI gain a number of Free Raises for crafting
nemuranai equal to your Fire Ring.
You may craft Major nemuranai. You also gain a num-
ber of Free Raises to all Artisan or Craft Skill Rolls equal
to t'Nice your Fire Ring. This latter benefit replaces the
similar benefit gained at Rank 1.
Adventure Hooks:
A (Jue.d--flU' ,KnowleDge
The requirement that an aspiring Master Artifi-
cer must apprentice with an existing craftsman of
prestigious rank provides an opportunity to make
characters for whom artisanship ancVor craftsman-
ship is central to their character concept into the
focus of a campaign. at least for a while. Poten-
tial Master Artificer sensei arc rare, and must be
sought out. They may be found in a variety of
tings, ranging from isolated places to the middle of
big cities. They may live hermetic lives, caring for
nothing but their craft and \vishing to be left alone,
or they may be loyal servants of a Great Clan or
even an Imperial Family - and therefore enmeshed
in the politics of the Empire. They may be rootless
ronin, or they may be unhappy servants bonded
to feudal (or criminal) masters whom they yearn
to escape. The particular nature of a potential sen-
sei's life will influence how a character will have to
approach him in order to gain his favor.
Further intrigue may be had if the Master Artificer
sets certain conditions for allowing the character
to apprentice with him. This could involve some
sort of demonstration of skill on the applicant's
part, or a quest on the master's behalf - such as
a hazardous journey to deliver a finished item to
a patron, a quest to acquire rare raw materials, or
even settling a personal score on his behalf.
Generally speaking, the Craft and Artisan Skills
tend to involve tasks that support the main action
of a campaign, but do not contribute directly to
that action. Searching out a Master Artisan in or-
der to gain Ranks in the Master Artisan Advanced
School gives a character who focuses on these
skills the chance to rise out of the "support' role
and enact his own hero's journey.
Such a quest also emphasizes an important
point about the place of nemuranai in the world of
Legend of the Five Rings - namely, magic items
of any sort are truly exceptional things, not to be
taken lightly. The knowledge of how to craft
ranai should be rare and hard to find, and GMs
should make their players work for it.
Treasures of
the Crab Clan
Ancestral Armor of the Crab
The majority of the Great Clans' ancestral armors were
forged by the Boar Clan, but the Crab Clan's was not.
Kaiu himself crafted Fukutsu, taking six tries before he
produced armor he felt was worthy of Hicla. In modem
times the Crab Clan Champion always wears Fukutsu,
although in the past the Champion often wore the (now
lost) Armor of the Shadow \ Varrier instead.
Treat the Ancestral Armor of the Crab as heavy armor.
It has an unusual resistance to the influence of Fu Leng,
and if the armor or its wearer ever accumulates Shadow-
lands Taint, the Taint slowly dissipates at the rate of I
point per week. The annaT also grants a bonus of 1 Rank
to the wearer's Stamina and Willpower. Fukutsu was origi-
nally designed to fit the Crab Kami and no one else, and it
absorbed a great deal of the First Crab's chi, making it the
ideal armor for a Hida bushi. Fukutsu's thousand years
of service defending the Empire has worn its plates and
joints into the fighting patterns of the Crab bushi school,
and anyone wearing the armor who possesses School
Ranks in a Hida bushi School need never spend a Void
Point to activate a Hida bushi School Technique.
Ancestral Standard of the Crab
The Crab Clan has carried the same j'uma jirushi (great
standard) into battle for a thousand years, and the la-
bors of a special group of Hida artisnns ensure that it
remains whole and intact despite the effects of time and
combat. It is said that Hida himself raised this banner
during the First \,Var, and while Crab armies with this
banner have sometimes been defeated, the banner itself
has never been captured, making it the embodiment of
the Clan's indomitable traditions.
As with any of the ancient j'uma jirushi of the Clans,
the general of an army with the Ancestral Standard of
the Crab may add + 10 to any Battle (Mass Combat)
Skill Roll made to determine winners for a Battle Turn,
and gains 4 Free Raises on any other use of the Battle
Skill ,...,hen it is visible to the army's troops. In addition.
if Noroshi is displayed on the battlefield, all Crab within
300' of it (and who have a clear line of sight to it) re-
ceive one Free Raise per round when fighting against
Shadmvlancts creatures.
Noroshi is huge, even for an Ancestral Standard, and
requires at least two bearers to be raised effectively.
These bearers are at a + t5 TN penalty to all physical
actions. The standard can also be mounted on one of
the Kaiu's siege engines. In this case, the siege engine
functions as if its craftsmanship and the quality of all
materials used to make it were one equipment grade
higher. The siege engine also gains Carapace I, and re-
quires only 75% of the manpower ordinarily necessary
to move or operate it.
Ancestral Sword of the Crab
When Hiruma, Kaiu, and Kuni, the founders of three
of the four original Families of the Crab, came to Hida
and asked to be his followers, the Crab Kami set them
a formidable task: slay the terrible Hatsu Suru no Oni.
The three founders each contributed their own skills to
this task, but they were ultimately successful because
they worked together. Chikara was a living symbol of
the Crab's duty, and how ali Crab must work together
if they were to succeed in their monumental task of
protecting Rokugan from the Shadowlands. Crafted
by Kaiu. enchanted by Kuni, and wielded by Hiruma,
Hida, and every Crab Champion until Hida Yakamo,
Chikara was probably the single most powerful nemu-
ranai of the Crab. Like the other ancestral swords, it
was taken into the Celestial Heavens by Shinjo in retri-
but ion for the death of Lord Moon at mortal hands, and
it remains there still. waiting for the time when it might
return to Ningen-do.
Chikara is inlaid with spiritually enhanced incorrupt-
ible jade, meaning that neither it nor its bearer can ac-
cumulate Shadowlands Taint. The mystical inlays glow
with a harsh green light when a Tainted creature comes
within 300' of it, and it glows steadily brighter as the
Tainted creatures draw nearer or increase in number.
Anyone of the Crab Clan who wields Chikara against
a denizen of the Shadowlands gains a number of Free
Raises equal to nvice their current Insight Rank.
Al'mol' of Osano-Wo (yamigatai)
Though he normally wore Fukutsu or the Armor of the
Shadow "'-'arrior while commanding his Clan in de-
fense of the Empire, Osano-\Vo commissioned a lighter,
more traditional set of armor for his personal campaign
against the trolls. Yamigatai is not nearly as famous as
the other two great Crab armors, but it contains the in-
domitable spirit of the second son of Hida, and it is
blessed by his mother, the Thunder Dragon.
Treat Yamigatai as light armor. The armor and those
,,,,,ho wear it are both immune to all effects of maho
spells. In fact, any maho spells cast by or targeting any-
thing within 100' ofYamigatai require an extra 2 Raises
to be cast successfully. If the wearer enters the area of
effect of a maho spell, he may spend a Void Point to
immediately end the effect of that spell. Finally, due
to the blessing of the Thunder Dragon, if the armor's
wearer is ever forced to make a Stamina Roll because
of weather conditions, each die rolled because of his
Stamina Ranks automatically counts as a to (but does
not explode).
Al'mol' of Atal'asi (Kikyo)
Hida was haunted all his life by the loss of his first son
Atarasi to the Shadowlands. His second son, Osano-
Wo, refused to believe that his older broihcr had been
lost forever, and many years after the Day of Thunder,
he took up hammer and tongs himself to forge a worthy
gift for when Atarasi might return. While blacksmithing
was not Osano-Wo's greatest gift, he still crafted a leg-
endary suit of heavy armor in Kikyo. Of course, Atarasi
never returned, and his armor still remains in Kyuden
Hida, waiting for its lost master. Legends claim that a
,,,,,arrior with Atarasi's eyes ,"viII someday claim it.
Kikyo was supposedly made of steel taken from the
mountains which hold up the sky, and it is unquestion-
ably a mighty nemuranai. If a warrior were to earn the
right to wear Kikyo, he could speak aloud a single, spe-
cific task and spend a Void Point to gain a +2kO bonus
to all Skill Rolls directly related to accomplishing that
task. Such a task would need to be reasonably specific,
such as, "turn back Kyoso no Oni's army" or, "defeat
Bayushi Tasogare in a duel."
Celestial Swol'd of the Cl'ab
There is some debate amongst the Kuni as to whether or
not Yuruginai is the actual Celestial Sword given to the
Crab Clan by the Fortune of Steel, Tsi Xing Guo. vVhile
the Hida could care less because the blade's effective
ness against the Crab's enemies is all that matters to
them, there are troubling facts about the weapon's his-
tory. Tsi Xing Guo claimed the Celestial Swords could
never be broken, and yet Yuruginai shattered when
Hida Kuroda fell defending the Empire against Daig-
otsu's first attack on the Wall. Although the ,veapon has
since been reforged to be stronger than ever before, the
Kuni still wonder how it could have broken at all.
Yuruginai, like all Major nemuranai, is considered
a jade weapon for the purpose of harming Invulner
able foes. In addition, it grants the following bonuses:
a +3kO bonus to attack rolls made with it, and a +2k2
bonus to damage rolls made against creatures with the
Shadowlands Taint. It also strikes incorporeal creatures
as though they were solid. So long as the weapon is car-
ried, the wielder's Earth is considered to be two ranks
higher, and in addition he rolls two exlra unkept dice
when resisting the Shadowlands Taint.
Hammel' of eal'th
The Hammer of Earth is a basic Elemental item favored
by the Kuni shugenja, who often assist in the making
of these weapons when they are still initiates. All Ham-
mers of Earth are fashioned by the Kuni, from the m o ~
ment the steel is set upon the forge all the way to the
final blessings that awaken the spirits within, and thus
almost all of these items in Rokugan are found in Crab
lands. Typically, Hammers of Earth are given to Crab
samurai - bushi, courtiers, and shugenja alike - to
honor excellence in the course of their duty. A few oth-
ers are given as gifts to members of other Clans, as a
r ~ ., . , , , ,
sign of friendship or respect. Receiving such a gift is
thus ahvays considered a great honor, and most samu-
rai zealously keep these magical weapons within their
Forged from a single piece of steel, these extraordi-
nary dai tsuchi look outwardly like many other weap-
ons of their kind. But while many Crab favor dai tsuchi
for dealing with heavily annored opponents or crea-
tures with thick hides, the high penetrating power of a
mundane war hammer is nothing compared to that of a
Hammer of Earth.
Wielding a Hammer of Earth grants a bonus to the
total of attack and damage rolls equal to the ov.mer's
Earth Ring. If he has School Ranks in the Hida Bushi
School, this bonus stacks with the school bonuses.
Hirul1t a Tetsubo (Konbo)
Almost as famous a weapon as Chikara is Konbo, the
first tetsubo wielded by Hida. Crafted by the First Crab
himself, Konbo is very simple and practical weapon,
as powerful as its creator. Hida gifted the weapon to
Hiruma in recognition of his position as his righthand
man and chief follower.
Wielding Konbo grants a Free Raise on all attacks
intended to Push Back opponents. Attacks using the
weapon also ignore all magical effects intended to grant
the target protection from physical attacks.
The Jade Hand
No one knows from whence the Jade Hand truly came,
but the descendants of Kuni Osaku assert it is a gift from
Osal1o\lVo himself, given to their line after the Battle of
the Cresting \Nave. For several centuries, the Kuni Fam-
ily kept the Jade Hand, using it only rarely. It rose to
greatest prominence shortly before the second Day of
Thunder, when it replaced the unnatural ani claw on
Crab Thunder Hida Yakamo's left arm. The Jade Hand
is currently in Tengoku with its last bearer, but Yakamo
may return it to Rokugan at any time, should he wish
to do so.
The Jade Hand extracts an onerous cost from its
bearer - his left arm from the elbow down - but the
benefits are widely held to outweigh the cost. When the
Jade Hand is held to the stump of the arm it is to re-
place, it instantly attaches itself, changing in size until
it matches the new bearer's normal left arm. The Jade
Hand functions as though it were his biological limb,
even providing the sensation of touch and the same
manual dexterity he \vould enjoy had his original hand
still been attached. Once it is attached, the only way
for a mortal being to part himself from the Jade Hand
is to die, after which the Hand can be severed from his
The Jade Hand is incorruptible jade, and neither it
nor its bearer may ever accumulate Shadowlands Taint
or use maho. Also, the Jade Hand removes all Taint the
bearer may have accumulated prior to joining it to his
body. This scouring of the bearer's soul can be time-
consuming if he was heavily corrupt, as the Jade Hand
literally burns the corruption out of him with coruscat-
ing green fire, an agonizing experience.
The Jade Hand is considered a jade weapon for fight-
ing Shadowlands creatures, and inflicts a base damage
of Ik3 when used for Jiujutsu attacks. In addition, the
bearer may spend a Void point to cast the spell Jade
Strike as a shugenja of equivalent Rank, with a number
of Free Raises equal to the bearer's Earth.
Lotus Blade of the Crab (Kettei)
Kettei was the final gift to the Crab Clan from the For-
tune of Steel, Tsi Xing Guo. Hida Kuon ordered the Kuni
to scrutinize the sword and determine its powers. \Nhile
they detected the sword's ability to sustain its wielder
beyond human endurance, they could not divine the
swords other powers. Kuon gave it to his capable lieu-
tenant Hida Daizu as a gift, and Daizu later discovered
its considerable powers while battling several Oni.
While the Oni instantly corrupted the jade which Daizu
carried, his sword slew one of them with a single bImv,
and sent the rest fleeing in terror.
Daizu eventually received another blade as a gift
from the Fortune Kisada, and he returned Kettei to
Hida Kuon. It rested unused until the Champion's
brother Kuroda, now transformed into the Onisu Kyofu,
came before him and requested the right to lead the
Damned into the Shadowlands. Kyofu perished fighting
the dreaded Kyoso no Oni, but the sword was borne
safely back to the Crab lands by another bushi, Hida
Daigo, and waits there for the call of another hero.
Kettei is treated as a nonnal Excellent quality katana
in the hands of anyone not sworn to the Crab Clan. In
the hands of a Crab, however, it is a Sk4 katana, and
as a Legendary quality nemuranai it is treated as jade
for the purpose of harming Invulnerable creatures. It
cannot be corrupted or damaged by anyone bearing the
Shadow\ands Taint. ACrab may activate the Earth kami
within the sword \\lith a Simple Action. Once activated,
the svvord arant's a +2kO bonus to attack and damage
rolls against Tainted opponents. Also, the wielder can-
not gain the Shadowlands Taint so long as the blade is
activated. Finally, as long as it is unsheathed, all allies
within 100' also gain a +lkO bonus to attack and dam-
age rolls against Tainted foes.
Kuni )\t\okuna's Ciuide
Considered the seminal work on the Shadowlands,
Kuni Mokuna's Guide is widely read within the Crab
Clan. Although it addresses a grisly matter, copies of
the studious Kuni's work pass frequently from one
Crab officer to another, and copies with particularly
high-quality calligraphy can fetch a very high price for
their value as artifacts. The original copy, worn from
years of service, now rests in the Crab ancestral shrine
of Koten, inside Mokuna's personal shrine.
Simply studying the Guide for a few months allows
the reader to automatically learn the first 5 Ranks of the
skill Lore: Shadowlands. If the reader already has at
least 5 Ranks of Lore: Shadowlands, reading the Guide
grants one additional Rank. In addition, if the treatise
is ready to hand and can be referred to easily. it grants
2 Free Raises to Lore: Shadowlands Skill Rolls, and the
reader is considered to have the following Emphases
to that Skill: Goblins, ani, Ogres, Undead, Geography,
and Defense Against.
The original copy of the Guide also has an addi-
tional benefit: Holding the guide and speaking Kuni
Mokuna's name will summon his shiryo from Yomi. It
will arrive in lkl rounds. Once Mokuna arrives, he will
expect compliments on his diligent labor in assembling
the Guide, but once he is thus flattered, he will gladly
answer any question regarding any Shadowlands crea
lUre he studied.
Kuni ]\lakanu's Journals
Kuni Nakanu was the first shugenja to notice Shadow
lands Taint on dead bodies, and also the first to notice
that Tainted corpses would eventually rise as undead if
not properly disposed of. Although he amassed much
llseful knowledge, tragically. he succumbed to his Q\.vn
ambitions and the lure of the Taint, seeking to raise an
army of zombies to defend the Empire against the Shad-
owlands. He was eventually killed by the very zombies
he had created, and his stolen notes and discoveries in-
fluenced Bloodspeakers in their development of maho
techniques to raise and control the undead. Only re-
cently have his original journals been rediscovered in a
remote monastery.
Anyone who reads Nakanu's journals receives an
additional experience point which may only be used
to purchase the Undead Emphasis for the Skill Lore:
Shadowlands. However. when that experience point is
spent, the reader must make a Willpowerrrheology Roll
aoainst a TN of 5x the number of times that he con-
suited the Journal. A failed roll means the reader gains
the Disadvantage Fascination; Undead.
Anyone \vho studies Nakanu's work gains 1 Free
Raise to any attack made against an undead being.
O-Llshi's Hammer (}\razawa)
The hammer that once belonged to the sister of the
second Crab Thunder rests in Koten, the Crab Clan's
hall of ancestors. Her younger son, Hida Kuon, has
commanded the stewards of Koten to leave the ham-
mer at his mother's shrine until her next reincarnation
claims it. Kuon believes this will be a woman strong
enough to defeat the guardians of Koten and take the
hammer from its plinth. Until that day, the hammer re-
mains untouched beside her statue. Should it ever be
hefted, though, the power of the Bully will 1I0w through
the wielder.
If a woman is fortunate enough to wield Arawaza,
it grants the benefit that her Strength will always be 1
Rank higher than her opponent's Strength whenever
she engages in a kenjutsu, iaijutsu, jiujitsu, or Heavy
Weapons duel. In all other types of combat, Arazawa
grants I Free Raise each round, which may only be
used to perform the Knockdown maneuver.
rr-easur-es of
the Cr-ane Clan
Ancestral Armor of the Crane
Sasageru, the Ancestral Annar of the Crane Clan, is a
legendary nemuranai which has protected many Crane
heroes through the ages. It was created by Lady Doii's
will alone, on the final day before she vanished into
the sea. A gift to her great-grandson, it appeared after
a flash of the sun's brightest light surrounded his body,
and it has protected the mightiest of the Crane's samu-
rai ever since. The Crane revere it as a reminder of the
virtues of duty, honor, and devotion to the Clan.
Sasageru is made from an unknown metal that glows
in the sunlight. It is pale blue in color, decorated with
faint striations of a darker blue. The laces of the plates
are made of a white silk that is said to be as strong as
metal wire. Enameled on the breastplate is the outline
of a Crane in flight, its wings outstretched, and the im-
age appears as pristine as it \vas on the day Lady Doji
created the item. The armor will never scratch or dent
and appears to be indestructible, at least by mundane
means. Worn by Doii Domotai during the Winter of Red
Snow. it is said to have inspired her troops to greatness
of both body and spirit.
Sasageru grants a + 1 bonus to the wearer's Honor
Rank (and allows a maximum Honor Rank of 6 instead
of the normal 5). The armor also grants the wearer the
ability to substitute her Honor Rank for any Trait or Ring
for any purpose. As an additional effect, when worn by
any Crane Daimyo into battle, the armor will act as if
the spell Courage of the Seven Thunders (see Legend of
the Five Rings Third Edition core rule book, p. 235) has
been cast on the wearer.
Ancestral Standard of the Crane
Crafted as a symbol of the Crane's military might and
made to impress even the toughest of the Crane's en-
emies, the Ancestral Standard of the Crane Clan is also
referred to as the Banner of the Iron Crane. Tv.'o feet
wide and eight feet tall, the standard is a brilliant sky
blue and bears both the Daidoji Family and Crane Clan
man at the top, under which are kanji representing the
Fortunes Bishamon and Fukurokujin, all in a bright
Great Crane heroes have taken the standard into
battle for centuries, such as when Daidoji Yuzan cap-
tured Shiro no Yoiin from the Lion. During the Winter of
Red Snow, it was held by Doji Domotai's forces as they
fought in Toshi Ranbo to protect the Imperial City. It is
said that as long as a Crane is alive to hold the stan-
dard, no enemy can truly defeat its army.
As with any of the ancient j'uma jirushi of the Clans,
the general of an army with the Ancestral Standard of
the Crane may add + IO to any Battle (Mass Combat)
Skill Roll made to determine winners for a Battle Turn,
and gains 4 Free Raises on any other use of the Battle
Skill when it is visible to their troops. The standard's
bearer cannot move very quickly, suffers a + 10 TN pen-
alty to all Skill Rolls made while carrying the banner,
and may only fight one-handed. Any army bearing the
Ancestral Standard of the Crane Clan will gain an addi-
tional +5 bonus to any Battle (Mass Combat) Skill Roll
made on the Mass Battle Table, whether by the gen-
eral of the army or the individual samurai rolling on the
Mass Battle Table. If the Crane forces are outnumbered
more than 2 to 1, this bonus doubies to + 1O.
Ancestral Sword of the Crane
Shukujo, the Ancestral Sword of the Crane Clan, was
originally created by Doji Yasurugi and, along with
the other four of his finest blades, helped to found the
legacy that would eventually create the Kakita Master-
smiths. Like the other Ancestral Swords, Shukujo was
returned to the Celestial Heavens by Amaterasu's grief,
but it is said by the Crane that on a perfectly clear night,
the brightest star in the sky is actually Shukujo, shining
down on those whom it once protected.
The sword was carried into the Shadowlands by the
first Crane Thunder, Doji Konishiko, but returned to
the Clan by Doji Hayaku three years later. The blade is
unique among all of the nemuranai of Rokugan, since it
contains two completely sentient human souls: those of
Konishiko and her brother, Yasurugi. While they never
communicate with their \vielder, it is said their honor and
sacrifice bless the sword and any Crane who bears it.
Treat Shukujo as a Legendary quality katana. \Vhen
drawn, it grants the full power of the Crane, allowing
the wielder to fight as a fine duelist even if trained as a
courtier, and to speak ,".'ith the glib tongue of a courtier
even jf trained as a bushi. A Crane bushi who holds
Shukujo temporarily gains Ranks in the Doji Courtier
School equal to his own Basic School Rank, while a
Crane courtier or artisan who holds the katana tempo-
rarily gains Ranks in the Kakita Bushi School equal to
his own Basic School Rank. In addition, Shukujo is the
ultimate example of a Kakita blade, and its unparal-
leled balance allows the user to ahvays Strike first in an
iaijutsu duel, no matter who declared Strike.
Finally, woe to those not truly descended from Lady
Doji or Kakita who drew the blade, as it is said the
Thunders' souls v/ithin will tear apart the mind of any
not of their blood. This vengeful power functions as if
the spell Burn the Soul (see Legend of the Five Rings
Roleplaying Game Third Edition core rule book, p. 242)
was cast upon the unfortunate trespasser (but v/ith no
visible out\vard effects).
Annekkusai's Feathers
When the Crane gifted the magnificent Dai-kyu of An-
nekkusai to the Unicorn, the Iuchi Family spent a gen-
eration studying the magic that enchanted the bows and
fashioned a ","ay to repay the kindness of the Crane.
The Iuchi crafted cOllntless feather fetishes, using both
their gaijin meishodo magic and the native kami magic
of Rokugan. When the fetishes were brought before the
Doji Daimyo, the Crane marveled at the beauty of the
hand-carved feathers, made from thin pieces of pine
and inlaid with pearl and gold. The assembled Crane
samurai were even more taken aback when the Ide dip-
lomat placed the feather on a bow as he would an ar-
row, and tired it by whispering a single word. Moments
later, the feather reappeared in his hand.
Among the Daidoji archers in the Clan, being given
even one of the Feathers is a great honor, and the magi-
cal arrows have become a precious heirloom for those
skilled enough to earn them. Large caches of the Feath-
ers are kept at Shiro Daidoji and Mountain's Shadow
Dojo, and the best archer in a large Crane army or gar-
rison can typically be found with 10 to 20 of the arrows.
He is, of course, expected to return each and every one
to his quartermaster. Daidoji yojimbo assigned to im-
portant Crane personages may also have some of the
Feathers, although these are given out more as a sign of
rank rather than for actual use.
Annekkusai's Feathers seem delicate in appearance,
but they are as sturdy as thick \vooden arrows. They
have a very simple function: when a command word is
spoken, they transform into Excellent Quality arrows
v-,rith a DR of 2k2. They return to the ovvner's quiver or
hand (his choice) 2 rounds after they are fired. Those
struck by one of the arrows are affected as if the spell
Wind-Borne Slumbers (see Legend of the Five Rings
Roleplaying Game Third Edition core rule book, p. 229)
had been cast upon them.
Celestial Sword of the Crane
Megumi has been referred to as the most beautiful of
any of the Celestial Swords created by the Fortllne of
Steel. Its hilt and tsuba are made of gleaming ivory
and bound with the finest biue silk found anywhere in
Rokugan. The blade, made from the purest white steei,
is polished to such brilliance that it could be mistaken
for crystal or ice. It is said that much like Shukujo, the
Celestial Sword of the Crane grants its wielder mastery
over both the courts and the battlefield.
Sadly, the Crane Celestial Sword's reputation has
been somewhat tarnished by the exploits of the samurai
who bore the same name, Daidoji Megumi. Though she
has long since had her name stricken from the Crane's
records and history, many still remember the blind du-
elist and the great promise she showed before her cor-
ruption, and this unfortunate association is likely to
burden the sword for some time to come.
Doji Kurohito took up Megumi as his blade once he
broke the curse of Chukandomo, and the s\vord never
left the Crane Champion's side after that day. It was
passed down to Doji Domotai upon her father's death,
and it remains with her ah.vays, a reminder of his legacy
and the honor with which he died. When drawn by the
true Crane Clan Champion, the Celestial Sword rings
with a pure and clear musical note, much in the same
manner as the Ancestral Sword of the Crane. Doji 00-
motai hopes to one day to allow a certain Lost samurai
to hear such a note, just before ridding Rokugan of the
lesser Megurni forever.
Treat Megumi as a Legendary quality katana with a
DR of 3k3. It grants a temporary bonus of 4 Ranks to
the wielder's laijutsu Skill, and a student of the Kakita
Bushi School can focus an additional 4 times in an
iaijutsu duel. The keen insight that the blade provides
grants a +3k3 bonus to any Awareness-based Skill
Daidoji ,At'mot'
"Move quickly, but nol {oolishly"
- Daidoji Uji
Over the centuries, the Daidoji Family bushi have com-
pleted many missions in complete secrecy, thanks in no
small part to the power of Daidoji Armor. Manufactured
by the more militant Asahina craftsmen, these sets of
armor are crafted for specific individuals and fined to
them exactly. During the armor's creation, both the
intended wearer and the shugenja enchanting the ar-
mor must remain in quiet seclusion, attempting to coax
silence and grace into the suit by their own example.
Once completed, Daidoji Armor may only be worn by
the warrior for whom it was crafted, or his direct de-
scendants, or it will lose its powers.
Daidoji Armor is used for tasks where silence and
stealth arc considered paramount, and it has allowed
Daidoji Harriers to poison entire enemy units, sneak past
some of the most vigilant guards in the Empire, and en-
gage in acts of sabotage even Shosuro shinobi \vould ad-
mire. Despite its effectiveness, Daidoji Kikaze, the Fam-
ily Daimyo, has recently ordered the production of this
armor halted due to the Crane Champion's prohibition
against the underhanded tactics of the Harriers.
Treat Daidoji Armor as Fine Quality light armor that
provides a TN to Be Hit bonus of +10. It imposes no
penalties to Agility or Reflexes-related rolls, including
Stealth rolls, due to its exacting construction. In fact,
wearing it gains a bonus to Athletics and Stealth Skill
Rolls equal to the wearer's Reflexes. The armor also
grants 2 Free Raises on any attempt to conceal or hide
its presence or nature. If someone other than the Crane
for whom the armor was crafted (or his descendants)
attempts to wear it, the armor's magical effects will be
suppressed and it will simply function as Poor Quality
light armor. Any of the designated user's descendants
who use a given set of Daidoji Armor will find that it fits
and serves them as perfectly as it did their ancestors.
Daidoji Uji's Jade ,Aiguchi
The man known to the Empire as Daidoji Fumisato is
not truly a man, but a spirit unlike any other in Roku-
gan. This spirit is a version of Daidoji Uji from a night-
mare realm where Fu Leng triumphed on the Second
Day of Thunder, a world where he was the Last Crane.
Nowa part of the Rokugan we know, he curses his e x i s ~
tence, liVing in a paradise his true friends can never see.
Nevertheless, he serves the Crane dutifully and carries
with him t\vo bright jade daggers. Those who cross Uji
find the "green knives" he holds are often the last thing
they ever see.
Uji"s pure jade blades carry powerful enchantments
that make an already deadly samurai even more lethal.
The twin Aiguchi were created by the last Asahina in
Uji's native realm, who fashioned them from a solid
block of material and enhanced the blades with steel
infused with Earth kami. As a result, the weapons are
almost unbreakable.
Treat Uji's Aiguchi as Legendary quality aiguchi with
a DR of 21<2. When used against armored opponents of
any kind, they grant a +4 bonus to attack rolls due to
the aiguchi's incredible strength. Thanks to their super-
natural sharpness, their damage dice explode on a 9 or
10. Due to their exposure to the nightmare world from
which Uji originally came, the aiguchi will fully protect
their wielder against the Taint and will never turn soft
and black as does normal jade when it is exposed to
the ShadO\vlands Taint. Finally, against creatures with I
or more Taint Ranks, the aiguchi's true powers emerge:
they ignore any Invulnerability or Carapace rating the
target has, and gain a +3k3 bonus to their DR, as if the
target was affected by the spell Jade Strike (see Legend
o{ the Five Rings Roleplaying Game Third Edition core
rule book, p. 234).
Daidoji Yari (Kotoku)
Crafted by DOji Yasurugi, rhe eldesr son of Kakita and
the Lady Oaji, the spear known as Kotoku was a marvel
of the Empire at the time of its creation. Having mas-
tered the art of sword-smithing, Yasurugi chose a rath-
er innocuous weapon to attempt: next. Though many
felt the crude yari beneath his talents, the weapon he
named Kotoku was as exquisite as the katana he foroed
before it. Supposedly he crafted it from the tear of a
kami and the soul of the wind. \Nielding it, Yasurugi is
said to have defeated six of his most skilled kinsmen
simultaneously. The spear \-vas given to Doji Hayaku
to commemorate his return from the Shadowlands and
the founding of the Daidoji Family. It was passed down
from father to son throughout the years and was typi-
cally reserved for either the most dangerous of missions
or to protect the Family's Daimyo while journeying out-
side the Crane provinces. It was the favored weapon of
Daidoji Kasumiko when she served the Daidoji Daimyo
just before the formation of the Asahina Family. Ulti-
mately, however, it was lost in the Umi Amaterasu
when Daidoji Masashigi led his guards across the Tidal
Landbridge to defend the Crab against Kinjiro no Oni.
Kotoku rested at the bottom of Earthquake Fish Bay
until it was recovered approximately a decade ago.
However, the Daidoji kept the knowledge of its return
secret, even from the other Crane Families. The yari
was used by various Harriers while that organization
was still active, but has since been brought back to Shi-
ro Daidoji, where it rests in the castle's armory, locked
in a non-descript chest. Today, Kotoku is occasionally
used by Daidoji Kikaze when missions from the Crane
Champion require his personal intervention. He has yet
to inform Lady Domotai of the yari's existence wishino
, ~
to save the weapon only for when the Daidoji and the
Crane truly need it.
The Daidoji Yari appears to most as an unexceptional
if serviceable weapon. However, despite its immense
age it appears no worse for "'''ear than any other battle-
tested yari, and has never needed to be sharpened or
mended. Supposedly, the yari can keep commanders
who hold it safe from the strongest \vinds and storms,
and it gives courage in the face of any odds, rendering
the bearer impervious to fear, doubt and regret while
he holds it.
Treat the Daidoji Yari as an Excellent Quality yari
which grants a DR bonus of +2k I (rather than the usual
+lkJ) ,""hen used from horseback The weapon creates
a protective zone around the wielder, making it impos-
sible for him to be attacked by more than one opponent
at a time, no matter hm" many may be present. In ad-
dition, it grants the wielder a number of additional Void
Points equal to the total of his Honor Rank plus his
Daidoji Bushi school rank (if any).
Dragon's Claw Katana
The original Dragon's Claw Katana was a blade crafted
by the Void Dragon from one of its ovm claws, before
it \vithdrev" from the mortal realm to allow mankind to
realize its own destiny. Before departing, the enigmatic
Void Dragon gave the blade to Agasha Ashiko, a pious
and introspective woman with a latent talent for Void
magic. Ever the dutiful wife, Ashiko gave the blade to
her husband, Daidoji Kedamono. He, in turn, gave it to
his Daimyo.
The sword eventually returned to Kedamono's family.
Having heard of the legend of the katana, two women,
Kakita Isako, a renowned bladesmith, and Asahina
Yuri, a crafter of nemuranai, sought the unique weapon
out in a sort of pilgrimage. After several months of care-
ful observation and more than a few false starts, they
began to fashion their own blades from what they had
learned from the original sword.
These later Dragon's Claw Katana, named both for
their destiny and because of the more pronounced
curve of their blades and the pair of dragon's claws that
adorned the golden tsuba of each weapon, mimic the
original blade in appearance, if not ability. While no
more than four are known to still exist at this time, they
are all said to be powerful weapons in the hands of the
Isako and Yuri originally created a total of eight Drag-
on's Cla\v Katana, two for each of the Families of the
Crane. They wanted to make sure that the most worthy
defenders of their Clan had blades that mirrored the
Crane's honor and dedication.. They took three years
to complete the weapons, and the morning after their
work \vas finished, both were found unconscious -
Isako at her anvil and Yuri in a nearby shrine to Ebisu
- and aged 50 years overnight. The "patronesses of the
blade," as they are now known, had poured so much of
their souls into the Dragon's Claw Katana that they had

almost nothing left for themselves. The t\vo aged wom-
en continue to re-visit Kedamono's children to study
the original weapon and make sure his descendants
are well-cared for. The Daidoji consider them family
and they are honored by a small shrine ncar Kosaten
It is considered a great boon to be granted the use of
one of the Dragon's Claw Katana. Samurai are never
given these biades lightly, and with good reason: those
whose actions would dishonor the Crane cause the
weapons to bend and warp into useless pieces of metaL
Three of the blades were found in such a warped state
next to the bodies of those whose shame demanded
their own seppuku. The fourth missing blade has been
lost to history, but is widely sought by Crane artisans
and smiths. Supposedly. it will occasionally be seen in
the hands of a Crane during a notable skirmish, but is
always lost afterwards to the tides of history.
Treat a Dragon's Claw Katana as an Excellent Qual-
ity katana with a DR of 4k2. They grant the wielder a
temporary bonus of 1 Honor Rank, to a maximum of
5. As long as the wielder has an Honor Rank of at least
2, a Dragon's Claw Katana will allow him to add his
Honor Rank to the result of a Skill, Raw Trait, Damage,
or Initiative roll twice per day. Also, these katana echo
some of the magic of the original blade's origin with the
Dragon of Void. They grant their wielder 2 extra Void
Points per day, which must be spent on a single roll
If one who possesses a Dragon's Claw Katana ever
drops below Honor Rank 2.0, or loses more than an
entire Rank of Honor as a result of a single action, the
Katana's magical effects will end immediately and it
will bend, warp and tarnish until it is a useless lump of
metal, forever ruined.
Incense of Concentration
Incense of Concentration is one of the most pow-
erful tsangusuri that can be created by the Asahina .
Although it has existed for centuries, during the 'vVar
Against the Spirits it was greatly improved by Asahina
Tsukiyoka. The Incense was originally intended to en-
hance the effects of meditation, but a happy accident
during Tsukiyoka's research led to a much more power-
ful effect.
The incense she made could expand the mind and
enhance the powers of a shugenja of any level of skill,
especially when involved in rituals that typically re-
quired more than one caster to perform. The Asahina
craftswoman quickly realized the importance of her dis-
covery and meticulously recorded every step that cre-
ated the improved incense. The scrolls containing this
formula and ritual are one of the Asahina's most closely
guarded relics, both because of their power and the rev-
erence the priests hold for Tsukiyoka.
When burned in the presence of a shugenja, Incense
of Concentration allows one to participate in ritual
magic to a much greater effect. It grants a bonus to the
Spellcasting Roll in rolled and kept dice equal to the Ba-
sic Shugenja School Rank of the lead caster. This effect
also increases the maximum number of Raises that may
be made when casting the spell by an amount equal to
the lead caster's Void Ring (rounded down). Multiples
doses of this incense may be used in the same ritual by
different participants.
The Incense still produces its original effect as well.
By inhaling the Incense and meditating for fifteen min-
utes, the user recovers all Void points, just as though
having rested overnight.
Kakita's First Blade
While the sword that Kakita used to win the first Emer-
ald Championship is an artifact closely associated with
a powerful man, it is actually an ordinary blade. Only
through exposure to the Crane Clan founder's greatness
did the weapon become more than its materials, devel-
oping into a powerful nemuranai. The saya of Kakita's
First Blade is richly lacquered in s ~ ) ' blue and orna-
mented with fine silver, while the simple blade itself is
clean and always remains rust-free.
Kakita's First Blade was thought lost for countless
centuries, but Daidoji Kikaze recovered it from the Tomb
of the Seven Thunders in 1168. The Crane considered
giving the blade to their finest duelist, but Clan Cham-
pion Doji Domotai wisely felt that such a gift would
remind the Lion Clan of Matsu's defeat by Kakita and
potentially damage their alliance. Instead she gave the
blade to Doji Nagori, making the storyteller a respected
figure in the courts and an object of admiration among
younger Crane. Nagori is one "vho, much like his an-
cestor, studied all of the arts and works tirelessly on
behalf of the Empire and its courts. With such a bearer,
perhaps the sword may one day be known as Nagori's
Treat Kakita's First Blade as a Fine Quality katana.
When in an iaijutsu duel, the wielder may ignore any
lethal kharmic strike result, losing only enough Wounds
to be put to the Down Level, I Wound above Out. Dur-
ing a duel, he may also use any technique from the
Kakita Bushi School of an equivalent Rank to his own
Basic School Rank (assuming that he is not a Kakita
bushi already). When even part of the blade is held
\vithin its saya, however, it does not grant any of its
dueling benefits. Instead, while sheathed it allows the
wielder to LIse any technique from the Kakita Artisan
School of an equivalent Rank to his own Basic School
Rank (again assuming that he is not a Kakita artisan
Lotus Blade of the Crane
Created by the Fortune of Steel as a parting gift to the
Empire, the Crane Lotus Blade, Tomodachi, was gifted
to Kakita Matabei by the Keepers of the Five Elements.
It was first held by Asahina Sekawa, who remarked that
the blade was as perfect a marriage of magic and steel
as he had ever seen. The sword is held in an azure blue
saya with a tsuka bound in matching silk, and appears
to be almost too thin and delicate to use.
Matabei originally believed this blade would help
him find his true destiny. Becoming the commander of
the Empress' Guard was an honor he had not hoped to
ever achieve, and it came to him shortly after he was
given the blade. But that was before the Winter of Red
Snow. The Empress' death during the Khan's attack on
Toshi Ranbo has shaken Matabei's confidence, and
the once smiling and garrulous duelist has withdrawn
within himself. Outside of acknoVo,lledging and giving
commands, he speaks only to his wife. Those who have
seen Matabei in the heat of battle swear that his blade
and body are limned in flame, but nothing near him
ever catches fire, so they are never sure of what they've
Treat Tomodachi as a mundane katana of Excellent
Quality if it is wielded by anyone who has not sworn an
oath of fealty to the Crane Clan. When held by a Crane,
however, Tomodachi has a DR of Sk4, and the wielder
can activate the Fire kami bound to it once per day as
a Simple Action. Once Tomodachi is active, the \-vielder
may act as if affected by the One Leg Stance kata (see
Legend of/he Five Rings Roleplaying Game Third Edition
core rule book, p. 197) even if not of sufficient Rank or
the appropriate School to use it. Activating the blade
also increases both the wielder's Iaijutsu and Kenjutsu
skills by 2 Ranks, and allows access to any new Empha-
ses or Mastery abilities that would come with these new
(albeit temporary) Skill Ranks. If the wielder is wearing
no armor, Tomodachi also grants a bonus to both Agil-
ity and Intelligence equal to the wielder's Honor Rank.
Merchant Coins of the ):'asuki
Originally a gift to the Yasuki Family after they joined
the Crane Clan, the Merchant Coins of the Yasuki are
some of the rarest artifacts from the dawn of the Em
pire. The 24 copper coins originally came in a crimson
pouch, and are each the size of a standard koku, al-
though they are said to gleam slightly and to weigh a bit
more than a normal koku coin. The backs of the coins
were minted just as any other, with the symbols of the
Fortunes and the Clan that minted them (in this case,
the Crane). However, the fronts of the Merchant Coins
have depictions of one of the twelve creatures that rep-
resent the hours of the Rokugani day. The original set
of 24 contained t\vo of each creature: hare, dragon,
serpent, horse, goat, monkey, rooster, dog, boar, rat, ox
and tiger.
Legend has it that the bearer of any of these coins
will become extremely luck.)1 in commercial dealings,
political maneuvering, or trade during the iconic crea
ture's respective hours of the day. While many of the
coins were supposedly destroyed during the econom
ic \"lars between the Daidoji and the Yasuki, the Doji
Family still possesses one full set of twelve to this day.
The whereabouts of the coins from the second set is
unknO\vn, although it was rumored that the legendary
trader Yasuki Taka possessed two of them. Some of his
contemporaries noticed the wily trader Vo,IQuld conduct
'" ...J
most of his deals in the early afternoon and just before
sunset, in the hours of the goat and the dog. What be-
came of the coins after Taka was consumed by the Ly-
ing Darkness during the War of Shadows is unknovm,
although it is possible they are circulating through the
Empire and granting good fOrlune without anyone be-
ing the wiser. As long as you touch a Merchant Coin
of the Yasuki with your bare skin (such as by palming
it in your hand, or wearing it as an amulet under your
clothes), it grants you a +2k2 bonus to any Commerce
or Courtier Skill Roll that involves a commercial agree-
ment (i.e., the exchange of goods for money, or goods
for goods). The coins only work during the hour of the
day to which their symbol corresponds. Thus, the coin
with the symbol of the goat will only work during the
hour of the goat (2 to 4 p.m.). Outside their designated
hours, the coins have a lesser effect. granting a + 1kG
bonus to the aforementioned Skill Rolls. Once per day,
the coin-holder may ignore the standard benefit of the
Merchant Coin to instead fe-roll 1 Commerce or Court-
ier Skill Roll of any sort.
Tapestl'Y of Ail'
The Tapestry of Air is one of the most common creations
of the Asahina Shugenja School. Most students who
study under the Asahina shugenja assist in the creation
of these Elemental items, allowing the initiates to both
further their magical understanding and learn artisan-
ship. These ornate tapestries are always beautifully and
expertly woven. They are usually displayed in Asahina
temples and shrines but are sometimes gifted to other
shrines or homes elsewhere in the Empire.
A Tapestry of Air typically depicts legendary scenes
from Rokugan's past, featuring Shinsei, Doji, and other
famous historical figures. The item is imbued with the
essence of Air, and bestows great advantages to shugen-
ja casting Air Spells. In order for the magic of a Tapestry
of Air to work, it must be put display in the owner's resi-
dence or place of worship. Its magic begins to take ef-
fect one \veek later, so long as the owner remains vvithin
his house or frequently visit the shrine during that time.
Thereafter the magic continues to work as long as the
owner returns to the proper location at least once a
month to meditate in front of the tapestry.
The owner can also invite others to meditate in front
of the magical tapestry. Up to three other shugenja may
thus gain the same benefits as the Tapestry of Air be-
stows to its owner. However, these shugenja only ben-
efit from the magic for a number of days equai to their
Air Ring.
Tapestry of Air grants the ovmer two Free Raises 1"0
any Air Spell she casts as long as she abides by the
conditions laid out above. If the Tapestry is hidden or
removed, all who currently benefit from its magic in-
stantly loses these advantages, even if they are miles
away from it. If the Tapestry of Air is destroyed, the
owner suddenly feels as though a fire is burning inside
of her. She not oniy loses any benefit granted by the
item, but for a number of days equal to twice her Fire
Ring she suffers a +5 TN penalty to her Spellcasting
Roll on Air Spells.
Token of Jade
Asahina fetish crafters have created these items for
hundreds of years, but they increased greatly in popu-
larity during the early years of the reign of the Emperor
Toturi I, \vhen maho-tsukai ran nearly unchecked in
Rokugan, and again after the Rain of Blood, when the
Empire lived in fear of the Bloodspeaker Cult.
These items, known as Tokens of Jade or simply Jade
Pendants, are simple-looking yet very impressive magi-
cal items. Each Token is a small round plate of jade
with strange magical designs on one side and holy sym-
bols on the other. Typically, the Tokens are tied around
their wearers' necks with lengths of siik. Although they
are not exactly commonplace items, Tokens of Jade can
be found in most large cities in the Emerald Empire.
Because of the protection they provide, however, they
do not come at a cheap price. Treat them as an item of
jewelry of Excellent Quality with a cost of around tOO
A Token of Jade protects its owner against the Taint.
Any time the wearer must roll to resist gaining Taint,
he gets a +2k2 bonus to the roll. If he is targeted by an
attack or effect \vhich would automatically inflict Shad-
owlands Taint Points, the Token shatters, but the wear-
er is protected from gaining the Taint. If the bearer ever
does something of his own free will \'vhich would cause
him to gain Taint (such as casting maho), the Token will
also shatter, but \vithout protecting him.
the Clan
.f\ncesh'al .f\l'mol' of the nl'agon
The Ancestral Armor of the Dragon Clan is a massive,
ancient, full suit of armor which was worn for many
centuries by the Kami Togashi in his various guises as
Clan Champion. The armor's impressive size is quite
distinctive, and \vould cause many to presume it once
belonged to a Crab ....varrior, perhaps even the great Hida
Kisada himself. Unfortunately, the armor ceased to be
functional during the battle with the dark god Fu Leng
at the Second Day of Thunder. Togashi was wearing it
when he faced his fallen brother in combat and was
mortally wounded, and the damage was exacerbated
when Tooashi bid Mirumoto Hitomi to retrieve the

twelfth and final Black Scroll from its place of hiding

within his chest. Today the ruined armor rests within
the High House of Light, where it is displayed on a sim-
ple, unassuming rack for all to see.
Treat the Ancestral Armor of the Dragon Clan as
Licht Armor that adds +15 to the wearer's TN to Be Hit.

Wearing it also grants a 2 Rank bonus to one's Honor

Rank for the purposes of Tests of Honor. Finally, the
wearer gains a + IkO bonus to all attack and damage
rolls for every Dragon shugenja within 100' at the time
of the attack.
.f\ncestl'al Standal'd of the nl'agon
Like the other Great Clans founded by Kami, the
Dragon have an Ancestral Standard, It was used in
the Empire's earliest days to rally followers to Togashi's
banner, and like all standards it is carried aloft by the
Dragon armies in time of war. The Dragon Clan's his-
tory contains far less ,"var than most Clans, however,
and entire centuries have passed without the standard
being seen outside of the Clan's provinces. Indeed, until
the Draoon marched into the Lion-Unicorn conflict at

the City of the Rich Frog a few years ago, the Dragon
Clan Standard had not appeared in the Empire at large
since the Second Day of Thunder.
As with any of the ancient j'uma jirushi of the Clans,
the general of an army with the Ancestral Standard of
the Crane may add + 10 to any Battle (Mass Combat)
Skill Roll made to determine winners for a Battle Turn,
and gains 4 Free Raises on any other use of the Battle
Skill when it is visible to the troops, However, the stan-
dard's bearer cannot move very quickly, suffers a -10
penalty to all Skill Rolls while carrying the banner, and
may only fight one-handed. When the Ancestral Stan-
dard of the Dragon is held aloft in battle, all Dragon
within 200' of the Standard may add or subtract their
Dragon Basic Bushi School Rank from the total of their
roll on any Mass Battle table.
.f\ncestl'al Katana of the nl'agon
Though the Togashi Family have ruled the Dragon Clan
for the majority of its existence, they have never been
a particularly militant order, and have left stev,/ardship
of the Clan to their Mirumoto vassals. Thus, the Ances-
tral Sword of the Dragon Clan is actually the katana first
wielded by Mirumoto at the dawn of the Empire. The
Mirumoto Daimyo wielded his daisho set for centuries,
and it was a powerful pair of warrior's blades. The more
belligerent daimyo in past generations used these swords
to exact a terrible toll upon the Clan's enemies. Posses-
sion of the blades would normally have fallen to the cur-
rent Daimyo, Mirumoto Kei, or her husband and co-ruler
Mareshi, but the katana was taken from the mortal realm
and placed among the stars years ago by a wrathful Lady
Shinjo, shortly before she returned to the Celestial Heav-
ens, vVhether it '''''ill ever return to the mortal world re-
mains to be seen. The wakizashi, meanwhile, has been
placed in a shrine to Mirumoto Hojatsu.



Treat the Ancestral Katana of the Dragon as a
tana with a DR of 4k4. Like all Ancestral Swords, it is
treated as jade for the purpose of harming invulnerable
foes. The katana allows its wielder to instantly know the
Schools and Rank of any individual he faces in combat,
whether skirmish, battle, or duel. It grants the wielder
hvo Free Raises to every arrack roll made with it for ev-
ery Rank he possesses in a Mirumoto Bushi School.
Celestial Swol'd of the Dl'agon
The Celestial Swords wielded by the Great Clans were
among the first and finest nemuranai crafted by Tsi Xing
Guo, the Fortune of Steel, following his ascension to
the Celestial Heavens. The blades were meant to re-
place the Ancestral Blades taken by Lady Shinjo, and
despite the sentiment associated with those ancient
blades, none can claim that the Celestial Blades are
any less powerful. The name of the Celestial Sword of
the Dragon is known only to its current owner, Togashi
Satsu, who learned it from the Fortune of Steel himself.
Satsu claims that Tsi Xing Guo also forged a wakizashi
to match the katana, but hid it in the Celestial Heavens
to await a great Dragon hero. If that hero ever appears
and finds the wakizashi, he 'will know the name of the
katana as well, and will become the personal defender
of the Dragon Champion. Until that time, Satsu carries
the blade.
The Celestial Sword of the Dragon is a Legendary
quality katana with a DR of 2k3, which grants the
wielder a +25 bonus to his TN to be Hit. It also grants a
number of Free Raises per day equallo the wielder's
Sight Rank which may be used on any Social Skill Roll.
Finally, it allows the wielder to see through all illusions,
and to sense any nearby passages to the Spirit Realms.
Bitter is one of the Five Swords of Legend forged centu-
ries ago by a swordsmith of almost preternatural skill,
Togashi Nyoko. Like most of Nyoko's blades, Bitter is
a powerful nemuranai; however, also like most of her
blades, it incorporates her unique views of balance in
the mortai realm, and it thus has Significant drawbacks
as well as considerable benefits. The katana Bitter has
remained in the Dragon Clan's possession since the
time of Nyoko, but has been wielded only intermittently
at best, given the dangers it presents when its wielder
either has little Honor, or encounters those who also
have little or no Honor. For \vhatever reason, the blade
compels its owner to destroy honorless individuals re-
gardless of the immediate circumstances, and punishes
an Q\-vner whose own Honor is deficient. Needless to
say, this has caused disastrous problems for the Clan
in the past.
Treat Bitter as a katana, the DR of which is equal in
both rolled and kept dice to 5 minus the target's
or Rank. Against targets with no Honor, or an Honor
Rank of 0, it is a DR sks weapon, more powerful even
than some Ancestral Weapons. But against paragons
of Honor, it inflicts no damage whatsoever. Also, the
blade instinctively senses the presence of dishonorable
individuals and tries to merge its will that of its ovmer. If
the wielder of Bitter finds himself within 20' of someone
of Honor Rank 0, he must immediately make a Ra\".'
Willpower Roll against a TN equal to his own Honor x
5, or be compelled to attack that person immediately. If
Biner's owner ever reaches Honor Rank 0 himself, he
must make a Raw Willpower Roll at TN 25 evety day
he retains Bitter in his possession, or else the sVo"ord will
inflict terrible nightmares that drive the owner to com-
mit seppuku within one to three days.
Dl'agon Peal'l
The Dragon Pearl is one of many dangerous artifacts
collected by the Dragon Clan during the period after
the Dragon-Phoenix War, when the Mirumoto scoured
the Empire for potentially dangerous nemuranai, often
destroying those they could not understand or
trol. During those years, there were a handful of items
the Dragon collected that ,,,'ere deemed so dangerous
they could not be safely desrroyed. The Pearl is one
of these. It is presumed to be a remnant of some sort
of the dragon P'an Ku, an entity whose purpose in the
Celestial Order is unknown because it \vas driven mad
and eventually destroyed, apparently by the influence
of the Lying Darkness, in the time before man came to
exist in Rokugan.
While holding the Dragon Pearl, the owner may spend
a single Void Point and transform the Pearl into an
act replica of any item within line of Sight. This can be
anything from a broken knife to an Ancestral Weapon,
so long as the Pearl's holder can see the object. If there
is some sort of restriction as to who can wield the item
in question, that restriction is still in place. Ablade that
can only be wielded by a Lion, for instance, cannot be
duplicated while the Pearl is held by a Crane. The du-
plicate object lasts until the owner wishes the Pearl to
return to its natural form, or he loses possession of the
Pearl for morc than I hour.
Dl'agon Puzzle Box
The small boxes generally called Dragon Puzzle Boxes
are confounding creations first invented by the Togashi
order centuries ago. They gradually became popular
outside the order, particularly with the Agasha Family,
who began to augment the boxes with their own unique
alchemical form of magic and dramatically enhanced
their ability to frustrate (and sometimes enrage) the un-
enlightened who encounter them.
A Dragon Puzzle box is a small, mildly enchanted
item intended to aid others in perceiving the world dif-
ferently, thus spurring them down the road to Enlighten-
ment. Treat it as an item of Average Quality. The boxes
have an established difficulty when they are created,
varying depending on the creator's intentions. The TN
to solve one of the boxes can be anywhere bet"veen 15
and 50. To solve a box requires a Skill Roll using the
!mvest of an individual's fouf mental Traits (Awareness,
Intelligence, Perception, or Willpower) combined with
the skill Lore: Enigmas (Investigation may be substi-
tuted if the individual does not possess the Lore: Enig-
mas Skill, but the TN increases by 10). When a box is
solved, it typically opens to reveal a koan, fortune, or
something else specific to the box, such as a small item.
Anyone who manages to solve a box gains 3 Free Raises
that may be used on any Skill Roll of their choosing. No
more than I of these Free Raises may be used on any
particular roll, and all the Free Raises are lost if they are
not used within 1 day.
Dl'agon Ya
Archery is not an activity normally associated with the
Dragon Clan. Despite this, there are many highly skilled
archers who serve the Clan. As with most Rokugani ar
chers, Dragon archers utilize the standard ya arrow.
The Dragon, however, have certain semi-mystical oint-
ments that they apply to these arrows to confer upon
them unusual capabilities. These ointments were first
developed by the Agasha and have been perfected by
the Tamori.
All Dragon Ya can be used only a single time, after
which they lose all supernatural effects. Even if the ar-
rows themselves can be recovered, the ointments used
to confer their mystical effects dissolve away after a
single use. Dragon Ya are identified by the color of their
fletching, which corresponds to the Elemental effects
they unleash upon impact. All Dragon Ya are extremely
fragile and must be carried delicately, as any significant
jarring or even extreme heat can cause them to activate
suddenly and unexpectedly.
Black Ya (Void): Black Ya unleash a thick, black
cloud of smoke upon striking a target. This smoke is
non-magical except that it is strangely difficult to dis-
perse, even with magic. The area of effect is a 15' radius
sphere centered on the point of impact. Anyone within
this area of effect suffers a + 10 TN penalty to all attack
rolls and any Perception-based Skill Rolls. The cloud
eventually disperses after 10 rounds.
Blue Ya (Water): Upon impact, a Blue Ya unleash-
es a swirling cloud of blue Water kami that disperses
almost instantly. Anyone within 5' feet of the point of
impact must make a Raw WilJpmver Roll against a TN
of 20 or fall instantly asleep. Those affected by the ar-
row awake immediately if they suffer any Wounds or if
anyone approaches within 5' of them.
Green Ya (Earth): The Green Ya unleashes a thick
cloud of pollen and dust. Anyone within 5' of the point
of impact must make an immediate Raw Stamina Roll
against a TN of 20 or be Blinded by the dust, innicting a
+20 TN penalty on any attack rolls. The cloud disperses
after 3 rounds, but the Blindness lasts for 5. Washing
one's eyes out with water counteracts the blindness.
Red Ya (Fire): Easily the most straightforward of the
Dragon Ya, the Red Ya detonates in a small but intense
burst of fire upon impact, inmeting 3k3 fire damage to
anyone and anything within 3' of the point of impact.
Easily combustible objects or materials, such as cloth,
will be set ablaze by this effect.
Yellow Ya (Air): The Yellow Ya unleashes a storm
of angry. noxious Air spirits in the form of a thick cloud
of yellowish gas that spreads out 10' in every direction
{rom the point of impact. Any person or creature that
requires air to breath suffers a + 10 TN penalty to all
rolls ,vhile they remain within the cloud. This cloud dis-
perses after 5 rounds.
Hojatsu's Blade
Mirumoto Hojatsu was the son of Mirumoto, the first
Dragon Thunder and the author of "Niten," one of
Rokugan's seminal works on swordsmanship. Hoiatsu
,"vas as great a duelist as his father, and died defending
his father's honor in the decades-long feud with Kakita
of the Crane Clan. Hoiatsu's death, and the subsequent
ritual suicide of Kakita upon Hoiatsu's blade, conferred
upon his weapon a revered status among the Mirumoto
that is unrivaled by virtually any artifact in their Fam-
ily's care.
Treat Hojatsus Blade as a DR 4k3 katana. It grants
the wielder a bonus to all laijutsu Skill Rolls equal to
his Kenjutsu Skill Rank. It also allows the wielder to
sacrifice unused Focuses in an iaijutsu duel (Le., any
Focuses he could have made to reach his maximum,
but chose not to make for whatever reason) to gain an
additional +5 per Focus sacrificed on either the final at-
tack roll or the subsequent damage roll.
The blade called simply Honorable is another of the
Five Blades of Legend forged by the ancient swordsmith
Togashi Nyoko, a woman of such incredible skill that
some have speculated she might have been another in-
carnation of the immortal Dragon Champion, Togashi.
Honorable is a wakizashi, the companion blade to the
katana Bitter. It is the blade yoko used to end the life
of her rival Hida Raiden in their infamous kenjutsu
duel, which took place after he mocked her in court.
The blade is known to reflect the purity and honor of its
bearer, and as such it can be a great asset to warriors
of virtue, but a terrible curse to those with no regard for
the code of Bushido.
Treat Honor as a \vakizashi, the DR of v/hich is equal
to the Vo/ielder's Honor Rank. The appearance of Honor-
able varies depending upon the Honor of the wielder.
Samurai of high honor appear to hold a brilliant wak-
izashi with a mirror finish, while those of lesser soul
appear to hold a dirty, rusted blade. Honorable grants
a quick and relatively easy seppuku to those with an
Honor Rank of 3 or higher, but a difficult and agonizing
one to those of less than Rank 3.
The last blade forged by Togashi Nyoko, Hunger is a
no-dachi with a terrible reputation for bloodshed. Even
Nyoko herself felt that the blade was somehow corrupt-
ed. She attempted to melt it down not long after its com-
pletion, only to discover she was unable to destroy what
she had created. Although the Mirumoto daimyo used
the blade in great victories, Nyoko remained convinced
of its flaws, and she eventually hid the blade away. It
remained hidden for centuries until it \"/as found in the
possession of a Unicorn \\larrioe less than t\:vo hundred
years ago. The warrior succumbed to its curse and died
in battle, though only after taking a terrible toll upon
his enemies. The Dragon recognized the power of the
blade, but they were unable to recover it. The blade has
not resurfaced since that time, and is now believed to
be in the possession of either the Unicorn or Dragonfly
Treat Hunger as a no-dachi with a DR of 4k3. The
blade may only be used to make Full Attacks; while
\vielding it, the v.,Iielder may not adopt other combat
postures. When engaged in a mass battle, he must
move to Heavily Engaged at the earliest opportunity
and remain there as long as he possesses Hunger. In
skirmishes, at the beginning of each round the owner of
Hunger must make a Raw Willpower Roll; if this roll is
failed the will of the sword compels its owner to charge
and attack the largest, most dangerous opponent that
you can reach this round. The TN of this roll starts at
5 and increases by 5 each subsequent round. Hunger
grants a +2kO bonus to all Kenjutsu Skill Rolls, and a
+5 bonus to the wielder's TN to Be Hit while in the Full
Attack posture.
Jade Mit'l'ol'
The Jade Mirror is one of numerous objects found
within the Tomb of the Seven Thunders deep within
the Shadowlands, presumably placed there by the line
of Shinsei for some unknown purpose. The mirror was
retrieved by Mirumoto Rosanjin and sent back to the
Dragon Lands after his death, shortly after the Tomb
\vas destroyed. The mirror has been studied extensively
by both the Kitsuki and Tamori Families, but they have
learned only that it is capable of incredible feats of clar-
ity. Most recently, the Togashi order of monks have
taken the mirror into their care, and they have used it
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to discern a new purpose for themselves: to combat the
Shadowlands in all of its forms and incarnations.
The lade Mirror will exaggerate the features of those
who look into it in order to reveal their true nature
through a sort of magical caricature. An honorable and
virtuous samurai will appear stronger, taller, and more
fair in visage. A selfish, greedy individual will appear
smaller, "vith cruel, conniving features. Those with an
injury or disabiiity that they have allowed to cripple
their spirit will appear withered and \,veak, while those
who have overcome their disability v"iIl appear in per-
fect health. Generally, anyone who sees another's re-
flection in the mirror will immediately learn if they have
any Dark Secrets. No maho may be cast within 100' of
the Jade Mirror, as kansen cannot abide its presence.
Kitsuki's Coin
The man who founded the Kitsuki Family, Agasha
Kitsuki, began life as a simple shugenja. He soon dis-
covered, however, that white his powers of perception
assisted him in his scholarly research, he found the
work unfulfilling. It did not heip matters that he was an
abysmai shugenja, unable to accomplish even the rela-
tively mundane task of producing potions and other al-
chemical substances. During his time with the Agasha,
Kitsuki produced but a single success in the area of
magical craftsmanship - a coin - and it was regarded
as relatively useless by the other Agasha. Among his
descendents in the Kitsuki family, however, the coin is
regarded as exceptionally valuable, and it fits in per-
fectly with their unique philosophy.
Kitsuki's Coin has but a single effect. Vlhen someone
holds the coin, or has it upon their person somewhere,
it reacts when they attempt to deceive someone else.
Any lie or attempt to obfuscate the truth causes the coin
to surround the person "-lith a faint red aura. This aura
is actually invisible to the individual holding the coin,
but fully visible to any others who are present. Aside
from this visual effect, the coin has no other powers,
and cannot directly affect the owner.
Koutetsu Mukei
Koutetsu Mukei is one of nine sets of elaborate heavy
armor recently given as gifts to the Great Clan Champi-
ons by an as yet unknmvn benefactor. No one has yet
been able to identify the creator of these armors. but all
attempts to discern any malevolent aspect to them have
determined that they are exactly what they appear to
be: armor of notable excellence (treat as items of Excel-
lent Quality), recently forged and possessing numerous
abilities that seem to indicate the spirits within were
awakened during the crafting process.
Koutetsu JVlukei is heavy armor that inflicts no TN
penalties of any kind on those who wear it. If the person
\",earing Koutetsu Mukei has a Void Ring lower than 4,
it is considered 4 for all purposes while he wears the
armor. The armor grants an additional +5 bonus to the
wearer's TN to Be Hit during skirmishes, and a +5 bo-
nus to the total of all rolls that he makes during iaijutsu
Lotus Blade of the Dragon (yogen)
One of the ten blades forged by the Fortune of Steel
as his parting gift to the Empire, Yogen is surely one of
Tsi Xing Gao's finest creations. It was left in the mortal
realm and discovered by Asahina Sekawa, the Keeper
of the Five Elements, along with the other blades of its
type. Sekawa saw to it that they all reached the Clans
for which they were intended, and Togashi Satsu even-
tually bestowed the blade upon Mirumoto Kei, the
Mirumoto Daimyo and without question the finest m i l i ~
tary mind within the Clan. Although Kei has not been in
a position to utilize Yogen against the Dragon's enemies
as of yet, there can be no doubt that it will only enhance
her military prowess.
Treat Yogen as a DR 41<2 katana. It grants a bonus of
2 Ranks to the wielder's Kenjutsu and laijutsu Skills,
and a + 1 bonus to his Void Ring when she is engaged in
a duel. Furthermore, it allows the wielder to utilize Kiho
as if she were a Rank 1 member of the Order of Ten
Thousand Fortunes order. The wielder must select the
Kiho that will be available at the time she first receives
the blade, and they cannot be changed later.
Mantle of Fire
When the Agasha were still part of the Dragon Clan,
they created a special kind of garment called Mantles
of Fire. When the Agasha left to Dragon to join the
Phoenix Clan, the Tamori retained the secrets of mak-
ing these vestments, ensuring the Dragon would con-
tinue to fashion these Elemental items. Today, both
the Agasha and the Tamori regularly train their initiate
shugenja by having them craft Mantles of Fire.
Mantles of Fire can take many forms, such as a long
cloak or a simple-seeming body wrap, but are most of-
ten made as rigid haon. Regardless of their form, Mantle
of Fire are always an outer garment of red, orange, and
yellow. Most typically, they are a deep red coloration
with bright orange flame patterns decorating the ends
of their sleeves, the collar, and the bottom edge. Many
also bear a symbol representing Fire upon their back.
Anyone who wears a Mantle of Fire finds that it draws
out their inner Fire, causing their spells and attacks to
become fiercer and more damaging. The Mantle grants
a bonus to damage rolls equal to the wearer's Fire Ring.
This applies to both physical attacks and to spells that
innict Wounds.
Mirult\oto's Wakizashi
The Dragon Thunder Mirumoto was the originator of
a fighting style which used both katana and wakizashi
together, and both of his weapons became artifacts of
great renown. While his katana eventually became the
Ancestral S\.vord of the Dragon Clan, his wakizashi was
used by his son Hojatsu, along with the katana which
became Hojatsu's Blade, to fight Kakita in their
mous and mutually fatal duel. After that, it served count-
less Mirumoto daimyo alongside the Ancestral Sword.
After Shinjo took the Ancestral Swords to the Celestial
Heavens, however, Mirumoto's wakizashi was placed
within a Family shrine, where it remains today. It is not
uncommon for young Mirumoto, even those not of the
founder's bloodline, to undergo a pilgrimage to the dis-
tant shrine in order to meditate before the blade.
Treat Mirumoto's \'Vakizashi as a DR 4k2 wakizashi.
Like all truly powerful ancestral weapons, it is
ered to be jade for the purpose of harming
able creatures. It confers a bonus to the wielder's TN
to Be Hit equal to his Mirumoto Bushi School Rank xS.
It cannot be wielded or even lifted by anyone save an
honorable samurai of the Mirumoto Family. The sword
also adds hvice the wielder's Mirumoto Bushi School
Rank to the total of any Kenjutsu or Iaijutsu Roll, and to
any damage rolls associated with those two Skills.
'Ryokan's Sword
The tale of the blade called Ryokan's Sword is both
strange and obscure, and it involves the odd relation-
ship between the Dragon and Crane Clans. The blade
belonged to a mysterious samurai who defended a re-
mote village in the Dragon Lands against an onslaught
of Shadowlands creatures during the Clan War. The
samurai slevv dozens of enemies before finally succumb-
ing to his \vounds, having killed enough of the creatures
that the Village's few defenders were able to defeat the
rest. The man, who was clad in a tattered blue kimo-
no, identified himself as Ryokan shortly before dying.
The Dragon respectfully attempted to return the man's
swords to the Crane, but were informed there were no
Crane samurai of that name within the Dragon Lands
at the time of the incident. A Dragon historian later dis-
covered that Ryokan was a bandit who had murdered a
Crane warrior and stole both his clothes and his blades,
but was forced by the spirit of the Crane's sword to be-
have in an honorable fashion - hence his final sacri-
fice. The Dragon constructed a shrine honoring him in
the village, and Ryokan's Sword remains within it.
Ryokan's Sword is aware and intelligent, and com-
pels those who hold it to behave in an honorable man-
ner. It is a DR 4k3 katana that grants a +2kO bonus to
all attack rolls made using it if they are made in defense
of the innocent or helpless. Ryokan's Sword will not
low its wielder to ignore the persecution of the weak or
defenseless - if he vvitnesses such a thing and do not
act to defend the victims, he must make a Raw \1Vill-
power Roll against a TN of 30. If he fails, the will of the
sword will compel him to attack the nearest individual
it deems to be one of the oppressors (i.e., GM's discre-
tion). Ryokan's Sword can harm any target, even those
normally immune to physical damage because they are
incorporeal or from another spirit realm.
Sword of the Sun
The Sword of the Sun is a blade crafted by the Tsi
smiths (before they became the lords of the Oriole Clan)
at the behest of Emperor Totur; I. The Emperor offered
the blade as the prize of a tournament convened during
the chaotic times known today as the \,Var Against the
Darkness. In addition to the sword, the winner gained
the right to ask anything of the Emperor and have his
wish granted. A Scorpion disguised as a ronin, none
other than Bayushi Aramoro, entered and won the
nament, and as his boon took back the lands that had
belonged to his Clan before their exile across the
ing Sands. The Sword of the Sun therefore came to him
almost by the way, and the Scorpion Clan later gifted
the blade to their ne\<\' Dragon allies as a sign of mutual
respect. The Sword of the Sun is a DR 4k2 katana. It
grants a +1kO bonus to all attack rolls, and a +2 bonus
to the wielder's TN to Be Hit \vhile it is drawn. While
in the Full Defense posture, the \vielder may choose to
grant 1 Free Raise on an attack roll to 1 allied samurai
within 25'. This may be done once per round, although
the chosen ally may be changed from round to round.
Tamol'i's Flame
Successors to the Agasha in every way, the Tamori
Family have taken the generally benevolent alchemical
\vark of their predecessors and found \1I./3Y5 to turn it
to military uses, dramatically increasing the potency of
the Mirumoto armies in the process. The siege engines
called Tamori's Flame are essentially massive canisters
in \vhich the Tamori mix their potent chemicals. When
the final additive is placed within, there is a relatively
short time during which the canister can be aimed via
the pivot on v,rhich it is constructed. After a brief period
of reaction, the chemicals within the canister explode
outvvard in a massive gout of liquid fire that immolates
Volhatever it touches. The Flames were first used in the
V'lar between the Dragon and Phoenix, by Mirumoto
Junnosuke, a particularly cruel and innovative military
commander. Since then the Dragon have reserved the
Flames for their most desperate battles, against the
most implacable opponents. There are currently t"velve
of them in existence, and each requires a crew of six
Tamori shugenja to operate.
Tamori's Flame is a primitive, magically-fueled can-
non that fires a terrible mixture of flaming chemicals.
It has a range of approximately 300', and it affects ev-
erything within 20' of its point of impact. Everyone and
everything in the area of effect suffers 6k6 Wounds in
Fire-related damage, and 3k3 \i\'ounds every round for
4 rounds after that, as the viscous chemicals stick to the
target and continue burning. This secondary damage
can only be ended by complete immersion in water.
Togashi's Daisho
Because of the unusual organizational structure of the
Dragon Clan, the Ancestral Weapons utilized by the
Clan are those once used by Mirumoto, a mortal, rather
than those wielded by the Kami Togashi at the dawn
of the Empire. But unknown to virtually everyone in
the Empire, Togashi ruled the Dragon through a series
of lifetimes, moving his immortal spirit among different
bodies willingly provided by tamashii, individuals of
exceptional spiritual potential. As such, Togashi mas-
queraded as dozens of individuals, each supposedly
the son of the next, and in every form he kept with him
the daisho he carried \vhen he first created the Dragon
Clan. After his true death, the swords passed to the
Lady Hitomi, and later were stolen by the corrupted
tattooed man Kokujin. Togashi Satsu finally recovered
them from Kokujin, and retains control of them to this
Only someone one or more of the mystical Drag-
on tattoos can wield Togashi's daisho and access the
powers within the t\vin blades. The daisho consists of
a DR 3k2 katana and a DR 2k2 wakizashi. The swords
grant a preternatural awareness of one's surroundings,
granting a +2k2 bonus on any Perception-based rolls
and on all Initiative rolls. Also, the blades bear a hint of
Togashi's divine pov'lef, and the wielder can cast Com-
mune a number of times per day equal to his Void ring,
as a shugenja of the same Insight Rank.
Treasures of
the Lion Clan
Akodo Daggel'
These five ornate \veapons were forged by the artisans of
the Crane Clan over a thousand years ago in an attempt
to heal the rift between the Lion and Crane Clans. One
\/o,las given to each of Akodo One-Eye's five sons, and
they have been passed down from father to first-born
son ever since that time. The daggers were intended to
be given only to the most honorable of men, but they
have occasionally fallen into the hands of less than
ideal candidates. They are made of an alloy of silver
and iron that shines in almost any light, and each blade
is engraved \<\Iith each of the Lion's Family man around
the tsuba, with the Lion man in relief on the bottom of
the tanto's tsuka.
Unfortunately, several of the daggers were lost v,rhen
the Akodo Family was dissolved following the Scorpion
Clan Coup, and they have changed hands several times
since then.. One is in the hands of Akodo Kage, if he
still lives, or else his successor in the Kolar. Another
'" -l

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is in the possession of Marsu Nimuro (nmv disguised
as the ronin Tamago) and was copied when he used
the Egg of P'an Ku, though the copy held by the False
Nimuro has none of the abilities of the true daggers.
Kaneka had a third, willed to him by his sister Toturi
Tsudao after her death, and his dagger has been with
the Phoenix since he died defending Toshi Ranbo from
the Khan. The monk Heigai has the fourth dagger, a
remnant from his previous life as Akodo GinaW3. The
fifth dagger's location is unknown, though it was sup-
posedly held by Tsuruchi at one point during the War in
the Heavens. Only the Phoenix's blade may see public
light again any time soon, as the others are likely to stay
with their owners until the end of their days.
Treat an Akodo dagger as an Excellent Quality tanto
with a DR of 3kl. The prestige of holding such a weapon
grants a +IkI bonus to the owner's Etiquette Skill Rolls,
+2k2 if dealing with any member of the Lion Clan. The
owner also gains the ability to re-roll a failed Test of
Honor once, but must keep the second result instead of
keeping the one most favorable.
Ancestl'al Armor of the Lion
The High Histories of the Ikoma record that Junsui, the
armor of the first Akodo Daimyo, was forged of the first
steel made by the Crab and given to Akodo One-Eye by
Hida. Its shoulder plates were said to be able to with-
stand the weight of 100 boulders and Junsui's chest plate
\vas enameled with a stunning portrait of Amaterasu. The
armor's bearer was always shown in the Lion's histories
as a person of honor, truth and loyalty... until the last
man to bear the Ancestral AnnOT of the Lion, a samurai
erased from history. but once known as Akodo Fusa.
During the Battle of the Cresting Wave, many Lion
came to the Crab Lands to help defend the improvised
fortification that would eventually become the Kaiu
\-Vall. It is said Fuso made a secret deal with a power-
ful oni, promising to provide jigoku's forces a means
of breaching the wall. In return, the oni would make
him the greatest of IVaniors, with unparalleled skill in
battle. The plan IVas successful, and only the timely
intervention of the Dragon Clan contingent prevented
the oni from finding a passage through the wall. Un-
fortunately, Fuso's deal IVas already done and the oni
had endowed the Ancestral Armor \vith a ne\'\' power,
allO\ving the wearer to give his soul to Fu Leng in return
for amaZing abilities and strength. Since that day, the
armor has remained within a secret alcove of the Kitsu
Tombs, awaiting one who can cleanse it of the Taint as
well as the ani's accursed gift.
The Ancestral Armor of the Lion is a suit of light armor
which provides a +20 bonus to the wearer's TN to Be
Hit. Once someone dons Junsui. they are compelled to
continually wear it, no matter the time or situation. The
armor grants the ability to spend up to 3 Void Points
on any 1 enhancement (extra kept dice, Free Raises,
or extra Skill Ranks) to any skill or damage roll. In ad-
dition, the wearer can gain an additional Void Point at
the beginning of each round, at the cost of gaining 1
Shadowlands Point each time.
Ancestral Standard of the Lion
"No rest until we reclaim it (rom the Khan/"
- Matsu Kenji
400 years ago, the Bloodspeaker luchiban escaped
from his tomb and raised an army of the dead in ven-
geance against those who had imprisoned him. The li-
on's Pride stood beside the samurai arrayed against him
at the Battle of the Sleeping River, an army comprised
of all the Great Clans of the day. As zombies and ani-
mated skeletons threw themselves against the might of
the Great Clans, the Empire's lines held, however tenu-
ously. Seeing the failure of spreading his forces, Iuchi-
ban gathered his undead hordes and focused the entire
weight of their attack on the point in the Hnes held by
the Lion's Pride.
The fierce Matsu women held their position through-
out the battle, understanding that if they failed, the Em-
pire's lines IVould be broken and luchiban would destroy
them all. The Lion banner never wavered, despite the
Lion's Pride being cut off from the rest of the Great Clan's
forces by the sheer volume of the undead horde. As the
battle raged on, the outnumbered, exhausted women of
the Lion's Pride began to utter a war cry like the roar of
a lion, energizing them and inspiring the rest of the Lion
to fight with a nelV fury. When the forces of the Akodo
finally broke through to lIank the undead attacking the
Lion's Pride, Iuchiban's forces were crushed and routed.
Only then did the IVar cry of the Matsu fade away.
Even as the Lion tended their \\IOLlIlds, the battle
standard still stood. The Lion's Pride broke their ranks
to reveal a single woman, kneeling on the ground, with
- ~
. . .
the pole of the battle standard clenched between her
knees and clutched in both bloody hands. Her body
was stiff and cold; she had died hours before the battle
ended, refusing to let the banner fail even in death. She
was never identified, for her body and [ace were torn to
shreds by the combat. She served as the ultimate ex-
ample of duty. loyalty, and honor to the forces gathered
that day, especiaily to those of the Lion's Pride she had
protected \\lith her strength of \vill.
It is said the spirit of this samurai-ko still infuses the
ancient banner of the Lion. Its vertical \-"ooden pole
stands ten feet high, with a four-foot horizontal cross-
bar. The banner itself displays the ancient mon of the
Lion Clan above that of the Matsu Family. The banner
is also known as the Banner of the Roaring Tempest,
and gets that name from the noise that emanates from
it when it is carried in battle, the sound of a pride of
roaring lions mixed v/ith the rumble of a distant storm.
Through the four centuries since the Battle of the Sleep-
ing River, the Lion have carried it in dozens of battles,
but in spite of its frequent use the standard never shows
any sign of v',Iear. The Lion's Pride ensures its appear-
ance of agelessness, maintaining and repairing it metic-
uiously, regarding it as a symbol of one of their greatest
triumphs and a source of pride for all Lion.
Shamefuily, the banner was lost during a battle
against the Unicorn during the War of the Rich Frog.
Since then it has been the consuming desire of the en-
tire Matsu Family, especiaily the Lion's Pride, to fight
the Khan and regain their sacred artifact.
Like any of the ancient j'uma jirushi of the Clans, the
general of an army with an Ancestral Standard may add
+10 to any Battle (Mass Combat) roil made to deter-
mine \vinners for a Battle Turn, and gains 4 Free Raises
on any other use of the Battle skill when it is visible to
their troops. The standard's bearer cannot move very
quickly, suffers a +10 penalty to ail TNs when carrying
the banner, and may only fight one-handed. Ail Lion
within 100' of the standard are immune to any Fear
effect and gain a + Iko bonus to their attack, damage
and Skiil Roils. Each foe within 100' suffers a -I kO (to a
minimum of 1 roiled die) penalty to their attack, dam-
age and Skiil Rolls. Also, they are subjected to the Fear
4 effect generated by the banner. If the banner is used
against a Lion force, its Fear rating increases to 6, and
its Lion foes suffer a -2kO penalty (to a minimum of 1
roiled die) to attack, damage and Skiil Roils.
Ancestral Sword of the Lion
The Ancestral Sword of the Lion, Shari, was an ancient
weapon wielded by Akodo himself during the First War.
When he offered his fealty to the Hantei Dynasty, he
gave Hantei the blade and declared he Vo,lould never
raise his sword unless it was on the Emperor's behalf.
The Hantei held Shori in a place of honor in Otosan
L1chi, only to be given to the Lion Champion when the
Emperor himself declared war. The blade itself was un-
remarkable, but the tsuka \vas carved of fine jade and
wrapped vvith brass and gold wire, and its tsuba bore
a carving of a great palace, said to be a vision of the
Imperial City before it was built.
The Ancestral S\vord of the Lion was used only spar-
ingly through the long history of the Empire, the first
time coming with the Battle of the \J\Thite Stag. It V-laS
also given to the Lion during the Battle of Stolen Graves
and the Battle of Sleeping River, both times for service
against the Bloodspeaker luchiban and his undead
hordes. Shari was also used against the Unicorn \vhen
they first returned to the Empire, before they revealed
their origins. The blade saw its final battles during the
\Var in the Heavens, as it was taken from the mortal
realm only a day after Lord Moon's defeat. lronicaily,
the Ancestral vVeapon of the Clan most associated with
\var never saw many battles, but those few in \vhich it
\vas wielded turned the fate of the Empire. Nmv resid-
ing in Tengoku vvith the other Ancestral Swords, Shari is
an eternal reminder of the Lion Clan's honor and dedi-
cation to the Empire.
Treat Shori as a Legendary katana with a DR of 6kS.
Like all Ancestral blades, it is treated as jade for the pur-
pose of harming Invulnerable foes. It grants the \vielder
"''''-",' " .. ...... , ....... >""" ,. ,., ,
------- - -- - -
a number of attacks per round equal to his Honor Rank.
This is not cumulative with other Techniques and ef-
fects that grant extra attacks. Wielding the Ancestral
Lion sv.,rord also grants the Tactician Advantage, and a
number of ranks in Battle, Defense, and Lore (History)
equal to the wielder's Insight Rank.
Celestial Sword of the Lion
Created by the Fortune of Steel to replace the Ancestral
Sword of the Lion when it was rcturned to the Heav-
ens, Shinrai, the Celestial SV,Iord of the Lion, has seen a
great many wars and far more bloodshed than one of its
former owners intended. Matsu Nimuro originally treat-
ed it much as the Ancestral Sword of the Lion, present-
ing it to Toturi I as a symbol of the Lion's fealty to the
Emperor. Toturi returned the blade to Nimuro, saying
he could only accept the blade when the Empire was
truly at peace. Though the Matsu Champion was never
able to return Shimai to the Imperial City, he handled it
v,,Iith great care and only drew it against the forces of the
Shadowlands and in the fe\\' battles in which he knc\\'
he might have to personally face a Clan's Champion. It
was this careful handling of the blade that kept it from
being lost when the False Nimuro died in battle against
Moto Chagatai during the Battle of the Rich Frog.
Nimuro was knmvn for his prowess in battle and his
ferocity, so it is ironic that the blade has been in more
battles under the care of Ikoma Otemi and Matsu Yoshi-
no, Nimuro's son, than with the former Lion Champion.
Yoshino currently holds the blade at all times, hoping
to use it to avenge his father's death. Yoshino promised
Chagatai to defeat him on the grounds of Shiro Moto a
year after the Khan's attack on Toshi Ranbo, and he fer-
vently hopes Shim'ai will taste the Unicorn Champion's
blood and avenge his father.
Treat Shimai as a katana with a DR of 4k4. Wielding
Shinrai grants a bonus of 2 Ranks in the Kenjutsu skill,
and also grants the Katana emphasis if the wielder does
not have it already. In addition, the swords grants a bo-
nus to the 'vvielder's Initiative Rolls equal to his Honor
xS. Against opponents with a lower Honor Rank, the
Celestial Sword of the Lion grants an extra attack per
round, and this effect stacks v'lith other effects and
Techniques that grant extra attacks.
The third sword forged by the legendary bladesmith
Doji Yasurugi, Chukandomo's tale was originally the
most tragic of all five blades. Yasurugi had intended to
give the blade to the Lion as a gift to stem the hatred
that was already building between the Lion and the
Crane during the first decades of the Empire. When Ya-
surugi died, formal presentation of the gift \vas delayed
by his younger brother, Doji Nio, and vvhen the sword
was finally to be delivered, an unexpected storm sank
the ship that carried it. From that dayan, the sword's
spirit was bitter and angry, resentful of the great destiny
it was forever denied. Any who sought to wield Chukan-
domo did so at great risk, as failing to meet the sword's
high standards would summon the vengeful spirits of
all those who had previously failed Wielding the blade.
On the day of Doji Kurohito's birth, Chukandomo
washed up on the shores beneath Kyuden Doji. Upon
his gempukku, Kurohito took up the blade and was in-
stantly informed by the sword of both its power and its
price. He immediately decided he would never admit
failure, and throughout his lifetime and Championship,
never lost face or dealt v-,Iith a situation or battle that
wasn't at least partially turned to the Crane's favor.
Thus, for many years he was spared Chukandomo's
In an ironic turn, it was another of Yasurugi's blades,
Naishi, which changed the sword's destiny. Kurohito
intentionally surrendered Toshi Ranbo to the Lion,
which infuriated Chukandomo. When the spirits of
the cursed sword came forth, Kurohito and his cousin,
Doji Yasuyo, fought them without fear. Naishi lent its
aid and summoned the spirits of the Crane heroes who
had wielded it to defeat those whom Chukandomo had
claimed. The Kitsu in the city used their magic to give
both sets of spirits temporary form, and in the end,
Kurohito and Yasuyo v..ron, freeing the tormented spir-
its. Kurohito ended the blade's curse, and gifted it to
Matsu Nimuro, the Lion Clan Champion. In doing so,
he finally delivered Chukandomo to those for whom it
had been intended over a thousand years earlier, and
began the peace benveen the Lion and the Crane that
stiil endures.
In the years since the curse \-vas broken, Chukando-
mo has been borne by two Lion heroes. Matsu Satomi
carried the blade for a short time before her death dur-
ing the Rain of Blood. Matsu Benika, after returning an
urn containing Matsu's ashes from the Tomb of Seven
Thunders, was given Chukandomo by Matsu Yoshino to
both reward her and remind the Crane of the gift that had
healed the rift between their Clans. The Lion beastmaster
had always carried herself with honor, but now that she
bears Chukandomo, she strives to be a true paragon of
Bushido and to live lip to the legacy of the blade.
Treat Chukandomo as a katana with a DR of 5k5. It
also grants a DR bonus in rolled and kept dice equal to
5 minus the target's Honor Rank. As long as the owner
carries the sword on his person (even if he does not at-
tack with it), it grants a +3kO bonus to any Bugei Skill
Roll and grants a +10 bonus to his TN to Be Hit.
While the blade still carried its curse, Chukandomo
brought with it a harsh punishment to match its power.
The sword's spirit viewed as unworthy of respect any-
one whose Honor Rank dropped more than 1 point
from any action or series of actions, or whose actions
it saw as breaking the code of Bushido. Since Chukan-
domo was linked to the spirits of those who failed v',1hile
bearing the svvord, it could summon 4-40 Toshigoku
spirits to destroy the vvielder. Each round that the spirits
attacked, the wielder \vould have to make a Rav,1 Will-
power Roll against a TN of 25. If he failed, he would be
unable fight, flee, defend himself, or even drop Chukan-
domo. If the wielder was killed by these spirits, or died
in the midst of a terrible failure of his own while carry-
ing the blade, his soul would be bound to the blade and
could not be reincarnated.
Ciolden Frogs of Kaet'u
A group of highly detailed netsuke, these small nem-
uranai are the work of a poor bUl powerful shugenja
named Tanzan who had more than a bit of a gambling
problem. After several days in the City 01 the Rich Frog,
he owed an enormous debt to the Kaeru Family. After
convincing the rulers of the city to hold off on collect-
ing their debt, Tanzan fashioned the Golden Frogs for
the Kaeru and demonstrated their abilities. Intrigued by
the nemuranai, the Kaeru forgave Tanzan of his debt in
return for the twelve golden netsuke. While the ability
provided by each Frog is relatively minor, they are still
highly sought after nemuranai. Legend has it that when
all twelve are together, they are much more powerful
and can grant great fortune to the one lucky enough to
hold them all.
Though they were kept by the Kaeru for several de-
cades, the ronin Family came upon hard times and
ended up selling the Frogs to an Asahina shugenja for
an outrageous sum of koku. Sadly, bandits raided the
caravan transporting the Frogs and they were lost. Only
two of the golden netsuke can currently be accounted
for. One was recently returned to the Kaeru, and they
keep it as a closely guarded relic. The other is held by
Ikoma Karin, having come into his possession shortly
after the death of Kaeru Meiji, the treacherous son of
Kaeru Tomaru. Meiji poisoned his father for agreeing
to make the Kaeru a vassal Family of the Lion and was
in turn slain by the manipulations of Ikoma Yasuko,
avenging Tomaru's death.
Each of the individual netsuke resembles a golden
frog holding some sort of item. The benefit granted by
each of the Frogs is indicated by the object that they
hold. Ten of the frogs grant I Free Raise to a specific
Skill roll: Commerce (abacus), Etiquette (fan), Inves-
tigation (torch), Deceit (whip), Artisan: Calligraphy
(brush), Stealth (tanto), Underworld (mask) and Spell-
craft (staff). The remaining two frogs carry weapons,
and conler + I Skill Rank in the type of weapon shown:
katana (Kenjutsu) and yumi (Kyujutsu). The Golden
Frogs only need to be carried on one's person to bestow
their bonuses. The benefit 01 one does not preclude the
benefit of the others, so someone could carry more than
one and benefit from all of them. If anyone is ever lucky
enough to hold all nvelve Frogs, the bonus granted by
each Frog is tripled and they also grant their owner an
additional 4 Void Points each day (which may only be
used on the skills fro which the Frogs grant bonuses).
Ikoma Tessen
A very old part of the Lion's heritage, the Ikoma Tessen
was originally given to Ikama's son by Akodo as a wed-
ding gift. Legend holds that Akodo tore the tessen from
the stars themselves, although its modest appearance is
hardly conducive to such a tale. The ancient tessen is
much like any other war fan, and can be used as both a
signaling device and, when necessary, as a weapon. It
is made from fine sandahvood and decorated with kanji
and the man of the Lion on each of its spines. The fan
does not show its age at all, displaying very little wear
despite its immense age. It has been handed down by
each Ikoma Daimyo to the next, giving the Family of
historians their ovm little piece of history to revere.
_ ~ 1 ~ , , r ,
- ~ - ---- - ..
The tessen has been put to a variety of uses through
the history of the Family, as the Daimyo of the ikoma
have varied from consummate courtiers to masterful
battlefield tacticians. Ikoma Komori, Ikoma's son and
the first m-vner of the tessen, kept the \var fan with him
at all times, only setting it aside on the day he gave
his life to kill his nemesis, a Scorpion named Bayushi
Karitano. lkoma Gohesu, made Daimyo shortly after
discovering the Naga cities near Shinomen Mori, never
touched the Ikoma Tessen until the day he died and
passed it on. Ikoma Sume, daimyo in the time of the
Four Winds, never truly needed the ancient fan, but
carried it daily into the Imperial Court, as if to remind
those present of the Ikoma's proud traditions.
The Tessen is currently held by Ikoma Korin, and \vas
given to him by Sume just before the old courtier's re-
tirement. Korin will occasionally sit alone in his quarters
and stare at the old fan as if looking for answers, but he
has not yet used the tessen in public. Perhaps once a
nev,'! Emperor is found, the newest Ikoma Daimyo can
hold such an ancient relic in court, where an Ikoma
should be at home and where the tessen belongs.
Treat the Ikoma Tessen as a \var fan v'lith a DR of
1k1. It grants a +4 bonus to the \vielder's TN to Be Hit,
increasing to +8 if he has at least 6 Ranks in the \i\far
Fan Skill. If held in the hand (i.e., in a way that others
can see it ), it also grants a number of Ranks in the
Courtier, Etiquette and Storytelling Skills equal to the
wielder's highest School Rank in any Lion courtier or
bushi School.
Kit'et'u Hyoujin
Created by a long-forgotten Kaiu vveaponsmith, Kireru
Hyoujin \vas once the sword of Yasuki Fumoki, a leg-
endary pirate v/ho was thought lost with his ship, the
Deathless, in the Sea of Shadows almost 500 years ago.
Fumoki died fighting a great Tainted orochi in the cor-
rupted waters. His death left his duty as a Crab - to fight
the Shadowlands - unfulfilled, and his restless spirit be-
came trapped on the Island in the Mist for centuries,
with only the descendants of his nezumi crew for com-
pany. After a time, Fumoki's nezumi began sending out
maps to the island in bottles, hoping the Crab or any
other samurai would find one and come to give him the
physical body he needed to finally defeat the oroch!.
Ikoma Otemi found one of the maps in 1158 after
defeating some bandits plaguing the Ikoma provinces.
He and Matsu Kenji were sent to find the island and
claim its rumored riches. They became stranded on the
island after their ship was destroyed by the skull tide, a
mass of hungry ghosts in the Sea of Shadows. Fumoki's
spirit possessed Kenji's body and, along v\/ith Otemi and
Fumoki's loyal nezumi crew, the Crab spirit sailed into
the Sea of ShadO\vs to settle scores \vith the orochi once
and for all. During the ensuing battle, they managed to
cut open the beast, and Otemi found the blade Fumoki
had died holding: Kireru Hyoujin. As the orochi lunged
to finish Otemi off, Kenji took the blade from his hands
and slashed at the corrupted serpent, splitting its head
in two. Together, the Lion had finished the job Fumo-
ki had started hundreds of years earlier, breaking the
curse that had kept the serpent alive and the Yasuki's
spirit trapped in Toshigoku.
Victorious, Otemi and Kenji brought home the Death-
less, the nezumi crew \vho still served on the ship, and
the great horde of treasure from the Island in the Mist.
Kireru Hyoujin was one of many treasures that sailed
into Otosan Uchi that day, but it is the only item from
Otemi's great adventure that the Lion general continues
to bear to this day.
Treat Kireru Hyoujin as a katana \vith a DR of 4k3.
When dravm in the presence of Tainted creatures, per-
sons, or objects, the blade VI/ill glow with a soft golden
light that intensifies as the source of the Taint gets clos-
er. The enchanted edge of the weapon also enables it to
ignore the Carapace rating of any creature it strikes. Fi-
nally, if any dice explode in an attack roll made with it,
Kireru Hyoujin's greater magic is unleashed: the target
of such an attack must make a Raw Earth roll against
a TN of 30. If it fails, one of its limbs (determined ran-
domly) is severed by the weapon's supernatural sharp-
Lotus Blade of the Lion (Daitan)
Created by the Fortune of Steel, Daitan is the Lotus
Blade given to the Lion by the Keeper of the Five Ele-
ments, Asahina Sekavl/a. Instructed to give the blade
to a samurai worthy of its pm-ver, the Lion Champion
chose Akodo Sadahige to bear Daitan. The Lotus Blade
of the Lion is held in a dark brown saya and its tsuka is
a darker gold color, \A/rapped in silk of identical color to
the saya's lacquer.
Akodo Sadahige has been something of a braggart his
entire life and his bravado is almost comical to those
who have not seen him in battle. He believes he is
destined for greatness, despite his circumstances as a
guard in the small village of HitSll Taeruko, and such
determination gained him the attention of his superi-
ors. After quelling a peasant uprising in that village,
he '\las promoted and became a gunso underneath
Akodo Bakin. He has made the most of his good for-
tune, fighting fiercely for the Lion and advising Bakin
well throughout the last few years. An amazing ,varrior
and tactician, Sadahige was given Daitan after several
admirable performances against the Dragon Clan while
aiding the Crane during the War of Silk and Steel.
Treat the blade as a mundane katana of Excellent
Quality if it is wielded by anyone '\lho has not s\vorn an
oath of fealty to the Lion Clan. When heid by a Lion,
however, Daitan has a DR of 5k4, and the Water kami
bound to it may be activated once per day as a Simple
Action. Once Daitan is active, it renders the ,\fielder
completely immune to all Fear effects, and his move-
ment allowance becomes his vVater Ring x25'. He may
also summon another member of the Lion Clan from
any distance once every .s rounds as a Complex Ac-
tion, mimicking the effects of the spell Sacred Ground
(see Legend of the Five Rings Roleplaying Game Third
Edition core rule book, p. 248). This may not summon
someone against his will, but the magic of the blade
allows its owner to send a short (less than 20 words)
mental message to the intended target just before the
summoning attempt.
Mempo of Mats" t-1itomi
Matsu Hitomi, one of the most famous samurai-ko in
the Empire's history, once '''lore this mempo into battle
at the side of the Lion forces. When she 'vas forced to
betray her commander and nee to protect the one she
loved, Hitomi left her armor behind so that she
not dishonor her ancestors. The golden mask from
that armor takes the form of a Lion's jaw, elaborately
tooled and covered in small mirrors that catch the sun
and shine it back into the enemy's eyes. On the field
of battle, the mempo shines brightly, enabling anyone,
including enemies, to find the wearer. Only the boldest
of the Lion's Pride have ever been granted the right to
wear the mempo into battle.
Ironically, 'when Matsu Hitomi returned to the Empire
through Oblivion's Gate, she refused to wear the mask
her great spirit had made a powerful and revered artifact
of the Lion. 'Nhen several members of the Lion's Pride
came to her in the City of Remembrance, Hitomi
dared she was unworthy of the mcmpo and those who
had become the Lion's Pride were its true owners. The
who had brought the mempo returned home,
but vowed to find a way to honor the legendary hero.
Two of that group returned with Hitomi's Mempo
several months later, having shaven their heads and
become monks. They sought to dedicate their lives to
the study of history and honor. Over the last several
years, these two monks have built a shrine to Goemon,
Fortune of Heroes, dedicating it to Hitoml and her great
deeds. The mask can be found inside a small case at the
foot of a statue of Goeman, and it is carefully guarded
by the monks who tend to the temple.
Hitomi's Mempo will only grant its benefits to a
woman who wears it, but those benefits are substantial.
It provides a +2 bonus to the wearer's TN to Be Hit,
and grants a Free Raise to all Battle (Mass Combat),
Kenjutsu, and Athletics Skill Rolls when the wearer
participates in any combat that involves more than 20
combatants at anyone time. It also grants a Carapace
rating of 1. However, should the wearer ever commit a
dishonorable act on the field of battle while wearing the
mempo, the spirits of the Lion's Pride's greatest warriors
will return from the Realm of the Ancestors ,vith the
express purpose of killing her to remove the stain of her
Treasures of
the Mantis Clan
Ancestral Weapons of the Mantis
Though the Mantis Clan lacks the grandeur of an An-
cestral Sword or Armor, they do possess artifacts from
the beginning of the Empire that have great power as
well: the Ancestral Weapons of the Mantis. A strange
curved s'\lord with a serrated edge that is reminiscent
of a praying mantis' claw and a similarly curved shorter
blade make up the pair of weapons. Both blades are
made of a darker alloy than typicai Rokugani steel, but
are said to be as old as any of the swords the other
Great Clans once held.
Forged on the order of Yohihotsu, daimyo of the
Mantis, a year after the death of Gusai Rioshida during
his failed coup, the weapons were intended to help the
Mantis defend themselves in the two realms that mat-
tered to the Clan: trade and battle. The curved design
of the two blades ensured no duelist Volould know quite
how to respond to the weapons, and they intimidated
diplomats who assumed the Mantis Champion \vould
be like any other Clan's leader. More than a few trade
agreements were made to the Mantis' advantage due to
the fearsome influence of the twin blades.
HOVolcver, the blades have been rarely seen since
the time of Yoritomo. Legend among the Mantis holds
that a death-bed vision by Moshi \Vakiza pointed to
the weapons dooming the Mantis unless they could be
wielded by a "prodigy of sword and spirit:" Since that
day, the weapons have been carefully stored within the
temple of Kaimetsu-uo Seido, and are guarded by the
monks who dwell there.
The Ancestral Weapons of the Mantis function like a
daisho in that they consist of a primary and a second-
ary sword, but they are unique v-,capons. The sword,
Sakusen, and the knife, Shoubai, are balanced much
like a katana and wakizashi, but they are oddly curved
compared to typical Rokugani blades. Treat Sakusen as
a katana with a DR of 6k3, and Shoubai as a wakizashi
with a DR of 3k2. Both can be wielded using Kenjutsu,
but they require a solid week of practice to get used
to them. Until that time, the wielder suffers a +5 TN
penalty to any attack roll made with either weapon.
While holding only Sakusen, the wielder gains addi-
tional Ranks in Kenjutsu equal to half of his Earth Ring
(rounded down). While holding only Shouba;, he gains
additional Ranks in Commerce equal to half of his Wa-
ter Ring (rounded up). When both weapons are used at
the same time, they grant a +lkO bonus to DR, a +10
bonus to TN to Be Hit, and the wielder is considered to
have the Tactician Advantage. These bonuses comple-
ment, rather than substitute for, the bonuses granted
when using either weapon by itself.
Baffle Standard of the Mantis
A large sashimono that was first carried by the Man-
tis Champion Hotoka during the Battle of the Cresting
Wave, the Battle Standard of the Mantis is decorated
"vith three huge green Mantis mons. The pole is made
from a dark sugi wood that is only found on Tokigoga-
chu in the Mantis isles, and it has been worn smooth
with age and use. Interestingly, only the actual banner
has been awakened as a nemuranai, and the wood is
replaced once a year during the NewYear's celebrations
for \'I.'hich Tokigogachu is famous.
Hotoka himself was lost to the Shadowlands at the
Cresting Wave, although his banner survived. Since
that time, the standard has been carefully guarded and
only brought to bear when the Mantis are fighting in
large numbers on land or when a significant portion
of their fleet is expected to engage in combat. When
not in use, the banner is taken off of its support and
stored in a locked chest that can only be opened by a
Mantis Family Daimyo or someone of equivalent rank.
The standard was flown most recently during the War
of Fire and Thunder, inspiring the Mantis fleet in their
combat with the Phoenix.
The Battle Standard of the Mantis is larger than a
typical sashimono, though if situated correctly, it may
be worn as a back banner. As with any of the ancient
j'um3 jirushi of the Clans, the general of an army with
an Ancestral Standard may add +10 to any Battle fMass
Combat) Skill Roll made to determine winners for a
Battle Turn, and gains 4 Free Raises on any other use
of the Battle Skill when it is visible to his troops. The
standard's bearer cannot move very quickly, but only
suffers a +5 penalty to all TNs when wearing or holding
the banner. \ Vhether held or worn, the banner inspires
all Mantis within 200'of the standard and possessing
a clear line of sight to it, causing them to gain 1 Rank
each in Kyujutsu and Kenjutsu, as well as a bonus to
all attack rolls equal to their highest School Rank in any
Mantis SchooL
Candle of Shadows
The Candle of Shadovvs is a powerful nemuranai, origi-
nally created by Isawa artificers as a minor aid in divi-
nation and to allow the user greater use of their ovm
magical abilities. Connected to Void by exposure to
powerful magics and hidden away in Gisei Toshi, the
Candle was taken by Isawa during the Day of Thun-
der and eventually found its way to the Tomb of the
Seven Thunders. Its exposure to the pure energies used
to bind Fu Leng has awakened the item and made it
far more powerful than the Isawa originally intended,
creating a sort of window into the Void.
During the Battle at the Tomb, the Candle was taken
by Tsuruchi Etsui, and has been kept hidden by the
Mantis since. The 1110st powerful of the Moshi have
used it carefully in an attempt to see the future of the
Race for the Throne and to divine the Mantis' role in the
Empire. The Candle has become a valuable tool that
the Clan is loathe to share.
Inscribed on one side of the Candle are the kanji, "An
extinguished candle sheds no light," and on the other,
"A lit candle casts no shadow." Moshi Amika believes
the phrases suggest careful use of such a powerful ar-
tifact. She makes sure she is present for any use of the
candle, but she has sIQ\ivly begun to allow other Mantis
shugenja to meditate with it as \vell.
The Candle of Shadows, when lit and used in medita-
tion, grants the user several abilities. Any spells relating
to divinations or visions cast in its presence act as if
they had been cast by a shugenja 2 Ranks higher. In
addition, if the Candle is lit while a shugenja uses the
Meditation Skill, the shugenja gains a 2 Rank bonus to
the Void Ring while casting spells for the next 24 hours.
Finally, grasping the candle grants anyone, shugenja or
not, 2 extra Void Points for the next 24 hours. Only I
person can benefit from the Candle of Shadmv's effects
at a time.
Celestial Sword of the Mantis
()\Jobori 'Rail()
Nobori Raiu, the Celestial Sword of the Mantis, was
forged by the Fortune of Steel along with all of the
other Celestial Swords given to the eight Great Clans.
Its first master, Yoritomo Aramasu, said the blade was
forged from lightning rather than steel and imbued \-vith
the power of the Son of Storms. Supposedly, the blade
can only be wielded by those of Yoritomo's bloodline
or by the rightful Champion of the Mantis. This may
have been Yoritomo Aramasu's undoing, for he refused
to draw the blade against Bayushi Kamnan when the
Scorpion came to assassinate him.
A heimin servant named Chojiro, \vitness to Ara-
masu's death, stole the sword and hid it for years.
Chojiro intended to sell the blade and make his for-
tune, but he quickly realized such an artifact vl/ouid be
almost impossible to sell. He kept its whereabouts se-
cret and safe from the Mantis, who would certainly kill
him for his thievery. Towards the end of Chojiro's life,
he fluno the blade off a cliff into the sea, figuring that
the ocean was a fitting resting-place for a Mantis blade.
Fortunately for the Mantis, and seemingly as a gift from
Suitengu, Yoritomo Naizen and Yoritomo Singh found
the blade \".Iashed ashore during the War of Fire and
Thunder. Naizen has \vorn Nobori Raiu since that day,
considering his finding of the weapon as a sign that the
Fortunes bless his Championship.
Treat Nobori Raiu as a katana with a DR of 3k3. If
the wielder is a member of the Mantis Clan, it grants
a 3 Rank bonus to the Kenjutsu Skill, along with the
Katana Emphasis (if needed). Someone who docs not
have any Ranks in Kenjutsu may wield Nobori Rail! as
if they have I Rank in that Skill. In addition, carrying
the weapon allows the wielder to make a Raw Percep-
tion Roll against a TN of 10 at any time to correctly
predict the weather for the next day.
The blade's most powerful ability, hmvever, is restrict-
ed to the Mantis Clan Champion and any descendant
of Yoritomo. Once per day, such a fortunate individual
can call down a bolt of lightning from above, even in a
clear s ~ y This bolt, if directed at an opponent, has a DR
of 6k6 and knocks the target Prone if he does not make
a successful Raw Stamina Roll against a TN of 30. If
the wielder directs the bolt at himself, the lightning does
no damaoe and will instead surround him with elec-
trical energy. This blessing from Osano-Wo lasts for a
number of rounds equal to his Water Ring. During that
time, he is immune to vVounds from fire or electrical
sources and he gains 7 extra Void Points. Each time he
spends one of these points, the svvord crackles \vith its
O\vn electrical energy and diminishes the lightning ef-
fect surrounding the user.
Feet of the Kitsune
The samurai of the Kitsune Family excel at traversing
wooded and uncivilized areas without disturbing them.
Shinjo and Tsuruchi trackers are often baffled by a
Kitsune's supernatural ability to move through places
almost undetectably. Although many Kitsune say this
talent is natural, others admit they use their Family's
penchant for magic, an important part of their history
as the Fox Clan, to assist them in remaining silent.
Having only recently becoming a part of the Mantis
Clan, the Kitsune are hesitant to give up their secrets.
But they have seen the good the Feet of Kitsune can do
in the possession of a Tsuruchi archer or Yoritomo mag-
istrate, so they have begun crafting ne\\' pairs of these
silent sandals for their Mantis cousins.
The Feet of the Kitsune are simple silken sandals,
light and supple. Anyone wearing them may constantly
act as if under the spell effects Walk Without Passing
(see Legend of the Five Rings Roleplaying Game Third
Edition core rule book, p. 235) and Quiescence of Air
(see Legend of the Five Rings Roleplaying Game Third
Edition core rule book, p. 229), though this silence does
not extend to anyone around them.
Kaimetsu-Uo's FUl'oshiki
The Mantis Clan have always shared a kinship with the
pO\ver of storms, as their founder Hida Kaimetsu-Uo
\vas the son of the Fortune of Fire and Thunder, Osano-
Woo Being the only Clan vllho lives almost exclusively in
and around the seas of Rokugan, they have also had the
most advanced navy of any Clan for hundreds of years,
and a corresponding need for magic to help on their
voyages. Many generations ago, an industrious Mantis
shugenja named Mizuki was inspired by a visit from
Kaimetsu-Uo's spirit to find a way to harness the power
of the winds that drove her Clan's sails. She eventually
learned hmv to channel the energy of a storm's most
powerful gusts into a simple silken or canvas satchel
that could be carried with a ship or its crew to unleash
at a captain's command.
The furoshiki are generaliy used as a back,up for
when a ship's Storm Rider is exhausted or slain, or for
those ships unfortunate enough not to have a Storm
Rider in their crev". Their creation is a closely guarded
secret and can only be accomplished by a few of the
master Storm Riders in the Clan. If one of these nemu-
ranai were to be stolen, the cre\".1 would be held respon-
sible by the sensei of Tempest Island, ordered to battle
unrelentingly until they returned the furoshiki to the
Clan's hands. Such fury has only been demonstrated
once, by Yoritomo Kaigen, and none of the precious
satchels has been lost since.
Kaimetsu-Uo's Furoshiki is a plain and unassuming
silken bag in appearance. When it is opened, and the
owner speaks a command 'word unique to that par-
ticular bag, it produces an effect identical to the spell
Tempest of Air (see Legend of the Five Rings Roleplaying
Game Third Edition core rule book, p. 229) as if cast by
a shugenja with School Rank equal to the owner's In-
sight Rank. The wind created by the furoshiki may aiso
be used to increase a ship's speed by up to 125% of its
normal maximum speed. Each silken bag may only be
activated once per day, but the wind may be maintained
as long as the furoshiki's user can hold it open, a task
which steadily gets more diffIcult as the Air kami inside
become restless. Every 10 rounds the bag is held open,
the owner must make a Raw Slrength Roll that begins
at TN 5 and increases by 5 with each subsequent roll.
If the roll is failed, the Air kami overcome the efforts to
contain them; the power of Air disperses and the "vind
dies down.
Kumiko's Katal's
These exotic weapons \vere given to Yoritomo Kumiko
by Yoritomo Singh (formerly Rama Singh) shortly after
his oath of fealty to t h ~ Mantis. Kumiko's Katars are
gaijin punching daggers, covered in gold and jewels
from Singh's homeland. The horizontal grip and long,
triangular blade that extend above the knuckles are en-
graved with a combination of Rokugani kanji and sym-
bols from the language of the Ivory Kingdoms.
The katars are one of the last things ever tOllched
by Kumiko before her death, and are kept in Heaven's
Bank Hold. Those few allowed to visit the Mantis' great
treasury seem to be drawn to the weapons. Moshi Ami-
ka has remarked more than a few times that part of the
Daughter of Storms' spirit seems to linger about them,
much like an ancestor's presence. If the Ivory King-
doms ever gain acceptance in Rokuoan as somethino
b ~
other than a land of barbarians, perhaps these gaijin
weapons can be wielded once again by a champion of
the Mantis, but for now, they remain hidden from pry-
ing eyes.
Treat Kumiko's Katars as a weapon of Fine Quality
with a DR of 41<2. Anyone with the Knives skill may use
the weapons with a +5 TN penalty to their attack rolls,
but true mastery of the blades requires the specific Ka-
tar (Agility) Weapon Skill. If a combatant wields both
katars, she gains a +lkl bonus to DR, +2k2 if she has
a technique or ability that grants more than I attack
per round. Anyone who has sworn fealty to the Mantis
and holds the katars gains the ability to fluently speak
and understand Ruumal, the language of the Ivory
Kingdoms. When wielded by any Mantis Daimyo, the
blades become even more powerful and grant the ben-
efits of the Combat Reflexes Advantage.
Lotus Blade of the Mantis (Shol'i)
Created by the Fortune of Steel as a gift to the Empire
before leaving for Tengoku, the Lotus Blades were dis-
tributed by the Keeper of the Five Elements, Asahina
Sekawa, to the Great Clans. He declared them to be
gifts that should be given to samurai deemed worthy to
carry them. The blade named Shari was given to Yori-
tomo BlInmei by the Daimyo of the Mantis.
Bunmei was given Shari after he worked v.lith Akasha,
the Unicorn and half-naga, to defeat the
bandits known as the Forest Killers. Yoritomo Naizen
instructed Bunmei to always wield the blade with the
Mantis and the Empire in mind, and the young pirate
has made a name for himself doing just that. Bunmei
is now known as a captain who will fight to save any
cargo, and has become somewhat of a role model for
young Yoritomo samurai and sailors. The few who have
seen Bunmei wield Shari swear he has become one with
the Air kami, though whether it is the young pirate'S do-
ing or the blade's, none can say.
The Lotlls Blade of the Mantis is decorated with for-
est green silk on the tsuka and held in a saya of iden-
tical color. The blade functions as a mundane Excel-
lent Quality katana for anyone \vho has not sworn an
oath of fealty to the Mantis Clan. If a Mantis wields it,
however, Shari has a DR of 4k4 and the wielder may
activate the Air kami bound to the blade once per day
as a Simple Action. Once Shari is thus activated, the
Mantis Lotus Blade grants 1 additional attack each
round. This attack may only be made if Shari is wield-
ed by itself, and is lost if the owner employs any other
weapons. While sheathed, Shari grants a bonus to any
non-Weapon Skill Roll equal to the owner's Awareness.
Another strange ability of the sword is that it allows the
O\vner to cast an Air Spell once per day (regardless of
whether or not he has Ranks in a shugenja School), as
long as the spell is of a Mastery Level equal to or less
than his current Honor Rank.
Masashigi's Blade
Originally lost during the Battle of the TIdal Landbridge,
Masashigi's Blade stands as a testament to Crane crafts-
manship, having survived the ocean's embrace for hun-
dreds of years no worse for wear. A fine example of a
Kakita blade, it was fashioned for the Daidoji Daimyo
of the time, Daidoji Masashigi. In return for several sig-
nificant political favors, Masashigi had a Kuni shugenja
awaken the Earth and Water kami within the blade to
repair the weapon and leave him with a serviceable
blade no matter how it was used or damaged. Ironi-
cally, it is this trait that has given the Mantis a powerful
nemuranai at their disposal.
After being lost, the sword was buried at the bottom
of the sea for more than 400 years. The time the sVolOrd
spent in the sea has only strengthened its connection
to Water and Earth, enhancing the effects Masashigi
originally intended for the weapon. Masashigi's Blade
was discovered by Yoritomo Kumiko follOWing a battle
with the Dark 'Nave in the waters just north and east
of the Sea of Shadows. The recovery of the sword has
been kept carefully secret, lest the Crane discover it
still exists. The katana has only been given out to an
elite few performing special tasks for the Mantis Clan
Champion. The weapon is delivered while the bearer
is en route to his assignment and is expected to be re-
turned directly to the Clan Champion when the mission
is complete. The blade is moved each time it is used, its
location kept a mystery but to a select fe\v.
Masashigi's Blade is a katana with a DR of 5k2.
Brandishing or Wielding the weapon in combat grants
the benefits of the spell Way of Still Waters (see Leg-
end or the Five Rings Roleplaying Game Third Edition
core rule book, p_ 247). If any dice that explode when
damage is rolled for the blade, the target of the strike
must make a Raw Earth Roll against a TN of 20. If he
fails, he is knocked prone and stunned for lkl rounds.
Also, no matter how much damage the katana takes, it
will regenerate until it is in its original condition. This
process takes hours to complete for small nicks, weeks
or months if the blade is actually broken. As it "heals"
."" , . . -, , , .
---- - --- .
""' V'l
the other broken pieces will disappear, so breaking the
weapon in half will only result in the smaller half disap-
pearing as the larger one regenerates.
Tsuruchi's ):'umi
Although he disappeared years ago to become the monk
Tanari, the man once known as Tsuruchi left a lasting
legacy within the Mantis Clan. His disdain for the trap-
pings of Bushido is still felt by many in the Family that
bears his name, and the legends of his skill with a bow
inspire warriors from every Clan. One of his greatest
legacies is the bow he carried with him all his life. Tsu-
ruchi's Yumi is one of the most sacred artifacts of the
Mantis, and it is kept today within Tsuruchi Nobumo-
to's quarters in Kyuden Ashinagabachi.
Nobumoto draws inspiration from the yumi that
helped create the Family of which he is now the leader.
He believes its mere presence makes him a better lead-
er, and he hopes to create his own legacy for the Family
in much the same way that Tsuruchi did. The Tsuruchi
Daimyo will only take the bow from his quarters for im-
portant ceremonies or when going to battles in which
he intends to personally participate in the combat. At
all other times, it rests in a small shrine, unstrung.
Treat Tsuruchi's Yumi as a yumi with a Strength of
5 and a Range of 500' which inflicts no TN penalties
when fired from horseback. It grants a +3k3 bonus to
all Kyujutsu Skill Rolls. If the wielder is a member of
the Tsuruchi Family, carrying the bow grants a I Rank
bonus in the Tsuruchi Magistrate or Tsuruchi Bounty
Hunter Schools. Tsuruchi who are not members of ei-
ther School may use the Rank I Techniques of both
Schools while they hold the yumi. However, anyone
who carries a katana on their person will find the yumi
loses its potency, becoming a mundane Average Qualiry
yumi until the blade is set aside.
):'oritomo's ;Armor
\iVorn by Yoritomo throughout his time as Mantis Clan
Champion, Yoritomo's Armor is a set of heavy lacquered
armor made as a gift by several of the Minor Clans to
celebrate his ascension as Daimyo of the Mantis in
1117. In time, all of those Clans but the Sparrow would
eventually join the Mantis themselves. The armor's ma-
terials were provided by the \>\Tasp; the suit was crafted
by a Sparrow said to be descended from some of the
finest Doji artisans; and the armor was blessed by the
priests of the Fox and Centipede Clans. The pieces of
the armor are varying shades of the Mantis' colors, from
bright green plates to the yellow silk ties and the dark
green kote to protect the wearer's hands.
Although he was rarely seen without his armor, Yori-
tomo typically only wore the breastplate of the suit,
wanting to be as unconstrained as possible, whether
at sea or on the battlefield. The few times the Son of
Storms did don the rest of the armor, it was considered
a warning to the samurai following him that the battle
ahead would be particularly rough. The armor has not
been worn by a Mantis Champion since the death of
Yoritomo, and lies enshrined in Kyuden Gotei as a re-
minder of the spirit that made the Mantis Clan what it
Treat Yoritomo's Armor as heavy armor that provides
a +15 bonus to the TN to Be Hit instead of the usual
+10. Any Mantis who dons the armor will find it fits
them perfectly, growing or shrinking as necessary. In
addition, it grants a wearer from the Yoritomo Family a
+2k2 bonus to DR on all attacks.
If a samurai \vears Yoritol11o's Armor, it also grants
various additional abilities depending on the Family af-
filiation of any Mantis samurai within 10'. If there is
a Moshi within this area of effect, the wearer may ig-
nore any penalties to Skill and Trait Rolls that involve
Agility or Intelligence. If there is a Tsuruchi, the wearer
gains a +2 bonus to Reflexes and Awareness. If there
is a Yoritomo, the wearer gains a bonus of + 1 Rank to
all Strength or Perception-based Skills he already has.
H there is a Kitsune, the wearer gains a +2k2 bonus to
any roll to resist poison, disease, and mental compul-
sions, whether natural or magical. The wearer does not
need to pick and choose among these benefits; if Man-
tis samurai from more than one Family are within the
area of effect, he gains all relevant benefits.
):'oritomo's Kama
The kama once wielded by Yoritomo are simple in ap-
pearance, small sickles with handles bound in green
silk, worn by the wind, sun, salt and sea that surround
any Mantis every day of their lives. The Son of Storms
was rarely seen without these kama, and while he was
an excellent swordsman, he supposedly felt the kata-
na was too slow and unwieldy (especially in the close
quarters of a ship) in comparison to these ,"veapons. The
kama were originally a pair of simple peasant weap-
ons which Yoritomo snatched from the ground ,"vhen
he needed them, but they have been awakened by the
strength of his legend as well as that of his descendants.
It is said the weapons guide those who would fight for
the good of the Mantis.
Even though Yoritomo willed the weapons he had
made so famous to his foster son, Yoritorno Aramasu
never truly felt worthy of them, and passed them on
to Yoritomo's daughter Kumiko for \ivhen she came of
age. The fact that Kumiko could wield the kama with
amazing proficiency convinced many Mantis she was
the true Daughter of Storms and a worthy successor to
Aramasu. Although Kumiko proved herself over her ri-
val Yoritomo Kitao many times over, it remains to be
seen who will have the last laugh. A corrupted Kitao
returned to fight the Mantis during the War of Fire and
Thunder, and both she and Kumiko were consumed by
an explosion aboard Kitao's ship. Unfortunately for the
Mantis, they were not as lucky with Yoritomo's Kama
as they were \\lith the Celestial SVlord. The kama have
been lost at sea, a sacrifice to Suitengu that may never
be recovered.
Treat Yoritomo's Kama as mundane kama of Fine
Quality when they are held by anyone who is not a
Mantis. If a Mantis wields them, however, they are
kama of Excellent Quality with a DR of 2k3 each. They
grant a + I k I bonus to attack rolls and negate any pen-
alties for using both weapons at once.
in the hands of a blood descendant of Yoritomo, their
true power shines. In this case, treat them as kama of
Legendary quality with a DRof 3k4. They grant a bonus
in kept dice to both attack and damage rolls equal to
all of the wielder's combined Ranks in Mantis Schools.
If they inflict more than 30 VVounds \vith a single dam-
age roll, the target must make a Raw Earth Roll against
a TN of 20. If he fails, he dies immediately even if he
has Wound Points remaining. Finally, if the wielder has
only one of the kama and the other is more than 20'
away, the absent kama will automatically leap into the
wielder's off-hand, allowing an attack with it in the next
Treasures of
the Phoenix
}\gaska's Mirror
Aoasha's Mirror was once a simple hand mirror used by
the original Agasha in experiments she performed with
light and reflection. But its exposure to her many inves-
tigations as well as to the magics of the many Agasha
shugenja over the past 1,000 years has awakened the
item to become a useful nemuranai. The mirror has
been passed down from the Agasha Daimyo to his most
promising student in each generation, and the tradition
continued even when the Agasha Family defected from
the Dragon Clan to the Phoenix in 113 i, as Agasha Ta-
mori had given it to Agasha Gennai several years earlier
during the Clan War.
Whiie many Phoenix have attempted to duplicate the
mirror, none have mastered its effects. Its unique history
has shaped it beyond normal aVlakened nemuranai and
made it something unlikely to ever be reproduced. The
current Agasha Daimyo, Chieh, keeps the mirror on her
at all times and uses it frequently during her research
into creating multi-Elemental spells and items.
Agasha's Mirror has two useful main functions. It
acts as a shield of sorts against magiC, and it reveals the
Elemental composition of any item, spell, or being. The
first effect allows the owner, once per day, to counter
the first damaging spell cast at her as if she vvere casting
Counterspell (see Legend of the Five Rings Roleplaying
Game Third Edition core rule book, p. 227), even if she
is unaware of the hostile spell being cast. If she is aware
of the incoming spell and has successfully used Spell-
craft to identify what is being cast, she instead gains
2 Free Raises when casting Counterspell. The second
function of Agasha's Mirror allows the user to immedi
ately see all the Elements which comprise an object, as
layers of color and texture. It also grants 2 Free Raises
to any Intelligence-based Skill Roll (excluding Theol-
ogy) made while holding the item.

- , -
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Ancestral Armor of the P h o e n i ~
The Shiba have a long history of honor and culture, rival-
ing the Crane with their dedication to the peaceful arts.
However, on occasion, the Shiba must fight to defend
the Phoenix Clan. When the Phoenix are forced to go
to war, the Council of Five give the Clan Champion the
Ancestral Armor of the Clan. It is a magnificent suit of
plates and silk, forged in the fires of Sleeping Thunder
Mountain by Togashi himself. The Ancestral Armor of
the Phoenix is a set of heavy armor that provides a + 15
bonus to TN to Be Hit. Once worn, the annaT can only be
removed by its bearer's will or his death, and it fits itself
perfectly to the proportions of whoever puts it on. While
the armor is worn, it projects an aura of pure Void, a 10'
radius sphere centered on the wearer, in which no spells
(friendly or hostile) may be cast without his permission.
This sphere of Void prevents any kami from entering the
area, shielding its wearer without conscious thought (al-
though he can choose to allow an individual spell to af-
fect him). Further, the armor allows the wearer to cast the
spell Sense Void (see Legend of the Five Rings Roleplay-
ing Game Third Edition core rule book, p. 244) once per
day, as if he were a shugenja of the same Rank.
Ancestral Standard of the P h o e n i ~
Abright orange banner typically carried by the youngest
Shiba in a formation at the center of a Phoenix army, the
Ancestral Standard of the Phoenix has been in contin
ual use somewhere in the Emerald Empire since it was
originally created. The standard is approXimately seven
feet tall and three feet wide, the banner attached to two
polished pieces of rosewood carved with the mons and
kanji of the different Families of the Phoenix. It is en-
chanted by the Isawa to remain clean and repair itself
of any damage over time. When the Agasha defected
to the Phoenix from the Dragon, their Family mon and
name appeared on the Standard overnight. It is said
that while the Ancestral Standard flies in Rokugan. the
Phoenix will always rise from the ashes of defeat.
The standard was kept with Shiba Tsukune's unit
from the beginning of the Clan War until her ascension
as Champion of the Clan. Under successive Champi-
ons, the Ancestral Standard has typically remained at
Shiro Shiba, proudly held by the Current Captain of the
Watch and well within vieVol of most of the guards sta-
tioned there.
vVhile the Phoenix occupy Toshi Ranbo and attempt
to keep the Clans from each others' throats, the Ances-
tral Standard has been moved to the garrison that pro-
tects Kyuden Isawa, presumably to protect the Phoenix's
most important city while most of its permanent garrison
are a\vay. Once that time is over, the powerful nemuranai
will most likely be moved back to either Shiro Shiba or
Kyuden Asako, to be held until it is needed once more.
The Ancestral Standard of the Phoenix provides spe-
ciai benefits to any Phoenix within 200' of it. All Phoenix
bushi in this area of effect gain a bonus to their damage
rolls equal to their highest Phoenix School Rank or the
highest Phoenix School Rank of the bearer of the stan-
dard, whichever is greater. A Phoenix shugenja in the
area of effect gains + I kO bonus to all Spellcasting Rolls.
Finally, once per day, Phoenix monks or henshin may
ignore the debilitating effects (if any) of anyone kiho
they cast while in the standard's area of effect.
Like any of the ancient fuma jirushi of the Clans,
the general of an army with an Ancestral Standard may
add +10 to any Battle (Mass Combat) Skill Roll made
to determine winners for a Battle Turn, and gains 4 Free
Raises on any other use of the Battle skill when it is vis-
ible to their troops. The standard's bearer cannot move
very quickly, suffers a + 10 penalty to all TNs when car-
rying the banner, and may only fight one-handed.
Ancestral Sword
of the P h o e n i ~ Clan (Ofushikai)
Ofushikai, the Ancestral Sword of the Phoenix Clan,
\-vas originally created by Shiba's wife Tsamaru, as a gift
to him on the day of their son's birth. It was a beau-
tiful \veapon encrusted \:vith pearls, and shone Volith a
strange light, as though water was nov'ling down the
blade. But it became a truly legendary item alter Shiba's
soul fused with it as the Kami lay mortally wounded
from his battle with the First Oni. Shosuro, who had
fought alongside him, eventually returned to the Impe-
rial City Irom the Shadowlands and gave the blade to
Shiba's son, Shiba Tsuzaki. Tsuzaki already knew of the
blade, as Shiba's death and transformation had begun
the chain 01 Phoenix Champions whose souls would
pass into the next Champion, anchored to the mortal
realm by Ofushikai.
Each time a Phoenix Champion died, his or her spirit
would pass into the samurai deemed worthy to become
the next Champion. vVhile this was a harrowing expe-
rience for some, the Elemental Council would usually
help make the transition as painless as possible. The
Ancestral Sword 01 the Phoenix guaranteed that this
process would continue, storing the knowledge and
wisdom of the Clan's former Champions.
Unfortunately, when Amaterasu returned the Ancestral
Swords to the Heavens after the death 01 Lord Moon, it
took the anchor for the Soul of Shiba with it. Shiba Tsu-
kune, the Phoenix Champion at the time, \-vas given a
choice: to lose the v\dsdom of the Soul forever with her
death, or to be raised into Tengoku as the Fortune of Re-
birth, to guard Ofushikai in the Heavens and some day
find a way to return the Soul 01 Shiba to her Clan. Though
it pained her to do it, Tsukune, with the help of Osano-
Wo, became a Fortune and left the mortal realm. This lelt
the Phoenix without the guidance of the Soul of Shiba.
The Soul 01 Shiba retuned to the Phoenix through the
effort 01 Tsukune's son Shiba Aikune, who felt slighted
when his friend Shiba Mirabu succeeded Tsukune as
Champion. During the War 01 Fire and Thunder, the
Phoenix were in dire need, and with the help of Kitsu
Incka, Aikune traveled to the Celestial Heavens to at
tempt to bring Ofushikai and the Soul back to the mortal
realm. Knowing of the Phoenix's need, Tsukune brought
Ofushikai to Aikune at the gates to Tengoku. Through
the power of Isawa's Last Wish, Aikune destroyed Ofu-
shikai and made the Soul of Shiba a part of the Shiba
Family's bloodline instead, leaving only a token version
of the sword in Tengoku to honor Amaterasu's wishes.
Though the Soul of Shiba was saved, the tale of Ofu-
shikai ends \.vith Aikune's powerful act.
Treat Ofushikai as a katana with a DR of 6k4, with
the ability to affect Invulnerable loes as though it is
jade. The weapon can only be held by the Phoenix Clan
Champion, and anyone else v,lho attempts to grab the
blade will have it twist out of his grasp or dissipate as
if it was made of smoke. The blade grants the wielder
a bonus of 4 Ranks in the Iaijutsu, Kenjutsu and Bat-
tle Skills. As a Simple Action, the wielder may ask the
Soul of Shiba - which contains the knowledge of the
Phoenix Clan Champions throughout the years - any
question. In mechanical terms, this allows the wielder
to temporarily gain a 2 Rank bonus in any Skill for a pe-
riod of 10 minutes, after which time the detailed knowl-
edge seeps back into the Soul of Shiba. The Phoenix
Clan Champion cannot lose the sword - it can be sum
maned to his hand instantly by an act of will.
The most powerful effects of the sword has only been
used a few times: The user may spend a Void point and
stop all combat within 20' of himself. Those in the af-
fected area are unable to attack, cast offensives spells,
use aggressive techniques, or even hurt themselves in
any way. This effect lasts until the wielder's next turn.
Candle of the Void
Initiates of the lsawa Shugenja School learn to craft these
items as part of their regular training, They take the lorm
of candles, imbued with faint but very practical elemen-
tal magic. Although they outwardly appear to hold only
the power of Fire, each Candle of the Void actually incor-
porates all of the Elements. The creation process, which
is taught exclusively at the Isawa Shugenja School, also
inluses the candle with the power of Void, giving the item
a supernatural aura of peace and focus.
These magical candles are made of black wax. They
are extremely thick and usually about one loot long
when newly created. They burn like normal candles,
melting slowly, until a shugenja casts a spell near them.
Each time a shugenja spell draws upon the enchant-
ment of a Candle of the Void, the wax instantaneously
melts several inches, forming strange patterns at the
base of the item. These patterns sometime take the
forms of dangerous creatures, strange human visages,
or trees and mountains found in Rokugan, but at other
times they do not look like anything Irom the Realm
of Mortals. Despite these strange shapes and patterns,
a Candle of the Void never seems ugly or menacing -
indeed, many claim these \-vax forms only make the
candle more beautiful.
When a shugenja casts a spell 'vvithin 10' of a burn
ing Candle of the Void, she gains a +5 bonus to her
~ .... , . . ~ , .. ' ~ ~ \ ' ' ' ' ~ " ' " '
Spellcasting Roll. Furthermore, while she is within this
radius she can cast any spell she knows as an Innate
Ability. Each Candle of the Void can be used up to 5
times before its wax is fully melted and its magic com-
pletely burned up.
Celestial Sword
of the Phoenix Clan (Keitaku)
Keitaku, the Celestial Sword of the Phoenix Clan, had
more of a legacy to live up to than any of the other Ce-
lestial Swords created by Tsi Xing Guo. The Ancestral
Sword of the Phoenix was one of the more powerful
of the ancient weapons granted to the Clans, largely
because it served as the anchor for the Soul of Shiba.
While the Celestial Sword was extremely powerful. it
could not contain the hundreds of years of \visdom
that the assembled Champions had amassed, and was
not suitable to hold the Soul of Shiba. It was originally
oiven to Shiba Aikune, but after he gained the power of
Isawa's Last Wish, he gave Keitaku to his friend, Shiba
Ironically, Shiba Mirabu became the Phoenix Clan
Champion shortly thereafter, and though he is not
viewed as having been a strong leader, he never failed
to defend his Clan and always worked to make the
Phoenix stronger. The Celestial Sword bolstered Mirabu
in many battles. allowing him to lise magic when none
would expect it. It is unknown whether the blade was
changed by Mirabu's exposure to Isawa's Last Wish,
but it has been dormant since his death at Sezaru's
hands. Keitaku currently resides in Shiro Shiba, in a
small shrine to Mirabu's memory,
Treat Keitaku as a katana with a DR of 3k3. \>\fielding
it grants a bonus of 3 Ranks to the Iaijutsu and Ken-
jutsu Skills. Also, the wielder may speak a command
word (as a Simple Action) to cause the blade to become
engulfed 1n flame, acting as if it was affected by a Ka-
tana of Fire spell (see Legend of the Five Rings Roleplay-
ing Game Third Edition core rule book, p. 239) cast with
3 Raises. The blade may also store a spell cast into it
and release it later upon command, as a Simple Action.
Keitaku can hold a maximum number of spells equal
to its current owner's Void Ring. Finally, any time the
wielder spends a Void Point to improve a roll, he gains
a +2k2 bonus instead of a +lkl bonus.
Chime of Harmony
Chimes of Harmony were originally created by the
Draoon Clan centuries aDo as an aide to meditation
b ~
and a conduit to Enlightenment. The Agasha, when
they defected to the Phoenix during the War Against
the Shadow, brought the secret of the chimes with them
and such knowledge has slowly percolated through
their nev-" Clan. Isawa artificers have only recently been
able to master the creation of Chimes of Harmony, but
they have put them to good use.
Many of the larger shrines in the Phoenix provinces
have at least one Chime. Each ringing of a Chime can
be heard throughout the temple, and most monks will
stop to enjoy its tone, if given the chance. The kami
brought by the ringing of the Chime become visible to
all, and thus the Chimes are occasionally used to teach
new shugenja about the Elemental spirits' true forms.
A Chime of Harmony's power is only activated once
it has been rung 3 times in close succession, following
an hour of quiet meditation by the user. Once the third
tone settles, the user gains one of several effects, de-
pending on v-"hy he needs the magic of the Chime;
If he intends to learn a new spell shortly after ringing
the Chime, he gains a +2k2 bonus to the final roll to
master the new magic's intricacies and add the spell to
his repertoire.
If he needs to cast spells, he may cast 2 spells within
an hour after ringing the Chime as if his School Rank
is 2 higher. This effect dissipates immediately, however,
if he is involved in a stressful situation of any kind, as
it disrupts the calm that the Chime is enhancing. This
makes its use during battle nearly impossible.
Finally, if he needs to use an innate Ability, ringing
a Chime of Harmony allows him to do so once 'with-
out having it count against his spell slots cast for the
day. He must use this ability within 1 hour of ringing
the Chime, but it may be used regardless of external
The user does not need to specify which one of these
abilities he wishes to use before he rings the Chime,
but each ringing of the Chime allO\vs him to use only
1 ability.
egg ofthe Void
The Egg of the Void is a uniquely powerful vessel. Origi-
nally a gift from the Elemental Dragons to the Kami, it
acts as a conduit between N i n g e n ~ d o and Tengoku, and
allows those who are near it to sense the greatness of
the Elemental Dragons. Touching the Egg allows one
the extraordinary privilege of communing with them.
It sits in the Elemental Council's chambers, placed
between the Master of Void and Master of Fire's seats
(due to their connections to the Elements that it radi-
ates so strongly).
In the weeks before the occupation of Toshi Ranbo
that ended the Winter of Red Snow, the Phoenix used
the Egg of the Void to communicate with the Fire Drag-
on and ask for its aid to help save the Empire from total
war. Though it took many tries and almost killed several
of the Fire tensai participating, the egg's use eventually
convinced the Fire Dragon of the greater good its inter-
vention would provide.
The Egg of the Void suffuses the air around it with a
sense of the majesty of Tengoku. Fire spells cast within
20' of the Egg will act as if they are cast by a shugenja of
I Rank higher. Also, holding the Egg allows the user to
commune v/ith an Elemental Dragon of her choosing,
gaining its attention. The user typically is allov,Ied to ask
the Dragon 1question, much like the questions mortals
may ask of the Elemental Oracles. The Dragon will an-
swer truthfully, though cryptically, and that person may
never ask another question of any of the Dragons. Ask-
ing such a question also puts an enormous strain on the
mind and body, immediately inflicting enough \Nounds
to drop the questioner to Crippled. She must also make
a Raw Stamina Roll against a TN of 35; if she fails, she
falls unconscious for a number of hours equal to the
difference between the and her roll.
Because of the extraordinary access it provides to
the Elemental Dragons, the Egg of the Void's value to
the Phoenix cannot be underestimated. However, this
"child of the Dragons" has a one-shot effect that may
one day save the Phoenix or even the Empire: when
intentionally thrown to the ground and destroyed, the
Egg will warp time and space around it, rernrning the
pure Fire and Void that make up the Egg to the Celes-
tial Heavens. This will allow the one who destroyed the
Egg to reverse events and move backwards in time up
to 3 rounds, but still retain memory of what happened
in the flow of time undone in the process. Any rolls the
destroyer of the Egg makes in those rounds as a result
of his own actions receive a +2k2 bonus.
t-Ienshin's Amulet
The Phoenix rarely share their unique knowledge of
how to fashion nemuranai with other Clans, but they
have done so with the Henshin's Amulets. However, the
amulets' magics are only fully harnessed by the Hen-
shin mystics among the Asako who have truly mastered
the riddles of the kami. The amulets are made of pure
silver, and are a physical puzzle in and of themselves
- they do not function magically for someone wearing
one until they are solved. It is said the Asako allow oth-
ers to build the amulets simply to test the Clans and
their willingness to work towards Enlightenment.
Many Asako, even those who are not Henshin, wear
the amulets as both a show of Family pride as well as for
their magical effects. Asako Toshi, the current Daimyo
of the Family, has ordered more amulets produced each
year and has them delivered to the Daimyo of other
Families whose lands are near the Phoenix Lands.
While the small nemuranai won't reveal the secrets to
the Path of Man the Asako so carefully guard, he hopes
they will bring the Phoenix and even some of the other
Clans closer to understanding the generally reclusive
Asako Family.
vVhen someone first receives a Henshin's Amulet,
they must make a Raw Intelligence Roll against a TN
of 20 to solve the physical puzzle that makes up the
amulet. Once solved, the magic of the item takes ef-
fect. vVhenever any of the amulet's functions are used
during a given day, the next morning the puzzle will
have changed, requiring another Raw Intelligence Roll
against a TN of 15 to solve and re-activate the item.
An amulet functions only as a minor nemuranai for
nonPhoenix, giving a bonus equal to the owner's In
sight Rank to I chosen SpeIIcasting Roll per day. If the
owner is a Phoenix, but one not of the Asako Henshin
School, the magic of the amulet becomes more power-
ful, allowing him to recover I Void Point once per day.
As one might expect, the amulet manifests its true pow-
er only when worn by an Asako Henshin: A Henshin
may activate the amulet once per day to ensure that his
next 2 Skill Rolls used to cast a Riddle or his next Skill
Roll used to cast a Mystery automatically succeed.
Isawa's t-Ielm
vVhen Isawa Asahina left the Phoenix Clan to start a
new Family vlith his Crane bride, he offered several
gifts not only to his new Clan, but to his old Family as
well. Asahina and his apprentices worked for a year to
forge lsawa's Helm, alTIong the most powerful relics
ated by the Oedgling Asahina Family. Asahina and his
bride presented the finely forged and decorated kabuto
to the Council of Elemental Masters. This nemuranai
impressed the Council and strengthened the bond be-
t\veen the t\\'o peace-loving Families. Since then, the
Helm has alv..'ays been in the care of the Master of
Air, and it is usually given out to the Shiba bushi who
speaks on the Council's behalf, allowing that samurai to
carry the power of the Council of Five with him. Isawa's
Helm is a large red-and gold kabuto which prominently
displays the Phoenix mono The mempo of the Helm is
plain and not terribly fearsome, as befits the
peaceful nature of both the Asahina who crafted it and
the lsawa to ,".'hom it \vas given.
The helm has a long history among the Shiba and is
considered one of the greatest honors that can be be-
stowed upon a yojimbo. Heroes such as Shiba Tetsu
and, more recently, Shiba Yoma have carried. Currently,
it has been given to Masakazu, yojimbo to the Master
of Fire, Isawa Ochiai. Some Shiba find the gift to such
a man offensive, but would not dare gainsay any of the
Elemental Council. Despite his crude background, Ma-
sakazu treats the helm with the respect it is due, and
only wears it \vhen given direct commands by Ochiai or
one of the other Masters.
Isawa's Helm may only be worn by one who has re-
ceived it to perform a task set by one or more of the
Elemental Masters. Much like the enchantment that
created Ofushikai, those who try to steal the Helm will
find it simply wrests itself from their grasp or is intan-
gible to them. Wearing the helm grants a +10 bonus to
TN to Be Hit. The ancient kabuto also grants absolute
immunity to all mind-affecting spells, whether in the
forms of illusions or actual mind-control. The excep-
tion to this protection is the powers of the Elemental
Masters, v,rhich can affect the one wearing the Helm,
regardless of range.
Isawa Naginata
One of the few weapons ever created to be v,Iielded by an
Ismva rather than a Shiba, the Isawa Naginata is a sort
of last resort for the Phoenix. Housed in the Chambers
of the Elemental Council, it was originally created over
300 years ago as a gift to the Council by the Centipede
Clan (now the Moshi Family of the Mantis Clan). Ironi-
cally, nmv that the Centipede are a part of the Mantis
Clan, the Naginata offers the Phoenix insight into the
shugenja of their enemies and is studied by some of the
more powerful students of the Isawa shugenja schools
when the Council is not in session.
The naginata appears to be an unremarkable weap-
on, but when any member of the Elemental Council is
threatened, its blade begins to glow as brightly as the
sun. This acts as a sort of alarm for the Council, as \vell
as a rallying point for any Phoenix troops in the vicin-
ity. During times of crisis, the naginata will be removed
from the Council's chambers and typically used by the
most powerful of their yojimbo as they follow the El-
emental Masters into battle. Though it has never been
necessary for an Elemental Master to hold the weapon
himself, it is \vhispered by those \vho have studied the
naginata's magic that the Centipede's enchantments
'will make such an event a sight to behold.
Treat the Isawa Naginata as an Excellent Quality
naginata with a DR of 2k4. 1t grants the wielder a bo-
nus of 3 Ranks in the Naginata Skill. Also, if the wielder
is guarding an Elemental Master (whether or not he is
formally recognized as one of their yojimbo), he gains
3 Free Raises each round that may only be used for the
Guard, Feint or KnockdO'vvn Maneuvers. If the wielder
is a shugenja, he may cast Fire or Air spe]]s as if his
School Rank is 1 higher. In the unlikely event that an
Elemental Master must bear the Isawa Naginata into
combat personally, the \veapon's most powerful en-
chantment may be activated: Any spells cast by the
Master do not count against his spell slots expended
for the day, and those spells specifically cast from the
Master's Element have their range and damage (if any)
doubled. This surge of pO\lo,rer lasts for 10 rounds, after
which time this effect cannot be used again for 1 full
Lotus Blade of the Phoenix
Kyoryoku is one of the more powerful of the Lotus
Blades given to the Clans by the Keeper of the Five Ele-
ments, and is currently bone by a bushi \-vith a very
important job indeed: Shiba Naoya, one of the senior
yojimbo to the Elemental Council, and brother to Shiba
Mirabu. The blade is a curious mix of magic and steel,
aiding both the bearer and those who surround him.
Kyoryoku appears to be made of different materials de-
pending on the strongest schools of magic among those
,"vho surround it. The vlreapon changes to a bronze color
in the presence of Fire; blue or white when near Air or
Water; a light green in the presence of Earth, and it
blackens when near those who have mastered Void.
Naoya allows some of his subordinates to bear the
weapon when they anticipate trouble, and he himself
has had relatively few occasions to draw it in anger.
Even so, more than a fevl Mantis patrols were surprised
by the formidable power of the blade during the War of
Fire and Thunder. Naoya was recently appointed as the
Captain of the Guard during the Phoenix occupation
of Toshi Ranbo, and has begun carrying the blade him-
self morc often. He has also instructed the few Seppun
shugenja left after the Khan's assault in the use of the
sVlord. The few times Naoya has been seen in battle
\vith Kyoryoku, he appears to fade av-lay, as if becoming
invisible, but none are ever sure if it's the magic of the
Phoenix aiding him or the powers of his blade.
This blade functions as a mundane katana of Excel-
lent Quality in the hands of anyone ",,,ho has not sworn
an oath of fealty to the Phoenix Clan. When held by a
Phoenix, however, Kyoryoku has a DR of Sk3 and al-
10\lo"s the wielder to activate the Void kami bound to the
blade once per day as a Simple Action. Once Kyoryoku
is active, it grants a 2 Rank bonus in both the Battle and
Kenjutsu Skills, and begins to glow a bright red. The
crimson light from the blade has its own effect, allow-
ing all shugenja within 20' of the \veapon to cast their
next spell as an Innate Ability (as long as they know
the spell in the first place). The casting effect may only
be used once every 5 rounds by a given shugenja, but
may be used by any number of shugenja each round.
Each time the casting effect is used, the wielder of the
sword may make a Void/Meditation Roll against a TN
of 30 to regain a Void Point, up to his normal daily al-
im-vance + 2.
Serenity Lanterns
Serenity Lanterns are found in almost every Phoenix
palace and at every public function. The soft light that
is shed by one of these minor nemuranai calms those
around it, soothing anyone exposed to its radiance.
Heated arguments are much less likely to occur, tense
situations are diffused and violent outbursts all but
never occur in an area protected by a Serenity Lantern.
This effect only extends to passionate anger, however,
and \vill not stop any sort of planned or premeditated
Shortly after the end of the Winter of Red Snow,
many of these lanterns 'were brought to Toshi Ranbo
by the Phoenix, and they have been quietly installed
in some of the more important sections of the Imperial
Ciry. The Crane and Scorpion have inquired about their
construction, but they have received no response from
the Phoenix, who are unsure whether to trust the 1\vo
Clans most likely to gain political advantage from hav-
ing these nemuranai under their control.
Treat Serenity Lanterns as items of Fine Quality. Any-
one vvho attempts to start or provoke any sort of attack
while \II/ithin 100' of a Serenity Lantern may not spend
Void Points for any roll in the skirmish, nor may they
use any Free Raises in a skirmish. Also, Emphases or
Mastery Abilities for Bugei Skills are negated within this
area of effect. Furthermore, these effects linger for five
minutes after anyone leaves the area of effect.
Treasures of
the Scorpion Clan
Ancestral Sword of the Scorpion
Not surprisingly, the oldes! and most revered of all the
artifacts of the Scorpion Clan is the powerful sword
held by Bayushi himself. Although no one in Rokugan
remembers \II/ho actually forged the sword, most sages
believe it "vas a gift Shosuro offered to her Daimyo. This
wonderful katana, called Itsmvari, is commonly known
as the Ancestral Sword of the Scorpion.
Unlike the Ancestral Swords of other Clans, Itsu-
wari was rarely held by the Champion of the Scorpion.
Instead, it was traditionally entrusted to a hero of the
Clan, \vho bore the blade in secret. This tradition pre-
vented anyone from knowing the exact location of the
most precious relic of the Scorpion. Many outside the
Clan of Secrets speculate on what pushed the Scorpion
samurai to act thus, and alt fail to understand their
reasons. The exception to this rule was Bayushi Shoju,
who carried the Ancestral Sword with him up until the
notorious Clan Coup, when he set it aside in favor of
the Bloodsword Ambition. The true Ancestral Sword
was placed into the hands of Bayushi Yojiro, the "Hon-
est Scorpion," who \vould eventually rise to become
Clan Champion himself.
Like all of the Ancestral Swords of the Clans, Itsu-
wari \vas taken to the Celestial Heavens in 1132, when
Amaterasu ordered the s\vords to be scattered there as
retribution for the death of Onnotangu. It remains there
to this day.
The Ancestral Sword of the Scorpion Clan is an en-
tirely ordinary looking katana, and its appearance be-
lies the unfathomable magic it holds. In fact, the saya
that holds the Ancestral Sword of the Scorpion Clan is
more elaborate than the sword itself. Made from red
wood so dark it seems almost black, the top half of this
very special sheath is adorned 'with strands of the finest
red and bronze-colored silk, tightly woven around it.
Simple plates of a dark golden color make up the bot-
tom end of the saya.
Like all Ancestral Swords, the true power of Itsuvvari
is given only to those who are part of the Clan to 'which
it belongs. Thus, in the hands of anyone who is not a
Scorpion, Itsu\vari functions as a mundane katana of
Excellent Quality. When held by a Scorpion, however,
it is treated as a katana \""ith a DR of 4k3, and functions
as jade for the purpose of harming Invulnerable foes.
Wielding the Ancestral Sword makes its owner appear
as if he is standing beside the spot where he actually
stands. This obviously makes him extremely difficult
to hit in combat. Itsuwari grants a bonus to the TN
to Be Hit equal to the wielder's Reflexes x5, over and
above the normal TN to be Hit. However, every round
after the first round of the skirmish, foes may make an
AwarenessiKenjutsu Roll against a TN of 30. Anyone
who succeeds may attack the sword's v\lielder at his
normal TN to Be Hit. Once the illusory power of this
Ancestral Sword has been overcome by an opponent, it
does not affect this particular foe for the remainder of
the skirmish.
Bayushi's Mask
Bayushi, the founder of the Scorpion Clan, was a deep-
ly misunderstood figure during his lifetime, and he re-
mains one of the most enigmatic personages in Roku-
gan's long history. The vast majority of people in the
Empire still regard the Kami as a man without honor
and without truth, and even the wisest often fail to un-
derstand his 'Nays. Bayushi, however, was more than
the deceiver many believe him to have been. Scorpion
samurai understand that where the other Kami saw
humanity's tremendous potential and boundless pos-
sibilities, Bayushi saw the darker nature of the world.
In order to protect the Empire, Bayushi was willing to
sacrifice his honor as well as the honor of his entire
Of course, it was Bayushi who began the Scorpion
habit of wearing a mask in public. At the Tournament
of the Kami, held to select the first Emperor, Bayushi
defeated Shinjo, after which he was scheduled to face
Shiba. The Scorpion claim that before the two brothers
met in battle, however, Shinsei took Bayushi aside and
told him the Tale of the Scorpion and the Frog... but
changing the traditional ending, perhaps in an effort to
teach him by making the tale unfamiliar. Like so many
of the stories told by and about Shinsei, it is too subtle
and complex to relate in full here, and is best relegated
to a discussion that focuses on the mindset of the Scor-
pion Clan (see Way of the Scorpion, pp. 18-19). Suffice
to say Bayushi realized, among other things, the value
of hiding one's true strength from one's opponents, and
he draped a length of silk across the lower half of his
face to hide his smile from Shiba.
In doing so, Bayushi became the first of his Clan to
wear a mask. This simple red cloth that Bayushi first
wore during the Tournament of the Kami was found by
his son along with the C1yptic words, "J have lost her"
when the Kami disappeared. Since then, the mask has
been passed down from one Clan Champion to the next,
Among the Scorpion, it is believed Bayushi's Mask, as
the artifact came to be knmvn, holds part of the essence
of the founder of the Scorpion Clan. Because of this, it
is second only to the Ancestral Sword of the Scorpion
Clan in importance, and considered one of the Clan's
most revered relics.
Bayushi's Mask is an ordinary looking piece of scarlet
silk about four feet long. If a member of the Scorpion
Clan wears the mask, any use of the Deceit (Lying) Skill
by him is automatically successful as long as he has
at least 1 Rank in Deceit and the Emphasis Lying. In
addition, any use of a Skill, spell: or magical item that
would detect lies automatically fails. Anything he says
has at least a slight ring of truth to it, and sounds pleas-
antly agreeable and plausible, so all listeners want to
believe him. Note that this cannot convince someone
of something obviously false (e.g. "The sea is yellow"),
although anything short of that can be accomplished
("The sea appears to be blue, but is really yellow"). If
Bayushi's Mask is ever worn by a non-Scorpion. how-
ever, treat it as a mundane item of Fine Quality.
Bl'Onze Lantern
The origin of these mysterious lanterns is unknown
by all save a very exclusive group of Bayushi samurai.
Tales concerning these simple but highly useful magi-
callamps abound, and many believe the Scorpion Clan
first discovered them during their exile in the Burning
Sands in the early Twelfth Century. The specific origin
of the Bronze Lanterns, as these items are now called,
remains a tightly held secret by the lords of the Bay-
ushi, but among the Scorpion who arc not directly privy
to the knowledge, it is said these strange devices come
from the gaijin Senpet Empire. It is generally believed
- correctly, but on no more than circumstantial evi-
dence -that the Bayushi have several allies in the Sen-
pet Empire, and acquired the Bronze Lanterns through
Since no one in the Emerald Empire has discovered
the secret of their making, these gaijin devices are rare
and their magic is considered extremely strange and
wholly exotic. The shugenja of Rokugan do not have the
skills needed to awaken the spirits within these objects
in the right way, so the Senpet have thus far remained
the only reliable source of Bronze Lanterns.
As the name implies, a Bronze Lantern is made from
a mixture of copper and tin of a metallic, brownish
coloration. The device is crafted from a single piece of
bronze. The base of the lantern is circular and about
the width of an average human woman's hand. On top
of this is the body of the device, which is much larger
and shaped like many Rokugani teapots. There is a lid
on top of the lantern through vvhich oil can be poured.
On the opposite side from the handle is a short cone,
which sharply twists upward to form a small bo",'!l
through which a name can be lit. All Bronze Lanterns
are shaped thus, and the bronze surfaces of the devices
are ahvays painted with narrow lines and small dots
and squares, in a striking manner that appears to be
characteristic of Senper design. The color used for these
decorative patterns may vary, according to the whim of
the creator and the exact magical ability bestowed upon
the lamp in question.
Only shugenja can unlock the gaijin magic within a
Bronze Lantern. To activate it, one simply rubs the item
and speaks a command word. A mist begins to pour out
of the device, and 1 round later, this mist concentrates to
form a creature of nesh and blood. The type of creature
thus summoned varies greatly from one Bronze Lantern
to another, and the Bayushi believe almost any kind of
animal, beast, or monster can be called forth Vo,lith the
proper type of Bronze Lantern. Once summoned in this
manner, the creature will follow the commands of the
shugenja who activated the device. obeying his every
whim even if doing so puts the creature's life in peril.
A creature summoned by a B r o n ~ e Lantern remains for
a number of minutes equal to all of the summoner's
shugenja School Ranks, after which time it vanishes
into thin air. A Bronze Lantern may only be used once.
After its power has been spent, the magic of the lantern
vanishes and it becomes an ordinary oil lamp of Aver-
age Quality.
Celestial Sword
ofthe Scorpion Clan (Chul'etsu)
After Amaterasu scattered the Ancestral Swords of the
Clans, Lord Sun commissioned the creation of the Ce-
lestial Swords, \vhich were forged by Xing Guo, the Tsi
Family artisan who was eventually named the Fortune
of Steel. One Celestial Sword was given to the Cham-
pion of each of the Great Clans to replace the ancestral
weapons they had lost. Churetsu, the Celestial Sword
of the Scorpion Clan, was first used by Bayushi Yojiro.
Churetsu looked no different than any mundane Roku-
gani katana, but Yojiro did not let this fool him as to
its value. Indeed, its simple appearance has proven to
be quite useful over the years, as Scorpion agents en-
trusted with the sword have found it easy to conceal the
fact they were carrying a powerful weapon with them.
The blade is now in the possession of Bayushi Paneki.
the current Scorpion Clan Champion. To the common
eye, or even to magical inspection, Churetsu appears to
be a standard. unawakened katana. but to the Champi-
on of the Scorpion Clan the sword glows with a strong,
unnatural reddish hue. As one of the Clan's most pre-
cious artifacts. Churetsu is zealously guarded. Like all
Celestial Swords. the blade is a powerful weapon. but
a special enchantment was also placed upon Churetsu.
If the owner of this weapon is killed. the blade immedi-
ately returns to a very special ~ and heavily guarded
~ room in the heart of Kyuden Bayushi. In this room,
dozens of replicas of Churetsu can be found. These cop-
ies randomly move each night to ensure no one knows
where the true sword of the Clan Champion might be.
Anyone touching one of the many replicas of Churetsu
is instantly killed. This magical protection allows the
nev/ Scorpion Champion, and no other, to safely claim
the sword that rightfully belongs to him. Because of
this, many in Rokugan believed Churetsu will ahvays
be wielded exclusively by the true Champion of the
Scorpion Clan ~ unless, of course, he decides to loan
the blade to one of his trusted samurai.
\t\Then wielded by a samurai who is not of the Scor-
pion Clan, the sword functions as a mundane katana
of Excellent Quality. If anyone not of the Scorpion at-
tempts to use the blade against a member of the Scor-
pion Clan, the weapon transmits the energy of the strike
back at the wielder and the attacker must make his at-
tack roll (and subsequent damage roll) against himself.
This property is negated if a Scorpion wielding the Ce-
lestial Sword attacks another member of his Clan.
In the hands of a Scorpion, Churetsll has a DR of 4k3.
and can harm Invulnerable foes as though it is jade.
The wielder adds his Air x5 to his Initiative roll and may
make 1 extra attack each round against any opponent
with higher Honor (this bonus stacks on top of other
Techniques and effects that allow extra attacks). It also
grants a +2k2 bonus to all Awareness-based rolls and to
all attack rolls made with it.
Curse of the Midnight Flies
This simple magical item looks like a tiny gem set on a
gilded chain. The color of this gem can vary depending
on the material used to fashion it. A close examination,
however, reveals the gem is far from a simple semipre-
cious stone, as there are several minuscule black in+
sects encased within the jewel.
These small trinkets were originally created by the
Ra'Shari, strange gypsy sorcerers \-"ho lived in the
Burning Sands. The Scorpion uncovered the existence
of these small but intricate gems during their exile into
those distant lands. Since that time, many Scorpion
shugenja have learned how to create these minor magi+
cal devices. Because of the very nature of the Clan of
Secrets, however, this knowledge remains their exclu-
sive preserve. Nevertheless, these small gems are ex+
tremely simple to make, and due to the number of them
the Scorpion have created, they can turn up anywhere
in the Empire.
Dubbed the Curse of the Midnight Flies. each of
these strange gems can be used only once. Anyone can
activate the magic by breaking the gem. Since they are
relatively fragile, this can be done by throwing the gem
against a hard surface, or even by crushing it bet\<\leen
thumb and forefinger. Breaking a Curse of the Midnight
Flies creates a small swann of pestering, flying insects.
The user, who is not bothered by the insects, may direct
this swarm to fly toward any target within 500'.
The insects immediately attack the target, injecting
him with a magical poison through their stingers. Any
person or creature stung by the insect swarm must make
a Raw Stamina Roll against a 1N of 20; if he fails, he is
knocked unconscious for I k 1 rounds. A successful roll,
on the other hand, renders the target immune to the
poison of this particular swarm. The swarm of insects
created by a Curse of the Midnight Flies vanishes into
thin air after a number of rounds equal to 1 + the user's
Basic School Rank. The user of the item can direct the
swann toward another target of his choice as a Use Spe-
cial Ability Action. The swarm moves at the uncanny
speed of 500' per round, but it will vanish into thin air
the instant it moves farther than 500' from the user. The
swarm also vanishes after one minute, leaving nothing
behind to shO'w it ever existed.
Fire Maple Mempo
The Fire Maple Mempo is a simply-designed annored
mask painted to intimidate its wearer's opponents. The
Fire Maple Mempo covers the lower face of its user and
also protects his neck. Its highest part is on the bridge
of the nose, curving down on either side and turning
up again to reach the ears. Made from dull steel with
parts of it painted in a scarlet hue, the mempo forms
an impressive visage, with a wide and flat nose, angry
lips, and chiseled features. The base of the Fire Maple
Mempo is especially wide, \-vith parts of the single piece
of steel from which it was forged rising to form spikes on
both sides of the head. Despite its harsh appearance,
the Fire Maple Mempo is surprisingly comfortable to
The origin of these magical masks is disputed, but it
is certain that only the cunning and secretive shugenja
of the Scorpion Clan known how to create them. Those
among the Clan of Secrets who own such a treasure
keep these masks for themselves, and when they die
they make sure it is passed on to their descendants.
Thus, very few ~ if any - samurai outside the Scor-
pion Clan have ever owned a Fire Maple Mempo.
Those who wear these magical war masks look dis-
quietingly powerful and intimidating. Anyone making
an attack roll against someone wearing a Fire Maple
Mempo mllst first make a Raw WillpO\.ver roll against
a TN of 15. Failing that roll indicates the magic of the
battle mask has unnerved him and he suffers a -I kO
penalty to both his attack and damage rolls.
Some Scorpion use masks to completely cover their
faces; others prefer simpler coverings that reveal just
enough of their dangerous beauty. Many Scorpion are
famous for wearing the same mask day in and day out.
The unique design of such a mask becomes associated
with its wearer, and these Scorpion thus become recog-
nizable only by their masks. Others among the Clan of
Secrets wear a variety of face coverings, choosing the
color and design as the mood or purpose suits. Regard-
less of their individual tastes or preferences, one partic-
ular type of mask is especially prized by those who own
them. The origin of these magical masks is unknown,
but many sages believe they were designed by a Scor-
pion shugenja centuries ago. These items are called
Kage Masks. Those outside the Clan of Secrets wonder
if these masks were named after their creator or if there
is some unknown meaning behind the appellation.
The cloth of a Kage Mask is not remarkable in any
fashion, except that one cannot easily identify which
type of material it is. When looking at a Kage Mask
in its true form, some think the item to be made of
silk or velvet, while others see it as simple cotton or
rough wool. A closer inspection, however, will reveal
the strange material has a texture and feel that doesn't
closely resemble any mundane fabric.
When someone first dons a Kage Mask, it instantly
reveals its magical ability, and allows the wearer to re-
shape the mask's physical form by a simple act of will.
Once per day, the \vearer may compel his Kage Mask
to change its shape and color to resemble an entirely
different mask. This ability is activated as a Simple Ac-
tion, and the transformation takes 1 round to complete.
Once changed, a Kage Mask remains in that particu-
lar shape for a period of 24 hours, or until the wearer
chooses to revert it to its original form. Additionally, a
Kage Mask makes its wearer more perceptive, granting
a 2 Rank bonus to Awareness.
Lotus Blade of the Scot'pion Clan
Shinjitsu, the Lotus Blade of the Scorpion Clan, was
the final gift of Tsi Xing Guo to the Clan of Secrets. It
is one of a handful of invaluable treasures owned by
the Scorpion. When Shinjitsu was originally delivered
to Bayushi Paneki in 1167, the Scorpion Champion
chose to entrust it to Shosuro Yudoka. Yudoka was
charged with guarding the uniquely powerful artifact
until it could be given to someone truly worthy of it.
After Yudoka was murdered by a treacherous underling,
the duty of guarding the blade was passed to Shosuro
Jimen, a young diplomat who \ ~ I o u l d go on to become
the Emerald Champion.
Like the Celestial Sword of the Scorpion Clan, an-
other gift from Xing Guo, the Lotus Blade of the Scor-
pion appears as a rather ordinary weapon. Its tsuba is
\vide, silvery, and almost perfectly round, but several
black lines form a sun-like pattern inside a black disk
on the side of the hilt. These designs are extremely sim-
ple, however, and anyone observing the blade would
fail to find anything noteworthy about them. The hilt
is covered with a layer of red silk, which is itself partly
hidden with a tightly woven strand of black silk. Both
of these silken layers fonn a simple pattern common in
The Lotus Blade of the Clan of Secrets works like a
mundane katana when \vielded by anyone other than
a Scorpion. In the hands of a Scorpion, the sword be-
comes a terrible weapon. It has a OR of 4k2 and can
harm Invulnerable foes. As a Simple Action, the wielder
can activate the Fire kami bound into the sword. Once
activated, the sword grants a bonus in rolled and kept
dice to Initiative Rolls and attack rolls equal to the
wielder's Fire Ring. The wielder also gains 2 Free Raise
each time he attempts a Feint with the weapon.
Meiwaku Fans
About 200 years ago, Asahina Mehvaku, a talented
Crane shugenja, married Soshi Toraburu, himself a
prominent shugenja of the Soshi Family. The marriage,
like most, was strictly a political arrangement. Meiwaku
spent many years alone, for her husband was rarely
home and most Scorpion were reluctant to trust her.
Ostracized in her husband's house, Meiwaku decided
to show the Scorpion the meaning of true loyalty. She
fashioned a fan which she imbued with powerful magic.
When her husband returned from a particularly long
trip, Meiwaku presented it to him. She asked him to
offer the device as a gift to her father the next time he
visited her Crane cousins on the coast. Torabllru prom-
ised to honor his wife's request and kept his \\lord. Nter
he had given the fan to his wife's father, hmvever, some-
thing strange occurred: Toraburu began to hear the old
man's thoughts as he spoke to him. Toraburu noticed
that the old man was carrying his daughter's fan, and a
thin smile grew on his face.
Soshi Toraburu was so impressed with the fan that as
soon as he returned home he begged Meiwaku to pro-
duce more. Meiwaku agreed to his request on one con-
dition: that her husband showed the rest of the Scor-
pion she was trllly part of the Clan, and not mereiy a
useless Crane wife. She asked him to perform a second
gempukku that would officially make her a part of his
Family and a full-nedged member of the Scorpion Clan.
TorabllfU performed the ceremony himself, in front of
the Soshi Daimyo and 90 other members of the Family.
On every anniversary of that ceremony, Meiwaku gave
her husband a new fan.
As far as anyone can tell, Meiwaku created seventeen
of these magical fans. Each of these items is unique in
appearance, but they all share the same magical power.
Unfortunately for the Scorpion, over the years many of
these wondrous devices fell into the hands of members
of rival Clans. Although many Soshi shugenja have
tried to copy the formula Meiwaku used, they have thus
far failed to replicate these fans. As far as they know, no
other shugenja has been able to reproduce them either,
thus making the seventeen Meiwaku Fans even more
A Meiwaku Fan only works properly when the item
is offered as a gift. Once the item has been accepted,
a link is formed between the giver of the Fan and the
person who received it. Any time the giver is within line
of sight of the recipient, as long as that person carries
the gift, he may spend a Void Point to read his thoughts.
Each Void Point spent in this manner allows the giver
to read the recipient's thoughts for a number of minutes
equal to his Void Ring. This ability may only be used a
number of times per day equal to the Void Ring of the
Obsidian Hand (Shosul'O's Hand)
The Obsidian Hand (or Shosuro's Hand, as it is some-
times known) is quite literally a thing of Heaven and
not of Earth. It was the right hand of Onnotangu, cut off
by Hamei as Lord Moon grabbed at the last of the sib-
lings who fell from the Heavens - the child who would
become Fu Leng. The Ninth Kami fell \-vith his father's
severed hand, and it \-vent \vith him into Jigoku when he
struck the earth and created the Festering Pir.
When Shosuro, the only survivor of the Seven Thun-
ders, returned to Rokugan, she brought with her the
Twelve Black Scrolls, but the hand in which she carried
them was not her own. Shosuro's hand had been re-
placed by a weird glass of the deepest black that shim-
mered with all the colors of the rainbow when even
the faintest light was cast upon it. Everyone who sa\A"f
her hand assumed her nesh had been corrupted by the
magic of the strange scrolls she brought back with her.
But the hand \vas not Shosuro's own. It VI'as the hand of
Lord Moon, \vhich had turned to obsidian.
Along with the Obsidian Mirror, which Shosuro also
brought with her from the Shadowlands, the Hand re-
mained in the possession of the Scorpion Clan for gen-
erations. Contrary to what many originally believed,
Shosuro's Hand has no trace of the Shadowlands Taint
and does not automatically corrupt anyone who uses or
carries it. It does, however, come with a terrible price.
This artifact resembles the right hand of a human,
but it is made of sharp-edged obsidian. In order to use
the Obsidian Hand, one must go through a painful rit-
ual which grafls the artifact onto the stump of the right
arm. The secret of this grim ritual is kept hidden in the
libraries of the Shosuro Family. Those who have \\lorn
the mystical hand heard voices in their mind and were
plagued by nightmares, which eventually drove them to
desperate acts. At least three of those 'Nho wore Sho
suro's Hand were driven utterly mad and killed them-
selves. Another bearer of the Obsidian Hand used the
Ancestral Sword of the Scorpion to slice off the artifact
from his own arm.
The final bearer of the Obsidian Hand was Hitomi,
who used it to defeat her nemesis Hida Yakamo. Unlike
her predecessors, Hitomi managed, barely. to withstand
the madness of the Hand. Ultimately she slew Lord
Moon and ascended into the Heavens as Lady Moon,
taking the Obsidian Hand with her. Whether she ever
allows it to return to the mortal world remains to be
Although the Obsidian Hand is a dangerous item, it
nevertheless bestows great prowess in combat on those
v.'ith the will to Lise it. vVhenever the wielder of the Hand
faces an opponent in battle or in a duel, she may keep
an additional number of dice equal to her opponent's
(or target's) Honor Rank on all attack and damage rolls
(to a maximum of the number of rolled dice). Addition-
ally, she may make 1 extra attack each round, so long
as this attack is made using the Obsidian Hand. The
Obsidian Hand may be wielded using the jiujitsu Skill,
and it has a DR of 3k3. Wielding it also grants all the
Mastery Abilities associated with the jiujutsu Skill, as
though possessing 10 Ranks in that SkilL
When this mighty artifact is attached to the arm of
a new bearer, he must make a Raw vVilipower Roll
against a TN of 25. If he fails, he goes completely mad
within a period of one to three months. If he succeeds,
he may wield the artifact as described above, with no
further risk to his sanity.
Obsidian Mil'l'Ol'
(Shosul'O's Mil'l'ol')
For centuries, the Obsidian Mirror was possessed by
the Scorpion Clan, and for much of that time it was
known simply as Shosuro's Mirror, named for its cre-
ator. Unbeknmvnsr to the Scorpion, hmvever, Shosuro
crafted the object from the blood of Onnotangu after
she had been corrupted by her union with the Lying
Darkness. The mirror allowed Bayushi Kachiko to spy
upon the Emperor during the years leading up to the
Clan 'vVar, and it may have played a role in his eventual
defeat by the reincarnated Seven Thunders. During the
'vVar against the Darkness, however, the Scorpion came
to realize the nature and origin of the mirror, and they
attempted to destroy it. Their attempt failed, however,
and the mirror still exists, although its current location
is unknown.
Anyone who possesses the Obsidian Mirror can view
another location through it by spilling a drop of fresh
blood (the equivalent of 1 Wound) upon it and expend-
ing I Void Point. The Mirror can only show a location
that the viewer has personally visited. Each use of the
Mirror allows a viewing of up to 1 minute, although the
image will disappear as soon as the viewer ceases to
concentrate on it. Using the i\1irror causes the viewer to
immediately lose 1 Honor Point. Nezumi who use the
Mirror lose 0.1 Name.
Pincel's & Tail
Pincers & Tail is a unique weapon similar to a bisento,
except that it bears a heavy blade on both of its tips,
one in the shape of a claw and the other a barbed rail
- hence its name. The eight-foot long shaft is made
of hardwood bearing countless runes of unfathomable
meaning. At first glance, it looks like a difficult weapon
to use in combat, but anyone who picks it up instantly
realizes that it is surprisingly light and perfectly bal-
anced. The weapon was given to Shosuro Yudoka by
the Ashalan sorcerer Hojyn, and he preferred using it
to any other weapon (including Shinjitsu). As Yudoka
forged a name for himself. his unusual weapon became
as recognizable as the Scorpion Clan's own standard.
Many of Yudoka's lieutenants began using imitations of
it, although those copies lack the unique power of the
original. Following his death in 1168, Bayushi Paneki
gave the original weapon to Yudoka's sister, Toku Inao.
Treat Pincers & Tail as a double-bladed bisento with
a DR of lk3. The weapon grants a Free Raise on all
Disarm attempts, and allows the user to gain an extra
attack with only three Raises instead of the normal four.
The weapon can also be thrmvn at an opponent, with a
range of 60'. \i\fhen used as a missile weapon, it grants a
DR bonus in rolled and kept dice equal to the wielder's
Earth Ring.
Shosuro's Cloak
(The Rainbow Cloak)
Part of the mystery of the enigmatic Shosuro comes
from the infamous cloak she wore at all times. The
origin of Shosuro's Cloak, which was also called the
Rainbow Cloak, was never revealed and only Shosuro
herself knew the truth. After she disappeared from the
Empire, this fabulous garment was used by the Clan
for a thousand years. It was stolen by Shosuro herself
during the war against the Lying Darkness. vVhen she
was reunited \;vith Bayushi and left the mortal world,
many believed she had taken her cloak with her, but the
unique garment was found days later at the edge of the
water where she was last seen.
The surface of Shosuro's cloak is of a dark hue, but
the color seems to shift as light and shadow dance upon
it, much like a length of fine Rokugani silk. It has been
described as a slice of darkest, starless moonlight. The
cloak's swirling patterns and movements are unnatural
and can mesmerize even the most powerful ani.
The magic of Shosllro's Cloak grants the ability to ap-
pear to any and all onlookers according to their expec-
tations, allowing the ",,,carer to keep her identity secret.
For instance, if the cloak's wearer were to walk into a
chamber where a young man is expecting his wife to
join him, that person would see his beloved spouse. If
the wearer committed murder in the streets of a large
city, every witness would describe someone else - a
bandit, or a notorious assassin, or some other despised
figure of public knowledge or imagination. Shosuro's
Cloak, however, does not bestow any control as to
whom onlookers see when one wears it. The cloak does
not change the wearer's voice.
)::'090 Jitte
The badge of office for the head of the Kuroiban (see p.
34) is the Yogo Jitte, a powerful weapon created espe-
cially for the leader of this secretive group devoted to
protecting both Emperor and Empire from the practice
of blood magic. Over the years, however, many repli-
cas of this very special item have been fashioned for
other agents of the organization. These magical weap-
ons are also called Yogo jitte, and they have much the
same properties as the original. The Jitter is made out of
wood. The central prong is approximately fifteen inches
long and has a blunt tip. The secondary prong has more
of a curved angle than most other jitte. but it is made
of the same wood and likewise ends in a blunted tip.
The handle, which is approximately half as long as the
weapon, is made from several layers of densely woven
leather strands.
In the hands of anyone who is not a shugenja, a Yogo
Jitte functions like any mundane jitte of Fine Quality.
In the hands of a shugenja, however, the \-veapon pro-
vides aid in both the casting of spells and the grim busi-
ness of melee combat. A Yogo Jitte enables the wielder
to cast Commune and Sense Void up to 3 times per
day each, without counting against the \vielder's spell
slots for the day. Additionally, he may store a spell of
his choice within the Yogo Jitte by casting iL upon the
weapon. Once stored, the spell may be cast (once) by
activating the weapon as a Use Special Ability Action.
AYogo Jitte is also a practical combat weapon, granting
a bonus in unkept dice to all attack and damage rolls
equal to the wielder's Void Ring.
Treasures of
the Unicorn Clan
Ancestral Armor of the Unicorn
Yuki, the mystical armor originally worn by the founder
of the Unicorn Clan, is said to carry the echoes of the
spirit of Shinjo. Regardless of the truth of this legend, it
is a fact that the armor not only enhances the abilities
of its wearer, but also boosts those who follow her into
battle. Lady Shinjo, whose devotion to Bushido was
greatly respected even among her Kami Siblings, ,"vore
Yuki until she handed the reins of the Unicorn to her
children. From that day forward, the Ancestral Armor
has been \vorn in turn by every Unicorn Champion who
followed her. The only exception was Shinjo Yokatsu,
who deemed he was not worthy to wear this pov/erful
garment and not honorable enough to bear Hayai, the
Ancestral Sword of the Unicorn.
Yuki is an old-fashioned suit of Rokugani armor,
complete with \:vide and fiat arm guards on either sides
and a full length hauberk, split down the center for
ease in riding, that runs dmvn to the wearer's knees.
It is lacquered with a purple shade so deep it appears
almost black. The many pieces of boiled leather, sinew,
bone, and metal that make up this intricate garment are
bound together with strong cords of bleached leather
dyed lavender. Several of these pieces are also delicate-
ly painted with gold touches meant to evoke the vast
open plains of the Unicorn provinces.
Yuki is complemented by a massive kabuto covered
with soft white fur, which is believed to be a clipping of
the first unicorn Otaku befriended. Since the fur is al-
ways clean and cannot be sullied by any means - and
also because it always seems to flutter in the breeze
like the finest spider silk - few doubt this is indeed the
case. Agreat horn of pure goid is set atop the helm, but
its most impressive feature is undoubtedly the terrible
mask that covers the face of its wearer. This mask is
shaped in the form a snarling unicorn face, as though
the creature was constantly engaged in battlc.
The Ancestral Armor of the Unicorn bestows tremen-
dous advantages to those who belong to the Clan. If
worn by anyone who is not part of the Unicorn Clan,
Yuki functions as an Excellent Quality mundane suit
of heavy armor. \ Vhen \\lorn by a Unicorn, however, all
of the magical properties of this unique suit of armor
arc revealed. Yuki grants a +5 bonus to the TN to Be
Hit (in addition to the normal bonus for heavy armor).
It also allows the wearer to ignore 1 kept die of dam-
age (her choice) from any mundane or magical attack
made against her. Furthermore, because the armor is
imbued with both the audacity and tenacity of the Lady
Shinjo, the wearer can ignore the penalty from a num-
ber of Wound Levels equal to her School Rank in any
Unicorn Basic School.
In addition to the powers bestowed to those vlho don
it, Yumi also grants advantages to any ally riding a steed
within a radius equal to 10' for each Rank the wearer
possesses in anyone Unicorn Basic School. Affected
individuals (including the wearer) gain a + 1kO bonus to
their Initiative Rolls and Damage rolls.
Ancestl'al Swol'd of the Unicol'n
Hayai, the katana wielded by Shinjo herself, is the An-
cestral Sword of the Unicorn Clan. The blade drew its
first blood at the dawn of the Empire, during the war
against Fu Leng. Many Unicorn heroes since then have
carried the weapon, and it is considered sacred by all
the samurai of the Clan.
As one would expect given the Clan's history, the An-
cestral Sword of the Unicorn has traveled the length of
the Empire as well as far beyond its borders. Its jour-
neys ended in 1132, when as retribution for the death of
Onnotangu, Amaterasu ordered the Swords of
all the Clans of Rokugan be scattered among the Celes-
tial Heavens. Shinjo, acting on her mother's command,
placed Hayai in Tengoku, VI/here it still lies.
This ancient blade looks like a typical Rokugani ka-
tana, albeit slightly shorter than most. The hilt of the
weapon has been held by countless hands throughout
the centuries, and the carved ivoty of the handle, which
was once a resplendent pearl, is heavily blackened. A
small white tassel is set at the butt end of the hilt. It is
said that each time a new Unicorn hero was given the
weapon he replaced this silken ornament. The color of
the tassel, which ineVitably became sullied by the dust,
sweat, and blood of battle, was an easy way for those
who met the wielder to approximate how long he had
held it. The blade of Hayai is a marvel of craftsmanship
and it is so light that the \veapon feels almost v.leight-
less. The saya that holds the Ancestral Sword of the
Unicorn is a very simple sheath made of polished \vood
bound with leather at the top, center. and bottom.
Hayai grants a number of benefits to those who wield
it, but only if they are of the Unicorn Clan. In the hands
of anyone outside the Clan, the Ancestral Blade of the
Unicorn functions like a mundane katana of Excellent
Quality. In the hands of a Unicorn samurai, Hayai is a
DR 4k3 katana whIch can harm Invulnerable foes. The
extraordinary lightness of this unique artifact also al-
lows its ",,,ielder to strike opponents with uncanny speed
and accuracy. The wielder gains a bonus to Initiative
Rolls in kept dice equal to his Rank in any Unicorn Ba-
sic School. He also can reroll any attack dice which arc
less than the combined total of his Kenjutsu rank and
Unicorn Basic School Rank. Finally, Hayai can ignore
all armor bonuses to an enemy's TN to be Hit.
Ancestral Wakizashi of the Unicorn
The Ancestral Wakizashi of the Unicorn Clan is the
short sword that once belonged to Iuchi, and which he
presented to Shinjo after Haolei collected the wakizashi
of his siblings to forge the Ancestral Blade of Haolei
from them. This intriguing artifact rests on an 800-year-
old mahogany stand in Shiro Shinjo. It is said the Uni-
corn Champion \I,,Iill only hand the weapon to those
truly worthy of it, and only in times of direst need.
Daitan, as Shinjo (and Iuchi before her) called the
blade, is an unusual weapon. The handle is fashioned
from a strange, nondescript, finely woven mesh of spider
silk of a silvery gray shade. The spider silk is so fine that
the weapon is said to be slippery. Because of that, many
past Unicorn heroes have preferred not to \vield Daitan in
battle, for fear of losing their grip upon it and thus dishon-
oring the uniquely powerful wakizashi. The blade itself is
strange and seems to be made from a milky substance that
constantly moves of its own volition within the confines
of the solid blade. When swung in combat, the Ancestral
Wakizashi of the Unicorn appears like a blur of gray mist,
which makes it almost impossible for any mortal eyes to
follow the movements of the blade. Many Unicorn samu
rai believe Daitan is imbued with magic so powerful that
the weapon can actually be at two places at once.
Like Hayai, the Ancestral Sword of the Clan, Daitan
functions as a mundane blade in the hands of anyone
who is not a Unicorn. In the hands of a Unicorn, how
ever, this weapon is a DR 3k2 wakizashi which harms
Invulnerable foes and bestows tremendous speed to its
wielder, awarding a bonus to his Initiative Rolls in kept
dice equal to his Air Ring. The speed of Daitan is so
greal the wielder must have at least 2 ranks in Ken-
jutsu skill in order to truly master the weapon. Those
who have enough Kenjutsu to use Daitan properly can
negate the effect of one opposing Bushi School Tech-
nique per round. However, only a technique of a lesser
or equal Rank than the wielder's Unicorn Basic School
Rank can thus be negated.
Al't'Ows of the Foul' Winds
The mounted archers of the Unicorn armies are feared
throughout the Empire and far beyond the borders of
Rokugan for their strength, precision, and determina-
tion in combat. It thus comes as no surprise that their
fletchers have created awakened arrows of tremendous
craftsmanship and power. One particular set of missiles,
the Arrows of the Four Winds, is an especial1y priceless
heirloom of the Unicorn Clan. Through the centuries,
several Unicorn Clan Champions have been known to
give these powerful arrows as a reward for meritorious
and loyal service, or to help those whom they send on
exceptionally dangerous or important missions.
Made of a strange and unidentifiable purple wood,
the Arrows of the Four Winds are light but extremely
strong. Their shafts are expertly lJetched with long
feathers of white, gold, and gray. There are four differ-
ent Arrows of the Four 'VVinds. each one named after a
particular wind and emblazoned with a likeness of the
dragon believed to send that wind into the world.
Although each of these four enchanted arrows has a
distinctive power, they all have one thing in common:
if properly petitioned by the archer before being fired
(which requires a successful Awarenessffheology Skill
Roll against a TN of 15), the arrow magically returns
to the hands of the Unicorn Clan Champion within a
week. If the arrow does not return, the archer's entire
family is greatly dishonored and they must find the lost
arrow or forfeit their lives.
The Arrow of the North pierces like the bitter winds
from the polar region, bestowing a bonus to attack rolls
in unkept dice equal to the wielder's Glory Rank.
The Arrow of the South is a gentle but precise
breeze, granting a bonus to attack rolls in unkept dice
equal to the wielder's Honor Rank.
An Arrow of the West functions as a divination de
vice rather than a weapon. When let loose, it magically
veers toward the place the wielder is thinking about,
whether it is the lair of a creature he is hunting, the lost
tomb of a long-forgotten ancestor, or the quickest route
home out of the Shadowlands. It lJies to the limit of
its range (thereby giving a strong hint) or to the actual
object of inquiry, whichever is closer, and it will alv.rays
reveal itself so that it may be recovered. The Arrow of
the West may be used a number of times equal to the
'wielder's School Rank in a Unicorn Basic School before
it magically vanishes to return to the Clan Champion.
The Arrow of the East \,vas lost long ago when the
ill-fated Moto armies ventured into the Shadowlands.
This arrow was also called the Arrow of Heart's Desire,
but it has been lost for so long no one remembers what
its magical properties "'''ere.
Bonsai Pine of luchi Ramatsu
Bonsai, or the art of growing miniature trees, was origi-
nally developed by the Crane Clan, but the Unicorn
have always admired this refined art form. During their
long journey outside of Rokugan, one of their shugen-
ja devoted the majority of his life to produce the most
wondrous bonsai tree ever seen. I uchi Ramatsu spent
40 years groWing a bonsai out of a thimble. Today, the
tree is ancient and venerable, but is still only the size
of a delicate woman's smallest finger. The Bonsai Pine
of Iuchi Ramatsu, however, is especially remarkable for
its ability to shrink people to its own scale. Anyone who
contemplates the bonsai and wishes to be with the tree
immediately finds himself standing on rough soil next
to a giant pine. All around him, everything suddenly
seems grotesquely huge. One simply has to bid farewell
to the tree in order to return to normal size.
The Bonsai Pine of Iuchi Ramatsu \lo,las used at the
Battle of Maika Oasis. The Unicorn used the tree to
shrink an entire unit of mercenaries in their pay and
hide them within the tiny tree's thimble. When their
enemies believed the remainder of the Unicorn forces
were about to surrender, the mercenaries suddenly re-
turned to their normal size, surprising their foes. This
tactic provided a great victory to the Unicorn.
In another instance, the Bonsai Pine was essential in
providing provisions dUring a lengthy journey. One by
one, all who were traveling used the magic of the tree
to shrink themselves into the thimble. A fig had been
placed next to the tree, allowing them to eat from it. It
is said the entire caravan was fed from a single piece
of fruit.
Bt'ass aong of Dtaku Maset'O
This magical device was originally acquired by Ide
Borume from a gaijin merchant, and no one has ever
discovered who its creator was or where the gong actu-
ally came from. The antique item was thus named in
honor of Otaku Masero, a Unicorn stable boy whose
unwavering loyalty earned him great respect among the
Unicorn nobility. Before the ancient gong was named,
the honor of holding it when it was first rung was given
to Masero, who was aftenvard allm:ved to keep it in his
house. Since that time the Gong of Otaku Masero has
passed through countless hands, but the awakened
item is always given to an unsung hero of the Clan.
About three feet in diameter, the Gong of Otaku Ma-
sero hangs from a stout silken cord, and as befits the
nomadic Unicorn traditions the item has never been
mounted upon a stand. In order to use it, a person
must hold it high above the ground. The Gong of Otaku
Masero is traditionally held with both thumbs, its user
keeping his arms as far up as he can so that the gong
falls to the level of his navel. This is to better focus the
sound at the center of the bearer's chi. Ever since it lrvas
discovered, the Unicorn Clan has used the gong during
important or sacred ceremonies, remembrances to the
fallen of the Clan, during grand story-telling festivals,
and other such occasions. In t i m ~ s of war, the Gong of
Otaku Masero is rung for the troops on the morning of
When the Gong is rung, all the allies of the bearer
who hear the sound immediately feel a wave of peace
wash over them. If any listener is meditating, his Medi-
tation Skill Roll automatically succeeds and he recov-
ers all Void Points within the time it takes the gong to
completely stop its ringing (which typically takes 10
Celestial Swot'd of the Unicot'n
Soon after the Celestial Sword of the Unicorn was first
presented to Moto Gaheris, he placed a dignified blade
in the Shinjo ancestral home, leading many to assume
that he refused to carry Tsi Xing Guo's gift. However,
this was a ruse - the sword in the Shinjo palace was
merely an artistic display, and Gaheris carried the real
Celestial Blade until his death in 1159. The sword has
since passed down to his grandson and successor, Mota
Enginoshi, which is kept in a mundane looking saya
of wood, has a blade as bright as the purest silver. Its
tsuba is a simple round plate that bears no special de-
sign or insignia, but it is made of solid gold. The most
impressive feature of this Celestial Sword, however, is its
hilt. Longer than the handle of most katana, the hilt of
Enginoshi is made to resemble a unicorn's horn. Of an
immaculate white shade, the elongated handle becomes
gradually thinner, ending in a sharp point. Although
some believe that the handle is made of a strange alloy,
others argue it is actually a true unicorn horn. What-
ever the truth might be, one fact remains: Enginoshi un-
doubtedly holds the essence of the Unicorn.
When held by a samurai who is not of the Unicorn,
Enginoshi functions as a mundane katana of Excellent
Quality. If anyone not of the Unicorn attempts to use
the blade against a member of the Clan, the weapon
transmits the energy of the strike back at the wielder
and the attacker mllst make his attack roll (and sub-
sequent damage roll) against himself. This property is
negated if a Unicorn bearing Enginoshi attacks another
member of his Clan.
In the hands of a Unicorn samurai, Enginoshi has
a DR of 4k4 and is considered jade for the purpose of
harming Invulnerable does. It doubles the \.vielder's
movement allowance, or the movement allov/ance of
his mount if he is on horseback, for as long as he car-
ries the blade. The sV\lord awards an extra three ranks
in the Kenjutsu skill and an extra +2k2 on Initiative
rolls. Furthermore, if the wielder has least I Rank in
Kenjutsu, he can use Enginoshi with incredible might
in battle: any damage roll that gets three or more explo-
sions causes the target (if he survives) to fail the next
skill roll he makes.
Dai-kyu of Anekkusai
The first of these v'londrous bows "vas a gift given to the
Unicorn Clan by the Crane, shortly after their return to
the Emerald Empire. The original Dai-kyu of Anekkusai
was crafted by expert Asahina hands and enchanted by
powerful Crane magic, and many Unicorn consider it
the greatest gift any of the other Great Clans has ever
given them. It was light but extremely powerful, and
it greatly impressed all the Unicorn samurai "vho "vere
fortunate enough to wield it. In the years that followed,
the shugenja of the luchi Family studied the intricate
magic of the Dai-kyu of Anekkusai, and they were able
to reproduce the original Crane creation. Today, this
,veapon is a favorite of the Shinjo Family, for in the
hands of a mighty Unicorn horse archer it can be quite
A Dai-kyu of Anekkusai seems to know 'Alhen its
O\vner needs to use it. Whenever someone carries the
weapon, "vhether on their person or their steed, they
can instantly summon the bow into their hands with a
mere thought. This does not require expending an Ac-
tion. Because it is extremely light and easy to use, the
wielder can make an additional attack each round. This
bonus stacks v/ith any other effects or Techniques that
allow extra attacks. Finally, 'when firing a Dai-kyu of
Anekkusai from horseback, the wielder never suffers
any penalties to his attack rolls from riding a horse or
from difficult terrain.
Drum of Water
These items are primarily crafted by the luchi, although
the secrets of their creation have filtered out into the
Empire at large. Drums of Water can potentially be
found anywhere in the Empire, although the major-
ity are among the Unico,n. Within the luchi Shugen-
ja School, young initiates assist in the creation of the
Drums of Water until they master hmv to fashion them
A Drum of Water is a small hand drum, extremely
iight and easy to lise. The body is made from blue-
painted volOod and decorated with spirals of purple and
other colors. The skins that stretch across both ends
are painted with strange black designs. These skins are
held tight by a wooden ring 'with several attached cords
which link both sides of the drum. Another thick string
runs parallel to the cords, allOWing the user to tune the
instrument by tightening or slackening the main cords.
Treat a Drum of War as an item of Fine Quality. To
use the Drum, the owner simply plays it with the bare
hands, producing a staccato beat. The drum can be
played as often as desired, of course ~ it is perfectly
functional as a musical instrument - but its magical
ability can only be triggered once per day. The lIser can
target himself or a single allied person or creature '-\'ith-
in 30'. The target may move as if its \i\later Ring is dou-
bled, and can make one additional attack per round.
These enhancements last for a number of rounds equal
to the drum-player's Insight Rank.
Heavenly Kobune of Suitengu
The Heavenly Kobune of Suitengu is a tiny jade model
in the shape of a traditional kobune. The model is small
enough to snugly tit into a person's hand, and is as light
as a feather. The rainbow of green hues that make up
the hull of the small boat constantly changes as light
and shadow dance upon it. The jade is so "'''ell polished
and its color so extraordinary that there can be no doubt
the kobune is magical in nature. To make the item even
more special, the ramp of the boat is made from shining
gold. The same bright metal also enhances several parts
of the artifact's hull. The sails of the Heavenly Kobune
are just as remarkable as the rest of it. Fashioned from
the lightest and finest silk of a translucent gray-green
shade, these sails Outter constantly, as if wind eternally
fueled them.
It '''las Moto Chen who originally uncovered the Heav
enly Kobune of Suitengu in the Shadowlands. Although
he did not know what he had found, Chen offered the
exquisite jade model to the Unicorn Champion Moto
Chagatai upon his return. Chagatai was pleased and
intrigued with the gift, but it was Horiuchi Rikako who
reacted most strongly when she saw the model, as she
instantly recognized it as a symbol of SUitengu, the For-
tune of the Seas. Rikako explained to her Khan that
leoends claimed the Fortune of the Seas used a vessel
knovm as the Heavenly Kobune of Suitengu to journey
between the mortal realm and Tengoku. She believed
the model Chen had found in the Shadowlands was a
small fragment of that legendary vessel, perhaps broken
off durino a battle between Suitengu and a mighty water
demon. The Khan commanded they learn more about
this artifact, and placed it in the care of the shugenja
Moto Tsusung. Tsusung, Rikako, and the Mantis priest-
ess Moshi Amika eventually used the Heavenly Ko-
bune to accomplish a great goal, helping the spirit of
Yoritomo to reach Tengoku. This fragment of the Heav-
enly Kobune of Suitengu is a unique artifact of great
power. \'Vhen it is taken to sea. the boat carrying it is
automatically blessed. It will always reach its destina-
tion safely and none of its crew or passengers will suffer
from sea sickness or other ailments. Furthermore, if the
Heavenly Kobune's command word is spoken aloud,
it causes a number of sea vessels (up to a maximum
equal to the owner's Void Ring x5) to travel at up to lOx
their maximum speed in complete safety for a number
of hours equal to the owner's Void Ring xl. Truly wise
and powerful shugenja can accomplish much more
with the Heavenly Kobune, for as an object of Celestial
power it is capable of transforming into a full-sized ship
that can travel into the spirit realms, even to the very
gates of Tengoku. Only a few shugenja have been able
to learn how this is done, however, and even they do
not fully understand what they accomplished.
Lotus Blade of the Unicol'n Clan
Jiyu was the final gift of Tsi Xing Guo to the Unicorn
Clan, one of the ten Lotus Blades he forged before his
apotheosis as the Fortune of Steel. Asahina Sekawa
gave it to Akasha, the human embodiment of the Naga
Akasha and the spouse of Mota Chen, who now lives
in the Naga city of Vyakarana. Akasha is never seen
without Jiyu and she proudly carries the Lotus Blade of
her Clan wherever she goes.
The Lotus Blade of the Unicorn Clan is a simple look-
ing katana, but its workmanship is exceptional. The
saya that holds the blade is made of wood tinted in a
light, glossy purple color. Intricately carved silver bands
decorate the saya, which wa's specially designed to hold
Jiyu. Its tsuba is oval shaped and cast from silver, but
on the side of the hilt strange patterns decorate it. These
form a black circle into which are several dark bands
that seem to expand from its center, where the hilt of the
weapon protrudes. The end of Jiyu's hilt bears an oval
ornamental silver piece \"Iith the head of a unicorn.
The magic of Jiyu only works in the hands of a samu-
rai sworn to the Unicorn Clan. Otherwise, treat it as
a mundane katana of Excellent Quality. In Unicorn
hands, however, Jiyu has a DR of 5k3 and can harm
Invulnerable foes. The wielder may take a Simple Ac-
tion to activate the V\Tater spirit within the blade. Once
activated, the sword's full potential is reached. It grants
a +2k2 bonus to damage rolls when using the Full At
tack posture or when mounted. Also, when fighting from
horseback, the wielder receives a +5 bonus to TN to Be
Hit against mounted foes and a +10 bonus against en-
emies on the ground.
Meishodo Amulet
Ever since the Unicorn discovered the existence of
meishodo in the gaijin lands, many luchi shugenja
have devoted their lives to the study of this craft, ex-
perimenting with the art and developing new and inno-
vative techniques. After centuries of experimentation,
they have become the unrivaled masters of this still
little-known form of magic. More recently, the Horiuchi
family has delved even more deeply into meishodo,
and those \vho wish to master this strange magic today
must come to the Horiuchi, since all major work with
the craft is being done in their provinces. One of their
most remarkable breakthroughs \vas to overcome the
barrier between gaijin magic and the native Rokugani
practice of kami worship.
In the past, those who had learned to master meisho-
do found themselves unable to cast magic by rous-
ing the lesser kami, just as those who practiced kami
worship were unable to craft meishodo fetishes. The
Horiuchi found a revolutionary way to overcome this
deficiency, and they are now able to use both types
of magic, combining their effects and creating unique
spells that only they can hope to learn. Although the
gaijin art of meishodo is much less powerful than typi-
cal shugenja magic, it is nevertheless extremely practi-
cal and versatile. Many Unicorn scouts have benefited
from such magic. One of the most important items cre-
ated by the shugenja of the Horiuchi family is the sim-
ple meishodo charms. These items, typically referred to
as Meishodo Amulets, come in many forms, but they
are always made from natural materials such as wood,
grass, stone, and untreated leather. These magical de-
vices are particularly useful to those who must be c o n ~
stantly on their guard.
Meishodo Amulets come in various forms and each
holds a different pO\:ver. Treat them as items of Fine
Q!1ality. These handcrafted magical trinkets work only
once, and are often unique. Once triggered, the magic
of such a device is released and the item becomes a
mundane amulet. Using these magical amulets is sim-
ple and requires the user to either speak a single word
or concentrate on the amulet for a few seconds. A typi-
cal Meishodo Amulet is linked to one of the following
traits (although other types exist): Agility, Awareness,
Perception, and Reflexes. The amulet's magic boosts
this specific Trait for I hour, either by augmenting the
Trait by 1 Rank or by granting 1 Free Raise each time
the Trait is used (such as on a Skill Roll). Other Meisho-
do Amulets may instead hold a spell of Mastery Level
I with a Range of Self. These items can be triggered by
anyone who knows the command word. and the spell
lasts for half the duration it would normally have (with
a minimum of 1 round).
Most Honorable Iris Haori
and Hakama of the Ide Family
Even the wisest of the Unicorn Clan are uncertain
where these wondrous garments originated. Some sto-
ries say that they were made for Ide himself, while oth-
ers claim the garments were first worn by the son of Ide,
who was so successful at keeping the mighty caliphs of
the Burning Sands fighting each other instead of turn-
ing upon the Unicorn Clan. Other Unicorn tales even
suggest it was a skilled seamstress from a gaijin land
who made and enchanted these fine garments for one
of Ide's descendants. Regardless of its true origin, this
ancient apparel is one of the most beautiful and intri-
cate sets of clothing found in all of Rokugan. It is thus
not surprising that the Ide, who have carefully kept the
garments for generations, only use them on the most
important of occasions.
The Most Honorable Iris Haori and Hakama of the
Ide Family, as the outfit came to be called, is of a deep
purple shade. Adorned with a variety of delicately em-
broidered irises, unicorns of various shapes and sizes,
as well as other intricate designs and unique insignia,
this garment is comfortable and extremely elegant. Its
long, loose folds, however, are not of typical Rokugani
design. Anyone but the smallest or largest samurai in
Rokugan would look regal in this attire. In fact, the
powerful magic of the vestment ensures that anyone
wearing it appears calm and at peace with the world.
It creates for its wearer an imposing demeanor that can
discourage his enemies from striking at him.
Anyone with the great good fortune to don The Most
Honorable Iris Haori and Hakama of the Ide Family is
protected by its power. Those who \""ish to attack the
wearer must first make a Contested Roll against him,
rolling a number of dice equal to their Honor Rank while
the wearer rolls a number of dice equal to either his Ba-
sic School Rank or his Glory Rank, whichever is better.
If the attacker loses the Contested Roll, he cannot bring
himself to strike, and he cannot attempt another attack
upon the wearer for the next 24 hours. If the attacker
wins the Contested Roll, he may strike normally, but the
attack counts as a failed Honor Roll for him.
Unicorn Saddle
The samurai of the Unicorn Clan have long been
known for their superior horsemanship skills, which of-
ten seem to border on the supernatural. Some believe
it is the Unicorn's blood, which holds a unique blend
of true Rokugani and gaijin ancestry, that grants them
the wondrous abilities they have with horses. Others
think it is the ancient traditions of their Clan and their
unique training which makes them such vvonderful cav-
alrymen. Some argue that all Unicorn samurai share
a special bond with the steed they ride. Most Unicorn
samurai, however, feel such skills simply come natu-
rally to them.
Despite these unquestionable talents, however,
many Unicorn samurai would love to put their hands
on several items fashioned by Iuchi shugenja of their
Clan and especially designed to make them even more
fearsome riders. Among these are the little known (at
least outside the Unicorn Lands) objects simply called
Unicorn Saddles.
The artisans of the Unicorn Clan have developed
several new and innovative \vays to craft saddles and
stirrups, based on secrets learned from the Ujik-hai, a
gaijin race of nomadic horsemen with whom the Ki-Rin
shared a close relationship. Unicorn Saddles still look
exactly as they did in days long past, when the shugenja
of the luchi Family fitst created them based on
models. These magical items are designed for a specific
individual in mind, but with time and practice any rid-
er can benefit from them. If a samurai uses a Unicorn
Saddle that was not made for him, its magic will not
work until he has ridden his steed for a full month. Aftet
that time, the saddle works just as if it had been created
specifically fot him.
A Unicorn Saddle can be set upon any kind of horse.
Treat it as a saddle of Fine Quality. Those with the good
fortune to possess one of these magical devices will
find the steed on which they place it becomes
heartedly devoted to them, even if it is an unbroken
wild horse. The steed will obey every command and
will never abandon its rider unless dismissed. Further-
more, as long as the rider sits in the Unicorn Saddle on
horseback, he gains a bonus to all Horsemanship Skill
Rolls and attack rolls equal to his Unicorn Basic School
LUaku Saddle Cutter
The Utaku Saddle Cutter is a nagamaki
of exquisite craftsmanship. Unlike most typical naga-
maki, which are composed of a sword blade mounted
upon a short wooden shaft, the Utaku Saddle Cutter
is forged from a single piece of steel. The blade of the
weapon is not straight and narrow like most sword
blades, but rather wide and greatly bent. The blade
is approximately four inches wide at the neck of the
handle, but it widens considerably at its othet end,
forming a massive curved edge that is obviously not of
traditional Rokugani design. The blade is also serrated
in many places, forming over half a dozen tiny spikes
along both sides.
The Saddle Cutter is said to have been created by an
Utaku shugenja while the Clan was journeying through
the Burning Sands, and it is clearly of gaijin design.
Many who have seen this odd looking weapon believe
it \vas actually taken from one of the foreign tribes en-
countered by the Unicorn during their exile, and is not
an original creation of the Unicorn. Regardless of its
specific origin, knowledge of how to craft these weap-
ons is confined to the Unicorn Clan. As far as anyone
can tell, all Utaku Saddle Cutters knmvn to exist are
wielded by samurai of the Utaku Family.
An Utaku Saddle Cutter functions as a Fine Qyality
nagamaki, but with a DR of 3k3. As with mundane na-
gamaki, the wielder may spend I Void Point to gain a
+ Ik I DR bonus when wielding an Utaku Saddle Cutter.
As its name implies, the ,""eapon can also be used to at-
tempt to cut the straps that hoids an opponent's saddle
in place, perhaps unhorsing the enemy in the process.
To do so requires a Called Shot against the target's TN
to Be Hit, but the Saddle Cutter awards 2 Free Raises
for this attack. If successful, the attack cuts the target's
saddle from under him, but causes no damage to horse
or horseman. The target whose saddle has been loos-
ened must make a Raw Agility Roll against a TN equal
to the result of the attack roll. If he fails, he immediately
loses his balance and falls to the ground, taking normal
damage in addition to having his ego bruised.
Treasures of
the Imperial Families
Ancestral Sword ofthe t-Iantei
When Hantei defeated his Kami brothers and sisters in
the tournament to determine who among them would
rule the new Empire, he took each of his siblings'
izashi. It was part of the agreement between the Kami
that whoever would rule them would use the wakizashi
of the others to forge a new blade. However, it was not
the Kami Hantei who first 'wielded the fabled Ances-
tral Sword of the Hantel In battle, but his descendent,
the fifth Hantei. He was the first Emperor to actually
use the sword in battle, joining the Crab to wage war
against the Shadowlands, and it was his victory that
truly awakened the soul of the weapon, granting it in-
credible powers.
After that time of glory, the sword returned to the Oro-
san Uchi, \vhere it remained largely unused until the
end of the Halltei dynasty. Hantei XXXIX, fully pos-
sessed by Fu Leng, used it to stab Hida Kisada. Hida
Yakal110 took the s\vord from his father's body and car-
ried it on the Day of Thunder, when Hantei XXXIX was
killed. Afterward, Yakamo retained possession of the fa-
mous blade until he was captured in the Shadowlands
by the corrupted Kuni Yori.
The Naga eventually banished Yori from the mortal
realm. Unaware of the significance and power of the
Ancestral Sword of the Hantei, they abandoned it in
the Shinomen Forest. It remained there until a group of
magistrates from the Monkey Clan returned it to Lady
Shinjo. who took it to the Celestial Heavens along with
the other Ancestral Swords of the Great Clans of Roku-
When Fu Leng invaded Tengoku during the time of
the Four Winds, the Shadow Dragon followed, stole the
sword, and returned it to the Shadowlands. It is said
the Shadow Dragon gave the blade to Omoni, the flesh-
shaper, who in turn offered the weapon to Daigotsu. Be-
cause he was of the Hantei line, Daigotsu could wield
the blade, and when he drew the sword in the Temple
of the Ninth Kami, Fu Leng blessed it, corrupting the
weapon's magic. Daigotsu renamed the blade Akkuai-
uo. He kept the Ancestral Sword of the Hantci until
luchiban invaded the City of the Los!. Gravely wound-
ed, Daigotsu was forced to abandon the weapon during
his escape. Because luchiban was also of the Hantei
bloodline, he was able to safely wield Akkuai-uo. When
luchiban was defeated, the Ancestral Sword was lost
and its current whereabouts are unknown.
Akkuai-uo is an oversized no-dachi that holds unbe-
lievable power. In its original form, the Ancestral Sword
of the Hantei shone with a golden light when it was
held by a HanteL Now, Akkuai-uo glmvs with an ee-
rie corrupted black fire when someone from the Hantei
line wields it. It was once a weapon that could cause
unbelievable damage against creatures corrupted by
the Shadowlands Taint, but the sword is now a horrible
bane against those who have not yet been corrupted.
Akkuai-uo can only be wielded properly by someone
of Hantei's bloodline. Any person or creature with at
least I Shadowlands Point may carry the sword, but if
they attempt to use Akkuai-uo in battle the blade will
simply refuse to move. Hmvever, its current, Tainted
state also makes it hazardous for someone who is not
corrupted to handle it. Anyone not yet afflicted by the
Shadowlands Taint suffers a 2 Rank penalty to all of
their Traits (to a minimum of J) for as long as they keep
the blade on their person.
In the hands of a descendant of the Hantei with
at least 1 Shadmvlands Point, Akkuai-uo becomes a
mighty weapon. It is a Legendary katana with a DR
of 6k4 and can harm all foes, regardless of protections
and immunities. The wielder may use his Shadowlands
Taint Rank to replace any Trait or Ring for as long as
the sword is carried. It grants a +2k2 bonus to damage
rolls made against targets who have no Shadowlands
Taint. If the attacker makes 3 Raises, the sword will also
reduce the target's Water Ring by 2 in addition to inflict-
ing damage. Any target reduced to a '-'Vater of 0 dies,
and reanimates as a Tainted undead.
It is said that before itwas Tainted, the Ancestral Sword
of the Hantei had the same effect on Shadowlands crea-
tures as it nmv has on those who are untainted.
l1tel'ald }\I'I1tOI'
Along with the Sword of the Emerald Champion, the
Armor of the Emerald Champion (or the Emerald Ar-
mor) is both a tool and a badge of rank for the Emer-
ald Champion. These items serve as the symbols of his
office, but they also ensure that one of the mosl hon-
orable and talented samurai in the Emerald Empire is
well equipped to face all sorts of challenges.
The Emerald Armor is a unique suit of heavy armor.
Composed mainly from thick but supple leather rein-
forced in many places by strong steel plates, the bulk
of the armor - including the armored sleeves, leggings,
and helmet - is of a green shade that seems to con-
stantly mutate as light flashes upon it. Strips of gold
define the steel shoulder pads, writs, hauberk, and the
upper part of the torso, giving the suit a properly rar-
efied touch, worthy of the dignity of one who functions
as the Emperor's most significant lieutenant. Gold also
decorates the kabuto that complements the armor, and
a long cloth of golden silk, which is attached around the
wearer's waist, completes the garment.
The Emerald Armor functions as traditional Roku-
gani heavy armor, but it is extremely light and does not
penalize its \vearer in any way. Thus, unlike mundane
heavy armor, the Emerald Armor does not bestow a +5
TN penalty to Skill Rolls involving Agility or Reflexes.
Additionally, the Emerald Armor makes its wearer feel
more confident and determined, and makes him appear
more regal. Wearing it grants a 1 Rank bonus to Aware
ness, Stamina, and \i\Tillpower.
Imperial Standard
The Imperial Standard is an ancient nemuranai. Many
believe it holds a small portion of the essence of Hantei,
and some are even convinced the Kami himself created
it. The item remains one of the most cherished posses-
sions of the Imperial Court, for not only is the Impe-
rial Standard imbued with potent magic, but it is also
a distinctive symbol the Emperors of Rokugan. While
countless other standards have been fashioned with the
Imperial colors and insignia, only the original Imperial
Standard is imbued with magic strong enough to boost
the moral of those who serve the Emperor directly.
This nemuranai is shaped in the form of a rectangular
flag, only slightly taller than it is wide. The standard is
made of the purest white silk and can never be soiled
by normal means, so it is always clean and vibrant. The
Chrysanthemum flower of the Imperial Families is wo-
ven upon it in golden threads.
Any samurai loyal to the Emperor \-vho is within 200'
of the Imperial Standard feels stronger and invigorated.
The Standard grants a + t kO bonus to DR to allies of the
Emperor of Rokugan as long as they remain within the
area of effect. It also makes them more fearless, grant-
ing a bonus against any Fear effect equal to twice their
Honor Rank.
Like any of the ancient j'uma jirushi of the Clans, the
general of an army with the Ancestral Standard of the
Hantei may add + 10 to any Battle (Mass Combat) Skill
Roll made to determine winners for a Battle Turn, and
gains 4 Free Raises on any other use of the Battle skill
when it is visible to their troops. The standard's bearer
cannot move very quickly, suffers a +10 penalty to all
TNs when carrying the banner, and may only fight one-
Kaede's Fan
Isawa Kaede. daughter of lsawa Ujina and Doji Ninube,
held many titles. She became Mistress of the Void after
her father resigned from the position, and held that post
until she abandoned the Council of Five to become the
Oracle of Void. She became known throughout the Em-
pire, however, as the Empress Toturi Kaede. After her
marriage wilh Toturi I, Kaede bore three children, and
for a time she held the title of Imperial Regent, although
this led to an imbalance in the Heavens and helped to
trigger the dynastic struggle of the Four Winds. After her
son Naseru became Totmi 1Il, Kaede left Ningen-do.
Her fan, however, remained behind.
Kaede's Fan, as this unique nemuranai came to be
known, is a beautiful fan made of delicate, golden-
yellow rice paper. The surface is painted with crimson
symbols. the meaning of which is unknown. Fine sticks
of oak separate the various branches of the fan, forming
tiny spikes between each. Although Kaede's Fan seems
extremely delicate, the item is actually quite sturdy.
Many even believe it is indestructible. As far as any-
one knows, Kaede was never seen without this intricate
Anyone who holds and carries Kaede's Fan gains a
bonus to all Courtier Skill Rolls equal to their Honor
Rank. Additionally, every time they gain Honor for any
reason, they gain 1 additional Honor Point.
Mantle of the Jade Champion
This unique artifact is the badge of office of the Jade
Champion of Rokugan, the foremost shugenja in the
Empire. The Mantle of the Jade Champion, as the price-
less artifact is known, was created by the most gifted 167
~ , , ~ ,# , ' ... - .. ~ , ..~ , ,-, , , - ~ , ~ . " ~
- .
artisan of the Kakita Family before being enchanted by
the most powerfullsawa shugenja.
The Mantle of the Jade Champion was originally
given to Kitsu Okura, who was the first to hold that
office after it was revived during the reign of Toturi I.
Tragically, Okura fell to the temptations of maho, and
there was some concern that the magical vestment was
Tainted during his time of office. The next Jade Cham-
pion was Kuni Utagu. leader of the Kuni Witch Hunt-
ers. When the Mantle of the Jade Champion was given
to him, Utagu thoroughly examined the vestment and
declared it free of the Taint. Since then it has passed
on to two more Jade Champions, Asahina Sekawa and
nO\"-' Kuni Daigo.
The Mantle of the Jade Champion is a loose, knee-
length garment with long, ample sleeves. Made from
the finest silk, it is of a dark green shade embroidered
with golden threads. On the lower part of the mantle
and upon its sleeves, an uneven ring of golden flames
seem to dance. The high collar of the garment is thick
and patterned with gold strands, forming a simple ring
around the wearer's neck.
The Mantle of the Jade Champion not only identifies
the wearer's position within the Empire of Rokugan, but
also significantly enhances his capabilities. Anyone for-
lunale enough to don the Mantle of the Jade Champion
gains a bonus of +5 to their TN to Be Hit. Also, once per
day, they can absorb the magic of any spell cast directly
against them, as long as its Mastery Level is equal to or
less than their shugenja Basic School Rank. This effec-
tively cancels and disperses the spell.
Sezaru's Mask
Toturi Sezaru was the third child of Emperor Toturi I
and 19awa Kaede. Sezaru always wore a mask in battle,
a fact that led some to mistakenly believe he was not
honest or honorable. During his lifetime, Sezaru was
a mystery wrapped in a riddle, perceived by some as
a bloodthirsty and secretive individual and by others
as a great hero. The Jade Champion Kuni Utagu even
suspected him of practicing maho, and when Utagu
died under strange circumstances many thought Sezaru
might have had something to do with it. In fact, Sezaru
never dabbled with maho, and accomplished many
things in his life, such as discovering Iuchiban's capture
of the last Ki-Rin and protecting Toturi III from the taint
of the resulting Rain of Blood. Under the Emperor's
orders, he hunted down and destroyed all the Blood-
speaker groups operating in Rokugan. Unfortunately,
Sezaru struggled with madness all his life, and when he
set out to eradicate the Bloodspeakers he embraced the
violent side of his persona, known as the Wolf.
Sezaru is remembered chiefly as a heroic yet tragic
figure, but he is also known for some of the magical
items he wrought. The intricate porcelain mask he wore
in battle is certainly his most famous creation. This
nemuranai is a \",hite mask of the finest quality. It cov-
ers the entire face of its wearer, with the exception of
two narrow slits for the eyes. Above the eye slits, the
forehead is thick and descends in a V-shape that makes
the face of the mask appear fierce or angry. Thick black
lines circle the eyes, forming a coiling pattern close to
the ridge of the nose. More delicate black lines as well
as dark oval brows also decorate Sezaru's Mask, but
its most impressive feature is the large crimson circle
painted upon the forehead. Sezaru lost the mask durino
a battle with Daigotsu, and the Dark Lord claimed it as
a trophy he could place beside the Steel Throne.
This unique artifact grants a 2 Rank bonus to the In-
telligence of whoever wears it. \Vhen worn by a shugen-
ja, Sezaru's Mask also allows him to cast any of the
spells he knows as Innate Abilities, up to a total num-
ber of spells per day equal to his Intelligence.
Sword of the cmerald Champion
Since the position of Emerald Champion was created in
the year 153, each samurai appointed to this prestigious
office has worn the Emerald Armor, which has \I'lithout
a doubt become the most important symbol of the Em-
erald Champion. Those who have won the tournament
which determined each new Emerald Champion, how-
ever, were also given a blade of great power. Forged from
the same steel that was used to reinforce the Emerald
Armor, the weapon is of a green shade that seems to shift
constantly, like the face of the purest emerald stone. The
handle of the Sword of the Emerald Champion is also
covered with silk of a lustrous green, which is tightened
around the hilt in a traditional Rokugani pattern.
It is the duty of the Emerald Champion to do every-
thing in his power to reinforce the Emperor's la\-vs as well
as protect his sovereign from any possible threats. The
Sword of the Emerald Champion is a unique artifact that
reinforces its wielder's sense of justice and loyalty to the
Emperor. When using the enchanted blade, the Emerald
Champion gains a bonus to attack rolls in rolled dice
equal to half of his Awareness Trait (rounded up).
Topaz Armor
The Topaz Armor is a highly sought after nemuranai.
Although no one knows who fashioned the remarkable
suit of heavy armor, it has become a symbol of excel-
lence and nObility throughout Rokugan. Since the cre-
ation of the Topaz Championship in the Eighth Century,
this intricate armor has been passed down to each suc-
cessive champion of the tournament. Those who win
the Topaz Championship are given the right to wear the
Topaz Armor for one year, until another young samurai
wins the next tournament.
This intricate suit of heavy armor is made of various
pieces of different shades of blues and grays, trimmed
with black and gold leather, silk, and steel pieces. Al-
though the suit itself offers a fine display with all the
complex designs that decorate its torso, it is the kabuto
that completes it which looks most impressive. The
dark blue helmet covers almost the entire face, masking
it with the dreadful visage of a mighty warrior. From the
front of it, a wide pair of iVOry horns protrudes, forming
strange, white Wings that stand above the helm.
''''hen worn by anyone but the true Topaz Champion,
this fabulous suit functions as mundane heavy armor of
Fine Q].Iality. When used by its rightful owner, however,
the Topaz Armor grants a 1 Rank bonus to both Glory
and Honor (to the natural maximum of both). It also
provides a bonus on both TN to Be Hit and Defense
Skill Rolls equal to the wearer's Glory Rank (including
the bonus it provides to Glory).
Toturi's Battle Standard
The battle standard of the Totori Family is an imposing
flag made from layers of white silk, decorated with a
golden dragon coiled inside a narrow ring of gold upon
a night blue sky. This nemuranai is always attached to a
pole shaped as an inverted L. This allows the standard
to be tied on one of its sides as v,Iell as on its top, ensur-
ing it remains open and visible even when there is no
wind. When the Stal)dard is held by a samurai of the
Toturi Family, all allies gain a + IkO bonus to attack and
damage rolls so long as they remain within 200' of the
standard. Furthermore, all enemies within the area of
effect suffer a -lkO penalty to attack and damage rolls
against allies of the current holder of the standard.
As with any of the ancient fuma jirushi of the Clans,
the general of an army with Toturi's Battle Standard
may add + \0 to any Battle (Mass Combat) Skill Roll
made to determine winners for a Battle Turn, and gains
4 Free Raises on any other use of the Battle Skill when
it is visible to their troops. The standard's bearer cannot
move very quickly, suffers a +10 TN penalty to all Skill
Rolls made while carrying the banner, and may only
fight one-handed.
Tsudao's Tanto
Toturi Tsudao, also known as Empress Toturi II, was
one of the greatest warriors of her age, perhaps of any
age. Tsudao used many weapons in battle and was par-
ticularly fond of her katana, but she was also known for
carrying a tanto with a delicate blade and impressive
golden hilt. It is said this weapon never left her side,
even when she was forced to attend court. Although
no one can say for certain what happened to Tsudao's
Tanto after her death, if it survived it would certainly be
a nemuranai of great power.
The slightly curved blade of this weapon is made of
thin steel of seemingly unremarkable quality, but the
hilt of Tsudao's Tanto is a work of art. The hilt, about
half as long as its blade, is decorated by simple patterns
that form long grooves in which the golden metal takes
various shades. Unlike a typical tanto, Tsudao's Tanto
has a tsuba. Forged from the same gold as the handle,
the tsuba looks like six delicate petals: two curving
slightly to decorate the weapon, two bending toward
the hilt to cover the wielder's hand, and two more par-
allel to the tanto's blade.
Tsudao's Tanto has a DR of 2k2 and can affect Invul-
nerable creatures. \i\fhen used by a samurai of any Im-
perial Family or a Great Clan Champion, it grants 3 Free
Raises to disarm an opponent as well as a bonus to all
Defense Skill Rolls equal to the wielder's Honor Rank.
Treasures of
the Spider Clan
Anvil of Despair
There are few artifacts in existence that can inspire such
horror as the Anvil of Despair. The accursed arlifact was
created centuries ago under the direction of the sinister
Agasha Ryuden. An entire Minor Clan, the Boar, were
sacrificed so that the Anvil could be brought into being
Llsing the blood of the First Oni. It was lIpon the Anvil
that the infamous Asahina Yajinden later created the
Bloods'rvords, the most terrible \veapons in existence.
. CentLiries later, the madman Kokujin used it to create
the ShamcsV\lords, horrible in their own right if not quite
so insidious as their predecessors. Recently, the Crane
Clan came into possession of the Anvil, although this
fact remains a closely kept secret.
The Anvil of Despair is of such age and power that
its mechanical effects are difficult to summarize. The
artifact is aware, and attempts to use those who use
it. Anyone who attempts to craft something upon the
Anvil will gain a number of Free Raises equal to 5x their
Insight Rank. Any object crafted upon the Anvil will be
a nemuranai, but it will be cursed in some way. Further
more, using the Anvil lowers one's maximum possible
Honor Rank by 1. Evil, tainted nemuranai can be ere
ated on the Anvil far more readily, and when the Anvil
is used for this purpose, both the Free Raises awarded
and the Honor reduction imposed are doubled.
Armor of Shadows (Ketsuen)
The ancient armor known as the Armor of Shadows was
once an ancestral item possessed by the Crab Clan, the
legendary Armor of the Shadow Warrior, worn by Hida
himself during the First War and by almost every Crab
Champion thereafter. Its sinister name derived from the
black stain on its cords and ties, a stain made by Hida's
own blood from his many wounds. Unfortunately, the
last Champion to wear the armor, Hida Yakamo, p e r ~
ished in the Shadowlands. vVhile he was resurrected
by the naga and eventually ascended to the Celestial
Heavens as Lord Sun, the Armor was left behind and
eventually corrupted by the noxious efforts of a power-
ful spavm of Tsuburu no Oni. The armor later arrived
in the Mantis Islands, sent there perhaps as a tempta-
tion far the young Yoritomo Kumika, who had inherited
the Taint from her mother and struggled to control it.
The Mantis have had the armor in their possession ever
since, and while they have made strides in reducing the
corruption within it, it is still far too dangerous for any-
one to wear it.
Ketsuen is imbued with the essence of the Kami
Hida, who wore the armor centuries ago. Il grants a + I 0
bonus to TN to Be Hit, and allows the wearer to ignore
a number of Wound Ranks equal to his School Rank
in either the Hida Bushi School or the Yoritomo Bushi
School (Le., both major bushi Schools founded by the
line of Hida). The wearer is also highly resistant to the
effects of magic; the TN for any spell targeting the wear-
er is increased by an amount equal to his Earth Ring xS.
Unfortunately, because of the corruption within the ar
mar, this protection no longer extends to maho spells.
Blade of Secrets
The Blade of Secrets and its companion, the Blade of
Truths, were both created by the swordsmith Kalu Haru
when his village was besieged by Chizaro no Oni, a
lieutenant of the dreaded ani know only as the Maw.
He threw his body and soul into creating two swords
which could defeat the ani. Each blade was tempered
with powdered jade, but this proved insufficient protec
tion, and the Taint of Chizaro no Oni twisted and cursed
both blades. Kaiu Haru died defending the village, al-
lowing his people to escape, but his blades fell into the
grasp of the Shadowlands. Since then, both swords
have appeared several times in both the Shadowlands
and the Empire. The Blade of Secrets in particular has
left a trail of broken heroes across the face of the Em-
pire, although it has occasionally been used with effect
against creatures of the Shadowlands. Na one knows
who currently wields it.
The Blade of Secrets is a wondrously well-made ka-
tana. The handle of the weapon is a \-vork of art in itself.
Made from gold, it curves slightly to form the stylized,
elongated body of a duck. i\t a distance of approximate-
ly one hand and a half from the weapon's tsuba, the
golden hilt narrows to form the neck of the creature.
On top of this narrow neck is an impressive duck head,
complete with onyx eyes and a long, straight beak. A
tiny hole runs through both sides of the hilt at the base
of the duck's beak. The lsuba is no less impressive than
its hilt, but is of a much simpler design. Also made of
gold, the tsuba's rim is a wide ring from which two sl11all
pieces extend outvvard. Inside this ring are elaborate
designs of unfathomable meaning.
The Blade of Secrets is an Excellent quality katana
and can harm Invulnerable creatures as though it is jade.
It also has a singular power: the wielder's Raises do not
increase the TN of his attack rolls. However, each time
the wielder calls a Raise, he unknowingly loses a Void
point. If he runs out of Void, he will begin losing Ranks
of Earth instead, but due to the hypnotic appeal of the
blade, he will not be aware of this loss. He will always
remain convinced that the sword is the best thing ever
to happen to him, and will never willingly give it up. If
his Earth is reduced to zero by this effect, he falls into a
coma for a number of hours equal to 35 minus his Earth
x4. When he awakens, his Earth and Void are penma-
nently reduced by I, and he is thereafter plagued with
horrible, maddening dreams of violence and tonnent.
Blade of Tl'uths
The companion to the Blade of Secrets is much more
obscure than its twin, for those who pick it up seldom
live long. Its last known owner Volas a Crab who died in
the and its current whereabouts are un-
known. Despite its accursed nature, the Blade of Truths
is a beautiful weapon. The handle is exquisitely made,
the tip of the hilt cast from gold and matching the weap-
on's unique tsuba, ''''hich is itself strangely designed.
Unlike most tsuba, this one is not rounded but instead
made to form intricate patterns on both sides where the
blade of the weapon is narrow. Between its golden tip
and beautiful tsuba, a layer, of the purest white silk cov-
ers the long steel handle. The sword's saya is just as im-
pressive as the blade itself. and is made of bronze, gold,
and lacquered wood. Strange and intricate patterns
decorate the sheath of this unique magical katana, and
no other saya in all of the Empire resembles it.
The Blade of Truths, like the Blade of Secrets, can
affect Invulnerable creatures as though it is jade. It al-
Iqws the wielder to "explode" (re-roll) 9'5 on damage
dice as though they were I D's. However, it also carries a
terrible curse. Any time more than two dice explode on
the sword's damage rolls, any subsequent damage rolls
made against the '.vielder of the sword roll and keep an
extra die. This effect is cumulative, increasing each time
it is triggered. [t wears off gradually, decreasing by one
die per day until it is gone.
Blood Al'mol'
Like many insidious items employed by the Blood-
speaker cult, Blood Armor is based upon the experi-
ments and craftsmanship of Asahina Yajinden. It is
light armor, with the traditional lacquered plates, and
a shiny, crimson coat of paint upon it that reminds all
who see it of freshly spilled blood. When the armor is
worn, the red paint constantly drips, as if bleeding. The
armor is quite conspicuous, and immediately identifies
its wearer as a Bloodspeaker, or at least as someone
utilizing blood sorcery.
There is a ritual reqUired to activate the powers of
Blood Armor. When it is donned, it must be anointed
with recently spilled blood. Unless it is prepared in this
way, it functions as mundane lioht armor of Averaoe
" "
Quality. When properly prepared, however, the armor
grants a bonus to TN to Be Hit equal to the total num
ber of Wound Ranks inflicted to gain the blood used in
the anointing.
Blood Al'l'OWS of )tajinden
Asahina Yajinden, called by some the Bloodsmith, is
among the most brilliant artisans ever to walk the mortal
realm, and easily the most twisted and evil. The lieuten-
ant of luchiban was revered by the Bloodspeaker cult,
and the dark secrets of crafting he mastered during his
mortal life were adopted by the cult during his centu-
ries of inactivity as a spirit. His so-called Blood Arrows,
among many others, were a particularly useful creation
and one the Bloodspeaker cult put to use in its cam-
paign of terror against Rokugan. Now that the cult has
been all but eradicated, it may be hoped the secret of
the Blood Arrows' creation died 'with it ... but of course
Yajinden himself still exists, so this seems unlikeiy.
Blood arrows are hungry for biood, and eagerly seek
out their targets. Firing a Blood Arrow gains the user a
+2kO bonus to his Kyujutsu (or other Skill depending
upon the bow) Skill Roll. Anyone struck by a Blood Arrow
must immediately make a Raw Earth Roll against a TN of
20. If he fails, he gains I point of Shadowlands Taint.
There are no more loathed, feared, and coveted weap-
ons anywhere in the Empire of Rokugan than the Blood-
swords. Four in number, they are easily the most dan-
gerous 'weapons ever crafted by the hand of man. Each
time one surfaces, it wreaks terrible havoc throughout
the land, causing death in the hundreds or even thou-
sands before finally bringing absolute ruin to whomever
wields it. Having finished its work, the sword disap-
pears only to surface again years or generations later.
To date, no Bloodsword has ever been successfully de-
stroyed, although one has been broken and re-forged
into a wakizashi rather than a katana.
All of the Bloodswords are aware, and can commu-
nicate with those who bear them, although they only
do so in times of great need. The Bloodswords are all
DR 4k4 katana save for Ambition, which is a DR 4k3
wakizashi. All of them have the ability to harm any foe,
regardless of normal immunities.
Ambition: The Bloodsword Ambition has had by far
the greatest impact on the Empire's history, as it was
the catalyst that set in motion the Clan War and the
ultimate destruction of the Hantei Dynasty. After c e n ~
turies hidden away in a vault, its whispers seduced the
soul of Bayushi Shoju, the Scorpion Clan Champion.
Under its influence. Shoju attempted to seize control
of the Empire, believing he was saving it from certain
doom at the hands of Fu Leng. His coup failed, dis-
gracing his Family and Clan. The blade was broken,
but years afterward it was re-forged into a wakizashi. It
remains in the Empire today, one of t,,'.'O Bloodswords
whose location is known: It is in the custody of a young
but fiercely determined Dragon bushi named Mirumoto
Kenzo, who thus far appears completely immune 10 its
seductive whispers.
Ambition's curse is triggered any time its bearer inter-
acts with someone who has lower Glory but higher Sta-
tus. The bearer must then succeed at a RaVl/ vVillpm-ver
Roll against a TN of 25, or else the will of the sword
compels him to attack the individual instantly. He also
gains a continual + 15 bonus to the total of all Deceit
and Stealth Skill Rolls. He may cast the spell Forgot-
ten Murmurs (see Legend of the Five Rings Roleplaying
Game Third Edition core rule book, p. 23t) at will.
Judgment: Originally given to the Crab Champion
Hida Tenburo, a man already known for his harsh views
and judgmental nature, the Bloodsword Judgment led
Tenburo to slaughter his personal guard and his en-
tire family after finding them unworthy of the legacy of
Hida. Shortly thereafter. Tenburo killed himself as well,
and the ultimate fate of his sword is unknown. Some
believe it surfaces periodically throughout history, and
the nature of samurai culture is such that its influence
has remained relatively unnoticed. Others believe it has
remained lost for centuries, for surely the influence of a
Bloodsword could not be so easily overlooked.
Judgment allows its wielder to make a Raw Percep-
tion Roll to determine the Honor Rank of another per-
son. The TN is the target's Insight Rank x5. On any such
roll, however, there is a 50% chance that Judgment will
inform its wielder that the target's Honor Rank is 1.0,
regardless of the true Rank. Any time that the sword's
owner believes someone has lied to him or otherwise
wronged him, he must immediately make a Raw W i l l ~
power Roll against a TN of 25. If he fails, the will of
the s"vord compels him to attack that person. Judgment
grants a +2kO bonus to all attack rolls made v/ith it.
Passion: Passion has had perhaps the least impact
upon the Empire, as it was lost shortly after it was forged.
Yajinden cruelly gifted the blade to his own lord, the
Crane Clan Champion Doji Tanaka. His own interests
fanned to a fever pitch by the blade, Tanaka murdered
his wife and children, then hurled himself from a cliff
into the sea after declaring his absolute and undying love
for a young geisha, a girl of no more than thirteen years.
Passion was lost to the sea along with him, and it has
never resurfaced - at least so far as anyone knows.
Passion allows its wielder to instantly cast Earth's
Stagnation (see Legend or the Five Rings Roleplaying
Game Third Edition core rule book, p. 234) upon any
target that he damages with it, without spending any
kind of action. Three times per day, he may cast Wave-
Borne Speed (sec Legend or the Five Rings J!oleplaying
Game Third Edition core rule book, pp. 246-7) upon
himself. The blade grants a + IkO bonus to all attack
rolls made with it, and an additional +lkO bonus for
each of the following Disadvantages its v,.rielder pos-
sesses: Compulsion, Dark Secret, Greed, and Lechery.
Any time another individual comes ben,veen the sword's
ov-mer and something he believes to be his, or some-
thing he covets, he must make a successful Ravv \t\Till-
power Roll against a TN of 25. If he fails, the will of
the sword compels him to immediately attack the indi-
vidual in question. Afterwards, he will take the valued
item (or person) and go INhere he can be alone v-lith the
object (or person).
Revenge: The most brutal and bloodthirsty of the four
bloodswords, Revenge drove its first bearer, the Lion
Champion Matsu Meikuko, to invade the Dragon
Lands over a minor perceived slight. This foolhardy act
led to a crushing defeat that disgraced the entire Clan.
The blade disappeared for a time, and while it remained
hidden for centuries, there are enough incidents of
spectacular violence throughout history to cause one
to suspect the blade was not dormant. It surfaced some
years before the Clan VVar in the hands of a ronin, the
former Akodo named Ginawa, \Io,/ho resisted its blood-
thirsty nature with an iron will. Upon his reinstatement
to the Akodo decades later, Ginawa relinquished pos-
session of the blade to the Phoenix Clan in hopes they
would find some means of destroying it.
Revenge grants its owner 3 additional Wound Levels
at the +0 penaity level. He also gains the benefits of
the Combat Reflexes and Quick Advantages. Revenge
grants a +3kO bonus to attack rolls made with it. If a
damage roll made using Revenge has more than 2 dice
explode, the target of the attack must make an immedi-
ate Raw Stamina Roll against a TN of 25. If he fails, he
dies instantly.
If anyone slights Revenge's O\vner in any way, he
must immediately make a Rmv \iVillpovver Roll against
a TN of 25. If he fails, the will of the sword compels him
to attack that person instantly.
Chuda Hankyu
The fev,' Chuda Hankyu that exist are not creations of
the Chuda who serve Daigotsu and the Lost, but rather
relics from the days of the Snake Clan, centuries ago.
The Snake were adamant opponents of maho and other
forms of forbidden sorcery, but their descent into cor-
ruption stained virtually every aspect of their duties, in-
cluding the tools they used in the execution of those du-
ties. \t\Thile the Phoenix \vere zealous in their attempt to
purge every vestige of the Clan from existence, a hand-
ful of these items remained behind. Among the most
dangerous of them are the Chuda Hankyu.
Chuda Hankyu are Strength 3 hankyu. An arrow fired
by a Chuda Hankyu may discharge upon its target a
maho spell that was cast upon it, so that the spell is, in
effect, cast upon the target of the arrmv. Hmvever, the
arrmv must be fired within 5 rounds of the spell being
cast upon it, and it must be fired from a Chuda Hankyu,
or the effect dissipates.
corrupted Jade Slivers
The protection from the Shadowlands Taint afforded by
jade is finite, and after time spent in the Shadmvlands,
it becomes soft and black. When this happens it is tra-
ditionally discarded as useless ... but it does still have
some degree of use, for those who are threatened by
pure jade.
A corrupted jade sliver grants protection equivalent
to Carapace 3 against damage that is generated by jade
(such as from jade weapons, spells such as Jade Strike,
etc.). They are consumed after they have successfully
reduced damage from one attack of any kind.
Dairya's Cackling Skull
The ronin Dairya \lo,las an important figure during the Clan
War and the events leading up to the Battle of Obiivi-
on's Gate. A master duelist, Dairya was consumed with
thoughts of revenge against the only man who ever de-
feated him: Kakita Toshimoko, one of the greatest duel-
ists ever to dravv breath. The two men faced off during
the Battle of Oblivion's Gate, and Dairya was victorious,
if only because Toshimoko chose not to draw against the
ronin warrior. Moments later, Dairya was assaulted by evil
spirits, and though his body was never found, he is pre-
sumed to have perished. Since then, his ghost has come
to guide the Lost duelist and former Crane, Megumi.
The object known as Dairya's Cackling Skull was cre-
ated by a bakemono sorcerer who found his body. It is
a gray, corrupt skull mounted on a human femur, and
the kansen infused within it cause it to constantly emit
a bizarre cackling laugh, despite the lack of lips. tongue,
or lungs. The skull is a lk3 weapon, and when carried
by a bakemono has a morale-building effect. awarded
+ IkO to all goblins in hearing (including the wielder).
Deafening War Drums of Fu Leng
The origins of the Deafening War Drums of Fu Leng
are unknown. There are reports of attacks on the Kaiu
Wall by Shadowlands forces that were accompanied by
a terrible, maddening sound that may well have been
the \,Var Drums, but their first confirmed appearance in
Rokugan came when the Shadowlands marched along-
side the Crab during the early days of the Clan \ Var. The
drums were a powerful psychological weapon, causing
even hardened veterans to break and run.
The Deafening War Drums of Fu Leng require Per-
formance: Musician 2 to be operated properly. When
played during battle, they generate Fear 3 for all en-
emies within 500'. They also allow the player's allies,
including the army commander, to add or subtract 5
from their result on the Mass Battle Table.
Egg of P'an Ku
Legends tell that the dragon P'an Ku, once the physical
manifestation of primal forces, turned itself into an egg
after it had been driven completely insane by the pow-
ers of the Lying Darkness and the Taint. The Egg of P'an
Ku is a unique artifact of exceptional qualiry, but it has
caused much trouble since it first came into being. It is
said the Egg has the power to create a shadow replica
of anyone or anything. Like many other cursed nemura-
naL it has been tainted by the Shadowlands, and thus it
is extremely dangerous for anyone to use it. The magic
of the Egg of P'an Ku has been trigged on at least two
occasions in the past, and both times it spelled trouble
for Rokugan.
Bayushi Kachiko used the power of the Egg during
the Clan War. After Shosuro Kachiko became the wife
of the Scorpion Champion Bayushi Shoju, she gave
birth to a son by her former lover, Doji Hoturi. Shoju
accepted the child, named Bayushi Dairu, as his own
and proclaimed him heir of the Scorpion Clan. At the
end of the Scorpion Clan Coup, Doji Hoturi slew Bay-
ushi Dairu, only to later realize he had in fact killed his
ovm son. Kachiko, determined to extract retribution for
the death of her son, kidnapped Hoturi and used the
Egg of P'an Ku to make a copy of him. The False Hoturi,
as the creature came to be known, masqueraded as the
real Hoturi, attacking the Crane lands using legions of
Shadowlands creatures and nearly destroying the Clan.
The False Hoturi was eventually defeated by the real
one, unmade, and returned to the form of the Egg. It
reappeared briefly during the time of the Four Winds,
when it took the name "Daigotsll Hoturi," but eventu-
ally returned again to its original form as the Egg.
Many years later, the Egg of P'an Ku was found by
Shahai, lover of Daigotsu and a powerful Bloodspeaker.
She offered it to luchiban, then the ruler of the Shad-
owlands, but he declined and instead sent the Egg into
the Empire to wreck havoc. It would up in the hands of
Kitsu Juri, who presented it to the Lion Champion Mat-
su Nimuro. Nimuro duplicated himself using the Egg,
creating a being called Tamago. The "false Nimuro" es-
caped and took control of the Lion armies, riding to his
death at the hands of Moto Chagatai. The real Nimuro,
after he recovered from the shock and confusion of be-
ing duplicated, chose to take Tamago's name and has
remained in hiding, living as a mnin.
The Egg does not require any rituals or special magics
to use. It is simply touched to someone 'with the intent
of making a duplicate, which form it then takes, perfect
right down to clothing and equipment. The duplicate
has all the knowledge and understanding of the origi-
nal, but due to the influence of jigoku, inevitably suc-
cumbs to madness and evil, much like P'an Ku itself.
Eyes of )\linube
The Eyes of Ninube bear a striking resemblance to small
crystals, save that they are jet black in appearance, and
appear to be made of obsidian. They are not, however;
their true composition is unknown. They were presum-
ably created by the remnants of the Ninube Family that
survived the Battle of Oblivion's Gate. Unlike their Goju
associates, the Ninube declined the patronage of the
Shadow Dragon to pursue their own, mysterious agenda.
They bestowed the Eyes upon their servants for specific
purposes, and distributed others throughout the Empire
to trouble the samurai of Rokugan. Although the Ninube
and their plots were crushed by Asahina Sekawa in the
ruins of Otosan Uchi, their Eyes still remain.
Anyone in possession of an Eye of Ninube may use
the Rank 1 Goju Ninja School Technique at any time.
Doing so results in the loss of I Honor Point each
Gtl'andfathel"s Jaw
The item knov-m as Grandfather's Jaw is the jawbone
of a pm-verful maho-tsukai who perished centLlries ago.
Somehow, the man's spirit is bound to the last remnant
of his physical body, and it is able to communicate with
those who bear it. The jawbone was found by Iuchi
Shahai, the ambitious and amoral daughter of the Iuchi
Daimyo, and under its tutelage she became one of the
greatest maho-tsukai of her generation. Since she be-
came the wife of Daigotsu and mother to his son, her at-
tention to Grandfather's Jaw has waned, but she retains
the jawbone just in case.
Grandfather's Jaw allows its owner to cast spells as
if possessing + I Rank of the Maho-Tsukai Shugenja
School. Grandfather's spirit is effectively a sensei of the
Maho-Tsukai School ,,,,'ith Instruction 10, but he is also
insane, and his "students" must endure his cackling
laughter and insane babble.
Kokujin's Daisho
Few names strike as much fear into the heart of samu-
rai as Kokujin, the former vassal of the Dragon Clan
Champion and current plague upon Ihe Empire. Koku-
jin is absolutely, irredeemably mad, and his madness
tends to be infectious. It is not the prospect of death at
his hands that makes others fear Kokujin, but rather the
notion they mighl be driven mad by his mere presence.
Kokujin has corrupted more than one loyal samurai
with his lunacy, nol to mention raising a major peas-
ant revolt. Although the Mad Prophet has finally been
killed, his daisho remains unaccounted for, and thus
his madness may not truly be at an end.
Like its master, Kokujin's Daisho is a sinister and
corrupting inOuence. Although many long to see it de-
stroyed, doing so might well unleash rather than elimi-
nate the wickedness contained within.
Kokujin's Daisho grants powerful dueling abilities
to its bearer. Anyone who wields it in a duel gains a 3
Rank bonus to laijutsu, a 2 Rank bonus to Agility, and
a 1 Rank bonus to Void (if they have no Void Ring, they
are considered to have 3 Void Ranks). Any opponent
who survives a duel against Kokujin's daisho and v"ho
does not already possess the Shadowlands Taint gains
1 Rank in it. Any opponent who survives the duel and
who already possesses the Taint dies after the duel, re-
gardless of how much or how little damage they sus-
Koutetsu lyokLt
The Spider Clan v-,Ias among the Clans who received an
exquisitely crafted suit of armor from an as yet unknown
benefactor during the late summer of 1169. These suits
of armor are among the finest in the Empire, and the
Spider's set, Koutetsu Iyoku, bears no obvious trace of
Shadowlands Taint, although it has abilities similar to
their portfolio of dark talents. Given that the armor ap-
pears to have been crafted recently, it can only be as-
sumed that its powers were awakened during the craft-
ing process.
Treat Koutetsu Iyoku as heavy armor that adds a bo-
nus to TN to Be Hit equal to 10 + (the wearer's Insight
Rank x 2). There is no TN penalty to actions for 'Nearing
the armor. Opponents facing Koutetsu Iyoku in com-
bat automatically lose their highest rolled die on attack
rolls made against the armor's ,,,,carer. If the v'lcarer's
Void Ring is less than 4, treat it as if it ,,,,as 4 when fight-
ing a duel.
Lost Ono of Osano-Wo
The so-called Lost Ono is one of many weapons that
were in the personal arsenal of Hida Osano-vVo, the
second Crab Champion and later the Fortune of Fire
and Thunder. Many of Osano-Wo's weapons have be-
come pmverful nemuranai. A small number have also
been lost to the Shadowlands. The Ono was given to
the Mantis Champion Hotaka at the Battle of the Crest-
ing Wave, as a reward for the troops he brought to that
desperate struggle. Tragically, Hotaka was lost to the
Shadowlands. and the Ono with him. Centuries later, it
appeared in the hands of the Lost, and they enjoy the
effect it has on the Crab.
The Lost Ono is a DR 3kS ono, and as a Major nemu-
ranai can harm Invulnerable foes. The wielder can sub-
stitute his Ranks in any other Weapon Skill for his Rank
in Heavy Weapons. It also has a powerful fear effect;
treat it as having Fear 3, which only targets the Ono's
direct opponent. The wielder may also cast the spell
The Fury of Osano-Wo (see Legend of the Five Rings
Roleplaying Game Third Edilion core rule book, p. 239)
3 times per day.
Lotus Blade of the Shadowlands
Isi Xing Guo created ten very special blades as a parting
gift when he became the Fortune of Steel. Nokemono
the gift of Tsi Xing Guo to the Shadowlands, came to
Daigotsu in 1167. The following year, Daigotsu Eiya
- a Kakita who had been tainted and twisted by Daig-
otsu Taki - defeated Munemitsu no Oni's attack on
the Temple of the Ninth Kami. As a reward for his ser-
vice, Daigotsu gave him the Lotus Blade of the Shadow-
lands. The powerful artifact is still in his possession.
The very existence of the blade Nokemono is con-
sidered a grievous insult to all of the Great Clans, since
it seems to place them on equal footing with the hated
Shadowlands (not to mention the despised ratlings).
Those few Rokugani who know of the blade's existence
would dearly love to see it destroyed. Unfortunately,
even if the gifts of Heaven could be easily destroyed,
removing it from the grasp of the murderous engine of
slaughter who holds it would be a massive undertaking.
The Lotus Blade of the Shadowlands is a dreadful weap-
on, but at first glance it appears quite ordinary. It is kept
in a saya made of the deepest black wood and decorated
with silver trimmings. Although many would pay a hefty
sum for this saya, it is quite mundane compared to the
weapon it was made to hold. The blade of Nokemono is
made of fine steel, but othenvise bears no special sym-
bol. The tsuba is a ring of dull black metal that separates
the blade and hilt, and like the blade itself it appears
quite ordinary. The end of Nokemono's hilt is cast from
bright silver and bears the symbol of the Shadowlands.
This unique blade functions like a mundane katana
in the hands of anyone who does not have at least I
Rank of Shadowlands Taint. For those who have at least
1 Taint Rank, it is a 4k3 katana, able to harm Invulner-
able foes. They can take a Simple Action to awaken the
power of Taint within the blade. Once active, the sword
can re-roll any dice in an attack roll that have a result
equal or less than the wielder's Void Ring (they must
keep the second roll). The Lotus Blade of the Shadow-
lands also grants a bonus to DR equal to the wielder's
Shadowlands Taint Rank if the target of the attack has
a Taint Rank of O. Finally, it can unleash a Fear 4 effect
on all enemies within 100' of it.
Masks of the Oni
In some ways, the Masks of the Oni are comparable
in nature to the Dragon Helms; they are powerful ar-
tifacts that contain a fragment of the essence of beings
from another realm ,-vhose pml..'ers mortals can barely
comprehend. The Masks of the Oni, however, were not
made in secret by ambitious mortal hands. Rather, they
were brought into existence by the Oni Lords them-
selves, in hopes of spreading their influence throughout
the mortal realm. Each mask contains a tiny fraction of
the pOvver commanded by an Oni Lord, but the price for
gaining such power is steep indeed.
There are those who whisper the Oni Masks were not
created by the ani Lords as they claim, but were in-
stead created in a manner similar to the Dragon Helms.
While this would explain why the ani Lords are so hos-
tile toward those who wear their masks, it does beg the
question as to who would be capable of such a feat, and
why the ani Lords have not yet destroyed the masks.
All Masks of the Oni confer upon their wearers 1
point of Shadowlands Taint for every hour (fractions
rounded up) they are worn. No amount of jade or crys-
tal can prevent this. If the wearer tries to remove the
mask ,<vithin 1 hour of donning it, he must make a Raw
Willpower Roll against a TN of 10. If he fails, the will
of the mask has subsumed him, and he cannot remove
it. The wearer can make another Raw Willpower Roll to
remove the mask after another hour has passed, but the
new roll must be made against a TN equal to lOx every
consecutive hour that he has been wearing the mask
(fractions rounded up).
Much like the Dragon Helms, the Masks of the ani
allow their owner to summon and command the Oni
Lord associated with them, in return for handing over
the mask to the Oni Lord. However, commanding an
ani Lord is extremely dangerous, and they are unlikely
to forgive a mortal with the temerity to do so.
Mask of Akuma: Damage dice rolled against some-
one wearing the Mask of Akuma do not explode. The
wearer also gains the ability to cast the maho spell
Touch of jigoku (see Legend o( the Five Rings Roleplay-
ing Game Third Edition core rule book, p. 271) once
per day.
Mask of the First ani: Wearing this mask grants a
bonus of +1 Rank to all Rings and Traits. Also, the wear-
er may cast the maho spell Fear (see Legend o( the Five
Rings Roleplaying Game Third Edition core rule book, p.
270) 3 times per day.
Mask of Kyoso: This mask confers resistance to
spells that create illusions or similar effects upon the
mind. The Spellcasting Roll TN is increased by 20 for
purposes of resolving their effect on someone wear-
ing this mask. The wearer also gains the benefit of the
Shadowlands Power Child of Darkness (see Legend o(
the Five Rings lioleplaying Game Third Edition core rule
book, p. 265).
Mask of the Maw: Wearing the Mask of the Maw
grants the benefits of the Shadowlands Power Unholy
Strength (see Legend o(the Five Rings Roleplaying Game
Third Edition core rule book, p. 266), but without any
of the drawbacks. If the wearer already possesses the
power, the benefits are doubled.
Mask of Tsuburu: Wearing the Mask of Tsuburu
Carapace 5 and the ability to cast the maho spell Dark
Wings (see Legend o( the Five liings Roleptaying Game
Third Edition core rule book, p. 270) 3 times per day.
Obsidian Mempo of Fu Leng
The Obsidian Mempo of Fu Leng was a gift from the
dark god to his principle follower, the self-styled Dark
Lord of the Shadowlands, Daigolsu. The mempo con-
fers powerful benefits to those it considers worthy, but
those v-lho are unworthy suffer a terrible fate when they
attempt to don it. The Obsidian Mempo is one of the
most valued artifacts of the Lost, and their new Spider
Clan treasures it as a reminder that they bear the favor
of a KamL
Any individual or creature with less than 7 full Ranks
of the Shadowlands Taint that attempts to don the Ob-
sidian Mempo of Fu Leng will be killed instantly, struck
dmvn by the awful power contained within it. If the
mask allows its wearer to live, however, it grants Invul-
nerability (jade), and the wearer may cast any maho
spell as if he were a Rank 3 Maho-Tsukai, regardless
of ""rhether or not he had any previous familiarity with
maho spells. In addition, the Mempo grants the wearer
a + lkl bonus to DR for any attacks made with obsidian
Obsidian Weapons
When Hamei opened the belly of his father Onnotangu
to release his siblings. more than just the Kami fell to
the earth below. COllntless drops of Lord Moon's blood
showered dov"," upon the mortal realm. The blood of
Onnotangu, tainted by the Darkness, created a new
substance, which mortals called obsidian. This material
can be used in a number of different ways, although the
most common items made from obsidian are weapons.
Obsidian carries the curse of Onnotongu, and corrupts
those who use it with madness. It often carries the Taint
as well. On the other hand, since obsidian is a sub-
stance derived from divine blood, all obsidian weapons
can harm Invulnerable creatures in the same manner
as jade.
The majority of weapons fashioned from obsidian are
forged in the Shadowlands, and the methods used there
enhance the substance's Taint and powers. This "Pit-
Forged Obsidian" is among the most dangerous sub-
stances in Rokugan, and carrying a Pit-Forged Obsidian
Weapon is a crime in Rokugan, punishable by death.
Pit-Forged Obsidian is a very strong material, at
least as strong as steel. Any weapon can be made from
this substance. Anyone struck by such a weapon must
make an Earth roll at TN 20 or gain a number of points
of Taint equal to half the damage inflicted (rounded
down). The Lost and Shadowlands creatures are im-
mune to this effect.
Plague Skulls
The origin of the items called Plague Skulls is unknown.
Based on their effects, it is theorized they were created
from those killed by the Wasting Disease when that
Black Scroll was opened during the Clan War, but no
scholar has yet found a way to confirm this. Others be-
lieve they may be related in some \vay to the insidious
Skull Tide Gaki that plague all who travel through the
Sea of Shadows. Regardless, possession of a Plague
Skull allows an individual to unleash a terrible blight
upon those around him, although the bearer is not
completely immune to its effects. It is unknown how
many Plague Skulls exist.
A Plague Skull allows its owner to unleash a virulent
sickness upon those around him. vVhen the Skull is ac
tivated, every person and creature within 500' of it is af-
flicted with a crippling sickness that effectively reduces
all Rings by 2. The owner is not affected by the disease
to its full extent, but must suffer a penalty of I Rank to
a Ring of his choice. This sickness lasts indefinitely, un-
less cured magically, but those afflicted may try once a
week to overcome it by making a successful Raw Earth
Roll against a TN of 20.
Ruby of luchiban
The origins of the artifact known as the Ruby of luchi-
ban are unknovlln, as there are numerous tales associ-
ated \vith its creation, purpose, and abilities. The only
thing knO\vn for certain is that luchiban is responsible
for its crcation. It is believed the Bloodspeaker brought
it back with him when he returned from his sojourn
across the Burning Sands, so it is possible the Ruby is
in SOme vI'ay associated with the unique magic prac-
ticed by the gaijin sorcerers called khadi, but there is no
way to know for certain. The Ruby was recently recov-
ered from the Shadowlands by Moto Akikazu, at the be-
hest of the Shi-Tien Yen-Wang, the gaijin deities called
the Lords of Death. From within the Ruby, Akikazu re-
leased the spirit of luchi Itemaru, son of Clan War hero
luchi Karasu, who had been trapped within it by the
Shadowlands. The Ruby disappeared after Itemaru's re-
lease, and while it is believed destroyed, it is possible it
still exists, ready to trap another soul.
The Ruby of Iuchiban can contain the soul of a liv-
ing, intelligent being. This effect lasts indefinitely, and
while the prisoner's body is left behind upon entering
the Ruby, a new body can potentially be created when
the soul is released, depending on the intentions of the
individual possessing the Ruby at the time. Trapping
the soul of a target requires a Contested \>Villpower Roll,
but the bearer of the Ruby gains a + 10 to this roll. The
bearer of the Ruby can choose to release the soul at
any time, or to consume it to fuel a spell. Consuming
the soul within the Ruby during spellcasting doubles
the resuit of the Spellcasting Roll, but doing so is in-
herently corrupting, and gains the bearer a number of
Ranks of Shadowlands Taint equal to the soul's Honor
Rank, with a minimum of 1 Rank gained.
The Scarab Case
The object simply called the Scarab Case was one of
many treasures recovered from the Tomb of the Seven
Thunders deep within the Shadowlands, shortly before
that structure was destroyed. The case is obviously of
gaijin origin. and is named such because of the intricate
designs of scarabs, a desert-dwelling insect from the
Burning Sands, carved on its surfaces. How the object
came to rest within the Tomb is unknown, bUl it was re-
covered from the scene by Daigotsu Rekai, head of the
Spider Clan's cavalry forces, and identified as an object
of great power by the entity known as the Ghul Lord.
The case is currently being used by a small number of
gaijin necromancers who call themselves the Jackals,
and who serve Daigotsu for an as yet undisclosed pur-
The Scarab Case is a creation of the khadi, an an-
cient sect of heartless sorcerers from across the Burn-
ing Sands. Its intended purpose is to create and con-
trol undead. Any piece of a dead body, no matter how
small, placed in the case is instantly transformed into
sand. A pinch of this sand, sprinkled upon the rest of
the corpse, animates it into a zombie. As long as a por-
tion of the sand created by the: ritual remains within
the Scarab Case, the zombie is under the complete con-
trol of whoever possesses the case, and cannot be de-
stroyed unless burned to ashes and the ashes scattered;
any other damage will be regenerated at the rate of I
Wound Rank per hour.
Shamesword (The Blade of auite)
Like the other Shameswords - Fury, Hubris, Meek,
Penance, and Slaughter (see The Four Winds, pp. I4 I-4)
- Guile is an insidious blade that contains the trapped
soul of a former Dragon samurai. The Shameswords
were created by the tattooed madman Kokujin, and
only he knows for certain what poor soul is contained
within Guile. Having had no opportunity to examine
the blade, the Dragon cannot commune with the spirit
and identify it. The blade is currently in the possession
of a Scorpion samurai named Shosuro Atesharu, an
actor, shugenja, and assassin who came to v"rield the
blade under as yet unknown circumstances.
Guile shares many traits common to all of the
Shameswords. They do not experience any appreciable
\vear and tear, and as yet no means of destroying these
blades has been discovered. All Shameswords are DR
4k3 katana, and grant a +2kO bonus to all attack rolls
made by a vl/ieider v-lith at least 1 Rank in Kenjutsu.
Shames\vords do not easily abandon their wielders,
and they remain in their possession even if discarded,
given aV-lay, or left behind.
In addition to these general abilities, wielding Guile
gives the owner the School Techniques of a Rank 2
Shosuro Shinobi. The wielder gains a +10 bonus to all
Deceit and Stealth Skill Rolls. Guile has a cost as well,
however; if the owner wishes to make a truthful state-
ment (under any circumstance), he must first make a
successful Willpower roll against a TN of 20. Other-
\visc, the will of the s\vord will compel him to lie.
Tel'l'ible standal'd of Fu Leng
Created at the onset of the Clan War, the Terrible Stan-
dard of Fu Leng was the physical representation of the
pact betv,.reen the Crab Clan and their former ShadO\v-
lands enemies. The pact, brokered by Kuni Yori, rc-
quired a sacrifice from the bloodline of the Crab Cham-
pion, Hida Kisada. Kisada agreed, expecting to make
the sacrifice himself. Instead, his youngest son Sukune
was taken and killed, his body forged into the Terrible
Standard of Fu Leng. The standard was held aloft at the
fore of the united forces, most no-
tably at the Battle of Beiden Pass. While the standard
did not survive the Clan War, the means to create it or
others like it still exists among the ranks of the Lost.
Each time a human is sacrificed to the Terrible Stan-
dard, all those \vithin 500' feet of it who have at least
two Ranks of Shadowlands Taint gain +lkl to their at-
tack and damage rolls. In addition, all maho spells cast
within 500' gain a Free Raise. These effects last for one
full month for each Insight Rank of the unfortunate per-
son sacrifICed to the Standard.
Thuk-Kigi's Wal' Machine
Those who fail to appreciate the threat represented by
the goblins of the ShadO\".dands can easily come to un-
derstand the error of their ways by hearing the story
of Thuk-Klgi. One of the most brilliant individuals ever
produced by the bakemono race, a descendent of the
goblin "Basher" whose existence was recorded by Kuni
Mokuna, the goblin Thuk-Kigi possessed what can
only be described as an intuitive understanding of both
basic engineering concepts and the principles of siege
weaponry. While the device he constructed bears no
resemblance to anything created by a sane mind, those
\vho have faced it on the battlefield cannot deny its ef-
The War Machine can be operated by any goblin,
or by a human possessing the Small Disadvantage. As
soon as an operator takes his place V-lithin the machine,
treat its weapons as a siege engine of the operator's
choosing. (This is not a physical change, but a mechan-
ical abstraction of the War Machine's effects.) When
the War Machine targets immovable objects, such as
buildings, other siege engines, or even terrain features,
all damage inflicted by its weapons is doubled. The War
Machine is able to move at a rate of 10' per round, and
possesses Carapace 5. It has 10 Wound Ranks V-lith 20
Wounds each.
yakal11o's Claw
The monstrous artifact known as Yakamo's Claw first
became known to the Empire when it was affixed to the
wrist of Hida Yakamo, son of the Crab Champion, at the
onset of the Clan War. Yakamo had lost his left hand
during a battle with his rival Mirumoto Hitomi, and the
affixing of the claw to his flesh was part of the bargain
made by Kuni Yori binding the Crab to the Shadow-
lands. Yakamo used the claw as a dcadly 'vveapon for
quite some time before the Crab realized their terrible
mistake and turned their backs on the darkness. Yaka-
mo tore the claw from his wrist, but an item of such
power is not easily destroyed, and in time the Claw fell
into the hands of the Dark Lord Daigotsu. He forced the
Cla\Io,I on another Crab, the former Yasuki Nakatsu, who
succumbed to decades of torture and accepted the claw
when he gave in to his destiny as the Dark Oracle of
Earth. Later, when the Oracles retreated from the mortal
\vorld, the Claw was left behind once again. It rests in a
shadowy cave, awaiting a new master.
Yakamo's Clav.' can only be wielded by those \vho
choose to replace a missing hand with it. It can attach
to either arm, and the wearer accumulates Taint at the
rate of 1 point per day. The Claw is wielded using its
own unique Weapon Skill, but it imparts in instinctive
understanding in its owner, who is always considered
to have a minimum of 5 ranks in the Claw skill. The

Claw has a DR of 4k4 and ignores all Carapace and In-
vulnerabilities, whether conferred by other items, Tech-
niques, spells, creature abilities, or any other source.
When used against the descendants of a Thunder (any
samurai of the Hida, Doji, Mirumoto, Matsu, Isawa,
Shosuro, or Utaku Families), it has a DR of 6k6.
Treasures of the Naga
Ancient Armor of the Oamar
The Ancient Armor of the Qamar and the Ancient Spear
of the Naga are powerful artifacts of the naga race. They
were held by the Qamar as totems of rank until the naga
returned to their Great Sleep after the War Against the
Darkness, at which point they passed from Rokugani
knowledge. The Armor was last kept by the Isha, who
was the Qamar when the snake-men resumed their hi-
bernation. Most believe the Ancient Armor of the 09-
mar still lies with the hibernating Qamar today.
The Ancient Armor of the Qamar may only be prop-
erly llsed by a naga. Anyone else who tries wearing
the armor feels extremely uncomfortable in the suit, as
though it weighs five times as much as it actually does.
On a naga, however, the Ancient Armor of the C@mar
functions as a suit of heavy annor that bestows a +5 bo-
nus to the TN to Be Hit. The armor also grants a 2 Rank
bonus to Awareness. Most remarkable, however, is that
the armor makes the wearer completely immune to the
Shadowlands Taint. \ Vhenever the wearer is wounded
by a corrupted weapon or spends time in the Shadow-
lands, he does not gain any Shadowlands Points (and
thus need never attempt Raw Earth rolls to avoid gain-
ing Shadowlands Points).
Ancient Spear of the Naga
The Ancient Spear of the Naga is believed to be the
most powerful naga weapon ever created, and its his-
torical rote as one of the Qjlmar's totems of rank would
seem to bear out that assumption.
The Ancient Spear of the Naga is a yari that has no
unusual qualities unless it is used by a naga. When
held by a naga, the weapon has a DR of 3k2 in melee
and 2k2 when thrown. It also provides 2 Free Raises
on Called Shot, Disarm, and Knockdown attempts.
Additionally, the presence of the spear invigorates its
bearer and all naga allies within 50'. Any effect that
would normally dishearten them or make them run in
fear (including Fear effects from monsters or spells) has
no effect.
Black Pearl
The Black Pearl is indelibly linked with the Shashakar,
the most learned of the naga jakla who awakened dur-
ing the Clan War, and the leader of the Cobra blood-
line. After the naga army abandoned their Crab allies
at Shiro Hiruma during the War Against the Darkness,
the Shashakar decided to atone for their desertion. He
sacrificed his longevity to a strange artifact known as
the Black Pearl in order to restore the life of the recently
deceased Crab Champion, Hida Yakamo. The magic
ritual merged Yakamo's soul with the Akasha, the naga
collective soul, and his mind with the Shashakar's. Un-
fortunately, the Taint that had begun to afflict Yakamo
began to seep into the Akasha. This caused the naga
great suffering and eventually forced them back into
The Shashakar was greatly weakened by the use of
the Black Pearl and the absence of part of his own soul,
and he was one of the first Naga to return to the Great
Sleep. No one knows what happened to the Black Pearl
after that, but most likely the powerful artifact remains
in the Shashakar's possession as he lies in hiberna-
The maoic of the Black Pearl is extremely powerful,
but may only be activated by a naga jakla (spellcaster).
In order to trigger the Black Pearl's magic, the jakla
must perform a long and painful ritual, one unknown to
any humans in the Empire. This ritual allows an experi-
enced naga jakla to sacrifice his soul in order to restore
the life of any other person who has died within the last
month. The deceased's body does not need to be pres-
ent during the ritual, but the naga who uses the Black
Pearl must know where the corpse is. The body must
be whole and unburied. Once the ritual is completed,
the jakla who performed it usually dies - only the vast
power of the Shashakar allowed him to survive, albeit
in a \veakened state. It is rumored that those restored to
life by the power of the Black Pearl are forever changed,
their personality made profoundly different.
Crystal Arrows
From the moment their armies appeared on the battle-
fields of the Clan War, the Naga were seen to use ar-
rows of a strange pale-green crystal, v/hich seemed to
possess unique properties. Years later, shugenja of the
Unicorn Clan uncovered similar arrows in the ancient
and long-forgotten ruins of the City of Night. These ex-
plorers also found several pieces of the alien material
lying about, as though the ancient inhabitants of the
place never had rime to complete the work they had
intended 'with this wondrous substance. Although the
Unicorn did not know where this incredible material
originated at first, they soon discovered the connection
to the naga.
The naga still hold the secrets of \r.,rorking with this
unique material, and the v/isest and most learned
shugenja of the Emerald Empire have not yet been able
to uncover them. Not surprisingly, Crystal Arrmvs are
extremely hard to come by, and the few samurai \vho
ov,m such Volcapons guard them zealously and use them
The strange pale green crystal of the naga holds sev-
eral unique properties. Although it is far too fragile to
be made into large vveapons or suits of armor, arrows
crafted from this substance are incredibly powerful -
especially against creatures v'lith the Shadmvlands Taint
or marked by the Living Darkness. Crystal Arrows can
be fired at twice the usual range with no penally. They
also grant a +1kO bonus to DR. Vlhen a Crystal Arrow
strikes a person or creature with the Shadowlands Taint
or with one or more Shadow Points, it explodes in bright
white fire, causing 4x the rolled damage. Acrystal arrow
is usable only once, as it is automatically destroyed af-
ter it hits its mark.
Isha's )!umi
When the Isha succeeded the Qamar as leader of the
naga, he inherited the ancient artifacts of his predeces-
sor: the Armor of the Qamar and the Spear of the Naga.
These items had always been the symbols of the office
that he now held, and so he bore them \\lith honor and
pride. The Isha, hmvever, had other \veapons imbued
with magic. The most important of these was the power-
ful yumi he kept with him at all times.
Isha's Yumi, as the enchanted bow came to be called,
is a unique artifact of tremendous power. Though no
one can say for certain who created it, Isha's Yumi once
belonged to the greatest naga hero, the Qittol, who gave
his life to the darkness between the stars. It is one of the
oldest magical items held by the naga. Although there is
some disagreement as to 'whether the Armor of the O?-
mar and the Spear of the Naga are more ancient than
the Isha's Yumi, the Yumi is certainly one of the oldest
weapons in all of Rokugan.
At first glance, Isha's Yumi looks like an average Naga
bmv of good craftsmanship. It is built from a mixture of
wood, horn, and sinew glued together by expert hands.
The stave of Isha's Yumi is tinted greenish-yellow and
heavily grooved, giving the impression it was crafted
from the scale of a great serpent or some other reptile.
The grip is straight and approximately eight inches long.
This part of Isha's Yumi is covered with a tightly woven
reddish brown strand of leather. At both ends the bow
bends and extends before curving in the other direc-
tion, giving it a great deal of draw strength.
Isha's Yumi has a range of 600'. It grants a bonus
to Initiative Rolls equal to the wielder's Kyujutsu Skill
Rank and one Free Raise on all Kyujutsu attack rolls.
'treasures of
the Nezumi
Bone of the Tattered ear Tribe
The Tattered Ear Tribe was the largest of all the nezu-
mi tribes, and had an unusually friendly relationships
with humans. But one of their most powerful artifacts
is steeped in conflict and misunderstanding vl/ith hu-
mans. To prove their friendship, the nezumi of the Tat-
tered Ear once offered a fetish to the Sparrow Clan. This
item, however, had been crafted from the thighbone of
the fallen brother of the Sparrow Daimyo. Although the
representative of the Tattered Ear Tribe did not intend
any insult, the Sparrow took this as an unforgivable of-
fense, and the Clan instantly became an enemy of all
Nezumi. Ironically, the Bone of the Tattered Ear Tribe,
as the magical fetish came to be known, is said to be an
extremely pmverfu! artifact, and would indeed have been
a very generous gift. No one knows where it now lies,
although many in Rokugan would like to unearth it.
The Bone of the Tattered Ear Tribe is a crude-looking
club of a brownish color. Carved from a human thigh-
bone, the head of this weapon mounts pointed fangs,
forming a circle around it approximately two inches
from its top, Volhich has been smoothed and rounded
off. This smooth surface is cut with simple lines and
elaborate carved rings that form several grooves. The
other end of the artifact is jagged and uneven by com-
parison, as though the bone from which it had been
made was broken.
Treat the Bone of the Tattered Ear Tribe as a tetsubo
of Excellent Quality. Anyone with at last I Rank in the
Heavy Weapons Skill wielding this mighty club gains a
+2kO bonus to all attack and damage rolls made with It.
It also grants a 2 Rank bonus to Strength.
Cl'ippled Bone Blade
A Crippled Bone Blade is sword shaped to resemble a
katana, except it is crafted from bone rather than from
steel, giving it a beige or light brown shade rather than
a metallic hue. A typical Crippled Bone Blade is made
from the femur of a fallen nezumi. The bones used to
make Crippled Bone Blades are carefully chosen, and
only the remains of a great nezumi warrior can be im-
mortalized into this very special type of wcapon.
The entire weapon is made from a single bone, carved
with delicate detail. The tsuba typically takes the form
of a thick ring supported by over half a dozen narrow
pillars issuing from the body of the blade. Despite its
delicate appearance, this tsuba is as strong as steel. The
hilt of a Crippled BOlle Blade is covered with a thick
strip of silk, velvet, or cotton woven around the handle.
This unsophisticated design makes the hilt uneven but
surprisingly comfortable. The end of the handle is usu-
ally thicker and decorated with simple lines or shapes
carved into the bone. A short, tightly woven cord, typi-
cally from the same material used to cover the hilt, is
often attached to the butt. Many samurai who have
seen a Crippled Bone Blade refer to this as the weapon's
Although a Crippled Bone Blade appears to be both
heavy and unwieldy, it is actually extremely light and
easy to use in battle. The edge of the weapon is sim-
ilarly deceiving. While it is thick and looks blunt on
casual inspection, the weapon is in fact as sharp as
any expertly wrought katana. Because of its look and
origin, however, no honorable or pious samurai would
ever choose to wield such a weapon - they are, after all,
crafted from dead nesh.
Treat a Crippled Bone Blade as a katana of Fine
Quality. The weapon grants a + 1k I bonus to attack
and damage rolls. Additionally, a foe making a Disann,
Feint, or Knockdown against the wielder of a Crippled
Bone Blade must call 2 additional Raises to do so.
Lotus Blade of the Nezumi
Before the master smith Tsi Xing Guo ascended to be-
come the Fortune of Steel, he forged ten swords and
offered these wondrous blades as a parting gift. Some-
how, one of these blades, called Asatte, made its way to
the Nezumi in 1167.
Asatte is the most precious artifact the nezumi
owned. It was placed in the care of Chikel, who proudly
continued to wield it until the time came for the ne-
zumi to confront Tomorrow. It is not known whether
the blade shared the fate of the nezumi when they went
into Yume-do to confront Tomorrow, but artifacts of this
power are 110t destroyed easily.
Despite its grand origins, the Lotlls Blade of the Ne-
zumi looked rather ordinary. Asatte's blade, made of
polished steel, had the same width and length as the
average katana. Its tsuba was Wide, cast from silvery
steel, and many black lines, encircled by a thick black
ring, spread out from its middle where the hilt of the
weapon protruded. The handle of the katana was cov-
ered with a layer of silk of a strange grayish green hue,
forming a traditional Rokugani checkered pattern. At
the end of the hilt was a silvery knob that bore the sym-
bol of the nezumi: a rat. The saya of Asatte was simple
and made out of wood, with the same coloration as the
soft silk that covered the hilt of the weapon. Bands of
patterned silver also decorated it.
The Lotus Blade of the Nezumi functioned as a mun-
dane Excellent katana in the hands of anyone but a
nezumi In the hands of a ratling, Asatte became a DR
4k3 katana, and its full could be activated with
a Simple Action. Once activated, the sword granted a
bonus to Initiative Rolls in kept dice equal to the ra-
Lling's Fire Ring. Also, at the beginning of a skirmish
combat round, the wielder could choose to exchange
his current Initiative with his TN to Be Hit for the dura-
tion of the round.
., ", ,-
Tomo....ow's Hou..glass
The history of the unique artifact: known as Tomorrow's
Hourglass is shrouded in mystery. No onc can tell who
created this powerful item or how old it \vas, but it seems
to have been designed especially for the ratlings. It was
Oh'krch vl/ho first discovered Tomorrow's Hourglass in
the Tomb of the Seven Thunders. However, Oh'krch
did not know \""hat he had found, and presented the
hourglass to the Chief of Chiefs Kan'ok'ticheck and
the shaman Atch-zin. These experienced Nezumi
examined the item at length, and Atch-zin con-
cluded that it was connected to Tomorrow - thus
he named the item Tomorrow's Hourglass.
Tomorrovv's Hourglass vI'as a simple looking object,
although of extremely good quality. Despite its antiq-
uity it remained pristine in its appearance, as though it
v...'as never affected by time. It was shaped from a sin-
gle piece of the clearest glass, forming two vvide bulbs
linked together by a fine tube. Tomorrow's Hourolass
was filled with pure white sand which slowly dripped
from one side to the other, grain by grain, second by
second. A simple frame of black wood, composed of
two round plates held together by three simple pillars,
held the hourglass in place. Thick rings of gold deco-
rated the ends of these columns.
It was the shaman Mak'irtch who discovered how
to use the magic of Tomorrow's Hourglass. With it,
Mak'irtch allm'\/ed almost the entire nezumi race to
enter the Realm of Dreams, to help the Transcendents
fight against Tomorrow. Although they successfully de-
feated Tomorrow, the nezumi were unable to return to
their bodies and remained trapped forever in the Realm
of Dream, leaving no more than a handful of them alive
in the mortal world. The hourglass itself is believed to
have been destroyed at the conclusion of their battle
with Tomorrow.
Treasures of
the Five elements
The Treasures of the Five Elements are a set of five pow-
erful unique items created by the Oracles of Light. The
Oracles enlisted the assistance of the shugenja Asako
Shingon and Iuchi Yogosha to perform this task, and
the t\vo shugenja labored selflessly on their construc-
tion, ultimately giving their own lives to ensure success.
The Oracles gifted the completed items to the mortals of
Rokugan during the Clan Wars, hoping thereby to com-
pensate for the imbalance caused by the Dark Oracles
when they unleashed the Elemental Terrors.
,;A..mo.. of a..th
The Armor of Earth is the most powerful of the five items
forged by Shingon and Yogosha. It was first used ~ and
is still owned by - Utaku Xieng Chi, the Daimyo of the
Utaku Family.
The Armor of Earth is a strange suit that seems to
be made from greenish rock. There are those who have
dubbed the armor grotesque and unfit for a noble, but
Xieng Chi, who wore the armor on several occasions
during battle, disagrees. Although the suit has a strange
shape, ,"vith various rock plates covered by strange
runes and a multitude of spikes of varying sizes, its
magic is quite practical.
Despite its ungainly appearance, the Armor of Earth
functions as standard Rokugani heavy armor, but adds
+20 to TN to be Hit instead of the normal +10. When
v'/orn, the suit adjusts itself to fit its bearer's body, mak-
ing it surprisingly comfortable, so it does not inflict any
TN penalties on the wearer. Wearing the Armor of Earth
grants unparalleled Strength and Stamina, raising both
of those traits by 1.
Ciunsen of Wate..
The Gunsen of Water normally appears as a large, im-
pressive \var-fan of deep blue, carved with images of
roaring v.raves. However, it can change its shape into a
more courtly fan (with the same color and images) when
appropriate. Over the years the Gunsen has been seen
to take every form from a delicate Scorpion court fan to
a massive tessen suitable for Akodo One-Eye himself.
The Gunsen is a lk3 Tessen and raises the user's TN
to be Hit by twice his Water ring. It makes the user
instantly aware if he is targeted by a Water spell, and
he may choose to raise the TN of such a spell by 30.
Even if he is successfully struck by a Water spell, he
can choose to halve all its effects. Finally, all Battle and
War-Fan Skill rolls made using the Gunsen gain a +lkl
Katana of Fil'e
The Katana of Fire appears to be a normal katana of
superb quality, the hilt wrapped in scarlet threads and
the saya inscribed with symbols of elemental fire. The
sword's true nature becomes apparent the moment it
is drawn from its sheath: flames erupt from the pol-
ished steel and lick along the blade, reaching hungrily
for anyone it strikes. The flames burn more brightly in
the presence of Tainted or dishonorable foes, and the
weapon seems to guide itself to such targets with little
urging from the wielder.
The Katana of Fire is a katana with a DR of 4k3, and
the flames which erupt constantly from its blade inflict
an additional I kl of fire damage, much like the shugen-
ja spell of the same name. In addition, the wielder has
the power to cast the spell The Fires From Within (Leg-
end of the Five Rings rulebook, p. 240) once per day
as a Rank 4 shugenja with a Fire ring one higher than
his own.
)\t\el1tpo of Void
This strange Elemental item contains the life force
of Shingon and Yogosha, and was finalized by their
deaths. Kitsu Motso, the first of his Family to become
Champion of the Lion Clan, had the honor of bearing
this unique artifact. Unfortunately, Motso fell in battle
during the War Against the Spirits and the Mempo of
Void was lost. Its current whereabouts are unknown.
This artifact seems to be made of an unnatural,
black-colored viscid substance that constantly changes
it form. The Mempo of Void sticks to its wcarer, cover-
ing his entire face save for the eyes. vVhen worn, several
strands of the mask's weird material nuttcr in the wind
behind its owner's head. This mempo makes any samu-
rai appear eerie and fearsome.
vVearing the Mempo of the Void increases the Void
Ring by I. In addition, the wearer is immune to all mind
affecting or controlling spells or abilities, and cannot
lose Void points for any reason other than spending
them voluntarily. Looking through the eye-holes of the
Mempo of the Void allows the owner to see all invisible
objects and beings, and to readily discern those who
are under spell effects or who are favored by the kami in
some way (shugenja, characters with Blessings, etc).
yal'i of Ail'
The fifth item created by Shingon and Yogosha is a
mighty yari \ ~ I i t h a most unusual property: it is com-
pletely invisible to everyone except its owner, who can
see it clearly. Those who have a strong connection to
the elements, such as shugenja, can sense the presence
of this item, but they still cannot see it. To the eyes of
its owner, it appears to be a magnificent yari whose long
steel head is carved with intricate patterns of wind and
The Yari of Air functions as a yari with a DR of 3k4.
It moves with the weightless speed of air, allowing its
wielder an additional attack per round. This extra at-
tack stacks with any extra attacks awarded by School
Techniques or other effects. In addition, the yari is
surrounded by Air kami which shroud and protect the
wielder. Any ranged attacks directed at the wielder have
their TN increased by 10, and any ranged spells which
target him have their Spellcasting Roll TNs increased
by 10 as well.
Unaligned Treasures
Ancestl'al Daisho
of the Snake Clan
The Snake Clan, founded by the Imperial Magistrate
Isaw3 Chuda, was once a proud and honorable Minor
Clan. When the Emperor proclaimed Chuda the first
Daimyo of the Snake, he offered him a daisho to rep-
resent his blessing. This weapon became the symbol of
the Snake Clan Champion, and was said to be enchant-
ed with pO\verfu! magic. A few decades after the Clan's
founding, however, Chuda witnessed his wife use blood
magic to save the life of their son. Horrified, Chuda left
the Dragon Plains where the Snake made their home,
abandoning his family and Clan. For reasons still un-
known, Chuda took with him only the \vakizashi the
Emperor had given him, leaving the katana behind.
Both weapons were believed destroyed when the Phoe-
nix Clan eradicated the entire Snake Clan. Both, how-
ever, survived. The blades were found centuries later,
during the early days of the Clan War.
Jadoku, the Ancestral Daisho of the Snake Clan, was
last seen in Rokugan when Reikado, a direct renin de-
scendant of Isawa Chuda, and Chuda Tenkazu, a pow-
erful Bloodspeaker living among the Asako, met in bat-
tle. The resulting conflict nearly led to the destruction
of the Falcon Clan and resulted in that Minor Clan's ab-
sorption by the Crab. When Reikado fled, Tenkazu re-
united the daisho. In the confusion that followed, how-
ever, both blades disappeared once more. Reputedly,
the Kuni and the Asako are both actively searching for
the Ancestral Daisho of the Snake Clan in order to put
an end 10 its corrupting influences upon the Empire.
Ironically, however, neither blade is actually Tainted.
For most samurai, Jadoku's main blade functions as
a typical katana of Legendary Quality with a DR of 3k3.
It is in the hands of a ronin, however, that the weapon
becomes most fearsome. A ronin wielding the Ancestral
Katana of the Snake Clan gains a +2kO bonus to all
attack rolls. Additionally, once per day on a success-
ful attack roll, he can utter a command world to poi-
son a wounded target with the katana. The target must
then make a Raw Stamina Roll against a TN of 20 + the
wielder's Willpower. If the target fails, this magical poi-
son inflicts a one Rank penalty to Agility and Reflexes
for a number of hours equal to the wielder's \i\lilIpmver:
This effect may be dispelled as if it was a spell effect, or
it may be cured by mundane means.
On the other hand, anyone may tap into the full pow-
er of the other component of the daisho, the Ancestral
Wakizashi of the Snake Clan. The wakizashi has a DR
of 3k2, grants a +5 bonus to TN to Be Hit, and gives I
Free Raise to any melee attack made with it. In addi-
tion, the weapon can be used to store a shugenja spell.
Once a spell is stored in the blade (which is done sim-
ply by casting the spell on the wakizashl), the user can
discharge it whenever desired, as a Simple Action.
If a ronin wields both the Ancestral Katana and An-
cestral Wakizashi of the Snake Clan, he gains I addi-
tional attack per round. This effect stacks with other
effects and Techniques that grant additional attacks.
Armor of Sun Tao
Fashioned in Kaiu's Forge, the Annor of Sun Tao bears
the name of its legendary first owner. The most famous
ronin in Rokugani history received this magnificent ar-
mor as a gift from the SparroVol Clan, and he only wore it
for five years. It is a suit of heavy armor, fashioned from
bronze and thick leather, complete with arm protectors,
hauberk, leggings, and kabuto. Blue silken trimmings
decorate the upper part of the armor's torso as well as
the plates that form the shoulder pads and hauberk. It
is said Sun Tao himself wore a thick belt of fine blue silk
to complement the garment.
If someone is fortunate enough to wear the Armor of
Sun Tao, it functions as a typical Rokugani heavy armor,
but increases the wearer's TN to be Hit by his Earth xs.
When leading an army into combat, the owner of the
Armor of Sun Tao may spend a Void point to award a
Free Raise on the Mass Battle Table for a number of his
soldiers up to his Battle Skill xlOO.
Crystal Weapons
Rokugani crystal is a rare and incorruptible substance.
When purified and awakened by an expert shugenja,
crystal shines brightly in the presence of Shadowlands
creatures, and this pure light causes them immense
pain. For centuries, the shugenja of the Crab Clan have
experimented with a variety of crystal weapons and
their effect on the creatures of the Shadowlands. Along
the way, they discovered that only crystal weapons
could truly affect the minions of the Lying Darkness.
If the spirits within crystal are awakened by a
shugenja, they will react when the substance is in close
proximity to the Shadowlands Taint. The crystal begins
to glow with a ,,,,,hite light. The strength of this aura var-
ies according to the strength of the crystal's spirits. In
addition to this property, crystal (whether awakened or
dormant) can harm Shadowlands creatures in the same
manner as jade. Naturally, crystal \,,-'eapons are valu-
able objects.
Each crystal has a strength rating that ranges from
1 to 5. This strength determines the radius of the crys-
tal's power, which is l' per point of strength. Generally
speaking, the more powerful the strength rating of the
crystal used to fashioned a weapon, the larger that
weapon will be. For instance, crystal with a strength
rating of 5 would be used for a katana blade, while a
crystal with a rating of I or 2 would be more suitable
for the tip of a nage-yari. When someone or something
with the Shadowlands Taint enters a crystal's area of ef-
fect, the crystal immediately begins to glow. The Tainted
creature must make a Raw Willpower Roll against a TN
equal to the crystal's strength rating x5. If the creature
succeeds in the roll, the crystal has no effect on it. If
it fails the roll, the power of the crystal overcomes the
creature, inflicting intense (albeit non-damaging) pain.
A creature affected in such a way will do everything in
its power to keep out of the area of effect.
When a crystal wcapon inflicts Wounds on a crea-
ture with the Shadowlands Taint, the target must make
a Raw Stamina Roll against a TN equal to the crystal
weapon's strength rating xS. If the creature succeeds on
this roll, the crystal weapon causes its damage normally
but has no further effect. If the creature fails the roll,
however, the crystal weapon causes additional damage
to the creature, adding its Strength rating to the totai of
damage inflicted.
Cl'Own of the Amethyst Champion
The title of Amethyst Champion is intrinsically linked
with the artifact known as the Crown of the Amethyst
Champion. The holder of this title must use the unique
magical artifact to the betterment of the Empire. Be-
cause of this, only a worthy and truly honorable sam-
urai may be granted the title of Amethyst Champion.
Most of those who have been given this honor were ca-
pable warriors, but all of them had impeccable manners
and were skilled in the arts of oratory and poetry. Al-
though the position of Amethyst Champion is ancient,
it became dormant when the Crown was lost for several
centuries. vVhen it was recovered, the Imperial Families
moved to restore the office and institutionalize it.
The crown is believed to be of gaijin origin, and is
made from gold of a dark hue. A massive amethyst
stone of a light purple shade decorates the front. Sup-
posedly, the Crown of the Amethyst Champion grants
its owner extraordinary wealth and glory. However, it is
also believed that if he ever misuses the crown's bless-
ing - or worse, loses the priceless artifact - he will
become impoverished and unable to maintain even the
smallest amount of wealth.
This artifact ensures that every one of its owner's busi-
ness ventures will bear fruit. The Amethyst Champion
multiplies by 10 any income he earns, for himself or in
the name of the Empire. He also gains a bonus equal
to twice his Air Ring on any Commerce Skill Rolls, and
may use all Mastery Abilities listed under that Skill as if
he had 10 Ranks in it.
Dl'agon Helm
The so-called Dragon Helms are powerful, legendary
artifacts, and have been the subject of much debate
throughout history. The helms were created ,,,-,hen a par-
ticularly clever and devious Soshi shugenja discovered
a means by which she could tap into the pure power
of the Elemental Dragons and contain a tiny fragment
of their essence in a mortal object, much as the kami
could be contained within nemuranai. Although the
shugenja was destroyed by the Oracle of Fire for her te-
merity, her apprentices managed to complete her v.'ork,
and create one helm for each of the six great dragons
(the existence of the Celestial Dragon was unknown by
mortals at that time). Many consider the helms to be
blasphemous by their very existence, but others believe
that if the dragons wished them destroyed, they would
have ceased to exist long ago.
All of the Dragon Helms allow those who wear them
to see the true form of any Elemental Dragon, their Or-
acles, or their servants (such as the ryu spirits of Ten-
goku), no matter what form they may have taken. Each
Helm also allows its owner to issue one command to
the Dragon associated with it, in exchange for giving
the helm to that Dragon. However, those who abuse
the privilege of commanding a Celestial Dragon by de-
manding something selfish or dishonorable are unlikely
to live to regret their lack of wisdom.
Dragon Hel m of Air: Someone who wears the Drag-
on Helm of Air may, at their discretion, penalize the
Spellcasting Roll of any spell cast against them by an
amount equal to their Air Ring xS. When the helm is
donned for the very first time, the wearer must choose
either Awareness or Reflexes as the Trait that he wlll
link to it; he gains a 2 Rank bonus to that Trait for as
long as he physically wears the helm.
Dragon Helm of Earth: Wearing the Dragon Helm
of Earth renders the owner completely immune to any
damage from electricity, whether lightning, spells, or
other effects. When the owner puts on the helm for the
very first time, he must choose either Stamina or \'Vill-
power as the Trait that links him to it; he gains a 2 Rank
bonus to that Trait for as long as he physically wears
the helm.
Dragon Helm of Fire: Wearing the Dragon Helm of
Fire renders the mvner immune to any damage or ill ef-
fects generated by cold or ice. When the owner puts on
the helm for the very first time, he must choose either
Intelligence or Agility as the Trait that links him to it;
he gains a 2 Rank bonus to that Trait for as long as he
physically wears the helm.
Dragon Helm of the Heavens: The Helm of the
Heavens was created within the last century by un-
known parties, only after the existence of the Celestial
Dragon was confirmed by mortal shugenja. Its powers
and abilities are unknown.
Dragon Helm of Thunder: The Helm of Thunder
is currently in the possession of Yoritomo Naizen, the
Mantis Clan Champion, who carries it with the blessings
of the Thunder Dragon. Wearing the Helm of Thunder
renders the owner completely immune to any effect that
would cause Fear or sleep. When the helm is put on for
the very first time, the owner must choose 1Trait as the
Trait that he will link to it; he gains a 1 Rank bonus to
that Trait for as long as he physically wears the helm.
Dragon Helm of Water: Wearing the Dragon Helm
of \,Vater renders the owner immune to all fire damage
from non-magical sources. \I\'hen the owner puts on
the helm for the very first time, he must choose either
Strength or Perception as the Trait he "vill link to it; he
gains a 2 Rank bonus to that Trait for as long as he
physically wears the helm.
Dragon Helm of Void: Wearing the Dragon Helm of
the Void grants the owner a +15 bonus to his TN to Be
Hit, as well as 3 additional Void Points per day. His Void
Ring is considered I Rank higher for all purposes except
for detennining his daily allowance of Void Points.
eye of the emperor
In order to ensure the safety of those who administer the
Emperor's justice, the shugenja of the Seppun Family create
magical trinkets that cany the Emperor's blessings. These
trinkets are simply known as the Eyes of the Emperor.
An Eye of the Emperor is crafted from fine crystal.
Both ends of this small crystal narrow into a pointed
end, but the stone tips are not sharp enough to puncture
the skin. \Nhat makes an Eye of the Emperor remark-
able is neither its shape nor the quality of the stone
from which it was fashioned, but rather the pale inner
light that constantly radiates from within it. This light
gives the crystal a blue shade and generates a sphere of
bluish light around it.
The light within the crystal is strong enough to provide
weak illumination in a 10' radius, about as strong as
candlelight in a dark room. The Eyes of the Emperor are
not truly designed for this purpose, but rather strength-
en the bearer's resolve and provide him with the peace
of mind he needs to resist any kind of negative outside
influence, be it magical or otherwise. Anyone ,,,ho car-
ries an Eye of the Emperor on their person gains a bo-
nus to Raw Willpower Rolls equal to t\'Ilice their Honor
Rank. Additionally, anytime a spell is cast against them,
they may choose to innIct a penalty against the caster's
Spellcasting Roll equal to twice their Honor Rank.
Fan of Command
Discovered long ago by a merchant in the Seikitsu sano
Yama no Oi, the Fan of Command is a gunsen of exqui-
site quality. 0 one knows who created this item, but
the Fan of Command has passed through many hands
since it was originally found - especially renin hands.
Many believe the first to wield the Fan of Command in
battle was the Kami Akodo. During the early days of
the Clan War, the Dragon Clan Champion gave the Fan
of Command to Toturi the Black when he was leading
the host knovm as Toturi's Army. No one knnws what
he did with it or where the Fan of Command lies today,
although it ",,las last seen in the Dragon Lands. Military
commanders who have heard of the magical fan would
pay a hefty sum to put their hands on this wondrous
The Fan of Command appears as a typical gunsen
made of steel and overlaid with dark red lacquer. Fif-
teen branches, build like small dark spears, cut the lac-
quered steel of the fan, giving the item a somber look. It
has the word "Forever" painted on one side.
Wielding the Fan of Command grants the Tactician
Advantage. If the wielder already has that Advantage, it
awards the Leadership Advantage instead. If the wield-
er already has both of those Advantages, it awards the
Great Destiny Advantage. If the \vielder is fortunate
enough to already have all three of those Advantages,
the Fan a\varcts a number of additional rolled and kept
dice equal to his Void Ring to all Battle Skill rolls.
Fan of the ql'and Mastel'
The title of Grand Master of the Elements, and the ac-
companying family name of Naka, is one of the most
supreme honors any shugenja could hope to achieve. In
recent history, it has been held by only two men, Naka
Kuro and his apprentice and successor, Naka Tokei.
The fan carried by these Grand Masters is imbued with
their essence, and is a pmverful nemuranai.
The Fan of the Grand Master is unlike any mundane
Rokugani fans. Although its frame is made of wood, its
body is composed from an unknown golden white sub-
stance that has the look of silk but the texture of fog.
When the Fan is held, a thick golden mist spills from it
and strange symbols appear upon its hazy surface.
The magic of the Fan of the Grand Master only acti-
vates \-vhen wielded by a shugenja with an Insight Rank
of at least 5. A number of times per day equal to Glory
Rank, the shugenja may take a Simple Action to grant
himself a bonus to anyone Skill equal to his Insight
Rank. (He must already have Ranks in this SkilL) He
must choose the Skill to which this bonus applies when
he activates the Fan of the Grand Master, and he may
not change it in subsequent rounds. This boost lasts for
a number of rounds equal to his Fire Ring.
qolden Obi of the Sun qoddess
The Moshi Family believed Toturi Tsudao to be the re-
incarnation of the Sun Goddess Amaterasu. They also
believe a great part of the essence and irreproachable
virtues of Tsudao were transferred to the obi she was
wearing upon her death during the Four Winds' March.
Some scholars dispute this Moshi belief, arguing that
the obi Tsudao \vore vvas already a pm-verful nemuranai,
and it was this item that allowed her to summon the
sun during the night. Regardless of the truth, one thing
is certain: Tsudao's obi is a powerful artifact. Known as
the Obi of the Sun Goddess, this unique nemuranai is a
thick sash of bright yellow silk. Although the item does
not actually generate its own light, it nevertheless radi-
ates brightly as soon as the tiniest parcel of sunlight is
cast upon its velvety surface.
The Obi of the Sun Goddess allows its wearer to il-
luminate the night by calling upon the power of the
sun. When this power is activated, an area that extends
50' above and below the obi and 100' horizontally in
all direction glows as if it is broad daylight for a pe-
riod of I hour. This light can be blocked by obstacles
(the ground, walls, etc.) in the same manner as normal
sunlight. This remarkable ability may only be activat-
ed once per month, but it is not the nemuranai's only
enchantment. Once each day, \;vhen the wearer of the
Obi of the Sun Goddess successfully wounds a creature
with the Taint, that creature must make a
Raw Stamina Roll against a TN equal to the damage it
just received. If it fails this roll, the creature is immedi-
ately slain.
Hotd's Spice
The Unicorn and Scorpion Clans have both brought
back strange magical devices from the Burning Sands
and beyond. One particular form of unorthodox magic,
hovlever, has been developed within Rokugan itself.
Deep within the mountain holdings of the Phoenix
Clan, a small order of monks have dedicated them-
selves to the creation a very special kind of magical
device. After centuries of labor and experimentations,
these monks have uncovered how to mix magic \,vith
mundane spices. Wholeheartedly devoted to Hotei,
the Fortune of Contentment, the monks have created
a very special spice, named after the Fortune they \iVor-
ship. This spice is highly coveted, particularly by the
Kakita Family.
Treat Hotei's Spice as spice of Excellent Quality. Al-
though it looks quite mundane and its magic is not as
pmverful as that of other items, Hotei's Spice is vel}'
useful. Using it grants a + 10 bonus to all Craft (Cook-
ing) Skill Rolls, or any other Skill Roll related to the
preparation of food and drink. Although Hotei's Spice
is created exclusively by a small order of monks in the
Phoenix Lands, it can be found and purchased in a
variety of places throughout the Empire. Traders, hmv-
ever, pay a steep price for the privilege of importing it,
and a small bottle that can flavor 10 individual meals
will typically cost around ISO koku.
Jade qoblets of Taira
Taira was a ronin shugenja who trained with both the
Asahina and the Kuni, and learned to combine fetish
magic with binding magic. During his time, he created a
number of useful ncmuranai, and many samurai would
pay a hefty sum for the items he crafted. Taira's life end-
ed tragically - he refused to swear fealty to the Asahina
and reveal how he had been able to produce his won-
drous creations, and the Crane Champion ordered his
execution, declaring he had stolen their secrets.
The three Jade Goblets of Taira are perhaps the ronin
artisan's most sought after creations, and some of the
rarest items of Taira that still exist. One of the lade Gob-
lets of Taira is in the possession of the Kitsu Family. A
second Goblet was held by the Fox Clan for many years
before it \<\'as stolen by a renin, and its location is now
unknown. The third Jade Goblet was destroyed dur-
ing an unsuccessful assassination attempt on Hantei
Each of these goblets is sculpted from gold and jade,
with a beautiful inlay ill the form of a dragon. The tail
of the inlaid dragon runs down to the base of the Jade
Goblet, circling its narrow circular handle. Several ru-
bies of exactly the same size and shape are set upon
the cup. The interior is made out of bright gold, and
becomes even more lustrous when liqUid is poured into
AJade Goblet glows brightly when it is within 100' of
any person or creature corrupted by the Shadowlands
Taint. Shadowlands creatures find this light" disturbing,
and will flee from it unless they succeed at a Raw \ Vill-
power Roll against a TN of 30. Drinking any type of liq-
uid from a Jade Goblet of Taira heals all Wound Points,
cures all diseases, cleanses the body of any poison,
and dispels any magical or non-magical effect that has
caused loss of Trait Ranks. vVhile there are no limits to
the number of times a Jade Goblet of Taira can be used
in this manner, each time someone drinks from it there
is a cumulative 10% chance that the item loses all its
magical properties for t month.
Lord Moolt's 'Bolte
Lord Moon's Bone is a powerful katana fashioned from
the forearm bone of Onnotangu, which Hantei severed
along with his hand (which later became the Obsidian
Hand, or Shosuro's Hand), and which fell to earth sepa-
rately, Ho\l.,l it came to be crafted into a sword, and by
whom, remains a mystery. But the blade has appeared
periodically throughout the long history of Rokugan,
usually aiding some nefarious purpose, Hitomi, the sec-
ond Dragon Clan Thunder and Daimyo of the Mirumoto
Family, used the Bone of Lord Moon to slay Onnotangu
during the final days of the Empire's conflict with the
Lying Darkness. No one knows where this mighty blade
now lies, but many believe it will eventually reappear
to once again playa crucial role in the history of the
Lord Moon's Bone is a sword made of a black, eerie
metallic substance, somewhat resembling obsidian. It
has a DR of 4k3 and it grants t Free Raise on all at-
tack rolls. It also has a terrifying aura about it. When
the weapon is drawn out of its saya, every person or
creature within 20' (including allies) must make a Raw
Willpower Roll against a TN of 20. If this roll is unsuc-
cessful, they falter and lose their resolve. For as long as
the victims are within the area of effect, they suffer a
-1 kO penalty to all attack, damage, and Skill rolls.
Lord Moon's Bone also bears a terrible curse, and
anyone who dares to wield the blade must be especially
cautious. Each week this artifact remains in the posses-
sion of the same owner, he must make a Raw Willpower
roll against a TN of 20. Faiiing this roll means he enters
a sort of blood frenzy and goes on a homicidal ram-
page. While under this malign effect, the bearer of Lord
Moon's Bone cannot control his actions. He must pick
up the weapon and kill a person at random, screaming
the praises of Lord Moon as he goes about his ghastlv
business. Those who enter this uncontrollable rage ne .-
er remember the incident once they have killed. tho gh
they often wonder whose blood it is they see on their
Masamulte Katana
Masamune was a famous renin swordsman whose many
great deeds became part of Rokugani legend. Written
accounts of Masamune's life were lost when the Lying
Darkness ravaged the histories of the Ikoma Familv. but
oral traditions detailing his prowess remain. as do some
material proofs. It is said Masamune's skill in swords-
manship was only matched by his extraordinary talent
at crafting blades, and the knowledge of how to rna re
swords based on his personal design remains alive to
this day, The Masamune Katana in Rokugan today are
all derivative, crafted by smiths who studied his se..:rets
and imitated them. Of the blades forged bv :-Iasamune
himself, all have been lost for generations.
A Masamune Katana grants a +lkO bonus to damage
rolls for successful attacks made with it. If it is used to
attack a person with a lower Honor Rank, or a creature
(treated as having an Honor Rank of 0), it also awards a
bonus to the attack roll in linkept dice equal to the dif-
ference between the target's Honor and the wielder's.
Masamul1e Wakizashi
Although he is better known for his deeds and for the
amazing katana he forged, the mysterious ronin Masam
une also forged short swords of tremendous quality and
useful magical power. Although he only made a handful
of these blades, which were simply dubbed Masamune
vVakizashi, the secret of their forging - and most espe-
cially the secret of the enchantments cast upon them
- has somehow 5unlived the many centuries.
A Masamune Wakizashi grants a bonus to Defense
Skill Rolls equal to the wielder's Honor Rank. Keeping
the weapon on one's person also grants a bonus to TN
to Be Hit equal to the owner's Air Ring, regardless of
whether or not the sword is actually used in combat.
Ril1g of Night
Legends tell of a powerful artifact that can transform
its bearer into living shadow. The old stories claim this
artifact, possibly created by an ani, was the possession
of the most deadly and devious ninjas of ancient times,
passing from one assassin to the nexL until the item
was lost. The myths surrounding this powerful artifact
suggest that once a person has triggered its power to
turn himself into a living shadow, he can slip through
the thinnest crack, pour down a wall like smoke, and
even hover above the ground like the morning mist.
The artifact is supposedly made in the form of a simple
metal band that seems blacker than night itself. No one
knows what happened to this item, but many Scorpion
- among others - would pay a hefty sum to put their
hands on it.
To activate the Ring of Night, the owner must begin
by drenching his naked body in blood. Although the
tales differ (some saying it must be human blood while
others state any blood will do), they agree there must
be enough blood to cover one's entire body. Then, the
assassin simply puts on the Ring of Night and is im-
mediately transformed into living shadow. While in this
insubstantial state, the wearer cannot smell odors, can-
not pick up any object or wield any weapon, and cannot
bear the weight of anything he was carrying or wearing
at the time that he activated the item. Sounds are also
muffled, and vision is distorted. While in this form, the
wearer cannot strike or be struck by any weapon, even
magic \veapons, and can move through gaps in solid
objects, such as cracks in masonry, the gap between
door and \vall, and so on. He also gains a +30 bonus to
all Stealth Skill Rolls; if he does not have any Ranks in
Stealth, he may use the Skill as if he had 1 Rank in it.
The 'wearer can revert to his normal form at any time.
Every distinct use of Ring of Night, hmvever, requires a
fresh immersion in blood.
Sharil1g Ril1gs
Sharing Rings were first forged by the Soshi as items
that would allow the Scorpion to spy on their rivals.
However, the Scorpion are no longer the only ones to
own and use them - a fact they no doubt would wish
to change.
Originally created centuries ago by Soshi Jiro, Shar-
ing Rings always come in pairs. VVhoever accepts one
of these rings is bound to it for the temainder of his life.
\'\That is most disquieting, however, is that he is not only
bound to the item, but also to the owner of the other
ring completing the pair. Although a Sharing Ring can
be taken away from its owner, it always finds a way to
return to him. Once a Sharing Ring has been accepted
by someone, it will inevitably return to him within 24
hours. If it is lost, given away to another, purposely left
behind, or even buried, the ov-mer will tind the ring on
his body (typically on one of his fingers or toes) the next
morning. Legends concerning these items even tell of a
Lion samurai who went mad and cut off all his fingers
and toes in order to be rid of the ring, only to wake up
with the ring in his mouth the next day.
The true magic of these items, however, is not to re-
turn to their owners, but to actually create a resonance
between the two bearers of a particular pair. This reso-
nance allows each one to spy on the other, with either
sight or hearing. For instance, if one ring owner looks
through his Sharing Ring with his right eye, he will see
what the bearer of the other ring sees through his right
eye. If he puts his ring to his left ear, he will hear ev-
erything that other ring bearer hears through that ear.
Furthermore, the Sharing Ring also allows its owner to
experience, to some degree, ,".'hat the other ring's owner
experiences. If, for instance, one places his Sharing
Ring in his hand, it will automatically begin to mimic
the same motion as the hand of the bearer of the paired
ring. This effect only works when the ring is held in
hand, not when it is worn upon a finger.
Legends also say that if both owners of linked Shar-
ing Rings were to look into their respective ring to spy
on the other at the same time, each would stare into his
O\vn eye and become irrevocably mad. It is also said
that if one bearer were to be killed, the shock would be
so harmful to the owner of the other ring that it could
even be deadly for him.
Silk and Steel Kimono
Long ago, the Asahina developed a special kind of ki-
mono unnaturally resilient yet as supple as any silk
robe. They came to be known as Silk and Steel Kimo-
nos. Among the most sought out creations of the Asa-
hina artisans, these magical vestments are far from be-
ing common but members of several other Clans now
also fashion them. These elegant and highly practical
attires are often given to courtiers who are going into
a potentially dangerous situation or who simply need
extra protection.
Silk and Steel Kimonos have the light weight and
feel of summer kimonos (as opposed to heavy, cotton
padded winter kimonos), which makes their armor-like
strength all the more remarkable. Treat them as kimo-
nos of Excellent Quality that cost t50 koku. Although
these magical clothes may be made from almost any
color of silk, the sleeves of a Silk and Steel Kimono are
always long and wide, ,,\lith thick folds of an even width
that reinforce their ends. A long but simple sash of soft
silk of the same color as the folds of the arms also ac-
companies each Silk and Steel Kimono. These simple
obi are worn about the waist and serve as pockets as
well as to allow a samurai to tuck his daisho under-
neath it.
ASilk and Steel Kimono is as supple as any other silken
garment, but the enchanted material is extremely tough
and durable, hence its value as a protective clothing.
Wearing one grants a +5 bonus to your TN to Be Hit.
Slayer's Vial
No one can hope to discover how these foul magical
devices originally found their way to the Emerald Em-
pire. and many Rokugani believe these strange vials
should all be destroyed. It is not known who originally
created the so-called Slayer's Vials or how long ago they
were designed, but the shugenja of the Unicorn Clan
have confirmed they were fashioned using potent gaijin
magic. Even the Unicorn, who have studied them for
several years, do not know the source or the secrets of
their creation.
Imperial edicts have declared Slayer's Vials to be il-
legal. All Emerald Magistrates have standing orders to
confiscate and destroy all Slayer's Vials they uncover,
and arrest those who carry them. Anyone caught in the
possession of a Slayer's Vial is considered a criminal of
the vilest" and most immoral sort, destined for execu-
tion. Unfortunately, no one can even say how many of
these morbid items have found their way into Rokugan.
Because of their unique magical ability, Slayer'S Vials
are popular among assassins, and so demand for them
remains constant despite their illegal status. Because


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they are small and easily concealable, these items are
hard to spot, and the magistrates of Rokugan have a dif-
ficult and hazardous task trying to root them out.
At first glace, a Slayer's Vial looks like a simple black-
ened glass flask. When any liquid but blood is poured
into it, the magic of the item fails to activate. \,yhen a
Slayer's Vial is filled with blood, however, the content of
the container bubbles and turns to a thick, viscous liq-
uid one round later. This liquid is actually the equiva-
lent of one dose of virulent poison of the user's choice.
For more on poisons, see Legend of the Five Rings Role-
playing Game Third Edition core rule book, p. 161.
Takao's Jingasa
Takao's Jingasa looks like an ordinary heimin hat. Made
of long strands of straw, tightly \,,'oven together to form a
"vide cone, this hat is very similar to what many Roku-
gani peasants wear to protect themselves from the heat
of the sun. The hat, however, is somewhat bigger than
most, its rim descending to cover part of the wearer's
eyes. Hitomi Maya once said of the original Takao's Jin-
gasa that it was a simple hat worn by a simple man,
and while ambition and power were complicated, En-
lightenment was not. Most monks of the Brotherhood
of Shinsei would agree with Maya, but Takao's original
straw hat actually helped him reach a degree of Enlight-
enment many monks would hope to reach. The kami
within the hat bestowed on him the ability to surpass
himself in the art of Kiho practiced by so many Roku-
gani monks. Since Takao's time, several artisans have
fashioned copies of the magical jingasa, but this type of
hat remains rare at best. Those who own such a trea-
sure are usually perceived as individuals clearly on the
path to true Enlightenment.
Takao's Jingasa is only beneficial to a monk, or to
someone who can use Kiho. Someone wearing Takao's
Jingasa may have up to 2 Internal Kiho or Kharmic Kiho
active at anyone time (rather than only a single one).
They also gain an additional number of Void Points
equal to their Monk School Rank for as long as the hat
remains on their head. These extra Void Points may
only be used to activate a new Kiho.
Yojil11bo's Burden
Many non-bushi members of the samurai caste rely on
yojimbo for protection. Courtiers and shugenja, as well
192 as other important figures such as Daimyo and gener-
als, are often seen with these dedicated bodyguards.
Legends tell of an lsawa shugenja who lived long ago
who wanted to find a way to ensure his yojimbo would
be able to leap to his defense at any time and stand
in harm's \vay at a moment's notice. After years of re-
search, the crafty shugenja created enchanted fist-sized
stones that would magically transport a yojimbo to the
defense of his charge in the blink of an eye.
These magical stones came to be known as Yojim-
bo's Burden, and they come in sets of two. They are
ordinary-looking, highly polished, and perfectly round
stones roughly the size of a man's fist. The surface of
the stones is smooth and inscribed with simple kanji
that can barely be noticed by touch. One of the stone
is marked with the word shugenja while the other bears
the kanji for yojimbo. Each of the stones is keyed to the
other. This magical connection is extremely strong and
cannot be broken or diverted to another stone. If one of
the two stones of a set ofYojimbo's Burden is destroyed,
the remaining stone loses its magical properties.
When the stones of a Yojimbo's Burden are carried
by two individuals, the one with the yojimbo stone can
activate its magic by speaking a command word. Doing
so immediately teleports that person to the spot where
the one carrying the shugenja stone is standing, while
the person with the shugenja stone is teleported to
where the bearer of the yojimbo stone was. This potent
magic only works if both persons with the stones are
within sight of one another. If only one stone is carried,
the magic of a Yojimbo's Burden cannot be activated.
The person holding the yojimbo stone may activate its
power twice each day.

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