Secret of The Ages HSA
Secret of The Ages HSA
Secret of The Ages HSA
You can have anything you want: wealth, a loving relationship, radiant health, true happiness, a life of ease, anything your heart desires, once you know the Great Secret of the Ages
Published and distributed by THE REI-FLEXOLOGY HEALING ACADEMY OF SOUTH AFRICA P.O.Box 213 Glenvista Johannesburg 2058 South Africa Email Websites and 2006 by Keith Armour McFarlane. All rights reserved.
If you think about something long enough, you actually attract things related to those thoughts. If you think long and hard about money and keep your attention on it, you will attract it. The Greatest Secret is not only about knowing what the secret is. The greatest secret is about knowing how to precisely apply it in your life. You must know how to use it with 100% accuracy. When used properly, it is absolutely 100% accurate and infallible, because it is a universal law that cannot be broken. It is an exact science. By understanding that everything is made of energy; and understanding the laws that control and shape energy into physical events and circumstances, you can predictably create what you desire, including optimal health, wealth, happiness, success or anything else you desire. But you must know how to do it correctly. WARNING! This very Secret that can get you what you desire can also push it away from you. You could try very hard to create something, only to find the opposite happening. You must apply the secret in the right way. This is an exact science and must be used in an exact way. You must know what to do and what not to do. However, it is not complicated. Once you know the steps and apply them correctly, you can predictably bring the things you have always wanted into your life. You now stand at the place where science, spirituality and religion have come to the same conclusion: You create your own reality through the conscious use of your thoughts. This is the foundation for everything that is happening in your life. Your thoughts have the power to go out and literally create and attract the people, events and circumstances in your life. You now have the option of using this power to bring you what you desire. If you use this power correctly, you can create miracles in your life and live the life you have always wanted.
The only thing required for this is to be aware of the power that you possess and then apply the exact steps necessary for putting this power to work for you.
The Bottom line There is truly only one way in which everything is created in your life. Everything in your life is created from energy. This energy is released in the form of your thoughts and then spreads out into the world creating the events and circumstances in your life, both good and bad. Whatever your attention is focused on is what you will create in your physical reality. This is the secret of the mechanics of creation, the secret of life. Once you have mastered this, you have mastered the physical universe. You can create whatever you want, at will. This not a technique; it is how life works. At the root of every problem, need or opportunity, there is only thought energy or consciousness. Consciousness is the root cause of everything. From consciousness, ALL things flow. Consciousness creates and directs everything. Invest in consciousness and everything else will fall into place. The single most important thing you can ever do for yourself right now, is understand the process and then master the steps you need to take, to make the universe work for you, and not against you. Once you have mastered this power, your life will be a miracle. You will be amazed at how your life just flows from one fulfilled desire to the next.
The Steps
1. Believe and accept that your thoughts create your reality - you can create anything you desire by focusing your thought energy on it.
2. Get rid of any beliefs that may be holding you back - go through your beliefs and see if you have any beliefs that are limiting you and then remove them and replace them with positive beliefs. 3. Decide exactly what you want to be, do and have in your life - answer the important questions in your life about what you really want and write your desires down. Prioritise your desires and write out the most important desires you wish to manifest right away. 4. Form a clear picture of what you want - Get very clear about what you want and write out statements, create visuals, write out an ideal scene and create a treasure map collage to keep the images of what you want firmly in your mind. Get very specific with every detail that you can imagine. 5. Focus on your desires daydream, visualize, read your statements of your desires, picture what you most desire, especially right when you wake up and just before you go to bed. 6. Focus continuously on your desires Keep your attention focused on what you want. Dont rely on just a few sessions of visualization or prayer. Keep your attention on your desires throughout the day, wherever you are. Use continuous, consecutive thought to create what you want. 7. Close your mind to doubt and fear focus on what you desire and not on what you fear. Focus on what you want and not on what you dont want. Dont let your mind wander in worry and doubt. When you catch yourself fearing, say cancel and move on to a thought about what you desire. 8. Have gratitude be grateful for this miraculous ability to create what you want in your life. Be grateful in advance for those things you are creating, because they have already been created in thought. Remember, thought is reality. Everything you see around you is a result of thought. 9. Take action now and bring your vision into your actions act now on the people, things and circumstances in your life and bring your vision with you as you go about your activities. See that vision in everything you do. Affirm: I am doing this action in order to have these things in my life The point of power is where your thoughts and actions meet.
10. Share this message and reap the rewards - If you want something in your life, give it to another. It is a state of mind; in order to give something, you must already have it. Teach what you most want to learn and then what you focus on will become your reality. This will bring the things that you desire into your life faster and easier.
11. Choose bigger and bigger things Start off by creating things you believe you can achieve in a relatively short period of time. As you begin to create what
you want, you will naturally start asking for bigger and bigger things as your confidence and knowing increases. 12. Read this booklet daily Memorize the process and the steps. Dwell on the principles until they are a part of you. Be able to talk about them easily with others and think clearly about them, so that you will be more effective as a creator.
13. Dont keep changing your mind about what you want get very clear about what you want and then stick with it until you create it in your life. After you have created what you want, move on to other wants and desires.
14. Have fun dont get bogged down in details and stress. Decide what you really want, fantasize about it often and then put your entire thought energy behind it. Have fun with the process. Know that anything is possible with these techniques and expect the things you most want to appear in your life. Relax and enjoy the ride. Even if you under extreme stress or pressure, know that this secret is the answer and it will solve your problems and bring you your hearts desire. So have fun and enjoy your new life. Why have you not been able to create what you want in the past? You do not believe you can have what you want Do you believe in miracles? if not, you will push them away from you. Your belief that you cant have what you really want will be created in your life by your thought energy. Read the principles again and undo your negative beliefs and retrain your mind to accept the new positive belief that you truly can create what you want in your life. You have been focusing on fear If you focus on fear; that is what you will manifest. Remember: focus only on what you desire, not on what you fear. This takes discipline, as you may not be used to focusing in this way. If you find yourself focusing on fear, say cancel and refocus on your desire. You havent been sure what you want You may have never decided what you really want. Most people dont get what they want, because they have no idea what they want. You must be very clear about what it is that you want to create, otherwise you will not be sending specific thought energy out into the unified field, to attract it. Vague wishes produce vague results. Decide what you want and keep your attention on the specific details of your desire. You keep changing your mind Changing your mind, sends mixed messages to the universe. Once you start sending your intention to the unified field, the energy works to begin attracting what you need to achieve your desire. If you keep changing your mind, you start over and never put enough attention long enough to create anything. Put continuous, consecutive thought on your desire, until it appears in your life.
A Final Note The length of time needed to create your desire, depends on you. If you dedicate yourself to learning this information and apply it constantly, your results will be very fast. it depends upon your commitment. However long it takes for you to understand the principles, apply them in your life and manifest your desires; it is worth it. This is the foundation for your life. This is how you create anything. You are already doing it and now you can do it consciously and with intention, to create precisely what you want in your life. Once you have mastered this skill, you can create what you want at will and begin enjoying and experiencing all of your creations. Life is a process of creation. You create everything from your thoughts, good and bad. It is your responsibility to focus only on what you desire, to create it and to experience it. You no longer need to experience anything you do not want to experience or be anything you do not want to be. You have the power to create only those things that you want and ignore everything else. It all rests on what you are focusing on and thinking about. Remember: What you think about, You bring about.
Focus on what you desire, not on what you fear and do it continuously and consecutively until you have manifested what you want. There is only one way in which the universe helps to you to create what you desire. This is it! Know it do it be it all the time.