Letter To CRA - DSF
Letter To CRA - DSF
Letter To CRA - DSF
April 24, 2012 Compliance Division, Charities Directorate Canada Revenue Agency Ottawa ON, K1A 0L5 Dear Sir or Madam: RE: Letter of Complaint Regarding Charitable Status of David Suzuki Foundation CRA Registration # BN 127756716RR0001
We are instructed by the EthicalOil.org.1 A complaint is hereby lodged on behalf of our said client in respect of the David Suzuki Foundation (Suzuki Foundation), a charity registered with the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA). We are instructed to bring to your attention the matters set out below and request that you determine whether or not the Suzuki Foundation is in contravention of the CRA rules surrounding registered charities and political activity. Pursuant to CRA rules, a registered charity is prohibited from engaging in partisan political activity, and faces strict restrictions on political activity. If you find that the Suzuki Foundation is in contravention of the CRA rules, then we request that you consider whether the Suzuki Foundation should have its charitable status revoked or otherwise be sanctioned by the CRA. This letter first sets out our interpretation of the relevant policies of the CRA regarding charities and political activity, including partisan political activity (pages 2 - 3). This letter then sets out the relevant background of the Suzuki Foundation, the specific actions of the Suzuki Foundation within approximately the last year that this letter brings into question, and describes how those specific actions may violate the CRA rules relating to charities and political activity (pages 3 44).
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CRA RULES REGARDING CHARITIES AND POLITICAL ACTIVITY Section 149.1(1) of the Income Tax Act, RSC, 1985, c. 1 (5th Supp.) provides that a charitable organization is required to devote all of its resources to charitable activities. Section 149.1(6.2) provides that a charitable organization may donate part of its resources to political activities, provided that the activities are ancillary and incidental to its charitable activities and do not include the support of, or opposition to, any political party or candidate. The application of the Income Tax Act is described in CRA Policy Statements, as set out below. An organization with political purposes does not qualify for registration as a charity. Political purposes are those that seek to: further the interests of a particular political party; or support a political party or candidate for public office; or retain, oppose, or change the law, policy, or decision of any level of government in Canada or a foreign country.2
Registered charities are prohibited from participating in partisan political activity. Partisan political activity involves direct or indirect support of, or opposition to, any political party or candidate for public office. A charity may make the public aware of its position on an issue, even if that position is supported by a candidate or political party, provided: 1. it does not explicitly connect its views to any political party or candidate for public office; the issue is connected to its charitable purposes; its views are based on a well-reasoned position; and public awareness campaigns do not become the charity's primary activity.3
2. 3. 4.
A charity may provide information to the public on how all Members of Parliament or legislative body voted on an issue connected with the charity's purpose. However, a charity must not single out the voting pattern of any one elected representative or political party.4
Canada Revenue Agency, Policy Statement - Political Activities, February 14, 2011, http://www.craarc.gc.ca/chrts-gvng/chrts/plcy/cps/cps-022-eng.html. 3 Canada Revenue Agency, Policy Statement - Political Activities, February 14, 2011, http://www.craarc.gc.ca/chrts-gvng/chrts/plcy/cps/cps-022-eng.html. 4 Canada Revenue Agency, Policy Statement - Political Activities, February 14, 2011, http://www.craarc.gc.ca/chrts-gvng/chrts/plcy/cps/cps-022-eng.html.
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Compliance Division, Charities Directorate April 24, 2012 Page 3 of 44 A registered charity may take part in limited political activities provided the activities are nonpartisan and connected and subordinate to the charity's purposes. 5 A charity engages in political activity if it: 1. explicitly communicates a call to political action (i.e., encourages the public to contact an elected representative or public official and urges them to retain, oppose, or change the law, policy, or decision of any level of government); explicitly communicates to the public that the law, policy, or decision of any level of government in Canada or a foreign country should be retained (if retention is being reconsidered by a government), opposed, or changed; explicitly indicates in its materials (whether internal or external) that the intention of the activity is to incite, or organize to put pressure on, an elected representative or public official to retain, oppose, or change the law, policy, or decision of any level of government in Canada or a foreign country; or attempts to sway public opinion on social issues. 6
While not all attempts to inform public opinion on an issue are political activity, any purpose that suggests convincing or needing people to act in a certain way and which is contingent upon a change to law or government policy is a political purpose.7 THE COMPLAINT Based on the CRA requirements set out above, we submit on behalf of our client, EthicalOil.org, that the Suzuki Foundation appears to engage in prohibited political and partisan activity, for the reasons that follow. The Suzuki Foundation is a registered charity that works with government, business and individuals on environmental issues. The Suzuki Foundation claims to engage in science-based education, advocacy and policy work, and act as a catalyst for social change. The Suzuki Foundation is apparently interested in a number of environmental issues.
Canada Revenue Agency, Other acceptable activities permitted within certain limits, January 7, 2010, http://www.cra-arc.gc.ca/chrts-gvng/chrts/prtng/ctvts/thr-eng.html. 6 Canada Revenue Agency, Policy Statement - Political Activities, February 14, 2011, http://www.craarc.gc.ca/chrts-gvng/chrts/plcy/cps/cps-022-eng.html. 7 Canada Revenue Agency, Policy Statement - Political Activities, February 14, 2011, http://www.craarc.gc.ca/chrts-gvng/chrts/plcy/cps/cps-022-eng.html.
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Compliance Division, Charities Directorate April 24, 2012 Page 4 of 44 A. Statements made by Dr. Suzuki to the Media
In a Toronto Star article published on July 21, 2011 titled Suzuki warns Tory scheme to cancel green energy plans is absolute insanity, David Suzuki endorsed Premier Dalton McGuinty in the Ontario provincial election: Im offering an endorsement of what Mr. McGuinty has done, absolutely. This is a great plan. Any party would be foolish to talk about abandoning it, he said, noting the David Suzuki Foundation works closely with the government on promoting energy conservation. 8 ... [emphasis added] Davids Suzukis endorsement of Dalton McGuinty may be prohibited partisan political activity. It may be that Dr. Suzukis endorsement was made on behalf of the Suzuki Foundation, and not simply on behalf of himself as an individual. This warrants further investigation by the CRA, because the article appears to suggest that the Suzuki Foundation may have engaged in prohibited partisan political activity if it was endorsing Dalton McGuinty through Dr. Suzuki. Furthermore, Dr. Suzuki appeared in an ad for the Liberal Party of Ontario on the subject. A link to view this ad is in the footnote, below. 9 B. The Suzuki Foundations Website and Blog
The Climate Change page on the Suzuki Foundation website includes the following statement: Get the government to end tax breaks to dirty fuels! The federal government continues to give billions of dollars in tax breaks to the companies producing oil and gas in Canada. Analysis shows a total of $1.4 billion per year in federal subsidies, $840 million of which are special tax breaks, with a disproportionate share going to dirty fuels such as the Alberta Tar Sands. The page also includes an animated ticker featuring the dollar amount of alleged Canadian tax breaks to oil companies.10 It is submitted that in stating that the federal government continues to give billions of dollars in tax breaks with a disproportionate share going to dirty fuels such as the Alberta Tar Sands,
Toronto Star, Suzuki warns Tory scheme to cancel green energy plans is absolute insanity, July 21, 2011, http://www.thestar.com/news/canada/politics/article/1028008--suzuki-warns-tory-scheme-to-cancel-greenenergy-plans-is-absolute-insanity; http://vancouver.24hrs.ca/video/1170952504001. 9 Canada Revenue Agency, Policy Statement - Political Activities, February 14, 2011, http://www.craarc.gc.ca/chrts-gvng/chrts/plcy/cps/cps-022-eng.html. 10 Suzuki Foundation, Climate Change, http://www.davidsuzuki.org/issues/climate-change/.
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Compliance Division, Charities Directorate April 24, 2012 Page 5 of 44 the Suzuki Foundation engaged in political activity. These statements communicate to the public that the federal governments policies related to taxes and Albertas oil sands should be opposed and changed. The statements also appear to attempt to sway public opinion on the federal governments oil sands policies.11 The Suzuki Foundation is engaged in a number of environmental projects. On such project, Race to the Top has the following stated purpose: Federal and provincial governments must take action, and that's more likely to happen if Canadians let their political leaders know how important the issue is. We must also do all we can in our own lives! The David Suzuki Foundation is committed to working with a broad range of groups to build a collective voice for action on climate change in Canada. Among our partners are health professionals, youth leaders, multicultural groups, the business community, and more. Check back for updates on our public engagement campaign work and to find out how you can get involved. [emphasis added] 12 It is submitted that the Race to the Top project is another example of the Suzuki Foundation engaging in prohibited political activity, because it communicates to the public that the federal governments policies related to climate change should be opposed and changed. The statement is also a call to political action.13 The Suzuki Foundation also includes a page on its website titled Ask Minister Kent What is next? in fight against climate change, which states: Decision to withdraw from Kyoto violates Canadian values and leaves millions in harm's way This week, Canada faced some unfamiliar music--outrage from observers worldwide, who noted that the our [sic] governments decision to break its international commitment to the Kyoto Protocol, (the first and only signatory to do so), will undermine global efforts to fight climate change. Coming on the heels of his efforts to scuttle the climate talks in Durban, South Africa, Environment Minister Peter Kents announcement is also widely seen as a repudiation of core Canadian values: internationalism, support for those in need and environmental protection.
Canada Revenue Agency, Policy Statement - Political Activities, February 14, 2011, http://www.craarc.gc.ca/chrts-gvng/chrts/plcy/cps/cps-022-eng.html. 12 Suzuki Foundation, Race to the Top, http://www.davidsuzuki.org/issues/climate-change/projects/race-to-thetop/. 13 http://www.davidsuzuki.org/publications/downloads/2011/10%20Ways%20You%20Can%20Help%20Stop%20Cli mate%20Change.pdf; Canada Revenue Agency, Policy Statement - Political Activities, February 14, 2011, http://www.cra-arc.gc.ca/chrts-gvng/chrts/plcy/cps/cps-022-eng.html.
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Compliance Division, Charities Directorate April 24, 2012 Page 6 of 44 Canadas withdrawal from Kyoto and inaction on climate change shows a disregard for the millions in harms way. Droughts, heat waves, floods, the spread of disease and other effects of global warming are now killing an estimated 300,000 people every year and driving many more into poverty. Experts predict that up to a billion people could become refugees in coming years if the trend continues. Thousands of species of plants and animals--crucial to our own health and well-being--are also going extinct as climate change wreaks havoc on their habitat. Is this what Canada now stands for? We dont think so. We believe, however, that this is a historic moment--when Canadians need to acknowledge how far our federal government has strayed from Canada's core values. We must state clearly that, whatever the federal government plans to do, Canadians will not abandon the progress being made nationwide in fighting climate change: by provinces, municipalities, non-profit organizations, businesses, unions and individual citizens. Please take a moment to send a letter now to Environment Minister Peter Kent and your Member of Parliament, stating where we stand and what we know: * Climate change affects all of us; * Solutions to climate change fight poverty and ensure that vulnerable people and countries aren't left behind; * These solutions also generate better jobs and deliver cleaner air, better health and a brighter future for us, our children and grandchildren. [emphasis added] 14 The page also includes a pre-written email to Federal Environment Minister Peter Kent, which is similar to the text above, with a number of important changes: I am writing to express my sadness and shame on hearing of your decision to withdraw Canada from the Kyoto Protocol. As critics worldwide have noted, this will undermine global efforts to fight climate change and will leave millions in harms way. Coming on the heels of your efforts to scuttle the climate talks in Durban, South Africa, this is also widely seen as a repudiation of core Canadian values: internationalism, support for those in need and environmental protection.
Suzuki Foundation, Ask Minister Kent What is next? in fight against climate change, http://action.davidsuzuki.org/what-is-next.
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Compliance Division, Charities Directorate April 24, 2012 Page 7 of 44 Droughts, heat waves, floods, the spread of disease and other effects of global warming are now killing an estimated 300,000 people a year and driving many more into poverty. Thousands of species of plants and animals--crucial to our own health and well-being--are also going extinct as climate change wreaks havoc on their habitat. Please also know that, regardless of your governments failure to adequately address climate change, I and my family and friends will continue to fight for the progress being made nationwide in facing this huge challenge--by provinces, municipalities, non-profit organizations, businesses, unions and individual citizens. We will do this because we know: * Climate change affects all of us; * Solutions to it fight poverty and ensure that vulnerable people and countries aren't left behind; * These solutions also generate better jobs and deliver cleaner air, better health and a brighter future for us, our children and grandchildren. Please tell me how the federal government plans to compensate for its withdrawal from the Kyoto Protocol, a regime that has encouraged many countries to slash their greenhouse gas emissions. Waiting for another international agreement, which might come into effect in 2020, is not an option. We can't delay a decade. We must act now. Nor is relying on your governments current targets for reductions in greenhouse gas emissions, which are utterly inadequate given the scale of the challenge. Under this text, a visitor to the website need only enter a name, city and province of residence and an email address to submit this letter to Minister Kent. The page also includes a count of how many messages have been sent.15 The Suzuki Foundation also includes a page on its website titled Canada should cooperate on climate change or go home, which states: Canada should cooperate on climate change or go home If Canadian representatives at the UN climate change summit in Durban, South Africa wont commit to the Kyoto Protocol and contribute to global efforts to stop climate change, they should go home and stop impeding progress.
Suzuki Foundation, Ask Minister Kent What is next? in fight against climate change, http://action.davidsuzuki.org/what-is-next.
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Since the summit began on November 28, Canadian officials, led by Environment Minister Peter Kent, have been acting shamefully. Not only are they planning to abandon Kyoto -- the only legally binding international agreement with firm targets to reduce global warming pollution -- they have been secretly urging other countries to pull out of the agreement as well. This is a national embarrassment. If Canada, one of the worlds top 10 global warming polluters, refuses to honour its commitments, we cannot expect developing countries to reduce their emissions. Join us this week in telling Peter Kent and your M.P. that you want Canada to commit to Kyoto and contribute to climate change solutions or go home and let the progressive leaders of the world find solutions to climate change. Thanks to you we've met our goal of 10,000 letters sent! We're at 16,870 letters sent... can you help us get to our new goal of 20,000? [emphasis added] 16 This page also includes a pre-written email to Federal Environment Minister Peter Kent, which states: Dear Environment Minister Kent Like most Canadians, I support international efforts to combat climate change. I also share the anger and frustration of many Canadians and people around the world over Canadas inability to play a constructive role at the UN climate change summit in Durban, South Africa. Canada should commit to the Kyoto Protocol, the legally binding agreement it ratified along with 190 other countries. If our representatives cannot make a positive contribution to finding climate change solutions, they should go home and stop impeding progress. Canadas actions in Durban will not only hinder international efforts to reach a strong and realistic agreement, they will also set a poor example for other countries. If a wealthy industrialized country such as ours, which is one of the Top 10 global warming polluters, fails to honour a legally binding agreement with firm pollution targets, why should we expect developing countries to reduce their emissions? I ask you to commit to Kyoto and start contributing to global efforts to find climate change solutions or leave the summit now.
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Compliance Division, Charities Directorate April 24, 2012 Page 9 of 44 Under this text, a visitor to the website need only enter a name, city and province of residence and an email address to submit this letter to Minister Kent. The page also includes a count of how many messages have been sent.17 It is submitted that the webpages Ask Minister Kent What is next? in fight against climate change and Canada should cooperate on climate change or go home, are prohibited partisan political activity. These pages explicitly oppose the views of the federal government, and in particular, Environment Minister Peter Kent; they also explicitly oppose the federal governments policy on the Kyoto Protocol; state that the Suzuki Foundations intention is to organize to put pressure on Minister Kent and the federal government to oppose and change the governments policy on the Kyoto Protocol; communicate a call to political action, and even provide pre-written opposition emails that can be sent to Minister Kent directly from the Suzuki Foundation website.18 The Suzuki Foundation also includes (or included) a page on its website titled 22 avril, It's our spring! which states: 22 avril is an initiative from citizens from different walks of life and environmental groups. It is supported by different organizations and aims to be the largest possible gathering for the environment in the history of Qubec. If you care about defending our shared resources, the distribution of wealth, the rights of each and every citizen, and respect for the environment, just like 16,535 good-willed men, women, and children, join us on April 22. Sign the Declaration and encourage your friends, family, and coworkers to do the same. It's our spring!
We, Men, women and children with our goodwill We gather to tell the world that we care About the rich, generous and delicate land on which we live We gather in defence of the common good of this country; We come together because we are convinced That with our collective knowledge and potential We can adopt a better strategy to enjoy this treasure The treasure which is our land, our water, and the air we breathe;
Suzuki Foundation, Canada should cooperate on climate change or go home, http://action.davidsuzuki.org/kyoto. 18 Suzuki Foundation, Ask Minister Kent What is next? in fight against climate change, http://action.davidsuzuki.org/what-is-next; Suzuki Foundation, Canada should cooperate on climate change or go home, http://action.davidsuzuki.org/Kyoto; Canada Revenue Agency, Policy Statement - Political Activities, February 14, 2011, http://www.cra-arc.gc.ca/chrts-gvng/chrts/plcy/cps/cps-022-eng.html.
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We gather Because we believe that the use of our natural resources Must be in the interest of all the people And be in harmony with nature And for the benefit of everyone And in the interest of future generations; We gather because we believe it is possible To develop a model for ourselves A model that is a real source of wealth, enrichment, and pride A model that is an inspiration to the entire world; We affirm that we support development: When it is sustainable, when it is powered increasingly by renewable energy, when it utilizes green and ecologically-friendly transportation, when it practices fair trade, when it respects natural habitats and sustainable agriculture. We say it is paramount to work towards an economy where prosperity is synonymous with an ecologically conscious quality of life; We gather to denounce this countrys withdrawal from the Kyoto Protocol, the degradation of our environment due to oil sands development, the current nonsustainable operating models for mining and forestry , the high-risk exploitation of shale gas, oil, and uranium and the use of nuclear energy in our territory; We refuse to be dispossessed of our wealth and our sources of future progress; And we demand that the Government of Canada participates fully in the Kyoto Protocol, that it intensifies the fight against climate change, and that it ceases all subsidies to oil and gas companies, and from now on, its development policy shall meet the highest economic, ecological and social standards in the world; And we demand that the Government of Qubec has a real strategy for the North, and all of its territory, where the development of our natural resources and energy meets with the highest standards, in terms of the sharing of wealth, the respect of environments and peoples, for now and for generations to come; And that is why we sign this declaration and we are committed to take part in the massive rally on April 22, which will be held at 2pm in Montreal or to make a symbolic gesture in my community. [emphasis added] 19 It is submitted that this page represents prohibited political activity because it explicitly opposes the federal governments energy tax policies and policies surrounding the Kyoto Protocol. The page is also a call to political action, encouraging people to sign the petition to
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Compliance Division, Charities Directorate April 24, 2012 Page 11 of 44 demand that the Government of Canada participates fully in the Kyoto Protocol, that it intensifies the fight against climate change, and that it ceases all subsidies to oil and gas companies. The page also demands that the Government of Qubec develop its policies surrounding energy development in accordance with the Suzuki Foundations goals and objectives.20 The Suzuki Foundation also includes a page on its website titled Provinces fight climate change despite federal inaction, which states: Most Canadians are well aware of the federal government's inaction on climate change. It has failed to regulate emissions, has no credible plan to reach even its very modest reduction targets, and has cut funding for government departments and scientific agencies working on the issue. Fortunately, some provincial governments are taking matters into their own hands. The Foundation is highlighting their progress (or lack thereof) in the 2011 Status Report of Provincial Climate Change Plans. The report, which will soon be available to all levels of government and to the public, looks at and compares the provinces' efforts in confronting what is arguably the most serious challenge in human history. It encourages provinces to join a "race to the top" to implement the best solutions for climate change, and to pressure the federal government to get on board. Although all provinces still need to strengthen their plans to reduce emissions, several have taken positive steps. British Columbia and Quebec have introduced economic incentives to shift to cleaner choices through carbon taxes and have regulated fuel-efficiency standards. The government of the Northwest Territories is also considering options for introducing a carbon tax. B.C. and Quebec, along with Manitoba and Ontario, have committed to further pricing and reducing emissions through cap-and-trade systems, as part of the Western Climate Initiative, a collaborative effort among a number of U.S. states and Canadian provinces to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Nova Scotia has capped its electricity emissions, responsible for almost half of the province's emissions. And Ontario, New Brunswick, and Manitoba have shut down polluting power plants, with more shutdowns promised. Ontario passed the Green Energy Act in 2009 to spur investment in cleaner renewable energy. This clean-energy law has already sparked billions of dollars
Canada Revenue Agency, Policy Statement - Political Activities, February 14, 2011, http://www.craarc.gc.ca/chrts-gvng/chrts/plcy/cps/cps-022-eng.html.
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Compliance Division, Charities Directorate April 24, 2012 Page 12 of 44 of investment in green energy and the creation of thousands of well-paying jobs in the province. The report shows that in the current political climate, provincial actions are crucial in the fight against climate change. It will be available on our website at www.davidsuzuki.org. 21 It is submitted that this webpage is also prohibited political activity. The page explicitly opposes the federal governments energy policies and policies surrounding climate change. The page is also political activity in that it supports the retention of various energy policies adopted or proposed by provincial governments. 22 The Suzuki Foundation website also includes a page titled Tell Prime Minister Harper to stop giving handouts to oil companies, which states: Every year, the Canadian government gives more than $1.4 billion in tax subsidies to oil, coal, and gas companies. Why so many tax breaks for the fossil fuel industry? Handouts to polluting industries just encourage more pollution. Back in 2009, Stephen Harper committed to phasing out these subsidies. But just look at how much of the public's money has supported the oil companies since then! This money could go to projects that safeguard our future and our health. Our government should discourage pollution and promote cleaner and safer sources of energy. Tell your representatives to stop subsidizing oil, coal, and gas companies today. We reached our goal of 5,000 emails sent! Now let's get it to 10,000! [emphasis added] 23 This page also includes a pre-written email to Prime Minister Harper titled Please phase out subsidies to the fossil fuel industry, which states:
Ian Harrington, Suzuki Foundation, Provinces fight climate change despite federal inaction, http://www.davidsuzuki.org/publications/finding-solutions/2011/fall/provinces-fight-climate-change-despitefederal-inaction/. 22 Ian Harrington, Suzuki Foundation, Provinces fight climate change despite federal inaction, http://www.davidsuzuki.org/publications/finding-solutions/2011/fall/provinces-fight-climate-change-despitefederal-inaction/; Canada Revenue Agency, Policy Statement - Political Activities, February 14, 2011, http://www.cra-arc.gc.ca/chrts-gvng/chrts/plcy/cps/cps-022-eng.html. 23 Suzuki Foundation, Tell Prime Minister Harper to stop giving handouts to oil companies, http://action.davidsuzuki.org/subsidy.
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Compliance Division, Charities Directorate April 24, 2012 Page 13 of 44 Dear Prime Minister Stephen Harper and Members of Parliament, It upsets me that the Canadian government still gives tax cuts and credits to oil, coal, and gas companies. I was happy when you promised to phase out the subsidies in 2009, but I dont see much change. Whatever happened to your Advantage Canada plan? Didnt you join other G20 leaders to phase out inefficient fossil fuel subsidies? I want to see you take action, and phase out the subsidies. Other countries are investing in renewable energy projects, and I think this is a better option. Canada has so much potential and could create so many jobs by developing more clean energy. Subsidies keep us dependent on dirty energy sources. Were missing out other countries will lead the way in developing new technologies instead of us. I want my country to be on the cutting edge of green technology on the world stage. The oil, gas, and coal companies make enough money on their own. Please support other crucial public services instead of giving tax subsidies to the fossil fuel industry. We need to switch gears and focus on becoming a green energy leader. Under this text, a visitor to the website need only enter a name, city and province of residence and an email address to submit this letter to Prime Minister Harper. The page also includes a count of how many messages have been sent.24 It is submitted that this webpage is prohibited partisan political activity. The page explicitly opposes the energy tax policies of Prime Minister Harper and the federal government. This page is also political activity in that it explicitly opposes the federal governments energy tax policies and indicates that the Suzuki Foundations intention is to organize to put pressure on Prime Minister Harper and the federal government to oppose and change these policies. The page also explicitly communicates a call to political action, and even provides a pre-written opposition email that can be sent to Prime Minister Harper directly from the Suzuki Foundation website.25 The Suzuki Foundation also includes a page on its website titled Tell the Senate to stop silencing environmental groups, which states: With their insulting and uninformed statements during an inquiry into international funding for Canadian charitable organizations that are standing
Suzuki Foundation, Tell Prime Minister Harper to stop giving handouts to oil companies, http://action.davidsuzuki.org/subsidy. 25 Canada Revenue Agency, Policy Statement - Political Activities, February 14, 2011, http://www.craarc.gc.ca/chrts-gvng/chrts/plcy/cps/cps-022-eng.html.
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Compliance Division, Charities Directorate April 24, 2012 Page 14 of 44 up for our countrys rich natural environment, senators are doing a disservice to all Canadians. The government has already labelled Canadians who question the Northern Gateway pipeline proposal as "radicals" and potential terrorists, but its appointed senators recently kicked things up a notch. Senator Don Plett, former president of the federal Conservative Party, asked his fellow senators during the inquiry, "If environmentalists are willing to accept money from Martians, where would they draw the line on where they receive money from? Would they take money from Al Qaeda, the Hamas or the Taliban?" Senator Percy Mockler referred to the David Suzuki Foundation and others as "qualified bad, not to mention ugly, foundations." Such statements from senators are an affront to the democratic principles of this country. We expect more from our government and Senate leaders. We expect rational discussion of issues of national and global importance. Environmental organizations have often stepped in where government and industry have failed to protect the air, water, and land that we all depend on from raising the issue of acid rain, which led to a successful treaty to address the problem, to protecting valuable habitat and natural areas. The issue of relatively small amounts of international funding is a distraction and effort to silence environmental organizations. Trying to stifle those who dont agree with the government's positions is undemocratic and goes against the values and traditions that Canadians of all political stripes have worked for many years to establish. The David Suzuki Foundation is transparent about its funding. We received 94 per cent of our funding from Canadians last year and six per cent from international sources. We're proud of all our donors, wherever they are from. After all, we share one biosphere. If you support our work and the work of other environmental organizations, please send the government and the senators a message. Tell them that democracy requires listening to what all Canadians have to say and not trying to demonize or silence those with differing points of view. [emphasis added] The page also includes a pre-written email to Senator Nicole Eaton, Members of the Senate, and Members of Parliament, which states: Dear Senator Eaton, Members of the Senate, and Members of Parliament, As a Canadian who cares deeply about the future of our country, I am extremely disappointed by the recent attempts of some senators to silence and demonize those who dont share their positions.
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Some senators have labelled those who raise concerns about environmental degradation as anti-Canadian and have questioned the integrity of legitimate Canadian organizations like the David Suzuki Foundation. I am proud to support Canadas environmental organizations, which have a long history of protecting biodiversity, promoting public understanding of environmental issues, and providing science-based information to help Canada steward the natural environment on which we all depend for our health and future prosperity. The Senate is supposed to be a house of sober second thought. As such, we expect more from our senators than uninformed and immature rhetoric that does nothing to further debate about matters of vital national importance. Like many Canadians, I believe that the issue of relatively small amounts of international funding is a distraction and effort to silence and discredit Canadian organizations that are looking out for the interests of Canada and Canadians. A democracy functions best when all points of view are considered rationally and carefully, and when our leaders, both elected and appointed, examine the facts before speaking. As a Canadian who looks to the House of Commons and the Senate for leadership, I ask you to get back to the business of thoughtful debate rather than trying to stifle the voices of millions of Canadians with whom you may not agree. Sincerely, [emphasis added] Under this text, a visitor to the website need only enter a name, city and province of residence and an email address to submit this letter to Senator Nicole Eaton, Members of the Senate, and Members of Parliament. The page also includes a count of how many messages have been sent.26 It is submitted that the Suzuki Foundations webpage Tell the Senate to stop silencing environmental groups, is prohibited political activity. The page explicitly opposes the comments of Senator Don Plett and Senator Percy Mockler regarding environmental groups. This page is also political activity in that it explicitly opposes the Senates inquiry into international funding of charitable organizations. Indeed, the page refers to the inquiry as an
Suzuki Foundation, Tell the Senate to stop silencing environmental groups, http://action.davidsuzuki.org/senate.
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Compliance Division, Charities Directorate April 24, 2012 Page 16 of 44 affront to *+ democratic principles. The page also states that the Senate inquiry is an attempt to stifle those who dont agree with the government's positions, and is undemocratic and *+ against the values and traditions that Canadians of all political stripes have worked for many years to establish. The Suzuki Foundations intention in posting this page on its website is to organize to put pressure on the Senate to abandon its inquiry on charitable funding. The page also explicitly communicates a call to political action, and provides a pre-written opposition email that can be sent to Senator Nicole Eaton, Members of the Senate, and Members of Parliament directly from the Suzuki Foundation website.27 The Suzuki Foundation website features a blog, in which a number of Suzuki Foundation employees post about various environmental issues. A March 29, 2012 post titled Senators take notice of your letters stated: Thanks to all of you who responded to our call to write to Canadian senators and MPs, telling them to stop attacking people who care about the environment. Within days, more than 10,000 of you sent letters. Judging from the reaction, your letters made a difference. It didn't take long, though, for some media pundits and senators to misinterpret the issue, charging, among other things, that we are afraid of scrutiny. We wouldn't have a problem with Sen. Nicole Eaton's inquiry into the "Involvement of Foreign Foundations in Canada's Domestic Affairs" if we thought it were a sincere attempt to examine the wide range of foreign involvement in Canada's affairs, or even the donations to all Canadian charities from international sources. We believe in transparency, which is why the David Suzuki Foundation publishes on its website details about who donates, how donations are used, and our policies to ensure that money comes from ethical sources something some of the senators failed to notice. That some senators are willing to sling mud and make inaccurate accusations without even checking the websites of the non-profits being criticized is enough to make any thinking person question the motives behind this Senate inquiry. Rather than fostering an honest discussion about foreign influence in matters of the national public interest, which would include the selling of our resources and resource industries, the aim seems to be to demonize and silence people and organizations that question their policies.
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Compliance Division, Charities Directorate April 24, 2012 Page 17 of 44 We believe charitable organizations of all kinds have made great contributions to Canada and Canadians. Environmental groups have protected human health, natural areas, and numerous species of plants and animals when governments and the corporate sector failed to take into account important values. We've seen it in everything from the Montreal Protocol on Substances That Deplete the Ozone Layer to the Species at Risk Act. It may not be convenient when hundreds of thousands of Canadians demand a real discussion on massive pipeline or resource projects before the government rubber-stamps them. But that's what democracy's about. [emphasis added]28 It is submitted that this blog post is also prohibited political activity in that it explicitly opposes the Senates inquiry into international funding of charitable organizations. However, the page also implies that the Senates inquiry was not a sincere attempt to examine the wide range of foreign involvement in Canada's affairs, or even the donations to all Canadian charities from international sources. The post also states that some senators are willing to sling mud and make inaccurate accusations related to the international funding of charitable organizations, and that the Senates aim is to demonize and silence people and organizations that question the federal governments policies related to resource development. 29 A March 29, 2012 post by David Suzuki titled Religious right's rejection of science is baffling stated: Is the world getting nuttier? Looking at recent events in North America, it's hard not to conclude that humanity is taking a crazy step backwards. I recall a time when science and scientists were taken seriously, but lately they've been getting knocked around, especially in the U.S. and Canada. The State of Tennessee, for example, passed a law that allows teachers who don't believe in evolution or human-caused climate change to challenge existing scientific theories. Yes, students should be encouraged to think critically and to question everything they are taught but, given the current political climate in the U.S., this is likely to lead to misinformation. In the 1920s, a Tennessee school teacher was tried, convicted, and fined for teaching evolution. Meanwhile, candidates vying for the Republican presidential nomination reject the overwhelming scientific evidence for human-caused climate change. Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich once held rational positions but have since capitulated to the fossil fuel lobby. Rick Santorum just seems out of touch on every issue, from rights for women and gays to the environment. "He's referred to climate change as a "hoax" and once said, "We were put on this Earth as
Suzuki Foundation, Senators take notice of your letters, http://www.davidsuzuki.org/blogs/pantherlounge/2012/03/senators-take-notice-of-your-letters/. 29 Policy Statement - Political Activities, February 14, 2011, http://www.cra-arc.gc.ca/chrtsgvng/chrts/plcy/cps/cps-022-eng.html.
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Compliance Division, Charities Directorate April 24, 2012 Page 18 of 44 creatures of God to have dominion over the Earth, to use it wisely and steward it wisely, but for our benefit not for the Earth's benefit." Some of these people put their misguided beliefs above rational thought. Republican senator James Inhofe, one of the more vocal and active climate change deniers in U.S. politics, recently said, "God's still up there. The arrogance of people to think that we, human beings, would be able to change what He is doing in the climate is to me outrageous." That statement is in keeping with the Cornwall Alliance's Evangelical Declaration on Global Warming, which has been signed by a range of religious leaders, media people, and even some who work in climate science, such as Roy Spencer, David Legates, and Ross McKitrick. It says, in part, "We believe Earth and its ecosystems created by God's intelligent design and infinite power and sustained by His faithful providence are robust, resilient, self-regulating, and self-correcting, admirably suited for human flourishing, and displaying His glory. Earth's climate system is no exception." It also states that reducing atmospheric carbon dioxide and fossil fuel use will "greatly increase the price of energy and harm economies." And then there was this claim from Arizona Senator Sylvia Allen: "This Earth's ... been here 6,000 years, long before anybody had environmental laws, and somehow it hasn't been done away with. We need to get the uranium here in Arizona so this state can get the money from it and the revenues from it." And so there you have it. The economy matters more than the environment, and God won't let puny humans damage "His" 6,000-year-old creation anyway. That's not to criticize religion; only those who let it blind them to science and who would use it to advance agendas that don't even reflect the spirit of their own traditions. Lest we get too smug in Canada, we must remember that we have politicians who hold similar religious views and are just as anti-science, although Canada has so far managed to keep religion largely out of politics. But recent cutbacks to government scientific research and staff show that many of our leaders also believe that the environment should take a back seat to corporate interests, and that any science that gets in the way must be hushed up or discredited. Never mind that the environment is real and that we depend on it for survival and that the economy is a human invention that can be altered to suit the times. Never mind that a long-term healthy economy depends on a healthy environment and that placing all our bets on non-renewable and polluting fuels is folly. These people want to ignore both the problems and the solutions for the sake of short-term and short-sighted benefits for a relatively small number of people.
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Whether they justify it with religion or political ideology, it still doesn't make sense. 30 It is submitted that David Suzukis blog post Religious right's rejection of science is baffling is political activity in that it attempts to incite federal and state governments in the United States, including specific elected officials (Republican senator James Inhofe and Arizona Senator Sylvia Allen), to change the policies of federal and state governments regarding climate change and resource development. The post is also political activity in that it explicitly opposes the Canadian federal governments policies on the environment and research funding. 31 A March 28, 2012 post by Jeffrey Young titled Continued environmental cuts represent a false choice stated: Along with potential changes to Canada's environmental laws, further cuts to core environmental programs will likely be included in the federal budget on Thursday, March 29. These cuts could take already stressed programs to a breaking point, undermining the function of government itself and hurting our economy. We may see announcements related to creating Canada's first urban national park in the Rouge watershed of Toronto or improving water treatment in First Nations communities, which would be useful for these communities. However, if the trend continues in cutting core environmental programs, including those related to the establishment and management of national parks or regulating water quality nation-wide, we'll have a problem. The most fundamental role of government is to protect its citizens. To fulfill this role government no matter how big or small must make protecting our shared environment a high priority. Our safety and security include access to clean air, water and food. All of these needs rely on nature, made up of intact ecosystems of plants and animals (including humans), along with flows of water, air and nutrients. Government departments, such as Environment Canada and Fisheries and Oceans Canada, play key roles in protecting our environment, from regulating toxins in our air to protecting rivers and lakes that people depend on for food, recreation and jobs. Recent budget cuts have already undermined the ability of these departments to perform their most basic functions. Further cuts could hit thresholds where these functions aren't just reduced, but are compromised
David Suzuki, Suzuki Foundation, Religious right's rejection of science is baffling, http://www.davidsuzuki.org/blogs/science-matters/2012/03/religious-rights-rejection-of-science-is-baffling/, March 29, 2012. 31 Canada Revenue Agency, Policy Statement - Political Activities, February 14, 2011, http://www.craarc.gc.ca/chrts-gvng/chrts/plcy/cps/cps-022-eng.html
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Compliance Division, Charities Directorate April 24, 2012 Page 20 of 44 entirely. Meanwhile, the government is continuing to subsidize major industries that are highly profitable. As an example, Fisheries and Oceans Canada is responsible for ensuring fish stocks are abundant, supporting both economic and subsistence fisheries. It's not hard to imagine that counting fish would be one of the core requirements of this department without these counts how do we know how many we can catch? But this is one of the basic functions at risk. Cuts have already compromised the government's ability to count fish, and further cuts could create a scenario where many fisheries couldn't be pursued safely at all without threatening to destroy the stocks. This would be a terrible hit to the people who depend on fisheries for their food and livelihood. Remember Newfoundland and the cod fishery? We all agree that the government should be efficient and effective. Further cuts to critical environmental programs threaten both. Putting the environment we depend on at risk severely undermines the effectiveness of government in meeting the most basic needs of its citizens. The wrong kind of cuts could also make the government (more) inefficient and undermine our economy. As those who built this country have demonstrated, we're all ready to roll up our sleeves and put in extra work when times are tight. But these efforts are relevant only if they're still about getting the job done. One of the primary jobs of government is to protect the environment, for the health of the economy and us.32 It is submitted that Jeffrey Youngs blog post is political activity in that it explicitly opposes the federal governments tax policies and policies regarding the federal budget.33 A February 14, 2012 post by Jim Boothroyd titled Let's build a pipeline of solutions stated: The public hearings on the Northern Gateway Pipeline project have been underway for a month now, yet the storm of controversy they have triggered rages on. While the federal government rails against "environmental and other radical groups" who dare to question the project, First Nations, whole communities and thousands of individual citizens are queuing up to voice their concerns concerns we share.
Jeffrey Young, Suzuki Foundation, Continued environmental cuts represent a false choice, http://www.davidsuzuki.org/blogs/panther-lounge/2012/03/continued-environmental-cuts-represent-a-falsechoice/#_=1333052598386&id=twitter-widget2&lang=en&screen_name=DavidSuzukiFDN&show_count=false&show_screen_name=true&size=l, March 28, 2012. 33 Canada Revenue Agency, Policy Statement - Political Activities, February 14, 2011, http://www.craarc.gc.ca/chrts-gvng/chrts/plcy/cps/cps-022-eng.html.
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*+ We will also continue to fight for fair, open and scientifically credible environmental assessments and policy-making so that Canadians have a real say in key decisions about their health and quality of life. *+ Another project, Canadians for Climate Action, has worked with provincial governments to encourage a veritable "Race to the Top". It is also encouraging dialogues on the topic with new Canadian communities, including those of Chinese and South Asian descent. *+ This is an extraordinary partnership with a transformative goalthe sort of endeavour Canada badly needs to get at root causes of its pipeline risks and rancour. If you agree with our root-and-branch approach, please support us. And if you have a moment to do more, write your Member of Parliament about the need for a sustainable energy strategy that really serves the national interest. [emphasis added] 34 It is submitted that Jim Boothroyds blog post Let's build a pipeline of solutions is political activity in that it explicitly opposes the federal governments policies on the Northern Gateway Pipeline and implies that the Federal Government rails against and is seeking to punish anyone opposed to the pipeline. The post is also a call to political action in that it encourages readers to contact Members of Parliament.35 A February 2, 2012 post by David Suzuki titled Science literacy is good for society stated: *+ One only has to look at some of the "debate" surrounding global warming to know that incomprehension about science reaches the highest levels of decisionmaking. U.S. presidential hopefuls have been demonstrating a bewildering lack of knowledge in their attempts to challenge the overwhelming scientific evidence for human-caused climate change. It's reminiscent of parents who make something up when they don't know the answer.
Jim Boothroyd, Suzuki Foundation, Let's build a pipeline of solutions, http://www.davidsuzuki.org/blogs/panther-lounge/2012/02/lets-build-a-pipeline-of-solutions/, February 14, 2012. 35 Canada Revenue Agency, Policy Statement - Political Activities, February 14, 2011, http://www.craarc.gc.ca/chrts-gvng/chrts/plcy/cps/cps-022-eng.html.
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Compliance Division, Charities Directorate April 24, 2012 Page 22 of 44 This doesn't always come from ignorance. Sometimes, it's a way to exploit confusion or lack of understanding to further a political or corporate agenda. In Canada, we've seen attempts to limit, control, or silence scientific findings that may hinder the government's economic and corporate agenda. The situation is so critical that last year Kathryn O'Hara, then president of the Canadian Science Writers' Association, wrote to the prime minister, urging him to "free the scientists to speak be it about state of ice in the Arctic, dangers in the food supply, nanotechnology, salmon viruses, radiation monitoring, or how much the climate will change." Currently, the federal government must approve all media and speaking requests for its scientists. Clearance is often not given, or is delayed so much that experts can't speak in a timely and meaningful way. Compare this with the Obama administration's U.S. policy, which states that "scientists may speak freely with the media and public about scientific and technical matters based on their official work without approval from the public affairs office or their supervisors." In an open society, leaders who have nothing to hide and who base their decisions on the best available evidence should have no reason to muzzle scientists, or anyone else. Just as parents should help children find relevant facts and encourage exploration, governments have a responsibility to make sure we have access to good information. *+ [emphasis added] 36 It is submitted that David Suzukis blog post Science literacy is good for society, is also political activity. The post communicates that the federal governments alleged policies regarding scientists and media contact should be changed, and also suggests that the federal governments motivation for such a policy is sinister: In an open society, leaders who have nothing to hide and who base their decisions on the best available evidence should have no reason to muzzle scientists, or anyone else.37 In a post titled Our response to the Obama administration's rejection today of the Keystone XL Pipeline, Ian Bruce, Team Lead, Climate Change and Clean Energy program stated: This is a pragmatic decision by the Obama administration and should be a wakeup call to our federal government.
David Suzuki, Suzuki Foundation, Science literacy is good for society, http://www.davidsuzuki.org/blogs/science-matters/2012/02/science-literacy-is-good-for-society/, February 2, 2012. 37 Policy Statement - Political Activities, February 14, 2011, http://www.cra-arc.gc.ca/chrtsgvng/chrts/plcy/cps/cps-022-eng.html.
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Compliance Division, Charities Directorate April 24, 2012 Page 23 of 44 The message is clear: from the outcome of the UN Climate Change Summit in Durban to today's decision, climate change is real and major economies worldwide are moving quickly to address this reality. They are doing this by investing in training and technology to harness renewable energy sources and gain a larger share of the burgeoning market for cleaner technologies and energy. Canada needs to recognize this profound shift and broaden its singular focus beyond the tar sands, one of the most polluting sources of fossil fuels in the world. If the federal government truly wants to strengthen Canada's economy, we should be diversifying our energy production and pursuing safer, cleaner energy sources one of the fastest growing global industries. The world's largest economies, including China, other Asian countries and the U.S., are doing this in dramatic ways. That's one reason why the clean energy sector is growing by 30 per cent each year globally. Our country has massive renewable energy sources. Canada could tap into these to be a renewable energy giant. Sadly, we risk falling further behind if we continue to focus unduly on outdated, dirty sources of energy. [emphasis added] 38 It is submitted that Ian Bruces blog post is also political activity. The post communicates that the federal governments policies regarding climate change and the oil sands should be changed.39 David Suzuki published a blog post on December 14, 2011 titled Kyoto and Canada we are better than this, which stated: Dear friends of the David Suzuki Foundation, Like all of us at the Foundation, you are likely heartbroken by our government's reckless decision to break its international commitment to the Kyoto Protocol. Coming on the heels of Canada's attempts to scuttle the climate talks in Durban, South Africa, earlier this month, this decision may also leave you feeling angry and ashamed of our leaders. We feel that way, too.
Ian Bruce, Suzuki Foundation, Our response to the Obama administration's rejection today of the Keystone XL Pipeline, http://www.davidsuzuki.org/blogs/climate-blog/2012/01/our-response-to-the-obama-administrationsrejection-of-the-keystone-xl-pipeline/, January 18, 2012. 39 Policy Statement - Political Activities, February 14, 2011, http://www.cra-arc.gc.ca/chrtsgvng/chrts/plcy/cps/cps-022-eng.html.
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We all understand that our future and that of our children and grandchildren hangs in the balance now and that the scales could be tipped by the resolveor indifferenceof the world leaders who recently came together, for the most part, to figure out ways to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions and slow climate change. The world's scientists have been telling us this for decades, and the growing evidence of our warming biosphere, and its increasingly catastrophic impacts, are now the daily fodder of newscasts and weather reports. The Kyoto Protocol was not perfect, but it was leading to progressive action on climate change. Greenhouse gas emissions have been going down in Europe, and many countries are shifting from polluting fossil fuels to cleaner energy sources. Awareness has grown worldwide about the threat of climate change. Successive Canadian governments, with their focus on a tar sands economy, ensured that we did not meet even the weak targets that they set. In fact, Canada's emissions have risen by 30 per cent over 1990 levels, leaving us way above our target of reducing levels by six per cent by 2012. And, make no mistake, the world has been watching. Canada's poor performance at the climate talks in Durban and its decision to become the first country to pull out of the international legal agreement have drawn criticism from people worldwideand rightly so. That our government would be willing to sacrifice human lives and our future for the sake of shortterm profits from a polluting and non-renewable resource is a slap in the face not only to Canadians but to people everywhere. This is not hyperbole. Climate change and its disastrous effectsdroughts, heat waves, flooding, spread of diseaseare already killing 300,000 people a year and driving many more into poverty. Hundreds of thousands are becoming refugees as such impacts make their homelands uninhabitable. Experts believe that up to a billion people could become refugees in coming years if the trend continues. Many plants and animalscrucial to our own health and well-beingare going extinct as climate change wreaks havoc on their habitat. But Canada is much more than its federal government. And our economy is much more than just the oil industry. Canada is you and me and provincial and municipal government leaders. It is businesspeople and union members and retired people and children. It is all of us. And we are making a difference. Some provincial governments have implemented plans to reduce emissions, spur economic activity in the green energy sector and slow climate change. B.C. and Quebec have implemented carbon taxes, Quebec is planning to cap and reduce industrial emissions, and Ontario has its Green Energy Act, a game-changing piece of legislation. Some municipal governments are taking climate change seriously, too. Vancouver's Greenest City Action Plan includes policies to increase
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Compliance Division, Charities Directorate April 24, 2012 Page 25 of 44 the number of people who cycle or use transit rather than cars and to make homes and buildings more energy efficient. And you have worked with organizations like the David Suzuki Foundation to put the focus on knowledge and solutions. With your support, we've encouraged governments at the municipal and provincial levels to take action, and we've worked with opposition parties to speak up for the majority who want a cleaner and healthier future. We've also teamed up with the Canadian Academy of Engineering and a range of interested parties, for the Trottier Energy Futures Projectan extraordinary initiative to analyze Canada's energy sources and options and identify ways to slash emissions by 80 per cent by 2050, through wiser energy choices. And we've been working with a wide range of Canadians, including young people and new Canadians, reaching out in different languages to share new ideas and discuss solutions. You've all been a big part of this work, through your amazing support. You've written letters, signed petitions, taken part in forums, volunteered, talked to each other, and donated money. Equally important, you've walked the talk taking transit, insulating your homes, buying local, and modelling other behaviour attuned to a sustainable future. Please stay the course with us. Canada's government may be turning its back on the global fight against climate change, but that makes it all the more important for us to take up the slack. We know that reducing emissions and combatting climate change is not just about human healthalthough that's important, both from the standpoint of climate change and pollution. We know that our government's inaction on climate change means more missed opportunities to become part of the burgeoning global green economy, with its focus on clean energy technology and knowledge. And we know that if our government is not willing to listen to the majorityand yes, we are the majorityif it cares more about keeping its friends in the fossilfuel industry happy, then we must do all we can to make a difference. In the coming days and weeks, please take action to affirm your convictions. This will embolden others to express their views and act as well. For example, you could: Comment below on this letter Write to your elected representatives: municipal and provincial as well as federal, demanding to know "What is next?" in the wake of our withdrawal from Kyoto Deepen your connection to our efforts by becoming a monthly donor or giving what you can. Your donations help us press harder and speak louder.
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Compliance Division, Charities Directorate April 24, 2012 Page 26 of 44 Talk to your friends and family about the Canada we envisage: one that acts on the understanding that we are interconnected and interdependent with nature
Together, we can mobilize many more Canadians in defence of our biosphere, and once again be proud of our country. Thank you again, David Suzuki, on behalf of the entire David Suzuki Foundation team [emphasis added] 40 It is submitted that David Suzukis blog post Kyoto and Canada we are better than this, is also political activity. The post explicitly opposes the federal governments policy on the Kyoto Protocol, and attempts to sway public opinion on Kyoto through pathos and hyperbole. The post also encourages the public to write to elected representatives, demanding policy changes in accordance with the views of the Suzuki Foundation. This is political activity because it explicitly communicates a call to political action in relation to the Kyoto withdrawal. 41 On December 13, 2011, Suzuki Foundation employees Dale Marshall and Ian Bruce posted a blog entry titled Canada breaks Kyoto commitment Citizens, cities and provinces must continue to lead on solutions to climate change which stated: Prime Minister Stephen Harper and Environment Minister Peter Kent have broken Canada's commitment to the Kyoto Protocol. This reckless decision clearly signals that Canada is turning its back on the global fight against climate change and the world our children will inherit. Further to Canada's disappointing performance at Durban, this decision will only further harm our credibility on the world stage. At the UN climate change summit in Durban, the federal government didn't offer constructive solutions nor did it show progress or even an effective plan to reduce global warming emissions. Rather, Canada was identified by countries like South Africa and India as a barrier to working out an effective response to global warming. Although Stephen Harper claims the Kyoto Protocol has failed, he's wrong. It is our federal government that has failed as many countries, like those within the European Union, are on track to reach their emission targets. The government of
David Suzuki, Suzuki Foundation, Kyoto and Canada we are better than this, http://www.davidsuzuki.org/blogs/climate-blog/2011/12/kyoto-and-canada----we-are-better-than-this/, December 14, 2011. 41 Policy Statement - Political Activities, February 14, 2011, http://www.cra-arc.gc.ca/chrtsgvng/chrts/plcy/cps/cps-022-eng.html.
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Compliance Division, Charities Directorate April 24, 2012 Page 27 of 44 Canada appears to be ripping up Kyoto not to do more about the huge challenge of climate change but to do less. The current trend of greenhouse gas emissions building up in the atmosphere is putting our world on a dangerous pathway to warming levels of 4C or more, and a 4-year or 10-year delay on action would be catastrophic for the fight against climate change. But there is reason for hope. Many of Canada's provinces and cities are showing true leadership Ontario's renewable energy plan, B.C.'s carbon tax incentive, and Quebec's law to cap and reduce emissions, Vancouver's Greenest City Plan but we could do so much more if the federal government was a true partner. If appearances are deceiving and Canada is in fact serious about avoiding runaway climate change, the federal government needs to come forward and immediately show how it will fill the huge hole left behind by yesterday's announcement. In the meantime, Canadians, provinces and cities must continue to lead our country in global efforts to build a better future and a safer, cleaner economy for everyone. [emphasis added] 42 It is submitted that Dale Marshall and Ian Bruces blog post is prohibited political activity. The post explicitly opposes the federal governments policy on the Kyoto Protocol, and refers to the policy choices of the Prime Minister and federal government as reckless.43 On September 26, 2011, Dale Marshall posted an article on the Suzuki Foundation blog titled No to tar sands, yes to hope, which stated: Today hundreds of Canadians gathered on Parliament Hill to send a clear message to Prime Minister Stephen Harper and the Canadian government: stop the reckless expansion of the tar sands. The peaceful assembly mirrored the one that happened in Washington, D.C. a month ago, when over a thousand U.S. citizens (and some Canadians) were arrested in the hopes that their leader, President Obama, listens to them and rejects the proposal to build the Keystone XL pipeline, a 2,600km pipeline to bring tar sands bitumen from northern Alberta to Texas. But Canadian citizens realize that we don't need to wait for a foreign leader to force Canada to take responsibility for the devastating impacts of the tar sands on human health and the environment. Today, we called on our leader to take action, to use his powers as Prime Minister to halt expansion of the toxic tar
Dale Marshall and Ian Bruce, Suzuki Foundation, Canada breaks Kyoto commitment Citizens, cities and provinces must continue to lead on solutions to climate change, http://www.davidsuzuki.org/blogs/climateblog/2011/12/canadian-government-falls-on-world-stage-citizens-cities-and-provinces-must-cont/, December 13, 2011. 43 Canada Revenue Agency, Policy Statement - Political Activities, February 14, 2011, http://www.craarc.gc.ca/chrts-gvng/chrts/plcy/cps/cps-022-eng.html.
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Compliance Division, Charities Directorate April 24, 2012 Page 28 of 44 sands and take action on climate change. About 1,000 people converged peacefully on Parliament Hill and more than 100 of them were arrested for trespassing. No doubt those who today voiced opposition to the Canadian government's approach to the tar sands will be called criminals or even dangerous. Especially those who got arrested. This use of fear by those in power is a continued attempt to shrink the democratic space, to undermine the voices and opinions of Canadian citizens, and to limit our ability to dissent and oppose what our government is doing in our name. Because they understand just as much as we do that peaceful protest and non-violent civil disobedience can be instrumental in creating social change. The message from today is clear. Expansion of the tar sands needs to stop. Because of the citizens of Fort Chipewyan, who live downstream from the tar sands and are facing health impacts from toxins in their water. Because of the further suffering that will be unleashed on the poor of the world, who are at the forefront of the impacts of climate change. Because of the species and ecosystems that are at risk from the immensity and devastation of the tar sands. Many agree with us. Many Canadians. Many people from around the world. And anytime citizens stand together, exercise their democratic right to assemble in peace, and demand that an unacceptable situation changes, it is a time for hope. [emphasis added] 44 It is submitted that Dale Marshalls blog post No to tar sands, yes to hope, is also political activity. The post explicitly opposes the federal governments policy on the Keystone XL pipeline, and states that the policy should be changed. The post also calls for oil sands development to stop, thus promoting a change in the federal governments policies regarding the oil sands.45 On September 9, 2011, Dale Marshall, Climate Change Policy Analyst, posted an article on the Suzuki Foundation blog titled Ontario Liberal platform maintains green energy focus, which stated: The election platform just released by the Ontario Liberals includes a number of environmental measures. Besides its platform, a governing party will also be judged on its record, and a fair assessment of both the Liberal platform and record would call them good but mixed.
Dale Marshall, Suzuki Foundation, No to tar sands, yes to hope, http://www.davidsuzuki.org/blogs/climateblog/2011/09/no-to-tar-sands-yes-to-hope/, September 26, 2011. 45 Canada Revenue Agency, Policy Statement - Political Activities, February 14, 2011, http://www.craarc.gc.ca/chrts-gvng/chrts/plcy/cps/cps-022-eng.html.
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Compliance Division, Charities Directorate April 24, 2012 Page 29 of 44 The environmental issue that will probably be most debated up to the election on October 6 will be the Green Energy Act. The centerpiece of the Green Energy Act is the Feed-in Tariff (FIT) program, which allows individuals, companies, municipalities, and cooperatives to sell renewable power into the provincial energy grid at guaranteed rates for the next 20 years. This clean-energy law has already led to billions of dollars of investment in green energy and the creation of thousands of well-paying jobs in the province. Not surprisingly, the Liberal platform highlights the Green Energy Act and the FIT program. The Progressive Conservatives vow to scrap the FIT program and a contract with Samsung under which the company would invest $7 billion in green energy in exchange for priority access to the grid and favourable rates for its power. The NDP has promised to honour existing contracts (including the Samsung contract) but otherwise limit private sector investment in renewable energy to small FIT projects only, with all future large renewable energy projects being publicly owned. A coal phase-out is also mentioned in the Liberal platform. Because of past coalplant closures, Ontario's electricity-related emissions of greenhouse gases and smog-producing pollutants have gone down substantially. Though the legislated deadline for closing the remaining coal plants is 2014, Ontario Power Generation has confirmed that present power production exceeds demand even without the coal-fired power plants, which is why the David Suzuki Foundation and other environmental and health groups have called for a more immediate closure of the remaining coal plants. The Liberals, however, want to uphold the 2014 deadline, as do the Progressive Conservatives. The NDP has committed to an immediate phase-out. On the not-so-bright side, though not mentioned in the platform, the Liberals are still intent on investing in new nuclear capacity. The Progressive Conservatives go further by pledging to speed up nuclear power development. The NDP wants to reinvest money earmarked for nuclear power into energy efficiency and conservation, clearly a much better use for that money. And then there's the Clean Energy Benefit, a 10 per cent rebate that the Liberals will continue to give to energy ratepayers until 2015. As mentioned in my previous blogs, this type of initiative may be good politics but it's terrible policy. Higher energy costs encourage conservation. And if a government is worried about low-income families being squeezed by rising prices and it should be then targeted measures such as boosting the Ontario Child Benefit are more effective at addressing poverty. And calling it the Clean Energy Benefit actually perpetuates the myth that clean-energy development is the reason for rising electricity rates, when research shows that implementing clean energy actually costs less. At least the Liberal giveaway is much more modest than the NDP's
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Compliance Division, Charities Directorate April 24, 2012 Page 30 of 44 proposal to cut taxes on power, home heating, and gasoline, and the Progressive Conservative plan to cut the HST on electricity and home heating. Public transit is also in the Liberal platform, mostly related to past investments, but also proposing expanded GO Train service. Spending on transit has been significant under the Liberals, but the 2010 budget also delayed a further $4 billion investment for five years, introducing unneeded uncertainty for Toronto and other municipalities. Also in the Liberal platform is the huge amount of spending that went into building new roads and highways, something that does not help boost sustainable transportation but does boost air pollution. What will help reduce transportation-related pollution is the Liberal platform plan that electric cars will make up five per cent of new vehicle sales by 2020. To move Ontario toward that target, the Liberals will invest $80 million in charging stations and offer a rebate for buying an electric vehicle. *+ Our conclusion overall is that the Liberals intend to continue some of their good work on environmental protection, though past misplaced investments notably for nuclear power production, for more roads and highways, and toward an energy rebate are also proposed to continue. [emphasis added] 46 It is submitted that Dale Marshalls blog post Ontario Liberal platform maintains green energy focus, is partisan political activity. Partisan political activity involves direct or indirect support of, or opposition to, any political party or candidate for public office. Dale Marshalls post directly supports the Ontario Liberals platform regarding green energy. Such support for one political party is prohibited partisan political activity.47 On September 7, 2011, Jode Roberts posted an article on the Suzuki Foundation blog titled It's election time, Ontario! Power your vote today which stated: Ontario's election is beginning, and the future of the province's clean energy economy is at stake. You can help by taking the Power Your Vote pledge today. Thanks to Ontario's world-class Green Energy Act, in only two years the private sector has invested billions of dollars and created thousands of new, goodpaying jobs. *+
Dale Marshall, Suzuki Foundation, Ontario Liberal platform maintains green energy focus, http://www.davidsuzuki.org/blogs/climate-blog/2011/09/ontario-liberal-election-platform-a-mixed-bag/, September 9, 2011. 47 Canada Revenue Agency, Policy Statement - Political Activities, February 14, 2011, http://www.craarc.gc.ca/chrts-gvng/chrts/plcy/cps/cps-022-eng.html.
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Yet just as new opportunities and new hope is building for Ontario, some candidates are threatening to rip up the Green Energy Act. Scrapping this important legislation now would not only kill jobs and stall innovation; it would increase our dependence on dirty energy sources that cost us dearly by contributing to childhood asthma, lung disease and thousands of premature deaths. This is why we need voters to tell their local candidates that we want Ontario to have a brighter future this election. We want to continue building an innovative economy for the 21st century. We want Ontario to be a major international player in the trillion-dollar clean energy revolution sweeping the globe. We don't want to fall behind because of shortsighted political gamesmanship. Power your vote today by telling candidates that you will vote for clean energy, new jobs, and healthy communities. Ask them to show us their best plan to build on the success of the Green Energy Act and continue our unprecedented progress. Tell candidates that our vibrant green future depends on their leadership and that on Election Day you will be voting for a clean energy economy. Together, we'll build a wave of support across the province by asking our friends, family, and neighbours to power their vote with us. And on Saturday, September 24th, watch for local Moving Planet events in your community where groups like the David Suzuki Foundation will be joining countless nice folks like you to celebrate our bright green energy future. 48 It is submitted that Jode Roberts blog post is also political activity because it explicitly supports the retention of the Green Energy Act, and communicates a call to political action in relation to the Acts retention.49 On July 21, 2011, Ian Bruce posted an article on the Suzuki Foundation blog titled Proposed energy strategy is not cool, which stated: Canada's energy ministers like it hot at least when it comes to global warming.
Jode Roberts, Suzuki Foundation, It's election time, Ontario! Power your vote today. http://www.davidsuzuki.org/blogs/climate-blog/2011/09/its-election-time-ontario-power-your-vote-today/, September 7, 2011. 49 Canada Revenue Agency, Policy Statement - Political Activities, February 14, 2011, http://www.craarc.gc.ca/chrts-gvng/chrts/plcy/cps/cps-022-eng.html.
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Compliance Division, Charities Directorate April 24, 2012 Page 32 of 44 That's the message in the fine print of the national energy proposal released by federal and provincial energy ministers on July 19 after their petroleum industrysponsored meeting in Kananaskis, Alberta. From the public statements the proposal sounded good. "The world is watching Canada's efforts to develop its energy resources wisely and efficiently," said Alberta Energy Minister Ron Liepert. "We all have a stake in reducing greenhouse gas emissions through clean energy production. A panCanadian approach to energy will involve all Canadians and ensure that we are all starting on the same page as we move forward." But as one dives into the details of the report, the proposed "sustainable" energy plan for Canada starts to unravel. It then fully blows apart with the underlying assumptions. To sell Canadians on the idea that our country's energy future should include increased exploitation of oil sands and fossil fuels because global energy projections require them, the proposal uses a convincing graph from the International Energy Agency (IEA), projecting a global increase in demand for fossil fuels. It failed to mention this growing need for fossil fuels projected by the IEA is based on the worst-case scenario that governments would not take any further action to address climate change or support clean energy. The IEA predicts that if this emissions-rich worst-case scenario were followed, it would likely result in a massive six degree Celsius increase in the global average temperature. This would surpass by three times the threshold that leading scientists and many governments consider dangerous to crucial ecosystems and the global economy. Hotter global temperature would mean a dramatic increase in heat waves (like the scorcher Toronto is experiencing today with an expected high of 38 degrees Celsius, which will be one of the hottest if not the hottest day on record), droughts and more extreme weather events like flooding as hotter temperatures destabilize our global climate system. Not only is this energy proposal for our country misleading, it's reckless. It's like selling Canadians a flashy new sports car and handing over the keys while failing to mention that brakes are not included. The communiqu accompanying the strategy went so far as to call the oil sands "responsible and sustainable" a claim that is hard to swallow given the massive emissions and the fact that it takes three barrels of water to produce one barrel of oil.
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Compliance Division, Charities Directorate April 24, 2012 Page 33 of 44 But a tip of the hat to Ontario Energy Minister Brad Duguid, who showed commendable leadership by not signing onto the plan because of its lack of support for cleaner and safer sources of energy, and who acknowledged that polluting our rivers and air with the byproducts of oil sands are a far cry from "sustainable" or "responsible" behaviour. Quebec, B.C. and Manitoba's energy ministers must have missed the fine print, because the strategy directly violates their legally binding laws to reduce greenhouse gas pollution. (The energy strategy even runs counter to the federal government's promise to Canadians and the G8 to reduce global warming emissions.) We hope that some of the confusion around this strategy and its inconsistency with emissions reduction plans will be cleared up by provincial premiers, who are now meeting in Vancouver for the Council of the Federation (from July 20 to 22). As Ontario stands and says "no" to catastrophic global warming and "yes" to clean energy, will other premiers follow? We also remind the energy ministers and premiers that Canada's energy strategy must truly involve all Canadians, and not just the fossil fuel industry folks who sponsored the energy ministers' meeting. *+ [emphasis added]50 It is submitted that Ian Bruces blog post Proposed energy strategy is not cool, is partisan political activity. Partisan political activity involves direct or indirect support of, or opposition to, any political party or candidate. Ian Bruces post directly supports Ontario Energy Minister Brad Duguid, for not signing onto the plan because of its lack of support for cleaner and safer sources of energy. The post is also political activity. The post explicitly opposes the national energy proposal agreed to by federal and provincial energy ministers, and suggests that ministers in attendance at the meeting were acting only on behalf of the oil and gas industry.51 On July 13, 2011, Leanne Clare posted an article on the Suzuki Foundation blog titled Energy ministers: Canadians, not dirty energy companies, are your biggest sponsors, which stated: On Saturday, July 16, Canada's energy and mines ministers begin a four-day meeting in Kananaskis, Alberta, to start "Framing the future of energy and mines" in Canada. Okay, maybe not the whole time in Kananaskis. Maybe more like a day and a half of the time... The agenda (PDF) says they start off in Calgary at the Stampede on the first day. Then on Sunday they take a small (800 kilometres or more) side trip
Ian Bruce, Suzuki Foundation, Proposed energy strategy is not cool, http://www.davidsuzuki.org/blogs/climate-blog/2011/07/proposed-energy-strategy-is-not-cool/, July 21, 2011. 51 Canada Revenue Agency, Policy Statement - Political Activities, February 14, 2011, http://www.craarc.gc.ca/chrts-gvng/chrts/plcy/cps/cps-022-eng.html.
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Compliance Division, Charities Directorate April 24, 2012 Page 34 of 44 to fly over a mine site and the tar sands in Fort McMurray. Monday morning they get to fly over another mine site, and then they make the flight and bus ride to the Kananaskis Lodge in time for lunch. Based on that travel schedule, it seems the ministers aren't all that worried about energy conservation we'd love to know the carbon footprint of this meeting. But the ministers' free-flying approach may have more to do with the corporate sponsors for this meeting than information gathering. Yes, you read that right, corporate sponsors for a meeting of Canadian elected officials. Formally, this meeting is being co-hosted by the Government of Alberta and the Government of Canada. However, it appears times are tough, and the governments had to go to corporations to help pay the gas bills. As a result, the Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers is proudly touted as a gold sponsor of the event, followed by 11 other associations and corporations all involved in the oil and gas industry identified as silver and bronze sponsors. This kind of blatant corporate support for a ministerial meeting is shocking to even the most cynically minded and should be something the ethics commissioner looks into. Corporate sponsorship is not the norm for these kinds of meetings. It has only happened once before, in a meeting held in Newfoundland in 2007. How can our elected officials possibly claim to be unbiased and uninfluenced in their decision-making during this meeting? Why aren't they also doing a fly-by of Canada's largest wind farm near Fort McLeod, or taking a tour of the new bio-gas facility in Edmonton? Perhaps those initiatives didn't have the money to be gold sponsors so they've been left off the tour. Canada's energy ministers need to remember that their biggest sponsors are actually Canadian taxpayers; we are the people they serve, not dirty oil and gas producers. Send an email to your minister of energy reminding him or her that Canada's energy ministers need to take us down a road that leads to clean, renewable energy and not a radical expansion of the fossil fuel industry with more leaky pipelines. [emphasis added]52 It is submitted that Leanne Clares blog post Energy ministers: Canadians, not dirty energy companies, are your biggest sponsors, is also political activity. The post communicates that the policies of the federal and provincial governments regarding sponsorship of summit meetings should be changed, and also suggests that the Ministers in attendance at the energy summit are biased and engaging in unethical activity. The post also encourages the public to *s+end an email to your minister of energy regarding the Suzuki Foundations climate change positions.
Leanne Clare, Suzuki Foundation, Energy ministers: Canadians, not dirty energy companies, are your biggest sponsors, http://www.davidsuzuki.org/blogs/climate-blog/2011/07/energy-ministers-canadians-not-dirty-energycompanies-are-your-biggest-sponsors/, July 13, 2011.
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Compliance Division, Charities Directorate April 24, 2012 Page 35 of 44 This is political activity because it explicitly communicates a call to political action in relation to energy policy.53 On July 12, 2011, Dale Marshall posted an article on the Suzuki Foundation blog titled The Ontario NDP platform: Politics trump good energy policy...again which stated: There is a disturbing trend in Canadian federal and provincial politics. It involves political parties trying to court voters by railing against rising energy prices, and even proposing regressive energy policies to get energy prices "under control." Traditionally, these proposals came from more conservative parties, but more recently, we are seeing it from the left side of the political spectrum as well. Witness the Ontario NDP platform, which has followed its B.C. and federal cousins in proposing cuts to energy-related taxes. In fact, the NDP platform repeatedly references the presumably unfair rise in energy prices and the "fix" for Ontario families: cuts to taxes on different forms of polluting energy sources, including gasoline, home heating fuel and electricity. Now energy prices are going up in most places and for several reasons. Gasoline and home heating fuels are increasing in price largely because we are running out of the cheap, easy-to-access sources of these fuels. We are therefore increasingly reliant on more expensive (and more polluting) sources such as oil from the tar sands or more difficult to access (and more dangerous) sources such as offshore oil and natural gas from shale deposits. In the case of electricity in Ontario, prices are going up largely because the province has aging power infrastructure. Provincial parties over the past two decades have neglected needed investments, and now we need to play catch-up. Environmentally minded people and parties understand that higher energy prices can provide an additional incentive for people and businesses to conserve energy and invest in energy efficiency. Parties also understand that there's political gold in proposing to bring down energy prices. Unfortunately, like the Ontario Progressive Conservatives, the NDP allowed politics to rule over good policy. After all, it is difficult to justify the removal of $2.8 billion in taxes on fossil fuels such as oil and gasoline. What a way to spend tax dollars! Actually, there is one legitimate justification for addressing rising energy prices the difficulty that low-income families face when energy prices go up, often referred to as "energy poverty." Though the issue of energy poverty has been exploited by those who simply want to oppose energy policies they disagree
Canada Revenue Agency, Policy Statement - Political Activities, February 14, 2011, http://www.craarc.gc.ca/chrts-gvng/chrts/plcy/cps/cps-022-eng.html.
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Compliance Division, Charities Directorate April 24, 2012 Page 36 of 44 with, I don't think this is where the NDP is coming from. Rather, it appears to be just another case of politics over good policy. Besides, there are ways to address the impact of rising energy prices on lowincome households without cutting energy taxes for everyone, taking away across-the-board incentives for energy conservation, and blowing a huge hole in the budget. First, create energy-efficiency programs that target low-income households. Invest in making their energy bills go down because they need less energy not because energy costs less. Second, make tax policies more progressive overall by ensuring that low-income households pay less in taxes. In other words, look for other ways to decrease taxes on those who can least afford them. And make those tax cuts targeted. Once you've convinced potential voters that energy costs too much, it's pretty hard to then propose needed initiatives to combat climate change, such as a carbon tax or a cap-and-trade system. These will also raise energy prices. That is their intent to make polluters pay for using polluting forms of energy such as coal, oil and natural gas and thus wean us all off of dirty energy sources. In its defence, the NDP platform mentions a home retrofit program that targets energy efficiency. The cost of that program? Who knows? It's not in the platform table that outlines spending. As opposed to the $2.8 billion that will go to energy tax cuts. That's in there. Parts of the NDP platform sound environmentally and economically promising but require more detail. The platform expresses support for green energy but doesn't say if the NDP wants to keep the Green Energy Act and its feed-in tariff that are leading to billions being invested in clean energy in Ontario. Given the cost overruns from past nuclear power projects, an NDP promise to not build any more nuclear power plants will definitely save us money on electricity...and reduce toxic pollution. Does that include new nuclear reactors? What about refurbishing aging reactors? It's not clear from the NDP platform. Freezing transit fares is also a good idea. What about new investment in building transit infrastructure that builds on Ontario's existing transit plan? Not in there. Andrea Horwath, the leader of the Ontario NDP, has said that more details will be revealed from her party's platform in the months to come. Let's hope those details show that the NDP understands that strong environmental policies are
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Compliance Division, Charities Directorate April 24, 2012 Page 37 of 44 the key to a strong, prosperous economy. So far, that's not where its platform is heading. 54 It is submitted that Dale Marshalls blog post The Ontario NDP platform: Politics trump good energy policy...again is partisan political activity in that it directly opposes the Ontario NDP energy policy platform. The post is also political activity in that it communicates that the Ontario NDPs energy policies, and the energy policies of the province of Ontario, should be changed. 55 On February 22, 2011, Ryan Kadowaki posted an article on the Suzuki Foundation blog titled Why is the government cheating on its diet? which stated: If you told a friend about your new diet and she responded by giving you a coupon for some discounted fast food, you would probably question whether she really wanted you to succeed. This is not unlike what the federal government is doing with its subsidization of the fossil fuel industry. Although no formal strategy exists to reach Canada's stated emission reduction target of 17 per cent between now and 2020, the government has stated repeatedly in recent weeks that it has a plan. How the continued subsidization of oil, coal, and gas producers, whose products are making Canada carbon-heavy, fits into this vision is a mystery. Why is the government making the super-value menu cheaper when Canada should really be turning up the speed on the carbon-reduction treadmill? The Government of Canada is giving the fossil fuel sector $1.4 billion dollars per year in subsidies, $840 million of which is in the form of special tax breaks. Phasing out these subsidies would provide a number of benefits. First, analysis by the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) shows that carbon pollution from the tar sands would be 12 per cent lower if the industry were not subsidized and expanding at such a rapid rate. This would also help level the playing field of Canada's energy market. Canada has not embarked on the transition to cleaner energy sources as quickly as many other nations. The price of fossil fuels has been kept artificially low, by subsidies and the fact that industry is not accountable for its carbon emissions or contributions to air pollution. Delaying the expansion of clean technology by favouring the intensification of finite resource extraction is not a sustainable long-term strategy. The Obama administration has just announced that it will seek to repeal US$46.2 billion in subsidies for oil, natural gas and coal companies in the
Dale Marshall, Suzuki Foundation, The Ontario NDP platform: Politics trump good energy policy...again, http://www.davidsuzuki.org/blogs/climate-blog/2011/07/the-ontario-ndp-platform-politics-trump-good-energypolicyagain/, July 12, 2011. 55 Dale Marshall, Suzuki Foundation, The Ontario NDP platform: Politics trump good energy policy...again, http://www.davidsuzuki.org/blogs/climate-blog/2011/07/the-ontario-ndp-platform-politics-trump-good-energypolicyagain/, July 12, 2011; Canada Revenue Agency, Policy Statement - Political Activities, February 14, 2011, http://www.cra-arc.gc.ca/chrts-gvng/chrts/plcy/cps/cps-022-eng.html.
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Compliance Division, Charities Directorate April 24, 2012 Page 38 of 44 next 10 years, in order to increase government funding of renewable energy spending. As we emerge from a recession and politicians everywhere stress the importance of fiscal responsibility, we could surely find a more productive way of spending this money, at the very least to fund public services that don't endanger our environment and health. As we near the release of the federal government's 2011 budget, the David Suzuki Foundation and our coalition partners under the Climate Action Network believe it's time to put an end to special tax breaks to oil, coal, and gas companies. We have created this slick oil subsidies counter to show how much money has been given away since Prime Minister Harper agreed with other G20 leaders to phase out inefficient fossil fuel subsidies at a 2009 meeting. Send a letter to the Prime Minister and your MP to let them know you're tired of seeing the government propping up the fossil fuel industry and cheating on its carbon-reduction diet. [emphasis added] 56 It is submitted that Ryan Kadowakis blog post Why is the government cheating on its diet? is political activity in that it explicitly opposes the federal governments energy tax policies and states that the Suzuki Foundations intention is to organize to put pressure on Prime Minister Harper and the federal government to oppose and change these policies.57 C. Other Publications and Statements by the Suzuki Foundation
The Suzuki Foundations brochure 10 Ways You Can Help Stop Climate Change, includes the following suggestions: 6. Let Polluters Pay Carbon taxes make polluting activities more expensive and green solutions more affordable, allowing energy-efficient businesses and households to save money. They are one of the most effective ways to reduce Canadas climate impact. If your province doesnt have a carbon tax, ask your premier and MLA to implement one. 9. Get Involved Take a few minutes to contact your political representatives and the media to tell them you want immediate action on climate change. Remind them that reducing greenhouse gas emissions will also build healthier communities, spur
Ryan Kadowaki, Suzuki Foundation, Why is the government cheating on its diet?, http://www.davidsuzuki.org/blogs/climate-blog/2011/02/why-is-the-government-cheating-on-its-diet/,February 22, 2011. 57 Canada Revenue Agency, Policy Statement - Political Activities, February 14, 2011, http://www.craarc.gc.ca/chrts-gvng/chrts/plcy/cps/cps-022-eng.html.
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Compliance Division, Charities Directorate April 24, 2012 Page 39 of 44 economic innovation and create new jobs. And next time youre at the polls, vote for politicians who support effective climate policies. [emphasis added] 58 It is submitted that this brochure is also political activity in that it encourages citizens to push for policy change regarding a carbon tax. The brochure also encourages the public to contact political officials regarding policy changes on climate change, and vote for candidates who oppose existing climate change policies. This is political activity because it explicitly communicates a call to political action and communicates that the law in any jurisdiction that does not have a carbon tax should be changed.59 On February 16, 2012, the Suzuki Foundation sent the following fundraising e-mail to its mailing list subscribers: Please help us protect Canadas spectacular coast and create a better energy plan. An amazing abundance of species lives in Canadas Pacific coastal waters, from microscopic creatures to the worlds biggest animals. These seas support thousands of fishing and tourism jobs, and traditional ways of life. The Northern Gateway project and tanker traffic have put a big oily target on this area. Those who question the plan have been called radicals and even terrorists. Is it radical to: Speak out on decisions that affect our health and future generations? Demand scientifically credible environmental assessments? Expect Canada to develop energy plans that reduce dependence on fossil fuels instead of locking us into decades of continued exploitation? The pipelines are just symptoms of a much larger problem: we desperately need a national energy strategy that values the environment. Please support our work to protect the coast and create a better plan. We cant rely on the government or the corporate sector. So the David Suzuki Foundation is working with the Canadian Academy of Engineering and Canadians from all walks of on a breakthrough initiative: to develop a long-term, sustainable energy plan that can meet our needs with less
Suzuki Foundation, 10 Ways You Can Help Stop Climate Change, http://www.davidsuzuki.org/publications/downloads/2011/10%20Ways%20You%20Can%20Help%20Stop%20Clim ate%20Change.pdf. 59 Canada Revenue Agency, Policy Statement - Political Activities, February 14, 2011, http://www.craarc.gc.ca/chrts-gvng/chrts/plcy/cps/cps-022-eng.html.
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Compliance Division, Charities Directorate April 24, 2012 Page 40 of 44 harm to the environment. Our goal: show how Canada can reduce carbon emissions by 80 per cent by 2050. We need your help to do this innovative research and share it with Canadians. Your gift will make it possible for our policy experts, scientists and communicators to find the innovative solutions that no one else is offering. 60 It is submitted that the February 16, 2012, the Suzuki Foundation email is political activity because it explicitly opposes the federal governments policy on the Northern Gateway Pipeline, and the federal governments policies regarding opposition to the Pipeline.61 In December, 2011, the Suzuki Foundation sent the following fundraising e-mail to its mailing list subscribers: Give before December 31 and get a little something back Our federal leaders, blinded by short-term thinking, have turned their backs on the world's most vulnerable by withdrawing from the Kyoto agreement. So we're working with local governments, businesses, and citizens like you to move our country to cleaner energy and lower greenhouse gas emissions. We need your help to do it. Please make a donation by December 31 to receive a tax receipt for 2011. [emphasis added] 62 This Suzuki Foundation email is political activity because it explicitly opposes the federal governments policy on the Kyoto protocol.63 On December 8, 2011, the Suzuki Foundation sent the following fundraising e-mail to its subscribers: Right wing media diverting attention from climate change For the last week, the David Suzuki Foundation has been under vicious attack from right wing media including the National Post, Fox News, and prominent climate change deniers. This small but aggressive group is denouncing our "Where Will Santa Live" holiday fundraising campaign as fear mongering.
Suzuki Foundation, Please help us protect Canadas spectacular coast and create a better energy plan, February 16, 2012. 61 Canada Revenue Agency, Policy Statement - Political Activities, February 14, 2011, http://www.craarc.gc.ca/chrts-gvng/chrts/plcy/cps/cps-022-eng.html. 62 Suzuki Foundation, Give before December 31 and get a little something back, December, 2011. 63 Suzuki Foundation, Give before December 31 and get a little something back, December, 2011; Canada Revenue Agency, Policy Statement - Political Activities, February 14, 2011, http://www.cra-arc.gc.ca/chrtsgvng/chrts/plcy/cps/cps-022-eng.html.
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*+ The government of Canada has made it clear that it has no intention of respecting the Kyoto Protocol, the only legally binding international agreement with firm targets to reduce global warming pollution. To make matters worse, Canadian officials have been accused of bullying other countries into abandoning Kyoto as well. This is a national embarrassment. Even China, the worlds largest producer of emissions, has indicated that it will commit to cutting greenhouse gases in the coming years. With your help, the David Suzuki Foundation can be a prominent voice of reason, taking those who exploit the environment to task. No matter what the climate deniers say or how nasty their attacks, we will continue our work. But we need your support. Please give today so that we can continue to hold political leaders accountable to Canada's climate change responsibilities. Climate change is real. The Arctic ice that cools the world is melting. And right wing media outlets and pundits want everyone to forget this. We need friends like you now more than ever. Please give today and help us fight for climate solutions. Sincere thanks, Peter Robinson CEO The David Suzuki Foundation [emphasis added] 64 It is submitted that this Suzuki Foundation email is also political activity in that it also explicitly opposes the federal governments policy on the Kyoto Protocol.65 It may be these activities of the Suzuki Foundation contravene the CRA rules relating to the prohibited political activities of registered charities. If so, it is unacceptable that a registered charity should engage in such blatant political activity, particularly such targeted, partisan political activity.
Peter Robinson, Suzuki Foundation, Right wing media diverting attention from climate change, December 8, 2011. 65 Peter Robinson, Suzuki Foundation, Right wing media diverting attention from climate change, December 8, 2011; Canada Revenue Agency, Policy Statement - Political Activities, February 14, 2011, http://www.craarc.gc.ca/chrts-gvng/chrts/plcy/cps/cps-022-eng.html.
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Compliance Division, Charities Directorate April 24, 2012 Page 42 of 44 D. Other Activities of the Suzuki Foundation That May Warrant Further Investigation by the CRA There are other activities by the Suzuki Foundation of which EthicalOil.org is aware which EthicalOil.org submits may warrant further investigation by the CRA: Documents obtained from the United Kingdom High Commission in Ottawa by EthicalOil.org show that the Suzuki Foundation has received funding from United Kingdom for its Race to the Top program. The documents suggest that the Suzuki Foundation may have received the funds in order to forward the policies of the United Kingdom Government on climate change in Canada, which may well be political activity. Specifically, a November 4, 2011 e-mail from the UK High Commission to an unnamed individual at the Suzuki Foundation stated: Thanks so much for this useful and detailed update. This is exactly the kind of on-the-ground, targeted engagement we support. The article links you included were very helpful. We look forward to reading the reports you mentioned, Provincial Power Play and Environment Has No Borders, in the New Year. For both projects, examples of media coverage are great, as they help us convey to London and other colleagues how the DSF is helping take forward the UKs climate change and low carbon objectives in Canada. Any quotes from provincial/business leaders that demonstrate that these messages are getting across would also be worth including. And along the same veinthough I realise this is further down the roadwe would be keen to hear about any emerging policy decisions/documents that reflect what the DSF is pushing for, as those would be excellent indicators of impact. [emphasis added]66 We leave it to the CRA to consider whether this information warrants further investigation within the context of this complaint. In addition, other documents obtained from the United Kingdom High Commission in Ottawa by EthicalOil.org could be indicative of political conduct. Specifically, an email dated November 2, 2011 from the High Commission to an unnamed recipient at the Suzuki Foundation stated: the bid has now been submitted and will be discussed on Friday. After a quick informal chat with some "Superfund experts" here are a number of questions that I would need you to answer before the teleconference. Happy to discuss over the phone but information in written format would be extremely helpful.
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Compliance Division, Charities Directorate April 24, 2012 Page 43 of 44 1. We need a much more detailed breakdown of how the $30,000 will be spent, including how much by when. Also, how much staff time can be bought and what exactly would be delivered by each member of staff? 2. What events are planned? When and where? 3. Can you explain in a bit more detail how the $30,000 will offer crucial support to the wider project Race to the Top costing $235,000? 4. Identify who the key audiences and Provinces targeted are and what the likely impact on the wider Canadian picture will be (i.e. what influence will there be on business or Provincial or Federal government). In other words: what will the project achieve? [emphasis added]67 This communication raises the issue of whether the Suzuki Foundation is engaging in political activity, furthering the policy interests of another country and attempting to impact Canadian governmental policy. We leave it to the CRA to consider whether this information warrants further investigation within the context of this complaint. Also, in July, 2011, the Suzuki Foundation entered into a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the National Film Board to sell copies of Dr. Suzukis biographical film Force of Nature: The David Suzuki Movie to 100 schools across Canada. The contract, which was between the National Film board and the Suzuki Foundation provided that each school would pay $129.95 to the National Film Board to participate in the online web-event The David Suzuki Virtual Classroom on November 1 and 2, 2011, of which $35.00 per school was to be remitted to the Suzuki Foundation.68 This MOU may have resulted in profit-generating, business activity, and not charitable activity tied to any potentially legitimate charitable activities of the Suzuki foundation. We leave it to the CRA to consider whether this conduct warrants further investigation within the context of this complaint. E. David Suzukis Recent Activities as they relate to this Letter
Dr. Suzuki announced that he had stepped down from the Board of Directors of the Suzuki Foundation on April 13, 2012.69 EthicalOil.org believes that the activities of Dr. Suzuki that are set out above were likely undertaken while he was a member of the Suzuki Foundation Board
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A redacted copy is attached to this letter. A copy is attached to this letter. 69 David Suzuki, An open letter from Dr. David Suzuki, http://www.davidsuzuki.org/blogs/pantherlounge/2012/04/an-open-letter-from-david-suzuki/, April 13, 2012.
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Compliance Division, Charities Directorate April 24, 2012 Page 44 of 44 of Directors. The various blog posts and articles described above remained active on the Suzuki Foundation website after his resignation. In addition, Dr. Suzukis announced departure from the Suzuki Foundation Board of Directors may not distance him from the charity that bears his name, and relies upon his name in fundraising and conducting its charitable activities. Indeed, in the open letter written by David Suzuki posted on the Suzuki Foundation website on April 13, 2012, Dr. Suzuki called for donations to the Foundation.70 CONCLUSION It is submitted that in these circumstances, you should investigate the complaints raised in this letter, with a view to determining whether CRA rules have been violated, and, if so, whether the Suzuki Foundation should be de-registered as a charitable organization, or otherwise be sanctioned. Yours truly, JENSEN SHAWA SOLOMON DUGUID HAWKES LLP
DJR/dr cc: Peter Robinson Chief Executive Officer The Suzuki Foundation (by facsimile)
David Suzuki, An open letter from Dr. David Suzuki, http://www.davidsuzuki.org/blogs/pantherlounge/2012/04/an-open-letter-from-david-suzuki/, April 13, 2012.
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T 403 571 1520 F 403 571 1528 800, 304 - 8 Avenue SW, Calgary, Alberta T2P 1C2 www.jssbarristers.ca