Final Project Rubric - Website

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Is the author making a specific claim about why their subject is important to the identified field?

Yes Comments: Somewhat No

Are enough sources used in order to provide a complete picture of the topic (at least 10), and are the sources used appropriate to the discussion? Yes Comments: Somewhat No

Is the author interacting with the outside sources? Are they responding to what others are saying? Yes Comments: Somewhat No

Is the content relating to their specific claim in an engaging and persuasive way? Yes Comments: Somewhat No

Is there a clear organization of ideas; are the various pages of the website logically sequenced for maximum impact on the audience? Yes Comments: Somewhat No

Is the author demonstrating an awareness of the identified audience? Yes Comments: Somewhat No

Is there appropriate documentations of sources in MLA style, both in-text and in a works cited page? Yes Comments: Somewhat No

Is the composition at least 2000 words? If not, where are some areas where they could expand? Yes Comments: No

Does the author include relevant multimedia (images, videos, hyperlinks) on the website in a way that supports their claim about their topic? Yes Comments: Somewhat No

Does the author demonstrate an awareness of visual/design elements (i.e. fonts/colors/sizes/etc.)? Is the site easy to navigate/read/pleasing to the eye? Yes Comments: Somewhat No

Did the author complete a metacognitive cover letter that is deeply reflective of their process? Yes Comments: Somewhat No

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