Introduction of Asp
Introduction of Asp
Introduction of Asp
Firstly web application were developed using CGI or PERL and one needed to know C and C++ in ordered to work with these languages.Development time was very long then Microsoft IIS hit the markets in early 1996.In early 1997 microsoft launch IIS 3.0 with the new technique active server pages. ASP is a program that runs inside IIS.IIS stands for internet information comes as a free component with windows is also a part of window NT4.0 option pack.The option pack can be download free Microsoft.PWS is a smaller but fully functionally version of IIS.PWS can be found on your window 95/93 cd. ASP is a mixture of html and scripting that enables you to built dynamic and database driven is a server site scripting environment that we can use to create and run dynamic web server application.