Orcaflex Orcina
Orcaflex Orcina
Orcaflex Orcina
A presentation to the SUPERGEN 7th Doctoral Training Programme Workshop Control of Wave and Tidal Energy Converters Lancaster University, LUREG, Room A74 Eng & Computer Rooms
by Steve Dalton and Sarah Ellwood, Orcina Ltd 26th February 2010
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1. About OrcaFlex - Overview 2. Capabilities for modelling offshore marine systems
1. 2. 3. 4. Companies using OrcaFlex to analyse marine RE systems Types of marine energy systems modeled Environmental modeling waves, current etc Example models
3. Current Problems and Some Solutions 4. How OrcaFlex can support SUPERGEN2 Marine Consortium and other RTD into Marine Systems 5. Way Forward
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1. About OrcaFlex
Our main product OrcaFlex is the world's leading software package for the design and analysis of a wide range of marine systems, including all types of:
Riser systems: SCRs, TTRs, hybrids, flexibles, umbilicals, hoses, bend stiffeners, bend restrictors etc. Mooring systems: spread, turret, SPM, jetty, etc. Installation planning with capabilities across the full range of scenarios. Towed systems: bundle dynamics, seismic arrays, towed bodies, etc. Defence, marine renewables, seabed stability and many other types of system.
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OrcaFlex- Visualisation
The GUI, visualisation and automation facilities of OrcaFlex are widely recognised as best-in-class, making OrcaFlex the most productive line dynamics environment to work with.
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Types of WEC devices include: BMD-Buoyant Moored device HCD-Hinged Contour device OWC-Oscillating Water Column
Types of TEC devices include: Tidal Stream Systems normally using Horizontal or Vertical axis devices. Others include oscillating (hydrofoils) or Venturi effects Barrages making use of head (potential energy) Tidal Lagoons (making use of potential and kinetic energy of tides)
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OrcaFlex 9.4a22: pretty Ochi.dat (modified 14:19 on 05/02/2010 by OrcaFlex 9.4a22) Spectral Density for Wave Train 'Wave1' 40
OrcaFlex 9.4a22: default Jonsw ap.dat (modified 14:18 on 05/02/2010 by OrcaFlex 9.4a22) Spectral Density for Wave Train 'Wave1' 140
JONSWAP and ISSC Spectra, Ochi-Hubble Spectrum, Torsethaugen Spectrum, Gaussian Swell,
User-Defined Spectrum.
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The above formula states that wave power is proportional to the wave period and to the square of the wave height. When the significant wave height is given in meters, and the wave period in seconds, the result is the wave power in kilowatts (kW) per meter of wavefront length
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where E is the mean wave energy density per unit horizontal area (J/m2), the sum of kinetic and potential energy density per unit horizontal area. PE=KE both contributing half to the wave energy density E, as can be expected from the equipartition theorem. As the waves propagate, their energy is transported. The energy transport velocity is the group velocity. As a result, the wave energy flux, through a vertical plane of unit width perpendicular to the wave propagation direction, is equal to:with cg the group velocity (m/s). Due to the dispersion relation for water waves under the action of gravity, the group velocity depends on the wavelength , or equivalently, on the wave period T. Further, the dispersion relation is a function of the water depth h. As a result, the group velocity behaves differently in the limits of deep and shallow water, and at intermediate depths.
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Most have not been fully successful due to cost, complexity, reliability and harsh environment
Major UK companies include the following covering the three main types of WEC device: Aquamarine (Oyster-HCD/OWC) AWS Ocean (AWS-III-BMD) Carnegie Corporation (CETO-BMD)) Finavera Renewables (AquaBuoy and Wave Buoy-BMD) Manchester Bobber (BMD) OceanLInx (OWC) OPT (Power Buoy-BMD) Consortium with Japan Pelamis wave, formerly OPD (Pelamis-HCD) Protean Power (BMD) Trident Energy (BMD) WaveBob (BMD)) Wave Dragon (floating slack moored OWC).
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OrcaFlex 9.4a24: Cockerell raft.sim (modified 11:55 on 06/07/2004 by OrcaFlex 8.5a) Time History: Pow er take-off 1-2 Tension 150
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OrcaFlex 9.4a20: articulated jetty - RMI version.dat (modified 00:28 on 05/10/2001 by OrcaFlex 7.5a34) Time History: Bow line 1 Effective Tension at End A 30
OrcaFlex 9.4a20: articulated jetty - RMI version.dat (modified 00:28 on 05/10/2001 by OrcaFlex 7.5a34) Time History: Float 1 Velocity 2.5
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Z 5m X
OrcaFlex 9.4a24: Fish model links.sim (modified 14:27 on 05/11/2007 by OrcaFlex 9.1a) Time History: Bow mooring Effective Tension at End B 1
OrcaFlex 9.4a24: Fish model links.sim (modified 14:27 on 05/11/2007 by OrcaFlex 9.1a) Time History: Link 1X Tension 20
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Example 8: Simulation of Wave Glider UUV wave powered device - Liquid Robotics Inc
Distance covered by Wave Glider (model-9b)
90 80
Horizontal distance in metres
0.2 0.1 0 0 -0.1 -0.2 -0.3 -0.4 -0.5 Time in seconds 10 20 30 40 50 60 glider
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Wave Runner -A new propulsion system for boats ditches the diesel?
Wave-powered boat finishes crossing A Japanese adventurer has completed a three-month journey from Hawaii to Japan in a boat powered by the energy of ocean waves. The 4,800-mile voyage, which began in Honolulu in March, ended when Kenichi Horie's three-ton yacht docked in Wakayama in western Japan last night. "The sea was so calm, and the weather was so great throughout my journey. That's why it took me so long," he said.
His boat, which relies on wave energy to move two fins at its bow and propel it forward, sailed at an average speed of 1.5 knots - slower than humans walk.
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ii) Pile Mounted: This principle is analogous to that used to mount most large wind turbines, whereby the device is attached to a pole penetrating the ocean floor. Horizontal axis devices will often be able to yaw about this structure. This may also allow the turbine to be raised above the water level for maintenance.
iii) Floating: Flexible mooring: The device is tethered via a cable/chain to the seabed, allowing considerable freedom of movement. This allows a device to swing as the tidal current direction changes with the tide.
Rigid mooring: The device is secured into position using a fixed mooring system, allowing minimal leeway.
Floating structure: This allows several turbines to be mounted to a single platform, which can move in relation to changes in sea level. iv) Hydrofoil Inducing Downforce: This device uses a number of hydrofoils mounted on a frame to induce a downforce from the tidal current flow. Provided that the ratio of surface areas is such that the downforce generated exceeds the overturning moment, then the device will remain in position. ORCAFLEX can model most of these in simple up to complex sea states
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Z 20 m Y X
2. 3. 4. No 1 2 3 4 5 6
Z (m)
-60 -80 -100 0 0.2 0.4 Speed (m/s) 0.6 0.8 1
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= the turbine efficiency P = the power generated (in watts) = the density of the water (seawater is 1025 kg/m) A = the sweep area of the turbine (in m) V = the velocity of the flow
Relative to an open turbine in free stream, depending on the geometry of the shroud shrouded turbines are capable of as much as 3 to 4 times the power of the same turbine rotor in open flow. .[36]
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WaveBob (BMD))
Wave Dragon (floating slack moored OWC).
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Example 10: Simulation of a Towed fish to demonstrate PID control (of elevation)
OrcaFlex 9.4a20: E05 PID Controlled Tow ed Fish.dat (modified 14:25 on 04/12/2009 by OrcaFlex 9.2a24) Time History: Tow fish X -435
Towfish X (m)
OrcaFlex 9.4a20: E05 PID Controlled Tow ed Fish.dat (modified 14:25 on 04/12/2009 by OrcaFlex 9.2a24) Time History: Survey Vessel Z 6
OrcaFlex 9.4a20: E05 PID Controlled Tow ed Fish.dat (modified 14:25 on 04/12/2009 by OrcaFlex 9.2a24) Time History: Tow fish Z -85
4 -90
Towfish Z (m)
0 50 100 150 Time (s) 200 250 300
-100 -4
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3. Problems and Solutions Modeling wave power extraction devices will help engineers identify the best designs (MIT Dec 2009)
PROBLEM Ocean waves could theoretically generate an estimated 10 to 100 megawatts of renewable energy per kilometer of coastline. Several pilot installations already harvest wave power, and the first commercial wave farm began operating off the coast of Portugal in 2008, but has since been put on hold. Many wave-energy device designs involve floating buoys that bob in the waves to capture mechanical energy. The buoys bobbing motion acts like a piston, moving a magnet or activating a hydraulic system that generates electricity. Designs include large single-buoy units and arrays of units of many small buoys. Determining which design extracts the most energy from a broad range of wave frequencies that vary widely in time, and finding the optimal spacing and deployment of units present major challenges to widespread development of wave-energy extraction devices.
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Hydraulic and hydrodynamic testing at various facilities using: Small to medium scaled models Large scale and Full-scale devices being designed using offshore Oil & Gas standard codes & practice e.g. Oyster (Aquamarine Power)
Mooring systems (lines and anchors) are key to the design and implementation of most WECs Most WEC devices will have to be deployed in a series of arrays
Most WECs are still small to modest scale prototypes which require much RTD, especially predictive modelling and harshness testing
Some larger scale projects due for deployment and pre-commercial testing at EMEC and elsewhere over the next 5 years
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Deep water corresponds with a water depth larger than half the wavelength, which is the common situation in the sea and ocean. In deep water, longer period waves propagate faster and transport their energy faster. The deep-water group velocity is half the phase velocity. In shallow water, for wavelengths larger than twenty times the water depth, as found quite often near the coast, the group velocity is equal to the phase velocity. The regularity of deep-water ocean swells, where "easy-to-predict longwavelength oscillations" are typically seen, offers the opportunity for the development of energy harvesting technologies that are potentially less subject to physical damage by near-shore cresting waves. ORCAFLEX can model complex irregular wave trains and perform nonlinear structural response and rainflow fatigue assessment to these waves. However limitations include: No capability to model detailed design of power take off (energy conversion) No capability to model complex fluid-structure interaction Breaking waves and local shore effects cannot be modelled easily It does not allow for wave field or tide effects to be modified by the device
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Conclusions (1)
Marine renewables is clearly a very demanding and challenging field. The success or failure of devices being developed and commercialised relies on good design & analysis, robust engineering, deployment and rigorous testing. A range of devices are being developed especially in UK, USA, Canada, Norway, Portugal BUT Several large wave energy devices have recently sunk during being towed out to sea or have been destroyed in the first few weeks of operation or have failed due to poor reliability and durability problems. (e.g. Trident, Osprey, Pelamis). Therefore More rigorous RTD (research, design, analysis, testing & development) is required to avoid these sort of problems. More Front End + Detailed Design/Analysis + Testing is essential! There are a lot of similarities with modelling WECs and TECs compared to offshore marine systems e.g. coupled response, (as well as quite a few differences energy extraction, wake effects etc).
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Conclusions (2)
Main Advantages of using OrcaFlex as a FEED analysis tool !
Very effective tool for modelling offshore/marine systems Simple to very complex modelling of the environment and the system Rapid model building, analysis and simulations can be undertaken Both Passive and Active (PID) control is provided via algorithms and external functions. Full non-linear modelling capability is provided Very effective software tool for modelling FEED and for assessing and optimising the viability of global marine systems subjected to hostile environments
The software is widely used in the offshore industry and is well validated for this purpose However there are some limitations with using OrcaFlex to simulate Marine RE systems
It does not model energy extracted from the sea by the device Wake effects between devices are not easy to model BUT improvements and new features are regularly being added!
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