DSOAR Main Text Final Version
DSOAR Main Text Final Version
DSOAR Main Text Final Version
Republic of the Philippines Energy Regulatory Commission Pacific Center, San Miguel Avenue, Pasig City
Pursuant to Republic Act No. 9136, otherwise known as the Electric Power Industry Reform Act of 2001, and the Implementing Rules and Regulations issued pursuant to that Act, the Energy Regulatory Commission hereby promulgates the following rules, terms, and conditions for distribution services and open access.
1.9 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13 1.14 1.15 1.16 1.17 1.18 1.19 1.20 1.21 1.22
ARTICLE II RULES PERTAINING TO DISTRIBUTION CONNECTION ASSETS AND SERVICES................................................................................................................................................27 2.1 2.2
GENERAL ..................................................................................................................................27 ENGINEERING STANDARDS FOR EQUIPMENT AND CONSTRUCTION ...........................................27
2.3 2.4
STANDARD CONNECTION FACILITIES ........................................................................................27 STANDARD CONNECTION CHARGES ..........................................................................................27 2.4.1 TRANSITION TO UNBUNDLED CONNECTION CHARGES ..................................................27 2.4.2 STANDARD CONNECTION CHARGE FOR EACH CUSTOMER SEGMENT ............................28 2.4.3 METHODOLOGY FOR COMPUTING STANDARD CONNECTION CHARGE ..........................28 2.4.4 ALTERNATIVE METHODOLOGY FOR COMPUTING STANDARD CONNECTION CHARGES .29 2.4.5 SUMMARY OF OPTIONS FOR ESTABLISHING STANDARD CONNECTION CHARGES AND ADJUSTMENT OF DISTRIBUTION RATES ........................................................................30 NEW CONNECTION POINTS OR MODIFICATION TO EXISTING CONNECTION POINTS ...................30 2.5.1 GENERAL ......................................................................................................................30 2.5.2 APPLICATION FOR CONNECTION ..................................................................................30 2.5.3 COMPLIANCE WITH PROCESS AND NON-DISCRIMINATION ............................................31 2.5.4 LOCATION AND MAINTENANCE OF DU'S EQUIPMENT ....................................................31 2.5.5 SERVICE DROP ..............................................................................................................31 2.5.6 SERVICE ENTRANCE ......................................................................................................32 2.5.7 SERVICE SWITCHES OR BREAKERS ................................................................................32 2.5.8 UNDERGROUND SERVICE ..............................................................................................32 2.5.9 GROUNDING ..................................................................................................................33 MODIFICATIONS AND NEW PHYSICAL CONNECTIONS: RESIDENTIAL ........................................33 2.6.1 RIGHT TO EXTENSION OF LINES AND FACILITIES ..........................................................33 2.6.2 REFUND ........................................................................................................................33 2.6.3 DEDICATED TRANSFORMER ..........................................................................................34 2.6.4 ENGINEERING AND DESIGN ...........................................................................................34 2.6.5 MINIMUM FACILITIES ....................................................................................................34 2.6.6 NEAREST SOURCE .........................................................................................................34 2.6.7 ALTERNATIVE ROUTES .................................................................................................35 2.6.8 EASEMENTS ..................................................................................................................35 2.6.9 MODIFICATION TO EXISTING FACILITIES ......................................................................35 2.6.10 RIGHT TO PROCURE EQUIPMENT AND CONSTRUCTION .................................................36 MODIFICATIONS AND NEW CONNECTIONS: NON-RESIDENTIAL .................................................36 2.7.1 RIGHT TO EXTENSION OF LINES AND FACILITIES ..........................................................36 2.7.2 NON-STANDARD CONNECTION .....................................................................................36 2.7.3 ENGINEERING AND DESIGN ...........................................................................................37 2.7.4 MINIMUM FACILITIES ....................................................................................................37 2.7.5 NEAREST SOURCE .........................................................................................................37 2.7.6 ALTERNATIVE ROUTES .................................................................................................38 2.7.7 EASEMENTS ..................................................................................................................38 2.7.8 MODIFICATION TO EXISTING FACILITIES ......................................................................38 2.7.9 RIGHT TO PROCURE EQUIPMENT AND CONSTRUCTION .................................................38 2.7.10 PROPORTIONATE SHARING OF LINE EXTENSION COSTS ................................................39 2.7.11 CONTRIBUTION IN AID OF CONSTRUCTION ...................................................................39 2.7.12 OWNERSHIP OF CONNECTION ASSETS...........................................................................39 CONNECTION OF A GENERATING FACILITY ...............................................................................40 2.8.1 INTERCONNECTION AND OPERATING AGREEMENT .......................................................40 2.8.2 GENERATOR COMPLIANCE ............................................................................................40 2.8.3 DESIGN REVIEWS AND INSPECTIONS .............................................................................40 2.8.4 PRUDENT OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE REQUIRED..................................................41 REQUIREMENTS FOR A NEW CONNECTION OR CONNECTION MODIFICATION OF A GENERATING FACILITY ...................................................................................................................................42 2.9.1 APPLICATION PROCESS FOR GENERATORS ....................................................................42 2.9.2 GENERATING FACILITY DESIGN AND OPERATING REQUIREMENTS ..............................42 2.9.3 EVALUATION OF CONNECTION APPLICATIONS AND DISTRIBUTION IMPACT STUDIES (DIS) FOR GENERATORS .................................................................................................43 DETERMINATION WHETHER NEW DIS IS NECESSARY .....................................43 COST OF DIS ...................................................................................................43 AGREEMENT ON CONNECTION APPLICATION OR OFFER OF SERVICE FOR DIS..........................................................................................................43 REQUIREMENTS OF AN OFFER OF SERVICE FOR DIS. ......................................43 EFFECT ON APPLICATION...............................................................................43 PAYMENT FOR UNDERTAKING DIS AND DATA SUBMISSION...........................44
TIME PERIOD FOR COMPLETION OF DIS ..........................................................44 RETENTION OF DIS .........................................................................................44 RELIANCE ON EXISTING DIS ...........................................................................44 PROVISION OF DIS ISSUES AND RESULTS .......................................................44 NOTIFICATION OF ADEQUACY OF DISTRIBUTION ..........................................44 2.9.4 DISTRIBUTION ASSETS STUDY FOR GENERATORS .........................................................45 OFFER OF SERVICE FOR DISTRIBUTION ASSETS STUDY ..................................45 OPTIONS FOR CONNECTION APPLICANT IN UNDERTAKING DAS ....................45 COMPLETION OF DAS .....................................................................................45 COST OF DAS..................................................................................................45 SUBMISSION OF DATA FOR DAS .....................................................................45 NOTIFICATION OF ADDITIONAL TIME TO COMPLETE DAS ..............................46 RESULTS OF DAS ............................................................................................46 PROVISION OF RESULTS FROM DAS ...............................................................46 ARRANGEMENTS FOLLOWING EXECUTION OF CONNECTION AGREEMENT................................46 2.10.1 COMPLETION OF CONNECTION ARRANGEMENTS ........................................................46 2.10.2 SECURITY FOR NEW FACILITIES OR FACILITY UPGRADES ...........................................47 2.10.3 DESIGN AND SPECIFICATION REQUIREMENTS .............................................................47 2.10.4 INSTALLATION OF NECESSARY EQUIPMENT ...............................................................47 2.10.5 PROVISION OF REQUIRED INFORMATION AND TESTS OF EQUIPMENT .........................47 2.10.6 COSTS OF PROCESSING AND MODIFICATION ...............................................................47 2.10.7 SAFETY, POWER QUALITY AND RELIABILITY .............................................................47 2.10.8 DATA REQUIREMENTS ................................................................................................48 2.10.9 CONFIDENTIAL TREATMENT OF DATA ........................................................................48 2.10.10 PROTECTION ARRANGEMENTS ...................................................................................48 RESPECTIVE RESPONSIBILITY FOR PROTECTIVE DEVICES........................48 NEW PROTECTIVE DEVICES .....................................................................48 2.10.11 CONTINGENCY PROCEDURES......................................................................................49 PROMPT NOTIFICATION OF CONTINGENCY. .............................................49 CONTINGENCY ACTIONS..........................................................................49 ACCESS TO EACH OTHERS CONNECTION ASSETS....................................49 2.10.12 PROPERTY ACCESS .....................................................................................................50 ACCESS RIGHTS. ......................................................................................50 PROCEDURE.............................................................................................50 2.10.13 CONDITIONS PERTAINING TO THIS SERVICE ...............................................................51 2.10.14 CONNECTION CUSTOMERS NON-COMPLIANCE ..........................................................51 METERING EQUIPMENT .............................................................................................................51 2.11.1 METER INSTALLATIONS .............................................................................................51 2.11.2 GENERAL INFORMATION ON METERING .....................................................................52 2.11.3 TESTING AND SEALING OF METER ..............................................................................52 2.11.4 TEST OF CUSTOMER'S METER BY THE DU ...................................................................53 2.11.5 WATTHOUR METER ACCURACY REQUIREMENTS .......................................................53 2.11.6 DETERMINATION OF AVERAGE ERROR .......................................................................53 2.11.7 RECORD OF METER.....................................................................................................54 INTERCONNECTION BETWEEN DISTRIBUTION UTILITIES ...........................................................54 2.12.1 GENERAL ....................................................................................................................54 2.12.2 INTERCONNECTION AND OPERATING AGREEMENT ....................................................54
GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE .........................................................................................55 THE MAGNA CARTA FOR RESIDENTIAL CONSUMERS.................................................................55 APPLICATION FOR CAPTIVE MARKET SUPPLY ...........................................................................55 ESTABLISHMENT AND REESTABLISHMENT OF CREDIT ..............................................................55 3.4.1 RESIDENTIAL ELECTRICITY CUSTOMERS ......................................................................55 3.4.2 NON-RESIDENTIAL ELECTRICITY CUSTOMERS ..............................................................56 3.4.3 RE-ESTABLISHMENT OF CREDIT FOR ALL CAPTIVE CUSTOMERS...................................56 BILLING .....................................................................................................................................57 3.5.1 MONTHLY BILLING .......................................................................................................57 3.5.2 METERED SERVICE ........................................................................................................57 3.5.3 CONTENTS OF BILL .......................................................................................................57
ESTIMATED BILLS .........................................................................................................58 PRORATION OF BILLS ....................................................................................................59 PAYMENT OF BILLS .......................................................................................................59 ADJUSTMENT FOR BILLING ...........................................................................................59 BILLING DISPUTES .....................................................................................................................60 REGULATED RATES FOR THE CAPTIVE MARKET .......................................................................60
GENERAL ..................................................................................................................................61 ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS FOR DWS .....................................................................................61 GROUNDS FOR REJECTING DWS AGREEMENT ............................................................................62 4.3.1 REJECTION OF DWS AGREEMENT ..................................................................................62 4.3.2 ACCEPTANCE OF DWS AGREEMENT ..............................................................................62 RELATIONSHIP WITH RESS END-USE CUSTOMERS ....................................................................62 METERING .................................................................................................................................62 4.5.1 TIME OF USE METERING ................................................................................................62 4.5.2 OWNERSHIP OF METERS ................................................................................................63 4.5.3 METER READING AND DATA DISSEMINATION SERVICE .................................................63 4.5.4 REQUEST FOR ADVANCED METERING TECHNOLOGY ....................................................63 4.5.5 RIGHT TO PROCURE AND INSTALL ADVANCED METER EQUIPMENT .............................63 4.5.6 ACCESS AND METER READING ......................................................................................63 4.5.7 METER DATA EXCHANGE ..............................................................................................64 SUBTRANSMISSION ...................................................................................................................64 4.6.1 DELIVERY SERVICE PROVIDED BY OWNER OF SUBTRANSMISSION ...............................64 4.6.2 NON-IMPAIRMENT OF GENERATION CONTRACTS WITH END-USERS .............................64 4.6.3 SUBTRANSMISSION COSTS AND RATES .........................................................................64 4.6.4 END-USER IN THE CAPTIVE MARKET WITHOUT SUFFICIENT GENERATION ....................64 TRANSMISSION ..........................................................................................................................65 4.7.1 CONTRACTING FOR TRANSMISSION SERVICES ..............................................................65 4.7.2 APPLICABLE TRANSMISSION RATES ..............................................................................65 4.7.3 ANCILLARY SERVICES ..................................................................................................65 4.7.4 WESM REQUIREMENTS ..................................................................................................65 BILLING AND RELATED CUSTOMER SERVICE ............................................................................65 4.8.1 RES RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES ..............................................................................65 4.8.2 DEPOSIT FOR DWS .........................................................................................................66 4.8.3 PAYMENTS ....................................................................................................................66 4.8.4 FAILURE TO PAY AND DISCONNECTION RIGHTS OF THE DU AND THE RES ....................66 4.8.5 CONTESTABLE END-USER COMPLAINTS AND DISPUTES ................................................67 GENERATOR WHEELING IN THE DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM ...........................................................67 4.9.1 DU RESPONSIBILITIES ...................................................................................................67 4.9.2 GENERATOR RESPONSIBILITIES ....................................................................................67 WHEELING FOR ANOTHER DISTRIBUTION UTILITY ....................................................................67 4.10.1 THE RESPONSIBILITIES OF DU AS CUSTOMER ..............................................................67 4.10.2 CUSTOMER RESPONSIBILITIES ....................................................................................67
4.9 4.10
GENERAL ..................................................................................................................................68 UNIFORM RATE FILING REQUIREMENTS ....................................................................................68 DISTRIBUTION UTILITIES OPERATING UNDER THE DWRG .......................................................68 5.3.1 GENERAL ......................................................................................................................68 5.3.2 GENERAL METHODOLOGY FOR CONVERTING AN ANNUALLY ADJUSTED MAP INTO RATES ...........................................................................................................................69 5.3.3 RATE DESIGN AND BILLING DETERMINANTS ................................................................70 5.3.4 REGULATORY RESET PROCESS AND RATE DESIGN ........................................................71 5.3.5 MONITORING BY ERC ....................................................................................................71 DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM LOSSES .................................................................................................71 PURCHASED POWER COSTS .......................................................................................................71 TRANSMISSION COSTS ...............................................................................................................71
ARTICLE I GENERAL PROVISIONS 1.1 PURPOSE The purpose of the DSOAR is to set forth the terms and conditions related to the provision of Connection Assets and Services, service to the Captive Market, Supplier of Last Resort (SoLR) service to the Contestable Market, and unbundled Distribution Wheeling Service (DWS) provided to the Contestable Market. Furthermore, these rules set forth the procedures for establishing regulated service rates for Distribution Utilities (DUs) regulated pursuant to the Distribution Wheeling Rate Guidelines (DWRG) and DUs not regulated pursuant to the DWRG. 1.2 DEFINITION OF TERMS In the DSOAR, unless the contrary intention appears, the following words and phrases have the following meanings: Ancillary Services Those services that are necessary to support the transmission of capacity and energy from resources to loads while maintaining the reliable operation of the Grid or a Distribution System or a Subtransmission System in accordance with good utility practice, the Grid Code and the Distribution Code. An End-user or Generator, depending on context, that has submitted a Connection Application. A day other than a Saturday or a Sunday or an official or declared Philippine national or local public holiday. The rules and principles for the clear separation of accounts between regulated and non-regulated business activities; and, the structural and functional unbundling requirements that must be implemented and observed by electric power industry participants. The plan submitted by a market participant pursuant to the Business Separation Guidelines. Refers to electricity end-users who do not have choice of a supplier of electricity, as may be determined by the ERC in accordance with the EPIRA. Agreement between a Connection Customer and a DU governing Distribution Connection Assets and Services. An End-user, DU, or Generator seeking to connect to the Distribution System, including an RES applying on behalf of an End-user in the Contestable Market.
An application made by a Connection Applicant for a Connection Agreement or modification to a Connection Agreement. DU charges for Distribution Connection Assets and Services. End-users, DUs, and Generators with a Connection Point on the Distribution System who purchase Distribution Connection Assets and/or Distribution Connection Services. The point of connection of the User System or Equipment to the Grid (for Users of the Grid) or to the Distribution System (for Users of the Distribution System). For the purposes of this definition herein, User System or Equipment does not include the service entrance up to the meter. Refers to the electricity end-users who have a choice of a supplier of electricity, as may be determined by the ERC in accordance with the EPIRA. Amounts paid by a Connection Customer for the construction and/or extension of Distribution Connection Assets beyond the Standard Connection Facilities as proposed by the DU and approved by ERC. The DU maintains a separate account of these amounts and the assets never appear in rate base nor in a DU asset appraisal. In respect of a Regulated Distribution System: (a) a person whose User System or Equipment is directly connected to the Regulated Distribution System and who purchases or receives regulated distribution services in respect of that Regulated Distribution System; and (b) any other person who purchases or receives regulated distribution services in respect of that Regulated Distribution System. For the avoidance of doubt, this may include a person who operates an Embedded Generator, an RES, an End-user, another DU, or Generator wheeling power through the Regulated Distribution System.
Connection Point
Customer Segment
A category of End-use customers connected to the Distribution System established pursuant to the guidelines promulgated by ERC. Customer Segments proposed by a DU and approved by the ERC have similar consumption characteristics for regulated distribution services in respect of that Regulated Distribution System, based on their 9
network configuration and consumption profile, as measured by the number of connections, the energy throughput (kWh), the non-coincident peak load (kW), the co-incident peak load (kW), the time-of-day or any other physical measure as approved from time to time by the ERC. A Customer Segment of a particular DU includes all of the Customers who are charged the same tariff. Distribution Assets Study (DAS) Distribution Code DCAS Distribution Connection Assets A study to determine all distribution assets and costs necessary to accommodate a proposed Connection Agreement. The Philippine Distribution Code adopted by the ERC. Distribution Connection Assets and Services (separately defined below). In respect of a Regulated Distribution System, the components of that Regulated Distribution System which are used to provide Distribution Connection Services in respect of that Regulated Distribution System. Meters are not part of Distribution Connection Assets. In respect of a Regulated Distribution System: (a) the provision of capability at a Connection Point in respect of that Regulated Distribution System to deliver electricity to or take electricity from that Connection Point; (b) the planning, installation, maintenance, augmentation, testing and operation of Distribution Connection Assets in respect of that Regulated Distribution System; and (c) the provision of services that support any of the services referred to in paragraphs (a) to (b). Distribution Wheeling Service (DWS) Distribution Impact Study (DIS) Distribution System The conveyance of power throughout a Distribution System in a manner to meet the demand of End-users or Generators. A study performed to assess the ability of the Distribution System to accommodate a proposed Connection Agreement and any upgrades that may be required. In respect of a Regulated Entity, a system of wires and associated facilities extending between: (a) the delivery points on the Subtransmission System; and Grid and any
(b) the points of connection of Embedded Generators, on the one hand, and the points of connection of User Systems and Equipment of End-users, on the other hand.
Refers to any electric cooperative, private corporation, government-owned utility or existing local government unit which has an exclusive franchise to operate a distribution system in accordance with the EPIRA, including DUs operating in the economic zones. Guidelines on the Methodology for Setting Distribution Wheeling Rates issued by the ERC.
Distribution Wheeling Rate Guidelines (DWRG) Effectivity Date Electric Plant Held for Future Use End-user EPIRA Equipment ERC or Commission Force Majeure Event
The date on which the DSOAR take effect. An account that includes amounts of utility assets that were (1) acquired but held for use in the future and (2) previously used but since retired from service and being held pending reuse in the future under a definite plan. Refers to any person or entity requiring the supply and delivery of electricity for its own use. Republic Act No. 9136, otherwise known as the Electric Power Industry Reform Act of 2001. Equipment as defined in the Distribution Code. The Energy Regulatory Commission created by virtue of the provisions under Section 38 of the EPIRA. An event, the occurrence of which could not be foreseen or which foreseen, where inevitable or beyond the control of either party such as: (a) typhoon, storm, tropical depression, flood inundation, volcanic eruption, earthquake; or or
(b) war insurrection, riots, national emergencies, act of public enemies; (c) or changes in any law, order, regulation which makes it unreasonable or impossible for a party to perform its obligations. Franchise Area Generator Grid Connection Point IRR Local Government Geographical area designated within the legal franchise of a DU. A person or entity authorized by the ERC to operate a facility used in the generation of electricity. A "Connection Point" as that term is defined in the Transmission Wheeling Rate Guidelines. The Implementing Rules and Regulations issued pursuant to the EPIRA. Local Government as defined in Executive Order No. 292, otherwise known as the Administrative Code of 1987.
Magna Carta
Magna Carta for Residential Electricity Consumers including the Guidelines to Implement the Magna Carta issued by the ERC. The Maximum Average Price or Maximum Annual Price as defined in the DWRG. The National Government as defined in Executive Order No. 292, otherwise known as the Administrative Code of 1987. Refers to a natural or juridical person, as the case may be. Philippine Peso. A period of three months from 1 January to 31 March (both dates inclusive), 1 April to 30 June (both dates inclusive), 1 July to 30 September (both dates inclusive) or 1 October to 31 December (both dates inclusive). The First Regulatory Period, the Second Regulatory Period or a Subsequent Regulatory Period (as the case may be) of the DWRG. The process under the DWRG by which cost of service analysis establishes the new MAP and initial rates beginning a new Regulatory Period. Any person or entity authorized by the ERC to sell, broker, market or aggregate electricity to the End-users in the Contestable Market. Limitation in the amount of annual change in the MAP as described in section 6.4 of the DWRG. An unbundled connection charge on End-users that is uniform within a particular Customer Segment of a DU. The Standard Connection is based on the Standard Connection Facilities used to connect a typical End-user within the Customer Segment and is subject to ERC approval. The Connection Assets identified for a particular Customer Segment as proposed by a DU and approved by ERC for the purpose of calculating a Standard Connection Charge. All assets that are used by the DU as intermediate facilities to connect transmission and distribution substations, including those assets that are transferred from TransCo to a qualified DU or consortium of qualified DUs pursuant to Section 8 of the EPIRA. A regulated entity with the obligation of serving End-users in the Contestable Market pursuant to the provisions set forth in the DSOAR and other guidelines promulgated by ERC. 12
Regulatory Period Regulatory Reset Process Retail Electricity Supplier (RES) Side Constraints Standard Connection Charge
System Operator as defined in the WESM Rules. Any tax, levy, impost, deduction, charge, rate, duty or withholding which is levied or imposed by the National Government or a Local Government or any agency, department, instrumentality or other authority of the National Government or a Local Government. The National Transmission Corporation or its successor. The Guidelines on the Methodology for Setting Transmission Wheeling Rates promulgated by the ERC on May 29, 2003. The Uniform Rate Filing Requirements promulgated by ERC on October 31, 2001. A person or entity that uses the Distribution System and related Distribution facilities. The System or Equipment to be connected to the Distribution System or to be modified, including the relevant proposed new connections and/or modification within the User System that requires a Connection Agreement. Refers to a system owned or operated by the User of the Distribution System. The Wholesale Electricity Spot Market established pursuant to the EPIRA.
TransCo Transmission Wheeling Rate Guidelines Uniform Rate Filing Requirements User User Development
An average cost of all sources of financing or financial Weighted Average Cost of capital where each is weighted by the reasonable Capital (WACC) percentage of each in the financing of utility investment. The WACC shall be that value determined pursuant to the DWRG. An average cost of all sources of financing or financial Weighted Average Cost of capital where each is weighted by the reasonable Capital (WACC) percentage of each in the financing of utility investment. The WACC shall be that value determined pursuant to the DWRG. In addition, words and phrases used in these Guidelines which are defined in the EPIRA or the IRR have the meaning given to them in the EPIRA or the IRR (as the case may be). 1.3 APPLICABILITY 1.3.1 The DSOAR apply to: (a) Distribution Utilities (DUs), including DUs in the economic zones; (b) End-users;
(c) Qualified DUs and franchised consortiums of qualified DUs controlling and operating Subtransmission Assets; (d) Retail Electricity Suppliers (RES); (e) The Transmission Provider; (f) The System Operator; (g) Generators; (h) The Captive Market; and (i) The Contestable Market. (Together, the above-mentioned parties are collectively referred hereto as the Participants). 1.3.2 In interpreting and complying with the DSOAR, the Participants shall take into account that: (a) the Distribution System conveys electricity through its contractual relations with the End-use customers, RESs, Generators, and the Supplier of Last Resort; (b) at such time that the ERC declares open access and retail competition, licensed RESs will be free to conduct business within the Contestable Market, and End-use customers will fall into one of two categories: the Captive Market and the Contestable Market; and (c) the physical characteristics of electricity necessitate a significant degree of coordination between the Participants to ensure quality and reliability. 1.4 ENERGY REGULATORY SUPERSEDED BOARD RESOLUTION NO. 95-21
The Energy Regulatory Boards (ERBs) Standard Rules and Regulations Governing the Operation of Electrical Power Services, Resolution No. 95-21, as amended by ERB Order, Case No. 95-368, dated April 10, 2000, are hereby superseded in their entirety by the DSOAR. 1.5 NONDISCRIMINATION All DUs shall make available upon reasonable request all regulated services at rates, terms and conditions that are just and reasonable and shall not unjustly or unreasonably discriminate in the rates, terms, and conditions of service to similarly situated customers. A DU shall provide regulated services to non-affiliated persons at rates, terms, and conditions that are in no way different from the provision of such services for its own purposes. 1.6 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES With unbundling and open access, the distribution utilities face unprecedented change with respect to service and the customers they serve. The DSOAR are designed to cover the various service combinations in the new DU environment 14
created by the EPIRA. The regulated DU shall be prepared to provide a variety of services to the Captive Market and the Contestable Market. DU service to the Captive Market will be similar to service provided before EPIRA but now with unbundled rates, removal of cross-subsidies, separate connections policy for End-users, and possible regulation under the Distribution Wheeling Rate Guidelines (DWRG). DU services in the Contestable Market shall include the possible provision of unbundled Distribution Wheeling Service (DWS) to Retail Electricity Suppliers (RES), the Supplier of Last Resort (SoLR), other DUs, and Generators, as well as Distribution Connection Assets and Services (DCAS) to End-users and Generators, and SoLR services to Contestable End-users. With the implementation of open access and retail competition, the list of possible DU customers now includes End-users, RESs, the SoLR, Generators, and other DUs. Every DU under the supervision, control, and jurisdiction of the ERC shall operate, maintain, and provide safe, reliable, adequate, efficient and continuous electric service. Every DU shall, upon request, give its customers as identified above, copy furnished ERC, all information and assistance pertaining to its service in order to provide said customers reliable, efficient and economical service. 1.6.1 DISTRIBUTION CONNECTION ASSETS AND SERVICES DCAS relates to those facilities and related services dedicated to completing the Connection Point of an End-user or Generator. DCAS is the responsibility of the DU for End-users in both the Captive Market and the Contestable Market. Article II provides the rules pertaining to DCAS. 1.6.2 DU SERVICE TO THE CAPTIVE MARKET The DU continues to provide all aspects of service to the Captive Market. Article III provides the rules pertaining to service to the Captive Market. 1.6.3 SUPPLIER OF LAST RESORT SERVICES Unless otherwise determined by statute or Commission order, all Distribution Utilities shall perform the duties and obligations as Suppliers of Last Resort (SoLR) for the Contestable Market within their respective franchise areas as more fully set forth in separate guidelines related to SoLR service to be adopted by the ERC. SoLR service is regulated by ERC as back-up supply to the Contestable Market for the contingency that an End-user in the Contestable Market does not have supply from a competitive RES. SoLR service is not service to the Captive Market and is not RES service by the DU. The SOLR will provide electric energy to End-users in the Contestable Market who are not able to receive electricity energy from their retailer for any of the following reasons: (a) Failure of the End-user to choose RES;
(b) Inability of the End-user to find or retain a willing and capable licensed RES; (c) Inability of the End-user to otherwise self-procure supply. (d) The RES has ceased to operate; (e) The RES is no longer licensed; (f) The arrangements for DWS between the RES and the DU have been terminated; (g) The RES is no longer permitted to exchange power through the WESM; and/or (h) The RES has given notice to the ERC that it will no longer provide supply services. In A through C of the above, except as specified otherwise herein, the End-user will immediately be served by the DU as a SoLR customer after meeting certain requirements as established or approved by the ERC. SoLR Customers shall not be served as if it were part of the Captive Market. Because SoLR service is part of the Contestable Market but is not an RES function of the DU, the method of regulating energy prices for SoLR service shall not be based on approved purchased power agreement costs, but instead the SoLR shall charge the relevant competitive market-clearing WESM energy prices for the energy consumed by a SoLR customer during all hours of the monthly billing period. The relevant market-clearing WESM energy prices shall be those prices that would have been paid by the SoLR customer as if it were purchasing energy directly through WESM. The SoLR shall also bill SoLR customers the last approved unbundled monthly Supply charge for the relevant Customer Segment and pass through all approved Distribution Wheeling Service, system loss charges, and metering costs charged by the DU and transmission service costs charged by the transmission provider. System loss charges shall be computed using the same methodology used for the Captive Market and based on the energy costs of the SoLR customer. All costs of SoLR service shall be transparently disclosed in an unbundled fashion in the billing to Endusers taking SoLR service in the same manner as billings to the Captive Market. The DU may file an application with ERC at any time for approval of reasonable unbundled Supply charges and system loss charges applicable to SoLR service. In the event of a power shortage, the Participants shall follow WESM procedures for such a contingency. The Supplier of Last Resort is not intended to be a generator of last resort during such a contingency. An End-user taking SoLR service shall make a deposit equivalent to two months total estimated billing based on historical demand and energy usage and all applicable unbundled rate elements for SoLR service. Said deposit may be applied to past due bills, except when such amounts are restrained under legal contest. Such deposit shall be fully refundable upon termination of SoLR service with interest paid on the deposit at an 16
annual rate determined by the ERC, less any arrears that have accrued in the customers account. An End-user under contract with a competitive RES cannot receive SoLR service without first satisfying all terms and conditions related to their RES contract including any contract termination fees. An End-user disconnected by an RES or a DU for non-payment cannot use SoLR service until such customer pays in full any and all amounts including any applicable interest due to the RES or DU. Any DU costs related to SoLR service shall be completely borne by the DU and the Contestable Market End-users who are SoLR customers and shall not be borne by the Captive Market. Any costs related to generation capacity and energy not reasonably necessary to ensure continuous and reliable service to the Captive Market, shall not be borne by the Captive Market. In addition to this section, SoLR service must also comply with all other applicable guidelines issued by ERC. SoLR service is only designed to be a safety net for instances when Endusers in the Contestable Market temporarily do not have a contract with an RES. The power costs paid by an End-user using SoLR service are expected to exceed those possible from an RES with a balanced purchased power strategy. With this in mind, End-users who will become part of the contestable market are strongly encouraged to seek out supply contracts well in advance of the opening of retail competition. 1.6.4 DISTRIBUTION WHEELING SERVICE (DWS) DWS is the wheeling and conveyance of electricity over a DUs distribution system. Unbundled DWS shall be made available in a nondiscriminatory fashion to licensed RESs, End-users in the Contestable Market, the SoLR, other DUs, and Generators. To be clear, the DU shall provide DWS to its SoLR function under the non-discriminatory terms and conditions of Article IV and subject to the Business Separation Guidelines. Article IV provides the rules pertaining to DWS. 1.7 DU EQUIPMENT AND ELECTRIC PLANT 1.7.1 AUTHORIZED EQUIPMENT Every DU shall install in its plant only the generating or producing unit(s) and/or distribution equipment authorized in its Certificate of Public Convenience & Necessity (CPCN) or those that may be subsequently authorized by the ERC. No DU shall increase, substitute or withdraw from the service any of its authorized equipment and machinery without the prior authority from the ERC, except in case of any emergency whereby the ERC shall be notified not later than seventy-two (72) hours of such increase, substitution, or withdrawal of authorized equipment. Provided, however, that the utility shall comply with the ERC's application requirement.
1.7.2 FICTITIOUS REGISTRATION OF EQUIPMENT It shall be unlawful for any DU to cause, allow or in any other manner help or consent to the registration in its name, fictitiously, surreptitiously or otherwise of any equipment belonging to another person and/or to cause, allow or in any other manner, help or consent to the operation of said equipment under its CPCN. 1.7.3 CONSTRUCTION, OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE OF ELECTRIC PLANT The electric plant which includes: (a) Power Plant (b) Distribution Lines (c) Substations (d) Overhead system, poles, lines, transformers, etc. (e) Underground systems, including power and communication cable manholes, conduits, etc. (f) Street Lighting System (g) Service wires and attachments (h) Meters and instruments; and (i) Control and communication facilities (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition or SCADA), shall be constructed, installed, operated and maintained in accordance with the provisions of the Philippine Electric Code and the rules and regulations that may be issued by the ERC in relation thereto. In the absence of applicable provisions in the Philippine Electrical Code, the provisions of the U.S. Bureau of Standard National Electrical Safety Code shall apply. 1.7.4 EQUIPMENT AT GENERATING STATION Every DU shall install and maintain at its generating station(s) the following: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) Watt-hour meter(s) regardless of type to register the kilowatt-hours generated by each generating station. Watt-hour meter(s) regardless of type to register the kilowatt-hours purchased from other sources. Wattmeters to indicate or record the load in kilowatts of each generating unit at any particular time. Wattmeters to indicate or record the load in kilowatts at any particular time of the territory served. Voltmeter(s) to indicate the potentials of the buses. The voltmeter(s) installed in Alternating Current (AC) stations shall be so connected as to indicate the potential of each phase. 18
Ammeter(s) to indicate the current in each generating unit and each feeder. The ammeter(s) installed at AC stations shall be so connected as to indicate the current in each phase. Frequency meter(s) to indicate the frequency in AC stations more than 100KW capacity. Power factor meter or VAR meter for AC stations with generating units of over 100 KVA capacity each. Automatic voltage regulator for central stations of 251KW capacity or more.
(10) Overcurrent relay, under/over voltage relay, synchronizing device, reverse power relay and under/over frequency relay. And other instruments, safety devices and controls that may be necessary to determine the operating characteristics and for voltage control and safe operation of the plant. 1.7.5 EQUIPMENT AT SUBSTATIONS Every DU taking power from a transmission line shall install in its authorized territory at the receiving end: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) Watt-hour meter(s) regardless of type to register the total kilowatthours delivered. Wattmeters or meters to indicate or record the load. Voltmeter(s) to indicate the potentials of each phase of the circuit(s) feeding the territory. Ammeter(s) to indicate the current in each phase of the circuit(s). And other instruments, safety control and devices that may be necessary to determine the demand characteristics and the voltage control in the authorized territory.
1.7.6 TESTING OF STATION AND SUBSTATION METERS All station and substation meters and instruments used for billing purposes shall be inspected by the authorized representative of the ERC at least once every two years for testing purposes. Each instrument shall at all times be accompanied by a test report issued by the ERC showing the findings and corrections made at various readings and the date of last calibration. 1.7.7 WATT-HOUR METER STANDARD Every DU furnishing metered electric service shall maintain, to check customers watt-hour meter, at least one watt-hour meter standard which shall be calibrated by the ERC at least once a year. 1.7.8 PORTABLE INDICATING AND RECORDING VOLTMETERS Every DU shall provide itself with at least one portable indicating voltmeter. Utilities serving more than 500 customers are further required
to have at least one recording voltmeter which shall be placed in continuous service at its power plant or office. 1.7.9 NOMINAL VOLTAGE AND VOLTAGE REGULATION Every DU shall adopt and file with this ERC a standard voltage as its nominal voltage for its entire secondary distribution systems. The voltage across the main service entrance switch, as installed for each customer or group of customers, shall be maintained as follows: (1) For service rendered under a lighting contract or primarily for lighting purposes, between sunset and 11:00 o clock p.m., the variation in voltage shall not be more than five percent (5%) plus or minus of the nominal voltage adopted. The voltage regulation shall not exceed 6%. For service rendered under a power contract or primarily for power purposes, the voltage variation shall not exceed ten percent (10%) above or below the nominal voltage at any time when the service is furnished. A greater variation of voltage than that specified above may be allowed in case of emergency service or in a certain area where the customers are widely scattered and the business done does not, in the judgment of the ERC, justify close voltage regulation.
Exceptions. Variations in voltage in excess of those specified, caused (1) by the operation of power apparatus on customers premises which necessarily requires large starting current, (2) by the action of the elements, and (3) infrequent and unavoidable fluctuation of short duration due to station operation, shall not be considered a violation of this section. 1.7.10 STANDARD FREQUENCY AND ALLOWABLE VARIATION Every DU supplying AC shall adopt the standard frequency of sixty (60) Hertz and shall maintain said frequency reasonably constant so that its variation shall not exceed one (1) Hertz above or below the standard frequency, at all times. Infrequent and unavoidable fluctuations of short duration due to station operation or caused by the elements or by frequency variation caused by sources(s) not within the control of the utility shall not be considered a violation of this section. 1.7.11 LOG BOOK Every DU shall keep a log book or any recording system in its generating stations and shall record therein: (1) (2) (3) (4) Time of starting and starting of each generating unit. Time of switching on and off of each feeder. Daily reading of watthour meter. At least quarter hourly reading of wattmeters, voltmeters and ammeters during the three consecutive hours of heavy load each
day, and at least hourly readings during the remainder of the day; also the time and magnitude of station peak load each day. (5) (6) Interruptions of service, indicating the time, duration, extent, and cause of each interruption. The daily consumption of lubricating oil and fuel (bunker fuel oil; special fuel oil; ADO etc.). Fuel waste shall likewise be indicated in the log book.
Every DU taking power from transmission line shall keep a log book for its receiving end (substation) showing: (1) (2) (3) Time of switching on and off of each feeder. Daily readings of watthour meter(s) to show kilowatt-hours delivered. At least quarter-hourly reading of load during three consecutive hours or heaviest load each day and at least hourly reading during the remainder of the day; also the time and magnitude of maximum demand. At least quarter-hourly readings of the voltmeters and ammeters of each feeder during the three consecutive hours of heavy demand each day and at least hourly readings during the remainder of the day. Interruptions of service, indicating the time, duration, extent, and cause of each interruption,
Log book shall be signed by the person in charge and shall not be removed from the switchboard site or room. 1.7.12 POLES, SAG OF WIRES No pole located on or near a public place shall have a one-way sweep exceeding three percent (3%) of its total length and all horizontal wires attached to it shall be pulled up so that their sag shall not be greater than those allowed by the Philippine Electrical Code (three percent (3%) of the distance between poles). 1.7.13 IDENTIFICATION OF POLES, TOWER, ETC. Poles, towers, structures, and transformers shall be marked and numbered by the DU to facilitate identification by the public. 1.7.14 REGISTER OF ASSETS Every DU shall keep a comprehensive register of assets, indicating installation date, condition and refurbishment. 1.8 LIMITS ON LIABILITY 1.8.1 LIABILITY BETWEEN THE DU AND END-USERS These rules are not intended to limit the liability of a DU or Connection Customer for damages except as expressly provided in these rules. 21
The DU shall make reasonable provisions to provide steady and continuous DWS, but does not guarantee the DWS against fluctuations or interruptions. The DU will not be liable for any damages, whether direct or consequential, including, without limitation, loss of profits, loss of revenue, or loss of production capacity, occasioned by fluctuations or interruptions unless it be shown that the DU has not made reasonable provision to supply steady and continuous DWS, consistent with the Connection Customer's class of service. In the event of a failure to make such reasonable provisions, the DU's liability shall be limited to the cost of necessary repairs of physical damage proximately caused by the service failure to those electrical delivery facilities of the Connection Customer which were then equipped with the protective safeguards recommended or required by the Distribution Code. The preceding notwithstanding, the DU or the Connection Customer may be held liable for failure to conform to the rules and standards set forth in the Distribution Code and other applicable electrical codes adopted in the Philippines. Furthermore, if damages result from fluctuations or interruptions in DWS that are caused by the DU's or Connection Customer's gross negligence or intentional misconduct, this section shall not preclude recovery of appropriate damages when legally due. 1.8.2 LIMITATION OF DUTY AND LIABILITY OF RES An RES has no ownership, right of control, or duty to the DU, Connection Customer or other third party, regarding the design, construction or operation of the DU's DCAS facilities and distribution system. An RES shall not be liable to any person or entity for any damages, direct, indirect or consequential, including, but without limitation, loss of business, loss of profits or revenue, or loss of production capacity, occasioned by any fluctuations or interruptions of DCAS or DWS caused, in whole or in part, by the design, construction or operation of the DU's distribution system. The foregoing not withstanding, an RES may be held liable for non-technical system losses when found to condone, collude, conspire, or engage in the pilferage of electricity or tampering with any meters or DU facilities. 1.8.3 DUTY TO AVOID OR MITIGATE DAMAGES The DU and Connection Customer shall use extraordinary diligence to avoid or mitigate its damages or losses suffered as a result of the other's culpable behavior under subsection 1.8.1. 1.8.4 LIMITATION OF LIABILITY DUE TO FORCE MAJEURE Neither the DU nor the Connection Customer shall be liable for damages or losses resulting or arising from any Force Majeure Event. 1.8.5 EMERGENCIES AND NECESSARY INTERRUPTIONS The DU may curtail or interrupt a Connection and/or DWS in the event of an emergency arising anywhere on the distribution system or the 22
interconnected systems of which it is a part, which emergency poses a threat to the integrity of its system or the systems to which it is directly or indirectly connected if, in its judgment, such action may prevent or alleviate the emergency condition. The DU may interrupt service when necessary, in DUs prudent judgment, for inspection, test, repair, or changes in DU's Distribution System, or when such interruption will lessen or remove possible danger to life or property, or will aid in the restoration of DCAS and/or DWS. The DU shall provide advance notice to the Connection Customer, if reasonably possible. Such notice shall be made at least two (2) days prior to said curtailment, reduction, or interruption and may be made by electronic notice (such as facsimile, text messages, or e-mail) to all affected Connection Customers or through radio broadcast, television broadcast, or local newspaper with specific identification of location, time and expected duration of outage. Such information shall also be posted on the Customer Bulletin Board. In cases where such notice is not reasonably possible, the DU shall submit a report to the Commission containing the information and an explanation why such advance notice was not reasonably possible. It shall likewise take other necessary actions to minimize the effect of such curtailment, reduction, or interruption to the Connection Customer. A notice shall also be provided to those End-users for whom an RES has provided notice to the DU that interruptions or suspensions of service will create a dangerous or life-threatening condition on the End-users premises. The End-user should notify their RES or the DU if a condition exists on the End-user's premises such that a suspension or interruption of service will create a life-threatening or dangerous condition. The DU shall comply with all reporting requirements of the Distribution Code, and in addition to those requirements, shall either issue a written public notice published in a newspaper of general circulation in the DUs service territory and filed with ERC stating the precise reasons causing the curtailment or interruption within seven (7) days, or deliver a written report to all affected customers, any respective RES, and the Commission within seven (7) days. The public notice or report may cover more than one curtailment or interruption if there were multiple occurrences prior to the seven-day deadline for the first occurrence. Nothing herein shall prevent the DU from being liable if found to be grossly negligent or to have committed intentional misconduct with respect to its exercise of its authority in this rule. All the Participants shall cooperate with each other, the ERC and any other affected entities in the event of an emergency situation affecting the delivery of electric power and energy or the safety and security of persons and property. The Participants shall comply with the instructions of the DU and provide all necessary information prior to, during, and following an emergency declared by the DU in accordance with the Distribution Code.
DESIGNATION OF DISTRIBUTION UTILITY CONTACT PERSON For the purpose of establishing immediate and direct contact with the DUs, the DU shall submit the name(s), contact number(s) and address(es) of responsible official/s. The said contact person/s must have the authority to decide on matters concerning all the activities mandated by the DSOAR. The DUs must notify the ERC in writing should there be any change in their submitted information.
1.10 DISPUTE RESOLUTION A Participant may file a petition for dispute resolution with the ERC. Said petition shall specify all matters in dispute and the parties involved. After the Commission determines that the case falls within its jurisdiction, it shall forthwith issue an order setting the date of the preliminary conference and directing the defendant to file his answer/comment within ten (10) business days from receipt of said order or before the date of said conference, whichever comes earlier. Affirmative and negative defences not pleaded therein shall be deemed waived. Should the defendant fail to answer the complaint within the period provided above, the Commission, motu proprio, or on motion of the complainant, shall render judgment as may be warranted by the facts alleged in the complaint and limited to what is prayed for therein. Within five (5) business days after the termination of the preliminary conference, the Commission shall issue an order stating the matters taken up therein. Within ten (10) business days from receipt of the order mentioned, the parties shall submit the affidavits of their witnesses and other evidence on the factual issues defined in the order, together with their position papers setting forth the law and the facts relied upon by them. Within thirty (30) days after the receipt of the last affidavits and position papers, or the expiration of the period for filing the same, the Commission shall render a decision. However, should the Commission find it necessary to clarify certain material facts, it may, during said period, issue an order specifying the matters to be clarified, and require the parties to submit affidavits or evidence including the presentation of a witness on the said matters within ten (10) days from receipt of said order. Decision shall be rendered within thirty (30) days after receipt of the last clarificatory affidavits, evidence or the expiration of the period for filing the same. All pleadings to be filed shall be verified. While these are pending with ERC, the status quo of cases involving violation of contract shall be maintained. The provisions of the Rules of Practice and Procedure Governing Hearings before the Energy Regulatory Commission and the Rules of Court on Summary Procedure shall apply in an analogous and suppletory character, whenever practicable and convenient.
1.11 COMMERCIAL OR BUSINESS NAME No DU shall adopt a commercial or business name without first securing the approval of the ERC. 1.12 INVESTIGATION, INSPECTION, EXAMINATION AND TEST The ERC or its authorized representative may at any time, conduct an inspection and investigation of the operation of any DU or an examination and test of any equipment operated for electric service. The refusal, obstruction or hindrance by the DU or any of its employees to the investigation or inspection of its service or examination or test of any of its equipment shall constitute a violation hereof. 1.13 ACCIDENT REPORT Every DU shall keep a record, in chronological order, of all accidents that may occur in connection with its operation, their nature, causes and consequences, and the measures taken to avoid their recurrence. A detailed report of all accidents shall be submitted to the ERC on or before the tenth (10th) day of each month. Accidents which result in death or physical injuries shall be reported to the ERC within twenty four (24) hours from their occurrence. 1.14 ACCOUNTS Every DU operator shall keep such accounts, books and other records as are necessary to afford an intelligent understanding of its business. If a uniform system of accounting is prescribed by the ERC for the electric industry, the said system shall be observed. Every DU shall keep its books of accounts by the double entry method. 1.15 DEPRECIATION Every DU shall set aside annually from its earnings an amount for depreciation purposes which shall be subject to revision by the ERC and shall keep amount in a depreciation fund which shall be spent only in accordance with Commonwealth Act No. 146, as amended, otherwise known as the Public Service Act. The ERC shall fix and determine the proper and adequate rates of depreciation of the property of the electric utilities under its jurisdiction which will be observed in a proper and adequate depreciation account to be carried for the protection of stockholders, bondholders or creditors in accordance with such rules, regulations and form of account as the ERC may prescribe. Said rates shall be sufficient to provide the amounts required over and above the expense of maintenance to keep such property in a state of efficiency corresponding to the progress of the industry. Each DU shall conform its depreciation accounts to the rates so determined and fixed. 1.16 SUBMISSION OF MONTHLY STATISTICS AND ANNUAL REPORT Every DU shall as prescribed by the ERC submit the statistics on electric power operations and automatic adjustment clause computations (power costs adjustment, fuel cost adjustment, currency exchange rate adjustment and other
cost adjustments approved by the ERC) together with the supporting documents corresponding to the previous month in accordance with the prescribed form. Likewise, the DU shall file with the ERC on or before May 31st of every year a detailed report of its finances and operations corresponding to the previous year, in accordance with the form prescribed by the ERC. Said annual report shall be based on audited financial statement. 1.17 COPY OF DSOAR Every DU under the jurisdiction and control of the ERC must keep on file in its offices a copy of the DSOAR. 1.18 VIOLATION Violation of any provision of the DSOAR shall be subject to the penalty which the ERC, after giving the DU opportunity to be heard, may impose in accordance with law. 1.19 GOVERNING LAWS AND REGULATIONS The DSOAR is governed by the laws and pertinent regulations of the Philippines and any dispute or proceeding arising out of the DSOAR shall fall under the original and exclusive jurisdiction of the ERC. 1.20 SEPARABILITY If, for any reason, any provision or part of a provision of the DSOAR is declared unconstitutional or invalid, those provisions which are not thereby affected will continue to be in full force and effect. 1.21 AMENDMENTS TO THE DSOAR Nothing in the DSOAR is to be construed as precluding the ERC from issuing other rules and/or guidelines pursuant to the EPIRA and the IRR for the purpose of regulating the provision of services in respect of Distribution Systems. 1.22 EFFECTIVITY The DSOAR shall take effect 15 days following its publication in a newspaper of general circulation.
ARTICLE II RULES PERTAINING TO DISTRIBUTION CONNECTION ASSETS AND SERVICES 2.1 GENERAL This Article governs the terms of access and provision of Distribution Connection Assets and Services (collectively referred to hereafter as, DCAS) by a DU to End-users, Generators, and other DUs, collectively Connection Customers. This Article also applies to End-users receiving a Connection unlawfully or pursuant to unauthorized use. A DU shall provide DCAS pursuant to the terms and conditions herein to any potential Connection Customer within the DUs franchise service area requiring such service. An RES is not a Connection Customer but may assist its RES customers in matters pertaining to DCAS. 2.2 ENGINEERING CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS FOR EQUIPMENT AND
The standards for Distribution Connection Assets and the construction of connections shall be consistent with the Distribution Code. However, a Participant may petition the ERC for the approval of standards related to DCAS that may exceed those set forth in the Distribution Code. Standards exceeding those in the Distribution Code shall not be enforced by the DU on others unless specifically approved by ERC. In the event the DU believes it is necessary in a particular case to make investments that exceed minimum standards, the DU is allowed to do so but may only recover any additional costs after approval from ERC. 2.3 STANDARD CONNECTION FACILITIES For the dual purpose of establishing unbundled connection charges and implementation of ERC policies regarding new connections for End-users, the DU shall identify Standard Connection Facilities for each Customer Segment. In identifying the Standard Connection Facilities, the DU shall include the minimum facilities necessary to establish a connection for a typical customer within the Customer Segment. The DU shall include its proposed Standard Connection Facilities as part of its application for approval of Standard Connection Charges. 2.4 STANDARD CONNECTION CHARGES 2.4.1 TRANSITION TO UNBUNDLED CONNECTION CHARGES Within 180 days following the effectivity of the Customer Segment Guidelines, every privately-owned DU shall submit an application for the approval of unbundled Standard Connection Charges (SCCs) for each Customer Segment, and any future general application to adjust rates made by a privately-owned DU shall likewise include proposed unbundled Standard Connection Charges pursuant to the methods set forth herein. Any general application to adjust rates filed within 180 27
days following the effectivity of the DSOAR shall include the required application for the establishment of unbundled SCCs. A DU shall not implement or adjust SCCs without ERC approval to do so. The unbundling of Standard Connection Charges is intended to be revenue neutral in the sense that the costs or revenues related to SCCs shall be removed from the unbundled distribution rates or revenue requirement. ERCs policy regarding the establishment of Standard Connection Charges for Electric Cooperatives will be prescribed in another set of guidelines. 2.4.2 STANDARD CONNECTION CHARGE FOR EACH CUSTOMER SEGMENT Customer Segments shall be established pursuant to ERC guidelines and each Customer Segment shall have a Standard Connection Charge based on the Standard Connection Facilities for that Customer Segment. A Standard Connection Charge shall be uniform across all End-users within the Customer Segment. The DU shall bill for the Standard Connection Charge to the same person or entity responsible for payment of unbundled distribution service or DWS. Applications for the approval of Standard Connection Charges shall include all relevant studies and data necessary to support a Standard Connection Charge for each Customer Segment. 2.4.3 METHODOLOGY FOR CONNECTION CHARGE COMPUTING STANDARD
The methodology used to compute the Standard Connection Charge (SCC) for each Customer Segment of a private DU shall use the following formula: SCC = [((WACC INVEST) + DEP) BD] + [OM BD]; Where: WACC INVEST is the ERC-approved weighted average cost of capital for the DU; is the Connection Asset investment at current costs for a standard connection or typical End-user in the Customer Segment. The DU may propose the inclusion of working capital in INVEST provided that such proposal clearly identifies the recurring expenses involved and the timing of such cash flow; is the current Operation and Maintenance Expense associated with connections as attributed to that Customer Segment; is the depreciation expenses associated with INVEST based on straight line methodology and a depreciation life to be approved by the ERC;
is the billing determinant for that Customer Segment as proposed by the DU subject to ERC approval.
In coming up with the values in the above formula, the methodology to be used is not an accounting-based unbundling approach. Instead this is a bottom-up approach with the following steps: Step 1: Conduct an engineering study to identify the standard equipment and facilities required for connecting a typical End-user within that Customer Segment. Step 2: Once the standard equipment and facilities have been identified, calculate the installed cost of the standard connection (INVEST) based on current costs. The current costs of equipment and facilities shall be supported by recent invoices and quotes from equipment vendors and a labor cost study related to installation. Step 3: Calculate the monthly depreciation expense (DEP) based on an ERC-approved depreciation life applied to the installed cost (INVEST) of the standard connection. Step 4: Calculate a reasonable return using the DUs proposed weighted average cost of capital (WACC) applied to the installed cost (INVEST) of the standard connection. Step 5: Conduct a study to determine the Operation and Maintenance (O&M) expense related to Connection Assets and Services corresponding to each Customer Segment. ERC approval of SCC will include the distinct approval of the stand-alone O&M charge for each Customer Segment. 2.4.4 ALTERNATIVE METHODOLOGY STANDARD CONNECTION CHARGES FOR COMPUTING
Upon full implementation of a DUs Business Separation Plan (BSP) and accounting separation between DCAS costs and other Distribution System costs, the DU may modify the methodology specified in 2.4.3 as follows. Step 1: Compute a total DCAS revenue requirement based on the separated DCAS accounting costs. Step 2: Use the INVEST values for each Customer Segment calculated in Step 2 of the methodology specified in 2.4.3, weighted by the number of customers in each Customer Segment, to develop Customer Segment allocation factors (or ratios). Step 3: Multiply the allocation factors from the previous step by the total DCAS revenue requirement to arrive at Customer Segment specific DCAS revenue requirements. Step 4: Compute the SCC for each Customer Segment by dividing DCAS revenue requirement by the approved annual billing determinant for the Customer Segment.
2.4.5 SUMMARY OF OPTIONS FOR ESTABLISHING STANDARD CONNECTION CHARGES AND ADJUSTMENT OF DISTRIBUTION RATES At present, Distribution Connection Assets form part of the rate base used to compute unbundled distribution rates. Therefore, in establishing Standard Connection Charges, there must be a corresponding adjustment to the unbundled distribution rates. The method used for making such rate adjustment will depend on the approach followed in establishing the Standard Connection Charges. Option 1: The DU makes its initial application pursuant to section 2.4.1 for approval of Standard Connection Charges prior to a general rate case. In such a case, the Standard Connection Charges, once approved by ERC, shall be credited against the unbundled distribution charges on each individual customers bill. Option 2: The DU makes its proposal for approval of Standard Connection Charges within a general rate case and follows the methodology specified in 2.4.3. In such a case, the unbundled distribution revenue requirement for a particular Customer Segment shall be reduced by the revenue to be collected through the Standard Connection Charges. Option 3: The DU makes its proposal for approval of Standard Connection Charges within a general rate case and follows the methodology specified in 2.4.4. Under this methodology, the Distribution Connection Assets and related expenses have been properly separated from the unbundled distribution rate base and revenue requirement. In such a case, a revenue requirement offset or adjustment to the unbundled distribution rates is not required. 2.5 NEW CONNECTION POINTS OR MODIFICATION TO EXISTING CONNECTION POINTS 2.5.1 GENERAL Subject to securing the approval of the DU in the manner outlined in the DSOAR and in accordance with the process set out in the Distribution Code, a Connection Applicant may seek: (a) A new Connection Agreement for a first Connection Point; or (b) A modification to an existing Connection Agreement for a change in an existing Connection Point or addition of a Connection Point, in either case by submitting a Connection Application to the DU. 2.5.2 APPLICATION FOR CONNECTION The Connection Applicant shall complete a Connection Application provided by the DU in accordance with the DSOAR and Distribution Code involving a new Connection Point or modification to an existing Connection Point, containing all necessary information for the provision of the required services.
2.5.3 COMPLIANCE WITH PROCESS AND NON-DISCRIMINATION The DU and each Connection Applicant shall comply with the processes set out in the DSOAR and the Distribution Code for processing of new or modified connection arrangements. The DU shall process all requests involving connections in a timely manner and shall not give preference or discriminate between different Connection Customers or Connection Applicants, subject to any reasonable or justifiable exceptions as may be approved by ERC. Likewise the DU shall not give preference or discriminate between Connection Customers or Connection Applicants based on a Contestable Market End-users choice of supply. 2.5.4 LOCATION AND MAINTENANCE OF DUS EQUIPMENT The DU shall have the right, if necessary to construct its poles, lines and circuits and to place its transformers and other apparatus on the property or within the buildings of the customer, at a point or points convenient for such purpose, and the customer shall further grant the right to the use of suitable space for the installation of necessary metering equipment in order that such equipment will be protected from damage by the elements, or through the negligence or deliberate acts of any person(s). When the delivery of energy for separate buildings or premises is desired/necessary, a separate contract between customers and utility shall be required for each point of delivery. In case the public utility, pursuant to this section, erects poles and lines on the property of a customer in order to be able to service him, it shall, upon payment of just compensation to the latter, also have the right to connect to said poles and lines any neighbour or neighbours of said customer, who may thereafter also apply for service connections and who cannot otherwise be connected or reached. 2.5.5 SERVICE DROP An electric service drop is defined as the wires with the necessary supporting structure between the distribution lines of the DU and the service entrance. All connections and disconnections of service shall be made by the DU. Only one service drop shall be installed for each individual building, except as allowed in the Philippine Electrical Code, duly certified by a government authority. The service drop shall normally be connected at the DUs pole carrying electric service facilities nearest the applicants premises. Length of service drop is defined as the distance from the pole to the nearest point of attachment or connection. The service bracket shall be supplied and installed by the DU in all cases except where it is to be attached to a building of masonry construction. In case of attachment to masonry construction, the contractor shall secure the bracket which is issued by the DU and install it during the process of construction.
2.5.6 SERVICE ENTRANCE Service entrance is defined as that portion of the customer's wiring including all necessary conduits, cable and accessories which extends from the customer's main entrance switch and/or DU's metering equipment to and including the point of attachment to the DU's service drop on the outside of the building/property line visible and accessible to authorized personnel of the utility. The outside terminal of the customer's service entrance must be located so as to enable connection to the service drop at a point nearest to the DU's existing or proposed electric service facilities. Service entrance (cable or conduit) shall be exposed on the outside of the building/property line visible and accessible to authorized personnel of the utility and shall be in one continuous run from the service drop terminal to the meter, except for large installations whose single or combined kilowatt demand has been determined by the DU to require installation of instrument transformers, in which case the service entrance may be concealed. The instrument transformers and metering channel, which are part of the metering facilities, are to be furnished by the DU. The line side of the service entrance must be separated from the load side as abovementioned. All conductors on the line side of the service entrance including the neutral wire shall be installed in one conduit. The service entrance shall terminate near the point of connection to the service drop with not less than two (2) feet of wire extended outside the weatherhead. In cases of "accessoria" wiring, the service entrance cable or conduit shall be installed in the same manner as for other building particularly emphasizing the fact that the entrance cable or conduit be exposed and seal-type "accessoria" boxes without fuses shall be used for each separate service connection or group of service connections. Proper fittings shall be used in joining the cable or conduit to the junction box. The DU shall not require existing open wiring service entrance to be changed or replaced with service entrance cable or conduit installation except when there is remodelling of existing installation and/or in cases of proven current diversion in the customers premises. Service entrance shall meet the requirements of the Philippine Electrical Code (PEC) or local and national government ordinances. 2.5.7 SERVICE SWITCHES OR BREAKERS A safety switch or circuit breaker duly approved by the authorized government agency must be installed on the load side of the meter. All safety switches must be externally operated with fuses electrically dead when the switch is in the off position. 2.5.8 UNDERGROUND SERVICE Residential Underground residential service, including the pole on which said service is terminated, shall be provided, installed and
maintained by the customers in accordance with the specification(s) prescribed by the PEC. Non-residential Installation of any underground facilities shall be subject to the prior agreement between the customer and the DU. 2.5.9 GROUNDING In case of three (3)-wire single-phase service, the neutral conductor of each service entrance shall always be grounded to an existing underground water system in accordance with the PEC. Driven grounds or their equivalent shall be accepted only where an underground water system is not available in or near any wired building on the premises. 2.6 MODIFICATIONS RESIDENTIAL AND NEW PHYSICAL CONNECTIONS:
2.6.1 RIGHT TO EXTENSION OF LINES AND FACILITIES In accordance with the Magna Carta, a residential End-user located within thirty (30) meters from the distribution utilities existing secondary low voltage lines has the right to an extension of lines or installation of additional facilities, other than a service drop, at the expense of the utility. However, if a prospective customer is beyond the said distance, the customer shall advance the amounts necessary to cover the expenditures on the facilities beyond thirty (30) meters. 2.6.2 REFUND To recover the aforementioned advanced payment, the customer may either demand the issuance of a notes payable from the distribution utility or a refund at the rate of twenty-five (25) percent of the gross distribution revenue derived from all customers connected to the line extension for the calendar year until such amounts are fully refunded or for five (5) years whichever period is shorter, or, if available, the purchase of preferred shares. Revenue derived from additional customers tapped directly to the poles and facilities so extended shall be considered in determining the revenues derived from the extension of facilities. Distribution Connection Assets paid for through advances from residential End-users shall be deemed plant in service in the accounts of the DU. Unpaid advances shall be a reduction to plant in service. If replacement becomes necessary at any time for any Distribution Connection Assets paid for by residential End-users, the DU shall be solely responsible for the cost of such replacement which shall become plant in service in the accounts of the DU, and shall not require another advanced payment from the connected residential End-users unless the replacement is due to End-user fault.
2.6.3 DEDICATED TRANSFORMER If it is necessary to dedicate a transformer to the service of a single residential End-user due to the non-standard, large load of that customer, the End-user shall pay the actual cost of the transformer and such payment shall not be subject to refund and will be treated as a Contribution in Aid of Construction (CIAC). This provision does not apply if a dedicated transformer is part of the Standard Connection Facilities for the End-users Customer Segment or in the case of transformers which are dedicated to a single residential customer because of the customer is in a geographic location where the transformer capacity cannot be shared with other customers. In cases where the line extension is greater than 30 meters, the transformer dedicated because of the isolated nature of the customer shall be subject to the refund process in section 2.6.2. 2.6.4 ENGINEERING AND DESIGN The DU shall be responsible for the engineering, design, and inspection of all line extensions required to provide electric service to a residential End-user. The DU shall prepare the design and cost estimate attributable to a line extension within thirty (30) business days following the request of a residential End-user or prospective residential End-user and submission of all necessary load data by the End-user. In making the request, the End-user shall provide all information pertaining to load characteristics required to develop the design or cost estimate. This service shall be provided by the DU at no charge to the End-user but instead will become part of the DUs operation and maintenance expense accounts for DCAS. 2.6.5 MINIMUM FACILITIES In designing a connection, the DU shall only require the minimum facilities that are commercially available and consistent with current ERC-approved standards, which are necessary to provide service to the End-user. This provision applies to both Standard Connection Facilities as described in section 2.3, and connections requiring facilities in excess of the Standard Connection Facilities. If the End-user, or another party requests facilities in excess of that which is necessary to meet the Endusers power requirements, then all costs attributable to such excess shall be at the requesting partys sole cost and expense which shall be treated as a CIAC. If the DU installs facilities in excess of that which is necessary to meet the End-users power requirements and such installations are necessary to accommodate anticipated growth of additional customers, then all costs attributable to such excess shall be paid for by the DU and treated as Electric Plant Held for Future Use. 2.6.6 NEAREST SOURCE The DU shall design the line extension from the nearest existing source of available capacity to the End-users delivery point along the shortest practical route. The DU may, however, design the line extension along 34
an alternative route in anticipation of additional customers; and in such situations, all additional costs attributed specifically to the alternative route shall be at the DUs sole cost and expense, and treated as Electric Plant Held for Future Use. 2.6.7 ALTERNATIVE ROUTES Subject to the agreement of the DU, the End-user may request that the line extension be constructed along a route different from the route designed by the DU, but the End-user shall be responsible for all costs attributed to such route. Such incremental amounts paid by the End-user shall not be subject to refund, and shall be treated as a Contribution in Aid of Construction. 2.6.8 EASEMENTS The DU shall design line extensions along existing rights of way whenever such rights of way are available. With the exception of residential End-users located within thirty (30) meters of the existing Distribution System, the End-user shall provide to the DU at no cost any rights of way for a line extension across property owned or controlled by the End-user, or procure from other property owners, when such rights of way are necessary and dedicated to connect the End-user. In the event that the End-user cannot obtain the required rights of way, the DU may, by powers of eminent domain or otherwise, obtain rights of way. With the exception of residential End-users located within thirty (30) meters of the existing Distribution System, all cash amounts required to procure easements shall be advanced by the residential customer subject to the refund mechanism stated in section 2.6.2. The End-user shall submit to the DU all relevant invoices and proof of payment along with a sworn affidavit from the End-user that the documents are true and accurate. The DU shall immediately inform the ERC if it has reason to believe that any invoices or proof of payment have been falsified and the ERC shall investigate. 2.6.9 MODIFICATION TO EXISTING FACILITIES If an End-user submits a request to have the DU modify, rearrange, relocate, or remove any of the DUs legally sited facilities for any purpose that does not result in a net increase in demand or electricity usage, the End-user shall be responsible for all costs attributed to such work. Such amounts shall be treated as a CIAC not subject to refund. For modifications to existing facilities that result in a net increase in demand or electricity usage and are within the defined Standard Connection Facilities for the End-users Customer Segment, the associated cost of such modification shall be that of the DU. If the modification results in facilities that are in excess of the Standard Connection Facilities, the residential End-user shall advance such amounts to be refunded later at a rate of twenty five (25) percent of the gross distribution revenue derived for the calendar year for five years or until such amounts are fully refunded, which ever period is shorter.
2.6.10 RIGHT TO PROCURE EQUIPMENT AND CONSTRUCTION Connection Customers/Applicants shall have the right to select their own contractor and/or equipment vendor for the equipment, construction and installation of Distribution Connection Assets provided that the same adhere to all requirements of the Distribution Code and any other standards approved by ERC. A Connection Customer/Applicant wanting to self-procure equipment and construction shall only select from contractors that have been accredited pursuant to guidelines issued by ERC. Residential End-users located farther than thirty (30) meters from the DUs existing secondary voltage lines who procure and pay for services and equipment to construct their own connection shall be eligible to receive a refund at the rate of twenty-five (25) percent of the gross distribution revenue derived for the calendar year for five (5) years or until such amount is fully refunded, whichever period is shorter. The End-user shall submit to the DU all relevant invoices and proof of payment along with a sworn affidavit from the End-user that the documents are true and accurate. The DU shall immediately inform the ERC if it has reason to believe that any invoices or proof of payment have been falsified and the ERC shall investigate. Said refund shall not exceed the DUs proposed estimate for constructing the Connection Assets or the actual cost incurred by the End-user, whichever amount is lower. Because the amounts paid for the construction of a connection for a residential End-user are subject to refund, a residential customer utilizing the option to construct their own connection shall pay the relevant Standard Connection Charge approved by ERC. 2.7 MODIFICATIONS AND NEW CONNECTIONS: NON-RESIDENTIAL 2.7.1 RIGHT TO EXTENSION OF LINES AND FACILITIES A non-residential End-user has the right to an extension of lines or installation of additional facilities at the expense of the utility insofar as the equipment and facilities to be installed are within the levels found in the Standard Connection Facilities definition used to compute the Standard Connection Charge for that End-users Customer Segment. 2.7.2 NON-STANDARD CONNECTION A non-residential End-user has the right to an extension of lines or installation of additional facilities that exceed the Standard Connection Facilities provided that the End-user pays for any facilities in excess of the Standard Connection Facilities used to compute the Standard Connection Charge for that End-users Customer Segment. Specifically, the amount to be paid by the End-user shall equal the cost of the connection less the cost of the Standard Connection Facilities. Such payments for facilities in excess of the Standard Connection Facilities are not refundable and shall be treated as a CIAC. The End-user only paying CIAC on the amounts in excess of the Standard Connection Facilities shall still pay the ERC-approved Standard Connection Charges.
2.7.3 ENGINEERING AND DESIGN The DU shall be responsible for the engineering, design, and inspection of all line extensions required to provide electric service to a nonresidential End-user at the voltage level so desired by the End-user. The DU shall prepare the design and cost estimate attributable to a line extension within thirty (30) business days following the request of a nonresidential End-user or prospective non-residential End-user and submission of all necessary load data by the End-user. In making the request, the End-user shall provide all information pertaining to load characteristics required to develop the design or cost estimate. This service shall be provided by the DU at no charge to the End-user but instead will become part of the DUs operation and maintenance expense accounts for DCAS. A non-residential End-user has the right to procure engineering and design services related to the development of a new or modified connection. The DU shall provide all data necessary for the completion of any studies related to construction of a new or modified connection. An End-user self-procuring engineering and design services shall be solely responsible for any related costs, and the design shall be consistent with current ERC-approved standards. 2.7.4 MINIMUM FACILITIES In designing a connection, the DU shall only require the minimum facilities that are commercially available and consistent with current ERC-approved standards, which are necessary to provide service to the End-user. This provision applies to both Standard Connection Facilities as described in section 2.3, and connections requiring facilities in excess of the Standard Connection Facilities. If the End-user or another party requests facilities in excess of that which is necessary to meet the Endusers power requirements, then all costs attributable to such excess shall be at the requesting partys sole cost and expense which shall be treated as a CIAC. If the DU requests facilities in excess of that which is necessary to meet the End-users power requirements and such request is necessary to accommodate anticipated growth of additional customers, then all costs attributable to such excess shall be treated as Electric Plant Held for Future Use. 2.7.5 NEAREST SOURCE The DU shall design the line extension from the nearest existing source of available capacity to the End-users delivery point along the shortest practical route. The DU may, however, design the line extension along an alternative route when such route best serves the interests of the DU; and in such situations, all additional costs attributed specifically to the alternative route shall be at the DUs sole cost and expense, and treated as Electric Plant Held for Future Use.
2.7.6 ALTERNATIVE ROUTES Subject to the agreement of the DU, the End-user may request that the line extension be constructed along a route different from the route designed by the DU, but the End-user shall be responsible for all costs attributed to such route. Such incremental amounts paid by the End-user shall not be subject to refund, and shall be treated as a Contribution in Aid of Construction. 2.7.7 EASEMENTS The DU shall design line extensions along existing rights of way whenever such rights of way are available. The End-user shall, without reimbursement, procure for the DU any rights of way for a line extension across property owned or controlled by the End-user or others when such rights of way are necessary to connect the End-user. In the event that the End-user cannot obtain the required rights of way, the DU may, by powers of eminent domain or otherwise, obtain rights of way at the sole expense of the End-user. 2.7.8 MODIFICATION TO EXISTING FACILITIES If an End-user submits a request to have the DU modify, rearrange, relocate, or remove any of the DUs existing facilities for any purpose that does not result in a net increase in demand or electricity usage, the End-user shall be responsible for all costs attributed to such work. Such amounts shall be treated as a CIAC not subject to refund. For modifications to existing facilities that result in a net increase in demand or electricity usage and are within the defined Standard Connection Facilities for the End-users Customer Segment, the associated cost of such modification shall be that of the DU. If the modification results in facilities that are in excess of the Standard Connection Facilities, the non-residential End-user shall be solely responsible for the costs associated with the incremental additional facilities which will be treated as Contribution in Aid of Construction. 2.7.9 RIGHT TO PROCURE EQUIPMENT AND CONSTRUCTION Connection Customers shall have the right to select their own contractor and/or equipment vendor for the equipment, construction and installation of Distribution Connection Assets provided that the same adhere to all requirements of the Distribution Code and any other standards approved by ERC. A Connection Customer/Applicant wanting to self-procure equipment and construction shall only select from contractors that have been accredited pursuant to guidelines issued by ERC. . If the facilities paid for and constructed by the non-residential End-user become the property of the DU, such facilities shall be treated as a Contribution in Aid of Construction and shall not form part of the DUs appraised value or rate base. The non-residential End-user opting to avail of the right under this section shall only pay the approved operation and maintenance component of the relevant Standard Connection Charge of section 2.4.3. 38
2.7.10 PROPORTIONATE SHARING OF LINE EXTENSION COSTS Any End-user shall be allowed to connect to facilities treated as CIAC paid by another End-user. An End-user connecting to facilities previously treated as CIAC paid by another End-user within five (5) years from the date of the first CIAC shall pay the DU a CIAC equivalent to one-half of the CIAC paid by the previous End-user times the proportionate ratio of the distance utilized by the newly connecting End-user plus any added facilities necessary to connect the End-user that are in excess of the Standard Connection Facilities. For new connections in which two or more End-users previously paid CIAC, the newly connecting End-user shall pay (1/(n+1)) of the CIAC paid by the previous End-users times the proportionate ratio of the distance utilized by the newly connecting End-user, where n equals the number of Endusers making the previous CIAC. The DU shall return the CIAC paid by the newly connecting End-user, less any added amounts for facilities necessary to connect the End-user that are in excess of the Standard Connection Facilities, to the End-user or End-users who originally made the CIAC in proportion to the relative amounts originally paid by each. 2.7.11 CONTRIBUTION IN AID OF CONSTRUCTION Following inspection for compliance with the Distribution Code, any installed Connection Assets paid for by the End-user and treated as CIAC shall become the property and maintenance responsibility of the DU, except as provided for in the following section. Any facilities treated as CIAC shall not be subject to refund by the DU and shall not become part of the DUs rate base or appraised property value. If replacement of a connection paid for through a CIAC becomes necessary, the DU shall be responsible for the costs of such replacement which shall become part of rate base consideration. The End-user, however, has the option to pay for the replacement. 2.7.12 OWNERSHIP OF CONNECTION ASSETS Upon acceptance by the DU, all Connection Assets on the DU side of the agreed-upon Connection Point shall be and remain the sole property of the DU. Notwithstanding the foregoing, at the request of the End-user and if the End-user paid for the connection facilities, the DU and the End-user will identify those facilities, if any, that are not likely to be used to serve others and where ownership of such assets by the End-user will not compromise the DUs continuing obligation to serve customers. Upon identification of such assets, the DU and the End-user may, by mutual agreement, designate an alternate Connection Point to accommodate the End-users interest in owning the identified facilities. Consideration of End-user ownership of said Connection Assets hereunder will be given only if the End-user agrees to meet the following conditions: (a) The End-user shall, as promptly as possible, transfer ownership of said facilities to the DU in the event that any portion of these 39
facilities become necessary to provide service to other Connection Customers. Such facilities, however, shall then be subject to the proportionate sharing provision of section 2.7.10; (b) Facilities owned by the End-user will be restricted solely for the use of that End-user; (c) The End-user agrees to procure and pay for all necessary maintenance services for the owned facilities; and (d) Only those facilities that pass through private property may be owned by the end-user. 2.8 CONNECTION OF A GENERATING FACILITY 2.8.1 INTERCONNECTION AND OPERATING AGREEMENT A Generator shall execute an appropriate agreement with the DU governing the interconnection and operation of generating facilities. (a) Pro-forma agreements establishing the terms and conditions for interconnections and operation with the DUs facilities for each applicable class will be provided to the Generator by the DU. Such agreements may be modified by mutual agreement as necessary to address specific interconnection requirements existing at the time of the execution of the agreement. (b) Generators having agreements executed prior to the effective date of the DSOAR that govern interconnection and parallel operation with the DUs facilities shall be governed by the provisions of those existing agreements. (c) The agreement shall include any necessary requirements for communications and communications facilities between the DU and the Generator. (d) Where a Distribution Impact Study (DIS) and/or Distribution Assets Study (DAS) is required, the Generator shall be responsible for paying to the DU all reasonable costs incurred by the DU in performing such a study unless such operation has been requested by the DU. 2.8.2 GENERATOR COMPLIANCE A Generator shall ascertain and comply with all applicable Commission issuances, Commission-approved requirements of the DU, and any local, national law, that applies to the design, siting, construction, installation, operation, or any other aspect of the Generating Facilities. 2.8.3 DESIGN REVIEWS AND INSPECTIONS (a) For the purpose of understanding the connection requirements of the Connection Applicant and to ensure that planned Connection Assets are adequate, DU shall have the right to review the design of a Generator's Generating Facility and Interconnection Facilities and to inspect a Generator's Generating and/or Interconnection Facilities 40
prior to the commencement of parallel operation with DUs Distribution System. The DU may request a Generator to make modifications as necessary to comply with the requirements of the DSOAR and the Distribution Code. The DUs review and authorization for Parallel Operation shall not be construed as confirming or endorsing the Generator's design or as warranting the Generating and/or interconnection facilities' safety, durability or reliability. The DU shall not, by reason of such review or lack of review, be responsible for the strength, adequacy, or capacity of such equipment. (b) Generators shall not begin operation with the DUs facilities for the first time until their interconnection facilities have been inspected by the DU and written approval is provided by the DU to the Generator. Such approval may be withheld for noncompliance with the requirements of the DSOAR and the Distribution Code. (c) A Generators generating facility and interconnection facilities shall be reasonably accessible to DU personnel as necessary for DU to perform its duties and exercise its rights under any agreement between DU and the Generator. (d) Any information pertaining to Generating and/or User Development provided to the DU by a Generator shall be treated by DU in a confidential manner. 2.8.4 PRUDENT OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE REQUIRED A Generator shall operate and maintain its Generating Facility and its User Development in accordance with prudent electrical practices and shall maintain compliance with Commission adopted standards for the Generator. Said standards shall be those in effect at the time a Generator executes the Agreement with the DU. The DU may limit the operation and/or disconnect or require the disconnection of a Generators Generating Facility from the DUs Distribution System at any time, with or without notice, in the event of an emergency or to correct unsafe operating conditions. The DU may also limit the operation and/or disconnect or require the disconnection of a Generators Generating facility from the DUs Distribution System upon the provision of reasonable notice: 1) to allow for routine maintenance, repairs or modifications to the DUs Distribution System, 2) upon the DUs determination that a Generators Generating facility is not in compliance with the DSOAR and the Distribution Code, or 3) upon termination of the Agreement. When operating in parallel, the Generator shall comply with all operational direction of the DU at the time given with such direction subject to any conditions that the Generator and the DU may mutually agree to incorporate in the connection and operating agreement.
REQUIREMENTS FOR A NEW CONNECTION OR CONNECTION MODIFICATION OF A GENERATING FACILITY 2.9.1 APPLICATION PROCESS FOR GENERATORS (a) Upon request, the DU will provide information and documents (such as the pro forma interconnection and operating agreement and the Application, technical requirements, specifications, listing of Certified Equipment, application fee information, applicable rate schedules and Metering requirements) in response to a Connection Applicants inquiry. Unless otherwise agreed upon, all such information shall be sent to a Connection Applicant within five (5) business days following the initial request from the Connection Applicant. The DU will establish an individual representative as the single point of contact for the Connection Applicant, but may allocate responsibilities among its staff to best coordinate the Interconnection of a Connection Applicants User Development. The application form shall include the following information: 1. A description of the proposed connection or modification to an existing connection to the Distribution System, which shall comprise the User Development at the Connection Point; 2. The relevant Standard Planning Data as specified in Section 6.4 of the Distribution Code; and 3. The Completion Date of the proposed User Development. (b) Connection Applicant Completes an Application. All Generators shall be required to complete and file an Application and any possible Detailed Planning Data as specified in Article 6.5 of the Distribution Code when the same is required ahead of the schedule specified in the Connection Agreement or Amended Connection Agreement. The filing must include the completed Application, a fee (if required) for processing the Application. (c) The Connection Applicant may propose, and DU may negotiate specific costs for processing non-standard installations such as multiunits, multi-sites, or otherwise as conditions warrant. Within ten (10) business days of receiving the Application, the DU shall acknowledge its receipt and state whether the Application has been completed adequately. If defects are noted, the DU and Connection Applicant shall cooperate in a timely manner to establish a satisfactory Application. 2.9.2 GENERATING FACILITY REQUIREMENTS DESIGN AND OPERATING
The Connection Applicants Generating Facilities and User Development shall be designed and operated in accordance with the DSOAR and the Distribution Code.
After receiving a Connection Application, the DU shall determine on a non-discriminatory basis whether a specific DIS is necessary to process the Generators application, in addition to the information already available from existing DISs. Technical requirements used by a DU for a DIS shall be proposed by the DU for ERC approval. COST OF DIS The Connection Applicant shall be responsible for the cost of a DIS performed pursuant to these provisions on behalf of the Generator. AGREEMENT ON CONNECTION APPLICATION OR OFFER OF SERVICE FOR DIS. If the DU agrees with the Connection Application and considers no DIS is necessary, it shall so advise the Generator within thirty (30) days from receipt of the Connection Application. If the DU determines that a specific DIS is necessary in addition to that information already available, it shall so inform the Connection Applicant within thirty (30) days from receipt of the Connection Application by issuing an offer of service for DIS to the Connection Customer. REQUIREMENTS OF AN OFFER OF SERVICE FOR DIS. The DU shall specify clearly in the offer of service for DIS: (a) The scope of the study, including identification of whether any distribution constraints, re-dispatch options, additional dedicated Connection Assets, or Distribution System upgrades shall be required to provide the requested service. (b) The estimated time for completion of the DIS and acknowledgement of the DUs obligations. (c) The maximum charge, based on the DUs estimate of the actual cost, inclusive of VAT. The Connection Applicant shall reply to the DUs offer of service outlining its decision within thirty (30) days from receipt of any such offer. EFFECT ON APPLICATION. If the Connection Applicant accepts the DUs offer of service, it shall agree to pay for the DU to conduct the required study. If 43
the Connection Applicant rejects the offer of service, does not file a complaint with the ERC, or does not reply to the offer of service within thirty (30) days of receipt of the Offer, its application shall be deemed withdrawn. PAYMENT FOR UNDERTAKING DIS AND DATA SUBMISSION Should the Connection Applicant agree to the DUs offer of service for DIS, the Connection Applicant shall make full payment cost of the DIS prior to commencement of the study. The Connection Applicant shall submit the required data needed for the DIS as specified in the Connection Application before the DIS is conducted. TIME PERIOD FOR COMPLETION OF DIS The DU shall exert best effort to complete the required DIS within a sixty (60) day period of the agreement to an offer of service for a DIS unless otherwise agreed between the parties. In the event that the DU is unable to complete the DIS within the time period specified or agreed, it shall notify the Connection Applicant and provide an estimated completion date along with an explanation of the reasons why additional time is required to complete the required DIS. RETENTION OF DIS The DU shall develop and maintain a set of any Distribution Impact Studies (DISs) conducted that may be used for evaluating future Connection Applications in accordance with the Distribution Code. RELIANCE ON EXISTING DIS In performing the DIS, the DU shall rely as much as possible on all existing DISs as applicable to the information supplied by the Connection Applicant. PROVISION OF DIS ISSUES AND RESULTS In undertaking or taking responsibility for the provision of the DIS, the DU shall inform the Connection Applicant of key issues arising from the DIS as they arise. Following the completion of the DIS, the DU shall provide the Connection Applicant with a copy of the completed DIS results and related work papers not later than five (5) business days after its completion. NOTIFICATION OF ADEQUACY OF DISTRIBUTION The DU shall notify the Connection Applicant not later than five (5) business days following the completion of the DIS if 44
the Distribution System shall be adequate to accommodate all or part of the Connection Application. 2.9.4 DISTRIBUTION ASSETS STUDY FOR GENERATORS OFFER OF SERVICE FOR DISTRIBUTION ASSETS STUDY If the DUs DIS indicates that new Connection Assets or Distribution System upgrades are needed to provide the requested services, the DU shall tender to the Connection Applicant an offer of service for a Distribution Assets Study (DAS) within thirty (30) days of completing the DIS. The Connection Applicant has fifteen (15) days to respond from the date of its receipt of the offer of service. OPTIONS FOR CONNECTION UNDERTAKING DAS APPLICANT IN
In responding to the offer of service provided by the DU within the timeframe provided herein, the Connection Applicant may decide to: (a) Undertake the DAS itself and advise the DU accordingly; (b) Contract with a third party, accredited pursuant to ERC guidelines, and advise the DU accordingly; or (c) Agree to the offer of service for DAS from the DU. The DU shall be bound by the Connection Applicant Distribution Customers decision in relation to (a), (b) or (c). COMPLETION OF DAS In the event that the Connection Applicant agrees to proceed with a DAS and: (a) The DAS is to be completed by the Connection Applicant, or by a third party contracted by the Connection Applicant, the Connection Applicant shall use its reasonable endeavours to ensure the DAS is completed within the period of time specified in the offer of service. (b) The DAS is to be completed by the DU, the DU shall use its reasonable endeavours to ensure the DAS is completed within the period of time specified in the offer of service. COST OF DAS The Connection Applicant shall be responsible for the cost of any DAS. SUBMISSION OF DATA FOR DAS Where the DU is undertaking the DAS, the Connection Applicant shall submit the data needed for the DAS including 45
the Detailed Planning Data, as specified in the Connection Application and the Distribution Code, before the DAS is conducted. NOTIFICATION COMPLETE DAS OF ADDITIONAL TIME TO
Where the DU is undertaking the DAS and requires additional time, the DU shall notify the Connection Applicant and provide an estimate of the time needed to reach a final determination along with an explanation of the reasons why additional time is required to complete the DAS. RESULTS OF DAS When completed, the DAS shall include a good faith estimate of: (a) The cost of the Connection Assets to be charged to the Connection Applicant. (b) The Connection Applicants appropriate share of the cost of any required Distribution System upgrades. (c) The time required to complete such construction and initiate the requested service. PROVISION OF RESULTS FROM DAS The party that undertook or commissioned the DAS shall provide the other party with a copy of the completed Study results and related work papers as soon as is practicable after the completion of the DAS and no later than 5 days after its completion. The parties shall confirm acceptance of the DAS to each other within 10 business days, or shall specify any areas the party feels requires modification. If the parties are unable to reconcile any differences, the dispute may be filed for ERC resolution pursuant to section 1.9 of the DSOAR. 2.10 ARRANGEMENTS FOLLOWING CONNECTION AGREEMENT 2.10.1 EXECUTION OF
COMPLETION OF CONNECTION ARRANGEMENTS The DU and Connection Customer, taking into consideration the agreed target completion date, shall use their reasonable endeavours, in coordination with each other, to complete their respective connection arrangements as agreed in the Connection Agreement.
SECURITY FOR NEW FACILITIES OR FACILITY UPGRADES In the event that the DU is required to invest in new facilities or distribution upgrades to meet its obligations under the new or modified Connection Agreement, and the Connection Customer is to shoulder these costs, the Connection Customer shall provide the DU with a letter of credit in the form specified in the DSOAR, if requested to do so by the DU, before the DU commences the necessary work.
DESIGN AND SPECIFICATION REQUIREMENTS The design and specifications of any additional Facilities required for Connection shall: (a) Conform to the Distribution Code; (b) Conform to reasonable engineering standards specified by the DU; and (c) Be approved by the DU.
INSTALLATION OF NECESSARY EQUIPMENT Power DWS shall not commence until the DU and the Connection Customer have ensured that the Equipment has been installed consistent with the Distribution Code and good industry practice, and any additional reasonable requirements to ensure the reliable operation of the Distribution System, as recorded in the Connection Agreement, have been met.
PROVISION OF REQUIRED INFORMATION AND TESTS OF EQUIPMENT The Connection Customer shall provide the required information set out in the Distribution Code to the DU prior to the Commissioning Date and shall test the Equipment required at the Connection Point to connect the Connection Customer's Facilities to the Distribution in accordance with the Distribution Code.
COSTS OF PROCESSING AND MODIFICATION In the event the Connection Customer wishes to cancel or amend its Connection Application or its Connection Agreement, said Connection Customer shall be liable for any costs reasonably incurred by the DU in processing and, if agreed, implementing a modification in the Connection Agreement.
SAFETY, POWER QUALITY AND RELIABILITY The DU and each Connected Connection Customer shall ensure that all Equipment that each Participant provides at a 47
Connection Point shall comply with Good Industry Practices, the Distribution Code and the Philippine Electrical Code. The DU and each Connected Connection Customer shall operate and maintain their Connection Assets and other Facilities in a safe and efficient manner and in accordance with Good Industry Practice and the Distribution Code (including but not limited to the voltage performance and harmonics standards). 2.10.8 DATA REQUIREMENTS Each Connection Customer shall provide any data, reports, forecasts, and specific information regarding the electrical characteristics of their Facilities as specifically required under the DSOAR and the Distribution Code or as requested by the DU, acting reasonably, to enable it to meet its obligations under the DSOAR and the Distribution Code. The DU shall not be held liable for any loss or damage arising from the failure of the Connection Customer to provide the necessary data, reports, forecasts and other specific information necessary for the DU to perform its obligations under these rules. 2.10.9 CONFIDENTIAL TREATMENT OF DATA All proprietary data exchanged between a Connection Customer or a Connection Applicant and a DU necessary for establishment and/or maintenance of a connection shall be treated as confidential and not disclosed to any third party without prior consent of the party to which the data is proprietary. 2.10.10 PROTECTION ARRANGEMENTS RESPECTIVE RESPONSIBILITY PROTECTIVE DEVICES FOR
The DU and each Connection Customer shall be responsible for their respective assets and shall ensure that such assets are protected in accordance with the Distribution Code and that their Protective Devices meet the standards set out in the Distribution Code. If the DU must install protective devices that are in excess of the Standard Connection Facilities due to the nature of the Connection Customers equipment and/or load, payment for said protective devices shall be the sole responsibility of the Connection Customer and shall be treated as CIAC. NEW PROTECTIVE DEVICES The DU and Connection Customers may install, upgrade, operate and maintain protective devices to 48
separate the Connection Customers equipment from the Distribution System sufficiently to avoid injury or damage, and to comply with the Distribution Code at all times. The DU and the Connection Customer shall give prior written notice to the other of all such Protective Devices that it intends to install and/or upgrade, and of the settings of such devices. If the DU must install protective devices that are in excess of the Standard Connection Facilities due to the nature of the Connection Customers equipment and/or load, payment for said protective devices shall be the sole responsibility of the Connection Customer and shall be treated as CIAC. 2.10.11 CONTINGENCY PROCEDURES PROMPT NOTIFICATION CONTINGENCY. OF
The DU and each Connection Customer shall provide the other with prompt verbal notification by telephone of any contingency involving their equipment or Connection Assets that may reasonably be expected to affect the other's operation of its equipment or Connection Assets. This notification shall indicate the reasons for the contingency, the contingencys expected effect on the operation of the other partys Facilities and operations, the contingencys expected duration, and the corrective action to be taken. Telephone notification shall be followed by written notification by the close of business hours the next day and retain such written notification for three (3) years. CONTINGENCY ACTIONS. The DU and the Connection Customer shall agree to take the actions specified in the Connection Agreement in response to any contingency. ACCESS TO EACH OTHERS CONNECTION ASSETS. Unless otherwise agreed, the DU and each Connection Customer may open and/or disconnect the Connection Assets of the other party in the event of, and for the duration of, any contingency, if such opening or disconnection would reasonably be expected to mitigate or remedy the contingency in accordance with good industry practice and the Distribution Code. A party exercising this right shall 49
notify the other party of their actions prior to disconnection or as soon as possible following disconnection. The foregoing notwithstanding, a DU may require an End-user to obtain prior approval before accessing and operating connection assets. A DU shall respond as quickly as possible to any connection concern of the End-user and the DU shall be responsible for any damage that otherwise could have been avoided if the customer would have been free to act immediately. 2.10.12 PROPERTY ACCESS ACCESS RIGHTS. Unless otherwise agreed, the DU and each Connection Customer shall grant the other and its agents and subcontractors such access to its own facilities and/or Connection Assets as is necessary and appropriate, both parties acting reasonably, for the construction, installation, testing, operation and maintenance of the other Participant's own facilities and/or Connection Assets (including any Protective Devices), in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Distribution Code and the DSOAR. No party may attempt to limit access by a Participant to the Participants own facilities and/or Connection Assets regardless of the location of those facilities and/or Connection Assets. PROCEDURE. When exercising the access rights outlined in Section above, the DU and the Connection Customer shall: (a) In cases of maintenance, provide the other party with as much advance notice as is appropriate under the circumstances. Pilferage inspections shall be in accordance with the procedures set forth pursuant to RA 7832; (b) Not unreasonably disrupt or interfere with the normal operations of the business of the other party; (c) Adhere to the safety rules and procedures established by the other party; (d) The DU and the Connection Customer shall be responsible for the actions of their agents; and (e) Act consistent with good industry practice.
2.10.13 CONDITIONS PERTAINING TO THIS SERVICE The DU shall not be held liable for a failure to deliver the services in this article where the following events have had a material effect on its ability to deliver the service and the DU has used its reasonable endeavours to mitigate their impact on the service: (a) The Connection Applicant failing to comply with its obligations under any of the following: the DSOAR, the Distribution Code and the WESM Rules. (b) The Connection Applicant providing the DU with incomplete or inaccurate information. (c) Any other Connection Applicant failing to comply with their obligations under any of the following: the DSOAR, the Distribution Code and, the WESM Rules. 2.10.14 CONNECTION CUSTOMERS NON-COMPLIANCE If the Connection Applicant or Connection Customer fails to comply, when so required, with any of its obligations in this Article, the DU shall have the right to require the Connection Applicant or Connection Customer to take any and all such measures, including but not limited to the installation of new or additional equipment, as necessary to comply with such requirements. In the event that the Connection Applicant or Connection Customer fails to take any or all of such measures within thirty (30) days after receipt of notice of noncompliance, the DU shall have the right itself to take (or cause to be taken) such measures without further notice. The Connection Applicant or Connection Customer shall be responsible for any and all costs and expenses incurred as a result of its non-compliance. 2.11 METERING EQUIPMENT 2.11.1 METER INSTALLATIONS All metering equipment shall be furnished and installed by the DU. Current transformer cabinets and gang mounting channels where required will be furnished by the DU and installed by the applicant at a location specified by the DU. The applicant shall furnish and install meter boards, where required. The meter must be installed in a clean place free from vibration and where it will be easily accessible for reading and testing. Under no condition should meters be located behind doors or where they can be easily broken or jarred by moving furniture or equipment. Meters shall be located on the outside wall of the building or private pole and shall not be more than three (3) meters nor less than 1.52 meters mounting height from the surface on which one would stand to repair or inspect the meter. 51
Generally, meters shall be installed on the ground floor in suitable space and on a suitable mounting for large commercial and apartment buildings. However, upon request by the customer, the DU may allow location of meter(s) other than the ground floor provided meter(s) are to be installed and located at a common place accessible to DU's personnel for inspection, reading and maintenance purposes at anytime and a main check meter installed at a location specified by the DU to measure the total electric consumption of the building. All service entrance and other electrical facilities after the main check meter, except DU meters, shall be owned and maintained by the customer. Space and mounting shall be adequate to accommodate all metering facilities. Individual cutouts and/or switches shall be at least one (1) meter of clear space in front of the meter(s). 2.11.2 GENERAL INFORMATION ON METERING Every DU shall inform its customers of the manner in which meters are read, either by printing on its bills for each service, a description of the method used in reading meters, by distributing booklets describing such method or in any other suitable manner. Each service meter shall indicate clearly the units of service for which charge is made to the customer. In case the dial reading of a meter must be multiplied by a constant to obtain the units of service, the constant to be applied shall be clearly marked on the face or dial of the meter. Where the quantity of service is determined by calculation from the reading of the meter, the DU shall upon request supply the customer with such information as will show clearly the method of determining the units of service rendered. Every DU shall instruct its meter reader when reading periodically the meter installed in the premises of a customer, to leave in such premises a record showing the date of the reading, the reading made, the previous reading and the total consumption expressed in units of service used, as read by the meter reader, and the signature over the printed name of the meter reader. Except as otherwise permitted for the Contestable Market in Article IV of the DSOAR, the meter and the metering equipment are the sole property of the DU and any changes in their location or arrangements shall be made by the DU. 2.11.3 TESTING AND SEALING OF METER No meter shall be placed in service unless it has been tested, certified and sealed by the ERC. The seal attached to the meter by the ERC is a warranty (1) that the meter is an acceptable or accepted type and (2) that it operates within the allowable limits of tolerance.
2.11.4 TEST OF CUSTOMERS METER BY THE DU Every DU shall, upon request of a customer, make a test in accordance with ERC guidelines free of charge of the accuracy of the meter installed in his premises making use of a meter standard duly tested and sealed by the ERC. If it is found that the meter being tested is within the tolerable limit of (+3%) at any load, the utility may assess the customer concerned a testing fee based on the amount charged by ERC. A written report showing the result of such test shall be furnished the customer. 2.11.5 WATTHOUR METER ACCURACY REQUIREMENTS (a) No mechanical watt-hour meter that has an incorrect register multiplier, watthour constant, gear ratio, register ratio or dial train, or that registers on no load ("creeps") shall be placed in service or be allowed to remain in service without adjustment and correction. (b) All watt-hour meters regardless of make and type before being placed in service, must be adjusted as closely as possible to the condition of zero error. The tolerance of plus or minus two percent (2%) is hereby fixed to allow for necessary variations. (c) No watt-hour meter that has an error in registration of more than plus or minus three percent (3%) at any load shall be allowed to remain in service. However, no meter shall be pulled out without a replacement meter so as not to disrupt the continuity of service. 2.11.6 DETERMINATION OF AVERAGE ERROR In tests made by the ERC or the DU, the average error of a meter shall be determined by the following method: Ea = O.3ELL+ O.7EFL Where Ea is the average error, ELL is the error at light load. EFL is the error at full load. Provided, however, that at the request of the customer or in referee cases, this method may be modified by admitting tests at a third load. If, and when in the opinion of the ERC, such load is more representative of the ordinary use of the meter, in which case, the average error shall be determined as follows: Take one-fifth (1/5) of the algebraic sum of (1) error at light load, (2) three times the error at normal load, (3) the error of full load. In both methods, light load shall be taken from five (5) to ten (10) percent of the rated test amperes of the meter, and full load, not less than sixty percent (60%) nor more than one hundred percent (100%) of the rated test amperes of the meter. For normal load the following percentages of the several classes of full connected installations may be used:
Percent Residence and apartment building ................................ Elevator service............................................................. Factories (individual drive).theaters, club, hallways, entrance, and general store lighting ........... Restaurants, pumps, air compressors, ice machines, and moving picture theaters ...................... Sign and window lighting, blowers and battery ........... 70 100 60 25 40
In the event that a meter in service is found to have an average error of more than the tolerance of plus two percent, the customer is entitled to a rebate. On the other hand, in the event that a meter service is found to have an average error of more than the tolerance of minus two percent (2%), the utility has a right to ask for a refund from its customer. In both cases, the period to be covered in the computation of kWh variance should be six months. The rate should be based on the present rate at the time of the discovery. 2.11.7 RECORD OF METER Every DU shall keep an adequate record of each meter showing (1) make, type and identification marks and/or number of meter, (2) names and addresses of customers, dates when meter installed or removed, (3) adjustment or repair made, and (4) ERC certification dates. 2.12 INTERCONNECTION BETWEEN DISTRIBUTION UTILITIES 2.12.1 GENERAL Consistent with Section 23 (paragraph 4) of the EPIRA, DUs may interconnect in instances where such interconnection helps achieve economies of scale in operations, reliability of service, reduction in costs, and other efficiencies. The terms and conditions of said interconnection shall be incorporated into an interconnection and operating agreement which is subject to approval by ERC. 2.12.2 INTERCONNECTION AND OPERATING AGREEMENT Interconnecting DUs shall execute an appropriate agreement governing the interconnection and operation of their respective Distribution Systems. DUs having ERC-approved agreements executed prior to the effective date of the DSOAR that govern interconnection and operation shall be governed by the provisions of those existing agreements. The agreement shall include any necessary requirements for communications and communications facilities between the DUs. The interconnection/operating agreement shall be mutually beneficial. The interconnection and operating agreement is separate and distinct from any DWS arrangements.
GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE Service to the captive market shall include all unbundled services necessary to maintain a regular supply of alternating current of approximately 60 hertz. Supply to the Captive Market shall be provided by the DU throughout its franchise service area.
THE MAGNA CARTA FOR RESIDENTIAL CONSUMERS The Captive Market includes both residential and non-residential End-users. Insofar as residential consumers are concerned, the DSOAR are intended to complement the MAGNA CARTA FOR RESIDENTIAL ELECTRICITY CONSUMERS, issued on June 17, 2004, and the GUIDELINES TO IMPLEMENT ARTICLES 7, 8, 14, AND 28 OF THE MAGNA CARTA FOR RESIDENTIAL ELECTRICITY CONSUMERS, issued October 27, 2004. The Magna Carta remains in full force.
APPLICATION FOR CAPTIVE MARKET SUPPLY Any End-user in the Captive Market may apply for service from the DU within their franchise area. The DU has an obligation to serve that customer subject to all terms and conditions of service and Commission rules including the DSOAR. The customer shall execute a standard form of agreement prior to the furnishing of service by the DU. A copy of the rate schedule and the terms and conditions of service shall be furnished to the new consumers. The DU shall inform its customers of any changes in rates, rules and regulations approved by the Commission that specifically affect the Captive Market service. Such information shall be included as an insert in the billing envelop or on the bill itself of all customers who are directly affected by the change. Further more any adjustment clause previously approved by the ERC shall be clearly indicated on the monthly bill.
ESTABLISHMENT AND REESTABLISHMENT OF CREDIT 3.4.1 RESIDENTIAL ELECTRICITY CUSTOMERS For the establishment of credit, residential electricity customers and the DU shall follow the deposit and deposit refund requirements found in the Magna Carta. A residential customer who previously established credit under the Magna Carta by receiving a refund of deposit from the DU shall not be subject to a new deposit requirement if the customer discontinues one service location and establishes a new service location within the DUs franchise area. This applies solely to the original account holder and is non-transferable. This provision does not apply to additional service locations established by the residential customer. In the event a customer establishes a new service location in addition to existing service(s), a bill deposit shall be required on that new service.
A bill deposit previously refunded to the customer may be reimposed if the customer defaults in the payment of his monthly bill. Once the bill deposit is reimposed, he loses the right to refund the same prior to the termination of his electric service. This provision also holds for a residential customer who was not required to pay a deposit on a new service contract. 3.4.2 NON-RESIDENTIAL ELECTRICITY CUSTOMERS For the establishment of credit, non-residential electricity customers shall submit a bill deposit to guarantee payment of bills. The amount of the bill deposit shall be equivalent to the estimated monthly billing. Provided that after one (1) year when the actual average monthly bills are more or less than the initial bill deposit, such deposit shall be correspondingly increased/decreased to approximate said billing. DUs shall pay interest on bill deposits equivalent to the prevailing interest rate for savings deposit as approved by the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP).The interests shall be credited yearly to the bills of the customer on the anniversary of the commencement of service. The bill deposit shall be refunded within one month from the termination of service provided all bills have been paid. A customer that has paid its electric bills on or before its due date for three (3) consecutive years may, however, demand for the full refund of the deposit prior to the termination of his service. An application for deposit refund shall be filed with the DU and the DU shall refund the deposit within one month from receipt of such application. All customers shall be exempt from the payment of meter deposits. In cases of loss and/or damage to the electric meter due to the fault of the customer, the customer shall bear the full replacement cost of the meter. Within 90 days following the effectivity of the DSOAR, all DUs shall submit a proposal to ERC on the methodology and timeline for the refund of all existing meter deposits. 3.4.3 RE-ESTABLISHMENT OF CREDIT FOR ALL CAPTIVE CUSTOMERS An applicant, who previously has been a customer of the DU and had lost satisfactory credit, must first pay any unpaid billed amounts from previous service plus the relevant deposit requirement to re-establish credit. A customer who is subject to disconnection/termination and who requests continuation of service shall be required to first pay any unpaid billed amounts. The customers bill deposit shall be re-imposed and/or adjusted in accordance with his average monthly bill for the preceding year.
BILLING 3.5.1 MONTHLY BILLING Bills for service shall be rendered to each customer in the captive market on a monthly basis, unless otherwise approved by the Commission. 3.5.2 METERED SERVICE Except for unmetered streetlight or other flat rate service customers, each bill for service issued by the DU shall be based on the reading of the meter for each account of the customer and any applicable monthly charge(s). 3.5.3 CONTENTS OF BILL Bills to service customers shall conform with the format approved by ERC. Each bill for service shall include the following: (a) Any previous balance. (b) The period covered by the current billing. (c) Meter serial and company number. (d) The date the bill was issued. (e) The amount due for service provided during the current billing period with the date upon which this amount is past due. (f) All unbundled rate elements including any adjustment clause listed in the specific sequence prescribed by ERC. Any additional rate elements or changes in the name of rate elements shall first be approved by ERC. (g) All relevant meter readings for the first and last day of the billing period. (h) The total quantities of applicable billing determinants. (i) The date the meter was read. (j) The telephone number and address of the DU office where a customer may obtain information concerning their bill or the service provided. (k) An emergency contact number. (l) A notice stating that all disputes that cannot be settled by the DU to the satisfaction of the customer can be elevated to the ERC. The ERC contact number and email address for the Consumer Affairs Service as provided by the ERC. (m) Any notices, advisories, or announcements required by the ERC to be placed on the bill. There shall be shown on the bill such additional factors other than those contained in the schedule of rates, as may be necessary in computing the bill. It shall be indicated on each bill that copies of the schedules of rates applicable will be furnished by the DU upon request. 57
Bills to flat rate service customers shall be rendered at reasonably regular intervals and shall show the period for which the bills rendered, reference to the schedule of rates applicable and the amount of the bill. The number and kinds of units for which a flat rate bill is rendered shall also be shown 'on the bill. Any future modification to the contents of the bill is subject to prior approval by ERC. 3.5.4 ESTIMATED BILLS (a) Except as otherwise provided, if the DU is unable to obtain useable meter data from a customer or to read the meter of a customer on the date scheduled due to a Force Majeure event or any event beyond the control of the DU, the DU may bill the customer based upon their estimated usage for the billing period. Estimated billing should only be allowed in case the meter fails to register the consumption of the customer for an entire billing period or a portion thereof. Otherwise, the meter reading must be done immediately after the said fortuitous event ceases to exist. (b) Any of the following methods shall be used in calculating a bill based on estimated usage. These methods are listed in order of priority. 1. The average daily usage of the customer during the portion of the billing period registered by the meter applied to the remaining days in the billing period; 2. The average usage of the customer during the preceding three (3) months; or
3. The usage of the customer during the same month of the preceding year. 4. If time of use rates and metering are applicable, then the estimated bill shall rely on the relevant time of use load profile data during the previous month. (c) The DU shall print the word Estimate on each bill which is based on estimated usage, and shall not issue more than two consecutive bills to a customer based upon estimated usage. Following two consecutive bills based on estimated usage, the DU shall either read the meter during the next billing cycle and adjust the estimated bills accordingly or take an initial meter read following the next billing cycle as if service was starting anew and no charges, penalties, arrears, or reconnection fees will be levied on the customer for the skipped billing cycle. (d) The DU shall adjust the estimated usage upon the first reading of a meter after an estimated reading. Differential billing following estimated usage shall be spread out symmetrically by the number of months it was estimated without interest charges.
3.5.5 PRORATION OF BILLS For bills rendered for periods less than 28 days, any fixed monthly customer charges in the bill shall be prorated based on the ratio of number of days in the billing period to the number of days in an average billing period. 3.5.6 PAYMENT OF BILLS Every DU may require that' bills for service be paid within a specified time after rendition. When the billing period covers a month or more, the minimum time allowed will be ten (10) days after rendition unless a longer period is specified and upon expiration of the specified time, service may be discontinued after due notice for the non-payment of bills. Bills will be rendered by the DU to the customer monthly in accordance with the applicable rate schedule. Said bills are payable to collectors, collection office of the area where the customer resides or at its authorized banks within ten (10) days after the customer's receipt of the said bills, unless a longer period is allowed. The word "month" as used herein and in the rate schedule is hereby defined to be the elapsed time between two succeeding meter readings but not exceeding thirty-one (31) days apart. Every DU operator shall issue to its customers receipts which shall be in the form or model prescribed by the ERC. Provided, however, that the DU operator must submit a sample of said receipts for the approval of the ERC before adopting the same in its service. It shall safely keep the duplicate or office stub of the receipts used and shall not destroy them within five (5) years without authority from the ERC. 3.5.7 ADJUSTMENT FOR BILLING Billing errors resulting from pilferages committed by the customer shall be governed by the provisions of RA 7832 or the Anti-Electricity Pilferage Act and its Implementing Rules and Regulations. Billing errors resulting from a defective/stop meter without any evidence of tampering shall be governed by the provisions of these guidelines and the Magna Carta for Residential Electricity Consumers. In cases of other billing errors, the following principles shall apply: (a) Refunds for overpayment shall be computed back to but not beyond the date on which the error or omission commenced subject to ERC approval. (b) Payments for undercharge shall be computed back to the date on which the error commenced, however, in no case where the error or omission is due to the fault of the DU, shall a bill for undercharge be computed for a period exceeding three (3) months.
BILLING DISPUTES If a customer disputes any bill, charge or service, the DU shall record and promptly investigate the matter and provide a written report to the customer. Reporting to the concerned customer shall be made within fifteen (15) days from receipt of such complaint. The DU shall inform the customer of their right to file a complaint with the ERC.
REGULATED RATES FOR THE CAPTIVE MARKET Every DU shall be strictly governed in its charges by the schedule of rates prescribed by the ERC and shall not change, alter, or in any manner modify the same without prior authority of the ERC and shall post a copy thereof in a conspicuous place at its office. A DU may only charge rates or service charges to the Captive Market that have been approved or otherwise authorized by the ERC. The DU shall maintain copies of all approved rate schedules at each of its office locations and provide access and copies to such rate schedules to any person making such request at no charge to the person.
GENERAL This Article governs the terms and conditions of the provision of Distribution Wheeling Service (DWS) by the DU to Retail Electricity Suppliers (RES) and Generators. Unless otherwise noted, references to RES shall be read to include the SoLR. DWSs pertain to those services performed by the distribution utilities (DUs) for the conveyance of electricity through the regulated distribution system as well as the control and monitoring of electricity as it is conveyed throughout the DU system from the points of receipt to the points of delivery. The distribution system includes the electric lines, and other equipment, including transformers and the meters, used in the delivery of electricity. DWS also includes discretionary services, which are customerspecific services for which costs are recovered through separately priced rate schedules, with the recoverable discretionary charges duly approved and authorized by the Commission. The DUs shall provide DWS for delivery of electricity of the standard characteristics available in the franchise area. The DU shall provide DWS at its standard voltages. Requestors of DWS must obtain from the DU the phase and voltage of the service available before committing to the purchase of motors or other equipment, and the DU is not responsible if the requested phase and voltage of service are not available. The standard Distribution System service offered by the DU may be provided at the voltage level specified under the appropriate service agreement. The provision of DWS by the DU is subject to the terms of any service agreements, terms and conditions of the tariffs and applicable legal authorities. All charges associated with a DWS provided by the DU must be authorized by the Commission and included as a tariff charge, as provided in the rate schedules.
ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS FOR DWS An RES is eligible for DWS when the following have been met: (a) the RES has been licensed by the Commission and/or otherwise has been designated and authorized by the Commission to provide service to Endusers; (b) the RES has executed any applicable agreements required by TransCo; (c) the RES has executed any applicable agreements required by the WESM, if it is a market participant; (d) the RES has paid any application fee set as approved by the Commission; (e) the RES has demonstrated the ability to operate within the system approved by ERC for data exchange, interruption reporting, and service requests; and (f) the RES has executed a DWS Agreement with the DU; or
(g) following all of the above, if the DU has failed to execute the DWS Agreement although the RES has signed such agreement, the RES shall be deemed eligible for DWS, and the DU shall commence DWS for the RES, during an interim period by filing the unexecuted agreement with the Commission for investigation into the reasons for non-execution by the DU. 4.3 GROUNDS FOR REJECTING DWS AGREEMENT The DU may refuse to execute a DWS Agreement with an RES for only but any of the following reasons: (a) the RES has undisputed outstanding debts with the DU, the transmission provider, or the WESM, as attested in a sworn affidavit from an authorized agent of the entity to which the RES is indebted and such amounts are not currently part of a formal dispute; (b) the RES has failed to comply with credit requirements approved by the Commission; or (c) the RES has failed to meet any of the eligibility requirements set forth in 4.2. 4.3.1 REJECTION OF DWS AGREEMENT Upon rejection of any DWS Agreement, the DU shall provide the affected RES with written notice of rejection and shall state the grounds for rejection. 4.3.2 ACCEPTANCE OF DWS AGREEMENT Upon its acceptance of a DWS Agreement, or pursuant to an order of the Commission approving a DWS Agreement, the DU shall execute the DWS Agreement and shall file an original copy with the Commission, shall provide one original copy to the RES, and shall maintain one original copy for its own records. 4.4 RELATIONSHIP WITH RESS END-USE CUSTOMERS An RES is responsible for all contractual, service, and billing matters related to their End-use customers including those pertaining to DWS, and the DU shall not be responsible for monitoring, reviewing or enforcing such contracts or arrangements. This does not, however, prohibit End-users from contacting and contracting directly with the DU for Connection Assets and Services pursuant to Article II of the DSOAR. The foregoing notwithstanding, an RES may opt to have one or more of their End-use customers contract directly with the DU for DWS. 4.5 METERING 4.5.1 TIME OF USE METERING FACILITIES All DWS customers in the initial phase of the Contestable Market shall have installed time of use metering facilities capable of measuring energy use and demand in a fashion consistent with WESM energy settlement intervals, and distribution and transmission demand charge intervals. Any exceptions to this rule require specific ERC approval. 62
4.5.2 OWNERSHIP OF METERS The person procuring the meter for a customer in the Contestable Market shall have the first option of owning and maintaining the meters subject to any applicable rules and regulations of ERC including but not limited to the Distribution Code. In the event a meter is not owned by the DU, the End-user shall execute an Agreement for Meter Ownership and/or Access for Non-Company Owned Meters similar to that included in Article VI of the DSOAR. The DU remains responsible for testing, sealing, and maintenance of all meters, subject to ERC procedures, regardless of ownership. All billing meters shall be located at the exterior of the End-users premises in a place that ensures easy access by the DU and RES. Immediate access by the DU to any meter within its franchise area shall not be denied. 4.5.3 METER READING AND DATA DISSEMINATION SERVICE The DU shall conduct meter reading and data dissemination as a regulated service until such time as competitive metering services may be approved by the Commission. Upon establishment of competitive metering services, an End-user may select any person authorized by the ERC to perform meter reading and data dissemination service. 4.5.4 REQUEST FOR ADVANCED METERING TECHNOLOGY An End-user in the Contestable Market or an RES serving the End-user may request a new meter or meter upgrades with advanced technical capabilities to be provided by the DU provided that all costs related to the new meter including upgrades are borne by the RES or End-user. Similarly, an RES or an End-user can request an upgrade to the meter. Should there be a request for a new meter or a communication device be attached to the existing meter, the DU shall provide, install, test, and maintain the requested metering or communication device in accordance with ERC approved Other Charges of DU. All advanced metering technology shall comply with applicable ERC standards. 4.5.5 RIGHT TO PROCURE AND INSTALL ADVANCED METER EQUIPMENT End-users in the contestable market and/or an RES contracted with the End-user shall have the right to own advanced metering equipment and select their own contractor and/or equipment vendor provided that all requirements herein are met. All advanced metering technology shall comply with applicable ERC standards. 4.5.6 ACCESS AND METER READING The RES contracted with an End-user shall have read-only access for purposes of reading a meter of that End-user. If End-use customer takes DWS at primary distribution or transmission voltage, the DU shall meter DWS at that voltage level. The DU is responsible for reading the meter. If an actual meter reading is not obtained, the DU shall estimate the meter reading for invoicing purposes as prescribed in Article 3.5.4. In 63
the case of meter malfunction, the historical load profile from the previous month shall be reported and noted as such. The DU shall report measurement data for a point of delivery as required by the ERC. 4.5.7 METER DATA EXCHANGE The DU shall provide all data collected from a meter read to the RES serving that customer within three (3) business days following the scheduled meter read. 4.6 SUBTRANSMISSION 4.6.1 DELIVERY SERVICE PROVIDED BY OWNER OF SUBTRANSMISSION A qualified DU or consortium of qualified DUs that own subtransmission facilities shall ensure nondiscriminatory provision of unbundled delivery service over subtransmission to any user, whether that user is connected or not connected to subtransmission, who wants to wheel power over subtransmission. Subtransmission wheeling service shall be in accordance with the terms and conditions of DWS covered by this Article IV in its entirety and Article II on connections. Customers connected to subtransmission may include DUs, Generators, End-users, or an RES providing retail service to a connected End-user. 4.6.2 NON-IMPAIRMENT OF GENERATION CONTRACTS WITH END-USERS The obligation to provide DWS per 4.6.1 shall not in any way impair an existing purchase power agreement or generation contract legally executed between an End-user and a Generation Company, nor a future purchase power agreement between an End-user and an RES in the contestable market. 4.6.3 SUBTRANSMISSION COSTS AND RATES The rates charged for DWS over subtransmission facilities shall be in accordance with the rates approved by ERC. 4.6.4 END-USER IN THE CAPTIVE MARKET WITHOUT SUFFICIENT GENERATION Any End-user connected to subtransmission without a legitimate purchased power contract sufficient to provide all energy requirements and that End-user is not part of the Contestable Market, the End-user shall be considered to be part of the Captive Market and shall be served as such by the relevant franchised entity. Similarly, in the case of a legitimate contract that has expired and that End-user is not part of the contestable market, the End-user shall be considered to be part of the Captive Market and shall be served as such by the relevant franchised entity.
TRANSMISSION 4.7.1 CONTRACTING FOR TRANSMISSION SERVICES An RES shall obtain required transmission services in one of two ways as part of its service to a particular End-user connected to a distribution system or subtransmission. The RES may opt to have the DU contract with the Transmission Provider for the demand of the RES customers, and the DU shall pass-through the related costs including any deposits to the RES. Alternatively, an RES may execute a contract for transmission services directly with the TransCo. If the latter option is selected, the RES shall properly inform the DU providing DWS of this selection. This provision does not pertain to transmission connection services. 4.7.2 APPLICABLE TRANSMISSION RATES Regardless of which option is selected under 4.7.1, the amount paid for transmission service by an RES or a Contestable Market customer shall be based on approved TransCo rates and the billing determinants metered for the individual customers Connection Point. In other words, the transmission costs borne by the Contestable Market customer should not be an allocation of the DU system-wide load. 4.7.3 ANCILLARY SERVICES When the DU is connected to the transmission grid, an RES shall obtain all required ancillary services from TransCo or through the WESM and shall not be required to take ancillary services from the DU except as may be selected as an option by the RES per 4.7.1. In the event a DU connected to the transmission grid provides ancillary services which benefit the Distribution System, compensation or credit to the DU and the Captive Market for providing ancillary services shall be determined pursuant to the WESM Rules when applicable. For a DU that is not connected to the transmission grid, the DU shall seek approval of unbundled ancillary service charges to ensure that both the Captive Market and the Contestable Market share in ancillary service costs in a nondiscriminatory manner. Such application for the approval of unbundled ancillary service charges shall be filed with ERC no later than 180 days from the effectivity of the DSOAR. 4.7.4 WESM REQUIREMENTS An RES is solely responsible for meeting any applicable WESM requirements. The DU shall not be responsible for any WESM requirements pertaining to an RES or a Contestable Market customer served by an RES.
BILLING AND RELATED CUSTOMER SERVICE 4.8.1 RES RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES An RES is fully responsible for determining the billing methods for their customers and payment of all obligations to other market participants. 65
As an option to the RES, the End-use customer of the RES may be billed directly by the DU for DWS. An End-user in the contestable market is responsible for paying their RES all amounts legitimately billed by the RES but shall not be held responsible for any amount not paid by the RES to other market participants. 4.8.2 DEPOSIT FOR DWS The RES or Contestable Market End-user shall remit a deposit to the DU equivalent to one month estimated billing for DWS based on the historical demand of the End-user, or in the case of a newly connected End-user, based on projected demand and subsequently adjusted after one year of historical usage. Such deposit may be used toward unpaid bills. 4.8.3 PAYMENTS With the exception of payments that are the responsibility of the Enduser, the RES shall pay all amounts due to the DU, TransCo, WESM, Generators, or other Participants within the timeframe specified in its respective agreements or requirements. Failure to do so may be grounds for license revocation pursuant to the RES licensing guidelines and possible disconnection of the RESs customers. Failure of the End-user in the Contestable Market to make payments to an RES or the DU, when such customer contracts directly with the DU, may be grounds for disconnection. 4.8.4 FAILURE TO PAY AND DISCONNECTION RIGHTS OF THE DU AND THE RES In the event an RES fails to pay for DWS by the due date prescribed for the service, the DU shall notify the RES that service under the DWS agreement will be terminated in seven (7) days. If the RES fails to pay within 48 hours following said notice, the DU shall send a copy of the notice of disconnection to the RESs affected End-use customers. Prior to termination of service under the RES DWS agreement, the End-use customer must either acquire supply from another licensed RES or temporarily establish service as a SoLR customer to avoid disconnection. If upon termination of service under the RES DWS agreement the Enduse customer has not acquired service from another RES or the SoLR, the DU shall have the right to physically disconnect the End-use customer. Payment may be made by the RES to the agent or employee of the DU at the time of disconnection and the agent or employee shall desist from disconnecting service. In the event that an RES customer billed by the DU for DWS fails to pay by the due date, a 48-hour notice of disconnection shall be sent to the customer and the RES shall be informed of such notice. If the customer fails to pay the amount within the 48-hour period, the DU shall have the right to physically disconnect such RES customer. Payment may be made to the agent or employee of the DU at the time of disconnection and the agent or employee shall desist from disconnecting service.
In the event that an RES customer fails to pay the RES for services rendered by the due date, the RES may send a 48-hour notice of disconnection to the customer and the DU shall be informed of such notice. If the customer fails to pay the amount within the 48-hour period, the RES shall have the right to request that the DU disconnect the RES customer, and the DU shall execute such request within 24 hours. Payment may be made to the agent or employee of the RES at the time of disconnection and the agent or employee of the RES shall advise the agent or employee of the DU to desist from disconnecting service. Any disconnection performed pursuant to this section is without prejudice to any charges, interest, or penalties legally imposed. 4.8.5 CONTESTABLE END-USER COMPLAINTS AND DISPUTES Any End-user in the contestable market with a complaint or dispute related to service and billing shall be the responsibility of the RES serving that End-user. 4.9 GENERATOR WHEELING IN THE DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM 4.9.1 DU RESPONSIBILITIES A DU shall make available at non-discriminatory terms and conditions unbundled DWS to generators that seek to wheel power into, out of, or through the distribution system. 4.9.2 GENERATOR RESPONSIBILITIES A generator connected to the distribution system that seeks to wheel power out of the distribution system shall pay all applicable DWS charges. A generator wheeling power into or through the distribution system shall likewise pay the applicable DWS charges unless those charges are paid to the DU by load-serving entities such as an RES or another DU. 4.10 WHEELING FOR ANOTHER DISTRIBUTION UTILITY 4.10.1 THE RESPONSIBILITIES OF DU AS CUSTOMER A DU shall make available at non-discriminatory terms and conditions unbundled DWS to other DUs that seek to wheel power out of or through the distribution system. 4.10.2 CUSTOMER RESPONSIBILITIES A DU that seeks to wheel power out of or through the distribution system shall pay all applicable DWS charges unless those charges are paid to the DU by a generator or other load-serving entities such as an RES.
GENERAL The Commission issued its Uniform Rate Filing Requirements (UFR) on October 31, 2001. Since that time, ERC policy regarding the setting of rates by DUs has evolved, most notably with the implementation of the removal of crosssubsidies and the adoption of the Distribution Wheeling Rate Guidelines (DWRG). To further promote nationwide consistency in rate design for distribution service, the Commission sets forth these guidelines herein. These guidelines are intended to complement, not substitute, the UFR. The UFR remains in full force until such time as the UFR itself may be revised by the Commission.
UNIFORM RATE FILING REQUIREMENTS The Commission hereby incorporates the UFR as part of the DSOAR. All DUs shall adhere to the principles and methods set forth in the UFR, as may be revised by the Commission, as well as any principles set forth by the Commission in Decisions and Orders issued as part of UFR cases.
DISTRIBUTION UTILITIES OPERATING UNDER THE DWRG 5.3.1 GENERAL The focus of these provisions is primarily rate design under the DWRG; that is, the allocation of revenue requirements to Customer Segments and the conversion of the revenue requirement for a particular Customer Segment into the various rate elements paid monthly by the customers within that customer segment. The DWRG provides flexibility to expeditiously adjust rates between Regulatory Resets subject to a maximum average price (MAP). The MAP is a company-wide measure without much constraint on individual rate elements.1 The intent in granting such flexibility is to promote efficient DU operations; however, the Commission also intends to ensure that use of such flexibility adheres to the policies set forth in the EPIRA. Specifically, all DUs shall only charge rates that reflect the cost-based unbundled structure set forth in the UFR. At no time may costs or revenues that should be recovered from one unbundled function be shifted onto other unbundled functions. The rate design shall be free of inter-class subsidies. That is, costs or revenues that should be recovered from one customer segment shall not intentionally be shifted onto other customer segments. The Side Constraints set forth in Section 6.4 of the DWRG shall not be used to justify the shifting of revenues from one customer segment to other customer segments.
The DWRG, Section 6.4, sets forth Side Constraints for average prices charged to Customer Segments that must be adhered to by DUs. The Commission adds to that provision here with rules pertaining to rate elements.
5.3.2 GENERAL METHODOLOGY FOR CONVERTING AN ANNUALLY ADJUSTED MAP INTO RATES Adjustments made to a MAP during a Regulatory Period must be converted by the DU into new rate elements. This section sets forth a general methodology by which these calculations are to be made. The general formula for a MAP is similar to that found in Article 3.5 of the DWRG: MAP = (CR RBR) / CQ Where: CR = The amount (expressed in PhP) billed to Customers of that Regulated Distribution System, or other persons, for the provision of either regulated services, or unregulated services which utilize assets that form part of the regulatory asset base for that Regulated Distribution System, by the Regulated Entity that operates that Regulated Distribution System, during the 12 month period ending on 31 December.; Such portion (expressed in PhP) of the net income derived, during the 12 month period ending on 31 December, from each related business undertaking which is engaged in directly or indirectly by the Regulated Entity that operates the relevant Regulated Distribution System and which utilizes assets that form part of the regulatory asset base for that Regulated Distribution System (see Section 4.8.8), being a portion that is determined by the ERC pursuant to Section 26 of the EPIRA and that may vary as between such business undertakings but which, for each such business undertaking, does not exceed 50% of the net income that is so derived from that business undertaking; and The total amount of energy (expressed in kWh) delivered through the relevant Regulated Distribution System, during the 12 month period ending on 31 December, to Connection Points in respect of that Regulated Distribution System, such amount of energy: (a) being determined in a manner that is approved for this purpose by the ERC; and (b) as so determined being audited to the satisfaction of the ERC by a person that is approved for this purpose by the ERC. Consistent with the DWRG Position Paper dated December 7, 2005, the steps to calculate the rates for an Application Year are as follows: a) Calculate the historical revenue earned from each Customer Segment i for a historical year t (CRi,t).
CQ =
b) Calculate the average historical rate for each customer segment over CRi ,t the previous 12 months ( CSi ,t = ), where CQi,t is the energy CQi ,t consumed by each customer segment i (kWh), during historical year t. c) Compute the projected revenue for the next year per customer segment based on the historical rate and forecast consumption ( CRi ,t +1 = CSi ,t FQi ,t ). d) By adding the projected revenue for each Customer Segment, the total projected revenue for the Application Year, based on historical rates, is calculated. ( CR 20YR = CRi ,t +1 ) e) Determine the proportion of revenue to be recovered for each CRi ,t +1 ) customer segment based on the projected revenue. ( CR 20YR f) Compute the total revenue (TR) for the Application year by multiplying the maximum average price cap (MAPt) with the forecast energy consumption for the Application year. ( TR = MAPt FQt ) g) Allocate the total revenue requirement (TR) for the Application Year to each Customer Segment (TRi,t) based on the proportion of projected revenue from each Segment to the total revenue projected as computed under item (e) above. ( TRi ,t = TR
CRi ,t CR 20YR
h) The new rate element for a Customer Segment is then based on the revenue requirement allocation to that segment for the Application Year, using the same rate design as before for that Customer Segment, as approved at the time of the regulatory reset. Implicit to this methodology is the fact that a new rate structure or Customer Segment cannot be introduced during a Regulatory Period. Such changes or the introduction of a new rate structure can therefore only be made as part of the regulatory reset process. Changes in the rates, to account for new required revenue allocations to a Customer Segment, can therefore only be introduced by changing the quantum of those rate elements that already exist for each particular rate structure.
5.3.3 RATE DESIGN AND BILLING DETERMINANTS The billing determinants to be used for calculating the rates related to a newly adjusted MAP shall be updated based on the most recent data available and shall be the same rate design approved in the last rate case 70
or Reset Process. For example, if all distribution function costs for the residential customer segment were previously approved for recovery through a kWh charge, the same design shall be followed in the adjusted rates. That is, the DU cannot now change the rate design to recover such distribution-related revenue through a customer-month charge. The DWRG regulated DU may only propose rate design changes during the Regulatory Reset Process, unless otherwise ordered by the ERC.2 5.3.4 REGULATORY RESET PROCESS AND RATE DESIGN As part of the Regulatory Reset Process, the applicant shall include a cost of service study in which the total amount to be collected (revenue requirement) is functionalized and allocated to customer segments (this is the UFR methodology). The company also must submit its proposed rate design for each customer segment. This will establish the new charges paid by customers until the next annual adjustment at which time the methodology described above in 5.3.2 and 5.3.3 shall be applied. 5.3.5 MONITORING BY ERC Between Regulatory Resets under the DWRG, the ERC shall periodically monitor the rate design employed by the DU to ensure consistency with these guidelines.
DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM LOSSES Connection Customers and the DU shall handle system losses in accordance with the Commissions rules and regulations. An RES and End-users in the Contestable Market purchasing DWS from the DU shall also pay any applicable distribution System Loss Charge and shall not be responsible for procuring energy to cover distribution system losses. The DU is responsible for procuring all energy related to distribution system losses and will be allowed to recover such costs through ERC approved System Loss Charges, subject to a System Loss Cap.
PURCHASED POWER COSTS Pass through of purchased power costs of the DU shall be done in accordance to Commission orders and rules.
TRANSMISSION COSTS Pass through of transmission costs billed by the transmission provider to the DU shall be done in accordance to Commission orders and rules.
ARTICLE VI PROFORMA AGREEMENTS AND FORMS The agreements and forms provided herein only serve as guidance as to what the ERC may find acceptable. The parties to any agreement may as appropriate deviate from these pro forma agreements. Any deviations from the pro forma agreements shall be filed with ERC. List of pro forma agreements and forms posted separately: 6.1 Connection Agreement 6.2 Application for Interconnection and Parallel Operation of Generation with the Utility System 6.3 Agreement for Interconnection and Parallel Operation of Generation 6.4 Easement and Right of Way Form 6.5 Agreement for Meter Ownership and/or Access for Non-Company Owned Meters 6.6 Distribution Wheeling Service Agreement