Absorption Coefficient
Absorption Coefficient
Absorption Coefficient
G M Counter
Absorption Coefficient of Aluminum Foil.
Experiment No. 14
Object: To study characteristics of G.M. Counting System. APPARATUS: EHT variable (150 TO 1500 V) power supply, Geiger Muller Counter System,
radioactive sources in supporting blocks, a set of absorbers (Aluminum) Sheets of different thickness, G.M. Tube, Holders etc.
N N 0 e m s
ln N x ln N 0
A plot of lnN vs x is thus a straight line where the slope gives . Find for Al and Cu using Cs137 and Co-60 source. is also called as linear attenuation coefficient. The absorption of gamma rays in matter can also be characterized by mass absorption coefficient ( m). Eq. (1) then becomes
N N 0 e m s
where m is the mass attenuation coefficient ( m 2kg-1) and s is the mass per unit area of the absorber. The probability of interaction is given in terms of the total cross-section which is the summation of individual cross-sections related to the photoelectric effect, the Compton effect and the pair production and is written as The probability of interaction is given in terms of the total cross-section which is the summation of individual cross-sections related to the photoelectric effect, the Compton effect and the pair production and is written as
PE Z c PP (4)
The factor Z in the second term embodies the assumption that all the atomic electrons contribute individually (and incoherently) to Compton scattering. For gamma ray energies above K-shell ionization energy of the atom, the Compton effect is more dominant and for the purpose of the present experiment the first and the third terms of Eq. (4) can be neglected. The cross-section C is related to the absorption coefficient by
where ne is the number of electrons per unit volume in the material. Using Eq. (18) find the value of c (express it in the units of barn (1 barn = 10-28 m2). Compare the values obtained for Cu and Al and give your comments on the findings. Data : Density of Aluminum : 2.7 x 103 kg m-3 , Density of Copper Avogadro Number Z =13.
Radiation is emitted from a source in all directions. The radiation emitted within the angle subtended by the window of the GM tube is the only radiation counted. Most radiation is emitted away from the tube but it strikes matter. When it does so, the direction of its path may be deflected. This deflection is known as scattering. Most particles undergo multiple scattering passing through matter. Beta particles especially may be scattered through large angles. Radiation scattered through approximately 1800 is said to be backscattered. For Geiger counters, the fraction of radiation emitted away from the GM tube that strikes the material supporting the sample. It is deflected toward the tube window and is counted. A beta particle entering matter undergoes a series of collisions with mostly nuclei and sometimes orbital electrons. A collision between particles does not occur in the same manner we picture them in the macroscopic world. There are very little contact collisions, but instead the term, collision, refers to any interaction, coulombic or otherwise. (A coulombic interaction is an electrical attraction or repulsion that changes the path of the particles motion.) A collision may be elastic or inelastic, but in either 50 case the result is not only a change in direction but usually a decrease in the energy of the beta particle as well (inelastic). In the first part of the experiment, we will investigate the effect of the size of the nucleus on backscattering since this would seem most likely effect the number of backscattered beta particles. This can be determined by using absorbers as backing materials. Even though the metal pieces you will use are called absorbers, in this experiment, they will also be used to deflect radiation upward into the GM tube. To eliminate any other effects, the absorbers will be the same thickness but different atomic number (and thus different sized nuclei). In the second part of the experiment, you will use absorbers of the same
material (atomic number) and different thickness. This is a common experimental technique, fixing one variable and varying another to investigate each one individually Normally when we think of thickness, we think of linear thickness that can be measured in a linear unit such as inches or centimeters. However, in nuclear and particle physics, thickness refers to areal thickness. This is the thickness of the absorbers in mg/cm2. The absorptive power of a material is dependent on its density and thickness, so the product of these two quantities is given as the total absorber thickness, or areal thickness. We determine areal thickness with the equation: Density (mg/cm3) thickness (cm) = Absorber thickness (mg/cm2) (6) You will determine the dependence that absorber thickness has on backscattering.
Procedure: Part I Atomic Number Dependence 1. Setup the Geiger counter as you have in the previous experiments. Set the Voltage of the GM tube to its optimal operating voltage, which should be around 900 Volts. 2. From the Preset menu, set runs to zero and set Preset Time to 60. 3. First do a run without a radioactive source to determine your background level. 4. Next, place the radioactive source in the second shelf from the top and take data.
5. Place an absorber piece, or disk, in the source holder and place the source directly on top of it. 6. Repeat this for all of the various absorbers (different materials) including the unknown. (Plastic is poly-carbonate** Z = 6, Aluminum Z = 13, Copper Z = 29, Tin Z =50, and Lead Z = 82) 7. Record the data to a into a data table. Part I Thickness Dependence 8. Repeat 1-5 Setup the Geiger counter as you have in the previous experiments. 9. Place the source on a different thickness of the absorber and insert into the second shelf. 10. Repeat for at least three other absorber thicknesses and record the data to a file. Data Sheet for Backscattering Lab Date time: Run duration: . Element Thickness of Counts Corr. Counts % (Z) Sheet Backscattering
Calculations: Plot the graph between different thickness and number of counts.
Precautions: 1. While performing an experiment with one radioactive source other sources should not be present nearby. They should be put behind the lead shield. 2. Handle the radioactive sources with care. Dont touch in bare hand to the center of samples. 3. While handling the liquid radioactive samples please use hand gloves. 4. Dont put your mobile near to the detector. It may add some counts to the signal.
1. What is radioactivity decay? Radioactive decay is the process by which an unstable atomic nucleus spontaneously loses energy by emitting ionizing particles and radiation. This decay, or loss of energy, results in an atom of one type, called the parent nuclide transforming to an atom of a different type, named the daughter nuclide. For example: a carbon-14 atom (the "parent") emits radiation and transforms to a nitrogen-14 atom (the "daughter").
Picture: The trefoil symbol is used to indicate radioactive material 2. What is beta-decay? In decay, the weak interaction converts a neutron (n) into a proton (p) while emitting an electron (e) and an electron antineutrino (e): n p + e + e
3. What is alpha-decay? Alpha decay is a type of radioactive decay in which an atomic nucleus emits an alpha particle, and thereby transforms (or 'decays') into an atom with a mass number 4 less and atomic number 2 less. For example:
4. What is Geiger-Muller Tube? A GeigerMller tube (or GM tube) is the sensing element of a Geiger counter instrument that can detect a single particle of ionizing radiation, and typically produce an audible click for each. It was named for Hans Geiger who invented the device in 1908, and Walther Mller who collaborated with Geiger in developing it further in 1928. It is a type of gaseous ionization detector with an operating voltage in the Geiger plateau. 5. What is Geiger plateau? The Geiger plateau is the voltage range in which the Geiger-Mller counter operates. 6. Describe G-M tube? A GeigerMller tube consists of a tube filled with a low-pressure (~0.1 Atm) inert gas such as helium, neon or argon, (Usually neon) in some cases in a Penning mixture, and an organic vapor or a halogen gas and contains electrodes, between which there is a potential difference of several hundred volts, but no current flowing. The walls of the tube are either entirely metal or have their inside surface coated with a conductor to form the cathode while the anode is a wire passing up the center of the tube. 7. How G-M tube operates? When ionizing radiation passes through the tube, some of the gas molecules are ionized, creating positively charged ions, and electrons. The strong electric field created by the tube's electrodes accelerates the ions towards the cathode and the electrons towards the anode. The ion pairs gain sufficient energy to ionize further gas molecules through collisions on the way, creating an avalanche of charged particles. This results in a short, intense pulse of current which passes (or cascades) from the negative electrode to the positive electrode and is measured or counted.
Most detectors include an audio amplifier that produce an audible click on discharge. The number of pulses per second measures the intensity of the radiation field. Some Geiger counters display an exposure rate (e.g. mRh), but this does not relate easily to a dose rate as the instrument does not discriminate between radiation of different energies.
Extra Questions: 1. What is the difference between Proportional counter and GM Tube? 2. What is the use of quench gas in GM Tube? 3. Write down the difference between dead time and paralysis time? 4. Comment on the different statistical distributions? 5. How absorption coefficient varies with density?