Maxums of Law 103 Pages

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A SELECTION OF MAXIMS OF LAW — AN ENGLISH VERSION — Compiled and Edited by CHARLES A. WEISMAN WITH OVER 1,600 MAXIMS LISTED UNDER 105 DIFFERENT SUBJECT HEADINGS BEING ALPHABETICALLY ARRANGED ‘Maxims are the condensed good sense of nations. — Sin J. MACKINTOSH, Law is a rule of right. — A Maxi OF Law. WEISMAN PUBLICATIONS Burnsville, Minnesota 1990 ion... Witnesses... |. Confirm .20 40, Exception |. Consent 2041, Excess . . Construction & 2. CONTENTS PREFACE .. MAXIMS OF LAW ABBREVIATIONS & BIBLIOGRAPHY... SUBJECT MATTER INDEX . Accident . .7 23, Continue, . Act, Acts, Actions 7 Discontinue |. Advice, Opinion BAe Comtracts nnn 7 25. Corrupt Act, Agent ~} Corruption Agree, Agreement wou 9 96, Crime, Criminal ACS sooo27 se 27. Custom .. 28 Anal, abrogate x Revoke n 2% “0 pce 12 99, Deceit, FraUd senna E ee 7 30. Deeds (Writings) ccou32 eee 1331. Describe, Define .. . Authority, Power 32, Doubt, Doubtful Benefits, Privileges .. 33, Dower Buying & Selling . 34, Duty Cause, Effect... 16 35° Boanomics, Bush 5 Certain, CertaiRy mmm IT 36 Equity & Civil Clause, PROVISION oun Practice: + Common Knowledge 37. Error, Mistake & Usage... _ ae ea ea 39. Evidence, Proof & Execution (Of Law) - Express, Imply... Interpretationnnumnn2l 43 ) 4, Fault, Blame, Guilt .......42 75. Legal Action & 45, Fiction Proceedings 46. Form of Law 76. Legal Capacity & Status 47, Freedom, Liberty . 77. Legal Rights iain 78. Malice, Evil, Bad 49. God, Divinity 79. Marriage. 80. Minor, Juvenile 50. Good Faith 51. Government .... er Name : 82, Grants, Permission... re eae An 83. Necessity, Necessary on. 78 $4, Homes, House . 84 Oaths ~ “4g 85. Partnership ... "49 86. Personal Rights . 50 87. Plea, Pleading 88. Precedent .. $8. Human Nature 56. Identity, Identify ST. Ignorance oon $8. Inheritance, Heir, Descent .-50 89, Presume, 59. Injury, Damage, Harm .....52 Presumption 60. Intent, Intention .. Ae — jae 91. Property Rights 61. Interpersonal roperty Rig Relationship... 62, Invalid, Valid, Void ........56 9% Punishment 63. Judge, Judges "57 93 Relation, Incident .. 64, Judgment, Decision vuuu58 94 Remedy, Recovery . ena 98, Rules & Principles Procedures of Law 66. Jurisdiction .. 96. Servant, Service 67, Jury Jurors 97. Similar, Dissimilar . 68. Justice .. ee ag 69. Knowledge, nan Understanding sunc6 9% Suits & Trials 7. Land, Real Estate 100, Time, Day 101. Truth ‘71. Law, Laws : 7 72. Law (Adherence To) .. pee en oreo 103. Wills & Testaments .. 73, Lawful, Unlawful . nate iNeee 104, Words & Meanings .. 105. Wrong, Wrongful Acts 201 (O)

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