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Shielded-metal Electrodes

When you have finished this chapter, you should be able to: describe the types of arc welding electrodes name the different types of coated electrodes and tell for what type of work they are used tell how electrodes are classified As with filler rods, there are many different types of electrodes on the market. There are even more types of electrodes, however, because an electrode must conduct current as well as melt into the weld. For this reason, an electrode needs more properties than does a simple filler rod. There are three types of arc welding electrodes: filler metal in the form of a wire or rod, either bare or covered; bare filler metal; and metal with a thick covering for the purpose of stabilizing the arc and improving the filler metal. As a rule, bare metal electrodes produce a poor weld. The ductility is low, as is resistance to stress. This occurs because of oxidation and because certain elements of the electrode metal vaporize during welding. This chapter will discuss primarily those coated mild steel and low alloy electrodes used with shielded arc welding. Shielded electrodes make up about 80% of those used by the industry. Covered electrodes shield both the arc and the weld metal from the atmosphere. The

coated electrodes drag technique fast-fill electrode fast-follow electrode fast-freeze electrode fill-freeze electrode iron powder electrode low-hydrogen electrode


Welding Technology Heavily coated electrodes are made by a type of extrusion where the coating is forced onto the wire as it passes through a press. Another method is by dipping the wire into a liquid flux several times, with a drying time between each dipping. A solution of sodium silicate, gums, lacquers, and various glues are the most common materials used for binding the flux to the wire. The coating on the electrodes is either made of cellulose or mineral. The flux on some electrodes contains a mixture of both types. Cellulose coatings usually burn away to form a gas in the arc. These coatings are being replaced by coatings made from sodium silicate or titanium dioxide that do not burn away so quickly. Mineral coatings, on the other hand, are made of silicates and metallic oxides. Rods covered with mineral coatings produce a great deal of slag over the weld area, protecting it from the harmful effects of the atmosphere.
High cellulose content. Electrodes have rapid burn-off and deep penetration with this flux. Welds can be made in all positions, but they are usually used for vertical-down pipe welding and structural work. Usually, rods with this type of flux are used with DC reverse polarity. Titania content. Flux containing titania makes welding easier. The molten metal is supported by a thick, heavy slag, making the electrode suitable for vertical and horizontal fillet welds. Titanium dioxide is fast becoming the most important substance for mineral-coated electrodes. These are used on AC or DC machines with either polarity. Titania and basic compounds. Flux containing titania and added basic compounds (ferromanganese, sodium silicates, feldspar) have a more fluid slag that produces a smooth arc with medium penetration, suitable for all-position welding. They can be used on AC or DC machines with either polarity. Manganese, iron, and silicates. This flux consists of oxides or carbonates of manganese, iron, and silicates, making slag removal easy. Electrodes containing this flux are used in the flat position, usually with DC reverse polarity. Iron oxide content. Iron oxide flux gives low penetration resulting in lower tensile strength. However, the welds are smooth in appearance. Calcium carbonate fluxes. This is a low-moisture flux made of calcium carbonate with fluoride as limestone and fluospar. These are low-hydrogen electrodes, popular when welding high-car-

crater depth, the penetration of the arc and the speed of welding are all influenced by the material used to cover the electrode. Heat penetration, in turn, affects such things as annealing and recrystallization. The electrode covering will also slow down the cooling rate of the molten metal and influence the shape of the weld. Some electrodes contain alloys such as molybdenum or vanadium to improve the weld's physical properties or to replace elements lost during heating. In the earlier chapter on basic arc welding, practice welds were generally made with the same electrode. This all-purpose electrode was chosen to provide common practice experiences. There are many ways to change a welder's results. Earlier, different currents and polarities were discussed, to show how they affected the weld joint. Also arc length, electrode diameter, and welding positions were discussed. All these factors are very important for good welding and for correcting any mistakes made while welding. They might be called variables, because they can be changed. An important variable is the electrode itself. Because different electrode types (not diameters) have different qualities, a welder can choose an electrode to produce different results.

Electrodes with a flux around the wire are called coated electrodes. The coating may be applied by spraying, painting, or dipping in flux. Oxides and nitrites that would normally reduce the weld strength are partly excluded by a short arc, but the flux added to the rod further protects the metal with a gaseous shield. Manufacturers develop their own special electrode coating. Each type of electrode is manufactured differently because of the difference in the coating materials. A coating may represent as little as 1% of the electrode's weight. The coating may be applied by dipping the wire into a quick-drying liquid flux. This type is medium, or semi-coated.

Shielded-Metal Electrodes
bon or high-sulfur steels. Calcium carbonate fluxes must be kept dry. When iron powder is added, higher heats are possible with smaller electrode cores.


The main stabilizers in these coatings are calcium carbonate, feldspar, and titanium dioxide. To control porosity, a deoxidizer of ferro-manganese is added. Molybdenum or other alloys may also be added to the coatings.

Electrodes used in the United States and Canada are approved by the American Welding Society and assigned a letter, such as those in Table 15-A, and a number. The electrode

the flat position and for making horizontal fillet welds. The last digit indicates the current and type of covering on the electrode. See Table 15-B. When comparing electrodes, keep in mind that the wire in all of the above electrodes is the same, including the wire in the E 6015 and E 6016 electrodes. It is the flux that causes the different handling and deposited weld metal qualities. It should also be noted that the ability to stretch goes down as the tensile strength goes up. Therefore, a welder should not expect an E 80XX or E 90XX electrode to have the ability to stretch of an E 60XX electrode. (The X's represent all possible varieties in those categories.)

CHOOSING AN ELECTRODE Table 15-A. Electrode Classifications.

Prefix Letters The following prefix letters are used to indicate either a product form or a type of operation, or both: EIndicates an arc welding electrode, which carries the arc welding current. RIndicates a welding rod which is heated by other means than by carrying the arc welding current. ERindicates a filler metal which may be used either as an arc welding electrode or as a welding rod. ECIndicates a composite electrode. EWIndicates a (nonconsumable) tungsten electrode. BIndicates a brazing filler metal. RBIndicates a filler metal which may be used as a welding rod or as brazing filler metal, or both. RGIndicates a welding rod to be used in oxyfuel gas welding. FIndicates a flux for use in submerged arc welding.

number on the box means that the electrodes have met the standards set up by the AWS. In these classifications, the prefix E is followed by a number series which indicates strength level, position capability, and type of covering and welding current. The letter E designates "electrode." The first two digits, 60 for example, indicate the minimum tensile strength of the deposited metal in thousands of pounds per square inch. The third digit indicates the position in which the electrode can make satisfactory welds. Thus, the "1," as in E 6010, means that the electrode is satisfactory for use in all positions (flat, vertical, overhead, and horizontal). The "2," as in E 6020, indicates that the electrode is suitable for depositing satisfactory welds in

Electrodes are usually chosen on the basis of job requirement. A welder must look the job over carefully to figure out just what the electrode must be able to do. Within the selected group, an electrode should be chosen that has the physical properties and operating characteristics that the job needs. Special characteristics of other electrodes in different groups should be checked to be sure that all possible choices have been considered. If more than one electrode appears suited for the job, they all should be tried. One electrode may prove to be better for that particular work. Basically, an electrode should be chosen by considering these factors:
properties of the base metal position of the joint type of joint amount of welding required tightness of the joint's fit-up type of current available Mild Steel Electrodes

Electrodes behave differently in use. Fastfill electrodes deposit metal rapidly. They tend to be heavily coated, produce smooth beads, and leave a thick slag that peels off easily.


Welding Technology
Requirements for Common Electrodes.
Type ol Covering Capable ol Producing Satisfactory Welds In Positions Shown Type of Current

Table 15-B.
AWS Classification

E60 Series-Minimum Tensile Strength of Deposited Metal In As-Welded Condition 60 000 psl (or Higher-see Table 4, AS.1) E6010 E6011 E6012 E6013 E6020 E6027 High High High High High cellulose sodium cellulose potassium titania sodium titania potassium iron oxide

F, V, OH. H
F, V, OH. H F, V. OH, H F, V, OH. H H-Fillets.

Iron powder, iron oxide


dc, reverse polarity ac or dc, reverse polarity ac o dc. straight polarity ac o dc. either polarity ac o dc, straight polarity ac o dc, either polarity ac o dc, straight polarity ac o dc, either polarity

E70 Series-Minimum Tensile Strength of Deposited Metal In As-Welded Condition 70 000 psl (or Higher-see TAble 4, AS.1) E7014 E7015 E7016 E7018 E7024 E7028 Iron powder, titania Low hydrogen sodium Low hydrogen potassium Iron powder, low hydrogen Iron powder, titania Iron powder, low hydrogen
F, V. OH. H F, V, OH, H F. V. OH, H F, V, OH, H H-Fillets, F H-Fillets. F

ac or dc. either polarity dc, reverse polarity ac or dc, reverse polarity ac or dc, reverse polarity ac or dc, either polarity ac or dc, reverse polarity

Fast-freeze electrodes deposit metal that solidifies (freezes) rapidly. This is important where there is a chance of slag or weld metal spilling out of the joint, as in overhead or vertical positions. Electrodes which combine the characteristics of both fast-freeze and fast-fill are called fill-freeze or fast-follow electrodes. There is considerable difference among these types. Some are mostly fast-fill, others are mostly fast-freeze. Low-hydrogen electrodes are those with coatings containing practically no hydrogen. They produce welds that resist cracks under the bead and are exceptionally ductile. They simplify procedures on hard-to-weld and high-tensile alloy steels by reducing the preheat needed. Also, porosity is eliminated when welding steels with a high sulfur content. A low-hydrogen electrode will also help eliminate hot shortness in steels containing phosphorus. The iron in iron powder electrodes is converted to steel in the intense arc heat. When there is a large amount of iron powder the welding speed increases, the arc is more stable, spatter is reduced, and slag is easier to remove. Most electrodes fall into more than one of the above categories. For instance, an elec-

trode with high iron powder content is also probably fast-fill. The designations are general. 6010 and E 6011 (Fast-freeze) Joints requiring deep penetration, such as square edge butt joints, are welded in the flat position with the larger sizes'of these fastfreeze electrodes. They are used for galvanized steel because the forceful arc bites through the galvanizing and the light slag reduces bubbling while helping prevent porosity. E6010 electrodes have a high cellulose content in the coating, which produces large volumes of carbon dioxide and water vapor. This protects the deposited metal from the atmosphere even though the slag deposit is very low. In most cases, the slag can be removed easily with a wire brush. Since the slag deposit is low, the weld cools quickly, making the electrode easy to use in vertical and overhead positions. Sheet metal edge and butt welds on 10- to 18-gauge steel are welded with these electrodes while using straight polarity. This produces a fine "spray" arc with little penetration and excellent fill ability. They deposit a small bead on 10- to 18-gauge sheet steel with high speeds and few skips. This rod can also be

Shielded-Metal Electrodes sed on straight polarity for light sheet metal hile using very low heat. Since the quality of the deposited metal is )od, the electrode is used for structural steel 'ection and pipe welding. General-purpose 'elding is usually done with these electrodes, specially when most of the work is out of osition, dirty, or greasy. Deep penetration roduces the best possible results under these dverse conditions, with the added benefit of nly light slag. Since this rod is listed as E 6010, it should lave 60,000 psi [4216 kg/cm2] tensile strength, iowever, the deposited weld metal, unless itress-relieved or annealed, will probably lave a higher tensile strength. It may be from 55,000 to 75,000 psi [4568 to 5270 kg/cm2], or 2ven higher if the weld was cooled quickly. The elongation will probably be 22% to 28% in two inches. If stress-relieved, the tensile strength will be 60,000 to 72,000 psi [4216 to 5059 kg/cm2], and the elongation will be about 29% to 37% in two inches. In the flat position, a close arc with enough travel speed to stay ahead of the molten pool is required. In Fig. 15-1, the welder is

90 ELECTRODE ANGLE 15-2. Practicing vertical-up welding with the E6010 electrode.



15-3. Practicing overhead welding with the E6010 electrode.




The practice set-up for the E6010 electrode.

set up to practice a flat weld with an E 6010 electrode. Note the electrode position and safety equipment. The vertical position gives better penetration with a vertical-up weld, Fig. 15-2. Vertical-down, however, allows faster welding. For

15-4. Practicing horizontal welding with the E6010 electrode.


Welding Technology Although this electrode does not have the stretching qualities of an E 6010, it has a very useful place in welding because its heavy slag covers the weld, protecting it from the atmosphere. If the E 6012 is properly applied, slag removal is easy, leaving the weld metal bright and clean. Penetration is somewhat lower than the E 6010, but the burn-off is faster. This makes it economical for production work. Although the E 6012 is an easy electrode to handle, slag can be trapped in the weld, preventing root penetration, if the welder isn't careful. On large weldments and in cold weather, the first and second beads may crack if they are not preheated. The E 6012 is used extensively for building up mild steel shafts, sheet metal, fabricating structural steel, and general welding. Although the composition of the core wire is the same as the E 6010, the as-welded results are different. As welded, the tensile strength is about 70,000 to 82,000 psi [4919 to 5762/kg/ cm2]. Elongation in 2" [50.8 mm] is about 18% to 23%. After stress-relieving the weld, the approximate results would be: tensile strength, 65,000 to 80,000 psi [4568 to 5622 kg/ cm2]; elongation in 2", 24% to 27%. When practicing with either the E 6012 or

that reason, pipeline welders often use the vertical-down method. Practicing overhead and horizontal butt welds with the E 6010 electrode is shown in Figs. 15-3 and 15-4. These welds can best be made with stringer beads. E 6011 electrodes are made to be used with an AC or DC welding machine. They produce results equal to the E 6010 rod, which cannot be used with an AC machine. The E 6011 rod can usually be used on any work where an E 6010 rod is specified. The amperage setting on a DC machine should be 10% less than that of an AC machine. E 6012, E 6013, E 6014, and E 7014 (Fillfreeze) The E 6012 electrode can be used in all positions. It is a reliable general-purpose and production electrode with a forceful arc and should be used with straight polarity DC, although it also operates well on AC. Iron content provides very good deposit rates. Excellent for low-current jobs, it resists sticking and produces a smooth and steady arc. The lowcurrent E 6012 gives minimum spatter and allows easy slag removal.

15-5. Using the E6012 electrode to practice forehand arc welding in the flat position.

Shielded-Metal Electrodes E 6013, forehand welded stringer beads should be used for the first pass, although on joints with poor fit-up, a slight weave is preferred. Either stringer or weave beads can then be used for succeeding passes with a %" [3.2 mm] or shorter arc. As usual, tip the holder in the direction of travel and move as fast as possible while keeping a desired bead size, Fig. 15-5. Use currents in the middle to high range. The E 6013 electrode is very popular because of its flexibility in operation. It provides excellent AC operation and is softer and steadier with less sticking than the E 6012 electrodes; however, it is somewhat slower. It is widely used on sheet metal when appearance and ease of operation are more important than speed. It is also used for general-purpose welding with smaller, limited-input, low open-circuit voltage welders. Spatter loss is low, and the beads are bright, smooth, and flat, with easily removed slag, Fig. 15-6. E 6014 and E 7014 electrodes contain iron powder, providing the best fast-fill ability of all the electrodes in this group. Many welders like these electrodes, and their main use is on production welding of irregular-shaped parts where some vertical-down welding must be done. The E 6014 is actually a slightly changed E 6012 and E 6013 electrode, but it has better physical properties with lower spatter loss. Also, the E 6014 will stand more heat and has a better rate of deposition. Joints with poor fit-up can be welded with the E 6014 and E 7014 when fast-fill electrodes (which would normally be used with good fitup) may burn or spill through. These electrodes are often used in general-purpose welding, particularly when only one or two electrodes will be used for all welding jobs. High-speed lap and fillet welds on 10- to 20gauge metals are done with these electrodes. On those jobs, fast-follow ability becomes important. The E 7014 electrode may be used on AC or either polarity DC with high currents and speeds. On thin materials, DC straight polarity is preferred, especially for fillet or lap welds. A higher inclination angle can be used on fillet welds to help prevent the problem of double beading (a thick, partially unfused bead). The E 7014 can be used with normal arc



15-6. A Tjoint fillet weld made with an E6013 electrode has smooth, flat beads, and easily removed slag.

techniques, or it can be used with the drag technique shown in Fig. 15-7. With the drag technique, the electrode is held at more of an angle and pulled along inside the groove. This electrode has very easy slag removal with very low spatter loss. It is used for many out-ofposition welding jobs, especially vertical down. E6015 and E6016 (Low-hydrogen) The E 6015 should be used on direct current, reverse polarity. It is very similar to the E 6016. The E 6016, however, can also be used with DC straight polarity or AC. The E6015 and E6016 electrodes were first developed for welding steels that cracked in the bead area when welded with ordinary electrodes. Steels that were then classified as hard-to-weld contained small percentages of chromium, nickel, molybdenum and other alloying elements that produce medium and high-carbon steels. It was found that hydrogen was responsible for the bead cracking in these welds. Therefore, the flux on the E 6015 and E 6016 electrodes consists of materials that produce practically no hydrogen when burned. With E 6015 and E 6016, high heats can be used with little or no undercutting and little


Welding Technology


15-7. The drag technique using an E7014 electrode.

spatter loss. Both preheating and postheating are recommended when materials likely to crack are being welded. Although these electrodes are all-position types, it is recommended that electrodes over %2" [4.0 mm] in diameter not be used for vertical and overhead welding. E 6018, E 7018, E 7016, E 6028, and E 7028 (Low-hydrogen) The E 6018, like the other low-hydrogen electrodes, depends on the flux for its capacity to weld hard-to-weld materials. The E 6018 is used with either direct current, reverse polarity or alternating current. Penetration is shallow, even when using a short arc with little spatter loss. E 7018 and E 6018 electrodes are similar to E 7016 and E 6016 electrodes and are for outof-position (other than flat) work. Iron powder in the coating gives high deposit rates, considering that the welding is being done out of position. The E 7028 and E 6028 electrodes have a high iron powder content that is responsible for the deposit rates and welder popularity of fast-fill electrodes. Yet these electrodes retain the quality of low hydrogen deposits. The slag cleans easily, and they are used mainly on flat and horizontal welds. These rods may be used with alternating

current or reverse polarity direct current. They should usually be welded using the maximum amperage that the job will permit, within the recommended range. Because they are low hydrogen, they should be welded with a short arc to keep atmospheric gases out of the molten metal. In practicing with these electrodes, drag the electrode lightly or hold a shorter arc, not over %" [3.2 mm]. A long arc should not be used at any time, since these electrodes rely on molten slag for shielding. Stringer beads or small weave passes are better than wide weave passes. When these electrodes are used in the vertical position, they should be welded vertical up with %" or %2" [3.2 mm or 4.0 mm] diameter electrodes and a triangular weave. A shelf of weld metal is built and, with a weave technique, layer upon layer of metal is deposited as the weld progresses up the joint. In overhead practice %" or %2" [3.2 or 4.0 mm] diameter electrodes should be used with a slight circular motion in the crater. A short arc is maintained. Motions should be slow and deliberate. The electrode is pointed directly into the joint and the holder tilted slightly forward in the direction of travel. Practice moving fast enough to avoid spilling the weld metal, although the slag will spill to some extent. Use welding currents in the

Shielded-Metal Electrodes


15-8. An old refrigerator converted to dry storage for welding rods.

lower portion of the recommended range. Low-hydrogen electrodes must be kept dry. They should either be used as soon as they are taken from freshly-opened containers, or they should be stored in a warm, dry place. Otherwise, they will pick up moisture from the air and lose some of their low-hydrogen properties. An old upright refrigerator with a small heat lamp inside will serve the purpose, Fig. 15-8. Electrode manufacturers and welding engineers recommend the use of an electrode stabilizing oven if X-ray quality welds with consistent physical properties are desired, Fig. 15-9.

E 6020 (Low-hydrogen) This rod should be used only in horizontal welding positions. Due to its extremely good finish and ease of handling, it is often used for fillet welding. The penetration is excellent, so the fit-up must be good for best results. Due to the excellent quality of the weld metal, it is highly recommended for work on vessels which will later be X-rayed. Larger rods can be used due to the high heat input, making flat welding faster and more economical. The weld qualities with this electrode are excellent, with little spatter loss.

E 6024, E 6027, and E 7024 (Iron powder) The E 6024 is either the E 6012 or E 6013 with iron powder added. It is a fast-fill electrode that works equally well on reverse or straight polarity direct current or on alternating current. It has been found that the E 6024, when used on mild steel for horizontal fillets and flat welds, gives a good convex bead appearance. Penetration is shallow and slag removal is easy. The E 6027 (the E 6020 with iron powder) operates well on alternating current or either polarity direct current for flat fillet welding. Either straight polarity direct current or alter-

15-9. Air)

An electrode stabilizing oven. (Canadian Liquid


Welding Technology holder tipped forward about 30 in the direction of travel. 6030 (Iron powder) This electrode is recommended for heavy flat welding only. The E 6030 is being replaced, to a large extent, by the E 6027 because the speed of the E 6027 is faster. The E 6030 will work on either AC or DC and provides excellent results when welding under X-ray conditions. The slag comes off easily, and the finish is smooth, clean, and bright.
70XX, 80XX, 90XX, 100XX

nating current is more satisfactory when welding in the horizontal position. The E 6027, E 6024, and E 7024 electrodes will all deposit metal rapidly. Their fast-fill might be considered the opposite of fast-freeze and is the most outstanding characteristic of this group of electrodes. E 6024 and E 7024, the heavily coated, iron powder electrodes, have high deposit rates, produce exceptionally smooth beads, and have a thick, dense slag that tends to peel off the weld. Operating qualities are the biggest difference between the two electrodes. Small sizes (Ys" to 3/16" [3.2 to 4.8 mm]) of E6024 and large sizes (7/32" to 5/)6" [5.6 to 7.9 mm]) of E 7024 have faster speeds, higher deposit rates, and smoother arc action than their counterparts. By contrast, small sizes of E 7024 and large sizes of E 6024 offer greater arc force, better control of the molten pool during arc blow or when the work is in the vertical position, and a flatter bead shape. The E 6027 also has a heavy iron powder coating and high deposit rates. Although the E 6027 has an excellent bead appearance, the bead is not quite as smooth. Its slag is crumbly and easily removed from any joint. The E 6024 electrodes penetrate lightly, so there is little pickup of alloy from the base metal. They leave high-strength deposits which are almost as crack resistant as those of low-hydrogen electrodes. With these rods, AC current produces the best speeds and operating characteristics. Reverse polarity DC may also be used, although it may cause arc blow and complicate control of the molten puddle. When welding in the flat position with these electrodes, use the drag technique and deposit stringer beads. The electrode should be held perpendicular to the work with the

Rods with 7010 and 70XX ratings are usually alloyed. The alloys are often in the flux coating where they will mix with the molten metal in the weld puddle. For this reason, a welder must maintain puddle control on outof-position welds for good results. It should also be noted that, even with the increased tensile strength, the ductility as welded is approximately the same as the E 6012 electrode. The tensile strength range for the 7010 is 77,000 to 82,000 psi [5411 to 5762 kg/cm2], while the E 6012 is from 71,000 to 82,000 psi [4989 to 5762 kg/cm2]. 80XX, 90XX, and 100XX electrodes are alloyed for special purposes. It is always safe to use the current and positions as recommended by the manufacturer.
Discussion Questions

1. Name as many electrode coatings as you can. 2. Tell what the numbers in E 6020 represent. 3. What factors must be considered when choosing an electrode? 4. What are the differences between fast-fill, fast-freeze, and fill-freeze electrodes?

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