Knighthood in The Church.
Knighthood in The Church.
Knighthood in The Church.
Isaiah had foretold that “His government would be on his shoulders”, it is
now clear that the Cross was his government or law of life. He had said that
anyone who was to be his disciples must take up his cross and follow Him. In every
Knights of this Order; I see a Simon Helping Jesus carry His Cross, I see in The
Knights of St.John International a Simon Helping Jesus carry His government on his
That Government is our participation in the mission of Christ. From the uniform
you wear the knighthood already portray you as a semi-military order carrying
swords as marks of courage and valor, not to fight the infidels but to defend the
altar of Christ, the Eucharist, the clergy and the hierarchy. The Maltese cross
worn on your left side near your heart calls you to everlasting vigilance at your
master’s duty post.
Yet today God is asking you a question for self-examination;
“Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? I answered, “Here I am Send Me”. {Isa:
6:8} Like Simon whichever way the Lord has used to bring you into the Knighthood
it is no mistake; the Lord Calls you into a participation in His mission.
And Jesus who began the Missions, said; As the Father sent me, so Am I
Sending you: “Go out to the whole world; proclaim the Good News to all Creation.
(Mark 16:15-20). Hence the obligation of spreading the faith is imposed on every
disciple of Christ according to his ability (LG, 17)
Hence the goals of Missions and the participation of the members of this
noble Order in the Missionary Works of Christ and the Church are;
1. To bring about in all Catholic Churches a fresh fire in faith, living their
faith and to share it with others.
2. To invite all people whatever their social or cultural background, to hear
the message of salvation in Jesus Christ, so that they may come to join us in the
fullness of the Catholic Faith.
3. To foster gospel values in ours society, promoting, the dignity of the human
person, the importance of the family, and the common good of our society, so that
our nation may continue to be transformed by the saving power of Jesus Christ.
So our aims must be: to believe, to share and to transform: as we are animated by
Our Participation
The major focus of Missions and your Participation as Knights is
To awaken an interest in the worldwide evangelizations in all sections of the
people of God, families, basic community, parishes, schools, movements,
associations so that each (Diocese, Catholic) may become aware at all levels of it
universal vocation.
This would necessarily include the task of promoting missionary awareness, the
education, information, and formation of our people. We must use all means at our
disposal to keep the missionary spirit alive and afire in them and above all
promote missionary vocation of all kinds at all levels among ourselves.
For it is only in the Christian message that modern man can find the answer to his
questions and the energy of persevering the heritage of faith in its untouchable
purity and of faith in preaching it to the people of our time in a way that is as
understandable and persuasive as possible.
In accepting this mission, everyone should keep in mind that the vital core of the
new evangelization must be a clear and unequivocal proclamation of the person of
Jesus Christ, that is, the preaching of his name, his teaching, his life, his
promises and the kingdom which he has gained for us by his Paschal Mystery. The
challenge of this call is – fully living and freely sharing our Catholic faith. We
must gain new impetus in Christian living making it a force which inspires our
journey of faith.
For such Pastoral revitalization and animation, the Valour, courage and vigilance
of the Knight are most needed in our time than ever. These must be our priorities.
Universal call to Holiness, the need for Prayer, participation – in the Sunday
Eucharist; the sacrament of reconciliation; a clear, honest dependence on God’s
help and grace, especially listening to the word and proclaiming the word in
Holiness and Prayer.
We must rekindle in ourselves the impetus of the beginnings and allow ourselves to
be filled with the ardor of the apostolic preaching which followed Pentecost. We
must revive in ourselves the burning conviction of Paul; who cried out: Woe to me
if I do not preach the gospel (1Cor 9:16).
So we have the call; we have the urgency. We have the means. We have the challenge
and it stems indeed from the life and mission of Jesus Christ our Saviour who gave
us the Church. To us though unlike Simon who was forced to carry the Cross we are
willingly putting in a helping shoulder for the Government of Christ. It is a rare
task and privilege given to us.
We are the Church, summoned today to a new evangelization. This evangelization is
the responsibility of every member of the Church. We are all involved by virtue of
our baptism and Knighthood which brings us dignity and responsibility.
Points of Participation
A. We have come to a time in our society when many Catholics use secular values
(values of other Churches) to critique the Churches teachings instead of using
gospel values and the teaching of the Church to critique secular values.
The question how do we create that kind of Catholic Community? That will ignite
the fire of enthusiasm in the Hearts of Catholics. Relying on the Holy Spirit, the
principal agent of evangelization we can be impel to become that kind of community
around the Eucharist, the Priesthood and the Sacraments.
Our Parish Community must participate in worship, receive the sacraments, care for
one another, and reach out to the poor and we must build a sense of unity and not
We must look to our Pastors and other Parish Minister to inspire us from the
Pulpit, to give leadership and motivation, it is only then we can see mission
animation as living and sharing this great gift of faith with fire. It means truly
accepting Jesus Christ and sharing him with others; sharing his life, his love,
his truth, his goodness, his values, his compassion and his integrity. As we
foster a deepening conversion to Christ in our own lives, we can joyfully promote
a new mentality, openness, a desire, a willingness to bring to the entire world
what we Catholic followers of Jesus Christ have to offer. This means being a new
Simon to help in carrying His Cross
2. Devotional Practices and Para-liturgical activities Devotion to Blessed
Virgin Mary, Praying rosaries, Sacred Heart, St. Anthony, Stations of the Cross,
to teach faith and express them.
3. Ritual and Symbolism of our celebrations -inculturation.
4. Use of schools and educational institutions’
5. Use of Health and Medical institutions’
B. Who are we to Evangelize?
1. The Active Catholics
2. The Inactive Catholics
3. The Unchurched
4. The Protestants/Pentecostals
5. The Non-Christians.
C. Steps to Animations
1. Becoming Disciples: your faith must be genuine. You can’t make disciples
until you are one.
2. Befriending People
3. Sharing your faith
4. Proclaiming the Gospel
5. Inviting others to conversion
6. Integrating New People into the Community
D. Employing the Charisms
In doing all these, a Sacramental Parish becomes Missionary.
In Conclusion:
To be Christians means to be a Missionary, to be Apostles. It is not enough to
discover Christ – you must bring him to others! You must have the courage to speak
about Christ, to bear witness to your faith through a lifestyle inspired by the
Gospel . . . The harvest is great indeed for a new missionary animation and so
many workers are needed. Christ trusts you and counts on your collaboration.
As we respond with generosity, may the Holy Spirit increase our awareness
deepen our commitment and strengthen our involvement in Mission.
Mary Star of Evangelization, Pray for Us.
1. S. Karotemprel (et al): Following Christ in Mission, 1995.
2. Martin, R (et al): John Paul II and the New Evangelization, 2006.
3. Ndiokwere, N.L. The Third Millennium Church,1998.
4. Dodd C, Called to Mission, 1991
5. Flannery. A OP, Vatican II Documents, 1988.
6. Unegbu R.O., Knighthood in Nigeria, 2002.
7. “Knights” The Modern Catholic Encyclopedia, 1994.