Bulk Property Entanglement

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Crucial Role of Quantum Entanglement in Bulk Properties of Solids

Caslav Brukner,1, 2 Vlatko Vedral,3, 4 and Anton Zeilinger1, 5

1 Institut fr Experimentalphysik, Universitt Wien, Boltzmanngasse 5, A1090 Wien, Austria u a The Blackett Laboratory, Imperial College, Prince Consort Road, London, SW7 2BW, United Kingdom 3 The School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Leeds, Leeds, LS2 9JT, United Kingdom 4 The Erwin Schrdinger Institute for Mathematical Physics, Boltzmanngasse 9, A1090, Vienna, Austria o 5 Institut fr Quantenoptik und Quanteninformation, u Osterreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Boltzmanngasse 3, A1090 Wien, Austria (Dated: October 20, 2004) 2

arXiv:quant-ph/0410138 v1 18 Oct 2004

We demonstrate that the magnetic susceptibility of strongly alternating antiferromagnetic spin1/2 chains is an entanglement witness. Specically, magnetic susceptibility of copper nitrate (CN) measured in 1963 [1] cannot be described without presence of entanglement. A detailed analysis of the spin correlations in CN as obtained from neutron scattering experiments [2] provides microscopic support for this interpretation. We present a quantitative analysis resulting in the critical temperature of 5K in both, completely independent, experiments below which entanglement exists.

Entangled quantum systems can exhibit correlations that cannot be explained on the basis of classical laws. Since the birth of quantum theory, such correlations have been used to highlight a number of counter-intuitive phenomena, such as the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen paradox [3] or quantum non-locality [4] - the conict between quantum mechanics and local realism as quantied by violation of Bells inequalities. In recent years entanglement was realized to be a crucial resource that allows for powerful new communication and computational tasks that are not possible classically [5]. The existence of quantum entanglement is generally not seen beyond the atomic scale. Only very recently entanglement experiments were realized with increasingly complex objects, either by entangling more and more systems with each other [6, 7, 8, 9], or by entangling systems with a larger number of degrees of freedom [10]. Moving towards demonstration of entanglement at even larger scales will tackle the question on limits on mass, size and complexity of systems that still can contain entanglement. The usual arguments against seeing entanglement on macroscopic scales is that large objects contain large number of degrees of freedom that can interact with environment thus inducing decoherence that ultimately lead to a quantum-to-classical transition. Remarkably, macroscopic entanglement in solids, that is, entanglement in the thermodynamical limit of innite large number of constituents of solids, was theoretically predicted to exist even at moderately high temperatures [11, 12, 13, 14, 15]. Recently, it was demonstrated that entanglement can even aect macroscopic thermodynamical properties of solids [13, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20], such as its magnetic susceptibility or heat capacity, albeit at very low temperature (few milikelvin) and only for a special material system - the insulating magnetic salt LiHox Y1x F4 [20]. This extraordinary result shows that entanglement can have signicant macroscopic eects. Nevertheless, it is an open question whether or not there are macroscopic thermodynamical quantities that

are entanglement witnesses for broader classes of solid state systems. Entanglement witnesses are observables which have positive expectation values for separable states and negative ones for some entangled states [22]. Finally, a direct experimental demonstration of entanglement, in the form of a determination of correlations between microscopic constituents of solids, remains an experimental challenge. Here we show that bulk properties of solids can be entanglement witnesses. We use already published experimental results of both microscopic structure and macroscopic properties of the spin-1/2 alternating bond antiferromagnet CN (Cu(NO3 )2 2.5D2 O), to demonstrate the existence of entanglement in this type of solid. In the rst approach we analyse experimental results of neutron scattering measurement of CN obtained in 2000 [2] and show that they provide, for the rst time, a direct experimental demonstration of macroscopic entanglement in solids. The experimental characterization of the dynamic spin correlations for next neighbouring sites enables us to determine concurrence [21] - a measure of bipartite entanglement - and show the existence of entanglement at moderately high temperatures (as high as 5 Kelvin). In the second, parallel, approach we show that magnetic susceptibility at zero magnetic eld is a macroscopic thermodynamical entanglement witness for the class of solid states systems that can be modeled by strongly alternating spin-1/2 antiferromagnet chain. We then show that the measured values for magnetic susceptibility of CN in 1963 [1] imply presence of entanglement in the same temperature range (below 5 Kelvin). CN is an accurate realization of strongly alternating one-dimensional antiferromagnetic Heisenberg spin chain. The corresponding spin Hamiltonian is given by H=

(J1 S2j S2j+1 + J2 S2j+1 S2j+2 ),


representing pairs of spins that are alternately coupled by strong intradimer J1 0.44 meV and weak inter-

2 dimer J2 0.11 meV coupling [23]. This can be described by a model of antiferromagnetically coupled spin pairs - dimers - which are themselves coupled by weaker antiferromagnetic interaction. The model has a highly entangled nontrivial spin-0 ground state [24, 25] and for all 0 J2 /J1 < 1 has a gap of the order of J1 to the rst excitation, which is a band of spin-1 excitations (magnons). However, because here J2 /J1 0.24 [2, 23], it is useful to think of CN as a chain of uncoupled spin dimers. Each dimer then has a singlet ground state and the triplets are the degenerate excited states. The existence of the energy gap gives the rst estimate for persistence of entanglement for temperature range below T J1 /k 5K, where k is the Boltzmann constant. Next we describe the main experimental results of Ref. [2]. We will follow the discussion given there. CN has a monoclinic crystal structure with space group I12/c1 and with low-temperature parameters a = 16.1, A b = 4.9, c = 15.8, and = 92.9 . The vecA A tor connecting dimers center to center is u0 = [111]/2 for half the chain, and u 0 = [111]/2 for the other half. The corresponding intradimer vectors are d1 = [0.252, 0.027, 0.228], respectively. In the experiment the neutron scattering intensity was measured in the temperature range 0.31K < T < 7.66K (i.e. 0.06J1 < kT < 1.5J1 ) as a function of energy transfer and wave vector transfer Q. Count rates were normalized to incoherent elastic scattering from the sample to provide absolute intensity I(Q, ) = | g F (Q)|2 2S(Q, ). Here 2 2 + g 2 )/2 = 2.22 with g = 2.31 and g = 2.11 g = (gb b that show small anisotropy of g-factor along and perpendicular to the crystallographic direction b [23], F (Q) is the magnetic form factor for Cu2+ [26], and S(Q, ) is the scattering function [27]. The direct link between the microscopic structure as given by the correlation function between spins and the intensity of inelastic neutron scattering is given by an exact sum rule (the rst -moment of scattering cross section) [28]



TC~5.6 K


FIG. 1: The temperature dependence of spin correlation function S0 Sd1 for neighbouring sites in CN. The gure is taken from Ref. [2]. The open circles correspond to the temperatures at which measurements were performed, the solid black line were obtained from ts in Ref. [2]. The solid red line is from this work. It distinguishes temperature ranges with and without entanglement in CN. The critical temperature is exp around Tc 5K and 0.25 on the y-axis is the maximal value exp for S0 Sd1 achievable with separable states. For T < Tc concurrence is given by C = 2 S0 Sd1 (1/2) and has the same functional dependence on temperature as given in the exp gure. For T Tc , C vanishes.

Here = 1/(kT ), Q stands for expression (2), f (E) is a normalized spectral function and (Q) is the dispersion relation. Equation (3) represents the single mode approximation which is valid for suciently low temperatures [28, 29]. The dispersion relation is used in the variational form based on the rst order perturbation theory [30] (Q) = J1 1 2 Ju cos Q u, (4)

S(Q, )d Jd S0 Sd (1 cos Q d), (2)

1 3

where {d} is the set of all bond vectors connecting a spin to its neighbours, S(Q, ) is single site normalized and y y x x z z S0 Sd S0 Sd + S0 Sd + S0 Sd is the sum over correlations for three orthogonal directions x, y and z. The intradimer correlation S0 Sd1 between next neighbouring spins was extracted from the global ts of the following phenomenological form for S(Q, ) to the complete data set at each of temperatures (it was used more than 1000 data points per parameter): S(Q, ) = 1 Q f [ (Q)]. (Q) 1 exp[(Q)] (3)

where the vectors {u} connect neighbouring dimers center to center both within and between the chains. At T = 0.3K they used f (E) = (E) and obtained the global t with an overall factor and four exchange coupling constants (J1 , J2 and the constants JL and JR for coupling between the chains [2]) in Eq. (4) as the only t parameters. The t gives S0 Sd1 = 0.9(2) in agreement with the value of -3/4 for dimers in the singlet state. To perform the t at higher temperatures the spectral function was replaced by a normalized Gaussian with half-width-half-maximum () = 0 + 1 cos q , q 2 where q = Q u0 is wave vector transfer along the chain. Also, the dispersion relation (4) was replaced by the form 1 (Q) = J1 n(T ) 2 u Ju cos Qu, where renormalization factor n(T ) was introduced to account for nite temperatures. The prefactor for global ts at each temperature yields the intradimer spin correlations S0 Sd1 as given in Fig. 1. The correlations decreases with temperature increase due to mixing of the triplets with the singlet state of each dimer. We will now show that the values estimated for the correlation function can only be explained if entanglement is present in the solid. We rst show that | S0 Sd1 | is

3 an entanglement witness. The proof is based on the fact that for any product state of a pair of the spins one has
y y z z x x | S0 Sd1 | = | S0 Sd1 + S0 Sd1 + S0 Sd1 |

|S0 ||Sd1 | 1/4.


Here and throughout the paper we choose units to be consistent with those of Ref. [2]; spin is expressed in units of 1/2; = 1. The upper bound was found by using the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality and knowing that for any S x 2 + S y 2 + S z 2 1/2. The proof state |S| is also valid for any convex sum of product states of two spins (separable states): = k wk 1 2 with k wk = k k 1. In Fig. 1 the value of 1/4 for S0 Sd1 distinguishes temperatures ranges with and without entanglement in exp CN. The critical temperature is found to be Tc 5K. The reported error in the correlation function ( = 0.2 at T = 0.3K [2]) implies an error of around T 1K in the critical temperature. Within the model of uncoupled dimers the isotropy of Heisenberg interaction in spin space ensure that y y z z x x S0 Sd1 = S0 Sd1 = S0 Sd1 and concurrence is given by C = 2max[0, S0 Sd1 (1/4)]. Similarly, Bells parameter - the quantum value of Bells expression in the Clauser-Horne-Shymony-Holt inequality [31] - is given by (8 2/3)| S0 Sd1 |. It is higher than the local realistic exp limit 2 at temperatures below Tc . Apart from rescaling both the temperature dependency of concurrence and of Bells parameter have the same functional form as the correlation function in Fig. 1. The temperature dependence of S0 Sd1 in Fig. 1 is in a good agreement with a model of uncoupled dimers for which S0 Sd1 = (3/4)n(J1 ), where n(J1 ) = (1 eJ1 )/(1 + 3eJ1 ) is the singlet-triplet population dierence [2]. Within the model the theoretical temperature dependence of concurrence is given by C = max[0, (13eJ1 )/(1+3eJ1 )], as rst obtained in Ref. [11, 12]. The theoretical value for the critical temth perature Tc = J1 /(k ln 3) = 4.6K is in excellent agreement with the value estimated from the experiment. We now proceed with our second approach. We will analyse experimental results of a magnetic susceptibility measurement of CN [1] to show that the values measured at low temperatures cannot be explained without entanglement being present in the system. This will be based on a general proof that magnetic susceptibility of any strongly alternating antiferromagnetic spin-1/2 chain is a macroscopic thermodynamical entanglement witness. When the system is in thermal equilibrium under a certain temperature T , its state is = eH/kT /Z, where Z = Tr(eH/kT ) is the partition function and H is the Hamiltonian. The magnetic susceptibility along direction is dened as ( M /B) = (g 2 2 /kT )( (M )2 B M 2 ), where M is magnetization along , M = j Sj , B is external magnetic eld, g is g-factor and B is the Bohr magneton. Because of the isotropy of

the Hamiltonian in spin space magnetization at zeroeld vanishes for any temperature. This implies the following form for magnetic susceptibility at zero-eld: = (g 2 2 /kT ) (M )2 B=0 = (g 2 2 /kT ) i,j Si Sj B B 2 2 (g B N/kT )[(1/4)+ S0 Sd1 ]. Here we assume that correlations between all spins that are not nearest neighbors are negligible compared with S0 Sd1 . This approximation is valid for our case of strongly alternating spin chains at low temperatures. It is important to note that apart from the weak anisotropy in the g factor, the magnetic susceptibility at zero-eld is isotropic, i.e. x = y = z . Thus, if we sum the values of magnetic susceptibilities over the three orthogonal directions x, y and z in space we obtain = (g 2 2 N/kT )[(1/4) + ( S0 Sd1 /3)], B where the mean value ... is taken over the thermal state at B = 0. However, because one has | S0 Sd1 | 1/4 for any separable state (Eq. (5)), the magnetic susceptibility for such states is limited as given by g 2 2 N 1 B . kT 6 (6)

Thus, a violation of this inequality necessarily detects entanglement in the system. In Ref. [1] magnetic susceptibility of CN was measured on single crystal in 0.4 4.2K and 14 20K ranges of temperature. The measurement method was based on a mutual inductance bridge working at 275 Hz. The susceptibility was found to have a rounded maximum at 3.2K dropping very rapidly below this temperature approaching zero at vanishing temperatures, as given in Fig. 2. Such behaviour is typical for alternating spin chains. Thermodynamical entanglement witness (6) is represented by the red solid line in Fig. 2. The measured values of magnetic susceptibility below the intersection point of the curve representing the witness and the experimental curve cannot be described without entangleexp ment. The critical temperature is around Tc 5K. This is in excellent agreement with the value estimated from the neutron scattering experiment in spite the fact that dierent samples were used (authors of Ref. [1] noted possible variations of the physical state of the sample due to high hygroscopy of CN), the two experimental methods test entirely dierent physical quantities and are almost 40 years apart (we note that no experimental error of magnetic susceptibility measurement was reported in Ref. [1]). In conclusion, we show that neutron scattering experiments [2] directly and measurement of magnetic susceptibility [1] indirectly demonstrate presence of macroscopic quantum entanglement in a solid (cooper nitrate). We believe our results indicate that entanglement may play a broad generic role in macroscopic phenomena. The question of having macroscopic entanglement is not only fascinating in its own right but it also has a fundamental signicance as it pushes the realm of quantum physics well into the macroscopic world, thus opening the

FIG. 2: The temperature dependence of magnetic susceptibility of powder CN (triangles) and a single-crystal CN measured at low eld parallel (open squares) and perpendicular (open circles, crosses, lled circles) to the monoclinic b axis. The data and the gure are from Ref. [1]. The solid black curve is the theoretical curve for a dimer re-scaled for the amount of noise estimated from the experiment. This noise is computed as the ratio of the maximal experimental value (averaged over crystal data) and the maximal theoretical value. The solid red curve represents the macroscopic entanglement witness (6) and is re-scaled in exactly the same way. The intersection point of this curve and the experimental one denes the temperature range (left from the intersection point) with entanglement in CN. The critical temperature is around exp Tc 5K. Note that the entanglement witness will cut the experimental curve (and hence yield a critical temperature) independently of a particular re-scaling procedure.

possibility to test quantum theory versus alternative theories well beyond the scales on which theirs predictions coincide. It also has important practical implications for implementation of quantum information processing. If the future quantum computer is supposed to reach the stage of wide commercial application, it is likely that it should share the same feature as the current (classical) information technology and be based on solid state systems. It will thus be important to derive the critical values of physical parameters (e.g. the high-temperature limit) above which one cannot harness quantum entanglement in solids as a resource for quantum information processing. We consider our work to imply that many experiments performed in the past may still hide new and interesting physics. Experiments of Berger et al. [1] from 1963 and Xu et al. [2] from 2000 used here are exemplary. Interestingly, the 1963 experiment was performed long before any serious attempts to measure entanglement begun in the seventies. It is not even impossible that we are able to nd a result from which we can infer the existence of entanglement and which appeared well before this concept was conceived by Schrdinger in 1935. o

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