MATSE 304: Homework Set #2 Due at The Beginning of Lecture On 2/3/12

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Homework Set #2 due at the beginning of lecture on 2/3/12

1. An electron is trapped in a one-dimensional energy well of width L with rigid walls. a) For L = 1 nm, calculate the wavelengths of the three lowest-energy photons capable of exciting electrons from the ground state. b) At what value of L will the energy gap between the two lowest energy levels equal kBT at T = 300 K? 2. Calculate the longest wavelength in the emission spectrum of Li+2 (gas phase). Explain any assumptions clearly. 3. A particle of mass m in a one-dimensional potential V (x) is in a state of definite energy given by 2 E= 8ma 2 with a normalized wavefunction given by 1 for x 0 xe x / 2 a ( x) = 3 2a for x 0 ( x) = 0 where a is a constant. Plot the wavefunction a) Find the potential V (x) to which this wavefunction corresponds. Plot the potential. b) Find x c) Find p 4. The expression for the y-component of the angular momentum in Cartesian coordinates is given by

Similarly, for y and z . (Hint: Start by writing down ( r, , ) in terms of x, y, and z. Then you can evaluate the derivatives in the chain rule equation.)

5. A free particle is in one-dimensional motion, subject to the boundary conditions (a) = (b) and . Determine (i) the stationary states of the system and (ii) <p>, when the

particle is in the nth eigen state. 6. Determine the probability of an electron being found within of 0.053 of the nucleus of a H atom in the 1s state.

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