Dental Curriculum: BY Dr. Hossam A. Eid
Dental Curriculum: BY Dr. Hossam A. Eid
Dental Curriculum: BY Dr. Hossam A. Eid
Dental sciences deal with the diseases affecting the teeth and oral tissues
What is a Dentist?
A professional, licensed dental health care provider specializing in certain dental specialty and oral health education.
Clinical Services
Evaluation of medical and dental health history Identify oral or systemic health problems
Remove calculus, stain and plaque above and below the gum-line Apply caries-preventive agents such as fluorides or pit & fissure sealants
Clinical Services
Educate individuals or groups on oral health and health promotion Polish and contour amalgam restorations
Provide nutritional counseling Expose, develop and interpret oral radiographs
College Departments
I- Preventive Dental Sciences (PDS) It consists of: 1- department of Periodondics 2- dep. Of Orthodontics 3- dep. Of Pedodontics 4- Course Of Introduction of Dentistry and Behavioral Sciences