Rig Vedi Avani Avittam
Rig Vedi Avani Avittam
Rig Vedi Avani Avittam
2.Maha Samkalpam
Taken from book on Sandhya Vandhana Bhashyam published by Ramakrishna mutt. Mylapore, Chennai, and Yajur upa karma prayoga published by R.S.Vadhyar , Kalapathy. Transliteration done by P.R.Ramachander
The Brahma Yagam manthras are given at the end of this compilation.
prabruthi ethath kshana paryantham , baalye, vayasi kaumare yowane vaardhake cha jagrath swapna sushupthya avasthamsu mano vak kaya karmendriya jnanendriya vyaparai kama-krodha-lobha-moha-madha-mathsaryaadhi sambhavithaanam iha janmani janmanthare cha jnana ajnana kruthaanam maha pathakanaam mahaa patathakanumanthratwadeenam , samapathakaanaam upapaathakaanaam malini karanaanam nindhitha dhana dhaano upa jeevanaadeenam aapathrikarananaam jathi bramsa karaanam vihitha karma thyaagaaadeenam jnanadha sakruth kruthanaam ajnanatha asakruth kruthaanam sarveeshaam papaanam sadhya aapanodhanartham aswatha narayana sannidhou-deva brahmana sannidhou-tryaa trimsath koti devathaa sannidhou-sri visaalakshi sametha visweswara swami sannidhou-mahaa ganapathi sannidhou-seetha lakshmana bharatha sathrugna-hanumt samedha sri rama chandra swmai sannidhou-sri rukmani sathyabhama samedha sri gopala Krishna swami sannidhou-hari hara puthra swami sannidhou-sri lakshmi narayana swami sannidhou sraavanyaam pournamasyaam adhyopakrama karma karishye.Thadangam sravanee pournamasi punyakale sareera shudhartam shuddhodhaka snanam aham karishye Athi krura maha kaya, kalpanthahanopama, Bairavaya namasthubhyam anujnam dathu marhasi *Chathurdasi is up to 8.09 PM IST on 23/8/2010 and ** Sravana Nakshatra is up to 6.05 PM IST on 23/8/2010 according to the Panchanga.If in any country , you are performing the japam after that change Chaturdasyam to Pournamyam and Sravana to Sravishta nakshtra yukthayam. Summary meaning:Here again apart from locating oneself with reference to time , one locates himself with reference to place also.We are supposed to live in Jambu Dweepa, Bharatha Kanda which is south of the great mountain Maha meru.Then again this Bhasratha Kanda is blessed with many holy rivers and holy places.Then prayer is done to God to pardon sins committed by word, thought and deed, because this was done inspite of his great grace which made us be born as human beings after several wheels of birth.Also the sins performed during several ages in life is highlighted.Some of the sins specifically mentioned are those done while earning money without conscience, giving money to improper people, actions which did not suit the caste we are born in, sins due to non performance of actions which ought to have been done and so on. We pray God and tell him that we would take bath in holy pure water and then start the veda parayanas which is our duty as Brahmin.
3.Om bhoo 4.Mamo patha samastha durida kshya dwara sri parameshwata preethyartham sravanyaam pournamaasyam adhyoyapakrama karmangam kanda rishi tharpanam karishye. Wear poonal as garland and do tharpanam using water mixed with thil (black gingely) and akshatha Each manthra has to be chanted thrice and tharpanam done. 1.Prajapathim kanda rishim tharpayami 2,Somam kanda rishim tharpayami 3.Agnim kanda rishim tharpayami 4.Viswaan devaan kanda rishim tharpayaami 5.Saahinkeer devatha upanishadha tharpayami 6.Yagnigeer devatha upanishadha tharpayaami 7.Vaaruneer devatha upanishadha tharpayami 8.Brhamanagum swayubhuvam tharpayaami 9.Sadasaspathim tharpayami wear poonal in the normal fashion and then do aachamana. Summary meaning:Tharpanam means really satisfying.By this tharpanam we satisfy the rishi(sages) of Soma(moon), Agni(fire), Viswaan devan(all gods looking after earth), etc.
Though these are essential part of Avani avittam , I am not giving this because Vedic manthraas are very diffcult to transliterate in to English and reading them wrongly would be counter productive.
yukthaayam shubha yoga shubha karana evam guna viseshana visisishtaayam asyaam prathamaayam shubha thidou mithyaa theetha prayaschittartham ashtothara sahasra samkya gayatri maha manthra japam karishye. Start from Pravasya Rishi brahma. followed by aayathith anuvagasya and then chant the gaythri manthra 1008 times. Complete with Abhivaadaye and then complete with Kayena vacha. * Prathma is up to 11.02 PM IST from 6.26 AM IST of 25/8/2010 .Afterwards chande to Dwitheeyam shubha thidhou **Shathabishak is up to 12.03 AM on 26/8/2010 IST , afterwards Poorva Proshtapada Nakshatra yukthayam . Please compare the time when you are doing japam to IST and do corrections accordingly.
7. Recite three times with folded hands Om namo brahmane namosthwagnaye nama pruthwyai nama oshadheebhya namo vaache namo vaachaspathaye namo vishnave bruhathe karomi. 8.Clean the hands again with water by reciting vrushtirasi vruschame paapmanamamruthath sathyamupaaga Do aachamanam 8. Chant shuklam baradaram. 9. Do Pranayamam, om Bhoo 10. Mamopatha samastha duritha kshaya dwara sri parameshwra preethyartham devarishi-pithru tharpanam karishye. 11. Touch water and clean your hands 12. Do deva tharpanam through the tip of fingers 1.Bramodaya ye deva thaan devaan tharpayami 2.Sarvaan devaan tharpayami 3. Sarva deva ganaan tharpayami 4.Sarva deva pathnis tharapayami 5.Sarva deva ganapathnis tharpayami 13, Do rishi tharpanam by wearing yagnopaveetha as garland and pouring out water from the liitle finger 1,Krishna dwaipayanaya ye rishaya thaan rishin tharpayami 2. Sarvaan risheen tharpayami 3.Sarva rishi ganaan tharpayami 4. Sarve rishi pathnis tharpayami 5,Sarva rishi gana pathnistharpayami 6. Prajapathim kanda rishim tharpayami 7. Somam kanda rishim tharpayami 8. Agnim kanda rishim tharpayami Put the Yagnopaveetham in normal fashion and pour water from the tips of fingers 9. Viswan devan kanda rishin tharpayami 10. Samihithir devatha upanishada tharpayami 11. Yagnigir devatha upanishada tharpayami 12.Varuneer devatha upanishada tharpayami Put the Yagnopaveetham and pour water by towards the left 13. Havyavaham tharpayami 14.Viswaan devaan kanda rishin tharpayaami Pour water by the bottom of the palm towards self 15.Brahmanam swayambhuvam tharpayami 16.Viswan devan kandarishin tharpayami 17.Arunan kandarishin tharpayami Put the Yagnopaveetham in normal fashion and pour water from the tips of fingers 18.Sadasaspathim tharpayami 19.Rig vedam tharpayami 20.Yajur Vedam tharpayami 21. Sama Vedam tharpayami 22. Atharvana Vedam tharpayami
23. Ithihasa puranam tharpayami 24. Kalpam tharpayami 14.Only those who have lost their father (others go to step 15)do Pithru tharpanam wearing the yagnopaveetham on the right shoulder pouring water between the thumb. And index finger. 1.Soma pithruman yamo angiraswan agni kavyavahana ithyadaya ye pithara thaan pithrun tharpayami, 2. Sarvaan pithrun tharpayami 3. Sarva pithru ganan tharpayami 4. Sarva pithru pathnistharpayami 5. Sarva pithru ganapanthnistharpayami 6.oorjam vahanthi amrutham grutham paya keelaalam parisruyatham swadaastha tharpayatha me pithrun trupyatha, trupyatha, trupyatha 7.Aabrahma sthambha paryantham jagat trupyathu 15.Put the yagnopaveetha in the normal fashion Pour water saying Om That sat Brahmarpanamasthu And then do aachamanam. Brahma yagnam(sacrifice to Brahma) is the oblation offered to satisfy Devas, Rishis(sages) and Pithrus(ancestors). It is supposed to be performed daily after Madhyannikam, But nowadays it is done mainly on avani avittam days.