Front Suspension-Rebuild

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The document provides instructions for refurbishing the front suspension of a 1969 Triumph TR6, including replacing bushings, coil springs, shocks, and steering tie rod ends.

During disassembly in Part 1, the wheel hub and bearings were removed.

Special tools required for installation included a spring compressor tool, torque wrench, tap and die set, bench grinder with wire brush wheel, and custom fabricated spring compressor tool.

1969 Triumph TR6


Part two-
Installation Procedures

Page 1 of 27
This “How I installed it” essay is presented as
general information and has been prepared by a
Triumph TR6 owner with very limited auto mechanic
knowledge. The installation procedures shown in
this document are not professional instructions and
are not intended to be such. The front suspension of
a 1969 Triumph TR6 was successfully refurbished
with these amateur procedures and I was not injured
during the process.

The following essay documents the installation

procedures used to complete the refurbishing of the
front suspension system as well as replacement of
the steering tie rod ends. Therefore these proce-
dures can be used also in refurbishing all or portions
of the front suspension. Specifically, the routine
maintenance task of changing out the A-Arm
bushings is presented. Also presented is installing
new coil springs, tube shocks and refurbishing the


DURING PART (1): DISASSEMBLY Again, the wheel hub and bearings are a separate
project and the “How To Refurbish” essay may be
downloaded at :

As mentioned, for the average Triumph owner with

limited or no mechanical skills such as this author,
rebuilding the front suspension on a TR 250 / TR6 is
a daunting task just looking at the Moss Motors
sketch. This essay is written for the Triumph owners
who might live in remote areas with no professional
mechanics available, no other Triumph owners
nearby or folks with limited budgets who cannot
afford the professional mechanics.

This essay is also written for the non-mechanic

Triumph owner who simply wants to enjoy restoring
the car himself or herself and take pride in their work.

UP FRONT: This is a difficult, time consuming, fairly

expensive project to undertake. Special tools are
required and you need good organizational skills
because hundreds of similar looking pieces are
involved. Don’t let anyone tell you it is an easy
project. It is not. But it can be accomplished and the
results will be neat and safe.
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Safety First:


The safety precautions used in the Part (1) disassem-

bly remain the same for the installation procedures.
Keep the chocks at both rear wheels and with
emergency brake on and car in gear.

I always work with two jack stands placed opposite

each other and an emergency hydraulic jack placed
in my immediate work area. I use a fourth redundant
jack when I am actually on my back, working under
the car.

I fabricated my own spring compressor tool from 3/4”

diameter allthread, hardened bronze spacer as the
driver piece, 4” diameter steel circular plate with a
1-1/4” threaded nipple insert piece. I drilled 3/8”
diameter holes in the plate and inserted 2” length
grade #8 bolts as centering studs. (Shown above)
You might see a scissors jack in several photos. I
used it as a working tool and not as a car support A spring compressor tool may be purchased from
device. several commercial sources and also rented by the
day from local auto parts stores.

The installation procedures require the same spring The compressed suspension coil spring is
compressor tool that was used in the disassembly dangerous. It contains much energy and can
procedures. This includes a 1-1/8” open end wrench seriously injure or kill you if not handled properly. If
with a long handle to torque the compressor tool. you have any doubts while using your spring
Additionally, a torque wrench is needed to accurately compressor tool, slowly place an additional jack
tighten all the fasteners. A tap and die set and a under the coil spring plate and slowly remove the
bench grinder with wire brush wheel are a must. compressor tool and start over.

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Because I have limited auto mechanic experience,

I use “work boards” to help keep me organized.

When I remove a car component, I label the piece

and carefully place the fasteners I have removed in
their approximate location relative to the piece. This
keeps me organized because most of the time I do
not know what fastener goes with which part.


Upgraded A-Arm bushings were kindly donated

by a fellow Triumph owner. My existing suspension components were in poor
condition with many layers of black paint and grease
and road grime. I stripped everything down to bare
metal and powder coated the primary pieces.

I threw out all the existing fasteners and purchased

new, American made grade #8 fasteners. This added
$95 additional project cost but I feel is worth the
peace of mind. Kits are available at lesser cost and
unknown quality. The savings is minimal.
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The suspension components of my car had been
coated with many layers of black paint, grease and
road grime. The frame was in the same poor

I used industrial grease remover, hot water spray and

finally paint remover to bring the frame to a bare
metal condition. I used rubber gloves and steel wool
soaked in cleaning detergent to remove the paint
stripper/paint . Finally a clear water spray.

Once the frame was dry, I brush applied a layer of

Eastwood Rust Inhibitor and let it dry overnight.

One of my steering rack tie rod ends was broken so

I replaced them both. The tie rod end is a good place
to temporarily hang the brake caliper while installing
the suspension pieces. I first installed a grease fitting
in the tie rod ends as shown above.

I then applied a first layer of Norton acrylic modified

two component epoxy paint- color grey. I allowed it to
dry overnight and then applied a second and final
layer of the Norton product. I chose a medium grey
color for my frame so I could more easily inspect the
various components and fasteners.

In the photo above, notice the brake caliper (blue

color) hanging by a white string from the shock
absorber tower. The brake caliper must be moved out Make sure you mark the tie rod end locking nut
of the way to begin the reassembly of the front before you remove the old tie rod end. I used white
suspension pieces. masking tape and red magic marker to keep things
lined up. Install the new tie rod end and tighten the
Note: I believe experienced mechanics remove the locking nut.
brake caliper and brake fluid hose during the front
suspension rebuilding process. This entails bleeding The front suspension installation can now begin.
the brakes when completed and I did not trust my
skills at bleeding brakes, so I worked around it.

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Load the two rear bolts and lock washers into the
fulcrum holes, outside of the wheel well. Carefully
slide the fulcrum and two bolts across the top of the
My priority for the reassemble of the front suspension tower with one hand while using the index finger of
components is to get the coil spring safely installed your other hand to guide one of the bolts into the
as soon as possible. To accomplish this task, I begin chassis threaded hole. Once the bolt tip is in the
by installing all the suspension pieces that form a threaded hole, use your free index finger and thumb
“cage” around the coil spring / shock absorber tower to rotate the bolt a few turns to “set” it . Use the
structure. I begin at the top and work my way same procedure to get the second bolt started.
downward. The first piece I install is the FULCRUM.

I took a photo of the fulcrum when I removed it during

the tear down procedure so I could install it again in
the proper orientation. This is rather critical because
the fulcrum can easily be installed backwards. You
don’t want to discover this mistake AFTER you have
the coil spring in place. The orientation above is
correct . The bottom of the photo faces exterior car
and the top faces interior car.

In my car, there is not enough clearance to tighten

It takes a bit of finesse to install the fulcrum. Four the two rear bolts with a 9/16” socket. On the driver’ s
each 3/8” bolts and lock washers secure the fulcrum side I was able to tighten the two rear bolts with a 45*
to the frame. The two in the rear are somewhat diffi- offset 9/16” box wrench. On the passenger’s side
cult to install. there is even less clearance and I had to access the
bolt heads from inside the engine compartment with
a 9/16” open end wrench, as seen in photo above.
Do not fully tighten the two bolts at this time.

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The front two 3/8” bolts and lock washers both have There is very limited space to install the A-Arm onto
good access and are easily installed with a 9/16” the fulcrum pin. First lubricate the pin and the
socket. Use a torque wrench and tighten these two bushing piece with a quality grease like red wheel
bolts to 24# to 32#. Use your best “feel” about 28# bearing grease. Next slide the first bushing half onto
on the two rear bolts with your wrench. the pin a shown below.

Next, lubricate the inside surface of the A-Arm with

Next to be installed are both upper A-Arms, bushings, the same grease and slide it onto the bushing as
thrust washers, castle nut and cotter pins. Each seen in the photo. Lubricate the second half of the
A-Arm is installed onto either end of the threaded bushing and push it onto the fulcrum pin and into the
fulcrum pins as shown in the photo above. opening of the A-Arm.

The entire assembly consists of the pieces shown Place the thrust washer and castle nut onto the
below. Again, I stripped both arms to bare metal, fulcrum pin. Begin to tighten the castle nut to drive
treated the rust and then powder coated them. the bushing fully into the A-Arm. Torque the castle
nut to 26# to 40#, then back it off to install the cotter
pin as shown below.

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The two A-Arms are interchangeable, with regards to
physically being installed onto the fulcrum. One
combination will yield an offset to the front of the car
and the other will yield an offset toward the rear of
the car.

In order to determine if I had installed the two A-Arms

in correct position, I dry fitted the upper ball joint as
seen in the photo bottom left.

A straight line from the shock absorber hole in the

tower middle to the bottom hole in the tower should
yield the upper ball joint offset toward the rear of the
car as shown in the photo. If the ball joint is offset
toward the front of the car, take both A-Arms off the
fulcrum and reverse them side to side.

Don’t tighten the two upper ball joint bolts at this

time. Leave the ball joint in place as a reference plus
it is now off the parts board and difficult to misplace.

My goal is still to build a cage around the coil spring

tower so I can install the coil spring.
The photo above is the upper A-Arm installed onto
the fulcrum of the passenger side of the car. You will
readily observe the two arms appear to be
mis-aligned with the coil shock tower. This effect is
because the two A-Arms are not identical. This goes
back to the importance of labeling the parts when
you remove them initially.

Driver’s Side Shown Above

The lower set of A-Arms is also slightly different and

not identical . Again this stresses the need to
accurately label all the suspension parts as you
remove them.

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A-Arm Assembly - one arm shown:

A-Arm cleaned; powder coated red to match car

1. Two halls of steel sleeve lined, upgraded bushing
2. 3/8” stud and lock nut to attach coil pan
3. 3/8” bolt and lock nut to attach sway bar link and
attach coil pan
4. 3/8” bolt to attach coil pan
5. Sway bar link mounting bracket
5a. Steel spacer for bottom side of A-Arm
6. A-Arm mounting bracket to car’s frame
7. 1/2” bushing bolt w/ lock nut

Both sides of the lower A-Arms contain a total of The first step toward installing the set of lower
twelve (12) threaded bolts. This is probably a good A-Arms is to install the new, upgraded bushings.
time to mention a quality thread tap and die kit. These are item No. 1 in the photo.

I felt it well worth the little bit of extra time to run a die The steel sleeve of the A-Arm bushing rides on the
down the threads of every bolt in my project. You will 1/2” bolt (item No. 7 in the photo). I wire brush
be surprised how much dirt and bent threads arrive polished the area of the grade #8 bolt where
right from the supplier. I also used a tap to clean out movement occurs. This will greatly reduce the friction
all existing threaded holes in the suspension system. and extend the life of the bushing. Remember, you do
not want threads inside the bushing steel sleeve.
Besides, nice clean threaded bolts go into place ever
so much smoother and faster.

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I Once the bushings and steel sleeve are in proper

assembled the lower A-Arms and mounting brackets working order, insert the A-Arm and new bushings
outside of the car, in order to install as a one piece into the mounting bracket. I coated the bearing
unit. surface of the polished thru-bolt with red wheel
bearing grease, prior to pushing it through the mount-
First I polished the A-Arm inside where the new ing bracket and bushing steel sleeve. It will probably
bushings would be inserted. I began with 220# wet take a bit of effort to get the lower A-Arm assembly
paper and completed the polishing with 800# wet into the mounting bracket. I used liberal amounts of
paper. I cleaned the inside surface with clear water wheel bearing red grease to help slide the unit into
to remove any grit and finally a xyxol wipe down as place.
final preparation.

Now insert both halves of the new upgraded

bushings into the lower A-Arm. I used channel locks
squeeze the second half into place.

This next step might be important. Pick up the

A-Arm and new bushings and closely look at both
ends of the bushing. Does the steel sleeve protrude
beyond the edge of the bushings? Can you feel the
steel sleeve edge with your finger? On my set, the
steel sleeve was cut 1/8” too long and I had to grind it
flush with the bushing ends so it would not damage
the mounting bracket.

I next wrapped a round file with 1600# wet paper and

ran it through the steel sleeve to remove any burrs
that be lurking inside. After that, I lubricated the
bushing thru-hole with red wheel bearing grease. I
also lubricated the new bushings inside and outside CLOSE UP A-ARM, BUSHINGS AND BRACKET
with the same red wheel bearing grease.
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NOTE: In my particular TR6, the A-Arm mounting
bracket sits between two pieces of vertical frame
steel and there is NOT enough side clearance to
install the thru-bolt and lock nut. That is why I assem-
bled the A-Arm and mounting bracket as a one piece
unit. Your car might be different. Even if your car is
different, it is much easier to install the A-Arm into the
mounting bracket outside of the car.

During the tear down of the existing front suspension

components, the lower A-Arms were removed from
the cars with steel shims that slide over the two
mounting bracket to frame 3/8” studs. The number of
steel shims will vary in your car from none to several.



These steel shims are part of the front end alignment

process. It is important you keep these steel shims
with the specific A-Arm they were attached to. I kept
them with the proper A-Arm by loose fastening them
with a lock washer and 3/8” nut.

The steel alignment shims from my car were very

rusted and dirty. I was not sure how close a tolerance
they needed to be but I cleaned them up, removed
the rust and polished them with 400# wet paper.
Then I put a light coating of red wheel bearing grease COMPLETED LOWER A-ARM (ONE SIDE)
on each shim to slow down the rust process.
The lower A-Arms and alignment shims are now
ready for final torque and installation into the car.

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I found it was easiest to apply the proper torque to
the 1/2” thru-bolt assembly when I placed the lower
A-Arm on a clean towel. Spin the 1/2” lock nut finger
tight and then hold it from rotating with a box
wrench. Torque the bolt to between 38# and 46#.
Repeat this procedure for the second lower A-Arm.


The bolt missing from the middle of the right A-Arm

above is where the sway bar mounting bracket will
MOUNTING BRACKET LOCK NUTS be installed. The radiator side of the front suspension
is also to the right in the photo above.
After the lower A-Arms has been installed into the
two mounting brackets, it’s time to install both. The
photo above shows the two 3/8” mounting bracket
studs installed into the car’s frame and tightened in
place with lock nuts and flat washers. The torque
applied was 24#. The lock nuts are located on the
interior frame side and require lying on your back to
access them.

You can also see four (4) holes drilled through the
frame. This is why it was so important to mark which
holes were used when the lower A-Arms were
removed from the car. I used a stubby bolt and nut to
mark the original holes.

It is also important that the correct lower A-Arm be

installed into the frame. The lower A-Arm with the
sway bar mounting bracket gets installed on the
radiator side of the front suspension. This is another
reason I use a work parts board with everything
labeled. There are too many pieces to keep track of LOWER A-ARM W/ SWAY BAR BRACKET
and too many combinations of installs possible. INSTALLED

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The coil pan I removed from the car was in poor

condition, as can be seen above. I soaked the pan in
industrial strength cleaner overnight to soften the
INSTALL GREASE FITTING layers of grease and paint. I then used paint stripper
to take the piece down to bare metal. I used the wire
I ordered new ball joints from and they arrived without wheel on my bench grinder to remove the surface
grease fittings installed. If you are installing new ball rust.
joints and they have no grease fittings, it is a good
idea to install them.

Remember, the ball joints were installed dry fit into

the upper A-Arms? OK, they were. Now remove the
ball joint and drill a 3/16” hole near the center of the
top. Now tap a 1/4” UNF thread into the hole. Screw
in the new grease fitting. Reinstall the ball joint into
the upper A-Arm but do not torque the bolts at this

Note: You may also do this task BEFORE you begin

the project. This is where I had the task scheduled on
my parts board.

Now back to the task at hand. I am building a protec-

tion cage from suspension pieces so I can install the
coil spring in a safe manner. I have installed the
upper and lower A-Arms and dry fit the ball joint. Once cleaned up, I laid down a primer coat of
Eastwood Rust Inhibitor and two coats of Norton two
Now I will install a key piece that will contain the component acrylic modified epoxy paint. I then ran a
energy stored in the coil spring. I next installed the 3/8” UNF die over the four (4) shock absorber mount-
coil spring pan. The sequence of the coil spring pan ing bracket studs. The coil pan shown above is the
bolts and studs is very important in my concept of the seating surface for the coil spring. The shock stud
front suspension installation. threads are on the reverse side.

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As viewed looking up from floor level.
1. Loctite Blue
The coil spring pan is installed onto the BOTTOM 2. 3/8” UNF , grade #8 nut
side of the lower A-Arms with three 3/8” thru-bolts 3. 3/8” UNF, brass driver nut
and lock nuts, two studs and lock nuts and the thru-
bolt of the sway bar mounting bracket. The shock The 3/8” studs and nuts in the lower A-Arms are
absorber assembly is installed onto four (4) 3/8” very close to the car’s frame. They cannot be
studs and held in place by four (4) lock nuts , as removed when the coil spring is installed in the car
seen in the center portion of the coil spring pan because the downward pressure of the spring forces
above. the A-Arm to rotate downward and the stud and nut
come into close contact with the frame.

I removed both existing studs, cleaned them up with

a 3/8” UNF die and then cleaned the threads in the
A-Arm with a 3/8” UNF tap. It is possible to install the
studs too deeply into the A-Arm and not have enough
threads to properly tighten the lock nut that secures
the rear portion of the spring pan .

I dry fit the spring pan onto the A-Arms and finger
tightened the stud. I then wrapped a piece of white
tape around the 3/8” UNF stud when I had enough
threads remaining to fully torque the lock nut.

Then I took the spring pan back off, covered the stud
threads with Loctite Blue, threaded a 3/8” UNF nut
where my white tape ended and then threaded a
brass driver nut onto the stud. I installed the stud to
proper depth and torqued it to 26#. I then removed
both nuts and let the Loctite Blue set up for a few
Coil spring pan / lower A-Arm orientation hours.

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The coil spring pan is probably the most critical piece,

in terms of ease of installation of the coil spring. The
spring pan installs on the bottom side of the two lower
A-Arm as seen in the previous photos. The coil spring
is seated on the top surface of the spring pan, as
seen in the photo in the upper right on this page.

Once the coil spring pan is connected to the lower

A-Arms, rotate the entire assembly downward as far
as it will move. Photo above shows position.

Install the top and bottom coil spring seats onto the
coil spring. With a little bit of effort, insert the coil
spring and seats onto the spring pan and into the coil
spring tower as shown in the photo below.

This next step is important that you get it correct.

The rear of the spring pan is attached to the lower
A-Arms with lock nuts onto the two 3/8” UNF studs.
The lower A-Arm must be rotated into an almost verti-
cal position to install and tighten these two rear lock
nut. On my car, it impossible to access these lock
nuts with the spring plate in normal position.

Install the rear lock nut and finger tighten it for now.
You can also see in the photo above, the middle 3/8”
thru-bolt is beginning to center into the second
fastener hole on the spring plate.

Rotate the second A-Arm until you can install the

second rear locknut on the A-Arm stud. Finger tighten
this lock nut also.

Now it should be possible to align the spring pan and

both A-Arms so the all the 3/8” thru-bolts can be
installed. Finger tighten the lock nuts for now.

The spring pan is now “dry fit” and ready for final Now we will prepare the trunnion and vertical link.
tightening. Torque the rear lock nut to 24# to 32#.

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The trunnion on each front wheel is an interest-
ing piece of engineering. It allows movement
along two axis only. Up and down for bumps
and a radial motion for wheel turning. For me ,
as a non-mechanic car owner, I wonder why
Triumph did not install ball joints instead of
trunnions with so many pieces.

Trunnion prior to removal

Wet Polish Thrust Washers
The trunnion assembly on Triumph cars requires
some degree of routine maintenance. The
trunnions on my car do not appear to have
received any maintenance by the previous
owner for many years; perhaps decades..

When all the crud is removed, the trunnion

shown above is a hollow, threaded brass casting
with series of washers, thin rubber gaskets,
metal containment end pieces and bushings of
rubber or upgraded materials on either side of
the casting. A 1/2” bolt and castle nut secures
the pieces. Wet Polish and Power Wire Brush

I took the trunnion assembly down to individual

pieces and cleaned everything. All the pieces of
the trunnion assembly seem to require some
degree of movement so I polished all the pieces
as smooth as I could. I used #400 and #800 wet
paper, 000 steel wool and a wire brush attach-
ment on my bench grinder.

The photo above is one half of a bushing pair,

one end cap and one rubber gasket. The 1/2”
bolt holds two thrust washers. I lubricated all
pieces with red wheel bearing grease.
Trunnion Degreased to show Details
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The trunnions unscrew from the vertical link without

great effort. Both trunnions on my 1969 TR6 had
been improperly installed and were filled with dried,
caked grease. I removed all the grease with Q-tips
and grease remover. ( kitchen dish washer also!)

Next I cleaned the outside with a bench grinder wire

TRUNNION AND VERTICAL LINK brush wheel and finished with 000 steel wool. I
coated the outside with three layers of clear polyure-
Each front wheel suspension has a trunnion assem- thane spray. Trunnions clean up very nicely.
bly. The trunnions are cast bronze and attach on to
the bottom of the vertical link by very wide threads. As per Bentley, I filled each trunnion 1/3 full of gear
The large, 1/2” diameter bolt, bushings, end caps, oil and threaded the trunnion onto the vertical link
etc. pass thru both bottom A-Arms with the trunnion until it was almost snug with the seal (black band
centered in the middle. below). Then I backed it off the threads to it’s working
position as shown below. Don’t forget the “stop
sleeve”, lock washer and 5/16” bolt. Torque to 18#.


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Now we install the suspension Coil Spring (5)

1. Small
hydraulic jack 5. Suspension coil spring
2. Trunnion assembly 6. Spring compressor tool
3. Coil spring support pan (Shock absorber goes here)
4. Lower A-Arms (2 each) 7.Upper A-Arms (2 each)
8. Upper ball joint

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The photo above shows my coil spring compression

tool in place, as seen from the bottom of the coil
support pan. The large 3/4” nut is the driver used to
compress the coil spring.

Once you have your coil spring tool in place, be sure

that the top and bottom coil spring pads are in proper
position. The photo in the lower left of this page
After the trunnion has been refurbished it is time to shows the top spring pad in proper position.
compress the coil spring. This step requires the use
of the coil spring compression tool. The coil spring is not yet under compression or
loaded. The compressive energy of the coil spring
The first step is to remove the upper ball joint that will be held in place by the vertical link arm that
was dry fitted between the two upper A-Arms. This connects the trunnion and upper ball joint.
will open up the work area for access with tools and

Next, install whatever spring compression tool you Place a small jack under the front lip of the coil spring
are using. The photo above shows my model of support pan and pump until the pan just begins to
compression tool in place and ready to use. move upward. Now tighten the large 3/4” driving nut.

Pump the jack upward 1/4” , stop, now tighten the

tool driving nut the same 1/4”. The spring compres-
sion tool is your safety net while the coil spring in
being loaded.

Continue this 1/4” step procedure until the coil spring

is compressed enough that you are able to dry fit the
upper ball joint and vertical link with trunnion tempo-
rarily removed. Always making sure the top and
bottom spring pads are in correct position.

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I temporarily removed the trunnion for the spring
compression and dry fit process simply to save time.
The trunnion fit between the two lower A-Arms is
very tight. As seen below left , the upper ball joint is
installed with finger tightened bolts and lock nuts.

The vertical steering link is attached to the ball joint

with the lock nut finger tightened also. I switched to a
scissors jack at this point to give me more load
bearing surface area. The jack must remain in place
until the shock absorber is installed.


The photo above shows the hydraulic jack I used to

raise the coil spring pan in 1/4” increments. I tight-
ened the compression tool in equal 1/4” increments. In preparation of the bushing installations, a final
The photo above shows two lower A-Arms in approxi- cleaning of the bushing holes with fine file and #400
mate position to dry fit the vertical link to the upper wet paper, 000 steel wool and xylol wash.
ball joint.
The trunnion is easiest to install in it’s final position by
first installing the bushings into both lower A-Arms.
Red wheel bearing grease helps the bushings slide
into place. I used channel locks to press the bushing
halves together.


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Pushing the 9/16” fastener bolt through the many

pieces of trunnion assembly will test your patience
for sure. I first pushed the bolt through the A-Arms
I covered all the pieces with red wheel bearing
with no bushings caps, rubber gaskets or thrust
grease to help things slide together more easily.
washers. This set the correct alignment for me. I
then backed out the 9/16” bolt and threaded it thru
the trunnion pieces as seen above.


Torque castle nut to 58#; back off one flat to install

cotter pin.

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1. Two 3/8” bolts and lock nuts secure the

ball joint between the two upper A-Arms.
The bolts are installed 180* rotated as
shown. Torque both lock nuts to 28#.

2. The vertical link is attached to the ball

joint 1/2” threaded stud with a washer and
lock nut combination as shown above.
Torque the lock nut to 48#


The front suspension rebuild of this wheel

is now about 80% completed and the coil
spring is installed and under compression.

The coil spring compression tool and jack can now be Now is an excellent time to sit back and admire the
removed safely. Remove the spring compression tool progress made. The most difficult and dangerous
first because this step requires putting your fingers tasks have been completed. Hopefully not too much
inside the coil spring. Now remove the jack and the blood has been spilled and no broken bones are in
coil spring will push the entire assembly downward evidence.
until the spring attains stasis.
I took this opportunity to visually inspect every
Well, I’m thinking not too shabby for a non-mechanic fastener and to test every fastener with my torque
TR6 owner. It sure looks a whole lot better than when wrench. I also cleaned and organized my tools and
I started. And it LOOKS safer and more sturdy as cleaned my work area.
well. I hope it drives better.
The next procedure is installing the shock absorber
inside the coil spring.

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The shock absorber has one threaded end (blue)

and the opposite end contains a bushing where a
7/16” bolt will pass through (yellow end).

The shock absorber installs through the bottom

opening of the coil support pan as seen directly
below. The shock absorber passes inside the coil
spring and fastens between the upper A-Arms as
seen below right. Finger tighten the two nuts onto the
exposed threads.

Next install the two shock absorber mounting brack-

ets onto the four (4) each 3/8” spring pan studs with
grade #8 plain washers and lock nuts. Finger tighten
for now.

Pull the bottom of the shock absorber downward until

the holes in the mounting brackets line up with the
bushing hole in the shock bottom. Insert the 7/16”
bolt, washer and lock nut. Finger tighten for now.

Once everything is installed finger tight ; final torque

the four (4) 3/8” lock nuts to 24# and the 7/16” lock
nut to 56#.

Tighten one top nut on the shock absorber until the

threads and nut both rotate. Then install the second
nut to lock the first one in place.

The shock absorber assembly is now completed.

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Ream both steel spacers with a 1/4” round file

and #400 wet paper. Both spacers in both sides
of my front suspension were heavily rusted on
the inside. I used Naval jelly to soften the rust
and then reamed each spacer with 14”” round
file. I then polished the inside with #400 wet

1. Brake Caliper mounting plate The brake mounting plate fits/installs over the
2. Tie rod steering arm link stub axle and vertical link assemble as shown
3. Steel spacers (2) below. The steering arm installs from behind
with the two spacer locations being obvious.

The brake caliper is held in place with two (2)

7/16” bolts. Clean both threads with a tap.
(photo taken prior to powder coating)

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CLOSE UP VERTICAL LINK W/ SPACER The brake caliper plate is held in place with four
(4 ea.) 3/8” UNF bolts- indicated by the No. 1 in
Slide the brake caliper mounting plate over the stub the photo above.
axle until it is snug against the vertical link. Next align
the four holes for the 3/8” thru-bolts. The two longer Two (2 ea) tab washers are installed between
3/8” bolts fit through the top two holes while the two the bolt heads and face of the brake caliper
shorter 3/8” bolts fit into the bottom two holes. mounting plate. The two tab washers are
installed vertically as shown above and span
I installed anti-seize compound inside both steel between the upper and lower 3/8” UNF bolts.
spacers and on the bolt shaft section inside the
Each tab washer has a bend able, rectangular
tab on either end. The tabs will bend upward
onto the flat face of the individual bolts.

Insert the four (4 ea) 3/8” UNF bolts through tab

washers and continuing through the brake caliper
mounting plate. The two bottom bolts are shorter
and I installed the two lock nuts finger tight to
hold everything together before I installed the
steering arm.

Push the two top, longer 3/8” bolts through the

steel spacers and then through the two bolt holes
in the steering arm. Install two lock nuts on the
upper 3/8 bolts and begin to torque the four bolts
in similar fashion to tire lug nuts. When each bolt
is torqued to about 26 pounds, slowly add
additional torque until the tabs of the tab washer
line up exactly with a flat on the individual 3/8”
DRY FIT READY TO TORQUE BOLTS. bolt head. Now bend upward each tab onto the
STEERING ARM AND TIE ROD END SHOWN bolt. I used a hammer a flat end screw driver.

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After the brake caliper plate and steering arm have

been installed, it is now time to install both links.

The steering arm is held in place to the tie rod end,

ball joint 7/16” UNF stud with a washer and lock nut
as shown by No.1 in the photo above. Torque the
7/16” nut to between 30# to 38 #.

The sway bar ball joint link is a bit tricky to install due
to tension within the sway bar. I found it easiest to
dry fit the saw bar link to the sway bar and finger
tighten the lock nut. No. 3 above

Then I used a small hydraulic jack to lift the sway bar

end and ball joint link to a position where I could
push the 7/16” UNF ball joint link through the bolt
hole of mounting bracket on the lower A-arm. A
washer and 7/16” lock nut (No 2 above) completes
the dry fit of the sway bar and link.

Next torque the 7/16” lock nut, No.2 , to 30# to 38#

Finally, torque the bottom 3/8” UNF stud (No 3

above) 11# to 18#.

Author’s Note: My salt air environment rusted the

sway within a week. I took it off and painted it as
seen on this page. Installed with new lock nuts.
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The front suspension rebuild is now completed.

All that remains is to install the dust shield, seen

in photos left column), the brake disk and caliper
brake and the wheel. Installation of these final
front end components is shown in the
“How To”

Repeat this procedure for the other side of the

car’s front suspension. Once the second front
suspension has been installed, lower the car
onto the ground.

Take the car out for a short test drive at slow to

moderate speeds to load and stress the new
suspension components. Make sure you drive
the car over a speed bump or two and around
both right and left turns. You should be able to
feel a difference In how the car handles.

Bring the car back to your work area and remove

the wheels on both sides of the front end.

Place your torque wrench on all the suspension

fasteners and verify all the fasteners are tight-
ened to specifications. If some are a bit loose,
torque them to specifications listed within this

Reinstall the wheels, crank up the car and go

have a blast driving!

I hope this “HOW TO “ essay might be

A world of difference. helpful to other non-mechanic Triumph TR6


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