Half Cell Potential Measurements

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C o n s t r u c t i o n Te c h n o l o g y U p d a t e N o .

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Obtaining Effective Half-Cell Potential Measurements in Reinforced Concrete Structures

by Ping Gu and J.J. Beaudoin The half-cell potential measurement is an electrochemical technique commonly used by engineers to assess the severity of corrosion in reinforced concrete structures. This Update explains how various factors can affect the reliability of the data obtained.
Corrosion of steel reinforcement is a major factor in the deterioration of highway and bridge infrastructure. A survey of the condition of a reinforced concrete structure is the first step towards its rehabilitation. A rapid, cost-effective and non-destructive condition survey offers key information on the evaluation of corrosion, and aids in the quality assurance of concrete repair and rehabilitation and in the prediction of remaining service life.

Half-Cell Potential Measurement

The simplest way to assess the severity of steel corrosion is to measure the corrosion potential, since it is qualitatively associated with the steel corrosion rate. One can measure the potential difference between a standard portable half-cell, normally a copper/ copper sulphate (Cu/CuSO4) standard reference electrode placed on the surface of the concrete with the steel reinforcement underneath. Figure 1 illustrates the basics for such a measurement, also called half-cell potential measurement. The reference electrode is connected to the negative end of the voltmeter and the steel reinforcement to the positive. Confidence in the half-cell potential measurement as an indication of corrosion potential has evolved owing to the success of bridge deck corrosion surveys. An indication of the relative probability of corrosion activity was empirically obtained through measurements during the 1970s.[1-2] This work formed the basis of the ASTM standard C876, which provides general guidelines for evaluating corrosion in concrete structures as outlined in Table 1.

Factors Influencing Half-Cell Potential Readings

When interpreting half-cell potential data, one must consider factors such as oxygen and chloride concentration, and concrete electrical resistance, all of which have a significant influence on the readings. Assessment has also become more complicated owing to

Figure 1. Schematic showing basics of the half-cell potential measurement technique

Table 1. Probability of corrosion according to half-cell readings

Half-cell potential reading, vs. Cu/CuSO4 less negative than -0.200 V between -0.200 V and -0.350 V more negative than -0.350 V Corrosion activity 90% probability of no corrosion an increasing probability of corrosion 90% probability of corrosion

advances in concrete and repair technologies, such as dense material overlays and concrete sealers, corrosion inhibitors, chemical admixtures, and cathodic protection systems. It is important to understand and consider these complicating factors during the half-cell potential survey and to supplement the assessment with other non-destructive surveys. A simple comparison of the half-cell potential data with the ASTM guideline on steel reinforcement corrosion probability could prove meaningless. For instance, a more negative reading of potential is generally considered to indicate a higher probability of corrosion. This general rule may not always be valid; many factors can shift the half-cell potential readings towards more positive or negative values but these shifts may not necessarily be related to the severity of the steel corrosion. Oxygen Concentration Oxygen concentration at the interface of the steel reinforcement and concrete affects the half-cell potential readings significantly. A decrease in oxygen concentration at the surface of the steel reinforcement will result in a more negative corrosion potential reading. This kind of negative potential reading may not necessarily be associated with a high probability of steel corrosion. For example, the steel reinforcement underneath a dense concrete cover with low permeability would have a more negative corrosion potential reading than a porous concrete with a higher permeability. But such a negative reading does not necessarily indicate a high probability of corrosion. Carbonation Concrete carbonation (a reaction between the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and calcium hydroxide in the concrete) reduces the pH value of the steel reinforcement/ concrete interface and increases the steel corrosion. In such a case, the half-cell potential reading will shift towards more negative values although the shift may not be very large. However, even a small shift in values can be associated with a large increase in the rate of corrosion. Chloride Ion Concentration An increase in chloride ion concentration causes significant steel corrosion. This

chloride-induced corrosion is associated with a significant shift of the corrosion potential towards more negative values and an increase in the severity of the steel corrosion. This is a case that the ASTM C876 standard predicts well. Use of Corrosion Inhibitors The effects of corrosion inhibitors on the halfcell potential reading are more complicated because these chemicals can modify the corrosion potential of the steel reinforcement. As a result, the shift of the corrosion potential can be either positive or negative, depending on whether an anodic or cathodic inhibitor is applied. An anodic corrosion inhibitor is a strong oxidizing agent. An example is calcium nitrite (a commonly used commercial product). The use of this chemical shifts the corrosion potential of the steel to a more positive value and significantly reduces the corrosion rate. A half-cell potential reading obtained from a reinforced concrete structure containing calcium nitrite would normally be more positive than one without it. In contrast to the anodic corrosion inhibitor, a cathodic inhibitor causes the corrosion potential to shift towards a more negative value, with a corresponding reduction in the severity of the steel corrosion. Many commercial corrosion inhibitors fall in this category. Therefore, the effects of the corrosion inhibitor must be taken into account when interpreting the half-cell potential readings if a cathodic inhibitor has been applied to the structure being tested. There also exists what is called a mixed corrosion inhibitor. Its influence on the steel corrosion potential could be in either direction; i.e., the corrosion potential shift can be in either the negative or positive direction. For tests in such cases, the commercial producer should be asked to clarify how the mixed corrosion inhibitor affects the corrosion potential of the steel. Epoxy-Coated and Galvanized Rebars The ASTM C876 standard clearly indicates that the half-cell potential technique is not suitable for measurements involving epoxycoated and galvanized steel reinforcement. The former does not provide a good enough electrical connection for the measuring circuit. An authentic, stable half-cell reading may not be achievable, though in some cases what appears to be a stable reading may be obtained because of coating defects or damage and unprotected rebar ends.

Measured half-cell potential

resistance For the latter, the galvanic metal (normally zinc) protects the steel reinforcement. The measured halfcell potential reading is no longer Reinforced steel the corrosion potential of the steel voltmeter internal reinforcement but the mixed potenresistance measured half-cell = steel reinforcement x tial of steel and zinc. Therefore, a potential corrosion potential voltmeter internal + concrete simple comparison of half-cell resistance resistance potential data with the ASTM standard may not be useful. Figure 2. Schematic illustrating the half-cell measurement However, long-term monitoring of circuit the change of potentials may be useful provided that a corrosion meable, the oxygen depletion must be specialist interprets the data. considered in the data interpretation. Dense Concrete Cover Concrete Patch Repair A dense concrete cover provides a good Concrete patch repair normally creates an physical barrier protecting the steel from environment dissimilar to the existing chloride-induced corrosion. It also limits concrete. This leads to the so-called electrothe oxygen diffusion process. The oxygen chemical potential imbalance between the concentration in the reinforcing steel/consteel reinforcement embedded in the existing crete interface could be very low and, as a result, the corrosion potential could shift to concrete and the new concrete in the patch. a more negative value. It can not be used to Unusual behaviour of the half-cell potential reading on the patch areas and adjacent indicate a high probability of steel corrosion. areas may occur along with a possible Concrete Resistance acceleration of the steel corrosion. A high concrete resistance can introduce Cathodic Protection Systems and significant errors in the half-cell potential Stray Current data. Figure 2 is a schematic diagram An energized cathodic protection system and illustrating the measurement circuit. The stray current will make half-cell potential measured half-cell potential reading is the measurements meaningless. A measurement potential between the two ends of the voltshould not be made unless the structures meter internal resistor. It is only when this cathodic protection system is shut down resistance is much larger than the concrete and at least 24 hours of depolarization of resistance that the measured half-cell potenthe steel reinforcement is completed. If the tial reading is close to the true corrosion half-cell potential reading is unstable and potential of the steel reinforcement. Thereundergoing large fluctuations involving fore, there are two ways to increase the both positive and negative values, it could accuracy of the measurement. The first is indicate the existence of a stray current. to decrease the concrete resistance, e.g., by wetting the concrete surface. The second All Factors Considered is to use a voltmeter with a high internal There are still other factors or a combination resistance (larger than 20 M is recomof them that can alter the precision of halfmended). Positioning the reference cell potential readings. An understanding of electrode on the concrete surface directly how various factors influence the measureabove the steel reinforcement can also ment is the key to a meaningful interpretadecrease the concrete resistance and tion. Table 2 summarizes the discussion of increase the measurement precision. the factors reviewed in this Update. Organic Coatings and Sealers Precautions for Taking Half-Cell Half-cell potential measurements made on Potential Measurements reinforced concrete with organic coatings A reliable half-cell potential survey of and sealers may prove to be inaccurate or corrosion damage of a reinforced concrete impossible owing to their high resistance. structure requires good planning and However, measurements can be made on preparation, careful measurement and data areas where the coating is removed or validation. The ASTM C876 standard damaged. If the coating is oxygen imperprovides a satisfactory measurement

Steel reinforcement corrosion potential

Voltmeter internal resistance


Table 2. Effect of the various factors on half-cell potential shift and corrosion probability
Situation Decrease in oxygen concentration Carbonation/decrease in pH Increase in chloride concentration Anodic corrosion inhibitor Cathodic corrosion inhibitor Mixed corrosion inhibitor Epoxy-coated rebar Galvanized rebar Dense concrete cover Concrete resistance Dry concrete Reference electrode position Coatings and sealers Concrete repair patch Cathodic protection Stray current Half-cell potential shift to negative to negative to negative to positive to negative to positive or negative to positive to negative to negative to positive to positive to positive to positive to positive or negative to negative Fluctuating between positive and negative Corrosion of steel reinforcement may not increase increase increase decrease decrease decrease not related not related not related not related not related not related not related not related not related not related Applicable to ASTM C876 no yes yes yes no no no no no no no no no no no no

resources available and the specific conditions of the structure. The first four especially are essential for a meaningful evaluation of the half-cell potential data.


A more negative reading of potential is generally considered to indicate a higher probability of corrosion. However, this general rule may not always apply because of the complexity of todays concrete and repair technologies. Evaluation of rebar corrosion from the absolute half-cell potenTable notes: The first column presents the situation and the second column shows how the half-cell potential responds to such a condition. The shift may be towards more positive or more negative directions. tial values may mislead The third column shows how such a half-cell potential shift relates to the severity of the steel reinforcement engineers and cause errors corrosion. For example, the half-cell potential shift may be associated with corrosion activity that is high or in judgment if other factors low, or a particular situation may not relate to the reinforcement corrosion probability. The fourth column indicates whether the ASTM corrosion probability guideline can be applied directly. are not taken into account. It must be stressed that the half-cell potential measureprocedure to follow. The following informent only reveals the corrosion probability mation should be obtained before taking at a given location and time. Long-term measurements: monitoring of the half-cell potential reading Basic information about the structure is more meaningful. such as the reinforcing materials and the steel blueprint, the concrete admixture References used, if any, the concrete composition, 1. Spellman, D.L. and Stratfull, R.F., Concrete the quality and amount of cover on the Variables and Corrosion Testing, Highway reinforcing steel; Research Record 423, 1973. The previous repair and protection 2. Stratfull, R.F., Half-Cell Potentials and the Corrosion of Steel in Concrete, Highway history, including patch repair and proResearch Record 433, 1973. tection measures applied; The previous condition survey, including 3. J.P. Broomfield, Assessing Corrosion Damage on Reinforced Concrete Structures, previous half-cell potential data, visual in Corrosion and Corrosion Protection on examination data and delamination survey Steel in Concrete, Proceedings of results, and chloride content analysis. International Conference, University of The half-cell potential data should Sheffield, U.K., Edited by R.N. Swamy, 1994, always be validated by other measures Vol. 1, pp. 1-25. before an interpretation of corrosion probability is made. Many methods are commonly used, along with the half-cell Dr. Ping Gu is a research officer and potential technique, in field assessment of Dr. J.J. Beaudoin a Principal Research Officer in corrosion. These include visual inspection, the Building Envelope and Structure Program of delamination survey, chloride content meathe National Research Councils Institute for surement, concrete resistance measurement, Research in Construction. concrete cover-depth survey, carbonation 1998 profile determination, and rate of corrosion National Research Council of Canada measurement at selected locations.[3] The July 1998 methods selected usually depend on the ISSN 1206-1220

Construction Technology Updates is a series of technical articles containing practical information distilled from recent construction research. For more information, contact Institute for Research in Construction, National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa K1A 0R6 Telephone: (613) 993-2607; Facsimile: (613) 952-7673; Internet: http://www.nrc.ca/irc

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