Courses IA
Courses IA
Courses IA
This document contains a list of all the courses which are lectured in the rst year of the Mathematical Tripos together with an informal description of each course. A formal syllabus is given in the Faculty booklet Schedules for the Mathematical Tripos All Faculty documentation is available on the WWW (
August 2, 2011
The Tripos consists of three parts (Part IA, Part IB and Part II) together with the optional Part III. Unlike programmes provided by most other UK universities, the Tripos is not modular: it is tightly structured, allowing no choice in the rst year, but a wide choice in the third year; and examinations (especially in the second and third years) are cross-sectional, meaning that instead of each lecture course having a dedicated examination paper, each examination paper has questions on many lecture courses. The exibility that this allows is considered by the Faculty to be one of the great strengths of the Tripos. The decisions you need to make (after discussions with your Director of Studies) in the Mathematical Tripos are as follows. 1. In the rst year you have to decide which of the two options to take: Pure and Applied Mathematics (Option (a)) or Mathematics with Physics (Option (b)). Within each of these options, you are expected to study all the lecture courses. 2. In the Michaelmas term of the rst year, you have to decide whether to attend the nonexaminable Mechanics course. This short course is intended for students who have taken fewer than three A-level modules in Mechanics (or the equivalent for students who took IB, Scottish Highers or other examinations). 3. In the Easter term of the rst year, you have to decide which (if any) Part IB courses you wish to take. Most of them can also be taken in your second year. 4. In the second year and, especially, the third year, there is a wide range of courses, including CATAM, from which to choose.
Part IA options
There are two options: (a) Pure and Applied Mathematics; and (b) Mathematics with Physics. Technically, you do not have to decide which option to be examined in until the nal examination entries are due in the Lent term, but clearly it would be sensible to make an early decision and stick to it. Students oering Option (b) take Papers 13 of Part IA of the Mathematical Tripos and the Physics paper from the Natural Sciences Tripos instead of Paper 4. Students taking the dierent options are classed all together, the Mathematics with Physics option being indicated on the class list by a letter p. At the end of the year, students taking option (b) have to decide whether to change tripos (to Natural Sciences) or continue with the Mathematical Tripos. Option (b) is designed for students who have a strong interest in mathematics but who are likely to change to the Part IB of the Natural Sciences Tripos (Physics A / Physics B / Mathematics options) after the rst year. It provides an excellent background for students who wish to study theoretical physics: their greater mathematical knowledge, compared with students who come to Physics through Part IA of the Natural Sciences Tripos, will be of enormous benet. Option (b) includes all the Option (a) courses except for Numbers and Sets (Michaelmas Term) and Dynamics and Relativity (Lent term). These are replaced by the Physics course from the rst year of the Natural Science Tripos, which starts at the beginning of the Michaelmas term and continues into the Easter term. There are also practical classes. The lecture timetable is arranged so that there is no clash between any Part IA lectures so if you decide on Mathematics with Physics you could still attend the lectures on Dynamics and Relativity, and Numbers and Sets.
Below, there is an informal description of each of the lecture courses given by the Faculty of Mathematics available in your rst year. It ends with a summary of the learning outcomes of the course. The full learning outcome is that you should have understood the material described in the formal syllabuses given in the Schedules of Lecture Courses for the Mathematical Tripos and be able to apply it to the sort of problems that can be found on previous Tripos papers.
The course starts with revision of complex numbers. It then introduces some more advanced ideas, including de Moivres theorem which may be new to you. It moves on to generalise to higher (possible complex) dimensions the familiar idea of a vector. A very important tool, sux notation, is used for vector algebra. This is followed by the application of vector methods to geometry. The remainder of the course is taken up with matrices: algebraic manipulation; applications to solution of simultaneous equations; geometrical applications; and eigenvectors and eigenvalues. The material in this course is absolutely fundamental to nearly all areas of mathematics. Learning outcomes By the end of this course, you should: be able to manipulate complex numbers and be able to solve geometrical problems using complex numbers; be able to manipulate vectors in R3 (using sux notation and summation convention where appropriate), and to solve geometrical problems using vectors; be able to manipulate matrices and determinants, and understand their relation to linear maps and systems of linear equations; be able to calculate eigenvectors and eigenvalues and understand their relation with diagonalisation of matrices, and canonical form.
In university mathematics, algebra is the study of abstract systems of objects whose behaviour is governed by xed rules (axioms). An example is the set of real numbers, which is governed by the rules of multiplication and addition. One of the simplest forms of abstract algebra is a group, which is roughly a set of objects and a rule for multiplying them together. Groups arise all over mathematics, particularly where there is symmetry. The course introduces groups and their properties. The emphasis is on both the general theory and the many examples, such as groups of symmetries and groups of linear transformations. Learning outcomes By the end of this course, you should: be familiar with elementary properties of abstract groups, including the theory of mappings between groups; understand the group-theoretic perspective on symmetries in geometry.
Analysis I
Analysis is the rigorous investigation of calculus. You need to study analysis to have a rm foundation for techniques you already know, such as basic dierentiation and integration. This not only allows you to understand exactly when these techniques can be used, but also allows you to generalise them to more complicated situations. The sort of questions that you will be asking in this course are: what does it mean to say that a sequence or a function tends to a limit?; what is the exact denition of a derivative or an integral?; which functions can be dierentiated and which can be integrated?; how can these techniques be applied to functions on the complex plane?; what conditions are needed to make Taylors series valid?. In later courses on analysis, dierentiation and integration of functions of more than one variable are investigated. In Analysis I, you will encounter the - method (sometimes called epsilonics) of characterising the properties of functions. This is the basis of rigorous thought in mathematics, and will repay you handsomely for all the work you put into understanding it. Learning outcomes By the end of this course, you should: be able to apply the basic techniques of rigorous analysis and be familiar with examples of good behaviour and bad-behaviour in basic analysis; know the denition of a limit and be able to establish the convergence or divergence of simple real and complex sequences and series; understand the completeness of the real line and be able to derive the basic properties of continuous real-valued functions; be able to establish the rules for dierentiation, and to prove and apply the mean value theorem; be acquainted with complex power series and be able to determine the radius of convergence in simple cases; know the denition of the Riemann integral, be able to test simple functions for integrability, and establish the rules for integration.
Vector Calculus
This course is about functions of more than one variable. It is an applied course, meaning that you are expected to be able to apply techniques, but not necessarily to prove rigorously that they work that will come in future analysis courses. In the rst part of the course, the idea of integration is extended from R to R2 and R3 (with an obvious extension to higher dimensions): integrals along the x-axis are replaced by integrals over curves, surfaces and volumes. Then the idea of dierentiation is extended to vectors (div, grad and curl), which is a basic tool in many areas of theoretical physics (such as electromagnetism and uid dynamics). Two important theorems are introduced, namely the divergence theorem and Stokess theorem; in both cases, an integral over a region (in R3 and in R2 , respectively) is converted to an integral over the boundary of the region. All the previous ideas are then applied to Laplaces equation 2 = 0, which is one of the most important equations in all of mathematics and physics. Finally, the notion of a vector is generalised to that of a tensor. A vector can be thought of as a 3 1 matrix that carries physical information: namely, magnitude and direction. This information is preserved when the axes are rotated only if the components change according to a certain rule. Very often, it is necessary to describe physical quantities using a 3 3 matrix (or even a 3 3 3 matrix). Such a quantity is called a tensor if its components transform according to a certain rule when the axes are rotated. This rule means that the physical information in the tensor (essentially the eigenvalues) is preserved. 4
Learning outcomes By the end of this course, you should: be able to manipulate, and solve problems using, vector operators; be able to calculate line, surface and volume integrals in R3 , using Stokes theorem and the divergence theorem where appropriate; be able to solve Laplaces equation in simple cases, and be able to prove standard uniqueness theorems for Laplaces and related equations. understand the notion of a tensor and the general properties of tensors in simple cases.
Dierential Equations
The main aim is to develop the skill of representing real (physical or biological) situations by means of dierence or dierential equations. The course follows smoothly from the A-level syllabus starting with revision of dierentiation and integration. A particularly important sort of dierential equation is one which is linear and has constant coecients. These equations are unusual in that they can be solved exactly (the solutions are exponential or trigonometric functions). Many of the equations of physics are of this sort: the equations governing radioactive decay, Maxwells equations for electromagnetism and the Schrdinger equation in quantum mechanics, for example. o In other cases, it is useful to try to represent solutions which cannot be obtained explicitly by means of phase-plane diagrams. Sometimes a particular solution describing some important situation is known although the general solution is not. In this case, it is often important to determine whether this solution is typical, or whether a small change in the conditions will lead to a very dierent solution. In the latter case, the solution is said to be unstable. This property is determined by linearising the original equation to obtain an equation with constant coecients of the sort discussed above. Sometimes, the solutions are so unstable that they are called chaotic. The very important idea of partial dierentiation is introduced in the last half of the course. This is the analogue of familiar dierentiation to functions which depend on more than one variable. The approach is mainly geometrical and one of the applications is determining the stationary points of, for example, a function that gives height above sea-level and classifying them into maxima (mountain peaks), minima (valley bottoms) and saddle points (cols or passes). Learning outcomes By the end of this course, you should: understand the theory of, and be able to solve (in simple cases), linear dierence and dierential equations, and standard types of non-linear equations; calculate partial derivatives and use the chain rule; nd and classify stationary points of functions of more than one variable; be able to investigate the stability of solutions of dierence and dierential equations.
From its origin in games of chance and the analysis of experimental data, probability theory has developed into an area of mathematics with many varied applications in physics, biology and business. The course introduces the basic ideas of probability and should be accessible to students who have no previous experience of probability or statistics. While developing the underlying theory, the course should strengthen students general mathematical background and manipulative skills by its use of the axiomatic approach. There are links with other courses, in particular Vectors and Matrices, the elementary combinatorics of Numbers and Sets, the dierence equations of Dierential Equations and calculus of Vector Calculus and Analysis. Students should be left with a sense of the power of mathematics in relation to a variety of application areas. 5
After a discussion of basic concepts (including conditional probability, Bayes formula, the binomial and Poisson distributions, and expectation), the course studies random walks, branching processes, geometric probability, simulation, sampling and the central limit theorem. Random walks can be used, for example, to represent the movement of a molecule of gas or the uctuations of a share price; branching processes have applications in the modelling of chain reactions and epidemics. Through its treatment of discrete and continuous random variables, the course lays the foundation for the later study of statistical inference. Learning outcomes By the end of this course, you should: understand the basic concepts of probability theory, including independence, conditional probability, Bayes formula, expectation, variance and generating functions; be familiar with the properties of commonly-used distribution functions for discrete and continuous random variables; understand and be able to apply the central limit theorem. be able to apply the above theory to real world problems, including random walks and branching processes.
This course is concerned not so much with teaching you new parts of mathematics as with explaining how the language of mathematical arguments is used. We will use simple Mathematics to develop an understanding of how results are established. Because you will exploring a broader and more intricate range of mathematical ideas at University, you will need to develop greater skills in understanding arguments and in formulating your own. These arguments are usually constructed in a careful, logical way as proofs of propositions. We begin with clearly stated and plausible assumptions or axioms and then develop a more and more complex theory from them. The course, and the lecturer, will have succeeded if you nish the course able to construct valid arguments of your own and to criticise those that are presented to you. Example sheets and supervisions will play a key role in achieving this. These skills will form the basis for the later courses, particularly those devoted to Pure Mathematics. In order to give examples of arguments, we will take two topics: sets and numbers. Set theory provides a basic vocabulary for much of mathematics. We can use it to express in a convenient and precise shorthand the relationships between dierent objects. Numbers have always been a fascinating and fundamental part of Mathematics. We will use them to provide examples of proofs, algorithms and counter-examples. Initially we will study the natural numbers 1, 2, 3, . . . and especially Mathematical Induction. Then we expand to consider integers and arithmetic leading to codes like the RSA code used on the internet. Finally we move to rational, real and complex numbers where we lay the logical foundations for analysis. (Analysis is the name given to the study of, for example, the precise meaning of dierentiation and integration and the sorts of functions to which these processes can be applied.) Learning outcomes By the end of this course, you should: understand the need for rigorous proof in mathematics, and be able to apply various dierent methods, including proof by induction and contradiction, to propositions in set theory and the theory of numbers; know the basic properties of the natural numbers, rational numbers and real numbers; understand elementary counting arguments and the properties of the binomial coecients; be familiar with elementary number theory and be able to apply your knowledge to the solution of simple problems in modular arithmetic; understand the concept of countability and be able to identify typical countable and uncountable sets. 6
This course assumes knowledge from A-level mechanics modules, in particular from the rst three modules. If you are not condent that you have the necessary background, you should attend the rst lecture of the non-examinable Mechanics course in the Michaelmas term. There is no need to attend the Mechanics course if you are condent of the material in M1, M2 and M3 at A-level (or the equivalent). This course is the rst look at theoretical physics. The course is important not just for the material is contains; it is also important because it serves as a model for the mathematical treatment of all later courses in theoretical physics. The rst 17 lectures are on classical dynamics. The basis of the treatment is the set of laws due to Newton that govern the motion of a particle under the action of forces, and which can be extended to solid bodies. The approach relies heavily on vector methods. One of the major topics is motion in a gravitational eld. This is not only an important application of techniques from this course and the Dierential Equations course, it is also of historical interest: it was in order to understand the motions of the planets that Isaac Newton developed calculus. With the advent of Maxwells equations in the late nineteenth century came a comfortable feeling that all was well in the world of theoretical physics. This complacency was rudely shaken by Michelsons attempt to measure the velocity of the Earth through the surrounding aether by comparing the speed of light measured in perpendicular directions. The surprising result was that it makes no dierence whether one is travelling towards or away from the light source; the velocity of light is always the same. Various physicists suggested a rule of thumb (time dilation and length contraction) which would account for this phenomenon, but it was Einstein who deduced the underlying theory, special relativity, from his considerations of the Maxwell equations. In this short introduction, the last 7 lectures of this course, there is time only to develop the framework in which the theory can be discussed (the amalgamation of space and time into Minkowski space-time) and tackle simple problems involving the kinematics and dynamics of particles. Learning outcomes By the end of this course, you should: appreciate the axiomatic nature of, and understand the basic concepts of, Newtonian mechanics; be able to apply the theory of Newtonian mechanics to simple problems including the motion of particles, systems of particles and rigid bodies, collisions of particles and rotating frames; be able to calculate orbits under a central force and investigate their stability; be able to tackle problems in rotating frames; be able to solve problems in space-time kinematics and also simple dynamical problems.
This course is intended to provide background mechanics required for the Dynamics and Relativity course in the Lent term and for later courses in applied mathematics and theoretical physics. It is intended for students who have not done as much mechanics as is contained in three A-level modules. You should attend the rst lecture if you are not sure whether you have covered the right material. However, if you have M1, M2 and M3 (or an equivalent), there is no point in attending (unless for revision purposes). The material covered is intended to be useful not only for the course Dynamics and Relativity in the Lent term but also for later courses such as Fluid Dynamics. Each of the lectures will last about half an hour, and will cover the theory of one important topic (such as conservation of momentum, conservation of energy). It will include a worked example. There will be further examples for you to work through, with solutions provided in video format. It is not intended that the course should entail a signicant investment of time. The topic of each lecture will be announced beforehand to enable you to decide whether to attend.
This course is intended to provide a mathematical, but not highly detailed, account of eight topics in Theoretical Physics. The style is informal: there is no xed syllabus and no work to take away. It should be of interest to all students, especially to provide relief from revision.
The following courses are lectured in the Easter term and examined in Part IB.
This course may be taken in the Easter term of either the rst year or the second year; however, if you are planning to take Complex Analysis (i.e. the course on complex variable theory which has a pure approach; Complex Methods covers roughly the same material with an applied approach), you will nd the material in Metric and Topological Spaces very useful. Continuity is one of the basic ideas developed in Analysis I, and this course shows the value of a very abstract formulation of that idea. It starts with the general notion of distance in the theory of metric spaces and uses that to motivate the denition of topological space. The key topological ideas of connectedness and compactness are introduced and their applications explained. In particular a fresh view emerges of the important result (from Analysis I) that a continuous function on a closed and bounded interval is bounded and attains its bounds. By the end of this course you should: Learning outcomes By the end of this course, you should: appreciate the denitions of metric and topological space and be able to distinguish between standard topological and non-topological properties; understand the topological notion of connectedness and its relation to path-connectedness; understand the topological notion of compactness, know its signicance in basic analysis and be able to apply it to identify standard quotients of topological spaces.
This course maybe taken in the Easter term of either the rst or the second year. A typical problem in optimisation is to nd the cheapest way of supplying a set of supermarkets from a set of warehouses: in more general terms, the problem is to nd the minimum (or maximum) value of a quantity when the variables are subject to certain constraints. Many real-world problems are of this type and the theory discussed in the course are practically extremely important as well as being interesting applications of ideas introduced earlier in Numbers and Sets and Vectors and Matrices. Topics covered include the simplex algorithm, the theory of two-person games and some algorithms particularly well suited to solving the problem of minimising the cost of ow through a network. Learning outcomes By the end of this course, you should: understand the nature and importance of convex optimisation; be able to apply Lagrangian methods to solve problems involving constraints; be able to solve problems in linear programming by methods including the simplex algorithm and duality; be able to solve network problems by methods using, for example, the Ford-Fulkerson algorithm and min-cut max-ow theorems.
Variational Principles
This course may be taken in the Easter term of either the rst year or the second year; however its content will be very useful to several of the Part IB courses, in particular Methods, Electromagnetism and Quantum Mechanics. We all know that the shortest distance between two points in space is a straight line. However, if you are travelling between points on the surface of a sphere, the shortest route is a great circle; this result which can be obtained beautifully using variational principles, i.e. by using mathematical techniques which consider variations across all possible routes to minimise distance. These techniques (the calculus of variations) were developed to solve a deceptively simple problem: what is the route that minimises the transit time between two points for a particle in a gravitational eld (which, as every amusement park designer knows, is most denitely not a straight line)? But variational principles have much broader application. Many of the fundamental components of physics (for example, those based around conservation laws) can be derived from variational principles, from Newtons laws of motion, through electromagnetism, quantum mechanics to relativity, in a profoundly elegant way, exploiting the essential interplay of physical concepts with underlying symmetries. Learning outcomes By the end of this course, you should: understand the concepts of a functional, and of a functional derivative; be able to apply constraints to variational problems; appreciate the relationship between variational statements, conservation laws and symmetries in physics.
Computational Projects
The lectures for this course should be attended in the Easter term of the rst year. The Computational Projects course consists mainly of practical computational projects carried out and written up during the second year. The marks are included in Part IB examination marks. The emphasis is on understanding the physical and mathematical problems being modelled rather than on the details of computer programming. Lectures are given in the Easter term which introduce some of the mathematical and practical aspects of the various projects. More details are available in the Part IB Computational Projects Manual, which is available on-line ( ). The main programming language is Matlab. Learning outcomes By the end of this course, you should: be able to programme using a traditional programming language; understand the limitations of computers in relation to solving mathematical problems; be able to use a computers to solve problems in both pure and applied mathematics involving, for example, solution of ordinary dierential equations and manipulation of matrices.